The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Something New Promised City
in Way of Dlcorations for the
.Streets Night and Day.
Portland Will? Put4 on Gay Dress
for Ad : Merits; Convention, to
Be Held Week' Previous.
Portland Symphony Orchestra Third Concert of the Season at Heilig, Rriday .Evening April 4Popular Prices
, ' ','-. ...': ' . ..I - f :. V. " "' -J - ' t T .r ' . .; ' : r . - '. i ' ! -v - '.'.: ' ' : "- ' .'.. - ' .. : '-
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See Also Page 7 '
Established 18571 5!
New"- Service
arid the Goiindence of:
Portland will he dressed In an attrac
tive manner during the Rose Festival
in fact in no year, during the past hare
the director of the festival provided for
such pretentious decorations as are
planned for the Victory Rose Festival in
June. The work of decorating will be
carried out Jointly toy the Rose Festival
association and the . Portland Ad club
which will act as host to the convention
of the Pacific Coast Advertising clubs a
few days previous to the annual rose
The festival decorations will be in
stalled during the Ad Men's convention
and remain up during? the week of the
convention, ' according to . the present
plans. '- '-.
Something 3few" Promised '
Two hundred and fifty 1000 watt lamps
pouring floods of light from the center
of as many full blown richly tinted roBes,
30 Inches across the bloom frdm petal to
petal and dangling from green leafed
stems eight feet long, lashed to wires
stretched across the streets from build
ing to building, will be a feature of the
street decoration and lighting of this
year's festival. -
These roses will te placed as many as
eight to the block in the 10 block
stretches in the congested district and
In lesser numbers as the flood of Illu
mination Is made to fade gradually Into
the ordinary street lighting.1" They will
be of such pretty daylight decorative ef
fect as to form the nucleus of what
promises to be a striking day and night
decorative scheme.
This scheme will be worked out with
- an abundance , of -flags and pennants
strung high, across the street, with vin
Ing garlands of green looped from light
pole to light pole, and with swinging bas
kets filled' with natural flowers and
foliage and vlning plants suspended at
each-point where the loops of garlands
are; picked up between the various light
: poles.
; '. Cat Flowers la TTrae '
The light cluster on each light pole
will be a. festoon of vinlng green gar
lands by day and a shower of tinted in
candescent lights by night.
In the middle of each block, on both
Rides of Broadway' from Burnside "to
Taylor street, and on Victory Way, from
BuruBide- to Liberty temple, will be
placed a Jiuge flower urn, which, on its
' edestal. will stand mow than eight feet
high. This urn .will be filled daily with
the choicest cut flowers.
, street Intersections will be swung high
overhead a huge chandelier of pretty
decorative, effects by day which at night
will form a shower of many lights and
beautiful color effects. '
Liberty temple, as viewed from Viq-
tory Way, north of Washington street.
will be set off. in new white brilliancy
' '"'Ithin an arch of looped green garlands
and swinging flower baskets by day and
. vtith a great arched: steam cloud halo
by ' night, the arch to be erected over
; ixth street Just, north of Morrison
Burnside street, from Broadway to the
North Park blocks, which, will be the
carnival center, will be a blase of festive
: and gorgeous, lights. The soldiers wel
coming arch on Sixth street near the
Union station will be brightened with a
new coat of paint, festooned with vinlng
preen garlands and made brilliant at
night , with strings of high powered
lights. : : ' '
Brilllaa Lights. Everywhere -
Main street, at the south end of the
big illumination, from Broadway to Rose
Center, and the public dancing center In
. the South Park blocks, will be virtually
flooded from several of the . large rose
lights together with many incandescents
In the stand on the thoroughfare.
At the intersection of Broadway and
Main streets, where the turn to Rose
Center will be made, a pretty light cur
tain is planned. New brilliancy will be
' given the Third street arches under the
Festival 'association's plan and the gen
eral decorative scheme will tend to beau
tify thls section during daylight.
The big; rose lights, which are dlstlnc
, lively new, will give an unique lighting
effect. The petals of the big blossoms
are so made that in addition to reflect
ing a great flood of light down onto the
street, the light is reflected from petar
: to petal and out through the flower,
. gathering new rose tints with each re
flection, thus making the whole flower
a big ball of reflected lustrous light.
The plan Is to arch a steam pipe over
Victory Way between Morrison and Al
Jer streets. In this pipe are jets emit
ting steam which at nlpht-will reflect
light with wonderful effect. For da y
, light decoration the pipe will be .fep
. tooned with green garlands and from it
will be hung. wire baskets In which will
. oe growing flowers and vlning plants. ,
Merchants Asked to Help .
A wire will be stretched taut from
cluster light to cluster ; light and ever
It will be looped the green rope garlands,
three loops between the poles, and at the
two places between poles - where gar
v lands are caught will be hung wire bas-
nets of growing flowers and plants. Ac
cording to figures obtained by Secre
tary Conklin of the Rose. Festival asso
ciation, the wires can be Dut un. srsir.
lands strung, baskets and Dotted nianta
hung and the plant cared for during
' the festival at a maximum cost of 10
cents a lineal foot for the merchants. An
effort will be made to get the business
interests to Install the garlands through
out the downtown district and the Hose
Festival association will assume the ex
pense to carry out the remainder of the
oecorauve scheme.
Fifth of Employes
Of Concern at War
t Albany, March 29. Nearly 20 per cent
of ; the employes of H. M. By Uesby &
vo., -; wmcn operates municipal plants
In the. Willamette valley and throughout
the United States, were In the military
service, according to a statement given
out by the local 1 office today. Four
Albany men ' are included in the service
flag. Gold stars are shown or - two
Willamette vallejr boys. Private' George
u. , watts or corvallis, : who died In
France, and Private H. V, Wall is of
Springfield, reported as missing in ac
tion. . ". . ".- .
To v those women and misses who. are now giving thought to
the important'matter of Easter apparel and to those who are pri
marily concerned with more immediate ! needs -we offer ; rich
. treasures" of fashion-favored apparel, of which the following will
give some idea :
;.:'':-.:'. :.. .-- -,-. ' ,.. ... '
Dresses for Every Occasion
( Dresses for street, business, afternoon and evening wear. The
assortment is so all-inclusive that every, taste satisfied.
The "selection embraces every model, every variation of trim
ming, every conceivable fancy of the mode.
In this, as in the other groups, the smart modes may
be found here in EXTRA SIZE GARMENTS de
" signed to afford good lines to women of ampler pro
portions in accprd with the modish silhouette,
Serire, gabardine, tricotine, wool jersey, taffeta, tricolette, Crep de
Chine, satin and Georgette Crepe are favored materials, in addition to which
therare gingham, lawn' and organdy dresses in charming array. $ 15 to
Goats, Capes, Dolmans
k The snug shoulders and soft-flowing lines, the altogether de
lightful swing olthem, the graceful way they envelop the figure
these are featufes of the new wraps which- commend them to
every woman and miss. , ' ; ' 1 ,
We have them in serge, poplin, tricotine, Bolivia, pom pom, burella satin
and tricolette. All the leading shades and combinations." ' Coats of tweed,
wool Jersey, gabardine, etc., are also shown. 12.50 to. $165.
5 Hosts of New Suits V
Box jacket, blouse, beited, high -waistline, plain tailored4 and
semi-fitting models. Serge, Poiret twill, poplin, tricotine, wool
jersey, tweed and tricolette materials. All colors in, all sizes for
women and misses, including stylish stouts. $25 to $115; r .
New Furs
We have a splendid "selection of
the much wanted squirrel, fox, wolf
and lynx furs. for. Spring and Sum
mer wear. Scarfs, capes, coatees and
throws. Natural, brown, taupe and
black. 3 5 to 125.
New Skirts
frjew separate skirts for dress and
sports wear. . A large assortment of
plaids and new sport colorings in
plain and pleated skirts, 5 to
27.50. ' '
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
" New Ready to' Wear
and Sports Hats
i From the Most Famous Designers .
Plain tailored mostly, but with such dash and chic these
new hats from .
Phipps Gage
'Knox Vogue f
Meadowbrook .
unmistakably proclaim their
aristocratic origin.
Rough straws, liseres, milans
arfd milan. hemps,' trimmed with
plain ribbon bands and embroi
dered wool flowers, are shown in
smalt and large shapes and in all
$5 to $16.50.
! eier & Frank's; Fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
New Crepe de Chine and
Georgette Blouses" $5
Forehanded buying accounts for this
exceptional offering of Just-unpacked
Georgette and Crepe de Chine blouses
at 5. . Patrons will accord a warm wel
come to this emphatically desirable
group at this special price.
Flesh,, white, maize and gray.
There are cleverly embroidered hraided.
hemstitched and tucked models. Round,
square and V necks, flat and roll collars,
some with insets of Point de, Venise lace.
A number of distincUve high-neck models
also included. Cuffs that flare and turn
back, invisible and pearl button closings
many are the attractive characteristics
of these dainty new blouses. One style
They Are Remarkable
Values at $5 '
Choose your' Easter blouse from
amonir this assemblage tomorrow.
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
This is "Baby Week" .
Tomorrow and balance of week we offer infants Domet
flannel j (double-faced outing) wrappers, gowns; petticoats,
jackets: and blankets at worth-while savings .
Wrappers 69c
White- Domet wrappers in V-
neck and rUuiid collar styles.
Buttonhole: edges in colors. 75c
to 1.25 values.
Gowns 69c
White Domet nightgowns in
hieh and round neck Stvles. oDen
front and back. Buttonhole edges
in colors. . .
PetticoaU 49c
White Domet Gertrude petti
coats with button shoulders. Fin
ished .with? buttonhole edge.
Heavier quality, 98c.
Jackets 69c
White Domet jackets with ki
mono sleeves Tied with soft rib
bon bow to match silk-bound
front.' neck and sleeves."
Meier & Frank'
Blankets 83c ,
White Domet receiving blank
ets, may also be used for sheets.
3 6x3 6-inclr, size. 83c. The 3 6x
54-inch size, 1.19.
Blankets $3.50
"Rosebud" blankets with pink
and blue borders and silk-bound
edges in dainty colors to tvatch.
36x50. Regularly 5. , -
. Bootees 49c . -
. ' Infants' crochet and . knitted
bootees in white with " pink or
blue colored ; stripes. Plain 1 or
scalloped tops.
, Dresses $1.98
Fine soft . nainsook dresses
without yokes. Very attractively
finished. I , Regularly priced at
3.50. special $1.98.
: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
: We make a , specialty of s fit
ting maternity, corsets. We have
complete stocks of the world's
most famous maternity corsets
the ..,....,.,.
"Frolaset" ;
front-lacing . maternity corsets.
Experts to advise you.: Cour
teous, careful service, i" ' 1
-Meier & Frank's : Corset Shop, Third Floor.
A Very Special Sale of 35c to 65c
Wash Laces the Yard 25c
;A fortunate special purchase of small lots imported and domestic
wash laces accounts for this-exceptionally low price. Women should
supply all their, spring and summer needs in this special sale. Laces
suitable for neckwear, blouses, camisoles, petticoats, negligees and
art work are included. .
Venise and Filet edges and bands, 1 to 5 inches. Shadow floun
cings, 17 inches. Filet, Val and Piatt Vaf edges and bands, 2 to 6
inches." Imitation Duchesse edges,' Filet crochet bands, 5 inches.
Cruny edges, 3 to 5 inches. White and cream.
' New Dress Embroideries, Yard 89c
I 36-inch, dress embroideries of white organdy with floral patterns
and voile with colored designs on white grounds. 5 yards of this ma
teriak will suffice for; an inexpensive and attractive, frock, ;
1 "Maytune" Net Ruf flings Just In
'The$VnetufffinV$tre very desirable for young girls' party, and
graduation -frocks. A" wide variety of patterns. 27 ao4 40 inches
Y.?rd. f?;:5..9.: '-Moier A Frank's : Main Floor. (Mall Orders FUledL)
New Stamped Blouses y .
Our Art Needlework Shop is, as usual,
first to show new round-neck model
blouses stamped for embroidery in many
attractive designs.
The Model Illustrated . .
is in a particularly desirable design and is
. stamped on best-quality "Lyklinen' AH
sizes 33 to 44.. . Special $1.25. We have
several other , patterns in these new
blouses. , , ' '
Mail order, patrons please state size.
. Meier A Frank's : Needlework Shop. Second Floor.
: -
of Crepe de Chine have Just been
received on the Third Floor. Gowns
and envelope chemise of higrh qual
ity, finely made and trimmed- S3. 69
to $12.50.
Madame Irene
corsets for particular women. Low
bust style with elastic tops. High
grade materials. Superb designing
and workmanship. S6.60 to 125.
Third Floor. .
and vestees in a multiplicity of new
materials, styles and colors. Pique,
gabardine, broadcloth, hand - em
broidered linen, novelty silks, metal
brocades, etc.. S2.&0 to J14.B0-
Main Floor.
in plain and printed designs are
shown in the newest colorings.
Plain f 12.00, J2.25. S2.6Q. Printed:
$2.75 to $3.50 Main Floor.
Junior. Capes
150 of them illustrating all the
foibles of fashion. Of blue serge,
silk lined-and unlined. Just out of
their boxes. . $13.50 to $45.
Genuine leather coats for misses
are lined with Skinner's satin. $75.
Second Floor.
Easter Cards
and Novelties
faster ' post ' cards with appro
priate greetings, decorated In many
designs, each la.
- Faster greeting cards with verses,
envelope for mailing, each 3c to 30c
Easter seals and (stickers, box
10c - . .- . ;., .... ,
' Crepe" paper for Easter' decora
tions, Easter napkins, etc,
... Main Floor.
Easter nut cups, boxes and fa
vors. So to-.50c . ,
Easter baskets containing chicks,
bunnies, etc , 25c to 50c ,
Easter chicks, ducks, bunnies, lc
to 20c
Easter snappers, box 65c to $1.
Fifth Floor.
( Your . spring md Caster
tnlmss are here, readily acces
sible, the best qualities at the
prices. correct in ! style, the
sort of things we've learned
from years "of experience
Portllnd men and young men
want. Ample stocks.' Compe
tent sales service. Many spe
cial values made possible by
the. merchandising mastery
the : Store for .Men enjoys".
Step inside our Morrison
street -entrance for these or
any other new furnishings
you have in mind.
New Shirts
A splendid collection. Percale
$1.15 $1.50. Madras $1.50 to $5.
Fiber silk $3.85 to $6.50. pure sliK
$7.60 to $12.50. See our authentic
spring showing of the new MAN
HATTAN shirts. ,
New Ties
Featuring new regimental stripes
In silk ties at $1. Other silk ties in
all patterns and colorings at prices
to suit every man.
New Sox
"Silk Afaids't fo.- men. In all col
ors. II. Clocked silk hose, $1.50.
Heavy "Onyx" silk hose, $2. "Phoe
nix" silk hose, -80c Cotton, lisle
and cashmere box at a wide range
of prices. -
New Hats
From Knox. Stetson. Mallory.
Boraalino. Meier & Frank Special
new felt hats, $3. . Complete line of
new cloth hats.
The iStore" for Men is also headquarters for standard makes' of
gloves ; starched and soft collars in all styles; underwear in such
mous makes as Munsing and Vassar; pajamas and night shirts in a
word, everything carried by a complete high-grade furnishings store.
' , Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
Advise You
10 to 1
2 to 5
Former Champion Strong Man of the World r
Here" Tomorrow arid All Week Sixth Floor
We have secured the services of Milo ex-worid's champion atronf
man, famous' health and: hygiene specialist and physical culture ex
pert to give free physical instruction and advice to all who consult
him on our Sixth Floor this week. Milo will tell you what exercises
to ' do- simple exercises , that you can follow at home and. assist
men. women and children in the attainment of health and strength.
Consult him free in our Sporting Goods Store, Sixth Floor, v -
Our Daylight Silk Shop . Announces for Tomorrow
" 1 An Easter Sale Sf 1000 Yards .
New $3 Dress Satins
S 1 .98
Our silk buye while recently in the eastern markets
secured in an extraordinary, special purchase this fine lot
of lOOOvards new dress satins and charmeuse that would
sell for $3.00 yard if bought in the regular way. -
Firmly woven silks in wanted shades of pink, coral,' rose, navy,
and midnight blue, Belgian, Jay and turquoise blue, seal, sand, nickel,
gray, taupe. Burgundy and black. Suitable for every purpose. At
the quantity is limited we advise early selection.
Buy tomorrow have the silks made up in ample time
for Easter. .
: . Meier & Frank's : Silk Shop, Second Floor.
Insure Safety
. For. Your ,
Winter Furs
by storing them in- our perfectly
refrigerated vaults on the prem
ises, where they are secure from
moths, theft, fire, loss or dam
age from any cause.
Repairing and -Remodeling
expertly executed ? for a very
moderate 'charge. Phone and our
auto will call.
Meier Frank's :
Furs Received, Fourth Floor.
Wash Goods
Among, the most wanted
of the . new spring wash
goods: '
' White, printed and satin stripe
voiles are here in great variety.
White, 38 , inches,. 25c to $2.
Printed. 36 and 38 inches, 50c
to Si. 50. Safin stripe, 36 inches,
S1.25. ,.
' Organdies
- White and all the wanted plain
colors. . 3 6-inch,- 60c and 75C
38-inch, $i.25v 44-inch, $2.
Ginghams .
Plain colors, strfpes, ' checks
and - block 'plaids, 27 and 32
inches. 35c to Si. 50.
:v.r. Percales
Plain colors t stripes, checks,
and floral designs, 36 inches, 25c
and 40c ' -
- Gabardine suitings, in . all the
leading plain shades, 36 inches,
S1.00. - - ,
. Beach Cloth
Three shades of blue and tan,
rose green, red and helio, 36
inches, 50c. -
Meier c Frank's: Second Floor.
, : ? , (Mall Orders Filled. )
New Spring and Summer
To be a glowing bit of color
against the ' golf green, to obtain
just the ideal warmth and freedom
of action for outdoor sports,
choose from our , new lines of
spring and summer sweaters. '
Lightweight Shetlands, zephyrs,
mohairs and brushed wool effects
in liberty red " overseas blue,
American " Beauty, Pekin, . . gray,
pink, brown, taupe and white.
Many attractive styles. . - ? i
Wool 'sweaters $10 - $21.50
Silk sweaters $19.50-$42.50
Meier Frank's : Third Floor. Mall Orders Filled
- .. :;. .r - . . ...:n- .
Mme. Lyra - and Mme. Irene
In a Special Sale at;
; . ' Wf-:
Values to $10.00
These "corsets are made of good
quality coutil in medium bust style
with long skirts and elastic insert in
hips and low to? models with medium
. length hips. Plain white and fancy
brocaded effects. , Sizes 21 to 36.
- Come early for these, flpe . to 510
corsets at $2.98.
Meier Jfc Frank's : Corset Shop, Third Floor.