THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1S19. 25 ONSOLIDATION OF SWIFT i.PROPERTIES ,IS; NOW. REPORTED EJilfd by Hyman IL Cohefl MANIPULATION NOV PROVED IN MARKET FOR EGGS III CITY Lastcrn Slock Being Bought and Local Stock Sold Quietly by Big Fellows Trying to Fore tonsume 16 tay Handsome Profits. - " - - , - The buying fries of current rvcrlpt ttt it Portland nominally pieced at 43e dofea. This price ta being offered by on of the'blg Xs.tetn liker here and its mllied firm along I tout tr-t. but at th site tiese other buyer re forced to -pay thi -quotation bets er not In. the business, , ' T :" Efforts on tne part of the big Enter pek 'mg firm and it allies t fore the price f egg higher here In epitf. of the ftet that Eastern value are loner and stock from there can be lat.ded here at lew money than the home price, litre thoroughly demoralised the situation Reports indicate that the bidder of hitb rtices here are secretly elliut eggs to.jother ''alrr and replclng them with the lower priced 1 tm tock to that the bit tlk can eontrol absolutely the market during the wlbter by faring res that cost them to money than the other fellow. In . fact, to the trad at the moment it appear a if the big , fellow are trying trt "corner" the egg Brtet and force the km 1 1 fellow out of business to that their rortrol will be absolute, and thereby Secure faLnlou price during the storage selling season. TUt egg can be landed here at 4 lower price than- the local market is indicated, by the fact that yesterday Chicago wae quoting- current re ceiptswhich i the. basks for all buying . at country point at STHHe flosen, ind a it cost only 6 friction more than 4a a down to nrint then supplies from Chicago te the r.:lfid eoat market, tbe atock can be landed her around 4 2 4 ffc 4 So a dorm a compand with 45a market that the big fellow ar. today quoting here. While it is true tliit ill of the ttoct pur chased for -Mors re is candied In th Kast, or wherever puri-hased, and there is i cost of ap proimateiy 4e a doieu fur Hits service, whicli , include new ease and filler, a similar, charge ' mii-t 'also be added to the local buying price if the stock in to be stored. - . As the Middle West tell noit of it egg to the Fastern market, price there are in variably lower thn in Chicago, due to the coot of freight' and handling charge in the Windy City. Therefore, Middle Went, egg can be tended here, still cheaper than the Chicago tock wculd cost. - ' r BTJTTER MARKET ' HA tit ft It EASY Market for butter i ruling rather easy, with California cube being landed here at 54o for extra. lecatie of thi the local trade i unwilling t jiiy more than a fractional pre niiura for local make. , STRAWBERIlT 8CPPLT CORI4EBED Import Indicate that tbe Ryan Fruit C&m ptny ha "cornered" the entire strawberry crop of the Sacramento-Florin section and that the entire output coming in thi i direction will be handled through the Anderson Brokerage oom pany. . . . A- . . POTATO , SITUATION STAGIf ANT Market ' for pot toe is stagnant at country hipping point, practically ail the buyers now baring been withdrawn. Practically no business in bring offered here from - OttUide points and grower refute to sell for leu. 1 VEAt. 5 MABKEl1 VERT QUIET Country killed calf market -1 extremely qnlet along the street with limited sale as high a 22c 4 pound with the bulk going at 20 s 2 1 c for good tuf f. Hog are (teady with the bulk Around 24(24o a pound. . CABtlAGE PRICE HITS A RECORD Cabbage price am "way up In the air" bene 14 a reiult of a -1100 a ton market it Un Angeles. Locul price ire ruling front 6 to 7e a pound with few of the1 wholesalers hating - Tytr'" to, offer at the moment, - j BRIEF NOTES OK PRODUCE TRADE Com meal i up 20o a bale.' Imperial Tiljey lettuce steady it $4,78 ft 8.00 rr crate. Firt car I Anelei strawberries mfa ttart for l'ortln4 either Friday or Saturday. Anparagu market ia ateady but . local ctock i dull at blah price. t'hicken market remains extremely firm with lupplie nominal. 'WEATHER NOTICE FOB SHIPPERS . Weither bureau adrtaee: - . . . ; 1'rotect shipment during the next 8 hour against the following minimum temperatures; icing south, 48 dearee; northeast, er 8., r. & 8. It. R., 43 degrees, east to Baker, 40 decree, and south to Ashland, 43 degree. Minimum temperature it Portland tomorrow about 60 "degrees. , ' i Foreign Demand a Prune Factor California Speculators Get Rig Early ' Business From Euron?. " y Hyman ft, Cehsn Extremely liberal demand tor prune from Bttrop is the cause of the present excited state of tbe trade generally along the coast and espe cially ia California. Heiry sale el the 191 crop pi prunes kre ilready kii4 to ua betri miU4 by specuUUt iniereet of CaUfornia to European parties. These prunes are said to be only for early shipment, it being stated that the mppiie will ge forward toe first ball of October. - - Because of this big European demand for earl delivery, the independent prUne interests of Cali fornia hart recently been bidding extreme price for contract, on the coming crop; high a 10 He a pound being .reported there aa the basic price within the .tart" few day This is from tt? to 4e a pound better than tbe prices ia effect under gorernment con-ol last season, - Tbe California Orowere' association, which H said to control appr!maty 50 per cent of the southern crop, i reported as not . baring opened its price a yet and there is reason to b!tere that as the early foreign demand Will be filled by the speculator . and that the American market will "buck" against paying such extreme value, that prices will be opened by the organ ization below those now in effect. ' Reports . received her indicate that with most of the prune trees in .the Willamette valley already in blossom and with the thrip discovered in many of the orchards, together with the heavy rains of the teat few days tbet some damage. has been done the crop in thi sectfc-n although it t much too. early to state wit a any degree of ac curacy what the damage ia or what the crop will be. On the other band reports indicate that California has prospects for aa enormous crop. Those desiring special information regarding markets should, write the llarket Editor, en closing stamp tor reply. WHOLESALE PRICES IN POHTLAND These are the' price retailers pat wholesalers, except a otherwise noted: , bilry froefucta BUTTER-Selling price, box lota: Creamery prints, parchment-wrapped, extra. 58o lb.; prime firsts. 56 37c; firsts. 55e: smaller lota at an advance. Jobbing 'prices: Cube, extras, 55e per lb. j prime firsts, 54c per lb.: cartons, le higher, BLTTERFAT Portland delivery basis, 68 lc; prices at country staticn, 67 58c. OLKOMARGARlJt'E local brands, 80 9t 0 In. ; tubs, 82c; 1-lb. cartons. 40c 2-lb; carton. 83 He; ntitniargarlne. 1-lb. cartons, Sic lb. CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy full-cream triplet. 87 88e lb.; Tming America, ,8 H e Ufa lb. Prices to Jobbers, f. o. b Tillamook; Triplets, 84e; Tounc Aaw ica, nda Belling price; - Brick, 48c; Mmburg er. 87ft8Hc; block Swim. 48jD46o lb. Buy ing price of Coos and Curry triplets, 81 Ho, 1'oung America, 83 Ho lb. f. 6. b. Uyrtl Point. l-H i(i.S Buying price, 4Bo dos.; sellinc priee, '45f4c; candled, 47c KiiG.S Pnblio market retail selling price, BOo per dotea. . LIVE POULTRY Heavy hen. 40 per lb.; lisht bens, 38c per lb.; broilers. 42c per lb. ; old roosters, 18c lb.; stags, 20o lb. : squabs, 88.00; rtucks, 8 5 4 Oe lb.; pigeon. 81.50 92 00 per do.; turkeys. live. Silo lb.; dressed. 40c lb. ; geese, live, 17 20c lb. ' Freffi Veaetiblei and fruit FRESH FBX'ITS Orsnges. 84.50 0 86.6ft per box; bananas, 8 He per lb. lemons. $4.26 W 6.00; Florida grapefruit, 80.75 9.00 ; Arl- -na. 4.oo im 4 no: California. bTBAWBERRIBa Florida. $0. 15.60 per Xcna. 4.O04 fiO ; California. 83.50 ( 4.00. 9.0 APPLES Various varieUe. 82 00(2 4.00 per 'OCX. . " ; DRIED FRUITS Date. Dromedary, t )1 Fards. t ) per box; raisin, Tbree-Crown loose muscatel, lOo lb.) figs, 66.00 per box of 60 6-ox. iscksges. - ONIONS Selling price to retailer: Oregon, 83.50(4.00 irr ewt; association-selling price, carload, 83.00 f. e. b, country; garlic, 60 9 75c: green onlmw. 60e per dozen bunches. IMJTATOK8 Selling price. 81.78 49 2.00 per if t, ; buying price for fancy lsrtre sixes. 81-50; ordinary, percental; tweet, 85.50 6.00. KUKlAHI.Ki4 TumicM, 1 7 5 per sack; dcrrous. 62.2iS er ack; beets, 82.50 per sack; csbbage. CalifornU. 07c lb.. lettuce. 84.75 9 5.00 crate; celery. 81.50 Ant.; artichokes,. t. 40 dor..; cucumbers, 81.60 2.25 per dos.j toma toes. Mexican, 84.25 g 4.60 lug: Florida. 87.60 crt.te; eggplant, 20c per lb.; cauliflower, local, 41.50 ( J. 75 per crate; horseradish, 1 6c ler lb.; bell pepper. 50 per tb,; peas,- 13 915c per lb.; stinacb, 11.15 t.25 per box; aspara- Ku. California, IS i5e per 1b.; local. 12.00 2.60 per dos. bundles; rutabagas, 42.00 2.23 par sack. ' . . Wsats end yeovltlons COt'NTRT MEATS Helling pr'"t '. Country killed best bogs, 24 0 34 He per lb.; ordinary hogs, 23e per lb.; best veal. 21(:.'2c lb.; lamb. 2021c: mutton. 14016c lb.; Heef. 914c. SMOKKI) MEATS Ham, Sb&Silc; breakfast bacon, 33 33c; picnics. 27c; eottase roll. 83c: short clears, 30 33c; Oregon exports, smoked, 0c -4b. - 1-4 KD Kettle rendered, 114 76 case; sUnd trd. Sis lb. ; It rd compound. 28 He. . . . Fish and Shellfish T FRK8H FISH 8teetliead salmon, - 22 24e lb. s chinook. 11 ; halibut, fresh, 24c; black cod, ll12e; sflver smelt, S6 10c; torocod, 10c; sturgeon. ll20e: freb herring. 6 0 7c; Colnmbla smelt, 61 per 60 lb. box. SHELLFISH Crb; 62 00 8.00 per dos,; shrimp meat, 62e per lb.; lobster, 80c per lb. 0ySTEB8--01ympia, . gal., 86.60; canned Kattern, 75c can. 89 00 doen cans; bulk. 84.60 per sal. , - . ' -- ' Qroccrle , eUOAR Cube. 818.35; powdered. 310 25- ftuit and berry, 89.88: I yellow. 9.05; granu lated. 89.68; beet. 855; extra C. 89.23; eXilden 45, 89.15; cube" 810.50. H0NEI New. I) per case. V -RICK -Japan style, No. 1, 9 U 010c; New Otleari bead!, 11 Vs (3llc; Blue Hose. 10 a 1 e lb. - SALT Coarse; half ground. 100. 816?00 ton; 60s, $17 2fi Uble dairy. 60c. 822.00; bale. 3.10 ? J5; fancy uble and - dairy, 880.23: Ihmp k, 825.00 per ton, BEAN'S Oregon (sale by jobbers) ; Lady Washington, 6c per lb.; pink. Te per lb.; limas, 9 Hc; bayou, - a He; red, 7c ; Oregon besnj (buying prices), nominal. CANNED MILK - Carnation.' 86.10; .Bor den. iA tssn. anit. ; $.10: Yelobsn, 65.90$ Holly, 36.00; 4ft VerJ oon, n.u; naxeiwooa, go. Yd case; . COFFEK itoasted. 28 44c; in sacks or drams. , SODA f CRAt'KERS In butt. i7e lb.' ?,UTS Budded walnuts. 30H31s per lb.! almonds, 24 29c; filberts, 28c. in, sack lota peanuts, 13c; pecans, 25c; Brazils, 38c. Heei, PalnU. Oils ROPB Sisal, dark. 22c; white, 21 Ho lb.; standard manila. ,28 He LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls.. 81.98 tal.; get tie boiled, bblt, 81.95; raw. eases.81.95; boiled, case. 32.05 per gat , - - COAL ; OIL Water white, tn di-umi or Iron bbls., 14c. per gal. ; cases, 24a per gallon. HASOLINB Iron bbla. 22 He; cases, 82 He; engine distillate, iron bbls.. 14c; cases, 24o. WHITB LKAD Ton lota. 13 He; 600 lbs., TURPENTINK Tank.' 80c; cases. 86e; 10 ease lots, lc lest . . WIHE KAILS Basio priced 86.15. Hops, Wool and Hide . HOPS Nominal, 1 91 crop. 38 40c fc j HIDES No, 1 salt-cuifl hides, 30 lbs. and up, 18c; No. 1 part-enred li.iles, SO lbs, and up i 11 He; No. 1 green hides, :.0 lbs. and up, 10c; No. 1 salt-cured bulls, fin log. and up, 10c; No.! 1 part-cured bulls, 50 lbs. and up. 8 He; No. 1 green bulla, 60 lbs. and up. 7c. The price on No. 2 hide will be lc per lb. leos than for No. 1 of the same kind. No. 1 calfskins up to 16 lb., 46c; No. 2 calfskins up to 15 lbs., 43c: No. l'kip, 13 to 80 lbs.. 35c; No. 2 kip 15 to 20 lbs.. 81e; dry flint hides, 7 lbs. and up.-27c; dry flint calf, under 7 lb., 21er dry salt hide. 7 lbs. and up, 22c; dry salt calf, under 7 lb., 82c; dry cull bide or calf, halt price; dry flint stags or bulls. 18c; dry salt stag! or bull. 12e; dry cull stag or buiit. half price; dry horse hide, price varies, 61.50 to 82.50, according to size and take off, each; (sited horse bides, skinned to hoof and head on, 68.00; price varies according to size and take off to hide without head,, 50c less each, $5.00 ; dry long wool pelts, 20o lb.; dry -medium woo pelts, 10 fti 12c lb.; dry shearling pelts, 25 9 50c each; salted long wool -''t. 81.6O2.60. each; salted medium wool jults, 31. 002.00 each; salted shearling lult,, ecch, 2Bc up; dry long hair goatskin, SOc per lb. ; dry abort hair goatskins, fjO Qt 75o each; horsetail hair. 20a pet lb.; borseinsue hair, ICc per ib.; cattle tails (full tails, no stubs). lOo per lb. -: MOHAIR Long staple. 4 Oo lb.; short staple; 80c; burry. 20e per lb. . ,t TAU.OW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 6o! No. 2, 5c; No. 1 grease, 4c; No. 2 grease, 3c. CHITT1.M OR CAS CAR A BARK Old peelj lips wtlghU, 18c. ''"'"' 'i'l New Tork-St. Louis Me tali " J Nw York, April IT. (L N. 8.) Copper oulet, but steady. May, 15 18 H ; June,; 15051540f July, 15151542H; August, 1630 01560; September, 15 15 V. I Lead fluiet. Spot April and May, 5. I Spelter steady.; spot, 607 H 0 615; April andi mu, ouiimni.'n; June. 07HW6V5; July. 1 2 H 20 ; August, 615 62 2 H ; llttsburg Bessemer iron, 2985 asked. " . ;. ' a!tn6T ad DietiMft New Torir. April IT.- (L N. S.) Can money on. the floor ; of the New York Stock Exchange raaay ruiea a. - -j per cent.; nign, a 74 per cent low. 8H per tteiit. . i Time money was firm. Rates were a ner cent! The market for prim) mercantile paper was steady. Call money ia London today waa S H per cenu 1 Sterling exchange was easy, with business in cankers' Diua at 64. 04 fc tor demand. MlaaeaDOlK Flax starket 1 - Minneapolis, April 17. Flix seed. 33.84 a 6.87. ............ I Pork 25cVea! 21c -1 W pay those oricea (or too aualitv meats. We can use heavy and inferior quality at less. Wo never chargra com mission. , , . . . - . - FRANK tk SMITH MEAT CO. ' . Adv. Oregon-Yashington Produce Co. WANTS ALL THE FANCY ' VEAL, HOGS, CHICKENS AND EGGS We) need these for our actual dally demand and for that reason Pay the Highest F. O. B. Price in PortUiid k - The Oregon Washington has thi capital. It hat the business and it has thi facilities to dispose of hug supplies of country produce) and with the. - : Largest Cold Storage Plant on Front Street - ' ' al tray's assures the country shipper of an outlet for hlfe supplies at the best price obtainable in this territory, no matter what the weather is, , . If You Are Ntt 'Skippikg lb U;VbAr LosLng Money ! " We do1 not charge commission and our returns are mailed promptly within, a few momenta of the time that shipments are received. ' . AS to our reliability asK your local banker or any financial lnstltatton. You take no chance whatever In shipping to this firm. Kemember to marlc your produce - , . OREGON -WASHINGTON PRODUCE CO; 187 FJfcONT STREET, POBTLAND, OREGON UNI MEAT COMPANY TO BE ABSORBED M SWIFT IS THE REPORT Swift & Cd. Reoifjanization in Tort' land is Due Within few Week C C. Colt Understood to Be, Slated for Head of the Combined Concern. 1. . I AceoMiht'to reports current la th fecal tradi. which eum from well Sefined source in a pai jeois to know the Union Meat company of thb cflf will be absorbed by gtrlft 4s company within reef weeks. S JfOUficltion to that effect tiai already been given some of the trade-, but the It eel manager of Swift 4t company refused to leitiier confirm or deny the report. " Reports indicate that C, ;C. Cort. at present head of tii L'nion Ueit company of this city and practically in chanre of other Swift pUnle along tbe -coast, will be in charge of the reorganization of Swift Sc company here. Mr. Colt U also in thfg of the Western Meat cont yiaiiy, wnich like the Union Meat company here, Is said to be controlled almost entirely by Lout I., t. lu. .-1 mmlH . 1 K- A 4tik direction of Swift A company with Mr. Colt as prcbable cnlef . ' f While rumor of .the proposed eonsolidatioft l;ve been current In the local trade for some (time, effort to confirm the new through Swift cV company interests here hare failed, i . The rortlind L'nion Stockyard company i also affiliated with those that own the Union Meit company, therefore) the trade ia figUrint that It, too. Will be placed under control of tbe new Swift aV company organization. J.., - ' "" 1 e. ' ' Bearish Sentiment In Chicago Trading , - By Jotepti rttehard Chicago. April ,17. 'I. N. 8.) Thg cort market waa possessed of reactionary power today, as shown by the advance from the lowest level, and the strong closing. There were net gain for the day of f ? Tic with the July future the strongest of the list. Oats acted in sympathy with corn and shosred gain of H 9 4e. Losses were made of 30 50c for' pork and 7H15c for lard, while ribs were unchanged td 104 'higher. . rbicaso, April 17. (L N. S.) Bearish sentiment predominated immediately after tbe cixning of the market today and an easier undertone in corn resulted. Opening corn prices were unchanged to He higher with . a mixed commission bouse trade. Oat., opened H c to He higher on scattered buying and lack of selling pressure. The-trade war dull and disposed to await development. t Provision opened sharply lower, July . pork being off 81.25. Trade Wis slow with i lack of buying support and limited - offerings. Range of Chicago prices as furnished by thi United Press: May July September May ..... July September May , .... May July May CORN ' Open. High. , . .138H 158 ...152H 1524 ...147 147. OATS ,:. 68H 69H ... 67H 67 ...63 63 I'OBK 6240 8270 LARD , .. 8000 8012 ,.t 2805 2910 RIBS ...2850 2865 Low. 158 151 H 1464 68 H 66 63 5215 3000 2882 Close. 150. 162 X 147 H 69 H 67H 63 6235 8010 2902 2850' 2800 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES i Chicago . Hogs $20.80 " Chicaio, April 17. (L N. S.) Hogs-E-tlmated receipts. 32,000; 10c to 15c lower. Bulk. 20 85 ft 20.70; top. $20.80; btttcher bogs, heavy. 320.60 e2O.80; packing-- bogs, heavy, - $20.4020.75; medium and mixed, 318.75 20.35; light. 310.00 20.60; pigs, 317.50C 18.75; Toughs, 1 8.50 g 19.50. . Cattle Estimated ret-eipts, 8000: steady. Beef cattle, good, choice. S17.76i920.00i. medi um and common. 314.25 18.00; butcher stock, heifers, 8. 0015.65; cow. 7.75 f 15.00; canners and eattese, 36.15 10.23; stocken and feeder. 36.1 5 ev 10.25 : stookers and f riders, good, choice. 81O.50lS.75: medium. S8.O04B 13.73; veal calves, good, choice; 314.00 g 15.76. Sheep Estimated receipts, 12.000; slow. Short, lambs, choice and prime, 31 8.00 10.75 : medium and good, 317.75 1 9.60; spring lamb. good, choice, 81 5.75 18.00; feeder lambs, good, choice. 315. S5& 17.00; ewes, Choice, prime. 31 2.00 S 15.50 ; medium and good, 88.00 12.00. Omaha Hogs S20.60 Omabi, April 17.-i-(L S.,8.) Hogs Re ceipts. 15,800; steady to 10c lower. Tops, 320.00; range, 320.00 20.80; mixed. $20.20 20.40: good, choice, 20 40 20.60 ; rough, $20.20 20.80; light, 320.00 20.85; bulk, $20.15 20.60; ptgs, $18.00 19.00. Cattle Receipts, 2200; steady. Beeves, $13.00 & 18.00; cows and heifers. 85.25 14.23; stockers and feeders, 37.00 15.50; calves, 38.00 a 14 oo. , Sheep Receipts, 7600; steady. Wether. $15.00 10.00; yearUngs. 816.00 17.00; lamb. $18.50 19.25: ewes. 812.00 13.0O. Denver Hogs $20.80 Denver. April 17. U. P.) Cattle: Re ceipts 1000; steady; steers 3 12.75 16. &0; cows and heifer . $8.80 IS. 25 ; stocken snd feeders $10.50(414.75: calves 314.00 15.75. , Hogs Keceipt 3000; 1020o lower; top $20.60; bulk 319 65(8 20 15. . Sheep Receipts 4200: steady. Lambs $17.00 18.25; ewes $13.75 14.25. Kansas Olty Hogs $20.70 Kansas City. Mo., April 17. (L N. S.) Cattle receipts 2000, steady to Strong. Steers $14 016, cows and heifers $9 IS. stockera and feeders 46 1S( calves $8 14. Hogs receipts 6000, lower. Bulk $20,25 9 20.50. top $20.70. heavies $20.35 20.70, lights $19.90 20.4 5, mediums $20.85 20.70. .Sheep receipts 5000, steady. Lambs $19.00 19.25. wethers $19 016. ewes $14.75. sprint lamb $18 921. v Seattle Hogs $20.00 Seattle, April 17. (L N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts, 182; strong. Prime lights, $19.90 41 20.00; medium to choice, $19.75 10 85; rtugh. heavies, $17.75 18.00; pigs. $17,75 0 18.60. , . . Cattle-Becefpt, 105; steady. Beet steers. $11. 60&14. 50; medium to choice. 310.60 4 11.00; common to good, $7.0010.00; best cows, ss.uot9iz.uu; common .to good cows, $5.0007.50; bulls, $6.00 10.00; calves, $7.00 13.00. ... Sheep Becsrfpts, none. - DAIRT PRODUCE Of J HE COASf - astak m sTMslskriA M aV at San Francisco. AprU 1.7. iV. P.j Butter - ,xrra. Die. , Eggs Extras. 47c; firsts. 45ci extra pul lets. 43 He Cheese California flats, fancy. 80c; first, 29 He per pound. " f - Seattl Market ' Seattle. April 1.7 - (U. P.) Butter Local country creamery, cuoeg. 69cj oo bricks, 60c Eggs Loral strictly fresh, 48e; pullet. 44c Uhecse Washington cream brick. 35e; do xoung America. 88 W 88c; Wiahincton 4c Ore gon triplets, 368&c. -. Los AnM Market Log Angeles, April 17. (t N. S,) Butter California creamery extras, hie. , Egga Fresh extras, 45c; case count. 42 lie: puueta, oc POTATOES ALL ALONg THE COAST Sasi Francisco Market San Francisco, April 17. ( U. P. ) Potatoe Wharf prices, Deltas, $l.7flg 2.00 per cen tal for choice,, and $2.83 2-30 for fancy; Shlmss. $3.00 8.25; Oregon Burba nks. $2.00 2.40; Idaho (terns, $2.802.S5; Washing ton Uems. $2.25 ; sweets,. 33. OO & 5.50 : new. $ H 5 H e xer nound : do Garnets. tSDUc Onions Icehouse California. $3.75 0 4.00 pel cental. ,j: . . -. : ' ' Los Angeles Markei ' Los Angeles, April IT. (L N." & Potai toes Stockton Burba nks. extra fancy. $8,75 0 4.00; Idaho Bassets, fair,, $2.02.75. - , Idaho- rusaet. $3.60 $ 2.75; rurala. $2,40 9 2.50; Oregon Bnrbanks, fancy. $2.90 8 : new ktock home grown red rose,' 32.50 ( 2.75 put tug, seed stock whit rose, $3.75 8 per cwt SeatUe Marlet Seattle, Apnl 1?. (L V. 8.) OhiomvSe ,pottoee Takima tiems, 4O.00 42.00 ; "Jc W, $28.00 32 00 per ton. . . !')' Milk Price Lowered , " ! f truenalis, ATash.r April 1 7. The" Carnation Milk Producta company announces the pries , for milk tor the latter halt of -April at $2.6 per 00 pounds, decline . of 10 seats per 100 pounds lowerTthaa the tint halt of the atoath. BARLEY mm IN SIGHT; - DEMAND FOR OLD PRODUCTION Foreign Call for Brewing Stock Is ; Quite tlberut atid llarlet Indicate . Steadier Tone Oat Are Cheap but - Price Holds Steady; 6losc 6ooo rnioAV . All financial, grain anal cotton exchanges will bo atoeeel Friday and only tho "CtitcaQO grain m.rkat snd New fork stock market will be open Saturday. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -4Jars- TVheat Barley, flour. Osts. Hay. Portland, Tours.. 1 10 3 Tear ago , . 1 1 . . 8 Season to dit.. 1 "81 8307 32 2967 Year ale . ..36T5 870 BS3 1348 2089 T acorn. Wed. . . . 10 . .. ... ... T Year aao. ...... 24 . . k. " . 3 : 2 ,0119 .4533 , . 4 i . ; i 32 ... S3 ... i . ' 2 7t 1106 148 1161 266 1534 8 2462 303 1511 1008 2917 Season to date.. Year ago ...... Seattle. Wed . . . Year ago, Reason to date. . Year ago ...... f - t - - - , Liberal demand Is showing ip the barley trade locally and there la an improved demand for Oats because of the prospects for very mall Output pf. the cereals la the Pacific Northwest Baring the coming season. Foreign demand for brewing or "A" barley continues and stocks ire being absorbed as offered. , - Flour trade . continue to. reflect a very dull tone locally but there is a steadier tone indicated tor miltotuff although general price are a yet unchanged. . H. A. Hinshiw, general freight agent of the Southern Pscifie railroad, reports crops in the Willamette valley and southern Oregon: WIHamttU Valley Woodbure -Spring grain in very good condi tion; small increase in acreage over last year, es pecially oat. Very tittle fall wheat sown in thi vicinity. Considerable Vetch sown last tall. Weather conditions far better fof crops than last yer. Tli ground 1 now being prepared for planting of potatoes and indications are that normal acreage will be planted. Berries I the important product in thi vi cinity at the present time. Loganberries very much in demaisd and considerable acreage ,beng planted this year, also evergreen blackberries. Prospects were never better than it present . Salem Peaches, cherries and small berries are budding in good shape and indications are for a large crop. Prune trees attacked by pest known as the. "CaUfornia Pear Tbripa" which Infests the blossom. . Some orchards ate re ported in bad shap and all orchards are being sprayed to combat this pest. Fall grain is in exceptionally good condition ind approximately 60 per: cent of. spring train ba been planted. Ground is in good condition ind indications are for a good crop. Albany All grains are in exceptionally good Condition. : Fifty per cent of the spring grain has been planted and ground ks being prep red tor the balance. . Hay - and pastures are making rapid growth. Ground is being prepared and rlanting of potatoes will, start in a few days, ndicataon are that there will be a normal acreage planted. Cherries hate very heavy blossoms and in dications are very favorable for i large crop. Prune not yet in bloom. . Be,rry acreage indicates 25 per cent Increase is compared with . last year; bushes are in healthy condition and prospects are very favor able. Eugene Acreage of fall grain. is estimated at 100 per cent as compared with but year. Crop Is in good healthy condition and indications are very favorable. Spring grains are being planted. Recent rains have been very beneficial to pastures ind bsy, which are making rapid growth. During the past week there have been sev eral light frosts, but .as yet no material dam age has occurred to the fruit in this vi cinity. Forest Grove Present indications sre . that there will be a heavy crop-. of wheat ind oats; estimated that tbe acreage is about 1 10 per Cent as compared with bust year. Prune trees a yet not in bloom, but indica tions ire very favorable If no j frost occurs. There will be a large in crease in acreage of loganberries set out this year. The demand M very brisk and indications are for., a good r5ewberg Small grain acreage is about same as last year. All grains. Including hay and pastures, in excellent condition. Ground being Srepared for potatoes, . but at yet unable to etermine what percentage of acreage will be planted aa compared with last year. Apples, pears, cherries and berries in bloom and indications are for a very heavy crop. Prune not yet blooming, but are In very good Condition and Indications ire very favorable in thi locality. , s Corvallis Crop in this vicinity looking very well at this time. Winter grain is in ex cellent condition and making rapid growth. Prac tically 60 per cent of spring grain planted. Ground i being prepared for potato planting ind weather conditions are very favorable. Peaches in bloom snd. well advanced, and in dication ire) Very favorable. All other fruits Including prunes, in good condition but not far enough advanced to estimate the final result. Silverton Crops jn thi locality In good cbfl dition and making rapid growth. Acreage i about normal. There have been several light frosts, but as yet no damage. Lebanon Small grain in thi .vicinity in healthy condition. Acreage indicates 20 per cent increase over last year. Potatoes indicate about 10 per cent increase in acreage as compared With previous year. Fruit ind berries in good condition. Berry acreage shows about 50 per cent increase as compared with last year. Roeebnrg Indication are there Wfll be a 25 per cent increase in. acreage of grain over last year. . Soil i healthy, and the season has been very favorable. Prunes are hardly pert tbe danger state from frost; indications, are very fajorable, ApRle frees are looking fine and are in the very best of condition. Indications are that there will be a considerable increase in the yield owing to new orchards coming Into bearing this season. Pear In good condition and indications are for a normal crop. There will be a very limited acreage of potatoes and berries grown in tfcii vicinity this year. Broccoli growers are - contemplating making preparations to plant i large acreage this year, but at this time unable to determine lust what percentage of acreage win be planted a Compared with last year. Rogue River Valley Grants Pass During the last two or three nights there has been considerable, froat but a yet it has not injured the fruit crop. Indi cation are for i Jarge yield of peach, pear and Apples. - , - Small grains are in good condition ind acre age is about normal. Medford Fruit crop it this time i very en couraging. Apple and pear prospects are good; however, everything depends upon futura weather conditions. There will be plenty of moisture. Several frosts have occurred, which have done alight damage but not . of , any eoneequence. AH trees ire heavily laden with blooms. Fall and spring train are in very good con dition; acreage ks. about norma L Ashland Fall and spring grain in excellent condition and acreage .normal. While apples, peaches and pears are in good condition, it is little early to determine final result, - but present indications are favor able. Ssv- e'LOUK Selling price r Patent. $ 1 1 . 4 3 J f ara ilr wheat flour, $11.80; -whole wheat flour. $10.40; Willamette valley, $11.85; local sfiaicht, 11 1.25 11 85; baktrs' local. 31O90 fell. 10; Montana spring wheat patent, $11.10; rye flour, $10.00; oat flom-i $10.00; graham, $10. lot Price for city delivery in 5 -barrel lots. HAY Buying prices:; Willamette timothy, fancy. ( ) : Oregon-Washington fancy timothy, $31.00 082.00: alfalfa, $25.50; val ley vetch, $28.00; cheat. ( ); straw. $9.00; clover. $26.00 928.00: grain. $26.00 per ton. . GRAIN SACKS NorraaL . New crop deliv ery No. 1 Calcutta. 11 H 0 12c in car lots, less iwounts higher , -. M IU.ST I. Fr-S Mixed run et mills, sicked. 136 00 88.00. . ROLLED OATS Per ton, $55.00. ROLLED .. BARLEY Per ton. $55.00 9 6G.00. CORN Whole, $66 00; cracked. $68.00 per ton. Merchant ei change bids: FEED OATS -"... ' April. No. 2 whit .......... . 51SS Barlet . feed 5800 "A ; . i : , . . j i . i . . . . 5850 Eastern oats sad corn in bulk: , " " OATS : - -'-" .;-- Whfto No. $ 5000 6600 5000 tvhite'SS pound dipped.. 522$, 5175 6175 i ". : . CORN K.S yellow 4i. 6400 ' 4)400 400 Ko. 8 mixed 6300 16300 6300 May. 6150 5330 6460 June. 6150 5000 5150 - ? Cflieage)' Hairy. Prodaee' i Chicago. April 17: (I. , N. S I Butter re tetpt 4499 tub. Creamery extra 6 Sc. extra nt 62c. first 69 9 61c, packing stuck $s & t Eggs. 24.032 case. , Current receipt 87 H 9 8Hc. ordinary first 88 54 988 n first $9 9 40 extra 42 942 He. checks 839" 36c. dirties 86 937c - "." ""fiaa Fraaeiseo Barley OpUoaa n .Francisco, - April ; 17. Openrnt: 'My biriey, $2.51 sale; December. $2.81 H sale. SHEEP OFFERINGS FROM THE . VALLEY; SUPPLIES INCREASE Stocks Are Generally Increased and Ouility fs Favorable--SiVlne Trade Firmer Here and Veaker in the East Cattle Situation Is Steady; HOW LIVESTOCK RULKB Tops. Chicago . . . Omaha . . . . Kknsas City Denver . , . . Pertland Hog. . $20.SO . 20.60 i 20.70 : kn $20.00 18.00 Mil 14.70 Yeartlni Lamb. S1S.7B 19.25 49.25 .48.28 20.00 'Spring iambs. PORTLAXD LIVESTOCK Rtttf Hoss. Cittle. Calves. Sheep. 1S4 . . ieua Thursday . . . ; . Week ago .... Two weeks ago. Four weeks ago . Year ago Two "years ago. Three years ago Fcur years ago. 618 228 637 503 .892 400 617 345 11 'IS 48 100 13 6 i 2 4 lu3 296 103 1800 l eis 31S.TKj 14.75 11.509 12.50 1O.00911.0O 9 O0lO 00 8.00 9 9.00 10.6091225 9.00 10.00 7.00 9 8.00 6.00 9 6.00 8.50 9 4.60 6 00 9 8 50 60914.00 7.00 9 10.00 Very liberal showing of sheep, supplies is c ming from the Willamette valley and tli stock is fat and generally of excellent Quality. Rnfi in the North Portland alleys overnight totaled 1663 bead .compared with none a week (go and 1300 i yeaf ago.' While there was evidently, a steady tone tn the market during the early session of the- day. the undertone was scarcely as good ind further liberal offerings sr likely to depress the price here within the immediate future, : General mutton market range: Spring lambs ; $17,509 18.00 Prime yearling lambs .......... 16.00 917.00 Yearlings 11.00 912 00 Wethers O.ootisiooa Ewe j 6.30 910.50 Fane fcewi Com Forward One of the best loads of cows seen Mn the North Portland yards for a long time cam forward from Northern California during thfa day. Total receipts in the cattle division were only fair, but demand continues, steady and fotmer price, were held Intact generally. Most of the cattle sale reported were actually made at a, very late hour Wednesday afternoon. General cattle range: Best steers . V ty. , IA, curies BIOTIW ......... Medium te good steer ........ Fsir to good steer ............ Common to fair steers ........ Choice cows and heifers ....... Good to choice cows and heifers. . Metnium to good. cows and heifers Fair to medium cows snd heifers, fanners ................... Bulla ......;...... vsirss ....... ....... Stocken and feeders . .... i ... . iwlne Trade I Firm Market for swine is showing firm tone at Venn Portland. This is indicated by the fact that bulk sale prices -were lifted a fraction daring the 24 hours. Run overnight was quite liberal. Eastern markets were weaker and generally loweifor the day. General hog range: Prim mixed- 819.809l9.t8 Medium mixed 1 9.00 (B 19.RO Rough heaviea 17.80 917.75 Pigs 17.00 917.80 Built 19.60 019.75 Thursday Livestock Shippers - Hogs Josephine County Co-Operative asso ciation. Grants Pass, 1 load; Loffland Bros., Medford. 1 lod; E. P. Thrift, 1 load. Cattle John Kennedy, Davis, Cl., 1 load; Reed Inghran, Levriston, 1 load; A. E. Eaton, Albany, 1 load; O H Day. Centralis. 1 load: W. H. Trindale. Salem. 1 load. Sheep W. M. Chamberlain. Quinton, 1 load; Sevier At Weed, Roosevelt. 4 load; Brown at Cumming. Corvallis, 1 load. MUed Stuff-i-C.- E.'. Lucke, MbUlk, 1 load hogs and alieep; Cutford Bros., - Woodbure, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; Mayberry it Frum, Halsey, 1 load eittle, hogs and sheep. Thursday morning Sales STEERS , Price. I No. $18.50 8. COWS $16 00 I 1. 7.00 1. 4.00 I 1. BULLS $ 7.75 I 1. 8.00 I CALVES $12 00 1. HOGS . $19.75 I 78. 18.00 I 17. 19 30 I Long Stocks Come Out . With High Priced ill New York ' - STOCKS CLOSE STEADV . New Varfe. SprlJ XI. I. N. S.) Thi fhar. k4 clnaa steady. Buatnea im the final trading cerrtersd In the awclaltle with s good SeaJ of Interest sUsenast te thg trading In Unite Feed, wttloli was in persistent Semandi and moved ui te a new high record of 78H. Plero Oil Was also unusually Active, selling ui M a new high reeoen st Savit '. - .The etasH hiee vrero fynctlenaiif, tu4. a were the marine snares. U. 8. Staet clesed at IIKi Mactn avef erred at 4 It. American Inter national. SSVs, Industrial Alcohet 1SS, United Cer 186, and Mexican Petroleum 186-.. .i ; Sale, 1,01060 shares; Send, SlS.aitOdO. T Ke Tori. Apra r. i.JThn sii market was influenced again at the opening tcday by continued offerings of stock in large fortune, flffilttf to that which Mi been ra prog fes4 flaring th4 last few day. . IS soma Quarters it waa iaamed that this selling was regarded i unusual when approaching a practical triple helbiay. . . . . - Steel eommon made a sain of to 09 H . but quickly yielded to 98 H and was closely fol lowed by au the ether active lane. American Hide- A Leather preferred opened t one point to 105 ind then fell back to 104. Sinclair dropped from 65 to 58 H And All. Gulf de diced from 185 H to 134. United Cigar Stores seas an exception, advancing one point to 135. TlieH was a good deal Of confusion in stock mkr dealing during 'the forenoon, with the Steel ' thduetrUls in supply, which were more tban offset by persistent buying of other isnea. United Food products was active and strong, moving up over two points to a new high record of 18 H while Central Leather , rose one point to 7$. American International, after drop ping to 84 H i rose to 06 H end American Hide it Leather preferred, after selling down to 104, rose to above 107. U. 8. Steel dropped nearly one point to 98 and then rallied to 98 H- American Steel Fdy. r was exceptionally strong, advancing nearly 8 points to 0T. The market showed .a somewhat heavier tone during the afternoon, Mexican Petroleum react ing 8 points to 184 H. while Texas company yielded 2H to 217 H. Industrial Alcohol, after selling, up to 180 H again reacted to 161 H. ?h Shipping issues dropped about one point torn the high. American Steel Fdy. reacted to 84 and Railway Steel Springs, after moving up 2 points to 88. reacted to 81 H. Steel common held steady around $8 H , while Bald in dropped bvef one ppint to' Bl. bESCRfPTIOIs: No. 4. . . 8. , 3. . 1. , 1. 1. 66. 20'. Ave. ib. .. 860 . .1000 . . 690 . . 700 . .1260 . . .1120 . . 130 . .195 . . 260 . i . 190 Ave. Tbs. . . .1150 . 860 . . . eio . .. 850 Frio 014.25 $8.00 5.60 10.60 .1270 $ 8.78 170 $13. 00 220 $19.00 228 17.75 . Boston Copper Furnished by Orerbeck As of TTade building : Adventure .............. Ahmeek ................ Alloues ................ Arcadian ............... Baltic ....... Belmont .........i...... Bohemia . . . Boston I3v ....4......... Butte Bal CaL Jk Aria. CaL as Heels Canada Centennial Chief Cons. Con. Cop. 'Mine , Copper Range Crown Reserve ........... Daly West Davia-Daly .............. Franklin Goldfield Con. ........ C-raoby Hancock .........,-... Helvetia,,-, Indiana i ...". Jerome Verde ......... iverr ivax ...... Li Salle ........ McKinley Darragh ....... Mason Valley ........... Mess. Mining ........... Michigan Mohawk ............... Mplsaini i..,,.,,,,; North Butt ..... Ohio Copper Old Dominion ....;... Quincy i. ..-. t .., ,,, Sbatuck ..;.. i Superiot ............... Sup. Ac Boston .......... Pwift Packing i..s...iSii Trinity ................. Tcuramne j. . : ... i . i . ; . United Fruit United Shoo Mscby. ..... do pfd . , V. H. Smelters -Utah, Cons, . . . i I ..... . , Victoria ............... Winona ............... Wyandot , l-land Oil ..ii...,.,., Lfbby " Denbigh Market Cooke Co.. Bid. . . 60 .. 70 86 iH :: t0H IK . . 80 .. 69 H . . 400 1 :.: ll 4 .. 48 ..45 2 . 5H P'W - S :: II . 6 ... 85 .. 50 .. H SH .. 2H 4 .. 47 . . 2 4H 8H ., 67 ... 6 44 ItH .. 85 i. 884 ...i 65 .. 18 4H .. 1 a 144 - 1H v. ' 83 .. 174 .. 51 .. 27K .. 46 ?.H . 60 . 80 H 18 Bord Ask. 100 72 H 87 1 1H 8 00 1H 40 60 H 410 1 13 H 3H 6H 48H 47 S .' 5 H .H 20 06 0o8 60 541 ft $4 i 2H 4 8H 67H iU 60 84 68 18 . 6H 2 1484 2H 85 173 51 U 27 H 47 84 2H 05 100 84 80 'A 20 Liverpool Cotton Market Liverpool. April 17. ft N. S.) Cotton futures opened steady. Spot. . quwt. Prices uiKiauix. oaoes. ooou oaias. LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bonds, official closing price. New York: . Jt S. : a a. . ; t ' . : f : e c . . j.- .. f j i e s 3 Sat. . .i9914955098609380930i95569360 Mon. ..9876j9360!98729560j9S72956019870 Toes. 0900(9550 86Q!9530 936019850 9880 Wed. j08O!9540r9858jS4!9$86)ft544f9852 Thurs. 990O93460S54954693$4 9684 9864 ' Stock e, mim. Cotton. Oralm. Bta, ' lU'Slf Board Trade BaJlslaf Overbecli&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE5 TO ALL &itiAtiGES ,. - ItttMH relie Bclfl St TrUf - Cerretfioaaeau X Lara 9 BrySS CUea . ew lark Alsii. Golrl Alii Chalmers, c. . . de pfd. ....... Am. Agr. ( hem . . . Alh. Beet Sugar . . Am. Can, c Am. Car Foun., c. Am. Cotton oil, c. Am. Linseed, c. . . . Am. Ijoco., c. . . . . Am. Hmelter, e. . Am. Sumatra Too.. 1 a - aiu. nuiir, o. . , , . Am. Tel. A Tel. . . Am. Woolen, c. . . . 'Anaconda Ifixiin Atchison, e ...... . A.. G. A W. I. . . . Baldwin loco., e. . Bait,; Ohio. 0. . . Bethlehem AtM.1 St B. R. T, ..." Butto A( Superior . Cali. Petroleum. .. do rtfd. . Canadian Pacific .". Central Leather. , Che. A Ohio CM. at Ot. W e.. Chi. AGt.W.i,. Chi.. Mil. at St. P. Chi. it n. w.. e. . Chile Copper . . . , Chino Copper Cot Fuel 1. . . ConsoL Gas ...... Corn Prod, e Cnsclbl Steal . - Cuban Can Sag. . . instiller .. Erie, e Erin, first p..... Gen. Ilec. ....... Gen. Motors Good, ttubb. . . , . . (It. Nor. Ore Lds. . Gt. Nor, p . i . . . Greene Csn . . . . . Hide A Lee. e... Hide A Lea., p .. Ice Secur, ...... III. Cen. ....... Indus. AIco. . . . . . InsoiraUnn Int. Mer. Mar. Int. Mer. Mar. p. . Int. Nickel ...... K. C; Southern, c. Kennecott Copper.. Lackawanna SteeL. Lehigh VaUey...,. Maxwell Motor, a. Mex. Petroleum... Miami Copper. . ... Midva Is Steel. . . Missouri Pacific. . . National Lead..... Nevada Cons New Haven ........ N. t. Ah- Brake. . . N. T. Central ..... Northern Pacific . . Pacific MaU ...... Penn. Railway. . . . People Gas P.. Steel Car.-e Ray Con. Copper. Ry. Steel Spring!. Reading, c. ..... . Rep. L A S., e.... do pfd. ....... Rock' Island ...... Sears, Roebuck Co. . Sliattuck ........ Studebaker, e. Southern Pacific . . . Southern Ry.. . . . Sinclair Oil Swift A Co. Text Oil . Tobacco Product,. L'nion Piclfle, e . : . United Cigar Store. u. H. Kubner, e 4 . V. 8, SteeL c . . . . . do pfd. . . . . ; . Uth- Copper Vir. Chemical, et . Wabash ......... Wabash A. ...... . W. U. . Telegripb .-. West. Electric, i . . Willys-Overland . . . Wootworth Open I High 88 H 03 H 108 H 76 6144 94 H 53 W 53 H 68 71 K 107 H 120 H 67 H 01 H 01 H 133 01 H 46 . 73 V 21H 21H 26 H 1584, 78H 87 7H 28 H 86 H l 3644 42 H 60S 07 H 20 H 71 H 16 2ff Il62 . 178 U 06 H 42H 90 24 4 1105 48H ' s 34 116 i? 82 H 70H 68 44 i ir IS lit. .16 S. ZSH 110 . 73 H ii 71H 21 01 88H 83H 23 W 180 H 70 105H 28 64 H 144 H 2194 128 4 m e 80 H 98 H 116 i H 60 l 444 29 44 88 44 08 109 H 76H 61 44 94 65 H 54 68 H 71H 108 H 180 H 07 H otH 02 137 H 92 H 46 75H 21H 214 37 iS9 79 68 744 234 87 H 94 M 28 HI 80 43H ToV 87 H 93 108 7544 51 94 53 tr 71 1107 128 H 60 44 91 H IMS H 90 48 H 73H 21 H 21 H 2644 159 77H 67 H 7 23 H 364k 04 H 23 36 H 42 H 90 67 H 80 75 H 16H 26 H Ilea ITS 07 42H 01 42 H 1107 H 494 155 494 aa as 11044 80 am 83 H 70 H 58 44 187H 28H 46H 28 H 73H 1044 28H 110 734 37 n 72 ii SSlt 284i U0O44 . . . i . 70 H 106 28 65, 144H 220 90 H 128 X a 185H 88 99 1104 T4 44 OtH 8 01H 07 48H 29 H 00 67 29 71H 16 20 161 H 176H 0H 42 MH 41H 24 1104 H 48 99 H 161 49 83 H 11SH 24 20 H 82 H 70 H 63 H 184H 23 H 45 H 23 H 71H 10H flio 73 00 H 88 H tt 71 H 20 H 81 824 82- "23H 180 H 08 H 19S 27 H 53 H 144H 217 90H H 128 134 .80 . 98 44 110H 74 H 69 5 - 814 IS 29 H Jlos SH 86 H 93 108 76 H 51 94 54 63 H ii'W 107 120 104 664 61 91 133 44 90 45 73H 21 21H 24 7044 158H I8H 57 I 7 ( 28 H 36 98 86 H 43 60 67 29 75 16 26 1161 H 1176 66 44 42 W 00 41 25 1106 49 8 H2 49 83 H 115 29 20 63H as u. 105 3H 109H 73 00 85 43 48 7144 20 flH 82 2 162 ifSH L05H 27 64 14, 144 4k 219 90 128 78 . 134 44 87 9844 116 4. 74 H AO H flS m ill ToUl sales 1,010.600 share. Ex-div. 1 per cenU r. - - a' Ferelffi Boat Market Furnished by Orerbeck A Cooke Co.. nid. 97 0944 98 . 99 148 Ml 60 116 95 H 97 06 . "98 44 97 H 98 Trade buildlmt: A. F. 5s Oct. 1920.... w.... U K. 6H Not. 1919. ...... V. f, SHI Nev. 1021.4-:.. A. F. Sec 6 Aus. 1010..'... Rep. Franco 5s 1981........ Pans 6s Oct. 121. Marseilles Ss Nev. 1019...... Russia Extn. 6 Hi 1921 Russian Intl. 5H 1920...... Dom. 5a Aug. 1910......... Dom. 6s April 1921 . . . Pom. 6s April 1BI1, Dom. 6s Abril 1926. Argentine Cs May 14)20...... Chins Ss 1919. i. .......... U. K. 6H 1037 .......... Board of Ask. 97 V 99 H 68 ' 99 155 98 H 00 H 64 120 9544 vi 97 7 99 98 99 li'l curr;kindaut&""co: s4wasti.wasaat ass (Bemsnss gsssi WE. OFFER FOR SALE THE UNSOLD BALANCE NcrrV OP Medford 6 GENERAL OBLIGA TION, REFUNDING IM PROVEMENT BOND S. : DATED ' ; JANUAK1T 1, 19JJ DUB JAk. 1. 1823, TO 1934 , AT PRICE TO YIFXD sh per cent genrAL obUga'tion of the city of med FORD. : . INCOME TAX EXEMPT at our new 'ground ; Floor location ' corner hfth and. st ark streets Finance, Industry and Enterprise Decrease la Baslaei4 FaUaree Com' tnefClal Insolvencies In Oregon for th0 first quarter of 191 naihaered 27. corn- pared with 48 durifit the flrtt quarter ot 1918 and 90 tor the) first three months of 1017 ; liabilities of the 27 failures dur ing the first thre moathi of Mil amounted to T453,5S. ; In Washinitorl d urinff the first quarter of? 1919 thertj etera 40 Insolvencies, compared with 41 for tha aame period of 1918 and 93 for the first threo month$ of 1917 ; v th4 amount of liabilities for this year's fall urea' waa 01.312,588. , In California thi commercial failures for the first quartet tf 1919 totaled 180. compared with 194 during- the first quarter of 1918 and 154 during tha first three months of 1917 1 total liabUItls.i for tha 1919 failures waa 81,932,937. ror the three Pacific coast states 197 failures were reported during tha first three months of 1919. compared with 306 for 1011 and 443 for the first quarter of 1917. Total liabilities for the 1919 period were $3,699,177 compared with $3,582,708 In 1918 and $8,699.17t in 1917. - ' - - - : Gold Cola tJaeArthed The" "Northwest ern National bank received $1700 In $20 gold pieces Tuesday afternoon from thi Monitor State bank. ;Th coin cam to the Monitor bank through tha Federal Reserve bank here in exchange for bank notes. This Is the largest consignment of gold coin received at the Northwest em National bank 1 In several month. Since the mvernmenf called in tts arold to the treasury early in the war there haa been little ot the precious metal in circulation : Occasional email holdings kre brought to the banks and are Sent on to add td the big reserve. Airplane f raaAportatloBi ' Sooth Af rica South African authorities are mak- inpr a bid to obtain some of the many airplanes tn England now released from war work, for use tn a commercial way in that country. Considerable attention ia given to the establishment of an air service, both passenger and mail, to the more remote centers, which nre without adequate railway facilities, and to the establishment of a fast mail service be tween the principal titles of Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth. etc Trade appdMahitlei of Rbaia Itrilfifft "Furniture Markets of CTAlle, Peru, fetv HvW ahd : Kcuador Special Agents aeries ltd, bureau of foreign and do . tnestio commerce). -Gives information relative to business Opportuhiues in thg furfaifure iihe In the countries mentioned, boveri transportation facliltiea, re sources, and ind ub trie, foreign trade, tariffs, domestic competition, foreign competition, markets for particular kinds of furniture, etc. Price 25 -cents. , For aale by the superintendent of docu ments at Washington. D. C Bids Asked oa Cash Register Sealed bids vrill be received until 10 a. Jbi May 8, at the office of the interstate bridge commission. 201 Courthouse, Portland, for one electrically operated cash reg later to shovv separate totkta of the amount of money and - the - number ot persons crossing, the Columbia river In terstate bridge. ;r Specifications showing the 16 different classifications of traffic? necessary for the records are On ,fUsat the office of the bridge commission. Dldi Ailed for XittAdry Werk&aAled bids will be received at the office of the purchasing agent of tfiir city of Pori land Until 2 p. rn.. April 24, for tatmdef ing towels used in publia buildings of the city of Portland and also for laun dering bath towels and bathing suits for the bureau ot parks. Specifications are on file at the office of the purchasing agent. . Cannery Apparatss. Wanted la Pans'- tna A man In Panama wishes to pur chase apparatus, machinery, cane, con tainers) etc.,.- for a canning plant of a capacity of 23.000 cans monthly, to be increased to 50,000 cans monthly w)thin a year. Keferenens, : Further Informa tion will be furnished by the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, ' Port land Chamber Comemrce. File. 29000.; Talent Irrigation JlonuS - About two thirds of the issue of $175,000 of Talent Irrigation bonds have already been sub scribed by banks and Individuals. The balance of the Issue Is being offered by Freeman Smith Camp at par and ac crued Interest to yield 8 per cent. J REALIZINO SAtES CAUSB PRESSURE IN" ST. Y. COTTOJT New Tortt. April 17. -(t M. 8.1 Pressure of realising sales before the holidays affected the local cotton market at the opening today. New style contract started 7 points higher to 14 point losver in fo of firm cable and bullish dry good report. Including large sales of print doth. After the start new style deliveries sold 7 to 8 points under the previous close on active po sitions and the market at the cad of tha first 0 minnes waa about ateady. Furnished by OverbeCk A OaVoki Co., Board of Trade building: January . February March . . May . ; . July . . . August -. September Oetnber . November December Open. High. Low. 2800 2858 2300 a a 2261 2885 2201 3690 374ft VfltO 2640 2590 2529 i - 2870 2428 2862 2825 - 2888 2826 Close. 2847 2837 2335 2T89 2.10 24S0 3450 2420 3SS5 2875 PACIFIC COAST BANK. STATEMENT Clearing Monday .... 8 Tneday .... Wednesday. . . Thursday. ... Portland Bank This week. 6.606,008.89 B,S5n,lH. 5.604.810, 4.864.484.50 ye 89 $ 4.9 Clearing Balance tneirings Balances Clearings rtalanoea Clearings Clearings Tear A to ss. 814. "i lO0.071.24 140.094.00 8,650.100.40 pekane Banks . 8 1.491.277:00 651,468.00 Seattle sanas--i- 'Taeoms Banks , ,8 7.259,298.00 ,i" 1.247.858.O0 i j 724.008.00 " 80,069.00 Le Ang4c BSnti .8 0.800.804.00 8an Francisco Bsnfca ........ t.t ,. , Is ew York Bond iKarket Furnished by Overbeck A Cook pin. 81 78 4 88 : 74 H 95 H 80 H H "84 H tt 82 H 86 i 100 H 79H 104 H 88 H 104 06 H 85 H Trade building: Atchison Ueneral 4t......... HL A Ohio Hold 4 ........ . Beth. Steul Ref. B. , . . Central Pacific 1st 4....... C, B. ft Q. Col. 4s. ......... at, Paul Ueneral 4H Chicago N. yf. Ueneral 4s I.. N. Ual. 4 New York Ry. As ........... . Northern Paclfle P. L. 4s...i. Reading General 4s Union Ftelfie 1st 4. ' I', g. Mteel St.. .... ....... Union Pscifie 1st Ref. 5s..... Oouthern Pacific Conv. 6 .... . Houthern Pacific Conv, 4s ... . Penn. Coat. 4 H 4 I'nn, 1st 4 H ii. .. ...4... Che, at Ohio Conv, Sit ..... . Ak. .02 7844 80 . -4 70 0644 ii"' 18 '82 H 88 ' 87 100 H ' 79 H 106 84H 104 H 07 4 80 Vt Hew York aar asd Coffee New Tort. April 17. V. ' P.) Coffee: Spot, No. 7. 16 He: No. 4 Santos. 21 He. Sugar: - Centrifugal. St.28. Estacadia Is to Have Good Friday Service Estacada, ApfU IT. Oood Friday -will? be bserv0d with a community service, at the Methodist churcH at p. m with? Hev. Upton H. Olbbs of the Bpisoopal? church Ui charge. Mr. olbba was 'for 12 years pastor of the Episcopal church at La Grande, but since last September has been editor and pwner of the East ern Clackarhaa News, published at Estacada. His address will be ;Th Triumph of the Cross." Lefts Finibh the Job liefa tak our ecili off and put over the VICTORY IXlAN no auickly and successfully that no one will ever doubt. Oregon a enter prise and patriotism. It will prove that we are patriots at Jteart--100 per cent American deserving the right to share in the benefits s which we now enjoy because our dead gave all forever. ; Let's finish the job. - , ' MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIEB MTJSlCirAfc BOJ4D BOTJSE -800.11 STARK STREET, Betweei FIFTH and SIXTH STREETS Telephone! Broadway till Bitabllibed Otef 8 Y4r0 We awn and effae the unsold portion aft $175,000 Talent Irrigation District Th0 Reaue mef Valley, iaokatj County, Oregon . f Municipal 6 Gold Bonds: OATKD ianuery 1. 1010. i Out iertally, Jan. i, 4028, te 108. Denaminations $500. $1,000 ...'.,.", Approved Security for Public Funds ' , .' J Municipal T4Qi Uen--4aeneral Obligation Legality approved by Qoodfellow, Eells, Moore Orrlck. San Francisco, Cal.. and by Teal Minor A Wlnfree, Portland, Oregon, and by the Attorney General of the State of Oregon -t Price: Par and interest to yield 6 income) Tax Exempt . e Atk far aeecrlptlv circular Peariaaa SaS rtaaene Freeman Smith tu camp Co. r-'f , secorto rtook . -i votmvtossratii bank builoino MAIr4 648 ' i I ; i. FACTS o. M ROAD BOOSTERS -Colonel vRobe'rt ' H. Tyndall, of theT 150th FJekd ArtiUery United. ' States isArmy. wriUng from France, aaya : "There will be coupler of million real road boosters .when the boys com' home. " He ' speaks to glowing terms Of the highways of France, and bopea the day -will come hen the roads here will comparer with those over there," and thJ will come to . pass when roads are paved with ' - ' BITULlTHiC tfARRE BftdffiEftS COMPiST , . . JToaraat Baildlsg P0RTLASD, OREtiOjr PRINTING TostefWork ; "is One bf 6uf Specialties, Quick service. -.. ' siAvM Mala 165 Telephone nj Al 165 , ' 4 - - . I. ... ' RW.BALTES & COMPANY First and Oat - -. 1- fe : ft Si XT i -