The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1919, Page 25, Image 25

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III i'OTJ ever ol anything like thi being
offered befor J Now pay particular attention
to I Hera are A acre of land, no better
land to be found, hut o(f tha river road, tbe
pavad highway, only a abort walk from Glen
ho station on tbe Oregon City carline; on this
land la a new, modern, up-to-date 8 room bang
Jn, a full cement basement and full porcelain
plumbing, ther ta a rood barn, ' ranee, chicken
house and runs, an orchard that ia the tnrj of
the neighborhood, capable of selling several hun
dred dollars' worth of fruit every yaarj bow tbi
plae ia only 2 block from tbe rivjsr and clone
enough to tbe Oregon City , oar Una. No person
would place a value on thia property of less than
0000. If you want it and will act quickly,
you can take the whole thine for $4750. Oh,
my, but thi ia baying beautiful place for little
money. ' We want as near ail cash for this place
as if at possible for you to dig up. If yon want
to boy and will pax this -up. we Karen t a eery
high estimate of your judgment M. J. Cloheary,
416 Abington bkig. '-"'.- ; - -
$2800 100x100 HOME BARGAIN 82800
On the north alope of Mt Tabor ir a prae
! tically new substantial bungalow type home of
t i 7 room, which haa reception hall, den with fire
it place; large living room; an lid panel dining
' room with plate rail, leaded glaaa buffet, book
. caaea, Urge kitchen . and pantry with every
built-in convenienra; electric light and gaa;
good baaement with laundry tray, 3 bedroom.
' linen closet, etc Occupying a 100x100 feet
'- of ground, cloee to car and evhoot. Thi ia an
' tinoaual bargain and can ba handled on eery
-easy terms. Immediate pceeeaeion. If you aee
I this houaa you will buy it. I will nave one
of our machine rail for you. fee
. - Tg Buf Yout Home.
Abington Building. Wain 1008. Main 6156
Office Open Evenings and Sundays.
HERE i yinetliing""t!iatyou" hava been looking
. fur and you now have a chance to buy if you
will act quickly. Ten I) is beautiful acrea of land,
i ni better soil in Oregon, no better iaiprored
plane to he Jound. Thu land, ail ot tt, la located
practically on paved atreet all of tbe way, -.. It la
in the right section out Gresham way; on thia
land ia a practically new 6 room bungalow with
a full cement basement, a good barn and other
building necessary, cemar.t aidewalk from the
gate and around the bouve, the building alone
ar lniured for 2000. There is a large orchard
of full bearing fruits. Thia plar ia offered for
. Bale for abmit half Ita true value. Thia place
. i ouch place aa will make an independent liv
ing for a family and a competence beside. Take
it all for $5250; 11500 cash, the balance we
twill arrange for., it. J. Cioussay, 4 15 Aoing
' ton bldg. .,., - Vi -
! $8250 KNOTT NEAR- t?NI0N $8250 .
! If you know value and are looking for an
j exceptional bargain, you will certainly b inter
; ' aated in Ibia property. We are , authorized to
,. offer a very substantial 7 -room house for sale.
) Modern plumbing, good baaement. electric light
j end gaa, bouse irt-good repair, on a lot uOjloO
j which alone I worth (2000. This ia the cheap
eat proposition that I know of lit thia district
and you will ray ao when you' aee it. Can ba
handled cn term. What time today can you
-go aee thia f 1 . will aend a machine for you.
To Buy Your Horn
Abington Buil'Iing. JIain 1008. "Main 15
, . Office Open Evening apd Sundays.
$3n0(J A " llEAT7ntS(JllNTlRrrnK)!ul: $3500
Here" is a very attractive typical bungalow
nitb porch extending acroae eutire front of
bouse; living room witb fireplace and leaded
glaaa bookcases; paneled dining room witb buf
fet llutch kitchen with every built-in con
venience; 2 bedroom witb clothes closet; full
cement basement with furnace and laundry trays;
electrlo Ugbts and gas. lioiue ia practically
new and couldn't be built today for tba price
. asked. Situate on 3-3 of an acre, hi block to
Johnson creek. Kaat of Reed college district, 1
block to ear. See
Te Buy Your Horn
"'Abington Building. Main 106). Main 8150
1 Office Open Evening and Sunday. -
; Just a block and a ball from the car- on
, Harold avenue, on a Very sightly location over
; looking the lteed college and all of Portland, ia
: a beautiful practically new bungalow. The kind
: you often atop and admire, but aeldom find for
aale. Very artistio bungalow .lines ; best of
material and workmansliin:. verv modern s he a
homey atmosphere that .will appeal to you. rrtoe
$4500. Terma. Re .
e , , FRANK Lv MoOUIRB, -i-
'..-To Buy Your. Home,.
r Abington Building. Main 10US, .Main 515
j .i Office Open Evening and Sundays.
: .' - $6600 BABY "'CITY''FABM $850O
' Tiers is aa acre of ground, being 835x140
fee on Kaat Oliaan street, facing 8u car lines:
: r 83 5. feet has tbe paving and aidewalk in and
, paid for, widen coat over $3000. Tbi prop-
erty is also improved witb a practically new
substantial T-ruom modern borne, which could
j not be built for less than $3500 today. This
1 sn unusual opportunity . that thia property
: , could be handled on $500 down and monthly
' . payment. See 1 - - .
- -To Boy Your Homo.
Abington Building. Main 1068, Main 9156
' ' Officf Open Evening and Sunday. ;
0 I1EBK is one thatahnuld not have been adver
j tised for sale. The very intimation that the
, r owner of thia place would sell should cause pee-
1 plo to enter a foot race for it. All right, here
i r R'is, two big magnificently improved acre; the
. way this land lies without anything on it is
I ' .worth more than the price but we throw in a
C .- good, substantial 6 room tunue with hardwood
floors and a full cement basement, a fin garage,
i chicken house, cement sidewalk, fruit in full
: , ' bearing in carer abundance. This place lies
. practically on a psVijrf street at) the way to the
; " gats ami the price ia only $0500; $8500 in
, rash yoq must liar in order to talk business.
- M. J. Cloheasy, 415 Abington bldg.
AND another one of 2 acres of land in the
I highest state of cultivation, only S blocks from
I the station and right on the Oregon City carline.
! Well, on this land is g good 6 room modern
! enouuh-f or anybcxiy house vith - full basement,
I barn, greenhouse, chicken houe, fine water y
j tern and a garage, cement floor and foundation.
. large enough for two machines, beaidea a large
room for workshop. This place should bring
SI 0.000 but the owner wants to give it away
for $5250: half cash. M. J. Cloheasy. 4 1 5
Abington bldg. -
$1760 JX) you want a good 4 room bungalow,
j ' with city gas, wood and storehouse, large
chicken house, 1 4 acres, with growing
! garden, fruit and balance in oats.
1850 For 6 acres, large new barn, across
street from abova ; both places located
- on Fourth at. Electric, 85 minute out,
with 18a commutation fare and near
new highway. Owner going to Califor
nia. 8ee me on property at any time.
.('all or addres i. B. Conghran, Huber,
2000 ITiANPKItS AND 28T1T $2500 '
Nice attractive little home on a paved atreet
with an assessment paid. Small . down pay.
. ment. balance like rent at 6 par cent. Aa
nnuaual opportunity to get -a home. Owner is
a non-resident. Sea -
To Buy Your Home.
Abington BnBding. Main 1068. Main 5156
Office Open Kvemngs and Sundaya.
$3750 PARK ROSE ACRE -t37S0
S-room modern attractive bungalow; cement
.basement; fireplace; built-in effects; white
enamel plumbing; electric light and gas. On
.? en acre oi grouni m t-arg Hone. $3 joO. teruia.
aoia is an unusual oargaln. . He
Ta Buy Your Horn
Abington Building. Main 1068, Mala 5156
- Off tea Open Evenings and Sundaya.
Two acres in cultivation, good 4 room plaa
. tered bonaa and outbuildings, fruit, berries,
; shrubbery and flowers. 4 th at. electric. 3 blocks
rom station and Pacific highway, gas, gnuled
vchocl; congenial, active community; majority of
people here work in the city: will aacrifioe and
?- "-.aoa terms to rwponsiDle person. Owner,
K. E Rrileh ot 1 .it. u.n . '
....i, . . n.j nail.
iX It SALE Modern bungalow, 27x42, double
vuimrucim, wtu ubudm;. oatn, aepuo tank,
sleeping porch; acre tract: wood house, hen
- honae. 4 5 aaanrtMl fmif , i 1 1 v. i
- . --"' u ,uiua
of bernw roaes, ornamental trees, woven wire
water; public library, high
school, church and lodges, electric cars, paved
road: 3000. N. . Mw - '
ton nciiiuo rnOAG' KING
Al'lff.q ;-v..t-' . . i
i.. iii, inpr, .ncu aanuy
. loam, beautiful grova of native trees. Small
' ; onrouiu nan lor poultry larm.
? One mile from Gladstone. -U ran want a nice
place cheap, look at this. l600. Terms
Phone Oregon City, , 260-J, Oscar Freitag,
t.iouiiaiivj, Vie
.Cloae-ln acre, bearing assorted fruit and ber-
, "Vs uyai ftsraje, modern ; conveniences'.
jHwitiv sacrifice. You can make money on
thi piece of property; let me show' yon, ..
. ' II K, DARING, t.
Cnloiy Safe Dep. at Tr. Co., ttS4 Oak
A city home in the country- "
room house, bath, toilet, gas, electricity,
city water, a lot of - nice fruit, 4 block from
station, with 1 acre. -42100. or 2 acrea tor
tavvv. ierms. - .
20. U'ultinn, kUn
3 LOTS 150x105, good 3 room bouse.'Tath
and toilet, electric lights; Bull Run water: 4
blocks f mm Orveon KlMtjHA Hmmi i Ktn'.
boulevard.; good barn. Reasonable) payment
down, monthly payment - J. T. Baxter, Mult
VM-mah Station. ,
101. RALE 2 1-5 acres, tmall lathed and
plastered bungalow. - large oak trees, city
water. 1 3o commuters' rate, face railroad and
ew highway, $i6i)0. U. AL KiabalL Huber.
t. - - ... . .
REAL estate
ONLT 17400. and gay, the person Who Jook-
ing for the meet convenient suburban bom
and won't buy thia won't buy anything, that'
all then ia to it. Here 1a a big . acre of
land that no person ean Improve better than It
now to. Tbe most eboiea fruits of all vmrletie
In full bearing; there ia a good substantial,
practically new 4 room, bona, the room are
large. In thia bouse ia city water, gaa. electric
light, bath and toilet, full porcelain plumbing.
Now then, thia place is located where yon want
it, practically on a hard surface atreet, alt of
the way to tbe business eenter; you eaai take
either one of two boulevard to the place.
There ta a city school only 6 blocks away;
there la a cement aidewalk leading to the sta
tion with Be carfare. Mow this place ia worth
if it ia worth one cent $8500. - You can
buy it all for $2400. Ton must bare $1000
in cash to talk business. Thia ta a pick pp.
- - i: M. I. CLOHEMSY. - b
415 Abington Bldg.
WELL! WELL1 WELL! One of tbe place neat
to it haa already been sold for $5000 spot
cash, with lee than half the atsa ot the: land.
Now listen to thia: Five big aeran of land 11
tbe Highest state of Cultivation, all of it m the
carl! tie, all of it at the etetion, all of it ion a
bard surface atreet, on the land is a new
room bungalow, a pretty place; barn and chick
enhouse. assorted variety ot fruit in full bearing;
no richer land to bo found and the price for
all of this ia only $4000. Just about the price
of 1 acre; half eaab will be neeeaaary to coma
in with in order to dlcus this- place. . -. .....
M. X C31XJHE88Y. ,
. 415 Abington Bldg.
ONLY $1800 for a big 'J, acre of lead, practi-
cally ou a hard surface atreet from tbe buuies
center to the gate. Thia la no common place;
no prettier plot of land could be found. , It
ia improved according to refined taste: aa
abundance of all kinds of fruit in full bearing;
shrubbery .and flower occupy every available
inch On thia land ia a cute 2 room bungalow,
city water, gaa and electric lights; ehickenhouse
and work shop. It ia only 5 blocks from tbe
station - with 6c Carfare and good car servica.
About the same distance . from a gity school.
Take it all for $1600. naif cash you must have.
'. - ...--....--..--' M. i. OLOHES8T.. : i
415 Abington bldg. ' j
IF TOO have money ' and want a beautiful!
Tamable suburban place, you won't go any
further than thia; big acrea of land, all
of it tn the Base Line road, a paved thorough
rare from the business center into tbe Columbia
T. Thi taBd HiAr t miles from Ad
and Morrison ate. , There ia a fine ' j room
hou" with a full cement baaement There ia a
good big barn, a garage, chicken bouse and
other bulldirigs. There is gaa, electric light and
Hull Hon water on the street. Thia land ia
right at tbe station with good car service.! You
, . v.- iur-fij9vv, n4i caan will
maka a . noise aa though you meant business!"
mo A Ding ton bldg
O'S THE tl.M nl i. .u . -
.- - un muea txom
. the businea eenter. paved atreet all the way
, vw -uaag, mUIJIIa. AS
cr bMutifl suburban home. Thr
fjue I-t-du orchard of cboioo toleeud
in full barin8. Ther ia a, hmtas.
a 10
ia a
BSflSMIBa -N W..:tJI mmt,. . T
in. J.7.JZi inia place to be-
foT, the price that land i held
at on either aide; you ean bua 1 acre. 2 acres
n'u9 LA c'ty con-
la all woawver you buy
4i a ihtMM.
iv til r s .i ii i i. i
K-nnh Hm ZT -,"" on ine west a da in
at thJ ? Rrt.!LSrt ub resldencesj right
f.i n"B"ool station is mora than 1 acre of
.WiU?i.."ew- clm ruom bungalow; this
wher. llWl,Pr0H.ea- ,U th" direction
,.u of Portland' real wealthy people Hve.
Now listen to the price, only $4000 with $1200
earh payment can take thi beautiful place I
UoT &lm'i' ? till iVhrdirec!
-t.WW,J -,j.A.J f I
ii "w,5wa,lt home on the Oregon Chr ear
in. I will locate you. from a houe and 'Si up
L? r' ?k Alder-Brook, lii.-
Jyjtaon,OregoniCity car line. ,
ONdam -i25t0H '"fS? C "
L2 Tmi Utii u Bw houaa which will
?i wL ? X'D?, ? bl"ck from the carline
dK ''l?,0 hard surface street; $500 In
F1"!P!L rJontin " "er, splendid rich" iar"
i,Me,JJlo,h 6 r?om e?"'- rith complete ho"e-V,m-
he" t'- Tbi suburban
P2?.? i M 'fto fishing.
Mi SLL -Freytag.
. - ...,.Jq njr, i:o-j
1U JT?0V"v.crM th b1 hind out
Columbia highway, close to Ui carline
ca"lte.rBd1i.t tPri oln! bM a"
call in and w will sell you thi for $2500. AH
Abtngt? bldg"00 TL h :
m' ,0. 4 room bouse, all outbuildings and froBt
, v. u . j r.r' V. wen water; jo-
eUl J3d Oswego, Or. Thomaa
iV?N BAi,'CiH I tj depot
HillnhnPA till In aevvlef. - ft 1
to settle estate, term, - i. Jil WoRf, 2i8.enry
- 40 acre, aligbtry rolling, fine aiJif. .n
fenced ; sj acrea under plow, V, acre timber
for use on farm; good apring ; about I acre
i d o'chard; nice 6-room house, barn 80x40.
"'JS-'Mi ahed, 'and all other necessary
cows, all necessary i tools. Implements and
wagon, also growing crops, . 6 acrea rye. 10
? f6 T0 ' ca,bT balan- S Tt
shwnT r m luo "o'ww o'
80 acre, all nice lersl land, and 31 but
' . . "ur cuiuvauon, very rich soiL
- . w. mtcnwui, V1 lIKlUe,
one new nam .ml nij. . i ,
well, with tower, tank, engine and Jack and
, uuli, vuna, it. is witnin i mile ot
300Ah- J,1nc JL 5L W cent
vaaw- m nawvsun msairi vw.
418 Chamber of Commerce
80 ACRES. 60 in cultivation. 14 xalle
from Portland, near hard-surfaced road,
all stocked, mostly ia crop; fair build
ings; running water; would accept amat-
" 880 Jo00 improTed " P-1 HTuunt.
- - ' ':'': - I
80 acre, highly-, improved, good boild
mga, on gravel .road, near McMinn
rille. $8600.00: terma.
7 . e" 18 matm tTom Portland, iood
buildings, oa rock rod, meetly in fruit
and berriea. $2000.00 would accept
house in Portland. . j
20 acres of the best land. aTl In cultiv
atioo; near (Hillaboro, $3000.00. JEaay
. . k l o inn ' A4-f v ' LVr 1 m i ir
Stock, equipment, 65 acre in crop. 18 acrea
future, runn. water, aU good sod. no. rock
T'l , , . ""'""a" ana lances, good water.
lota of fruit on Pacific highway, il jiattas Van
couver, mile from school. H mile to church,
telephone, cream route. R. F. D. and stage line;
4aile to railroad sUUon. ThU farm is on
good rock road, which will be paved this sum
mer, no expense to property owners; extra fine
home, "".'lowof the mountains. American
neighborhood. See thia. ? Can drive to in
43 mmo from Portland office. J.. At
. T'.'" wnnw or vommeree bldg.L Port
bind. Or., or 113 West Sixth, at, Vancouver
tVasb, i ...j...... . i
V. 1 , ''rr ". . -v.
acrea, none cleared, at Mayger, Or.i conn,
ty road an 3 aidea. about 1 hi mile from town,
train or boat apring on place. If taken thia
vww van .oe.oaa I or gsuo, $306
down. ..... ; .. ,
20 -acres, an fenced with woven -wire fence, 4
acres cleared. 600 cord of wood, $1700i $500
cash.-.'. '.! -.'-.i.l
1 1 . :. '. w v.wtvu. iiwui nrmam.
creea-, well. Darn, good deep soil. 1 hi milea from
$1100 cash. E. A. Brown. - ,-4. -
OJlX OOI,DEN BES.U CO.. 515. Abington hldg.
DAIRY RANCH, less than mil fromTgoo4
town with 2 railroads; 112 acres, stocked and
auipped; rood buildings, orchard. H in high
atate or cultivation. A-l; soil. bal. lavtare; 2
fine springs snd creek; timber for fuel; - on
rock road, mail and cream route. phone.
Splendid buy at $13,500. good terms. Owner
old. Must aelL ' 1 Tt Wolrf fta vi.i..
18 ACBESTTS minutes walk fromReadvme7aU
cuiuuuon, a acre in line young orchard,
lust commencing bearing, fine house and barn,
hnl a nil tslA l. , .
. - - " " ,M' - w mine auua Pirn,
at a bargain: th beat, buy in the state. Phon
WILLAMETTE valley farm, 108 acre, 'ail In
cultivation, part in crop, well located. 1 mile
Pacific highway, 40 mile Portland, 14 Salem;
price 879 per acre; sell alt or half. Tabor 107,
FOB SALE 17 acres near Orenco and electric
line. aU improved; cheap; act- Quick. Phone
East 419. - t.
120 ACRES land in Clarke county; 2.000.000
mile school and chorea, 1295 East Salmon.
Tabor 8621. - -y-v..- -f
FOR SALE By owner. 100 aerea in Lincoln
county; house, barn and some tools. J. jOllin,
6G3 Commercial at.. Pnrtlaivt n- I
If OR SALE 32crea o 1st class land on t!o
lumbu river highway, south of CorbeU; $100
per acre, . . cuicner. siontaviiia. Tabor 4738.
WILLAMETTE valley farm- and ranches for
sale and exchange. Webster I, Sincaid, 620
Henry bid.. Portland, Oe. ,
600 ACRES, 3 miles from Corvallis, on the
main highway, all level land, aod good and
very productive, having been in clover several
time recently. 230 acre now under cultiva
tion and practically all th balance could be
plowed. Fine fences of woven wire, good wells
and wind miU, large bouse, three barns, new
machine abed and garage. X10 aorea are In
crop, 10 acre wheat and clover, 80 acrea
wheat, cheat and barley. 49 acres rape and
clover. 80 acres newly seeded clover. Tbi place,
located as It ia, should be a bargain at $100 per
ere, but tbe present owner want to sell and
baa made a special price of $80 per acre if taken
soon: price include crop. Fait cash, easy
terms on the balance. - - -
MILLER WALTER. Corvania, Ox.
10 acre, all under cultivation; small build
ings; 4 mil from Oswego on gravel road; soil
A-l. Some bay for $2150; heU e-h. '
80 acrea; 31 acrea in oat, wheat and hay.
balance tine pasture; 4-toom houaev tip-to-date
bam 4080. eutlMUldlngi; family orchard; large
spring and well; on gravel road, 16 milea from
oourthouae. Only $4000, half cash. Crop in
worth 81200: immediate poseewfbo.
A. W, Lambert'& Son .
S. E. Cor. Grand av and E. Alder at. .
f Portland, Or.
80 acrea in cultivation, balance slashed and
seeded, all crop now in except corn; fine or
chard, living water in every field and pasture,
plenty of wood, iplendid waterpower from falls.
Auto road to door with telephone and B. F. 11.,
18 mile southeast of Lebanon, 8 milea to
Sweat Borne; large stack barn,, with water
Pipe4 to (tails for 20 head, alio, hone barn, hog
house, etc. Burrell milker, ensilage cutter, gas
oline engine and full set of farm machinery:
30 bead Jersey-Guernsey stock (26 eows and
heifer. 18 now in milk) 8 mares and 2-year-eld
colt. Price $10,000 for quick aale: win sell
without stock and equipment. Box 40, Koute
1 wtgrlo- Or.
$207600 WILL BUY my highly -improved "iH
acre farm located close to Eugene, 130 aire
cultivated and producing in wheat, oata and era.
Thia farm ia especially well -adapted' for grain
and stock purposes. Plenty of range and good
water, flood building, modern 8 room house,
all fenced, 17 bones.; 28 cattle, 20 sheep,
AO goats. 14 bogs, chiekens, turkeys and geese.
One binder, 1 mower,. 1 hayrack, 8 plow. 1
barrow, . 1 drill sceeder, 1 blackamitb outfit, 2
wagon,- 1 back, 1 buggy, a seta of harness,
plenty of good household furniture. If you
purchase now I will sell all this for $20,000
and will give term to suit Write Frank Snider,
Lorane, Or.. R. It. 1 .-.
Stocked and equipped, 102 acres. 60 acres in
cultivation.-crop all in, 8 acre bearing apples,
acre prunes, 40 acrea timber and pasture,
running water, 8 room house with fireplace, barn
60x60; other necessary outbuildings; 3 ft milea
to R. K. station; hi mile to store, school, church,
etc. One good team, 4 cow, all milking; 4 heif
er coming fresh. 6 sheep, one brood sow witb 0
pigs, some chickens, full set of farm tools and
implement, practically new. Price for every
thing, $10,500. $3000 cash, balance long time,
6eT Tni ood Hve 'snn and, a money
R. if. GATEWOOD lc CO., 165 4tb St.
Columbia river dike land. Why not buy
a home and start right! Will furnish you your
cows with a small payment down on the land
and you can pay the rest- every month a you
make it; no chance for you to lose. If you are
interested write or come and see me.
Clatakanie, Or.
Located on good road within 1 mile of As
toria highway and one of the best towns on
river; 80 acres in cultivation and-tetter than
869 acres good plow land; good bouse, barn and
other building. Ideal stock or dairy ranch. This
ia a genuine sacrifice sale and no use to talk to
U unless you have at least $7000 caMi, as only
money talks in this case; terms en balance.
913 Chamber. of Commerce.
STOCK farm bargain, 800 acres, 4 -milea from
good town In Yamhill Co., 46 en ilea from Port,
land on good auto road; about 100 acre of creek
bottom land, balance rolling and hill land; all
good soil, well watered, fairly well fenced ;60 aerea
in cultivation; lots of open pasture, some of at very
easily cleared; soma good timber. Buildings are
old. Riirht In tbe home of high class stock farms.
Price 850 pet acre and good terms. Neal Brown,'
i i ana ma mag.
40, acres, located 12 miles southeast of Sil
verton, on fair road, S-room bouse and some
outbuildings. 12 acres have been cultivated
and there is a lot of open pasture. About 5,000,
000 feet of fine saw timber. A aoori ahana nf
uu creea oowim tana, no rock. This place
can be bought for S9.40 Der acra on aaav t.rm.
jpHN E. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce
Land, containing 7 acre of genuine beaver
nam, z acre edge land, 3 acres of strawberry
land (second year crop), 8-roora house, onion
house, barn, also good water, hi. mile from
Oregon Electric depot, about 20 miles eouth
ei fortiana. Price SSBOQ.OO, hi cash, bal
ance term. : Raised $3000 worth of onion last
year, can seuwooa uaa or write P7 Journal.
70 acres, house, barn, running water, bearing
orchard, about 80 acres in cultivation, not far
from Amity, -Or. ; some timber; $5000, $800
down, balance 6 per cent or will cut in hi and
aeu to suit. x -
8 Chamber of Commerce.
83.16 acres. -all in enlHvatirm. Km mivl.n
R-room house, full size cement basement, wash
trays, toilet bath, new barn, chicken bouse, good
wail, city water piped to place; 1-3 crop goes
with place; 35 miles from Portland;, hi mile to
Pacific highway on good gravel road. Plica
ouv. terms, a. ttonq. Latayette. Or.
$100 DOWN. $12.80 MONTHLY!
PRICE 81600
111 acres logged-off land, well built 6 room
bungalow in Klickitat County. Wish.; logging
railroad runs right through tbe place; volcanic
ash soil; adapted principally to fruit raising.
Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open
evenings ana ounay.
Snap buy. 2 weeks only. 80 acres, 43 acrea
auaua. aounoance ot water. 10 acrea more can
be seeded to alfalfa; fair house and barn, berry
patch; county road; price $6500. $2000 cash;
stock ana tooia a reesonaDie price IT desired.
jonn rerguson, uerunger oiug.
11 ACRES. 6 cultivated, almost level, balanc
pasture; SO large oak trees; good jring. new
,.. n.n. . .- wi.mb. a i a wal
nut. 8 miles from Yamhill: 8 oows. 1 hnrae. 9
harnesses, wagon, buggy, farming tools; a. snap
u taaen oy Apru oo. ft. rx. xtyasr, fCOUte 10.
x, ramniii, trr.
On account of aickness, will seTI nfy 7 acre
farm, all clear and in crop; 6 room plastered
house, barn, chicken house, over 200 bearing
fruit trees, cloae to station and school, hi mile
to paved highway, 40 miles ride on 8. P. Elec
tric train, f. ennatenson, Cipole, Or.
FOR SALE 320 acres of Tillamook county
dairying rancu; 01 acres ol not torn land, near
ly all cleared :-rest in good arova of timber: nrioa
$5000, half cash, 'balance at ft per cent; lo
cated at Neskowin, Tillamook county. Or. Let
me near irom you. - Mam Bane. Neskowm. Or.
80 acrea in high state of cultivation, running
water, good orchard, rgnall fruits, 8 room house,
large barn, 12 miles from Portland, hi mile to
S. P. electric; price $10,000; hi cash. East
ion. .---
For sale. 155 acres. 32 aerea H Tear nM
prunes, 2 acres walnuts and other fruit, balance
high stats of cultivation: good buildinas. fencM.
road, etc.; bargain $25,000; hk cash; no
aceuua. r. . mn 100, uauas, or.
$15 PER acre. 160-acre mountain stock ranch
: . ... . . .hu, ..-limn, tuniUUH BQUM,
barn, team, tooia, large chicken house, hi mile
frnm vailmait town. XV ill a-. tn- Tsi
property. Harri. 510 Brooklyn st, Ssllwood
c. ...... ..... ... v. ,.
MUST sacrifice 60 acrea for $6000, or 251
- acres ot it for $2000, or will sell in lO area
tracts for $150 per acre; close to Woodbnrn;
good land for loganberries; it la fenced and cul-
uvaicu. x-tj i o, journal. -
SOS acres, near Roosevelt (Coast) highway
survey. ' Lincoln Co.." Orecon; fair ranch hniiH.
inga. Price $6500. Address 1578 . Glisaa st.
9 ACRES, good 7 room house, barn, family or
chard, all good land, just outride city limits
at McMinnville; price $2000: $500 cash, bal
ance easy terma. : 846 E. Washington st Phone
820 ACRES of good wheat land in Morrow
county, norm oi unnpoi; nouve. Darn, ma
chinery, fence and good water; $25 per acre;
some exchange or crop payment. 1 002 II. W.
. ..... n ... . , imuiuiu, vr.
324 ACRES, 150 in OTlOvation. balance open
m brush pasture: good buildings, orchard. 2 miles
from station.: All can be put in cultivation; aa
all round farm; price $60 per acre. See J. It,
iaws)il wiwiuvuvUi Va
32-ACRE farm, highly imnrovad : ' 1 S acta WL
' -verdam. in cuRlvation. A wonderful buy for
$3200; easy terms. "
C A. MARSTERS. 201 Wilcox Btdc - i
80 ACRES 14 miles from Tsneouver. Vah.;
. . . - -- vuii.miw., M( ,iiu
ontbnildings. will accept good bungalow aa part
IF you want a good dairy farm, in a good dairy
COUtttrv. Writs to er -eome nA
Tauey Real Estate agency, Cloverdale. Or. Bla
loek A Moore.
MY 40-ACRB ranch, 15 mils of1 city, phone
or vnw me ror tun details. .- woodlawn 6659.
1245 Gay "St V-- ' "': - .
111 ACRES near Champoeg. Or.;. mile from
m, acra, y-MAx. journal.
' . -.: ' . ..: -1 .. .- . " ...
AM now in Montana seeding wheat
Anyone interested in Montana land
. and wanting a free map of Montana
or price on my land here. I would
be pleased to take the matter up with
you. farther, either deeded lands or
homestead. Have 50,000 acres of
Montana land Beted at its very krweat
' price. Lots of moisture and a bumper
crop for Montana would mean that '
these lands will double in price in the
next 9 months. Have evolutive aale
of my land end my option, run to
January 1, 1920. Buy your Mod,
tana land through me; save the over,
head expense of large realty companies.
. Rudyard. Mont '
104 Acres $125 Per Acre
11 miles from Portland; 40 acres in cultiva
tion. 50 acrea in fine creek bottom; good 6
room house, bath, toilet barn and good out
buildings, fine orchard; lies fine;, creek; some
fine aah timber; 3 horses, new harness, wagon,
new. binder, aU farm tools, 2 oows. 8 hogs. 100
chickens, lots hay -everything goes; hi cash,
balance to suit at 6 1 interest
. -94 ACRES i
50 acres level bottom land, 85 acres in culti
vation, new 7 room house, large barn, ether out
buildings, good orchard, 1 team.- 1 cows (all
fresh) , 5 yearlings, 20 goats, 16 pigs, mower,
rake, plow, disc, harrow, 3 wagons, back, alt
farm tools and machinery, all crops and feed,
ali furniture; on rock road, i mile to school;
telephone; K. F. D. ; cream route; ' 300 sacks of
potatoes; everything goes for $8000, $6000 cash,
balance to suit
120 Acres, $85 Per. Acre
18 miles from Portland, 2 miles from Reed
ville, hi mile from electric line and Pacific high
way; 80 acres in Cultivation; about 2000 cords
of wood; fine creek; this place ia in tbe heart of
tbe Tualatin valley; $2500 cash, balance to auit
DAIRY, stock and wheat, iriua in ftouiu Central
Montana; bet loam soil, water and climatic
conditions excellent; in on at Montana' most
fertile valleys.
ri65 acres, nearly all 'in cultivation, good
building : some in spring wheat, soma alfalfa
and meadow hay land; 245 incres decreed water
ngl.t. I
- 320 acrea, part in spring wheat; running
water. -
640 acre wheat farm: over half cultivated,
pan in spring wueat. running water.
640 acre diversified farm, dairying, hog,
stock raising, hay and grain; running water; 85
acres in winter wheat.
Tnt i QOfta . n-.i -T1 fm-r.A . -.1 ! i 1
- " - " 1 1 '111 ..11. t . 1 , MltJljMII.- UUV, .
town, on H. It. Will fell all or 160 acrea or
more to suit, 920 to $75 per acre; easy terms.
Owner here, going to Montana soon to show
400 McKay bldg. Main 884; res, phone East
One of the best ranches i in Hood River, 82
acrea. HO . n Miltinfinn fM
which ia 'excellent sou. li acraa of standard
varieties oi apples and peaes In full bearing. 2
acres alfalfa, 2 acres timber, 17 acres can be
planted to alfalfa or strawberries. ; Tbis entire
place is under ditch with chean water: 82500
modern bungalow with running water and bath;
new tenant house: barn 24x3S. Pnina. 112 SOA
This place will immediately pay big. return on
4n.jiiif,n.til !
Most be sold at once, 160 acres, which brought
i,i,uuu a lew year ago; w can aeU lor $5,000.
iutaK tKt;i.K
Otir New Offices, 601-502 Spalding bldg.
DEEP thinking, far seeing men are now looking
to Mexico, th war being over and conditions
settled, anq are buying up fine agricultural lands.
They predict one nf the sTeateat Hand d,lnn.
ments in history will take place in Mexico. We
nave nca agricultural land,! deep soil, sufficient
rainfall for two crops a year; will grow most
anything, delightful climate, clwsp labor, splen
did transportation facilities. m tha Southern Pa
cific railroad and adjoining Oregon farmers who
uvwg were l arming ; tneir ' lands. tlur
prices are so a man can start farming on a large
acaie on mucn smaller capital than in thia coun-
u7 wnere people know land values. so your
uunamg now ana write x. a. Andsrson, troo
tmmwr oi tommercB building.
- 80 acre fruit ranch. -50! acres in Newtown.
Spitzenberg, Rome Beauties and King apples, be
sides u Anjou and Bartlett pear from 4 to 14
years old; 6-room plastered bungalow with bath
and toilet; cost" $1800. 2600-box apple house
and barn; located 8 miles from White Salmon,
Wash, Thia is not an abandoned, run down
place bnt sn up to date, well kept, paying fruit
ranch which is just now beginning to bear and
be a paying proposition. Place baa cost owner
y $21,000. We are authorised 'to sell it for
$14,000, $4000 cash, balance to snit pur
chaser. Fred W. German ; Co., 7S2 Chamber
of Commerce.
FOR SALE 80 acres, 6 miles from town, ahuilt
20 in cultivation, balance slashed and seuded.
2 good bouses but small, good large bam.
wsgon snea ana outbmidulgs. . tine family or?
chard and harries, hill soil fine for berries,
prunes, walnuts and all kinds of sxain and era&t.
Price $8000. Also 2M tcna Joining, small
noma, aooui a acres cultivated, sou per acre.
There are several fine springs cm both tract.
tor information write Geo4 G. Hancock. For
est t.rove. Or. t .
109 ACRES. DO under clow. 25 whtaL 4.1
clover, SO cheat. 18 wood and pasture, with
running water. 5 -room bnnealew. bath, crfcv
water, barn, outbuildings; rich, sandy loam, river
Douom sou. Adjoins city limits snd It. K. depot,
2 blocks to stores, school, located on Pacific
highway 20 mile of Portland;, hard surfaced
highway. Situated in rich farming district. 1919
crop will pay 1-3 of price asked. 816. BOO
$5000 cash, balance easy. Oscar Freytag, Glad
stone, ir. i i
60 acres under cultivation. 4 acres timber.
S acres orchard, balance pasture; fine soil, land
lay good;6-room house, good large barn; ,3
horses, 4 cows, all machinery and implements;
near Pacific highway, good locality. Price $9500;
wnu, nail caan.
913 Chamber of Commerce,
80 ACRES "
Highly Improved, situated in Clark Co., Wash..
1? milea north of Vancouver; must sell, too old
to farm longer; 60 acres under cultivation, stock,
all tools and crop, or naked place; cahh needed
$4000; price much lower i than Joining lands;
terms. For full information address me.' L. La.
Perdue, ftidgefield. Wash., i owner. :' ,f
FOR SALE 38 acre dairy farm, located half"
- way between Oakland and Ycncaila, right at
th station of Isadora and on Pacific highway,
which will' be paved this summer; this place is
well fenced and cross fenced, with good build
ings, a new $2000 bungalow built lat year;
price $6000. .For particulars -write C. L. Tos
tevin, Oakland. Or. . ..
80 ACRES, 2 hi mile west of Irving. 45 acres
in crop and balance in meadow land. Good
bungalow, barn and other! outibuildings, school
on place, on good rock road 2i minutes drive
from Eugene. Price $100 per acre or win take
email piece up to ijuuv in exenange.
318 Chamber of Commerce.
Cheap land, remarkably easy - terms; landseek
ers -excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary,
Alberta, Saturday, April 19: reduced rates. For
further particulars, see Canadian Pacific Railway
Co., 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. p. Thorn
ton, district representative,' v - v -
64 ACRES, 22 acres sn, cultivation. 5 room
house, good barn, 14 miles from Portland,
on good macadam road, plenty of frwit hi acre
of grapes, prunes, pears, eherries and apple:
land corner at electric atation; pries $3 TOO.
$1500 cash, balance to rait -at 6 per cent Co
lombia 898. 425 Allegheny st - r"
WILLAMETTE valley farm.! 100 acres,- hi mil
from Waconda; O. E. R. j lO miles from Sa
lem, 40 miles from Portland; 94 acre in culti
vation, good buildings, family ; orchard. Apply
owner. 822 Ross st. or Ward Russell on farm,
IS hi ACRES under cultivation. T hi a, bearing
prunes, family, "chard, ;3oou house, all out
buildings: 5 minutes to electric -car. Phone
Woodlawn 107 it
TWO farms near Toledo, Wash. Good roads;
near cheese factory. Orchards. Good practi
cal men will ba assisted. ..Easy terms. McAlpine,
Toledo. Wash. --' j . j
40 ACRES ia Washington 14 acrea -in eutiva-
tion, partly fenced. 2 miles- from electric line
and railroad; price $2250; term ts suit. See
Usher. 890 Fremont st, Fertlsnd. i ..
i , T
480-ACRE ranch en Pacific highway in East-
ern Oregon. AU tools and stock to work with.
Address Mrs. Marie Cole, WootUand. Wash, Etna
route. - -'-- -'. K. .
336 ACRE farm or hi. $100 per aere, improved
road, rail read, mail route. cream mita. nfaona
lines, near Dallas. Mary LeeL DaUas. Or.
FOR SALE Reasonable, 1 5 acre ranch, heuae,
barn, ehicken-hxiaae, orchard, berries. Inquire
1814 Esther a vc Vancouver, Wrash. " ": -
10-ACRE farm, modern building, on Oregon
Electric, $4500. Wolfrtein, .114 First
Main 6433. 6th and Washington.
800. acres in Crook county, Oregon, 6J0 in
eultivarion, 300 acre good pasture. AB fenced
and ere, fenced, watered by good well wHh
windmill, gasoline -engine and pump. Howe 1 6
x24. barn 50x60; blacksmith shop and well
house, chicken house and yard. With place goes
personal property consisting of S hones, yearling
col t,x wagon, three bottom gang plow, four sec
tion harrow, subsurface packer. 1 2 -foot disk har
row end n mall tool. Price $14,000, half cash,
balance long time at 6 per cent or will take
modem dwelling in Portland a 1st payment. If
dear. ..... N. '
840 acre fin lack loam soil oa the Cow
lits river in Lewis county. Washington. 200 acrea
in cultivation and in meadow. 80 acre alashed
and partly surface cleared, balance heavy tim
ber along tha river, easily logged ; all fenced and
cross fenced. Frame house, 2 good barns, milk
house, granary, chicken houses end meat houae;
8 good wells and several springs; right on navi
gation and S milea to railroad and live town ; on
It F. D,, telephone and milk rontea, - Price
$17,600. - Never offered, at -thia price before.
Owner very old and hi ill health; mutt aell.
60 aorea near Woodburn. all In high state of
cultivation: improved with house, barn and out
buildings: sU fenced: plenty good well water, hi
mile frem R. R. station en 8. P. and 1 hi miles
to station on Oregon Electric line; rust a tine
garden ; will raise onions or loganberries and of
fered tor $6OO0 on terms or will sell in 10 aere
tracts at $150 per acre on easy payment and
lew rata of interest :
SO acrea level land, 18 milea south of Tha
Dalles, near Friend. 180 mile from Portland;
25 acres cleared and in fine state of cultiva
tion, 40 acres slashed and partly surface cleared,
balance fin grove of timber in which is located
the buildings consisting of good 6 room house,
barn and outbuildings, 3 acre of 8 years old
apple trees, just coming into good bearing. Tbi
land raises com, potatoes, grain, fruit vegetable
of all kinds and is good loganberry land. Price
3000 with a payment f $1000 cash, balance
5 years at 6 hi per cent.
15 acrea, 12 acre in fruit and English wal
nuts. 3 acres fine grove where buildings are lo
cated : bouse 16x32; 8 mile from a nice town
tn the 8. I. R. R., about S6 miles from Port
land, on a good road. A nice home and a
moneymaker and offered for $6000 on terms, .
13 acres, 1 mile frotn good high school in a
good little town 30 miles from Portland on hard
surfaced road; improved with (mall house, fin
barn, -fences; well only 17 feet deep, all ce
mented np with pump in; concrete water trough
in barnyard. All kinds of. fruit . and berries. Land
in very pink of condition and eovared with a
heavy growth of green foliage, jurt ready to turn
nnder and plant to onions. Thi year' crop
should pay for it Offered at 2-3 of its value
and $G00 rash will handle, long time on balance.
8 4 aerea, 1 mile from Dundee, on the Wil
lamette river, having, a fine view; 'covered with
a fine growth of timber, in fact, timber enough
to pay for it. Will divide and sell half. Price
for all $1750; small cash payment Ukea it
27 acres rich black second bottom garden land
with 12 acrea in cultivation, balance eaxily put
linaer plow; tlvhx at the station on tnw rataceda
carline, ouly 27 miles from Portland. Will divide
and sell or sell all together-for $130 per acre
sxd give terms.
10 acres of fine garden land, 7 acre cleared
ana in cultivation, 4al. brush and soma stum pi;
mall 1 room shack. The land new in culti
vation in oats and vetch; nice condition to turn
under and seed to onions : only 1 hi mile frotn
station. Think of it, land in thia district and
only $17 per acre. This is a snap; worth
much more.
6 acres in the city limits, all cleared and under
cultivation; improved ' with 6 room house, barn,
cliiiqken houses, lets of cherries, prunes, grapes,
berries; a fine place for chickens, with plenty of
buildings for a home. : Price $8500. half cash.
2 acrea. best of garden land and all in high
state of cultivation: will raise anything, corn,
beans, tomatoes, melons, peanuts, loganberries;
a,U kinds of fruit; 23 fruit trees now in bearing;
d roonv nous witn large closets and pantry;
fenced and has iron gats; close to carline, on
to canare. price -fauoo.
6,132,000 feet of red fir on 160 acres of
lvnd. on oreik; good logging; will sell for 50c
per thousand stumpag; owner sick and broke;
n-urt sell; owner's loss your gain. If you want
tmber, sea tltis. Cruited by responsible parties.
896 acres. 250 In cultivation; abundance of
cntaide range goes with place: 60 head of hlch
grade milch cows fe elegant improvements snd only
la.aou trays this place; some terms; close to 4
cheese factories. -
Main 6433. 6th snd Washington.
20 acres in cult, 8 acres more tfflable. baL
good pasture; plenty of timber; fine trout
stream across' the place; also mill pond that
i fine for ducks, chicken, hog snd stock. This
is a sandy like loam soil, can t be beat. S room
house, old but fair. Good new barn and fam
ily fruit; 8 horses. 1- cow. brood sow, chickens,
in nur.r nl. nlna Ii.him. ..11 nn.... 4:...,
i - . v-, . . . v. , 1. 1 ,
wagon, buggy, harness. Look here, you cannot
buy an acre of land all around this for less than
SJOO an acre, in large plaeee and in a mall
place. U1I higher. This is owned by a widow
womanu She will sacrifice It for $4600. Every-
i"mg goes. i ney will ask you more for a good
IS or 20x acre place than we ask for this
plsoe. Terms. $2000 down. No trade. 'This
piace is at mew lira, a mile couth of OregonCity.
It is hi mile from th Pacific hlsh wav. rnckMi
road to tha highway and the highway ia all
psveu ia vregon city, cine potato and clover
land. "
" E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, .
Tth and Main t.. Oregon City, Or.
One 'of the Best Stock
. Ranches in Southern
Oregon -Situated
in Douglas County,
35 Miles East of Middle
Inquire of
65-67 Srxth St.", Portland, Or.
trays in Clackamas county. 30 acre, ali black
ricn sou. Two good dwelnngs. Z barns, 2 ga
rsges, 2 woodsheds, 2 amokehonses, 2 chicken
houses, 2 cellars. 1 large hop house, 4. well
with, pump, family orchards, berriea and 3
fine gardens. v First 'class fences' around this
farm. On rural mail .route Two telephones.
Six acres of firm beaver dam onion land. Suit
able for one 10 acra and one 20 acre farm.
Thia farm ia aU in cultivation, 4 miles south
Of Canby. on good macadam road; 1 hi milea to
public school ; 22 miles south of Portland.- Price
$6000; $4000 down,, balance on 2 years time
at 6 per annum. Com te Canby and phone
Ogleeby Brothers, owners. , No agents. Will
meet yon at Canby .with. Unto. Postoffica ad
dress. Aurora. Or.
Near tha junction of 2 highways, S m inn tee
walk from the station on the Bed Electric cars,
85 miles routhwest of Portland; river frontage,
18 acres full bearing finest quality peaches; 88
acre ail in crop and orchard, good farm improve
ments; team, farm implements, blacksmith shop
equipped with tools; ail included in the price of
ftVliO; $3000 cash, balana-ery easy terms W
mu year s crop agnost suratno return cash pay
ment to tha buyer by harvest time; Call 624
Henry bldg., or address boi 66,, Route 2, Mo
Buy irrigable- land of canal company at about
cost of developing water ($85 per acre). , Pay
$200 to $250 cash, balance runs 11 years at 6
per cent or buy irrigated land all in alfalfa
now at $90 per acre. Pay $360 cash on 40
acres, balance on long easy terms. Take off
$2000 to $3000 this rammer and every ram
mer. ' Only , small capital required- Beautiful
district,' fine climate, tremendous development
Bee G. 8. EHLE. 614 8 wetland bldg.
1 820 acre homestead, 14 miles "from Bend,
mOe to store and postof flee, good house and
barn, partly , fenced, irrigation canal through
place, 10 acrea sub-irrigated, 40 can be irri
gated,. 20 tillable, balanc - pasture: team,
wagoov- harness, buggy and all farm imple
ments; prico t750 for ruick sale. See1
TWENTY ACRES near Forest Grove, 19 in
. eultrratkm, family orchard, good bouse, barn,
2 cows, 2 horses. aS machinery, crops all in;
price $5000, $3000 cash,. Apply 732 Pattern
road,-city. - i-.-.i . '-. :-.'?. ':
1U afifML ' - jmltiwsi-Mt Mel H...U.M
nous, barn, other- buildings, orchard, berriaa:
82000 easy term. 804 Spalding bldg.
FOtt SALE S -acre near Keedsville. ' mile
: from station, all Improved, small house and
barn, srtrina: creek, on miia biaharav. PHmm
East 419. .,:...,..-:--.". :. ..".
111 MM
..Si.j-." 1,-. .
- - i
4000 acre of Irrigated voleanio ash
oil. with fully paid water rights. Lo
cated 189 mi. east of Portland on
mala Una of Union Pacif ic system, sear
. Pro
prosperous town with good . high
schools, church, stores, banks, cheese
tories, eras merles, etc.
Farmers on-" this project ar pro
ducing S to.JO tens of alfalfa par
acre and other crop In proportion, and
owing to climatic
sditiona this pro j
growing season of
act haa tha longest
any Irrigated section in either Oregon
or Washington.' .
Terms $25 par acra cash, balance
over term of 10 years at 6 per cent
CsO at office and see actual photo
graph or write for particulars.
3d and Main Sts.,
Vancouver, Wash,
2160 acre wheat and ranch land, 10 miles
southeast Grass Range, Mont, 40 milea from
Lewiston. Mont; 1000 acres plow land, 000 now
in wheat and summer fallow; two good seta
buildings; price $69,120; incumbrance $14,000,
8 and 4 years. 7 j per eent Will trade for
farm west of Cascades, Oregon or Washington,
can add $81,800 good paper on adjoining 900
acres, same aa cash; 40 head horses snd 150 cat
tle at market price. This place will bear in
vestigation. Owner now in Portland is old and
ant milder climate; his two sons now on
402 Stock Exchange bldg.
acres A-l land, Tillamook Co.. 2 hi
mUes from railroad, close "to county road, neigh
bors, school, logging , camps and small tewnt
6 acres cleared, 10 acres partly cleared; 80 acres
easily cleared; some bottom land, some timber;
worth more than asking for land; small bouse,
good barn, some berry vines, some farm im
plements. 100 quart fruit; some stock; 2 good
fish streams on land. Price $1200 cash if sold
9X4 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
bV ACHES, 27 miles from Portland, in best part
of Clark Co., Wash., 4 hi milea from rail and
5Te'trnsporttlon on rood road, 1 hi miles from
Paeifio highwty. Beat of soil and lie ideal; fairly
well fenced, water piped to house; 65 acre in
cultivation. 80 acres in crop, more ready for seed,
log; about 2 acres of fin orchard, good 7 room
plsstered house, lsrge roomy barn and other out
buildings.. Price $11,500, with all crop, stock snd
farm implements. This include 7 good cows. Pos
session at once. Hav smaller farm in cam local
ity, highly improved. Come and investigate.
Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg.
640 ACRES, located in Linn county. Or. 1 hi
miiea from i,ddyville; about 600 acres of
DP.B una, in. ia-i, an ot it easily cleared.
There are no rocks or gravel, all eood black
loamy soil; it would make excellent - stock or
dairy farm. Will 'trade for suburban or city
property at g value of $16 per acre,, or will
sell on easy terms. If von ara lnnlrin fn
stock or dairy farm you cannot beat this one at
BQ3-S stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676
60 ACRES, 85 "acres in cultivation, balance
Pasture and timber; good 6-room house; barn;
other buildings; 2 acre family orchard, well and
fin creek; K. F. D. telephone; close to school
and church; all practically level; crushed rock
road: 4 mile to good town, boat and rati
transportation ; 23 miles from Portland; some
cash; terms to suit Inquire owner, 4127
67th St 8. E.. Portland. Ore.
8 7 ACRES. . half - in cultivation, more nearly
cleared, good spring and well, bearing or
chard and small fruit fine 8 room bouse (cost
$500), barn, garage, etc.; farm machinery and
mall tool, poultry and horse; between two
schools, daily mail at door, telephone in house,
neighbors, loin 1000 acre free, outrange. 3
miles good town, 12 daily passenger trains snd
boat landing, only 2 hours from Portland; $3700,
teims. Bos 9T, Catlerock, Wash.
enme with me to Central Oregon. bomaof the
big bnnchgraas, and homestead 640 acres of
good, fertile land near line of new Strahom rail
way now building. Call if possible, or write for
illustrated circular describing atock and grain
raising homesteads of Central Oregon.
64 acre of rich alder bottom land jnst out
side city limits, between Seaside and Gearhart
About two thirds cleared, balanc small iWtr,
Thi is a very fine little dairy or truck farm.
Excellent loganberry land. Near union high and
grammar school No buildings but good site.
Fine road; $123 per acre, some terms. Writ
or call en owner, J. E. Oates. Seaside, Or.
, It you know how to run a farm and yon have
a few dollar and yon are large enough to
nanaia a good larm. wnere you can make
money ana oe inaepeaaent. coma tn a:
pit, a anama oiag.
FOR SALE Beautiful 82 acre farm, every, bit
improved; a fine, modern 10 room house; ga
rage, largo barn, near Portland limits; will aell
12 acres or alL This is something fine: all
Planted with crop. Come and look at it
Some orchard: facing on the Section Line mad,
corner of Barker road, across from school. Fin
for stock or chickens; fine oiL Tabor 8937.
Between Powell Valley and Base Line roads.
657 acre, all ia cultivation, 2 milea from
Palotm river; 425 acres in wheat; buyer get
one third of crop delivered in warehouse; good
bMgv.a plenty water. Price $59 per acre, about
$12,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent.
HERMAN PEPEB, 607 Buchanan bldg.
a-none aaain 91 7 o.
140 ACRK8 prone land. 6 hi milea Dallas. 1 hi
FnUs City, hi mile school, some cleared, 16 hi
acres 2-year-old prunes, 1 hi acres old family
orchard, balance good - saw timber. 1 mile to
mill ; new bouse and large barn, running and
spring water; easy terms. C. f. Gerlinger, 11
laa. Or. ' . .- -- j- - ... -;
. 8 hi , acres located .at Greenberg on the Ore
gon Electric, 9 miles out all in -cultivation, 4
room house, barn and 43 fruit trees in bearing.
Price only $2500 and $500 will handle.
JOHN E. HOWARD, 31 Chamber of Commerce
296-ACKE stock ranch 8 mile from Marthfield,
- Coos county, under cultivation ; house, barn and
orchard. Has fine outrange. Now lewwd 3400
per year. . Pries $12,000 or would exchange for
other property. -r i -
818 Chamber, of Commerce. -i
86 ACRES near Newberg, acres bearing
pranee, 11 acres ' wheat, 9 . acres oats- and
vetch, 6 acres spring oata. 4 oak timber, good
house and bam. garage, all livestock anil ma
chinery; pries $5500. $3000 cash.. Apply 732
re tton roao, city. . . - . , - .
10 ACRES, -all in cultivation, 3 mils from
courthouse: 5 room house, ether buildings,
good well. 100 bearing prune treee, other fruit.
Price $2500; good terma, E. E, Teeple, 205
7 tt st, Oregon Cr ,
real estate '
- Tor bale farms ', 17
"' ' rtliaele" investmentcol ' '
309 OAK. Bf. BROADWAY 4188.
4 5 acre ready for cultivation; good --large
barn;. 5.000.000 feet first elara Umber: only
60 milea from Portland and 6 milea from good
town en good road. Thia will make aa ideal
lock ranch as there- is a good creek running
clear through the place; 7 good springs oi tbe
place; soil is first class. This is the biggest
buy of tbe yer. Any reasonable term.. I -and
in thia -vicinity selHng for $50 and up. Harry
at you want it.
TO acres, only 4U mile from Portland and
right on the edge of - good town i hi mil to R.
K. depot and boat laadmg, hi mil to school
and high school; aboat 86 seres in cultivatiou,
balanc seeded to pasture; aU fenesd and cross
fenced; small farm house sud very larg barn
and other -outbuildings, rich soil, fine spring
that will furnish water for household use and
100 head of stock; fine large team of mere,
harness, wagon, hack, harrow, mowing machtn.
hay. rake, etc. ; 9 good milch cow and 1 bull.
Price only $10,000; $2500 cash and reasonable
terms; would accept good late modal auto for
part . f . : . .
. - . .. . 10H ACRES "-'
. T acres cleared and in growing crop, balance,
in -pasture and woods; good soil, no rock or
gravel ; good spring, small 1 armhou. 1 hi mile
of electric lin, good town; going , with thi is
a cook stove, heating stove,- bed, cooking uten
sils, crosscut saw and other tools. Pries only
11600 on terms. This tract is close to Portland.
ALFALFA WIN'S. - .- -. '
- 473 acres fine aoll; a paid up wster right; aU
under cultivation; 23 acres now in cultivation,
balanc used for raising grain, Thia ia close
to government out-range; . 4 room house, good
barn and other outbuilding. Price only $68.60
per acre. Will take in trade up to $15,000
in Medford, Ashland or- Portland property. Tbi
is one of the biggest bargains lor a genuine
atock ranch in the Northwest
27 acre. 1 8 . aorea bottom land planted B
acre to Newtown apples, 1 1 H aore in Bart
tt pear,- o h acres of VAniou Pear, all ia
bearing; 11 acres upland, good sou for alfslfa
or fruit. Located in the- famous Rosrue river
(valley. Ihi milea from -railroad tation.i Tli
Pacifio highway, wlacn la to be paved tltar
cummer, pa by the place. Tbi ia a chance
to get a fine bom in a fine -climate. There ia
fine hunting and fishing' within 1 mile of the
place. rice tlou an acre; good terms.
JS09 Oak st Broadway 4188.
Highly improved 1R " ' good buildings.
cows, chickens, some implements and tools; close
to station oa. main railway line between Portland,
Taeom and Jseattle; price $3000, good terma.
x- -Highly
improved 20 acre, good buildings,
cows, horses, pigs, thickens, family orchard and
perries; an xinus ot implements ana tooui; an
county, road end 1 hi tribes from electric station
price $3260. good tarmeX;
82 hi . acres ; on upper Columbia,
2 mile front
railroad and
station, "oiumbia . river nlghwi
county road go through Place:
gildings, cows.
horses, pigs, chickens, impleraenl
. and tools;
all for $3300, good terms.
T7 aCres, 6 miles from Oregon City, on good
road: good buiMinea. water nloed to hotiaev and
barn; 10 cows. 4 heifers, 1 anlf, 2 horses, pigs, I
chickens, family orchard, implements and tooUi i
49 acres. 40 acras in cultivation, good
6-room 1 -story house, barn and other outbuild
ings; ail year running creek: family orchard and
berries; phone tu lumse; some stock, chickens.
hor&es. implements and tools; close to 3 towns
in Benton eonnty and on good road; price
touuo, terms fouuy cash.
64 acres, 82 seres cultivated; good house and
outbuildings, cows, horses, pigs, farming Imple
ments and tools; a. very nice all year running
creek and Columbia. River highway go through
place; 1 sails to public and high school, 1 mile.
to railroad and Columbia river and IS mites to
Astoria, the coming New York of tbe West;
pnee gTVOO, terms.
Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg.
25' acres In cult. 6 acra In Umber. baL
All level land net bard to clear and all ia pas
ture at present, fin larg barn, cow stable for
16 cows, large horse barn and. hay barn. 6 room
nonse and eutnmies, all klnda of fruit, 3 horses,
1 cow, 2- hogs, chickens, plows, manure spreader.
cuit.,. z wagons, buggy, harness, manure carrier
from the barn, cream separator, milk pains, hi
interest .'in mower and rake, disc, roller, small
tools; 1 mils to' school. This bss living water
snd 2 good wells; a fine dairy ranch; the land
is in fine shape; has been from 10-to 20 head
of cattle en it all tbe time and all tbe manor
haa been put on tbe ground: 7 miles of Oregon
City, 1 hi mile to electric line. Here is a bar
gain ; land all around this sails -from $150 to
$200 an acre; owing -to th owner's tick wife
he is compelled to sacrifice" it at once for a
sale: price $5500, $3500 down, baL 10 years
at 5ft; no trade.
Tth nd Mln st,. Oregon City. Or.
- 80 acre. 27 acrea in cultivation, 18 acres In
bea verdam, 5 . room bouse, large barn, onion
house, machine; abed, family . orchard.. lot of
small fruit 1 mile from streetcar, 7 tune from
Vancouver. Price $7000. would take 6 room
residence in Portland or Vancouver. Thi place
vnu produce enough to pay lor itself la years.
Death of husband reason for selling.
SO acre on Pacific highway, 8 hi mile from
Vancouver, ft room bungalow, new barn, 1 5
acrea cleared, all "fenced. A good Investment
Price $10O per acre -
120 acres, - 12 mile rfom Vancouver ; logged
off land, best ef soil, lays good, price for clean
ing up $30 per acre,
611 Washington st,, Vsnconver. Wash.
" good rARMsvATijEingiclif
10. acres, 6 under cultivation, barn, S room
house, 2 good wells, family orchard, 1 horse,
buggy,, wagon, thi miles from this city; price
194 acre, all under cultivation. 6 room
house, barn 30x50, family orcbard, good water,
team, 1 cow, few chickens, some (arm imple
ment; about 12 miiea from Oregon City; price
$4150. f .
48 afires. 40 under cultivation, fine orchard,
7 toon bouse, barn 80x40. spring and well; 4
mile from this city; price $8500. ,
All these farms are on good roads, close to
schooU.and transportation point. -
Eighth and Main Sts. " -Oregon City. Or.
- $14,200 will buy a fully equipped farnTYt
Bearerton; n-li. well tilled beav.rdaa land; good
buildings. The present owner will guarantee
with a bond that the net income for tbis year
will be 840OO.,rtt ha paid for the past 10
years over $4000 a year net. Remember, thU
im above living expenses. An enterprising man
can make 100 per cent per year on this invest
ment. Th business is already there. . Present
owner retiring on account of age, but will gir
a year a service free to purchaser. See
" -: To Buy Your Home '
i - Abington hldg. Main 1968. Main 8156. 1
.jure ctpen lavenings and Sundays
iCKESri-wns oulttvatedT
ebjared, 2,000.000 ft. fir and eedar, spring
Jrook, box houses r near school, on main rood,
6 hi milea from R. R;; a snap for 82600, terms.
x'i0!!ZTeA ?-oreX ta tivatlou, spring brook.
600,000 ft fir. 3 room frame house, small
barn, Zhi milea from B. R, etatlon, on main
road. 20 miles to Portland, $1600; cash $230.
balance easy terms. - - ,
. Ji-fP". 1 .?oiI on R. R. and main road
to Portland, 15 miles to Portland; complete set
of buildings and fruit If looking for a small
home, don't fell to see this before buying:
Price $3000. $10fX cash, balance term .
m. oiboh, im iui n., Mregon city. Or.
40 ACRES irrigated farm, wartially iroprovod.
. . r".7Zv T , price' gzaow;
8100O down, balance terma; 13 acres cleared
and cultivated. . balance ean be cleared . easily.
This anap buy, including , team, harness and
wagon, . plongh, cultivator, stump machine, 4
cows, 2 coming fresh soon, some chickens, 8
mom box bouse, barn for 4 head of cattle; ple
aU - fenced. Thia .place at above pries -for fwe
weeks only. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg.
: 80 acres, all A No. 1 soil, 15 mile southeast
of Portland; 50 acres cultivated and mostly seed
ed to grain; balanc open; fruit JO rorgn house,
frame barn, buildings aU new; spring brook, aU
implements, some, stock. $12,300, cash $2300
balance long time, 4 per cent. '
- F. B. MADISON. . :
216 Tth it.. Oregon Cfty, Or.
FOR SALE One acre, with 7 room house.
barn, chicken run,. about in strawberries
and young orchard and ether fruits, alt plowed
and planted, block from Firland station,
sidewalk in; price $8000. $800 down. Call at
Winters, 3018 724 st Phona Tabor
. . 4 ACRES
' ' ' .' $140O
3 acres bearing orchard, 1 acre garden, 8 rrim
bouse, city water, good school, town -of 1000 1
$400 will handjgh . $-52 & 424 gt, Pboc.
Tbor 8389. ' "TT
BY ovmar,75r acre. 26 , andev plow, bslsne
pasture and timber; boom, barn, Uo. orso
ard. telepbona. , K. ft. IXj stock and machinery.
Five mile from YsmhilL $4000 cash or term
to sett. HX-4 18. Journal,
FARM for sal by owner 22 acre, 35 in cuV
tivation; all fall seeded; good buildings; some
farm tools, all for $6000. $2000 cash. I will
take some good lota, balance to suit.,' Pbooe
labor 7351 or call at 8ST .fcaat 6U rf.
BKAl etatb
Salt 614. Swetlaad Bldg,
$23,000 94 H acres. 12 mile southeast frow
in-onter of Portland, af 7 Vfc mile
from the city I tutta, and about 4
i . mil south of Sycamore station
. tli Estscada line, with good reck
road and bard surfaced road all tha
way to th city; 6U acrea nader cutti- -.
vation ami about 10 mar acra easily
cleared; 81 aere of fall wheat on tlie
- place, which is all np and promise to
make a good crop; th Improvement
consist of a fairly good A room bouae,
2 barn, one 64s74, the other 24g
40; plenty . of outbnikitngst . enouub
farm snachtnery to easily - operate
' place; barrow, dice, harrow, binder,
mower, hay.rak. stump j puller, lime
sower, fanning mm, potata planter and
i tiler maelunary, stock eonelsta of 3
horse. 3 cow. 2 pigs, 89 alieep, 9
spring lamb and about 160 chickens, .
. Everything goes witb Place except
". household furniture, Thi farm i i .
' nicely located and would make a dandy
dairy farm, aa R baa running waur
ami enough building tn tak care
ef tha Mock. Terms on this plca
$10,600 92 H acres, knproved fanrt mil
i . beyond Lewis ville and 3 hi miles from
llattl Ground, Clark oeu'nty. Wash'
; inglon. From 60 to. 60 sere under
y . : eulUvstloa: S'aare of good prunes -.
I - sod good family orchard, balenew i
paatnr and timber; good larg hons
i of 8 rooms, large barn, ; prune dryer
I - and plenty of ontbuikllngs; soma -tools
go with this plsce; land Is gond.g .
I : evl. black soil; 2 well, and a crk
j furnish plenty of water. r
I8,863 08 acre mf fond virgin soil, 4
miles soutueaH of snarwood. w n- ,
iugton county, Oregon. Fram hotwa -
ef T rooms, good barn 60x70; both
wU and apring water on place: about
30 acre in cultivation 7 aerea ef
extra fine Italian prunes; com fgrsa
macbinary. Must be gold at onc.j
$9,50081 acres Improved, 2 H mO north.
est of Bsttle Ground, Clark eouaty,
Washington, on Yacolt road; 80 acres
under cultivation, with fcropa all i In .
i 10 acre to pasture, 41 acres to - -ond
growth fir timber: family orchard
and soma berries: good 9 room house,
2 barn, one 80x60, th other tg
80; fair ahdt and other outbuild-
ing: equipment consist. of good kar
nea. wagon, hack, plow; harrow nnd -rske,
2 milch eows, T betfrc' 4
caw, 2 horse. 1 boar. Will trad for
smaller piec of land up tu $200 per
acre; prefer xbrf.
li nr Oa
8.400 T aore nnluprovcd." nar Oak
, orev. Clackamas county. Oregon:
only improvement sre a 9 room frame
house; gn extra fin piece ot land,
close n, and must be sold at one.
$1,230 56 H acres, improved Ifarm at Wc-
leay sutlon on th B. P. K. U.? T
mile southeast ot balvm, Marion
county, Oregon,. Good 6 room bouse;
good medium lised brn plaoa 1
fenced with woven wire ; . 4 fj acres un
der cultivation and a family orchard I
water supply . 1 from . wells only 8
blocks from school, Ineumbrsucs of
$3000 at 8H per cent for-8 rears.
Will trad equity for small tugca or
house clear of ocukubrao.. U
-88 acres, wall impreved farm,
miles frcan Lebanon and 1 hi mil
t front Waterloo. Linn county, Oregon ;
40 acres under cultivation and 10
more nearly ready for cultivation .-'Soil :
is red, mellow, productive snd just oil
ing enoughto drain wall over Soil
acres of roadlsnd ad ulna tha pasture
of 48 acres, which con 1 4 be used: fog
gracing ; 2 bams, on 38x40, th bth
er 1bx24; larg chicken house, 8
brooder, goat shells, hog sheds, wood.
sheds, etc.. fin 8 room brunaalow with
t bath, toilet etc. ; kitchen: baa all built,
in conveniens: 3 or mora aere in
i .orchard of apples, pears. and cherries;
A acre of loganberries, . blaekbwrie
and grapes; soms timber. Thi a
fine proposition for a dairy, caul nd
hp ranch, as ther is plenty af f rae
range. Mortgage of -$2230 at Oiper
i cent- Will trad equity tut food sfcsil
:" ' twct ; ; ::-:!iX-jftt-,K'l
$6,000 40 acres, irnnroved farm, tnfle
. cast of Springdale, on Columbia high
way, all fenced with wire fence,: 1 3
acrsa under cultivation jand th bal
, ance can b cultivated; ifslr imp rove--msnts,
.consisting of Cj room heuae,
barn and outbuildings ; : good young
twa ring ' family orchard,, sins 11 spring
stream; incumbrance of $2600 at o
cant for 8 years. Wsnt Ceatrsl
Orgon land near Bend. 'city Property
or small business for aquity. Will as
am sn equal amount on property a
business, - , . j j
8,600 SO acre, nnimprovsd ifarm,i on Pa
eifio highway, 2 hi tail from Ilklse
tiekl, Clark county, ! Washington.
! I'lac I fenced with woven wire, at ea
mail rout and phon list; 10 nor
undr cultivation and 20 acre in pas
ture; $1200 down and the balance oa
easy term at 4 pet cant, . i
83,00024 acras, nnimprored farm, 1 bill
south of Orchard. . Clark county,
. Wsabfngton; ou graveled' read I 7 acres
in cultivation last year, balance, all
good level land; good ofl and all till
able; place ha about 1000 eordg of
wood on it j , l
$3,000 20 H acres, improved farm, ?4 gsfla
from Oregon Electric and S, P. R. B.
in Marion county, Oregon; all ubrlcr
cultivation with most of the crops in;
ha fair building and ai small family
orchard. - This place is sltnsted on
good county road. $1800 down sod
Ui aalanca en easy term.
2,26010 acres, improved, i mil Jrors)
. Brush Prairi. Clark oounty, Wash
ington; 6 aeres in cultivation, acra
- in orchard, eonaisting tot 40 trees
small patch ef barriss; ' place erawtea
by fin trout stream known as Kal
' men creek; good frame house of 6
rooms; good frame barn, fair chicken
house and
bog house;
spring water
on place.
Pe Mr. Wells, with
nimmn invurv vvrv
Suite 61 Swctland bldg. Marshall iBSt,
Tftn Wtrj. TIAVE TO MllfittT
To get thia, the biggest and basti bargain hftt
offered in good farm. It consists kmT 448 sere, -on
good auto road about 8 mile from Hoae
burg. Good 1 room house with brick founds
tion, outbuilding, fsmily orchard, nil year run
Ding eraek., and about 265 acre cultivated,
drenmstanca hav caused th : nnheard of re
duction in price whiuh sow it only 8,000,
and at that with gome terms. It la a gmulne
bargain,, goon buy and safe investment.
Una np at once. , I
E. A, MXPOSElf . 1
" Savos Land Co., 936 N. W. Bank Bldg,
OMB PLACE Ati'D A'aiO.Vlif U11L$
28 hi acres. aU in cultivation and crop, s fin
aoH. good -Tt room bouse, large bam," orchard
and running stream, ell csceaMry oulbtiil'hnsa,
garage, eto., 6 fine eows, teem, wagon, barn,
cream separator, all tools and machinery . hoes, '
chicken and all honae hold furniture ; located
right in good town with high school, store, bank,
railroad, etc., only 20 mile from Portland; price
for everything 87000 or will take $550f for
place, $2600 cash. Thompson, Swan A Thprnv
son. Third and Main st., Vancouver. Wlh.
240' ACRES of lugged offlajd, iy ia atTTg
burn; a little rolling, good, large ereek
tun through place; good fishing,! hunting . and
a fine place for summer home; lot of outrange
back of place; a good stock ranch proposition, '
ia Clarke eouaty. 25 mile northeast of Vans
eonver. Wash.. mile from sidetrack sud sta
tion, price for limited time, $16 per acre
318 Korfliwestem Bsnk Bklg. -
80 ACRE irrigated farm. Central Oregon, 'par
. tlally improved. 20 acres in crop, some al
falfa, 0 acres can be cultivated. 4 room )mu,
water piped from s5 barrel eenerete eistern to
house and barnyards, small garage, ebicksu nous,
barn and hunk bouse, ail fenced and cross feaced,
deep' asndy loara soil, fin alfalfa, potato or
garden land. Till place fully improved, aasflf
worth $8000.' For a quick sala. $8000, - half
eaah, balance terms. :i John Ferguson, Gerlmger
bldg. ;
FOR 8AI E Farm. 82 hi acre, well improved,
2 hi mile of good town; would take good
heuae on Hawthorne are. or close in. terma en
balance. See owner, Lula Tamblya, 145 Grand
av. N., Bungalow apartment. ;
hi acre, 6 room houaa and barn, water tank;
etc, near city car line f price $4800, or wlil
II 2 acres. 40 fruit trees, grapes, berries; front
owner: some terms. H-240. Journal.
Near Portland. . all cultivated; sacrifice for
euick sale: mirhf exehanr for city property.
Owner. 171 13Ut at, AUiB 9451. . . ,