20 THE OREGON v DAILY ? JOURIJAL.; P ORTLAND, FRIDAY. APRIL 11. 1C1D. St lil f I tVi Ji r w . 1 KUL&H Jen?, S year old; 1 Ayershir sod Jersey, 2 H years old, fresh; 4 heavy springers. Durham and Hokrtein; 1 22-nontb-old Hoistein mm: - irsae ior r w juun. ; mm ... lj . . f f .. 1 - 1.' sail na mrt. . V FOR SALE Fine cow and- 7-montb-pld belfer calf, $100, 3 block east and 1 block south I'arkrose UUon. J. w. i numiwo. nt and evening alter a ccwcu. GOATS milk for eal. fresh dally. Also fresh milch ft lor sale. United tfcli rouiiry Co., 255 Yamhill L - - . 1 GUERNSEY heifer, fresh, $55; 1 family , Jersey, CTU; fresh Uolstein. 735 E. 76Ui at L N .." 1 H blocks south of Bandy. . KOl'LTRtt PIOKWNH. FKT STOCK t7 HHTTE LEGHORNS ABE TH MOST PROFITABLE breed poultry If joa ' In to business for profit you will eventually ban them. Early broilers, early lsyers. r j - profit. W Mil only Whit Leghorn baby chia from heavy laying Hoganiaed nana. " livery of full count Ufa ebi guarentL Price per 100. April. May and June delivery, $12.60. Vh Pioneer Hatchery.' 405 6tb at. Pstalusaa. Murray's Blue Ribbon ; Strain Barred Itoek and Silver Cam.-..ina HABY CHICKS . 10 days oh). April batch, 50e each; no bet ter rtnrk in Oregon. 812 2d t 8- E. Ts- bor 1261. . y:":: t FOR SALE Steal-gray Flemish tant bucks. i weighing from 11 lb, to 18 al0 Ttufus Mod Belgians, all ages, from namnn .stock. John Skinner. 6324 46th eve. S. a ' Plinns Sclwood 2798.' !tHUI White Wyndott?. "Egia that HATCH " from HENS that Lay," $2 par IS. M. B. Cnrtia. HilMle, Or., K. D 2. Bo 242. Main 20 and Main 88H9. r flsTCHING egg from Tanereds heavy laying White I-eiborn hens mated to nansoweoek 5 erels; nothing better; day old chicks, April Z hatch. t20 perlOOLrPudlVy. Aloha. Or. " MAGUIRE'S HATCHINO EGGS t Tlhode Jland Bed. O. A. C. Barred Hock. , Whit. Wyandotte. 2 for IB; White Leghorn i 1.0 for IB. 77 Oregon t. Eaut 1805. UABY CHICKS FOH 8ALK Leghorn. - Ited., Uoek. Minorca, beat atocb ; pttce reainable; ff delirery guaranteed. C. N. Needliam. hor 412 Salem. Or. I'OItTA BLK chickrn honoe. 9 Uyitig Whit leghorn hen. llranid atock: alio White Iehont cockereU. 84 Miasualppt are. Wood lawn 1JM1V " - - . ; - . . . ' ,.i;s for iiatching from 2 year old beary rr during . t'. W. L. lirnu, Calntwara iouiuj Fartn. Woodlawn 46C0. 18 TOUXG layint henZ Meet owner. 113S Mall at.. 10 - a. nu Saturday or call Bell. 311P. 10 a. m. - ' tUitfT BRAHMA aetUng egg 2 : cockereU 4 earh. Plymouth Hock aetting hen. $2 each. 478 gQth U S. K. Phona Bdwy. 213. ' 7 liOKOCiHBKEl Black Minorca, hatchuig gH. Mammoth atrain. Columbia 505, ,1600 ' Ffrk et. ' ' - . - - RABBITH CHKAP , Belgian, Kew ZeaJanda and Flembh Giants. PK1 Minnesota ara. . WHITE LEGHORN hen and pullet, laying now. well (elected Mock. 1.75 each. 787 Oregon t. - FOR egga the year round get T. A. Hodgdon'a R. C. Kbode Wand Beda and EnglUh White Ighorm. 172 Grand ate. Phone Kaat 5524. HARKED ROCK eggs. If yon want good one ' . com and ee my stock. Mrs. Eran. Wdln. ,- 1 0n. .' E. Lombard. . I00 HEAD of "rabblta and 2 dandy hutchea for sale, or will trade for 2d hand motorcycle, i 01 3d are.-B E IM g. car.) THOMPSON'S Kinglet Barred Rock hatching f eggv tl.50 for 15. Pen beaded by t Kmpke and Morrayta atock. Tabor 4trX. ! BREED dnaa with young tcck. 26c. and Up; ped f igreed FlemUlt: at atud. 32d and Harrison, 3 block north. Hrpp. - - - ! BABY chick. 20c end up. rry day thia week. 194 K. 22d at. N.. Hoae City ear. O. A. C BARRED ROCK hatching egga. tl.50 ior 10. v. 4. aacinrosn. mrfijiu, vi. I ANCONA egg. beay laying atrain. tl.50 par ettlng of IB. Tabor 20 8. 1 ALI kind of lire and dressed rabbit, cheap. I Stoll72d. Tamhill t. Tel. Main 1185 i i NO. 1 RHODE ISLAND egga for hatching. 1 Tabor 2077. ItHODE ISLAND RED hatching egg; good lay i ing Mrain: raonMe. Tbor 6730. THOROUGHBRED New Zealand rabbita for sale. Woodlawn 265. i CHICKS, fertile eggs. Tabor 4070. . , noCS. BIRDS. FETS. ETC. 4t KOTICE TO BOSTON TERRIER BREEDERS f ' , . Blood linea that talk. Tafikee. Prince at atud, Jat arrired from Connecticut. ' Bingmaater and the following champion in hi pedigree: Ch. Bostnnia Model. Ch. Yankee Doodle Bip, Ch. Butte, Ch. Auburn Happy, Ch. Monte, Ch. Pataoti, Ch. Berilo I'each, Ch. Sir ' William and ''many other noted winner. " THE BOSTON KENNELS OF PORTLAND. ,-407 Atnsworth are. Wdln. 6284. WANTED Young pointer; wa buy and sell dog, board dog. 15 month and up. Beal'a Boarding and Training Kennel. Box 819, Route 1. Phone Tabor 9088. liOHTON terrier atuda, Eaafern Toy, weight four r , generation, airea' (ride. 10 to 10 lbe. ; alao dark aeal, bat ear, perfect marking. ' Guaranteed wry ice 1 10. Hamlet. 6057 82d t.Tabor 4883. ! THE Chandler Bird Home ha a" few choice bird fnr sale. Tabor 1000. CHOICE canerie at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singer guaranteed. 1151 B. 28th N. C-2217. BOSTON mala pup for sale, cheap. 5G7 Irr- Ing t. - 'THOMSON'S Bird Store buya baby birds. Call or addreaa-9B7 M)sisippl are.. Portland. Or. PEDIGREED Llewellyn setter, male, 3 year old. 846 Miwiwiippt are. Wdln. 1249. ATJTOMQBILEs'aTT D ACCESSORIES 44 - 1918 VELIE ACTO SALES Ctt, 9TH AND COUCH. GET highest price for your old Ursa at Vulcan Tire Shop. 839 Union are. N bat. Failing and Sharer el - - - . DTJBRTTTLLB TOP COMPANY, th at Oak. Broadway 1884. 1 AUTO TOPS GET highest price for your old tires at Maaoa Tire Bbop, 889 Union are. N bet. Csillng and Sharer at. 3B0 DOWN BUTS 1917 MITCHELL tlT TI.E SIX; BTJNS AND 1XXKS LIKE NEW. A BARGAIN. CALL TABOR 630. 1913 OVERLAND touring, in first-class condi tion; good tires. Will sell reasonable. Terms. 12S5 Dlrisiun. Tabor 1149. 1XJU SALE 1915 big four Mitchell, tire 90 - per cent new, good condition; price 8500. Adam 1'lenert. tJerrai. Or. 1 2O0 " DOWN bTYS MAXWELL TOURING I AB, Al CONDITION AND GOOD HUB HER. CALL EAST 1 982. - IF- you Waiit. terms on a first-class roadster, call at 623 Alder and sea the Dodge we bar. for sale. - FORD TOURING car, in A-l condition; Gray & Darbi self starter, M.10, term. REGNER A FIELDS. 12 Grand are. ASK "Jake" about that dandy little Maxwell roadster, stmurt new. 623 Alder; or call Broadway 2492. FOR SALE 1915 Maxwell, in good condition! t82B cash. Am leering th city. Call Sell wood 71 S. BRAND NEW ESSEX, gone only B00 miles; will sell on small cash payment; terms to suit. Phone Woodlawn 2228. ; FOR SALE Cheap. 1918 Ford; new tires, aii ,in good condition. 6615 57th ft. S. E. Ta bor 7780. . S'Upid ,or Dealera Ubm! Car Clearing Houie. Grand are, and E. Stark. SlIIM air ATJTO SALES t:0.. 9TH AND COUCH 'Tfi6-0 d running orden Call si sin 6867.- miT uitwn i AtTTO BALKS CO.. TH ANI COUCH A?"l-sNki 21 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASES PIONEER PAINT CO.. 18 lt AUTO SALES CO . 9TH AND COUCH LET US SELL TOUtt CAR. QUICK ACTION AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH STS. 1918 F6RD touring car, hrst class condition" by owner, leering city. 443 E. 0th. at. N. ' Ti Grinder auto in th city for t50oT 1010 S. Princeton at. -19.18" CHEVROLET ' . AUTO SALES CO.. OTII AND COUCH 1810 fOHD touring, in good condition; good i inn, r.- . y cm ma l. WIIJ sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. A.513 Jnumi 1 w AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH FORDS LuU of em. $300 to 3450 ' Smith Auto Co. . Park and Couch. CHANDLER Chummy, J 1150; lea ing town. C-l 574. , , - FOR SA1 1-; A tk u u ." . . SALE A dibon. 5783 45th are. 8. R. Sellwd 1B99 1 (11 7 'U flTIUll B ATJTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH ' AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH jiLHT hare ca&h. onick IQitf , 1. . . . Owner. Tabor 4573. 8311 Woodstock at. J LIVESTOCK AUTOMOBILES A2TD ACCESSORIES 44 . FORD ARITHMETIC ' .issgssa' a a . ' a . m I he . problem of buying a new or second hand Ford car Is easily solved if you will only call at the . PALACE GARAGE CO, AND ASK FOR A SALESMAN. HE WIL7j GLADLT SHOW YOU THE NEW MODEL FOUD. INCLVDINt THE- NEW FOUD SEDAN WITH SELF-STARTER. AND IF YOD ARE INTERESTED IN A GOOD USED , CAH WE HATE THE MOST COM PLETE LINE IN THE CITY. THESE irKED CARS ARE COMPLETELY . OVERHAULED AND REPAINTED. THEY IXXK AS GOOD AS NEW. -COME IN AND GET OUR TERMS. . . YOU WILI, WONDER WHY ANY ONE SHOULD WALK BACK HOME. A FEW FORD SPECIALS 1918 Touring; of extra 1918 Ttmrlnt; 1917 Touring; 1917 Touring; 1917 Touring; . 1917 Roadster has (tarter and lota Just repainted, just orerhauled. numerous extras, nicely painted. ; good ehape. good engine, curtain body, de- 1916 Touring; 1917 Delirery; mountable wheels. 1917 Delirey: pletely orerhauled, panel body, eom- BUO SEASON IS HERE PLACE YOCB ORDER FOR A CLASSY FORD BUG. PALACE GARAGE CO,, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. , 12TH AND 8TARK STREETS. Broadway 1572. A-2443. OVE ELAND COUNTBT CLUB CAB IN FINE SHAPE; t850. TERMS. TWIN STATES MOTOB CAB CO.. 614 ALDER ST. GARAGES. t44.80 and up, ready cut and portable bouses of all kinds. Millmade Construc tion Co. Phona Wdln. 2418. 1601 Union are. North, . 1918 CHEVROLET Only run 4500 miles. Seat carers and other extras; some buy for 8650. CON LET'S USED CAR CENTER 13th and Washington. Upstairs. NEW TIRES What brand of .f m tire rin na imfnf W bars them, all makes and sixes. Also wa make tba famous O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vul caniaing Co.. 833-835 Bnrn-ida near Broadway. 1017 VELIE 1917 Thoroughly tuned up in our shops; we guaran tee it to be as represented : it will trivm mnn isfactory aerrice; price 81150. Motto: "Erery purchaser a booster." - D. C. WABREN MOTOR CAR CO. B8 N. 23d St Main 780. LATE 191S STUDEBAKER 6. 7 PASS Drlren 5400 miles: .eonlmwd with KM COPn TIRES; win Ku for lest than tlOOO; easy term. ' - DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE Grand Are. and East Stark st. OVERLAND CHUMMY A TmIM,: f .... 1 . H M . 1 price, small payment down; baL easy. Ready to run. 525 Alder st. A-l AUTO WORKS ft PAINTING CO. 1 Of rirnt.i.ir., 1 01 New top, first-clasa tires, paint in fine con dition, electric equipment throughout; a higii grade ear on easy terms for 1500. DA-- WABREN MOTOB CAB CO. K8 N.- 83d BK Main 780. Mfg. and Repair. 8000 guaranteed springs hs stock; prioes reduced. 84 N. 16th st 1 O f Q Wl IV n n rtest model, factory guarantee, at price that will interest you. VJi- WABREN MOTOR CAR CO. .gJ-- 28d St . Min 780. 19Ii FORD touring, like new, 4 new tires and ' wvwaanag., UUUlJ7ri, ITllXITJr, KS-C COTCra.. BtilnrnstMr grMia.l i ' -t"-' a uintutum IOU CT "''''-nd trnnk rack; $675. terms. - Call ' - , - OLDSMOBILE .,for,' " trade. 5 passenger, good condition; well, 25 Railway Exchange bldg. LEAKY radiators and damaged fenders expertly a w sas 1 Ft . . AK la wamaV Mrs a a . . . . . iB1 .7 V7'" ueorga weue, PhL'i SSST b'tween r-th and oth. . MAXWELL '17 . Tonrinr emr- in . . . . - njuuiuoa: new oat tery; see it; easy terms. 825 AMer st Al AUTO WORKS. I HAVE a Chalmers Master Six, equipped with new rord Urea all around, which would be Pn ofr,a ,U run' A bout it. 1 &ss g ""Viv VOV t' A-ie, and rgood pimTt hjf pricT .,ShZ Co.. Broadway and Flanders at. Broadway 188 12rr1?J.1 OVERLAND, elect rio starter 1 ri..neda.,tV"I nd.'ns- Mitchell, all com! Plete with Jtarter, t425; must seU one before Sunday. 1849 E. Harrison. Tabnr 1627 BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX BUNS 680. LOOK8 LKBNEW'i CALiT TABOR UW :,J,rst. .! tires; Trti, KB.v;-" , . 'vLi cash- USED CHKVRni pth r " . , . . term 075; f CHEVROLET AGENCY 12 Grand see. ia?$c?W3. BJI" 1918-MAA1VELL TOUR call tabor m."'.," condition. 1918 DODGE ! " ' RroWn0 aJ? u!s- cr new, t95. Smith Attto Co.. Park nf Couch. MLST sell ray. Ford touring car at once, APartnmeUnr42'nd ' io! UXfiTl AMi Maxwell tourt BRINGING UP FATHER v TrKf THObE i' XEb i 1 AND HVl'Ht OREbS I II " " f" aHOME- SVEET,E- SJJIT OOT AI'M OJNC DEArV. DON'T Ti.K "bO t ATJTOMOBTXE8 ATTD ACCESSOKIES 44 USED -AirraBMOBDlLES f TERMS GIVEN We win take your old car as part payment and your Liberty bond at face vain. - -Our time payment plan will interest 709. -Law stock of high grade used can to select from. .. Her are a few w offer for row pprotal. price $250 to I12B0: 1914 1011 1918 1918 1917 1917 1917 1914 1914 1913 .1916 1013 1812 White 80. S pass. 4 eyL rieroe-Arrow, s CJT. Mttcfteu. z Mitchell, ft Mitchell, 6 Mitchell, 7 Mitchell, S Haynea, 6 eyL 0 cyi. cyL cyL 6 cyL 4 eyL Overland, 6 . cyL 4 cyL cyL 6 cyL cyL Cadillac. 5 Mitchell, ft Hudson, ft Mitchell. 7 USED CAR DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis St Staver-Co, East First at Morrison St. Phones East 7272. B-1216, ' Kissel - Tonrinc, 5 passenger, new top, pain, wire wheels, cord tire. 1917 Ford Touring; A-l shape. 1017 Ford Touring: demountable wheels, tool box. speedometer. 1915 Ford Ton ring, very cheap. 1 Ford Bug, fin shape. 1 Ford Delirery. - 1 Studebaker Delirery. electric lights. starter. 1 Renault, steel delirery body. 1 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet, A-l shape. AUTHORIZED FORD AGENTS William L, Hughson Company CO N. Broadway at Deri. Telephone, Broadway 821. Classy Bug Bodies . Prices 885 and Up Burness & Martin, 15th and Alder st. 1918 VELIE 99 per cent new. See this one if you are looking for good car. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER IStn and Washington. Upstairs. . 1918 MAXWELL. Ron 3000 miles; some buy for $750. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 52 7 Washington, Where Washington and Burnsida Meet. SPEEDERS BUGS BUGS SPEEDERS See them at CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Cor. 15th -and Washington. FORD ROADSTERS AND TOURING Wa hare some real bargains in Fords and the terms are 1 100 down and . the balance . easy. 23 Alder st. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. SCBIPPS-BOOTH CHUMMY a 1 a i;i. . : 1 smart appearance ; you must ride in it to , ap- 8 N. 23d St. Main 780. BEO R0ADSTEB S275 AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION When in need of expert auto repair work call Tabor 0006, hare service car. Will go any where, any day. GWe us a trial. FOR HALE, Ford aedan; A-l condition; speedo meter, hardwood wheels, oversized tires, tire rack, 2 extra rims, clock, bumper, shock absorb ers, electric tail light, dimmers, $750, terms to suit. Msln 1228. FOBD TOURING $395 AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH MY 1918 Elgin chummy roadster has moto meter. spotlight, exhaust whistle. 6 tires, tire lock and is in A-l mechanical condition ride in it and be convinced: liberal terms if desired. Call Adams, Broadway 2393. FORD tonring. late model, looks and runs like new. Insured and extras an elegant boy. Take Sunnyside car on Morrison to East 35th and Belmont, third house from cor. 167 East 35th. Must sell. 1917 OAKLAND SIX " AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH TO SELL your ear and get quick action Sea us. Rear White Motor bldg. SMITH AUTO CO. Conch at. at Park. 1917 BUICK ROADSTER AUTO SALES CO.. TH AND COUCH 1917 APPERSON CHUMMT AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH 1918 NASH AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH LIGHT BEO, 5 -pass., 1917. cord tires and good extra, perfect condition from stem to stern, $750. $300 down. $43 per month; if yon try it yoa will buy it. B'wy 2492. Kelley. CASH paid for old cats, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Anto Ex change, 129 Lownsdali at 16th .and Washing ton. Broadway 2668. FORD TOURING 1914 $290. No junk. Phone Sell-wood 1261, or 493 Maiden ave. 1913 FOBD touring, good condition, new tires. extras, used as private car, $300 cash. 2800 82d st. Tabor 8490. AUTO T1UE6 We save yon money on new and used tires; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan Tire 8hop. 41 Grand are. Phona East 489$. APPERSON at sacrifice ; electric light, starter. Bayfield carbureter, vacuum tank and good tires 22 N. 15th st Phone Broadway 1878. FOR SALE A-l two-ton Reo truck, good rub ber all around: t740 cash, or $750 terms. 1111 woootawn ozar,. Hatter Hurry. FORD Sedan, wire wheels, electric starter, extra tire: must sell; will sacrifice and accept term from responsible party. Phone Main 1100. $40O DOWN BUYS CHALMERS SIX TOLR; ING CAR. At CONDITION. RUNS AND I.OOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. YS .l - 1 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS 191$ FORD COUPE I 750 2000 1200 1150 650 . 700 609 . SOO 850 650 . 650 BOO 850 - 350 .650 250 1250 1918 6-CYU NATIONAL. ... . , 1918 MODEL R HUPMOBILB. . 1917 MODEL N IIUPMOBILE . , 1915 IIUPMOBILE TOURING., 1917 6-PA8S. GRANT SIX.... 1918 ft-PASS. GRANT SIX ... 1917 DODOB TOURING ...... 1916 7-PA8S. '.OVERLAND. ... . 1915 7-PAS8. STUDEBAKER.. 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING; . 1912 WHITE TOURING 1913 BUICK. ONLY 1914 MAXWELL ............ 1916 SAXON TOURING BEO LIGHT DELIVERY ... , TWO-TON TRUCK TWO-TON TRUCK 000 MANLEY AUTO CO, 11TH AT BURN8IDE BROADWAY 217 Real Bargains in Used Cars 1918 Buick Light Six roadster. tlSOO 1917 OldsmobUe lAgUt Six tonr- 4 ing 1100 1 9 1 8 Studebaker, cord tires... 825 . 1017 Overland touring, good.. 683 1916 Oldnaobile, 8-cyl 950 1917 Ford, extras 475 1 9 1 6 Studebaker 660 " 1918 Franklin, good buy. 1917 Grant Six, real class.... 750 Reo speed wsgon, king of th road . . . ; S00 Oidsmobile Company of Oregon Broadway at Conch. 1917 HUDSON SUPEB-SrX. PRAC TICALLY NEW TIRES AND MO TOB OVERHAULED; A BE MABKABLY GOOD BUT AT $1250. TWIN STATES MOTOB CAB CO., 514 ALDEB ST. BUGS 1 Ford, top, windshield, nonskid tires all over; a real one, long terms, small payment down. One Maxwell bug. One Cadillac bug. On Overland bug. 625 Alder st. A-1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 1918 CHEVROLET, $650.00 One extra tire. Must bs seen to be appreciated. USED CAB ECHANGE. 527 Washington, Where Washington and Burnside Meet. 1917 BRISCOE. 6 pass., good mechanical shape, good rubber. A real buy for cash. 421 Burnside. Bdwy. 521. TRUCKS ATTD TRACTORS 83 See Us for Trucks NEW OR SECOND HAND One 8-ton Denby truck, being over hauled; will sell at low price and lib eral terms. USED CAR DEPT.. ' Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON ST. PHONES EAST 7272. B-1216. FOR SALE My 2-ton truck, with steady paying work for same. This is a chance for a re sponsible party to take over a fine-paying con tract. T,ook over my books and see just what the truck has earned and judge for yourself. See the track and look over the work. Seasonable terms. East 3230. 289 Hawthorne ave., east end Madison bridge. a FOR SALE OSffr new 3H-ton truck and new trailer on steady contract year round, pay ing $50 per day; can run two shifts and make more. See Garford Motor Truck Co.. 354 Burnside St., or L. A. Smith. Oregon City, Or. Phone 484 W. Also contract open May 1 for 2-ton track. FORD 1-TON TRUCK Internal gear attachment. We are almost giving it away. First-class shape. $375. smith AUTO CO.. Park and Conch FOR SALE 1918 4 ton Republic truck. In ex tra good condition. $850. F. R. Whelan. 612 W. 27th t.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 654-J. 1917 FORD, chain drive truck, in A-l condi tion. A bargain. Wdln. 1427. AUTOMOBILES WA!CTfS 78 SUBURBAN FBOPERTY GOOD TiBW IN OREGON CITY 10 roomi.1ot 71 by 125. house cost over $7000 to build. Would make a good private hospital. Only $4750. This is worth while to investigate, i' 8. O. DILLMAN. St.h and Main st. Oregon City. Or. DON'T sacrifice your car. Let us sell your ear quickly and get yon the cash. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER Upstair. 8. W. Cor. 16th and Washington. WE PAY SPOT GASH FOR ALL iATE MODEL CARS. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO.. BROADWAY 8327. BUOADWAX AT COUCH. WANTED FORDS FOR CASH I will pay cash for anv i Ford. rpsantlMs nf looks or condition. Call or write 525 Alder st. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. FOB SALE OB TRADE. $1300 A new 4- room bouse; will take car on first payment and monthly payments fori balance. 103 S. Olympia st, St. Johns. WANTED To trade McMinnville property tor auto in A-l ahape. 90x185 with 6 room house and fruit trees and small barn. 531 Reynolds. WANTED -Automobile overhauling and repair ing. Work done in your own private garage or in mine. Work guaranteed. Prices reason -al.te. Call East 6643. LATE model machine. Roadster preferred. State price, and terms, if any. B-653. Journal. FOR SALE 50x100 in WiUiajms ave. between Bryant and Morgan, near Woodlawn school, or would trade for auto. B-6S1, Journal. PRIVATE automobile repairing. Ford and Maxwell specialist. Sell. 8753. 751 ' Di vision at. , HIGHESK prices paid "fo.- automobiles, condi- tion no object. 121 N. 3d st. Bdwy. 2829. 160 ACRES timber land for late model auto. Phone Marshall 32B8. WANTED To buy automobiles, any standard makes, for real cash. V-212. Journal. WANT best 5 pass, buy for $300 cash or less. F-417. Journal. WANTED Ford or light car for 40 acres, 3 cleared; small house. 998 Commercial at. Copyright 1919. Tnfernatlonal News Serrieel $1 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVEUS : ' New model care Reasonable rates - FEARING A BOBNETT CITY GARAGS 86 10th at. near Stark. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HUMS ; COUCHMAN e. SULLIVAN Mar. 2821 OTH AND " YAMHILL A-1236. FORD, competent driver.-s anywhere. A.H Winter. Tabe 1028. :--.. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES ATJTOS FOR HIRE aide car; atatai- price and condition. J-263. Journal. - . - . .- - - . - WANTED $40 to $90 motorcycle. W. Kep pinger. 401 courthouse. Send .card with phone number. .... - - - - WANTED Late .model motorcycle as part per ment on my ft pasa. - Briscoe. Marshall 3159. INDIAN 1 cyLj A-l shape. 2 new tire. $40. 261 Glenn ave: ' TWIN INDIAN very reasonable. 84 N. 6th. LAUNCHES AND BOATS $4 FISHERMEN Neb. boathouse, float drift right, eddy and set net. all for $150. Tabor 1627. 1349 E Harrison st. , HOUSEBOAT (floating) , soma furniture; $325, terms. . Painted green. St. Johns ferry. Linn ton side. E. Hibbs. FOR SALE Well furnished houseboat. S rooms and bath. 1 5 WiUametteyMoorage. Sell. 4 87. PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS If SECURITY STORAGE CO.. CLOSING OUTi Parlor "organs, used. 820 to 38 cash. Square ' piaaoa. used, (33 to (85 cash. Upright pianos, used. (65 to (135 cash. Upright, new,, stored. $4T5; now $265 cash. Upright, new. atored, $450; now $290 cash. - Player pianoj stored. $550; now $390 cash. Player piano.i stored. $350; now $435 cash. Part cash, bands or satisfactory securities ac cepted. Pianos bough and sold for cash only; storage 50c a month. 109 4LU st, at Wash. TWO POPULAR DANCE RECORDS: . "In the Land of Beginning Again," "Made Ion," 6096. "Till We Meet Again." "Hose of No Man's Land," 6008 . These are wonderful dance numbers. Call and we'll play, tliem for yon. SEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington at. corner 12th). jnione Bdwy. 750. TWO Edison diamond disc phonographs, one used about 9 months, the other about 1 year now on sale at $137.50 and $147.50. Regu lar price new $175. These are both in mahog any case and have been through our repair abop and are in perfect condition. BEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington st. (corner 12th). r-none dwy. TOO, Newman's Exchange PHONOGRAPHS AND BECORIW BBASS AND STBING INSTRU MENTS. PIANOS AND ORGANS. BOUGHT: SOLD. BENTED AND EX- TABOR 6788. : v Chtckering Piano Large, fine i upright, mahogany case, plain late style: just !used short time. SEIBEBLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at. bet Waah ington and Alder. RECORD EXCHANGE Phonographs Bought. Sold, , Rented, B e paired. 142 24 near Alder, upstair. PLAYER PIANOS 4 We have several good used player pianos at a big bargain.! See these bargains before de ciding on a new one. Terms given. 8EIBER-LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. OUR phonograph repsir department is in charge of an expert. AU machines repaired all work guaranteed. Use our phone. BEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 Washington st. (corner 12th). ' Phone Bdwy. 750. TRADE YOUR PIANO , or organ for a new Victrola and record. Let us give you' our proposition. SEIRERLTNt LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main 8586. WE STORE, J move. ship, tune and repsir pianos and ! all other musical instruments. Guaranteed service, lowest rates. Telephone Main 1123 or call at Filers Mnsic building; 7 floors devoted tn music and musicians. Entrance and elevator 287 Washington street, below 5th. PIANO WANTED Tjet n 'give you onr cash mice on your used piano. 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main S6SH. TRADE your piano for a good, modern phooo- graph and records. We make liberal allow ances and will pay rash difference. Apply 3d floor, phonograph dept., Oregon Filers Music house, entrance 287 Washington St., below 6th. KIMBALL PIANO Upright piano, mahogany case, good condi tion. See this bargain. Terms given. SEI-BERL1NG-L.UCAS MUSIC CO., 12B 4th st. $1 65 PIANO $165 Standard mahogany case, in fine condition: terms given. SEIBEBLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. MAHOGANY Plajola player piano left on sale by family moving away; can be had for half price, music rolls included. See it at Filers, id floor. Filers Music bldg.. 287 Washington st. $25 CASH sends new piano home, balance $6. $8, $10 monthly; savings $95 to $850 dur ing factory c Ira ranee sale now in progress at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4lh st $22.50 VICTROLA. OAK. $12.50 $400 Armstrong (like new) $250 $700 Steinway. apartment size. $450 HABOLD & GILBERT. 384 YAMHILL. W E BUY your piano or phonograph for cash or will sell jit for you on commission. Call 2d floor Eilersl Music building, 287 Washington St., below 5th.: or phone Main 1123. WANTED Good piano fcr storage or cheap rent, for use in private apartment; Conover upright preferred. Can furnish references. F-l, Journal. PIANO WANTED " ' ray cash for bargain from private party. Marshall 1517. UKUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS, latest m odele: a week's free trial in your borne. Get say seurng plan. 9ate Ararey, Benwooa aiea. F.STEY ORGAN sacrificed for quick sale. Take $28. cost $85. See it at 2d floor tilers Mu sic building, entrance 287 Washington. $145 CASH bnya $425 Singer piano, in ma hog., (100 cash buys (450 Jewett upr.. in waL: good as new. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. PIANO tuning; best expert work, include action . regulating; lowest rates. Telephone Main 1123. Oregon Filers Music House. ORGAN FOR SALE ' Mason-Hamlin organ for sale, in good condi tion. Woodlawn 3706. 1186 JE. 22d at. N. ONLY t195 -Mahogany piano, Schroeder, new style: t25 srjuare piano: t30 beautiful chapel organ: for sale). 254 Market st. EXPERT nlayer piano tuning, repairing, re finish ed. V. Kremar, 254 Market st. $45 VIOLIN and ease nearly new; will take $16. W-644. Journal. WANTED Piano or player piano, for cash. B-647. Journal. CABINET phonograph for sale, same as new. 1193 Ea.st Grant. Hawthorne car to 39th st WANTED Phonograph, any condition, for cash" B-646. Journal. $5O0 STARCK cabinet grand, only $250; must be sold at once. 254 Market st. CABINET phonograph for aale, real bargain. 241 McMillan, corner Benton. ' TYPEWRITERS - ' 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all snakes, sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. Th Wholesale Typewriter Co., retail dept.. 821 Washington s. -. . ALA, makes of typewriters rented, repaired and v sold on monthly pay sat plan. - Oregon Type writer Co.. 04 6th st. TXPKWHiTEttti rented, repaired, eha-aed. Typewriter snppHee. -REMINGTON TYPEWBTTER CO.. 88 Br-adWy HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE S Furniture Brokerage Madtoon st. Damaged goods from th railroad, such as 2 tnen pest beds, $8.90: genuine leather seat din tec chairs. $2.90; aome good tned good, bed, spring .and mattreaa. $5.00: dresser, $5.76; rocker. $1.60'; chairs. 85e; eooksteve, $7.60; gas ranges. (8.75 ; steel ranges, (14.75; din ing table. $5.75; Horary table. 1 5.75; treas ure tables, $3.90; leaf tables. (3.90. Practically new combination range, reg. tl4Q. for (68.50. A SNAP In furniture at the ; PACIFIC SALVAGE STOBE. 142. First st. OLD FASHIONED sideboard, black walnut. Im ported from Scotland. Call Columbia HIM. 1521 Astor. FOR SALE- Gas range, davenport, chairs. tables, bed, dressers; cheap. Flat ft rooms for rent. 1 89 Kaat 8th after 10 a. m. FOR SALE Two golden brown Ax minster ruga; also No. 6 Remington typewriter. Tabor 6723. GAS tangea and wood rangea. very cheap, at the PACIFIC SALVAGE STOBE, 142 First st DINING set. range, refrigerator, mahogany chair, baby bassinet for aale; cash. 1103 Gladstone ave Sellwood 2755. DINING room and library table for sal cheap. PACIFIC SALVAGE STORE. 142 First st. . FOR SALE Wood or coal Universal rang; also cabinet table. Woodlawn 4096. SEWING machine, used very little, good eondi- uon, fii. so -.uungswortn. Apt. 1. FURNITURE packing and repairing. Odd pieces for sale. East 6046. FOB SALE SlISCELLA"NEOUS It WE SAVE yea money. Hoax wiring. lighting future, electrical repairing, f -applies Third St Elect n tor. 224 H 3d sr.. near balmon. Main .ftOBt. COLUMBIA FURNITURE A FTX.TUBE CO.. Special Furniture mad to order. Door and window screens, furniture repaired. Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor FUturea. General shop work, office and factory. 421 East Morrison, cor. 6th. East 6198. McDEKMOTT 8 SIGN SHOP CARD SIGNS EVERY GOOD KIND IN A-Hurry 120 16TH ST. NEAR WASHINGTON Broadwsy 2651 ' Electric Motors Bought, aold. rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bum side corner lOtb. Broadway 5674. SAFES r-Fire and burglar proof safea. new and second sand, at right prices, bought., sold and txchsnged. NORBIS SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 10S Second street. Phone Main 204B "MUSICAL INS.BUMENTs." "Typewriters' . and "Honaebold Goods" are separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these goods are peblisbed under their respective claaaif icaOona LOOK THEM OVER ffl A lEN drouhead sewing macninea with vP I JtJJ : attachments, all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented st $3 per month. Phone East 2359. er K-S807. c u. Steen. 1 52 Grand ave.. near Belmont. - LEAKY ROOF, ehl .Very aggravating, indeed 1 Wbv not a nermanent and comfortable .roof We repair and rubber bond all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Marshall AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found tinder these different classi fications. EAT HORSE MEAT Sells for less than half th price of ether meat. Passe thorough inspection.- 149 lt st SEND your old magazines, old clothing and household effects to the Salvation army; we trie them in the rejuvenation of men. Call Ea-t 3088 CiO RA An M A USED DBOPHEAD J I ZiUU 10 vj I J SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 8d st near YamhilL Main 1845. A-l 81 8. FOR HAI,E 47-in. crutches, $2.00 ; rubber tired wheel chair like new. $15.00; used for rheumatism patient only.. Smitt, 1180 Clin ton at. CUT FREIGHT BATES en household goods shipped east and south. Man ning Warehouse Jt Transfer Cow. 9th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 703. A-1793. Malt, Hops, Crown Caps, Corks, patent bottle stoppers, hand and 'power cappers, filter bar, thermometer. 91 irnd ave FOR SALE A 12 inch oscillating Weating- house fan, direct current. Almost new. Pbona Main 4398. HOT water tank, all sizes. In good, serviceable condition. 80 gat. (T; 40 gat. (9. 201 Adsra st. East end Steel bridge. East KB lft FOR SALE Safes, new and second band. Broadwsy 1986. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO. FOR SALE, seed potatoes, Burbank and Money Makers. O0ZZ Powell valley road. 1'hon Tabor 4819. PRINTING COSTS LESS when you want it. as you wsnt it. Try us, we won't disappoint. SMITH. Printers, 204 Stark st. MILLER three cavity vnlcaniser complete, air bags, etc., at a bargain. - Milton Tire Shop, Milton. Or. PRINTING COSTS LESS HERE. When you want it, as you want it. Try us, we won't disap point you. SMITH, Printers, 204 Stark St.- HIGHEST prices paid fof diamonds, watches and jewelry- Repairing a specialty. Reiner JVwelrv Co.. 449 Vk Washington st. FOB SALE 40 quarts of canned fruit, sweet ened, mixed variety. Tabor 4828. AMERICAN Wonder potatoes, good for cooking or seed. 2048 Hodge st. Col. 598. BEAUTIFUL 12 ft. showcase tor . sale. Iteat styhHalfprice. France Motor Car Co. FAIRBANKS Seed Potatoea for sale. Tabor 1208. FOR SALE Ladies' Walkover shoes, BAA; chocolate brown; 86.50. Phone East 5499. FOR SALE! Beautiful two light electrolier. Phone Fast 1481. LADIES' black rcugh straw sailor hat. new; alar raincoat. ' Phone East 324. VAI'GHAN iwrtuMe drag saw, slightly used. $100. Tabor 8021. SAFES for sale. 1 large and 1 small one cheap. Address B-653. Journal. LIGHT wagon, 2 horse cultivator, chilled plow, mower, rake. Marshall 1874. GOOD dry cord wood, also your summer order for greet: cord ana eiaosrooa. Kant 7020. CHOICE potatoes tl.75 a sack delivered. Call Broadway 454. everrnc Sellwood 2889. UNCALLED for tailor made suit. $12.60 up. Tsytor. the Taflor. 289 H Bnrnside st PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Davi Co.. 212 8d at Main 797. Stark- VACUfJM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex cbanaed. bought- Bentley Co.. Main H53. MANURE for sale. A1m large sptrpg wagon. Si-ll. 838. GOODgarden manure. Call East 3227. RICH home-canned fruit, 35c a quart Eat 2563. " ' I FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It - ; THE VERY LATEST - , , Golden oak,' drophoad $66 SINGER, $32.50 ' - A selection of 7 drawer dropbead SINGERS FROM (26 TO $30 Latest New Home from $25 to 8.V' Other makes in drophesd from $ 1 0 to (15. NEW MACHINES RENTED, $3 PER MONTH SING KB STORE, Main 6883. - 193 4th st;. Moose bldg. OK WING machine, new and ace end band, sold for leas; no gents employed. Complete Ho ef parts for all make mschine. re paired and rented. Main 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 10O d near Taylor st FURNITURE WASTED 74 WE WANT Tour used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, ranges, tools, ele. We will Pay the Highest Cash prices for tame. We specisUi in buying and selling household good and therefor esn nay nor;. CALL MAIN 3052 and our courteous buyer will csll at one. . - . Se us before you 1L Portland Salvage Co. (Levin Bros) Office Salesroom 2 Bailway Ex. bldg- 232 Front st WE WILL BUY . FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO -CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FELLOWS. THERE'S A REA SON. BECAUSE WK SELL TODAY WHAT VK BOUGHT YESTERDAY. "-MARSHALL 5981 GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY 185 First Street Read Important Read W carry a greater assortment of new and nsed merchandise than any store In th city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and aelL We specialize In abelf and heavy hardware, porting goods. ' household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phon . Main 9072 A-7174 LEVTN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 21-3-6 Front st. cor. Salraon. WE PAY MORE PORTLAND FURNTTUBE EXCHANGE 208 FIRST 8TBEET. MAIN 7728. Will buy your odd pieces or your complete fur nishings at Top Cash Prices Call us for prompt, courteous service. OWL FURNITURE CO, FIRST We want your : used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; wall pay highest cash price. Call Main 4627 WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used' -furniture, car pets. stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. FUKMTI'RE WANTED Will psv all that it is' worth. Main 3249. Pacific Furniture Co.. 140-142 lot st. PHONE East 7815 when you want to aell your furniture; w will com at once and pay you CASH. M. R. SEATER. 880 Hawthorn ave. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKB WILL.- PAY CASH Phone Main 8332 , I AM in the market for furniture from private parties only. 409 H Jackson at CALL. MAIN Z117, WE PAY the highest cash prices ever paid by anyone in the city for furniture. Call us for one article or a bouse full. Msrshall 2698. . A A Q LI paid lor furniture, stoves, range, heat UnOn ers. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phon Mar. 267,5. Hartzell Furniture Co.. 341-45 1st OPEN INC second hand store. Highest pricee paid for furniture and stoves. East 1036. FUKNITUBE and household goods. EAST 6561. SWAP COLUM' 2$ CAPABLE, experienced piano teacher wishes to exchange lessons for fancy work. Tabtr 4461 mernlngs between 10-1. - , SELL cheap or trade for horses or cows. 1915 Ford in 1st class condition. Call st 662 E 2 th at 8. (Woodstock car. SOLID oak center stand., beauty, for No. 1 heat er; oak bed for chiffonier; good as new. 1115 Steven St.. Hawthorne car. FOX typewriter in fine condition; trade In on motorcycle or what have yon T Main B804. EXCHANGESeoaTl iron cook stove (value $7) for painting of board ceiling. Main 3465. ADDING machine to trade for 33x4 tire. Call Tabor 796Q. . WAKTEP MISCELIiAyEOUS S WANTED People of Portlnd to know Uiat f pay highest cash price for second hand house hold goods. No amount too large or too ainalL Prompt attention. N. M. SEATER. Phon Tm4 2203. 3 148 BnsseTI rt $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer; th tailor, pay most for ctething snd shoes. W caU day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison, near 3d st WMTEO Main 4495. Tabor 679S. 128 1st at "itTJ1 S. ZIDELL & CO. W pay the bigest pries for aecond hand tools, junk, pipe, etc.; will call promtply. Call East 7161 To Sell Your Left-Off Clothing. Ldle or Gents Top Price Pld. WANTED To buy one "power force pump, bout 4x5 in. and 600 ft of Hi -in. galvanized iron pipe. I'none laooT ui. WANT showcases, scales, cath reristera, electric fans, sewing machine and everything, aisin . . Mna k. .MO . 1495. TaDor nivo. fiewman sn, st. ukv.k WANTED Preferably Italian. Give number of hives and price. Addrosv 295 E. flOth N.,' city. , ' GOING East or South I Household goods shipped at reduced rates: moving snd packing. Pacific Ccsst Forwarding Co.. 408 Hnyt St. B'wav 703 CLOTHING WANTED w Top prices for clothing, furniture and tronka. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hocbfierd. SB 8d st Phone Msm 8581. WANT medium site jack screw. State pric. W-642, JonraaL SAXOPHONE, 2d hand baritone, - low pitch. East 7228. " . ABOUT 2000 Marshall strawberry plant. East 566. WANTED High power sportin rifle. Must be in good condition. B-656. Journal. ' PERSONAL 22 SWITCHES made from your combing. 8. F. ITerce. 1 1 I . interstate. nwowwit ipflf. VACUUM cleaners "for ren. $1 per dy delivered reasonable distance. Main 7575. By George McManus SW COULD I iuu tjinpn. WHY NOT GROW STRING BEANS OR - I SQUASH? --I W Will furnish You eeed at wholeaala nrice I you pay for t when you harvest four crop. Wet contract any amount from one-fourth acre tai 100 acres. WE PAY: CASH. Oregon Packing; i ;o win e sioore Bta,, near 8. IV B. Depo' aricouver, . wean. - WILL the lady who wants a suit cost dren - waist or petticoat at whofesal prioes cU at reteraon's Manufacturer Outlet SECOND FLOOH TAKE ELEVATOR 203 PITTOCK BLOCK . Mall Order - Promptly Filled. GLASSES AT A SAVING I I solicit yeur patronage on the! basis of capable service. Thousand . i aaosnea patrona. Cliarlea WJ uqwrawn, epTometrfctt, zoo Morrison street DETECTIVE United Bemea run.. v... skilled operative furnished; private and com merclal matter Investigated; strictly confidential ov i Dtocc Ejcnang iiui., Third and lamlulU Main 8812. . J COMB IN and get both your feet fixed up teed for $1 by Dr. Eaton, th CHIROPODIST thai doesn't hurt you; 5 year in Portland; esaat. fr4 "'" i neaire piqg., lltnand vtafh. Bay Z8i4 MBS. E. FRANKLIN waudsrtol ha.ii teine . Al Spiritual advisor, free. Hotel Soma, 6ta a ad ainmsnn. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warta, removed oy ju neeoie method; trial free. Joel DlnlejL " . s ijing Piqg. aiiio oooo. MRS. M I. uuin ith T ' Spiritual adviser, instructions in the theory o rteitn. scces end harmony. UqvyjfCI $18 Selling bldg. Main 499X IF YOU have too many debts, no property auft want an ever start, write A-248. Jonmal. DR. ELNA SORENSKN. 508 Panama bldsJL drngles phy.; female trouble, constiiiation. et LADY BARBERS Shave 15e; haircut 25al face massage 85c. 8;1B Gli,an near -fib. I ' alOl.KS . removed by Painless method: no alee tricity; no acid. 230 Fleldner bldg. MRSv MABEL BARBER.' spiritual advises; reading daily. 10 to 5. 170 N. 16th t. NOTICES U DEPARTMENT of the interior, II. 8, retlamaT tion aervice. Klamath Falls, Or.. April 1. 1910. Pui-susnt to set of conitreas approved February 2. 1011. (36 Ktat..'B.M. the United State will offer for sale at public auction, tu th highest bidder, at 2 ra, m.v May 12. 191$, at the office of the United Stales reels instiim service. Klamath 'Falls. Or., about 1 mil ef canal of about 60 seoond-fert" capacity (locally known as (he Ankeny canal K, situate in 8. W. t S. W. section' 29. 8. E. section 80. N. E. H N. E. H section 31, and W N, XV.' section 32. all in towusttip 38 8. range 9 H.. XV. M.. together with power site situated In lot 8 of section 33, township 8H south, rang 9 saat, W. M.. Klamath county. Oregon, subject to tan rights of owners of certain lota and pamela rf land In the city of Klamath Falls, Or., to tslie and use therefrom a total of approximately fie (5) miner' luche of water for irrigation and domestic purposes. The canal right of way lie burdened with an obligation to deliver water to a few certain tracts and will be sold subject Ho this obligation. The sale will be made on th following terms: One fourth payable when the transaction is completed, one fourth in one yetr, one fourth in 2 years and the remainder in) 3 years. Inferred payment wilt draw interest 'at the rate of 6 per rent per annum. No bid will be accepted for less than the appraised value and the right is reserved to reject any or fell bids. For detailed list of the -property and other information, address the United State Beclama tion Rervice, Klamath Fall. Or. , NOTICE That my wife. Mayetta Max Mevvr. ha left my hem. I ill not be rcuponntble tor any pills contracten ty her RICHARD MX MTTTER. b0f liSSlONAL ANt) BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ANTIQUKS ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS OF FUBNITUUU. Htern Hatvage Vo.. 683 Washington at I tl).. BARBERS' lUSRLIII 1 XTW1U OTIfVl'L'tl 1, . f , 1.- i, u,,,,n. V j.,v.t.i, Diyrri.1 , mvM. momson si., to ptac ro ony ninxra chairs and suppliea Stock and furniture always on hand at right price I v BKAUTV SPECIALIST SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by nul tiple needle method. B04 Swetland bldg , BLANK BOOK IWAK1R8 DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC., 1O0 2d at. blank' book manufacturers.. A-8183, Main 188, CARPENTER AND BUILDER I'KTirhkiM ivn Vtvn CARPENTERS AND BUfLDERS I We build frame and concrete garages, also! do a general line of repair work; let us figure yur next job. Woodlawn 1799. i CARPENTERS. Contractor, g a r a 1 JobbiaaT Shop 823 3d at Phon. Main 1441. ) fc CARPET CLEANINO E. 8680. FLUFF RUGS BT, from e)d carpets. Carpet cleaning and re fit tin Rag rugs woven, all iise. Mail order (elicited. NORTHWEST BUG CO, Former Address 163 Union in I LASI 3bcJ0 B-1280 188 B. 8th. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets si, sup, jiii Dizea. juau uraers 1 rouipl. Send for Booklet T 9x13 Bug Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1,601 FLUFF BUG CO. 1 $4-58 Union Ave. N. , East 6B16. B1479. JOYCE BROS. ELECTRIC CLEANING WOlitsT Carpets cleaned nd laid" refitting our( p-clsh-y. , Ea.t 440. B l 983. 204 E. 19th at! N. ORS I CHIROPRACTORS DB. LAURA E. DOWNING Broadway bilg. Dnighna physician; 10 years' experience chirv ' practic, electricity, vibratory massage and diet lilt. McMAHONL 100 per cent adjustment tned easy. careinii. permanent. Plione 81. (15 I COAL AND WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. Order your utnmef slsbwood now. v 6 per cent. East 2Q4 L POO AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. H. UUTHMAN bo.pit.1. 416 E. 7th !C CTfr. mini. gjsx 1 , Ij-lVO. EDUCATIONAL DANCINO MISS I It ELAND TV. V T fliuiiva mm K097VTim bldg Per-nsl' attention, 1 0 t 9 MRS PT.KCK'a iiuni'uv i iu o. 1 ,Tr.r room and stage dancing; cia Tuesday and 5 "" eventng. Main 2100. Private lesson. W. I. KING, dance orchestra, union; vi.ilin ovv wanington. Hawy. 47B. MUSIO SOMOOL AND TEACHERS S - PROF T K LAWSON. 20 year' experience! r" '""'tw 3.1 yonr nome. 4 oc Tabor 7300 L. CARBOLL DAY, piano, vceaj lons, trith pf5!!.pino- I hour dy t5 mo. Bdy. S5, -HELEN NIPPKK. experienced . piano iruttruetor. tl hour. 3Q8 Stanton st. East 8634. I WAIL ADVERTItlNO CRANK LETTER, CO., 61 J Royal bldg. , Inlt graphing.' mimeographing. Marh1l 683$ PAINTJWO. TINT! NO. PAPt RHANOINI If" CLIFTON, teinta.g. tinting, papering. HA 4 N 17th st Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 3126 PATENT ATTORNEY GOLDBERG. C20 Woreeeter bldg. Msln 2626 PftlNTINO. ENQRAVINO. -INDINOl F'RINTIIMfi .w baltes GM.,fni 1 nil! I 1 1 U and Oak ate. M. 103, A-lja PHYSICIANS -l DR. B A. I'H1LLIPS7MS' " Broadway ol'tti' Bbeumatism. female disurdera, skin treublae. stomach, liver, kidneta. bowcia. throat. gJltf. high blond presrnre. RUBBER ST A WPS f ALSO stencils, trad checks, metal signs i COAST STAMP WORKS I 68 Broadway. Broadway 710. A-271A. SALTED AND SMOKED FISH ALASKA KKHHi'mi: m- t Ci .Lt'iTX". , .1 T.0. i-JS?5.-" M W."S3$ 1 . ,,- y t let iftf , XST TRAWtFER AND STORAOE OREGON TRANSFER C(X Etst:tie lttTO Transfer and Forwarding Agent STORAGE FREE TUACKAGat Office and Storage 474 GlUan 18th and Glisan. Broadway 1281, A-l 69. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, p.ckin. snip ping and moving. Horse and auto vena. Sueeial rate v a:; point. - C O. PICK TItAKSrRR A. (mail! ciek 2d and Pfn. Broadway 696. A-l ft Da STORAGE AND TRANSFI ER CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 428 FLANDEB8ST. v - I Willamette Valley Transfer-Co General Transfer and Forwardng Agenta, TRACKAGE STOBAGR ADBANSFiJR. t$0 ASH ST.- BROADWAY aTa " ALEUT TRANSFER CO.. trunk. 7Ke.AoT PERSONA!, storage i qawk service. Broadwsy 1059. 4li PAf KlNte MOVINU . STORAGE . .1 -: SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 10$ Park St Main $196; A-10B1. FIREPROOF STDlMir" a AL OLSON TRANSFER CO. 21$ 'ixg