G THE OHE G Oil ' SUNDAY JOURNAL POET LAND, SUNDAY I.IOIUJII.G, APRIL IS, 1910. Cop Is Blamed4 for Loss of Man's Teth Chlca, April 12. (I. N. S.V All the things that hve ben gld about cop : per and detective "go" with J. B. Vaughn, who was an unwilling g-uest at Central station on a chargeerf TCnorderly conduct. Vavg-hn lost . his teeth , wm placet between the scene of his arrest and Central station. lie accused every noLlceman in the station of taking his teeth. . They all had perfect alibis 'perfect teeth. And when Vaughn ap peared In court the next day he was toothless, but "mad enough to bite." , Pig Sold for S35 Later Brings $3500 , Taylorville, IU. April 12. I. IS. -) llayor Scott bought a Poland China pig- several months ago. After the ani mal, fattened he sold It for $75 and was glad to get the price. 'But- he heard with envy shortly afterward that the pig, with a fancy name of "Booster Prince" attached to It, sold at Swine land. I nd.. for-13500. . ' . "Where to Get It" PHONE BROADWAY 18 FOB .; eEIUCe,,PEAC0CK', " -G (3"A 1 : ... Standard Brick & Tile Co. 8 FIFTH STREET - We Have a Col to Suit Every Mead, KEMMFRERand i ROCK SPRINGS COAL THE CLEANEST AND BEST BUBNINU GOALS. PBICKS REASONABLE. 1-CtWSTAL ICE a STOBAGE-i But 144 B-1244. ; C0RDW00D FIRST r.BOWTH. CAM. EAST 8166. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Order your tumnel slabwood bow. itn 5 per cent, Etrt 2041. if KW TODAT West Side Corner Everett and Ella Ideal City Home $22,000 Modern! ; First Glass Repair I - A HOME BUY . AN INVESTMENT TOR APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT PHONE MAIN 7738 mm ,h ir $2400 Modern home. rooms. 2 blocks from- car, concrete walk. Pay $1200 down. $15 per month with 6 Interest, or 6 discount' for cash on balance. Owner, 4047 65th St S. E. -... IS THIS A BARGAIN? 10 lots at 300 each... .$3,000 4 full concrete foundations and basements at $200 each 800 1 old 7 room house 1,000 1 old 5 room house,'. 800 1 5-room cottage .................. 00 Total $8,200 I'r)ce ........... ........i 3.750 Trofit as soon ns. you cet your papers ...........,...' ...$2,450 This property Is located In Portsmouth and an inspection will convince you that we have been conservative In the fiirures quoted above. Owner is non-resident and is desirous of cleaning up his Port land holiilne-n Mnlf nouh k.i.. you like It. Fred W.. German Co, 732 - " NORTHWEST RUG COMPANY FORMER ADDRESS 13 UNION AVR New Rugs made from all kind bt eld earpets. Carpet Cleaninc, Ketlttlns. it. . ,rJaU Orders Solicited. EAST S6u ! & i'u P-UH tMPBOTED CA3TABIAIT TABXS Where fat cattle and No. X hard wheat are produced at lowest cost. v. fl TO 40 AN ACfiB J . Kasj Terms farm homes or investment. . Write to or call on TWITE i) ORAH ORO WEES' SCVBITIS CO, LTD. 624 Uenry Building- - The Famous Castle Gate Coal ECONOMY FUEL CO. MIKE AGE2ITS T . . E. 314 B-S343 - SI 6BA3TS " Dry Cord wood Country Slabwood Portland Slabwood Co. :ia 3119 " ; A7C01 HBVT TODAY To Glose Out No.l. 19TH ST., NEAR WASHINGTON. . lOOx ,100 corner. - One of the . very fine a p a r t m e ni t house - sites in Portlan Our price assessor's value $21,633. - . I No. 2. NEAR MORRISON AND BROADWAY. Corner 50x100. Absolute ly one of the finest hotel sites in the city. This property should . h ave " great prospective value Our price assessor's valf ue $43,933. No. 3. NORTH PORTLAND (WEST. SIDE). Ware house or factory site. One block w i t h trackage. - . Price $25,000. We solicit your investigation as to the merits of these properties.- v'.;:; ; ' K i y'f:: j ' Will sell either one or all on most attractive terms to respon sible purchasers. Inside Property Dealers j Ground Floor, Henry Building Warehouse Trackage $18,000 Sullivan's Gulch Bide-, with sidetracks; very suitable for factory or building; ma terial concern ;- 200 ft. frontage on level paved street. '- f - . j . RITTER, LOWE & GO. 201-7 Board of'Trade Bid;. - To Phonograph and Record Buyers, Mall Order and Local : I charge no post age or freight. Send me your orders.. I will prepay all. charges; Insure your package. Ask for new catalogue of late records. Large stock of Swiss records. April Records Now In.' EMIt GEMRINO, I 720 Milwaukie St. Phone Sellwood 3227. 100x160 4-RoQm House In good condition; 6 large walnut trees, cherries and other fruit; good- garage. Take a look at this today. 15541 Taylor street- Street Improvements all paldu Wakefield, Fries Co.i 5 4th St. Main 14, . -.- 611-613 5th Street 2 6-Room Cottages Lot 50x100. " This walking dUtancS to tha center of town. Price $5000. j Wakefield, Fries Col, Main 14. 85 4th St. MR. SPECULATOR No argument needed her. Absolutely the best buy In the city. S 1-3 acres of cleared land. In heart of city, f acinar on carUne. 33000 buys It. If you want a chance at this,- you . must act quick. Worth more than double. J. R. WOLFF. 228 Henrr Bid. - Estate 'I t - AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION : HOUSE . 169-171 SEGOND ST. ' ' . 1 NEAR YAMHILL , : MONDAY, WEDNES - .DAY, FRIDAY ' AT 10 A, M. mtIk lL room MONDAY AT 10 A. M. ln54toIWO.DpjINO TABLE aJJ? rlf111 Sideboard. Rockers, Arm Chairs, Couches, center Tables. Pictures, BRASS AND IRON BEDS. Springs. Mattresses. Pillows, Sheets oWARoitf.SSMAV BED, CARPETS, RUGS. STEEL RANGE. GAS RANGE, Heating Stoves and other numerous lots. Sale sharp at lw A. M .. . WEDNESDAY and - FRIDAY we sell mgaln at 10 A. M. PRIVATE SALE DE PARTMENT IF YOU " APPRECIATE VALUKS Ith STYLK and QUALITY IN CLUDED, we respectfully invite you to call and look over the CHOICE COL LECTION of UP-TO-DATE GOODS we have to offer. During the past week - we have added to our Immense lines some very fine DINING SUITES, Including: TABLES. CHAIRS and BUFFETS; also very COSTLY BED ROOM SUITES in GENUINE MAHOG ANY and CIRCASSIAN WALNUT. LARGE EASY ROCKERS and ARM CHAIRS covered- in No. 1 Spanish Leather. We only mention a few SPE CIAL ARTICLES. Our stock Includes almost anything you may want to fur nish a home. All we- ask is & chance to sbow you what -we have. DON'T FORGET THE WILSON - AUCTION HOUSE IS THE LARGEST CONCERN of its kind In the NORTHWEST. We sell PIANOS, ORGANS, TALKING M ACHINES, all kinds of FURNITURE, STEEL and - GAS RANGES, STORE FIXTURES ; ' also , GROCEBXES and TOBACCOS, and . GUARANTEE to SAVE YOU MONEY on anything you buy. r . BIG SALE TUESDAY . NEXT AT 10 A. M. FOR THE HOLMAN TRANSFER CO. AT THE WAREHOUSE. CORNER OF BROADWAY AND HOYT STS. , - Consisting' of MACHINERY, CAST INGS, MOTORCYCLE, all kinds of MERCHANDISE and PERSONAL EF FECTS ; tie same having been duly ad vertised according to law, will be sold for CASH to the HIGHEST BIDDER to SATISFY CHARGES against same. J. -T. WILSON, Auctioneer.. Cash Paid for Furniture. Main 162. Auction Sale MONDAY, 2 P. M. 191 SECOND ST. We will sell n. assortment of Medium Furniture at this sale and if you are in, need of Furni ture don't miss this sale, for it will include Iron Beds, Dressers, Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Stands, Library Table, Steel Range, Gas Water Heater, etc., etc. For Private Selling We have a nice assortment of Furniture which we will sell at any time and if you are. inter ested, ; call at your convenience . and convince yourself that you can save money on your pur chase. FordAuctionCo. "'h for Furniture of All Kinds MEETIWg NOTICES 41 PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD No. 42. Brotherhood of Ameri can Yeomen, -will give dance nex t Th and j veninc. April 17. V... . !w Mooe8 Tempi., corner 4th & Jyr Sta. Admiaakm. 20!l Ali, Tt,,,;-"" i,V'.Tl'' 6SSnk- KV9B0. ou a A. F, & A. H. The members of the lode wiU attend tha ried mont ' Presbyterian church to -a bodT. Clereland and Jernnp streets. this Snndar ening. Hember and their friends arged to attend. . BUNNT81DK t-ODGE NO. 163. A. and A. M. Special Communication Monday. 7:30 p. o. Work in E. A. degree. - Vis itors cordially inrited. By order of W. M. JOHN W. RINKER. Aetlna Seo. ORPHIA TEMPLE No. 18. Pythian Siirtera. - will tlra a BOO card party Thursday ere, April 17. at Knights of Pythias hall, 11th and Alder- - Pythian member and their friends are cordially Invited. " Prices will be given. Cards at 8 :S0. - ANCHOR Coonril members, do not forget ytmr pledge tor 260 members to initiate when the grand officers of K. A L. of 8. are hers April 21. Bring your , applications Tuesday night. Join now. Anchor Council, no initiation fee. jost pay the doctor tl. - . COLUMBIA E.EBEKAH No. 8 wiU giTa an other 600 party. Monday. April 14, at hall. 1st and Alder sta. Cards promptly at 8:80. Sack of flour and 8 lb, coffee soma of priaaa offered. AdmSasioa 28 eenta. - - DANCING- Every Wednesday and Satnrdsy evenings: big prixe waits Satkrday. April 12: best of anioa mosia Waveriy hall. 26th and CUnton. SICNOR ERNESTO Giarapioollo, Modrrator of 'the AVaMensiaa Church of Italy, will speak st. the Community church, oo. First and Cibbs sta., .. South Portland. 8 . o'clock this evening. All are Invited. COME and bring year friends to tho fre card party and danee Monday evening, April 14, by, Servica circle. Neigbbois of Woodcraft, Tenth A. Taylor trecta. Bowker's orchestra will fur nish tha moaio. - - -,-" r a FIVE HUNDRED PARTY AND DANCE The Meecabees will hold their regnlar month ly card party and dance Thursday evening. April 17. in. the W. O. W. hall. 128 11th. Good prnes. Maecabee orchestra. Admission 25c - THE Degree of - Honor . state eonvent-on will convene at tha Hotel Portland at 1 p. ra., April 14, 184t. "Vtsttmg - members welcome. - MILLIE E. PCGH. State President EMBLEM JKWKLET a sppciaU. buttons, pins, - charm. . Jaegar Bros.. 181-133 8th at. MEKTrifO !TOTiC!S:v--;?" -4t SjRKPATRICK CO UN CI 2227. Eiitc-ts 4k nea of Beearity. : To an -aembers: Ton - are Cordiauy - invitee, to Join with us in one Grand Kauy ana Monster tiaa in it-ation at tha Masonie Aud- HoriBiHL. - Wast Park A hill Kta. ABril 22. National Traasnrer Wm. A. Bibs' 'Will be here. Bea tha beauuzal new worlt. iuns trmted morln pictaxea. , Wo . hava over oar 160 candidate now and Bead ISO mora. Do your duty and do it now for we mnst go over tne top. f tend the funeral of our late .coeb- v. rade, Thaditu McHolland. at Byrner T nude-taking establishment, 01 Wfl- I . i I llama ave., at f. m. Monday. April )i L 14, Comrade McHotland served la r - It f the 27th Indiana ia J i,l I f antry daring the Civil war and was J a member of uornoa uraager post 'V No- . 3 A. B.. department of 9 . - - Oregon. : s-. , H. C. ZALTON Adjutant ' - E. E. COVETr Com ma near. IVANHOB j Homestead. Brother hood of America Teomea. will give a - card party - and - dance Monday, April 14. at - Masonic Temple, 888 Tamhilt street. Cards st 8 :45, dancing at 1Q. Union mnsio and- grocery prises. Admission 28 eenta. Mrs. E. Earl Peike, Cor., 1086 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tel. Mam 1020. ' , rk&z bliifcE Akd 5ar) fa&tt- . Rose City Camp, M. W. A., Monday evening. April 1. M. w. a. nxii. Eleventh street, near Stark. Good ma lic. AH friends aordially lavtted. - i. Xf. SIMMONS. Clerk. : 418 Teem Bldg. tifal statistics miMgts.Bfrtte.l)zafhs. BIRTHS JAOOBSON To Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Jacobson, .Amlty.Or.. March 10. a son. "S, .--- B LAKES LER-To Mr. and Mrs. Charies W. Blakesler, 389 8th. April 7. a daughter. LEONARD To Mr. and Mm. B. Leonard. 628 H. Ash. April 8, a daughter. - 8CHAENEMAN To Mr. .and Mrs. William C. Schaeneman, 481 flint. April 6, a son. HUFF To Mr. and Mrs. H.-&. Huff 1728 Di vision. April 4, a daughter. DeVOIJDKR-To Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. DeVolder, - 188 2 2d, April 8, a son. - BURROR To Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Burror, 78 H Union ave., April 6, a daughter. DOW To Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Dow. 872 K. Clay. April 7. a daughter. DEATHS AlfP FTJ-Tl-BAXS 76 M'HOLLAND April 11, at the family reeidence. 678 Leland street. James T. McHolland. age 81 years 2 months 28 days,' beloved husband of ' Emma McHolland. father of - Mrs. Mary I. Berry of Arkansas; William McHolland of Indiana; J. A. and L A. McHolland of Portland. Mr. McHolland was a CivU war veteran and a member of Gordan Granger Post: belonged to Company D, 27th Indiana Inf. Funeral serv ices Monday, April 14, at 2 p. m.. from R. T. Byrnes' residential fnnaoal parlors, 861 Wil liams : avenue at Mason. Interment lat Col umbia Masonio cemetery. Friends tavitad. GALLUP At his home. 736 Hancock at. April 11. Byron Oscar Gallup, aged 68 years 8 months 11 days, beloved father of Boy and Josephine B. Gallup, Mrs. V. L McShatko of this city. Jesse Ds. Gallup of N event. Wash. Harry H. Gallup and Mrs. Edith Miller of Moscow, Idaho; L 3. 8praguo of- Ptdlman, Wash. ; P. W. Spragoa of Caps Horn, Wash-, and Mrs. K. O. Jones ot Boise, Idaho, The funeral services will be held at tha Conservatory chapel of the F. 8. Dunning. Inc. 414 E. Alder st-, Monday, April 14, at 1:80 p. ru Friends invited. In terment in Koee city cemetery. WRINKLE At the residence. 240 Bancroft areJ, Apru 1Z, Joeepn jr. 1. Wrinkle, age 04 years, beloved husband of Sadie A- Wrinkle, brother of Sister M. Aloysius of St. Joseph convent of New Britain, Conn., and James O. Wrinkle of Lea, Mass. Funeral cortege will leave the resi dence Monday, April 14. at 8:30 a. ra.. thence to St Lawrence church, 8d and Sherman sts.. where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a. m. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Pleaae omit flowers. Arrangements In care ot Miller & Tracey. LATAIMIERE At Cornelius. Or., April 10T l4rdia E. Lalnmiere. aged 62 years, wife of George- Lalnmiere. sister of Mis. A J. Jones, Mrs. B. Thompson. Mrs, M. F. Thompson, Mrs. F. L. Chandler of this city; Mrs. A. C Hurst of Toledo, Wash. --The: funeral services will bo held Monday, April 14, at 2 :80 o'clock p. m.. at Finiey's, Montgomery at 6th. , Friends in vited. Tbs body will be placed in tha Blvervisw Abbey mausoleum, - WILLIAMS At the residence. 1095 Michigan ave.. April 12. MaHnda Williams, age 84 years, beloved wife of the late Nathaniel Wil Oama. late member of the G. - A. R. Funeral services wiU be held Monday. April 14, at 10 a. m., at the residence. Interment at Green wood cemetery in tha G. A. R. plot. Arrange ments In can of Miller Tracey. ROGERS At the residence. 807 Brown st. AprB 11. Lewis Rogers, ue 64 years, beloved husband of Lucy Rogers, father of IL U and Alton KogerB. mineral services will be neld Sunday, April 13. at 2:30 p. m., at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Remains will be placed in the Rivervlew mausoienm. GULUCKSON At the residence, 194 Porter . . .i i a into . ri ..ii :t , a m m.. av, v, OTiiHiwia, eci. wo years. 11 months, beloved husband of Gunnel Gullickson. Friends invited to attend the fu neral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at :9V a. m. tomorrow (Mon day), April 14. 1918. Interment Multnomah cemetery. . HEDGEPATH At the residence. 715 E. "Sat mon st. April 12, 1919. John H. Hedge path, aged 70 years. The remains will be for warded by the Edward Holman Undertaking Co. to Dallas. Oregon, tomorrow (Monday), April 14, 1919, where services will be held and in terment inade. ADAMS At the family residence, 602 E. 8th St. April 12, Seville Adams, aged 17 years 11 months 18 days, betoved wife of C. C. Adams, mother of Virginia Lee Adasna of this city. The remain are at the Conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning. Inc., 414 E. Alder st. Notice of funeral will appear in later issue. RACKOV At Goodwin station. April 8. 1919. - Maurice Rackov, aeed 29 years. Friends In vited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 10 a. m., today (Sunday). April 13, J919. Inter ment raimati Toran cemetery. GOLDEN At Phoenix. Ariz., April . 1919, George A. Golden, aged 29 years. Friends invited to attend the fnneral services, which will bo held st Holmaifs funeral parlors st 11 a. m. today (Sunday). April 13, 1919. Interment Ahavai Sholom cemetery. GAGLIA In this city at the family residence, 1274 ' E. Harrison St. April 12, Christine Gaglia, aged 86 yean, wife of Frank Gaglia. Arrangements in charge of J. P. Finley it Son. S1MONI In this city, April 12, A. P. SimonC aged 60 years, late of Troutdale. Or. The remains are at Finiey's, Montgomery at 6th. READ John H Read, 5012 33d, April 10, 79 years, gangrene of heart FAT Richard H. Fa. Old Folks Rome, April 8, 70 years, inanition. . . . DICKINSON Marth E. Dickinson, 604 Bea- con, April 9. 62 years, carcinoma. CA VENDER Henry A. Cavender, Good Sa maritan hospital. April 10, 57 years, fracture. CARTER Mrs. E. Carter, 534 Columbia, Auril 9. 60 years, acute dilation. ' ELSNKR Jean Eisner, 15th and Everett, April . 9, 58 years, valvular insufficiency. EDWARDS Martin Edwards. 81 12th, April 6, 66 years, cancer. -FRIEDMAN Benny Friedman, 864 4th. April . 10, 10 years, tumor of brain. i .. MACHADA Manual Machada. Good Samaritan hoepital. April 9. 40 yearn, peritonitis. HAWKES Thomas Hawkas. 663 4th st, April 67 years, carcinoma. TTJEN Tom W. Yuen, St. Vincents hospital. A pril 8 , 58 years, fracture. ' " - iri nni-Tn . .. . ' CLARK BROS., florists, Morrison st. bet. 4th maa ova. rnones auun or A-1MOB. rine Cow ars and floral designs. No branch storea. - TIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 854 Wssh- inat-m. Main 29 ..' tta . t lowers tor all accasions artistically am need. UBERTT MABStfeT JCLOEIST. 6th and !: "i" ata. Cut flowers, plants and designs. ' Se!W wood greenhouse. 64 Nebslem ave. Sell. 1620. PORTLAND S rioxal and Bird Shop. Design; and decorations. Main 4878. 228 Morriwn, - SWISS FLORAL COT" 5 rLOWERg AND PLANTS. - ' -y'i- PEOPLES FLORAI. SHOP. 54 o Alder, desigis htcwimot, rsone fliarspaii oiz j. t-ALANE Floral designs and decorations. , Oppo MAX M. SMITH. fleriaU HlHifiTg' ytT-TERAt PIRECTOBS MIii ACST. .Independent Funeral IH - rectors. Prices, as low as 20 141) ton Washington at Elly Main 2ai .iJjSk 60- Wilson & Wilson '. street Hamilton 65 1T3 East GUssn -at. Fa. oertl aervioes. Tsbor M BRE EZE & SN00K s1 A : R 7o Uar Pa .WiiBam, i East 1088. O-1088. QlfOUoe CSDEBTAKDfO CO. Main 4152. ONCWt;c A-2321 Corner Sd and Clay. FRIPQnMCndrt4kto Prtora. 446 W -.III VXWVr I ' riaoa at Broad wav 2584. R. T. . BTR-.'ES. jmw residence establishment. e-va wimhsi avm , vtooaiawn Z2tf. V-lh43. rtnrER ai. ptrectors Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors EsUhhehed 18T7 - , -- Third and Satmon Street Main 607. A-1611 -- LADT ASSISTANT : " ; " oP- F. niiunr.-& era Progressive Funeral Directors lata Montgomery at oth A-ias WILSON & ROSS -East 7th and mdltnomah Funeral Directors - East C4 C-8165 F. S. DUNNING,' INC. THE GOLDEN BULB UNDERTAKERS 44 E Alder St . ' Phone East 53. B-522S. DUNNING & McENTEE Broadway and Ankeny Sts. ' '- tAdy A tsittant I'tiones Broadway 439, A-406H A. D, KENWORTHY & CO. r 6802-6804 82d St. & E.. Lenta, Phon Tabor 6267. Home Phono . D-81. East 78 D 1 I CDPLI Mrs. Larch B-1888 r Ll LtnOrl -Assistant UNDERTAKERS.. E. 1 1th and HawthTna M'ENTEE l E1LERS, funeral parlors with aO turn privacy of a home, loth and . vers IX sua. Phonos Bdwy. 1218; Home. A-2163. . CHAMB.iSCO-PANT. " S48 and 250 KiUingsworth ave.. near Williams Wood-awn 8804.- 0-118S. MO-TJMETTS ftBUEStliQ C3RAT1ITE Co U -167-3RP ST. AT MADISON PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, , 264-286 4th St., opp. city haO. Main 8664. Philip Neu Sons for memorials. LOST AKB FOTTJTD I THE FOLLOWING articles hare .been found on can of the Portland Kauway feign t rower Co. (April 11. 1919): 2 pr. rubbers, 2 pones. 1 key. 1 pr. gloves, 1 hook, 8 packages, 1 kodak. 1 pr. earrings. 1 pin, 1 fruit tree, 1 muff. 3 suit eases. 8 lunch boxes, 1 saw, 17 umbrellas. Ownen rosy obtain property at First Alder Streets sts. WILL party who found boy's brown Mackinaw on cirens ground. 26 th and Raleigh, please (iuum a m u - v . .. HIBERNIA Savings bank book lost on' Monta villa . :.. -Di- . i.TK phone Main 7649. car or uuw i wwa uhum-, o . w. -ward. . -; LOST Monogram fob and Elks' toothy F. H. K, 142;" liberal reward. Call Broadway 4434. Return to 426 Couch st . WANTED A valet to pet puppies. Apply to . tho Majestic theatre. P. S. Never mind ap plying; .Tom Moore just got tha job I LOST Blue silk umbrella, in Lip man-Wolfe store or 23d st car. Friday afternoon, lie turn to 688 H Montgomery st, Reward. LOST Small diamond ear stud, in Star theatre, shopping district or Mt Scott-car. Reward. Tabor 2976 - - LOST On the - East side. 2 rag rugs. Reward 82.60. . Western Salvage Co.. cor. 17th and Washington. PARTY takinc umbrella from lavatory North western Bank bldg. Monday will please leave same st room 1337 and avoid trouble. LOST March 80. a white pet bull dog, harness and collar, valued as little girl's playmate. Reward. East 1110. LOST Gold filigree bracelet set with cameo.- on Park between Hall A Montgomery. Re ward. Main 7113. LOST Coin - parse, containing gold, cross and chain; ernes valued . as keepsake. Rowan. Can Manhall 160. Byron hotel, room 312. FOUND A set of false teeth on Roosevelt, year 21st St. Apply 447- N. 2 2d at. evening. LOST Hand wrought silver necklace. Return to 819 Dekrun bldg. Reward. Main 1713. LOST Bunch of keys en Thursday. Phone SeO, 1688 or Main 8407. LOST '-Bunch of keys. Fhon Tabor .1406; reward, ' HEIP VTAlfTE HALF, HELP WANTED Good long lumber hauling contract far responsible paity. . 4 NEW TRT7CTC OWNER DRIVER PREFERRED. A good husiness opportunity.. Se enra your truck and here la tha work to pay for it; and we wiU help you. TRUCK DEPT. OREGON MOTOR ' CAR CO. Park and Davis. Salesman Wanted The Journal can nsa one or possibly two clean- ent ambitous young fellows, full -of "pep" and "go," but yet gentlemanly and tactful, as clas sified advertising solicitors. Prefer men 20 to 22 years. Apply Monday before 10 a. m., to Mr. fir-ens, classified advertising manager, van ness office. The Journal. THE OLDS. WORTMA-f iKlNO STORK requires the service of experienced window shade maker, also experienced drapery hangers. Apply suprintendent's office, 0 to 10:30 a. m. 8178 PER MONTH tha year around, tne average earning last year of a number of our salesman ever 45 years. This year will be tha biggest yet No experience necessary: weekly cash edvaaoe, outfit fnrnisbed. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vine. You can do what other in experienced men have dona. Waitungton Nur sery sjo.. xoppenun, vvasn. A MARRIED man for a fruit ranch at Ilood River; man must hava soma experience in fruit, as in regardsto spraying, irrigation, pack ing and taking care of' place. Salary 376.00; pood house, garden, chickens and all fruit yon want. Some wotk for the woman. . Inquire 421 Cham, of Com. I WANT good steady man to work helping to clear up places; win pay 83.50 day. or will hire man sod wife. Sea Goddard. rooming house broker, 502 Couch bldg. SEVERAL good auto painters, one color varnish man. one fast gear . man, one young man to leant trade. Apply Monday rooming, ready for work. He jack Weddle, paint sfiop supu, 4ta floor. Northwest A Tito Jo., AMer at ISth. - SOLDIERS AND SAILORS , JT7a 4 . A stnn m - wan Mntvait .ar1--4 vT83 aPV ana fc J Bl fuau uooa a suru - vaaa uvv-'ivus Make $10 to $25 per day. 819 Dekum 01dtv PORTER wanted to wash windows and automo biles and make himself naeiul in general. Ap ply Lewis E. Obye alotor Uo., if roadway A Couch, between 10 to 11 a. m. Mr. Kipper.' MAN - to work this city refinishing ehandeiiers,' brass beds, automobiles, by new method; 810 daily without capital or experience, : Write Gunmetal Co.. 806 Elm, Decatur, 111. 1 MEN wanted at West Linn paper ratUs, 42e an hour, 8 -hour day. See Mr. F. T. Barlow at hotel across river , from Oregon City. Clean bads 20e night; best meals, 3 6a - AUTOMOBILE finisher and painter wanted at once. Nona but a good experienced man need apply. Must give references. BX-644, Jour nal WANTED Men with Ford cars, big money; also agent for a fast selling article, exclusive right for city, county and states of Oregon and Washington. 637 Pittock block. Bdwy. 2878. WANTED Practical printer for country offi :. Good - office, board reasonable, good town to work in. Permanent situation- State wages. Addrem B-652, Journal. CONTRACTORS Call forenoons, 6424 ' 69th ave. 8.E.: best bargain for good homo in city; labor and capital can, cooperate here. -. s. WANTED Competent bookkeeper or . ateno : grapuer. Must be experieaced.' R-423, Joor- nai. A SASH and door -Ban for setting up windows and doors and. one cotter. Hawthorne T4.-.tt . 1 na-l K Mul-nn lit ' - WA NXED- A first class painter, 6 N." Fourth tt Inqnlre Monday -morning ready to work. FIRST class slaughter house ', butcher.' Frank Smith, 228 Aider st, 1 WANTED 2 or 8 laborerav wages 83.50 a day. Apply K. 2Qth and Knapp. Sunday p. m. - DENTIST wanted, good wages; permanent, ,city. state age and experience. ; E-81S. JTOmal. - SHEET metal workers. Union ave. Sheet Metal Works. . WANTED Fint-class ... .landscape Phone East 4930. gardener. MA N waited to cnt wood. . 4 miles 'from Lents. 6715 94th st, Lents. WANTED Night clerk. . Geiser Grand Hotel. Baker. Or. THOUOUGHLT experienced vnlcauizer wanU-L Kmaag Tire tSalca Co., Broadway, a- Ankexgr. HKLP WA KTTRTV 31 ALE EXPERIENCED . MEN WANTED 7 BT THE U. 8. SUIPPINO BOARD !. to be 'trained as . DECK OFFICKRS ' v ; -.J AND .ENGINEERS... .--', -' in- MERCHANT MARINE i . FREE COURTS IN NAVIGATION :- - - . . 8ix weeks, fits for third, mate's lioense ex -is her. upea to men of two yean' deck ex perience, ocean or coastwise, or eautveleat. in fisheries, or on lake, bar or sound. - FREE COURSE IN MARINE ENGINEERING Una month fit for third assistant engineers license or higher. Open to men of mechanical and engineering experieaoe, including locomotive and stationary engineers, machinists en marine engines, graduates of technical scoop Is and xe nut oilers and water tenders. , i Mea needing sea service to qualify fully for license after taking course, win be sent to sea an pay.). - - . " - lsavigat-oa schools at Seattle and Portland; engineering schooi at tha University of Washing- ton. Beattle. ""'-.'' APPLY TO -W. 3.- GRAM EH. SECTION CHIEF 860 Stuart Beildiag, Seattle. Wash. MEN wanted for the United States Merchant Ma ' rine to be trained as sailors, firemen, stew-, eras, for good lobs at good pay on ocean going ship. Pay while training. Board and quartan free. Ages, lw to sa. , urm birtn csrui-cate. : APPLX TO : : EARLl iM. BROCKETT," Enrolling Agent United States Shipping Board Recruiting Service I West Seattle, Wash, HELP WAIfTED MISC. 4 WE HATE JUST INSTALLED-4 NEW DE PARTMENTS IN OUR PORTLAND MOTOR SCHOOL AND WE ARB PREPARED TO GIVE TOU A LIFE MEMBERSHIP FREE IF YOU CAN FTND A SCHOODON THE PA CIFIC COAST THAT IS GIVING THE TRAIN ING TO" STUDENTS THAT WE ARE. IN VESTIGATE OUR SCHOOLS AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. WE ARE GIVING A 825 DISCOUNT TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. CALL OR WRITE HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE., "COR NER OF EAST 20TH- OR 124 N. 6TH. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT. . AUTOMOBILES. TRUCKS. TRACTORS Lean to be a first class Mschanio and Gas Engineer, rebuild, operate and repair Automo biles, Trucks and Tractors. This ie not an Engineering School, teaching THEORY. ONLY, neither as it a GARAGE, but a REAL PRAO T1CAL SCHOOL, where yon learn tho bust ess by ACTUAL WORK on the Machines. We have more and better Equipment than all other Schools is Oregon Combined. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist, Acetylene Welding,- Vul canising -and Retreadlne. Da and Evening Classes. Write lor Catalogue. HAWTHORN a sum SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne ave. . LEAHN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAIS' FREE TRIAL PAY TUITION WHEN &s.TISJTflrn We .teach autoi" tractor, gas engine and ante electrical work: BIG 10O FAGS CATALCX1 FREE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J. union are. ana wraece st, roruane. Or. Phone East 7446. WANTED ONE HUNDRED "MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL INDUCEMENTS TO FIRST 25. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 124 0TH BUR SELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL i Individual instruction. Right methods. Lam bermens bldg., 6th end Stark. Bwdy. 8464. Miss F. Bnrsell. . Principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOI f Learn telegrapBy ' " Young men and women wanted. Can -21 3 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a wall paid profession. Free booklet Railway Telegraph Institute. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHENKE-WALKSB Bnsinees College. Portland. Enron any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bank ing. Bookkeeping, secretarial. . Free catalog. 8TEEN SEWING SCHtMJL. Bleek'e svotem of " ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns rat to measure. Phone East 2359. B-8307. 152 Grand eve., near Belmont. MISS MatUnzly's School, shorthand and writing, day and evening: $6 a month. 269 14th St. Main 9893. Register for Spring term. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKY BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON. PRIVATE shorthand pupils; Pitman-Howard tys tem. 3 dars a week at my homo; day and eve ning classes. Reasonable terms; typewriting if desired. Wdln. 4854 GOING East er South f " household goods shipped at red need rates; moving and packing. Pari fie Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Host at. Bdsrr. TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY Frank - K. Welles, ex -asst. state Btrpt.. mgr, N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. HKLP WATfTKD FEM4LK t l inrca to have old hts made new. Blacking. 76c: trimming, 25c up; hemstitching, 10c per yard; button-hole making, plaiting and braiding; ilret exaas wont; prompt attention given ui u. Mack's MUltnery. 542 Union ave. w. raw zsisi WINTEIi S bright, capable ladies to travel. demonstrate and sen dealers. 825 to 850 per week. Railroad fare pawl- Write at once. Goodrich Drug Go.. Dept. 7iw. omana. iseo. WANTED Experienced, woman for general housework; family of two. Inquire 203 Ab ington bldg., 3d St.. between Washington and BUrk sts. X S l" n .u.llMituM v.i, no wnmfcn K win' experience in doctor's office in East, first- class mermcQ. 1 itmniKim ijixnuwi u. .ui tloyment Dept. Broadway .621. IlEFIXED young lady, partner in high-class dsnev Inar act of three air Is: no experience necessary. but niust.be willing to work for high-class prop- os.tjon. Apt 2. 229 Grand ave. t-aat WANTED Lady housekeeper in the home of 4 adults; no washing. Tabor 1882. 920 E. mam sr., cor, ot WANTED Middleaged lady for general hon-- work; 8 - miles out;- 4 family; wages 625. J. Sargent, Portland, route 2. . WANTED Elderly-lsdy for farm to. assist in honsekeeping. : CgH at 4018 65th gt S. E., Mount Scott car. ' ' WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper, by worklngman: one who is neat and good cook. A-264. Joornal. ' - ; NEAT girl wanted to assist with general house work and cooking. Marshall 3922. 603 Vista ave. WASTED Tmuf ladv to assist on the stage: must have neat wardrche. Apply to M. Hub bard, Rainier hovel, 6 to J p. m. GIRL or-womsn. to csre Hr two children while - mother worts. State wages expected.. Pi -40, Journal. ' "YOUNG lady to assist with housework In fsm ily of 5 adults. - 186 E. 78th st. N., corner of Gllssn st. Tsnor saa WANTED An experienced woman deputy for a fraternal adequate order. Work in Portland and vicinity: salary and commiseion. G-452. Journal. DKKPSMAKER viots experienced help... 805 Fliedner bUig. ' TYPIST, good at figures, $60 to start. .. T-893, Journal. GIRL for general housework, good ho ma, for- - T ' . T 1 11 a S"1 yreicireu. r-mrti, . GIRL for general housework. No washing Good mar. PIANO lessons and wages-given woman for help In home. East llw3. . GIRL to assist with generat housework. 609 IVejoy. - Apply mornings. " J FIR8T CLA8S finisher wanted. ,''205 Columbia bldg. WANTED Woman to help ' with housework . by the day. Tabor 6021.- ' - MARKER and distributors, feeder and folder. National Laundry Co. 292 E. 8th. . VVANTED Housekeeper; for partlculan call Tahor 2683. i-- ' - ' . WANTED A good girl to clerk in store and ggs ilt in ga I in: u. - jtcuwuws w WANTED Apprentice, can learn all branches on - high eiaas gowns. 08 12th. - - GIRI.S for button" making and shopping. Art - 1 - a T, , . I ' tm f... .,.! help in kitchen. Seilwood 128. WOMAN to do washing at her bum for family of five. East 11 O.I. EXPERIENCED heuntitcb operator wanted. - None other need apply. 242 AMer s. r . WANTED A pssctical nurse to care .for nud dlesged lady. Phone Msin 2A48. ELDERLY lady . wishing a home for room antf board. Sellwood 2872. - HOUSEKEEPEB, farm - home, eow to milk, ehickena, garden.': Call 228 Abler st, - WANTED A paruter in -ttiiliiiery.-r labor e8. -. . -...... T HELP TV ANTED F KM ALE THE Olds, Wortmsa King store requires the services of experienced corset saleswoman who understands fitting, experienced women to fill grocery orders, experienced alteration hands for women's suits and coats.- The .basement store requires experienced saleswomen for suit dept. Apply 8ierwtendent'a Office. 8 to 10:80 a. m. WANTED A United number of girls, between the ages of ;i$ and 25 yean.' to operate power eevrlng machines and to do" general fae tory work. Apply Ames-Harris-NsvOle Bag fao tory. cor. 15th And Hoyt sts. I WANT good woman that Is not afraid of work to move Into and take charge of and help to pat to order a 4 5-room housekeeping room place; dont want any lady with family; please don't answer this if yon don't want to work; wiU give apartment and 850 per month. Inquire at 602 Couch bldg. Main 4537. WOMAN, partially paralysed, wants middle-aged - woman to stay with her five days each week. 8 hours per day. Will hava to cook own meals and prepare light diet for me. Other duties to assist ma 1a moving, talk and entertain. Will Pay 61 per day and meals, B-653. Journal. WANTED Cook in small hotel; good wages." '-all t Rose City Hotel. St Johns, or phone Columbia 125. Mrs. Kane. HELP "WANTED MALE AND " -, FEMALE C WANTED JW2, HJDRKD MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. 8PB SSiPTS.10 FIRST 257 APPLY H LM PHILL'S . TRADE SCHOOLS. 12 4 6TH 8T. Is. . ' - MOLEB BARBER COLLEOk ' Psya you while learning: gives yon set ot Hoots; S anions secured- Write for eatelogna. 884 rnside at, a phone Broadway 1731. PORTLAND BABBERGOLTEGS teaches ' trads in 8 weeks: pay while learning; posiaosi gaar arrteed.' 284 Conch st. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade, wages while learning; posiUoa guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College. 383 Madison. WANTED Window cleaning and floor waxing, by honr er day. Call Eaet 7484. WANTED AGF. "NTS Exclusive Countv Riehts To the right men to handle the wonderful power producer, carbon destroyer, gas saver; used successfully throughout the civilized world; money back guarantee; trial test will convince the most skeptical; used in France in army truces; tested and indorsed by jrord Owners club. New York, and leading institutions uni versally; quick 81 repeat order seller; select your county and gat may; men with auto preferred; to 12 a. in. Algnt Co.. 616 Gasco bldg. distributors. ; GET YOUR WAR AND ROOSEVELT BOOKS NEAR HOME and save heavy freight charges. "America's War for Humanity," big $2 book, wonderful official pictures. Pershing's own story. 60 per cent and premiums. Some agents mak ing 820 daily. Orders filled promptly from any of the following- 1 laces: Loa Angeles, Cat, 807 Tajo bldg.; Everett. Wash., 2811 Walnut; Den ver, Colo. 1434 Glenarm; Waco. Texas. 1504 N. 8th; Chicago, lit, 683 Plymouth place. Outfits both books free to workers. Address nearest of f ioe. (George O. Clows Co. SALESMEN NEW CARBURETOR FOR FORD CARS Simole: not a movina imrt: Installed in 80 minutes: guaranteed to double your mileage and start in aero weather without beating or priming; 15 day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1400 in 6 months. Salt Lske City man made- 81200" in one week. Write U J. Carburetor Co.. 603 W. Jackson Bird.. Chicago. "HOW TO START IN BUSINESS FOB YOUR- SELFi" is a little book sent free by a luge hosiery manufacturer selling - its entire output through special representatives direct to the wearess. It shows yon how to build "for keen" and bow to make UP to 62500 a year aa some are doing.' Write for it today. Clowe Knit Hosiery Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. FORDS run 24 miles per gallon with onr 1818 carburetors. Use cheapest gasoline, half ker osene or ail distillate, start easy any weather, Increased power. Styles for all motors. Runs slow high gear. Attach yourself. - Big profits for scents. Money hark guarantee. 80 days' trial. Air-Friction Carburetor Co., 1485 Mad ison st, Dsyton. Ohio. KA I.K8M AN Vuaaot Anrti 21 for eomoetant salesman or ex-merchant to -be employed dt- rect by a large Cleveland corporation to sell merchants a needed high class specialty In Ore gon and surrounding territory; permanent po sition; 3400 to 8700 per month; commissions paid weekly ;- state experience. Address N. K. Dill; Box 176. Station "O." Clerclsnd. Ohio. $20 DAILY distributing by new plan new prize pictures, "Soldier's Return," "'News Front Home," "'My Daddy." "Human Liberty Bell." rreeaom. nonor roue inu qu ouiRn; enorraom I demand: samples free; also Important portrait! catalogue. Consolidated' Portrait Co.. 1034 WT1 Freedom, honor rolls and no others; enormoas a asms sc., snicago. ARE you mskini $10 to 8220 daily? Man or woman, start anywhere; ne experience neees- ssry; raw materials coat yon 78 eenta for 90: retails 60c each, or 845. I make and sell 6000 weekly; made 5220 one day, 6125W one month. Ursyeroft, r res no, sjai. $200 GUARANTEED phonograph outfit sent on approval for $74.50; $17 worth of records and $2 worth of needles free; 860 a week tak ing orders from this free sample; write for par ticulars. Play All Phonograph Makers, 816 S. Wabash ave.. Chicago. . BUSINESS never waa so good; here is your op portunity; we want a live wire to sell onr line or calendars, . monthly service, greetings, pencils amv other specialties for advertising in Oregon. Apply, with full .particular to J. if. Saunders, tales manager The Blanc hard Co., Aurora, HI. "NEGRO SOLDIERS IN WAB"-Book eon tains many pictures of colored troops. Every body bnys. i Agents making 82S day. Big hit. Rend 25c for ontfit tn publishers. Jenkins Puh lhihing Jo., Chicago. HI. -SALESMEN to handle fast aellina- Goodveaf - guaranteed raincoats. : Make big money during your spars tims. Sample eoat free. Write' for particulars; Goodyear Mfg. Co., 127 Lillis bldg.. ikansaa uity, mo. HIGH-GRADE SALESMEN Experienced aetl ing the sales board trade. We market the snappiest -line in the country. Commission b to $10 per order. Canfield Mfg. Co., 4001 Broadway, Chicago, m. AGENTS: Big pay and free automobile iotro dueing wonderful new . gasoline saver, pnne tureproof, five year spark Plug and other eco nomical auto necessrttse. -yutfit free. L. Bsll- wey,- nim. r, souisviue, aj,- SAIESMAN Experience unnecessary. Staple Una to general retail trads in Orncon; $IB0 advances monthly to producers. Continental Jewelry Co., 137. 15 Continental Bldg., Cleve land, onto. I HAVE aa advertising- proposition with merit ' Sells for $5. pays $2.50 commission. My men average 4 and 8 orders-daily. . If $50 to $75 weekly interests yon, come and see me. Mr. Walker, WiTlard hotel. SIDE-LINE salesmen, learn how Miller is mak - ing more on his side-line specialty than en his main line; sales talk and pock at samples free; responsible house: quick sctaon. Ericksoa bus.. Pes Moinee. Iowa. - AGENTS CASH' IN ON PROHIBITION $27 - to 836 weekly; new, fsat selling articles; go ing like wildfire: agents cleaning no. Write to day for particular. American Products Co.. 167 American Bldg..' Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED State manager to organise sales force for Triangle Tire Patch; big proposition for a big man; commission. Triangle Rubber Co.. Oklahoma City Okla. AGENTS: $5 hourly absolutely guaranteed. Gas oline two cents gallon. Money back guarantee. Write Federal Chemical. Works, 20 W. Jackson, Chicago. ; -.' . - - - . - ' ; SALESMAN Coast states, to sell appliance converting Ford into 8 horsepower farmwork engine: $2000; yearly to right man. Address Mr. LindJ. 834 Muskego ave.. Milwaukee. AGENTS 1 pound of our herbs drives the meet stubborn ease 'of rheums tism entirely out of the system: never fails. Pound 60c Postace 12c Los Angeles Rheumatism Herb Co.. Cat, EXPERIENCED - insurance . salesmsn to sell health and aeddunt insurance. - U-Z3. Jour- naL SALESMEN -Energetic, to visit srhoois; $100 . salary and hberal commission. 11. O. Evans aV Go. 100 Wsbash av.. Chicago. ' SITUATION'S MALE PAPERING painting, floor finishing and tint ing. Phone Tshnr fizon. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor , or .- houseman. K-261. JonmaL .- - ' - HIGH school boy desire work after school and Saturday. ; ; Pbona Wdln. 845.-- ; t BESHINGLING done; reasonable. Call Wdln. gI01.,fmm 7 P. m. to 8 p. m. . " MAN anil wife want eare. of apartment house oT othefr work. ' P-220, Journal. VACUUM cleaning; cleaners for rent. 81, de hvered. ' Broadway 2949. Ssve this sd. EUINGLKRS When yon want shingling done. call tvonaiawn o-uo. WINDOW 'cleaning and janitor work wanted. Phone worwlsy esriy. Main 2802 -WANT to work for. room and board. Student, S9. oiise vi. SCHOOL boy of 10 would work for board. . No iARDENER eWiwood 2040. FUeWISU done. 88 E. Ksth. ' Tabor 6"5I, FOB PLOWING call Tabor 64. . .. . " MTTTATIOX MAtK THE T. . P. A. desires i te secure positions for several experienced.' saWmea. Fhooe Main ,4643. -A- 3321. or eaU 830 Morgkn bldg.. . t IRRIGATOR and gardener wanU work by tlie year in Eastern Oregon ot Washington; can, ' cook, milk, care for poultry end all kinds ff , f livestock : married . nn aMIriiwi' w-r.f a o t hooaa to live in; wages 375 per montlvi J-868. Journal. t . . , . l WANTED By a young man of ability: Pott- two as city collector for large, wholesaled nense. Know the city thoroughly end ean g(w . . two of the best city ref erenoee, - Moderate -.? ary or commission. E-818 Journal. - j, J." MAN disoharged from navy; haaTTsmily; expeW - rleneed office man and with sales ability, wans " position, with machinery firm if posaihle. Uvf- -erenees furnished. E-260, Joumst. - - - DRIVING taught by expert Instructor, ease etui eafety Of manipulation' and ocenotny in the operation of your - machine: rates i reasonable. r Paul Bt, Helen. Broadway 270O. ,- j Eil'EUIENCED truck dVtver or roller iriwir-' would like engagement; do own repair. Welch. oaia st court . i. WANTEfiTby young -couple, place ooi farm with, some experience, able and willing; give ft details. Charles Wensel, 887 Tibbitts. j . Contractor end builder, repair sod new work in the city ew country. U. D. Crowe.-- 4 sal E. 62d t Tabor 7882. ! ' t -j NOW is the time to repair your roof before -tinting: we euarantee- tn atnn all leaks. K r liahle work call Wdln. 50S4. 8 years in Portland. I'.RIGHT, active, intelligent young uma wants position as salesman with somej well-known firm. K-623, JournaL I KX-LIEUTENANT desires position ais salesma.. clerical worker or anything: reanest as int view with you. B-664. Journal. i ' -J 6HINGLER LEAKY ROOKS S'XfcfTKTi; CHIMNEYS RE FLASHED. i RESHI OLING DONE. MARSHALL 11172. 1 SHINGLERS When you want, shingling uoitt .. can wooqiawn pytro. WANTED Garden work, short jubs " ef ' kinds. Slingerland. E. 6368, r lit"' LAWN mower grinding - and mnairine. haod saws recnt and filed. 882 Williams t.' boOFS reahinsled a apeclalty. Phone Beacbaarrf PAINTLVG. paperbangmg and kalsoming hj perieaced workman. Phone Tabor' 4956. -: SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED By woman of experience, a ulasa as housekeeper or any work where she van have 6-year-old boy with her. Tabor 0445. f WANTED Cleaning or bathroom wotk or gli-s ana auver worx oy nonr. day or week; era experienced. Woodlawn 3202. j I WANTED Work as compoaitor andti"rmi in country printing office. Write l'X J, Joer nal HOUSEKEEPING wanted by neat. reliali,- middleaged lady. G 431, Journal hressmaIsikc ,e 11 DRESSMAKING Alteration work; gusranteid. tieimont. -lahor 8I04. I DRESSMAKING and ladies' tslloriag. MnT E. Myers, 8810 6 2d st S. K, U'ahor 28 3-r FURNISH FI riOOWS NEW PERKINS HotkJ Fifth and Washington Strentm, ' Bight in center of Portland's activities. te us show yon our aeoommodaUona. Bates 84 per HOTEL FRANKLIN i WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a daay nt. Free Tub and -Mhowoe tut a daay up, runniouui room lor ugnt nousf keeping) utf icTlum iw, 9i per snomn.1 - - a A conver ave., near Page st HOTEL a.wt.. .i.t' i-t . . s 1 OR 2 rooms for light houiekeengTaV 3U iik Hawthorne ave. i -' ' a 2 OR 3 parUyTfuniishedlL K. riomsj'ioi Vs'f Stark st. cor. 5th. . i if NICELY furnished rooms, with ri without garJ age; office man only. 'Call East 8244.-1 ROOM. 815, 148 18th at Brmdway - FUENISHEI) ROOM S fill VAT . ; ; FAMILY SINGLE or en suite, walking dUtsnce, erastt aide, stritable for tiro or three gentlemen,,' 810 month per room. 1.80 Grand ave., teor.' Oregon. East 8280. . NICELY furnished sunny sloe pier room, baTtw telephone, privilege of piano, handy to- two ear lines, 13 minutes from 6th amd Morrison. ; w very reasonable. Tabor 244 8. i - LARGE ' front sleeping' room 'for! 2 genu? o Is dies, 820 pes - month: - walk tug di&unce, Marshall 124 0. 431 Taylor st. NEATLY 111 mis lied slaetnc room sulUble 1 or 2 -men: home privileges; reterewwe changed. Woodlawn 824. - - - ax 3 i'U uo. ana un; clean, singia U.K.. rr.. steam heat and bath, 208 Steiitou su Wpod-.i lawn siva 8-LARGE, well fnrabhed room for lsir, home ... , . wti', nv vur - f tance. 537 Montgomery st. NICELY furnished room.' n privileaes, no other - roomers, , walking dis-. room, walking disuoca. ,. 10tb N. near Couch. SLEEPING room Marshall 1865. in af't; bttUi and I'Uono FURNI8HKD room, apartment house. clee in" East Wide. Suitable 1 or 2 men. Mar. K8QS.1 : LARGE furnished front roou near Broaesy-; bridge. 423 Ross at. Esst 6018..., ' ' ROOMS, furnished stul uufuniished. tor tetitr 1 22 y, Union sve. FOR RENT I large housekeeping room, vfur-- nished. 858 Yamhill st. , j " BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, sleeping perch, j running water. . 655 Everett. , j NICELY furnished roomln beautiful home) iettl one or two persons. Tabor 252. v TTNF7TRNISIIEH ROOMS J8 7 i i . "i saa iiai. 1 1 ji . ji i .easws Ji il sws!sm. as i rii siTagesissfc 'V -t. LN FUKN ISIlEi. two nine rooms, path,! iLlit,, ht flTIt Slt.vk "a i ' ROOMS ANDBOARD I IS NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown Viichj i . , rt L . . i . . i i ' ciasa uiiuil uwi, swmB en wnnm or suugie, with or without board, for families and business r men and women. We give you all the eomlurtef ot a- noma, itessonabie rates, THE HAZEL "Not like toe others." ory comfort . Home eookltia 886 Third St. . -v THE Martha Washington , 880 10th, for tmsloseei -1 V A -a A tt a S I IS assnglw 1 - girls and students. Marsha 11 1281. ROOMS AND HOARDPBIYAT :tatkv in ' refined FAMILx BEAUTIFUL front aleeotng room. widow's home, strictly modem, west isWie, walking distance, also gangs : must be seen to : be appreciated. Manhall 4040. ' ,1. . . COUPLE with no cliiilreB wiU room aiul torl ,, one or two ehiiitren of school age; reWdeocsr near -. Snnnyaide school; references exchanged. Call 066 Belmont st . NICE large . room, suitable- for 1. r 2; gr'v . board: home privileges; walking distance.' : 770 H Johnson at; Main 6387. - ;S WANTED A gentleman boarder In private .l'sm--ily; no other boarders. Lovely . some i and s- garage, Y-n. journal. TWO very' desfrablo steaei Seated rooms,) em- ' . nlnvwt tinnla or et.u3ents. - walking dialaaiei11 fine locAtln, reaaojtsble; 43 H I2tli et, TWO clean, eomfortable sleei4ng rexmis ata!90'' rTnlnmhia at- 12.60 and 82 a week. t MOTHER"CYiady wShes llttJ"girl to Nirt 6Z to la years, eie momn. siarsnaii iziu. - OUTSIDE rooms, bath, home-cooked uieali, week up: table board. 35 week. ' 284 Main sty ROOif and" board.-home privileges, . $s,6l - per week, 804 Comsnescia! sv, ' - -- i -lev . PRIVATE room and board for men only. Wood- lawn 286. 441 Prescott St. f ; J BOOM and board for a msn. Bijrtliy ick rt, VYAHTKIJ B005f AST BOA Kt 19 WANTED Nicely furnished room in iJivstov. family, west. side, close tn. by lady envotored. Price must be reaaouabte. Maia it)41,-Apt.- 2. WANTEl) Room and hoard between Wofrison ' end Broadway- bridge. P-447 JournsL'- '' FTJBVNIHMED ANI IJNFL'KNlSWKn "V 408 E. SALMON near Grsnd ave-" 2 or sTroom housekeeping suite.' also single : rooms for . bachelors. - . - - .' ; v . r. ' ' '- ' ' Y '" ; FOR SENT- -1 and 2 rooms furnishedfor litht bonseawecina: children accepted here, i it K89 . CHOB rrai. both large end smaR. to of! home with beautiful grounds. References. 631 . Hoyt St. Bniadwsy 680, - - ( ' ; SHIPYARD district, apsrtroeate. eottsges,4 - L. . . . . ( . 1 . .. ... 1 A . , 1 , reasonable. AiTly 282 Gtbbs. ) - I, 2 OR a large nouaeaoeping ronmi, elect rie lights, gas. : bath, rest , reasonable, Ksgrett st. ITRNISTIEO IX .K. suite, . American ihoteT 02 Third st. N. ! . LARGE front room aul kitchenette, abolsinste v A- LARGE furnished bouaekeeuing room. '.fiaVe . 4itb. Tsbor 318.- , 4 FRONT housekeeping rooms." i90 E. lith S - Es-t 8885, -,-. - . liOUSEKEEPI i"4 rooms. ',' S,l$ ' Coueii.i t!k oil iota, vvasn,".-----.---... (.. i . ... .... TWO- furnished front hon-eicrfping xwobm an L2 hljliiiliiiti) lytuscaepug toon