The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 23, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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4 -.-
i Dutch kitchen, closet, cm. water, small l
jnent, 60x193 foot lot. fenced; roex, bernea;
4 block i from Woodmere school 2 block from
...bard .nrfsced street, Srasll psyaaent dowa
V.will take kord ear a irt payment. balance
,1 term. -Call owmi at Marshall 1608.
OJTHaS BEST btooloit : bay to Portitsd.- This
t a dandy. Good term. Look thi up.
CUsonJtealty Co.. 431 Chamber of CommTce.
u at sacrifice. PRICE - -
!, -: xhia is a thoroughly doubly constructed
.7Soms throughout ami modem to the minute:
T room. 4 bedroom, largo Bring room and
. o all other room of good six; nice, garage. This
Place 1 jut like new and an attractive Boms
j aery war. Call u np and we will arrange
J'.'.to show you the place and will make the pnce
.YiWay below the market .
' 809 Oak. Broadway 4188.
FOR al by owner, very modem home, new
8 room bungalow, with sleeping porch and
' ..... . 4t.ll. MKmt tuyuHU!llL - fireplace.
" ).ardw'jod !oor. paneled dinmg-reoin, Dutch
.e-'kitcben and everything pollt In. bt material
f c and workmanship. Four .block from Jefferson
high and three block f rombompson school.
.Built for a borne. good reaaan for setting. Bee
-itowner, 965 Congress st. Sunday or venitiga.
A 'limw nulla j w v .
"nistwr.Tn rvap
' "Weir btiiH. modern 7 room houaa and garase;
-1 Tiardwood floors, elaborate bnilt-ins and dandy
' aleepinC porch; good furnace and fireplace; full
' i lot with raxiety of fruit and abrubbery.
This ia a bargain at $5000; term.
JOH.NMOX. 212 lamberatai BMc
ttr : ITboox house, 4 i-ots
Thto has all ktoda of fruit and berries.
Chicken houaa and jard; 350 cash, balance
: easy term'.
0'J Oak St. Brrwdwsy 4133.
"" ' " . Owner leavtnq citt
Good eetabliahed S room home with modern
eonrenience, on, 100x100 Jot. 20 minute out;
lota of bearing fruit, eta.. 11800, reasonable
;iterma. Tabor 3934. -
""BEACTIFUL 8 room bungalow, with hardwood
f floor and built-in conveniences, near ,24th
and Sandy road, $3200. Phone East 2566.
zL $.". nows
; f Nice 00x100. close to Union ar.
-. Afiterta. no restriction; price $50(;
fmr ' you can builii a temporary house and
s 1 ai sent tb summer.
.i-e- WE GET RE9CLT8
203-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg.
4 Mill (BSTTAIi
1 - V CM
-eif Wa hare 10 or 12 rery choice, sightly and
& level lots in the Momingjide tract (lit Tabor)
r that we wUl sell to responsible builders on rery
.&aar Sd mtg. terms. This is an Ideal and re
stricted district. 'o interest or payments for
-J Chamber of Commerce bklg., 4th and Slark sta.
-mcMain. 208, A-2050.
-.tatf" '. " " 1 1
A reatj bargain r
50X100 $600 v
"v Ou Schnyler st, paved street, one block to car;
,it lrrt will never be any cheaper now. Tie up
e4 tbia en and build your home later.
-v 20B-5-7 Board .of Trade bMg. "
." 60x100 on 48th. improvement In and paid
VJ-'fcr, $550. This is a nice lot and good houses
' on both sides. Be mre and see this lot be--fore
vrii bnv. W-622. Jorrsl.
$9 1K)WN $9 monthly, total price $199: Beau-
ttfnl lot 65x97, on the west side of Minerva
st, 158 ft north of Seneca, In the St Johns
loop, close to car. Here's your chance, Mr. Bar
' gain Hunter. Fred W. German Co,, 732 Cbam
.. ,.M be of Commerce.
T ONE acre at real bargain price on Oregon City car
line, 4 -room house and other improvements.
7i4 bearing fruit trees and small fruit; I am
going away and will sell for lens than the raw
liVland 1 worth. Call at 15 North 5th t, Mon
rs day, or phone Tabor' 6480. Sunday.
sat; : : take a ixiolg
J 8. Vf. cor, Glenn are. and 4arrett. $500. 50
xlOO, 1 block to Kennedy school, $10v) down.
is.Cau you beat this?
Ai. 203-.-.-7 Board of Trade bldg.
r. Lot 50x104. near 82d' and E. Alder its..
Stit880. Will accept Liberty bonds; terms if
ax wanted. No interest Home phone C-2275 or
ma Marshall 8100.
. s 75x100 LOTS. 75TH ST.
Rosa City car: $280 each; easy terras; 3
i shacks,-same locality. 50x100, $450 each.
"" - J, p. CO RBI N CO., 8O5-0-7 lewis Bldg.
. hut. :
A L1.j lot aiuiig l inon ave.. Se fare to Van-
: - couver; lots of berrle1 and a $200 chit-ken
JJ.'nouxe. AH for $650. Term. Less for cash.
.Woortlawn 47SS.
bFOU (SALE Lot 40145. on Gladstone Jive.
bet' 37th and 39th; $225 and assmme !nine
'street mprovementu 3. 8. Knsilis. 410 Stuck
' sVTrrhi.m- bldg Main a27ff.
' . - OVERLOOK LOT $725
Jiut tbink, tlie improvement are included
in thi price; beautiful 50x100 nomesit. NOW
la the time to buy a lot while tl bottom i out.
They are going to advance, sure.
' 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
jr . oo
n Hard surface irf, fine car service, 50x100, fins
sii home all around, term.
.st, . RITTER, LOWE A CO.,
203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
. ao , The choicest corner on the Sandy, all lm
. prevementa in and pa'd. Ask about it
' 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg.
sCAPrrOL HILL Buy from owner, choice lota".
. 3 block from station. Be fare, $300. $25
,4 down, .$2 per week. 173 East ISth st East
ir iXT for sal. 60x100 Drummond t, on Penin-
ula. $250. 1834 Chautauqua blvd. Phone
tr Columbia' 29.
' LOT 20. block 8. Hancock add., northwest cor"
- . 81 at and Broadway.. 50x0: all clear: $850
' . ea-ih. J. P. Marrs. 700 Avery. IVtroit. Mich.
'il ' 50X100 $650
. ThU corner lot lie level and will make
' beautBul home spot, out of town owner say elL
. xi , i ritter; lowb a co..
208-8-7 Board of Trad bldg.
" tOT FOR SALE 117x43. walking disUnce
:. fruit tree, garage.- paved streets and sidewalk
m paid for; . $1200 cash or terms. J-763. Journal.
. -ew $1500 75x120, 27th and Hancock; 5 yean
o. without a payment on the purchase price.
Owner, East 2952. s -
.' ,- A $2000 CORNER, fall sue lot. Irrington.'
. ift . Yotl can have my equity for $380 cash.
Bargain. Marshall 1375. "
TWO lots, 60x100, east front, 3 blocks from
car. a i Week from good school; $850. easy
'terma.N C-213. Journal.
puamrvrm l- . .
. muuwj usi, some rare
. bargain,; If yon want one com and let m
quote prices, Neal Brown. 20T PtiHim KM,
jTWO choice Jots on Lombard st. close to Ken-
. , - " " -- U A.
.It $500 LOT, Division, near 48d st $400 lot
wn nn ou joona car. .wner ast 2681.
-g eaa ana Woods nl. Tabor 5361.
ft VACANT tots, good locality. Owner. BroaJ
way 2995.
$5 DOWN, $5 per month 2 lota in Moulavilla"
& . $500. P-621, Journal
t aere. splendid otl. all in grata, eloce to
boulevard, only 6a rare. $2000. $500
1 acre. 3 ft fences In eultivaaon. 6 block
. to ear, 3 block to achooL $1400. Terms. '
1 acre. Woodstock ear, excellent soil, plenty
" fruit, fenced. house and chicken home. "
worth $2500. WUl tak $1900. $700
down, i. ..
1 acre, near game place, clear. ' small house
-t and other buildings, 3 cows, hone and
buggy, etc. $1750. 4400 down.
5 acre, East Portland, clear and in grain.
. Thi tract is level aind fenced. Gaa and
water. A splendid buy at $2609. Term.
Tou should see this.
iO acre, all clear and fenced,' On building. .
6 room plastered, large red barn, cream -,
route, daily mail. Be sure aati e thi
Place. -Only $8000 on terms:
GILfeON REALTY CO.. 431 , Cham, of Com.
U i(-
MC8T aell. big bargain. 42 acre improved, over
600 apple trees, te 10 yean; 12 acres al
. - - f alf a ; pper Columbia river. Wash. ; $1 500
-held by Federal bank; gny ecruity. $2100 cash.
. Owner. Room 73, 402 H 3d st - .
' "" WANTED to buy good alddr bottom or maple
land, about 40 acres. Give price, locatlnn in
first lettec. 8X1 W. 17th st. Vancouver. Wash.
Boy 5 acre of land . In tni addition of $
acres. The price rDje from 950.00 pr a era
and UP. with term of J 2.00 per acre axwa and
1.00 per acre per month, no matter 1 cw many
acre you purchase. There t no rock. t gravel,
or roach land 'en tbia additio-: some of tees
tract are eaaily cleared; will make an Ideal ub
urbsn home, poultry farm, dairy ranch; is ideal
tor prone. English walnut. fUbert nut or bee.
There 1a ft school on til addition; the tag, and
track line run by this land.
SIS Uaiiway Escbance Baildlnc.
Portland. Oregon. '
AM GOIXG to California. Will. cU ail tb
property I bar hare at reduced price, S2500
for 25 acre near Columbia highway. 1500
cord cf wood; acre en elea line, 13 mile
from Portland, 200 feet from station. mile
. nv.k rnmil T'rif 11200: cleared: terms. 20
I acre. 6 room house, ban 80x50 feet, chicken
' bouse and other oatbuflding. I acre under cul
i tiraiwm. family orchard, plenty of fruit. mile
. i . . , m 'it 1 1 l nt.t,. t.'.. .nml
to met ruim.: i hc - .
auto a part payment.; 6 acre tract for,S350
up to 180 per tract,, eay payment. One of
the best Kan tern Wuh. farm. 475 acre. 200
nnder culti ration, atoeked and well equipped,
good buildings, well located. Price i ncht,
terms easy. 425 Allegheny st. or phone Co
lumbia 893.
. Sacrifice for 6000 '
20 cre near Claekama Utkn, all In high
vtate of cultrration, S acres bearerdam land; good
0 room plastered house, woodshed and (tone
milk house, good well; all fenced, bard Surface
road, clone to school, church, store and P- O.
No better soil in Oregon. Land in this yicinity
has old a high as $700 per acre. Price on
this ONLY $300. Good terms. Bee this and you
will surely buy it. --
309- Oak st " Broadway 4133.
A dandy - 5 room plastered bungalow, large
Dutch kitchen, fine fireplace and builtin effects
in living and dining rooms. Located just off the
Base Line road at Itockwood. Barn, chicken
house and other building, driven well with
ample supply of water. This bungalow could
not be built for $2500. $3500 take all.
$750 will hanaie and easy terms on the bal
ance. JOHN E. HOWARD, 313 Chamber of Com.
A very choice tract of 6 acres, close in,
Powell Valley road; 2 V4 acre in cultivation,
balance partially cleared, fine grove; 2 room
home, garages can be made a beautiful place;
it a bargain, inspect it
823-6 Opsc blug. Marshall 1.
10 acres, all ia high state of cultivation, fam
ily orchard, a good house of 7 rooms, fireplace,
bath, etc, good barn, chicken house and wood
shed; lots of berries located close to Portland on
electric line. A real country home. Price
$6000. on term.
309 Oak street Broadway 4183.
Five acres, all highly iraprocved. H acre
gooseberries, H acre strawberries, family orchard,
good 4 room house, full cement basement, fine
.well and pump, barn and chicken coop, on liarft
surf are road, handy to car. Price $3700. $1100
cash, balance to suit.
913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
FOR SALE V acre, modern 5 room house in
cluding bath room. Cement basement and
cement walks around house. Chicken coop,
garage and barn, 11 apple trees, 1 cherry. 1
peach, 4 walnut and 3 chestnut Tree In fine
condition; -6 blocks sonth of Lents or 1 block
north of Watson station. Estaeada car. Price
$2000. $500 cash, balance on terms. Call
Tabor 3S21 Sunday.
8 mile Jrom courthouse and just off Rase
Line road, we have strictly modern 8 room
home, with fireplace, furnace, hot and cold
water, good garage and nearly 2 acres of land.
Thi place cost ovrVier nearly $6000. If you
can pay $1000 cash you'll get a bargain.
COE A. M'KENNA & CO. Main 4522.
S3 4 th' at. Board of Trade bldg.
$500 DOWN
10 acres, new bungalow and barn, orchard,
creek and well, mile to electric line and
school, 10 mile to Portland by auto,'" excellent
roads.; price $2500.
- 212 Railway Exchange bldg.
10 ACRES -1 mile from' Newberg. All in
cultivation. Rock road. 4 V4 acres in clover.
2 acres in Evergreen blackberries, acre in
loganberries. Fine spring. Just think I can
sell you this place for $1600. $800 will
JOHN E. HOWARD, 815 Chamber of Com.
ONE or two acre, most all in cultivation, on
caiiine. 600 feet to station, running stream
all year, adjoins rrk. 9c fare by book. Take
Oregon Eleo. 1:15 at Jefferson st at., get
off at Metager, inquire for Mr. Davidson, -first
new house thi way. Main 6882. 976 Corbett'
st., Portland.
OWN your country home anil" work inPortlandl
3 U acre at Greenberg, on Oregon Electric
Only 0 miles out All in cultivation. 4 room
house, large barn, 43 fruit trees in full bearing.
Price is only $2500 and $500 will handle.
JOHN E. HOWARD, 315 Chamber of Com.
5 acres at Rockwcird. near the Base Line
mad, all tillable, tmne fine timber on it $300
will handle, eay terins on the balance. Thi
will make a fine chicken ranch.
JOHN E. HOWARD.. 815 haniber of Com.
FOR SALE 7 acres'" 1 mils " Ktanfield. Or"
4 acrei peaches, 5 arret ai.plei (fillen,
bearinc crop: laud and water right $2000 rai'fi
or terms; will take house in Kentnn district to
120O in trade. Writ Mrs. Emma B. Prieg
nita. Stan field. Or.
OWN your own home. ; I acre locatrd at Metz
gar, ready to cultivate; small house; IS min
ute' walk from, the car. Only $600. $200 will
handle, small monthly payment on balance.
JOHN E. HOWARD. 315 Chamber of Com.
10 ACRESEoeated at Middleton lust off the
paved Newberg highway. Fin trout stream,
springs. 4 room house and several barns, price
$2100. $500 will handle.
JOHN E. HOWARD. 815 Chamber of Com.
WHY pay a commiitkion f I own 1 O acrwiT mile
east Mt Tabor carline; large hon.e barn and
other buildings; fruit, berries and grape. I mur-t
sell at once, and will sacrifice my equity Call
Broadway 1488 week days.
THAT choice S acre tract all cleared "and fenced.
1 14 mile east of Lents Junction, on Foster
road. Inquire at Gale s store, corner of Foster
road and Lennox ave.
15 ACRES adjoining electric carline at Cot
trell station, 18 miles from Portland, all cleared
very best of soil, only $2500, on terms. 209
Oregon bldg. Broadwsy 1658.
20 ACRES, 1"H muefrom Battle Ground.
Wash. Good location for prune; creek run
through place. Price $800, $300 down, bai-
imw on eytermaat ctfr. il-614. Journal.
20 ACRES In Marion county on milroarTand
county road, fair building and family or
chard; price $3000; H cash. Address G C
Snider, Beaverton, Or., R. R. 8.
5 ACHES 1 mile from EMlereetriinltillable"
now in brush. Moat have quick action'
hence the price of $400. "
JOHN E. HOWARD. 815 Chamber' of Com.
16 ACRES of orchard, in fine locality and jurt
beginning to bear; choicest commercial vsri
of PPle: w"l 11 cheap and on easy term.
Address M. Johnson. 1198 E. 85th t
$100 DOWN, yearly payment on balance, burs
10 acres, fine lsntt n.. .t-....
school, store, post office. Draper A Mantes
201 Wilcox bldg.
10 ACRES on Section Line road, dole In.
acre in oats. Shack buildings. A fin niece
of property. Only $3000. $1000 will handls!
JOHN E. HOWARD, 315 Chamber of Com7
"1800 BUYS STarea. fenced, an" clearedlicept
4 acre. 8 acres adapted for onion, 12 mil
from Portland. Sea owner. 668 Atbina ava.
Portland, Or. ;
WANT about 10 acre adapted to walnut, all
or partly improved; on hard surface road,
close to Portland. W-825. Journal.
BEAUTIFUL aero aite, Capitol IlillTTtl goo st
station- Water. - leetrieity. Phone Oak
10 ACRES, under cultivation, half mile from
Siftcat line, Vancouver ; no buUdinaa. Prin
$1800. term. Tabor 7807.
ONE acre for aale. on Base Line roadTcHeap
for cash if taken- at once. Gaa. or electric
light. Call Main 8867. electric
BASE LINE read, about 1 mite, east Mont
Uvilla. 13 acres; $350 per acre, cash. Will
R all or part N-620. Journal.
FOR SALE 160 acre of good land, a barcain'
- ".' w . U. CHDOHl KT
or more acre. 71st street near llth?
ir. Owiwrr. Eart 8860. "
1E'lftK4E3S30a U"Oar Woodo""; -H Price,
i!!? ro H Cteekl
63 ACRES for sal or trade lor small fTT
ma., n.n u.)i . mu xarm
FOR SALE 3 km,; He carfare. o electric
R. R.. term to sort S-892. 1.1"
RENT tliree acre 6 mile eat ol cit- fmi
all kind.: 4 room ho Khc tIW 304:
I have the following pieces of acreage:
10 acres at Eagle Creek, on Ettacada line, 1
rnile from station, S acres cleared, BO build
ing; 800; $400 cJ"h. balance to suit.
- 4 teres, 4 room house, built about S yeacs;
good well, etc.; mile from Kasunood station;
$2800; $500 cash, balance $20 month.
1 aere. good 8 room house, near Paiaatine
hoi; $2250; $350 cash, balance to suit.
1 acre at Ascot station, all cleared, ready for
crops; no buildings; 8750; $350 eaakvf balance
$15 month. -
H acre at Ascot Ution, all cleared. room
house, hardwood floors, well, berries and fruit;
$oOO; $800 cash, balance $15 month.
- E. A. BROWN,
G. C. COLDENBERO CO., 215 Ablngton, bldg.
Choice Acreage Tract '
24-100 acre, ' nearly all under -cultivation,
fine soil, good fences, good S room house, well,
city water and electric lights; nfce fruit, email
barn, chicken house, a few implements and grow
ing crop go with place. Price $2750; $1000
cash; balance 8 years at t per cent. Dandy for
chicken and cow; ooly 200 yard from Oregon
Electric depot.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
418 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , -
20 acre not far from Sheridan, all good land,
part clear, some timber, county road, school
close, 4 tracts, 20 acres each, take your pick.
Price $1200, $200 down. $50 per year, .
Four more tract across the road. $1200 each
tract; same terms.
5 ACRE home on 8.P. red car electric line be
tween Aloha and - Tobias ; bouse unite new,
with 5 rooms, bath and sun porch first floor;
2 bedrooms, sewing room an dattic second floor;
gas; living room has fireplace, and library builtin
bookcases; big chicken and pigeon house and
yards; barn, water system and gasoline engine;
v. i .. .1 h ..mhtt1 halanm ftf lann
ueiiio suit J u u t. . - w..-
under plow; adjoining are ft acre free pasture;
price - souuu. iem w puiu jr. - .tu,
401 Concord bldg.. Marshall 6454.
iqn if oro eokon
-L .-.. j w
Forty mile f torn Portland on the Aatoriav
Portland highway now being paved ; half mile
from the Columbia river and railroad station ; a
nf li vlwv with ni liunlensome
climb. Land lies well and 1 fertile, with apring
water. Will jdivide and might take gome trade.
Sellwood 1929.
FRED F. HUNTRESS. 1459 Eart 31st at.
1 1-0 A.. Willamette river frontage, juit over
city Una. on West Side, east frontage on river,
city water, gas. electricity, car service and auto
road at rear, your launch and beach at your
front door; small spring stream across rear;
have ducks, chickens, cow and garden, a beach
and all-year home in one. Price right; term.
Owner. E-21, Journal
Dirr vn?w APUVtt
A real opportunity to get way from the
cramped city lot and high taxes. Between 8 and
9 city lots in each tract $350 to $650. Good
soil. 10 per cent cash, balance a you wish.
Thi property ha been valued at $1500 per
acre and will Boon be so valued again. City
60x100 plattings on two sides.
J. C. CORHJN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg.
r. . . . .v . . ... . .
1 acres. 4 block from station and on good
road: fine assorted family orchard: ground
all nicely improved and fenced; 4 room house,
barn and chicken house; this is a very choice
tract and good neighborhood: price $2200;
teams. $1200 cash, balance reasonable,
913 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE- -320 A. of Tillamook" Co. dairying
ranch; 50 acres of bottom land, nearly all
cleared; rest In good grove of timber. Price
$5000: half cash, balance at 6 per cent Lo
cated at Neskowin, Tiitamook County. Oregon.
It me hear from you. Sam Bauer, Neskowin,
Lies the prettiest you ever saw; about 10
acres under cultivation and balance so easy to
clear it will make you smile; located in ' best
farming district near Portland; pnce $4000,
reaso Mable terins. '
918 Chamber of Gomin.erce.
HERE ia your chance to get an excellent piece
of land cheap. 34 acre, good level land, in
good farming district. 2 miles from town, on
Pacific highway, close to . good school and to
river. tor lurtner prucuii t.... -evenings
on E. C. Moe. 1209 8. Ivanho at.
St Johns, Or.
(4500 5 acres, 72d st, house, barn, fruit.
fine road, city water.
$2600 3 acres, Terwiliger blvd., near electric
car; house, barn, fruit tree, fine ou.
$2700 27 acres, 10 miles courthouse. Large
list acreage to aelect from.
CHARLES RINGLER A CO.. 225 Henry bldg.
Near town, Columbia highway and river; o
acre improved, house, barn, large chicken
house, water piped to blMings: plenty running
water; price $2000; $500 cash, balance easy;
consider part trade. r
f . 1 JJISHU.1! , ox J ii. . w ....
TV ii n i T R A H ; A I N 6 V 'ACHES. ALL
C" ACRES, in city limits at Vancouver, Jash.;
small hpuser 2 large chicken houses and barn,
brooder house, hot water heated, close to car.
coSvenienTto Portland. Just the Place .for
chicken ranch and work in city. 8686 E. 4Jd
st. Portland. Tabor 5071. .
100 acres can be cultivated; good fences,
fair building, running water, plenty ontrange;
adjoins forest rwerv. Price $3900; $500 cash;
consider part trade.
10 acre with a 2 inch water main on place.
180 foot fall back of place and a trout creek
through the place, with an exceptional view;
mile from depot: Priw $1000 cash.
CHOICE-front acre, overlooking Oswego Lake.
at Lake Grove station ; berrie and fruit trees.
2 years old: electric lights, water, good train
service. Alo 2 half aores with good cold prag
near lake. Bryant station. For information call
owner, Aiarsnau oooo,
V-ruSn"rTilTXli; LAND
20 acres, nice level land, ready to be
ploughed; located 6 mile from Washougal,
Wash.. 8 miles from railroad town; small house,
county road and rural conveniences; price $11.25
on terms. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg.
Containing nearly acre and half. Westmore
land district Running stream, Pved street
w wers, waUT. gas. $1600 plus Hons. Terms to
UV. r. 'Rr-TN CO., 30S-6-7 I-wis bldg.
7 " ACRES good-" gardeniofl; fLhing'". hunting
and wild berries in abundance; free wood,
water. $500 fir this 7H. For particular call
Main 701. Ask for Mrs. Morse, after 8:80
p. ui. , or Sunday afternoon
1T ACRES, partly cleareI. with 0 oom house.
on Nortli Bank highway, overlooking Colum
bia river. 64 miles from Portland. mile
from county eat. For information address 1601
Westanna, or call Columbia 520. '
. $15 PER ACRE
160 acres, good house. - barn ; other imrrove
ments; will take trade for $100". scene caih and
terms. Call or write- 510 Brooklyn st, Portland,
Or. Mrs. E. F. Ellrey. "
3EN acres, 14 mile from Portland; 3 acres in
cultivation: close to good school and electric
line; on' easy terms. WiH take Liberty bonds
at full value. No trade. Phone evening.
Marshall 554. .
WANT10.or 12 acres.' not more than 10
mile south of Portland, on good road; aom
improvement. Must be- high and dry. Pre
fer east aide of Willamette river. State price
anil terms. C-623, Journal. ;'
64-ACRES7"withln2-mUe of city limit. 45
in cultivation; spring water piped to build
ing, reservoir for irrigating purposes; close to
electric line. A good investment Room 11,
148 2d st
40 ACRES, of good land, all tillable, about 25 !
acres m cnlt and crop, 1-3 crop with place;
on good road, 36 miles from Portland; $50 per
acre takes it; term. J. R. Wollf, 228 Henry
4 Mrra, small house, 1 acre cultivated, all
can easily be. ploughed; price $1200, terms;
this is close to the station and is fine land.
John Ferguon. Gerlinger bldg.
lORTY acre. 20 mile out, railroad and high
way en land to Portland; 1000 cord first
growth fir: sale or exchange- L. Soott, Sher
cfl. Or. Ronta 1. '
10 ACRES, all cultivated, fine sou, 8 mues
from center of Portland, on the Oregon City
road, $8800. $1000 cash, balance 6 . Be
owner, 562 Commercial t
TWO acre, close in, Oregon Electric, improved,
new buildings; a bargain; sale or 'exchange.
fj Scott Sherwood Or. Rout 1.
8 ACRES onion land, clear,
tion and highway; share
electric ta
C K.
PtUlllpa. Tlgard. Or.
i ACRE. 3 room house, water, fights aa: 80
minute' out: bargain. 600 Stock Exchange
bMg. it East 8615.
BUY a horn that pay for itself; 6 acre, all
cultivated : - good house, barn, city limits;
$2500; terms. H-4 21. Journal.- ;
20 ACRE farm at edge of Gresham. $"S0O per
acre, lour own terms. F-61S, Journal.
160 ACRES cheap, near Newberg, W mile from
nver. U-Z39, Journal.
FROM 6 to 12 acre rich garden and fruit soil.
' dose to city limit. Owner. East 2681.-
$10t)0- 37 GOOD acres. Cowlits county. Wash.
Might trad. Owner, Tabor bSZ4.
626. JOCRXAU ,
J-"- ' ACHKAGK t7
TWO acme near Oregon and S. P. electric, ' e
far by book. -House, water piped, chicken
house; land all in eulti vat tony rich garden land.
Com out today and see it Take Oregon Elec,
1 :80 at Jeffenos st, get off at Firlock. X
will meet you. Week day. Main 5456. 1011
Yeon bids.-. Price $1500. easy term or wUl tak
320 DOWN, $5 monthly, buy half acre, 1 60s
180, 35 minute out; price $350. Draper
A Marsterv 201 Wilcox bldg.
SUBURBAN acreage. 1 to 119 acres.
Broadway 4688. ' 1
West Side Suburban Homes
Located on the Oregon Electric, the best, the
fastest, . the most -4uxurious service and the
cheapest rate of any suburban line running out
of Portland. Commutation fare- i only lo a
mile. Think of it. You can go 7 miles out
and pay only 7o fare. You can keep a cow,
chicken, raise .a fine garden ; in fact live for
half -mtiAt you do now, and still work in the city.
Come to Garden Home Today
I'll be en the ground all day with my machine,
ready to take you to any property yon wish to
Oregon Electric Acre Homes
AT GARDEN HOME Modern 7 room house
with all kinds of full bearing fruit and berrie;
has gaa, electricity, water, phone, fine sleeping
porch, fireplace, garage, wonderful view; close
to school and store; house about 7 year old;
there's about of an acre of ground; buildings
alone ar worth the price, which is only 33750,
on good terms, 6 per eent interest
At Multnomah Station
Strictly mod. 5 r. bungalow with about acre
of ground, all in high state of cultivation, house
has large combination living and dining roccn
with large fireplace and builtin - buffet, writing
desk, bookcases, beamed ceiling, white enameled
builtin kitchen, cement floor in bathroom with
fine shower bath in addition to regular bath
fixtures; house is nearly new and ha room for
2 more tnomi upstairs; has cement basement,
cement walks; has gas. electricity and Bull Bun
water; located on good auto road and ha the
finest view of any home in thi high class dis
trict: price is only $3700, and will gore some
At Garden Home
Strictly modem 7 room bungalow with acre
very highly improved with all kinds of full
bearing fruit And berries; house has full base
ment, furnace, fireplace and all tb builtins;
is surrounded by fine home; this is a wonder
ful bargain for cash only at $3750; it's really
worth. 34500; might consider short time terms
with right party.
AT RYAN STATION 8 room house with
100x100. elose to station and very highly im
proved with all kinds of bearing fruit and ber
ries; house ha full basement, is nearly new,
lies high and sightly and 1 a sacrifice at $3300;
$1260 cash.
AT RYAN STATION Large 7 room house
with 1 acres, all in cultivation; about 10
minutes' walk from station; has as and Bull
Run water; small brook touches' back 'corner;
has extra larg living room with large fireplace;
wide porches on 2 sides; price $3350; cash.
AT GARDEN HOME S acres with 7 room
house; old, but good and substantial: right close
to station; barn and other outbuildings; in cul
tivation and ha nearly 1 acres of bearing
fruit and berries; ground alone worth the money
and the price is only $3000; you can name the
AT GARDEN HOME Fine, ightly acre with
fair 3 room house; all In cultivation and has
plenty of bearing fruit; prooe $1600; $600
AT RYAN STATION aere with fair 4
room house, garage and chicken house; bearing
fruit and berries; gas and Bull Run water: price
$1600; $450 cash, balance $15 per month at 6
per cent
AT GARDEN HOME 8 acres only 5 minutes
from station: all in cultivation: best of oil;
ha fair 5 room house, plenty ' fruit; gas and
water; buildings are worth about $500; price,
with the whole 3 acres, is only $3100; very
good terms.
LISTEN rve got the best list of real bar
gains in suburban homes of any dealer in the
city. I can show you the kind of a place you
want at the price you want to pay, on any car
line you prefer. "
Have several 5, 10, 15 and 20 acre tract
close to pared highway arid carlines. Prices
range from $200 to $1000 an acre, depending
on improvements. Come to Garden Home to
day; my machine will take you to all other sta
tions. G, G, McCormic Co.
418 Fenton bldg. 84 Sixth St
Sunday Main 9318. Week days Broadway 1616.
ON THE Base Line rdad, on a paved street, the
main worougniare to tne Uoiumbia highway,
are 6 acre of the finest improved and the best
lying land along the Base Line road; this land
backs up to the electric carline, it is between
2 stations; on thi land is a very good substan
tial 5 room house with a full cement basement;
there is city water, gaa and eleotric light on the
street; there is a choice variety of fruit in full
bearing and abundance of it: all of this land
is zn high state of cultivation: the price for
this valuable suburban home is about its
true value- the reason Tw selling is. the owner
leaving the state; $4500 take thi place. M. J
Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg.
ON THE Oregon City carline, right at the sta
Hon just outh of Milwaukie, is 1 acre of
land cultivated to the highest; all fruit of the
choicest quality. small and large, in full bearing;
on this 1 acre is a modern up to date 6 room
bungalow, full basement furnace, fireplace, in
fact every city convenience is contained in this
bungalow: it even has city water (Bull Run) , as
well a It own water system; there i a garage
on the place; this is a beautiful home, and so
conceded by every person who see it; it is
a show plaoa. people go to thi. place to view
its - hawthorne hedge; sow listen, the price is
""'J 5300. and 'the term are co eaay only
81500 cash, the balance to suit M. J. Clo-
lieaaj, 1 X O ADington OMg.
FOR SALE By owner, closein 3 acres fine
garden soil, all in cultivation. 50 bearing
trees, fsnall fruit Good 6 room house, with
furniture, stoves woodhouse and dry wood, hen
house, 20 nice pullets, fine Jersey cow. 2 shoat.
raddle pony, big bam with feed and grain, farm
machinery, garden tools, new lumber, shingles
posts. Buildings good as new. $2200. Must
have cash. Owner going Eat this week. .See
me at once. O. IX Freytag, Gladstone, Or.
Phone Oregon City 269-J.
ONLY $1350 for on big tt-acre of ground,
the richest soil to be found along the Ore
gon City car line; on this land ia a new five
room bungalow, not entirely completed on the
inside. Thi place is only three blocks from
the station at Oak Grave. There is a variety
of fruit in full bearing, close to a hard-surface
street ThU place should sell for $2500. All
you -need is $500 cash. M. J. CLOHKSSY.
ONLY $4000 for five big acre of land, all of
it in cultivation, - all of it on the Oregon
City car line. ThU is semi-btaverdam land,
and will grow anything; there is some fruit;
there is also a new five-room bungalow with
everything modern in a bungalow. There fa a
chicken house. It is only a step to the sta
tion. Half cash will handle thfe. This 1 a
great bargain. M. J. CLOHKSSY. 415 AB
ONLY $5500 for 6 big acre of land all in the
high state of cultivation, all of it on the
Base Line road, running back to the electric
car line. On this land ia a good 7-roora house,
with full basement; the house is modern ; there
is a barn, garage, chicken house and other
necessary buildings. This place in the cheapest
place ever offered on the Bane Line road, con
sidering its improvements and location. Half
cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY. 415
$250 DOWN
TWO acres, sll in cultivation, 3 0 miles out
at Iluber, on 8. P., hck house, small barn
and chicken house, price $725, You can
work in town and live here.
203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
Right close to station, with 7 room ceiled
and papered house. Plenty of full bearing fruit;
gai and piped water. Owner leaving and will
Rive bargain'price. $1800. 500 cash. Ask for
VcCormic at Gardes Home today or call -at 418
v.. , i,h. .
Two story: 1st floor ha 4 rooms, fireplace,
bath and toilet; 2d floor unfinished, full ce
ment basement exert floor- chicken house and
park, hog pen. Price $2650. .
HOMESEEKERS- Don't fail to see my subt
urban home before yon buy. 1 acre, fruit,
berries, chickenhouse. barn and garage. Strictly
modern brown bungalow. 1 block west of Mel
drum sta.. Oregon City line. Must have $2500
easn, caiance gooa terms, o .
ACRE tract from $250 up, between Mult-
1 nomah and Maplewood stations, O. E. By., 6e
commutation fare. WiH build house . if de
sired; easy term. ' Also 11 acre near Tigard
very raasonaote. t-non aasia zibz. f VV m.
Borsch,' Shahapta nation.
2V4 ACRES. 72d t S. E.j 10 minute walk
from Tremoot station. Mount Scott line; 5
room house; good barn; S chicken houses; 40
fruit bearing tree; hrubberys ' $3500, $600
cash, balance to suit buyer. Tabor 6894.
HM ACRE uburban homo, fine location. Price
$5000. Take house and lot as part payment
np to $2500, 4 balance can stand' at 6.
Herman Peper. 607 Buchanan bldg.' Phone
Main 6175.- f
FINE suburban homo near - Tigard, on good
read, wen improved 10 seres; for particulars
Se J. It. Worn, .'28 Henry mug.
LARGE half acre, well improved. 4-rooja house.
city water, gas. 5 Ho fare. Oregon Electric
Owner. Marshall 1874. -
S ROOMS, 1 to 5 acre. Improved, Mirwaoki
district: terms. Owner. - Tbor 7226.
SUBURBAN scr.-sge, 1 to 119 aere. Owner,
Broadway 4683.
" - - ST
ONLY $5500 for 1 V, acres of the highest im
proved land on the Oregon City carline. This
place is all on the paved highway. It is in a
very pretty district, all the houses around there
are new and high class. - On this land is a rery
cute up to date 7 -room bungalow, modern to the
last ruche, everything that you eonld suggest ia
in this bungalow. A fin basement, stationary
tabs, electric lights, gas, full porcelain plumb
ing and now we come to the important feature
of thi place; it has on of the finest orchards
of all varieties of fruits in full bearing. One of
the largest vineyard at fin quality of s grape.
To sea thi place is to buy it on the spot . It
is really a very suburban home and it should
eB for $9000. All sr ask ia 35500. and the
reason for selling is the mother and father are
going Jto their son, who Uvea in another state.
Half cash win handls it M. J. CLOHESSY,
415 Abington bldg..
ONLY $5250 for 2 big acne of land, every
inch of it ia high state of cultivation; every
kind of fruit is full bearing; such a quantity of,
small fruits, in the line of grape and berries,
no other place contain; there is on this land a
good comfortable 6 room bouse srith cement
basement ; there is a greenhouse, cmcken house,
barn, gang; it has its own water system; the
bouse ia modern to the extent of having full
porcelain plumbing, gaa and electric light: thi
fine suburban home all of it lies along the
Oregon City carline, only 2 blocks from the
station at Oak Grove and practically on a paved
road to the gate; thi place cost the present
owner nearly $10,000 it is .worth it, its loca
tion is one of the beat it is high and the
drainage of the land could not be more perfect;
here is a chance- to buy and get 3 dollars for
youR 1 ; thi place, bear in mind. 1 adorned
with 'rare ah rubbery and the soil is of the best
quality; there is no excuse for any person de
siring a suburban home to pass this up; $2000
in cash is all you need, M. J. Clobessy, 415
Abington bldg.
YOU will buy thia if you want an up-to-date
beautiful suburban home or there is something
wrong with your judgment Here Is a plaoa with
2 big acres of land, no place could be improved
better, it location is superb, standing on an
eminence with a commanding view irom every
part of this two acres of all of the pretty towns
along the Oregon City carline as well a the
river and the west bank. This place is located
you might ay practically on a paved road, being
very close to the highway along the river. It is
also only two block from the station and mid
way between fiprtland and Oregon City. A large
assortment of fruit of standard variety in full
bearing, grapes and small fruits in abundance, on
this 2 acres is a fine home containing 6 rooms
with a basement, the envy of the neighborhood.
It has hardwood floors, it is modern and the
price for all is only $6500. Very much under
it value. M. J. CLOHESSY. 418 Abington bldg.
DO YOG WANT a high class suburban home
known as "Gray Gable" on the Oregon City
carline T With thi beautiful mansion are two
acres of land most highly improved, everything
in the line of fruit in full bearing, which grow
in Oregon, together "with the rarest shrubbery,
is on this place. It Is a suburban home da luxe.
No amount of description could exaggerate. It
is close in to the city of Portland; it is on a
paved street The price is only $9500. It
should sell for twice thi price. It will be neces
sary to see this place hi order to appreciate it
It will also be necessary for person interested
to hare cash to the amount of at least $5000,
otherwise it will be unnecessary to become in
terested. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg.
ONLY $5250 for 10 big aere of land, all in
the high state of cultivation. On this land is
a good 5-room house, a good barn, chicken
house and other necessary buildings. The house
has a full cement basement; there is a Urge
orchard coming into full bearing. It is in what
is known as the Sunnyside district only one half
mile from the hard surface or paved street It
is on a good road; the buildings alone are in
sured for $2000; close to school and not far
from car line, Th land Is the richest to be
found in thi district This place alone will sup
port a large family and money can be made
every year besides. Tbia place would be cheap
at $10,000. $1500 in cash will handle it We
will give you yean on the balance. M. 3. CLO-
HESSY, 415 Abington bldg.
2 2-5 ACRES, new house, barn and outbuild
ings, 4 blocks of station, spring and well. 1
Jersey cow and chickens; small payment and
good terms.
Half acre and 5 room house. 7 block of sta
tion; $S50. $150 cash and $15 per month.
Six room modern house, nearly 1" acre, close
to river. 4 H blocks of station, nice fir grove, lots
of holly, woodshed, poultry house and water sys
tem: small payment down and good terms; all
at Jennings Lodge. Oregon City carline.
GEO. MORSE, Jennings Lodge, Sunday.
309 Cham, of Com. Weekdays. , Main 6008.
ONLY $4900 for 3 big acre of land, all ia
orchard and garden; this land is just off the
paved highway near the Oregon City carline,
only 2 block from the river; on this land is an
up to date 6 room bungalow, fireplace and full
cement basement; there ia gs in the house and
all other necessary conveniences; the land alone
is worth the price without the bungalow, and
you cannot build the bungalow today for less
than $3500; there is a garage, barn, chicken
bouses and everything else which goes with a
first class suburban home on the place; $2500
in' cash will handle this. M. J. Cloheeay, 415
Abington bldg.
You must get ready to. make hay. The city
is crowded, the country home offers a solution
of the high cost of living. Take the kiddles out
on this beautiful 2 acre borne and you will
never regret it Thi place is at Greenberg
station, on Oregon Electric, about 7 miles out:
all under cultivation: 4 room nouse. water in
house, fruit trees, berries, lawn, shrubbery and
flowers. Price $2300. Call andv see photos.
203-S-7 Board of Trade bldg.
ONLY $2500 for 5 big acres of land on the
way to the Columbia highway; it location is
one of th best and prettiest out f airriew way;
the Troutdale car run across on the north side
f thia tract: this land for a suburban home will
mBio one of the prettiest in Oregon, it has a
commanding new and the price should be 81000
an acre; all we want is H that price; the soil
it the best and it is so accessible to good roads
and carline : it is hard to beat this; y cash
will handle it M. J. Cloueaay. 416 Abington
ATI cleared, only 2T5 feet to macadam road
2 blocks to Sandy blvd. ; best soil, no rocks. See
this at once. Terms $100 dmm. balance month
ly, interest 6. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.
7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4 th and Stark.
Main 208. A-2050.
I Acre Good Home
7 Rooms
Fireplace, basement laundry trays, bath, toilet
barn, large chicken house, garden, orchard, city
water, gas: 2 block from city and paved road;
end WoodKtock car, 2 blocks east and 6 blocks
south to 6682 62d st S..E.; $320u; $aou ca&n.
Phone owner. Tabor 777.
2 acre home with T room modem bouse, plasr
lereo. concrete loonuiuua euu uMuMrat, 1 1
place, 350.J range already connected, bath and
toilet, good barn, chicken house, hoghouse. gaso
line engine and tank: -place all fenced and croas
fenced, bearing fruit trees, hi mile from Metre er.
9 mile outs owner refused $4300 for thi place
a few year go, price now exnuu. iv caau.
balance to suit Photo at office of Fred W.
rlni-man f'o 732 Chamber of Commerce.
8 14 ACRES, 3 Mk cultivated, balance pasture and
wood to last year; room piaaiereu nouse.
basement barn, fruit berries. On - improved
tTr War Ovecrnn t'itv carline. Hereford sta
tion, $3200. mtg. $800. Might accept clear
city property. Owner too old to care for place.
Gladstone. Or,
MY house for sale, 10 acres. 5 H .cultivated. 2
acre beaverdam. 6 room house, all necessary
outbuildings, all new. . Good well, electricity and
gas available. 180 fruit trees, beginning to
bear; also small fruits. About 1 mile of sta
tion, 80 min. from courthouse by auto, or car.
$4000 ca&h, balance terms. W-618, Journal.
WOOD, $1200.
$200 down. $15 monthly buy H acre very
choice bearing fruit tree and 4-room cottage,
fair garage. Tbf fruit en thi place brings in a
nice Iittl income. ' Fred W. German Co 782
Chamber of Commerce.
4-ROOM house, city water, gas, electricity;
close In, Oregon Electric; $900, term.
Owner. Marshall 1874. -
s 17
162 acres, 10 cleared, 40 more slashed,
burned, seeded and fenced, about 40 acres creek
bottom, lota of outrange. House 18x35, good
bam and other outbuilding, young orchard. S
Jersey cow, all for $2300. This place is close
to an inland town, school, church and store in
sight of house, on, main road, wail and cream
815 Northwestern Bank bldg.
93 acres, only $10O per aere; perpetual water
right paid; only 6 mile south of Grants Pss.
on the main county road; 60 acres under culti
vation; rich clay toam. best oQ for alfalfa, com.
grain and sugar beets; good buildings; 7 room
dwelling; large new barn; all kinds of good
equipment ; some stock. Owner can not handle,
so must sacrifice. Johnson. 212 Lumbermens
- dairV Farm " T"
41 acres. 24 under cultivation. 'Fries $9500;
terms. Paul C Fischer, Bearer bldg., Oregon
City. Or.
HAVE some Montana free literature" for those
who are interested m Montana.
Mais 7435. 614 8 wetland Bldg.
iwu good xanches for sale. Writ , it
Thriifc- langloby Curry county. Oragoa, .
' We are now placing on th market 8000 acres
of the finest alfalfa land in the northweat
This bind is located in Umatilla county, Ore
gon, 180 gnues- east of Portland on th main
line of . the O-W. R. tt N.. at SranfieM. Fine
schools and all rural advantage. Ia thi
project there are 10.000 acre of bind. 5000
acres of which ar bow producing alfalfa and
other crops, average yield of alfalfa is 8 tons
per acre , " - -
The soil is' pur volcanic ash '40 to 90 feet
deep, no , alkali, no rock or gravel, no rough
land. Chemically pure water for domestic use.
Our water right for irrigation is one of the
oldest and -most perfect in the northwest, and
ia fully paid. i
Our main ditches are concreted. "
$1000 will handle 40 acre, balance 10
Tear at per cent: no payment for 2 years.
Remember thi project is only hours from
Portland. For full information, photograph
of land, crops grown on it call on or writ
Third and Main Streets.
1yanoouver.Waeh. " -
75 acres, only 2 mile from Corral lis, about
60 acre in cultivation, on good road f air build
ings; a real buy. Price $15p per acre. '
633 acre, located on the- west side high
way, not far- from Corvalli. Thi road will
i . i ... . ... - . -
xiT. . "J? II", ."Z
as about it
. -
V. have farms of all klnd at price, that will
et your and et term better than you
mwi joar went ana as terms hAttjr then vrai
. ... .
can find elwher- r - " . .
sue write us or come and see us. W answer
sll inquiries the day they are received.
KINNEY A CO.. Corvalli. Or. -
10 acre. located 6 mi. from Vancouver, on
good auto road, in thickly settled community,
convenient to chool; 8 acres under cultivation.
2 acrea pasture, place fenced and crosa-f enced ;
4-room plastered house, beside pantry and
large store room, house is nearly new. Small
barn, chicken bouse, woodshed, well bouse, etc
Personal property: Good Jersey cow. -8
month old heifer, driving mare, some chickens,
hay in barn, small tooU. 'Price $2500, $1500
cash, bat 3 V, years at 6 per cent.
3d and Main St.. Vancouver. Wah.
76 ACRES. 5 mile northwest of McMianville,
16 cultivated, fair buildings, 32000, --
20 acre 1 mil north of Yamhill, all culti
vated, 6 acres orchard, buildings, $2800. $600
660 acres in Wasco county, 230 acre in
cultivation, $16 per acre.
108 acres, best of coil, st Oregon City, stock,
machinery. 26 head of Holstein' cattle. $165
per acre.
103 Sherlock bldg. ' .
. $25 PER ACRE -
600 acre wheat ranch in Morrow county, 1 H
mile 4b loading station, fine well, good build
ings; erop this year will psy for place.
809 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133.
2 acres in cultivation, 3 more easily cleared,
all good level land, on main macadamised road
from Oregon City; 4 room house, bam 2 Va mile
from Oregon City. 3LS00; $750 cash, balance
$200 per year.
10 acres, all incultivation, 1 acre in , 6
room house, barn, chicken house and land
all level and in high state of cultivation. miles
from my office, good road; $3000. part cash.
8th and Main St., Oregon City, Or.
2 1-3 ACRES. 3 room house, well, all in fruit
except garden spot, consisting of prunes,
Troyal Ann.) cherri&t, wme apple, and grapes.
Most of trees 8 years old. Got $225 last year.
K mile from 6- P. station, Spriugbrook, 1
miles from college town. 22 miles from Portland
by pared highway.. Price $1500, About $600
down, balance to suit at 6.
W. T. Lewis, Mgr.. Newberg, Or.
Box 425. Phone Black 190. Re. Red 183.
HAVE replaced my farm horses with a tractor
aed wiU ell them. Team black mares, age
a uu . weignt .auu ID.. $200. Team
geldings, sorrel and bay, age 0 and 7, weight
2800 lbs., $300. Brown gelding, weight 1400
osA??" years. $65. Sorrel-mare, weight
i, yews, jo. 4.130 3 farm
j iiw -ln. and 2 sets
""" "erueea. inquire at feed store, Tigard,
. v.ciw jauovfcnu 1 J,
45 ACRES ranch in Oiarke county. Wash. ; do
sire to sell; will take some Portland property
wev yai w AV 4eAaiJAW
One of the best stock and grain ranches
Montana, lODacco Flaln district; $33,000
il, , Place : will take a dairy ranch In
i memcvvB Taney as part payment
oj ranama bldg. Main 7300
FOR SALE 80 acre. 30 miles from Portland.
. - ... A. 73 sum UOQ 1X11-
ton. 18 sere in cultivation, all kinds of fruit
1 , ' uiniurn pisce, part irri
gated, spring water piped into house, bam, 2
hen houses, root house, hog bouse and garage;
also another set small buildings. Price 32300.
Terms. Come to Molalla. Phone J. E. Moms,
owner, at Col ton. I will meet you and show
place. t .
FOR SALE tS acres. 4 M miles north of Wil-
lamiua; small house, about 6 acre in" cultiva
tion. bL fine tie timber; Vi mt to school, on
Co. road; well and running water; nearly level
land, good aoil. 'no jock; ties and posts will pay
for farm; 82300. 8300 cash and baL.S years at
per eent f '
J. 8.' KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exchange Bldg.
Main 8270.
7 room Tiouse. spring water piped in house,
barn, root . 40 bearing trees, 3 horses,
light wagonJ part in cultivation, 10 acre more
easily cleared; on good road, cream mute, R.
F. D. and phone line pat the door. J 0 miles
from Oregon City; price $2350; $1200 cash,
balance terms.
81 h and Min sts.. Oregon City.
820 ACRES, good tsmuy orcnartl, torn clear
ing, acme buildings of not morh value, well
watered with creeks, rich soil, fcO per cent of
the whole -tract is smooth enough for any kind
of farming whan cleared. Thi land i in an old
bum and can be cleared for one half the cost
of ordinary stump land. This is the making
ef an excellent stock ranch or would be good to
subdivide into smaller farms. Price reduced to
$10 per aere for a quick sale. OX-899. Journal.
17 ACRES. 1 mile from La Center, Wash., and
boat landing, less than .14 mile from Pacific
highway. Good rock road to place. 6 & acre
cultivated, balance brush. Good land, all fenced,
running water, telephone line, R. F. D.. 1 mile
to high school and church. $1250, half cash,
balance long time, 6 per cent interest No
buiklings. This to a snap if you want a small
place. Owner, A. Morey. La Center, Wasn.. It. 1.
79 acres 2 acre in cultivation, 85 acre of
tillable land. 3000 cords of wood. 3 mile haul to
railroad, piling, cedar for posts; new 6 room
houte, bam .24x34. spring water at house, large
creek, 3, mues from railroad. 9 mile jrom Ore
gon City on good road; price $2765.
8th and Main St. Oregon City. Or.
HIGHLY Improved 47 acre farm, 35 miles from
Portland; full line stock snd machinery, good
buildings, all under cultivation and most sU in
crop, 89 acres elegant bottom land, close to
K.R.: loo hu. oats, hay and potatoes so wuh
place, also hogs and chickens; illness of owner
compels change; price S20Q per . acre. I R.
Moore. 817 Board of Trade.
6 ACRES PRICE 3950' -
acres, 2 H in cultivation. 4 room house,
bsrn, woodshed, chicken house, etc: good creek,
3tt milee from Tigard: this it a dandy buy.
809 OAK BT. BROADWAY 4133.
(JiO-ACRE dairy ranch, fin soil. 250 acres
easily cleared, no stump of logs, balance heavy
timber, estimated 10.000,000 feet 1 14 miles
from sawmill; no Improvements; lot ef fine
grass and wild pea vine; going at 820 per acre.
Don't write, visit me. It E. Butler, 431
Chamber ot Commerce. '
VYHEAT .and stock ranch, 150 sown to wheat
fenced and eras fenced with hog wire, spring
snd, creek on place, good - building, dose to
school, phone in honee, Wasco county, Ory;
price 811,500 $2 50O cash, bal. to suit at 6 ;
present crjp should sell for $6000 to $7000.
I K, Moore, 817 Board of Trade.
40 ACRES t of good land, must
sold in 2
week, some improvement, small house, good
spring, ' 1 acre plowed and 2 acre : ready for
plow, 2 hi miles west of Gobi. If is worth
81400, but will aacriXie for $1000. - G. W.
Lang. Coble. Or.
160 ACRE improved farm near Toledo. Lincoln
county, 20 acre in cultivation. 100 acre
can be cultivated, hoo-e 24x28; $11 per acre:
term. Neil Smith. 6614 - Foster road. Tabor
1981. - - '
36, ACRES near Newberg, 32 m-crop. acres
- bearing prone, good bouse, bsrn, stock and
machinery, $5500. $3000 cash, Apply 782
Patton road. --''
FOR SALE 20 acre farm, fin home, close up
to Oregon Electric car, good improvement,
$3700; part cash, balance 6 year with 6.
owner. 1571 Fiske t. Portland.
SNAP Wheat ranch. 320 acres. Southeastern
Idaho, all cleared and fenced; part down in
trade or cash, balance crop payment - O. P.
Groble. 14th and Clay. - Phone Main 3590.
POLK CO. farm for rale around Independewee
and Monmouth. All sizes, well improved, haudy
to market, schools, church and tatanna. Good
road. See or address J. H. Moran, Monmouth, Or.
40 'ACRES, 6 cultivated, rolling land, cheap
building, in Washington county, nr 8, P.
elect rie; . price $1600. J. I Use, 717 Board
of Trad bldg. , '..'. ; .
0 ACRES, Clark county. Wash. j cr in
prune. 1 in apples, soxo cnemety pears.
Drums: 14 acre in cultivation, including orch
ard. balance in timber and pasture; good black
toil, good 'house, barns fenced; SVfc mile north
of Cams; close to school. Prio $3600. $1500
20 acres 9 H miles from Portland, all kind
of fruit little timber, good & room house, barn,
all fenced; 4 mile to station, close to school,
good well and reservoir; IS acre fall wheat. 1
pair bone. 1 cow and heifer, wagon, plow. ba
neas and other tool. 2 tun hay. 7 ben. tc.
all goat 85400.. ri---'-.., ' ... :
6.85 aerB tin berry land, ck to a larg
cannery in thriving town, tots of fruit, good
building, fin city water, paved road, only 2
blocks away ; some personal property; 33500.
' SO acres. Su mtlaa marthwest of Newberg.
fine pew bungalow, bam, other buildings, good
rock road.. 8 acre 2 year old prune, other fruit
good buy at $6000; house cost something like
S2500 or more; would consider property for
part . - .
Have 2 good buys in walnut and prune or
chard; also soma tin farms; alt' ise. ' See
Hesgsrd at 614 gwetiand bklg. Address G. N
Hegard. Newberg. Or. ' -
129 ACRES. 80 in cultivation, all fenced and
crossfenced; lie . well; good 7. room bouse.
large old barn, other outbuildings; 2 .-teams, 2
, uu-oe-ii. ' varans, l n..c. - n&rr " . Ji
l Plow, l binder, mower, rake; drill, fanning
i mill, manure nireadar. lots nf email tool. 8
b' EatoJB,
; Sd road. So
ton hay. 1 ton oats, S stand
.- ii lurnuuir. 1 . ir . I . M II kit.
: , . . ... . . . . -
'"y" V"-. ".".'" rauroaa town.
Thia ia til heat buv
in viarae county, C0UU0 cash, balance aa long
a wanted at 6.
40 acre. 87 in cultivation, good modern
house, furnace, hot and cold water, lies well.
" ui prune, juat Beginning to bear; 4
acre in apples, 25 cherries. i..ra arenas rn
bearing walnut trees, all kind of small fruit;
larg bam and outbuildings. Thia place is 11
miles . from Vancouver Alt aVrVad VraAal at nA iek A
bargain at $9000. $8500 cash, balance time to
suit .
10 fores. aU in bearing prunes with good
ana grge-. mile Irom city,
Price 350O0. 4 csh.
See us for U kinds of insurance,
... W: ,W. WILSON CO..
311 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash.
.. 80 cre. 60 acre tillable, 40 acres in oil
uvation, HO acre uow - ia meadow, wood for
family use, rich loam anil, nn mfe .!
all fenced and Croat-fenced, small tpfing stream
uuuuau pace, o-rpoa plastered nous with
full basement fair bam and all necessary out
building. - Portion of '-plac fenced with hog
tight fencing. Well of water I houaa. with
gasoline engine to pump water, water piped to
house and barn, chicken i bouas and hog lot
Two acre full bearing prunes. 1 acre of as-
soirea ore nam. z pit silo. Only 0 mile from
Vancouver; paved and macadam road to with
in 8 miles of houie. Ha all rural ariran.
and i in thickly settled community. Price
en.vuv. Yviu accept nouse and lot in Van
couver or Portland as part payment
3d and Main Streets, Vancouver. Wuh.
1 ACRES. V. mile from carline: new hnu&.
bara. poultry house, 8 acre cultivated, well
ana stream, on gravel road. Price $2300, Will
take a house to 31500. balance terms.
40 acres, 2H mile of town, 18 acres culti.
vatea; new o room home, barn and outbuildings
spring water piped to house by ram; fine tim-
oer. Team, a cows, chickens and farm tools.
race gzoou. $1800 cash and terms.
. lis : acre. 5 cleared and more partly
cleared; good timber, 4 room house, bur barn,
garage, concrete-cellar and outbuilding; 2 horeas.
6 cows, 18 goats, 8 hoas. 60 chickens; feed and
seed; lot of implements; well. 2 spring and
stream; 1 mile of 5 ood town, $63 per acre,
part casn ana balance 0 years at .
309 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8008.
12 ml. from Portland, on hard-surfaced road
mi. from electric station, 14 ni. to station
on the S. P. 7 acre of finest tile drained
onion bind in the Tualatin, valley, 2 acre of
-year-old orchard, balance of land cleared and
in clover, 4-room house and fine barn 80x85 ft
cost $1200. Entire ranch in high state cf
cultivation, all good soil and especially -adapted
lor garaerung or poultry raising. I4e high
enough to drain well, no water .stands on top
or ground. only , mt from boulevard.
Owner has entered ' commercial line and has
Placed this In our bands for quick sals at $6000,
some term.
3d and Main St.. Vancouver. Wash.
Containing 20 acres. 14 under cult. . balance
in chicken yards, pig and cow pasture, abundance
ot living timber, comtortable 7 -room -house,
with fireplace, spring water piped to house.
lawn, etc; good barn, s ane chicken bouses,
fine trout stream through place, on of the
best assorted orchard in th county.- and all
manner of. small fruits, lovely . flowers and
shrubbery: mi. from country town. R. It
and river and lO mile from Vancouver, in
thickly settled locality with all rural advan
tages. Price only $5000, cash, balance to
suit, purcnaser. .
3d and Main Streets. Vancouver, Wash.
Acreage, improved , and unimproved. Ex
change . for residence in Portland or for sale
60 a. A-l land. Cape Horn, Wash. 17 a. Cape
Horn. Wash. -0 a. Washougal, Wash.' 20 a.
Grant Pass. Or. 20 a. Wiisonville, Or. 26
Wilsonville. Or. lis. Clackamas, Or. 3 s.
Falls City. Or. 20 a. Reedville. Or. 2 a.
Salem. Or. 40 a. Cottag Grove, Or. 6 a. about
mile from Multnomah station. 1S4 a. Gaston.
Or. 124 a. Highland, Or. 194 a. TamhUL Ot.
820 a. Eastern Oregon. 320 a. Alberta. Can
ada. Also we have other tracts similar to
those. 914 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
85 acres on Portland-Astoria highway, 3
mile thi side of - bcappoose; ha rail and
water transportation, well a stage and truck
service st front door; 4 0 minute drive to Port
land, paved road all the way; 8 acres under
cultivation, 15 acre fine river bottom ' pasture
and balance good plow land when cleared ; (mail
house and new bam 80x40; good duck lake
on place; price $0000; terms $3200 cash and
balance long time. Don't wait till th other
fellow pick thi p . .
918 Chamber of Commerce.
$800 DOWN
20 sere in cultivation, balance timber, shout
2000 cords of wood that will psy for part of
. 1. ..1 . as n. .In m.(1 Small hntiu anf nan.
some fruit, living water. Here i your chance
to earn a good home. Va will give you un
limited twna on tnis place as long as you mas
good. Seven miles from Oregon City on mail
route and cream route. -nce , stuuu;
down. '
7th nd Mln sts.. Oregon City. Or.
Farm bargain
456 acre. 75 acre high state enltivation.
381 acre timber, 6 room new bungalow, bam
for SO head stock, other puthniidings, running
water and nice lake, high rolling land. There
is thousands of. cord of wood; land i good,
200 apple tree and family orchard, situated 25
mile Portland, 6 mile to Ry. station. Wash
ington and Yamhill counties; price 816.000;
about $35 per acre; $5000 cash, .bat mort
gage. -
R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 185H 4th st
uivTivi iiivru
R40 acres, all tillable; 860 acre ready for
seeding: ' good water; fenced and cross fenced;
lays fine for tractor use; the owner of this
ranch died, so hi widow is compelled to sacri
fice and will soli for $16,000; $5000 cash,
balance payable in erop payment. Tb ldy
1U leave Portland Monday, tbe 24 th, o act
Only 8 1 mues from Portland on hard surf ace
road : . fine large house with full cement base
ment, a as light and fuel, water- piped to alT
building. large barn and other outbuilding, gar
age. ' famfly orchard. Price for aU $12,800.
$2000 each will handle. 12 acres with buddings
for $7000. - -
913 Chamber of Com mere Bldg.
75 acres in crop, looking fin, 8 room pis.
tered house, fine water ytem, good barn and
outbuildings, 4 horaes. 4 cow. 75 sheep, 100
bens, fully squipped with th best modern ma
chinery, on good road, mile from Oregon
City, 2 mile to H. R. station and boat landing;
price lie per Sere, one half cash, balance time,
low tat interest. : :
' 8th and Main t., Oregon City. -
- 200 acrea. part cultivated, lot pasture, orch
ard fair boildings, fronting co Molalla river.
Price cut to $6300. half cash. Good pate, forced
to sell.- - " '
J. HAAS. TIT Board nf Trade bMg.
840 acres open land, mostly pasture, perma
nent stream and spring water, in CowliU county.
Wash. Bargain. Saw this. -e . , . -
HAAS, 717 Board of Trade Ding.
BY owner. 72 acre. 23 under plow, balance
pasture aad timber; house, bam, silo, orch
ard, telephone, U. F. D. ; stecK and machinery.
Five milee from X sea mil. ttuuv
to suit. HX-41S, Jouraal
iTNEST Uct. 60 acres, for prunes, walnuts or
dairy:' close in en K. K. ; good rock road,
milk route, uncleared, good timber, at only frac
tion of itt value for immediate sale; terms. . -
694, Journal. ' 4
23 ACRES near Newberg, 12 ia eoUivatioo, S
acre bearing prunes; Bouae, bam,' 2 eew,
aom machinery, $2000, $1200 easbv Apply
732 PaUua road. ... v, .
860 acrea. 2 mile out 20 mile from knr
city; fin 8-room house, with cellar, larg brn
and toft; granaries for 21,000 bu-lieU; flowing
wen; fenced and cross fenced: 6 SO acres tu
enltivation. balance all good: $53 n cre. crop
payments, no cash dowtw. ThU is a fui farm
home. Langdon 752.
640- acre, good house with stone foundstlon.
barn, stable, two granaries, blacksmith shop
and garage; fenced and cross fenced; good well
and running creek; 250 acre in cultivation.
oaianoe aU good; ZS an acre; $3009 ca&h,
balance crop payment. Rtclidals 860.
- 820 acres, 2 miles out 20 mllos larg city;
splendid house and other god improvement;
good water; well fenced; 155 acre la culti ra
ti on. balance all good: 343 an acre, easy terms.
Atrdri 899. V -
820 acre, amail house and granary: fenced
with two wires; 80 sere ia cultivation, aU
good level plow land: $12.30 an acre; $2000
cash, balance easy, Rlchdale 177.
160 acre, small houe and barn: fenced;
good .water, two wells; 75 acre la cultivation,
balance all good; $25 an acre; $1000 cash,
balance to suit Rlchdale 418.
156. acres. 3 miles out: good set of build
ing, partly fenced; good water; IS acres in
cultivation; school half a mile; $12,60 per aero.
Vermillion 06.
160 acres, -boas and granary, fenced ;. 90
acre in cultivation, all good land: $17 an
acre; $500 cash, bale no easy. Vermillion 278,
100 acres; good dairy farm; stable and gran
ary; fenced, good water; 60 acrea in cultivation;
$16.50 an acre, good terms. Vermillion 831.
160 acre. 4 H miles out; house, bam. sta
ble, granary; fenced, good well, fine spring;
48 acres in cultivation: $25 an acre; $1000
cash, balance to suit Laoombe 10H. . '
lie tailed information upon application, inew
are only a few of hundreds of splendid farm we
have to offer. Do not wait Act now.
8"iTiT8$8S $83 $83 $85 $85 $S5$83$83
Three fine -farm near Albany at $85 pef
ere. Either of these farm 1 worth $1.3 an
acre on the open market
The 118 farnf ia located 3 mile from Al
bany en a good crashed rock country rod. 100
acre in cultivation, some pasture and enough
timber in the wood lot for family use. rnces
new and all woven wire,' Running water and
good well. S room bouse, big barn. School
14 mile from Place. Etectric station 14 mile.
10c fare to Albany. Immediate Dossesslou f
house and bam. possession of fieJd, October 1.
The 119 acre farm is located P hi mile from
a small town, on a good country road. The
place has a young family orchard, 19 acre in
oak and ash timber, loo acre ia crop. Good
oil. running water on the place. - 7 room
dweUing. small bam. School 10O yards. May
arrange immediate possession. .
The 470 acre farm he 10 mile frtfm Al
bany, right in the center of the valley. Good
family orchard and all in cultivation. - Fence
good, a well. 7 room dweUing. large bam,
granary and other Aeds. V can sell thi place
for a payment of $1000 down and give poasosainii
October 1. 1819. -
Come up to Albany and let us how you these
3 farm. W hare personally inspected all
of them and guarantee their values.
133 Lyon t, Albsny. Or.
388 $85 385 $85 $35 $83 $S3 $85 $85 $83
A -1
rs i y I
80 acres, all In cultivation, near
Albany, Or. ; good 8 rm tnmx with
bath, hot and cold water; winimtll nd
tank, water piped to barn: bam i
a0i4 with stanchion for 20 hed of
cattle, 6 head of horses, loft for 60
tone of hay; 80 ton alio. 2 large shed,
graaery and chicken -houses, blacksmith '
hop and garage; ail kinds of machinery
that ia needed to run the place;' 2-3
ot th land 1 now in crop; family or
chard, all kinds of berrie nd grapes;
i ., 01 oUr c. 1 IloUtein
bull, 3 mares, wagon and. haraeM. 1
Duroc-Jersey brood sow, 1 Poland-
Chin boar, B shoaU, 60 hens; eruiiag
cutter, fanning mill. De Leva! separator.
Incubator and brooder; 1 mile from
station on Oregon Electric R.R., 2
16 .min. from Portland; price
12.600, term. K. A. Brown.
G. C. Goldenberg Co,
21 5 Abington Bldg.
AU fin 'land. IS acre in culti ratio. 3 -r
In timber on the back end of place, a fine;
new 7 room House all painted, fin true barn all
painted, hoghouse, chicken-house, storehouw-,
wrodhouse; all of the buildings are new ami
pa hi ted; 1 cow, chh-ketu, plows, harrow, culti
vstor, cream separator, 2 wagons, hsy fork,
scales, hoes, shovels, saws, hay knltn, all hmite
br Id goods, and sll are good; 2 wells of water,
living spring branch. 14 mile to electric line.
mile to school. 1 mil to store, 5 rnilei of
Oregon City, on fin road, beautiful locution.
Everything goes t $5300, part nun. Can t
beat it for a home. -
7th ,and Main St. - Oreron Clv. Or
81 14 acre near. MnMinnrlile all In mlllia.
tion, over 40 acres in fall wheat; attractive I
room house and other a-ood bnildimra: anms
stock included: well drained, aightiv and "
of best 11MJ farm ia the state; price $9500.
80 acres Within 21 miles of Portland ,.n
fine road; i in cultivation and most of it in
crop now. 11 nearly level: 1 mil from electric
station; 7 room nous, big barn and oUier build
ing r 4 nore, cow, and full equipment form
mauhinery; price $12,000.
130 acreir'near WashmicaL 100 In cull Wat ion
11 fine black soil, slraoxt level; 10 room bouse.
oarn ouxiou, lot of other bu!!dingn; 5 acre
orchard; price $18,000, ud $2.VK cah will
handle; thi place sold for (22.000.
.913 Chamber of Commerce.
DEEP thin kin. Xmt MMing. 13 tea r now mg
to MEXICO, the war being over and condi
tions settled, snd are buying np fin agr.enltiiml
lands. They predict on of th erraUwt la ad
development ia history wUl take rlc in Mex
ico. W bve rich agricultural land, deep soil,
sufficient rainfall for two crops a year; will
grow most anything, delightful climate, cheait
labor, splendid transportation facilities, 'on th
Southern Pacific railroad and adjoining Oregon
farmers who are living there farming their land.
Our price are so a man can start farming on
large scale an much smaller capital than in th
country where peopl know land value.. Do your
thinking now ami write N. B. Anderson. 800
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
TOREK good farm, 65, 89 and 100 aores;
locked snd full fsrm equipment; 20 to So
miles from Portland; $4600 to 10,000; imiKc
dist possession,
A. W, Lambert & Son
B. E, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Aider St
East 340.
JUSf Uuuk of it: One of the iet lamtuii Co.'
farm lor $75 per acre. 283 aere. 145 acre
under plow and 25 more cleared tod an In
plowed. 63 acre oak and small tir eaiiiv
cleared, 100 acre creek bottom, black soil,
lis lance rolling. 6 room bouse, wowbthed. barn
50x70, hog house, 6o acres ia rye and wheat
1 hi la a nie-e lying farm. 44 mils to school,
bout 80 mile from Portland. About 14 cash,
balance 6 per eent
818 Northwestern Bank bMg.
553 A. 21 Miles of Portland
$33 Per Acre
80 acres In cultivation. 250 acre bottom
land, balance hill land; fin creek, deep soil;
room house, large nam, run; splendid terms.
809 Oak t Broadway 4133.
880 acre, near Cottage Grave. Lane Co.. the
bent district in Oregon, Large part under culii-
fir, plenty of pasture, good buUdingx, on high
way. 1 hi soils irons station. 30 head cattle,
goat, horse and all kind of machinery. Bet
bur ia Oregon. 324,000; term, or will take
good income property for part Look thi np.
GIIJBOM REALTY CO., 431 Cham, of Com.
- 120 ACRES, $2500
40 mile from on th Portland-
Astoria highway, now being paved; half a mile
front the Columbia river and a railroad station;
beautiful view of the river with no burden
some climb. Land lies well and is fertile, with
spring water. Will divide and might take som
trad Sell. 1929.
89 srrav of creek bind ia Tana Co , with
over 38000 worth of personal property
improvements. Notlilng lacking on thi place.
Buyer will have machinery, stock and every,
thing, -with crop now in. $14,000; half easily
- - 81 5 Northwestern Rank blrlg.
' This is all under the ditch, bnt has no bnl'd
tngs or Improvements: 4 r,Hes (r-m ItermiaUJO. '
309 Oak t , iiroauiTay 4133.