THIS OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORT 1 AND, SUNDAY MORN IN Ci, MARCH 30, 1S1. 'Describes GIANT AIRPLANE G rat Vehicle, if It Should Land in Street, Would Cover More Than Three Blocks. HIGH SPEED IS ATTAINED Passenger Scarcely,. Realizes That' He' Is Moving Through Space at Mile a Minute. ; By. Robert Welles Bltekle : V London, March 89. Through" the ceurr lesy of . the air ministry, .an. Interview wu had today with Captain Lance Huahbrooke. roval air force. 'Who : re. f millv flew aa a nassenerer aboard '. the . whan it- made Its three hour trial 'trio fro-althe Setby. hangar In ' Torkshlre. The craft since has made a successful cruise, around the coast of Ireland, after remaining: In the air nearly 30 hours. ; ' It Is whispered that this Is the aerial craft upon which England is pinning her hopes of winning; the glory of being; Vftrst across the Atlantic." Built by Armstrong:, Whitworth Co. for use jot the British, admiralty," the giantess of the air was designed orlg Jnally for war' work. Her 'armament w iu utciuue macnine guna ana rapia firing; guns and from her fondolas four 'bombs-. of G80 pounds each and eight of ' 250 pounds were designed to be dropped Upon the. enemy. ' . Giast Craft 7 Feet Losg "Were the R-J8 ... to settle down on Broadway, the great skyflyer would more than fill the stneet and stretch for three blocks. Her length Is 7fr feet and at her greatest diameter the hues girth of therigid gas bag is 79 feet, - Four gondolas, one forward and one aft in line and two abreast amidships swing under the gaa bag and five en gines capable' of developing 250 horse power drive the huge craft, at a max imum spaed of seventy miles an hour, v 'The amidships engine In the twlnpower cars were already running at low speed when I clambered Into the control gon dola, under the bow of the airship," Captain Hushbrooke began the story of his experiences. ? "Then Major Thomas, the commander, signaiea to ine ground officer that all aboard were ready, . ?J"At the blast -of a bugle all bands let go and the vessel rose slowly from . the ground- Perceptibly the men on the ground grew smaller and shorter. The sudden clang of a bell twice repeated aroused me from the first awed sensa tion of flight and almost Immediately a muffled drone behind' me announced the starting of the .engine In the com- TWO DOORS DESIGNED FOR WAR MAY CROSS OCEAN S,V " - use $20.00 Coats Coats m a d of serge. Colors navy. Copen, taupe, sand. Loose back or belted. ; 54.50- Petticoats Jervey 8111c Petti- -coats, with taffeta' flnunoes. Black and" colors Only 7" $6.50 SkirU Silk , Plaid Skirts or Plain silk Pop , lln. All colors. J6.5Q values $ge9 $79 T rip ---'in;- Gianni ': TESTING l:Ql Vf - fj '-...-.' r ?. - - - . , - r f k mm ' - " " - tj t Wjiik .-.--.- ',:-x .- ... " f V 53 -er" ---jt-- - - r- - m W. 1. ' rvr scfsj,-. 'ju, ."f.. lis.-; The. upper photo shows the giant R-33, the British dirigible recently completed at Selby, England, where ft is being tuned up for. a transatlantio flight. The lower 'photo - shows the big airship leaving the ground for its trial flight. partment adjoining the control cabin, in which I stood. ? v- Castala Explains Details ' Tiooldng out from one of the windows along the vast fish form hull of the ship, I saw. a' cascade, of water ballast pour out from an aperture in the keel, followed In a moment by another towards the stern. ; V "We ,wer$ now well clear of the ground and rapidly climbing with up tilted bows. The airship was remarkably steady, however, and but for the dimin ishing size of objects on the ground, passing slowly" a thousand feet below, one was scarcely conscious of motion.:. "My surroundings now claimed atten tion. The helsman and height coxswain IMORRISQN1 WEST or ROYAJ-lAr?v: $12.50 $15,00 Dresses Dresses; " 7 M1 J?110. . and Ser Taffeta and ' v Silk Taffeta Messaline. Dresses, dresses neat styles neatly trifrmed. All ' and colors. sizes amf colors. . , $QJ9 $075 . - ! t ".V:" :.. j:.. . $22.50 $35.00 Suits - SuiU : . 7-- .,rt;"i. .770 . ; it: '-;yi.- : Spring Suits made v Box Suits, also tai- of serge navy blue j' lored i or h.ii.j and black ; also , l0? or 1 r black "and white with vest neatly check, trimmed or trimmed. Very tailored.' pretty. :-r . $35.00 ; Dolmans Beautiful Dolmana Colors Copen, hen- -Tia, tan, navy, etc The newest . outt only - . . $20.00 Capes 4 t ; Newest In Capes, - trimmed, with but tons or braid, S20 values only. ? , 1, - GIANT BRITISH '-V-' - ' . ;, .. , at the rudder, and the elevator wheels, were intent on their duties and X ven tured to approach the captain who had been engaged at the chart table on the opposite side of the cabin, j s "As occasion . permitted he' explained to me the uses of each ef the numerous clocks and control boards ; the bubble statoscope, which is sensitive to the slightest rise or fall, gas thermometer, gas valve, controls, the controls for the water ballast discharge and the trail rope release. The englneroom tele graphs were operated by turning an in dicator handle on a - dial marked with the necessary commands, one communis eating with each enginerooih. In ad dition the captain could "talk: either by the telephone or ' voice! tpipe to; every station of the ship. 'vj; V 1 V -J1 - ' No Seme of; Speed " ) -f "Thft auf1 speed indicator,: to, my sur-prise,-was registering 62 knots 0 miles an hour. One has no sensattori of speed in this huge vessel. We were traveling at considerably more than the veloctty of an express train, without the slight est sense of speed, and none of the clam orous shrieks of engines and wires that is so notieeable in flying in aa air plane. . "Presently the captain invited me to Make a walk through the corridor to the rearward cars. "Viewed. from the outside the airship looks vast in its proportions, but in the keel corridor, the end of which seems to disappear in the obscurity of the dim light, the ship seems even more col ossal. Above one's head are the -huge gas bagsr each fitting "closely into Its chambers and separated from the adja cent bags by j radial -'wires across - the circumferential frame of the hulL The keel corridor is like a tunnel with the sectional ship of an inverted V, the gas bags when full reaching down on either Side.": - -: i:: v iv' i : - Banks Provided for Crsw v "Walking down the center, gangway, one .passes a long row of petrol tanks and; water ballast bags on either, hand. Some of these petrol tanks aro sus pended from'qulck release hoeks, so that on pulling a lever they can, if necessary be jettisoned as ballast. - --- "Further alonff down the corridor we came to" the quarters for the crew while off duty. No doubt the honks ars ap preciated on a long flight. My guide in formed me the ship could cruise for 100 hours if necessary. . r:. ' "The warmth of the rear power gon dola was very welcome. It , was little. more than a durallmin shell: surround ing ths two big engines ; and gearing which drove the i 20-foot propeller at the -after - end. ;. . j - . "We were now approaching the coast, hosing" our way through, cloud drifts down to the airship station. Alternately one had glimpses of the sea on one hand, with tiny ships leaving long white wakes In the water, and on the other hand tho frostbound country, the clumps of trees and buildings standing out as black blots on the general whiteness," K:7" : " 'i i Women MRun;Booio ; Lincoln, Neb March 29. (I. n. s.)- Women have taken to running liquor lnta Nebraska from Wyoming in viola tion of the national "bone dry" law, accarding to Federal Attorney Allen Three women have been arrested and. will be tried by the federal government; Mr. Allen said. They . are alleged to have brought the booze from Wyoming to Sidney, Neb. Hear Dr. Pence's Sunday morning se ries of sermons on "The Master of Men in Action starting today at West minster Presbyterian church. Take Broadway or Irvington cars. Adv. Special Photo Enlargement Offer FOR THIS WEEK ONLY t Bring this advertisement to our studio any day this week ' and secure . '- ? - . 25: and look ovrir "our assortment of 14x20 frames and convex glass. ; ;-.-.'.. Bruno Art Studio : ; . ' 4 ' .' 406 .Morrison Street " Positively no agents or solicitors employed -JDirigible DIRIGIBLE - :. ; " f, ::i--; Restrictions on , Hun Might Bring xn Opposite Results Special Cable to Ths Jcrarnal and the Chlcaga Copyrifht. 1919, by tb Chioaeo Dailjr Ktm Co. Paris,' March 29. French aviation ex perts are agreed that it is impossible to prevent Germany or any other nation from building commercial airplanes irf time of: peace which tfi be used a bombing planes in case of war. The dif ference between a bombing ..plane and a comercial piano Is so ' light at the present time as to be- praetlcally neg liglble. Germany can: be forbidden to manufacture bombs and. explosives, say the experts,, but she can hardly be for bidden to make airplanes. It . is even doubtful, adds one French engineer, if such prohibition is desirable. "German collaboration In the progress or science and industry," says this en. gineer, "should not be disdained pro. Vtded a League of Nations is organized permanently. Industrial prohibitions and economic oppression might bring about results exactly opposite to those Intended. Free competition In peaceful fields presents fewer dangers." The true-means of avoiding danger Is therefore said to be not f orbiding the Germans to manufacture airplanes but developing this industry to such an ex tent in France, .England and America that If the Germans should ever again be tempted to bomb French towns they wouia be deterred by rear of truly ter rible reprisals. - Business Paralyzed In Europe Because Affairs Unsettled . By W. J. li. Klehl . Special Cabl .to Thv-Joonial and the Chicago (Copyright. 1919. by Chicago Dally News Co.) Utrecht, March 29. The unsettled con ditions in Europe are paralyzing busi ness. The Leipzig fair has been post poned until the end of April owing to transport difficulties in Germany. Jn Holland Bolshevism and the long dura tion of tho peace preliminaries are hav ing a bad effect. No one dares to ven ture upon big enterprises while condi tions are o uncertain. The ruin "of the central empires and naturelly destroyed their buying capacity and Impaired then- credit. This is severely -felt . in Dutch Commercial circles. , -( i Recently a large party of Danes vis ited Utrecht and a ..number of Swiss, Belgians and Britons have also come leading to the hope that the Utrecht fair next year wlll , be internationalized so that other ' nationalities -will be among the exhibitors leading to a healthy com petition between - Dutch - Industry and that of 'other lands..: . An innovation this year is the institu tion of consulting rooms for the com mercial attaches of several of the lega tions where people desirous of doing business with the countries represented can be given full information. This? novelty pleased the director of the Liepzlg fair who visited tho exhibi tion here. Ho said that he hoped this city would b able to introduce the fea ture in tho future A patent for cutlery made of bamboo has been granted a Japanese resident of Seattle. t Reduction on Any Photo Enlargement BE SENT TO POLAND BY THIS COUNTRY JSSSaSBBJSBSBBBSBSSVBJSJBHBBSiSSSr '-; " M ' financial and Industriaf Commis-t sion Would Be Similar to Those 'of Other Allied Countries, v GERMANS KEEP CHASM OPEN Although There Is f Some Effort Toward Commercial Under standing, Soldiers Still Busy. Bpaeial .Gbe to Tba JonrqaJ ad the CMeesT t4iy Mewa ... Copyrlgkt, ll. by tbs Chicago Dtfly Ntwi C Warsaw, Poland, by Courier to Paris, March , 25. An American economic, fi nancial and industrial commission for Poland similar to those of the other allies, now busUy at wprk bero, may be formed in the pear future as the result of the of forU of business men from Poland who some time ago left Warsaw and are in Paris in connection with ths peace conference work.. ' The British, through an economic mis sion, including trained salesmen, mer chants and business men. arid French representatives of largo firms, together with Swiss and other neutral agents, are now and for a week , have been busy making a survey of tho financial needs, industrial, business, trade and commer cial situation Of Poland and mtHr ders for machinery and goods of varl- vwi amcrijiuoni. j Merchants, manufacturers and ' busi ness men generally everywhere In Po land bavo declared their dealr tn An business with American firms, but hlth- eno no representatives of such firms or interests haye beep on hand. . Aware -of OpportmaiUes : -That j tho American members of tho Interallied mission - here, in - mnnMlan with Inquiries to determine claims as to territorial boundaries and also to end the attacks on Poland which are forcibly resisted - on four fronts, are aware of the great business opportunities, and the fact that ether peoples here are engaged in economic hnslncit anr trati, inattm whilit we are still viltlnr . la AmtA dui .nm question oz raomuii Duainess IflZJ America is ouisiae oz xneir province. The members of this mlsslonare buar with thevork ouUined for them. TOPM FBI MAY ' ' ' ' " " ' " " m - - .. . ... i, ........ , , . ::..H ' !r T.s-'t Direction of g?t3 Jenaen"Von Herberg'. . , f Udoors .it i - i.ixir MmrZr OPEN V VV I Baa ( ft-1 V Ummfj- , 11,112:45,12:30 t . Conference Oddities Are Amusing By Fred S. Fergssen , . Cnltd Piew Suff Cerrstpesdrnt . Paris, March 2f Sam Compers. pres ident . of the- American Federation of Labor, is probably the floes lest dressed man of tho hundreds, of various officials drawn hero by the peace conference. In his fur-lined overcoat and cocky lltUe soft hat, Gompers looks like a . bank president.. .. -. Gom pers to also greatly given to ora tory. - This Is one of tho scarcest eon modules thatahas been produced since tho peace sessions opened. . Ail of the scores of meetings have taken on the nature of informal talks. Few attempt to "orate." Oompers, however, Is one of tho few. He strews verbal flowers all over the place," and is always good for a couple of hours one he gets started. Most everybody connected with the peace conference Is - getting . . the - story telling habit. - Whether it is a result of the precedent set by. President Wil son, or just a natural bubbling over, isn't clear but. anyhow, everybody's telling 'em. - 4 , , Henry. White, Republican member of the American commission, tells stories of other peace parleys and of his experi ences - of years back in various diplo matic posts. ' ' White knew Lord Robert Cecil when Robert was a boy,it f , . - Colonel House has also' taken to tell ing stories. -Tho colonel has the diplo matic advantage of every one thinking he is very mysterlo-as." He' also has the reputation of being terribly silent. The colonel, however , of ten explains sit uations as they exist in the conference by telling a story of some incident in ordinary life in which he figured. v The next man you see who shows ab solutely no emotion, no matter what ths provocation, put him down as saving a "Hedjas faee." , A "Hedjas faee is a "poker face" raised to the nth degree. As a matter of fact, a "poker face" radiates emotion, as compared to the "Hedjas face. The Prince of Hedjas of Arabia in troduced tho face to the world when he came to Paris as a delegate to the peace conference. No matter what may be going on about him... the expression on the face of tho prince, never changes. His eyes are always looking straight ahead, dark as night. His swarthy face is framed in the loose folds of his silken Arabian head-dress of subdued colors, He suggests the mystic. ; . Aside from the heao-dress, the prince wears clothing of modern cut. Over this, however, he wears a loose black silken robe-like coat, caught in at the waist by a girdle. On formal occasions ho wears a long, richly carved ivory and gold- IS -THE " VI so bnng oss along. KjMf&m if . ' Has Humor v. handled dagger In his belt. ; He moves silently, but with a quick, nervous step. His expression is neither repelling nor friendly. It. is neither cold nor warm. It is neither animate nor Inanimate, it Is simply Hedjas. . Listening to long drawn out speeches about things and places they never heard or before is too much, even "for states men and diplomats upon whose shoul "J?1 Job of establishing the peace of the world, j , . But to the delegates of some of the smaller powers the. Question of whether - . boundary shall bo to the right f5 Hlof rlTtir Oom-Ta-Ta, or who wertnejrare to have proper protection tor the Poo-Bah railroad, is far more important than a League of Nations, rreeoom of the seas, peace with Oer many, or anything else. Their viewpoint to based about on the idea that unless It isfirmly fixed right now whether the Ooomias are to be permitted to violate the neutrality of nam by serv ing duck eggs instead of hen errs with it then the whole world Is simply go ing" to pot y : ) V Only a few of the delegates actually "boar tho claims. Most of them sleep. On two or three occasions speakers "ad vancing ths claims, etc.,' have become somewhat peeved when the audience be gan - dropping off; to sleep. But that didn't disturb the sleepers. Ice cream soda at E0 cents a glass, and without even two. straws if you're taking your best, glrl That's the price in Paris. There Is Just' one place In town where the great American combi nation "ia to be had. It la being , dis covered by a new bunch of soldiers every day. The price doesn't matter to a doughboy or an officer when he sees the prospect of a chocolate soda, and the shop does a rushing business on Its 60-cents-a-throw .basis. Most Americans visiting the shop are satisfied to revel in a soda, but one officer started something recently when he tried to get a 'sundae.' There are various things that are hard to say in French, but when it comes to trying to explain to a French soda clerk bow to make a sundae, this officer found he had discovered something entirely new in difficulties. Finally he gave .it up with "Oh. gimme a choolat sody." ' Has It Figured Out Melbourne, Australia, ". March 4, (By Mall.) Oerro any is easily able to pay to the allies an indemnity of $50,000,000, 000, it has been estimated by Common wealth Statistician JCnjbbs of Australia. NINTH BIG BAY.- iADMISSION 25c, LOGES 50c B0LSHE1I MAKE - MS IN SOUTH F Ukrainians Who Have Been Hold ing Reds in Check Face About and Augment Forces of Lenine. GAINS MADE ON BLACK SEA Great Wheat Area of Europe Js About to Fall Into Hands of Leaders of Russian Radicals. Special Cabl to Th Jonrnal pnd Tba Cblaace Pail? New. ' . fCeprrlcht, ltl. br CUcms DtQr N.wt Co,) ' Paris, . March 29. While the . peace conference, having; failed to solve the ' Russian question, bas dropped it tempo rarily, the Bolshevik! seem about to conquer all of Southern Russia, where hitherto they have been held In chck by tho Ukrainians.- Their - troops are fighting the Don Cossacks only 160 kilo meters (90 miles) northeast, of Rostof. The important ports of Kherson and Nicolateff on the Black sea have fallen into their hands, Bolshevist uprisings have been reported In t Odessa Itself, where the allies landed troops only last December under cover of the , guns of the French navy. .. :- , ; Kiev has been taken by the reds. . The, anti-Bolshevist government of Petilours has fled to Vlnnetsa. from which the, Belsheviki are only 6( kilometers (89 miles) distant. The movement against' the eastern district of Poland Is also' becoming more clearly, outlined. The: reds claim to have captured Lutsk. This! advance brings them within 180 kilo meters (98 miles) of the Dniester, where the poorly equipped and bdly - provi sioned Roumanian forces mayhave dif ficulty in ' checking then. As tho Ukraine is one of the granaries of Rus sia, Its occupation by the ; Belsheviki may modify the famine conditions In Central Russia before the end of tne year. . . ; " .-.m j;'.' The Bolshevist advance has been fa cilitated by a wave of Bolshevism In the Ukraine Itself. The Paris Temps, com menting on this spread of the red ter ror, compares it to fire. "Where Jt has been burning a long time everything is in ruins and the fire languishes but without the victims being able to quench It, AND THE ; MUSIC IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL PORTION 0 RUSSIA SPECIALORCHESTRA r 't