THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY. "APRIL 5. 1919. PORTLAND. OREGON. Snternational WBeek ill Me bserved in Portland his Jiflonth Children's ATTENTION TO BE GIVEN WELFARE OF Elaborate Preparations Are Being , Made for Week of April 27 , May 4 to Arouse Public Interest ALL SID ES TO BE CON SI DERED Material as Well as Spirituaf Im provement fof Little Ones Will Be Impressed at Meetings. Thousands of communities through out the nation .will observe an Inter national "Children Week," April 27 to jMay 4, for the purpose of emphasising the religious education of , children. There -will "be" hundreds of community mass meetings, institutes, conferences, as well as pageants and parades, all for the purpose of arousing public sen timent in favor of giving to children their religious rights. - The United States- government, through the child welfare bureau, has for aayeral years urged a week of con KiAerathHfor the moral and material Sve'lopmerir of childhood. In 1917 th international children's division com mittee of the International Sunday school - association, promoted a continent-wide cradle roll week, emphasising the christian nature of babies. En couraged by. the success of. cradle roll week, the , movement has been broad ened out to embrace all of childhood, that parents and Sunday school work- fhterest in the religious education ol -children everywhere., Week Anaaally Observed Children's week is annually observed about the first of Way. Its program includes special sermons, mass meetings o'r rallies, 1 a house-to-house census, teachers' institutes, parents meetings, children's parades, song and story pa geants and other interesting gatherings. The work and program is varied to suit . the size of the community. . Many local Sunday schools or church 'schools will take advantage of the com munity observance of the week to awaken the interest of the members of . their own churches in the religious edu cation of their own children. Miss George . Parker, chairman of the chil dren's department of the Oregon Sunday School association, will direct the work throughout the state. '. The following program has been sug gested for the convenience of Sunday Bchool superintendents : ; , Program for Week Monday, teachers 'and officers lend all required assistance to the visitation committee appointed by the community leader ; Tuesday, attend community pa rade of pageant, if one is given ; Wed nesday, a church supper;, to be followed by an evening devoted to a study- of me neeas or tne children in the Sunday school ; , Thursday, completion of the visitation during day and attendance at evening Institute Friday, attendance at evening institute; Saturday, In the Afternoon have a party or plcnlo for the children and their mothers. It Is also suggested to plan for these good times by departments. The program should include stories, songs, games and some service for others, such as tlje prepara tion of postcard pictures or scrap books for the mission field or soldier and chil dren's hopsltala. The - week may Jbe closed Sunday morning during the ses sion of the school with a Bpecll pro gram for the reception and recognition of new member. '--Any superintendent in the state de siring additional Information on the ob servance of Children's Week, may write to Harold Humbert, state secretary, at room BIO Abington building, Portland. Community Sing Feature A community sing and addresses by uiciiiuuioi iimiuLB men win ieatuxe me Sunday evening service at Mt Tabor Methodist church. A few of the topics of the men wilt be "Porto Rico," "The Negro." "Exodus," "The Church and the City." and "America's Duty in World Rebuilding.",. Sunday morning the pas tor, Rev. E. O. Eldrldge, will preach. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH TWELFTH AlfD TAYLOR STS. Rev. Joshua Stansfield, D.D. : ; " Pastor , !..' SUNDAY, llttl A. M. COMMUNION SERVICE 18146 P. M. SUNpAY SCHOOL Itii P. M. The Peace Treaty A discussion of the fundamental terms and conditions of the proposed treaty. . . - ALL ABE INVITED GROWING CHILD CIVIC FORUM TONIGHT! COMMUNITY SINGING PARK AND MADISON STREETS 7:45 o'CIock , ADDRESS RECONSTRUCTION in EDUCATION i By Dr. Campbell V President of University of Oregon The purpose of the Forum is to provide each Sunday evening a popular meeting In the interest of an enlightened demwv meetinguthat shall challenge the best thought oflhe common? arouse the best emotions, and lead to more effective cIlecUrartio for social righteousness in city, nation and world. n Open Forum for Questions From the Floor NON-PARTISAN NON-SECTARIAN OMNI-HUMAN - Come and You Win Come Again 3Br. 3fneson to (Sive 1st Sermon in jSe;vv pastorate Sunday In Dr.. William F. ineson, the f new pastor Of the Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal, church, the east side district has secured one of the prqminent fig ures of Methodism in the state of Wash ington.. He has held the pastorate of the Methodist church, in Yakima for five ami a half years and has built up In that time one of the strongest church organizations In Central Washington. With the ; exception of -Spokane, the Yakima church is the largest in the Columbia River conference. The esteem in which Dr. Ineson was held at his former pastorate is shown by the farewell reception last Thurs day night he was presented with a solid gold watch and Mrs. Ineson with a Jew eled m roach. The Mystic Shrine in Yakima are presenting him with, the degrees of their order in recognition of his splendid work for the citizenship of Yakima. . Sunday morning 'he will preach his first sermon in his .new charge. : OR. BOYD IS BACK TO PREACH SUNPAY Pastor of First Presbyterian Is Returning From Trip to Chi cago, New Members to Join. The First Presbyterian church will welcome its pastor. Dr. John H. Boyd, back home on Sunday. He visited Chi cago to confer with the officers of Mc cormick Theological seminary and will return in time to preach both morning and evening. There will be special music at the evening service, with in strumental quartets led by Frank Eich enlaub. At 7:30 Mr. Coursen'wlll give an organ recital.- The interest of the First Presbyterian church is now centered on, the Easter drive for new members. "Already 45 have given their "intention to Join the church on Easter Sunday and there are many others who have the matter under consideration. The Sunday school of at the First Presbyterian church is having one of; the most prosperous periods of its his- tory. The attendance for four Sundays has been over 900 each Sunday more than 500 of whom are children and young people. An Innovation was tried last Sunday in the senior school which is attracting much attention. It is to have the classes of larger pupils. take charge of the opening service in the main assembly room. The class of Mrs. Ft S. McKibbin will have charge to morrow. An examination was held in the Junior department last Sunday. The whole school is looking forward to Easter now and preparing a special program called "The Uplifted Christ" One interesting feature of the program will be an Easter missionary pageant given by some of the high school boys and girls. Visiting pastors Rev. C. J. Larson, district superin tendent, will preach Sunday evening at the First Norwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal church. Special music will be furnished by tjie choir. Thursday eve ning the tenth anniversary of the church will be celebrated with, a musical pro gram and refreshments; . Rev. Arthur V. THsInoo fnrmarlir-nga. tor of Central Presbyterian church, will aeuver ine sunaay sermons at Mlzpah Presbyterian church, East Nineteenth and Division streets. Special music will be furnished. Owlner tn 111 riaaltVi ka Rev. Mr. Bishop has not been actively engaged in the, ministry for several months. , Rev. E, E. Flint, formerly pastor of the Congregational churches at tvo Dalles and Everett. Wash., will preach mo nrsi sermon sunaay morning as pastor of the Atkinson: Mumnrlal Pnn. gregatlonal church. The Rev -Mr. vitni accepted a call to the church during the pasi weeK. tie announces his services for 11 and 7 :45 o'clock. . The ReVt W. O. Forbes of Seattle, district superintendent of -Presbyterian Sunday school work in Oregon, Wash Ington and Idaho, will preach Sunday morning at the Forbes . Presbyterian church. Dr. Forbm vaa tm of this church about 35 years ago. His many inenas wan be glad to hear him again. Dry slabwood and inside wood ; green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co Main 353; A-4995. Adv. First M? E. Church South" riaOir AYE. AT MTJXTKOXAH Rev. Jas. T. French Pastor Services 11 A. M. and JjM P. M, Morning Subject "HOW MUCH MORE" Evening Sabjeet "LIFE'S EARNESTNESS" iHount ZEabor Presbyterian, to Welcome gome - Xj n : LA ' - " L 1 ' 1 " "I " 1 tz .- -' r. X "rl1 1 James Klntrea of Thirty-seventh engineers one of boys who has most recently returned-from overseas j 2 Fred Lockley, "The Journal Man Abroad,' who acted as "Y" secretary in France; 3 Lawrence Lockley, students' army training corps, who is now en route to Honolulu; 4 Roy Cuackenbush, U. S. naval reserves; 5 William Wood, 184th company, Fifteenth regiment, United States marine corps; 6 Donald E. Bonbright, United States Navy; 7 Gordon R. Falk, Company H, Fourteenth- infantry; 8 Franklin Gilbert, base hospital; 9 Erie Hopson, ma chine gun company, S. A. T. C; 10-Raymond R. Porter, artillery, S. A. T. C, Eugene; 11 Lieutenant W. G. Oberteuffer, United States "sub marine chaser service; 12 Albert M. Lans, 107th company, Eighth regiment, Ul S .M. C. ' 4 " " Sunday night at 7 :30 o'clock the ML Tabor Presbyterian church will hold ka special patriotic service to wel come home 19 men from the congrega tion, who have ' been honorably dis Noted Clergyman To Visit Portland Bishop William Pierce of Philadelphia will be in Portland May 28 to hold the Oregon conference of the Free Metho dist churches of this area. At the ses sion of this conference the pastorate of the Rev. Alexander Beers of the First Free Methodist , -church will close, and he will have served the - time limit of three years. Sunday morning the Rev. Mr. Beers will commence a series of sermons that will terminate with the dose of his pastorate. The Sunday evening service will be , evangelistic . Third Lenten . Sermon Sunday morning Dr. J. J. Staub will deliver the third sermon in his Lenten series at the Sunnyside Congregational church. DIRECTORY Fifth Sunday in Lent i Uniform Sunday School Lesson "'God Our HTenlyS Father." Gen. 1:1. 27; Ptwlm 108:1-14: Mlt. :24-S4. Primary topic. "The Hearenly Father's Car of His Children'; Junior topic, "God Our Creator and Keeper"; Intermediate topic. "What We Owe to Our Father in ' Hearen"; Senior topic, "God the Father Almlchty." O olden Text: "Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thj name." Matt. 6:0. w Young People's Topics Baptist Union: "Our Relation to Bod". (4) Prajrinc Mark 11:18-20. (Consecration meet in.) Christian EndeaTor: "Our Relation to God". IV. Prayins. Mark 11:18 20. Epworth Leacue: "Our Relation to God; Trusting." Psa. 91:1-16. Baptist . First White Temple. 12th and Taylor r'ReT. William A. Waldo. 11; "The Greeks Seeking Jesus" followed by the Lord's Supper; 7:30. "The Completeness of the Cross." First Baptist, Key. W. T. Milliken Sabbath school. 8:4 5 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m., "Hade. Just"; 6:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30 p. m.. preaching, "The God of the Twentieth Century." Kaat Side K. 20th and Salmon Hey. W. B. Hinwin. Rer. HeTbe.-t T. fCash, assistant, 11, Does God Pray?" 7:30, "What God Thinks of Tou." i 'J hird VancooTer and Knott Be. Webley 3. Beaven. 11 "The Mighty Sartor"; 6:30 sa cred concert, tbe gospel story in song. MonUTilla 11. 7 :S0. Arleta 11, 7:80. Calyary K. 8th and 'Grant Ber. 3. E, Thomas. 11. "Christ's Death and The Soldier's"; 8, "The Heavenly Father." Glencoe E. 4.'.tb and Main Rev. F. C Laslette. 11, "The Meeting Place Between God and Man The Only Solution of the Race and Industrial Problem": 7:30. "The Most Historic Night Scene and What Came of It". Sellwood Bethany Her. T. J. Broomfield, 11. 7:30. Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:30. University Park Rev. 8. Lawrence Black. 11. 7:30. Swedish 15 th and Hoyt Rev, T. G. S jo lar der. 10:30. 7:30. St. Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11, 7:80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. 11. "The Open Door" by Dr. E. P. Borden;. 7:30, "With the American Forces" by CoL John L. May. CaUtoile St Peters Lents Rev. P. Beutgen. 8. 10:80. 7:30. I'ro-Cmthedrsi loth and Davis Rev. K. V. O'Hara. 6. 7:19, 8:30. 8:45. 11, 7:45. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. 0L Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10.80, 7:80. 6U Francis E. 12th and Pine Bev. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 0. 10:80. 7:80. Immaculate " Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly, 6, 8. 8, 11, 7:80. Holy Rosary -E. 8d and Clackamas Bev. E. S. Olson. 6, 7, 8, 8, 11. 7:30. . St. Rosa E. 53d and Alameda Bev. J. O'FarrelLfS. 10:80. 4. St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Bev. 3. Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30. 8. 11. Ascension E. 76th and Tsmhyi Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena ReT. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Ignatius 8220 43d st 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8.10:30, 4. y St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Bev. War ren A. Wattt 6. 8 '-30, 10:8O. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Tanexra ver are. Kev. William J.. Devise. 4.10:80. T:80. - - T'i ' St. Phillip Neri (Psulist Fathers) E. 18th and Hickory Rev. W. J. Cartwright 7:80, 9, 10:80. 7:80. St. Clements S. Smith ava, and Newtost SerbiU. Fathers. :. 0. 8, 10:80, 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O. Bob. 8. 10:30. 7:30. 8L Agatha E. 1 5th and Miller - Bar. i. Comminsky. 8. 10:80, 7,40. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Mary! and and Fail ing Bev. F. Matthew. 8, 10: 80. 7:80. St. Joseph (Germany 18th and Couch Rer. B. Durree. 8. 10.80. 7:30. ..." St. Michael (Italian) th and Mill Rev. II. BMestra. 8:80. 10:30. 7:80. 6U Clares Capitol HiU Father Capiat ran. O. r. m.i 8. 10:10. Bt. Charlea K. 83d and Albert Bev. J P. OTlynn. , 9. 10:80. An Saints Bl A8ta and GHsan Rev. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:80. . - -. . Ohristlan - First Park and Columbia Bev. Harold H. Griffin. 11. "The Biggest Scalawag in the Town"; 7:45. "How to Grow". East Side E. 12th and Taylor Bev. B. H. Sawyer. 11, "Limiting Gods Power"; 8. "An International Religion" followed by a baptismal service.. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J. F. Ghormley. 11. "Jesus the - Christ Coming Into His Own": 7:45. "A Miracle of Love". MontavUla E. ' 7th and Gliaan Bev. Her bert B. Ryder. 11. 7:30. . Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rev. Joseph TX Boyd. : 11, 7:80. Vernoa K. 1 6 th avj Wygant Bev. B. Tibbs Maxey. 11, 7:30. charged from the nation's service. A few are out of the city, but 15 are expected to attend in full uniform. All will be seated in a reserved section of the church. Each will be - introduced bishop to "STisit 5t. JBavids Sunday Confirmation a 3s to pe Administered Eventful services will be held on Sun day at St. David's Episcopal church, it being Passion Sunday, and the event of the annual visitation of the bishop. The sacrament of confirmation will be administered at the 11 o'clock service, and- the sermon preached by Bishop Sumner. At 7:30 . in. all those who have been confirmed in the parish in past years on Passion Sunday will make their communion together, the 1 service being at the high altar. At 9 :30 a. m. holy baptism will be administered to adults. The evening service will- be a welcome to the soldiers and sailors of the parish who have returned from war OF CHURCH Christian Sclav oe Lesson subject: "Unreality". First 19th and Everett. .11. 8. Second E. 6th and HoiladayH 11, 8. Third E. 12 th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth -VancouTer ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave. 8. E. 11. . Sixth Masonio Temple. 868 YamhilL 11. 8. Seventh Holbrook block. St Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wfl lard. 11, "The Human Struggle"; 7:45, "Re construction in Education". Sunnyside- E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. 11, "The Face More Marred"; 7:45, "Christ Standing at the Door of a Bleeding World". . Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Rev. E. E. Flint 11. 7:45. Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward Constant 11, "The Christ of the Future"; 8, "Butterfly Chasers" by H. R. Austin. ; Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, Communion service; 7:45, "The Expectation of Creation". Laureiwood 45th ave. and' 65th at 8. E. M a. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 5. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 1 1, "Does It Matter What a Man Believes?" 8, "African Legends in Chalk and Story". Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore Bev. Sam uel Nevala. 6, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard Bev. O. H. Johnston. II, 7:30. St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. J. T. Merrill. 11, 7:80. Danish-Norwegian - E. 23d and Sumner Bev. Ole Torgessen. II, 7:80. - First German E. 7th and Stanton Kev. George Zocher. 11, 7:80. . " Second German -E. 8 th and Skidmore Bev. Henry Hagelgans. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. 9th and.. Fremont Rav. J. H. Hop p. 11. 7:30. Parkrose Rev. D. Holfman. 11, 7:30. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay -Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Sundays, 7:45. 11. 7:45, Holy days. 9.30. Trinity 19th and Everett- Kev. : A. A. Mor-, rison. 8, 9:4 5, 11, "Christian Fellowship the Possible Basis of Unity"; 8, "Little Kindnesses". St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7 :30, Passion Sunday, communion service.; 9": 30, adult baptismal, serv ice; 11, sermon by Bishop W. T. Bumner;' 7 :30, welcome service to returned soldiers and sailors. St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. U. Hatton. 7:30, 9:45. 11. 7:45. . St' Andrews Hereford At, Portsmouth' Archdeacon Chambers in charge. ; 9, 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial- E. 1 7th and Weidier Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd- Vancouver and Graham Rev. John" Dawson. 11. 8. St Michaels and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. P. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10. 11.6. Church of Our Savior' 60th ave. and 41st st S. E. Bev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80, IL i Biahop . Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Bev. Frederic -K, Howard. 7, 7:45. St Pauls Woodmen Kev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. An Saints 25th and Savler Bev. Frederic K. Howard. 11. 71 St Johns Memorial E. 1 5th and Harney. SeUwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Bev. W. A. M. Brecky" vicar, i-10. 11. i Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn schuch. 11. 7:30. ; Carson Heights 9th and Hume Rev. F. M. Fisher. 10:30. 11:30. Free Methodist Central E. 55th and Flanders Bev. W. W. Coffee. 11. 7:80.1 First E. 8th and Mill Bev. A. Beers. 11. "The Ideal Christian From the Bible View Point" ; 7:80, Evangelistic, service. Alberta, E. 80th and toygant Bev. E. L Harrington. 11. 7:30. r . - . - - Frianda First E. 85th and Main: Bev. Homer L. Ccx. 11. 7:46. - wlth - Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wtee. " Sabbath services Friday at 8 p. m.. Saturday, 10:80 a. m. Sunday. 10, in Portland academy hldg., 18th and Mona gomery' Religious schooi. Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation -Aha via - Shofem Park and Clay eta. Rabbi R. Abrahamaon. Friday, a p. . m.; Saturday. 9:80 a. m.. Congregation Nevah Zedeck Talmud Torah 8th and Hall Rev. .Abraham I. Rosencrantz. Friday. 8 p. m.; Saturday. a.'m.; Sunday. 10 a. m.. religions school. -' - LaMar Oar aaliMa - -? Church of Jams Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:80. " Lutheran Bt -Jsmes W. Park and Jefferson Bar. Wm. E. Brink man. 11, 7:30. . St Paula E. 12th and Clinton Rv. A. Krause. 9:80, 10:30, 7:80. f ' Our Saviors E. 10th and Gnat Bar. M. A. Cbristenaen. " 11, B. i Trinity Wffliams and Graham Rev. J. a ' Reinbach. 8 .15. 10:30. 7 :SO. Bethleaeam Norwegian 14th and Dav Rev. Wilbeba. Petteiaen. 11. 8. Grace. English M son and Albina. . Rev. C H. Bern hard. 9:45. 11, 7:30. Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Gllan Rev. F. J. Epling. 10 :V ( to the congregation and will be gWen the -opportunity of telling a few of his interesting and exciting experiences to the congregation. Special patriotic music will be furnished by the choir and duty. An appropriate service has been arranged, ajthe close of which the men and all otficrs present will be invited to the parish house to an informal re ception. Soldiers and sailors outside of the church are welcome at this ser vice, t Will Administer Sacrament The sacrament of the Lord's supper win be administered at the Sunday morning service in the Rose City Park Community church. In the evening Dr. Milligara will preach the fourth ser mon in a pre-Easter series. Walter J. Stevenson, basso, win sing. SERVICES IN Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. r Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11, 8. St Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. I Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle S. 17th and GUsan Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11. "Moments in .Getbse msne"; 7:30, "Gethsemane Wonders." Swedish Angus tana 8tanton and Rodney -Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, service in Swedish; 7:45, English service. . Methodist Episcopal Centenary E. 9th and Pine Bev. 3. C Rollins. 11. "Who Is Tour Godf" 7:45. "Which TicketT" . 'Central Vancouver and Fargo Kev. A. B. Maclean. 11, 7:80. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. John Parmns. 11. 7:80. - Epworth 26th and Savler Bev. 3. Stanford Moore. 11:80, 7:80. First 12th and Taylor Rev, Joshua Stans , field. 10:80, "Christ Crucified"; 7:30, dis cussion of the peace treaty. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, "The Sacramenta, Their Use and Abuse"; 7:30, preaching by Rev. C. J. Larsen, district superintendent , Laureiwood B. 68d and Foster Rev. A. O. Brackenbnry. 11. 7:30. Lenti Luclenx B. Jones. 11 , 7:30. Lincoln B. 52d and Lincoln. Bev. F. A. Ginn. 11. ' Monta rills E. 80th and Prae Bev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bev. E. OUn Eldridge. 11. "God's Covenant"; 7:80. Min ute Men'a service; addresses by laymen. Ross City Park Bev. D. . Lester Fields, 11, 7:30. Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30. Sunnyside E. 85 th and Yamhill Rev. W. F. Ineson. 11. 7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse lev. 3. IT. Irvine. 11. 8. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Bev. Abel Eklund. 11.8.. University Park Fiske and Lombard Bev. J. T. Abbott. 11. "The Face of Jesus": 7:30. "Don't Drift" i Vancouver Avenne Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning. 11, 8. Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7:80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bnr gette Short 10:30, "Doing Big Business for Our Country." Wooditock E. 84 th and Woodstock- Bev. L. C. Poor. 11. 7:80. District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace Toungson. D. D., 691 E. 62d rt N. Taboi 2790. M. E. 8outh First Union and Multnomah -Rev. James T. French. 11. 7:30. Nazarene First E. 10th and Weidier Her. C. How ard Davis. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by Luke Rader. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Rev. C. U. Fowler. 11.7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Killin gvworth ReT. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian Rev. J. G. BringedaM. 11. 7:30. , i -. . Presbyterian ' First 12th and Alder Bev. John H. Boyd. 10:30, 7:30. preaching by the pastor. Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Bev. Edward Hj Pence. ,10:30. "How Jeaus Found the Weak Man Among His Friends"; 7:80. Central E. 13th and Pins. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11. "The Costly Decision"; 7:30. "A Busineia Man s Religion." Calvary 11th and Clay Bev. Frank J. Meyer.- 10:30, communion; no. evening service. Mt Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11. "The Decisive Hour" ; 7:80, patriotic service. ' Vernon 18th and Wygant Rev. 3. R. Lands borough. 11. "Alternative": 7:80. "A Man's Religion" : special patriotic aerviee. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. A. L. Botehinson. - 11. communion service; 7:80, "Tbe Gospel Ladder." . Fourth First and GIbbs. Bev. Levi Johnsoa. 10:80. 7:30. , Kenil worth E. 34th and Gladstone Bev. Paul E. Ratsch. 11,-7:45. Hope IE. 78th and Everett Bev. ' Floyd E. Dorri. il. 7:30. , Boss City Dr. Robert H. Milligan, 11, eommuniorf service; 7:30, "Sentiment and Sentimentality at the Cross." Forbes Grahsrn - and Gantenbein. ,11; preaching by Rev. W. O. Forbes of Seattle, -j v. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Bev. Theo dore jP. Smith. 11, "Who Is Jesus" T 7:30. song and eTangelistic service. Anabel Bev. John E. Nelson. 11. 8. Miliard, Avenue Bar. W. Lee Gray. XI. 7:30 !- ' - h MatnhaB Street 17th and Marshall Bay. A. 3. Hana. 11. . - '. Muipah E. 1 9th and Division Preaching by Rev. Arthur F. Bishop. 11. "I Life Worth UvingV-t 8w "The New Era Movement'" , ! Seventh Day Adventist :: Note Regular services of this denoainaiioa are held on Saturday. ' Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 11:15. - Tabernacle Women vf Woodcraft haU, 10t and Taylor streeta. 1 1. , Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J. Gerhart 11. Lenta 94th at and 68th ava. KHe W. IX Huntington 11.- - ': .-&-.-- . ' St Johns Central - ava. and Charleston El dor A. B, Folkenberg. 11. - - ' Mt Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W. T. Uilgert. 11. Returned Soldiers a short talk will be given by Fred Lockley of The Journal, who was re cently a Y. M. C. A. secretary overseas. Sunday morning the minister, the Rev. Ward W. MacHenry, will preach. Rev. Mr. Cox Will Be In His Pulpit Sunday After an absence of two weeks, Rev. IL L. Cox, pastor of First Friends church. East Thirty-fifth and Main streets, has returned and will occupy his pulpit morning and evening Sunday. The church year closes this week and the reports show a healthy increase along all lines. The. Sunday school is being reorganized from the beginners up, and Dr. Nelson Morrison has been elected superintendent, with new classes' to meet the larger needs. Women to Meet The Woman's Presbyterlal society will hold Its annual spring meeting Aprn 22 in the First church. Mrs. E. x. Alien wm do tne speaker., PORTLAND Alblna SklrJmore and Mallory Elder A. Meyer. O. F. Knott local elder. 11 :1Jt ; Scandinavian E. 62d near 40th ave. Klder B. Le. 11. Salvation Army, Corps N. 1248 Ash at AdjuUnt Frank Genge. 11, 8:16. 8. j- Corps No. 4 128 1st Adjutant Joseph Swadenboralan new Church RorJetT sai jmttrm, n.. William Ii. Reece. 11. "Hell. Where It Is and - : Unitarian . Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn Ml J Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Know Your ywn vnurcn-; 7:49, open forum, "Experiences In WnM ' k. tw n . v. - a i . ' . i urn cjuwrw m United Brethren uonrerenee superintendent Rev. G. E. Me- twnmio. First E. 15 th and Morrinon Rev. Brron J, Clark. 11, "The Second Coming of Christ": 7:30. "Spiritual Optica." Second E. 27th and Sumner. Bev. Ira tiawiey. ii, A Wicked City Destroyed" 7:30, "Jesus in the World of Today." Third 67th at and 3 2d ave. 8. E. Bev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Faith on Trial"; 7:30, ".The First Outcast ' Fourth Tremont - Rev. C. P. Rlanchard. 11, "The House Beautiful"; 7:80, "The Needs of tne xoung People. United Evangelical . - First EL 1 6 th and Poplar Bev. J. A, Good. 11, 7:80. United Willamette blvd. and Gay Bev. H. H. Farnham. 11, 7:80 United Preabytartan First E. 87 th and Hawthorne Bev. H. F. Given. 11, 7:80. , . . - Church of the Stranger 47rand and Wasco Bev. S. Earl Du Bols. 10:80, "Our Church In ine uaya to uoma"; B, stereoptieon slides show ing the people, customs and worship of Korea. Kenton 10 Went Lombard Kev. George it. iajior. can. Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance EC 9th and Clay Bev. J jn E. Fee. 11, 7:80. Realization League 188 5 th ReT. H. Edward Mill. 11, "Finding a Life Objective": 8, "The Use of Vision." Christedelpbiaa 621 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 363 Failing. Harry NeeL 11. 7 :30. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. Bev. F. C Marshall. 10:30. 12:16. 7:45. J Men'a Resort 4th and Burnslde Bev. Levi Johnson, superintendent 8. New Civilization 407 Tilford bide. Dr. Beth Northington. ' 7:45. Divine Science Tilford building Bev. T. M. Minard. pastor. 11. Universal Menrisnic 218 Abington building. 11. 8. "Keounciation." Pentecostal First and Washington Bev. Will O. Trotter. 11. 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H let 2. 8. 7:30 week days except Monday and Saturday, 8 p. m. - Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny A. W. Smith. 11. 8. 8. Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burnslde Meeting every evening except. Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 8 p. tn. ' First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery Rer. A Scott Bledsoe. 3. 7:45. Second Spiritualist Alisky Hall Rev. Max Hoffman. 8, 8. X; . First Presbyterian Church 12TH AND ALDER STREETS ' - BT. J0H3T H. BOTH ' : , Will Preach , Both Morning; and EveBlna; , IS xoox A - School ' of ' He-lla-loua daeatka with classes and departmeat foralL BpeelaJ Musie In the! Evening. Instrumental i Qaartattea. Organ Re-f cltal g 70. - L ci ren s ass ormed tEhursday Py r. efbtansf icltj. Last Thursday afternoon Dr. Joshua Stansfield orpanizod a children' class for training- in Bible study and church doctrines and membership at th First Methodist church. . The course will covet a period of 10 weeks. The meetings for study and work will be in the Oxford parlors on Thursdays between 4 :10 and 4:50. Recreation and fames will follow the class for about 30 minutes in the basement of the Sunday school temple. Miss R. Adams will direct the girls' games and Dr. Stansfield the boys' games. Dr. Stansfield is demanding a certain amount of written work . from the pupils, which will be corrected and graded. DR. WALDO BRINGS IN NEW MEMBERS - j: Campaign of Personal Evangelism Has Been Extremely Effective at First Baptist Church. Since the beginning of. th new year the First Baptist church has been en ajred in a campaignof personal evan gelism under the direction of yie pastor. Dv William A. Waldo. During -this time 66 new; members have been re ceived into the church, 20 of whom will receive the hand or fellowship at next Sunday's service. The Lord's supper will also be served. Sunday .evening Dr. Waldo will con tinue his series of pre-Easter discourses, which are creating an interest in the minds of his congregation. ' Sunday evening's sermon ; will be decidedly evangelistic. Preceding the service Harold Hurlbut will conduct a song service. The Temple quartet will ren der special music appropriate to the crucifixion of Jesus. Miss Minnie Stanard will have charge of the young people's service at 6 :30 o'clock and Miss El ale Moon will sing. Young people of the city are invited to attend this service, y Lenten Services to Be Held Each Noon At BaKer Theatre The annual noonday Lenten services. held under the auspices of the Brother hood of St. Andrew of the Episcopal church, begin next Monday at the Baker theater. The speaker Monday and Tues day will be William C. Harvey, brother hood secretary at American Lake. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday the Very Rev. William C. Hicks, dean of All Saints i cathedral, Spokane, will speak. Members of the Episcopal churches throughout the city will co operate in these meetings, but the gen eral public is invited. The services be gin at 12 :05 and convene at 12 :30. The speakers for holy week have been chosen from the local clergy as follows : April 14, the Rev. K. K. Howard ; April 15. the vRev. O. W. Taylor ; April 16, the Rev. C. H. L. Chandler ; April 17, the Rev. Thomas Jenkins; April 18, the Rt. Rev. Walter T. Suniher, bishop of Oregon. . Music to Be Feature Of Services Sunday i ; Miss Florence Leach will sing the of fertory Sunday morning at the Wilbur Methodistl church, and the quartet will present a i special number. Lowell Pat ton will play as a piano solo "The Rosary." i The pastor, Dr. Francis B. Short, wBl ; preach. Plans are being perfected by a committee for a social for the membership next Friday even ing at the Hotel Multnomah. DR. WALDO Morning tervle 11 'Olecfe Mew Time , "THE 0RECKS SEEKINQ JESUS" Lord's Hopper . Iteoeption of Kew Members. Evening Eei.toe 7:80 lew Time "THE COMPLETENESS OF THE CROW - . ( FlfUi In the aeries) "IK THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS" WHITE TEMPLE TWE1FTH A3TD TAYLOK 8T8. ; '-1 ' ' COME . "HELL, WHERE IT IS, AND WHATV "Hell, tike the Kingdom of Heaverw is within man. The Lord rules the hells; hell fire Is spiritual, not ma terial." f . i-. , . Inform Tearaelf oa This Tomorrow at NEW CHRISTIAN .CHURCH Ml Jefferson Street, It o'Cleek WM. B. BEECE, MlalsUr Child JH , . - ' .- Y, 'n f ' lallll CHURCH DRIVES BELIEVED TO BE WELL OVER TO r Neither Presbyterians Have Re ceived Full Returns Front Cam- paigns So Far, It Is Stated. MONEY STILL COMING N Many Who Took Pledge Cards Are Slow in Sending Them nf Exact Figures Not Available Vet Optimism prevails among the Ical leaders in the Presbyterian and ' Bap tist churches over the ultimate success of their New Era and Victory campaign drives. While no definite statistics anl be given at this time, the mannerj In) which reports are coming In indicate) that both drives will be a decided suH cess throughout the state. The drives undertaken this year are the largest! ever undertaken by either denprnlna-! tlon. and directors are well pleased vyithi the manner in Which the laity havsi responded.' I The Presbyterian drive was made I on . March 23. It lasted for three hoursi ' only. Many people signified their (In tention of giving and accepted pleflgeii. cards, promising to mall therri later. These cards are now coming in. If the remainder' of . the Presbyterians ho hold cards stand as faithfully by th cause as those who have been rrjore prompt, success is in sight. ' t Harley K. Hallgren, director of fthe Baptist Victory . campaign in Oreonv said Friday that the regular apportions ment for Oregon in their campaign friaa more than been raised. Besides (the) regular apportionment of $30,000, jthe churches were asked to raise $35,00$ in special gifts. All of the latter- fund has not yet been reported raised, Jbut prospects are trlght, as only . hall; of . the churches of the state . have mads returns. The central committee oiaa allowed the BaDtl until April 30 ta raise the cash, so local directors eel as though they can say with safety; that Oregon Baptists will 'go overithej top." . Westminster Will Hold Yearly Meeting The annual meeting of the Westminis ter Presbyterian church will ' be (held Thursdajr evening- at the .church, frheti retiring officers will bereeleeted or their places filled. Surday morning! and t . n. TjnMMWU4 XT PAnu 1 i-t ! 1 preach. . The choir is planning a special Toaster musical program for Apni iv. EFISCOPAt Praver strengthens the heart : brings blessing " to those for whom it is made ; and" lifts the soul into the conscious presence of God. AHIIL 4 FIFTH SUKDAT LENT PKO-CATHEPHAL of St. Stephen the Martyr, 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, Bishop; Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, Uean. tsunaays ii, t sia. ST. DAVID'S " East :Twelfth and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins; Rector. 7 :30, 9 0, 11 and 7:30. ST. MARK'S 21st and Marshall Rev. J. fa. 11, Eucharist and sermon ; 7 'At, evensong ana sermon. s GOOD SHEPHERD Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. . 7:30, . 11 and 7 S!0. ST. ANDREW'S Hereford street. Portsmouth) Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 10 and 11 a. m. ST. MICHAEL AND AIX A5GEI.S E. 43d and Broadway, Rose City Park Rev. T. r. uowen, vie r lev. 8, 10. 11. CHURCH OF OVK SAVIOPl 0th ave. and 4 1st st. H. E. Rev. E.H. Clark, Vicar. 7:30 and 11 a. ST. JOHN'S MEMORIAL 'v.. istn ana Harney. Sellw ooi Rev. E. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7 130, ST. JOHN'S (at Mllwaskie) 11, Rev. John' D. Rice, Vicar ; R. A.. Sellwood. Liay Reader. The Protestant Platform A Prophecy of the Bible tvangelist Dickson. will explain the prophecy of the woman riding tbe scarlet colored beast, and will' point out many religious usages which are nothing more than Christianized. Paganism. Do you know what connec tion there Is between dyed eggs, rabbits and th resurrection of Christ? 1 ; ChrUtensen's Hall : llth SU Betireea Msrrisoa aad TamhUl Sunday Night, April 6, At 7f o'clock ' " BFECIAVMrSIC SEATS FREE . rUBLIC I5VITED ., Breaking of the