THE OREGON DAILY "JOURNAL,. P ORTLAND, FRIDAY. APRIL 18, 1919. 13 TOWN TOPICS Ttael-r to all point of the tTtrtted SUUa at iHtratd ahoald take idtintwt of experienced ta rotation and aer-lea offer! thtouaU The Ore gon Journal Travel Bttfettt id personal eltarta of Horary B. Smith. Kailroad ticket and ateain- ihip booktnga arranged. - roreign eicnange mbvo. Information gl0 resaratns, paaapona. ' TODAY'S FORECASTS Portland and TicUttj-1 TonlgUt and Saturday nrohabl howera: south ts West winda. Oregon: Tonight and Saturday fair Mat Por tion . probably howera weat portions cooler to night Mat portion, with light to bey froat la tr!y morning; mode rata aoutk to wet winda. Waahincton: Tonight and Saturday fehowera Vast portion, fair cant portions cooler tonight art portion, with light to heavy Irt In euly Mornings , moderate wtuoa, moauy .eouujerjj. ' '-V C0KDITI07TS High preaattrt p retail on tha California CWit and aver a broad area reaching front the Lak rrgiiMi to tli Unit atate. Over the sf the country the praaattr ta tew. the lowest readlnira bain in Western Oaftada. Prectpita tian haa occurred in the Lake rreioa and North ' .Atlantic aUtea. and on tiie Middle and Notth 1'atlfio alone. Warmer weather prevaila gacevt in the Atlantic. Uulf and Pacific atatea. Uut ehano having been most pronounced in Colo lado. No (reeling weather la reported. The tturerature la a bore normal ofrr moat of the v wt. and below normal In tha Central. KaaUrn and ' Southern atatea. Fiainy weather may be expected in Portland and ita, vicinity tonight and Saturday, under the influence jf, tne pre vailing low (imurti , EDWARD L. WELLS. OBSERVATIONS. - K f m a 2 ppt. -69" 74 44 TO 4 79 5rt 72v 73 . 6 eo 54 72 68 66 68 6 SO 3 4 ta 64 08 46 61 a4 SO 711 64 64 60 1 60 i 74 56 70 1 56 1 STATIONS 1 Kaker, Or. .......... . Id we, Idaho. ...... , i"ton. Mam. ....... Calgary. Albefta, . . . . . lik-ego. 111. ........ 1 en vrr, Colo. ....... IV- Moinea. la ..... Cilvfthlon. Tetaa . . . . Helena. Mont. ...... Honolulu. T.M. , ... . l'nron. Ho. Pak. . . . Kansas City, Mo..... Knoxvjlla, Term. . . . . Ixm - Angela. Cal . . Uanhlield, Or. ..... Medford. Or. New Orleana. I a. . . New York, N. Y...... .Noma, Alaska ...... North Head. Wash. ,. North Platte, Neb. , . Villittn, No. Itak... Yakima. Waxh. . . . . . Oklahoma City, Okla. Phoenix, Aril. ...... l-ltteharg, Pa. ....... Prrtlaitd, Or, ....... vtoyeburg. Of. ....... Ht Iaouia, Mo. 1 He Paul, Minn , Halt Lake City, Utah Han Inego, Cal. . . . . Kan Franrhtoo, Catr'.. Neattle, Wash. ...... Hpokane, Wash. ..... Teroma, Wash. . . . . , Tampa, Fla. ....... atcouver. B. C... ., Walla Walla, Wash . . W'ashingtno. D. V. . . , 4T 60 42 4 40 11 60 44 42 ,44 42 54 to "is 'so 43 44 40 49 54 8 61 4ft 44 86 61! 64 64 48 it 60 46 60 43 o t .04 . 0 .06 . 0 O 0 ; o .02 o o o o . . . . a . O ft 0 t t t .14 o .oa o 6 i a t .2ft . . a It, .23 . 0 O O 0 .60 .14 .28 O .48 .04 .01 Afternoon report of preceding day, THRIFT STAMPS - Ind WAR SAYINGS STAMPS On Sale at Bualneaa Office, The Jouraal. ' Educator to I.ctr ProfeBsof Isaac Yampolakl, well known eduoator fend (Hebrew Journalist of . Montreal, will deliver ail address at the Congregation Nevah Zedaclt Talmud Tofah, Sixth and Hall streets, Sunday evening at S o'clock taking for his theme "Israel's Asplra , tlons." The conclusion of the Passover festival will be celebrated by stoecial services Friday, Sunday and Monday evenings at o'clock and Saturady, Monday Srtd Tuesday mornings at S a. m. ' A. merftol-ial service for those who : have made a supreme sacrifice will be! solemnised on Tuesday at 10 :3ft a. m. The Rev Abraham 1. Hosenorants will of. ficlate at all services, v . Picked "PaTa Po get After extract ing the purse from the pocket of Robert F. Wilbur, a newly found acquaintance, Eddie Jenkins, colored, is accused of taking $129 in cash and currency and then dropping the purse in a mailbox. He was arrested on a charge of larceny Thursday by inspectors Graves and rtiles. Jenkins and Wilbur were riding on a junk wagon and the colored man suddenly changed his mind about riding and dropped off. Wilbur missed his purse and later In the day It was re turned to him by a postal employe Who found It In a mailbox. . atewUh Services Services will be held at Congregation Ahaval Sholom. Park and Clay streets, tonight, at S o'clock, linbht 'Arthur S. Montas will deliver a sermon Saturday, Morning services at ,9:30 o'clock. Rev. K. Abrahamaon will officiate. The conclusion of the 'Taes ) over" will be celebrated Sunday evening at 8" o'clock, and Monday evening at the Same hour. Monday and Tuesday morn Ing services at 9 :30 o'clock. Memorial services will be read Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Rabbis Arthur S. Mdntas and TL Abrahamson will officiate. i Wife Bepeats of Charre Kepenttng of her action, Mrs. W. Maude Landes, who caused her husband's arrest Wednesday on a charge of threatening to kill, appeared before Municipal Judge Ilossman Thursday and begged for his release. The pair, according to Deputy District Attorney Delch, have been sep- arated and Landea' attempts to force her to go back to him are said to be responsible for the trouble. Landea Is an automobile mechanic ;v --r May Face White Slave Charre T. F. Hayden, accused of living off the earn ings of Maggie Jorgenson. who had posed as his wife, was ordered turned . over to the United States authorities by Municipal Judge Uossman Thursday and will probably face a white slavery charge. Hayden was arrested by Patrol- . , men O'Halloran and Russell and had been held in the city Jail on a state charge. The woman was ordered held as a witness. Bird Class to Meet Satarday "Bird Friends of the Children" Is the subject . of a motion picture lecture Saturday, April 19 S p. m., at Library hau. Central library," by Mrs. Irene Flnley. Three reels, Flnley movies. The art exhibit on ' the third' floor of Library hall, under the auspices of the Audubon society, will continue open until 9 :S0 Sunday evening. The public is Invited. ; ; : ; j ; ( Prowlers Poorly BwardedTh thief who entered the room of Bernard New brine at 4 Union avenue Thursday night received small reward for his prowl lng. Ail that was taken, Kewtrine re, ported- to the police, was "a 8-year-old alarm clock that originally cost $1.50. The clock wasn't very good, h added, . and. did not run very well. Locked TJp as Issaae -Zella Bernstein, 29 years ot-age. was taken from her home at Front and Glbbs streets. Thurs day morning, by Patrolman lteckdahl ' and looked up In tha city Jail as Insane. The woman refused to eat or drink. She has been recently released from the state hospital at Salem' and will be re turned.- . $ 'Ci'-'.-fi'f Saf fers From Poisoning Suffering from ptomaln poi'onlngY Isaac- Mo Kntyre, 64 years of age. 164 ft Union avenue, was sent to the Emergency hospital. Thursday morning, by Patrol HOOD krVER POTATOES 01.75 a Sac!: . , - a IvV 1 man Fobee. The man. screaming with pain, was found trying to, arouse a cleric at the Fobes Drug store. , Sngiets Plydelaas OrganUe Or ganization of a new association to be known as the Oregon, State Association of Drugless Physicians was made Thurs day night at a meeting of the physicians In the offices of Dr. Stockdale In the Panama, building. The original organ ization takes in 19 members, such as chiropractors and ethers not using drugs. present members intend to take in all such physicians practising drugless work In the state. The officers chosen arej Dr. H. A. Stockdale, president; Dr. W. J. Reynolds, vice president. Dr. Virgil McMlchaeV seoond vice presidents' Dr. Charles E. Dodge, corresponding sec retary, and Dr. Alexander Wambach. treasurer , . , r Playlsg MAfrIeas Gtir Sounds of rattling- bones attracted tha attention of Patrolman Thorp in the vicinity of Seventeenth and Market streets, Thurs day night, and on - investigation, he found threa Goose Hollow, youths. Mat Vronlgan, Fred Vwnlgan and Martin Paulbach engaged in a game of "African golf. .-- The four were arrested, " the bones and $l.fl, which was in the game, seized ; as evidence, and the youths marched off to Jail. They were re leased by Captain Inskeep on their promise to appear In court Friday. tT. ef o. to Be Topic "The University of Oregon wlir be the subject of a num ber of interesting addresses at the week ly luncheon of the Civic league in the ryBi-,1 aining room or the Benson hotel Saturday noon. Praidnt t t. r.-,. bell. Dean K. A. J. MacKenzie of the school of medicine, Dr. George Rebec, head, of the extension department, and mtas jnaDet Hoimca Parsons, will dis cuss the subject. i To Stsdy Istsrasee A class for the siuuy oi insurance win be organised Under direction of the University of Ore gon school of commerce, room 426 Ore gon bulldihg. at ?30 tonight The course includes two lectures weekly and extends over a period of 20 weeks. Recognised authorities on various branches of the insurance business have bean secured for the lectures. All persons interested in Insurance work are invited to attend to- nignrs meeting. ' - - j School Bov MfatlaawAihA tri.i. man, 1 1 years of age, whose home Is at t iian Twemy-nm street, north, has been reported to -the police as mis sing, by his parents. Tha lad started for school Tuesday morning, and has not been Mean atnr, rtn , in i.u - - a..,u6 UU1UI he was dressed In dark trousers, a brown sweater ana a Drown cap. i j To Sneak at a n r.i.-i manager of the Associated Industries of --, ino pi iuuiiu speaaer at n products Danquet tendered by - ..MUtllllTiUf IW night. It is expected that about 160 peo- mo vvmmcrciai chid at -it.. wui d-j present at the banquet and the menu to be. served will be made up principally of local products. Mazamas Hike SaadayMazamas for their Sunday outing will meet at the end of the "W" car line on Willamette heights at 2 p. m. from where they will tramp into the hill tn west, returning by a circuitous rout to the Forestry build Ine- At. wiU be only five or six miles. Isterestlsg Exhibits A very Interest lng exhibit 'of pictures illustrating the new movement in art. fa nn n. " a &t uav Albina branch library. 350 Knott street UUV-.B, reprsoenting a corresponding movement tn nAattfw ; - 7 i . - " J viae UlttllXK, M.I V also displayed. These- books circulate. . . Beddlnr Plants Cm finw.a est nricea. Prtttd ntanta r.A , - - & LJ-Jf enniala. IrViha-tnn Park- itiami - v ava. BA, Will 1ail Fourth and YamhlH. Open evenings and ounuayn, aqv, ., . i Georre Rabeaatata. tv n!i.w cenUy returned from the service, is now located at 236 Morrison street He is an expert eye fitter and his charges are rea onanie. rnont Main Z91. Adv.- ' Te Orraalea titinatt isatlon of the first class In Insurance as pan or tne extension course of the Uni versity f Oregon will be made this evening- in the Oregon building. The work wmmBon is in cnarge of T. H. Double Stamps Saturday and Monday 380-388 EAST MORRISON ; THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY EASTER WEARABLES :": , . ..' " '' " . . i : 1 Charming new waists -in dainty and attractive models; lovely neckwear of organdie, crepe and filet laces , silk'petti coats ; silk hosiery ; silk and kid gloves especially selected for L.aster at remarkably low prices. SATURDAY AND MONDAY These specials represent unusual values in goods of timely importance to every woman. They are extraordinary prices. ,as:y&u will see when, you inspect the materials. These prices are for two days only DRESS SKIRTS Our women's cloth Dress Skirts of all wool serges, panamas and poplins in black, navy and mix tures have been divided into two lots and placed on sale at less than factory price of the material. !-SI i Dress Skirts, $12.00 to $13.50, for $9.35 ! LOT 2 Dress Skirts, $ 8.00 to;$11.00 for $6.95 ! WfKHOS?W7m' d Misses' fine ribbed Cottpn Hose, in blacks, browns and white. Regular 50c values for 39. . . PILLOW CSES-Goodquality PiHowXases, size 43 by 36; regular 37c value for 25 each. T S?E5J, FLWT quality Bleached Sheets, fuil size, 81 by 90 inches: ; $1.65 value for $1.48 .EASTER CRAVATS You will find our fine of Ties, Shirts, Soft Collars and other articles of the Men s r Department most complete. New showing of neckwear on sale Saturday at 75S ll.OO and EASTER SHIRT S.ALE ? These Shirts are made in-all the new,f.ast colorsmade full size and double sewed. Many pattern to select from. Ex traordinary values for Saturday. . Jl.CO to 5.00. WDIiams and it is tha Intention to main tain two classes a week or a period of about 30 weeks. There will be 12 lec tures on life Insurance, six en accident and health and the remainder of the time will be given to automobile, liabil ity and general topics. ' Easter Service at Mii'i Reort -The Mlgnon chorus, under the direction of Mrs.- Ella Hoberg Tripp, will give an Easter musical program . at the Men's Resort Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. . Eat Bradley's P1 They're fine! At - leading restaurants and grocers. Bradley's Coeoanut cream Plea. U-um What's best? Bradley mince Plea Adv. Single Tax Leagae Meetiag The Ore gon Single Tax league will hold Its regular meeting Sunday at 2 p m. In the story room of the. Central library. : Steamer lenl fiarkls for Camas. Washougal and way landings, daily ax eept Sunday, leave Aider street dock at Steauer lra!4a for 8t Helen and TAai nier, daily at MO p, ttu foot of Alder street Sunday, 8t Helens only, 1:30 p. m-Adv., . Exhibit t EasUr plaats and cut flow er ; stand in Cascade Market, 3d and YamhUL Prices reasonable. George Beta. Adv. "i-i:-, v Ur. Etteltes ha returned. Practice limited to diseases of the skin. 711-13 selling building. Phone Mala 2I3I.-Adv. MeCarger, Bate Xttely Fire, caa ualty and automobile insurance. Yeon building. Teiephor, Main 16l.Adv. Hadley A SUver, tailor, make denend able clothe, i 100 Sixth street comer staric aov. Br. taadford WktUs returned. Of. flee Journal building, rtsldenca, Mult nomin notL Aar, Safety Blade and rasor sharpened, Portland Cutlery Co.. $ 6th Bt near atat-k. Adv. Dr. Sedgwick, Obstetric as Sheaves of women. 1010 Belling bldf . Phone Main ,xz. . r . ' Hair Catting that Is stylish; The Mar ket Barber Shop, ll? Fourth, at Yam Wit 'AQV. j Br. C. E. Brews, Eye, Ear,- Mohawk DUUCUaga -AOV. r Baa jo Clb Salter Party wlti be held xnursaay. Aprir 24. CoUlllon. , ir. wniiaia s. Xaox returned. $02 isievena oiag. MarahaU 373. AdV. Lincoln McConnell In Free Lecture at Y. M. C. A. Tonight h aM. Lincoln McConnell, recognized as one of the foremost lecturers In the American lyceum platform, will deliver his best known and best liked lecture "Dead Lions, at the Y. M. C. A. tonight The public is invited to attend this lecture which has been donated to the "Y" pro gram by the .Allison-White. Lyceum bu reau.. which Is booking McConnell throughout the Northwest circuit No charge will be made and no collection will be taken. McConnell is a pastor, a planter and a southerner, speaking with that inimit able drawl peculiar to the people of the south. He is described as being a circus. a minstrel show, a revival and numer ous other attractions all in one, and his lecture, while filled with much food for serious thought, Is replete with the sort pf humor that la calculated to bring a laugn out or the most confirmed grouch. Easter Roast Teal, tSe fiapeclaliy good at Frank X Smith'. Easter roast beef, very special, t&c. Pork roast for Easter, only 2 Sc. Economical veal cutlets and breasts, 16c Loin and rib veal cutlets, fresh, S5o. Veal stew and beef stew. Smith's. 12HC Boiling beef and pot roasts. Smith's, lac. Sirloin steak, 25c. Tenderioin st, 20c, Pork chepB, 65c. " Sausage, 20c , Smith's bacon, 35c. Bacon jowl, 25c Frank L. smith's Is 228 Alder stA4v. 1 Butterick Fashions! r PERSONAL Lake County for Good Roads Lake county la going" to spend vithin the next year or two approximately Si, -000,000 on county roads, according to Dr. 13. H. Smith Of Lake view, who Is In the city attending: the good road conference. This will do something that has been attempted by Lake county for a Ian- time and will make it really a part of Oregon. "Although we have been geographically a, part of Orefcon." said Dr.. Smith, "physically vre have be . longed to California becaase Of themat ter of transportation. Much Of the tour ist travel when the road la finished wilt go to eastern Oregon. The road will be a direct route from Canada to California and even into Mexico. ; Th road can be' travelled th year around and will bo a boon to tourist who want to go lata to California and return early in the spring. We always have good weather east of th mountain, oven when there ar storm on (he west side." Thing are very ' prosperoua in Lake county, according to Dr. Smith, who re ceived word this morning that the coun ty expected to go over tha top-in the .Victory loan by t o'clock in the morning. Dr. Smith la at the Multnomah. .- - - Neaf Malarkey Returns Keal Malarkey, formerly member of the Reed college class of Ml t, haa re turned from France, where he saw a years service after winning a commis sion in an overseas training camp. Ma larkey left hi college studies to enlist with the Third Oregon soon after war was declared, and after a short stay at Vancouver was transferred to France, Malarkey was a leader in athletic and social affair at Heed before enlisting, and he wilt enter the collegiate life again with many friend and acquaint ances among faculty and students. a . a ; Miss Lowden Promoted Mis Gladys Lowden, Heed college graduate of 1915, who was recently ap pointed to American Lake aa an occu- patlonal aide, ha been promoted to head aide, according to word received In Port land Thursday. Mis Lowden, after re ceiving hr degree In psychology at Heed college, taught psychology at Lin coln high school. .. . e. Mr. Turner Goes to Spokano W. F. Turner, corporation president of th Spokane, Portland A Seattle and subsidiary Una, left Thursday night for Bt. Paul oa a business trio. He received the call to come Saat Thursday after noon. - ev " a - tlere Buying Merchandise Warren S. Imbler, business man and farmer ef Bt. Johns, la in Portland on business. He expects to stay several days, buy lng, summer merchandise. Ole Hanson at the Benson Ole Hanson, Seattle's mayor, arrived at the Benson this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Hanson and their two youngest children. Here From Malheur County Mr. and Mrs. Louie Blackaby of On tarlo are apendlng a few days at the imperial. Louie is the son of J. R. READ THE BOOK "Looters or the Public Domain," bt S. A. D. Puter. King of the Oregon Land Frud Rlnr la co tta bora tieS wit Benee SUrana. frrnrl of ta Cavarhmeiit Latm fiarffea, 4l8 paaa, erofttMi illnMrate. IMe IS.S0. (Mated ttd tar aaia by Portland Printing Hons Co.. 383 Taylor St. TONIGHl Hear Ole Haitisoini Seattle's Fighting Mayor The man who put clown anarchy in the Northwest iiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiimtmiiiMi Municipal Tonight, April 18;8 o'Clock Auspices Portland Presi Qub Subject: "Americanism and Bolshevikism" ADMISSION 30c This Includes War Tax Come Early and MULTNOMAH HOTEL PORTLAND, Music and Dancing Garage in Connection f -JM-. One of Portland' Exceptional Hotels Supper Dancing, Arcadian Garden, 930 to 1 2 - P. M. No Charge for Service or Admission All sre Cordially Invited Portland Symphony Orchestra EIGHTI' SEASON FOURTH CONCERT Wednesday Evening, April 23 : ' r Heilig Theatre CARL DENTON, Conductor Mail Orders Now Seat Sale Opens Monday, April 21 - 1 Being Received Seats $1.00, 7Sc,S0c, 25c . ' MENTION Blackaby, president of the Bank of On tarlo. ' . i .At the llotels Mrs. R. W. Sawyer of Bend Is vislUnS at th Portland. Mr. sawyer la editor of the Bend BulleUn. i - . : a a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flory of. Carey. Or., are guests at tha Multnomah. , Mr. Klory la in tha lumber Industry. H. P. Cavanaugh of the Northern Pa cific railway is among tha recent ar rival at the Portland. Leslie Butler, prominent attorney from Hood River, is making oBje of his nu merous Visits to th city. He Is at the Benson. : 'M '. " W. T. Lee, who 1 In the automobile business at Klamath Falls, is in the city to escort, two machines down to southern Oregon. Mr. Lee 1 at the Im perial. " ! Mr. and Mrs. C. F. PankoW of Tilla mook ar at the Oregon, 'Mr. Pankow has a store at Tillamook. R. O. Balderree, who Is connected with the Willamette Valley Lumber company at Dallas, is spending a few day at the sewara. : - ' J. B. Mitchell, merchant from Ttlla' mook, is at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mr. P. H. ISveleth of Aber deen. Wash., are staying at the Carlton. J. O. Richardson, deputy state trea urr-of Salem is visiting at th Oregon. Mrs. J. M. Murray of Huntington t spending a few days at the Imperial. The Murray operate the eating house Of the O-W. R. N. at Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Thompson of As toria are guests at the Carlton. George F. Vick of Salem is at th Seward. Mr. Vlck deals In tractor. . K. F. Slade, assistant etate bans ex aminer from Salem, is at the Imperial. Arthur Johnson of Coos Bay ts among the recent arrival at the Carlton. K. J. Adams and Gene Matlock of Eu gene are In the city today to drive home two new automobile. They ar staying at the Imperial. J. Hettig, who ts In the hotel business at Seattle, l at the Cornelius. E. G. Gray, who I tn business at Pen SPRING and SUMMER 1919 It wiU b t yoar letMeat to call early and iaktxet the cakraatead- all aura vroel aaitinck Uiat hsra Juat arvived. Tha tkMt Mnt repeaaeBta tba lataat fancy vreavaa, and ateo staple tkbriea in blea and black aeraiea and viwraWd. Fbesa excellent fabrics ara recesiaiMKled to b ajost economical, because f their fiae weartn a ad tai ' orin eualiUea. , tout tit tarlnent will ba made to year taaaaare neat in a competent man ter, tnaariAft tor roa thor - lush aatiaTactfoa la a TTLISH QARMtNT instein feet. 10U an 11th. lORTLAND, Oft. Auditorium Avoid theRu&h! OREGON Special Easter Sunday (Dinner $1.50 to 8 P. M. mil 4- Aanouncement - m r We Puziss dleton. Is spending a few days at th Oregon. : .- - - H. H. Corey of the public service com mission at Salem la registered at th Ira Prjal. -. Pat Welch, who ts in the mining in dustry at Spokane, la at the Oregon. Walker D. IL'nes in Sart Francisco : San Francisco. April l8.-r-t;Tj; P. Ac eompanied by IGdward Chambers, trat tio chief of tha railroad adnUntatratlon. Walker D. Hinea. director general ot j NEW dressed woman. A man's hat is the' most observed of all his. ap parel. Add to the effect of your smart Easter suit by wearing a new hat. You'll find your style here. Trimble, Berg Dunlap, Stetson Borsalino, Gonnet $5 to $8r Ben Selling Leading Hatter Morrison at Fourth WhyD entistry 44 A Small Chapter II. Why is dentistry so costly In this country? j Because dentists are unbusiness like. We are brought up on strange notions as to the proper way to con duct our business. Ws ara told at colleges, it it tmproF esslotial. to pat tip a largo aigrt-boartl outside oar office. W shovlda't adrertiso oar foods aad services the way merchants do. So, dentists bans a tnsll shingle few peo ple can see. Why shosldVt de&titts firs wide tafcltdtr to their work? A snail siffn-board doesn't make a dentist efficient in his art or science. Sat it often keeps him poor. Whts behind this prejudice against frank and open pab licity? Dentin think they can lore well" pstitnU by iitsldnjt a show pf modesty. A small stca is regarded as a mark of class distinction. It appears as the mark of exclusive service. It msy flatter tha TSuity of soma snobs mmong the rich. But it insults the vast majority of people. The dentist, sd to sty, tells the public "I'm not rtin&inf after you. If yott need me, seek me out." No wonder his chair remains empty tnost, of the time. There aren't enoufih rich people-to keep all of us dentists busy. The aYerage dentist tets patients who are not wealthy. They come in small numbers, because the dentist doesn't know how to attract them. Tha methods he employs to ad vertise his business appeal only to the few rich people. So the average dentist hat poor practice. He is oblif td to charge high fees. 'That's one reason why dentistry Is costly. Z have always thought of the needs of the vast majority of our people. I have carried oa a large campaign of informa tion and education among them. - 'K : . I have told them how to prevent diseases of the month and teeth. : y- v. - - . V- - I ha spoken to the people at large. I have served them. They made me prosperous. A large practice enables the dentist to reduce the cost of dentistty. . .- ;. - . . . . unaer tne -a., it. jrarKer system efficient dentistry is performed at most reasonable prices. Painless Parker Dentist 328 Washington t., Corner Sixth Y. M.C. A. Technical Schools v Automobile and Tractor flnginerinff , Prepare for summer business. Excellent equipment and Instruction makes progress rapid and success sure. Students may enroll at any time, end beeln immediately. c 5 , Radio Telegraphy Get ready for rood positions and pleasant vork in tn Mrcbant Marin. Hundreds ot student now occupy these positions. . , , . : Electrical Engineering - . - Tha Instruction plan -of ttia school combine theoretical 'work In school and an equal amount of time In the actual practice Ot electrical employment. Excellent laboratory equipment. . - . - Day aaa ITlfSt SeSoel Is ti Xirrrst Caarses, , Tratsias ltfea for t;sefat OecapaUoa Reduoea rates to diaehartrad aotdlera in ail schools. Coma in and see schools.: equipment, etc, or address . ; TIT. A. Y. 21. C. A UCTAltTMEITT 0-T IIDTJCATIOIT, POllTtisO tot delated lia'crir at.oa railroads, ' will ? arrive early" tomorrow morning tor a vialt of " inspection. H will make stops at Xx Angeles, Port land. Tacoma and Seattle before return lng east ... ..- . y'-,;V; - Clean Up Week Planned The Dalles. April IT. A clean-up week will be held" here in the near futur under tha auspices of tha lty- council, the Chamber of Commerce and tha Soro- els club. , ! y v, .'' HAT for Easter means as much to th6 well dressed man as to the well Co Shingle $9 CSLPXtXlCK jCPislPsrsr) EASTER IS DRESSUP DAY YOU CAN AFFORD TO - BE DRESSED UP EVERY DAY IF YOU HAVE YOUR SUIT. MADE TO YOUR MEASURE ' . , - BY. THE UNION TAILORS 4S if T WE OFFER THE BEST VALUES IN THE CITY FOR THE MONEY jCOME IN TODAY , . SEE FOR YOURSELF ' rirrM smsst Srtwaen MerriaM and A lew , Open Until S . m. Stw-ey ; Reliable Pentistry re sratae ear want foe 1' raca. Wa wlil aaantiaa oor xmvm J iraa aaa uu wm ran wa way f - Hwre aaa aau ta nu eoat, re aa4 aa tt eiu ewt. . I fimnta.. , . .Si. an W I j I O-awna. ...... fS.0f.a I ( Met TaatS far......S.0 1 ilaaa CctraeUen.. . 1 4 ew aaeelialw falnli ruuast.... .. see j . 1 s1e sat Mtiaaw attaaaee W a t . aS SeeirtM .. DSL 8. f. MaWTOlf. rtn. j Opea Btealao CaUl IS " f Boitcrn Painlet Dentists atnaa 4th an St a WaaAMewa Sf. ' ' ' ANNOUNOKmiNTTHS j ORIENTAL CAFE The tar aw ftat ranular-Hoae O-lfla -.1 S 1 a tn mnnw It staaaa an. naunca ftttD'S OKIINTAL, . JAZZ SAMB will play from is te 1 ie. e vise, n l M 1SlS. : Whf sot epend -war-ftooa bout tiftt and enjoy ear ajoiit ariR a a ntitaar If yaw doa't cara t dro, ton torn eat yomr nooaday m a 1 tab! plaaaaat a a t roaadlaca and aniay our anascalled . Jaiay erenaaira. - ;r . . j : ' i ; ' SPBOIAL BAILVt LUNOH . ' t. OIAL CMIOKSN ar TUS KST B-INNSR 7S HOUR 11 A. aa. t a. . Amarlean ana Ohlnaaa Otohaa Any Tbne Oa ' NHjtit, All Rlnee ef aft Datnta. j 1 A. f. to P. M , foe, SSe, 40a an Wa tafladiM amip, ya-. taMa- ftDka. daaaart with any loaai ordtra. . Cos. SftoAbWAV an WASH. (Uptulie) , Sntranc 4V Wastilnaun V f .... sa qjj ; d) j!, 1 L mm Aa M. I I A?M. Vt mm , ft i IT " ii if. ' ft it - T