8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1919. SITUATIONS FEMALE WIDOWwith 2 children would lik work by th day, either houaecleaning. washing or ironing. wain. liiz. veil wormnn or r inna.. 'YOUNG lady wish position la. congenial fam ily, general helper, very close ra. . Good hem - appreciated. Salary, reference. F-409. JonrroU- -h . feoOKKEEPEB, 16 years' experience, wente null set of books to keep; ran give A-l rti- t wtHw: reliable; reasonable. Main 6383. tJOPY workoa typewriter neatly nd ecuuiy dao. v Main 17. 1121 Board of In nia, - - . YOUNG tody would like position in mailing dept. r-.' of firm ,or whole! house; bav bad x- pencnc. -Por gon VTOMAN 'wants -. ork by' hour or day. HehiMa. rcrcre ces. qin. faia, . , HAIR dyed t horns reasonable; experienced tody. - Main 3879 - ' . ; , ( ISPERIBNCED young lady wthe general ""el- fie work. - Phon UU B2tl. TKNOGRAPHERwKb om experience desire position. D-260, Journal. ' -v ' ' ' ' - SITUATION S WA NTED MALE - ' : ------ AND FEMALE - - tl MAN and wifa, experienced and capabl. wis management of high elan apartment bouse, i W-826, Journal, - -. - - ! : - NURSES - KUKSE would like to car for invaua free to travel (muwiut), Phon Eaat 4103 or addres 560 Pst. at. "NURSING and milemit; ease a specialty. . 644 6th rt. Phone Main 45. - TFRyiSHEP ' BOOMS 9 - - - . NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown hlg .' class family hotel: rooms en suite or single. with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give yon all the com - forts of a home.- Ressonsbl rates. . HOTEL FRANKLIN ,. WASHINGTON AT THIBTEENTH ' lxy up. free Tub and Shower Beth. . 's 648 H 1st, An stasia boated room and board, reasonable. 'llOTEL Sargent Hawthorn and -Grand. Suiting point special car for Vsnconver. A UNTSioepiniiroom, steam heat and run ntng water. 408 E. Alder. Phone Kait 708. 'FL'BNI8Hb room One large front, roonv 2 : t iiiiall li. K. rooms. 127 S. 12th. FART fiTrnishisl tent hous for rent.,. Call , Woodlawn 157S. . - , . i i . ii j i .FURNISHED ROOMS FRITATt FAMILY 7 LAlttiE front room with small kitchen, com ' fortably furnished for housekeeping; fin neighborhood ; suitable for student or others. 84.50 a week. 478 Msin st. ' ' I'OR BENT Nicely and newly furnished sleep , -ing room, bath, electric light and phone. Close j In and to men only. 4 88 K. Alder. LAR;E, beautiful front room and smaller room, ' well furnished, desirable district, walking dia . ' tance, west side. Msin 1547 wlek days. .NICEt-X furnished sleeping room in modern home. Walking, distance; reasonable. I'hone ' East 8704. 426 E. Harrison. CI-RA room. bstb. lieht. Dbone. rery cheap - bast table board If desired. 81 per day. 887 . 12th st. - -y- TWO lovely front rooms, unfurnished; will be Tscant on the, first. 538 Sellwood bird. 8eQ- rwood 1760. ' - TLEA SANT room, home conveniences, with or -1 without garage; gentleman preferred. 603 E. t'45tb N. It. C. car line. t C1IEERFCL furnUlied front room, all modern y, eonreniences. Call 574 East Conch. East 324. LARGE front room, two beds, modern; bom cooking.' 331 Montgomery St. FUONT housekeeping room. $17 mo. ; smaller room 312; close in. 454 Taylor. NICE!, pleasant Tom, running water, beat, cloa t, suitable 1 or 2. 494 Taylor. VftDEKN light airy room, walking distance- 748 t - Hoyt st. Marshall 60. - - ' TVQ furnished rooms for rent 271 Halsey. ' ROOMS ATTD ROARD IS ,nNORTONIA HOTEI.. Portland s downtown high - class family hotel: rooms an suit or single, V with or without board, for families and business , men and women. We girs you all the comforts .of a home. Reasonable rates. - ' BOOM and board for men, home style cooking, reasonable' rates. Grand Arenue Hotel, 834 Grand are. 8 blocks south Hawthorn are. DrtSYVr m4' KmI r.nV. hAm. i leges, walking distance; 770 Johnson. Main 689T. ''THE HAZEL "Not lik the others." Krery THE Martha Washington , 880 10th, for busln girls and students. Uarshall 1251. t- ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE " - VA.MILT ., It KLEGANTLX fuinished front room for 2 gent v lemen ; us of piano, phone, etc ; borne cook ing. walking distance. 333 E. Halsey, 'corner of "Kecond. . - l FRONT-room and board in private family, suit able for 2 gentlqmen; 10 minutes' walk to Northwest Steel shipyard. 208 4th st Mar shall 4491. 810 PER month, car and board of children. 14 years and under. -611 Mt, Hood st, Oregon City. - , : 110THEBLT "tody wish to board school girl, 10 to 12 years. 313 month. Marshall 1840. v 'CHILDREN to board in privaU bom. East 2446. KLKGANT rooms, alto breakfast. Msrsliall 5188". . WANTED ROOMS AND BOART 31 ? VANTEI To hoard two children ' in private f unily. where they can have the best of care, . wher parents can room. Phone Marshall 2141, Apt. 1. 193 West Park. P i BOARD and lodging for 2 boy. ae 17 and 20 p- yean, in private family. F-406, Jnumal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED i 2 ROOM FLAT ONLT 31S . , Furnished, modern, clean. Electric light, hot . and cold water and phone Included. Close in, 'west aid. Porch and yard.- Grand view.. 480 -college sc. aiain oz. .NICELY furnished 2-room apartmenta, steam i . heat, hot and cold water, phone, etc., newty renovated,' $3.50 to 83.50 week; can't b beat The -Nokomis Annex, 245 H N. 17th, corner Marshall. ' .THREE suites o? housekeeping rooms oi 2 - rooms each, $18 to $25; also single rooms, $3.75 and $4, all onteide rooms. City View . notel, ; 293 H Union ave, 43 WEEK up. completely - furnished houaekeep ; ing rooms, absolutely clean, every convenience. Hot water at all hours. Right downtown, bare carfare. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. . ONE light housekeeping, also 1 room with kitch ennette; steam heat, hot and cold water no "chililren. t 873 Cth st.. cor. Montgomery, ERT- desirahj furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for two adults r imreh, fin view. Phone after 9 a. m- Main 6630. " N ICE large 2-roora front suite, completely fur - nished for housekeeping, $23 month. 150 ptmiuu at. after HI a. m. This is right vdilCELY furnished newly renovated room for housekeeping, $3.50 per week. 846 Madi- ,.son Rt, near Broadway. r SHIPYARD district apartments, cottages, house keepiag rooms, furnished, unfurnished, rea- - aonaot. Appty aoa uiDn. - TWO housekeeping rooms, walking distance: y- -. young couple preferred. 428 Montgomery. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 703 Everett st. - corner. 2 2d. - -. ''2 AND 3 rooms, conveniently located for raii- - roaa or sntpyam workers. - M Russell st -ONE large front room, with alcove: also two other large rooms. 475 Main st Main 6353. BURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 601 Hsr - rtson near 14th and Montgomery. - . LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent 295 B. 4th st Tabor 818. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, 6 Q Vs Union, . near East Washington. -4 FURNISHED. 88. 1910 East Everett st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS W FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY '.3 i CLEAN unfurnished or , partly furnished . housekeeping ia private family, at 807 iieeier r. ; no uiaren. inom Kn 61' 13. t ITUVTSMKIl hnu .Irmi.. l : . with porcb; a4so 2 bark rooms, furnished. ' ( l !. n n . - " . -It.. Ill .11 O O 1 I . TWO large, nicely furnished H K. rooms for coup-, tntra neiguoornooa. iin new. Pturn Woodlawn 2708. - - -,- -:-... 3 ROOM housekeeping ite, also 2 room; nice yard, pear shipyards. $22.50 and $20. 887 1st st. - ' . . . . - . - - . CLEAN H. KU. room for 1 or 2 respectable workig-t men, reasonable. - 294 Jefferson. LA RGJi room for light H. K. ; genUcman pre ' ferred. Wdln.-23. 827 Fremont st. TWO newly furnished I root, housekeeping rooms, at 410 4th st $9 PER MONTH. 1 furnished H. K. front room, gronnd floor. 44 East 7th South. JIWCs clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, Sd floor, tmitaMe for 3 arlulta. 63 N. 20th st VMr'O housekeeping rooma.. 154 N. AUt HOrSEKKEFiyO ROOMS 7S FUBMHKI AND I7!?r CKN1SJHED m n t t a i fj r ajiui - - - bMAl.L furnished bona by couple, no children. B87 E. Ilk iLll.! MBmlik! kou to. FRITATE FAMILY tt&rme. TWO furnished IL K. rooms, walkinc distance, - 1Z.0 per montn. 60S K. Market st. Ii. K. ROOMS, bath, licbta. gas, heat and ui phone. 175 Vinta ae. FOU RE?TT HOU8E3 UNFURNISHED 13 MEIEB aV FBASK'S INPORsfATIO! AKD KEN TAX BUBEAU Reliable, np to date lists of desf rabl racant nooses, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great rslue to helping them (et properly and quickly located. i -. 1 ; EIGHTH FLOOR 7-KOOlf, hou. S minute1 walk to Albina shlp yards, walkinc distanc to downtown, cement baneraent, Dutch kitchen, bnffet, fumac. prae tically new borne. t0. 8eUwood 12. Fred mi i y j r am n m a ' . V IlUnilOe, AVtfV C. IB( BUaj TO RENT Beautiful country plac on Oregon Electric, 5o fare,-6 acres, S rooms, 3 bath rooms, fireplaces, barns, chicken house, phone. city water. Apply 149 3d st 10 MONTH- 3 room' bous with gaa rang. 149S Boston near Bryant, bet. St. Johns and Kenton ear. - - 7-KOoM house and garage for rent; first of April, 885 per month.. Inquire at 721 East Ankeny st. . , 8 4 0 LA RGB 7 -room and sleeping porch, ' eor nei bouse, oak floors, furnace. 011 E. 35 th, Oak Uror l-M WILL rent or sell on easy terms 2 room bous, 8x100. fin garden. . 5810 Woodstock are., end of carline. 7 " FOR BENT 5 room bouse. 853 1st St., west side, near shipyards, 814. Phone Tabor 2085. FOR KENT Modern 5-room buncalow. 828 E. 41st, 8., 330. Msin 5288. Monday. 317.60 WEST SIDE 5 room cottage. 630 Quimby. FOR RENT -6 room house, steal rang for sale. - East 2204. . 14x20 tent hous for sale. Imruir 1312 Dela ware are. - - -SMALlJ furnished house for rent Tabor 6777. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 8 4-ROOM bouse, low rent, walking distance, west side; furniture for sale; eTerything for 8100 cash. Gaa range, cook store, beater, new whit enameled bed, springs, mattress, sewing machine, velvet rug, dining table and chairs, ' sanitary couch, rockers, library table, bookcase, ate. Call after 0-o'clock Sunday. 488 11th st WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTHWESTERN FXECTBIO LIGHT SERVICE. 10th and Washington. . Bdwy. 580. BARGAIN for quick sale, furniture 4 room eot tage, piano included. 1107 Albina are. Eve nings arier o, IL'UNlTURE of 5 room flat complete, flat for rent A snap, call Esst BTStt HOUSE for rent and furnitur for sale. 18l N. 10th st HOUSE to rent, scans furnitur for sal. East 1242. FURNISHED HOUSES t FOB BENT One of Irving ton's fin homes; 9 rooms with furnitur complete, and in perfect order; hot water heat, gsrage; $1 0O per month; everything the latest Call at 333 E. 18th st N. ... . ' FOR BENT cheap Partly furnished bouse, 14x 22, gas and water connected, 1 block from Errol Heights ear line. 4161 72d ave.. corner 424 st FOB BENT An 8 room furnished bouse, gas electric and bath, convenient for two small families or on large family. 824 Second st near wnitarer. 6-ROOM' bouse for rent, furniture goes with rent, part of furnitur for sale, and some canned fruits also to soil cheap for quick action. 823 W. 17th st FOR RENT At 1236 E. 18th N., 7 room modern house, furnished, piano included. 830 per month. Bee owner Sunday, 10 till 8 ; after tl.at at 1081 E. 28th N. APRIL 14 Modern, nicely furnished cottage with garage; to adults only; elderly people pre ferred; young lady to remain home; garden spot and fruit 269 Going st Beferencea requird. OWNER leaving, will leas for on year fine modern horn, fully furnished. Including piano, to adults 1 only. Hawthorne district, 350 per month. . References required. D-247, Journal; FURNISHED 8-room hous and sleeping porcb for rent, 80S . 33d st S. Modern, $60 per month. Call Sunday and Monday. Phone B-1072. - ' FOR BENT room house. $8.50 including water. .Call Flat A, 423 Montgomery street Sunday or evenings. House close in on east side. FOR RENT 7 room house, nicely furnished, -east side. 850; no children. Call East 8774, netween - ana p. m. Sunday. FURNISHED 3 room cottage. 886 1st st Marshall 4431. FURNISHED house for rent, well located; adult only. W-209. Journal. - - APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED TWO and 3-room furnished apt. $32 and np, .including light Belknap Apta. 187 17th.. near xamruu. 2 OB 3 loom partly furnished apartments, near Sellwood car barns. 1804 E. 10th st Phone B-1410. $25- $30 3 and 4 room furnished apart ments. 642 E. 27th st Richmond car to 27th. 1 block south. TWO 3 or 4 room apartment well furnished, large, clean and light garage if desired. 953 Interstate ave. Mississippi car to Preseott - NEW YORK APTS., E. Belmont and 7th. East 28S. , - WOULD lik to hav working lady to share apt East 8126. ' FOB BENT. 3 unfurnished connecting rooms. - - - g- war noyfc o tsu alter o p. m. 9 BOOM furniahed apta., Harrisoa court, 5th - and Jlsrrison sts. 2 BOOM furnished housekeeping apartment, cen trally located. 392 K. Burnside. MODERN 2 and B room spartmania for rent van x it ij aimiiB THREE rooms and kitchenette, garage. 779 aunuau. TWO room furnished apartments, first floor, single rooms, very reasonable. 653 Flanders. FOR RENT-FLATS IS THREE room flat garage, Union are. near fiiu sell: adult only. East 2195. 4-ROOM flat $14. 1840 E. Glisan. FURBISHED FLATS 66 VVANTED Two mpIoyed or business women, or married couple to rent modem furnished four room flat and board owner (woman employed), or would share flat with employed woman, or would consider selling furniture at $200 cash. Rent $23. -Call Sunday or evenings. Flat A. 423 Montgomery st, near 11th. . Beferencea ex changed. - FURNITURE of a 6 room flat, close in, west side. Phone Broadway 4470. Call 448 Burnside. ' ; LOWER 5 room furnished flat on Irvington car line, walking distance from west side. Adults only. Mrs. J. B. Osborne, 255 K 6th st N. PARTLY furnished -modem 4 room flats, $15 per month. 911 Williams av. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Office quarters on ground floor, large, fire proof vault hot and cold water, central location. W I ,i,l. .H.u .K..r. rw...l 1 . . . . . - vv, WV.wll, TI1UI 1 11 OU - em living-rooms, rent $15 par month. Write 6QO Deknro bldg. ; STORE, with fixture all in. corner ' 27th and Belmont Phone East 2218. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 1 POTATO ground, 3 acres to rent $5 per acre. near Montavilto depot; bean last year. Pbon Tabor 4481. - ... - WE WANT TO RENT a B room up-to-date dwelling In select neigh borhood. .- . . bovsea, flats and apartawnta. It you have any vacancies phone Heav Toget-M. ear f Northwest Steel Co.. Main 1198. WASTED TO RENT WANTED -By man and wife, no children, a . 4 or 5 loom house or flat in good neighbor hood and near good ear service, between March 28 and April 16. j-243. Journal. WANTED To rent 6 room houa. not over 830; good steady tenant Will giv rafer ence. Phone Tabor 6178. . W'A NT modem 4 room bonse ftith garage on or hMlAM Uaw , T 1 1 .... 1 1 : c. .. .. . - . woooc " t. xn- WAN TED to rent 8 do 5 room bouse, good "gar- c ni av mar man or DlocK- from WANTED Small dairy ranch. 13 or 26 torn J bottom land, fair buildings; wanted also to iniaa 4 .OR 5 room house, with garden; no cluidren. .--"'Call -UnOiaQ 6U3. . - ' .- WAKTED-TO BEST WANTED eunnrud. JIawthorn or BoasTCity nnfurnished , 6 -roam bnncalow . tot at feast stunmer. Not over S30? might pnrchas very reasonable equity. Beet car; no children; rel erenoes. E-244. Journal. - WANTED ,To rent 3 or 4 -room famished oi nnfurnished boose. Broadway 8025. - - - RAL ESTATE, BEACH PROPERTT 4 FOB 8AL On 12th are.. S3000. choice Sea side bom of 7 rooms, furnished. 1 )4 lots with barn. Apply 8U3 X. 23d sU Owner, prion Msnnall 882. CANNON BEACH For sal small furnished house with good fireplace; lot 60x100; also fin view corner 100x1 00, cleared, ready to build on. Bell. 2803. " BUSINESS PROPERTY INCOM E-BEARING PBOPEBfl T b ho wing Good Beturn, ' " For Sal by Owner..-- - ... Modern duplex hous (or two flats) upper and lower. Modern ia every detail. Two fire places to aacb. - Hardwood floors, sleeping porch in upper flat - Separat entrancw, separate basements: nic grounds. Wast side ideal loca tion. .Fifteen minute walk to postoffic. Be turn $85 per month. This property can b purchased at a price. For further particulars writ or inquire THOMAS L. EMORY, 712-Gasco Bldg., 6th and Alder St 125x100 COBNEiTlacing east on lth st, I block from White Tempi: best location on west aid for public building or large apart ment bouse. - For particulars call Reid, Main 3517, 202 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE All garage tools and equipments. In good coneret building; 60x100: good lo cation; good storage room. At a bargain if taken at one. Address 721 N. B St.. McMtan- vOle, Or. 8-FLAT house, bring $115 per Imonth; prie $7500;, easy terms; part trade. B-633, Journal.- : .--.'-.---. GENERAL REAL ESTATE S FOB 8 ALE 6 lots, with on modern 7 and on 9 room building, fir shad trees," bearing fruit trees, running water through grounds, water right from mountain spring. This place in 48 mile from Portland, 60 feet off Columbia highway, an ideal spot for summer home or resort hotel. Can be bad for $4000. Address box 154, Cascade Locks, Or. - FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $2000 Cleveland Ave. Cot - v tage $2000 I ' 3 room cottage. No. 802 Cleveland ave. 5 lsrgs rooms, modern plumbing, good basement, large attic.' a few. nice fruit treea. hard paved street in and paid. This will make you a nice littl bom. Look it over. Price $.000.- $500 cash. baL lik rent J. F. HILL, r 6B" WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. CLOSE in, paved district, N. E. oor. 34th and Carruthera, 2 blocks from Richmond car; price $2775; include 5-room modem, bungalow, lovely comer lot and all streetr and sewer assess ments; cement basement, laundry trays. Owner, Tabor 854. ' $3550 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3550 This to a real home and. has been splendidly kept; 6 beautiful, cheery Tooms with sleeping porch. All builtin features, hardwood floors; eaat exposure; plenty of room for garage; $1400 cash will handle. Tabor 7463. HOSE CITY PARK 84000 3-room bungalow, oak floors, fur nace, fireplace,- full cement basement, all builtin effects, large attic. 46th st north of Sandy. Street assessments all pa,id. F. Vanduyn, 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1955. MODERN up-to-date house, 224 Glenn ave., corner Salmon, ft rooms, large closets, full cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, wash trays, fireplace. Telephone -owner at Tabor 4003 or 709. FOR SALE! $750. Nice 3 room .house, lot - 60x100, plenty of fruit nice place for 2 old people, good garden space. In Woodmen. Mt. Scott 7612 E. 68th ave. 2 blocks from car. Owner, 882 E. 81st st Woodstock. GOING away and must quickly dispos of my thoroughly modem 7 room hous in Alameda Park ; large, attractive rooms ; ivory : woodwork, sleeping porch, corner lot garage. ' Beal es tate agents need not answer. Woodlawn 1465. ON 85th at ia a fine 2 story house with 4 rooms, only X V blocks from the Mt Tabor ear. All of the city conveniences and the price to only $1200. All you need is $100 cash. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. --: ; ON Boss st, 1 block from E. Broadway, 2 blocks' from the Broadway bridge, is a good 8 room bouse. This is a buy for profit as well as having the place to live;- $2500 ia the price. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. WE have houses for sale in all directions sur rounding the city of Portland, and the pricesJ pleased to hav you - call and " inspect th list M. J. uionewy, 4l Abmgton bldg. - LEAVING town, 6 room bouse, cement walks, 2 lots, fence, outhouses, fruit trees; fur nished $1900, or unfurnished $400 cash, bal ance $1800; easy terms. Wdln. 4016. 1027 E. 33d N. BUILD to suit by a responsible builder; will make yotar plana , and furnish money abso lutely free of charge; bar desirable Irvlngton lota at a big bargain. It's th only place for safety first Phone Woodlawn 2836. SMALL bous and 2 lota, plenty fruit. 80 min- utes' walk from Wash, st What can na na f-dow n T. Will take Liberty bonds aa cash pay ment ana rest iik paying rent; interest Call phone A-3628. AXBERTA 5 room bouse, full lot, $2500. Located 1068 E. 15th N., just north Alberta st: $500 cash, $25 month. Inquire Dr. -Hot-lister. Morgan Bldg. 6 BOOM house, modern except furnace; H sore, with fruit and berries of all kinds. Mt Tabor ar; $2600. Terms; $800 down. W-638, rfounuu. A COMFORTABLE, well built 6 room house with modem conveniences at a reasonable price, . on Broadway, near 35th st; $3000; terms. Tabor 8833. WAVEKLY HEIGHTS. $300 CASH 5 rooms, full cement basement fireplace, $2500: $25 per month, including interest lr C. COBBIN CO., 303-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. BOSE CITY PARK" bargain. 6 room bungalow", hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, builtin conveniences. Bleeping porch; only $2950. Owner. U-2 17. Journal. SIX room bouse, modem except fireplace, lOOx 100 comer. Part cash, balance terms. In vestigate this aa we have to sell. By owner. Cor. Killingsworth av. and E. 17th st SMALL house. 100x100 corner ready for gar den, graded street sidewalk, close to car, good neighborhood: $875. easy terms. " Owner, orau iaiuer, room 1. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-room hous at 795 E. Salmon; new tinting, painting, varnishing throughout interior. $3800. Call at 455 E. otn -ii.. or pnone East ma, sabbath afternoon. IF you have $1000 cash tnd want a real snap in a a room oangaiow, call at louo n. 18th st. 8. before 12 o'clock today,, or write E-245, Journal. FOUR room hous on 39th St. elec. lights, bath Urge garden.' fruit trees, chicken-house; price $1240; would take small tote mods! car as first payment Atkochunos. B-857, Lents Station. iX)R SALE $1450 6 room bouse, partly fur nished; close in, 6 cent far on red car line; Deauuiui new; gov caan, oaianca terms. H-10, 5 5OOM rdodern home. 2 blocks to soad car , line, 100x100; price $2100. STANLEY 8. THOMPSON CO.. 802 OAK. MODERN 5 room bungalow, Sherman near 37th; must se it to appreciate it McCllntock, 603 nuinunnrein oiua. l.raf V91 MODERN 8 room houa on Hawthorn ave., - with garage. If you -want a good buy call tn np. Tabor 8118. 3 ROOM house and 1 sere, good soil, reasonable term. f-be- Grove Oswego lake. J. B. owenueii wain 1B9 5 ROOM modem bouse, Mt Tabor, bearing fruit treea, 100x100; small cash payment balance like rent Owner, Q-632. Journal. IT'S new and distinctive ; modern . 4 rooms, with breakfast and other built-in; easy terms. uwaor, evening, rjeuwooa -204, IV 1.7 vwa. M-l..n. 1..... T.' c . i i Tr . bk and a half from car. clos to. school; $2000. terms. Call Tabor 4105. BY OWNER 7 room hous. cement basement ' 2 blocks from Woodmen UL $2750. Wood- BEAUTIVUL 6-room bungalow. 507 and 509 E. 85th, $3400, and $3700. Pbon, Oak Cfrov i-M. - . - .... 5-ROOM house, good home. Portland, modern. $1500; 8250 down, balance $10 month, 6 per cent 141 Vermont at. Southern Portland. FOR SALE " : " i . ,1!" rooms. well furnished, downtown. Vain 6531.. - ' -'" . MODERN 7 room bouse, paved street Will consider amaUer house or loU clear of equity. Owner Woodlawn 6914. '- TWO room h on e en 50x100 lot Am Wring 1 ?i,"r cheap for cash. John Westby. . ... v v ,w. nmn, I na. 4 ROOMS and batfv on beautiful 100x100 lot; a very enmfortable home for $100. --gjAE THOMPSON CO.. 302 OAK. FOR 8 ALK Modern ft room bungalow ia San- nywde. 180O. terms. Tabor 7232. FINE HOME, 7 room bungalow. $2300 and beat of terms. 603 Bberrett. Sellwood. SIX room house, ceiled, good street 61ft Marian iT?l.852!?H-ow,w,' i5. UiyiNGTON Two fine Irrington homesT"7"and 8 rooms. Qrnr.East2S3S. , ; , ;:: GOOD 10 room Jtoum for sal cheap; close in; terms if desired. Phqp Tabor 6100.; $2000 DESIRABLE & room . bungalow, lot JOOxlOO. Woodstock. Scliwood 1333. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--HOUSES l Small Houses, Easy Terms -": e r -3 r. bouse. . gas. bath, chicken 1P house, gsrage: 6828 E. 86th near . -. iota ave. Terms. 4'rrf - eottaga, S7ill4, ISO Nb- )P i KJKJVJ ton ' near Fessenden. t Johns. S32S eaab- M a gf 3 r. sew turn, tftilOO; 1233 JJ E. 29th N, near Alas worth; $100 SL4 A Cri koue. cor. lot; 1467 E. f 1 1 JU Hoyt, eor. 55th; $160 eaab, A rf 4 r. cottage, elect, bath; 1001 O 1 . UU Macadam. Bancroft; $U0 cash. A CrTri eottage. elect, gas. .; 6008 plOUUsoth st 8. E. near Woodstock ave.;, $250 cash. .- & A Z rr 6 r- cottage, lot 48x91; 414 $ 1 OUU Fessenden st Dear Gilbert, St 1 i.i... . aoan -K A'?fr double cottage, cor. 60x100 1 OUU 883 Mallory, eor. Mason; $300 Mah mtA stJVWkt- VtaidL . ? A irfri cottage, 3 lota, 100x150; jplOOU 415 61st ave. 8. E., eor. 94th. 1 A -. 6 r. house, 60x100 lot; 14 N. jp 1 D UU Crawford, near Burlington. St ! Jouns; au caan, u mo A ZTSri Nlc cottage, 50x100 lot 491 1 OUU Bid well, near E. 9 th, Sellwood. . $200 casta. 1'7AA cottage; bath, electricity. 875 UU E. Pine, near 28th. Easy terms. $ ( a rt rrt 8 lloue aa. bath, basement; p.l OUU 144 E. 80th near Belmont; $50. ' a.h mim lfrtinn 4 O rf 5 &W cottage. )tb. Uct.; 1 OUU full bMement: 1246 Minnesota A IMawAvtVl : O ft Ik Mh dtfrr 7 r- cottage, elect. bath.Tas pUUU ment; 2 lotst. 1023 Intergtate, eor. Humboldt $300 cash, . GRUS8I it BENNETT - 318 Board of Trad Bldg. Main 7432. 01rrt S. r: fin bungalo. garage. 1187 jpZtUU E. 17th N.; term. 'V WEST SIDE INCOME INVESTIGATE flVT.T 8500 Furnished 10 room houre (lot 60x80), re modeled into 4 modem - room ana room ri. K suites with separate entrances. Income f75 per month. Small payment balanca to suit Owner. 806 Piatt bldg. , FOR SALE OB TRADE A modem 5 room bungslowand 1 sere of ground, garage, Js chicken nouses, lencea ana cro fenced, lawn; rose and fruit trees, 14x20 basement to trad for modern 6 or 7 room bungalow or cottage, ia any good residence dis trict in Portland west of 60th st Would as sume from $1000 to $1600 if property suiur. Buckley ave. and Powell Valley road. Inquire at grocery store. TtrRSE RIO niSCAlN'g 1005 E. Washington st....- ,.$2750 281 Cherry St.... . 2000 879 Syracuse . . . i 2000 Easy terms. i FTEVRT V. ROVER, 64 Union ave. Phone East 243 or East 7583 evenings. BEAUTIFUL 5 rm. bungalow in Laurelhnrst modem to date,, on of the loveliest of fire places, builtin bookcase, Dutch kitchen, cement b.. ivory finished throughout, nana-painua was li able walls, large lot, paved eta. ; price reasonable, no agent's commission to pay; come see. Owner, 1233 Senate, at 41st st HOUSE, consisting of 3 bedrooms, bathroom, aljwninff nnrph. breakfast and aittine room. with open fireplac. kitchen, 'finished basement with tuba, ana att-s floored, ,Ior sale ny owner. Apply A. H. -T. Williams, 838 Castle are. Phone Woodlawn 1282. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ' GOING TO BUILD? The O. W. Watts Con struction company bays material at price saving cost, prepare plans, superintends count ruc tion and finance your enterprise on a percentage basis. Of fie 601 McKay building. DANDY 6 BOOM BUNGALOW . Hardwood floors, fireplac, panel dining room, whit enamel, bath .and Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basemeht laundry trays, garage, nice lawn, terrace and rases, cement walks; $2850, terms. Call 1031 E. 29th N. WHY NOT BUILD" Get an artistic home by an established srehl scrural firm at low east. We build anything, furnish the money if desired, L. B. Bailey Ua, Inc., contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. AN ABEL BARGAINS 7 room modern house, close to station; price $2300, 5500 cash, balance easy terms. 6-room bungalow, modern, $2250; terms. F. L MITCHELTSEE. Office at Anabel. Phone Tabor 210. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 room house, bath and toilet full basement Washing trays in basement nice fruit trees, few grapes and ber ries, bam. sewer in bouse and barn. 2 eowa and customers, - everything for $1650, on time, at 728 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. $2500.00 6-Room modem house. East 26th St Easy terms. . HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow and ga ng in Irvington district, cement basement, furnace and fireplace: lot 50x125; no city Kens; price $3500; about $500 down, balance monthly. Owner, 1186 E. 17th st N. ALBERTA HOME 6 rooms, east front. 2 blocks to car, garage, full basement newly painted and in fine ahape; will sell at bargain; $2150. See owner, 1133 E. 28th st N. Woodlawn 448. - $2250.00 5-room modem bouse. Sunnyside. Close to ear. Terms. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. FOB 8ALK 5 A. with 4 room frame house, good fences, barn for 6 bead of stock, good -well, with force pump; logging and sawmiiling near; 1 8-8 mi. W. of Mill City. Or; $800; down, with terms. Frank Cramer, Mill City, Or. SACRIFICE - Comer store building, also 5 room eottage, strictly modern with garage on same lot, near a large school, on transfer corner, east side. Call Main 7594. Tenna. FOR SALE A modem famished 8 room house, a good roadster; everything paid for; lots of fruit; everything goes in sale. Call at 837 Vancouver ave. between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Bee owner, masy terms. MODERN fire-room residence, tarnished or nn " furnished, fine location, large lot block to paved street and car. Will sell for less than cost of bouse; some. terms. .Owner. .5021 83d ave., 8. E. 660 Pleasant 6 room house; with basement cement sidewalks, 2 larg chicken houses; lot 60x100. 6103 37th ave. S. B- Phone Tabor 8272. , FOR SALE Two beautiful homes near M t Tabor, $4150 and $4750. Open Sunday, 10 to 2. Mr. Schindler. 834 Northwestern Bank bldg. Pbon Main 2831. STRICTLY modem 4 room bungalow, buffet, fireplace, Dutch kfktchen, full basement, lot 45x100; berries, garden space, chicken runs; terms. Call Tabor 1217. FOR SALE 5 room bous and acre of ground pn the west side of river, $1500; term to suit purchaser. , Inquire at 6248 Foster road. . ''r'-L'''- ": AT a bargain for ' $2350 cash, 50x100 lot; bouse 24x42, 6 rooms, modern, assessments n paid, 1 - block from psvedv st Owner, 87 East Humboldt st FOR SALE By owner, 7 room eottage, garage. This place must be sold at once. Come and see it 461 Church st, near- Union ave. and Killingsworth. ' ' NICE lot for sal, withismall 3-room bouse, aiu - uated at 636 Greenwood ave., near Clinton, $760; assessments all paid; terms. Phono Tabor 8270. - - -227 W. Sumner St. - New 8 room modem house, north of Over look add.- C. E. Anstrom, owner. FOB SALE By owner, 5 room modern bunga low, garage, chicken bouse and park. Mt Scott ear to 71t st; $1900. $600 cash. Phone Tabor 6583. VERY well furnished, strictly modern bous in one of the best east aide residence districts. see waacneia. nes fc uo.. na 4ta st. SEVERAL BUNGALOWS AT $4000; HAN COCK AND BOSE CITY PARK. EAST 278. IIERDMAN. A BARGAIN Nic lot 3 room house, well 1c eated. Inquire at 089 Eaat 29th st N. Take Alberta or Broadway car. BUNGALOWS AND HOMES FOR EVERY BODY, r IRVINGTON. EAST 273. HERD MAN. ' ..-''-- - .- '- MODERN 7 rooms. 100x-00 comer, restricted east aid district; Tillamook at Price $760O; terra a., box zii-u, aiuwanxie, k. 1 . MODERN 5 room bouse, lot 25x100 feet, street paved; between Union and , William aves; $1850. East 1922. $1800 WITH terms, lot 62x100, and 6 room house, in Irvington sdd. : streets hard sur faced and paid for. Tabor 8495. FOR SALE New modem bungalow, just com pleted : 6 rooms and garage. ; 1181 E. An keny. Phone East 7358. - . ; - BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, with hardwood - floor and built-in conveniences, near 24th and Bandy road. $3200. Phone East 2666. S BOOM bunsalow from owner; full lot and base- meat; terms. IOW K. 18UI t sotrth. 2 MODERN 5 room bungalows. ... luquir at - 4904 70th st S. E. $2200 Furnished 5-room buDalow? on paved ; street and car hne. C-640, JonraaL - -$3000 Modem 8-room bouse, on ear LUie, im provementa all paid. C-641, JournaL NEAT little bungalow with Urge grounds, SeU- wood 2279. 3 . , A -KOOSIoue, $1000; terms. Tabor 2542. SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 41 , $270(1 100x100. with 5 room borne, hard surface street, bam and fin fruit Eaat 21st st, corner Cora av. . - ' . ' $2500 Comer lot with S room boose. East 31st and East Ankany sts.. $300 cash. . $2100 - ' 120x160. two small bouse and small ban. near eariin. Woodstock dmtnet " $700 TO $2506 Several good buys In Woostock district. 'Oood bouse gad larg -tots. ' IRVINGTON HOUSES- . ' $3600 ood 7 room hous in fine condi tion, near Tillamook st on East 15th st $2500 100x100, with model 8 room bangs low, full basement, wash trays, good bam and chicken bouse. 19 choice asaortad fruit treea. oernea. iivvv easo, Daiance use rent $2000 40x60. with S room house, full base ment and wash trays; furnished. East 22d st $1000 cash. $4500 Modern 7 room bous with sleeping porcn. - narawooci noon, fireplace and garage: all improvements in. 740 East 42d at N. Look at It between 10 and 12 today. - 6 room modern house, in first class condition. 896 East Carutbers t ' . , i Beautiful site on Willamette bonlavard. Rt Johns, . 9 lots, good 7 room house. Must be sold. River view cannot be obstructed. A splendid home or an ideal apartment house site. Mu t be seen to know it can ha rmrrhsaed at a bargain. A, W, Lambert & Son S. E. comer Grand are. and East Alder st Portland, Oregon FRANK L. McGUIRE SOLD 1-2-3-4-6-8-7-8-9-10 " 11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30 31-32-33-84-35-36-37-88-39-40 -41-42-48-44-45-46-47-48-49-50 6 1-52-53-54-65-66 57-58-59-60 61-62-63-84-65-66-67-68-69-70 71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80 81-82-88-84-85-86-87-88-89-90 91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-99-100 101-102-103-104-105-106-107-108-109-110 111-112-118-114-1 15-1 16-117-1 18-110-120 121-122-123-124-125-126-127-128-120-130, 131-132-133-134-135-136-187-188-189-140 1 4 1-142-143-144-1 45-1 4 6-1 47.1 48.1 4 9 1 50 Yes, 150 homes were sold since January 1 by our office, and we will increase this percentage if we can get modem homes to sell at the right price and terms, in good districts, convenient to atreo tears. Why I Because we sell homes exclu sively. We make a specialty of this branch of real estate business and have the moat efficient selling orgsnuation in this city, composed of 9 experienced Veal estate talesmen, each with an automobile at his disposal. Each house listed with us is personaRy inspected and appraised by an expert appraiser.- Each photograph is placed on display in our diDlav room in its resnertiva district It is not pigeonholed and forgotten, ijirt your house with us today. If your price is right we will make a quick and satisfactory sal for you. u i iice open evenings and Sundays. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg., Msin 1068, Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FOR SALE . 2 acres, located on Hewitt boulevard. Port land Heights. 1 mile from ear; bouse double con structed, newly painted, city water, city gas. 85 foot well, bricked from bottom to top, large chicken house, brooder house for 1500 day old chicks, splendid soil; bouse baa hot and cold water, wash trays in basement large , bathroom, sceptic tank, 4 large roorai do zu tain, room for 3 upstairs. Most beautiful view of Tualatin val ley. Tak Council Crest car. off at Hewitt sta tion, on board walk to grocery store and church, first right band rofi. after passing these, marked Hewitt bird; follow this road to th mail bog marked nam of owner, W. R. Patterson, price, with terms, $3750. Price, with cash. $3600. Liberty bonds or other good bonds. - COOK AVENUE COTTAGE Modem 5 room cottage on Cook av.. near Williams aye. This is a very attractiv little Place and should be seen to be appreciated. If yon are looking for a nice little eottage. well .?Sfd' inluire about this pne. Price $2600. $000 cash will handle it- J. F. HILL, 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. ROSE CITY PARK PRICE $3300, TERMS Think of it! A dandy 3-room bungalow, with fireplace, furnace and all modem improve ments, below the hill in beet part of this pop ular district for only $3300. If yon see this, you will buy it Don't wait but get busy U you want it RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4183. $105G , Kerby st near Stanton. 81050 Four Boom Cottage 31050 Street in and paid; Just the plac for a small family; can giv some terms; this is a splendid buy; don't overlook it v J, F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East 268. FOR 8ALE, $975 . Conveniently arranged 4 -room home, 2 large closets, woodshed, small cellar, gas, water, lot 85x135; excellent soil; bam 14x26 ; chicken yardf 2 blocks from pared atreet $350 cash or Liberty bonds, balance $10 per month. Owner, oius mm ave. a. n. yioocpkock car. BEST buy in city, $2350. easy terms, modern, large 6 room bungalow, 3 more upstair; gar age, fine corner, sewer and improvements paid. Be on premise Sunday. 12 to 4; Woodstock car to 41st ave., called Lie big at, go 1 block west to 1170, corner 39th st After Sunday call East 640. Nelson. - A BIG snap for working man; good 6 room fur nished bouse, 82850; easy terms, near main car line; good plumbing, 3 bedrooms, electricity, basement, 2 lota 50x100 and alley, bearing fruit tree, good , furniture including fin gas rang and heating stove. Phone East 464. sidewalk; all assessments paid: no mortgage. 1 uiwa nvn uriiaiiua une; ciec lis ill., natn room; also a milk goat goes with it. 82150. 837 r. l in ax. i . $5800 FOR" TODAY OXLT gBSoO 102 Laurel hurst ave., choice location, strictly modem 8-room hous and garage, newly painted. Immediate possession : will be off the market April 1; well worth $6500. - - SEE MR. BCTHFIELD ON PREMISES. BUILT FOR COMFORT And convenience; new bungalow; for sale by owner; easy terms; office, 12330 Sandy -bird. Tabor 8825; open Sunday. $2500 HAWTHORNE AVE. CAR 32300 A dandy 6 room bungalow with tightly cor. lot 50x100 fronting toward city reservoirs and Mt Tabor park. Call mornings and evenings. Tabor 5440. BEAUTIFUL mountain new, modem 6-room buiuralow. hardwood floors. firnlM himira "etc $35O0. $1009 cash, balance $20 per montn or more, oa jsaueson av., Morningsid Add. Tabor 8161. FOR SALE House of 6 rooms and bath, full lot fruit trees, paved street, 2 bloeka from school, convenient to threo line of atreet cars and lO minutes' walk from O-W. R. 4t N. shops. Phone Woodlawn 1097. ROOM BUNGALOW $"1700 Very neat wail built Mt Scott line. $450 cash, balance to suit; located at 8721 69th rt H. E. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Jom. open evenings and Sundays. "$3250 HAWTHORNE $25T" " Modern 5 room bungalow, facing eaat, beau tiful built-m effect, fireplace, large cement base ment 1 block Hawthorn car. $1000 down. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yson bldg. FOR SALE Vernon Heights. $3000. 7 -room modem house, den.: full basement eorner lot S Ox 100, ; near school, restricted neighborhood. Owner leaves etty; term. 917 E. 21st at, N. rnone wooaiawn euua. SUBSTANTIAL frame hous 16x24. 2 rooms below, and upstairs; good lotf near Killings worth ' av. ; atreet paid; $800, good terms. woooiawn isg. $3000 Only half cash will handle; good mod- em home worth $3500; a home, to be proud of ; fine loeatkmr nic town, shrubbery, 7 fruit tree. Phon Woodlawn 3794. A BARGAIN For sale, a 4 room house, lot 60x50. gaa. electric Hght la hard surface street -3 Owner, 4 niunon at. FIVE room modem cottage, furnished. It blocks : from ocean, on comer, at Seaside. - Tabor 1129.- zoo rusclfera place. SMALL hous on large cor, lot; $500 down, balance on terms. 6943 45th ave., S.E. eor. 70th st - - - FOR EAI E by owner H acre,- modem bun gaknr and garage. Call Tabor 3821 or 8923 71st ave. S. E. -. : . Wf L take light 5 pass, car a first payment on 5-room bungalow. Car most be correct It .priced as property is. at $2300. Phone East 7889. FOR SALE 6 room house, 3 lot. $2000. on terms, i nine a to w-w ear. Tabor 9H3. LARGE corner lot and 5 room house fog sate by owner. 940 Montana ave.; , Hirll. ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES NEVER BEFORE HAVE SUCH BARGAINS BEEN LISTED FOR SALE THROUGH OUR OFFICE AS THE FOLLOW ING HEREWITH SUBMITTED .1L7R AH double constructed bun ; Wliv galow, on 60x100 choir a . -,U5t of I vurelhurst; worth .: $2250; has 4 larg. light, airy rooms, elegsnt bathroom with all th high grade fixtures, eement basement, Dutah v kitchen, built-in, sewer, etc. paid dowM . tA SAB A h. n .4. l. . , , ,.,., L.U , unu- J . . or leaving account of health. 5R 1 ROfic corner bungalow, V Vix'J enameled plumbing, lights, small basement wonderful value; now vacant; 3 block lit KooU car; only $200cash, , $1800 , 8 room attractive eottage, - flnnnH . - 1 . . piumowg, paving and sewer paid, on ' fractional lot near Williams and Tilla- , mook; olos in; only $200 cash. : C0 Rfifi Classiest bungalow in this see f.JJJ tion. comer. 3 blocks Ala meda Park, 2 carlmea, all in' white enamel, fireplace, oak floors, concrete - basement best plumbing, fin built-ins; ; . $6 oaab. ; - ;i C0 R Pifi 8 room bungalow, A-l mod J).UJVJ era, AJtemeda. block M-f ear,- 60x100, oak floors, eement base ment built-ins, anameled plumbing", - completely furnished with best of every thing; owner lost his wife only reason for sacrifice. Main 4803. G. C. Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg., 106 Third at. ' . WALNUT PARK r DON'T KAIL TO BkAD THIS Modern J room houne on Williams av.. be tween Emerson and Killing forth ave., extra larg rooms,, many built-in feature, lot 50x 00 street improvements in and Paid. This is a won derful opportunity for someone who wants to locate in this beautiful district Pries $4UVV. Terms. $300 cash, balanc lik rent : J.F.HILL, 698 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 26S. 'WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS LOVELY VIEW 7-rooni strictly modem house, full lot, only 1 block to car. newly naintea outside ana untea inside: will make a real sacrifice of over $2000 on th price of this place; $1500 cash and terms: would consider a small home at part payment if clear of debt; vacant can move-in at one. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY" 4 133. m m Then go and tee what you can get for your money. Three of them: One, five rooms, two four's and attic, each has an extra Duut-in a la- appearing bed, hardwood floors, laundry tubs, gas ranges, water heaters, ail buut-ins, even a ouiit-in nrovision cooler in the kitchen: two are on paid pavement 646 Sumner will be open Sunday 2 to 6; Alberta car to istn, biocas nortn. UK. PAKlMi, Union Safe Deposit 4c Trnt Co., 284 Oak. Williams Avenue Bargain Modem 7 room house on William ave. near Going at; lot 50x120; street improvements paid. Th lot slon is almost wortn the priced asaaa. Price $3200, some terms. -J. F. HILL, 66 Williams av. East 268. OWNER LEAVING CITY Beantifnl Irvington home. 456 E. 18th Bear Thompson, bunt for a ttorae. ana up to aate, in cluding garage, 4 dandy bedrooms with large clothes closet witn windows. Sleeping porcn ana den, extra large living room with fireplace, large reception hall and anting room, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, also summer kitchen.-. 2 .toilets and cemeut basement; in fact everything to mak a home beautiful; with or without furni ture; price $7500, terms, tail between ll ana r Bnndsy, 1 ACRE, 5 room house, barn, chicken house, -etc.: 4 each of a utile and near treea. 2 quince. full bearing: English walnuts; tine oak shad trees; 2 blocks from city halt 24 miles to Port land. Prte $1800: 860O down, balanc milch cows or automobile in good condition; hous In sured for $500. QUICK .SALES LAND CO.. W. T. Lewis, lgr.. i. : New berg, Oregon. ' Phones Black 190: res.. Red 183. Good Investment Pleasant 1 Home By owner, in E. Aider st near 19th. 7 room partly furnished house. 50x100; full basement, furnace, bath, gas, electricity. 6 fruit trees, 8 walnut eta.; good location, 8 blocks Washing ton high school; 84700, including firnlture; in vestigate. o90 E. Alder st East 7820. 32150: S640 CASH Modern 6 room bungalow, on 50x100 iot. improved with fruit trees, shrubbery, etc Full plumbing, including tour try' trays, built-in bock- cases, .hardwood floors, cement basement 3 blocks to ear. Only ,25 minute out A real tar- gain. He us st one. JUnSilU.vpoiKW.N UU., t34. J. W. Bang bldg. 34 7 SO ROSE CITY PARK S4750 Beautiful 2 story 7 room residence, fire place, beamed ceiling, built-in effects, hardwood floors, plastered attic, fine furnace, full cement basement modern to the minute, $1000 will handle. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. CLASSY BUNGALOW $2650 E. 10 th near Rhone. nicely located, srood neighborhood, hard surface street 2 blocks ear line, 6 room - modem bungalow ;. has bulltins, Dutch kitchen.- screened in back Dorch: $650 cash, balance like rent Be quick. East 2871. DOVJ5 A GARDNER, 410 Board of Trad. , IRVINGTON DISTRICT Modern 5 room buncalow with sleeping norcb. improved street garages full plumbing, full basement fumac. hardwood floors, excellent neighborhood. Price $3160. Reasonable terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. Bsnk bldg. MODERN 4 room cottage, room upstairs, 2 lots, $1800. Also 6 room bouse, large upstairs, garage; on of the best built house in city; 80x 120, fine garden; izoou, easy etnas. 6U1 6 2d ave.. 2 Blocks end of Woodstock car. Call 120 Grand ave. OWNER: must sell 7 room bous at sacrifice; steeping porch, full cement basement, bearing fruit, lots of rose, garage; beet place you hav seen for the money; meke me an offer, also terms. Take Kenton ear to Holland st Co 2 diocks west. 104O Minnesota ave. $2100 LOO hi IT OVER $500 CASH ' Take a look at 6610 E. 54th st S. E.. 4 blocks north of Woodstock car: line,- modern bous, large lot $600 cash; immediate posses sion. , MR. RUTHTTELD, 519 Fenton Bldg. FIVE room modern bungalow, Mt Tabor carline. Ka eement large attic, full plumbing, - lot 100x100. Prie $2600. $250 cash, balanc lik rent JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 34 N. W. Bank bldg. SOUTH POBTLAND If yon want to buy a borne in South Port land can and see me. sa I bandl that prop erty exclusively, $1200 and np. ...... JOHN BLMOUt,"--' " 429 Clumber of Commerce bldg. $2500 HAWTHORNE $260"O 1 story 8 room hoos. bath, fireplace. eement basement, extra larg lot, 1 . block front Hawthorne ear. $30O down. GEO. T. MOORK CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. $3250. $500. 5 room bungalow, fireplace. built-itc bookcases, buffet- . full basement block from car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 684 N. W. Bank bldg. SNAP FURNISHED HOME SNAP Leaving city, will sell 5 room furnished home. plastered, toilet bathroom small basement, cor ner lot fruit garden spot; S blocks to ear and school: only $1250. X-808, Journal. FOR SALE By owner, in Piedmont district 5 ' room onttaee. east front, hardwood floor. fireplace, full -cement basement, garage. This is a new house and I must sell.st once: 31000 cash will handle. - 1347 ?rand ave. N. ,5 ROOM. BUNGALOW ftJiOSE IN ONLY $2350 A. K. HILL GO. 214 Lamben nen bldg. Bdwy. 431. 7 5 B MODERN. 2 FINE LOTS On a macadam street close- to ear. plenty of i TTuit ana garaeih : vniy i2vvv. - lenns. xJancs. Main 6281. 6 ROOM eottage. University Park; lot 100x100; large - amount - f rait garden, good ahape; $2500. Phone Columbia 1069. W-222, Jour MODERN S room bungalow, 828 41st st S., to negro or Chinese, crimp; easy term. . -SMITH, 204 STARK. MAIN 828. , FINE 7 room modem home. Sunnyside, $4000; terms to suit. 7Z. caamoer ol coasmere bldg.--::--- '-I :,,--:-,-.-:.. - . : - FOR SALE A 3 room bouse, plastered in. with batn ami gas. iais; terma. U4 6 Denver are,; St Johns car. - .- REAL ESTATE r'OK MAtir, HOCSE8 61 SEH FRANK Li M'GUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME N SUNDAY SPECIALS EXPERIENCrU REAL ESTATE SALES MEN WITH AUTOMOBILES AT YOUR SERVICK - I have personally Inspected and appraised each bona listed for sal in this column and they hav been selected as tb best bny oat of the 600 which we hav for sals. photographs of each hous in our display room. - , $1250 $200 down and $15 per month. 4 , , room eotteg on 42x200 lot; pat ant toilet; sleeping porcb; gas. $1350 $250 down, balanc lik rent 6 room bungalow eotteg on E. 7th street near KiUinrswortbi white ensm- . el plumbing; electria UgbU and gaa. This it a good value. $1500 $800 down. Very attractiv typ ical bungalow on larg comer lot in the heart of the Peninsula district - Patton avenue near Colfax. -. - - - -. $1600 Easy terms; 3 room 1 cottage. . Rose City - carline, near 27th street v on paved street: abundance of fruit flowers and berries. This is close h No street liens or mortgage to as sume. $16005 room plastered bungalow; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas. on corner lot. Your own terms will bandl. On 4 2d street, 1 block to Woodstock csr. . $1700 Terms. Good substantial 4 room - plastered bungalow In A-l condition, on acre; bam, chicken house and fruit On E. 65th street South of Woodstock car. $18008300 down. $15 per month. Very attractive 5 room bungalow: white enamel plumbing; electria lights and gas ; built-in conveniences; on Watts ' j-, street near Delaware. Right In the - Kenton district $18308150 down. 5 room bungalow 'eottage on 60x100 eorner lot; white ,. enamel plumbing; larg kitchen; 2 bedrooms; living room .and dining room. Miisouri avenue near Wygaut $1900 $300 down "and $20 per month. , Good substantial 6 room' bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing and gaa : wired for electric lights ; garage, vacant; immediate possession. On f Minnesota nsar Beech. $40005 room, eery attractive bung a- -4 low type horn in Bo City district; paneled dining room ; white Dutch kitchen; good eement basement; laun dry trays; fruit and flowers. Terms. , $2180 $150 down. $20 per month. - 5 , room bouse on comer lot; whits enam el plumbing; electric lights and gaa, ' On E. Salmon near 45th st $2150 $200 down. $25 per month. Good 8 room home in Ross City Park dis trict. Whit enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; full lot , .:-'j.;,-...i. $2iP0 5 room vary attractiv bungalow; Just east of Ladd's ' addition: mod em, with built-in oonvenlanoes; A-l - condition. $2650 Vacant Hawthorne bungalow ' on corner lot; has attractive lines; just finished painting' and tinting through- out: interior in white enamel. On E. 34th st $28503400 down snd $2,3 per month. No mortgage. No street liens. There, are bargains and bargains, but LOOK AT THIS. Here is a 7 room con crete typical bungalow with low, ram bling lines; , large porch extending ' across entire front and aids of bous; has a full cement basement; furnace, .wash-tray, whit enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas : built-in con veniences ; on 100x100. On K. . 46th street only block from th . Woodstock car. Why, quarter blocks tn this district bav been sold for $2000 snd-th total prie of this is ' only $2850. Don't procrastinate. This will be told by Monday. $3250- 7 room, very substantial bom on POX150 foot .lot; on Knott near Union. The lot to worth $2000 and you couldn't build th hous for th prie asked. - This is close . in. In vestigate. V' t .- .. - .: v- - '' ' h ' '. . $3950 Terms. Her to an unusually at tractiv bungalow, very modem; witn . hardwood floors; fumac and fir- - lace; : paneled dining ' room; Dutch itchen with cooler, etc. On E. 48th 1. atrt close to Hawthorn : arenue; vacant; immediate possession. $1500 Terms. Her to a beautiful 5 room very modem typical bungalow, with very attractive lines; baa full cement basement ; furnace ; waah trsys, white enamel ' plumbing; two toilets ; electric lights and gas: fire place, sleeping porch; on 100x200 . lot being block; s bunds a of fruit flowers and shrabbery. Situ- -a ted far a very sightly location over looking - th Reed college district This to on of those home yon often : admir. but very seldom find for tale. Unusual bargain. A country homo right in the city. - $5000 Here to a chance to pick up a , piece of inside property at practically r one half its value. 8 room, very sub stantially well built borne. A solid 1 stone foundation: white enamel plumb ing; electric light and gas; full eement basement and furnace. Th lot waa appraised at $5000 and you -couldn't build th hous for th prie ; asked. Between. Broadway and Steel bridges, close to the' river. . Hous ". could easily b converted into fist. ' W have over- 600 nhotoeranhs of person- allv insnaead and aooraiaed hotnea in our ri la- play room, each photograph arranged in its re spective district with full description, location. prio and terms. Com in and look over th nomographs. W hav soma wonderful bargstna: compare them with other home that hav been offered you before making your decision, we have sold over 150 home sine January 1; and over $500,000 worth of borne in 1918. He cause we bav th bkroaina. Nine experienced salesmen with automobilee at your service. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. Successor to If. I. McGuire Co. . Est 1880. "89 Year of Service." Abington building. Main 6156, Main 1068. Office open Evenings sa Bundays. GRAHAM" AVENUE HOME Modem 7 room house on Graham ave. near Commercial st, has hardwood floors,:, furnace, fireplace, large reception ball 'and living room beautifully finished la white enamel, four larg bedrooms, garage, etc. The lot to 42x185. all kinds of cboic fruit tree ana siiroBoery. this place ia one of the most attractive places in this section of th city and a splendid buy. Prie $4500. terms. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East 268. 6 ROOM bona and acre oi land, 12 appls treea. full bearing, city water: within 60 feet of paved street. Price $760; $430 cash, balance easy terms, or would take cow or young stock. QUICK SALES LAND CO., W. T. Lewis, Mgr., Neweerg, Oregon. Phones Black 190; res.. Red 188. . 834 KEBBT ST.. $3800 A eaod doabUt constructed 4 room house. modern except heat, fine cement basement, 50x 100 lot; street paving paid; we consider this a good buy and you need py ' only $ $00 down. tun A, u ne.i.M atu. : aiain az. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. PLEASANT home on paved road, 25 minute by a n to from courthouse, on Capital highway ! city phon in bouse. On Sunday call Main 9408; on weekdays call Marshall 6080. Ask for Pal. totr. -;" -' - - - V-.;- - - ATTRACTIVE modem 8 room house, comfort- ably furnished, thorougnly clean and reedy to occupy. 2 lota, cboic roees, town, fruit and gar den spaee. near -bool and car; terms Very rea sonable. Phone Tsbof 8i0. OWNER will sell modern 6 room bouse, with sleeping porch; comer, walking distance: good neighborhood; terms. Inquire en premise. 4131, A nV... . , Hh ... WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS i 5 room bungalow, furnished, eorv and con - reniertly arranged. $2700. $750 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W, Bank bldg. . BARGAIN- Only $2600: delightful 8 re home, beautiful garden, street improvement all paid; $600 cash required. East 358. - ;-' FOB SALE by owner, 4 "room hous at 1 1 50 Rex ave. .. Call Sellwood 8127 between 12 and 2 Sunday. ------ - XUD ADDITION bargain. Come and look for yourself; 8 room modem hose, .largo lot Owner East 2725. WILL rent or sell on easy terms 2 roooi bouse, 8x100, fine garden. , 5810 Woodstock av. End f carline. : HOUSE- FOR SALE I S B. modern bungalow, close in; $2500. Terms. F-408, Journal. - - - tOl i room house, full lot fruit improve mente in and paid, walking distance of city and shipyards; $240 0, terms. Woodlawn 638. REAL F STATU FOR HAI.K Hn"KW EASY TERM BUYS $1200 Penimmia district 3 rooms" snd sleep. . tog porch, lot 60x112. fruit trees, eloag ' : to car. - . $1500 Woodlawn,, 7 roomt, faU lot, fruit trees, v - , -- . .: t.. $1500 i'sninaul district 4 roomt. elos t ; - car and hard surface. . 81600 Montavula. 4 rooms, full eemtnt base. . . ment abundance of good bearing (rait ..,.. eloswto car. $1700 Near E. GiUan. S room, lot 75x00. fruit trer , $1800 Near 8. P. shops. T rooms, full bas . ment bard surface st. $1850 Waverleigh lit.. 5 rooms, comer lot. paved eta. $2000 Sellwood. 6 moms, fireplac. full base ment garage, fruit trees. $2000 Woodlawn. S rooms, fireplac. and built- " eonveniences. eor. lot garage. $2060 Near S. P. shops, 6 rooms on carline '-... "1 J,1 $2600 Waverleigh Htt, S rooms, full cement basement, piped fog furnace, laundry , t trays, fireplace. ' -Vf'JL"? ",, o"1'e for further particulars, WATCH OUD ADS ! WK 1ET BESCLTS ' C. A. WARBINER, RITTER. LOWE A CCt.. 201-7 Board of Trads bldg. HOUSES-$ia50, $5Tbd7$2256 " 81650 Portsmouth, 8 room houo in good 1 -1"1 BiB P'ce of good gsnlen solL ( 100 feet Remember, only $1650, on easy terms. -.-.--. $21608 blocks to Vancouver car, a dandy 8 L"1? . bungalow style houre in fin condition. 30x100 lot; some fruit; if you work in Van couver, this will just suit you. $40O eeah down. $2250 3 blocks from KllUns-wortb av. 'ving . room, dining room with buffet. Dutch kitchen, big bathroom and 2 bedrooms down and 2 unfinished bedrooms upstairs. Nice big basement Say. this to a bargain. You couldn t build this bungalow now for tons thsn $3006. If you can pay $500 down, don't fafl to see this. v , COB A. M KENNA A CO Msin 4322. X f 82 JthjitBoard of Trade Bldg. ' -A LfTTCEhoun on a100jl00 lot: all whlti ; enamel; exqiiiHite in its details: fruits, flnwen. I gardeu. many fir Vrewi; one half; block train 'car- . ww e-iuo, en terms, vt A new and beautiful house of 8 rooms; de lightful location, close to carline: hardwood" floors an over; furnacefireplace and all pos sible built-in features; beautiful large Square bedrooms, garage.' unusually pleating decora. ihTJ "A1"1 be wn to he tppreciated. TI1H ROSS COMPANY. 10 12 Chamber of Com nierce building. Main 7680. , WHAT are you looking for? Do you think yoit can find anything better than thisf. Do yon want to live on Portland Height and buy a splnndid plac for about $2000 lew than whs! it Is worth f All right, her w bav ft On perfectly level lot with fruit trees and throbberyi on this lot is a 7-roora modem house, fall base ment furnace. The house -has all of the eon yenienees; only on block from tb carline on Montgomery avenue, the daisy part of Port land Heights. Now listen to the price only $8150 take the whole thing. Some furnitur in the houne we will sell if yon de-ire it $1 000) cash you rhould hsve in crder to talk business. M. J. Clohewy, 415 Abington Bldg. LISTEN TO THIS Fo a gift, only $2000 fog a new 5-room bungalow, full cement base ment fireplac and veryihlng sire modern, With this bungalow goes g full lot It to In th right direction, one block north of Lombard and Albina avenue. - Why, I advertised tltis plso on month ago for $3500. Th owner haa left th state and instructed me to give it away for $2000. You cannot build th bungalow alone for les than $2800. Take th whole thing for $2000; $300 in cash, the balanc we will ar range.. This is only one block from the carline, ', Mayb you can beat this, but you will have to show us. M. J. Clohessy, 413 Abington Bldg. "KENTON" T INDUSTRIAL CENTER 1 2-room and 1 8-room new houses; prie $800 and $850 each; 50x100 lot. sidewalk, curb, graded and paid fori only $25 to $3S cash and only $10 to $12 per month; int 6 2 to 4 blocks from Kt. Johns snd Kenton can, - OR WILL furnish new material to build your own houa and you can save $75 to $100. A. C. M'DOSAf li. Ai.TST. 804 Lombard. Tshor 1704. Office opn Sunday, DO YOU want one of the best homes in Ron City Psrk with s lot 60x100 feet All right, her is a new. up-to-date 8 room house with a large attic. 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, bath, lann. dry trays, full cement basement, fnraaoe, fire place, builtin . bookcases, every other builtin necessary tiling. A complete Dutch kitchen and a -garage 13x20 feet with cement floors. You can buy it ail for $4800: $1500 in cash, th balance can., be arranged, i Hardwood floors. M. J. dohesey. 413 Abington Bldg. , BUNGALOW 6 rooms and .sleeping porch, 160x200, high snd sightly, nioe yard, fruit and berries, cement, basement, gas, elect ricity. bath, fireplace. , 98 East 86th st; $5500, assy terms. 6 room house. Peninsula district, 237 Farra gut st, 50x100, basement, cement sidewslk, close to car, gas, electric, $1800! $300 down, balance time, 6&. 8 Chamber of Commerce. -' SEA -WOOD REALTY CO. EXCELLENT COTTAGE-BUNGALOW" ' ' - r BARGAIN 5 plastered tinted rooms, bathroom, large light attic, full basement, concrete foundation, complete plumbing, electria tights, Inrtch kitchen, connected steel range, choice location near ear; leaving, immediate possession; only $2200: $350 down and easy terms. C. M. Thomaaorf (Sunday and Monday only), 4431 63d ars.. Woodstock car. . - HERE to one that should be picked tip right away. A lot 70x100 fact, with fruit tree in full bearing. On this kit it - a cozy 8 roam hous. eeraant sidewalks and streets down to ' grade, only 4 blocks from the St Johns ear line. It is in the right direction. It haa cost til nresent wner mam than S2000 Ysn mm Nbiiy it all for $1100, $850 rash, the balance w win arrange terms, u. J, Clohessy, 416 Abing ton bklg. WHAT'S the matter with this ptocef Right in the heart of the city, in a fine district on K. Taylor st Is a 6-room new bouse 'with full cement basement fine fnniaee, street all paved, all improvements in and paid for. A full lot This house is modem and up to dste, nothing to be done to it newly tinted, and th prio is only $8500; $1500 ca,h you must have, M. J, ctnrimsy, sio Abington Didg. iRVINGTON SNAP ' iUT AND WEIDLER V Well built modem 7-itom honae and garage; hardwood floors, elaborate built-in and dandy slevt'lng porch; go,d furnace and fireplace: full size lot, with variety of frulte and shrubbery. This is a bargain at $6000. term. JOHNSON. 212 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. """pCRTSMOTTtli $100 DOWN- ""T" A beautiful brand new bungalow -with big living room, built-in bed, Pullman ' breakfast room. Dutch kitchen and nice bathroom. Tbi is a beautiful California bungalow. Tb price is $1950; pay $100 down and move in tomorrow. Co A. McKenna eV Co.. Main 4522. 82 4th at.. Board of Trade. , WELL, here is one for a little money, with 2 big lots. A neat 4 -room bouse, ceiled and pa pered, only 1 block north of the carline, next to 82d st, right on the paved street all the wty to the place, and the prio to only $1100. All yon need to $500 in eaab and the babtnc can be paid monthly..- M. J, Clohessy, .415 Ablng ton bldg. t t.'. ON Market at., right in the heart of the city, I a 6 room cottage with 80x100 lot The lot slon to worth $5000. The house will aiwsy iv-nt It to only a step from th rsrk blocks. Clos In; save streetsr fsre. W don't want' half what the property is worth; $3160 take it all, $1009 in cash. M. J. Clohessy, 41$ Abing ton bldg. - VACANT $30001BLKrRCCPARlTcTfl Fine modem 8 room bungalow, with sleeping porcb. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry -trays, large floored attic; nice full lot, imp. paid; dandy chicken bona and runs : free as 4 lota. good shape gardening. Tshor 8369. BEAijTIFUL 2 story modern 6 room hem. Rleeping porcb, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, in good repair, wU Im proved lot with rmes, shrubbery and fruit Prie $4500. Very ear payments to raspnnaibl pr ti. JOHNSON-DODSliN CO., 634 N. W. Bsnk bldg. . ON E. 34th st to a 6 room hous with full v lot ' Th honse I modern and up' to date. If a full cement basement furnace, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, fireplace , bookcase and til other bnirt-in effects, and th price is only 8330O, $500 in easb. th batons to suit iL J. Clo hessy. 415 Abington bllg. ONE BLOCK TO iff. TABolt TaR r Kodem 0 rrmm bungalow, hardwood floors , full cement basement built-in buffet and cab inet kitchen; also new furniture, complete at a sacrifice; easy terms. , JOHNSON, 212 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. ONLY $1900 for s big acre of ground, highly improved. There to a garage snd chicken house ; there to a 5 room new lions with city conveniences. Thh plac to located at Evergreen Station; 31O00 cash to all yon neea. si. i. lofiessy, 411) a mngton tyltlg WEST title home. 6 room plastered bouse, fir. Place, tun plumbing, full basement lot bog 100, nicely improved with shrubbery, roses, trees, etc Street improvement paid. 1 blocs: to rar, 3 to scIhwL Prie $1750. $750. cash, baiane stratoht mortgage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. Rank bldg. , $3200 BUNGALOW , $3-04 HAWTHOBNE AND EAST BSD Hdw. floors, fireplace, fine vtow; lmr it. mm nta paid; $1000 eaab. This is a ciioio property. . ' J - - - EU. WOLfTHABT, - fAIN 7266. s 624 HENRT BLTKl. "" '-fob sXr.E" " - - ' 8 room house. Woodstock district, tmtnedlsie poesessloB. Prie $1160,- 8150 cash, bat monthly payment. int Sunday only, call 10 to 4. Phon Woodlawn 1893. ; CALL th owner, Jamison, room 604 Lutuber ... mens bldg., for chole modern 7-room. irw Laetoa houb; save comm. laaion; price rlg-l. 1