12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. APRIL 12. 1313. VWTC RECORD IS ESTABLISHED AT LOCAL SHIPYARD Keel of 8800-Ton Steel Vessel Laid by Northwest Steel Com- parry in 29 1-2 Minutes. ; ANOTHER RECORD IS MADE Launching' of West, Chana 45 Days After Laying of Keel'fs . Regarded as Notable Feat ? Trie keel of an 8800-ton stsel vessel -was laid at the Northwest Steel com pany plant this morning- In 29 minute, the feat establishing a new world's record. . i -:; .-. ' -I i-rV- ';r r. r. Murray, resident inspector for the Kmerg-ency Fleet corporation, veri fied the figures. During: the speed performance the workmen were handicapped slightly by a heavy blanket of fog: which completely covered the waterfront " Plates from No. 18 to No. $, Inclusive, were laid, the time being taken from the placing- of the first hook on the first ' plate to the tightening of the last bolt - on the last plate. performance the keel was tested for alitrnment. ! ..- . t Work was actually commenced on the keel at 8:10.15 and the Job was finished at 8:39:45. 1 "IT " The keel was that of the West Ches wold, designated as hull No. 82. Another building record was estab lished at the Northwest Steel company Friday when the steel' steamer West Chana was successfully . launched 45 days after the laying of the keeU Tho record is notable because of the . fact i that the men-working on the hull put In two eight-hoar .shifts only, each day.' No overtime was charged to the building of the hull. . ...... During the process of the fabrication of the hull not a single -workman was injured, according to the plant manage ment. This achievement Is unusual and the absence of accidents to employes is due In part to the improved safety-first methods in vogue at the plant. ' Mts. George I Baker, wife of Mayor Baker, was sponsor at the launching. LUMBER LADEN BARGE MISSING Mariners Warned or Derelict '. Which Carries 70,000 Feet of Lumber. -t-aden with .70,000 feet of lumber a barge which broke away from the gaa schooner Roamer is either adrift in the raclf lc ocean off the Oregon coast or has gone ashore, according to a report received at the Portland branch of the United States hydrographic office by Lieutenant William Gibbons, U. S. N.. in charge. .' ;- ' ' "' - ' n.1 1 1 1 Jt . V. TTI1 I iio luinucr w&ai uuiibiiicu mi tug t?m- tamette Valley Land & Stock company ' of Corvallia and the shipment was to be delivered at Portland. According to the Information which came from Captain Von Brown of the Roamer, the barge had started north out or suets bay and wnen on HaystacK rock the towllne parted. ; Captain Brown went to Tillamook and secured a new hawser, but on his return to sea he was unable to: find the barge. . Nobody was on board the barge. The towllne parted at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednes day, in latitude annroximatelv 45 :1S north, longitude 124 :8 west. : A search up OLTiu uu vv ii m coast ana xor s con siderable distance out at sea was made for , the missing barge, but up to 10 o'clock this , morning no trace had been found of the derelict. " Lieutenant Gibbons warns mariners' to be on their guard because of the fact -that the barge is dangerous to naviga tion. . - . V '- S. S, PRO VIDENCIA READY TO COME Vessel, Now at Aberdeen to Finish , Loading Lumber for Mexico. Aberdeen.- Wash., April 12. The TRANSPORTATION Oriental Freight Service . SS. "West Miinham" , April ISth SS. "West Celina" May 25th Office 101 Third Street A-3333 - Main 1466 LASKA It yoo sre interested la a trip to AJssks this summer, nwm. dons should be spoken for eery mob. ae there are to be fewer mm ss mum, sad da ms nd la already beery. Let aa ottsr n sosee - Alaska tsamertip Oa. Canadian Psclfte Ocesn Services. - eifft sNeamshlp Oa, . 3 . OREOON JOURNAL TRAVgL aURKAU ' DORSET B. SMITH, MARASIN. The JsurnaJ Bulldlnfl , Portland, Or Telaphane Star, hell 1979 WHITE STAR LINE III VM DIP H,llif" APril 2 ULl 11 1 1U Southampton May 28 . NEW YORK LIVERPOOL Adriatic .April 281 Lapland ..May 24 Baltic ., .May 10 Adriatic ..May 31 Celtic ; . .May 14 1 Baltic . ..Jub 10 - ' And Regularly Thereafter. Company's Offlos, A. C. DISNEY, Aaent, Rail ay echn9 Rids., 010 Second Ave., iaattte, Tel. Main IIS. ' T11 STEAMERS Tbo DaQea and Way Points, Tuasdays. TbursdaTa mmA Saturdays. lO P. tX ' f DALLES CCLU2IA UN3 a ZL Doci Troadway 3434 .pannr STEAMSHIP COM PAN Vtmm A steamer Fnnidencia is In the lower harbor ready to clear for Portland after loading several hundred thousand foet of lumber , af , the, A. J. West ,'miH for Mexico. From Portland the Providencia will ro to San Francisco and thence to Santa Rosalia, Mexico. - Owlns; to a - rough bar the whaling- steamers did not put out to sea Wedne day on their first, whale hunt of the season.' ' - , A number of California grays were sighted on tho bar, but no attempt to shoot ; them ; was made, tho California gray being small - and producing little OIL i - - ' - ". Old Bath Mouse "Goes Down From up the ; Willamette river last night an old bathhouse, owner unknown, floated down to a few feet above the Portland Rowing club and, being water logged, sank. The houseboat is about JO feet long and 14 feet: wide, and a few sticks: and the . bathhouse sign are all that remain above water. k The sinking of the bathhouse blocks several , houseboat sites at this point, and their owners, to gether .with the Portland Rowing club, have complained to the Port of Portland commission to have the obstacle re moved. ; ' . ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Columbia river light vessel No, 8S has moved up to the Port of Portland dry dock to undergo , her annual overhaul ing. The vessel will receive a new coat of paint and whatever hull repairs are necessary... - The barkentlne Echo- arrived in the harbor at 11 o'clock this morning in bal last from San Francisco. It is reported that the barkentlne Re triever is on her way to Columbia river ports from Tonga Islands with a cargo of copra. She left the islands on Febru ary 13 and is expected tn port soon. '. , Steamer Shasta Libeled Asking- a total sum ot $5580, Christian LolLick this morning filed a libel against the -steamer Shasta, now loading lum ber at a. Portland , sawmill. Lollick al leges he was injured while working on the Shasta a year and a half ago. He asks 95000 damages, $500 loss of wages and 960 alleged doctor bills. ' Huge Timbers to Be Shipped Four finished timbers 74 feet In length and 83 Inches in diameter, have been placed aboard the West Togus to-be taken to the Panana canal cone to be used by the United States engineers as spuds : for their dredges, i The , Umbers are (of Douglas fir and were finished at Ostrando, Wash. , ; . " j , News of the Port : V TldM at AMerta Sunday Hish -WsUr, Low Water 6:47 a. m.. 7.8 feet 1:07 a. m., S.l feet 8:28 . m.. 0.6 feet .2:04 p. m., 0.2 feet SAILT BIVF.& REASI9GS '' , S.00 a. m.. Pacific "Bunnner" Time. STATIONS it i i m Eg a- gj a"j 25 I 8.1 I 0.1 0.00 lOi 6.S -1.6 O.OO 20 9.6 1.7 0.00 '20 8.0 M.O 0.00 12 T. 1.2 0.00 15 t.7 H-O.l O.OO Umatilla ...... Eucena , .'. , Albany , Salem . . . . . .. . Oreion City . . . rortland ...... ( Blalns.' ( ) Fallin. K1TEB I-OHECAST . " The Willamette riTer at Portland win remain nearly aUUonary. during the next two ot three daya. - . . . . . AT WEIGHBORINO PORTS Astoria.; AprU 12. Arrived at 11 a. jn. Bar- aeniuie acno zrom Ban eranciaco. Aatoria, April 11. Left up at 12:80 p. m.: Steamer Calilo from Han Vniw-km. ArMwmA :1 P- m. and left up at 6:80 a. in., xtearaer rrarHwno innnm aouna Tia uraya Haroor. Han Praneineo, April 11. Sailed at 11 P. tn., Steamer Willamette for , Portland. . Arrired, tlteamer Anrelia, from Cooe bay only. Ban SVanetapa. lDrilrl! II M a t- riTed yesterday Tansuard. Los Angeles, 12:10 p. m.: Governor, Loa Anselea, 1:50 p. m. ; Caa par. Caapar. 4 08 p. m. ; Neeanfcum, Brook inn. 8:16 P. m.; Daiay Matthew, Loa Anselea, 9 p. m. H alird yeaterday Bark Heels, i Bristol Bay. M. Phelpe. rort San LuU. 3:50 p. m.; Arctic, Fnrt Knn I'll n . V i iea, 5:20 p. Hoquiam, Grays Harbor, 6:30 r- ,., TMnmuira, jurvaa. 9:29 p. ra. : Kuaaian steamer Kishiner. Vladiroetok, g:s0 p. . Willamette. Portland. 11:10 n! m " ' Renew Search for r ; Cashier arid Loot Chicago. April 12.-t. N. S.) Despair ing of the success of a private search that has been in progress for the last six months, officials of the Amboy. Ind.. state bank today have appealed to, Chi cago detectives to find John H. Kendali, former cashier of the bank,- whose disap pearance last October was simultaneous with that of $97,000 of the bank's funds. The bank, since Kendall's defalcation be came known, has been in the hands of receiver. Its liabilities are listed at 1320,000 and Its assets at 9230,000. Pueblo K. of C. to Build . Pueblo, Colo.. April 12. (1. N. S.i ' The Pueblo Knights of Columbus, council iso. 557, plan j to erect' a building here to cost 9100,000. , A. bad line fence Is liable to make! a bad Neighbor.' " - S T EEL : TRUOTUHSL SMAPKS . tLTK - BARS RIVKTS ' BOLTS UNIT. RODS . . , . SABRICATKD MATKRIAL ' - f er - -RRIOOCS ' BUILDIFIS ' " TANKS TOWERS. - SHIRS NORTHWEST : BRIDGE & IRON CO. , PORTLAND. ORKOON O. In HI.. Rheae Mala 1HS. "Where to Get dt ' PHONB BROADtTAT IS FOB WWS'TEACOCK" BOCXBPBtSO. .-0 0 ALv.-:-- Standard Brick & Tile Co. We Here a Coal to Suit Beefy 1feas ,1 KtMMEREft and - ROCK SPRINGS COAL !m?iKn'r K1 BEST BCBttUM OOALS. PB1CES atKASUNajBUs. -CSSYSTALJCE:GST0aAQ S B-1S44, NATIONAL FUEL CO. Order your summer alabwood now. aare S par cent East 2041. ' ytWstgeNalf DETACHMENT OF 160TH INFANTRY IS ENTERTAINED j 1 .'-.V.--- : " 101 Men on Way to Camp Lewis " for Discharge v.? Find Warm - Welcome Here During Stay. REFRESHMENTS ARET SERVEP Salvation Army, Red Cross, War Camp Community Service and Citizens Contribute io Waifare. One hundred and one men who at the beginning of their military career were members of the 160th Infantry; arrived at the Union station at 2 :20 o'clock Fri day afternoon on their way from Camp Upton, I,. I., to Camp Lewis, for discharge,- They were entertained by the Portland - reception - committee and . all said they had a fine time, in spite of the fact that their-visit lasted only un til 4 o'clock : when they proceeded on their way. , - They marched to the Portland hotel where they had dinner. After this they wandered down the street to the station and spent a few minutes inside, mostly around the Salvation Army hut where they simply couldn't resist the tempta tion of some fine-looking cream puffs.' Cigarettes and candy were also furnished to a few of i them who straggled into the Red Cross canteen. - The , War Com munity Service gave out 120 packages of cigarettes to them. The train was in command of Lieu tenant E. O. Johnaon of Seattle. Following is a roster of the detach ment : v- Joaenh A. Wfllford Harvey H. Dunlap ' Walter H. Ebertiaf . Erick Eckatrand Bay Fordyoa A me Fredericksea Domenico Fnds Ralph - Gamarra Jamea- & Gillespie John T. Grace Forby R. Gresmba WiUie Haglund Ernest A. Hsmar Henry H. Hanenkrst John C. Harris - ' Keith HarUell ' George . L Helms Francis J. Hiatt . Lysis A. Greenmaa Andrew Jensen Joseph W. Aapinall Benjamin L. Bouley Daniel W. Cooper Gray B. Harrower William U HcCredia Georce B. Ripley Laurence Stewart Bichard T. Terras : Allep U. West by Julian W. Currie' Elder C. Denman -William O. Eastland Harry C. Hanson Kusene V, Hurley Kobert r . MeCle Loren E. Moore McClelland Harold H. Hibba Alfred A. Hoorer Percy IngaUT -Melrin K. Johnson Van W. Kenery Glen.Kinnan George R. Lyman Ray H. Lewis . Harrey C. Losier . Lewia Melrille Joseph J. Michaud Earl O. Mitten James D. Mob erg Walter S. Morgan Albert B. Moore Ralph W. Moaburc ' Alfred Power Tborvald J. Rianes ' John C. Rodgera Frank E. Rowland John F. Settle . ' Thomas Sermon Jr. Louia Shengler Talmage Smith . John L. Stewart Robert J. Swingler Frank W. Trask Mae Treisch , Minard E. Weeks Geo. O. Winterateea . James S." Withycombs AlTor li. Murray Nolan C. Bichey George A. Murphy William A. Suambow Alward P. Ackerman George W. Brandon Manuel Frank Arthur P. Gould George H. Austin John H. Homan Lara O. Lofquiat Carl V. Mayer Leo J. Richie Conrad W. Barrett . Fred Bloom Harrey Benson "' "" OrriUe V. Allen James R. Berana ' Herman Bluseke . -Joseph Bottero . James L Brady ' . ' Richard Bremen Harry O. Brown Harry F. ' Brownaon , Henry Cbampho Frank B. Clary Frank Coburn ElTis D. Cook - George W. Downins Cbarlea D. Draner Ralph W. Tork Eari 1. lm Boia Glenn W. Ziegler Officers Bejoiclsg 'v' Major Frank Carroll, meical officer with the troops, telephoned from here to his wife in Seattle and then Joined the men eating dinner, "feeling like a new man," so he said. Lieutenant O. C Wood of Walla Wal la, WashV found his sister in Portland and . spent his time with her. - Ray Fordyce, who served with the Twenty-ninth engineers, a sound and flash ranging regiment, and whose home is at 1851 Bayard street here, was met by Ms mother and spent the time at the station with her. He took her out to the Salvation Army hut and took caa of a cream puff, some doghnuts and coffee while she stood by with admiring eyes. She; said she had a good right to eye him. as he had been away 17 months. He was gassed in September during the St. Mihlel action. ; ; Mayor Baker Speaks L. O. Lofauist had been with the Twenty-third infantry. Second dfvision. and was wounded in the fighting four miles south of Sotssons on July 19. He looks hale and hearty. Harold II. Hlbbs of Kugene. who was with the Fifth, field signal battalion in the actions at St. MJhiel and In the Ar gonne, where he-, was wounded, met his father and .sisters at the Union, station. He said he was -glad to be back after having been in France since - December 28, 1917. He went over with the old headquarters company of the 162d (Third Oregon) Infantry. - Mayor George Lv Baker was glad to get back Into the fun of receiving troops and gave them a nice little talk during, their dinner at the Portland hotel. Mrs. Fred Lw Olson and Walter Jenkins sang very pleasing songs. NEW TODAY Synopsis of thek Annual Statement of the STAR INSURANCE COMPANY OP AMERICA Of New York City, in the State of New York, on the Slat . day of December. 1918, : made to the , Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up.. 8 400,000.00 ''' ," INCOME Net . premium. receied during '- j the year 8 638,405.72 Interest, dividends and rents ro-,. - : " . ceired during the year 47.880.42 Total income , $ 686.236.14 DISBURSEMENTS ' Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses..! 241,420.80 Dividends paid . on capital stock during the year 80.000.00 Commisaiona and salaries paid during the year ............ 125,736.24 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing tbo year .............. 40,72.1 Amount of all other expenditures , 62.S64.66 Total expenditures . .'. ..8 60O.85O.78 ASSETS ' Value of stocks and bojMls owned (market value) ,...81.100,680.00 Cash in banks and oa. hand .... 220.762.12 Premiums in course of collection - written since Sept. 80. 1918.. 237.226.68 Interest and rente due and accrued 909.88 Total assets . . . j . . . . . . . . ... 81,577.668.18 Total assets admitted in Oregon., f 177,668.13 ' i LIABILITIES Cross claims for losses unpaid.. 8 7,6,018.06 ail outntaading risks Due for oommMaion and brokerage AU othsr iiabiiitiea ........... 642.8S6.OS 10.000.00 87.500.00 . . Total- .Iiabiiitiea. '. exclusiTe of capital stock, of S4OO.000.., 8 ' 666.374.05 BUSINESS IX OBEGON FOB THE YEAR Gross premiums received during the year ........... ..... 3 86,515.26 Premiums returned during year.. . 12.609.05 Loaeea. paid during tha year.... 16.0AS.46 Losses incurred during the year.. 16.087.62 STAR. INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA ; i H. R. SOUDON. President. T. A. WEED. Assistant Secretary. Statutory resident attorney tor Mr rice: r ; A, W. Lambert & Son, . ' Exclusive .Agents "- 404 East AWer St; Corner flrand Ave. . - GEORGE t. iANESV Portland, Ore, Draft Boards Have - , Finished Their Task v All - draft board - records -are , now on their way to Washington. 1 J. C, and Captain John E." Culliaon, draft execu tive of Oregon Is preparing to close the state headquarters office in the Morgan building. .The' boards officially ended their - work March Jl and pursuant to an order from Washington all unused blanks will be destroyed and typewriters and office cabinets, sold on sealed bids.' Friday letters were sent -by Captain Cullison to all draft board members In the state notifying them that their duties were officially over with. . f ,;5 " Herman Rhode Improving v,. Herman F. Rhode of S84 Everett street, who was seriously- Injured Wednesday at the Grant- Smith-Porter shipbuilding plant when he fell a long distance. Is reported to be much better today at the Good Samaritan hospital. He lias" regained consciousness. His skull was fractured. : f ' , V JfEW TOPAT ; Vynopnis of the Annnal Statement of tna ff Edinburgh. Scotland, on the thirty-first day of December. 11S. made to the Insurance oom- miaaioner . of S the Btate .01 vregosi, jranyu. to set reauB.,i..-. " to . . . ... year Interest, dlrdenda and rente rs- eeived during the year...... 118,652 w . - .avU a sutMMiaa waaw l.7t MS XnOVIUV irw ww:s -v-.vw- AAA A.n ciTd durinet the year 200,60. 1.89 i Total income 82.481.181.81 DISBURSEMENTS v -a , ti.t iin, that veer including adjustment expense. 81.078,382.48 DiTdeada paid on capital aiocs. durina the year 657.627.78 Taxes, licenses and fees paid dun- in the rear ..........,. ?. 160,764.21 Amount of all ether expend . tares ...... 185.275.1 Total expenditures .L . . .. . .82.022,989. 1.60 varoe oi rem, M . . . . A (market value) .... 410.000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) .... .... . . Re-insurance due on paid losses. Cash in banks and oa hand . ; i . Premiums in course of collection written sines September 86, 1918 Interest and rents due and ac crued ................... 1,834.648.00 357,473.82 880.895.13 18,171.92 Total assets- ' ' nna.SRA.i d'eDoaitaJin' any "state 8,283.22 special Total ,'assets admitted in Oregon. S3,o00.e05.95 . . , a DTT 1TXCI ' T s lJA0U8At-Biky . Grdasi claims lor loaaes .unpaid . 3 241.009.08 Amount of unearned premiums on aU outaUnding risks . . . . . . 1,83 J.34.z All other liablltea .... - - - - ,'220 o2 Hnmlus ss xecards poUcyhoidera . 879.971.95 . . 1 , f nl. 1011 liaonies,- crauuia tal stock ...T... . 83.000.605.85 BUSINESS IN OBEGON FOR THE YEAR. m UK.laas4 a4asw4nsS .... .:..t:..7.,"t;:.8 .42.253.82 Premiums returned during the J2 84g fl . em "-Ai" B'745'l tnesrred durine the year. 8.387.18 CALEDONIAN INSURANCE CO., of , - EDINBURGH. SCOTLAND. CHAS. H. POST. . B. C. CHRISTOPHER U. S. Manager. , ' Aas't C. S. Manager. Statutory resident- attorney for service: AUGUSTUS H. JACKSON,' Piatt Building, . 4 Portland, Oregon. ' ' -Balfour. Guthrie st Co., General Agents, ''.- San Franciscow: Warrens ft Webster. Gaaeo Buildings Geriinger. Bichards ft Co., : Northwestern a . Bank Building, Agents. Synopsia of the Annual . Statement of the IAWfVSIO.AND ROCK ISSURANCE COM Of London, England, 'on 'the Slst day of Deeem- ber, lvla, maaa to me uuiiice cwiu,w er of the Stats ot - uregon, jwesubus w w. - , . ' - - CAPITAL atitntorr deoosit ........... 8 888.000.00 -. , INCOMB Net premiums .received, during the . year .............,.3 Interest, diridenda and rents re ceived during the year. . . . . ; . Income from other aourcea se- ceived during the year ..... i Total income s . 8 DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid daring the year, including adjustment expenses. 3 Cr.mmiasiona and salaries paid dur ing the year Taxes, licensee and fees paid dar - ins the year ............ i . Amount of all other expenditures. 608.078.74 62.242.17 . 76.646.34 736.968.25 7 - . 360,976.65 167.839.10 84.118.46 163.357.43 'Total expenditures .......8 726.291.68 . ASSETS : - Varna of stocks and bonds owned . (market value). . ......81.118.725.00 Reinsurance due. on paid loans. . 20.810.2R Cash in banks and on hand ... . 189,936.15 Premiums in -eonrae of collection, written since Sept. 30. 1918. 131,142.11 Interest and rents due and ac crued . . . . . 10.827.88 Total assets . 31.420,948.4 Total assets admitted in Oregon. 1.420.948.4 LIABILITIES i Gross claims for tosses unpaid.. 3 67,096.86 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks ........ 586,486.18 AC other liabilities ...... 18.985.80 Total' liabilities,, exclusive of . capital stock of 8338.000.8 622.228.29 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Gross premiums received during the year ..... i ....3 25.258.23 Premiums returned during the. - - year . - . '-. v ... '. . . . . 4,985.36 Ixtteesipaid during the year. . : . . 5,778.34 Losoea Incurred during the year. JB, 863.84 THE LAWTJNION AND ROCK INSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd. -HALL ft HEN SHAW, U. 8. Manager. . Statutory resident attorney for service: B. E. MENEFEE. Portland, Or. Synopsis of -the Annus! Statement of the CAMDEN FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Of Camden, in the State of New Jersey, on the 81st day of December, 1918. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law : -. . - i CAPITAL Amount of capital, itock paid isp.. 81.000,900.00 ..;r income "i " . . " Vet premiums received durinr the " year .. . . . .... .. . .63,601,090.82 Interest, dividends and rents re- ceived during the year .. Z.-t. 204.640.03 Income . from , other sources re ceived during the year. ...... ' 890.48 .Total income ........ . . . . . .88,806,921.83 DISBURSEMENTS - : Net loaaes paid during., the year including adjustment expeasea..81,6l6,425.62 Dividends paid oa eaoitel atock during the year . -. 104.144.60 Lm missions ana salaries paid during the year ........... . 1,994,461.12 Taxes.- licenses and fees paid, dur ing the year .'.... 70,225.17 Amount of all ether expenditures 206,242.36- Total expenditures .....'....$3,089,498.87 ' ASSETS Value of Real estate owned (mar ket value) 126.500.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned - s (market value) . 8,874,011.50 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc ... ...- 641.798.00 Cash in banks and on hand . . . . 179.857.83 Premiums tn course of collection : written since Sept. 80. 1918.. 469,024.55 Interest and rents due and ae- -. , orued 58.610.32 Total assets .,... .... 85,845.701.75 Less special deposits in say state.. -70.840.00 . ' Total assets edmitted la Oregon-36,274.861.76 . LIABILITIES - . , Gross claims for losses nnpaid. ..8 509,151.72 Amount of unearned premrams oa aR outstanding risks ...... . 2,745.590.12 Due for commission and. brokerage ' 6.000.00 All other Iiabiiitiea 105.569.73 Total "liabttiUee, . exclusive ' of I .. capital stock of 91.0O0.OO0. . 88.365,311.67 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Grose premiums received f dunng the year ..... i . ... . i , . -. . . 3 64.103.24 Premiums returned during year.. 11.675.62 I.sssta paid daring the year ... .. 10.013.87 Leases incurred daring the year.. - '.12,054.09 CAMDES-FTRE TNSURANCE ASSOCIATION - - J. LYNN TRCSCOTT. Vies Pica. J. K. SHARP, -Secretary.! " Statutory resident attorney for service: - A. H. JACKSON. Piatt Bldg.. Portland, Or. ': BALFOUR. eUTHRIB ft CO. v ; ! ' General Aeevrts. San Francisco. . PORTLAND TUCST COMPANY. Agent Northwestern Bank BMt, ' SMITH-WAiONER COMPANY. Agent . . Stosk Cxchaaga Bids. - . . KEW TODAY Synopsis of the Annual Statement " THR AMERICAN INSCBAXCE COMPAXT of Newark in the state of New Jersey, on the thirty -first day of December, ltl 8, asadf tm the insurance eommiaaioner of the state of Oregon, punuaat to law: " - . ' ' -. CAMTAT ' : i Aaasmnt of gpitsl stock paid np $ INCOME , Net premiums recerred . during - the year .. j. .......... . . S S.STS.STS.tl Interest, dieldenda and rants re-. . eeiTed dunos the year ...... ' 823,797.44 Ineome - f ram other wurm n- ' eased daring the year ...... 450.137.07 ToUIincome . .S 7.S50.801.42 . v DISBURSEMENTS -1 ; Net losaes paid during the year ' incrading adjustment expenses $ 2.842,788.28 Dividends paui on, capital stock dunng the year .......... , - 400.088.09 Commisaiona - and salaries paid during the year . . i . . . . . . . -2.044,062.25 Taxes, licenses .and fees paid V during the year ......... . 28l.t91.9l Amount of ail other expenditure 841.188.63 . Total expenditures '. 8 8.817.0T2.08 ' v " ASSETS 5 Value of real estate owned (mar ket .value) . i 472.500.00 Value of stocks and bonds otrned (market raiue . 9.224,860.00 Loans on 'mortgagee and collat eral, etc .............. . 1.761,781.00 Cash in banks and on hand 825.054.88 Premiums in coarse of collection written since - September SO, 1818 .................. 1.216.763.41 Be-inaaAance recoverable oa paid losses'.... 14,061.63 Interest and rente due and ac crued .... ; 112.882,74 Total asset . . ....... 818.627,893.00 'Less special deposits in any state 4,149.43 'Total assets - admitted in -Oregon ....818,623.743.57 LIABILITIES Gross claims for loaeea nnpaid. .8 ' 743,028.69 Amount of unearned premiuma on aU outstanding, risks .... 7,111.484.49 Due for conuniasion and broker. age 19.283.96 All other liabilities ......... 749,484.28 Special reserve fund . , 800,000.00 Surplus 2,700.612.15 Total liabilities, exclusive of 4 capital stock ef BUSINESS TN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Gross premiums received- during the year ...8 51.963.61 Premiuma i returned during the year .. . 8 17,182.86 Losses paid during the year. ...8 8,683.68 Loses incurred during the year. 8 .- 11.190,36 THE AMERICAN, INSURANCE COMPANY OF J NEWARK. N. J. WILLIAM E. STEWART. Vice President. F. HOADLEY. Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service: Au gustus H. Jackson, Plat Building. Portland, Or. Balfour Guthrie ft Co., general agents, San Francisco. Rosenblatt1 ft 8olomon, Inc., Selling building, A. H. Blrrell Co.. Inc., Northwestern Bank building, agents, Portland, Or, Sent), Us Your Old Carpets OM , Bags sad Woolen Clothing. , ; Ws Slake Bevorslble. HaadWovsa Fluff Rugs They Wear X,lke Iron. ' Kag Bags Woven All Slsss. ; Man Orders ggsd lor Booklst, Carpet Cleaning 9x12, Rurs, Steam Cloanetl. SI. 50 Westx?biv fxtjff btjo ca 44 TJaioa Ave. IT. , East 616 Phones B-147 NORTHWEST RUG COMPANY r rORMER AOORES3 163 UNION AVEL New Rags made from ait kinds ot old earpetsi Carpet Cleaning. Kellttlng, H isong. ; nmg itugs -woven - tut snest, -: - ataif Orders Solicited. EAST. S68V . , 1 U, STct B-1389 TMPBO VED CAICADIAIT FARMS Where fat cattle and No. 1 hard wheat are produced, at lowest cost. fit TO $48 AX AC BE ' -f , -t i Easy Terms For farm homes or investment. Write to or call on tnriTl?D GBAIW GBOWEHS SECURITIES CO, LIS. - C24 iienry Building The Famous Gastle Gate Coal ECONOMY FUEL GO. E. 814 B-2S4S SI OKAJTO . Dry Corcvvpod Country Slabwood PQrtland Slabwood Co. Maiii 3119 A-7001 41 BEGULAR qnarterly meeting and Dene. net tonight at the Imperial hotel at 6 o'clock, food program and large at tendance- expected. If T. MOOD LODGE NO. 157. A. F. AND, A. M. The members of the lodge will attend tho Pied mont Presbyterian church, Cleve land and Jessup atreeta tomor ram .(Sundavi evening. Mem bers and their families urged to attend. r .11 i. juiun.. KENTON LODGE SO. 145, A. F. AND A; M. Special com munication thia (Saturday) ave ntng. 7 :80 o'clock. Work in. K, A. degree. - Visitors welcome. . R. F. GEI8T. Sec. .DANCING Kvarv Wedneadsv and Saturday evenings; big prize waits Saturday. -April 12: best of onion music - Waverly hall 26th and Clinton. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, buttons, pine. charms. , Jsca-v Bros.. ui-ii ow su fA statistics m8tr!gzs.BIrtts.Dzo1bz BIBTHS FAT To Mr. end Mrs. Jan iay, Htt etn. March 2Gi. a son. - . : , , . . WILLIAMS To Mr. and Mr. Leslie W. Wi liamv 60S V. tjnariesion, apru . a oaegnier. PARKS To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parks, 805 S. Kellogg. Apru t. a oaugnrer... 1.. ' ASHER- To Mr. and Mrs. E. Asbef. 826 Cal houn. April 0. a eon. . - EGGLESTON To Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Sg- gleston. 1199 Borthwick. Apru o. s son. llcKNELI.T To Mr. snd Mrs. H. MclvneUy, 1728. E. 9th. Maren 29. a oangnter.. - WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. G. F. . Wright, 1707 E. 7th, April 1, a son ABBOTT- To Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Abbott. Ill E: 72d. April 8. a daughter. - . ; MATHISON To Kr. and Mrs, John B. MSthJ- son. 404 10th. April S. a dangnter. " FITZGERALD To Mr. and Mrs, D. M.;Fit- arrsld. 1 SO Sherman. March 1. a son. - DEATHS AKP TVVY.HK1M -78 GOLDEN. -At Phoenix, Aria.. April 6, 1919, George A.-- Golden. - aged 28. years. Friends inviled- to attend the fnnersl services.- which will be "held at Holman's Funeral parlors st 11 a. m. tomorrow tSunday), April 13,, 1919. Interment Altsval B hoi ova cemetery. 1 BACKOV At Goodln aUtion., April 8, 1919. t Manrice Rackov. sged - 29 - yeara. . Fnenda invited to attend the, funeral services. which will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Snndsy). April 13. 1919. Interment- Tslmah Torek- cemetery. . - LALUMIERE At . HUlaboro, - OrA April 1 0, i.xlia K. iAtamiere. aged 62 years. . wife of George Leinmiere. The remains are st Fin ley 'a. Montoomerr at Fifth. Notice of 1 users! fceteaftcr. . i ... i. .-. ".,... . . .. - .. 71 GLLLICKSON At the residence. 194 Porter street. April 10.. 1919. Ole Uullickaoa. aged 68 years 11 months, beloved husband of Gunnel GuUickaoa. Friends invited t attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hainan's funeral parlors at 9:80 a. m.. Monday, April 14. 1919. Interment Multnomah cemetery. - St HWAHZEXBACH Hermiene Schwarsenbach, Columbia blvd., April 6, 62 . years, organic mitral heart disease. - .- - . KRUEGER Grace C Krueger, . Pierce eena ' tnrinm. April 9, 25 years, pneumonia. CARLON BeBe Carlon, Good Samaritan boapi- AtTii 89 ea. toxemia. YOST Conrad Yost. 972 Montana. April S, 62 I' years, sarcoma. i . LAFFERTT Martha I. Laffertv. Portland nur sery, Aprfl 9. 4 months, pneumonia. BRADLEY Darwin J. Bradley. 7918 Foster irosd. April 5, 57 yean, paralysia. THOMAS Elisabeth Ana Thomas. - 795 Cor nirWi'v. , years, angina pectoris. J HT-Jow"h p- 8etvtn. Willard hotel. April r-UJ''?e,rs' rebral hemorrhage. , E.OPP Cbarlea Kopp. 346 Vi Weidler.' April 9, mi'9.'" taberculoaia. ' MACHADA siannal Maehada, Good Samaritan wiKSiE"'1, Apra 0 years, peritonitia. aUfMERMAN Martha A. z'mmerman. 6824 44th ave.. April 8, 86 years, pneumonia. FLORISTS i CLARK BROS.. Ooriats, Momsos " at bet' 4th j and 8UJ. Phonea Main er A-1H06. Fine r.ow- nd floral designs. - No branch storea MARTIN ft FORBES C6., 'Florists. 854 Wash: incton. Main 269, A l 269. flowers for ail ccasione artistically arranged. "2 ,MABJiit 'LOKIST. 6th and Yam , jkUI sta. Cat Cowers, plsnts and designs, San. wood greenhouse. Ss Nehaleaa ave. Sell. 1520. PORTLAND'S Floral and Bird Shop. beaigna and decorations. Main 4878. 226 aforriMin. SWISS 1'LORir. FI.OWEKS AND PLANTS. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Aider, designs and decorations. Phone Marshall 5922. - LALANE Floral deoigna and decora lions. . Oppo- MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Vi 6th at nmERAL DIRECTOBS HoJman Undertaking Co. . Funeral Directors , , Established 1877 Third and Salmon Streets -r. Main 607, A-16I1- LADY ASSISTANT Progressive Funeral Directors Main B Montgomery at 6th -A-ltS? 4 WILSON &ROSS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMA iHTLvxnum tunerai Directors East C4 r C-316R F, . St DUNNING, INC. asaTi9B.2OL?1E!i BtJLB UNDERTAKERS- ' 414 E. Aider St. Phone East 52. B-52s DUNNING & McFNTFF Broadway and Ankeny Sta Lady Assistant. I'bonea Broadway 480. A-4658 A. D- KEN W0H THY & CO. 1 6803-8804 92d at 8. B.. Lenta. Phone Tabor 5367. Homo Phone n.l fe?AB1 H. L. LERCH Assistant UNDERTAKERS.'. B. 11th and Hawthorne, U'ENTEE A EILERS. funeral parlor with all the Privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sta. '""r" 'J. izii; Home. A-2183 CHAUPicpli muiiliinf- S4S and 230 Killings worth ave.. near Williams eve. woodiawn aaoe. C-11S8. MILLER ft TRACrJY. IndeDtuident Fan.l ni. rectors. Prices as low as t"0 can a Arw Washington at Ella Wilson & Wilson ssam Q1. A-7HS9. atrset 65 HAMILTON 'Jf. BREEZE & SNOOK Tabor 1258 B-2648. ' A. R. Zeller Co. rt islT ITS C-1088. C0,n- UNDERTAKING. CO. Main 4152. OfsrjWeS A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. L" D I PCA Kl Undertaking Parlors, 445 Alor- I ill VOW 1 rtsoo st. Broadway 2584. bT-tT BYRi.iA. new residence establishment. 901 Williams eve. WootOaws 220. U-lVtS. MOITTJMEWTS flBLAESINQ GRAMITe Co ' U 267-3RP ST. AT rlKQtSOM PORTLAND MARBLE WORK8, 204-288 4th St.. opp. city hall. Main 3684. Philip Km ft Sons for memorials. LOST ASH FOCSD 81 THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland, .Railway, Light ft Power Co., April 10, 1919: : 27 umbrellas, 1 chisel. 7 lunch boxes.-1 traveling bag. 1 stove pipe. 1 coat. 8 parses, 1 pin. S pr. gloves, 1 bo. keys, 4 books. 1 packages. 1 plane. 1 baby bottle. Own ers may obtain property at First and Alder sta. station. LOST A purse on Sd st. csr, or after getting ' off at -Broadway and asnmgton, containing silver, a gold watch, initiala F. M. 1. and ceiptat Csll East 1048. LOST Small cameo pin in gold frame, between Yamhill Publio market and 2d and Salmon, Friday. Reward. Call East 7539. LOST Yellow fox fur with, brown lining. Initials L. G.. Tuesday. April 8. W. O. W. temple. Call Main 8807. Reward. LOST Sunday evening, suitcase oa Foster road, between ' Damascus snd Lents. ' Phone Tsbor 7892. - Rewerd. WILL party who found boy 'a brown Mackinaw - on circus ground, 26th and Raleigh, please. phone Mam 7D4S. HIBERNIA Savings bank book lost oa Montavtlla car or down town district. East 4675. Re ward. - L08T Monoarram fob and Elks' tooth. F. H. K 142; liberal reward. Call Broadway 4484. Return to 420 couch st. WANTED A' valet to pet puppies. Apply to the Majestic theatre. , P. S. -Never mind ap plying : Tom Moore just got tpe job! LOST Blue silk umbrella, in Lhsman-Wolfe store or-ZBd at. car. imday afternoon. Be- tnrn to 033 Montgomery at. Rewerd. LOST Small diamond ear stud, in Star theatre, shopping district or ML Scott car. Reward. Tabor 297S IXST On the East side, 2 rag . rugs. Reward 32.SO. Western Salvage Co.. cor. 17th and Washington. ' ? " LOST Fountain pen. Citizen bank. Finder Ttfease call Tabor 94 lO; LOST r-A black purse in Pan tag es theatre Sat- amir matinee. ('all Heiiwnd RisiM. LOST Button brooch, - boy's photo. Main 5108. HELP WANTED MALE MEN wanted for the United States Merchant Ma rine to be trained, aa sailors, firemen, stew ards, for good lobs at good pay on ocean going ship. Pay while training. Board and quarters free. Ages 18 to 35. Bring birth certificate. ' APPLY, TO. -. ' ' h EARL M. BROCKETT, t Enrolling Agent United States Shipping. Board Recruiting bervice West Seattle, Wash. OFFICE BOX WANTED Must bs bright, active snd willing to -work. An excellent chance to learn advertising and Ma Mr. Buppe, Businsss Office. The Journal. MEN wanted at West Lsnn paper nulls, 42s aa hour. 8-bour day. See Mr. F. T. Bartow- at bote! across river f rose Oregon City. Clean beds 20e night ; best meals. 35c -' ;. AUTOMOBILE finisher and painter wanted at once. , how out a good experienced sua need apply. , Must give references. B2L-644, Jour ael. - ' - - - - ' .. WANTED Practieal prater for country office. (ood office, board reasonable, good town -to work tn. Permanent situation. State wages. Address B-682. Jonmsl. . - MAN wented for jobbing and gardening, Port- land Heights. Call ail fter 0 p. am, , MarsaaU 2260. FIRST class slaughter bouse butcher. Frank L. Smith. H Alder St. HELF WANTED MISC. 49 POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHE.NKE-WALKEB . Bssaiaeas : College, f orris swl ' Baroll any time. . Teiegrapby, ateooraptiy, aaas. tna, bookkeevins. awcreUriai. Free estates,, - ' DEATHS AWD FCKKRAIS 49 WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED : 4 NEW DE PARTMENTS IN OUR PORTLAND MOTOR SCHOOL- AND WB ARK PREPARED TO GIVE TOO A LIFE MEMBERSHIP FREE IF YOU CAN FIND A SCHOOL ON THE PA CIFIC COAST THAT IS GIVING THE TRAIN ING TO STUDENTS -THAT WE ARE. IN- Tl-CTflTV . . 1 ' r. n ... . . . r n . .m. . n TOR YOCRSELF. WE ARE GIVING' A S25 DISt-OUNT . TO SOLDIERS AND SAIIX)7i8. CALL OR WRITE HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOTJJ. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE., COR NER OP EAST 20TH. OR 124 N. TH. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT. : , AUTOMOBILES. TRUCKS. TRACTORS Learn to -be a first cleat Mechaaie and Gas Engineer, rebuild. operate and repair Autoes biles. Tracks and traetora. This is act an Ena-ineertng School, teaching TBEORT ONLY, neither ia it a GARAOK. bat a REAL PRAO T1CAL SCHOOL, where yon ssara the bnat, aess by ACTUAL WORK on the Mactiiaea. Ws have more and better Eqammeat thaa aU ether Setesob) . to " Oresjoa Combined. SPECIAL TRADES Mtacafniat. Acetylene Welding. - Vai. eanixina and Retreading. Day and Evening V??? Wrtt I" Ceulogua BAVVTUUK.NM AUTO SCHOOL. 483 Hawthorne ave. LEARN AUTOS AND TK ACTORS- FIVE DATS' FREE TRIAL PAX TUITION WHK.N SATISFIED Ws teach ante, tractor, gas engine and eats leetricai work; BIO 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcos Auto and Tractor school. Dept. 3. Umoa see. and Wasco at. Portia ad, Ot. Phone East 7446. - WANTED ; ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL INDUCEMENTS TO FIRST 23. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 6TH ST. N. - - ' ' BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL-.' Individual instruction. Right methods. Lore be rnsens aids.. 6tb and Stark. Bwdy. 3464. Miss F. BureeH.. Principal. DAY -WCHOOU, NIGHT SCHOOL. . , .- - . - v LEARN TELEURAPH1-- Young are and women wanted. Call 31 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity te leans , a well paid prof sastoa. - Free bookie. Ball way Telegraph Institute. - . ' MISS DECKER S ' '; ' PHIVATB BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKT BLDU. 3D AND MORRISON. COINU East or South I isotssenxld goods anippeS at redoeed rates; saovtng and packins. Pacifie Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 70S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AUE.NU1 Frank K. Welles, as -asst. State Sapt.. nagt, M. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED -A limited number of girls, between the ages of 18 and ' 25 years, ' to - operate power sewing machines and to do general fac tory work.. Apply Ames-Harris-Neville Bag fac tory, cor. 13 th and Hoyt sta. WOMAN, partially paralyzed, wants middle-aged woman to stay-with her five days each week. S hours ner dsv: ' Will have to cook own meals and prepare light: diet for me. Other duties to assist me in moving, talk and entertain. Will pay 31 per day and meant. B-658, Journal. -WANTED Experienced woman f or general housework; family of two. Inquire 208 Ab ington bldg., 3d St.. between Washington and Stark sts. WANTED Cook in small hotel; good wages. Call, at Rose City Hotel. St. Johns, or puons Columbia 125. - Mrs. Kane. WANTED Lady housekeeper in the home of 4 adults; no washing. Tabor 1382. 920 L Main at., cor. of 81st, WANTED Elderly-lady for farm to assist in housekeeping. Call at 4018 65th st S. E Mount Scott csr. v WANTED Elderly lady to ears for 2-year-old boy; small wages, good home. Apply 753 Washington at-, corner a 3d. " '- ; -WANTED A - middle-aged housekeeper, by workingman i one who is neat and good cook. A-264. Journal '- WANTED Woman with experience in stenographic and general office work , tor afternoons only. 170 1st st. WANTED, in. chariuble institution, a heifer who would eivoy a good home along with salary. HX 645. Journal. GIRL 1 to assist, with general liousework. , 899 - Ixivejoy. Apply mornings. - FIRST CLASS finisher wanted. , 206 Columbia bldg. WANTED Labebag or wrapping, by experienced girt- Phone Broadway 518. room 40. ELDERLY lady, wishing a home for room and board. Sellwood 2972. WANTED Experienced Comptometer operator. . Tale Laundry, 600 E. Morrison. HOUSEKEEPER farm ' home, cow to milk) chickens, garden. Call 228 Alder at. WANTED Day work by whits Woman. 3 Broadway 618. room 40. Phone HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE AND 89 WANTED ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING. SPE CIAL INDUCEMENTS TO FIRST 25. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 6TH ST. M. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGB " Pays yon while learning; gives yon set ot tools; positions secured. Writs for catalogaav 33d Bumslde at., or phone Broadway 1731. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaebes trads ia 8 weeks: pay while learning; poarOoa amae gateed. 2S4 Oouea st. MEN. WOMEN, lean barber trade, wages wtue learning; postuoa gusranteeo. Mgr. ax years experience. Oregon Barber College. 333 Madieea. WANTED A Udy or man to clerk in grocery and confectionery store. 107 Kilpatrick sU. Kenton. - 1 WANTED AGENTS 1 SALESMEN WANTED Good position to bustler, bis money to live wire. For appowtment aadresa f-g-a. journal. EXPERIENCED insurance salesman to sell health and accident insurance. U-233, Jour nal. " '" SITUATIONS MALE Contractor and builder, repair and new work in the. city or country : B. D. Crowe, 441 E. P2d st- Tabor 79H2. . MAN with new Ford ton truck, with good body ' and top wishes steady Job, or will sell truck; ran less than 108 miles. F-4 18. Journal. NOW. b' the time to repair yoar root before tnt in; We srnsrantee to stno all leaks. For re liable work eall Wdle. BO 84. 8 years in Portland, j EX -LIEUTENANT d wires position as salesman, clerical worker or anything; request an inter view with yon.- B-604. Journal. LAWN :. mower- grinding - and reiring. . hand saws'recnt snd filed. 682 Williams ass. ' ROOFS reshingled a specialty. Phone Beacham, MarshaU ion. PAINTING, paperhaaging and fcaisomlng b.y eX- perienced workman. Phone Tabor 4966 A BOY, 14. . attending t'linton Ke.iy ; wanta work SaVurrlay". Sell 8742. sclauol. WANTED Position - by experienced man watchman -or janitor. Benwooq 7 1 . PAPERING, painting, floor finishing and tint ing. - Phone Tabor BIOS. ELDERLY wanu position aa janitor or houseman. E-261, Journal. HIGH school boy desires work after school and Saturday. Thene Wdln. 345. RESHINGLLNG done; reasonable. CaU Viddn. 6191, fvoni7 p. as. -to S p. sn. - IF kOU sre going to move, eall East T727. I do hsnling and express also. A RDENEH 8liwnod 2049. FOR PLOWING call Tabor 64. SITUATIONS FEMALE STRONG, healthy, well educated young woman desires to attend nuainess college m roruam. wni airti as maid or nursemaid in prirata family - in exchange .for, room and board and sufficient wages to pay or tuition. 3 years' hoosehold experience,, s months' hospital trsin Ina. Ben references ae to character, eta,. Ad- dresa JX-26Q. Journal. TOCNO-- tody, neat and intelligent, wishes office work, either dentist or physician assistant; trilling to start on small salary; object ie to ad vance; some experience. Marshall 4400, Apt R08 ' . -. -r--.- - - BELlABLE housekeeper, good cook; no lncuro- brance; city or out, eastern jaay.. , i , Journal. - . " " ' ' . : - " '. ELDERLY lady wants janitor work for office mikling. i-non peiiwooq - DRESSMAKING 48 DRESSMAKING Alteration work guaranteed. 99Q 3 Heimonv- -l aoor nive. FURNISHED BOOMS - t NEW PERKINSTHOTEu '"T Flftb and Waahington Streeta Bight te center of Portland's actrvirJea, Let s show yoa our scrcaisaotlstirnsa, Mates $6 per up. - -- - - ' HOTEL FRANKLIN - , WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH ' ' a daay ap, , Free Tub end Sbower Bats, 31 BOTEL Sargent. Hawthorn end Ursad. Starting point special ear for Vaneewver. 1 OR 2 rooms for light housekeeping, at 350 rtawrnorne ave. 2. OR 8 partly furnished U. K, rooms, 293 k Ktarv at., eor. otn. . lttMiM. $15. -148 letb at. Broadway 2555. HELF rTAHTED-MI8C r- "t '. - FDBMtsHf.II DnnuaPI!TVlT1t r EAMILT --V-. Tt LARGE . front , sleeping room : for 3 genu . of - so per month; walking OlaU ssarsnaa iito, 4S1 Taylor at. - Ul'IKT pteoa, furaUhed rooms for rent, with a . without board. 494 Kerby at. East 7410. ' SLEEPING room Marshall 1885. la ape; bath aad ',- paoaa. FURNISHED room, apartment Kat PMe. Suitable l or 3 hooae. close ia. men. Mar. sees, ll,.'?' r.niihed and unfurnished, for rent 122 W 1 nWra ave. . '18 LMX'RMSUKli, two ,nics rooms, bathj"lihi. oeai. gaa.- wis East Stars st. f BOOM 8) AKD BOARD U THE HAZEL "Not Use the ethera,"' "tveri eoniort. Home eooklng. 386 Third at. tHt Usrtha wsshlastoa , 380 loth, to bust. Stria and etadenta Marshall 1261. 1 BOOMS AND .BOABD PBITATK 1 . FAM1LT - 71 1 NICE large room, suitable for 1 or 2; good ' board; home privileges; walking distance. 770H Johnson at. Main 6897. i MOTHERLY lady wishes little girl to board.. 10 t to 12 years. 1B month. Marshall. 1240 JL ROOM "and board for a man. fBIVATK home for children. 910 Borthwick st. Phone EaX244S. ' WAKTEDBOOMS AXD BOA Bp It WANTED Nicely furnished' room ia private family, west side, close in. by lady employed. Price must be reasonable. Main S041. Apt. 3. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS " b rmt.llUHEll AND UNr ITRNISHED LARGE, clean and neatly furnished single rooms for desirable, clean working men only. 'Every thing furnished. Delmonte. 187 Stout st, near 20th and Waahington. I FOR RENTZThTk. room, ground floor,' 8 11 includea everything: room apartment. 31 1: no objection to 1 child 328 Hail at. I FOR RENT 1 and 2 rooms furnished for light Housekeeping; childre accepted here. 238 N, 1 6th st. - . ;. LARGE front room and kitchenette, also single room. 110. adult. fllVS Flamtara TWO furnished front housekveping rooms second floor. OA N. 20th at. H. K. Rooms; 550 Couch at., block of 16U and Washington. .Reasonable. I S Ft'RNISHKD housekeeping rooms. 2TO 6th St. JTOTJ8EKEEMW fl BOOMS 18 FUBHISHED AND TJNFURNISHBll PB1VATE FAM1LT TWO Furnished H. K. rooms.. 2 SS E 1st K East 6875. TWO rooms furnished complete for housekeeping'! 11 K. 14th st N. East 2184. j FOUR furnished liousekeering rooms, 810 par month. 7 W. Klllingsworth ave. i FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 601 Harriaoni near 14 th and Montgomery. I COUPLE will abate modern horns; employed Tie preferred. r.st 7 sou.- THREE II. K. rooms for rent ls6 Knott sU FOB BENT HOUSES it 2 LARGE rooms snd basement to purchaser -of .some furniture, amount 660. Walking dis tance. 649 Morrison. 1 i J WHEN I6tf MOVE. USB NORTH- ' ' WESTERN ELECTRIO LIGHT SERVICE 10th and Washington. ltdwy, 6S0. FOB RENT 5 room house, 811 month, ln eluding water; MontevilU dUtricU Apply 111 East 70th at. North. t " l,51?.?XT A Im hov" 20 anontk Pbsne Woodlawn 886. HOUSES FOB BENT FTJBW1TUBH FOB HALE S3 kURNITURE of 6 room flat for sale, flat i to - rnt. Phone Main 7548. Call morcinnj HOUSE for rent; Woodlawn 1482. furniture for FTJBNISHEn HOUSES 88 PRACTICALLY new, beautifully finished and well-furnished modern S room residence j at' reasonable rent to responsible party ; fins lora ron and best surroundings. Can be seen Satur day evening and Sunday at 285 East 16th st.lN. near Wasco at., and after Sunday call at room. 1202 Northwestern Benk bldg. - - SACRIFICE beautiful furnished borne, low rent. furniture for sale, including portable gar age. Victrola, fine rags. Mutt bs seen tobe appreciated. No objection to children, god neighborhood, within walking distance of bui neas district. Price 3T25. Open aU dsy Sen day. 210 Stock Kxchsnae bids. t COR KENT Fine, Irvington home fumislied complete, . an fine pieces go with ft owner will anon leave the city: latest modern horns with garage. 2 grates with gss heat, hot water furnace and the very best location. Call st 858 E. 18th st N. - . . 1 HAVE several houses, apartments, and bungs lows for rent where the furniture ia for sale reasonable. J. A. Scbindler. 210 Stock Ex change bldg. . Main 2411. Open' Sunday. FURNISHED compieiiva7r"blocko ' thorn. 306 Olenn ave., clean, modern. J room house; snnnal lesasj adults only. I ' FOR RENT Modern 6 room furnished Louse! 626.00. Woodlawn ear to 16th snd Dskam. south to 1809 K. 15th N. . , i AFABTMENTS . 48 FUBNTSHED AND UNFUBNISHED ' Hart Apartments HoSrf Newly furnished, modern housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, 62.50 and np. Second and Yamhill. "" THE ELMWOOD . j"", 2 and 8 ' room - furnished spts., urge room, ' handsomely furnished; very desirable, close In, $43 to $65, adults. Main 6600. 415 lOth.l AURORA apartments. Furnished housekeep- ing. very central, 2 and S room suites. 692 ft Fast Bumslde. i FOUR rooms, unfurnished. $12; 3 rooms, partly J furnished. $12; 1840 E. Glissn. Four part-1 ly furnished. sdulU, $; 1910 B. Everett, I MODERN 8 room flat, partly furnished r so-; furnished, fruit snd garden spare, f black fiom carline. 846 Rowdoin st Col. 622. i BELLINGHAM Apia.. 2 large H. at rooms and , - siicnenexie. b. Morrison? St. N, Staver. Phone East 7848. NEW YORK APTft., E. Belmont and 7th. 238. - - -r 2-ROOM apt. 1566H East Olissn. ' " FOB BENT FLATS - 13 j liODEON ground fleor 4 room -flat, on corner, i with gss stove, 120. Apply 83 80that. or 215 (.umhennevie bldg. - T ONE bouaekeepiug room, ons S room apartassvit, one very nice sleeping room for some clean rtan. Call Broadway 8068. 95 4 N 1 8tli it if6ftiRtf 4 room upper flit, $15.6. ""Eai5 7570. f FOR RENT Store fixed np for Uving roosys." 794 let and Gibbs. FI'ltNIKMKD FLATS -ROOM furnished upper flat, bath. n slseirio- itv. oncsrlina: no children. 14 5th ava. : S. B. - 4 STORES AND OFFICFS 11 - WILL ahare large outaide office. iumbermena - bldg. - - WANTED TO BENT WE WANT- TO RENT 6-rnom np-to-dsu dwsUica la select aaiaiw borbood. - - , , Also houses, flats sad snartssenta. If have say Tscsndes pbooe Tleaee Together, ears of Northwest Steel Co.. Msin 1199. t ' WANT EI To rent or leaaa a little 8 ort4 ' room house, furnished, with full lot and chick en honsav Must not be ever 6 cent fare. I Address Box 4115. Portland. FIVE or six rooms, famished or partly far aished, by family of two adults and two young People of teen age: best of references. - Alice W. ' Jones, tlentral library, or phone Sellwood 1736. IOIt 6 ROOM bungalow with option oi bnyiea": give reatal. price snd particuierav Address A. Renter, 214 Stock Exeh Mdg. TJT WILL pay $5.00 to anyone finding me a suit- ' able fanrlabed or nnfamiabed place by Mayil. ' Tabor. 2109--'-.--- .- - - - ,. ' , A SMALL store with living rooms in back lot i above, that would be suitable for aotloa stors. 1 ' U-228, Journal. - ,.....-....-, f WANTED To rent or lease for a year or more, ' . a room nangaiow or noose, try May 6 tot sooner; best of vefereneea. U-281, Journal, i r AM Uoklng '. for home or apertssent to lent wnart uv inrniture is . lor aaia, Scbindler. ' Main 2411. ' WANTED By the 16Ut April, By the 16Ut April, a partly far-, rtxrm bouse, or; flats close ln;t 8 tie -E. 8828, - - nlsned 4 Ixx sAulta. Phone. WANTED Lnforntahed. housekeeping rooms, 3 ta a, ... or wnrurnianea iiai, 4t adults. .. Call 1 Woodlawn 6615. - - . - - . - !' u-ivi 'ANT modern furnished 6 or 7 room houee, i ...... . " - m.-.m . w BOUN, $40 te 850: responsible, cemisrat . aus,.. I : Can East 6082 between- 6 snd 7 p. at. - j WILL pay. anyone. $5 that wiu tell asa wbers , a 6 room honea - is ' for rent, eloas to Vsa- ' eonver car, by May 1. East 3441 evenings. J 8MAI.L house, 4 or 6 rooms, oo east aide, lit "1 A 6-ltOOM modern bungalow or eoUage' for sta? ! Tneoiate poaseumn - or wait. N-41, - JonmaL I WANTED Furnished - house to I i i rent. - Writ J ' IIZ'A K. 28d sv Pf. WANTED House. J 2 to. 18 rwwi west s.Iej reasonable rent. Broadway 826$. - .