THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, APRIL II, 1C1D. 10 SITUATION WAIT TED MALE AND FKMAI,K ti WANTEDHoM or restaurant Work by ex perienced middle aged man and wtf f ex ceptionally food liablts and baineaa ability. HaT had 20 years' experience in both meat and t try, including government work. Know how to Kmomii. Very unitary Wife cap able pf managing dining rwim. Prefer country nrf. 11. uearaurn, waatilngton at., Portland. . , FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN ' WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 1 a daay wp. Free Tub and Shower Batav HOTEL. - Sargent, Hawthorn and - Grand. ' Starting , point apaeiai car lot- Vancouver. F(5ll KENT Furnished room (or on or two ; tmllCTint. close in. 68 Kant 8th at. KfHiM, $15. 14 8 18th at. Broadway 2Sa. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE ? FAMILY - ? NICELY furnished, sunny room, bsth. telephone, I privilege, of piano and only two blocks to Ut. ; Tabor car. 15 minntes to 5th and Morriaon, j two man preferred, $16, per month. Tsbor 2445. ' LA ROB front sleeping room tor 2 8iU or :t la. lira. $25 per month; walking dUtanee. Marshall 1240, 431 Taylor at. OOOD front room to responsible workingman; board if desired, 125 K. 28th ft. Phon Esst 4916. : ; - - WUIKT place, furnivbed rooms for rent, with or - without board. 494 Kerby at. East 7410. fl'H.MSlIKU room, weat aide, walking; din ta nee, $12. 604 Market at. drive. ROOMS, furnished - and unfurnished, for rent! iszti imion are, OWD room, 1042 Belmont. Phone Tabor 802. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 UNFURNISHED, two nica roc ma, bath, light, heet. gas. 67$ Eaat Ste'rk at. ' -:- '. ROOMS AND BOARD 11 TUB HAZEL "Not Ilk the others.'' Every comfort. Home .cooking. 586 Third at. 4 lit Martha Washington , 880 10th. tor bualn girU and atudei.t. Marshall 1251. ROOMS A5D BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ; St MCE large room, suitable for 1 or 2 ; good hoard: home pririleges: walking distance. 7"0H Johnson at Main 6897. Jl(H M and board for a man. 910 Borthwick ft, yttlVATE home for children. ' Phone East 2448. ' HOPS EKE FPU G ROOMS S rmISHED A?fD IJIfFPRXISHRn LaBGB, clean and neatly" furnished aingle rooms fbr desirable, clean working men only. Every thing fnrninhed. Delmonte, 187 Stout St., near 20th and Washington. ti WEE2 up" completely furnished" IL K. rooms, absolutely clean, every ' eonvenienee, hot water at all honrs. Ssrs carfare. Hotel Csdlllsc, 8d near Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 2 nice front rooms, alao large room and kitchenette. 655 FlanaVrw. - , ' FOR RENT 1 and 2 rooms furnished for light housekeeping; children accepted herel 288 ft. Iflth t. 7 . 409 E. SALMON, near Grand; 2 or 8 room H.K. suite; alao single rooms for bschelors. H. K.. Rooms, 650 Couch t, and Washington. Reasonable. block of 16th TWO well furnished H. K. room on 1st floor. 182 N. 22d st. Main 4848. VLRNIHIIKIJ IfK. and sleeping rooms. 141 Xownadsle St. 2 FiTRNISHKD housekeeping rooms. 270 6th at HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS J$ . FTJRMSHED AND UK FURSISHED . PRIVATF FAMILY 2 ft; FINISHED IL K. rooms, light and water; furnished; adults. BOS H Mississippi ve., one block from Alhlna. shipyards. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms, $10 up; bath and phone. 688 Mill. Marshall T84. TWO Furnished H. K. rooms, 28 E 1st N, East B375. TWO rooms furnished complete for housekeeping. 11 E. 14th i it N. East 21 84. J. THREE H. K. rooms for rent. 120 Knott st! FOR REKT HfUSFS J8 SCENIO lodge CotUges. 824 Height Terrace. Fine view. Hall street car to 18th, 2 blocks .west Cheap rent Newly kalsomined and papered. See them to appreciate. FOR RENT 3: room botis and pantry. 82d st S. K , 2d buflding south of Mt Scott carline. Tabor 7044. - 2 LARGR ronmt and basement to purchaser of some furniture, amount $50. Walking dis- ... tance. 64 9 Morrison. ' - rtr.n ri ju MUVE, VSR NORTH WESTERN F.LECTRIO T.mnT arprrra 10h and Washington. ' Hrlwy. 880. 0?' RENT y5 i-room house, 811 month, In c'""!!" water; MonUvilla district. Apply 171 onn. VQHTIEXT. 5 room house. $20 month.. Phone TOouwn boo. FtTRXIWHRD HOUSES 5$ FOR RENT Fine Irvington honj. fnrhlshed complete, all- fin . piece go with it owner will soon leave the city; latest modern home with garage. 2 grate with gas heat, hot water furnace and the very best location. Call at 883 E. 12th at N. FOR RENT Nicely fomished honse, vnooV ern. 6 rooms, upper floor, bsth, electric., gas, lawn, "flowers, roses; $25 month; no chil dren. 861 Fremont st Phone Woodlawn. 6009. i ag man or wiuurai ave. car. 8 AND 4 room furnisiied nnner and lme n.' . sightly porch and garage, garden. 85 H 1st st South. 1 URNISHED complete, half block south Haw thorne. 805 Glenn ave., clean, modern 7 room house : annual lease; adults only. FOR RENT Modern 6-room burnished hounej , $25.00. Woodlawn ear to 16th and Dekum. south to 1809 B. 16th N. 3 ROOUfnrnished house, $7.50 per month. Firland Station 4804 76th st S. B $208 ROOMS, lower floor; electrio and gas. Agent 344 Tillamook. - APARTMENTS 41 JFTJRNISHF D AND TJNFTJRTTISHFD Hart Apartments Adh?1' Newly ftirnlit!id, modern honMMpli,r end s1t. Ing roflms, $2.B0 end lip. Second end Yamhill. AVRRA apartmenU. Furnished hcyuekr -S t a m - tx . .snn ii - " room gnuitv ova i tsv nurmiap. BELLINGHAM Apta., 2 Urge it K. rooms and kitchenette. 42H E, Morrison t N. U 8aver. Phone East 7848. NEW YORK APTt.. K. Belmont and 7th. East .IS. ....... . 2-ROOM apt. 1566 H ' Last Glisan. FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODr.KN 4 room upper flat. $12.50. East If I w. FOR RENT Store fixed un for living rooms. 794 1st and Oibbs. FFRNISHED FT.ATB K furnished upper flat bath, gas, eleotric- lty, oncarline; no children. 141 43th ave. K. $30 FIVE-Room upper flat, right and water; walking distance. East 3310. v ' WANTED TO RENT - WE WANT-TO RENT a 6-room up-to-daU dwelling in select neigh borhood. . Ala bouses. flats and apartments If m bave any vacancies phone Heave Togttlker. cars of Northwest Steel Co., Main 1198. WANTED To rent or lease a little 3 or 4 room limise, furnished, with full lot and chicken hou?e. Must not be over 6 cent fare. .aouress ilox 1 1 O, fortland. 4 OR 5 BOOM bungalow with option oi bayina: . gire rental, price and particulars. Addreaa . nenier. zi BtocK blcn Dim WILL pay $5.00 to anyone- finding me a auit able unfurnished cottage or flat by May 1st Tabor 2109. AM looking for home or apartment to rent where the furniture is for sale. J. A. Schindler. Main 2411. J WANT modern furnished 6 pr 7 room house, 40 to $50; responsible. Vermaneut tenant, WILL pay anyone $3 that will tell me where a o room no use is lor vent doe to Van vr car, by May 1. East 8441 evenrngs. ; SMALL house, 4 or 5 rooms, on east side. , 3- 264, Journal. A 5-ROOM modern bungalow or cottage for im mediate possession or wait N-41.- Journal. WANTED Furnished house to ( rent Write lisa K. 28d st N. WANTED House. 12 to 18 rooms, west aide 1 reasonable Tent Broadway" 8256. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 $50.000 FURNISHED apartments, paving 15 ' per' cent net; part cash; term and trade. 121 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 81 $2000 MODERN B room bungalow, lot l6ox 100, Sellwood 1333. . real rsTATri 'OJi" halk houses TI , :. . . -. KENTON T room modern boose, corner jot, 125x100; fine fruit trees, apples pears, plume, peaches, cherries, English walnuts and small fruit of all kinds. - About SO fin rose busbe. Garage. A perfect home. Takes only $T0O to handle it. Price 3000. Ida R. Cooper, 1785 Derty at., Kenton. - " ALBERTA ROOM SNAP t Good tt room bouse, electricity, - gas, eement basement, good bath, garage, 3 bedrooms, city lien all paid, lot 4txl00, on E. 28th. Just north of Alberta. Price $22:50, $400 cash and 816 Per month. .. .... GRC8SI 4 BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade, Main T488. , . ROSE CITY PARK HUM ES w MHaJO bungalows and house In this beautiful district, ranging in prion from $2450 Do 5250 on " terms of $300. $400, $50O, 60O down and upward to $lSOO. Oar auto mobiles are always at your serriee. COB Ai M KEXKA CO., - ' Main 4522. 82 4th at, Board of Trada bldg. ' UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY T room bouse, 2 lota, abundance choice fruit, close In on main thoroughfare and' carline; paved street; only $3500; clear of debt. Wiil accept good late . model ear first payment, bal- 'f.rmm A: HuX. . 214 Ijambermen's Bldg.. Bdwy. 421. EAST MORRISON ST. COTTAGE, $800 CASH Good 4 room ottag, elect., basement, plas tered, fine lot 45x80, on E. Morrison near 43d, nice location. Price $1600. Subject to about $65 city Hens; $300 cash and $25 per mo., including interest. ' GRI'SAI aV BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade. :. Main 7452. FIVE room, doable-lined bungalow, large attic, electricity, gas, payed street, 2 block Haw thorne, Mt Scott ears; fireplace, bookcase, buf fet, fin kitchen and built-ins, concrete basement, furnace, woodiift waah treys! all in fine shape; handy to school and high; dandy location, fine neighbors. At horn la forenoons. $8800. 285 East 48th st. EXTRA inducements offered to secure nine new homes in Walnut Park. Call at once. You may be one of the lucky nine. Best car service; also Jefferson Ugh school. - - No finer location for a? home in the cify. , W. IL. KHXmcswORTH, OWner Office, Kiilingsworth and Union are. sFor appointment phone Wood lawn 951. ' KENTON "DISTRICT T $11508 room house, corner lot ' $13004 room house, corner lot, garage. $1250 5 room, furnished, garage. $2650 -5 rooms: 'modern, Albina ave. P. TANDUYN, 615 Chamber of Conrmero. Main 1955. sk for U. A- Doremna. Office open evenings. A SNAP 4-room bungalow on 7 1st A 11s Cay; city Water and gas. H ere lot with chicken pens; $100 cash; no commission, en quire of owner on premises, phone Tabor 8801, or see Richards eV Richards, 311 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Main 824 till 5 p. m. ' NEAR JEFFERSON "HIGH . $220041 room cottage, bath, gas, . elect rio , lights, . 60x100 corner lot, improve ments paid, vacant mors right in; ' ; terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 888. 61ST ST. BUNGALOW. $1600 S room bungalow with bath and sleeping porch, Hgeod basement, 60x180 lot, cement walks, block to car. Owner asks only $175 cub. This won't last long. COE A. M KENNA ge CO.. Main 4522. 82 4Ut St. Board of Trade bldg. i . MT. TABOR COTTAGE . Seven rooms, gas, bath, electricity; house newly papered and painted. - Eastern exposure with unobstructed view; lot 50x140; 10 choice bearing fruit trees; on paved street near carline. AH improvements paid. Price $2500 net, some terms. : Phone Tsbor 4828. KENTON BARGAfN, $200 DOWN Say. Mr. Homebuyer, we want yon to sew that good room home with bath. 50x100 lot, cement walk. 2 block to ear. This price is only $1650, COB A. M KEN N A gc CO., Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. FOB ftlOOO 4 room plastered house with electric Hahts. water and gas, some fruit trees, berries and Klace for. chickens; 4 blocks to Mt Scott ear, block to Franklin high! will sell my equity m exaa, long ume w pay tne resit no agents. oin au b.jb., eaa ave. FOR SALE $1600 A 5 room, partly fur- msnea nonse. semi-modern, on pared street good dtttrlct; all improvements paid; new paint ing ana xauomirung msiae; nas nasement; 1 block to car; 10 minutes .to city. Terms, 1 hone mornings before 11 and evening after 5. Woodlawn 4120 or inqnir 103 Blandenm st BUY A HOME ON CARTlNE 1 acre rostte 8 room, cottage, $1600. 1 acre sightly 4 room house. 82900. 1 acre modern 5 room house and garage. ... eewvw. ; . - - ., - . " ' S. O.DILLMAN " Eighth and Main fits. Oregon City, Or. $1150 : . . $ll66 "" $ii6o " , HURRY HUBBY HURRY i ONLY TOD AT TftniT OM.T 8 room furnished bungalow, 70x120, garage. Owner foitd to do this. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CHA8. RINGLER. ' JWAIJI Bag. TWO aero home near oar and Mt Tabor park seven-room house, bath, araa and lafartiw 80 bearing cherry tree. 12 apple, peaches, pears. Plums, prone, crape and berries; chicken house. Urge barn, well built $7000; $1000 cash. i-ncne- laoor woo. jau 214 7th st S. E. KEW AND READY TO MOYB INTO .r rooms, aleepin porch, fireplace, furnace, hd. wood floors, full basement 80x100 lot beautiful view, restricted t Waaimorel.nd m. Owner, East 2916 after 6:00 evening; any tim asnaay. HAWTHORNE. GAR $2100 6 rooms, beautiful 60x1 IS lot; bath, cement uwmeni, Tt oiocx nawtnorn car; a snap for wnuwnei ouu wui nanai&i H GEO. T. MQOBB CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. VACANT S3 on VVTT T. HlvtiiE Balance like rent, modern 8 room house on cugene u: pne gzouo. $1200 below value; ueaut in lamuy reason tor selling. . t p FITZGfBBON eV CALWAY. . tvt coara w iraae oidg. $2500 -Sunnyside$2500 8 room bunealoW in tha heart of Rnnnnut. 1 block Snnnyside car; street .improvements in aaa paia; terms; go loos, looej jg. atorrison st GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bid. FOR SALE, $975; TERMS; leaving city. Cosy. clean, convenient 4 room house, woodshed, cellar; lot 85x186; excellent soil, no gravel; barn 14x26, chicken yard, berries, fruit, good neighborhood. Owner, 5012 64th are. Wood- stoca car. BIG SACRIFICE Rose City Park! 'new. mod. m 6 room bungalow, with bath; earner lot ouxiuws cement siaewalk: hall block to ear; mall payment down, balance monthly; owner y noaae aim weea. mt HUM it H. Tabor 6825, js.w moaern Bungalow; a nifty on. Larg breakfast room, 2 bedrooms, attic and basement Woodlawn 91. VLAt'RELHt'RST" Strictly modern house, full cement basement, cement floor, builtrina. A good buy, only $2400 Easy terms. Gilson Realty Co.. 431 Ch. of Com. 22S? Modern 5 room bungalo.. in fine ooh- dttion, electricity, gas, bath, etc.. good base ment full lot, improvement paid. 1 block car Terms. Tabor 6559. MORTGAGE foreclosure sale to be held soon offers good little home cheap. If interested see -my attorney. E. 11. Sherlock. 808 Bdwy. vuv NEW bungalow. 4 large rooms and sleeping to, luu wt . ipiwii u car, near good auK 1 81 Ann nn n m- a , n uwm. ot vyjt. casn, oa la nee szu month. Main 2558. SLETTEN efc JONES. 248 Stark it $8500 LAURELHURST home, mortgage $4000.. wb.u i ici ov hw mm uena due ; must sell this month. Give me offer for my equity. 484 . ' nininnv . c ROSE CITT PARK Coy modern 4 room Dungajow. piasterea. gas, electricity, batn. etc. 2 blocks ear. Price only $1460. Terms. Vacant Move right in. Tabor 6569. $2650 E. ANKKNY. near 18th, toaes modern 7 room home ; furnace, " fireplace, hardwood floors; perfect condition; street paved and paid; easy terms. Tabor 6441. . FOR SALEA modern 4 room furnished bun galow and 2 lots, with fruit and berries, on reasonable terms. Inquire 361$ 62d st S. E.. Mt. Scott car. -. $500 EQUITY, in 5 room house in St"'iohni iw or wuo iot norse or cows or ngn car ana give onierence. ijall Bellwood 717. 6 ROOM bungalow, garage, on improved street! - fine location, rests and flower; no incum brance. 697 Glen wood are, B-3090. HOMES AND BCNOALOWSFOR "EVERY BODY. IRVINGTON; BOMB BEAUTIES. EAST 278. HERDMAN. ROOM house for sale, gas, light full base 'tnent fruit trees,' cow bam, fojf $1600; 8616 B7Ui ave.. Woodstock gar. SEVEN room house and garage. Alberta district Rents for $25. Will sell for $2800. 8300 flown. $25 month. Call 484 Claremont ave. "ROOM house, rented for 320, 2bIocksWiC' hams ave. and Catholic church School: erica $2400; terms. J-262. Journal pnc 6 ROOM cottage, lot 75x100. 10 ' nice fruit trees, chicken run: nnlv glgsfl una Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FOR SALE By owner. 2 reasonably priced' homes, no dealer. SelL 75 - T kODERN 5 room, well built $3700;" UrmZ M. gfLrVI I UO. . ! ROOM house, modern, near Union and Kill ingsworth; a bargain. Bdwy. 2735. $1,100 CASlf buys 6 "room house. Bwank617 lleiiry bldg. ."- r WEST SIDE hpu&e. owuec, Wuodlawu SSTeCT " REAL T. STARTS FOR 6 aITE HOUSES Ti . . FREE EXHIBIT . : 0O PHOTOGRAPHS OB1 HOMES. At the cost of serena thousand dollar ere hats secured photograph of approximately 600 home that are being offered for sale. Each home baa been personally inspected and appraised by - an expert appraiser and each photograph arranged in its respect! district with price, terms and full data regarding same on the walla of . our display room. Yon are inrited to call and Inspect these photographs. We hay some wonderful bargains. - Compare them with other home that bar been offered yon before making yowr dacMon; 8 experleneed real estate salesmen with auto at your serriee if yens should care to see- any of these homes. Ws fcse old orer 160 home sine the 1st of the year and over $506,000 -worth in 1918. BE OAOSB WE HAVE THB BARGAINS. Office open evening and Sunday. See : FRANK L. McOUlHB. : f --)-. i0 Buy Tour Home. Successor to H. D. Mc'Juire Co.. Bktabllshed In 1880. I "39 Year of 'Service." Ablngton Bldg. Main 0S , Main 5158. Office open evenings and Sundays; $3250-t-KOSR CITT PARK $3230. ; ' S0O DOWN . On Sacramento st, below the hfJl, ft a Wonderful buy in a 6 room very substantial modern home; has full cement basement, laun dry trays, furnace and fireplace,'' paneled dining room with tmffet, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, eiec. and gas; only 1 block to car; paved st., sewer tn and all paid but $100, Price $3250; $500 down, balance like rent; must be sold by the 2 2d. See Fit AN K U M'GCIRE, To Buy Tour Home. bington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 8158. Office open evenings and Sundays. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL $8500 Here is one of Alameda Park real fin homes. Built by one of Portland's beet build ers. You will admire the arrangement the solid, substantial construction and the wonderful interior finish. For instance, the enameling throughout is seven-coat work. Ton will ad mit that the price is low for so costly a home. It is modern to the last detail. It was built three years ago for the present owners. ... It will be a downright pleasure to show you. - TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8516. ; Branch office 50th and Sandy. $1800 SELL WOOD TERMS Neat little home, on 50x100 lot; paved sr.; abundance of fruit, roses, flowers, lawn; chicken house in rear. $1450 . IBVINGTON PARK Cozy little home, now being completed ; has French plate glass windows: lot being improved with rose bushes and other . flowers. Must be seen te be appreciated. Phone and make appointment with Stanley S. Thompson Co., Broadway 8644, 802 Oak st Beautiful Laurelhurst Park SUNNYSIPE CAR An attractive close-in buy, well built double constructed, 3 room bungalow. Also kitchenette and bath. Large living room, large grounds, paved street Only 1 block to paik and 8 short blocks to Sunnyside car. 10 minute ride to wt side. Going at $2800, including linoleum, ca kitchen stove and gas wster heater. H cash required. Call owner, Tabor 7552. No agenti yiemw. A FEW GOOD CHEAP RUTS B, bo., toilet, gas and electricity 75x100 lot 81850. ?Zr tore 3 ood liTinc room In war. fJOHV, t 7 rooms, modern, basement, walkinr disUnee. s - Ims modern, tip to date Irrlnrton home, 4500. . 8 rt21?rt modern, up to date Lxfturelhunt HOUCK. 110 1TH ST. " Irvington Sacrifice Sale Modern 8 room house with sleeping porch, fruit and paved atreets. all mid- in v. oh near Tillamook! Would be rhMn f anhnn must sell quickly; will take $4500. give some terms u uesireu. O. A COBB (Owner), 605 Raleigh bldg. Phone Main 9052. i ROOM BUNGALOW ONLY $2800 Thi is one of the best buys w know of: 7 rooms, with bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in ef fects, fireplace, laundry trays, good basesnent only 2 blocks from car. east of Laurelhurst; this property can be bought on easy terms and anyone wanting a home of thi six should not fail to investigate. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK" Splendidly located weat of 40th st in the iib-ijm;,. lumvwn -iiors, in-epiaee, book cases, buffet Dutch kitchen, cement basement Fox furnace, etc. Let us remind you again, the price la only $8500. A. O. TEEPB CO.. ' 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8516. .prancn on ice outn ana Handy. HOSE CITY BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED O rootns, with attic, doubly constructed, bath. Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, hardwood floors, laundsy trays; street paved; sewer; 2 blocks car; full pric only $3400; will tak less with out furniture; terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. GOOD 4 BOOM HOUSE" . Ijvi Uiiisa 15 bearing fruit trees, different varieties 17 rows loganberries and blackberries in first class condition, each row 50 feet long; the house is double constructed; 3 large closets and china closet; good chicken house; Bull Run water. 4 echool. Mt Scott ear; for quick sale. luu; terms. , JEO. T, MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $2360 BUNRAllW It.RlCPTi .-4?f. thu,nd you'll buy it: On paved street !$5AJ,m,?1 V'LTk' 6 Ioom bungalow home with bath, full cement basement waah trays. Fleas do not forget the location and remem 2L ,, "tet rred and paid for. A won ""A'lf ood btlT- $400 eh handles. COE A. M'KENNA & CO. Main 4522. ro sr.. ooarq ot Trade Bldg. ftldnn UfiVa r - i. ZT toot nouae, lot 40x124. cement swfr?i? "!JLi i ?rt "V,rfc street: wiU accept Ford. Chevrolet Maxwell or light Buick as part payment, gome cash, balance like rent A bar gain. Look this us. Headquarters for exchange. surras .34 RUw" Kxcbmu" bM WOODLAWN BUNGALOW Beautiful 4 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, nice bsth. lot 50x100 within 2 blocks of 4 carlines; $2160 tormi go look, 486 Magnolia. W"' DU' T. MOORE CO.. 100T Y. kM. 3750 A swell looking home of 6 rooms, attic" all built-ins. fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays. 68x100 lot 12 fruit trees, berries, imp. included. Terms. 14 WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Msln 583. - T I J I ' ' VIUS). FOR SALE 6 room partly finished house"; telephone, gas. lights, hot water with on alley. 14 fruit trees; 0 blks. from ear; no im provements. $1500. $250 will hanriU: nut terms. 6721 63d st S. E. Phone Tabor 6507. WHY NOT BUILD f Get an artistic home by an sitahii1ii ..t.i tectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish the money if desired. L. K. Bailey Co.. Ttes Minraut4jMsi aa.Vl.. - nr. vv.. wnwsMjm snwuitrviB. v fx. w, uank. A ROOM xfmrpv " unvn? For sale by -owner; is of bungalow type, modern and very convenient; all in A-l condition: 2 blocks, to ear; in restricted district: see this and cuiuHuuofl, a-2i. i oumal. KENTON S room modern house, lot 50x100. Pne $1500: terms. Ida. it rMn., ita , Kenton. 5 ROOM bungalow, 1 block to car and paved" St. lots of frnit and ,hmhh.n ln nn:,i,n ff?9b,aAt foT P0QI terms. Brodway 1058. 209 Oregon bids. $20O DOWN. f20 monthly; 6 room, gas, elec tricity. lot 'iBOtinn. tu '.. Sonho?r': bIock Woodlawn car. pric vuu. x-iione marvnail 4Sli't KENTON i orw,'2hinfLed nous in good condition; lot 25x100. $650. Ida It Cooper. 1765 2 6 ROOM Bemf-modern honses, 3 Works Monta- liJa Car. SOOtl InOJLtinn -savill tall aM 1 a. I ( mil ocas 1U1 IfJTWt UlAAll ma?, "wptlrk" termS Tllis 18 ,"Uip- ROOM cottages, by owner; just repainted all through house: walking ear: $200 down, balance an rent Liberty bonds accepted. Phone Msn-hsli 4431. ROOM modern bungalow, full basement W naca. firenhu-w. full mnnmm. in.. mf $70 rash, rent terms An h,.n.. .... ". . Main 2558 SLETTEN A JONES 24 S ROOM house in good order, in in.tan S .bo?6244n- .: MODERN bungalow, full lot and basement! terms, . , Owner, J000 E. 16th at Bellwood 1343. 8360 Modern 5 room bungalow, floored attic, fox furnace 35x100 lot. Hawthorn district $29006 room bungalow. Sunnyside. 2 blocks from car, stieet assessments all paid. Tabor 1667. ' -- --y . . ROOM ise and 2 lots, near carline. PHm 1500 Phon Tabor 5703. ROOM coVage for sale, $800; $600 cash most sell Phone Main 7523. 80x200 GARDEN tract, 2 room house, $475t ( aown. - Aiarster. 2U1 Wilcox bkisi. 'OR 8 ALU by owner. 5 roouiLouae and lot in Woodlawa at 1890. . ... , . . . - " HFAL FSTATTg" : FOB SALE HOUSES CI . .... ... aiicnii ; : Comfortable cottage, fire room . and bath. noasiawn are., sear intoa avenue, uwner ui. most sell quick; terms. 82SOO' Ftva 'room and - Uue, bath, full basement walking distance, Broadway and Bteoi bridge easy .terms. . -- ' : --. "32500 ' ' Splendid ' ho of six rooms, Eaierion near Union ave; vry easy terms. )I1 KA . Fine 6 room house, - San Rafael street near wnuams ave., easy walking distance uroaaway ana titeet bridge; , terms. 83750 Good 7 houss) on Williams Ave. near tteeen au, lot eoxizw: easy payments. K. B. MENEFEK A OO.. 416-417 Ttailwsy Exchange bid.. Phone Manx 4085., SPECIAL 12900 PENINSULA BARGAIN $2900 Here is an nnusnal baraain man very attractive bungalow type home. This home is practically new. has dandy cement basement. large homey living roomvwith fireplace, paneled dining room, many built-in conveniences, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing fixtures, elec tricity and gas.- He ally, you. couldn't build the house for $2900. It is in an ideal location, en Oatman street near Holland; lot is 59x60 2-8 feet; only 3 blocka to Peninsula school. You'll admit it is a bargain when you see it Come in and see the photograph. See FRANK L, McGUIBE, To Buy Tour Home. Office ooen evenines and Snndara. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156. $2350 Practically new 6 room, modern house, full cement basement, 2 large lota, in garden and fruit first class cement garage, near han turf need street Term. $2250 Large 5 room modern house, cement basement large attic, well lighted. 2 large lots, in fruit and garden, cement walk paid. Some casn ana monthly pay ments. $1580 5 room plastered house, bath, small basement, large corner lot cement walk near hard surfaces street; $150 cash. monthly navments like rent 9 780 8 room house, furnished, near Arleta school, large lot, ;n fruit ana caraen NETL SMITH, 6514 Foster Road.- Tabor 1981. "SPECIAL" $2250 Bungalow, , Kenton District $2250 i room very substantial, modern, attractive bungalow; ha concrete columns with porch ex tending across enure front of house, living room. paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, central hall lined with linen cfasets, 2 bedroom with whit enamel plumbing, solid concrete foundation. On Minnesota, st near Morgan; 8 block to IV ear. Be FRANK L. M'GUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068, Main 615S, Office Open Evenings and Sunday. BEAnTTFnr. miNnst-nixr htmic view "$3500 Mt Tabor bungalow, 5 rooms, sleep ing Doren all on os floor. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, all on full lot, and .with fins view. Garage. gas heater. stove. linoleum, carpets in kitchen, an go wira nouse. est. imp. in and pd. Own er going to Eastern Oregon. Imme diate possession. - Requires half cash. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 683. UOMB to Piedmont if you wish a Home in Portland' prettiest residence district; will show yon a home of 7 rooms, large attractive living room in white enamel, dining room in choice, selecteed fir, beautiful sun parlor, esbi- "aira, luii Basement witn innt and coal rooms: large front fawirnnm with nnilt-lt. h small bedroom and sleeping porch; bath; two i rom eiiner canine. race lor quick imuc wuouu or pnone -illtf or Mars nail 4261 Shown by appointment only. Ask for Smith. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AT A GIFT PRICE Why pay high prices for a home when you can buy this fine 66x100 corner in the best part ot the Hawthorne district, with a a-ond 7 room modern bouse, and large double garage for oniy juu. rlara surface street paid in full. MKiUl&ULJS UYtSrME.IT UO. 809 Oak st Broadway 4138. QUICK POSSESSION IRVINGTON HOME PRICE CUT TO THE CORE 8760 CASH. PRICK OXT.Y S49KA Den, with fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. large- living and dining rooms, paneled and msmea; o oearooxas ana Sleeping porch. Better pick this up today. CLEVELAND-BARE-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6732, 6 BLOCKS FBOM JEFFERSON- Hml A lovely 6-room substntiall-v imilt Imum on nice corner lot; loads of fruit rosea and ornamental trees; nard-surraoe street; 3 lovely bedrooms and Urge sleeping porch; just like new; price only $3500; $600 cash; move in iirsx oi week. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. A2815. HAWTHORNE $3250 ' ROOMS PAVTNO Pim Let us show you this bungalow, located on 41st st Hahrdwood floors in 8 rooms, fireplace, buffet bookcases, cement basement, furnace, at- uc. ajet us snow you. A. G. TEEPE 'CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8516. u ranch ollic 5 Ota and Sandy, 6 NICE ROOMS: $2200; TERM a , Bath, full - cement basement lot 45x110. Owner, 1 219 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 1643. Residence, ' Main 1877 FOR SALE LOTS 1$ ONE OF THE FINEST VIEW LOTS IN ALA- i r.iJA run 1 li t; rno OF STREET IM PROVEMENTS. OVERLOOKS CITY. IBV INGTON. ONE LOT HALF PRICE. AN OTHER 8 TILL CHEAPER. ANOTHER STILL CHEAPER, FINEST LOCTIONS, 100x100. $2000; GOOD LOCATION; STREETS PAID. EAST ,278. HERDMAN. 50 DOWN E. 11th St. close to Alberta, 60x100, $500; no restrictions, put up a tent for the summer. BITTER, LOWE A CO. , 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR BALK 2 lots, each 50x125; variety of bearing fruit trees: no buildings. $800 each; terms; 5 per cent discount for cash. Owner, 2932 62d t S. E. CHOICE view lot Rose City Park; will sell rea sonable or build to suit No agent. Tabor 247. FOR SALE Lot 50x100, 10th street south of Ainsworth, $250. Improvements paid. Will take part Liberty bonds. Phone Wdln. 8649. LOT at E. 84 th and Powell Valley rd. for sale cheaD. or trade for stock or linht er. Call Sellwood 717. THREE lots. 75x100, in Peninsula add. No. 2, all for $450. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE Lot 60x100. Price 8800, E. 20th N.. near Skidmore st Owner, LOT at 1st and Bancroft at $10 per month. Liberty bonds accepted. Marshal 4481. MCE corner lot Laurelhurst, $900; easy terms Call East 6359. ALAMEDA PABK has class, is scenic; beauti- iui iot. ior eooo. Main exne IMPROVED lot, owner. Woodlawn 8378." ACREAGE 17 MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE PARTNERSHIP L 18 Section in Rosebud Ca.. Mont. - all tain. in: 85 plow land. Must be sold st once. 10 per acre. Can stive good terms. " Bpleadid syndicating proposition. FARM MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 819 Higley bldg. Cedar Rapids. low. 5 ACRES on Columbia bird., K. N. 29th at; good rich soil, no gravel, house and some out buildings; all kinds of fruit, sell cheap to right party. Owner. H. Schnuelle. Take Woodlawn car to end. 4 blocks east 1 ACRE PARK ROSE ' RIGHT ON -STREETCAR TRACK - If you want a suburban 'home this ought t meet yonr idea. SMITH-WAGONER CQ.. STOCK EXCHANGE 3 ACRES, all kinds. of fruit and bsrries; run nlng water, good soil; 6-room house. 1 block from streetcar station. F. Schlatter. Fairriew. Or. 18 ACRES timber, buildings and well.! hi mile of Bidgefield. Wash., cheap; will tak auto as part payment; good chicken ranch. Z-644, journal. - CLOSE-IN acreage, 2 or 3 acre tract all in cultivation, fine location. Must be sold at once. 81000. Good terms. 924 Chamber of Commerce. CaTl between 1 and 4 p. m. TWOCRES CLOSE TO STATION 25 minutes on west side car, all in cultivation.- Price $600. easy terms. E. H, Fitzgib bon. 401 Board of Trade. ; FOR SALE by owner, 104 acres, 8 mile east of Yamhill; 70 acre in cultivation; crop ali in; telephone and R. F. D.; $83 per acre. - R. L. Hiekman. amhill. Or. 15 ACRES. 1 8 miles from Portland on electrio - line adjoining Cottrell station, all cleared, very best of soil. $2500: terms. 209 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658. - : - 3a. ACQS. 2 room house, i m'la east Alberta ear. 81400. 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. I ' TIGARD SNAP Thi seres, half cleared, $176 per acre; easy terms. W. It. Calway, 401 Board of Trade. 6 AND 10 acre garden tracta near car and school, $50 to $100 down. ...... MAR8TERS, 201 WILCOX BLDG. Msirr 7359. CHOICE caw b acreage, good soil well lo - cateds owner Phone Broadway 4643. i,, 37 ACRES, well located, lie well. $18 per acre. Cowlits county.- Tabor 8824. 6 ACKE, owner , WooOUwu 8378. HEAL FSTATH ACREAGE 7 DRIVE out to Gresbaia.' - One acre, fine garden coil; 5 room house, city water: berries barn. A gooa noma lor ioau. . Nic ' 6 acre place, improved, bouse, barn. cliwken hoose. fruit trees; big bargain, $1100; 250 cash. -- - :r- ..- - . - Sixxtcre home, all improved, rnrlldings, fruit and walnuts; station en place. .. S200. - K RIDER 4k ELKINGTON, Oresham. Tel 17S. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation; ideal country home; house, bars, chicken park, -all kinds trutt, near electric ear and highway. 23. 760 down. Will divide. Masters, 201 Wil cox bldg. .. ' -r 8TJBTJRBAN- ACREAGE 7$ ONE acre on paved road, pric $1850. worth $2500; all in crop; 4-room doable con structed bungalow, (nil basement rooms, white enameled, woodiift in kitchen, gats; lust step to ear: young .bearing fruit trees, lota ef berries, outbuildings. Tabor 3717. -J. Suhr. Base Line read. "... ONE of the beet and richest 9Vt acre tract for $1750. A real snap. Uottek, 110 10th st Ki:ni:itn at homfs i Si 7 50- DO you want good 4 room bnngalow. . wim cuy gas, wooa ana sioreaouse, targe chicken house, 1 acres, with growing . garden, fruit and balance in oatav $1850 -For 5 acres, large new barn, across street from above; both places located on Fourthi st. Electric, 85 minute cut with 13c I commutation fare and near - new highway. Owner going to Califor nia. See me on property at any time. Call or address J. B. Coughran, Huber. Oregon, i . FOR SALE Modern bungalow, -27x42. double constructed, well finished; bath, septic tank, sleeping porch; acre tract; wood house, hen house. 45 assorted fruit tree, grapes, all kind of berries, roses, ornamental" trees, woven wire fence. Bull Run water: public library, high school, church' and lodges, electric cars, paved road; $3000. N. O. Fuller, owner, Gresham. Or. A CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY 6 room house,! bath, toilet gas, "electricity, city water, a lot of nice fruit 4 blocka from station, with 1 acre, 2100, or 2 acres for $3000. Terms. CROCKETT STARKER. 203 Washington, bldg. 3 LOTS 150x105, good 3 room house, bath and toilet electric lights; Bull Run water; 3 blocks from Oregon Electric depot 2 blocks from boulevard ; good i barn. Reasonable payment down, monthly payment J. T. Baxter, Mult nomah Station. i FOR 8ALE 2 1-5 acres, small lathed and plastered bungalow, large oak trees. -: city water, 18o commuters" rate, faces railroad and new highway, $160$. 11. M. Kimball. Huber. Or. WILL sacrifice 2 or 2 6 room houses at Tualatin View ( Park, near Council Crest, by owners. Call Thee. Berkey. Phone Mar 2463 after 12 m. to S p. m. Must have $500 cash. FOR SALE FARMS 17 sk aems in enlt: 6 acre in timber. baL all level land not hard to clear and all In pas ture at present, fine large barn, cow atable for 15 cows, large horse bam and hay barn, 5 room house and outhouses, all kinds of fruit 8 hones, 1 cow. 2 hogs, chickens, plows, manure spreader, cult. 2 wagons, ; buggy, harness, manure carrier from the barn, cream separator, milk pains, hi interest in mower and rake, disc, roller, small tools: 1 mile, to school. This has living water and 2 good wells; a fine dairy ranch; the land is in .fine shape; ha been from 10 to 20 head of cattle on ft all the time and all the manure has been put oh the ground; 7 miles of Oregon City, 1 hi mile to electric line. Here is a bargain;- land all around this sells from $150 to $200 an acre: owing to tne owners sica wue he J compelled to sacrifice it at once for a sale; price $5500, $3500 down, baL 10 year at a ; no traae. K. 1.; KLLW1T BUD, 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST buys in Clackamas county. 30 acres, all black rich soil. Two gooa dwellings. 2 Darns, z ga rages, 2 woodsheds, 2 smokehouse. 2 chicken houses. 2 cellars. 1 large hop house. 4 wells with mums, family orchards, berries and 2 fine gardens. First class fences around this farm. , On rural mall route. Two telephones. Six acres of fine beaver dam 6nJtn land. Suit able for one 10 acre and one 20 acre farm. Thi farm is til in cultivation. 4 miles south of Canby. on good macadam road : 1 hi mile to public school: 22 mile south of Portland. Pric $6000: 40U0 down, balgnc on z years tun at 6 par annum. Come to Canby and phone Oglesby Brothers, Owners. ' No agents. WiU meet you at, Canby with auto. I' os tonic ad dress, Aurora. Or. GOOD FARMS VALUED RIGHT 10 acre. 6 nnder Cultivation, barn, S room house, 2 good wells, family orchard, 1 home, buggy, wagon, 8 Vi miles from thia city; price $2500. 19 acres. 1 all under cultivation. 6 room house, barn 30x50, family orchard, good water. team, 1 cow. tew chickens, some farm imple ments; about 12 Bailee from Oregon City; price Mind. 48 acres. 40 under cultivation, fine orchard. t room house, bam 80x40. spring and well: 4 miles from this eltv: price 38500. All these farms are on good roads, close to scnool ana transportation points. 8. O. Pn J.MAN Eighth and Main Sts. Oregon City. Or, 120 AC41ES. 100 acres tillable. 25 acres in high state of cultivation, watered hv mrinn ana small creek. room bungalow, bain 48X45, with hav fork, new hose -hrmse. nmm h n. chicken house, water piped to house and batn. irnmuy orciiara in rail Dealing, 1 acre ui Italian prunes set last spring. Together' with 9 cows, 5 neiters, 2 brood sows, 3 slioats, team, harness, 2 wagons, hack, mower, 'rake, .2 plows, 2 har rows, cultivator, disc harrow, cream senanlnr. 1 mile from school, 6 hi miles from town. All rural advantages, race $5500. H cash. THOMPSON. BWAN & THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. A SACRIFICE 160 acre A-l land. Tillamook Co.. 2U mile from railroad, close to county road, neigh bors, school, logging camps and small town; 5 acres cleared. 10 acre partly cleared; 80 acre easily cleared! some bottom land, some timber; worth more than asking for land: small honse good barn, some berry vines, some farm im plement. 100 quarts fruit; om stock; 2 good fish stream on land. Pric $1200 eash If sold soon. JOHNSTON A M HARDY. 914 Chsmber of Commerce bldg. 60 ACRES, 33 acres in cultivation, balance pasiure ana Timber: aood 6-room house: barn? other buildings; 9 acres family orchard, well and fine creek; R. F. TX: telephone; close to' School and church; all practically level; crushed rock road: 4ft miles to good town, boat and rail transportation; 25 mile from- Portland; soma easn; terms to suit Inquire owner. 4127 67th St 8. E., Portland, Ore. 80 ACRES Highly improved, situated in Rlark Co.. Wash.. 17 mile north of Vancouver: must sell, too old to farm longer; 60 acres under cultivation. Mack, 11 tools and crop, or naked place; cash needed esuou; price mucn lower than joining . lands: terms. For full information address me. L. L. Perdue. Bidgefield, Wash., owner. FOR SALE 38 acre dairy farm, located half wry between osklsnd and rone lis. aright at th station of Isadora and on Pacific highway, which will be paved this summer; this place ia well fenced and 1 cross fenced, with good build ings, a) new 82O00 bungalow built last year: price $6000. For particular write C Li Tos tevin, Oakland, Or. CENTRAL OREGON IRRIGATED FARM 40 acres. 3 1 seres alfalfa. 9 acre riajtture. 81 acre of paid! up water right 7 room bouse, small barn, bigi double hog house, 4 section chicken house, stne root -cellar with shop above, well' fenced; city! water, piped to buildings; price $3600. $2000 Cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinser bldg. ' ! IDEAL stock farm for sal by the owner; 448 acres. iu myes from Lebanon, On; ISO acres farm land. 240 acres open pasture, 43 acre brash; 3 good barns,, good honse and out buildings, fine running water; a bargain; owner's health poor; has wintered 150 head of cattle on the ranch. '- Roy Fits water. Iyhanon, Or. j , 4 ACRES - - - ' ! ' ' . $1400 ' , 3 acres bearing orchard, 1 acre garden. 6 front one, city water, good school, town saT 1000: $400 will band, 852 E. 42d at. . Phone laoor BB j - : -sv ; . BY owner. 72 i acre. 26 under plow, .balance - pasture and timber; house, bam. alio, oreb rd. telephone, R. F. D. ; stock and mac binary. Ftv miles frorai YsmhlU, 84000 cash or term te, suit. HX-4 18, Journal. ; , : FOR SAJ.E 10 acres,, part in young orchard - and small fruit, almost new buildings; located between Monmouth and Independence. 2 hi mile from state schouL For further information write P. .. box 141, Monmonth. : Or. - FARM for sale by' owner 52 seres. 83 ia cus . tivatkm ; all fall seeded; good building; some farm tools, all for $6O0O. $2000- oaah,. . I wiu tak soma good lota, balance to suit Pavon Tabor 7851 or eall at 887 East 59th N. 16 hi ACRES nnder cultivation. 7 hi a. bearing prunes, " family orchard, rood house, sil out- buildingi; 6 minute to electrio car, Phone Woodlawn 107. - ""."". " "" : 1560 ACRES fine wheat ranch, fair building. good well, about 700 nt wheat aad 800 sum mer fallow; will take some city or valley prop erty. Owner, $05 W tidier at. Portland. Or. FOR FXLE 83 acrea of'lst clas land on Vv lumbia river highway, south of Corbett; $100 per acre. G. Butcher, Monta villa. Tabor 4739. IOR SALE By owner. 100 acres in Lincoln county; hntiaev barn and some tools. ... J.-. Olliu, 063 Coniatercial t, Portland, Or. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS - T1 L68.70 ACRES, all moat excellent land; right in town ; city water and electrio lights, fair- house, eroelieut barn, fin silo; prune, pears, apples, peaches, cherries, ptum and other fruit; grape ana berries: acres of lrjeannerriea. maklrtx yield of $300 on loganberrie hut yror; 4 blocka i rem, sctiool and sroposed saved falahway. This will sell for $800 per acre for sand lonv when nignway lintahed, same as other town above. D not bus this. It i a fin home and will make you a good living Only $8000; $300t) will handle it Crop goes with this And that ought to bring-$2500 en crop easy.' A farm in a city, is what we offer. Here is a baraain in ansM! (at 97 U mmm. 8 rk acres in prunes. to 10 year old, besides apples, cherries, pears, peach,- plums, grape and email berries; fair 8 room bona, electric lights and city water, eld bans, with a second fair barn. 4 acre tn clover, 7 acre in wheat 2 cre in oats; place sowed in hrry for next year; all erojp goe; 1918 place produced $8 BOO, 50 tons prune raised est place; thi te right in riT r. .. -? oiocaa irom propoaea sughway; prio $10,000. cash $8090. (b) 40 acres. 25 acre bearing prune. 8 H mile from town, 10 ton prune dryer en place: no house, but barn; price $11.000 ; prunes on place sold last year . j?oon: suppose your do likewise this year, 1 86, acre stock ranch, fair buildings, 8 miles from town; $4600. It is worth u'i money. Sold for saneh more at previmis times. Stock ranch, with house, bam, crop at $49 per acre. i .. . A number of nice dwellings in various Tarn- WrlT.B7h6',them "dteul-1' , OLDS REALTY CO.. Wlih Atty B. A KLIKS. McMlnnvUl t MM DjmfQ)PA u n, n u 80 acre in cult. 5 acre more tillable, baL Pture; i plenty of timber; fin trout stream across the place; also mill pond that is fine for docks, .chickens, hogs and stock. Thi nir like loam soil, can't be beat 5 room house, old but fir. Good new barn and fam ily fruit; 3 horses, 1 cow, brood sow, chickens, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cult, potato digger, wagon, buggy, harness. Look here, you cannot 2?' a cr "t land all around this for less than $200 ann acre, in larg place and in small places sun higher. Thi is owned by a widow woman. She will sacrifice it for $4500. Every. V1'" T They will ask you more for a good ...... crZV1c than we ask for thi place. Terms $2000. down. No trade. Thia fu? 'tSfJF' as? m."f nth of OregonClt" rUl JT0 lh highway, rocked ff,1? "i hlh.way nd th. highway is all Paved to unvaa r"it n.. 7l , . ijj - -- tnnmvu sua ciover Tty. 5. r .L"OTT A SON, 7th and Mam t, Oregon City, Or. Y-a a wn ws , ttSr0. . of Mouuna'nm.t ,6'5 CPP. nearly all in cultivation, good buildings: soma in -4. u.I. 1 and meadow-hay iandT23 increJ decreed water we? P1 to nPrtng wheat; running nart4in itf!. h"' f": over , half cultivated. P pnng wheat running water. U4u acres i,..; ri a i-. . . , . towonrWU. M'oo'Sre. oXrt0hereti aSnw. "I P!' W .asr terms' VoTfe hl1i?NTi,5A5fOM IfAKD CO.. 7C88 """" pnone &ast ft"? jrX0"?- kVa'gganbgflM. bare p"hlf01'',.el0P neighborhood. oVtriS.; KS. . 25 cow or taon: $700 cash, bal 7n6 6 '," 8 mile west of Willam inaT l"'le0' 80 ""h- basinc. 5 year, unlimifll Tllfldid. "PPortunity for stock raising; TnRorSl.0,,trn'' Ci0M Mir hlJiv"1'!. iln h(m tor $8B0l lt No, 7. hard .f. teT ii!2 idan Sn grid to inVnuTmo ebSnororr, , PETERSEN'S 'CASH GROCERY. Grande Ronde. Or.. YamhiH Co. . ores ?7 acre In cultivation, 18 acre in - BAVIlAilllh hno .' yJ TOOJa, house, large , barn, onion arf', f,u,,U, OTC-ird. lots of null fruit, 1 mil. from streetcar, 7 mile from Voouvw. Pric $7000, would take " room wT,','" r V-.- .Thi. PUa. rw.C i i m, pay tor ibhi in years. Death of husband reaana for selling. V.Lrf.1? fto highway, H mUe. from -"; oungaiow. new barn. 15 PriS a i"ift'U A " Inrtment Irrteu B10O ner ara f1fo0r,,acre5. 12 miles rfom Vancouver; logged ifdi.M! of koil. lay. good, pric for clean- mwv yvr acre. ... U W- w- WILSON CO. 611 Washington st. Vsncouver. Wash. ALFALFA Hi Jin I 100 acre, located an nllm,' Tx-. low elevation; 40 acre under cultivation, 25 ". , "r 1 " ., eacn season; on UH. innuu io met; room wiiu uaui, oarn wren stanchions for 17 engine and centrifugal pump; price $5000. half oaah, balance terms. John Ferguson, GerUnger J. smaa wcu itriicwju - tvi nai war wtavr - SEAHIDR fratili . MWJ rich alder bottom lsnd Just out- Dwiwveu oessia ana ossrhart About two thirds cleared, balance small alder. This ia a very fine litrla dain ,-..1. , Eicellent loganberry land. Near union high and uauax Kinsn. ta ouiiaing nut good site. Fine road; $128 per acre; com term. Writ wr can on owner, J. fc. uates. Beaside. Or. SACRIFICE. MUST RKt.L it nvrr' 10 acres. 2-8 enltivaf mm J n - bouse, barn, other buildings, orchard, berries: $2000; easy terms. - 804 Spalding bid. FOB RENT FARMS 11 i5 ACRES. 11 cleared, on good road. 17 miles m Portland, S. p. E. ; lota of fruit water " " o !i -Lj 0 Toom aouae. 83 Ins ley FOR RENT or lease 10 aery near city, ready to plow and crop; buildings, firewood, etc. H. R Kohlboff. at Capitol HiU station on Oregon a,iecmc railway, cross priags, Ilrst bouse to right FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 88 WANTED To buy or rent from owner. 1 or 2 acre with good house, fruit aad other im provements; writ full particular, location, etc. MIDDLE aged married farmer want lob run ning farm or working on farm, or will rent gooq piaoe on snare. p-22, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 A SACRIFICE 40 acre homestead relinanlabment. A mtlea from railroad. 2 miles from good town, close to netguDore. county road, highway aad mail route, 30 mile from Portland. A-l seal; soma im provements; part easily cleared; some timber; large creea, rnoe i (o 11 sola soon. JOHNSTON M HARDY. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . A REAL BUT 80 acres, homestead retinquishmeat Linn coun ty, east of Albany. 6 miles from raih-nar! a rIIm irons gooa town, on gooa road, do to neigh bor, school, sawmill and mail route. A-l land, lire spring, a valuable bunch of timber, no brush ; sickness cause for selling: mice 1 8250. Ola Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Job Baton & Mo ri a ray. 40 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Larg portion tillable. Eastern Ore son: anlendid stock ranches.' water aad timber convenient Some good timber claims. Lived fea that coun try . for , year. Call 7 to 9. evenings or Sun day, or write W. T. Lester, room 6. 464 B. Broadway. , - :. TIMBER :i .. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER ( - General Land Office. Washinetm. Ti n. March 5. 1919. Notic is hereby given that ubloet to the eonditicn and limitations of the Instruction of the secretary of th xnterlur of September -16, 1917. th timber on the follow ing lands will be sold (April 26. 1919. at 2 p ml at pubUc auction at the United State lsnd office at Lakevtew. Or., to th highest bid der at not less than th appraised valu a shown by this notice, sale to be aub)et to th approval of th secretary of tn tnteriox. The purchase prio, with an additional sunt of en fifth of one par cent thereof, being cotnmlaw ion allowed, taust be deposited: at tint of sal, money tar be returned if sale i not ap- proreo. otnerwu patent win issue- for the tim ber, whk-h must be removed within lo years. Bids will be ' received from ; dtiaena of the United States, associations of men citizen and corporation organised under - th law of th United State of any state, territory ot distnet thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal bdiviakm will be offered separately before bring included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8., it E . Section 13. Lot J. yellow pin. 70 M red far 120 M,; Lot 2. yellow pine. 770 M,. red fir 60 M; Lot 8. yellow pin, 680 M.. red fir 100 Mi Lot 4. yellow pine $03 M, red fir 60 Mi non of th yellow pine to be sold at less than $ per M. and bom of the red fir to be old at law than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, On aruwianer ireneral taad Offtoa, BALE OK TRADE 80.000.000 feet . good saw timber together with sawmill, logging eauiDment , cook and bunk houses; fully equipped and ready to operate. Can b started without additional expense. Will sell at bargain. Cash Of terms, K-249, Journal. -' BBtL ICSTATr "EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 FOR SALE or exchange 1 1 acre farm land; 7 a. improved more or less; good, new barn, fin water, all fenced l -S mile north Camas, Wash., on Fern Prairie road; to b sold on ac count of sickness and old age; or will exchang for house and lot in Portland, Or. Address peani Murphy. Cam, Wash.. R. F. D. route No. 1. box 6$. ; 1 IXrTS. each 50x104 feet good room house. . with all modern iraprovemewta, plenty of fruit and berries for family us, no men mo ranees, is rented to good tenant, price $3000; also small faouee and lot. S4X212 feet to Cottage Grove price $1000, no incumbraae; will trade for land, dairy ranch preferred. . Address Mrs. J. R. Rnssell. Cam Valley, Dougl Co., Ot FOR TRADE, r sale, modern tioio in Cor yani. Or., for earn In Portland. CaR on W. F. Hart. 800 William are, and Halaey at after 8 p. m. . j . . . - - - 1 - WII4I1 TRADE 1917 MVU touring car. ta fin condition, as first payment on S or 6 room house. Call Woodlawn 5548, evening or morn it. ga. -- ; ; . ' . TWO B room semi modern hoauea, good corner Jot, hard surfaced st Will pay 0 on in vestment from the rent.' Will exchang for grocery (tore or1 land. Layman, 147 Prk t. EXCHANGES OF ALL KINDS Free and clear lot and beach cottage to x cl ange, for house equalities, A. H, Akerson, 410 HenrybMg., Main 7248. ..- . 8 ROOM house, rent for $20. valu $3500. mortgage $1000, bat $2500: trad for acre age or stock tarn; no junk. F-4U 6. Journal FOR exchange, lihi "acre timber land, near Vancouver, Wash., for grocery stock. Will assume. No agent. 086 E. 80th st N. HAVE 120 acres of first class timber worth $4500, to- trad4 for city ot suburban home. B-649, Journal. WHAT hav yen to exchang ior Astoria lots? K-251. Journal. . - WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED Two to six room cheap cottngea and bungalow from $500 to $8000. There is a big demand now. We get results, as house sell ing has been our specialty for 16 years. List your iHruse now, while selling is good. GBUSSI A-BENNETT 816 Board of Trade .Bldg, Main 7452. HAVE buyer for lot. in Rose City Park, Itpas jnere or Beaumont below hill. . Will pay cash if your price ia right - Send description. BITTER. LOWE & .CO. 201-3-5-7 Boanl of Trade bldg, WANT TO BUY FROM OWN Ell Strictly modern place. 5 to 7 rooms, near gopd carline. Rose City preferred, with garage or room for one if you own such a place and will ell at reaeonsWe figures. Call East 1947. WANTED, to rent or buy small house with an acre or more on river; - must have water, lights and bearing - fruit reasonable rent or terms. Write, giving full particulars, to 0. Johnson. Box 263. Portland. WE have client with cash waiting for good buys in 6 and 6 room bungalows. List with us and GEoTTMOORE CO., IOOT YEON BLDG. I WANT 2 or 3 lota not over 5 block from ear. In Laureinurst xtos jut. Aiamerut, Rossmere or Hawthorn car.' WUI pay cash. T-991. Journal. - - - -- - WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow. Rose City or HawthornSrpref erred; 38000 to $4000 cash. Give full particulars,, location and phone. Owners only. P-210, Journal. - WANTED Good . building -lot in Hawthorne district from owner. Call after 11 a. m. Stiles At Weller. Main 8429. WANTED From owner, house and lot up to $2000, on easy payments. Will pay. cash for a real bargain, B-659, Journal. - DON'T WOBKY 1 can n aw trad anything ssywaara, Uvm. 147 Pat at. WANTED A good lot in a" desirable part ot Irvington .give location and lowest cash pric; earner lot preferred. Z-Btz. ournu- . , WANT 5 or 0 room house ner carlin to $2500. cash or terms; state pric and loca tion first letter. JI-88. Journal BOOMING HOUSES $$ APARTMENTS 12 room apartment, price ,...$ 800 9a aUmlntf smni. hriok hldtf . west side. price -. 1200 15 rooms, brick bldg.. rric 850 20 rooms, close in, hasiiiea dist, price.. 2000 New bldg.-, clou to courthouse, fin loca tion for soft drinks and lunches, prio 825 J. K. LOWE, with New York Land Co., 303 Stock Exchange bldg., Main 7670. HOTEL 3 story and basement cost originally $6000 to erect, need about $350 repairs otherwise in food condition, only hotel at Yam hill: town growing, with big improvements pro posed; highway will ga through town; an houses ia town fully ecoupled; business men will help you; - owner ha other- interest. You can buy this- for $2200, cash down; $400 takes it no Joke. See owner, B. A. Kuks, McMinnvtue. or. FOR' SALE OR TRADE 75 room hotel, lobby and restaurant fur nished; about 15 mile south of Portland. Thi is a money maker; only $3000 ; gooa term to experienced hotel people. S. O. DTLLMAN Eighth and Main Sta. - Oregon City, Or, ONLY 80 room hotel fat live country town with big payroll, for ssle, aceount sickness; good trade; run by owner 6 years; own garden, some fruits, big barn. In pleasant scenic locality, fin high school, fin fishing and hunting. Inquire E. E. Bwlno. 191 Broadway. 32 ROOMS- EXTRA GOOD This ia the beat buy in Portland. Clear 8223 per month, 8800O, an terms. This is good. Many other good buy. GILSON REALTY CO.. 481 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127, FOR SALE 18 roomsPric $1200. Rent only $40 month; clears over $100 month. Good furniture. Brick building. 220 hi Burn- side at. - FOR SALE Rooming house, 12 rooms, rent $35 per month; price 6800; some terms. Z4S th landera at. MUST b sold 14 furnished houskeeping rooms. a oargatn 11 aota soon, uu easn, no traaas. Z88 n. lotn t ROOMING house, 29 rooms, fin location, well furnished, good carpet, rent cheap, snap $500, Other bargains. Garland. 186 3d. HAVE sold my rooming bouse st 4 90 Clay, wsnt anotbar good buy. Main 6867. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1$ KEW patented invention an1 article needed on vary farm and dairy; -inexpensive to manu facture: ood mail order" proposition: no com petition: $300, will buy Oregon or Washington state right. Address P. O. Box 978, Port land, ur. WANTED A lady without incumbrance, with some nursing experience, to go with, another laay, wno ass large nous, to tavrt a private baby noma: no capital noea; rexereno ex changed. B-654, Journal FOR SALE Hardware - and furniture, larg store room with housekeeping room above; all-, rented. A bargain at 83000. B 057, Journal. - -lyiiis cash -. Takes hotel dining room, doing good business. No rent Have-8120 stock on, hand. Be quick for this. Urmia, 147 Park t. PHOTO atudio, well equipped end doing good business. WUI aacruioe (or cash. 684 Uma tilla ave. BelL 2160. LET us collect your accounts, note etc. Alli- snce Collection Agency. 702 SDaldin hid 2 . . . , . ssain alio. FOB SALE C heap, -2 first claaa regulation bowling alleys complete. . Fine for. cummer re sort J. W, Blaney, 80 hi Broadway. WANTED for eaab, two . show cases, cash reg ister, scale, couaters, ahalving, soda fountain. Phone East 1610. . . EXCHANGE Good, going confectionery and light lunch. Want a home on th Peninanla. WIU pay sons cash difference. Columbia 2. FOB SALE- Co (fee bouse restaurant, fiiraished complete,, at- as 9 i. Aider st r or uusck aala 6200. : - - . FOB SALE Cheap, S room pressing parlor, all ready for buslnss: cheap rent good location. 305 1st st - WANTED Furnished room. ll or part house- keeping, for acreage and cash. F-419. Jour nal FOB SALE Old eatabliehed- iying abstract busmeiis: good reason-for selllnc. Addrsaav P. O. Box 618. pallas, Pork ' county. Or. FINANCIAL ageat aids worthy projects, inven- tions. Address Lock Boa 1874, Tacoma. POOL ROOM, 4 tables, cigars, soft drinks, with gooa nxtures. zzt 1st st WANTED Lady cook, $200 required. 8wghk on rienry Diog. ONE 1IALF interest ia softdrink, cigars and lunches. $350, .See Garland, 188 8d. PART Yto' operate bakery in connection with restaurant. 340 Front ' GOOD 2 -man shoe repair shop for sal; lea v tng town.- T-848, Journal BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - - , . : WANTED . y-y r, IF TOO WISH TO BUY OR 8ELI, . List your - hotel, apartment aad nomine bouses with an. W get results. DORUAS At UO . 20 N. W. Bnk bldg. MONEY TO LOA7T REAL ESTATE ti $300 TO 8300O, no commission. Mala 1166. F. H. DKSHON. 613 Chamber of Commerce. 4ONET to loan on city property at iowsst (atea, rrea b. wiuiamt, m ist t MOBTUAGB loans. S and 7 . JUruia cjaloaioa afe Co., 408 Balling bldg. ,, , SEE OBENnfNVTarisOH'TGAGE CC, 322 COamDcT of tmmarr, ut ana Btara. MOITEY TO LP AW WEAL 'ESTATE t1 OUR installment plan is to best and sat method -f paying a loan. . i $3.26 pr month tor asontha. -. 21.84 for 60 gsoath or , l 16.17 lor 00 meoLba, pay $1000 baa aa4 interest Other atnomt tn pwiportlovk, W loan on improved city property. , Or for building purpoa. ' No eomaaiaaion ehareML EQUITABLB 8AVINUS ak LOAN AB8OC1ATJ04 S43 Stark t, Portlsnd. Or. . s BUILDING loan en city or gutrarb property, s money advanced as work prograssss. W. Gw Beck. 215 add 216 Failing bldg. Mala $4 $7. MONET to loan te amount of $100 ta $890$ - on evty property. --.. - I A. H. BELL, Roota 10-11. MaTkry tWdg, I 4'800, $46d, " $500."$60d.' 4H6 nd up, Ui act rates, quick iction. Gordon lavstga$ Co.. 681 Ch. of Com. Mto 44S. CASH paid for mortgage and aaUsrs oateaeut i a real eaate la Waahiagtoa) or Oreaoa. U. st Wobhs. ! Lamlxfnsas bldg, 1 $25d.' $350.' $404. $500. $600 '4"Urgt gmotrots; current rate; quick actioa. Frs4 W. German Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerea, $500, $1000, $1500 and $2000 to loan at 6 and 7. A. H. Akerson, 410 Hary bldg. Main 7348. . , ' I $300, $500, $?50. $1000, no eoaa, qoiok action. Ward, 407 SpakBttg bldg. ' MONEY TO I.OAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 47 Do You Need Money? . Lean mad on autoaaobOea, diamond, tjl aoa. household goods or anything of rein. Seenrity usually left in your pcssaaiioal ALAO ' to SALARIKD PEOPLB on tbtr note with out security. . If your payment to othet loaa aompaniaa or on furniture or antontobll aov tract are larger than V you eaa asake, w Will pay them up, advance you mere ssooey If aaeasi ry, aad you can repay ua In assail gaoathly paynMabt to rait your convenience. LEGAL. RATES. No DELAY BUSINESS BTI.1CTL; OONFlDENTIAti PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Olnnaaa.1 . 806-307 Dwkum bldg, ' . MarshaU 38. Salary LOAK8 V Chattel WE LOAN MONEY 1 On abort notice to sel&rted or wnrkinewMW aw - tbsir own note. Weekly, seasl-weekly or meathly ' payments. Each transaction, strictly eon fldrutlai. NO MORTGAGE. KO INDOaUUsla. ABSOLUTELY KO 8ECURITT 1 W also loan on houaehold tttrnitura, plgla. , etc. without removal, t. CALL AND INVESTlOATsI I ; COLUMBIA DISOOUNT COMPAXS f ' LICENSED 1 IIS Failing bldg, - PORTLAND REMEDIAL "LOAN" ' AoSif." ' 7 " 1 1 Established by Portland Business Matt I ' to Protect tha Borrower . LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, FIAXOaV ' MUuaa;iiuLo ruxtniiusvsi City ttod County Warrant for Face vsu. 'CARRE"! MYEBS HKRHMAK, MOaL, 94 STARK-ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jewelry 1 tagai - rates; sU erttele bald a year; sslaanen i. uaa Mare, saa waaningtosv LOANS vVANTKP t EEE OBKGON 1NV, si MOBTGAGB CO 33 Chsmbsr of Commere. 4th and Stark, FINANCIAL LIBERTTWDS 1 If you must set! your Liberty Bonds, sell to tga, If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from ua. W buy and w aeu t,toerty Bonos t tn gaarx T YOU CANNOT DO BETTER Y0D MAY DO WORSE On Thursday. April 10. we paid tha follow ing price for United State government Liberty loan bonds, which were the closing New York market price plus th seemed interest: 100 Bond. 8Hs . 100.18 96. 7 98.82' 96 lit 98 All 1st 4s.. 2nd 4s........ let 4 H .... 2nd 4fi 8ni 4 H. , i . . . . 4th 4. hi ...."Ma.6 95.77 Tn Durehaalna I.ihaetv Bonds w daduftt frara the above prices 87 on a $60 bond and $2.80... en a givuu atoao. In selling Liberty Bonds, we chare th Ntw York mrkt pric plus th aocrned inti interest, j FINT FLAlt ASK ABOUT OUR PARTIAL PAYMENT Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Vaults) SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT j MORRIS BROTHERS, IncJ Th Premier Municipal Bond House established Ovr ZD Year 80S-81 1 Stsrk St.. Bet, 5th and Stk - (Ground Floor) Telephone Broadway 2181 LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUr? OF BONDS PRICE FRIDAY, APRIL 11 SRD ISSUER $65.92 FOR $100 BOND 4TU ISSUE. $95.60 FOR $100 BOND LESS USUAL COST FOB SKUVIO LOANB ON LTBERTY BONDS -' TOTT CAN HORBOW CASH OF ITS ON BONDS OH OTHER PROPERTY. CONSULT US BEFORE YOU DESTROY RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS. Wl CAN HELP YOU. RY. I E 00.4 SEE E.' BrRKITT.' SECRETARY, OREGON BOND i MORTGAGE 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FI.OOR1 tJOUMKlt- BlAln A2VU ALOJKgl WSB. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND . ' ..99 PER CENT ' OF FULL CASH VALUE , (All An opoa interost ineludad). J. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. -' BONDS BQJJGHT " SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOB YOUR RECEIPTS Mall bonds to uaa: w remit return maft Com to 725 Gaaeo Bldg., 6th and AJdar, CELLARS-MUBTON CO. 1 HORSES, VEHICLES. BTC HOBS1S HORSES Just arrived, carload good farm chunks weigh- , ing from 1200 lbs tip. from 4 year old to 8 t-eara aonua well nistehed pairs and ready for work, well broke and guaranteed as represented. . Liberty bonds taken at fan valna. Apply st . our bsrn, foot of Main st , 2 44 Front 1st Stenhonsnn's Feed Store. $210 BUYS a span of black mares, weight 2400 1 lb., auaranteed to work in every wr. rent): . hern and wagon go wtth them; shto, a mare, t 4 yrs. "old, weight 1350. Woodstock cari to 1 R82 K, 2fth st S. - FOR SALE at a bargain, team' of mare, g and ! a years old. welching - 2800. blocklly built. 1 . with hariMNi and farm wagon, , 309 Glbb at, .' Slmif.h TortItlft r-ar. - ' 1 - f : TEAM, 2800, mare " and horse. 6 and 6 year ! ; old, with good harness and" Wagon cheap, t -frnMuw t'itv car to Hereford, go aaat to Hlah. turn sonth to little brown bouse. j . ' HHZ, Team, 2700 lbs., with good harness nd ; farm wa son. Guaranteed, with 10 day' trial Replaced with, truck. On tha dock, woodyard, foot Taylor rt ' ". I FOR SALE, cheap. A I hav moved to city 1 j nave lot 10- sen my sons wyigmna- ansru 1 1300. 8 years old. Mrs. Walker, 80$ Front 1 st. Tsk South Portland car. - t - - 3163 BUYS pair of eight 2500 lbs., , good work team. 5624 86U st 8, LI Mb , . Scott ear. Tabor 6634. 2600 LB. team, wtb hsrness and thi in. farm J wagon; good as aurw; x.o. ,, zoi ausgs v, ... Fcnth Portland 'ear. ' : FOR SALE 1 team-, good aound young none; harnas; . Milburne wagon: sell cheap, -s anor ; GOOD work team: 1 gelding 0 yr. eld, 1400 iW, o: X geKUng IV yr. oao. saow wa v, ; Rose City. Speedway, phone Tabor 86. , . t i400 LB. team, liar nee aud farm-wagon, 8150. I 253 Mead at . South I'ortlarKl ear. 1 . alOBSE and wagon, $1.60 day; 3 horsos and waenn. t. J. t'oben. 54 Front Main 2208. WANTED. ' home . and bugry.. Willard Dell,. 1056 B street McMinnvtue, or. ' DEAD hemes and anhaal hauled' w free. Ca3 Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK ti i S GOOD milch cows, family or dairy, genU for J a woman to handle, also a heavy milker gad h. 662 E. 2th st i Woodstock car.) rich, ONE O. L C. brood sow, 2 years old. a dandy; I wilt farrow in June. Price $50. W. Johnson, J Vancouver. Wssh.. Rout 2, Box 100; t j FRESH milch cows' and heilere (or sale or trad J for dry cows. '510 East Kwrby st - I (Coatlnaed oa FoUowlag rr)