The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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One Time Heir to Throne of Austria-Hungary
Allies Himself
With Czernin Plot.
Popular Will as ,v; Expressed in
Desire, for Suffrage Ignored,
as Memorandum Shows.
(Continued From Pro On.) :
'could not do anything. Other men were
Just surprised as I, but It la never
f thelesa true, tin the next paragraph
V Count Ciernln sketches his .conversa
i " tion with Uie archduke, employing the
ternia' "I" and "he." but .the names
are substituted to make the matter
' . more clear. The conversation - is put
v partly In the first and partly in the
' third person. J
' Wasted to "Shoot and Cmiti
Czernin I said I would have to be
lieve this if he said so. But the whole
world declared that Chlopy (a certain
newspaper article) was inspired by
him. All Austrian were pleased at
its energetic tone.'
Archduke Tes. that is true, but with
in a few weeks it was retracted and
the whole . matter was so much the
" worse. He can do nothing but wait:
He hopes that the moment will not
come for a very long time, but when
it does then he will make order (shoot,
-crush, etc, etc).
' jCsernin Your imperial highness, I
am entirely of the opinion that shoot
ing Is one of the most convincing argu
ments of a monarch, but to shoot, one
needs an army and that army you will
not have any more
. ' Archduke Trust to God. Austria
went through , worse times and always
survived. (At my silence.) Well, are
you without hope?
Czernin If he does not do something
now he will regret it all his life. . He
admits that the wholo chain of terrors
from 1867 rliculd be made null and
Void. He further admits that the uni
versal suffrage measure will have a
weakening effect on the army and that
the Magyars are rought .and determ
ined. We have to admit that. For the
Lord's sake with what can we break
and smash anything? .
Archduke There are thousands of
ways. First, we would set all the na
tions upon them. He has a secret plan,
but he cannot tell me. The archduke
probably means to fight the Magyars
with other iiatlonalities in Hungary
" a favorite Hapsburg pastime.
; Czernin I replied that foreign - na
tions are easily called, but with diffi
culty ' sent away. .. One's own powers
ta the only thing upon which one call
really depend.
Eltel Frlta Studies Magyar
, Archduke He a '.ed as if he did not
mean this and began to swear against
Italy and Germany. With .Italy the
danger of war is great, anyway. Then
there Is Kitel Fritz with his Magyar
studies. Finally he asked me if ' we
wanted him to go to the emperor to
Francis Joseph.
Czernin Yes. certainly.
Archduke No, that ho would not do.
He would not let himself be kicked
ojut. There are two kinds of J-elrs,
, those who are Inactive through lack
: of power and those : who revolt. He
belongs to 1' first class and I expect
V him to be of the latter.
. Czernin No, that I do not ask. but
. I believe the army to be the adored
child of his majesty. Further, I be
lieve that no one has yet called atten
,t!oh to the. effect of suffrage reform on
. the army. His majesty is 78 years old.
He has no longer any power of resist
ance. He would like to have the whole
-matter finished and. therefore. it
should bet easy to call his attention to
. these dangerous points. Then it could
be: possible that if his attention were
called to it he would delay it. This,
in? my opinion,' is not a revolt, but
. performing a' ditfy ordered by - our
Archduke That is wrong. His majes
ty is not resistless, but (I have
given the archduke my. word never to
speak about this to any one and so
I will not write it down). Then he
again swore against the camarilla,
Golochowskl, Hungary, etc. Great land
' lords should be massed under a state
, .preserving flag against the social dem
- , ocratlc onslaught. Again citations
from my pamphlet. "Bohemia is a lit-
. V j CopyrisliU A. J. CliurcUilt Co.. 19. :
. The Sphagnum Moss Girl
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shopping, is to purchase an article in which full, value
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407-408 Central Bid. Portland, Oregon
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J V. Mix r
Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and his family made at the Roose
r velt home in New York on Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt's return from
'. France, where he eommanded the 26th U. S. Infantry. Mrs. Roosevelt
returned, but short time ago. $ he was the first Y. II. C. A. canteen
worker sent to France. The children are, from left to right, Grace,
. Cornelius and ; Theodore Jr.
tie-Hungary." He always said bo. 1
said 'it in my third chapter. All men
around his majesty are canaille.
Coaatlag Cp the Sapport
Czernin We have to differentiate be
tween the conservative great land
holders. Some belong to the "qualite
negligible" Just as the majority of the
others. Clam is a very dependable,
smart and sober thinking man, who is
inclined to cooperation. He would be
one of the props for the absolutely
necessary fusion. Franz Thun is also
very important. He the archduke
should tell Thun that he desires ap
proachment. Franz Thun is not a
nationalist, but from top to bottom is
painted black and yellow the Austria
Archduke Clam la one of his best
friends. I should greet him very cor
dially, but before he wasn't so moder
ate. He will speak with Thun. Clam
Martinez was brother-in-law of Arch
duke Francis,
Czerin The times are changing and
the programs with them. Clam is
saturated with the idea of defense.
My plan is .-as follows: The archduke
should give us a little air by delaying
the whole matter and then defense is
qur affair. Taroucca must act openly
and work for fusion in order to give
backbone to the parliament and cabi
net, neither of which ? wishes election
reform.. Taroucca has great influence
as the leader of a great party .(in
Prague' "also). He is through and
through convinced of the danger which
Confronts the state. We have to count
with , him . tor . fusion.
Archduke I should tell Taroucca that
he is absolutely of the same opinion.
Taroucca must keep this in strict secre
cy, but should work for it with all his
might. (I imagine he will speak with
him about it in Pruhonitz).
"Grares of Cabinets la Bohemia" .
Czernin If he should succeed in . de
laying the matter, then it is half won.
In the meantime ' a counter coalition
would have to be effected. The main
difference lies in i Prague. In winter
this year fusion must be made.
Archduke The graves of all the cabi
nets lie in Bohemia (cites from bro
chure). .
Czernin The start Is already made
(the combined committee).
'Archduke He has . read it with great
joy. In my brochure the wish in tha
paper is the fact.
Czernin The fusion must be effected.
A' fuslen adheres until further. Then
the house of lords. There are amon
them men of Btrong character F. Thun,
Louis Schonburg, Carl Auersperg. But
If the emperor or archduke should wish
It they would give in. They call it
loyalty if he would speak with them.
Archduke Yes. with Thun and Schon
burg. Auersperg is too stubborn. Nev
ertheless, "he will write tomorrow to
his majesty in the spirit-of my request
that the affair be delayed. I should
immediately outline briefly what he
should write to his majesty (copy in
closed) and send it to him, by letter
express. It might possibly help. But
more I cannot do. The rest is ' the
business of the "'gentlemen." They
must defend themselves and protect
the state. After this it was 13:45 and
luncheon was announced.
The archduke and Sopperl the arch
duke's wifej Luncheon a trols with
them. Conversation of children (he
adores his children), hunting at Par
dulic. Vinar and Pruhonic. the' king
of Spain and Coundenhove (one of the
Austrian standthalters, or governors ; I
defend him). The little one came
most lovely. He will write (as thu
second time) and he showed me part
of the castle. Depart. All right, he
will write. (Third time). I should
keep everything in secrecy I had his
complete confidence (which shows that
he does not know me at all). De
parture. I have learned very much
since November 19.
Another article in this series In The
Journal Monday evening.
Hear Dr. Pence's Sunday morning se
ries of sermons on "The- Master f Me
in Action," starting today at t West
minster Presbyterian church. Take
Broadway or Irvingrton cars. Adv.
. - , S - I
' i ' 1 ' ' ' l
rAi'VS i -f ifr ii rn ii in m m
DR. B. E.
In some things we are . all more or less negligent-or
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You may be very alert along certain lines and almost in
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Every day men and women come to this office with their
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The usual excuses are fear of pain; did not realize-that
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It is well for such people that dental science has pro
gressed'to such an extent that I can take whit looks like a
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and presentable once more.' .
Sometimes the teeth are so badly decayed that the
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Insuch cases a plate is necessary. Now, don't say that
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Hundreds of my patrons are wearing plates that you
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Possibly you may be able to secure as good work, but
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No students. All registered graduate dentists "in my
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Twenty Years im Active Practice
Northwest Cor. Sixth and Washington, Raleigh BIdg.
Phone Main 2119 ,
Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P.iM.-4.ContatioaFm
'Open Evenings by Appointment . " "
, , Sundays 10 to 12 A. M
Adam McNemee Active Member
of I. 0. 0. F Which , Will
Conduct Funeral Services. -
Adam McNemee. a resident of Port
land for more than ,40 years, died Fri
day at his home. 677" Pershing street.
He was about 6 years of age. For
many years he conducted an express
business on Front street. - A brother is
residing in the state of Washington.
Mr. McNemee was one otthe active
members of Samaritan lodge, J. O. O.
F., for a number of years, and that or
ganization will have charge of the fu
neral services, which will be held at a
date to be set later when relatives have
been heard from. F. S.- Dunning & Co..
414 East Alder street, have charge of ar
rangements. -
Mrs. Laura Fuller
Mrs. Laura Fuller died Friday at her
home. 1140 East Main street. She was
born in Illinois in 1849 and came with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Burns,
In 1852,. across the plains to Oregon,
where she resided all her life after.
Mrs. Fuller Is survived by one sister.
Funeral services will be held at the
East Side Funeral Directors chapel,
414 East Alder street, Monday at 10 a.
m..' Itev. J. J. Staub officiating, and
final services will be in ViverviewLceme
tery. ..... ' ' '
Johannes II. Sommarslrom
Johannes M. Sommarstrom. a" ship
wright employed by the company of:
the same name, died Friday at his resi--.
dence, 471 Taylor street. He was born
in Finland and was 45 yearr of age.
He had resided in Portland for the past ,
six months and in the United States for .
the last seven years. He is survived, by f
a widow and. four brothers, and one sis-j
ter. "unerai arrangements are in cuargo
of J. P. Finley & Son. -
Mrs. Esther O. Richards
The funeral of Mrs. Esther O. Rich
ards was held at the Pearson undertak
ing parlors Saturday, the Rev. W.
K. Brinkman, pastor of the English
Lutheran church. , officiating. Mrs.
Richards died March 27 of pneumonia
at the age of 29. She was born in As
toria. Her father, the late John F.
Heyseth, was a well known . east side
grocer for more than 30 years. Mrs.
Richards is survived by her husband,
Edward Richards ; a son, Edward L.
Richards ; her mother, Mrf. Brita Hy
seth : one brother, LC A. Ilfyseth; two
sisters, Mrs. H- O. Farrell of this city
and Mrs. Alma "WelgeL . Final services
were held at - Rlverview .cemetery.
Church Asks Names ;
Of Men in Service
Trinity Episcopal .church is desirous of
getting in f touch with all . men who are
members jot the church now serving in
the army" and jiavy and also with those
who have "been recently' discharged, ac
cording te the announcement of the rec
tor. Dr. A. A. Morrison. It Is proposed
to preserve a historic record of the men,
along with their photographs, to be kept
In the church, in order that posterity
may know of the soldiers of liberty. The
church .has an honor roll of 68 names.
This morning and evening Dr. Morri
son will preach,
Tribute to Be Paid
Soldiers Who Died
-In , his- Sunday morning - sermon, ; Dr.
William A. Waldo will make special
reference to the loyal soldiers who sac
rificed their lives for the- sake of right
eousness and peace, , The elements of
gnuine : love will . be. emphasized- , Sun-
j day evening Dr. Waldo will preach the
luurui bcixijun in ins pre-e asier series.
He will call attention to the supreme
moment of the divine sacrifice, which
rung from Christ the cry of grief; .The
evening service will be evangelistic and
will be especially adapted to young peo
ple. The .evening congregational sing
ing will be under the direction of Har
old Hurlbut. The Temple quartet will
render choice selections at both services.
Eevival Services
To Close Wednesday
The revival services at the Swedish
Tabernacle, Seventeenth and Glisan
streets, will close Wednesday night. ; The
meeting previously announced to be held
at Klim chapel this evening will now be
held at the tabernacle. Sunday services
will be held in accordance with the new
time schedule. The services will be at
10:30, 4 and 7:30 o'clock. The singer
and evangelist, the Rev. A. G.- Sporrong,
will have charge of all the meetings.
146 Third Street
kw HOT!!!"
. ' ! : ' ' ' -
Klamath. Falls : Man Also Freed
From Charge; Action on Atty.
" General's Recommendation.
Indictments against Dr. Nels J. Lund,
house physician of St. Vincents hospital,
and Daniel Sullivan of Klamath Falls,
charged with espionage, were dismissed
Saturday by United States District
Judge Bean. -
. This action was the result of recom
mendations by Attorney General Pahner
who, after reading detailed history of
the cases, submitted to him at his re
quest by United States Asttorney Haney,
declared there to be lack of evidence for
prosecution at this time. , :
The motion for dismissal was made in
court by Assistant United Slates Attor
ney Goldstein.
The Lund . and Sullivan - cases were
among those submitted to the attorney
general by Mr. Haney on orders of the
attorney general after the signing of
the armistice.: A summary of each pend
ing case wat, asked for. jit is understood
that 'other Oregon cases in which es
pionage is charged are being considered
ty the attorney general for possible dis
missal for lack of evidence.
The indictment against Dr. Lund ac
cused him of writing letters to a friend
in China stating that crooks and graft
Opeirns Momidlsiy
March 31
Between Morrison
PIPING HOT Baked and Taken Out of the Ovens
Right Before Your Eyes!
100 White Bread, Raisin Bread, Graham Bread,
Whole Wheat Bread, Bran Bread, Rye Bread.
100 White Rolls.
ers held sway in certain parts of the
American war machine, Sullivan was
charged with attacking the Red Cross
and the Liberty loan.
Assets Show $3984 - '
Inventory and appraisement of the
estate of Arnold R. Hall, deceased, filed
by appraisers A. C Sloan, A. W. Mills
and James K. Kjertch.m in County Judge
Tas well's court Friday showed assets
totaling $3984. consisting of life insur
ance, S 1000 ; Liberty bonds and War
Savings 8 tamps, $1805; stock, $1000. and
cash $179, - '
Women Will Give
Concert Friday
On Friday evening, April 4, the young
women of the Ooehut-Klap will - give a
concert at Calvary Presbyterian church.
The program will begin at 8 o'clock, an
promises to be of special- interest, as
it includes several Indian selections, be
sides other novelties. Friends are in
vited to attend and enjoy the evening.
This class has been organized for a
number of years and has taken an active
interest in the affairs of the church and
assisting with the work' in various ways.
Second Address
Set for Tonight
The Rev. William R. Reece, pastor of
the Swedenborgian church,. will give his
Becond address at the Realization league
meeting tonight. Tho Rev. H. Ed
ward Mills will preach, tn -the morning.
During the morning service Miss Mar
garet Thonrasconducts a session for the
Like Mother's
and Alder
(J This bakery is one of hun
dreds which are operating
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States - wherever established
they have Leaped into instant
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(J The bread Is mixed,
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sanitary surroundings .in our
big revolving ovens right be
fore your eyes. Fortunes
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Keep Fresh
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invitation to visit . us and
see the Federal System Bread
from flour to customer. Fresh
every hour. " .
Between Morrison and
Tlbirdl Sto
Ben Scovell Talks
On Sunday Night
" Tils evening the well known . Biti
Scovell, who did such ; noted work a)
an entertainer for the soldiers in Bel-
glum and France, is to be at tha High
land, Congregational church and epeaU
at o'clock. "Christ In the Trenches"
will be his theme, and the story which t
he has to tell is one which Is both pa
thetic and thrilling and contains a splen
did tribute to the men .who went over
seas for service. ; All press and othe!
notlues speak in the highest terms o
his oratory and dramatic power, lit
possesses no little of the great ability
of his famous uncle. Sir Henry Irving.
Wilbur Church Has
Raised Over $1000
The Wilbur Methodist Episcopal
church has raised this month more tha:i
$1000 for benevolences outside of Its owtt
local affairs, and the membership Is nOf
making preparations to raise its appor
tionment of the Centenary fund, l.i
which all Methodist cliurches are to hav
a great part. The music for today wilt
consist of an anthem, "My Faith Look4
Up to Thee"- (Schnecker) by the quar
tet; offertory, "There Is a Land of Pun
Delight" (Parker), by A. E. Davidson,
and -a gospel hymn by the qunetet.
Church Mert'rig Wednesday ' x
, The annual meeting of the members
of Woodlawn Christian church will b
held Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Re
ports are to be read from all commit
tees and by the pastor, Rev, Joseph D.
Boyd. .. ; ' :: ' ' 1
YUM ! !
vs. ' -i
consider this