THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 - SATURDAY, . MARCH 1919. PORTLAND,- OREGON enominations .planning to Inaugurate immense Petterment riv&s Pig PRESBYTERIANS TO START GREAT j FINANCIAL DRIVE Are to Raise $38,000,000 j $13, " 000,000 for Benevolence and r , Rest for Church Advancement. START TO BE MADE MARCH 23 'None Is Expected to Start Before j t Date Set; Work to Be Accom j . plished in Space of Few Hours March 23 is the date toward -which all Joyal Presbyterians are looking- and to ,'ward which many thousands through out the nation are now working, for on - that day the denomination plana to ''raise its 1919 quota of the New Era fund, which is $38,000,000. Thirteen mil lion dollars of this fund is to gro into ; the benevolent budget of the church and the remaining $26,000,000 the churches . are to keep and use for the advance- ment of their local work. i The biggest part of the task is that the work must be done in three hours On that Sunday afternoon.- No one is ' supposed to start ahead of time or work overtime. The date of this great finan cial church drive was announced by Professor James F. Ewing of First " Presbyterian church, who has received information from the New Era head quarters in New York City. ' The national committee has set the benevolent budget for the Presbyterian synod of Oregon at $104,297.72. There iare six presbyteries in Oregon and their l allotments follow: Coos Bay. $970.42; Grande Ronde, $4262.07; ; Pendleton, $4141.14; Portland. $72,642.50; Southern Oregon. $6714.26. and Willamette, $15. C67.83. -The allotments of the five largest i Presbyterian churches of Portland, ac i cording to the membership lists, are : First Presbyterian church. $33,999.67; Westminster, $7798.26; Central, $3872.18; I Rose City Park, $2659.62, and Mt. Tabor, ! $2269.88. . During the next three weeks nearly every Presbyterian minister in the coun try will lay this great program of the church before his congregation. Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of First Presbyte T rlam church, has announced a special J aeries . of Sunday morning New Era ! aermons for the next three weeks. This ; Sunday he will talk on "Whither? An 4' Attempted Interpretation." First Pres t byterian church is already hard at work to see to it that their church goes "way over the top' in this drive. Two col onels, two captains and two lieutenants have been appointed and they are or l ganizlng the church Into groups of 10, I and when March 23 arrives they plan to have a flying squadron that will take : the city by storm. First church is de termined to raise Its quota, and more. I During the past week Dr. Edward H. 6 Fence of Westminster Presbyterian church has been in Southern Oregon I lecturing oh the New Era. He has re i turned to Portland and Sunday morning :. will speak to his congregation on "The i Greatest Challenge of the New Era.' r-" A large number of the Presbyterian pastors have announced subjects -which deal with various phases of the New lira movement for their Sunday topics. . Pence Returns From Nem Era Tour Dr. Edward H. Pence has returned from a trip through the southern part rf the istate, where' he made several ad dresses in the interest of the Presby terian New Era movement. He will peak Sunday in his own pfclpit, West minster Presbyterian church, dealing with the New Era movement in his morninig sermajj -4 Rev. Jo iii'u a Starts field, D. D. AT FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH . TWELFTH AND TAYLOR STS.. , " I SUNDAY lt A. 51. "The Fast That God l ' Requires" lttlS P. M SUNDAY school . Classes formed for all. i t3t P. M -EPWORTH LEAGUE ' Young people especialtjt welcome. ! . 7iU P.M. K --,v "THE TRUTlH, Hearing j Seeing i Being I Doing THE TRUTH Splendid Musi -All Welcome MIGEDDOf J STILL FUTURE CAST THE PEACE LEAGUE CHANGE - Hear Evangelist Dickson 'lecture upon this striking Bible revel a tion. Do you know what the Bible says about future war? Do you know where Armageddon will be fought? Do you $.no w what nations will be involved? f THE BIBLE TELLS V y CHRISTENSEN'S HALL ' v I lth, "Between Morrisoa aid Yamhill v Sunday Nights March 8 ' at 7tS e'Cloek SFFCTIL MrSTC SFTS WW :v:-swW r. - Famous Methodist Bishop Is Coming Some Time in June Bishop William A. Quayle of the Methodist Episcopal church is expected to be in Portland some time during June, according to the announcement made by Robert Hughes, ' editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate. Bishop Quayle is coming west to deliver the commencement address at the Fuget Sound college and is coming through Portland to deliver one of his famous addresses. A large reception is to be held in hia honor. Bishop Quayle is con sidered one of" the greatest platform men in the Methodist church. SroiiEPASTOR TO SPEAK SUNDAY Rev. Reginald T. T. Hicks Will Conduct Services at St Stephens Pro-Cathedral Rev. Reginald T. T. Hicks of Spokane will conduct the services at St. Stephens pro-cathedral Sunday, preaching both morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Hicks was acting dean of All Saints cathedral during the - absence in war service of his brother. Very Rev. William C. Hicks. Lenten services will be held at the pro-cathedral on Tuesday and Fri day each week. On both days there will be a celebration of the holy com munion at 7 :30 a. m. ; morning prayer or Litany at 10, and confirmation at 4 p. m. On Friday evening there will be the service of evening prayer at 7 :30 o'clock, with an address. In preparation for a Sunday school rally day, March 16, Bishop Sumner is sending out a let ter to the parents of the pupils in all parts of the diocese. They are asked to see that their children are re-enrolled in Sunday school and to put larger support and interest behind the religious train ing of the young. Big New Pipe Organ To Be Played Sunday The new pipe organ of the East Side Baptist, church has been installed and will be played for the first time publicly Sunday morning. Leslie J. Werschkul, for about 15 years church organist, will continue in his position. Mr. Werschkul described the organ as .follows for The Journal : "The organ was manufactured by George Kilgen & Son of St. Louis, Mo. It has the new electro-pneumatic action. There are 1205 pipes, S3 stop keys, six combination pistons and 10 pedal movements. X consider It as sweet a sounding instrument as can be found in the city." The organ is to be dedicated Monday night at S o'clock In a special organ recital by" Professor Lucien E. Becker. No admission will be charged, .but an offering will be taken. Will Tell About Conditions in India George 'C. Warner, who went into the "T" service with the British troops in India three years ago, is to deliver his address. "India Conditional," Sunday morning at the Kenton United Presby terian church. Reaching the Far East, Warner quickly became private secre tary to one of the leading men of Asia and as such saw the teeming millions of the British possessions, meeting the leading figures of the land and seeing many sections. 'Top of the World' Topic for Lecture "The Top of the World" will be the subject of an illustrated lecture by Dr. John Parsons at the Centenary Metho dist church, East Ninth and Pine streets, at 7 :3 Sunday evening. At the 11 o'clock service Dr. George B. Pratt will speak. Special music by the chorus choir at each service. Sunday school at 8:45 a. m Epworth league atx6:15. Vis iters welcomed at all services. Nearing 100 Mark Wilbur Methodist Sunday school plans to meet the 100 mark Sunday morning. During the past few weeks the- school has been growing, according to the pas tor. Rev. Francis B. Short. The church service offertory will be sung by A. E. Davidson. Seasoned slabwood and Inside wood, green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co. Mala 353. A-3353. Adv. REV. W. W. WILLARD, D. D.' Actlnt Pastor i TUB First Congregational Church PARK AKD MADISON STS. "THE CHURCH OF TOMORROW" An intensely Interesting, timely tonic Coma anil hur It o Kl- js tl4i P. M. "LIFE'S UNFOLDING DRAMA ft Helpful sermons. Good music. We will be glad to have you wor ship with us. j - SUNDAY SCHOOL IS 1TOOS .'-!"'; C E attt'P. M. . W1LEUB METHODIST CHURCH Multnomah Hotel - . Snaday lit A. M. Worship V; 8EBM05 Spiritual Forces Triumphant DAVIDSON EPWORTHIANS TO ; HAVE THEIR PART Dr. Guthrie, General Secretary, Explains Work Assigned' Young People in Centenary Drive The Epworth leagues of the nation are to have a part in the Methodist Centen ary movement. ; This was the encourag ing note sounded to the young people of Portland Thursday night at First Meth odist church by their chief executive. Dr. Charles-E. Outhrie, of. Chicago, gen eral secretary of the Epworth leagues of the. Methodist church. , To push this work 20 area Epworth league secretaries have been appointed to cover the nation. Dr. Guthrie had hardly made ' this statement before he heard the question, "Are we going to have one? "Yes," came back the reply. "The Northwest Epworth league centen ary secretary," said Dr. Guthrie, "is to be Rev. J. Edgar Purdy of Wilbur, Wash. He is to arrive in Portland in a few days and will make his headquar ters here in the centenary office In the Piatt building." " After the centenary drive is over Dr. Guthrie hones to be able to take the 20 area secretaries and teV make them the head of branch offices of the Ep worth league, where free leaflets and helps on league work may be secured without the present two weeks' delay in writing to Chicago. This came as a welcome announcement to Alocal Metho dist Epworth league leaders. In speaking of the young people's part in the centenary drive of the church. Dr. Guthrie said: "The centenary has no right to claim all the glory, for they appropriated the young people's pro gram as their own. Three of the four big points of the centenary movement have been part of the young people's program for 10 years. They are the stewardship of prayer, stewardship of life, and stewardship of money.- We have been pushing the first through our comrades of the morning watch organization, the second through our life work recruit classes, and the last through our adoption of the 24-hour day league and tithing plan." The Epworth leagues of the nation have 588,000 members, according to Dr. Guthrie, and they are expected to give a minimum of J400.000 each year for the next five years, or a total of 32,000, 000 of the $105,000,000 drive which the denomination is making. Dr. Guthrie said: "We expect to accomplish this feat by having ,40 per cent of the mem bership sign up as Christian stewards and 75 per cent as 24-hour day leaguers." The general secretary made it plain to the young people that they must work In harmony with the church and not expect to put on a separate centen ary drive of their own. The leaguers are to assist the church workers and have been granted the privilege of writ ing the words "Epworth League" on DIRECTORY FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Josha Patriot and Leader." Joxhna.. 1:1 -S. Primary tonic, "Story of a Brare Leader"; Junior topic. "Followint the Right Leader": Intermedi ate topic. "When to Be Brare"; Senior topic, "How -to Ber One's Country." Uolden Text: "Be auons and of good emir are." Joahtia 1:9. Young People's Topics Baptist Union: "Lost by Looking-." Ptot. 23:29-35. (Temperance meeting.) Christian Endeavor: "Lost by Looking." Pror. 23:29-35. (Temperance meeting.) Epworth League: "Our . Relation to God, Serving." Matt. 20:20-28. BaptUt First White Temple. 12th and Tayloi1 Rev. William A. Waldo. ,11, "The Glorifying Chiisf'; 7 :30, "The Forgiveness of the Croea." Kant Side E. 20th and Salmon Rev. W. R. Ilinson. Rev. Herbe.-t T. Cash, assistant. 11, "The Door Into the Church": 7:30, "Wilson and His Master and the Peace Conference. Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. WeMey J. Reaven. 11. "Building Christian Character"; 7:30. "With Jesus All the Way." Montafilla 11. 7:30. Arleta 11. 7:30. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. J. E. Thomas.' . Preaching by Labor, Evangelist P. L. Hchulta, Saturday, 7:80; Sunday. 11, 2:30, 7:30. " Glencoe E. 4 nth and Main Rev. F. C Laslette. 11. "Christianity, the Only and Su preme Force for the Day in Which We Live"; 7:80. "A Prominent Business Man's Conver sion." Sellwncd Bethany Rev. T. J. Broemfield, 11, 7:30. Grsce E. 70th and Ash. 11. 7:30. University Park Rev. S. Lawrence Black. 11, 7:45. Swedwa 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. SJolar der. 10:30. 7:S0. St Johns Rev. Mr. Burton. 11, 7:30. Highland K. 6th and Alberta Preaching by Dr. E. Pj Borden. 11. 7:30. Catholle St. Pnters Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen. 8. 10:80. 71:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. T. O'Hara. , 7:15. 8:80. 8:45. 11. 7:45. St Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rev. J. C Hughes. ,6. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Rev. J. H. Black. , 8. 9. 10:80. 7 .80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 9. 11, 7:30. Holy Rosair E. 8d and Clackamas Rev. E. 8. Olson.; 0. 7. 8, 9, 11, 7:30. at. Rose E. 63d and Alameda Rev. 3. O'FarreU. 8. 10:80. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rev. J. Kieman. 8. 10:80, 7:80. , The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7 SO. 9, 11. ' Ascension E. 76th and Yamhill Franciscan Fathera 8. 10:30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena Rev. F. W. Black. . 8. 16 :S0. 7 :30. Holy Ones 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond. 8. 100, 7:30. . St. Ignatius 8220 4 3d st. S. K., Jesuit Fathers. 8:30. 8.10:30.4. St. 8teihens E. 42d and Taylor Rev. War ren A Witt.. 6. 8:80. 10:80, 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver ave. Rev. William i. Devina. 6, 10:30. 7 :30. i-' St. Phillip Nerl (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickery Rev. W. J. Cartwright 7:80. . 10:80 7:30. ' St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton Serbita Fathera. , 8. 10:80. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O. Rob.- 8. 10:30. 7:80. St Agatha E. 15th and -Miller Rev. J. Comminsky. 8, 10:30. T0. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fafl tne Rev. F. Matthew.' 8, 10: 80. T:80. St. Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rrr. B. Durrer. IB, 10:30, 7:80. St. Miehael (Italian) tth and Mill Rsv. If. Balestn. 8:80. 10:80. 7:30. St. Clares Capitol Hill Father Capbtrau. O. F. M.t 8. 10:10. Bt Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rev. 3. P. O'Flyon. 8. 10:30. AO. Saints E. 89th and Glisaa Rev. Father Wilham Cronin. 8. 10:80. . t ( '-. Christian V"- i." .! First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H. Griffia. 11. "Relurfon as An Attitude of Mind"; 7:45. "Social Service, It's Means, It's Motives and It's Methods." . East Side K. 12th and Taylor Rev. R. H.' Sawyer. It. "The Indwelling Christ"; 7:80. When as a Nation Christian?" Rodney AvenueRodney and Knott Rev. J. F. Ghormley. ll. "The, Unity ot Faith as Ex pressed ta Service"; 7:30, "The Supreme Verily of The Christ." " . . ? y . MontaviUa E. 76th and Gliaen Rev. Her bert E. Ryder, 11. -7:80. - ; Woodlawn E. 7th and Cfbertj Rev. , Joseph rj.-Boyd.ll. 7:80. VnMin' w ;iiuh'ni" TOM,rTv T Uenten Reason to 3Kme, iHoney and Greater concentration of time, money and energy has been asked this year during the Lenten season from church memberl of almost every denomination than has been asked for many years in the past. The great-, reconstruction problems of the churches are to. be con sidered in all their , seriousness and members of the laity. will be asked to close their offices, and devote their time to the work of the church the Same as they closed their office and gave freely of their time to the causes of liberty and freedom during the. war. Several denominations plan special weekday eerviqes . in their churches throughout Lent. Prominent among these are the Catholic. Episcopal and Lutheran churches. Special services . will be held each Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:45 o'clock during Lent at St Marys cathed ral (Catholic). - - . Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of- Trinity Episcopal church, announces special services for the season of Lent In his church an Wednesday and Friday aft ernoons at 4:30 o'clock. v Rev. William. E. BrliUunan, pastor of Community Service Program Planned An extensive program of community service is to be launched Sunday morn ing at the Pilgrim Congregational church by the pastor, Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, who will give an address on "A Practical Program for Pilgrim People." Dr. A. J. Sullens. superintendent for Oregon and Southern Idaho, will be present and will conduct a special com munion service. A program of music is being arranged by Mrs. Jessie Orton Steckle. Mr. Pratt has Just completed six months of service with the church, during which all departments of the church have been brought to a high point of efficiency. The evening service will consist of community singing, music by a male quartet and an address on The Spirit of America." Christ's Temptation Basis of Discussion The Biblical incident of the temp tation of Christ in the wilderness will be the basis of the Sunday morning dis course of Rev. William E. Brinkman at St. James Lutheran church. lie will present the three-fold temptation of Christ hunger, presumption and lust of ambition for wealth and power. Special Lenten services will be held In the chapel each Thursday evening during Lent. every centenary subscription card filled out by a leaguer. Pledges secured in this way will go to make- up their quota. OF CHURCH Christian Sciecee Lesson subject: "Man." First 19th and Everett. 11. 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. TZth and -Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d and 4 2d ave. 8. E. 11. Siith Masonic Temple, 868 Yamhill. 11, 8. Seventh Holbrook block. St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday, 8 n. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wil lard. 10:80, "The Church of Tomorrow"; 7:45. "Life's Unfolding Drama." Sunnysidee-E. 3 2d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. 11. "The Christ Tou Cannot Hide"; 7:4 5. "God's Inexcusable Reserves"; special music Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Preaching by Rev. J. T. "Merrill. 11, 7:45. Highland E. 6b and Prescott Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "The Significance of Lent"; 7:30, a Lenten musical and address on "A Heaven-born Song." Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward Rev. Oliver Pj Avery. 11, "The Capacity for Sacrifice"; 7:45, special musical service. Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th at. S. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11, 5. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. .Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. "A Practical Program for Pilgrim People," followed by communion; 7:30, "The Spirit of America." Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. Sam uel Ncvala. 6. 7 :80. University Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. IL Johnston. 11. 7:80. St. Johns 8. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev. 3. T. Merrill. 11. 7:80. Danab-Norwegian E. 23d and Stunner Rev. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:80. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George Zocber. 11. 7:30. Beoend German E. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelganx. 11,7:30. tton German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. 3. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30. Parkrose Preaching by Rev. Mr. Hoffman. eTelsoopal Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Sundays. 7:45. 11. 7:45. Holy daya. 9:80. Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 9:46. tl, "Profit and Loss"; 8. "The Search lor Health." St. Davids' E. 12th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, Eucharist; 9:30 and 11. Bishop Peter T. Rowe will apeak; 7:80, "Fruits of the Tree of Life." St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. 3. G. Hatton. 7:30, 9(45, 11, 7:46. St. Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and WeidJer Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawaon. 11. 8. St. Michaels and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 10. 11. 6. Church Of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st at. S. K. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30, 11. Bishop. Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:46. St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. ' a All 8aint-r-25th and Savier Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 11. a St. Johns Memorial B. 15th and Harney, Sell wood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St. Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10. 11. ( -.. Evangelical First E. 6th and Market Rev. E. D. Horn- ecbuch. 11. 7:30. - Free MethooTst Central E. 56th and Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffee. 11. 7:80. . firstE. 9U" and Mill Rev. A. Beers. 11, "The Church's Banner at Half Mast or Nailed to the Top of the Mast, Which?"; 7:30, "Hell, a Necessity and a Reality." Alberta E. 80th and Wjrgant Rsv. E. T Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E. 8Sth and . Main Rev. ' Homer L "7:46v Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday at 8 p. m.. Saturday, 10:80 a. m. Sunday, 10. in - Portland academy bldg., 18 th and Mon gomery. Religious school. Bible, cissies at Central library, second and fourth "Wednesdays. Congregation Ahavia Shotem Park and Clay suv Rabbi R. Abzahamsoa, . Friday, 8 P. as.; Saturday, 9:80 a. ra. Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:30, : 5 i, ;.,tluMtwanll . ' St James W. Park and Jefferson Rav. William A. Brinkman. 11, "Everyday- Temp tations and the Tempter"; 7:30. "Thy Kingdom Come." - --'- -';' -- St Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. Krause, 9:30. school; 10, confession; 10:30, service and holy communion; 7:80, evening ser vice. - f - ' ' " Our Saviors K, - 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Chrfatensen. 11, . . ..: Trinity Williams nd Graham Rev. J. A, Reinbach. 9:15. 10:36. 7:30. . BetVhem Nnrwecisn 14th and Davis Rev. pe lie of Sacrifice (Energy Consecrated St. James Lutheran church, will hold his special Lenten services each "Thurs day 1 night at 8 o'clock in the church chapel. . The first Sunday in Lent will be home mission day at Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran church, of which Kev. Wll helm Petterson is pastor. . Rev. L. C. Fobs, who is president and superintend ent' of home missions for the Pacific district of the Norwegian Lutheran church of America, will . preach at both services Sunday. The morning service win i be In Norwegian and the evening service in the English language. A free will offering will betaken at each Service for the home mission work. This is the official visit of Rev. Mr. Foss to the church. Sunday morning at Highland Congre gational church the pastor. Rev. Edward Constant, will preach on "The Signifi cance of Lent." In the evening there will be a Lenten musical by the choir under the direction of Miss O. Rose. Miss Johnston will sing "Light In Darkness" ; Miss Rose and Mr. Armstrong will sing a duet and a baritone horn solo will be given by J. Marshall. New Chorus , Choir Will Sing Sunday A chorus choir of 30 voices will be one of the features of the Sunday services at the East Side Christian church of which Rev. R. V. Sawyer is pastor. J. Frank Watson has been secured as chor ister and is now organising and train ing the chorus' In preparation for the elaborate program at Easter time. Charles South, the well known Portland violinist, will organize and direct an orchestra for the Bible school and other services of the church. The Bible school has gained 100 mem bers within the past two months and larger quarters are being planned. Glencoe Baptists To Furnish Church 'Glencoe Baptist church members con template raising $4000 to complete the furnishing of their church. A "com mittee has been appointed to map out a plan for raising the funds. -vW. F. Prier recently donated a brass galling to encircle the. pulpit. Ten new members were received last Sunday. RevX F. C. Laslette is pastorh Realization League Address T.! A. Harper, president of the Real! ration Men's club, will address the Re- alization league, at the league rooms, 186 Fifth streeC Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. This is the fifth address In the "People's popular series" being given by the men of the league. Mr. Harper has traveled over a large part .of the world and i Is a student of men. SERVICES IN dent Rev. L. C. Foss. 11, Norwegian service; 8, English service. Grace. English Mason and Alblna. Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 9:45. 11, 7:80. Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Glisan Rev. F. J. Epilog. 10:45. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. - Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L P. Kjoller. 11. 8. St Johns Peninsula and Kil pa trick Ludwig. 10:45, 7:30. -Rev. L. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan Kev. J. j. Ledin. 11. 7:80. Swedish Augustana. Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogden. 10:45, Swedish service: 7:45, English service, topic, "Andrew," sixth in a New Testament character series. Methodist Episcopal Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. . J. C Rollins. 11, 7:45. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R. Maclean. 11. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. John Parsons. 11. Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11. 7:31. , First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. "The Fast the God Requires, a Fast That b Worth While; 7:80. "The Truth." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Ellas Gjerding. Laurelwood R. 63d and Foster Rev. A. C Brack enbury. 11. 7:30. Lents Lucien B. Jones. 11, 7:30. Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A. Ginn. 11. MontaviUa E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:80. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark, Rev. K. Olin Eldridge. 11. 7:30. Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Flelas. 11, 7:30. Sellwood Rev. W. 8. Gordon. 11. 7:80. Sunnyside E. S5th and Yamhill Rev. R. E. Smith. 11. 7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. -7:30. Swedish Beecn and Borthwlck Rev. Abel Eklnnd. 11. 8. University Park Fiska and Lombard Rev. J. T. Abbott . Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. R inning. 11. 8. Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7 :80. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur gette Short 10:30, "Spiritual Forces Trium phant" District superintendent. Rev. William Wallae Toungson. D. D.. 691 E, 62d st N. Taboi 2790. . M. K. South First Union and Multnomah Rev. James T. French. 11. 7:30. Flirt E. 10th and Weidlei" Rev. C How ard Davis and Rev. O. F. Goettla, sssHtsnt. 11. 7:80. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by Luke Rader. 11, 7:80. , Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Rev. C. TJ. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park K. 14th and Kfllfngsworth Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian Rev. J. G. BringedahL 11. 7:80. ' ; -. PrerbyteHan First 12th and Alder -Rev. John H. Boyd. 1:3W, "Whither T An Attempted Interpretation";-7:30, special music and sermon. Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. "The Greatest Chal lenge of the New Era"; 7:30, "Quarries for Character." Central E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11. "Faith and life"; 7 :30, "Per sonality and the Crowd." - Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. R. W. Rogers. 10:30, 7:80. Mt . Tabor E. 65 th and Belmont Rsv. Ward MacHenry. 11, "Thinking in World Terms"; 4 :30. veaper service. -".The Problem of Religious Education." Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. R. tands boroagh. 11. 7:80. Piedmont Cleveland and Jsrrett Rr. A. I. Hutchison. 11, "A New Fellowship"; 7:30, "A Man's Value to Society. v Fourth First and Gibha . Rev. Ivi Johnson. 16:30. 7:30.- Ke nil worth E. 34th and Gladstone Rev. Paul E. Ratsch. 11. "What Christ Is to Us";' 7:45, "A Plus O Equs V" discussion of a geometrical formula. Hope E. 78th and Everett Rev. Floyd E. Dorria, ! 11. "The Imponderable' Wealth of a Nation": 7:80. Rev. W. W. MacHenry will speak on tfcTt New Era movement " Rose City Ir. Robert H. Mflllgaa. 11. 7:80. : Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. 11. Trinity Virginia, and Nebraska 1 Bay. Thee dors Pi Smith. It. 70. -. Anahel Rev. Joha E. Nelson. 11. g, t MUiard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. II. "Thirst for God"; 7:80, "The New Man." - MarshaU Street 17th and Marshali Rev. A. X. Hanna. 11. , . ' Sever) Day Adventlea "' : Note Been lr aerviosa of this depomlnatloa ra held on (Saturday. . Central E. 11th and Everett L. ft? rw-V. PERSONAL WORKER CAMPAIGN IS PLAN Fourteen Teams From First Bap tist Will Seek to Secure Atterid- ance of Non-churchgoers. The call to forward march has been sounded at the First Baptist church (White Temple) by Dr. William A. Wal do, the pastor. Between now and Easter Sunday a great personal workers' cam paign Is to be waged by 14 teams, that is intended to result in a greater effi ciency and a larger membership for the church. Dr, Waldo said : "We are anticipating a great ingathering. Our field is the entire city. Christians not yet associated with any church, and still others who have not accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, are Invited to come Into our fold. It is our desire to make a kind, win some and powerful appeal to all these to declare their faith in Christ and unite wtth the church on or before May 1." Fourteen teams 6f 10 are being or ganized, who will pray earnestly and labor arduously for this ingathering. All the services of the church will bear upon this theme, and the Thursday eve ning, meetings will be times of special prayer. Five successive Tuesday eve nings will be devoted to cottage prayer meetings throughout the city. Dr. Waldo hopes that this campaign will be fol lowed by a great revival meeting in May,' when a special evangelist may be secured. Letters announcing these plans have been mailed to every member of the -church. . Dr. Waldo announces a series of eve ning discourses leading up to Easter, on the general theme, "In the Shadow of the Cross, or the Seven Last Words of Jesus." The subjects will be as follows. March 9, "The Forgiveness of the Cross;" March 16, "The Absolution ofi the Cross ;" March 23, "The Legacy of the Cross;" March 30, "The Sacrificial Cry of the Cross ;" April 6. "The Anguish of the Cross ;" April 13, "The Complete ness of the Cross ;" April 20, "The Peace of the Cross." These addresses will be taken up In the light of the present day sacrifices and the larger sacrifice of the Christ to humanity. The temple quartet will render each night special and appropriate music in keeping with the subjects announced. Eev. Mr. WiUard To Preach Sunday Rev. W. W. WiUard, acting pastor of the First Congregational church, will preach Sunday morning and evening; The church is planning intensive work in the near future along a religious line with the objective of building up the in stitution. -At Atkinson Congregational church. Rev. J. T. Merrill will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. PORTLAND JT?c1' Women of Woodcraft hall. 10th Montaviila E. 80th and Everett Elder J. Gerhart 11. Lento 94th st and 08th ave. Elder W. D. St .Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11. Mt Tabor -E. 60th. and Belmont KIder W X. alugert 11. Albins- gkidraore and Mallorjr Elder A. A. Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:16. Scandinavian E. 62d near 40th ave. Elder V. 0. US. XX. x Salvation Army Corps No. 12 4 3 Ash at Adjutant Frank as. cio, s. "-JorP No. 4 1 28 hi 1st Adjutant Joseph AMitiauu. a a, e, o. - weoenberglan New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev. William K. Reece. 11. "The Mniritiui s;nm. cance of Jonah's Three Day'a in the - Whale s oeiiy. Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn- Wll Rev. O. Elliot Jr. 11, "The Persistent Question in the Hour of Bereavement"; 7:48, open iorum, W. S. U'Ren. leader, topic, "The Measures to Be Voted Upon in the Special June UfCUOO, United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Me jjonaia. First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron 3, Clark. 11, "Intercession"; 7:30, "What Is a Christian f" Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira rxawley. KvangeliaUo services. 11. 7:80. Third 67th st and 82d ave. S. E. Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Putting on Strength"; 7:30, "The Backslider." Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanchard. 11, "Penalty of Sin"; 7:30, "World-Wide Re- VlTSi. United Evangelical First E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A. Goode. 11. 7:80. United wniaaaette bird, and Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11.7:30. United Peeabytarlan First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F. Given. 11. "Salvation by Grace"; 7:80. "Ia the Church the Friend of Labor?" Church of the Stranger Grand and Waseo Rev. S. Earl Du Bote. 10:30, "Lying Hus bands and Wives"; 7:30, "The. Ships That Have Not Sailed." Kenton 120 Went Lombard Rev. George N. Taylor. 1 1" India, Conditional." by George A. Warner, recently returned from Asia; 7:80. "Mortal Man in a New Situation." Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9tb and Clay Rev. J.n E. Fee. 11. 7:30. Realisation League 186 Bth Rev. H. Edward Mills. 11. "Relaxation and Release"; 8. "The Subconscious Mind." by T. A. Harper, president of Realise tion Men's club. Christedelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God S6S Failing. Harry Neal. IX, 8. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Slark. Rev. F. C. Marshall. 10:80, 12:16, 7:48. Men's Resort 4 th and Bumside Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent 8. New Civilisation 407 Tliioru bldg- Dr. Beth Northington. 7:48. . Divine Science Tilford building Rev. T. M. Mirmrd. pastor. 11. Universal Messianic 218 Abinrton building. 11. 8, "The Eternal Care of the Father." Pentecostal First and Washington Rev. Will O. Trotter. 11, 8, 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H 1st -2. 8, 7 ;30 week days except Monday and Saturday, 8 p. m. Pentecostal church E. 30th and Anksnv A. W. Smith. 11,8,8. - Vohmteera of America Mission 324 Bumside -Meeting every evening except Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. Ma. First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgsaiery Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8. 7:46. Second Buiritumlint Aliaky Hall Rev. Max Hoffman. 3. 8. First M.E. Church K. South Rev.v Jas. T, French . --r 1;.:'--vj i'-a. i raster " SCRVIOK AT 11 A. M. and 7: SO r. aj. . "fllavTlInf ibJaeA - TMI PHES8URK OF flREAT - - DIFflCULTIEr . venln Subjeet h .. OUR high rniviLgaK ; o Every One Not 'Affiliated With Some Other . .. Church Is (ktrdisTly Invited. ; System of Pastoral Visitation Has Been DevisedbyDr.Boyd Dr. John IL Boyd, pastor of First Presbyterian church, has figured out a system that will enable him to visit per sonally nearly all his membership within a period of two months. He has inaugu rated a series -of Informal receptions to be held In various sections of the city. The city has been divtded Into 20 sec tions byDr. Boyd and his assistant. Pro fessor James F. Ewinfc. Three nights of each week a meeting will be held In one of these . sections - and ' the people within the sections will be Invited by letter to attend. Mr. Ewlng has mailed personal invitations to every church member within the sections telling them where, their social gathering will be held. Dr. Boyd plans to discuss church prob lems Informally wtth his members at these meetings. TO STiYSiDAY L Portland ; Training Institute to Open Fifth Session Tuesday Evening. :v The fifth session of the Portland Training? ' institute, conducted in the Sunnyuide Congregational churchunder the auspices of' the Congregational Edu cation society and the Oregon Sunday School association, will open Tuesday at 7 :30p. m. i : : -, "-. neptlonal work in the Pllierim Congre gational Sunday school, and Paul New meyer of the Y M.C A., formerly a successful teacher of boys In the First Baptist Sunday school of Tacoma, , will demonstrate methods of meeting the problems of the ;"teen agV division. Those . who are Interested in making the old Sunday school new will enjoy the model installation service to be giv en before the general assembly by Dr. John H. Matthews of Seattle. " Twenty- five Sunday schools have been repre eented to date. The InfAltute la inter- denominationaL - . e Future Wars Lecture Topic Evangelist L. K. Dickson announces that he will tell Sunday, night In his lec ture at Chrlstensen'a hall. Eleventh and Morrison, streets, what the Bible says about future wars, where the battle of Armageddon will be fought and the na tions which will be involved In It. Pro fessor I. C Colcord will lead the sing ing, - . ., ' I State HeasuiTs Topic : ; . The measures to be voted on In the special June election will be discussed publicly In the Sunday evening open forum, which meets at 7 :43 in the Uni tarian chapel, Broadway and Yamhill street. The speaker Is W. 8. TJ'Ren. - ; Will Defend Y. M. C A. Sunday evening Rev. Harold II. Orlf fisv at the First Christian church, will reply; to recent criticism of the war work of the Y..M. C. A. Sunday morning Mr. Griffis will, discuss the necessity of hav ing the right perspective in life. Home BuHding Sweeps .Oklahoma Tulsa, Okla., March 8. Horns build ing organizations have been formed In more than 60 Oklahoma towns and cities, according to reports reaching, here. So great is the dearth of residence prop erties In the state that barns are util ised, while tents are commonly seen in all cities. : DR. WALDO mohniro servioe it o-olock. "The Glorification of! Jesus" . r ! . ' .; CVEHIRO SERVICR 7:90 "The Forgiveness of the: Cross" First Iff art Easter 8 arise ef Seven Sermons SOLDIERS, SAILOR AND STRANOERS i;- , COROIALLV INVITED WHITE TEMPLE TWELFTH AKD TATLOB YOUR CMUROM J ' STS. schoo METHODS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT TWELFTH. REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. - , -l PASTOR , , "WHITHER?" (A Consideration of the New Era) "THE WORLD'S" DARKNESS AND THE WAY OUT" Special Made in the Evening by Instrumental Trie of Violin, Harp , and Organ. Condneted by TBAKCK EICHENLATJB - BAPTIST LAYMBI START BIG DRIVE ON SUNDAY WEEK ,f - " . r : Six Million Dollar Fund to Be Raised to Insure Spiritual . Democracy Abroad. "VICTORY CAMPAIGN" NAME City Director Rev. F. C. Laslette . Describes' Purpose to Better World in Way War Failed To. Sunday, March 16,; Northern Baptist laymen will start their campaign to raise $6,000,000, which funds they in- , tend to use toward i Insuring spiritual democracy at home and rehabilitation work abroad. This campaign Is known as the "Victory campaign." Rev. V. a. Laslette. city director, said In describ ing the work t "The great Victory cam paign has been launched by the seven million Baptists of America as a drive toward ; 100 per cent efficiency along ' moral, spiritual Intellectual and social, lines at home and abroad. It is for the betterment of. the whole world in ways that the war failed to accomplish." If, this drive is successful the leaders of the church In New York have pre dieted the following results : "It means that churches which have been slightly damaged m ill be repaired ; churches that have been totally destroyed will be re built : the rehabilitation of Baptist pas tors and . families ; the construction of chapels at Strategic locations in rebuilt': districts; the relief of Christian families or whom government provision is, not,; sufficient ; and special provision for or phans, widows and disabled soldiers." . The Victory campaign is a laymen's movement, and although the clergy aro not excused from active part, they are not supposed to shoulder the burden. Kvery church In the Northern Baptist convention has been effectively organ ized by - laymen and great things are expected between March 16 and the end of the month, when the entire fund must be raised. Ilarley Hallgren, state president of the Baptist Young People's union. Is state director of the Victory campaign. He is the youngent man In Oregon directing a reconstruction pro? gram for any of the denominations. Dr. Stansfield Will Preach on Fasting "The Fast That bod Requires, a Fsnt That Is Worth While," will be the sub ject Sunday morning of Dr. Joshua Btansfleld, pastor of First Methodist church, lie will answer the question, "What doe the Book mean In its deep eat sense about fasting?'' Kunday eve ning he will apeak on "The Truth." which will include the points hearing the truth, seeing the- truth, being the truth fend doing the truth. pettal muaio wilt be furnished by the quartet choir at both aervlcea EPISCOPAL : Conflict with evil. Is ever going on;, and spiritual preparedness is the guarantee of safety, victory and honor. . , March f. First Bandar la LENT lateiflrs Training i PRO-CATHEDBAL of St. Stephen the Martyr, 18th and Clay Kt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, Bishop; Rev. R. S. Uill, Dean. Sundays 7:45, 11, 7:45. TRINITY -19th and Everett Hv. A. A. Mor rison., S, communion ; 1 1, morning prayer and sermon ; 8,' evening prayer and address. ST. DATin'S East Twelfth and Belmont Rev.. Thomas Jenkins, Rector. 7 :30, 8 :30, 11 and 7:30. - .. ST. MARK'S - - 21st: and MarMhall Kev. 3. O. Patton. Kector. 7 '.40; :45, school ; 11. Kucharist and , sermon; 7 ;46. evensong and sermon. ! 'GOOD AHEPHERD Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 7:30, 11 and 7:30, f ST. ANDREWS Hereford street. I'ortsmouth . Archdeacon Chambers In charge. , 7:3 p. m. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS E. 43d and Broadway, Rose City Park Rev;. T. F, Bowcn, Vicar. .,I0, 1L .. V CHURCH OF OCR SAVIOR 60th ave. and 41nt st. H. K. lier. E. IL Clark, Vicar, 7 :30 and 11 am. ST. JOHN'S MEMORIAL i E. 15th and Harney, Heliwood Rev. E. II. Clark in charge. 11, 7 :3a. ST. MATTHEW'S Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. .Breck, Vicar. 10, 1L , ST. JOHN'S at Mtlvraakie) 11, Rev. John IK Rice, Vicar; T. R. A. Sellwood, Lay Reader. t . .