THE OREGON"- SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, - SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH S3, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR MIK-HOIKKS I TOOK THESE OVKH $ 120& Peninsula district, B room and alaep- . lng porch, lot 60x112. fruit tree, I term, 81$00 $300 uh. , ttk. aelT GUM, 3 . rooms, bath, cement basement, flre - place. - .. ' $1400 Montavfll. 4 rooms. " cement base ment, frnit tree,' close to car. $300 cash. Balance lik rent 11500 WoodlawB. (200 cash." balance Ilka i, twit. 7 rooms. fnO Jot and fnirt tne. $1600 Peninsula district. 4 room and flre - ' place, ckm to car and paved atreet Easy term. 81800 -$200 cub, balance like rent. 4 rooms, v bath, fall cement basement, abundance of fruit tree. 1 block from ear nd paved street. E. 79th, Bear Glisan. 91 TOO 850 cash, balance to Bait. S rooms .-. . and bath, crowd 75x80. frnit tree. 1 - block from car and paved street. 72d, near Olisan. -$1800 -Near S P. shops- 7 room and bath, full basement. Hard surface stretU. $80O cash, balance to uiU $2000 Near 8. I, shops, 4 rooms and 'bath. fall cement beeement- Easy terms. $2500 $300 cash, balance to suit. 6 rooms, , .- bath, ful floored - attic, full lot. fruit trees, near Union are. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. WARRINEB. HITTER, IXWK CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $300 TO $500 DOWN , ! $2500 $2800 $3350 AND UP j IXW PRICKD-NEW BCNOALOWS ROSE CITY PARK We have for sate a number of bungslow NOW UNDER COURSE op CONSTRUCTION. They, with weather per .iifl.. Ill finished in about 60 dm. Call .at our (iff ice and let us show too the plans - and the ones now under course of construc tion. The bungalows will be finished in old : Irory or natural finUh. and will tint walls and . . - . . -. I. - l J I A paint pusgawwi w sui preuw.. ,,m-..w doors in main rooms. We hare some plans for very nobby 4 room bungalows with sleep ing . porches. These bungalows should appeal to- yon. Not-only will you have a new bungalow, 1 bnt we can build in and make little changes to ttlit'your ideas. TUey are on paved .streets and ewer. J- L. HAUTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bide.. 4 th and Stark. Main 208, A-2050. ! 4 ROOMS $500 Near Reed college; house in need of repairs, but any handy man can make them. 7 ROOMS $2000 1 block from can. 30 minutes to town, near school, every convenience? in good repair. 6 BOOMS $3000 In Rosa City Park; entirely modern, interior finished at. much expense and with good taste. 7- ROOMS $4600 5 minutes' ride from postoffice, 6 minutes' walk from Albiua shipyards, practically walking distance to town; new house, furnace, laundry tubs, buffet; in .the best of repair. These 4 'bouses are owned by a bank and rill be sold on small cash payments and reason able terms. Sellwood 1929. FRED rIIUNTRKSS. 14 BO E. 3d st. " "VERY attracttveTbungalow ROSE CITY PARK B nice, large, airy rooms and attic for stor age, living room Jull width of house, massive fireplace, built-in bookcases, very large front plateglaaa window, hardwood floors, attractive fiiiiingroom with built-in buffet and glassed door opening onto large front porch, .kitchen in white f-naraei, breakfast nook with disappearing table; C nice bedrooms, 1 with built-in dressing cabinet. Hire bathroom, clothes chute, cement basement, stationary tubs, fine 60x100 lot. asphalt street (paid). Those in the market for a beautiful, splendidly built bungalow -described above should see this pretty piece. The price is but $3850, $1000 cash wiU handle. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark St Main 3052. Sunday Main 6073. or East 2725. . GRAHAM AVENUE HOME .Modern 7 room house on Graham ave. near Commercial St.. has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, large reception liall and living room beautifully finished itt white enamel, four large bedroom, garage; etc. The lot is 42x135. all kinds of choice fruit trees and shrubbery. This plaee is one of the most attractive places in this section of the city and a splendid buy. Price $4500. terms. I J.F. HfLL, 606 Williams ave. East 268. ONLY $8250 for a good 7 room house with a cement basement , With this house goee a beautiiul .quarter -block, all kinds of fruit in full bearing, - beautiful shrubbery, paved streets, cement sidewalks, only 3 blocks from the car 1n. There is a carage on the place. This is close in on the best carline in the city. The lots alone ought to sell for $3500. The house you cannot build for $3500. This property has erst the present owner more than $6000. You can buy it all for $3250:$1000 in cash is all you have to have. We will give you good long time on the balance. Mi J. Clohessy, 415 Ab- ingtoT bldg. ' ." NEAR PACIFIC CAR & FOUNDRY CO. ! ON EAST 60TH STREET. j $3200 Eight rooms, 1 H story house, modern, j rxeept hardwood floors. 5 rooms first j floor, 2 rooms and sleejMng porch 2d : floor. 3 blocks to school and 1 block j to car. ' House very .suitable for fam ily with Children and in modest cir- enmstances, $700 will handle; balance j about like rent. ' ; SEE MR. BROWN. . j Laurelhurst Tract Office. East 39th and Glisan i at. Tabor 8433, or Tabor 69, eves. I $1050 Kerby st near Stanton. $1050 Four Room Cottage $1050 jsiiwfc in uu .u, juav .fin ,n. 0 . m family; can give some terms; this is a splendid buy; don't overlook it. J. F, HILL, 60S Williams ave. East 268. . ONLY $1600 5-Room Modern Bungalow Beautiful bath, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, electricity, gaa; almost new. with dou- . ble construction. It also has nice little garage. v This property is on the Mt Scott carline and must be sold within the next ten days; bouse could not be built for less than $2000; some terms. GEO. T: MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. S0UTH PORTLAND- Nice location near Hamilton ave., a 8 room bungalow in perfect condition, good view of river, near school and stores. Come out and look - it? over. I am sure it will suit you. In- ouiiw at 976 Corbett st. Get off at Bancroft. i-tm $3?nn. ONLY $3150. right in the heart of the city, a 6 room cottage with a lot 80x100 feet on Market st. a ptep to the park blocks and oiify a few blocks from the heart of the business center. Tlte lot alone is worth $5000 in thia locality. What-are you thinking aboutf Grab HI All ymv have to have is $1000 cash. M. J. Clc- lipwf, I a Abington omg. "MISS. AVE.. JSEAR FREMONT. $8500 GENUINE SACRIFICt: $3500. Good 7 room semi-modem house, two 50 ' foot lota, improvements in and paid, lota of choice fruit; close in and a dandy home. Am leaving town, must sell. Part cash and good term. Might consider late model light car if A-l condition. See owner, 710 Mississippi ave. $3800--5ROOM BUNGALOW $3800 All improvements iu and id for. near Lanrel hurst. close in, almost new, 6 rooms, lsrge attic, full basement, everything complete. This is a real bargain. Also one ia Rose City for $3300, all improvements paid. MR. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700, or Sunday and evenings. East 2086. PREVENT FOREClXSURE ONE ACRE FRUIT perries, garden, house, all for the price of house and lot; clow in in E. 37th. - UNION SAFE DEP. TR. CO.. Daring, 2S4 'Oak. - ' $30005 room bungalow, on full 50x100 kt, t : with hard surface street in and paid. ,' - Furnace. Convenient to car. Near Jef s . ... fron high. ' : J A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exeh. bldg., - Slain 683. Sunday call Kant 2544. -v' SUNNYSIDE t S 'room half block from ear. $2,250, terms. HERMAN MOELLER, j 1025 Gasco bldg. . Main 1480. SROOMfbungalow. 62d and East Davis, Fire place and all built-in effect. . Lot 60x100. Only $2600. with- $500 down. 208 Oregon ! bldg. Broadway 16Ti8. 6 "ROOM cottage, lot 75x100, 10 nice fruit -i trees, tmickenhouse. Can be bought foe $1650 with $300 down. 209 -Oregon bldg., Broadway 1658. L ';.. . - . ' - - " $ 2 6 5 Ov-HA WTHORff E DI3T.. 85THST. "6 large, light rooms.'' modern ; large lot; shrubbery. Owner. Tabor 8824. FOR SALE 4 room modern bungalow; all built-in conveniences, . corner lott no . lien. vhiwi, ci ntuu, vol v. . . $2200 MODERN 4 " room bungalow on 60x .100 lot. Phone SeUwood 2307, terms. Tabor 6896. , - - , K0CU. t-uern house, lawn, rosea, attic; HE All ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES 1 'SEE FRANK L. MeGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME SUNDAY SPECIALS 9 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALES MEN AT YOLU SERVICE . t have personally Inspected and ap praised each house listed for sale in . . this column and they have been se lected aa the best burs out of the AUO which we have for sale. Photographs of each house in our display room. $1060 $150 down, balance like rent. , Very neat bungalow with living room, dining room, kitchen, patent toilet, electric lights and gas; large sleeping porch, frnit and flowers. On K. 62d st. near &tark, in a very high clasa district. Cement sidewalk and ma cadam street in and paid; fractional lot. close to Mt. Tabor car. It is very - unusual to find a bungalow like this in a high class district at this price and terms. $0500 Piedmont home on Quarter block; baa , 8 rooms, very modern, best of material and workmanship; unusual bargain. Can arrange terras. $1500 $200 down, balance like rent; 6 room old house on 100x100; abund ance of fruit and berries. - $1600 $400 down, very substantial 5 room bungalow type borne on 40x120 foot lot, white enamel plumbing fix tures, living room, dining room with buffet. Dutch kitcheu. On E. 61st st. south of Woodstock car. $17004 room plastered bungalow type home, like new; barn, chicken house and fruit, on acre. E. 5th at., south of Woodstock ear. $2100 Very substantial 6 room house on 60x100; white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; easy terms. 45th ave. $2100 $350 down and $20 a month buys a 6 room bungalow on Monroe St., close to Union ave. This is one of the best bargains tliat has been in the office for a long time. Interior newly renovated. This is a very at tractive home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; yood cement basement with furnace. This home will be sold by Monday. SEE IT TO DAY. $21004 room gteat bungalow; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gaa; attractive home. K. 7 I'd near Ankeny. $250 down. $2500 5 room very attractive bungalow, just east of Ladd's addition, modern, with built-in conveniences; A-l condi tion. $1950 $100 down, $20 per month, 5 room bungalow cottage, electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing, fireplace, sleeping porch and garage, close to ML Scott car. $2100 $300 down, west of Laurelhurst. walking distance, 6 room home, living room and dining room in white; has white enamel plumbing, large lot. fruit, berries and floweru E. 28th near Pine. $1600 Easy terms. 5 roon. cottage. Rose City carline. near 7th st, on paved street. Abundance' fruit, flowers and berries. . This is close in. No street liens or mortgage to assume. $2650 Vacant Hawthorne bungalow on corner lots; lias attractive lines; jut finished painting and tinting through out: interior in white enamel. On 34th su $2500 $300 down; 5 room very at tractive typical bungalow with gar age; paneled dining room, buffet, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. On Ixm bsrd, 2 blocks to t'uion ave. Vacant Move in. $2500 Easy terms; 5 room bungalow, white enamel pliynbing, electric lights and gas. On E. Flandors, close to car. Terms. $2250 6 room Hawthorne home, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. On paved atreet All liens paid. Very easy terms. $2530 6 room good substantia home on 100x100, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, A-l condition. Facing on paved street and carline. Easy terms. $2650 Rose City bungalow, 5 room typi cal bungalow, fireplace, paneled din ing room. buffet, Dutch kitcheu. good basement, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing. On K. 68th st Teigns. We have over 600 photographs of personally inspected and appraised -homes in our display room, each photograph arranged in its, respective dbftrict with full description, location, price and terms. Come in and look over the photosraohs. We have soma - wonderful bargains; compare them with other homes that have been offered you before making your decision. We have sold over 150 homes since Jan uary 1 and over $500,000 worth of homes in 1818. Because we have the bargains. 0 experienced salesmen Willi automobiles at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Successor to H, D. McGuire Co. Est. 1880 "30 Years of Service." Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HOSE CITY PARK $4600--7 room, sleeping porch, den, hard wood floors tlnoughout not veneer; all nice large rooms. Fireplace, steam heat impruvemtnts all iu and paid. Requires about half cash. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WH'KSTAN CO.. Main 683. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. .Sunday call Tabor 2975, 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Sunday call Tabor 2875. Tabor 0881. OWNER LEAVING CITY $3600 7 room and unfinished sleeping porch, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf fet Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, full basement, waali trays. bedrooms .'down. 2 up: 50x100 lot; 1H blocks to R. O. P. car. Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO., Main 583, 204 liy. Exch. bMg. Sunday call Tabor 6881. Tabor 297.". VNION AVE. ; ALBERTA. WOODLAWN CARS $2200 Cosy 5 room cottage on 50x100 lot full basement electric lights gas, bath, hard surface street in and paid; easy terra. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 583. Sunday call Eat 2544. JC8T EAST OF WAJ.Nl T PARK $3150 Beautiful bungalow, with 5 rooms and den first floor, large bedroom and attic up: electric lights, gas. full line of plumbing ; hard surface street paid ; terms. Near Union ave. and Albtrta cars. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exeh. bldg.. Main 583. Sunday call Kart 2544. $3500 Beautiful house of 7 rooms, den, with fine quarter sawed oak flocr, in. Irge sleeping tKrch. fine view of Wil lamette river. 100x100 lot with some - of the finest trees in the eitv. Sunday call Wdln. 914. After Sunday see J- A. WICKMAN CO.. Main B3. 204 Ry. Exch. bid. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3500 7 rooms, sleeping porch, strictly mod em except heat; fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen. Full cement basement wash trays. No mortgage. No assessment Improve ments all in. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 583, 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Sunday call Tabcr 2975. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1100 Neat 3 room cottage. 70x100, 8 orted trait trees, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc :' located at 1407 Boston ave.; $250 eh. 15 monthly. Fred. W. German Co., 728 Chamber of Commerce. Opi evenings and Pimdsys. $3000 lteautitul 5 room bungalow, fireplace, usual built-in. Near. Killingvworth ave. 50x100 lot Terms. Sunday, call Wdln. 914. After Sunday see J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 583. 204 Ry. Exch. bid. $2000 Buys 6 room i, bath. gas. elwtric lights. Minnesota ave.. between Simpson and Jarrett st 60x100 lot 'Sunday call Wdln. 914. After Sunday see ! J. A. WICKMAN tN.. Main 68$. 204 By. Exch. bld. WAVERLY HKIGHTS $300 CASH Five room cottage, full cement basement, fire place: $25 per month, inclading interest; $2500. Lot 40x100. You will have to move quick to get thia. - i J. C. CORBTN CO,. 805-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. ONE BLOCK TO JIT. TABOR CAR Modem 5 room bungalow; hardwood floors ; full cement basement; built-in buffet and cab inet kitchen. . Also new furniture complete, at A !!.- CiU. a sacrifice; ea-y semis. Johusont 212 Lum- VROSE CITY PARK $3000 Six room bungalow; all on on floor, fireplace, furnace. BOilOO ; no bonded liens above price. i. P. COR BIN CO.. 305-6-7 LEWIS BLDG. tt ROOMS, hall acre, fruit berries. Tabor 1602. REAL' ESTATE FOB HALE BOUSES 41 FARGO STREET Modern room hoeMe on Fargo street, near Commercial at Ha nice large fireplace, up-to-date kitchen and many other modem con veniences. Lot is 40x109 running to as alley. Lots of fruit and berries. This is a very at tractive place and will make you a nikjbty comfortable home. . Price $3000; the very best of terms. ; J. F.HILL, v CO WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. KENTON INDUSTRIAL CENTER New 2 to 4 room houses, only 3 to 4 block from Kenton or St Johns cars. Street .im provements paid, lot 60x100; price $650 to $800, $25 to $35 cash, and $10 per month; int 6 per cent. Sold and NOW BUILDINO 10 of these houses, A. C McDonald A Son. office. 304 Lombard street, residence phone Tabor 1784. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS A BEAUTIFUL HOME On 34 th treet; one of the most complete and finest in Hawthorne district; nice hall, Frenph doors to living room, paneled dining room - with beamed ceiling and splendid buffet, excellent hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. In fact, abso lutely modern; full cement basement, furnace, S fine bedrooms in white enamel and even a sleeping porch; only $3800. but at least $1000 cash. 418 E. 34th,st. Tabor 7550. NORTHWEST corner 1 1th and Schuyler. Nine room house with center reception hall, sleep ing porch, fruit room, furnace. 2 fireplaces, built-ins. some rooms enameled; also billiard room and storage room ceiled in attic. Lot 50 xlOO and garage. This property is only one block from Broadway. It is offered at a great ly reduced price. Only $6500; all assessments paid. P. B. Van Nice. 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 5454. $2500 TERMS $2500 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW 5 large rooms, all built-ins, fireplace, con crete bas't., garage, 60x100, just tut of 1'ied mont. ' G, C. Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg. Main 4803. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON Modern 5 room cottage, full eeauent basement, modern bath, elec. and gas, garaga with water, gas and elec.;' chicken house, lot 50x100 on cor., 100 ft. of cement walks and macadam pavement paid for; refused $30 per mo. rental; close to car, schools. Price $2300; terms, $500 down. GODUARD Sc WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st FOR SALE Very desirable 5 room house. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built-in bookcases; lot 109x109; cherry trees, grapes, berries, ga rage. 1 block to Peninsula school, on Knowles ave.. less than block, to St Johns car. best netgaoornooa. Clear oi incumbrance, 9 a iu, $750 cash. J. H. KNAUSS. 416 Stock Excb, Bldg. Main 3270. ONE of the best buys in Hawthorne district Five room bungalow, full cement basement, large lot. good garage, for $2500. $1000 cash, balance terms. - 5 room modern bungalow, den. hardwood floor?, fireplace full cement basement, furnace, lot 50x100, for $3450. half casb,-P. M. Mad den Realty Co., 1028 Hawthorne. Tabor 9355. v KOSE CITY PARK Two blocks from Sandy blvd.. 4 room bunga low and furniture, white enamel finish, neat and clean, hot and cold water, gas, electricity, lot 50x1 00, raspberries, logans, strawberries, 8 hearing fruit trees. Chicken bouse. tC 150; terms. By owner. Home after 2 p. m., Sunday, 680 East 75111 north. A REAL BUNGALOW $1250 In Ho.-e City Park, near car, we have a really beautiful California bungalow of 6 rooms and den. large dining-room, fireplace, handsome bvffet hardwood floors, high-grade furnace, all built-in feature. If you like the real bunga low type, you'll fall in love with this home. Terms. Coe A. McKenna A Co., Mtin 4522, 2 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. $380 CASH $1700 Neat 5 room cottage, bath, pat toilet, 75x 90; blk. car. Near 6Sth and Flanders. G. O. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland. Main 4803. HOUSEBOAT 5 rooms furnished complete, gas. fhower bath, built-in effects, window seats padded with cretonne; all rooms newly painted. If you want something classy, see this. $1600. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. Total Price $650 S9TH ST.. H BLK. CAR. Dandy 60x100 lot; 2 room shack; water piped; part bas't: vacant Will accept pay ments. Main 4803. O. C GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. ' ON KILLING SWOBTH ave., is a corner with a store building and 5 room flat overhead. It would cost $3500 to build this building alone, leaving out the corner lot There is an indebt edness of $1630 on the property. Come along with $600 in cash and you can take the property. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. FIVE ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne district ; oak floors, all built-ins, full cement basement, best furnace, and plumbing, large unfinished attic; space, two rooms, near car; $3250, $500 cash, balance to suit ' By owner. Immediate posses sion. Tabor 5414. $2 750 KENTON BUNGALOW $2750 5 room, furnished complete, nearly new gas range, piano, good rugs; young bearing fruit trees, other shrubbery, large gard-.-n mh -iw tor chickens. 100 feet from carline. Easy terms. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Main lt55. New and Classy Bungalow for sale by owner on easy terms. Of fice 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3825. Open Sunday. BY OWNER 5 room strictly modern bungalow. 1 block from Hawthorne car; for quick sale $3000; $1000 cash; no- agents. Tabor 1270 or P-212. Jour nal. FOR SALE 4 -room bungalow, bath, toilet, woodihed, chicken house, on E. 23d st. near Alberta, SloUU: 35UU cash. baL. $20 per month. J. S. Knaius, 416 Stock Exch. bldg Main 8270. A FIVE room modern bungalow, with fireplace, floored attic, cement basement with wash trays, paneled dining room, newly painted on out side and tinted throughout. Terms if desired. Owner, 1111 E. Yamhill st EIGHT ROOM HOUSE SACRIFICE Right near Clinton Kelly school, modern. In fine condition, at the ridiculously low price of S2500. half cash. Haas, 717 Board of Trade nl1g 20O0 KENTON DISTRICT $2000 3 rooms built-in effects, large garden spot, berry bushes, lot 100x100: very easy terms. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber, of Commerce, Main 1955. . FOR SALE -tt room house, good basement and all modern improvements, fine Sunnvaide lo cation; $2400; $800 to $1000 cash; terms. E. M. Rowley. 1002 E. Morrison. Tabor 118. $10 DOWN, $10 MONTH!. Y 2 Totim shingled shack on lot 25x100, at Milwaukie, total price $385. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. $2400 A comfortable home. 6 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, block from Alberta car, 2 blocks from school. A-l condition. Phone Woodlawn, 8644. IRVINGTON CHOICE CORNER 78x100. 2 blocks from Broadway, at a bar gain. Will take Liberty Bonds, balance long time. Phone East 6777. $2750 NEAR ST. JOHNS CAR BARN $2750 5 rooms, built-in effects; full basement, cor ner lot; beautiful lawn. Terma to suit F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. $12"60 $1250 Six room house, hot and cold water, gas, lot 100x100 ft., fruit and berries. Terms. Apply 6409 83d st S. E-. Mt Scott car. FOR SALE Splendid lot. 2 room tent boose. fruit trees, woodshed, sidewalks, graded street: $800: terms. 4428 42d ave. FOR SALE South Mi. Tabor, 5 room bunga low. 5txl00 comer lot, modern; worth $3000; win sacrifice. Owner, Tabor 5440. FIVE room bungalow, full basement; lot 60x100; gas and electricity, laundry trays. Located 911 Garfield. 1 block from Union ave. car. $2800 WILL buy a modern 5 room house, full basement, bath and garage; lot 30x100. Owner, .470 N. 23d ft. ' - 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, H block from Union ave.. close in; good location, $2200. Phone East 2527. F1VB room house, modem, lot 50x321; fruit trees and outbuildings. One block west Court ney station. Phone Oak Grove 152-J. Owner. ' 6 ROOM house, corner lot, Hawthorne district, mortgage $1000; exchange equity for city sol. tu main PENINSULA Modern 6 room bouse, 125x100; - frutt. oernes, caicxennouses. Darn, garage, $2650; terma. - CoL 921. i Owner. ! . $45 00 BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. 8 room od ern house: furnace, large lot; easy terms. X-595. Journal. ' : - FOR SALE 2 modern 6 room bungalows, in Sannyside. by, owner. Phone" Tabor 7232. - SMALL 6 room house, unfinished and 4 acre, $1100. Easyterm. Tabor 633. . 3 ROOM "house, plastered, with" bath and gaa, . $975. Terms. 1346 Denver Ave. '. SIX ROOM house, barn, half acre, fruit trees, on carline. East 4816.- - . , i 7-ROOMS. strictly modem, with garage... Owner. 291 E. 36tb.aU S. K024. Journal. BE iL ESTjlTtr FOB MALE HOUSES 1 $2800 TLRMS $2800 $2800 IERMS$2800" 1034 t 30th North Hardwood Floors, Fireplace Double Constructed Beam Ceiling Modern 5 room bungalow, sleeping porch, builtins, full base mem. cement floor, electric fixtures, plumbing complete, Dutch kftchen. fine lawn and trees. See this today from 10 to 6. Alberta car to 80th st. then li block south; best buy in Portland. This bungalow is completely . furnished and furniture is For Sale if Desired IF-YOU HAVE $200 YOU MAY OWN A HOME - $1775 5 rm., attic, modern plumbing, close in. $1850 5 rm.. Cherry et.. N. Bdy. bridge. $1700 5 rm., mod. plumbing. 75x100: 72d st, near Glisan. $1900 6 rm., 10th and E. Caruthers, cozy home. , $2100 Swell new bung., garage, built-ins, Hal- sey st near 74th. $25005 rm. mod.. Sunnyside: paving pd. G. O. GOLDENBERG. . Abington Bldg. "85 yrs. irf Portland." Main 4803. $2000 Cleveland Ave. Cot tage $2000 S room cottage. No. 802 Cleveland are. 5 large rooms, modern plumbing, good basement, large attic, a few nice fruit trees, hard pavt-d rtreet in and paid. This will make you a nice little home. Look it over. Price $2000. $500 cah, baL like rent. J.F.HILL, 096 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. PORTLAND HEIGHTS TILE BUNGALOW 16 minutes from 5th and Washingtoa its., H acre of ground, massive fireplace, spacious porches, located in the midst of massive fir trees; a typical mountain type bungalow, suit able for a small family. This place is very much out of the ordinary and not adapted for ea-e lovers. Total price 35t'. whicii is ie.i thin the land in a wild state cost seven years ago. Reasonable termi. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. KENTON $960 4 rooms with bath; lot 50x100; school and car 2 blocks. $1150- 2 houses; one 4-room and one with 2 rooms: lot 50x100: a rnnt hnv $1250 4 rooms and sleeping porch ; on paved! street; iu iruit trees. $800 3 rooms; lot 50x100; school and car 2 hi blocks. We have several good buys. Call us up after Monday morning. 9 a. m. Woodlawn 4038. Pearl O'Neill. WHAT do you think of this A fine new 8 room house with a lot 00x100 feet, only 100 feet off the paved Sandy road, out in Rose City Park. The house has 4 bed rooms, 2 toilets, bath and laundry trays, full basement, furnace, fireplace, IHitch kitchen; in fact all sorts of built-in effects. It is up-to-date in every respect and the price is only $4 800. Can you beat it? $2000 cash and monthly payments on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $100 DOWN BUYS THIS FINE HOME Lo cated in ; rants Pass in desirable location, 1012 Ncrth Ninth St. Will sell this place for $500, which is just half what it cost me; $100 down and $10 per month, 6 per cent interest. Cheaper for cash. I have acre, best soil and good house. Oiear of incumbrances. Owner, E. H McMullen, Route 5, Box 64A, Vancouver, Wash. ON 63d st, a corner lot with 2 good 5 room cottages. This is close-in property and U i f fered at a gift. Nothing approaching this in the line of an absolute sacrifice has ever been offered. This property will pay net 30 per ceut on the investment from rental income alone You can buy the whole thing for $24 00. All you need w $900 cash. M. J. Ctoliesy. 415 Abington bldg. 5 Room Bungalow $2350 -.. Close to car. Only 15 minutes out; full lot Don't miss this bargain. Convenient terms. A. K. HILL CO. 214 Lumbermen's Bldg. Bdwy. 421. SUNNYSIDE BARGAINS 5 - room cottage furnished, close to park. $2300; $500 down. 6- room cottage, block to park; $2100; $500 down. Tabor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. WEST SIDE HOME $4000 7 rooms, completely furnished with real fur niture, furnace and fireplace; street work all paid for. This place bas cost owner over $5000; located on 29th and Sarier sts. ; $1000 cash. $25 monthly, int. 7 per cent. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON 6 room house, in fine condition; lot 50x100, faces east on lot level with side walk; garage with concrete, floor and driveway: four full bearing fruit trees. 463 E. 11th N. ; for only $4250. Make your date with me to see inside of house. P. R. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 5454. JUST completed on Iargi"iiehfly lake front lot, modem except heat Large living room. Two good bedrooms, kitchen, bath, sleeping porch, front and rear porches; basement 1 block to sta tion, 18 electric trains daily., 32 minutes serv ice. Terms. B-6161. Call 312. MODERN HOME; SOSIE TRADE Will take clear lot or other good property as part on splendid modem 8 room home in Hol- uuaj suu. imijruTemeiiia au ill ana property clear. $4500. R. F. FEEMSTER. 0 9 Abington bldg. BARGAIN ; 5 room house for sale, paved street, cement sidewalk; all assessment paid; no mortgage, 1 block-, from Irvington line; elec. light, bath room; also a milk goat goes with it, $2150. 837 East 14th. st N. BIG BARGAIN 5 room house and 135 foot frontage on East 60th street 124 feet frontage on O.-W. R. N. sidetrack to Twohy Brothers' machine shop; suitable for warehouse or factory a well as- house. Price $2.'Q0. Owner, 222 East 60th North. $4O00 MODERN bungalow. 2 blocks from car, 5 from echool; furnace, fireplace, electric lights, gas, full cement basement and' wash trays; fir grove, fertilized garde" space, some fruit, chicken house and garage; $3000, terms, 1307 Seneca St. East St Johns. " SEVEN ROOM COTTAGE Mt. Tabor district, lot, 50x140; lies high with beautiful view, 10 choice bearing fruit trees, house newly painted and papered. On paved street with all improvements paid. Price $2635, iin terms, raone laoor 40-n FOR SALE 2 room shack, fruit trees, berries set out should bear next year, very fine gar den, water in yard; 25 minute ride, 6c fare, 5 blocks from ear; curbing and cement walks in and paid for; price $395. frst man with $150 cash and $6 a month. 1276 Boston st. FOR SALE 4-room house, bath, pantry, full , basement, sewer, chicken house, lot 50x100. clear of incumbrance; $1600, $250 cash, bal monthly; on 53d st, near 29th ave, J. S Knanss. 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. $1100 1 fob 1SVXS JNKAT COZY HOME. KENTON DIST. 3 rnnm 1. .i iM el.s.4.. -. - l 1 .. v. - '---v , . u.'"-ij uciij uu.iies i garden spot; large lot. F. Vanduyn, 615 Cham- OWNER will sell 7 room modem bouse in good condition, with one or three lots, on paved street; house $1200, $450 to $650 in addition for each lot plus street improvements. 95 E. 30th., cor. Washington. Sunnyside car. FOR SALE 5-room house on Magnolia st, 3 blocks Union are. and 3 blocks Dekum ave. ; bath, toilet, basement: lot 40x100; $1850. $300 cash, bal. monthly. J. S. Enaaas 418 Stock Exch, bldg. Main 3270. $2500 KENTON $2500 7-room house and lot 200x125; plenty of fruit: come and see this. : Woodlawn 4038 after 9 a. m. Monday. Pearl O'Neill Term. FOR SALE A completely furnished 4 . room house, pantry and bath. 2 large lots., good chicken bouse and yard; terms. Phone. Tabor 5551. LAST CHANCE AT $1250 Hons ami d lot. Mnpfr .-i , -, -- ,. .nA.uac:iv pniuui, fenced, chickenhouses; fruit, berries. Fine home for children. Bonds accepted. Tabor 6913. G-448. Journal. ' S. PORTLAND THIRD AND SHERMAN" 50x100 lot. old house, rented $12 all im provements paid-. $3000, terms. F. H. DESHON, 615 OH AM. OF COM. VERY modem 7 room home, center i Irvington, Upper and lower floors hardwood, furnace, fireplace, white enamel, fine garage. East 273. Herdman. " CLINTON ST.. SIX ROOMS " Close in. comer; immense sacrifice; modem place; price $2600, terms on part. eH&as. 717 rd o Trod., bldg. V--.- HAWTHORNE SNAP , ' " 7 room modem, double garage, comer; will sell for wbae you' are willing to pay; deal witlj owner. A-218, Journal. - 6 ROOM house, partly, modem, large lot, fruit. close to Standifer tram: terms. Phone Co lnmbia, 1059. or P-994. JoumaC 4-ROOM . house, Montavilla,. large lot, fruit trees: m'ght take part trade". - 2019 E. Coach. Phone Sellwood 1551, 100x100 TWO room- house, 18 fruit treeT strawberries, electric lights, 3 blks. to car: $950. SeUwood 1203. v ... '..... REAL ESTATE " FOB SALE HOUSES $1 SICKNESS COMPELS US To sell, furnished or unfurnished, this beau tiful modem home, located on East 45th and Sandy blvd.. consisting of large riving room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen and ' sun room on first floor, also large porch front and back, three large bedrooms and both, on seemd floor. : This ia one of the moat attractive borne, in the city and hi the best section of Riee City Park. Will sell this home for $5500 $2O0O cash, balance to suit, or will sell all famished for $6400. See this Sunday. Phone Tabor 6974. "DRYKR pr MR, 510 Lewis bMg. COOK AVENUE COTTAGE Modem S room cottage on Cook ave., near William ave. Tiiia is a very attractive little place and shonld be seen to be appreciated. If you are looking for a nice little cottage, "veil lneated, inquire ' about this one. Price $260. $000 cash will handle it. J.F.HILL, 690 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 2C8. ONLY $900 for a coxy 4 room cottage, practi cally new. In this cottage is city water, gas and electric light; only 1 block from the sta tion with 5c carfare. Only 5 blocks from a city school; lota of nice neighbors all around you. This cottage is right at Ryan station. The lot is practically a full lot; half cash Is all you need. -hi. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. 6 ROOM modem house, near Division it, 1 block from car: street paved and paid; sewer connection, 50x100 lot. high and dry; a fine piece of property at $2600, $600 caah, balance $20 per month and interest. House now rented for $25. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 303-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Phone Main 7676. FOR SALE 6 room moderu house on Rich mond carline. all built-in effects. Price $2750; will sell on easy terms. 4 room house, 3 lots, near Franklyn high; price $2500, cat y terms. RICHARDS A COLLIER. 614 Panama bldg. Main 7309. $1850 PART CASH $1850 Party leaving city. 0 room house, plastered, papered, turned and varnished ; buiit-in bufet and beamed ceiling; hot and cold water and hath; full basement; full view of Tualatin val ley; 10 minutes' walking distance from er.d of Council C.reyt car. Address owner. Lewis Tbidde man. city. Phone M ar 54 50 di rcctiosm. FOR SALE $975. 4 room house, Uriiigroom7 kitchen. 2 bedrooms, wood lied, small cellar, lot 85x135. excellent soil, bam 14x26. chick en yard. Terms $350 cash, balance $10 per month. Owner, Woodstock car. 5012 64th ave., S. E. $4200 ROSE CITV PARK $4200 VACANT APRIL 1 Tli is 5 room new modern buugalow at 395 E. 44th -t -N. just off Sandy; has been traded to J. C. Barnes and must be sold; terms to suit purchaser. What is your proposition? See bungalow, then see owner at 1314 Sandy blvd. FLAT TO TRADE" Modern, on paved streets, good location: each has 4 rooms and bath. Price $6500. Will take half in trade, balance can stand. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, breakfast nook, oak floors, fireplace, extra large buffet, built-in effects in kitchen, full cement basement, good attic, 50x J00 lot This place is on Sandy blvd. $3350. See it before yon buy. V. Vanduyn. 515 Cham ber Commerce. Main 1055. ROSE CITY PARK Large 6 room 2 story bungalow, strictly mod ern. No. 660 E. 59th st. N. Will be open for inspection Sunday from 2 to 4. Price is $4000. Would consider third cash; Liberty bonds taken. First time offered for sale. WELL built modem 7 rooms and sleeping porch, large bun room and perches, garage, 50 feet from car in restricted district; will consider smaller home as part payment : all assessments paid. Phone owner. Main 5988 or Tibor 3331 evenings. FOR SALE 7 room bungalow, gas. electricity, . bath, on paved street, sewer and all street improvements paid. $1000 cash, balance $25 a month and 6 per cent interest, or will trade for Vt acre or 1 acre land with house, near carline and near river preferred. 931 InvrMon st FOR 8A1.K Furniture of 7 room bouse for $700. very cheap, everything complete and of best House can be rented cheap. East side, good location. Inquire at 431 Lumber Ex change bldg.. between 1 and 6 p. m. . Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, 2d and Stark. $300 DOWN For sale, 4 room bungalow, bath, basement, laundry trays, 2 big porches, electric fixtures, near Franklin-high school; price $2000. balance to suit Phone Tabor 7574 or 8123 55th st FOR SALE 3 rooms and bath, with or with oui uruiture; modem, fine lot. garage and shop; part caah, balance easy. Also 5 passen ger car: leaving city. Owner, 359 E. 74th N. Tabor 6462. WHY NOT BUILD Get an artistic borne by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything, furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. $1950 EQUITY for $1650 in modern 5 room bungalow in Westmoreland addition (E. 17th st ) ; good cement basement laundry trays, gas water heater, fireplace, screened back porch, large floored attic. Phone Sell. 90. FURNISHED HOUSES 1 and 6 room cottages, on two lots, Woodwere Sta. ; $2700; eary terms. Bearing fruit trues, and near school. Harold 8. Gilbert, 384 Yam hill rt. BEAUTIFUL Groveland Park bungalow of 7 rooms, must be sold this week at a bargain price rice; strictly modem and up to date. A rare opportunity pportumty if taken at once. 448 E. 52d st. labor oai'J BY owner, bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, mod ern except furnace; Dutch kitchen and garage. Price $2300, $300 down, easy terms. See at once. Some furniture if desired. 693 Sherritt st, Sellwood. $3150 New 7 room modem bouse. Take St Johns car to Delaware, go south 8 blocks, 227 W. Sumner. C. E. Anstrom, owner. TOO LARGE for cwner, modern 6 room house, sleeping porch, furnace, double cement gar age; reasonable terms. Inquire on premises, 651 East Ankeny, comer ISth. MODERN furnished 4 room cottage. E. 25th near Brooklyn shops: street, sewer, water, gas all paid: $2400: $400 cash, balance monthly. Owner, East 3225. BY owner, bungalow all furnished. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, plastered, electric' light gas, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, lot 62x 112. bearing fruit. Call Marshall 2463. $2300 By owner. 5 room bouse, modern conven iences, lot 170x137 V ft., on macadam paved street. 8R22 66th ave. S. E. Tabor 1516. MUST sell at once 6 rooms and bath, 2 lots, fruit trees and berries, fine plaee for garden; $1850; $550 cash, balance easy. 1027 E. 33d st. N. Alberta car. BROOKLYN SHOPS $1250 3 rooms, furnished; good plumbing, lot 40x 100; street and sewer paid: $300 cath, balance imonthly. Owner, East 3225. MODERN "bungalow. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, all conveniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; a. fine home; immediate posses sion. Phone Tabor 6645. A BARGAIN T room modem house and Corner lot, close to steel shipyard. Owner, 2014 Railroad ave., Vancouver, Wash. Call, Monday or Tuesday. LOT 80x100, 7 room, pantry, bath, basement. gas. garage, large chicken yard, berries, fruit trees, $2000, terms. Call 5643 83d S. E. Mt Scott car. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Double constructed 6- room house on Broad way near 35th st. $3000; terms. This is a real bargain. Tabor 6833. WANTED 6 room modem bungalow, not over $2500 m price. Alberta district preferred; will pay $200 caah. balance $25 "monthly. McKinney. Phone CoL 2, or CoL 104 2. ONLY, $850 for a 6 mora house with 2. big lots right off the St Johns carline: $350 cah is all you bawe to have. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. FURNISHED complete, 4 room cottage, mod era plumbing and gas, large poultry run, lot 50x100, 1 block from Alberta car. $1500. terms. 1104 E. 31st N. Wdln. 3144. FOB SALE BY OWNER 7 room house, 882 Missouri ave.: 2 blocks west of Mississippi car; one block north of Rus-sell-Shaver. Woodlawn 1626. -. . WEST SIDE 8 room house and lot on 23d and Hoyt worth $8100; will sacrifice for $4500; investigate. G-4 89. Journal. - . AT a bargain, on Boston ave.. near Bryant 100x100 with house 24x36. - Inquire of owner, 40 E. Sumner st 8 B. HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, bath, basement, eta., : rented for $20: 3 blocks can; snap; $2400, terms. W-824, JournaL TWO good 5 room houses on lot 60x100, bard surface street, aU paved, block Williams oar. $8600; terms. Phone East 1923, BY owner, bargain, good 7 . room boose, 2 or 8 lots, 4 outbuildings, terms; also roll top desk; genuine leather couch. Tabor 3340. - FOR a bargain in a real home caU East 2602 or Tabor 6550. Owner, 5' ROOM modern house near Alberta at. $2800" ; easy terms. - Woodlawn 4604, FIVE room bungalow; an extra bargain, 83 E. Burastde. Catt Tabor 1156V ------ ' 41 ROOM bungalow, new; furnace, fireplace. 866 E. Franklin. D-226, JoumaL SIX ROOM modem house, $20 month. 652 Ainsworth ave. . $1400 FOR 6 room house. 60x100 lot, Sun . nyside; nice location. Tabor 1667. ' BE AIi ESTATE FOB H4LK UOI'SKH 1 Small Houses, tasy I erms l ,7Cr S r. . bouse, gt bath, ehlck chicken house, garage: 6828 E. 85trf near 70th aw. Terms. m rrr S r. cottaga. 87x114. 180 Kaah l UUU ton near Fessenden, 8t, Johns. $32S cash. j j a 2 r. new house, 80x100; 1238 pi 1UU E. 29th S. near Ains worth; $100 cash. & A A C i-v 6 r. house, cor. lot; 1467 E. Pi 1 JU Hoyt. cor. 65tb; $150 cash. '- " A rrn r. cottage, elect.., bath; 1001 pZ.UU Macadam, Bancroft; $100 easb, a Crr 6 cotue " ttW)8 dl jUU 86Ui at S. E. near Woodstock av- 2SO rash. a Lrr 5 xe. M 45x91; 414 1 OUU Fessenden st near Gilbert. St Johns; $250 cash. . S rf 9 r. aouDle cottage, cor. viw 1 OUU 883 Mallory, cor.. Mason; $300 Mth VsvmI afreet - xiaid. a Cr cotUBe 8 lon18: jplOjU 9415 61st ave: S. E-. cor. 4th $'A C"r a n01, -80x100 -lot; 14 N. 1 jUU Crawford near Burlington. St Johns; $220 cash, $10 mo. A Znr ls'ic 6 co"8' 60x100 lot 491 50 1 OUU Bidwell. near E. th, Sellwood. $200 cash. - & A 7rf 0 fcolte: bath, electhclty. 875 51 UU E. Pine, near 28th. Easy terms. . Qff 6 home' bath, basement; plOUU 144 E. 80th near Belmont; $50. caah. we location. Jt . q 5 r. nice cottage, bath, elect, ilCUU full basement; 1246 Minnesota T ave. near Ainsworth; $200 cash. d-rrr 7 cottage, elect, Datn, oa; aZUUU raent: 2 lots; 1023 Interstate. . cor. numboldt; $300 cash. GRUSSI A BENNETT 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IRVINGTON $4800 Bungalow $4800 INVESTMENT SXAI" HOME , I am here for the express purpose of dispos ing of this bungalow home located in one of the very best districts in Irvingtoti a 6 room modem bungalow with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, everything, all assestroenU Iid; terms; 2 months ago this was priced at $6500. now it must and will be sold. See J. C. Barnes. 1314 Sandy blvd. Large lot. 100x109, 12-foot alley, nice two room tent hous.. Hat a shack painted; gas. water, fruit, berries, rose bushes, large chicken house; a bargain for a working man; why pay taxes on large hous You never get your money back. $1350, some cash, balance like rent, interest See owner at once. 1535 Vin cent ave., 1 block to St Johns car. 2 blocks to good school A REAL BARGAIN $2000 Modem 6 room house on Sumner st. near Union ave.; lot 40x140; this rlace has modem plumbing, good concrete basement and with a little paint would be worth $3000. Let me show you this. I know it will suit you. Price $2000; $500 cash, balance to iuit you. 4. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East 268. $1500 Cash Necessary 6 beautiful large rboma, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, beamed ceilings, build-in- like new: full cement basement; near Di vision street, 3 blocks from ear; have a stand ing offer of $3200 for the property. $500 down, but must have $150O cash, so will make the price only $3000, which ia less than .cost of building. GEO. T. MOOR ECO.. 1007 Yeon bMg. AN IDEAL BUNOATiOW ROSSMERE, ROSE CITY CAR A atrictly modem, up-to-the-minute nifty home. One that ia very attractive and you will be proud to show your friends. . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with every convenience. Only $5250; terms. L KASER A RAINEY, 823-26 Gasco bldg. Mar. 8125. OWN ,YOUR OWN HOME WITH $70 PER MONTH INCOME 10-room' bouse, consisting of 4 furnished modem H. K. suites, each with separate en trance; lot 60x80; walking distance. West Side. 2 blks. car; $500 handles; $3500, terms. Owner. 806 Piatt bldg. ' " FOR SALE acre, ft' room house. - plastered. , electric light gas. water, 22 fruit trees, bearing p-$2000, $400 cash, $25 per month, including interest 4 rooms, ceiled and papered, lot 40x100, $750. $100 cash, $10 per month, interest at i pet cent Williams Realty Co., 8206 Woodbtock are. 8 2d St on Mt Scott car. $1650 FURNISHED BUNGALOW $1650. Wonderful bargain in a modem 4 r. bunga low, nicely furnished. 50x100 lot, cosy living r.. 2 nfee bedrooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet and cooler, full plumbing, with porcelain bath, sewer connection, large front porch with swing seat, foil cement base ment elect, lights. $500 cash required. It. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington bldg. MODERN HOME FOR SMALL FARM. $5000 7 room new house, fireplace, furnace, bath, toilet, built-in conveniences, everything classy, at Multnomah station, on Oregon Electric and highway. Will exchange for small farm in Tuala tin valley. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cfcam. of Com. Mr, Hurd. Office evenings and Sundays open. ONLY $1100 for a neat cozy 8 room cottage with 2 big lots, 6 nice, big fruit trees in lull bearing, - cement sidewalks, street down to Uie grade. This is in the right direction, cloee to the big works, 100 feet off McKenna ave , aud only 4 blocks from the St. Johns car. Thia "is giving . something away. All you have to have is $400 cash; the balance we will arrange. M. J Clohessy, 415 Abingtnn bldg. ONLY $2500. for a good 7 room house, 2 blocks from the Broadway bridge aud only 1 block from E. Broadway. This bouse is in good con dition, walking distance. Where can you get anything like it? It is on Ross st; $1000 in cash yon must have, otherwise tiiere is no use talking. M. J. CLOHESSY. -415 AI5INGTON BLDG. Richmond District $2500 Beautiful 5 rm., fine bath, fireplace, full cement basement; house could not be built for less than $3000 today. Full price $2500, $3000 down. bal. monthly. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. Mt. Scott Car $750 Beautiful lot, 128x142: 28 fruit trees; lots of blackberries, raspberries and other small trait; small house, but comfortable; ea-y termi to rigtit parties. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE 2 good workingmen'a homes of 3 and 7 rooms on lots 50x100; fine soil for gardening ; close to carlines, school and business section; make your own price and terms. In quire in grocery, comer 7 5th at and Base Line road. Take Mt Tabor 88th st ear. Phone Tabor 3661. BY OWNER Rose City, well built 5 room bungalow with attic that can be built Into 2 more rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, large linen closet and other builtin con veniences; is less than year old. Addresa 758 E 65 th N. . 2 blocks north of Sandy. Call before 2 o'clock. - WHAT'S the matter with thisT On E. Taylor ana ZTtn etn. is a fine o room house, modem to the dot, furnace, full basement, streets paved, ell improvements in and paid lor. A full lot, and the price is only $3500. It should sell for $5000. $1500 rash you must have. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 5 mom bungalow, "below the hill." extra largo bedrooms, modem in every particular. House ia less than 3 years old and is vacant Yon can move in at once. $37"0. F.. Vsn duvn, v 515 Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. EASTMORELAND HOME Near municipal golf links, 7 room modem house, fireplace, steam beat and usual built-ins; lot 75x1 OO ; fine native trees, all street im provements in and paid for. Price $4T,00." P. R. Van Nice. 40 1 Concord bdg. Marshall 5454. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW . room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, f nr naee. large living room. aU built-ins, room white enamel, house has been freshly tinted throughout $3350, F. Vanduyn, 613 Chamber Commere!. Main- 1935. $3700 Big Sacrifice Must sell beautiful home, worth $50O0, com pletely furnished, atrictly modern, practically new, 8 room. Alberta st. Owner, Wdln. 4720. SOUTH PORTLAND . s. 6 room cottage, fine condition, ' near . ghlp yards, pric $1750, $200 down, balance like rent John Singer, 429 Chamber of Commerce, TWO SHACKS, fun lots, fruit, flower. $550 $525. terms. Inquire 8128 524 at... Wood stock car; -.-:;-!."-- - '- MODERN & room bungalow, 8 block from car line, Sherman at Must aee it to appreciate it atccuntoca, labor zvai. v FOR SALE Partly famished modem 5 mom house with 2 lots, on Mt Scott carline; Last 6018. ' " " 1 ' - ' , v ': . $2100 FOR 6 ..loom house, electric light, bath. paved street, in Sellwood; a bargain. Tele phone Tabor 1667. A SACRIFICE WDM " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 . $2500 WOODSTOCK Dandy 6 room bnngalnw, with full cement basement: lot 100x100; good barn;' 19 assorted fruit trees, variety of berries; $1000 cash, bal ance installments: -- $2500 6 room house; lot 100x100. hard surface street; fin location; 10 fruit trees; $600 cash. IRVINGTON $3500 Good house on E. 15th atreet North; lot 50x100; f lOOO cash. BEAUMONT $4 500 Fine 7 room house, modem; steeping porch nd garage; lot 60x100; $1600 cash. ROSSMEKB ' -8 room house, lot 10x100. $0000; $4500 easb. Will trade for acreage. MT. TABOR ' ' S room modern bouse, beautiful sightly comer lot, 60x100 1 block from car, $5000; $2600 cash. . . ST. JOHNS : House with. 9 lots; river view can never ba ob structed ; an elegant location for apartment house; 8 blocks from business center. $4500; - $2250. cash. - A. W. Lambert & Son S. E. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Alder St Portland, Oregon. $4500 -Irvington Bungalow $4500 Modem 7 rou .bungalow. No. 406 E. 11th st. N. This is a mighty attractive little home, has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen and many built-in features. Thia is a xplendid oiqwrtunity to get a nice home in this beautiful district Purchaser can hare immediate possession aa the place is vacant Go out and look it over. then call J. F. HILL, llff AVE. ' 696 Wn,LIAM EAST 268." ONLY $4250 TERMS Classy place of 5 acres, over half in culti vation, f rait trees s nd berries, flowers, shrub bery; a dandy nice arove: G room -binmlne teT; 'rrraur"hi "5 . . , r z; . " i " " Tr " h. cT.T "'".. "I" l la cuts. KASER 823-26 Gasco bldg. A RAINEY, Mar. 8125. BARGAINS $1350 70x120, 5-room house. garage, some furniture, garden, etc. ; 7 7th st , $2750 Vi acre. 6-room bungalow,, fruit and garden: 85th at. $3150 Hawthorne, 5-room bungalow, garage, furnace,, cement basement; $500 cash, $35 mo." ' $4 500 5 acres, 7 2d at, bouse, barn. $1800 5-room house, Roas st. near Broadway; walking distance; terms. $2160 Morris st. 6 room cottage: terms. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5- room bungalow, modem, 60 Tt. lot, paving, etc, fully paid; excellent buy at $2750, terms. , 5-room bungalow, . strictly modem, close in, near Hawthorne ave.; termt, $3250. 6- room bungalow, near 60th, modern, a bar gain at $3300, terras.- 5 rooms, corner lot, modem, paved,- some asem'ta. $2350. STILES & WELLER Room 624 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 84 29. Williams Avenue Bargain Modem 7 room house on Williams ave. near Going at; lot 50x120; street improvements paid. The lot alone ia almost worth the priced anked. Irice $3200, some terms; J. F. HILL, ' C96 Williams are. East 268. IF YOU'LL PAY $500 DOWN .... , You can buy .thia beautiful 2 story bungalow in restricted district. 7 rooms, ak floors, splen did fireplace' with bookcases, .handsome .bufitet, paneled, rooms on lower floor, beautiful lighting fixtures, Dutch kitchen, bath and lavatory on lower and lavatory ou ; upper - flt'or; high clasa furnace, big basement, good garage, street pav ing paid. The price is $4 600 and H's worth it, COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main 4522, 82 4 th t.. Board of Trade bldg 5 A WELL equipped 5 room house, besides lialU. den and pantry; fine plaee, with fancy mantle, furnace, 2 toilets, . balk, ,f laundry., trays. ; large porches, 100x1 10 feet ci as good soli aa can be found;! 9 shade ' treee 12, bearing , fruit trees; a good place for chickens: an abundance of , berries, located -in Sdutheut Portland, be-1 iween two canines.- aavuu .terms or $27541 cash. Phone Tabor 9570. ' $1950 Woodlawn Bungalow Beautiful 4 room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, nice bath; lot 50x125; 2 blocks of 4 carlines; terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. ONLY $1900, it should be $3000. for a big quarter acre of highly improved ground, nice lawn, fruit trees in full bearing; there is a good 5 room practically new bouse, modern enough for any person. Ail ot the city convenience are in the house, a garage on the place. ' Do yon know where you can buy anything like thia for $1900f $1000 in cash you mu-t have. . L J. CliOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $1575 3-ROOM MOKEDN $1574 Splendid value in this cosy cottage, ' close In on K. 33d; reception hall, large living room, bedroom, kitchen and pantry, nice porcelain plumbing, cement basement beautiful sightly 50x100 lot, connected with sewer, valuable fruit trees and berries: $200 cash, easy terms, . R. F. FEEMSTER. 300 Abington Jddg. - $3000 TERMS, ROSE" CITY PARK DIST. Fine modem 5 room bungalow, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, bufiet, Dutch kitchen, cement ha 'rmni, laun dry trays, large porches, -large floored attic, 1 block car; nice full lot, assessments paid : dandy cbickenhottse; free use of 4 lots, in good etiape for gardening. Tabor 6559. Exceptional Property $4000 6 rm.. N. 17th and K.-Taylor. $4500 6 rm.. N. 18th and E. Taylor. Close In, east aide-snaps. Main 4803. G. C. Goldenberg '. 215-16 Abington bldg. 106 M 3d. WESTMORELAND HOME 6 rooms and Enclosed sleeping porch, ' mod em conveniences such as furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, etc. ; fine view of Mount Hood and St Helena; .lot 50x100, on level atreet; all s'reet improvements in and paid at- this price; $4250: offer your own terms: possession soon. P: B. Van Niee. 401 Concord bldg. ' Mar. 6454. "ROSE CITY PARK, -'T 5 room bungalow, finished room in attic, white enamel wood work, fireplace, furnace, oak floors in all rooms, large closets, breakfast nook. fine built-in buffet and bookcases. A strictly t modem home. Let me show you. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1955.. $1100 i ROOM HOUSE Nice corner lot, with several nice itt trees. Large front and rear porch. $250 CASH. BALANCE $28 MONTH, SMITH-WAGONER. STOCK EX. $2750 Rose City Park $2750 5 rooms, modem, hardwood floors, paved street, etc : lot is only 50x:o. but it is worth the money, Call at 1314 Sandy Blvd. FIVE ROOM bungalow for sale. 2 lot, large fruit trees, shrubbery, garage.' all modern, furnace, built-in buffet,, large fireplace, on paved street, one block from carline, near high school, in Hawthorne district Tabor 7050. 6-R. BUNGALOW,; strictly mo.lern, built in con veniences, oa paved atreet, choice district, view property, fruit trees; a cosy home; $3500, terms. OwneV. Tabor 9191. - , NINE ROOM modem bouse on Montana,- near Alberta st. Price $.1150, $500 down, bal ance like rent John SingeT, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg.- - - -.- '-f .. . -,- , WHY don't" you put in a fireplace, it will help , yon sell that house. No one want a house without a f ireplaca. Think - tt over and call Harry Heuer. East 3264. , 846 Hancock at. -$1350 TAKES fine 4 - room, bungalow; water, gaa, electrie lights; acreeaed porch, basement, garage, furnished if desired; chicken runs; terms. 6218 71at at-S. E. ROSE CITY PARK, 49TH 8T"T 1 rooms, furnace, fireplace, - etc., fine loca tion. Jlt suU: $4000 term. , Davie. Main 125 FT. fajcing on- Montgomery t, 4 large house, clear of debt, with . $25,000; will aaerifico lot $17,000, half cash. bal. long time. 6 ' Taka some Liberty bond. 8-851 Journal. FOUR ROOM modern bungalow in best of order fireplace, buffet,-- Dutch . kitchen, full-sised basement; lot 45x100, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. Terms. 6232 25th are. g. E. Tabor 1217 SMALL HOCSB, 2 lots, for sal. WiU uk Liberty bonds . for first payment : rest- like paying rent For particular caU Phone A-3628. MODERN 5" room cottage, paved ' streets, bv -low cost Your terra. Call Sunday, $33 W rusion st. Tabor 7898. Owner. - IRVINGTON Will eil at a bargain my fine - -7 .room home.-East 2838 - ' - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOI'S KH l . Cheap City Home Buys. Only. $1200,. on very easy terms, for a new 4 room, modern bouse. In MontaviUa. - Alberta car 8 room house, with 80x100 and bearing fruit 'treea; worth easily " $1MM- my . price for quick aala ia $1260. $600 - At. Ints Junction,- 6 room house, chicken house, woodshed, etc.. with H acre very highly Improved with all kinds of bearing fruit treee and berries ; also fine shrubbery and flowers; close to carline. . Owner must leave city at once and will sacrifice for $1950, on easy terms; ground alone is worth more than the price. LOOK AT THIS Ntoe 4 room house wlOi 80x117: bearing fruit trees, grape vines, small fruits. House U completely furnished: furniture alone worth $600; house worth $1000, All goes for $1450. Must bare $500 ir on cash. Only 6 minutes to station, oo Mt Scott earlina. On 85th st 3 rooms with bath and wood shed; lot 40x120; good tent bouse on place also.- Worth easily $1220; for quick sale pricB is only $800. on good terms. St Johns Comer lot 00x100. with 8 room plastered house; electricity, etc; some bearing fruit; concrete walks; close to library and school. Price only $1200. half cash. 8 rooms, modern, double constructed, large porcbea around 8 aides; lota of full bearing frutt; ground lOOxluo; en Woodlawn carline, near E. 15th. Price only $3000. $1000 cah. " ,3? tSt Pal 5 rooms, strictly modem, with hardwood floors, furnaoe. built-iru. pared street Price only $8500, $800 caah. G, G, McCormic Co. ' 418 Fenton bldg., Phone Broadway 1516. Sunday Phone Main 9318. WALNUT PAfiK" ' DON'T FAIL TO READ THIS Modem 7 . room hou-e on William ave., be tween Emerson and KiUingwortii are., extra large rooms, many built-in features, lot 50x100. street improvements in and paid. This ia a won derful opportunity for someone who want to locate in this beautiful district Price $4 000. Terms, $800 cash, balance like rent J.F. HILL, 696 WILLIAMS AVE, EAST 2 OS. -.VACANT Z?AJX nrooosiUnn you money: rour rooms and attic, or a attic, or 5 room' .. .bookcases, china rlnAts ' ill.einiaritiir bed, kitchen cupboards and laundry tubs, hnrrt-v-ood floors, gas range. g water-heater,, Hrect improvements paid; $2900, term. See them end mak offer.' IMON SAFE DEP. A TR. CO., Mr, luring . 284 OAK. WHERE can you get anything like this? On Portland Heights, the awalldom - dl trict of the city o Portland, only 1 block imm the carline. 100 feet west of the Patton rond, ht a modern 7 room house with a full cemmt base, mcnt, furnace In the basement, with a beaut i ful level lot GOilOO feet, fruit trees lo full hearing, streets Improved gnd cement dcwRlk. Now, listen' Where can you gt anvtihna like tliia for $83$0r 1 he hoii rents for $. per months You mut have $1000 in caFh. M. J. dnheoy. 415 Abington hbig. 1 ACHE MT. TAliOlt-$500 DOWN ' Here you are: The biggest sere bargain in town; a 6 room bungalow type heme, mod-" em-except heat, 6 blocks to Mt, -Tsbor car, 1 acre of rid soil, all to enltlvntion. Tt- irW i $3500 and we'll take f 50O down. Say. t yon mi this you'll regret it COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main 4622. 82 4th tt.,- Board of Tr-ule bldg ONLY $1100 for a fine 4 room lion- witU 2 Jot. right off the paved highway on E. S2d ft This houe is celled and pacred and 'the hits are fenced. There it a wood lied tm tin property, all of the ritv. conveniences aie In this boue, such as city water, gns and eli-etrle ::itht.. This Is a chance tor somebody to get a Pica Imme for tittle money, you must have $500 hi cadi, M. J.. CLOHESSY. 415 AlllNGTO.N Bl.lMj. ROSE CITY $3500 i Modem 6 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, cabinet kitchen, etc.; garage, full I--, shrubbery and roses.; tuip. paid. A tino at thl price, and on term. ' KA8ER A RAINEY, 823 26 Gasco bldg. Mar. 812 . BEAUTIKI'L CORNER i HALF PRICK RdntriPted reHdetioe taction: paved street: ground 100x100 feat. .WiU 'sacrlfic-: all fat. $1250. . A. K. HILL CO. - 21 4 Lumbermi-ns flldg., Bth and Hlurx st.. . THE BUST. IST'Y IN HAWTkoHNE ". A nice bnbgatow tit 4 lariw room r.nd Bleep ing porcli. Dutch Kitchen finidied in while. The ftreet U pared and cwi r in ai.d paid for. 1 Ii j rrice is $2000, with 5oo dwn. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4-fr22. M2 4th ,-t.. B.,arU of Ttr.le bid - . ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, 2 fmlahrd rooms In attic, paved atreet, $30OO. If you are looking for n investment or a bunie "let me show you this place., Venriuvn. 615 Chamber t of Com merce. Main 1953. A' CHEAP PROPERTY, CL6SEIN.n ar I. 7lh and Broadaay; 0 room house, furnace, fireplace, modern bath, etc; lot fjOxCiO and lot ot room and light mi ail aides; all 'ret it prorement in and paid up; price 83000. I" t H. Van Nice.' 401 Concord Mdg. Mar. r.4,"4, A HOME you will like. , in lln Cily Park. $3000. ; Five rooms on first floor, U rmmu above; hardwood floors, firrpltce. built-in-, Dutch kitchen, fine lawn, rox-a, all kind .-of i mall fruit. On paved ftrect. C-2305, Owner, 04 3 East 49th St., North. Peninsula Park $1800 5 rooms, beautiful 95x100 lot. fruit, shadt tree; all fenced; 8 block tcliuol; 6 bioik ui. terma. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1 00TYeiibldg. EAST 2hfH StUKKT v 6 ROOM MODERN, $2000 '."-.. - Terma. Improvement all In and paid. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco bldg. Mala 14$. FOR SALE My equtty for $200. 4 "room. . partly furnished. 2 lots fruit and berrie.; balance ($8701, term. $8 month. Will con, rider Liberty bonds. 6425 85th t. S. E. Mt. Mcott car to 86th St., 8 block south. WEST SIDE Have all kind of houses to ell In South Portland, from $1200 and up. If you . want a house in that location call and see me. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE An -rwiinhoiiVnN'ortli24t( street; hardwood floor, full cement bK ment, one block from 28d st, car. See owner at 1805 Northwestern Bank buildiug. Phone Main 2000. - FOR SALE- 4 room house, garage, berries, ete"; lot 100x150. Will take light car in part payment Phone Tabor 4 026, bet 9 a. m. and 4 p. m, A real buy. Owner. 96th and K. Davis. M-V Depot ear. - - ; $3350 Rose Cit7arlT$3350 S rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, paved afreet, etc.: good term. ' Call at1314Kandy Blvd. $3250IAWTlTollNM3'l)IST.. $S250 o-room bungalow; can give post lu st nee; owner leaving city; near 40th and Haw. tliorne; f60 H. balance cay. 401 1. 50t.h t Tabor 8743. IRVINGTON'7 room and sle.piiig porch, Lai wood floor. Ivory enamel, living room, buiit- in effect,- fireplace, furnace, all iinrirovemenas. Pric low. Jameunn, Rroadway 3125 BUNGALfJW JUST COMPLETED 6 room and garage, 1181 E. Ahkcny, be r lAtjrelhurst park. Sew owner at ijIs.u or cull E-73B8. J : - - - SIGHTLY quarter block, with 4 room ttou-. frnit trees, berrie and chicken park, on Woodstock carline; small payment d-wn add balance like rent. Phone East 3219. $100 CAHfl, BAL. V.AKX Buys 4-room cottage on 75x100 lot 4 block ot Irvington car. Price $1600." R. J. McGuh-e, 645 Union ave..-North.- - - - - THE HOUSEYOU WANT" Ideal home, 8 rooms, cheap; Irvington dis trict, "Phone owner, Portland hotel, lor 3 day only.' Mm, W. L. McCabe. r $200 cash, bal. monthly Buys - 6-room modem bungalow 4 - blo k Unioa ave. - Price $1800. H. J. McGuire, 61 Cnion ave.. North.- $3500 Modem 6-rooin houxe, garage, chicken house, bearing1 frnit tree and beny' bu-b. Two lo comer 45tu ave. and 62d tt SeU- wood 2803. KENTON BUNGALOW. $2000 " 6 rooms, modem, 60x100, cement ridewalk -, fruit-, trees, improvemeota paid. Owner, evening, M arshall 6785. l-2 8 4 . Journal. FOR SALE Eight room, house. $50O0. 202 E. 8th N., cor. Multnomah. . Hot water beat. This ia a bargain. : tree, chicken run. Term. Owner, W oodiot s ear. 6330 60th at B. E. T-ROOM Laurelliurst home, garage, fine, $,ooi,. 6-room home, . gars ge. Bumside and &(jfj; price 84800. Main 6988. ' BARGAIN 2 five-room , flat. 8. P.; corner; - garage; good income; near shipyard. 50x100. $0000. W-619. Journal. $2000 Deadrabl 6-room cottage, lot lOOxlO j, Woodstock. Sellwood 1 33.V - - $2550 ROS'E CITY" Park,- 6 r-ou bungllJu" Phone Tabor 6825, j FOR SALE 6-room modern furnish d lum-., . 771 Alberta rt. Temw. Wowllawn 2515. ' ROOM emi-molern bmi'e. Ilargal-i. : $1350' Easy terms. Arnold, 800 Uvnry bldg.