i i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 0. 1919. . ; .SITUATIONS FEMALE i BY STRONG middieaged .woman, on farm, for 2 or mar men; economical, neat and eleaa. rhm after 12 oelock. Tabor 3123, or N-28. Jmiriisl. '' J ' 'V" " ' ""--)' VI - ' WIDOW 'wishes position aa housekeeper out of ton or in town. with, t children. Wishes itKty mun, 114) E. 34 th st, , K.. new XilUiis'sworth see. :: - rVTNTWe-Oflee work by young woman famil iar, with typewriter and sborthemt j 8-828, journal. - f WjlDOW of 30 would like position h bow" ' Beeper for bachelor, or would eorisider epert- ment home. P-8 87, Journal. WOMAN will : care for young children In her Home: beat i of care, cell nee. imoo h SelL car. A .'N FAT," thoroughly exiierit-need woman want short hoar work in middle, of day ia restaurant. ttinclv mow or pantry. Phone Msm anna. If A III dyed at tuwe reasonably by experienced lady. Main JR7. . . COLORED woman wants da work. Pall 12 S s uw-a ;-f. 'TmESSM AXISf 43 CHILDREN'S, dre--raMng don - quickly and neatly; prices right-Mrs. Ktersoa, 1033 Esst Ktmnon M. Woodlawh 2867 EXPERIENCED,, capable woman wanU plain sew ' ing "and mending . by : the day or boor. Mar- enall 1201. , LADY would, like refined work. Phone Sell 1, wood 766, ; : SURSES St ' PRACTICAL! nurw desires confinement esses. Jbh Sellwood 778. FURSISHFD ROOMS NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or witbont board, for families and business men and women. We give you ail the com forts of a home. Reasonable rates. "HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH II daay up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. COZY, largo light front room, bath, steam beat, Broadway near Jefferson; gentlemen only. Phone Main 289'5. . THE JEFEEfiY 2 room furnished apartment, 17. Corner of Russell and Kerb?, between siissisaippi ana wuisnw r. - 2" ROOMS, clean, comfortably furnished. gss. -electricity, bath. stove heat: adults. 180 Sherman. Mar., 914, after Sunday, -i A SINGLE room for rent at 1717 Portsmouth are. so a nuonin. E6TEL Sargent, . Itewthorne" and Grand. Starting point special car tor Vancouver. FURNISHED HOOM9 TBITATE FAMILY NEATLY furnished room In modern home, furnace heal: walking distance; (10 month. Phone E. 8784. 4 2 E. Harrison. A.VVONK wUhing one. or two rooms or sleeping or tight hounekeeping. for one month or leas, cs 11 East 6S77. LA ROE cheerful room, suitable for 2 ; alxo smaller room: modtn-n home. 135 N. 23d, comer Hoyt. Marshall 943. (TfcNTLEM A.V wanu furnished room. . home-like surround'ingK, close in ; west side preferred. State price.; location- B-795, Journal.: PLEASANT furnished room for- respectable man. Close bv 38 per -month. 446 E. Bornaida at., next Mason io bldg. VKRT large front room, heat, electrio lights, dose in to shipyard, reasonable. Marshall 8214. FURNISHED rooms for rent, private family. 271 Haisey st. ' NICELY fnrhhhed large front r6in. close va. 1 1 blocks from carllne. 29 Ilalsey. StV R N IS FLED housekeeping room, aT steel rang and bath; 31S.S0. 767 Williams ae, Fl'R.N'ISiiltD room in new Alameda bungalow, 1 or a cnn. woir). no TWO furnished moms for 1 or 2 men. Home like. 980 Xj PiTision st.. near 84th. FURNISHED front room, all conveniences. 974 E. Couch.' East 824. BOOlrTS A1TD BOARD It THE HAZKL "Not like the others.' Erery comfort. Home e poking. 885 Third St. THEldartha, Washington . 880 10th. for business iris and students. Msrshafl 1231. ROOMS AHP BOARD PRIVATE . AMILT 71 . FURNACE heated front room with board, suit ' -' able for: 2 gentlemen employed at nigbt; also ' one single room. 613 Sprnca st,, corner E. HsrrisoB. BelL 1720. WANTED, children under 10 years to board and room. 910 per month. 611 Mt Hood St., ' Oregon' City. "j " WANTED A boy 4 or 6 years of age, to board. 8-829, Journal. WAXTFTl-TtOOXS A7TP BOARD WANTED Comfortable, quiet home for elderly man; needs some care. Apply Sunday. 78 East 7th 8. HOrSEKEEPnfO ROOMS 8 FTTflyiSHBIT AKD liNFCKSlSHED SUITES of 2 and 8 hotuecteepine rooim ; inunwtEnj j renPTaieu, in ina mpeoitDta, t Also sleeping rooms.. 247 4 5th at. i FURNISHED H. KTTl or 2) rooms. Ko I children. 850 H Hawthorne srsw FURNISHED and unfurnished H. K. rooms. 290 H 21st st. l', ROOMS." partly furnished, $5! 1910 E. Glisan and 75th st. ! TWO small rooms, also single sleeping porch room. Went honeeepini. 655 Flanders. FURNISHED sleeping room. 850 H Hawthorne ave. -. . i ! HOrsEKEEPISO ROOMS 78 ' FURNISHED AND USFURSISHED mi a i r. rA.nibi FURNISHED H. K. room, privata entrance, walking distance, water, lights, cooking gas , jncmaeq. - i none r.ast l a a n. V HOUSEKEEPING rooms, also sleeping room. 4 blocks to P. O. To persons employed. 333 H Main ! NICE clean rooms, furnished for houaekeep ing; all outiide roomv 752 Albina. between r rmqui snq neecn. vain. aooa SMALL Jfront housekeeping room, rent $2 per week. ; 350 Yamhill, cor. Broadway. -ONE single IL K. room, adults only. 288 Sac ramento st. near wiinams ave. East 8615. FOR RENT 2 room honxeceeplBg suite. $30. Imrnire Monday after 10 a. in.. 41 Ella st. i ROOM suite with sleeping porch and closet. 01 ' lay, ii iroaaway. ML K. ROOMS, also small suite furnished. 26? Knott, near Williams ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 5,r0 Couch street. block . off 16th and Washington. TBrtrJE iurnisTiedll. K. rooms, gas. light and iMiww. i ..m. jnu iiapman, comer oi hiil TWO front rooms for light housekeeping. 190 E. 121th 8. East 8833. .3 H. K. j ROOMS, furnished to suit. Main 38651 ! FOR REST HOUSES 13 MEIER ds FRANK'S e . FREE RENTAL AND : f INFORMATION BUREAU . Reliable np-to-dsta lists of desirable vacant ' houses, apartments and flats with definite in formation pertaining to each. 'Newcomers In Portland will find this bureau el great value in helping them get properly and - quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR. "STOP RIGHT HERE. Thia beats renting! ?X CANT, mostly modern room bungalow, good . lookinc good condition; two lota, fruit, in excel . lent condition; paved street: only. $1600, $100 " Oak M 5 " 5 6 totere8t i Monthly,'. Daring, 284 ; BOOMS. acre, also 6 room house and . "i"" 3nninga Lodge. Oregon City car. Ask for Geo. Morse Sunday at Jennings Lodee. - FOB itliNT 5 room 'and ' basement modern '5? ' HTirS' Monthly R. R fare to- Portland. $9.08. Inquire J. . B. Wilkee. . HiHsboro. . . MOVING Piano and" furnitures movuur. canenlt , hauling Edward. 812 Division at. Sell wood 1183. . FOR. BENT Four rooms (upsUira) and garage in back, $10.51 includes water. Inquire 811 Kerby. Woodlawn 1206. " ' MODERN 4 room house at 1285 E. Salmon at.", - rent $16 per month. - Inquire at 296 Gra ham ave. . , . LAURELHCRST New. modern. 8 rooms. sleei Tabor B495. , 1207 . Burn- aide at. ' NEW 5 room hoose, barn, fruits, with 4 H :;, - acres cultivated, fine soil. Tabor 9495. B029 E. S2d St. : -.j ..V . ,' 6 ROOM bungalow, positively no children. 6604 , 6 1st St. 8. Si. Inquire at 40 Ji 2d at., v l Room 34. , ' . y - J 1 .. r. . . Z, OR 8 room house for rent for 2 yearsT Call Tabor 5913. Sunday. ; THREE foot- bottsa for rent. 69 Morris st. 310. FOll 'REST HOUSES 13 USFPRSISHEIt TWO houses, S and 7 loom. acre, store building, garairs, chicken house, concrete root bouse. , barn. rfb.it trees, electric lights and gas, adjoining Wichita, -station O. W. P.. 9e tare by tickets, ail for 20 a month, 1 year in sd vsnce, or h room horcse for $10. i TWO SHALL HOUSES. : TWO ACEES CLEARED LAND. $13.50. Wichita Station. WUI lease for pne year. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX HOUSES v FO REST FrRICITURE " :' - FO B HA hK 33 FCE N ITURE of a 4 - room house, all household articles lnehsdad. also 9 pullets, hoose for rent. lO; one acre of land: lots of fruit. 9006 71st are. 8. E. Tabor 84Q6. , T ROOM 1 hottoe for rent, furniture for sale cheap. 889 flrand are. N. 20 A MONTH; 6 room house, close la; cheap If taken at once. East 2342. - SOME geod funStus forsai3 room ftator XAtz. a I . . 4 -ROOM bouse for rent; furniture for sale. 1029 FOR SALE Furniture of 5 rooms, house for rent. 1005 Missonrt are. Missuwipiii car. FFHITlSHgll JHOEHEH 3J FOR RENT 6 room furnished house, furnace .jratoi-r. pisyer piano, renr u per month, adults only; refeiwieos required. Call Hunday between-1 and 21 at 1024 E. J 6th N. Irrington w iiioerxe ear FURNISHKD bungalow. fireplace. hardwood ..J'00. Dntchj kilchen. gss store, electrio L?1 2188 H Morrison.. Mt. Tabor car to 8th street. ,i rOR KENT Cheap. -clean partly furnished 8 room house, 2 lots, fenced and fertilized, ready for planting:" desire steady tenant and """ mnr. Miqinre siiv oa are. FOR RENT S-room furnixhed cottage, with or wnii-ui payer piano. Knquire 303 Eugene. Take Williams are, car. Mast furnjsh reference. 5 OR ROOM! bouse, furnished or partly fur- nlshed. by couple, not earlier than April 1. W-7, Journal, i '. 6 ROOM cottage, modern, clean, neatly fur n lulled; near best car Una in city: 832.50. Bwdy. 2799. MODERN fi-room furnished house; rent, wood, water free, for care of 2 children, 1652 Belmont. ; ' FURNISHED house for rent, 345 per snonth. Phone Sellwood 3474. APAHTMKHTR 43 JFTJRyiSHKP ASP i;SFrRISPKP THREE blocks south of Journal. 3 unfnrnished rooms, modern, gas . and electricity. UU U 8744 Sunday or Monday, 1-5. FOR SALE 14 H. EC 1 and 2 room apart . ments. all full: 700. oca v i,h . FURNISHED 3 room apt. Phone Sell. 1032. I HOTELS J CHESTERBUET hotel, 20tB and Kearney. fwmm, ,ct BiuKUTt races; un der new mans ferment. 2 SUITES of 2 rooms., well furnished; $22.50 to $24. 208H Union are., cor. Clay. FOR REST FLATS 13 SMALL flat, Sth and Montgomery, semi-modern C. S. preferred. Main 3018. FOR RENT 4 -room flat at 270 Hamilton are! Phone Malm 6090. 3 ROOM flat. Union are, near Russell, with garage close. East 2195. FURNISHED FLATS 0 $20 MODERN 5 room furnished flat. 996 Commercials near Jefferson high school. STORES ASP OFFICES i RETAIL store now available, located 100 feet of Broadwaiv nnw n.n .-.i ...I ft.,., i , . . , " vui luiiueuiaie possession can be given. Best location in town for shoe store, tailor shop, millinery or ladies' wearing appareL See agents for owner. Btan ley B. Thompson Co.. 802 Oak. FOR RENT M ISCELLASEOPS 88 GARAGE for rent, 823 Rodney ave. DESK room and phone. 228 Hen hid. WASTE 1? TO REST PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 512-38-14-13 Swetland Bldg. MR. LANDLORD, Wt h Tea swliatnf waitinn J t V.1 - " veuwaa IW UCaUIUie IOC 4a" tiona for raraees and other lines of bigh -class bnjdnwtnV Xfunraa tti. aaoa 1.. i : i j mg- bring you a apurce ol Te venae. Come In and talk r nwow PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. WE WANT TO RENT a 5-ropm up-to-daU dwelling In select neigh borhood. AlUft ilfttlB.M I . , . . n . . . , . ... mn. i i uiun iv. i you have any vacancies phone Heave Together, care of Northwest Steel '. Mit itna WANTED 3 or 0-room modern house, not over -m uim iraia rieaaoni car darns. Will make good payment down. Call Wdln. 4038. l'earl O'NeU. WANTED To rent, one to five acres with mod- jr.u uuusc mna oui.Duuoings; wiuun 10 minute walk from 6b to 8c fare. Box 317A. U. 2. Milwaukie. Or. WANTED To rent a house of 3 or 4 rooms. good water, chicken house and yard large enough for 100 chickens, near carline, 6 or 10c fare. M". Pari, Hillsdale. Or. R. F. D. No. 1. CAREFUL tenant will lease i ITrZi S room house with facilities for 100 chickens and garden. April 1 possession. Tabor 7955. 3 OR 6-room bungalow on or before March 15; adults: permanent renters; call Sunday or eve- nftrigs. IkOOT ssov, A MODERN 4 or 5 room bungalow. Rose City Park, Hawthorne or Piedmont. Call Tabor 2505 or Main JjlO. M.B. Coade. WAN TED- -To rent, 6 room modern bungalow Tlirnihawt na nnfuwtiHiliul T a.ru -s "Tabor 78 71 " WANTED To rent, by responsible party, 6 room modern bungalow; Rose City Park or pneierreq. rnone vvooqiawn 2698. HATE you a, modern 4 or 5 room house for -.. w oteiu people. -arucuiars to 3-837. Journal. 4 OR 5-room house, with light and bath; will take furniture in same if suitable R-412 Journal. A MODERN house, apartment or flat, garage. 70Phone before noon. Congress hotel, room WANTED to rent, 4 room modern house, near Kenton district; garden space. 89 W. Emer son st. ' WOMAN writer and worker desires light, roomy furnished attic in private house. West side vr m OTgfc Blue. n-BU, Journal. WANTED TO RENT room house or bunga low, modern, either furnished or unfurnished; mi ciiiiureii. ruone i aoor toll. TWO to five acres improved close in by re sponsible party. J. W. Wortheu. 790 E. Salmon. 8 OR 9-ROOM furnished house, west aide; pre fer south of Morrison or near Good Samaritan hospital. References.- Sellwood 1345. WANTED By March 15. a 5 or 6 room house or apartment unfurnished. Call Bdwy. WANT 4 r 5 room furnished house in Beai? muni ' an aoor o I on. WANT 4 or 5 room furnished house in good location. Call Tabor 8706. 5 OR B-HOOM house in Hose City Park, school district. - Tabor 8333. WANTED To rent, 4 or 3 room modern cot tage or unfurnished apt., close in. A-4(462. WANTED Small unfurnished modern hernia-or flat, west side. Mar. 2254. REAL ESTATE GENERAL REAL ESTATE ' 63 I'OI". SALE 6 lofc. with one modern. ,1 and one 9 room building, fir shade trees, bearing fruit trees, running water through grounds, water right from mountain spring. This place is 4 9 mile from Portland, 60 feet off Colum bia highway, an ideal spot for summer home or resort hotel Can be had for $4000. Address box 154, Bt:8ISESS PROPERTY $6 SOME GOOD BCTS IN APPARTMENT SITES Can make special price on one tract, street on three sides, improvements in. Lot 90xl00x 114.- close in on east aide. Might take soma trade. Priea $6500. Close to Broadway bridge, corner. ImproTe menU In. lot . 80x90x130. -: Price $15 000 Some tredn. - i.; , ; V 100x100, close In. just off Grand ave. Prica $25,000. buy before the prfcea raise. 8e J. K LOWE. New York Land Co. 803-S Stock Exchange blug.iogjiJvl03 8 FINE BUILDING SITE- Fronting SO feet on the Ahunoda in Rose City Park. Surrounded -by good home. - prioa $1800 -easy terms. Hee E. it. Brown with - NEILAN A PAHKHir r. 219 Lambermera bldg. 5th mod Stark .afcti BEACH PROPERTY 43 Fl' R N IS HE It cottage at Rockaway beachTBaT! gain. Call Tabor 6312. T JFO B 8 ALE HOUSE 8 1 I H.TTY ' I4 lTTflC t',-TVir.Lr I win consider desirable properties from $3500 down.- Quick action if your price is right. 8e 51 r I'lympton with . R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington bUlc. .. REAL ESTATE FOB KALE HOUSES 1 $350 ('ASH BAL. VERT EAST $28ft0 MODERN BUNGALOW $2850 NEAR FRANKLIN HUSH SCHOOL S r.. rrr. liall. mirror door, firepL. hardwood floors, paneied dining room, kitchen, bath, bed rooms in suite; don't miss thw chance. - $50O CASH -BAL. EAST TERMS 82750 .BUNGALOW AND GABAOK $2750 5 r., ree. hall, rustle bungalow; 21st N near Aioerta; cenure. . - .- 320O CASH BAL. $8 MO. ' . j, $2200 7 H. HOUSE. FKUIT. $2209 i 1169 Iron at. corner 88th st., in Hawthorns; go see; don't bother tenants. ' CLEVEIAND-BARR-HENDEBBON CO.. 212 Ry. Eich. bide. Marn752. MODERN BUNGALOW. FURNISHED, $1650 We offer exceptional vahie in this modern 4 rocan bungalow, nicely fumkhed. Haa rwy lir l"g room, . 2 nice bedrooms, white enamel Dutch kitchen, builUu china closet, builtia cooler" on oaa porch, full, plumbtnc with porcelain hath sewer connection, ianre. front ooreh with swine seat, full concrete basement, eieetrie lights, lot aviiou. 5no cash reqniredl . H. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton bldg. ALAMEDA PARK 5 room bungalow, with garage, nearly new price $4300. You can't be It OX PAILINO STREET ; 6-room bungalow. - price (1VOU; eorner lot, 50x100; pared street. This is a good specula tion- xou shonld see It. . MR. DELAHCNTT- r ' Main 1700, or Ere. East 2086. A BEAUTIFUL 'BUNGALOW See this splendid bungalow of 6 rooms and den. strictly modem, every bsiltin convenience, big living room, largo, fireplace, oak floors. The interior of this home is beautiful. You'll like it. The price is $4 800. $200O cali required. Come to E04 E. 43d st, N. 2 blocks north Rose z mrm car, vim AvivcrO, Aiuur,n.i nuaa On Barr road. 20 minutes' walk Montavilla car; nice 6 room home and 5 acres, all in cultivation. All kinds ' f rait; good barn, auto .1 . i r . . . , . : . kmicu, nioucrn cnicaeniiouses : gas ana eierrncuy. The price is $6000 with $2000 cash. Thia is wiMwierinB lue SQOZT UlSiance OU I. OOE A. M'KENNA & CO. Main 4522. 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldo. 6R. BEA UMONTCOTTAtJE-BUNUALOW . IIVAA . . .... . i . n - "-'. wau. wen vuui iBoaera oume. a blocks from Beaumont ear; has full cement base """. luxnsce, nropiace, oeameq celling, pan. eled dining room. Dutch kitcheD ImjirovemenU ux nu iiicinoea in price, R. F. FEEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg. "vr ft TVtfOoun m it t Here is a splendid 6 room bungalow with 3 . , ... ... w. , .uBumvv, iws vi uiHami; all paving paid. This is a mighty good buy and inrsuy ttuu uown. -uei us snow you. COE A. M'KENNA CO. Main 4522 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. . u.&'u . . . . J. L-J -m WV 7 rooms, completely furnished with real fur niture, furnace and fiiwnla.' ,i,ul Mmb .11 ... 1 .1 for. This place has cost owner over asftfMI- located on 29th and Savier sts.; $1000 cash, $25 monthly, int, 7. Fred W. German Co., io- v iiaoiper oi commerce WELL BUILT modern 7 room home, large grounds; lota of -fruits; comer of 76th and E. 8Urk; 150 feet on 76th and 125 feet on Mt, r-Ir m mKu.1. . 1 I. , i . . - - " w m Twiuiuiv voBineas-zrontage; owner too old to handle and will sacrifice for 7,, , ' ":lma- Jonnaon, ai2 Lumhermen s Bldg. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $1650 Here is a pretty home of 4 rooms and bath; also fine garage. It ia located 2 blocks to Kenton car. If you can pay $400 down, grab this bargain. COE A. M'KENNA CO. Main 4522. . 82 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. . IRYINGTON $5000 Beautiful home of 8 rooms and sleep ing porch; strictly modem, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, full cement basement, wash trays- ,m5- ,iL" "J?d pid' Thompson, between 18tb and, 19th. Terms. ii A' koFKMAJI CO ' 204 Ry- E"h. bldg. Main 583. Sunday call Tabor 2975. Tabor 6881 i We U ,6how. 7oa our bi U bnngalows and houses in all parts of the city. We have ."ITS,.? on Paymenta of $75, $100, $150 ,r?3 dt"T?9ur uto are l J0" service. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522 . 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. NEAR 8. P. SHOPS ISiSI TERMS Large 7 room bouse, full basement, mseadsm rff??L;',,r of 11 encumbrance; price $1800. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAR RES ER, RITTER, LOWE it CO. iVj-a-iDotra ot Trade ) A REAL HOME. LARGE LOT ' 7 rooms, breakfast room and den. large Br ing room, oak floors, good finish, built-ins, French doors, fireplace, full cement basement with fur nace; built for a home; lot 75x100; price $6000; close to good car service, E. 41st at: $2000 will handle. J J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE 7-room house, lights, bath, tofJetl gas. hot and cold water, 50x120 foot lot great many bearing fruit trees, berries, fine lawn and rosea. Only 3 blocks from Laurel hurst park. House in good repair. Price 2S00, $500 cash, balance to euit. Tabor 1 4 t 8. 8 ROOMS MODERN IRYINGTON DI8T. " This is a completely modern home, close in in E. Schnyler. Has full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, all built in features. Street im provements in and paid. Nice garage. Priea $4500. Take . good lot as part. RjjFjEEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg. PARTLY furnished 4 room house, good lot.-T? bearing fruit trees, barn 16x16 and outbuild ings; gas, water and other improvements paid. sSso good cow; all for $1075; cash, balance ?i?K60, 6 cent taUreat, 6742 E. 65th st. S. E, 9 LARGE airy comfortable rooms. . builtins, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, entrance hall, slate dining room, large closets, large 2 story porch, built by dsy work to suit owner, now deceased; will trade for good vacant lots, take auto for starter. Price $8000. H-900. Jour nal. . ! ROSE CITY PARK CAR 6-room house. 881 Sandy blvd., badness dis trict: lot 50x90; all impvmts. in.; no liens: $2650; $500 down, bal. $25 per month, in cluding interest. V. H. KOONTZ. 886 E. Ankeny. j . . . . w w v E. 34th and Gladstone ave.-full corner lot, on carline, neat 3 room modern home, newly painted and in fine shape: has built-ins, full basement; washtrays. Cash' $600, bal. like rent. Eat 2871 or call Dove A Gardner. $1050 ROSE CiTTCAR Very nice little bungalow, new. plastered, well arranged; street improvements all 'paid; lot 5 Ox 100: price $1050; $300 cash, balance $25 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. W. CV A t o a no FOR SALE ti-room house, toilet, elec. and gaa, woodshed, etc; good lot fenced, clear of In cumbrance, good title; on 58th ave. 8. E : get. off at 84th st., Mt Scott car; price $650 J. S. Knauss, 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. : $1.00 WILL handle. Good 4 room home, elec tric lights, telephone, etc., small basement lot 100x100, improved with choicest fruit, ber ries, roses, shrubbery, etc Price $1700; $100 caFb, $25 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON rn aa n w hi vet iit Hawthorne District 9900 3 rms, bath, paved its. and sewer, close to school and car, st impta. paid; it will take $1000 to handle thia proposition. , GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. OWNER going East, will sacrifice . bvington S-room bungalow, tlass inclosed sleeping porch large living room newly finished ia old ivory Diiui-in Bwscun ami iirepiace. riasx 1S57 8-ROOM modern home, completely furnished on car line, 424 Williams ave. : furnace, fire place, fine piano, garage, yard; $75 a month for months or longer; adults preferred; reference. Eaet 4421. "WEST SIDE BARGAIN $2450 T"" f?-room modern, aleeping porch, large pantry1 and . closets, full basement ; pared street; on fjirhrtt T'.rt trma A II A 1 .... sthci T E, bid. "v- IRVINGTON home, modern, 6 rooms, hard wood floors, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, delightful location. - Must sell. Jami son, auj uunperraens omg. WE HAVE a large list of good houses for aale on easy terma, x-iuo down up, from $800 to $6000. Last your property with the Gil son Realty Co.. 431 Ch. of Cora. $1200 Semi-Modern 6 Room House $1200 . Corner , lot, near Grays Crossing, Mount Scott car, immediate posseseiba; easy terma. Johnson, 212 Lnmbermens bldg. " - $2000rMODEBN 5 R. BUNGALOW $ 2000 EaA 73d N., between Multnomah and Clack imas close to Montavilla car, Johnson, 212 Lumbermen's Bldg. $1050 BUYS 5 room house, west side. Isnre lot. ,' bearing fruit; $150 cash, balance $15 per month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. B-ROOit bungalow. 100x100 lot; f rait - and 1 berries. See it at 1194 E. 17th V. - per month. Tabor 1478. $1600 $150 cash, balance $20 per month buys 4 room house, west, side, large lot 100-250. M. E. Lee. 508 Corbett bldg. ? .-- 6-ROOM modern, r-with sleeping porch, corner, hard surfaee, close to Hawthorne ear line. 83350. terms. 334 ..Worcester bldg. ; IRVINGTON Will sell my delightful' 7-room - home stabsrgaiB.East 2838. . (j ; 4 ROOM hone," big" bargain. $1250 cash.-" Sea owner.; 989 Glenn ave. N. - - 4 t .. $250 EQriTY,-5 room bangs iow. garage; $150 cash. 1179 Maiden ave. Sellwood 312T; - FOR 8AI.E--6 room bungalow. stricUymederil 6I18 91th S. E lit cott car. , 4.. BOfM;, bungalow, modern in every "regpect, 12000. - Sunday, . Tabor 4105., East 36L, REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES : 1 ' The Best Buy in the City , MODERN 6-ROOM TWO-STORY HOUSE. NO. T46 HAIGHT AVENUE, CORNER OF FREMONT STREET, FINK CORNER 4X)T. liOTS OK FRUIT. THE HOUSE HAS SIX LARGE ROOMS, GOOD BASEMENT. WASH TRAY.H AND OTHER MODERN IMPROVE MENTS; HARD PAVED, STREET IN AND PAID. IK YOTT FAIL TO - LOOK THIS PLACE UP YOJt WILL IIAVK . LOST A GRAND OPPORTUNITY. PRICE ONLY $3500. TERMS $800 CASH. J.F. Hill 9 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268 HOME BARGAINS $300 cash, neat 5 room bungalow, near Mon tavilla ear; price $1850. 't $800 cash. 8 room house, near Sellwood ear; an imp., including hard surface. In and paid; price. $1650. $509 cash, 5 room bungalow, in Terrace Park; fireplace, beam ceiling; price $1900. $500 cash. 100x100 near Mt. Tabor. Alta mead car; good room house, garage, all kinds of fruit; price $1900. Strictly modern. 7 room bunrakw, west of 60th St.: furnace, fireplace, nearly new; terras; price $3250. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. IRVINGTON MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST TH NEAR R RAZEE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FrRNACE, FIREPLACE, 8TRICTLY MOD ERN IN EVERY RESPECT. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST BCTS IN THIS SECTION. PRICE $4300. $1000 CASH. BALANCE EASY. J.af.HNI 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268 $1373 READ THIS $1375 8 blocks to Jefferson high. 2 blocks to Public Library. 4 blocks to Piedmont, car barns. 4 blocks, to Peninsula Park. 100 feet paving in and paid. Good substantial 4 room bungalow cottage, cement basement, bath, toilet, electricity and gas. Total price only $1375. Terms. A won derful bargain a chance to. make a good profit; act quickly. Autos at' your service. Sea FRANK L. M GUIRE Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Est. 1880. To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5153. Office open Evenings and Sundays. ONLY $4750 for the most' perfect home in Ladd's addition, close in to 13th, where you can get a car every three minutes. This place is penect In very detail. A beautiful home, no better to be found. It is new. strictly ud to date. It should sell for $8000; about half cash U all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 AB- INGTON BLDG. $2350 FURNISHED BUNGALOW $2350 Good 5 room bungalow, white enamel olumb- ing, electric lights and gas,' Dutch kitchen, fur nished; easy terms. Sellwood carline. See FRANK L. M GUIRE To Buv Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 6156. Pino open Evenings and Sunday. $25 PER MONTH Modern 5-room bnnealow. fine firemlae ttnilt. in bookcases and buffet, white Dutch kitcen, at tractive electric fixtures; convenient to Van couver and Woodlawn can; $2100. 1480 E. itn st. . rnone, wdln. 35J4. $2000 KENTON HOME $2000 Big bargain in 3 room modern hunealnw. practically new. A-l condition, first class- plumb ing and fixtures, all woodwork in white enamel, gas and elec., lot 100x100, block to car; terms. 1566 Minnesota ave. Wdln Owner. Mt. Scott Car $1400 6 rma., 4 nicely finished rma. downstairs. 2 partly finished upstairs, water, gas, electricity, plumbing, faces east; $100 down, easy terms. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. ELEGANT HALF ACRE TRACT $1330 Well built 5 room plastered cottars with U acre of ground in Brentwood. Mt. Scott line: no built-ins, no fireplace or hailwood floors and is not on a paved street: $200 cash, $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber ot Com. Woodlawn $2100 3 rma., bath, electricity, gas. 60x100 lot, V4 hlk. from car. close to school: 8500 down. baL monthly. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. BUNGALOW. S rooms, oath, basement, large floored attic, wide stairway, 2 fine porches. Thia bungalow is spendidly constructed through out; lot is 60x72 and its very delightful feature is we have a fine view of the mountains, $2300, $250 down. 1454 East Couch. Owner. Ta bor 834, forenoons. ONLY $1900. Modern 5-room residence. Dutch kitchen. modern bath room, book cases with beveled glass doors, builtin closets; chicken house; some fruit trees. Terms. $500 down. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 8-ROOM house, lot 100x200; one block to car; fruit trees; chicken house: can be bought for SZ8UU.- easy terms, zvw uregon Bide. Broad way 1658. ' FURNISHED HOME $2300. . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Five rooms and bath, cement basement. laun dry trays, gaa and electric; street improvements paid. Terms, $500 down. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. FORCED to leave city: will sell my 8-room home, strictly modern, newly painted, rooms all var nished and tinted: full basement, large aleeping porch, fine shrubbery. $6500. half cash, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent; must be sold by Mon day. Owner, Wdln. 8536. $25 DOWN $12.50 MONTHLY PRICE $650 Well built 2 room one half at a house, located at 1274 E. 13th st. N.. in Woodlawn; Concrete foundation, gaa and electric lights, plus $28 bonded assessments. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $3300 for a 6-room modern, house, with a full lot, on E. $4th st. This house has a full basement, furnace, wash trays, fireplace and all other built-in effects: $500 or $600 cash will handle it. M. J. Clohesy, 415 Abington, bldg. - CAN'T beat it, attractive 6 room bungalow, E7 9th St., 2 blocks to ear, $2800. 6800 cash. $25 per month. McLEOD V BAYLOR. 830 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 2633. WHY NOT BUHiD Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish the money if desired. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 75x100, 10 nice fruit trees, chicken bouse. 11 for $1650 with $300 down. 209 Oregon Bldg., Broadway 1658. V $4600 A beautiful 6 room bungalow, all Imp. in and paid, nice district, near car, $2200 McLEOD TAYLOR, 330 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 2638. ON E. 27th st., close in. a fine location be tween E. Alder and Washington, is a new 8-room house, modern, with a full lot, and the price Is only $4000, half cash. M. J4 Cloheasy, 416 Abington bklg. ' 4 ROOM bungalow, fireplace, half basement, Dutch kitchen, lot 60x88, shade and fruit trees, sanitary chicken house :. buildings can't be duplicated for price; $2150; $750 cash, F. K. Stearns; 202 Wilcox bldg. ONLY $1100 for a neat 3-room cottage with a big lot; in fact, 2 lots. This place is located only 4 blocks from the car line and close to the Peninsula mills; $350 cash is all yon need. ' H J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. BARGAINTERMS New modern 6 room house; 'Westmoreland. Phone Sellwood 1643. ' " f . FOR SALE st 1230 Minnesota ave. N., 'a 6 room house, lot 60x100, fruit tree, close to Jeffer son and Ockley Green school, close to 2 carlines; price $2250, terma. Phone Woodlawn 2392. 4 ROOM plastered, electric lights, gas, toilet. sink. 50x1 0O lot. 4 blocks nortls, M-V ear. $976. $250 cash. 219 E. 80th stTt. Owner Tabor 854, forenoons. s - , . - , . 8-ROOM modern house, near steel shipyard, will : be sold on payments of $50 per month. : See Mermieia. bid wasn. su. vanoonver, Wash. i'OR SALK Moderu 5-room house, bath, lull basement, and a garage, lot SOxlQO, ' for $2800. by owner. 470 N. 23d at . $650 1 blocks R. C Park -- tentbouse, fine- 50x100 lot. 2 room ments all paid; terms: Tabor cost). EQUITY in new modern 5-room bunaalow. 11m ir..f xin- . .n ... ' REAL ESTATE FOR ' HALE HOUSES CI ' 32704 J . 100x100 with 5-room house. . Hard gurr fae street. ' Kast 21st at. . - -A - . . , . . - . . . -t . . - ,.'$250 Corner lot with 5-room house. East 81st and East Ankeny eta. $500 cash. f .. $2100 120x160. two small bouses and small bam. near car Una. ' - $700 to $2500 Several good buys in Woodstock ' district. Good houses and large lota, IRYINGTON HOUSES $3500 (iood seven-room house In fine eon dition, near Tillamook ' street, on East 15th $250r lOOxinn with model S-rooin nun galow, fall basement, wash trays. Good barn and chicken bouse, 19 choice assorted fruit trees. Berries. $1000 cash, balance bka rent. $2000 40x60 with S-room house. fntl basement and wash trsys. Furnished. $1000 cashi East 22d st, near Clinton, , A. W. Lambert. & Son S. E. Corner Grand Av. and East Alder St. Portland, Oregon $11 50 Borthwick St. Cottage $1150 5-ROOM OLD HOUSE ON BORTHWICK STREET, NEAR STANTQN ST. LOT 25 100. STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID. WITH A LITTLE FIXING THIS CAN BE MADE INTO A COMFORTABLE LITTLE PRICE $1150. SOME-TERMS. - J, F.Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268 REAL BARGAINS $1000 Montavilla cottage. 3 rooms, - lot 60x100; fine soil for gardening; close to carline. school and business section; $200 cash, bal. monthly. $1300 Montavilla house, 7 rooms, lot. 96x100; fine garden soil, close to carlines. school and busi ness center; $250 cash, monthly payments. . $1600 Large barn, well constructed, trood foundation. can for 10 stairs, lot 100x100. in Montavilla. close to Base Line road; $300 cash, balance monthly. Inquire in grocery, corner , 7 5th st. and Base Line road. Take MC Tabor 88th st. car. $2250 -BUNGALOWrKENTON DIST -$2250 Here ia a very substantial 5 room modern bungalow; porch extends across entire front of house, stone columns; has large living room: dining room and buffet, 2 bedrooms, central hall lined with linen closets, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full basement; has small house in rear, on Minnesota near Morgan. $300 will handle. See -FRANK L. M 'GUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bailding. Main 1068. Main 5136. vhict ppen jcveniags ana emnaays. MODERN 7 .room bungalow in perfect condi tion, located in Groveland .Park, protected from east wind by Mt. Tabor: on paved street, between 2 carlines; hardwood floors in living and dining rooms; fireplace, French doors,' built in buffet and bookcase, Dutch kitchen, bath room and all built-in conveniences; full cement basement; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; a com plete home; attractive, sightly and at a Price for which you could not duplicate it today For particulars call Tabor 6312. or sea it at 448 E. 62d st. near Division. v Attractive 514304 room house, largs grounds 100x100 ffft IV'MHlamb 1 . .. C.S50 5 room, bungalow. only15 minutes out JJ. Sellwood car. FuU lot. Street paid. o - U- Hawthorne. 5 room bungalow, besides 2 rooms in attic. Only 100 .'(Vt off of iiMutuiua i-avea ntreets paid. A. K. HILL CO.. 14 Lnmbermens bldg. Phone Bdwy. 421 BRAND NEW ROSE CITY PARK JUST COMPLETED 6 ROOM HOME - 'fl ft9ft VftQIt inn Dm . . . . . . Below the hiU. block to car. very large living room, large plate glass windows,, finished old ivory, trimmed rpahogany, tinted beautiful colors; breakfast room, swell buffet, eastern oak floors, furnace; swell home for particular people: -.........., wuitiii. yjworr,- ftaoor lijyw ONLY $3350 for a 7 room ipodern house with a full concrete !utfment an,T rmt This property is located on Portland Heights, the cheapest property iffered In this very swell resi dence district It should bring $5000. The lot is a full lot and perfectly level, streets are im proved and paid for. K is only one block from the car and only 100 feet W. of the Patton road. The place rents for $35 a month and cheap at "1K ftnis a nargain ana tou t you forget it. iuw rrnsn you mu.it nave. HI. J. CLOHESSY 415 ABINGTON BLDG. VANCOUVER. WASH. , POSSESSION APRIL 1, Owner leaving city; anxious to sell his 8 room bungalow with full cement basement, bath room, modern plumbing, electric, light, gas; garage with water, electric light- and gas; also chicken house; lot 50x100 on corner, with 100 feet of macadam pavement, cement walks. Price for quick sale. $2300; terms, $500 down. Of fered $30 per month rental. Close to high school and Sttreet car. . GODDARD tt WIEDRICK, 243 8tark St. TAKE Liberty bonds for my equity 5-room house' $1400, $550- mortgage; $700 for equity. 2-flat bouse, hardsurface street, $2600, $1000 incumbrance: $1200 for equity; near Ports mouth school; monthly rental $50. Owner. 1036 Dwtght Columbia 273. FOR SALE: Ideal 8-room house with bath at Hermiston: screened porches upstairs " and down; one block from grade and high school -varied fruits; garden 175x122; may trade for home near Portland. Owner, 4916 6flth at, 8. E.. Portland. A Home You Will Want Very attractive 7-room bouse, commanding ,t.W ,.iM il, .n.4 .l,kl - " - -'" muuuubij, cxirs oeep lot; fumisKed or unfurnished. Easy terms. 715 East Ash. ONLY $3150 for a 6-roqni cottage, with more tAan 44 lot, on Market St., right In the heart of the city. Where can you get anything like this for the money t The lot alone should bring $4000. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. $50 DOWN CLOSE TO SHIPYARDS Nearly new 6 room house with cellar, mod era plumbing, cement walks. On Macrum at. near Dawon st. Price $1850., GODDARD A- WIEDRICK. 248 Stark st, MICHIGAN AVE."' NEAR COOIC ' Six rooms and bath, front and rear porches, brick basement; street improvements paid. Price 82400. Terms. 3500 down. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St." ONLY $2400 for a new 5 room bungalow with ' a fall cement basement, fireplace, eta This is only one block N. of Lombard st. $500 tn cash will handle it M. J: CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ' ' BUT FORM THE OWNER. ,. " yXnAmrn tmnnlnv. vail lriMft ,vl, , . I.. Everything in and paid. Will make terms. See tnis aunaay. ispor 5 ago. w Marguerite ave. VERY good buy, to close estate: 7-room house with garage. This Is a good property in excellent condition. Cheap at $3200; half cash. 792 Belmont ex., near E. 25th. Owners. FOR SALE In Brentwood on -70th st between McCoy and sterling, 6-room house, lot 86x100 feet; woodshed; -fruit - and walnut trees. I See owner st place. . i FOR SALE 3 lots, 60x100. with 5-room house; electrio lights and gas; four blocks from Ev ergreen station on Oregon City line; cash - or terms. Phone, Oak Grove 120W. PR EH Y NEW BUNGALOW For sale by owner, on easy terms, - Office 1280 Sandy blvd.. Tabor 8825; open Sunday. 4-ROOM, bungalow, electricity, gas, cement base ment, in good condition; lot 50x100; about 5 blocks rrom Mt J aoor school. Woodlawn 2583, FOR SALE 5 -room house, 3 lota, good caxdenL Pries 81250 cash; $1300 terms. This ia a good, new place. Box 283. St. Helens, Or. COZY, 6-room bungalow, fireplace, attic, full basement with wash trays, furnished or smfnr- nished. 1111 E. Yamhill st 4-HOOM plastered bungalow, not quite finished. oy owner, iizmo. xsargaia for caah. 6448 88th, S. E. Tabor 8203. $1400 6-room house, forniahedi $200 - balance time: close in on 8. P. red rarlfav, at Third and Miles sts. J-235, JotrrnaL SEVEN room house, full lot, modem, 15 min. walk from shipyard. 964 . E. 15th st. N good bunding lots. - , . " MODERN 6 room house, well finished. $1800. vul take $200 down and $15 per month. Call Milwaukie 78R. . 1TVK room house. $1500. $5l down, $15 a month. 8009 41st ave. 8. E. MODERN 5 room house in N. Almna, near . eawlinsv Beasooable; 68 E. 16th N. East 0421. REAL' ESTATrr FOB S AXE HOUSES , 1 $100 CASH - , 3 room cottage, block from Woodstock ear, about 15 minutes out.- fialanc) easy; price $730. . : m $500 CASH 6 room modern, fireplace, good garage, newly tinted. A tine place at $2U0; easy payments, i $!SO CASH 8 rooms, 5txlo lot. good barm oh place. A snau at $l0uo. haian . $400 CASH - . 1 ff room modern. Hawthorne district, hard wood floors. A dandy: all pared streets; good garage; possession at once. Pnc $3600. Easy terms. ....... . .. : $130 CASH 4 room house, lot 80x100 feet, has gas, water, sink: good barn oa plaoa. Priea $725, balance $10 per month. ! ' $175 CASH 5 room plastered, toilet, nice Int. Hawthorns district. Pries $1750. Easy terms, $100 CASH 4 room new plastered bungalow, dandy, (or $1750.. St. Johns. Very easy terms. Open Evenings. Main 4134. . And Sundays. Layman, 147 Park St. Modern 5 Room Bungalow MODERN 5-ROOM BUNOAIXW ON COM MERCIAL STREET. BETWEEN SHAVER AND MASON STREETS. - THIS PLACE IS ONLY A FEW BUK'KS FROM JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL AND VEKY CONVENIENT TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. IT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NICK CLASSY LITTLE BUNGALOW IN A SPLENDID LOCATION TAKE THE TIME AND LOOK. THIS UP. IT WILL PAY YOU. . PRICE $3500. TEEMS ON PART. J.F, Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. $4250 ' $4250 VACANT ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 6 room very attractive 1 H story bungalow type home; large living room with artistic fire place; bookcases; hardwood floors, paneled din ing room, built-in buffet, beamed ceiling, white enamel Dutch, kitchen, 4 bedrooms up, with large closets, white enamel plumbing, electrio lights and gas; on paved street. $500 down, balance of equity like rent. 498 E. 65th st. N., below the hill. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 1068.- Main 6150. Office Open Evenings and SundaysT Clinton St. Snan $3800 Eleg. 1 rm. practically new res., furnace, fireplace, builtins, best plumbing, choice electric effects, fine cement bas't, hard surface all paid, beautiful interior finish, ggrage; terms; This, is a real beauty. G. C. Goldenberg ' . 21 5-16 -Abington bldg. 106 H 3d. "35 Trs. In Portland." Main 4808. $2150 HOME. ROSE CTTYI)ISTr$2156 $200 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH On account of business reasons will offer my 6 room modern borne at a sacrifice; living room, dining room and kitchen, white enamel piumoing, eieetno lights and gas; 8 bedrooms. Act quicaiy. see my agent FRANK L. M'GUIRE' T IX... V , II -" iuui Hums, w Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 5156, . viiice open evening and Sundays. p. Thia is a force sale. F. 1 Me, S2500 Terms $9500 iow, iirepiace, sianaara plumbing, concrete bas't, buffet, . linen clo. ; tmilb-in seats and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, choice elect, fix., 60x100 lot. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington blvd, "35 Yrs. -inPortland." 70BTJNGALDW BARGAIN $1700 Here is a neat 4 room modern bunaalow. good basement, white enamel plumbing, electric k42d ave. BiT m iii: ii La ana cu. , n . v ,Arm v koii. FRANK L. M'GUIRE .w, To Bu' Vou' Home, Abington Building. Main 1068, Main 6136. Office open Evenings and Sundays, f A REAL- SNA T h Ji ,1.5?,0 w?or tooA 6 roon plastered bungalow full basement, woodlift, bath, toilet, aTJ$rSk ftliii iflrr4 , 1 A. - , . , . - wimi iot wnn enicken house, rani a no .rmil , . . . 7 , ,istiu w scnooL, a a OU cssh, balance easily arranged. See it My anto is y"a s-uwisv 'HMU di, O s0. . .31200 :i00X100rcOTTAGE$1200"! .Jj80? vMB on IOmIOO., in Sellwood; wmanato?1 See "; Ptent 00 . FRANK L. M'GUIRE .v. . i To B Your Home. Abingtoh Building. Main 1068. Main 6158. ya a.venings snd Sundays. " " lor a neat 4-ro. ... 1,,.,.. ii!3 and papered, one block trim the '. hV-.V", " ? lots, which go with this r- - arrounu; it would coat al- mMt iooto Huildthe bouse alone. You murt h., $500 cash. M, J. Clohe-sy. 418 Abington uV2.0.?0.., F.. " btb. . ..r . wwunsj uaiii, cut water riatit M2-WitiMhU.hoUM "t of an men unproveo. This place is On a paved road practically to the door. $1000 cash ton Bldl? M" C"H:SST. 415 A bins FOR SALE 1 bat )rt of Laurelhurst, 8 rooms, sleeping porch; full cement basement, coal, fruit and tool rooms; best furnace: Urge cement rjomh - nuin fiu i i, . - -. -.. vrcuiui room: oak f loors snd stairs; all built-ins; built for a ' caau. Da lance per cent 227 W. SUMNFR ST. 6 room house, aR modern conveniences, bunt in; 1 block north of Overlook add. Take St Johns car to iielaware st, go south 8 blocks. C. E. Anstrom, owner. UNUSUAL BARGAIN T". 8 pieces of property consisting of 8 room eot tage. lot 60x100; 7 room house, lot MxloT large barn. 40 stalls, lot 100x100 all far $3600; cash $1000; balance monYhly. Inquire t1. kJ'tJ' -rH ro J,vtn . t- d Base Line road. r ie asivwi ty'JllM BU CM T. ONLY $1200 for a 3 room house with a fine . basement and a big corner lot. This house has city water gas. and electric Hints and is close to city schools: cement aidewalka to the rf-rVS0 vfJf- J" CLOHESSY. v.w mwusy KENTON 5 r"rra modern bouse; full basement; streets and sidewalks paved and paid for; 2 blocks from car. Price $1400, cash $800. This Is a snap. Phnn. UMln mill T, 3 " B1. . v.. u. . trm I j v Cll wnv r-uc-, r iih.m i PRICE $1150. TERMS $750 3 room house, toilet, electricity and cat cement walks. Lot 50x100. E. Morrison, nsar GODDARD eV WIEDRICg. 243 Stark street .r,117 Af .Rl'HTl OT fi L- i.-n. ....... " -' ...... . .1IH1V , 3 rooms and bath cellar, gaa and electricity, garage, pavement paid. Lot 60x40. Terms, S80O down. . X)PPABr A- WIEDRICg243 Stark street attic, basement: lot 50x100. on corner, co'vered with fruit trees snd berries. Terms. $250 down GODrARpAJVIEDRlCK, 243 Stark at SEVERAL- GREAT BARGAINS' IN BtfXGX wwo: itusts C1TX PARK; SEE THEM TWO rxrr.r.T.KN'P Hour a tr VERY REASONABLE. 8 TO J OOMS EAMT " CLOSE IN CNION1 AVE. $1500 ' $400 casV$20 monthly, buys neat cottage: 4 rma.. nlastered. hath ami nii i , r ' snd gas: located at 412 Ivy . Fred W. Urn- un , (vUia. ok fom. strvNTsrcip. ' 1 5 rooms, $2250, terms. . . ; Half block from car. 1 ' HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gssco Bldg. Main 1480. HAWTHORNE DiST.. 36TH ST. $2666 " - - -, - - . , ufuicq iur uarx" aays. store room sad basement, large lot, open view rmm foe r. - hAlw, - .1. . . . , . . .' w, imui uv, ctucaen wwwi TBianu VWHCT, laPQT 9SZI WILL sell or trade at a. bargain 8-room house - on corner; lot 100x100; barn, chicken house lots of fruit trees snd garden space. Between Williams and Union ave. nn vii nil -r - .... w aruy. t o v ONLY $2500 for a good 8-room bouse, i kUt from Broadway, close to the Bsadau imh nrt Boa at- Eauiv tirm mi-mom - W x Till Ainuitwn DUSt ONLY $1200 for a 4-room aubsUntlal ttouse on E. 65th st. 1 Vs blocks from lit Tabor ear: 4AO eaal, will handla rkls SI I -IK J Abington bldg. A - FOR BALE -6-room dwelling, modern, furmabed .- wmuwuvu inwn, -lirepiace ; SU xlOO feet; easy terms; $3500, Phone. East 4921. -- ' " : - -. BT OWNER. Hsve decided to seU my modern a room oungsiow, Dioca itom ear, s Price $4060. Marshali 8030. - HAWTHORNE Modern home, hardwood floors', butltans, furnace, full-lot. caved street; bargain. Tabor 8861. , . . .: TW0swest side louses' Owner. VVdin. 2371. SEAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES I -We. Have the Follovjng . Homes for Sale I- 80 homea in Rose VHr Park Dktt. - 19 nomas M lurelhiirst IMst. - 60 homes In Sunnyside, llawtborne and Mt. Tabor I hat. . v, ,40 homes In Albert Trlst - - - 43 homes In Albina Dtet ; . 22 homes in Woodlawn Inst. f 25 homes in Central E. Portland DtsU , . 80 homes In Holtaday-Irrington Inst. 40 homes in Peidnsuls Iht. -. 88 homes in Waveriy-Rirhmood Dlst- 25 homes In Mt. Scott IXst. ; i 8 home In Woodstock Dist. i , 8 homes in Kenton IXst. .15 homes la Piedmont I list. 24 homes In ftellwood IHU . 35 homes lis West Side Itat. v 23 homes In Montarills IHst. -I bsve personally inspected and sppraised these homes, . PhotografMis of each house In our display 'now - You are invited to come in and look over the photos. .Seven auto at your service. Office open evenings and. Sundays. See FRANK L. McGUIRE j- i ' ' ' Successor to H. D. MrGuIre Co. Est. 1880. ' To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 6138. You Can Move in Tomorrow MODERN" 6-RK)M TWO-STORY HOUSE. NO. 289 WYOANT ST., BCTWEEN Wll LIAMS AND CLEVELAND AVENUES, CLOSK TO PUBLIO AND HIGH ' SCHOOI CON VENIENT - TO STORES AND CAB - TJNK. THIS PROPERTY ADJOINS WALNUT PARK, WHICH , IS CONSIDERED ONE OF OUR BEST RESIDENCE j D18THICTS. i THE HOUSE 18 IN A-l CONDITION. i ' DRIVE BY, AND LOOK AT IT. i PRICE 93000. 1500 CASH WILL HAN DLE. IT. : , , J. F. Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST, 268. ,2300- CHARACTER ,2500 REAL PENINSULA HOME BARGAIN , Every house listed ln thia office I personally Inspect and appraise, and it must be a bargain before we advertise it as-such. - . i ' ' THIS IS A BARGAIN - Here Is a 6 room, very attractive 1 Vi bun galow type home; built Just previous to the war aijd has - been , newly painted and tlntedr througbont and looks as new as the day it was built There is s living room wit h fireplace : dining room with window seat and built-in buf fet. Dutch kitchen, electric lights sad gss. 1 bedroom down; good cement basement, ' 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch up with- white, enamel plumbing: on a full lot, only 1 block to H. Johns ear. on Gloucester st ' This bungalow has a- home-like atmosphere that will appeal to you. A home with character. $500; will han dle. See -'-. ! ; - .FRANK L. M'GUIRE I. j To Buy Tour Home. ! : Abington Building. Usin 1068. Main 6158. Office open Evenings and Sundays. ' $3250ROSECTTT' BARGAIN $8250 - Here ia - tha baraain . von have baett looklne Tor: 6 room very substantial home in the neart of Kose City Park, below the hlH, 1 block to the car; has -reception hall; living room with fireplace, dining room with plate rail ana built-in buf fet: Dutch kitchen,, full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry trays, 3 bedrooms up and 'white, enamel bsth; paved street with only $100 liens. This let is worth $1000 snd you could not build the house for $ooo will handle. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1068. Mam 6156. oince open Evenings and Sundays. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS" 'Cost $7500. Price S5000 " Fine 7, room, strictly modern house, newly painted outside snd newly tinted throughout' This is located in .the best pert of the district, herd surface street in and paid in full, and only one block from' the car. ' Unobstructed view, of the nver and the east side; fine home all around. Mill be in the office Sunday between 10 a. m. and S p. m. Call us up end we will cell with auto ana take you out RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 809 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4188. , $2300 MObERjrrjGALOW82300, 6 room bungalow; full cement hasement, wash trays,' whits enamel Dlumbinsi eleotrie lights and gss, 40x112 lot; E. Kelly at nesr oai.u. iouia not euua the House for 82600. Unusual bargain. We als have a room bun galow serosa street from this house for $2700. - FRANK -1 M'GUIRE ' To Buy Your Home,'! Abington Building. Msin 1068. Main 6166. Office; open Evenings and ' Sundays. ALAMEDA PARK" Worth More Than Wft Ask Thia is one of the finest 7 ' room houses in Alameda rsrsr ana nas sbsoiutely svery modern convenience; slso gsrsge; close to ear and in first class condition. Price 86000. At least $2000 cash.-. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.; 809 OAK ST. ' BROADWAY 41 88. , $3100 ! - - TO SETTLE' ESTATE 7-room house, double constructed, i-on Rose lawn ave. and E. 12th N 6 blocks to Highland school, within walking distance ot Jefferson high, 3 blocks to Alberta car, 6 blocks to Union ave. ear.. Take Alberta ear to E. 18th N. A. J. Neylon, 584 Roselawn ave.. near E. 13th. $200 Cash-2.100 74th and Halsey 7 Four Urge rma., , elegant floored attic: artis tic; double const; buffet; bast; standard plumb Ing; elect lights; 60x100: garage. : Main 4808. ".-Oi C GOLDENBERG, Abington bird. "35 Trs. In Portland. " ONLY "88250 for a modern 7-room house, with full concrete basement; with this house is a full H of sn acre; it .is located in the city and cost the present- owner about $6600; It la a beautiful place, near to the. car line, and en a paved street; it is on Spokane ave. .. This is a bargain and don't you forget it About $700 In cash is all you need. M. J. Clohessy, 416 Abington bldg.-- .i i $1850 : PABT CASH , v $1850 Party leaving city. 6 room house, plastered papered, stained and Tarnished: built in buffet paneled, with beamed ceiling,- full basement, full view of Tualatin valley; 10 minutes' walking dis tance southeast from end- of Council Crest car; fine place-to keep cow and chickens. Owner, Loois ThidermaD, Phone Marshall 6469 for directions. . j t -: $4000 PIEDMONT HOME $4000 Unusual bargain in s 7 room modern home en a full lot in Piedmont Very attractive lines. Paving la and paid for. . Terms. See FRANK L. M'G LIRE j To Bur Your Horn. I AUngton Building, Mala 1068., Msln 616$. vnicc'open a-vemngs snq gun days. FIVE room bungalow.-. Hard . eurtac street . Worth $2500. Will sell for $2100. Between 2 earlines. -' . i An acre and a 8 room house. Lets of fruit, on Oregon City carline, st Silver Sprins ta ' for $1250. $600 caah and balance easy. P M Madden Realty Co.. 1028 . Hawthorne. ; Tabor $1800 $200 Cash - 6- rm," good clesa cottase. tract lor. ? ! plumbing, lights, floored attic, paved sts.,, ft bDr, car.-eonv. to Broadway bridge. G. C. GOLDENBERG ABINGTON BLDG. 85 Trs. in Portlsnd.'i f Msin 4808. ONLY 63500 It is worth $4600. Close in on E. Taylor at is a 6-room modern bouse with furl cement basement and a fine furnace. AH of the improvements are- in and paid for..- Ton must hare $1500 cash. M. J. Cloheaty. 416 Abfngtoa bldg. - CU)SK IN. -$2830 wtH buy 7-room house, corner E. Lin coln end E. 11th ' streets, both Improved sad paid for; ' Terms. $500. down. , GODDAKU sk WIEDRICK, 243 SUrk St KENTON 4-room house: gas. eUctricitr: some fruit nloe laws; close to ear and school. Price $960; terms. Phone Wdln. 4088. Pearl O'NeiL $375 BUYS XHIS LITTLk ilOME '. Furniahed 8-room cottage at less than half. Must sell quick. Tsks F ear to Vermont st, walk 2 blocks east. - First house to right, across 8.- P. trseks Allen, owner. - ' ' ONLY 3SOO for a 6 room house with 2 lots. This place is N. of Lombard street 8330 cash is all yon need. M, 1. CLOHESSY, 413 , mvi'TAHl ar no FOR 8ALJ-; 30 houses, from 2 -room shacks to - a 7-room - modern house, Mt Scott district; Some good buys snd cbesp. The prettiest suburb to porwsaa. -is dot iuz, -. - . 4-EOOil modern boose with bath, Dutch kitchen. sleeping porcu, garage, tail basement, trait Ms, free of inenmbranee, to trade ia on laraer modern house. G-433, Journal. FOR SALE by owner, bnngstow, 3 porches, 1 seresa. concrete basement living room 12x20, hardwood floors: buffet Imtch kitchen, two fire places, gas, lights, bargain. Woodlawn. 4261. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 1 Beautiful Irvington MODERN 7-ROOM IRVINGTON BUNGALOW HAM HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIBKPlJM'K; FURNACE. DUTCH KITCHEN,' BUII.T'-IM BOOKCASES AND MANY OTHER MUKK fONVKNIKNCKS. THE 1AJT IS 601 i: STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAin. THIS PROPERTY IS VACANT AND PIR OHAHEU CAN IIAVK IMMEDIATE P0SSK. SIGN. 1AX 'ATED NO. 496 EAST 11 Til ST., NORTH. PRICK $4 500. VERT EAST TERMS. -'DRIVE. BY TODAY AND LOOK THIS rXACE OVER. J.F.Hill 696 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 203. FREE EXHIBIT, 600 PHOTOGRAFUS ; HOMES FOR SALE Each home is personally inspected and ap praised by an expert appraiser and photograph arranged in , its respective district, with price, terras, etc, on the walls of our display room. Von are invited to call and .inspect these photographs; some wonderful bargains; com pare tliera with other houses that have been of, fared you before making a decision. : Six auto mobiles at your, service if, you shfralij care to see any of these homes. We sold over 100 homes in the last 60 days snd over $500,000 worth in. 191S, becsuse we hsve the bar gains. See - - r- ' FRANK L. M'GUIRE ' Succemor to H. M. McGuire Co. Est 1880. TO Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 6156. Msln 1088. - Of fioe open Evenings and Sundays. $200 ROSE TUITT" BUNGALOW $2000 . Very attractive tyjiical 5 room bungalow na corner lot 65x100; reoaption halt; clothes eloset; full beveled mirror, living room with fireplace: window seat; bookcase, hard worn 1 floors, paneled- dining room with plate tsii. buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, good ce ment basement, screened in back porch, bmt white enamel plumbing fixtures, central hall lined with linen closets, 2 bedrooms. Terms. .- ' . FRANK. L. M'GUIRE -To Buy Your Home, i Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 6156. Office open Evenings and Sundays. $235fi nAWTHORONE PAVED DISTRICT. . .,1 room b"nn-. cor. lot I VERT REASON ABLE. Iwk at It,.- 1486 E. Lincoln. 6012 83d ave. S. E. Look at it; 5 room bnngalow; BEST BUT In the DIST.; pnee $2650; large i blix-k to csr and psved t. 6728 63d ave. 8. E,; price $1&00;6 rooms and attic, 2 blocks to car. IF INTEKEMTED call StUes A Weller, Main tt'it- 2 R. Ex. bldg. Eveningv Tabor 743. ' - - 82300 St-NNYSIDE'IIOME $2600 6 room attractive borne. 8 bedrooms, elec tricity and gas; white enamel plumbing, 8 blocks south of Laurelhurst Park. Terma,. Photo in office. See FRANK U M'GUIRE Successor to IL D. MeOuire Co. Est- 18S0. To Buy Your Horns. Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 616$. Office open Evenings and Sundays. 8350 CASH 83330 ST EAST OF LAURELHURST A dandy 8 rm. artirtie bunaalow. ilka new. In.t ! painted, fine plumbing, bas't. builtins. elect, tlx.. etc.; lot 60x72: sewer snd lina ail &l.in 4803. G. C. Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg. 106?' 3d st '35. Yrs. in Portland." 31500 ARTISTIC BUNGAIX1W $1500 Here la a neat bungalow home, full lot, Roe City Park district; has living room with fire place; also bedroom with fireplsce, combination kitchen and diningroom. electrio lights and gas, white, enamel plumbing. Terms. See v j FRANK L. M'GUIRE ... ' '.. To B Tour Horns Abington Building. Msln 1068. Msln 616$, Office open Evenings snd Sundays. PRETTY HOME. VACANT - .8850 f cash. baUnce terms; am leaving the city Wednesday and mut dLipoae nf tills; tie better bungalows are selling for $3200; 5 roura. lire place, full cement basement, large attic, elec tricity, gaa, bath and fixtures, buffet everything. The first reasonable offer takes this place; mut have quick action. Phone Tabor 499. Call at ana oanny Diva. ll' 1IAHOA1.1 7 room 'house, eoncrete blocks; full basement, automatic hot water furnace, bath and toilet; all modern; city water, electric light. 10x18 slerp ing porch, all screened. 3 lots, 100x160, 8 cher ry trees, 5 apple trees, all ia bearing. Fine ground for garden, 2 blocks from school on main R. R. line between Portland and Seattle: 1 hour's ride to Portland. Price $2500. .- See owner st 1247 Missiiwippl svemie. - - COMPLETELY furnished 6 room modern house except bssement, 2 big low, berries, on good street east side; price $2750 esuii; csn get losn on balf. See J. K, Lowe, New York Lsnd Co , 808-6 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676. 8760 COMFORTABLE COTTAGE$"T30"" pood 2 room home, electrio lights, patent toilet and sink; close to Woodstock csr, $100 down. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE ... To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 1068. Main 6166. Office open Evenings and Sundays,, BARGAIN 6 rocsu modern bungalow? 2 " fine lot 4"J23, Dutch kitchen, bath and bed rooms finished tn old ivory, cement basement, beautifnl lawn, loU of roses, fruit tree., berries and grapes 2 chicken house, everything A-l. See this before you buy. Price $2650, $luoo cash. Furnished or unfurnished. 773 4Sth ave. S. K. "$2160 PENiN8ULAB UNOAIXjW $2T50 Very attractive tjpical bungalow, on fuU lot; fireplace, bookcases, paneled dining room, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, electrio lights and g; white porcelain plumbing; .very easy terms, tw-e . , t -: FRANK I,. M'GUIRE i" 'V Tn. bHw . Abington Building. Main 1068. Mala 1S6. open avvenings ana Hundsys. "GO LOOK! 1824 VANCOUVER AVE. $2200. S400 e..h ft. . - , no, m i in. irnoas low; must sell; good vsl. Main 4808. v. v unur riKtiii -ABINGTON BLDO, "33 Yrs. in Portland." KENTON" 8 lanra mmii wail KmIi . i..'A.nA,. . . Of fruit; 2 blocks from Ken ton bank ; on paved street; furniture goes with this. S4 60 will han dle this. . Call, us up. Wdln. 4038, Pesrf - Modern 6 room bungalow - . ; " . MONTAVILLA 819O0, term. . . HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gssco Bldg. Msin 1430. BT ' owneir, bungalow, 8 room and bath, in ml era except furnace; Dntcb kitclien and garage Price $2300. $30U down, easy terms. He at esice. Some fumitore if desired. W3 Sberrett st, Sellwood. - , CHEAP HOME WEST 8 IDE. $2500 will buy house of 7 rooms, bath. eel. Isr, gas; on Lincoln st near 6tb st - Small lot Terms.' S3HO cash. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 SUrk St. BUNGALOW 6 room, fireplsce, fall cment basement, $2230, Easy terms.. Owner. 8S16 E. toth su , Woodstock car. - i ' , ' CLOSE-IN S room modern house, E. Ankeny' st I 'em an t basement furnace, fireplace, herd, wood floors, excellent condition. Price $4b0. Eay term. Tabor 6441, FOR g'ALEJ"- room house witsleepiog polreh furnace, washrrsys. full basement: IS hur. tag fruit trees, gsrsge, lot 60x130; paved streets. 1 block from carline. East 7626. EQfrTT"$TZ0O i good""pFoperty, i 2-8 lots'; "5 barn, henhouse, bearing fruit trees: value $4000; garsaii,.' rnonv peuwowi ,ipi arrer n evenmr. MODERN 7-room house, liardwood floors, baiit ins, garage. 35tb st near Hawthorne. Mc- Clintoek, 60S Lumbermen's bldg. Tabor 2051, BT OWNER 5 room bungalow, garage, sleep ing porch, '1 5 min. from Morrison, Southern Portland, $2000. Mala 4424. FOR SALE 4 room" house on 100x60 lot - electric lights and water, 1 block from car line, Imrnire 824 Calhoun St.. St. Johns. FOR SALE Lot 50x106 2 houses olT$eo monthly Income, bargain $6000. Will sad single rf necessary. Owner, Mar. 4448. $775 WILL buy a home, 3 room house, location good. 28th and Alberta ste. Will give term. Phone Tabor 1879. - -f A FIVE room bungalow, 6825 45th ave. S. E. ML Scott, S.ern Pirk Station, FOR SALE -i roam shack sod Jot 4423 424 ave. ' atoOKH.V i room bungalow. -644 E. 30tii stT MODERN 6 loom rtMUge, good condition; lot 100x100. Tsbor 2974. HOl-'HK snd- lot for sale, 1 block from Broad- - .m . i ,, aa lft.nftM. ,, OWNER must sacrifice 5room lioiue. furuac. nrepttvee, garage; west aide. Main 6622. lUNGALOW ioisais or bsue. '(Labor