The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 17, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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la Defense of the League -Oakland.
Or., March 11. To the Edit
or of. The JournalIn response to
Charles L. Blanchard's letter to The
Journal of March 7. "In which he de
fends those who oppose the League of
Nations and states that the people are
not behind the president and points to
the last election as proof that they are
not, not doubting; his rood Intentions, I
want to car that if those obstructionist
. senators who oppose the lea rue had
said so when , the president stated the
war alms of America and the allies, and
had flven their aims and shown where
they were better than his. they might
t now talk, and people would think them
more sincere. But they didn't. They
never said a word until the war was
won.;And now they come with a bold
face,' try to embarrass the president at
every turn, and throw cold water on all
he does. But the people know that the
war, since we entered, was fought on
'the aims laid down by our . president,
and they expect a peace made accord
ingly, and in that peace they expect a
League of Nations. s
Those who oppose : a League of Na
tions don't seem to thlifk of the terrible
slaughter In which over 7,000.000 hu
man beings ioet their lives. It ap
pears to me Uhat the life of any of
those 7,000,000 was as sweet to him as
. the life of any of the obstructionist sen
ators is to him. But they wan to con
tinue the old way, and have more wars.
Neither do they seem to think of those
who are crippled for life or blinded.
Neither do they seem to think or care
for the sad hearts at home, mourning
for the lost ones in battle. But the peo
ple who furnished the fighting boys
know the war aims. The one they re
member best is the one that says: "We
entered this war to put an end to all
"" wars." The only way to do this is by
a League of Nations.
Those senators don't seem to think
of the cost of the war, which was 1179,
000,000,000, a debt that those now living
and their children's children will have
to pay. Now, If we have the nerve to
saddle such a debt on our posterity,
we should have the courage to give them
something In return. The nicest thing
we could offer would be a world to live
In free from wars. Then they might
gladly pay the old debt. We can' give
. them such a world if we will give them
a League of Nations, such as advocated
by Wilson and Taft and a great ma
jority of the people.
Those who oppose the league have ab
solutely nothing to offer In its stead.
It Is plain that if" we don't get- the
league, we shall go back to the old war
. breeding system. Then all those fine
young Americans will have died In vain.
Concerning the Source of Law
Portland. March 7, To the Editor of
' The Joumal.--"I have not made a man
, of straw." God made man in His "own
tmaffe and likeness." He gave him the
soul powers of will, memory and un
derstanding and Impressed upon his
mind tlw norm of truth., making it
natural . to man to accept the truth ;
hence jthe law of nature. In his con
science man was provided with an in
fallible guide and by his free will was
' qualified to merit reward. In the
Image of God he was free from sin and
turpitude. Thus God left hlmv "in the
hands of his own counsel" and equal
to the achievement of his destiny.
.Allow me to incorporate a few ex
cerpts from Blackstone's commentaries:
As man depends, absolutely UDon his
" Maker for everything, It is necessary
that be should,. in. all points, conform
"to his Maker's will. This will of his
Maker is called the law of nature.'
This law of nature being co-equal with
mankind, and dictated by God himself,
Is, of course, superior In obligation to
any other. It la binding all over the
globe, in all countries and at all times :
So human laws are of any validity, ff
: contrary to this i and such of them as
are valid derive all this force and all
their., authority ,; from this original. It
Is the office of reason to discover what
the law of nature directs in every cir
cumstance of life." And If our
reason were always as in our first an-
v To Save Your Hair
Nlt1itns flat.. asK wsw.- sm4fU ? -
.7 a -as VMMbVIS 3VeSB
sad hot water, preceded by twOm of Cam-
tespscs of dandruff and itch-
s m mm
They are
mg to keep the scalp and hair healthy.
e ideal for an toilet voce, la the
icsss .way without mag. , After shavine
w amrw numi nam spots es aaodroa
irrt job wkh Cuticnra Ointment. Then
bathe face, hands and scalp with Cutkura
Soap and hot water, v
SjJJf'g'jlsjjJ''1 ssJaa '
Syrup of Figs
? Child's Laxative
Look, at tongue! Remove
u poisons from stomach,
liver arid bowels.- ;
Aocept "Calif ornia" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California oa
the package, then you - are sure your
child le having the best and most harm.
. lees laxative or physio for the little
.stomach, liver and bowels Childrea
)ove Its delicious fruity taste. Full dl
pactions for child's dose- on each bottle,
cm It without fear. Adv.
cestors . before his transgression, clear
and perfect, unruffled by passions, un
clouded; by prejudice, unimpaired by
disease or intemperance, the task, would
be . pleasant 'and easy ; we ; should need
no other guide. : But every man now
finds that his reaeon is corrupt and his
understanding full of ignorance and
error." ; ,'vv-;; i -1; i- y i
God Impressed this law of nature ea
the mind of man and wrote it in his
heart, when He "breathed the. breath
of life" into him and "man became a
living soul"; but in the state of degra
dation consequent: upon his; fall man
was unable exactly to discover and
comprehend the will of God. So God
provided manin ?the Holy Scriptures
with the revealed law. i
"These precepts when revealed, are
found, upon comparison, to be really a
part of the original law of nature, as
they tend In all their consequences to
man's felicity." To resume from Black
stone: "On these two foundations, the
law of nature and the law .of revelation,
depend all human laws; no human law
should be suffered to contradict them."
Accepting, then, as a fundamental
principle that every people desires the
right to govern from God through the
law of nature, we build upon a philo
sophical foundation and provide a log
ical legislative guide.
Curative Publicity
Portland, March 7. To the Editor of
The Journal. The report of Raymond
Robins to the people ot the United
States, and especially to the govern
ment of the United States, Is timely and
sound. I am personally acquainted
with Raymond Robins, and I have had
occasion to differ with htm in Amer
ican politics. But his experience with
all conditions of society, together with
his profound knowledge in political
economy and of American Ideals, pe
culiarly fits him to utter a message
after visiting the scenes of Russia. And
his message is this: Kaiserisra is dead.
It has outlived its day, both in form
and substance. The old theory of mili
tary suppression.; here or elsewhere,
only Intensifies the difficulty sought to
be cured. The mayor of Portland
sounded the same note In a measure
before the Ad club. It simply means
that we must return to safe and sound
Americanism if 4 we expect to save the
ship. Not only must we give vent to
the widest publicity of various views
and remedies, but we must find the true
remedy, and then ' act. Merely discuss
ing it in pink tea parlors may a have
been all right in the academic stages of
economic freedom, but we must not only
think ; we must act. - This is the law
underlying all life, that unless It ad
Justs itself to changing conditions some
other form will supplant it.
I congratulate The Journal oh throw
ing open its columns to the widest di
vergence of views. That Is what a
great public journal is for, and I would
urge all other papers to follow suit
Ion't be afraid of the light; only dark
ness is dangerous.
More by Mr. Clark on I. W. W.
Portland, March IS. To the Editor of
The Journal I have been reading the
numerous letters bearing on the X. W.
W. The X. W. W. cause may be Just
in many respects, but they are not
worthy of the cause. As stated before,
I have had. them in my employ in dif
ferent parts of the United States and
Canada for many years and have dis
covered that all that I have dealt wfth
are criminals. - In the first place, they
refuse to work, which is a crime in Itself,
and all that I ever had anything to do
with were bent on committing crime
and doing devilment of some kind or
other, and the only remedy which the
government has found, up to date, tor
criminals is a term of good hard labor.
People should do right, no difference
what their environments are, at the
same time to have : an opportunity to
work to better their conditions. One
evil never rectifies another, and be
cause there is injustice on the part of
capitalists is no excuse for crime on
the part of others. s
One man, whose name I can not re
call, boasts that be "has a lot of rela
tives who fought in the Civil war and
in the world war," that he "is an Amer
ican to the backbone." and that he
would "take off his hat to the L W.
W." Now it is evident that this gen
tleman knows absolutely nothing about
the I. W- W., for If he did he could not
uphold them and be a true American
If the I. W. W. want to remove the
evil environment, let them draw a circle
around themselves and begin at home.
Then they will get the sympathy of
the people, and all labor unions included,
and win. any just cause they may have.
.. A. J. CLARK.
. . Would Abolish U. S. Senate
Portland. March S. To the Editor of
the Journal iris time the United States
senate was abolished. The action of the
senators who oppose the League of Na
tions and who frittered away the clos
ing'hours of the session, to say nothing
of the balance of the time, while neces
sary legislation failed of passage, have
simply added another reason to those
already growing in the minds of the
people "that the senate has no proper
place in our governmental: scheme. - It
was hoped that when the direct primary
came into existence and senators had
to go direct t6 the people for election,
it might awaken that body from Its
self-satisfied lethargy; but it seems be
yond redemption. The senate has de
generated into a second class debating
society, in which senatorial courtesy
takes .the place ot statesmanship, a de
sire for partisan advantage the place
of the nation's welfare, and. personal
spite the place of the allegiance owed
to the people who put them there. The
sulky senators are like peeved small
boys. They have been disgruntled over
since they found they could not dominate
the administration and that Wilson
could perform his war duties without
domination from : them.
Taft had his "time" with the senate,
and so did Roosevelt. Former presi
dents have experienced the same at
tempts at -dictation, generally in the
interest of something or somebody seek
ing, favors from the government that he
was not entitled to. The peevishness
has exhibited itself in many ways, ever
since the war started. And right now,
with the exception of bull-headed Borah.
th senators in opposition to the League
of Nations are hastening to explain that
It is the form of the constitution they
oppose ; which is only another way of
saying they want, the senate to have a
hand in composing the league and are
afraid Wilson -will secure too much
credit.. The cry has 'gone out that-the
senate must ' assert its power and,: re
gardless of the peace of the world or the
welfare of - the- nation, a false issue is
set up, merely because the senate feels
its-dignity touched. The infection seems
to . touch nearly every man : who la in
the. senate long; he gets peeved at a
president, and then spends good time
offering unjust criticism or blocking
heeded legislation.
I therefore repeat, it Is ' time -the
United- States senate was abolished.
' ' 3 H..A.
Junker, . Bolshevik, Money
Portland, March 12.- To the Editor of
The Journal We bear; so. much that the
interests of the junkers in Europe caused
the war, and we democrats won't talk to
them unUI we see a change of heart Is
them, or to that effect. Further, we
read that the cause . of the war has
precipitated into another phase, a class
war, and that the latter is worse than
the former and must be crushed as we
did the junkers, and so on. - Further, we
note that the junkers .have always been
at one with, us in crushing down the
radical labor bodies.' How Is all that
mixed up? - Shouldn't we be, rather,
mighty glad that the Junkers over there
dont take on a, change of heart? " For
haven't they become now . our dearest,
allies against the labor regime, which
we -dread so much?; ..
If, then, we press too strong on the
junkers to take en a change of heart
and press their pocketbook, then they
might have to change their hearts into
Bolshevik!, and .goodbye money device !
If we take away their money in gold
and sliver, then they have to print them
selves paper money. And do you think
labor will then still be so stupid as to
give away its surplus products for the
Junkers' investment of paper capital or
paper tickets? Can't labor best print
them itself? Labor will then infinitely
more easily comprehend that the device
of gold and silver money is at best only
a means of account, or a ticket. It has
been a, confusion to all in the past, but
now the so-called poor won't be 'fooled
with it any lonfeer, Jtor knowledge is
power. Isn't.: therefore., this so-called
class war now going on. in Europe rather
a question as to- whether the old wrong
principle of money shall prevail or the
right principle of the paper ticket . with
out interest or profit. thereon? As long
as we have the money, device . we will
have wars and strife. - But economic
laws of evolution have necessitated the
abolition of money. Therefore, the labor
regime will finally win out. That's- the
inevitable law of events now In
transformation, "enhanced through war
finance. Listen closely : "Thou shalt
live by the swerd and shalt. serve thy
brother : and the time shall come when
thou shalt shake off and loose his yoke
from thy neck." (Douay version.)
If the Recall Were Invoked
Jacksonville. March 10. To the Editor
of The Journal In answer to Charles
L. Blanchard's recent letter defending
the foes of the league, I wish to say
that Mr. Blanchard seems to think the
people are not behind our president. We
know some are not. We will say the
pro-Germans are very bitter at Presi
dent Wilson. Why? Because he did
not keep us out of the war and let Ger
many' extend the German empire to
America. Pro-Germans that were reg
istered as Democrats, tried to, and did,
change their registration before the late
election. There was no pro-Germaa
vote for President Wilson at the last
election. .
I am of the opinion that a recall vote
by the voters of the country would send
the 37 United States senators home by a
10 to 1 vote, or more. A. H. S.
Toledo, March 10. To the Editor of
The Journal In The Journal of March
2, under the caption "The Late Session,"
you give the impression that the state
legislature Just past met with practi
cally unanimous approval. But some
of its enactments do not meet with gen
eral approval. Why was the emergency
clause invoked If not because those leg
islators who voted the increased salaries
for certain county officials had every
reason to believe that their constituents
would reverse such increases if the ref
erendum had a chance?
Another matter : ' We read many es
says nowadays deprecating the work of
"agitators," who are accused of gener
ating "class feeling." What name fits
the granting of a pensi&n to the widow
of a late ex-president of $5000 per an
num, who was in no pauperised condi
tion? Was not this for a "class" of ex
president's widows? If not, grant it to
all widows.
Concerning government ownership
against control of railways As the
railways of a country are its main high
ways, why should they not be owned,
as are the roads miscalled "dlrt"roads?
Is the road of iron or steel not the
cheapest to maintain, in proportion to
tonnage carried? Is it not as cheap to
build as is the average' concrete high
way? Is the rolling stock any more
expensive to build, maintain or run on
the road of steel than to, handle an
equal tonnage on the road of conorete?
If a private concern is a benefit to the
nation at the head of the road of steel,
why Is It not as much benefit if allowed
to own the concrete highway? If a toll
on all railway hauling helps to pay
a private profit above cost of carriage,
why not a similar private profit, or toll,
on the concrete, or gravel, road?
The Syndicalism dill
Portland. March 10. To. the Editor of
The Journal Aside from other serious
objections voiced by citizens whose
Americanism has never been ques
tioned against the so-called "crim
inal syndicalism "bill" which now dis
graces the statutes of this supposedly
civilised state, it seems that the most
deplorable and unthinkable feature, if
correctly reported. Is that It is directed
only at those -i who would -violate ; its
"verboten" for purposes of "political or
Industrial reform," or for "profit," en
tirely missing all who plot and murder
to try, for Indefinable and . a score of
shady and indeterminable purposes, to
stop citlsens from enjoying their con
stitutional rights.
I sent. Senator Chamberlain the' text
of the bill as reported in The Journal
and urged him, should congress legislate
along these lines, as seemed probable,
to take heed that any and all criminal
syndicalists, whatever the apparent or
plain purpose or intent of the offender
People Notice It Drive Them
02 with Dr. Edwards' .
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
touch longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, ; The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights,
Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there's
do sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. EdwardV Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
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a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or 'pimply face. ; i ; ? t
4r. Edwards Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will know them by their
olive color. . i
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver ' and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result. ?
Take one or two nightly for a week,
See how much better you feel and look.
13c and 25c per box. j All druggists,
' Adr.
might' be would' come under the scope
of a sane and just federal and consti
tutional law, which would partly neu
tralise or supplement some of .the rebellion-breeding,
ineffective,-, lawyer
fattening ' legislative : miscarriages of
some states, and the inclosed reply gives
that statesman's sentiments on the mat
ter: Washington, Feb. 5. 1919. C. A.
Retchen, Esq., 507 Marlon avenue, Port
land, Or. My Dear Sir I am In re
ceipt of your favor of the 29th ultimo,
which 1 have read with interest. I
think we have enough laws to cover
all the questions mentioned in your let
ter, at least it seems so to me, and the
only difficulty is that the laws are not
enforced as they should be. I some
times think we have too much legisla
tion and that legislative bodies, as liord
Bacon is reputed to have said, ought
only to meet once in-10 years and then
be confined in their action to the repeal of
former statutes. I will, however, give
your suggestion my consideration. Tours
very sincerely,
This letter may be of , Interest to
Journal readers. C A. REICH EN. ,
The Tin Can Nuisance ,
Portland. March 12. To the Editor of
The Journal Portland suffers from the
tin can nuisance. I have noticed par
ticularly the Mount Scott district. In
many places people have .dumped cans
and rubbish in plain sight of the carline
and road. Even if there is no certain
place for the cans to be dumped, I see
no reason why they should, be placed
in view of hundreds of people who pass
by every day, or why-cannot a place
be set aside for. them, if there is no
smelter in Portland? If we want Fort-
land to grow, we will each .have to help,
and we are not doing it hjr throwing
our rubbish beside the roads and car-
lines where motorists will see it as they
pass out of the city, and it will leave
anything but a favorable impression
of Portland with them. And is it right
that every morning when hundreds of
working men take the streetcar to tne
city they should be greeted by such a
depressing sight to start the day with?
This nuisance is affecting the real
estate business, too. If a man Is taking
a nrosoective 'buyer to see a place on
the Mount . Scott line, the first' thing
his eyes rest upon is a pile of rusty
cans and trash. Ten to one, from .hat
minute the deal . Is off. Then, If there
were a rivalry between Portland and
another city for a branch of a large
-corporation or milling business to be
started up, and- the representative was
shown around the town, and Tie passed
along a road decorated with piles of
csns, and gullies ruled with them, nis
opinion of the town surely would not
be the best. It seems to me that for
the small amount of work and money
which it would take to remove this dls
grace to' Portland, the city would be
paid many times over for us trouDie.
I understand that three Is a city or
dinance against this, and it should be
all the more shame to the city that It
is not enforced. DOROTHY BRUCE.
i 1 1
Opposes Bird Reserves
Merrill, March 1. To the Editor of
The Journal The crusade against the
withholding of valuable farming lands
by the fish and game commission was
very timely, and I hope It wiU persist
until a farmer s crop will be considered
worth more than a few wild ducks and
geese. Whenever It is sought to rave
for the wild ducks and geese land that a
man can make a living on and raise a
cow where a duck grew before and grow
a ton of hay where a raudhen sported
around in the water for three or four
months in the good old summertime,
that. I think, is overplaying . the hand.
There will be lots of swamps left " for
bird reservations after all the swamps
that can be drained are made available.
Those interested in birds, and birds
alone, succeeded in giving Lower Kla
math lake such a black eye that It was
thrown out of the reclamation project,
and though it would have taken only one
day's work, after the railroad was built.
to drain it. the birds had the exclusive
use of it until last summes. Then co
operation among the landowners did the
Job and took 54,000 acres away room Mr.
Finley et al. And yet. as late as last
fall a biological expert brought up the
old bugaboo of excess alkali. Just be
cause there is alkali within shooting
distance of any bird reservation it
means, according to these authorities,
that the swamp lands, after being
drained, will be too alkaline for. crop
production. They do not realise that
drainage practically asseres decrease of
alkali. There has only just now come
to my knowledge a case of the defeating
of a homestead entry for stockralslng
purposes where part of the entry is ' In
a "bird reserve." This land is so rocky
and steep that only a sheep can scale it.
and even a fool wild duck has too much
sense to build her nest on it, as a coyote
could see his breakfast a mile away on
a foggy morning, it is so bare ot pro
tection. And of what great value are
wild ducks and geese except 'as an in
centtve to the city man to take some
much needed exercise which he could
very well take In a hayfield or in fixing
up some ot the roads which his machine
tore up. Let not these bird lovers butt
in on the pioneer when he is making
avaUable some of the finest and most
productive of land. HEPPENHEIM.
In Reply , to Teachers Friend -
Portland, March S.--To the Editor of
The Journal "A Teacher's Friend" in
his letter of (February 27 says that a
teacher does not teach during all of the
working days of the year and objects to
some of the figures in my letter of Feb
ruary 23 for that reason. I call his at
tention to the fact that I made no state
ment to the effect that a teacher does
teach during the entire year. Every
one knows that she does not, but every
one does not know that the teacher re
ceives no pay during the summer vaca
tion, while her living expenses go on
Just the same. In my letter I wished
to make it plain to some patrons who
do not seem to realise it fully, that a
teacher's $1200 or $1300 salary, stretched
out over the entire year, gives but a
very small amount per diem with which
to cover these living expenses. : A paint
er receives $7.20 a day, a plumber more
than that Two thousand to $3000 per
year to painters, plumbers, teamsters
and many other workers of this class,
and $1200 or $1300 for teachers who
are graduates of normal schools and
have had 10 years' experience 1 The
painter improves the appearance of the
outside of the house ; bis work lasts for
a time. The teacher is dally building
into the lives of the boys and girls that
which will last throughout eternity. She
is implanting knowledge,- instilling
ideals, developing character. :
,?o' '-v A TEACHER.
T Discusses Increase of Divorce
Vancouver, Wash.. March lO.f-To the
Editor, of The Jaurnil Tvn 'tinnnut
uncontested divorce ; cases ; in Portland
since New , Tear's is a ; matter which
is receiving some consideration, but it
seems to me that no one , is getting to
the source , of the trouble. ; "Why la it
that '.. divorces are ' rm th, Inimiu
throughout, the country? Thirty years
mgo worn . in; races, ractories. stores,
eating houses,' r etcV vires - done by men,
as a rule, wlrich gave them an econom
ic advantare over the women. T iw
helped vto maintain - a wage scale that
cnuueai men . v ' . iaae unto themselves
wives, which m turn helped to keep
the women folks off the labor market.
But : business Interests fhnnii it nw.
sary under competition . to buy ? their
isoor in ine cneapest possioie market.
Women could work as efficiently aa
of '
men In many lines, and for less. Women
also found that eight . hours' work at
the average wages women can command
give her more leisure and better clothes,
than most wage workers could supply
her with In married life.,.. So the girls
enter the Industries at an' early age. ' as
a rule and their recreation 'Is the cheap
dramatised love affairs of the- movies,
dances and the church, - where ; -they
meet men ; in like circumstances, . and
they often agree oa matrimony. . But
the bride Isn't long in deciding marriage
a failure, When two people try ; to
exist on what one lived cm before, ; to
say . nothing of . a, possible increase ' in
the" family, .quarrels arise. - "When
poverty comes in the door, love files
out of the window.", "
Tou - may- say that many divorces
come from families of wealth, and while
it i ia true. - that,- per capita, there are
probably -more divorces among the well-to-do
. than among .the poor, they also
have an economic basis. . Among -this
class it isn't the lack of the necessaries
of life; it is the power that 'people -of
wealth have to coerce those 'who depend
on them for a living' and compel them
to yield to their -every - desire, - which
leads . to excesses and degeneracy . and
: . ,- .. . - t 'i' --'.. -
Who Is the Americas?
Touchet, Wash.," March K. To . the
Editor, of The Journal What is a hun
dred per cent American? Is it the man
that shelters the evaders of justice? Is
it the individual who filibusters any and
all peace proposals that do not pay
tribute' to his personal Interests. ' Is it
the person that turns a deaf ear to the
cry of humanity? It seems to be (if
anything Is to be judged by reading the
papers) that the politician Is the only
consideration. Even from . the ward
politician up to'the manufactured poli
tician, all are striving to overthrow
the will of the people. ' Therefore : Who
is an America? Is is the graduate of
some law school, or a trickster and
politician, or is it one of the people at
In Reply to "Ex-Sold'lerM
Portland, March 5 To the Editor of
The Journal An article appears in The
Journal written by "Kx-Soldier, Honor
ably Discharged," stating that the man
laid off from the shipyards has no kick
coming. I'll venture to say that Instead
of this shipyard man getting $8 or $10
a day he was getting $3.96 for bolting
up. He probably came here for the big
wages, as many others did, but he
If Nothing Seems to Agree With
Your Stomach It Is Hard to
Get Benefit From Meals.
Pleasurable anticipation of a meal,
cheerfulness at the table and a calm
state of mind during digestion are all
necessary if we are to get -the most
good out of the food we eat. But if
your stomach, is out of order and you
never have a good appetite any more,
and everything you. eat distresses you,
how are these, things possible?
Worry 'interferes with digestion and
if you are nervous you will worry. If
your blood is - thin and your stomach
has lost tone you will be troubled with
gas pains after eating. Loss of appe
tite is a symptom of a general run
down condition.
If this is your case try building up
the blood and strengthening the nerves
by the tonic treatment. See if you don't
soon notice an improvement in your
appetite. It is usually the first sign
that the tonic treatment is helping you.
Then as the digestive organs are toned
up to do the work that nature intended
you are able to eat with comfort things
that formerly disagreed with you. This
was the experience of Mrs. F. J. Wood
ruff, of No. 314 Trowbridge street,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
"My stomach was In such bad condi
tion." -says Mrs. Woodruff, "that I had
to be very careful of what I ate for I
suffered from, acute pains in my stom
ach. Frequently there was a pain that
started in my left side and traveled to
my . shoulders. I really didn't Know
what It was to sleep well and I dreaded
to see night come. I lost my strength
and my nerves were poor.
"I had heard of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills many times and when I saw a news
paper announcement of them I decided
to give them a trial. I noticed a change
when I had taken one box and I was
completely restored to health after tak
ing five boxes. I have regained all my
strength and I no longer have to be
careful" of what I eat. as almost any
thing seems to agree with, me. The
pains after eating have disappeared and
I sleep soundly. My nerves, too. have
recovered their strength and no longer
trouble me. I have recommended Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to a number of
my friends fpr I am confident that they
will help them.-. ,
Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a tonic
for the blood and nerves, y They begin
at once to build up the system weakened
by excess or overwork. The rich, red
blood soon begins to show in cheeks and
lips, the step is quicker, the eyes brighter
and the good effect is .felt in every
organ of the body,
Two useful Jsooks, - "Diseases - of the
Nervous System" and "What to Eat and
How to ..Eat" will be sent free by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady,
N. -Y. Your own druggist ' sells Dr.
Williams Pink Pills or you can order
them direct by mall, postpaid, at 50
cents a box, six boxes for $2.50. Adv.
To Fortify Tho 5yo
torn Acainst Co Ego,
Grip and Influenza
Be sure you get the Genuine
Look for this signature :
oq the box. 30c.
didn't get them by a long shot. I have
worked . Jn -r the shipyards and. . by , not
being skilled, as were many others, my
highest wage was $5.21.-: The soldier is
well worthy ot a good Job, but why
hasnt the man with a family a right
to a Job to support his family?;-
- A Valued Indorsement
Portland. March 13. To the Editor of
The Journal I have been trying to sat
isfy myself as to the merits of the dif
ferent papers in Portland, X have been
taking the Telegram. I find that .the
other - papers, -; while possessing - some
merits and ability, with apparent good
principles, are. often on the fence. For
Instance,- while ostensibly adopting the
League of Nations idea, they seem to
adopt also and ' reargue- such - sophis
tries aa laid down by Lodge and Borah.
I do not like such, Instability. X have
been - reading The Journal. . X find it
straight out ' in supporting the gallant
efforts of the president In his laudable
endeavor to bring about a binding pact
that will Insure the future peace of the
world. . Incidentally, I wish to remark
that! like The Journal the best. - .
, A '-. O. A. LAKE. -
Portland. March 12. To the Editor
ot The Journal Does a person, whose
net income does not exceed $1000. have
to make any Income tax return?
V mini i. mm
Mother of 11 Children Tells
of Improvement Obtained
From Tanlac
"I have Improved so much since 1
started taking Tanlac that the neigh
bors are all talking about it now." said
Mrs. Mary Scott, who is the mother of
eleven children and who lives at 81$
Princeton street, Portland. r -
"About two years ago I began to lose
my appetite," she continued, "and what
little I did force down would disagree
with me.. After eating I would be all
bloated up with gas, too, and would
belch up sour and undigested bits of
food and would -often be nauseated. I
was troubled with sharp pains in my
right side and in my back between the
shoulder blades and the pains would ex
tend to my arms. I was so run down
and weak that sometimes - when X was
walking my legs would give way under
me so that I would nearly fall and X lost
so much strength that I was utterly
unable to do my housework. The medi
cine I was taking was not doing me any
good and as I heard so much about
what Tanlac was doing to help people
who were in the same condition I was, I
decided to try- It.
"I must say that I didn't get any big
results from the first three. or four bot
tles but I got enough to make me keep
on trying It and it was on the fifth bot
tle that I was able to notice the big
improvement; While I am not en
tirely recovered I, am greatly encour,
aged because-1, have a better appetite
and can digest what I eat better than
for several years and X have gained
back all my lost weight. I feel strong
again, too, and am able to do the house
work for my family, even including the
washing. I - nave told all my friends
about Tanlac and I always intend to
keep a bottle of this grand medicine on
hand for protection sake."
' Tanlac is sold in Portland by The Owl
Drug Co. Adv.
Look in the mirror and note the eoaditioa of
your skin. I it mvoUr. eod with pimples,
or callowf If jon euirs a fmh, health r akin;
a clear complexion and s bright eje, you moat
keep roar blood in cood condition. Take Bliaa
Natire Herb Tablet, and Ton will experience
a seneral, improvement in your health. They
remove the cause of pimples, bad breath,
heartburn, indigestion and constipation. They
act gently, but eifecUvely oa tlx arer. kid
neys and bowels, cleans the ayttem, parity
the blood, and restore healthy, rigorous ac
tion. A box contains 200 tablets, and WiU
last six months.- Price tl.OO. Get '
the genuine, and look for oar trade
mark and money back guarantee
oa -every box. -:: , -
Sold by leading druggists and local agents
everywhere. Adr.
- "Adler-i-ki is the only, medicine for
gas on the stomach. I never had so
much relief with any medicine. "
would not take 25.00 for the relief
one bottle of Adler-I-ka gave me. I
cannot gtt done recommending It?
(Signed) H. L. Hicks, Ashley, 11L
Adler-i-ka expels ALJL gas and sour
ness, stopping stomach distress IN
STANTLY. Empties BOTH upper and
lower bowel t flushing ENTIRE ali
mentary canal. Removes ALL foul
matter which poisons system. Often
CURE5 constipation. Prevents ap
pendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka
many years. It Is a mixture of buckthorn,-
cascara, , glycerine and nine
other simple drugs. Skidmori Drug
Co. and leading druggists. -Adv.
For Burning Eczema
Greasy salves and ointments should
sot be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 35c; or
$lX)0for large size, getalwttleofZeiDOi.
When applied as directed it effectrveb
removes eczema, quickly stops itching;
and heals skin troubles, also sores,
burns, wounds and chafing It peneV
trates, cleanses and soothes. , Zemo is
dean, dependable and inexpensive;
antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effeo
tire and satisfying.
TlttB. W.EoeeCo Cleveland, Ot
' v (AM '
Doop-Coatod Colds
Amwm Jaa. aerfaam Q luPl.aMlW if
Um aa old aed tiraacried reaacdy the
The League
In tfcU eelamn today The' Jeereal It
families end jaeraeee roaidlns; In apartment
views refardias the - Xeef ue el . Stations,
deposit ballots. , ,
. to prevent future wars,' such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
tUm eewpea ta aa saMlsss a6V :
dressed to "League mt VsMsas Xdlto.
Oars The liarasl, rerOaad, Oregon."
or being tt to Tee Jeeraal Irastaiai
efttee sad staae ft ka the talk aes.
Only saw saw at voting age ehoela
4ea ia aaSst..
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
Easlsss this sesame la aa esrelone sd
draand to "Leagsa ef Nsttsas Xditor,
Oars The Joarasl. Portland. Oregon.
e artag ft to The Journal baatasto
sMse sad 4raav 11 to the ballot boa.
Only pstasas et vsttag ate ' shsaU
L to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
Enclose this emspoa to
dressed to "League of Nations Editor.
Oars The Joeraal, Portland, Oregon.
et artag It to ,The Jeeraal tiattasai
ernes and drop ft la ths ballot boa.
Only 'pars ens of
wed la a asllot '
voting age shoaM
' to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
TtneloM this eeepoa ia aa eorelope ad
dressed to "leans of Nations Editor,
Cars The learaaL Portland. Oregon."
or bring ft to Ths Joaraal barlssm
office and drop tt la the ballot box.
Oaly periaas of voting age
send ia a baOot.
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
Cnetose this esapea la aa envelop ad
dressed to "LasgrM of Nations Editor,
Oar Ths JearsaL Portland, Oregon,"
or bring tt to The Jeemal
offloe and drop tt to the ballot
Only persons of voting age
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft- are working for?
Saefase this eoapoa la aa eavsacps ad
dressed to "Leagn mt Rations Editor.
Oars Tb Journal. Portland. Oregon."
er arlag tt to The Joaraal bests sea
office aad drop ft to the haOot box.
Oalp persons ef voting ags
la a hallo.
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
this esapea ta a
to "Leegae ef Rations Editor.
Care The Jnarasl. PorUaad. Oregoa."
a bring tt to The J samel Twstlasa
ernes and drop II la C
Oalp ' parsons e voting age
end ta a beUal
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
- this seen an ta aa eavsioae ad
dressed to "Leegne ef Kattoas Editor,
Oars Ths Joaraal. Portland. Oregon."
er bring ft to The Joaraal traslasaf
of Hoe and drop ft to tea ballet box.
Oalp psrtsas of voting ago ahoald
to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
Enclose this eusruue to aa eevetope ad
dressed to "testae ef Nations Editor.
Care Tea JsaraaL Portland. Oregoa."
at Bates II to The Joaraal
offloe aad drop tt la the baOot
Oalp passoaa ef voting sea ah said
sad ! a ta0s ..
- to prevent future wars, such as President Wil
son and Former President Taft are working for?
enclose tads eapoa Is aa aaTsluvo ad
arasiid to rTUatna ef Xattoas Editor,
Care The Jesmal Portland. Oregoa," .
er bring tt to The Joaraal besreess
efflee -and drop tt to the harlot boa,
. Oalp : pin cas ef voting ags ahoald
taebeSot - -
tea Ballots, in erdor . to rtv
eases a better ebancs to express tt.e!
oaiy per so as oi votiaf as should
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