THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL, AND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1919. 9 BE Ali HBTATE 1 MEET1NO NOTICES : 41 Piion Main 6438. hixth and Washington. SPARKS STEVENS CO - " Suit 611-18-1 Wilcox Bid. ' - RESIDENCE ' " A nlo bom, with 850 a lnt rld from ml ef "ntJr nd, t?" ,5 blocks from Brndmr bridge and 1 block to sereetcar;. price 882Wl, including furniture, with Win- - RESIDENCE . A beautiful modern bora of room. on K. 414 Mr Btowtborn, -with paved streets, ' foe mo. boiK-tM tad flreptse. Tht to a good buy at ISP&O. or $4700 tocluding .new fur nishings costing 91406. . ; - RESIDENCE ' A comfortable bom of 8 room tm Wygartt at for the man wbr deairy. f Lt1!? work and save carfare; price. 61500, wru term - RESIDENCE - . - T rooms on 4th st B. E. A dandy awy end priced at $8000 with cash payment ot 81000. A nic bom at a reaaonabl price. ; : - " COZY BUNGALOW Vi . ' With beamed eeiling, built-in. ""J Belmont at.. 1 block front YamhUl business district; prio $8800, !BJf ' ! Jut being tiniKhed. r 4 rooms and bath, with built-in buffet. Thta to close in im w w eirable. Price 81Z60, with terms. 9 BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW la Rom City Park, wit hardwood floor .and fireplace, all street paved: atalrrar to large attic which can bo completed. tional bedroom. Thia to sightly location on rood elevation. Price $4200, om terms. - - rooms, strictly5 modern . On comer. Morriwn at,, "., in ood 'borheod. surrounded by bih--l rWnc. besetifnl lawn with sightly shad trees. foU ce ment basement, larae sleeping poref' t", fin borne. with garasi- on w .nnn cemsnt floor. Price $4500. cash $1000. bal ance $80 per month at 7 per cent. . - RESIDENCE - - Taree 8 roam house In Piedmont Although not new, he been remodeled into very modern home. with beautiful interior arrangement. Hmim built on two. large lot and plenty ot shrubbery and fruit trees, well-kept lawn, hot air furnace heat, front and rear aUtewaya and servant quartern built on third floor Price, in cluding' all carpet and aearly all furniture, $50O, with terms. .,!. A ROOM MODKRN BCNGAtOW Only S years old. with fireplace and alop 4ng lirch, also hardwood loon. In i and dminc rooms, aleo eoe celling In Uying room. Thia house has special plumbing, all Inclosed to prevent freexinc. nn 11 mea finished In white 'enameL Price $8100 some tCTini' -Plmna Main 5483. Hi'th and "Washington. Wilcovi c i rvHig. "hocsk-hi:stin made east 5 room modern bungalow, corner 7 1st ana neighborhood, 'nil bnment; immediate pauses ,on' F "wEMT 8IDB SIX BOfS 786 Rooseert st. bet 22d and 23d. 8 Bice bedroom. fnU cement basement, good neighbor- h0dl 82HAWTHORNB DISTRICT 1 noa www nuw-w, . . . ; lot, llarguerite are.. 150-ft alphalt street (all paid), good home environment, cemeni oajemroi, fin furnace: alt'roonjs light, airy and cheeTful. .VeTy attraetWe. nearly new "7 room modern ViM on pa ed street, good neighborhood, rety large living ana ainuig room. Krao tireplaoe. furnace, 4 fine bedrooms snd attic. ' .T! . q"M. 11 Alia cskh will handle. JTbU property a rHeed t least 100ft . under actual yalue. Most be, sold quickly to settle an estate. Air. 1.. 4 ve nice modern nomea. B rooms each, n thia fine, close-in home section, prices $5000 and $6500. respecUtaly. These homes are away under actual value. A IN 8 WORTH AVE.. COR. 14TIt ' 180x100 3 lots), asodern B room bungalow, i.i. , : d M hfmnm W n etc.. cement basement. 4 wonderful big bearing cheiTy are authoriaed to offer ssme at $3800; $1000 KVKRY WOMAN KNOWS WHAT A TIRE sou if tiii: tt in To m;vT HOfSEis Wa do "bons hunting" every day. We know values and refuse to offer for sale properties T i is i are hoe, iti our jwis"lc"w w.w V we nave a 'Cuiiea nai ot i" . erties in all parts of Portland.- Jurt outline your Ely lust wnss wwiwn. THE CRORSLET-VIOARS CO. SPECIALISTS IN HOME PROPERTIES 27 Stark St. Main 8052. i (Sunday caH Main 8078 or East 2725) Ynn flan Mqvp. Tomorrow .VfO. 980 -WTOANT ST., -BETWEEN Wlli- i.iams ani ci-EVEijANn iVKsuM, 'lr TO PCBIJO AND - H1UU Itawii, ' ' VENIENT TO STORES - AND CAR tTNB. THIS PROPERTY WALUli rsss, WHICH.. IS CONSIDERED ONE Of.j OJJR BEST RESIDENCE DISTRICTS. TUB BOI SE IS IN A-l CONDITION T . . , DRIYB BT AND LOOK AT IT. PRICK 93000. $500 CASH WTtiti HAN DLE IT. ; J. F. HILL ' 0 WIUXIUS AVENTJE. EAST 2S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN 8 ROOMS MODERN. $2100 Here's a fine 6 room houaa with fireplace, gas, electricity and nice wide porches on 3 sideaj This place liea snnggled In among pretty natural trees and to one of those pretty places which appeal so strongly to the young couple who really love aarrouadings termed romantic Oo by yourselves today . and inspect it. Take -Portland Heights car to Patton road .Junction, walk four block west, to 72 Periander st.. across the footbridge and wner wil show you the house. Ot come to my office and I will take you -in my machine week days. A BIG BARGAIN $8250. $800 cah.' balance easy -monthly payments: 6 large light rooms, besides reception hall, pantry and aleepinr poroh, fireplace, i buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, furnace, garage; 60x100 lot: near 2 good cars. Remember, only 832SO. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLPG. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK 4 room cottage, full basement, -laundry trays, bath and soforth; electric lights, gas, 2 bed . rooms, built-in kitchen, buffet in dining room. Owner non-resident. wiU .sell for $1860; $350 wh. balance 25 per month. JOHNSON- DOmON CO.. 684 N. W. BANK BLDG. ; MODERN B-room bungalow, light living room - and- dining room, extra good electric light ' ' fixturea. kitchen built in, cooling eloaet. ironing : board; large attic., full basement, full plumbing, lot 100x100. Inclosed with hedge price $2500; ' $260 cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON- -PODSON CO.r 684 N. W. BANK BLDG. iiT TABOR 2 stories. 6 rooms and sleeping - porch, full plumbing, full basement, hardwood floors, buffet and built-in klteben. furnace, fire place, beautiful lot. nicely improved, extra large. splendid view. Price $4509; $600 cash, balance reasonable. ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 NORTHWESTERN BANK RLIX, T- 2-STORY 7 -room bouse in Albert district, well built and convenient: cement basement, fnll 'plumbing; garage; lot 102x100; choicest fruit, berries, eta; price $3500: $800 cash. $30 .per month, interests ft. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. .-84 N. W. BANK BLDG. s nuu riiAMSUUi rasa Good.' well built 6 room bungalow, with full - basement, nsual plumbing, lawn, shrubbery, near car and school, price $2250; $250 eah. $25 ?er month. Immediate possession. JOHNSON lOPmiN CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLDQ. MONTAVILLA Modem 5-room. bungalow, $1900. .. Easy terms. HERMAN MOELLER ? 1028 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. V ONLY $2800 for a 7 -room house, modern and up to date; It has a good basement, fireplace ; and hardwood floors. It to close-ia property on EL. 82d st. Thia to snap. M. J. CLOHESST, 410 Aol.UlV.V BUIKJ. $1600 FOR $1200 New Incomplete building, 28x60-ft- cement . fnnniinnn. anod brick chimney, toilet and sink connected with fin cesspool, located 1 block from Lombard, 120. E. Russett St. bet. Albina and Mtssisslppt ave: . tjan evenings.- see owner. 4 ROOM bungalow, on Rose City car line: built-in knohea, buffet, bookcase, tn good district and near car. Price $2000; $800 cash, balance like rent JOHNSON-DODSON, CO.. 034 N. W. ONLY $2400 for a new 6 room bungalow. strictly up to date. It . has two Iota and the locality to good. Only one block from Albina ave. end Lombard at. $500 cash will handle 1 M. J. CLOHESST, 415 ABINOTON BLDu. OWNER WANTS TO SELL , . Modern-bungalow,, close in. everything in and paid; terms, or might consider trade for dexir- acte vaoaot- awn Atarguente ave. l aDor oo. -i : ;-. $2250 , ...... ... ' Very well built 0 room house, two lota, fruit, small stable, terms. Call or write, 877 Oberlin at.. Portsmouta, Portiana. v SIX room modern house, fnrnaoe, full sire lot. 24th. near Alberta st. $250 down, batonee -$3D per month and interest. Phone Wdln. 543 S Sunday; weegaays. twiwy. ewz. a TtOOM bunaalow. caa. electricitv. basement. . fruit, tot -60x109. -walking distance Twohy - sroa. shops, z diocks w ear. . mil vera sc. Woodtawn 2588."- -- - ' - - " 6 ROOM house, good district, conveniently lo - eated to car, school, church, stores, ete. ; only $2230, terms, . It will suit you. L-607, jowmai. , 6 ROOMS. 1 eedroom on first floor, corner lot 60x100. fruit trees; $2300. easy terms. More lots ?if wanted at $250. . Cor. 47th ave. . and 4ttn sr, S. ti. Pnone Bellwooa GOOD bouse for sale by owner, cheap, easy terms, if ,urana ave. . .. city. : ixua Tarn- piyn. t f VOR SALE, lot 40x140 with 2 room house) - - ehicxea house, berry bushes., etc. Ia. 4167. RBAX. TATT! FOB. MAXiB HOCSES 41 The' Best Buy in the City MODERN S ROOM TWO RTORT HOUSE. NO. 74 HAIGHT AVENUE CORNER Or VBEMONT STREET. A'lNE CORNER LOT. ixr or phi; it. thm house has six LARGE ROOMS. CrOOD BASEMENT. WASH TRATS AND OTHER MODKKN IMPROVK MEXT8; HA ED PAVED STREET IN AND PAID. 18" YOU FAIL TO LOOK THIS PLACE TJP TOU WILL HAVE LOST v A GRAND OPPOBTUSITT., , - rEICE ONLT $3300. ' TEEMS $800 CASH. J, F. HILL 8S WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST -2 8. $2800 TTPICAL BUNGALOW $2800 r Attrsctive bungalow of 8 rooms -with music room ; large living room with fireplace and book eaeee; paneled . dining room with plate ran and buffet; white enamel Dutch kitchen ; 3 bedrooms; white porcelain bath fixtures, cement basement with laundry trays; on 5 Division street near FRANK L, gCeOtrrBE. '. To Bay . Tear Home,' AMagton building. Main 1068, Main 6158. Mince open Evenings and Bnndaya. SI500 AETISTIO BUNGALOW $1500 , Here to neat bungalow bona; full lot. Rose City Park district. Has living room and fire place and bedroom with fireplace: combination kitchen and dining room; let-trie lights and gas; white enamel plumbing. Terms. See FRANK? I McOUIRE . . . TO Buy Tour Home, Abington building. Main 1088. Main 5156. innce jpe isvenings and Sundays. $3000 WALNUT PARK DISTRICT $3000 o-roons z-story house on 00x120 lot. facing Williams are.,' 1ut south of Walnut Park; the lot ia worth $2100; house could easily be con verted into flats; $600 win handle. Bee, V "FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy -Your Home Abington bldg. -Main 8158. Main 1068. O trice open evenings and Sundays. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS, in a fine locality la 7 room house with a fall level lot. This bouse is , modern enough for anybody, more so than it ought to be for the pries asked. It ia only one block from the car line and the neigh borhood la good. There is a full cement base- nteut with a furnace. It haa all other city eonseoiencea and the price to only $3350. $1000 caao. i ne oaiance can Be arranged:. Ja. J CLOHESST, 416 ABINGTON - BLDG. Seiiwood $950 Beautiful 86x178 lot. with comfortable small bouse, 1 block from oar; lust the place to raise chickens; $280 down, only $10 per month, including Interest. This is A dandy buy. OEO. T. HOORB CO.. 100T Veon bldg. HERE to a chance to get a corner lot with a fin 9 room house, cloaa in on E. Salmon at., not as far out aa 15th st. To build thia house aione would coat $5000 ; the corner lot without the house is chean at $5000. There to a mortgage on thia property for $4000 that can stand for S years. Come around with $900 in cash and you can take the whole thins. At. 1. CIXHKSSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $8600 Fl SALMON ST. 13600 Very substantial C mom vacant .home; fire place, built-in buffet, full cement basement, f ar neee and laundry tray, white enamel plumbing. No liens, close to Hawthorne ave. See FRANK U McGUIKE; To Buy Tour Home, Abington bldg. Main IOCS. Main 8156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ONLY 82500 for a business corner on paved street. There, to a rood sit room comfortable house on the Inside lot. The cor ner to vacant and especially adapted for," busi ness DUrnnsea. There to abundance of fruit. You. ought to be able to sell the corner alone, J lor we price asea ana nave me xinn iiw M. 3. CLOHESST. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. Peninsula Park $1800 5 rooms, beautiful 9 Sal 00 lot, fruit, shade trees, all fenced, 3 blocks school, 8 blocks oar; term. tiEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. $2000 ADJOIN DG PIEDMONT $2600 0 room 2 store house, on Killirursworth. near Union: 2 familiea now occupying house. Could easily be converted into flat. $500 will handle. See FRANK L. M'GTJIBE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bunding. , Main 1068, Main 6166 Office Ooen Evening! and Sundays. AW you looking for a real homer If so. call Tahor Kxl Q Ktinriav or aae J. Rohbina. Ry. Ex. bldg.. on week days.' I have a strictly modern, 7 room 'home with garage; has sleeping porch and 'all built ia effects; all improvements in and paid; yon can move in right sway; tnn to really a sacrifice. CaO Tabor 0919 Bonaay t32S0 UNUSUAL " BARGAIN $3260 lie re to a BOxIDO lot that waaapp raised at $2000 and a rood substantial 8-roora house on Knott at., close to Union ave. : terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 6186. Main 1068. -Office open evenings and Sundays. SIX room modern house, furnace. 24 th, near Alberta at. Mortgage $1690, payable $20 per month. Will trade equity for clear house .or sacrifice cheap for cash. I need the money If you need- a good house' be sure to phone today. Wdln. 8436; weekdays, Bdwy. 492. C Guy Wakefield. FIVE room cottage, cloaa in, separate bath and toilet, basement, garage, cmcken house, 5 Ox 10O lot; street improvements in and paid; hot and cold -water, gas . and wired for electricity,, street car 1 block. See owner at 806 Minnesota avenue and Failing. A' REAL H6MI". LAltfJE LOT.' ' . T rooms, breakfast room and den, oak floors; fireplace ami all the rest of it; full cement basement, furnace, lot 75x10; $6000 including improvements, $2006 cash. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 808-6-7 Lewis bldg. Richmond District $2500 A very nifty 6 -room house, sewer, water, gaa, electricity, fireplace, fine bathroom: one of the beet buys in Portland; easy term. . GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 9 1 2 7 8 KENTON DISTRICT $1275 ' 4 room bungalow cottage on large lot. No. 2T4 Farragnt St.; $800 will handle. ' Inspection by appointment. See FRANK la M'GTJIBE To Buy Your Home, ' t Abtogton Building. Main 1068, Main 6186. Office Open Evenings and Sundays: 91850 -PART- CASH ' - " iT850 Party leaving city, 6-roora honke. plastered, papered, stained and varnished; bull tin buffet and beamed ceilina: hot and erdd water and f bath; full basement; full view of Tualatin val ley; IV minutes wa icing aistanee from end or Council Crest ear. Address owner, Lewis JTheideman, city. Phone Marshall 6489 for directions. FINS HAWTHORNE HOME . 93700 98700 98700 Here. Indeed, to- a fine, substantial home of T rooms, . full basement, furnace, trays, etc. Paved street, fine lot. Owner, widow, must sell. Indeed, this to a great, bargain. 8 nth at, Excellent Neighborhood 85th st. CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry bldg. 91500 WOODLAWN HOME 91600 : 9200 CASH -$200 7 rooms, semi-basement, electricity, gas, good plumbing, full lot, several besting fruit trees. - C. A. WARRINER. BITTER. IOTB A CO., ' 203-6-7 Board' of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 98156 93150 . : 831 60 . For heaven's sake -see this. ' Owner going to country. 6 finely bungalow arranged rooms, cement basement,, trays, etc, furnace,, excellent garage; paved street. 8500 cash, baL easy. By appointment... - t . - , CHAS. RINGLER CO., 228 Henry bldg. PENINSULA BUNGALOW - 4 rooms, fireplace, buUtia conveniences, good basement,, dose to car and hard surface; price $1500; eW'trma. .... . C A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-6-7 Board ef Trade Bldg. Rose City Park B-room bungalow on a beautiful 60x100 fat; st. Improvements all in and paid; house strictly modern except furnace: price $3500, terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon bldg. $1575 MODERN COTTAGE $1575 : 3200 issjib, balance terms, Modern -3 -room cottage with full plumbing, bath, sewer con nections, beautiful lot 60x100, some valuable fruit trees, close in on .E. 83d. . Let us show you this bargain. R. F, FEEMSTER. 809 ABINGTON BLDG. , MUST SACRIFICE . -r-c- ,':-. ... MY i HOME - ' 6 room house; double constructed, 2 fire pmees, bath and toilet, electric lights and gas, built-in bookcases, china closet, 2 lots, plenty bearing - fruit, roses and other shrubbery; ga rage. One block from ear. Deal with owners. Tabor 7103. - - ;- - - , 1015 GLADSTONE AVE., cor, E. 84th, lull cor- ner lot, on , carhne; neat 8 room modem borne, newly painted i and in fine shape; has built-ins, full basement; washtrays. ' Cash $600, baL like rent. - East 2871 or Dove tt Gardner. $1600 -High up among the fir trees, fin view ana cny water ana gas: two oca rooms, living room, bath and kitchen; 64x100 fat with beau tlfnl shade tree. Premiss. Corbett bldg. - WE HAVE bouses in all section of the cit-r at - prices, very much under their value, so if you are iooktcc, cau sm max inquiry. Ja. J, UUUH1UISI, 4lO AiHNGTON B LDG. novki ... MR RENTER A FEW HOUSES tW ON HAND TOt KENT. ' SEE THE YELLOW 1GN. SMITH-WAGONER CX). BTCK EX. " -HAWTHORNE modern home. 'paved street, full lot, oak floors, buflt-ina, partial Aleeping porches. Bargain. Tabor 8831. AS AL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES t CHEAP CITY i HOME BUYS . Her are just a few of the REAL BAR- OA IAS yon will find( in my large Itotinc of CITY HOMES on easy terms; - . ' ' 6 rma.. modern, on Portland Heights, only $2100; very reasonable terms. -8'' rma.. modern, double constructed. Urge porches around $ sides; lots of full bearing fruit; ground lOOxlOO; en wooalawa -eaxunc, near E. 15th. Price only $3mk tloOO ea-h. Roe City Park 6 rms.. strictly modern, with hardwood floors, furnace, buiU-ins, paved street. etc Priced to force sale quicklytt only ssouu. $800 cash. Close in on Woodstock ear 8 rms.. semi- modern, " but a very cheap buy: room for 2 Urge rooms upstairs. Price to only 82300, on your own terms, v ,. -t - Only S120O. on vers easv terms, for a new 4 . rm., modern bouse, in Monta villa. Alberta car 3 rm. houaa. with 80x100 and bearing fruit trees; worth easily $1800: my price for Quick sale to $1250, $500 cash. look at una sure 5 room house. - strictly modern, with every built-in feature: full con crete baaement, fireplace, etc. Located near sin sv. ana lst su S. . House alone would cost $2500 to build. It's yours for 81030. on good term. - ' On 85th atj 3 i rma. with bath and wood shed; lot 40x120; good tent house on place IO. Worth easllv $1350: lar anick aala nl a ouy eouu, on gocxt terms. , Xou'U nav to hurry. St. Johns Comer lot 60x100. with S rm. plastered house; electricity, etc; some bearing fruit; concrete walks; close to library and school. Price only 81200. half caah. LISTEN I've got the largest list of REAL BARGAINS of IBI tlaler in aha. tr 1 sell you a bom cheaper than you can buy rrom the owner himself. If you're from Missouri let me ahOW you, I Can't adartta them all Come to my office, I've got lust what you want at the price you want to pay. . G. . McUOKMK! CO.. 418 Kenton bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1816. Beautiful Irvineton , -MODERN T ROOM IRVINGTON BUNGA-l- HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIRE PLACE, FURNACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. BOOKCASES AND MANY OTHER MODERN CONVENIENCES. THE LOT 13 50x auu; otkekt IMPROVEMENTS IN AND EA.S TJ118 PROPERTY IS VACANT AND ruiunAOMl UAN - HAVE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. LOCATED NO. 496 EAST AAA AA Ol, slUaAlt, 'r,K 4 500: VERY EASY TERMS. PLCB OvIr. T0DAX UOK THB J. F, HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE., EAST 268. $2760 IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW $2750 Here to an exceptionally attractive 6 room typ- Pratically new bungalow; large living room, with fireplace ; paneled dining room, with plate rail and leaded glass buffet; Dutch kitchen, screened back porch; full cement basement, fruit room, two light, airy bedrooms, with large clothes closets; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. full attic; on E, 2U at. N.; $500 will handle, fteo . FRANK L. M-GUIRS To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 1008, Main 8186. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. P. 8. Yon will like this. F. L. M. WALNUT PARK BARGAIN Modern 6 room bouse on Williams ave.. be tween KiDingworth and Emerson sta.; extra larg rooms, fine basement, many built-in fea tures. This to absolutely the best buy in this district. Owner going East and can give possession April 1. Investigate this and be eonvinced. Price 94000. Terms. $800 cash, balance monthly. ' J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. $5250 ROSE CITY HbME 95260 Mere to an unusual opportunity to buy . a real home: Best material and workmanship, very modern and every convenience: a home with character and refinement. No. 614 E. 47th at. N. Close to ear. us show you this.-- See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Successor to H. D. McOuire Co.. "89 Years of Service" Abington bldg.. Main 1068, Msln 6166. A SACRIFICE HURRY Large fats. 100x109; 9 foot alley, nice 2 I??,, tfnt.Jhou-,', a shack; porches, painted, sealed inside; chicken house, rose bushes, fruit, berries, all indi; gaa, water; bargain for a working man. Why pay taxes on large homest Tou -never get your monev bach, iissn cash, balance like rent; interest See owner at once; leaving town; near Columbia Park, 8t Johns car. 1838 Vincent ave. 1. block to car. - ROSE CITY PARK " Price 8S300: a niea lmi. R. i.i done in on 42d st; all improvements ia and paid; several others." . :. BUY YOUR LOT NOW-i-I have 3 beautiful lots in Laurelhunt, which will be sold this week at the best offer obtain able; they are very choice; drive out to E. S9th or phone Tabor 8433 or East 2086 evenings. 92630; FURNISHED HAWTH6&NE BUNGALOW B room attractive furnished bungalow: white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, on KVS Jree Vacant. Immediate possession. No. 1117 E. Grant Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. - To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg.. Main 1088. Main 6186. Offioe Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE! riTT PllfV A 7 room modern bouse, unusually well con structed, with, garage. asement and excellent heating plant; on paved street: cost over 66000; can be had on teriuk, Frio 95500; owner tear In ity. , . i' MR. BROWN. Main 1700 or, evenings. Tabor 69. $2100 NEAT BUNGALOW $2100 4 -room bungalow, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; very attractive little home; $250 will handle; E. 72d st, near Bum aide. See . FRANK Ia McGUISE f To Buy Your Home '3? -Abington bids. Main 6156. Main 1968. Office open evenings and Sundays. $800 CASH $300 - NEAT BUNGALOWS . A. 8 rooms, full floored sttic full semi-cement basement.. 1 block from ear and paved sts., east front, good bearing fruit trees; price 82650; WATCH OCR ADS WE GET RESULTS " RITTER. LOWE A CO.." ? .! 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SZ-ttO ALBERTA BUNGALOW 82650TT 6 room attractive 1 H story bungalow, o cor ocr fat; baa living room, dining room, with fire plaosr kitchen. 2 bedrooms, with two sleeping Porches; lull cement basement; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; 9500 will han dle. ; See , i i . ., - FRANK Lv M'GUIRE 1- t K - To Buy Tour Home, -' ;-? Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings end Sundays. 8200 CASH 9200 " BALANCE LIKE RENT . Here to a full lot with abundance of good bearing fruit tree and good 4 room house, bath, full cement basement, 1 block from ear and paved streets; thia beat renting and- fa a good buy. -. ,. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS '-" C. A. WARRINER, .. BITTER. LOWE , CO.. , ' 208-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' ' 92750 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2750 B-room bungalow, reception hall. Bring room, paneled dining room with plate rail sad massive buffet; Z bedrooms; white : enamel plumbtmc: furnace; H block to Moots villa ear; easy terms, See .- FRANK L.' McGUIRE . . . To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 6166.. Mala 1668.- ; Office open evenings sad Sundays. 3350 DOWN 9860' BALANCE TO SUIT Ground 78x90, 8 room bouse, gas, electricity, etc ; aereral good bearing fruit tree, close .te car and hard surface; price $1700. -. C. A. WARRINER. - ""i ',- ' t " RITTER, LOWE CO.. r--208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " " " 92500 EAST OfTIaDDTaDD. $250lT Very attraeaive 5-room bungalow on 60x100 lot; buflt-ia conveuieuccs, white enamel plumb ins; electric hghta sad gaa; eemeat basement; newly tinted; paved street; only 8100 hens; Kenilworth are., near Division. See ' -' FRANK L. . McGUIRE ' To Buy Your Home - . Abington bldg. Main 6186. .Main 1668. Office open evenings and Sunday. NEAR 8. P. SHOPS , EASY TERMS : t ' Larg T room house, full basement, macadam streets," clear of all incumbrsncs, price 81800. -WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C A. WARRINER, . . , RITTER." LOWK A CO . 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 91200 100X100, COTTAGE 91200 i - - S room cottage, oa 100x100, ia Seiiwood; electric lights and gas, patent toilet 9300 will handle. See - - - - - - , . . FRANK Ia. ' MGUraB:::?:i'';: : To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. , Main 1068. Main 5156. Ofnce open Kvemngs ana Sundays. Woodlawn Bungalow $19 50 - Very alee little 4-room bungalow, jrith fire place, built-in fixturea. Dutch kitchen. 60x128 lot: 4 blocks school, t block, from 3 car lines. This to a splendid buy. Terms it desired. GEO, T. MOOBJ3 CO.. 1007 Yeaaidz. RE AT VT ATI- BEAL ESTATE Ydu Can't Beat These . ' 9 rooms, close in. West Side, $700; $500 down; - clean, good furniture; rent $27.50; clears good money. . . 13 rooms. Whit Temple district. .$950; clean and new like; clean $60 ; modern house, lovely home; snap. 19 " rooms, right downtown. $1500; 3800 down handles this;-clears $160; newly reno vated; clean as new pin. . , . ; - ' 27 rooms on en floor, $2100; 91200 down; steam heated, hot and cold water in every rotfe; rent on lease $50, including heat; snap: guarantee this place to make $180 per month above every expense, providing good home. 17 rooms, first time offered, very nifty, large yard, fine furniture; leaving city and will sacri fice a $4000 place for $2250;. this to excep tional; don't mias it. 66 rooms. East Sida nhaan eamt. faitf minav I maker; $2100; worth double. -ALSO SOME SPLENDID TRANSIENT AT LOW FIGURES AND EASY TERMS 22 rooms. Northwestern heat. $8000; brass beds, steel springs, silk floss mattresses, fine csrpeti, 6 baths. 23 rooms in very center. Snap; all transient; full to guards every night at $1.50 to $3. 77 rooms clearing $800 month; in a class by itself; investigate. f ' A DANDY FAMILY HOTEL Going big; beautiful furniture, splendid lease, 58 rooms, $7000; easiest possible terms; don't miss it. Get in My Automobile And I will show you these and others of merit also. Square deal and courteous treatment, J. Bruce Goddard. 501-2 Couch Bldg. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH $2600 $2650 $2700 $3000 8 -room modern house on Albina. ave., near rrescott. Jt)oo, terms. tt-room modern house on Albina ave., near rrescott. Ihoo. terms. 4 -room modern bungalow on Albina ave., near rrescott. Z iOO, terms. 5 -room typical bungalow, fireplace, paneled dining room, built-in conveniences, etc, $3000, terms. S-.-e , FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abington bldg. Main 6150. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. Modern 5 Room Bungalow MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ON COM MERCIAL STREET, BETWEEN SHAVER AND MASON STREETS. THIS PLACE IS ONLY A FEW BLOCKS FROM JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL AND VERY CONVENIENT TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. IF YOU 'ARE MJOHISU roR A NICE CLASSY LITTLE BUNGALOW IN A SPLENDID LOCATION TAKE THE TIME AND LOOK THIS UP. IT MILL 1-41 rou. PRICE $3500. TERMS ON PART. J. F, HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 26S 82250 BUNGALOW, KENTON DIST, $2250 Here is a very substantial 5 room modern bungalow; porch extends across entire front of house; stone, columns; has large living room; dining room and buffet, 2 bedrooms, central hall lined with linen closets; white enamel plumbing; electric lights snd gas; full base ment; haa small house in rear. On Minnesota near Morgan. $300 will handle. See FRANK L. McGUIRE ' To Buy Your Home, Abington bldg. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. IRVINGTON MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE ON EAST 9TBL. NEAR B RAZEE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FURNACE. FIREPLACE, STRICTLY MOD ERN IN EVERY RESPECT. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN THIS SECTION. PRICE $4300. $1000 CASH, BALANCE EASY. : - 1 J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. DO YOU WANT a perfect home in Ladd's addition 1 If so, inquire about this pretty 6 room residence. Everything about it to first class except the price; everything ia contained in this - home. All improvements in and paid for; to see it to to wish to possess it It is close in, walking distance to the business center. You can get a car from the place every three minutes. . If ywu are looking for an up to date home of six rooms, perfect in every detail, and want to buy it at lees than the house cost, and the house to practically new at that,, come around and ' we will sell it to you for $4900, half cash. M. . J. CLOHESST, 415 ABING TON BLDG. $1150 Borthwick St. Cottage $1150 5 ROOM OLD HOUSE ON BORTHWICK STREET, NEAR STANTON ST. LOT 25x 100. STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID. WITH A LITTLE FIXING THIS CAN BE MADE INTO A COMFORTABLE LITTLE HOME. ' PRICE 91150, SOME TERMS. J, F, HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. 92150 HOME. ROSE CITY DIST. 92150 9200 Down, $25 Per Month. On account of business reasons, will offer my 4 room modern home at a sacrifice; living room, dining room and kitchen, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. 3 bedrooms. Act quickly. lSee my agent FRANK L. M'GUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 1068, Main 6166. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. P. S. This is a force sale. F. L. Me. $1260 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $1260 Here is a good 4 room plastered bungalow, electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing, on Emerson street Easy terms See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Abington bldg.. Main 6186. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. -IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, 20th near Klickitat st, best bay in the local ity. New, has every convenience. 8 rooms, 2 baths, hot water beat, Ruud heater, hardwood floors throughout, garage. Price $7500. See it if you really want a classy; well arranged, well built place at much lower cost thaa pos sible to build now. CaH Marshall 646. 100 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR - Living ' room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, pantry and- closet. - Lot 50x100, cement walka; on block from car: $900.. Term like rent, - . SEE MR. CARLOS. . ' THE BRONG CO., i " Main 17 4r 267 H Oak st $3000 100x100 BUNGALOW $3000 On account of business reasons we are leav ing the city, therefore offer for sale our 7 room modem home -on lOOxJOO ground, 2 blocks from Woodstock carline. No. 4306 58th ave. S. E. Terms. Home Sunday from 10 to 4. - - SUNNYSIDE 8 room bouse, clone to car. $2250 terms. HERMAN MOELLER, - 1025 Gasoo bldg. Main 1480. DO YOU want this 125 feet on Montgomery st. with 4 large houses, paying better than 8 per cent! This is clear ef incumbrance and to worth $25,000. Will take $17,000. half cash. Take Liberty bondv Y-8S3, Journal. 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE AU improvements and paid, lot 60x100, fine location, close in. near 28th at car barns; price $8000 for quick sale: a bargain for someone ; this property cannot, be duplicated for $4000. WoodlawH 5360.' Terms. v - TOU cannot sell that house without a fireplace; a fireplace will make a home of your house; think , it ever and have one put in ; fireplace repaired,' dampers installed and smoky fireplaces cured. -Hairy Hener. 346 Hancock St.- East 8264. - Montavilla Car $2100 4-room bungalow, bath, electricity, gas, water, 60x100 4ot; asy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, 85TH ST. $2650 6 large rooms, well lighted for dark days, store room and baaement, large lot, open view, room for garage; choice roses, peach tree, chicken house; vacant Owner, Tabor 8824. WILL sell or trade for city property. 8 room house on comer lot. 100x100; fruit trees, garden space, chicken house and barn ; between Williams and Union avea. Call Woodlawn 1332 or Broadway 790. ? --- l v . - BARGAIN NEAR UNION AVENUE Nifty 5-room, modern cottage, furnace, fun basement, fnll modem plumbing. Price 82150; $50u cs'h, Balance wrms.t B, IT. FEEMSTEB. 909 jABINGTON BLDG. EEAL estate FOB ALE HOUSES 41 A HOME YOU WILL LIKE - : IN ROSE CITY PARK. $3009 Five rooms on first floor. 2 rooms, above. Hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. I)uteh kitchen, fine lawn, roses, all kind of 'small fruits. On paved street. Owner. 44 3 aat 49th aorta, - - . HERE'S your chance. Safe commission. : Buy from owner. S room modern bungalow. -Glen. coe addition; full eemeat basement; street im provements fat and paid for. - Terms toss thaa rent, pnone labor euuo, A. . it. xorx, ozv is. Taylor. BARGAIN Acre at 39 th and Alberta sts.; cleared, ready for cultivation : 5 -room house in- fair oondition Phone Wdln. 4893. FOR SALK LOTS IS 40x100 Kern Park, cement walks, abundaae of fruit trees, 980O. 50x100, corner, cement walks and curbs; 66th and Tillamook; 8660. - 50x100 Overlook, cement walk and curb, macadam streets; $725. 60x100, ail street improvements in and paid, oa Schuyler, near 35th; 9700. - - - 100x100. W hits City Park, cement walks and curb in and paid; 72d and Clackamas count line; 9800. . ' 60x100. north Ht Tabor, cement- walks and curb; $400, easy terms. 50x100 on East Couch, near 24th, cement walks and curb, macadam streets, all la and paid $2200. - 100x100 Peninsula, corner Hunt and Chase; $2000. . 150x100. Soathmoreland, cement walks and curb; $1200, 60x90, Peninsula, corner Gilbert and Roches ter; $200. - 50x100, Montclair, cement walk and curb in and paid; 78th street, near Mason; $625; terms. 45x100,- Hswthorn district, 25th avenue and 62d street; $400. '60x217. Berkeley add. at Buckley street on Estacada carline; $700; terms. 50x112. Hawthorne district, aQ street im provements In and paid for; $750; terms. - 60x99. Rose City Park, all street improve ments ia and paid; corner 46th and Sandy blvd. $1550. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTEtt, LOWE As CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -- - FOR SALE: One or two sere In Kenilworth, just what you want The price to right if you buy now. You will never regret Beautifully located in a One residence disstrict, one block from carline. 100x100 feet on East Burnside street, close in. Excellent location for garage or apartment house. Owner to non-resident and wants to sell. Attractive price and terms will be made: J. L. WELLS COMPANY 324 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SACRIFICE 9395 ROSE CITY CAB 60x100 on Alameda Drive. 60ft west of 66th st. faces north. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4 th and Stark. Main 208. A-2060. I AM. looking for au man who to looking for a close-in lot at a bargain. Here it to: Take a Seiiwood car south, get off at Cora ave.. walk 8 blocks west to corner 8th st and Cora ave. A steel shack with garage underneath now stands on a 66x92 ft corner lot Make me an offer. TeL Wdln. 4057 or write owner, W. C 81 McClellan St. city. SNAP $1000 80x100, S. E. corner Campbell and Simp son, near KiUingsworth. Howard Stackpole, San Jose. T.' T I.-7 f V TilTtt Westmoreland district, nearly an sere and a half. paved street to the line, sewers, beau tiful running stream. Rich soil, garden, poultry or greenhouse. Can sell for $1500 plus bonded Kens. Terms to suit . , . J. O. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. : HERE IS A SNAP A beautiful building site overlooking the city and close to Washington park, at half its real value. ' PHONE EAST 1Z9Z UK MAir mi. BARGAINS Nice lot in Jonesmore. $226; cost $575. Four lots, fenced, trees, water piped, henhouse, near school, $475; worth double. If hot 4SZ FQr SALE Two lots comer 83d and Haw thorne, 100x90. all clear,, taxes. paid, $1250 for both. J. 8. Knauss, 418 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3270 FOR SALE by owner, nice corner lot close to Hawthorne ave., 46Ui ana uianoa, u j im provements in and paid to date. Price 8800 Tabor SA0S. FRACTIONAL block of five full lota, one third adjoining Evergreen station, Oregon. City line. 91200. 9100 cash, balance monthly; will build house on u aesireo. vhuh, am, A SNAP 100x100. 1 small house, 1 large one. Rented now for $30 per mo., on carline. $2250.' 1 can give terms-' 241 E. M B. evenings. NUMBER fine building lota in good district. 48d and Clinton. Cheap, cash or Liberty bonds. Owner. J. H. McMahon. 2606 E. 43d. Tabot 5361 r. v , t T TV T?MUV I'lTT T A I? IT On 46th, near Kllekitet. for $S50; assess ments $165; streets paved; cost owner $900. W. H. Burley. 686 Irving, -star. . $800 TAKES a large lake front lot, 95 foot frontage, 1 mock to sxauoa, is daily. Box 9. Waluga. Or. - ' LOT 50x100, 1 block from Alameda Park. Will sell at bargain or trade on house and lot Owner. 890 Fremont sr. RESIDENCE lota. I certainly have some rare bargains. If you want one ccme ana let me ouotc prices. Neal Brown. 207 'Panama bldg. 1XIR SALE Choice unincumbered Laurelhunt tot: consider trade small farm or acreage. K-936, Journal. ' APT. site, 100x100, $6000, E. 26th snd YacnhilL E. C Kriger, 1290 E. Salmon. Tabor 86 2 1. . FOR. SALE 1 lot, 2 blocks cast of steel bridge. I will sscritie - this as I need eash. 261 E. Sd N., evening. 9275 buy nice lot in Westmoreland, east front, 80 ft from carline. 990 paid on street im provement 8. 8. Prentiss, 506 Uoroetx wag. WOULD access fat and cash a part payment on modern 1DLWTHORNE borne, oak floors, bunt-ins, etc Tabor 8881. FOR SALE One lot at Cannon .Beach at bar gain. Can Tabor T154, C-8219. $37560x100 on 78 th st. 1 blocks 8. K. O. ear. J. iocser. i asi n. FOR 8ALE-54 lots, 26th And Klickitat, Tabor 6924. - . ' -. I..--'-- TWO lots in Kent, Wash., Bear Seattle. Phone East 6529. Mrs. Barlow. - ' ' BUNCH of 10 CaHfornia lot 40 mile east cf San Francisco, H-419. Journal. ACREAGE 67 2 ACRES 9 milea from the courthouse, on good hard surfaced road; (mall house) and out buildings; H cleared; mile to electrio sta tion. Price $700. Term. See Mr. Carlos, The Brong Co.. 267 Oax BU 10 ACRES on Columbia river highway; beauti ful view; 180 ft falls back of place that forma a nice creek running through place. Price $1000. - . 1 STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO. 802 Oak. FOB SALE From 3 to 0 acres of land just outside cHy limits on Powell Valley road; all in orchard and berries, 9I2SO per acre. 407 E. 60tb st. ' Phone Tabor 0278. , FOUR roomed bungalow with 2 scree. 33 fruit trees, chicken bouse snd well. 4 blocks from Bellrcee station on Gresham esrline. $1800. Terms. ; Go to Bellrose, Inquire for Davis. "FOR RENT 10 acres with buildings, well manured, wouiu ecu kud bro iww ww. a mile south and east of Beavertoa. S. Crif ford. iieavenon, vr. TWO 10 acre tracts. 3 mile from Vancouver. Wash. Owner, -690 Lovejoy st, Portland, Or Msr. 4287. ' vVO'5-cre tracts, all cropped. V mile from Tigard, bard road, fruit, good buildings. "N. p. Johnson, xigara, ur. FOR SALE OR RENT 15 acres 60 milea from Portland, good . bouse. Write Geo. Giddene. St Helens, Or. 37 ACRES, $1000: GOOD LAND, COWLITZ COUNTY, WASH. Terms. Might trade. Tabor 8824. FOR SALE Gash or terms, acreage, improved, city water and gas; also 8 lots in Vancouver. Phone Tabor 2574 FOR SALE end trade 160 acre wheat, and toe- I arm, near xyie, . waso. cor iiitui liga tion cau Mar. Z15S alter o p. m. 4 ACRES, all cultivated, good hous and bam. neaf Forest Grove; $1500; cash. Apply 782- Pattoa road. BASE Line road, about 1 miles east Mont villa, 13 acre. $850 per acre, cash. Will scD all or part N-aao. Journal. In ACRES, lis cleared, best sou, Beavertoa; $850; terms. Can ovif 9d ave. f is.; Woodstock car to 50th st V0UR chance to own your owa home, either city . or country, cheap. See owner now, 46 S. Hail' St., Marshall 8403. SA' E or trade -Homestead relinqniahment. 80 seres, good son. Room 11, Beaver Apt., 247 12th st ONE acre for sale, on Base Line road, cheap . for eash if . taken at once. Gas or electrio lights. Cau Mala 8867. $8 ACRE, 160, Lane Co., near road and coast 717 Princeton et.. Portland. FOR SALE 160 acres of good land, a bargain, no agent. ' Inquire 843 E. Flanders t - 150 ACRES cheap, near Nettberg. nuie from river. N-2 9, Journal. , . REAL- ESTATE ACREAGE i? PARTLY improved IB acres, 92 mile from Portland, close to electric line station ; price 82400, good terms. a - - 8 acres, all in ' cultivation, part seedtd to clover; goad larg house,- barn, chicken nous, well and pump, shrubbery and berries; 16 mile from Portlited courthouse, on Bonnes Ferry road and 2 mile this side of Wilson Tills; price 91650. terms. 'Highly improved 20 acre, 4-room house, barn sad other buildings, variety of fruit and berries, cows, horse, pi-, ohicksm, farm imple ment and tools; located 37 miles from Portland, cloaa to electric station and well settled com munity; price 93250, terms. , .; 20 acres in Boeeburg Hama-Orcharda tract, BH miles south of Roaeburg, on good road! 10 acres ia 7-year-old peach and apple trees and 10, acres used for grain: coat owner 86800; now offered for 84000, terms; good reasons for selling. .. .. . -r . ' Highly improved 3 acres, with 4-room well built bungalow, woodshed, storeroom and 2 chicken house, about 10O fruit tree and variety of berries located 1 4 mile from Oregon City nd H mile. from city h mite; sidewalk all the way w toe piace; -price ezuuu, terms. E. A. LINDGREN Savon Land Co.. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. JUST PUTTING ON THE MARKET -ACREAGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND 910.00 DOWN, 93.00 PER MONTH Buys 6 seres of land in this addition of 639 sores. The prices range from 930.00 per acre and up. with terms of 92.00 per acre down and 91.00 per acre per month, no matter how many acres you purchase. There to no rock, or gravel, or rough land on this addition; some of tbes tracts are easily cleared; will makn ideal sub urban home, poultry farm, dairy ranch;, to ideal for prunes, English walnuts, filbert nuts or bees. There to a school on the addition: the Ui. and truck line run by this land. ' ! CHARLES DELFEL, is nauway isxcnang atuuoing, - Portland. Oregon. 91 DOWN 80 CENTS A WEEK BUYS A LOT 80x100 ' 95 DOWN $1 A WEEK ' ' BUYS AN ACRE " FARMS. ACREAGE AND : SUBURBAN PROPKT1ES THAT'S ALL.. MONTANA-OREGON LAND COMPANY 406 McKay Building. Main 934; Res.. Phone East 7688. CRESBAM CHICKEN RAN CHE 20 acres close to electric line nad PoweH Valley, road, 10 acres cultivated, good 7 room house,: orchard, spring creek, 20 miles out by suto; price $2250; teTms. 10 acres, 16 miles by auto. 4 miles to G realism, mil to electric line - and school, new bungalow and barn for 7 head stock, or chard, creek sad well, rock roads; price $2500; terms. CLEVELAND-BARB-HENDERSON CO.. -212 Railway Exchange bldg. Country Home Sacrifice Sale SK seres, all in cultivation ; e rowing crop. fencsd; rich soil. A 6 room hous. electric lights, city water, chicken house, barn snd wood shed; a block and a half of Oregon Electrio sta Hon.7 only 18 miles from Portland. Price 82760, 91000 cash, balance good terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 809 Oak st i Broad way 4183, COME to Gresham. 81200, improved 6 acres near Section Line road, bouse, barn, chicken bouse, orchard, water, wood; 8200 cash. Ten acres, partly cleared. 81800, easy terms; good road, dose to car. $400 Five acres, good soil, near ' Section Line road: easy terms. ' On acre in Gresham. good bungalow, hot and cold water, - toilet, elect lights, gi chicken house, orchard: 81630. KRTDER A i.iA..-.-.v., Gresham. TeL 1TX. 20 ACRES, all in cultivation; baa fine new biinaainw: eond -barn, chicken house, fruit etc.. on good rock read; 2 mile from New- Hera - a annd bnv. Tak soma trade. 6.36 fine beaverdam land, ' acres in goo4 crop; nice buildings; lots of .fruit; 8 blocks from cannery; "4 mile from postoffice, in large town; $3500: city water.- Ask for Hesgard, 606 Swat- land bMg. Main 7435, FOR SALE 243 "acre located 4 mile west of YamhilL Fine for sheep or dairy ranch. Several Urine STDrinaa oa same. Good farm buildings and family orchard. Rest la small tim ber and grazing land. 3o per acre or would exchange equity for unincumbered hous and lot in Portland. Mrs. M. J. Oaliaway. E. Market st Phone East 7888. FOR SALE- 320 seres ef timber land, good soil, watered. Price 815 per acre ; terms. 80 seres with complete set of building. 10 acre in hay, 15 acre for grain. Price gosoo. V. M. nates, unite paimon, wasn. TEN acres, 1 mile, from Newberg, all in culti vaHnn. Rock mad. 4 A aerea in clover. 2 acres in Evergreea blackberries, acre in kmnhanus. fine SDrine. Just think: 1 can sell you this place for. 81600. 3800 will handle. " . 815 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. EAST OF PARKROSE . Near California highway. 2 acre, very sightly. DWVU1U1 iniTV WUi. H rrxrm , avvww, . wswa. 10 acres. Gresham district, good land, good road, family orchard, mostly in winter wheat; siovu; terms. a, tr. vwoni, mv acui bldg.. Third and Stark. .U ACRES AT BASE LINE 8TATION1 Three room house, well and chicken bouse: gas and electricity a valla Die; nara sun ace roaa; price $1800, MOO down, nsunee to sun. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. OWN vour country home and work in Port- laud. 8 hi acres at Green berg, Oregon Else trio, only 9 milea set All in cultivation. 4 room house, large bam, 43 fruit trees in full bear ing. Price is only azaou ana snuu win nsnaie HIS CMASi nr.n jr i jjiMrjivi. r.. A BARGAIN 108 acres. 880 sera: good hous. barn, springs.- 6 acre can be cultivated this JCH will! uvt iw wvfa, M.uvuft aimi, y ...... ww good road, phone, 2 anil to P. O.. 5 miles west St Helena. 80 mile to Portland;, dandy place to raise stock, cau zou lltn st. THREE ACRES FOR $1200 Three room house, chicken bouse and out- bnlldinea. fine well, wood for 1 year. 25 chick en and aU smell tools go for 91200, 9500 down, balance to suit LUEDDEMANN CO., 918 CHAM. OF COMM. TEN aerea. located st Middieton, Just off the paved Newberg highway. 1 ine trout trm. springs, 4 room boas and several barn. Price $2100. 850O win handle, JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Cham, of Commerce. 40 ACRES of good land, all tillable, about 25 acre ia cultivation and crops; one-third crop with place ; on good- road, about. 86 mile from Portland; tou per acre taxes u; terms, y.. tt. wont, zjso tienry otag OWN your own home. 1 acre located at MeU gcr, ready to cultivate. Small house. IS min ute' walk from car. Only 8600. $200 ; will handle, small monthly payment on balance, 815 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, IO ACRES. 6 -room bouse, gZ10Q; 8 acre cleared. 80 fruit tree, best ot soil, right on carline, H mile to Boring, small town; 8500 down.' rest to suit. By owner, John Knbdt, 662 Indians St. TEN acres on Section Line road, close' in. 6 acres in - oats, shack building. A fine piece Of properly. Only 88000. 91000 Will handle. 3lo rtiAJintK or wmxbwis. THAT choice 1 6 acre - tract, an cleared and fenced. 1 hi milea east ef Lenta Junction, on Foster road. Inquire at Gale's store, corner of Foster road and Lennox eve. FOR SALE by owner. 44 tt a. level land, near Hillsboro. 15 a. cleared, buildings, orchard. en county Toad ; easy , term. , : Tabor '9324, 6329 82d st . K. 18 ACRES of orchard in fine locality sad Just beginning to bear choicest commercial variety ef apples: will sell cheap, snd oa easy t Address owner. 1198 E. 86th N.. M. Johnson. FIVK acres. 1 mile from Eagle Creek, all UU . able, now in brush. Must have quick action. hence a price or $4. 815 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 2 HALF ACRE tract oa Hawthorne carlin. oa 29th ave., near 63th. st. in cultivation, no buildings,' city water;- J earn; terms; dis count for eash. owner, zaz uza . B. E. m A A I T -O K r. n n . W1h - - T ' wslnuts, filberU. Bing, Lambert and Royal Annea, near - depot, good road sad canneries. 1908 E. Burnside st.--- ; ' - M WO r.. liui m in. a. - . - - - --- - $850- FIVE room cottage, large lot. in SeU- a . toAA . u eta - . VIM 1MB. MM WW Vaw WMBMf, w. . aanA ... . . .... SNAP 0 acres, TOlsmook,' $760: $250 easE, ; remainder 8 year. - .tW. K. . Stearns, 202 Wil cox piag. 20 ACRES fine level land. all. clear,' hi , mile from Rainier. Wash., $1250. ' Apply B. Carl' son. 191 E. 25th st N. Pnone East 0975. FOR SALE, 1 or 2 acres. 47tb st Bura- sioe sxa. i-none xaoor sow. - 68 tt ACRES at Tigard for sale, part or- all splendid view; $300 per acre, Wdln. 4849 REAL ESTATE ACKEAGE ONE OR TWO ACRES - at llstxger station. Oregon Electrio. 26 minutes' rids, 9c far by book, oa carlin, 400 feet from sta Hon. most aQ ia cultivation : running stream all year, adjoin beautiful park ; will sell . oa very easy terms. Inquire for .Mr. Davidson, or phone Main 6882. Train . leaves Jefferson St. station at 1:16. 'FIVE ACRE COUNTRY HOME A dandy 8 room plastered bungalow, tare Dutch kitchen.' fine fireplace, all built-in effect in living and dining rooms. Located Just off the Baa Line road at Rock wood. Bam, chicken house and other buildings, driven well with sm la supply of water. This bungalow could not b built . for $2500. - 93500 takes all. 9760 will handle. Easy terms on the balance. , 815 CHAMBER OF lHUMKlivR. TWENTY MINUTES' DRIVE out Powell Valley road to the most attractive uuprevvd o acres near the city; modem room house, - fireplace, - bath, cabinet kitchen, water pld to nous, gasoline engine, garage, chicken hen i and runs, berries, etc; land ia this sec tion could not be purehaaed and boas built any. ahere near prioa -ot. 64750; it' a bargain; in vestigate. - KA8ER es KALNfcT 828-26 Gasco Bldg. Marshan "8125. 120 ACRES 62500 Fortv mile from Portland in the Astoria. Portland highway now being paved? half mile from the Columbia river sad railroad station ; a beautiful view of the river, with no burdensome cllrab. Land lay weU And Is fertile, with spring water, win divide and might take some trail. Seiiwood 1929. FRED F. HUNTRESS. 1459 East 81st St FINE 10 ACRE FARM 82500 An good tillable land. 8 acre cleared, 3 acre pasture, fenced ard ere- fenced, good bouse, barn and chicken bouse, spring water in bsrn yard. well at house, bested 19 mile- from Portland, ltt miles from station. Pacific high way; reasonable payment down, balance to "suit LUKDUKaXASN COMPANY ... . wis t'hamber of Commerce. HOME ANDTlVINO. 32800 . 10 acres. 8 acre cultivated, family orchard. aere strawberries, good -6-room bous with fire place, concrete cellar,, barn, chicken houses, hard roaa, near scuooi, close to ear and city. UaJl down. " . v . Other welt located traeta. of aama " aiaa at 92250 and 91975. terms. Main 1748. , THOMAS-ESTES. 267 tt Oak St BUY AN ACRE Over 8 city lots for the price or l a few blocks away. Park 'View acres. 8 2d st. Paving to west side, few momenta' walk to excellent ear service ; out of th east side gravel district; best of soil. ' 9978 per acre. lv per cent cash. Special inducement to Im mediate burMers. 3. C CORBIN. CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres, 15 cultivated, 2 acres creek bottom, balanoe smalt timber; 7-room house, barn 82x56; good orchard, berries: 8 mile this side of Ridgefield. 17 mil from Van couver, on good auto road: 40 acre adjoining can be rented. 88300, 8600 cash, balkne easy. j. b. Jinause, i Btopg fexenang wag. Alain 8270. 2 ACRES near Oregon Electrio and 8. P. electrio. 25 minute' ride. So far by bosk; house (wa ter piped) , chicken hous, running stream all year, land all ia cultivation, garden soil; will sell for $1800 on easy terms or will tak suto as part payment. 1011 Yeon bldg.. Main 6466. 976 Corbett st. i CHOICE acreage, close to Milwaukee, just I mile from Morrison bridge, ; ne - Improve ments, but priced so that you can make a aood deal for yourself; terms and can handle aom trad. ( SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., zii ijuniDermen oiag. 650 LOCATES YOU ON 17 ACRES WraaHeall all mnnit tlll.Kla tant X.. -,V M gravel. Fine soil. Easy clearing, itiiht at sta tion, 80 .miles from Portland. Steady work in large logging eamo for settlers. Price 88H0. Term $54) cash (or Liberty bond), 815 monthly. LUEDDEMANN tiOMPANT, 918 Chamber of Commerce. ' ' CHICKEN RANCH - Twenty acre, not far from Cathlamet Wash. : running water, rich soil, few stump, etoe to macs dam 'mad. rhool close: 2000 acres to se lect from; 8800, 866 down, $80 every 6 months. o pel cent. - 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r SEA-WOOD REALTY OO. ACREAGE; TERMS YOG CAN MEET -1. 2 or 3 acre tracts ria-ht at alec trie atatiom. 10 mile out- Land lie fine, covered with nice grove of trees. Paved- road, fin location. Price 8375 to 8350 per acre. Term only 826 ash down snd payment so easy you won't miss th money.. . LUEDDEMANNv COMPANY, 918- Chamber of .Com meres. GENTLEMAN'S HOME. $8000 Solendld 8 room hous. bath. ' furnace. " buf fet, large bearing fruit trees;- 2 acies of ground; garsg. bam, small house, for gard ener: east of Portland on popular driveway. SmaU amount cash accepted; might take .some treae. - neuwooa ivzv. rem v ucMTsitaa lilts Tut fl 1 ,t FORECLOSURE 14 acre. Canby, worth 870DO. ell $4250, give terms, ah vnder cmuTsuoa, dees, rich sandy loam garden oil: 6-roonl bungalow, other buildings: family orchard. This to th biggest bargain In the district Oali owner, Mr. Bsrr, vVain. ZoBo. m j k nn a aij J V . ITHBii V au ira, i,u pw , aiuiAsv, 11,11, $2600 8 acres , Terwuliger blvd. road: bow. barn, fruit; near car. ' ; II Kso a aerea. xieara: Tin soil. 82700 27 acre. 10 mile court bona, west aide: nn land, aom improvements. - UHAS. KINULKK et oo.. zzn tienry niag. GARDEN HOME BARGAIN Five acres for aale at half regular price to- dav onlv. Price onlv 81950. '.ome to Garden Horn today and ask for McCormic Phone Broadway 1516 80 ACRES, near Portland, with 2000 eorda of wood. Price $3000.- 81000 caah. balance aa you cut off th woodf You can mat aauuu here. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett mldg. SUBTTRBArT ACREAGE 76 CHOICE HOME SITE 6 tt -aere in tcultivatiou. extra good land, no gravel, oa paved road. gas. city water, electric lights, cood larg bsrn, ne dwelling, wslklng distsnce Mount Tabor ear; isoou. good Terms. R. M. GATEWOOD at CO., 168 tt 4th-St SEVEN acres on electric line, some cleared. cords of Wood, small house, barn, chleksn house, well, woven wire fence. Cheap at S1600, 8600 down. Owner, Tenor aui THREE beautiful acre, all in culUvstion. with .. ' - . .1. ai, liwtlta mmII liMa. Price 92600. Gibson, 268 Stark. Mar. 12 8rwrnnV' WflMHH : srmrTlRAN 'HOME BAItGAINS 2 acre, with 7 rm. boost st GARDEN HOME. on Oreeon Electric: 'all kinds fruit close - to station ; price sbouo. gooa terms. - GARDEN HOME. ; 8 acres with good 6-rm. box bouse: ga and electricity; all cultivated; onlv S42SO. easy term. GARDEN HOME. 2 highly cultivated acre with strkruy modern a room nous, parn, ctucaen- nouse. tc: sstou. iiuwv essn. QUARTER ACRE at Garden Home with nice little bouse, . gas, water, electricity I- price only 9900, 8400 cash. - ACRE, with fair. 5-rm. house and . lot of fruit, at Metrger atetion; $1600. $500 cash. For real bargains ia suburban homes see ma at once. - Th kind of a plac you want, at th price you want to pay. ., 15 acre at Greenburg ststlon, an in cultiva tion, including" building, stock and equipment. only mov, on good terms. . . ; M'COHMIO, 418 Fsnton bldg., 84 6th sti 8 ACRES. 7 in cultlvaUon. 1 acre pasture, all kind fruit and berries, lawa, 6 room-cottage, bam, watt equipped poultry houses, water tank, gasoline engine, water piped, to houie and poultry .houses; splendid Jersey cow, 170 ben. incubators, farm tools; all richest garden soil; very sightly and attractive 12 tt miles . from Portland on good road; 68750 for quick sale. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or, Phone Oregon ONLY 81600 for mo than Jhi acre with U kinds of fruit and shrubbery. . There to a small hous. very eosy,- in the bouse to city water,- gas sad electric lights. This pise to close to' the Capitol highway. It to only five blocks from a station with Be ear fare; the neighborhood to first class. About half cash to an you need. M. 3. CLOHESSY, 418 ABLVU- TON BLIWi. ::..??' -v.--:.- 9 ACRES, all in cultivation, rti garden soil. spterwua a room piaaterad. houe, wood house. big barn, hen boa, fruit, berries, good WeU of water; everything handy; a in place to retire to; 1 tt miles to Oregon City, on rock road. Tbtovto the prettiest place in this district. : Price $4000. Term if .you wish. -O, E. Fraystsg, Gladstone. Or. phone Oregon City Z69J, HERE to one for small money:' - A big It If sere of land, semi-bearer dam, la fun cultivation. on this land Is live mora house, new: it not been entirely completed, but it won't eoat much to finish. This place is located three block from the atetion and Oak Grove . . Take it an for $1860; $500 eash you must hay. - M. J, CLOHESSY. 416 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $4000 for five big acre ox land, all of it in cultivation, ail of it en the esrline. There to on this five acres a real eute five room bungalow, with aU city eonveniencea, There to fruit of an kinds: chicken bouse and other build- in . It to right at th station on the Oregon City - Half cash win Handle it - L J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDO, ONt-T $T000 for a big half acre of" land in high state of cultivation; fruit coming Into fuU bear. ing, a very' cute "tittle 4 room bungalow, with city water, gas, etc. This to only two blocks from the station, with 5e carfare; half eash will handle it. M. J., CLOHESSY, 416 ABBLVGTON BLDG. .41250 ONLY 91250. 1 acre and 9 room plastered house, electricity, gas and water. 90 minute out, large chicken bouse, easy term. A. tu AkeTsoa, stock nx- Chang Bldg., siatn bbo. NEW 2 act country home, close in,l )r sal; . sacruice. A. u. watt, Atuwauaie, iLtu x. REAL ESTATE SUBURB A S H I I.MKH DO YOU wsnt a suburban home wifTT 1 ti conveniences of a eltr residence a well as nne big acre ef land with aU kind of fruit in fnll bearing, located right at the- station, where you walk en a cement walk from the bous to the platform, with th station lighted and th porch lighted f On ht en acre of very highly Improved bind with) flower and shrubbery in profusion to a lx-ronn modem bungalow 'with a eement basement, furnace and fireplace. Tber to in the house city water, gas and electricity. Tber to a building for a garsge. This plac is a chow place on the Oregon City ear line, on account of It, beaurtful hawthorn hedge. It to cheap nongh for 38000. Ina can buy it for 85500. The bungalow to only four years old. 81500 cash wil banal It M. 3. CLOHE8SY, IB Abington bldg. 13 this what you are looking for? Ouly $4 500 for six afcrea of land, highly cultivated. aU of It en the Base Que road, running back to the ' carlin. where there to a station. On thia land . to a Urge orchard, in full bearing. You know : the Baa Line road to Paved to the Columbia highway. There to a good five room bouse, with a full eement basement: there are other buildings aeeessary on thia land. This plac is of farad for aal in its high stats ef cultivation for less than you caa buy th wild land mil off the pared " street and not near the carline. There, are gas, electric ua-ht and Ball Run water on th street. Think of it. only $4600 for this six aere of ' land, high and sightly, very well improved. Nothing like thia bu been offered before. You must have at, least half .cash. Tea will bav to hurry if you want this. M. J. CLOHKSSY, 416 ABINGTON BLDO. - SUBURBAN-HOMES Now to the time tor vou. mechanic and day laborer, to buy a home. If you have vd . a fw hundred dollar, you can put this money in a house, and I'll furnish you th land at 20 less thsn sny other land sold in this neighborhood. Com out snd we will talk it over. From tt aer to 2 acres, 28 acre to choose from. Between Multnomah and Maplewood station. O. E. Ry., 6o commutation fare. Easy term. ; 1 Also 11 seres near Thrard. . House and bam. ' for 83400. It's th best snd cheapest horn ia this locality. $800 will handle, . - WM. BORSCH. Phone Mala 2182. . Maplewood. Or. ONLY $2400 for f an acre of land highly 1 improved, a standard variety of fruit in full . bearing, small fruit in abundance. On this land to a 4 room bouse not to exceed f It year old, in this house to a bath, toilet, city water, gas -and electric Hslita.1 Thia place to located very close to the hard surface street leading into the Terwilltger boulevard. It to only three -blocks from a city school, only 7 blocks from a sta tion with Be carfare. For the money or for vea $3000 you cannot equal it You mut have $1000 eash: the balance can remain on easy term. .-. M. J. CLOHESST. 418 Abington Bldg. ...... A REGULAR PLACE MILWAUKIE HEIGHTS ' 920.000 Jest a short drive from Portland, 8 acres; acre in hhrh standard oualitv eranea annleai cherries, walnuts, full bearing; beautiful shrub- oery. us run grown Dolly trees, attraoave fir grov whlclr .sets th pise eff; unobstructed rivar-and lake view: 12-room Colonial tvne house, modem from A to Z, This to a gentle man' home, th surrounding and neighbor ar la keeping with the plac. CU and photos. KITTKS, 1 Al W E A Ul 208-6-7 Board of Trad Bids. 2 2-6 ACRES, fin, hous and outbids.; good cow and chickens: spring and well: 4 bike, of station SMALL PAYMENT and easy term. tt cr. 6 room hous. 7 blk of station. 9860; 6180 caah, 818 par month. . Nearly 1 aer. 6 room modern bouse, gas lights, bath, toil!, ft replace, water system. , woodshed, poultry bous: near river; nice fir grov. lot of holly: small payment and term. All at J. fa GEORGE MORSE. Sunday Jennings Lodge - Week Dys, 800 Chsmb. of Com. FOR SALE by owner, elose in, all rural adtau- tag. a acre aU in cultivation. bO bearing trees, good 6 room house with U furniture, 2 walls, big wood house and plenty ot wood, lisn hous and 20 fine pullet, splendid Jersey cow. big barn, hay, straw, grain, eds. farm ma- Clunery. garden tools, lumber, shingles, eedaf ' posts, including a fine saddle pony for th buy. zzoo. Must hav 8150O cash. se me al . one. Owner going east this week. O. E. FREYTAG, Oidstnne. Or. Phone Oregon City 2U9-J. 6NLY $4900 for a $66To place take" notice. , Tber r three acres of land, an in cultiva tion and orchard, only two block from th river. On this lsnd to an up-to-date six room bung . low. modem in every detail, fireplace and base- ment, full porcelain plumbing; there are also, a , garage, a barn, chicken house and a paved street , leading from the business center to within a short distance of the gate. Don't forget this to a bar gain; it is sufficient to support a family, and n,o prettier horn could be wished. Ton must have 8250O In cash to even consider It M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. 6N THE BASETLINB ROAD, paved street aU the way. not far out are six big acre of land. very inch of It in cultivation; it" lie high and sightly. On this land to a good 7 room house. modern enough for any person; tber to a big orchard of aU varieties of fruit: there to a barn. chicken house and other buildings, which could be used for garsge. Th price of alTof this is only $6600. It to cheap enough for $M00O You must have balf cash. M. J. CLOIlESaX. 410 ABINGTON BLDG. DO YOU aspect more than this for th money!1 One big tt-acr of land, all in cultivation, all fenced, ail on th ear line, 200 feet from the paved street, one block front the station.- , Ther ars apple, prunes, cherries, peaches and quince. Ther to a neat, substantial nsw two-room hou painted drab. Tak th whol work for $1060. You couldn't beat thia if you got th hous for nothing. You muit have $50O eash to talk about it M. 3. CLOHESSY. 416 Abington bldg. . . ' NLAR TIGARD . A BEAUTIFUL HOME -;' This pise consist of 6 acre on Taylor-Ferry road. Modem 7-room bouse, fireplace, furnace, windmill and ga engine, St we lis, barn, garage, chicken houses; 8 acre in fruit and berries. Price $9000, terms. You can bar a lovely resi dence and still tusk a good living oa this must attractive country home. HITTER, LOWE CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. T A FINE SUBLRBANTIOME , Of 2 tt acres; mil couth of Aloha on S. P. electric ; 48 minute out; close to new highway; a 4-room bungalow, nearly new: large chicken house snd yards, and oilier buildings; all kind of small fruit : 26 trees choice apple, cherry and prune tree; fin well, with force pump; on good county road, with floe view; all under cultiva tion.. For price, etc. addrsss, U. A. liurd, U. 4. Box 11D, Ileaverton, Or. $600 DOWN -. NEAR ROCK FORD - . 4 ACRES -Cine, tn Baseline road. This ft lac for ber ries and young trait tree, good 4-room plastered hous, dsndy barn, chleksn house, extra floe well. Price $2300. Can make easy terms. WATCH OUR A U8, WE GET KHaULlA. . RITTER, LOWE CO. 203-6-7 ord of Trd Bldg. 1 tt ACES"$ 1 A 0O NEAR MILWAUKIE Th finest soil that lava outdoors, an under cultivation except a grov in rear; plenty of fruit and berries. w are throwing in ui house, barn and gang, which r only fair; the land alone to worth the price asked: $400 down, balance easy. . . i . -. . v f-nrip a. nil A C-rh, a vi'., '208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CO ON til Y Iratne. Tigard. 80 minute from Portland on paved highway, 8 minute' walk from stations., store, school. 2 er aU Under cultivation, fruit trees, T room houaa, efcetrie lights, sleeping porch, white enamel lnaid, etc Frice 83300, 81000 cash, balance easy terms. or will trade for Portland Bungalow, own two acres adjoining, will selL Be O. S. Crocker, Tlgaft - PARTLi trade, Almost 11 acres, 8 ia t-ulUva- tioa, bouse, bam,.-out i buildings, running water, 9 miles from Portland, Tualatin valley, near Capital highway, cost owner $5000; will acrifice for $4000: would consider I'onnno clear property to $1500 for part payment Ulv foil description of th piece wanted to exenang in first letter. Me inflated values considered. D 205, Journal. ' ' " PARKROSE ACRE. TRACTS Easy terms ' On fin tract on pavement and ' cement eidewslks, 2 blocks to car; ground all ' cleared ;. price only $I0W. J. L. Hart man Company, 7 CbambeT of Commerce Bklg., 4U and Stark. Mala 208. A-2060. DANDY stiLF ACRE TRAC A llUl- . - wxD. Biaoo. $200 down. 918 monthly buy tt acre Try eboic bearing fruit tree and 4-room cottage, fair garage. Th fruit en this place bring in a nice little income Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce, K v int.V AV ACRE . - ' ' ' ' - BY OWNER - "' . 164x200, 88th and Schuyler t.. 6 room bcuse, city wter, gaa, bath, etc., chicken house and run, bearing fruit trees end brrt. galas, etc., nr larg school ; very rsaacnahto term. Main 2729 Sundays and evenhig. Bread ws 75 weekday. I " CHoTCnu Bt-KBikAN uoiii: J 2tt acre cultivated, 8 1 toom modem new Bona, close to etoetrie railwny statUro, 25 min ute out; 84500, good terms. This enlace cost owner, $7000. t ' B, ji. GATEWOtii m uy., looy, tn bc 2tt ACRES. 72d st.-8.-E.; 10 tninut . rom, Trsmont station. Mount Scott line; 5 room wbuas : good bam: 8 chicken house; 40 fruit' bearing trees; shrubbery j $8500. $600 cash, balance to suit buyer, fsbor 6894. BARGAIN AT RYAN STATION' . "On Oregon Electric. 6 Ho fare. 1 H acres with large 7 room house., lias. Bull Hun, Price only $33AO; $1000 cru St AIcCO-l ....... 418 Fantoa bUg., 84 6th st ,