Mr THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. THURSDAY; MARCH 20, 1919. ' ' i i t - i ii i i t i i ii 10 kfc .1 .: w ft VTVH A ni?WT , ft :Ti"f "JSV t a "Al 1jn." mh! "' alAV K I: V-lACo -w, msr I ulcnMn o&niaft m enTa4t hardware or coa Yertkmrj tore. P-g 12, Journal, SITUATIONS MAI.K i . rt t ' i" . . WASTED. tf a miawe-mfi man, general wors j la print family in ana outside the noose, tor boom snd board; small wages arranged. Call wooajurn t MOW ia tn Jim to repair your roof . before tinting. We ininntM to tnp all leak. For hrfiabie work call Woodlawn 6084. 8 years in Portland. - - . pstAN with- .considerable experience garden, I landscape, shrubbery, flowers and lawn work, would lik poaiUon with good gardener. N-618, Journal. ."WANTED By young married nan, mt - te garage itnr auop; save acmiw BiiwrinuT, "h nf town preferred. Address 224 E. 84th at,. city. I CONTRACTOR and builder, repair od new work te Lea city or country. U. U. urow. 441 E. 62d at. Tabor 1982. I WANTED Painting, paperhsnglng and kalso- mlnlng. by experienced workman, l'non Ivor 4956, , BT experienfced and competent carpenter, re modeling and . repair work. Seasonable prices. Can Tabor 127., l . j FOUND A man to repair and re-upholster I tmtf liimitn ra mt vour home: prices rea- (aonable: all work guaranteed. "Phone Main 4229. IWA NTET) I wish to et work in a garage; have bad some experience. Bex, Sutton, 683 K. Salmon. 20th at,, Portland, Or. TWO Chinese bora wkh position lor general work. 55-540, j on mat ROOMS tinted, 2.60; outside painting reason- able. Kkkeb. Broadway 8523. . IF YOU hare painting and tinting to do call Broadway 1441. FX6"plowi n g on Mount Seott car Una and Lenta cafl T88. V-210. Journal. AUTO' owners save 58 repair bin. Rave mechanic do wdrk at your garage. East 3780. FAINTING and tinting, reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 3326. WaSTKI). "-mecter and cement work by l. . . i . . i . , i naoo job, any sis- t none aimn POSITION wanted with opportunity of learning acetylene welding. H. A. P.. 4 12 1 3 th at. YOUNG man, 17. want work. Wdln.-559. FLOWING done. 38 E. 88th at, O. George. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 WIDOW lady. 28. with little girl 3 year, would like noeition a nousekeeoar lor oaeneior or widower with not mors than 2 children. Phona Main 4563. YOUNG lady would like work in fUrrbt ahop: I not experienced; willing to worsr Iirat weeg t for half regular pay. Phona K. 6022. room 32. LADY with lota ot experience would like to take charge of rooming or apartment hone; ran gi beet of referencea Phone Maid 4563. LACE curtains laundered rery reasonable. Main 8106. , EXPERIENCED cashier wants position. Beat reference. K-219. Journal. FTJRHISHEI ROOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH fl a daay up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. HOTEL Sargent. Hawthorn and Grand. Starting point special car for vancoQTcT. FTJB3TISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 7f J BDSINE8S women who will .occupy same room and find pleasant noma with use of kitchenette if desired; modern. Tabor 5. MB. B"UNOALOWS AND HOMES FOR EVERT- BODT. IRVINGTON. , EAST 273. HERD- MAN. A LARGE . front room upstairs, near Williams are. and Broadway canines. 269 Halsey at BLEEPING room t per week. 284 Clay st FTTRNISHED rooms lor rent. 271 Halaey at. ROOMS ATfP BOAKII IS THE HAZEL "Not like the others. " Ktery comfort. Home cooking. 886 Third st. TDE Martha Washington , 380 10th. for buaineu girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AIT It BOARD PKIVATK FAMILY 78 WANTED Man to room and board in private fagnily with no objections to children. Wdln. 4. 910 K. 14th St. N. WANTED, two girls to board and room. 188 B. 19th N, Oall East 8S23. HOITSEKEF.PIXO ROOMS S FTTR7U8HET) A5P V!f FURISHET CLEAN, light unite, 2 H. JC rooma. sniUble for 1 or 2 aduRa; gaa range: also single H. K. room, suttahlo tor macneior; steeping room, 82.50 per week. 247 H 6th st. BHIPTARD district apartments, housekeeping ronm. fomiahed. utuunuaheo, . reasonable. Apply 262 Gibba. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, suit able for 2 or 3 men, cheap. 163 V. 16th it!, eor. Morrison. FURNISHED H. E. rooms, reasonable; no ob jecUon to smaU children. 290 N. 16tb. TWO room furnished housekeeping apartment. 392 k Kast Burnskle. WANTED -2 men to board and room; home conveniences ; modern home. East 8748. H.; K. SUITE. 84 per week; ' sleeping room. 92.50. 86 V, Union near E. Washington. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms; hot water, close in. sin Mam st. BELLINGHAM apt., large. Ught, airy house- kaeping rooms. 421 H E. Mormon st. T ROOM H. tf. apt: utAm hnl, electric' lights. gaa. 283 13th, corner Jeffersoa. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, close in. 8 Knott at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED A"I UNFURNISHED" PRIVATE FAMILY LOWER .part of modern house, neatly fur nished, piano; adults only. 892 raat oai- moa at. 2 FINE furnished II. K. rooms, hot water heat. private bathroom, sleeping porch, close in. employed people preferred. East 6381. FURNISHED light TI. K. front room, first floor; easy walk, suitable for working girls. Z Broadway. FOR- couple, a bedroom, bath, phone, light H. K., use ox parlor, piano, Z3. 1 4 A K. 18th. comer Ash. 3 FURNISHED IL K. rooms, bath, water, gaa ami cieciruriby. rooos isoor fst ; no children. TWO or 3 housekeeping room.", mostly fur nihed. Adults. 1066 E. Waahinaton. Ta- LARGE II. K. room and one sleeping room. 412 1 otn. west nda. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 19 MEIER & FRANK S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, tip to data lists of desirable vacant houses, apartment and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and .Quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR HALE -JS BIG bargain, 7 room modern house, garage, 328, for rent to purchaser of furniture, complete, including piano. Soma terms. Irvington. 325 js. istn. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, 489 Afsr ket st . fURNiTUitlji for sale and flat for rent East B12H. FURNISHEI HOUSES SA VERT NICE HOME. SPLENDIX LOCATION, ialvi.NtiTUN; BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED; $60. EAST 278. HERDMAN. APARTSIENTR 41 FURNISHEl AND UNFURNISHED THE! EFFEBT. 2 room furnished . apt, $18, corner of Russell and Kerbv. betwaen itriuiia. sippi and. Williams are. .PLEASANT 8 room apt.. 3d oor. running water; no cuuurrn. aaa Montgomery st FOR RENT FLATS 11 5"tOOMS and bath, upper flat, electric lights, gas (win install hot water! paved district! nn 8 ear, west .aide, $15.60; no small children. 1295 CoTbctt at, . Owner, Tabor 834. FOR RENT 8 room modern flat, $15 and between 4:80 and 7 p. m. , 1 OR RENT Store, partition: is suitable for living rooms. 794 1st, and Oibbs. "8-ROOM flat. Union avenue Bear Russell; gar- aga Close. tMX Zla. . FURNISHED FLATS 48 THREB room flat furnished, axcent kitchen 1804 E. lOta S. sear SeUwood car baxas, $20. B.1440. . FOR RENT. 4 room flat, furnkhed. with ter ' ggv I'rica $23. Ii5 K 46Ui st, cor. Aider. MODERN ground floor flat, on car, mostly fur niahed, 63 V 80th st. $20. Montavill car. or 213 .Lumbermen bldg. 334 LARRABEB at., 9 room flat for rent, fnr - niture for aala. Eaat 8186. " - 5 ROOM, partly furniahed iUt lot rent Call Tabor 846. FOR HE5T-yiWCKLIiAJTHOPW 83 " 10 ACRES FOU RENT KEAR LNTS 8 room modern cottage, gaa and city water; good barn, chicken bonnes; ail in fruit, about 8 acres in pranea, 2 aerea in apple; H mile from Mount Scott; rent 8300- per year, payable in advance. Take Mount Scott ear to Lenta Junction, go one half mile north to the (ilbert road and 2 block east to th Craw ford ranch. WAKElTELD. rRTE8 A CO.. 85 4th at. WA3CTElTO BEST I WE WANT TO HINT . up-to-dat dwelling fat lelact neigh borhood. Alas bonaes. flats and apartaenm. If yon bare any racanete phone Beare Together, ear ot Northwest Steel Co.. Mala 1103. WANTEI To rent, a modern or 7 room hoite, in good district. Rose City Park pre ferred. Best of reference furnished. Phone Ta bor 2788. WANTED By man and wife; no children; fur niahed or urt tvnWird 2 rooms, kitchenette ai-d prirata bath; within reasonable walking dis tance of Journal Bldg. C-615, Journal. RESPONSIBLE, permanent party, wants unfur nished house on eaat aide. East 49, between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. WANTED TO RENT 5 room cottage by April 1: no children; will giro reference.'' B615, journal. WANTED To rent 4 or 6 room furnished house or flat; must ba modern, Phona Bdwy. 11. J. J. Bateman. W A NTED By April 1. 5 or 6 room house or bungalow. 3 adults. East 1244. WANTEls Building suitable for auto repair shop in downtown district, P-813. Journal. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE, lH beat and cheapest apartment site in Portland. C-617, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 $2000 TERMS $2000 IDEAL BUNGALOW Acre; fenced: lerel. impt. with choice fruit. -Lberriea, na, shrubbery, etc. Fine fireplace, city water; H mile west of Linnton road, at at Johns ferry. Enchanting view G, C, GOLDENBERG 215-216 Abington bldg. 106 H 3d. "35 Tears in Portland.' Main 4803. HAWTHORNE 34250 Hera is leally a splendid 7 room bungalow with 2 bedrooms on 1st floor. This is far ahead of the ordinary bungalow and we are downright anxious to have you see it. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, cement basement, furnace, wash trays, ate. Full BOt 100 lot. Located on Stephens st near 85th. Very easy terms. A. O. TEEPB CO., 264 Stark st,. near 3d. Main 3516. ROSE CITT PARK 6 ROOMS $ 3 3 & Let us show you this brand new bungalow with hardwood floor, fireplace,- buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Remember absolutely new never been lived in. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stsrk St., near 3d. Main. 8516. Branch Office. 6 0th and Sandy. LENTS SACRIFICE Owner must get away this week and will almost give away full half block very highly improved with all kinda of bearing fruit trees and berries ; place also has nice little 5 -room bouse, chicken-house, wood alied etc. ; only 3 blocks from paring and car; worth shout $2500, but will sacrifice this week for $1950 on very easy terms. See me for real nanrains. McCORMIC. 418 FENTOJf BLDG., 84 6TH ST. 1 ACRE MT. TABOR $250 DOWN Here - you are: The biggest acre bargain in town; a nice 8 room bungalow type home, mod ern except heat. 8 blocks to Mt Tabor car, 1 acre of rich soil, all in cultivation. The price is $3500 and we'll take $50o down. Say, if you miss this you'll regret it . COE A. McKENNA 4 CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 4th st, Board of Trade bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY $3600 7 rnuLand unfinished sleeping porch, hdwd. floors, bookcase, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, full base ment, wash trays, 2 bedrooms down, 2 lip. 50x100 lot. 1H blocks to R-C-P car. Terms. J, A. WICKMAN CO 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. Stark bet. 3d and 4th. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $4200 Let us show yon this splendid 6 toom bunga- 1 . .1 I . - i . . , . . . . . . " . in (ii v tbij anri 01 nose I. II y. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc We want you to see this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 8516. Jjranch uttice, 60th nd Sandy. $3500 7 rooms and den, with fine quarter sawed oak floor in. Large sleep ing poreh. Fine view of Willamette river. 100x100 lot. with some of tha finext trees in the city. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exeh. Bldg. Main 583. Stark bet 3d and 4th. A 7 room modern house, unusually well con structed, with garage, basement and excellent heating plant: on paved street; cost over $6000; can be had on terms. Price $5500; owner leav ing city. MR. BROWN. Main 1700 or, evenings. Tabor 89 MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW On E. Flanders St., 50x100. corner; 1 block to car; good neighborhood ; immediate posses sion. Price $2250. $500 cash will handle. This is a nice little home in spick and span con dition. THE CROSS LET-TIG ARS CO. - 270 Stark . Main 5078. S11AO n vrrvxx Nice corner lot with several 'nice .fir trees. Large front porch. Enclosed rear porch,. Small cellar, 3 blocks car. $500 CASH. BAL. $25 MONTH SMITH WAGONER CO., 8TOCK EX. FOR SALE 6 room house," toilet," elec." lights, woodshed, fence, good lot. 2 blocks carline. on BSth ave. S. E. Get off car at 84th st.. Mt. Scott line, to see place. Price $650. $150 cash, bal easy terms. J. S. Knauss, 416 Stock Excfi. bldg. Main 327 0. $3000 5 room bungalow, od fuiMfoTfOO lot, with hd. surface st in and pd. Fur nace; convenient to ear. Near Jef ferson high. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Mam 583. Stark bet 3d and 4kOOM modern- bouse on 100xio6lotTall set to herri and fruit ilww4 1 vn j. - - . V i uv'UigtnH teal , OCKr Ainsworth are. This is a Tery cheap buy at $1800; $400 will handle, balanca Uk nnt. Stanley S. Thompson Co., 302 Oak. Wilt NOT BUILD Get an artistic homa by an established archl- aWtnMl firm mt 1a U7. sj liinuah tha money j deeire! U R BaUey Co.. T3ITD VTO ttrn TrvT-.yT 1 and 6 room retures, on two lota. Wood tn era and near school. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Tarn- $2350 ROSIT. riTV Pinir nion. . Attzrantlv nnl,m A twnm . . . wu uvuac, implies, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath, gas, elec tricity, basement fruit and shrubbery; nice full lot; imps, paid; fine location. Tabor 6559. CLOSE INTUNION AVE. $1500 $400 cash, $20 monthly, buys neat cottage; 4 rms., plastered, bath and toilet, electric Jghts and gas: located at 412 Ivy st Fred W. Ue. man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. BT owner, bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, mod ern except furnace; I Hitch kitchen and garage Price $2300, $300 down, easy terms. See at once. Soma furniture if desired. 693 Sherritt st, Sellwood. FOR SALE 4 room house, basnent. bath o 37xli0i 21Tn.. .SoS 2 blocks from. Alberta ear. Price $1100 MluV3"70 & KnUS' 419 Stock Ech..bldg. BARGAIN Convenient -to Vancouver. 7 rooms. good neighborhood; churches. scbooL, conveni ent; cash $2500; value $3000. ApplylS?! E. 8th t north. $1400 HEREIS A SNAP-$1400" Cosy 4 room bungalow, $150 cash, $25 mo.. includes interest on balance. COBB, Marshall 4975. a. m. to S p. m. $10 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY S -room shingled shack on lot 25x100 at J?nwV.kie,lota P'. J38S frcd W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Con. 6 ROOMS, modem; cement baserarnt.- furnace (with hot water eoil)j electric fixtures, gas. complete bath, toilet, - 3 porches, $2800, with IHUH, i muvs ,Uu. 4 ROOM cottage, $750; terms. $17$ eaeh. bal $10 mo.; big lot; improvement in: located iicuit'iii. uKMiuu, ion oa. FOl'U . room house for sale, on 63d and 1 $2250 A modem 0 room eotUgel'by owatzT Sellwood 3038 ; - 410EAST"53d st, $ rooms, close ' to Franklin high. PhonoTabor 2082. owner. . FOR SAtJE: By ownerT 9 "room hnuse15'fruit trees nd berrir. Call SeU. 1507. . . FO,R iiK l room houiie, close in on Fargo. Woodlawn 6671. - ; $ 2 650 II wt ijorne dmtriut, 3 27iTTt"6room't - larga LA. labor bb2i. J REAL R8TATE FOR SAUK HOUSES CI Sea FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Horn Thursday ? Specials $2000 5 room ery attractive bungalow type home in Rose City diet Paneled dining room, whit Dutch kitchen, good .cement basement, laundry trays, fruit and flowers, , Tenms. $20005 room Hawthorne bungalow, 60 124 lot oa paved at, all liena paid; baa white enamel plumbing, elect ne lights and gaa, full cement basement, laundry trays. Lot is worth $1200. Ton couldn't build the house for $1800. Total price $2000, only $300 down. $2100 4 room neat bungalow, whit enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, -attractive home, E. 72d near Ankeny; $230 on. $2500 5 room very attractive bunga low, jnst east of Ladd's addition; modern, with built-in conveniences. A-l condition. $1950 $100 down, $20 per month. 8 room bungalow cottage, electric lighta and gas, white enamel plumbing, fire place, sleeping poreh and garage; close to lt Scott car. $2100 $800 down, weat of Laurelhoret, walking distance, 6 room home, liv ing room and dining room in white; has white enamel plumbing, large lot, fruit, berries and' flowers. E. 29tk near Pine. $1600 Easy terms, 5 room cottage. Rosa City carline. near 27th st, on paved street Abundance of fruit, flowers and berries. Thi is close in. No street liens or mortgage to assume. $2650 Vacant Hawthorne bungalow on corner lot; has attractive lines, just finished painting and tinting through out; interior in white enamel. On E. 34th st $2500 $300 down, 3 room very attract ive typical bungalow with garage, pan eled dining room, buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. On Lombard, 2 block to Union are. Vacant Mora in. $2500 Easy terms.' 5 room bungalow, white enamel plumbing, electric lijthts and gas. Oa E. Flanders, close to car. Terms. $4200 8 room and sleeping porch very modern home; best material and work manship; full, cement basement; fur nace and fireplace: hardwood floors; paneled dining room; 7 foot massive leaded glass buffet A real home with refinement and character. Full corner lot paved street Liens paid in fuH. On E. 39th st Roe City district Terms. $1050 $150 down, $15 total monthly , payment: 3 rooms with sleeping porch; electric lights and gas; on hard sur face street Gas range and stove in cluded. On E. 62d st West slope of Mt Tabor. $2250 6 room Hawthorne home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. On paved street All liens paid. Very easy terms. $1600 $250 down: 5 room nest bunga low: electric lights and aas, white enamel plumbing. On 4 2d and Francis ave. . $2850 Terms. Unusually attractive Al berta bungalow: double constructed; large living room with fireplace. Imtch kitchen, white enamel piumb ing, electric lights and gas. corner lot On E. 11th. 1 block to car. $2530 6 room good substantial home on 100x100; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and kas; A-l condition Facing on paved street and carline. La.iy terms. $2650 Rose City bungalow. 5 room. Typ ical bungalow, fireplace, paneled din wg room, buffet. Imtch kitchen, good basement, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing. On E. 68 th st Terms. $2625 5 room furnished Hawthorne bun galow, on pared street Vacant Mora in, Wa have over 500 photographs of person ally inspected and appraised homes in our display room, each photograph ar ranged in its respective district with full description, location, price and terras. Come in and look over the pho tographs. We have some wonderful bargains: compare them with other houses that have been offered you be fore making your decision. We have sold over 150 houses since January 1 and over $500,000 worth of homes in 1918. Because we have the bar gains. Experienced salesmen with au tomobiles at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Abington bldg., Maia 5156, Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITT PARK $3400 Block to car; we will show you a 5-room bungalow, with furnace, fireplace, floored attic, good garage and paving and sewer in and paid. Best of all you need pay only $400 down. Hurry. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 4th rt.. Board of Trade bldg. EAST LINCOLN ST. 931J . . 3150 10 Fine 5 room bungalow. Furnace, cement base ment trays, etc. Elegant garage. Owner leaving. Truly the best buy in Portland. $500 cash. Do not wait: see today. CM AS. KINOLKR CO.2 5 Henry bldg. - ROSE CITT FURNISHED BUNGALOW Six room modern bungalow, completely fnr-nu-hed, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet white bedrooms, located below the hill, close to car: price $3500. $500 down. . CLKVKLAND-BARH-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6782 ivkst nine unuv . , . . . , l..n I . 9 V W 7 rooms, completely furnished with real fur niture, furnace and fireplace; street work all paid for. This place has cost owner over $5000 located on 29th and Savier stu. ; $1000 cash $25 monthly, int 7 per cent. Fred W. German 'j-. iiampgr or jommerce 1 ' T .1 m P. TX A -TIJ ivn iuTT . A well built 7 room home, modern except beat, full cement basement The price is only $2860 and owner will accept $400 down. Only J?"?tes by car to 3d and Washington. Coe A McKenna & Co., Main 4522. 82 4th at Domra or i raae Mag WEST SIDE COTTAGE $100 CASH " ;txi 4 room cottage, electricity, gas, nics . w...o, ,v Tuii i a , iuui Aiscaaam st near Bancroft ave.; price $1200; $100 cash, GRUSSI A BENNETT, 816 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. UNION AVE. DISTRICT 8 ROOM HOME. $2200 KtlhatanriAl ft nwmi ,,..... , . Am . . ' - ..vic, wu 1U1I DO lOS. 1U varielv frntt ftmM ft, 1 1 k.m. -. Price $2200. $400 down. P- CLEVELAND, BARR, HENDERSON CO Railway Exchange. Bldg. Main 6752 $1950 EQUITY for $1650 in modern" 5 room , C "J "unorana addiUon (East - ' uwrmcai, launary trays. aa watsr beater, fireplace, screened back porch! - ' rmme oeiiwooa v 11 $1000 Six rooms, ceiled and papered, gaa and electric lights lot 50x123, chicken house, fruit trM nH K rn. ' kt 1 . . . : . ; . . .7 ' " to car. uuauun riae. vtoodlawn 2583. $1360 $100 down. $10 per month for B 'ww swim. uioras to jerierson nigh. 2 kV?. eU-, $?xl 00 ,ot' fru1t garden 6 BOOM bungalow, liardwood floors, fireplace ,i u. ...ct, uujit-in eiiecis. aouoie garage: P"ce $4000; no agents. 007 Tillamook at. East 7655. FOR SALE BT OWNER 7 room house, 882 Missouri ave. : 2 . block "t ot Miasisfippi car; one block north of Kus- HAWTHORNE district, few days only, good 8 ..JT". "" V"" " c,ot ln ail lor $1750. 8300 down, balance like rent 924 Chamber of Commerce, between A and p. m. EIGHT loom house, hii fOOxl 5oT LoU of fruit trees, chicken house. 1 block to car Only $2800. On easy terms. Bdwy. 1658. 209 FIVE room bungalow. E. lfvis and 44d st ju mwiu oein iiimac. ijqt OOxlOO This can ba bought for $2500 on easy tarma. lbl. iaa ooa ri- i . MOVE right in. & room bungalow, choice, near school, paved street, $2200; installments like rent Call 202 McKay bid. lesi) i w niirsra n c d t " - iaua. S room houM. link vrwl. l.n r ka.iaa C - . 1 1 1 in wavv lot: nice lawn, imps, paid. Tabor 6559. WEST SIDE 8 room house and lot oa 3d and Hoyt worth $8100; will sacrifice) for $76 down, $10 monthly, bays 80x200 garden tract. room house, price $480. 201 WU eox bldg. ; - , I ., . . TWO good 8 room bouses oa hard surfaoa, b tween William and Union ave.; isaproTO- taenta paid. $1900 each. - East 1922. MODERN 7 room bungalow for sale. '& room down and 3 up; ray equity for $1000 cash, balance on easy payments. 8t73063d M. 8. E. $16.0 5"li6it bunaalny, lot 81x100. fruit trees, chicken run, terms. Owner, Woudstuck car, ti33tt 5utl it. S. E, . .. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SAFE HOUSES Cheap City Home Buys Only $1200. on very easy terms, (or a new 4 nn., modem hooso, in Monta villa. Alberta ear 3 na. house, with 80x100 and bearing fruit tree; worth easily $1800; my price for Quick sale is $1250, $500 cash. look at this sure 5 room house, strictly modern, with every built-in feature : foil con crete basement, fireplace, etc Located near 48th ave. and 91st st 8. E. House alone would cost $2500 to build. It's yours for $1650, on good terms. On 85th st 3 rms. with bath and wood shed ; lot 40x120; good tent house on place also. Worth easily $1250 for Quick sale" price U only $800, oa good terms. St. Johns Corner lot 60x100, with 3 rm. plastered house ; electricity, etc."; some bearing fruit; Concrete walks; dose to library and school. Bxice only $1200, half cash. 8 rms., modern, double Constructed, large porches around 3 sides; lots of fall bearing fruit; ground 100x100; on Woodlawn carline, near E. 15th. Price only $3000, $1000 cash. Rose City Park 5 rms., strictly modern, with hardwood floors, furnace, built-ina. pared street Price only $3500. $800 cash. G. G. McCormic Go, 418 Fenton bldg. Phone Broadway 1516. Beautiful Alameda Home At Sacrifice Price This is a thoroughly doubly constructed home throughout and modern to the minute; 7 rooms. 4 bod rooms, large living room and all other rooms of good size; nice garage. This place is Just like new and an attractive horns in every way. Call us up and wo will arrange to show yoa the place and will make the price way below tiie market RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak st Broadway 41 3$. 6 ROOM modern bnngalow, Saniysida addition, 2 lots, price $2250. 6 room modern bungalow, lot 60x100; price 82500. 5 room modern bungalow, Beaumont dis trict; price $2150. 6 room bcuse, Hawthorne district: price $1700. 5 room cottage, lot 60x100; price $1250. 6 room modern bungalow, price $3000. These are all good buy and on very easy terms. New York Land Co., 303-5 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 7676. $5250 IRVINGTON BARGAIN $5250 Very attractive, thoroughly modern house; large living room with massive fireplace, recep tion hall, commodious dining room with beautiful built in buffet; hardwood floors, four nice, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement base ment, furnace, stationary tubs, garage; 50x100 lot Owner leaving Portland, has authorised us to offer this property at $5250 for quick sale. It's priced $1000 under value; $1000 cash will handle. THE CROSSLEY-VIGAE3 CO.. 270 Stark st Main 3052. $2100, $2100. $2100, $2100. $2100 6 Rm. Alberta Home ONLY $500 CASH EAST 19TH. 8 BLOCKS CAR Fine plumbing, basement, electric fixtures, built-ins, 50x100; fruit, berries, east front, at tractive place. G. C. GOLDENBERG 215-16 Abington bldg. Main 4803. PORTLAND HEIGHTS TILE BUNGALOW 16 minutes from 5th and Washington sta., H acre of ground, massive fireplace, spacious porches, located in the midst ot massive fir trees; a typical mountain type bungalow, suit able for a small family. This place is very much out of the ordinary and not adapted for ease lovers. Total price JSK50, whicii lo less than the land in a wild state cost seven years ago. Reasonable ternu. FHED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. BUNGALOW $1450 TERMS $1450 $ 1 4 50 TERMS $ 1460 $1450 TERMS $1450 Ideal home of 4 plastered rooms, whit enamel plumbing; basement lighta: 60x100: fruit: convenient to Jefferson high school. Main. 4SU3. G. C. GOLDENBERG "35 Tears in Portland." VP YOU'LL PAY $500 DOWN Tou can boy this beautiful, 2 story bungalow, ia restricted district, 7 rooms, oak floors, splen did fireplace with bookcases, handsome buffet paneled rooms on lower floor, beautiful liehtine fixtures. Dutch kitchen, bath and lavatory on lower tloor and lavatory on upper floor, blah class furnace, big basement, good garage, street paving paid. The price is $4600 and it's worth it, COE A. McKENNA A CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK Price $3800: a nice little 5 room bunealnw. close in on 42d st ; all improvements in and paid; several others. BUY YOUR LOT NOW I hare 8 beautiful lots in Laurelhurst which will be sold this week at the best offer obtain able; they art very flioice; drive out to E. 39th and Gli&ag) its. or phone Tabor 8433 or East 2086 evenings. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN $4800 5 room bungalow with maid's room in attic, fireplace,, furnace, built-ins, full cement Dasement; laundry trays; Imp. all in and pd. In heart of Irvington, 1 block from Irvington club. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main oa. star pet 3d and 4th. TVO GOOD HOUSES FOR A LITTLE MONEY 7 rooms, fireplace, eleat light and gas, 5 Ox 100 lot. good location; a fine home and a good buy. 5 room cottage, elect, gas, cleee to carline, hard surface st, a bargain at $2000, $400 cash CROCKET-STARKER. Washiagton bldg. BUNGALOW o rooms, finished in ivory throughout beautiful corner lot very pleasing outlook from living room and porch, paved dis trict and lovely homes surrounding, cement base ment, laundry trays. You could put garage un der house at little expense. Price $2650; $375 balance on street and sewer; $500 cash, $20 per month. N. E. corner 34th and Caruthers, RM. car. Owner, Tabor 854. 227 WEST SUMNER New 6 room modem house, 1 block north of Overlook add. Take St Johns car to Dela ware, go south 8 blocks. C. E. Anstrom, owner. FOR SALE 3 room bouse, water, gas, elec.. cellar, lot 40x100 with alley; cherry trees and berries, barn and chicken house, on Glenn ave. near Wygant; clear of incumbrance. $600; terms. J. S. Knauss. 416 Stock Exeh. bldg. Msin 3270. MONROE ST. COTTAGE $100 CASH 6 room cottage, bath, electricity, gas. paved streets paid, on Monroe, near Commercial; price 31100; $100 cash, $10 month. Why pay rent? GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade bldg Main 7452. GOOD 6 room house at a bargain: concrete foundation, laundry trays; good fixtures, all improvements in and paid. 837 Gantenbein. Wilhams avenue car to Shaver street Price $2250. Terms. Phona East 2003, for ap pointment BY owner, bargain, good 7 room house, 2 or 3 lots, 4 outbuildings, terms; also roll top desk; genuine leather couch. Tabor 8340. FOR SALE LOTS If $9 DOWN $9 monthly, total price $199: Beau tiful lot 63x97, on the west side of Minerva St., 158 ft north of Seneca, in tha St Johns loop, close to car. Here's your chance, Mr. Bar gain Hunter. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham ber of Commerce. A SNAP 100x100. 1 small house. 1 largo Rented now for $30 per mo., on carline, $2250. I can give term. 2ft & 3d N., 1'0K SALE Lot 50x100 on E 78th at N.. l DlocKs trom nose city car; 14 so, terms. 3 S. Knauss, 416 8tock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. FOR SALE 1 lot. 2 blocks east of steal bridge. I will sacrifice thi as 1 need eaah. 261 E. 3d N.. evenings. ACREAGE 67 JUST PUTTING ON THE MARKET ACREAGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND $10 DOWN, $5 "PER MONTH Bays 8 acre of land ia this addition of 639 acres. ' The price range from $50 OO per acre and up, with terms of $2.00 per acre clown and $1.00 per sera 'per month, no matter iw many acres yoa purchase. There Is no rock, U gravel, or rough land on this addition ; sonii of these tracts are easily cleared; will naak aa Ideal snb arban home, poultry farm, dairy ranch; ia ideal for prunes, English walnuts, filbert nuts or bees, ther ia a school on tha addition ; tha stage, and truck lino- run by thia land. CHARLES DELFEL; 81$ Railway Exehango Building;,-- - . Portland. Oregon. FINEST tract 60 acres, for prunes, walnuts or dairy: close in on B R. ; gool rock road, milk route, uncleared, good timber, at -only fraction of its value for iramedtata sale; -terms. Z-694. Journal. 5 ACRESOak Grove, creek bottom: fin for - chickens "or dairy, for houso in Portland. D 225, JodrnaL - . . - ' BASK. .LINK road, about 1H miles east Mon - Mvilta. 13 acres; $350 "per acre,." cash. '"will sell aU or yarw K-0-0. Journal. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE if COUNTRY- HOME WORTH $10,000 Sacrifice for $6000 20 "acres hear Clackamas station, an in high state of cultivation, 3 acres beaverdam land; food 9 room plastered house, .woodshed and a ton milk house, good well; all fenced, hard surface road, close to school, church, store and P. O. No better soil in Oregon. Land in this vicinity has sold . aa high as $709 per acre. Price oa this ONLY $300. Good terms. Sea this and yoa wiu surely buy it RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 309 Oak st Broadway 4188. 20 ACRES, fin land, on county road Bear city ana cars and paved road. $3300, hall down. wrner. j-uz. journal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7$ BlBLKiiAN acreage) 1 to 119 acres. Owner, Broadway 4683. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 HELP HELP HELP! 2 sera home with 7 room modem house, plas tered, concrete foundation and basement, fire place, $50; range already connected, bath and toilet good barn, chicken house, hoehouse. aaao- line engine and tank; place all fenced and eroea fenced, bearing fruit trees, hi mile from Metzger, 9 mile out; owner refused 84800 for this place a lew jfars ago, prtc now $2800, 310OO ca-s iimkv iw Diiiu ruoui si omce ot c reo German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Strictly Modern Acre Home At Garden Home, on Oregon Electric; Te com mutation fare; 7 rooms, with fireplace, furnace, full cement basement gaa. electricity, water, phone. Aero very highly improved, with large variety bearing - fratt trees and berries. Fine view; lots of shrubbery. Prico (3760, $1000 cash. O. O. t'OORMIO CO., 418 Fanton bldg DANDY HALF ACRE TRACT AT BRENT- WOOD. $1200. $200 down. $16 monthly buys acre very choice bearing fruit trees and 4 -room cottage, fair garage. The fruit on this place brings in a nice little income. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER 29 NOTICE of s&rn of government Umber. Gen eral land office. Washington. D. C. February 14. 1919. Notice 1 hereby given that, rnb- lect to the conditions and limitations of th act ot June. 9, 1916 (39 stat. 218). and tha int, tractions of tha secretary of th interior of September 15. 191 T, the timber on th follow ing lands will bs sold April 8, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. a., at public auction, at the United .State land office at Portland. Oregon, to th highest bidder, at rot less than the appraised value as (howa by this notice, sale to be sub ject to the approval of th secretary of th interior. Th purchase price, with an ad ditional sum ot one-fifth of 1 pet cent there of, being commissions allowed, must b de posited st time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will asmo for th timber, which must be removed within 10 yean. Bids will be received from citizens of the United Stata. associations of such citi- sens and corporation orgaoixed under tha laws of th United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, tha timber on any legal subdivision will b offered separately be for be ing included in any offer of a larger nnit: T. V S., H. 2 .. sec. o, .NE NBH. fir 1690 n hemlock. 270 m : NW NE. fir 880 m.. benvlock loo m; ow ink, iir lvu m. hemlock 250 m.; BE NE. fir 2-0O fa., hemlock 200 m. ; NE BE, fir l.9 m. hemlock 120 -: NWH 8E4. fir 1680 m.. bemlock 60 m.: BW Vi BE, fir 780 as.; SB EE, fir 1190 m.t hemlock SO m.; NE NW. fir 630 m.. hemlock 130 m. : NW NW. fir 1760 m.: NE SWi. fir 1950 as.; NY SW. fir 2100 m.'. 8W SW. fir 1250 m.: SE SW, fir 1630 m.t aon of tfce fir to be sold lor kssa than Sl.oo per as., snd none of the hemlock to be sold fo leas than 75 cents ner m. T. 4 S.. R. 3 B.. sea. 8: SE SE. fir 1200 m,; SW SE. fit 1145 m. Sec. 33: SE E. nr so m. cedar 25 m.; 8W NE. fir 850 m., none of th fu or cedar to be sold for less then $1.60 per m. CLAX TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Olfica. FOR SALE FARMS 17 PAYING $30 PER DAY 60 acres of tha finest land adjacent to Port land, most all in high state of cultivation except 13 acres of very fine timber which cruise over 2000 cords and is worth $5 per cord oa the ground. sThero is a very fine, absolutely new modern bOagalow worth $4500. barn and ev era! modem chicken houses worth $2000; water and electric liffht plant worth $1200 1600 hens now laying, worth $2400; 8 tons of hav worth 3200: lota of poultry feed, toots and machinery too numerous to mention. The income last year was as follows: Eggs. cockerels, old hens, potatoes, etc, $820. making a total of $7208.55 from only 1200 hens, and the owner now has 1600 hens. This place is only 20 miles from Portland, on auto road, near school, and four miles from a fino town snd is without doubt one of the best paying and best imo roved poultry farms in the Northwest. The owner ia old and wants to retire and in order to do so at once is willing to tak the sacrifice price of $13,600, half cash. It will pay you to investigate this, as the first man who sees it will buy it Thompson. Swan & 1 hompson, aa and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. THREE FINE BUYS 1 n tm wast of Rnrprtun. 7 in cultivation house, barn, other buildings, orchard, berries. $2000; easy terms, a bargain. 40 acres near Forest Grove. 4 acres in cul tivstion, creek and spring, fine bungalow and barn; buildings and timber worth $3000 alone; price $2250, terms. 160 acres west of Forest Grove; 18 acres in cultivation, house, barn, 80 acres of good tim ber, fins stream and spring. $2500; terms. 804 SPALDING BLDG. A FARM SNAP 20 ACRES. PRICE ONLY $600. Here is 20 acres of land with good red shot soil, only one and a half miles to town and H. R . in a well settled district: about 35 miles from Portland. Did yoa ever see anything so cheap? 6 acres of this in cultivation; 4 room box house. Cultivated land, all fenced. Living spring. You will have to hurry to get this. RELIABLE INVESTMENNT CO. 309 Oak st Broadway 4183 BARGAIN 100 acres all cleared, good dairy ranch, large barn, silo, roomy 2 story bouse and other out buildings, bearing family orchard, berries, ate.; good neighborhood, close to graded school, church, country store, on hard surface road near Vancouver, with 8 cows. 7 horses, 4 hog and all farm tools and machinery for $17,500 if sold at once, or (160 per aer vntnout toes- ana equipment Write at once. WM. M. BURNETT, Vancouver, Wash., R. 5. 320 ACRES, good tamiiy orchard, some clear ing, soma buildings of not much value, well watered with creeks, rich soil, 80 per cent ot the whole tract is Smooth enouart for any kind of farming when cleared. This land is in an old bum and can be cleared for one half the cost of ordinsrv stump land. This is the making of an excellent stock ranch or would be good to subdivide into smaller farms,. Price reduced to $10 per acre for a quick sale. OX-89J. Journal. FINE 10 ACRE FARM $2500 All good tillable land. 8 acre cleared, 2 acres pasture, fenced and cross fenced, good house, bam and 'chicken house, spring water in bam yard, well at house, located 16 miles from Port land, 1 H miles from station; racuie nignway. Reasonable payment down, balance to suit LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. RIGHT, LEFT BIGHT, you are, when you'v Nipped one of my bargain buys. LEFT when you fail to vist me. Good small farm listings wanted. R. E. BUTLER, 41 Cham, of Com. SO ACRES tillable land, all fenced. 8 cleared, about $2000 of improvements, including new 6 room house, outbuildings, mil to school, R R. station and store; will sell or trad for Willamette valley property; price $5400. C A. Pailcy. Band Point, Idaho, R. F. D. 1. 30 ACRES all level and highest state of culti vation, half in crop, balance nearly plowed, 4 room house and bam, on hard surfaced road, 28 miles to Portland, 2 miles to growing town, mile to station, school, store, church, etc ; will pay for itself in two crops; price $4250. Write 680 K. Holland t., city; terms. -. : PRACTICALLY A GIFT Ten acres, 2 cleared and planted to 100 young apple trees, house, summer kitchen, well . and fence,, fina soil; improvements worth this price, $600. Back of Lyle, Wash. Phono East 6060. 160 ACRE improved farm near Toledo, Lincoln county. -2D acre in" cultivation. 100 acres can be cultivated, honse 24x28; $11 per acre; terms. Neil Smith 6514 Foster road. Tabot 1931. - 1120 ACRE wheat farm. 1000 tillable., crop going in. R. It through place, nine to sta tion; will sell or trade;. H mort. .can stand; prico $80 per acre with outfit J. H. Edmun son. Owendoten, Or., GUltam TM. y-' BY owner, 72 acre, 2j under plow, balance pasture 'and timber; house, bam, aile, orch ard, telephone, R. F. D.; stock and: machinery. Five mites from YamhllL- 84 000 cash or terms to suit. HX-4 15,-Journal. r f . 200 ACRES of good level land. ia culti vation, balanc good bunch grass; old boos, furnished; good well, good fauces, t miles to railroad in ' Klickitat county. Wash. Prico $4000. Owner, 223 Blndmora st F0R SALE By owner. $20 sera dairy ranch. 1 aaila sooth of Beaver. Or., in Tillamook coanty, with all. stock and aaachiasry; will sell all or part. -..For particulars ) or jWrit W. A. Baling.. Beaver. n - ? 80 ACRES. 15 cleared. 3 springs, honse,- bars. 1 4 milea town and railroad, 3l3oO.-' 201 Wik-ox- bhlg. - - t i ' ' TWO" sood'Stoeir ranches m..-ate Write E.r R,' Tiuav Laugiuia. Curry ccusiy. Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOR REST- FARMS 14 10 ACRES near Oreaard. Clark Co., ail eulti vatod. Address 261 K, 3d N.. Portland. Ox. FARMS 'WANTED RENT OB BUlf 88 WANTED To buy dairy and stock ranch, 160 acres or more, with or without stock and im plements; must have good buildings and within 60 miles from' Portland: Will hav tha cash I state lowest prico and condition of farm in first letter. L-611. Journal. HOMESTEADS ' 47 640 HOMESTEADS and rcUBqalshmeata. largo portion tillable. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water aad timber convenient Soma good timber claims. Laved ia that coun try for years.. Call 7 to 9. evenings or Sun day, or write W. T. Lester, room 6. 484 8. Broadway. FOR SALE Good homestead reliaquuhmcni from owner; 117 acres; cheap; writ owner. O. La Roach. Eugene, Oregon. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 70 ACRES ot alfalfa and com land under 'gov eroment ditch. 5 miles from Henniston, Or., 80 acres in alfalfa, of which 10 acres is fenced with wovea wire. Mew 6 room house, barn, chicken bouse, fino young orchard, berries, all of the place can be irrigated; there Is an abun dance ot water; there ia a spillway from the main ditch right at on side of the land which runs nearly all summer. There are two good wells on the place, one 12 feet deepi the other 1 8 feet. One cow, a lot of chickens, one spaa of 6-year-old horses, 8 shoats. set of harness, wagon, hack and all necessary farm Implements, stack of hay. all 'go with place. Price $125 per acre $1500 cash; will take a good 6 or 8 room house, balance can run aa long as wanted at 6 per cent 214 Henry Bldg. FARM WANTED 160 acres, located in Central Oregon, 2,000, 000 feet of pine timber, good agricultural land when timber is removed. Price $2000 clear. Irge vacant lot. price $450, clear. Furniture of 16 room apt,. $750, clear. Will put in as much ai $2000 cash and asenme on a going farm. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. ONE HALF sere near Reed College, $3000. Large 8 room honse, not new, has fireplace, lobs of fruit on place, apples,- cherries, pranea, 3 varieties of grapes, raspberries, loganberries, all pruned and well kept; large garden; $500 down, balance to suit, or will exchange for 20 acres or more not too far from Portland. Fred W. Ger maji Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. 14 miles from center of Portland. on electric line and fine road; fair 6 room house, large, modem chicken house and other buildings, lots of fruit, value $5000; Incum brance $1500; want modem residence in city. Address 175 Front st A 6 ROOM plastered bouse and 2 lots, gar age, chicken house, good garden land, in St Helena, to trade in oa a 40 or 60 acre farm in the Willamette valley; can pay cash differ ence if stocked and equipped. Address John m. i-nngte. pox siz, Bt. Helens, Or. 7 ROOM modern home. block nf land. Rt. John; want modern home, Irvington district preferred: will pay difference. 6 room cottage, St Johns, value $1800; want 6 room bungalow close to Portland; will assume. Phone Colum bia 2 or 1642. Mr. McKinney. . 160 AND 400 acre farms. Eastern Oregon, ex change for city property or small farm near Portland. . Can evenings'. 7 to 9, or Sundays,, or write W. T. Lester, room 6, 645 8. Broadway. FORD TO EXCHANGE FOR HOME 5 passenger in good repair; want cheap bouse or good equity. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exchsnge. STUMPAGE of 2500 cords of wood; sell or trade for house, acreage, or what have yout J-244, journal. $500 equity, new 5 room bungalow. St Johns. Trade vacant lot Balance monthly payment. r-none wciyinney. i wnmnn g ot imz. TO TRADE. 40 acres. 3 acre cleared, log house, for 1918 Ford touring 998 Commercial st 10 ACRES good land toi house, some cash! East 483. " WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 MODE RATE-PRICED FARMS AN D CHEAP LAND ARE IN DEMAND. IF YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT WE CAN SELL. U. C GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "85 YEARS IN PORTLAND" HAVE $150 cash and about I acre ground. $500 value, for a 4 or 5 room semi-modern house with 3 lots, not over $2000; will psy balance $20 or $23 per mo. and interest H 227, Journal. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must b. right and very easy terms. We have sold over 300 houses in th last year. If you want action se? us. Fred W. German Co.. 7H2 t hamper or Commerce. LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED Desirable listings, no junk, hot air. or in flated values will be considered. See Mr. Hurd with Fred W. Penman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. DON'S WORRT- I eaa sell or trade anything aaywber. - Layman, 147 Park st BUYER can pay $300 down on SO 'to 60 acres; must have house. 201 Wilcox bldg. WANTED On terms, from owner; half acre or more, with house. 201 Wilcox bldg. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc. 612-1-14 Swetland Bldg.' GARAGES. $1000 One of the best little money maker there is in the city; 50x100 fire-proof building, rent $45, 3-year lease, 25 cars in storage, repairs, oils and accessories; down in the manufacturing district where business is good all the year around. $2750 Close in. east side location, fireproof brick building, 2 stories. 50x100. rent $125; good lease; this price include the service car, all tools and equipment. $8500 Brick building;. 60x100, completely . storage, gooa Close in east siae location rent $85 per month; good lease. $3500 One of the best locations, close in to the business district, east aide; 60x100, 2 story brick building, completely equipped machine shop; $1000 of ac cessories ; rent $150 per month, 8-year lease; storage to the fullest cajiacity. 84000 60x100 fireproof building, rent $500 per year, payable monthly; completely equipped machine shop, nice line of ao ceesoriae. and the above price include service car. $6500 Wholesale tire business, $4009, all stock on band, in addition to new JTorn ear, office equipment and contracts. Thi is an exclusive agency for Oregon and Washington. $8500 Brick building. LOOxfOO. rent $175 per month, sublease and Mill nave one Itoor 100x100, with $6000 on machinery; in fact, one of the biggest repair basin esses in the city; some term to the rigSt party. $2250 Concrete building. 40x40, rent $60. 2- year lease, completely equipped macnlne . ahop of aU kinds, able to take care of any job that come in. RESTAURANTS $ 600 One of the best paying little restaurant in th wholes kt district of the west side, 4 cheap rent aad well equipped. Look thia $1000 Hotel of 23 rooms, rent $38 per month. good lease in the manufacturing district at St Johns, always full, furnishings of this place could not be bought for less than $1500. W are going; to sell today for $1000. $1000 Dairy lunch and restaurant on Broad way, rent $40 per monta. ims is a Tuesday morning bargain. $2000 Morrison st location; good paying bust- .. ne, gooa equipment, low rent ana gooa $3000 6th and Washington sta, location, 8-year lease, rent 4SO per month: has beea one of the biggest places of Its kind la the city. Information given at office only. $2500 Good paying west side dairy roach. If yoa are looking for a perms sect bust twas, don't -overlook this. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IV BUSINESS JTOU . XV A XT T" a" VHf L' W A V fa lit'D Tl TT A WViUA AV.1 alj QAJll Va9a GET THE HABIT OF COMING TO ' s : MEE US. - , PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. - 812-13-14 8wetlaad Bldg.y GARAGE foe-sale, concrete- building ; -a good .uiinix nran. ina ij. out w ' - ' - BAKE shop, 2 oven, steam hoUer, for rent $2.0. , . - , u i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - 89 GROCERY AND CONFEOTIOXKKV Old established business, fine location. living rooms: will invoice now about $3000; can be reduced, 81000 CIGAR STORE Some confectioneries; doing nice business. GENERAL. MERCHANDISE I bare several country stores ranging In price from $5000 to $12,000; can be some exchange for .Portland home. . P. RTKRDON BITTER. LOWE CO. S0S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOH SALE OB LEASE One Diamond print ing press and job press with ail type and good country newspaper, jast started. A " rea sonable party can get a good deal , without much capital. Write, R, Y. Blaloek, Clover dale, Or. I AM leaving city and will sell avy established business for a small amount of money. This will stand the closest investigation. Apply 423 Stark st YOUNG man going to San Diego would Ilk good business line; nothing reasonable re jected. P-810. Journal. FOR SALE Picture theatre. Thia to not dead. ' A bargain. " Don't answer unless yoa tneaa business. B-618. Journal. : A (iOOU paying confectionery. - Phone Colum bia 2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WANT clean grocery stock, in reaidence district; owners only. P-811, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES S3 IXXJK THESE CP Hotel with large street kbby. fine place, well located, clearing about $900 par month; $4500 M handle. Fine brick modem apartment house, well lo cated, on west side, clearing $400 per month. 14 Dooms, good furniture, $1000. 12 rooms, swell furniture, $1400. 26 rooms, transient $2000. And others to suit you. Terms on these. List your places with us for quick sale. No junk hsndled. GILSON REALTY CO.. 481 CHAM. OF COM. Main 6127. 9 ROOMS $700 TERMS 10 ROOMS. WHITE TEMPLE DIST.. $850 13 ROOMS; MODERN. 95: BARGAIN 22 ROOMS. $1600; EASY TERMS Others, all siaea. Get in my automobile and I will show yon. BRUCE GODDARD, 603 COUCH BLDO. IF YOU WANT a rooming or apt honse, I can get you what yon want I have many snap. Cash or terms. I handle good place and yon get a sqnare deal. La Monte. 606 8 wetland bldg. 14 ROOMS, all nicely furnished and full; west tide; close in. George Morse, 309 Chamber , , ' , son a vi wuiiacrec nun owe WANTED Rooming house, 12 to 20: yard pre f erred ; well furnished. Main 8869. Gar land 1 8 8 8d st 20 ROOMS, well furnished, clean; rent cheap". Clears over 8100 mo.; fine location; snap, 3500. Garland. 188 8d. FOR BEBT bargains in rooming house see La Monte, 600 S wet land bldg. Main 7433. LIST your apt house with ma. I ean sell it quickly. I .a Monte, 506 Swetland bldg. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl OCR installment plan ia the beat and surest method of paying a loan. 332.26 per month for 86 months, or 821.24 for 60 months or $15 II for 90 months, pay $1000 loan and interest Other amounts In proportion. W loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. ' . No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS eV LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st. Portland. Or. BUILDING loans en city or suburban property, money advanced aa work progresse. W. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. H. BELL, Boom 10-11, MulkeT bldg. $300, $400. $500. $600, $760. and p, low. eat rates, quick action. Gordon Investment Co . 631 Ch. of Com. Main 6446. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington r Oregon, H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. $250, $350. $40T(J. $500. $660 and larger amounts; current rate; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $300 TO $3000. no commission. Msin 1166 F. H. DESHON. 615 Clumber of Commerce $200; $500. $1000. $2000, no com. City and suburban houses. Wsrd, 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan, on city property at lowaat ratesC Fred B. , Williams, 93 1st st MORTGAGE loans, 6 and If,. Louis Salomon et Co., 408 Selling bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. ta and Stark. $5000 AT 7 5 years. East 6488. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 Do You Need Money? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, anos. household goods or anything ' of vslne. Security usually left in your possession; , ALSO to 8ALARIKD PEOPLE on their note with out security. If your payments to other loan companies or oa furniture or automobile con tract are larger than yoa eaa make, we will pay them up, advance yoa more money if neces sary, nd yoa ran repay ns ia small monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL RATES. No DELAT BUSINESS 8T1.1CTL7 CONFIDENTIAL ' PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-807 Dekum bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel Ob short notice to salaried or' worklngmen na their own notes. Weekly,- semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. KO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household iurnitur. piano, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 818 Falling bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland Business Ma i to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City aad Coanty ' Warrants Cashed V for Face. Van.. CARRIT MYERS HERKMAN, MGR.. 894 STAKE ST. MONEY to loan oa diamonds, Jewelry: If Bal rates; all articles held a year; established sine 1888. Daa Marx, 283 Washington. LOANS WANTED 8 WANT $500 at 8 per cent on 160 aorea timber land. Crook county, assessed at $1200. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From private parties, $3000, on 7 room home. Piedmont 1179 Garfield. fcEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 22 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL 81 LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE PRICE THURSDAY. MARCH 20 8RD ISSUE, $95.18 FOR $100 BOND ' 4TH ISSUE. $95.65 FOB $100 BOND LESS USUAL COST FOR IERVICH . : . BOND RECEIPTS BOUGHT WILL CASH TOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS. WHICII REPRESENT ' GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. SEE E. BURKTTT. SECT! ETA RT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. tl2 SELLING RtDG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. . -- LIBERTY BONDS AR Issue Bought aad Bold Before baying or selling g4 oar quotations. W. L. DEVEREAUX A COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bond 87 - Sixth street. . - Betweea Stark aad Oak. 1 WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT - OF FULL CASH VALUE (AQ do coupon interest included .. J.' H. KEATING. 617 BOARD 01 TRADE. - tl LIBERTY BONDS , If you must sell your Liberty Bond, sell to w. If you ean buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. Ws buy snd we sell Liberty Bonds at th market TOTT CANNOT DO BETTER . " YOU MAT DO WORSE W are today paving the following prlri fn United States Government Liberty loaa Bond's which are th opening New York price plua th accrued interest: : $io ; , . . . " ' Bond ' 8H HII.8H ; 1st ' 4. . 95.27 2nd 4.t.... i5 10 ? - lat . 4Hs.. ......... 1)3.61 2nd ' 4 ..,........ 85 19 3rd . 4 s 95.11 41b 4 .'. 93.54 In purchasing Liberty Bond w deduct front th above prior 870 on a $50 Bond and $2.60 oa a $1000 Bond. . In Selling Liberty Bonds w charge th Kvf York market price plus th accrued interest Ask about our partial payment plan. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Iieixwtt Vaults. SAFfl DEPOSIT BOXES FOU RENT r Morris Brothers, Inc. " v. Tha Premier Municipal Bond House. Established Over 25 Years. . -809-311 Stark St, Bet. 6th and 6th. (Ground Floor) Telephone Broadway 2151. BONDS BOUGHT spot cash SPOT CASS CASH FOR YOTTR RECEIPTS Coma to 125 Uaaco bldg., ethand Alder, Mail bonds to ns : w remit ret urn man, Com to 725 Cisco bldg., 6th and Alder. CELLARS-M URTON CO. OPEN SAT, EVE. LIBERTY BONDS . Partly paid contracts bought Open till 7:80 DORCAS A DORCAS. 920 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th snd Morrtooa. INVESTMENTS.' loans, Botes, mortgage. H. bewis, 808 Lewis bldg. Msr. 1888. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS 16 HEAD of mares and geldings from 4 to 10 years old, weighing from 10U0 to 1700 lb, i 2 teams nf logging horses among them: alt good worker and gentle: also four farm wagons and 4 acts ot double work harness. Call at the Wood yard Stables, cor. E. 9 th and Hawthorns, or phone East 8227. y ... 20 HEAD OF HORSES For sale or hire by the day, week or month; aR kinds of harness, wagons and dump carts; more horses to pick from then any three barns ia the city. Everything guaranteed a represented. PHIL S TETTER 285 Front st Just Received A shipment of horses weighing Ymm 1008 to 1500 lb.. Price from 8100 to 8860 per teams these horse are all sound, young hot- a. Q. A. Howlti, E. 9th and Flanders. ONE team of mares, liiUO. true to work and sound; one team, 2200; two spaa of big fat mule in good harness; one single horse, bar be and wagon; farm wagon, spring wagons, all kinds of harness cheap for cash or Liberty bond. Multo Stable. 1 6th snd Jefferson eta. A MATCHED span of bay mares, weighs about 2100 lbs., with nr without harness; good workers, single or double. I have left this team to be sold at 802 Knott st. H block esst of Union ave. TEAM- 2000 lbs'., sorrel amf bay mare and horse. 8 and 10 years old, with good harness and farm wagon, $195. 251 Mead st. South Portland ear. CHUNKY built-mare, 8 year old, weight. about 1300 lbs., light spring wagon, top buggy, 6 sets single harness; no reasonable offer rat used. 892 Knott t, H block Union sve. FOU SALE, at a bargain; team of m area, weigh ing 2800; 5 and 8 year old: with good har ness. Mrs. Wast, 209 Gibb st Tak South Portland ear. . . 1 $150 BUYS a team of horse, weight 2600 lbs., , with harness and farm wagon. 6416 64th ave. 8. E. Take Woodstock car to 64th st, walk 6 blocks north, white house in grove. C. W pOMERO'T, general team work snd plowing. 174 E. 47th st, Portlsod, Or, Phone Tabor 64. A NEARLY new rme-horse farm wagon, new one horse disc, and good farm home, cheap. 10 J Front st. TEAM of blacks, 2630 lbs., with good harness and 3 -in. farm wagon, $195. 251 Mead st, 8. Portland car. , ' EIGHT weight horse, harness and cart for do livery purpose for sale cheap. Residence, 6016 42d ave. Phone Tabor 498. ONE team, weight 2600 lbs., with harness, $135. Laundry Stable. E. 9th and llaw- tnorne. rnone r-asfo-.i. i'lE.Jim'l'W fCITCf ...J.I.......... . . . - - change for one or two 1000-lb. horses. Tabor 4203. - 7 YEAR old mare for sale, $15; spring wagon $15.. 226 Pallet - - ; - - A GOOD big cheap pair of 2700 lb. horses, $135, 302 Front St A FINE pair of Shetland cheap, or exchange. 802 Front Bt HOR813 and wagon, $1.50 day; 3 horses' ana wagon, $8. J. Cohen. 646 Front Msin 2208. TEAM of mares, 2700 lbs., 6 and 7 years old with harness, ch--ap. Call Marshall 4 05 5. WANTED A good farm team, harness and wagon j also cow. J. Gray, Hood River, R. 4. Lit. A It auica taken quica. Cash Paul lor drad cows snd -crippled horses. Tabor 4208. Wanted Ping nor, about idoTibs. not ovr $20. Z 539 Journal. ' r FOR SALE Set , light double harness, $1$T 6804 85th t B. E. " -LEAD horse aad almals hauled away free. Caii Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Oo. LIVESTOCK '8 2 RED DURHAM COWS, giving about 4 gala. each; just been- tested for tuberculosis ' nd certificate goes with cows; 8100 each, ! ' - - $' lefwey cow. Just fresTi, with calve. Price t about $80 each; alw. 8 snrinker. - . EAST NINTH, AND FLANDERS. WANTED To buy .dairy, and stoek ranch, 1I acres or more, with or without stock and im plements; must have good buildings and within CO mUes from Portland; will have the cah; state lowest price and condition of farm in fint Utter., L-nt. Journal. . ' FOR SALE Cow, 6 years old, fresh $ days, with well marked Ji la quart milk; give more in pasture. -One mile ftouth Linnamaa Junc tion Mozetier, Powell Villey road. T-WO -frh HuUteiua. Heavy milker. Also fresh Jersey and fresh Guernsey Durham. Will be old ebep for quick sale. Woodstock car to 84th St., 4 Mocks to 1040 Hcliillwr t TEN head of big. fresh dairy cows with calves and 7 big springer to freshen soon. $60 ad op. North Portland Stockyards. Take Kentoa ear. IMPORTED Holsteui cow. RiuUite Da Kol Korndyke No. 2O0732. Milking. U. Owens, 4 65 K. 1 1th t Bel Iwood 2 5 4 6v FRESH Raanen and Toggenburg, buck kTdnT 1911 E. M. V. car. ' FOR 8 ALE 6 rows, mute, milk cooler and boU tie. 142 E. 81st north. JERSEY now. fresh two weeks. 771$ 60th ave. 8. K. ' POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 r BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorca, best stock; price reasonable; safe delivery guaranteed. U. N. Keedbam, box 1Z. oajear, or. THOMPSON'S Ringlet Barred Rock - selected hatching eggs. $2 a setting, $12 .per 100. BROWN Leghorn eggs, $1 per setting Giant ana .Belgian nare. taa par psir. isa x.t 75th st N. ! FOR SALE Limited tiunsVl Barred Rock setting eggs, tdorougtiRrei isying strain. $1.50 per setting. So ti lZtn w. I HAVE a few settings U, pure bred .Barred Rock egg for sale from excellent stock, tome and aee, 449 E. Couch at v LARGE-Engludi strain W. U cockctel. $2; also egg for hatching. $1.23 for la. 029 Usw-. thorns ave. Phone Tabor 9501. ' THOROUGHBRED Ruff On.icgton egg; a cockerels cheap : will trade on. Marshall 1876. after 4:80,. P. O. Bog 89. COliVALLIS t'tiain White" Leghorn batchlr. egg for sale- Wistaria Poultry Acre, 1 1 0 1 Simpson st Wdla.-3269. BARRED ROCK hatching sgs. incnliator lots, first cias stock, la Dor iiii. mi out. t. N. 16 FINE laying pullet tor sal cheap. 903 , Tale at. Portsmouth district THOROUGHBRED Berred Rook hatching egg; special price incubator lots, Tabor 6559. ErTwN Leghorn, egg for . htcliing ; xcr!- lent layers, old bird. 5631 89th ave, H. E, DARKCornish and lit games. Stock and egjs. Albert Havage. nuverwn, r. WA NT ED ftO 0 egg IncubaUir or two 2id. Colombia Poultry rarqa. wooaiawa u. THOBOUOHBRED Black Minorca hatching eggs. Mammotntrain. iwiwnDia sua. 6 A. tl BATTREDROf K listen in eng., $1.50 for 13. C. J. Mcintosh. CorvU, Or. MANDY LEE incubator, good condition, . cheap. Marshall 2486. or Broadway 131. - , FCTR SALE Thorougiibred Wbit Leghorns, trso nested stock. 1 81 3 Barrage st. wo lawn eww t . TWO 360 egg second-hand Mat-r incubator. good, condition. 4 13 Jup. w a Lawn a. WANTED A setting fcen.- Wy .- swn 419 5. FOR -SALE- Carred Eotk . TLf ivi. FINANCIAL