THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAI., PORTLAND;-FRIDAY, " MARCH 7, 1919. 19 WITI7ATIOTCW MAtK, EXPERIENCED dairym. married. a on 1 i smalt ehlld, nnat b eloe to school, want , teedy work on a mall dairy. Thoroughly un idwrstand rare of cow. and is capbte of taking i charge. Civ full particular In first letter. B ' i Journal. .............. .' - . JuOOKK EKPER desire small set Jpoka-to keep work; corrwpondent. us typewriter. E 803, j Journal. MIDDLE "aged tnan, reliable and trustworthy. -wtu be Pro 10 an mia""u .!, ;'ejflmd mtiui and very capable of handling and I taking-charge Of a crew of men. S-811. Journal, i TNXEIWPoailioB adenine V assistant aao , tie picture operator; bad f nana ex nerienca operating wjr own machine. (Simplex). ( - . w , - i r - i AUTO owner. liave a mechanic repair your ear, , grind valve, ate, in your own garage. East ;N-07, journal. 87 OW I ELDERLY wiarried man, handy with carpenter tool, want position a house, or aa elevator man. Phone Tabor 157". 1 rwlOTcoma to'your home f J4 . furniture like new. Call Marshall . 6090 ( from T to ft a- m-andjttoT P. pSsrflO.S aa timekeeper, bookkeeper J! in wnoiesaia ttr nitui j. r ioi a. WANTED Position a caretaker of will or ' other Tscsnt property. anywhere, -47, , Journal, , .. i pi 12177. feOTitTER iuto wbnk will repair your car i in your town are, mum ... iCaU East 3767. WANTED tfiinting. paperhanging and aafeo- mining, by experienced workman. Phono fa- mar 4W0O. i'OL-ND a! man to repair and re-upholster year furniture at your home -pricea sonable; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 4229. CONTRACTOR and builder, repair T?4-."' work In the eity or country, B. ; D. Crowe, XnSCrtArtf'irili aolUr haa i; ton truck. wU.e ' "teulbU in or ot of city. WUI tit on any bed. C Ki, Journal. - " ',- , : 441 K. Bjq at. . Jlwr igq.. . .. ESlTtTATIOXS YRMAXsK Kuii youog ladias wih clerical poat'; have 1 high h?ol and normal aelK,r education; formerly acllool teacher. Atuwer. &-0b, ! JonmaL i , tXbEBLfWowith i1;y?nldt03L?f poaitlon a houkeeir fnU charge P"m" lent U aoited. Add res. 6208 -Sadiat S. i Portland. Or, Phone Sellwood 281. GIRrTeipiriincpd. wteheawork ta boofbindery. 1 Phona Mar. SS0, Boom 8. eweoinga be- I tweea S aad 7. . . . . I WIDOW woman wahee position. achajnber . maid im amali rowing house, Addresa b ' Vaughn at. 'vANTfct), by a youn woman, posiaon aa com- .t . h kola ear of home: . Teier- iwaeea. " P-809. Jonmat - . , M'itX'care for children afternoon and eyenlngs. S6o hoar. Call Eaat 70. COLORED woman want day work. Union N. a Call 124 EXPt&iESCED matBrraty nunw. w tius pital training, wishea engagements. Phono fiUBSB Maternity caaea , apeclalty. 545 6th atreet..' warn o. ; . -FTTRISHEB ROOMS R5TEL FRANKLIN - WABiONGTON AT TIHKTEBNTH, 1 $1 a daay up. tfw Tub and Shower BatX CLEAN, noatly funiiahed. auiut "aleepicg room. walking dtatance, yeaaonabte ; rate. IeJ MonU. 167 Btottt at., near 20tH. and Wash- Ington. ' HOTEL rJa-rgent, Wawthorne and Grand. Startin point apecial oar for VusaaZ FTJB2SISHED ROOMS PBIYATB V A MILT ANYONE wishing, one or two rooms for sleeping or light liouaeksepUig, for one month, or less, call East 6877. I ifiANTfarnWied room for respecUble man. Close-in. 88 per month. 448 54 E. Burmide at., next Masonic oiag. 'f'CKNISUED rooms for rent, pnvato family. ' 271 Halsey st (FURNISHED front room, all conveniences. 574 . E. Conch. . East 824. $2.50 a week. Furnibhed sleepiof room at -WO Columbia at. : , .ItOOMg A3TP BOAKO 1 Tii$ -WAZEI'Not like too others." Every comfort.; j Homo cooking.. 885 Third flfETjartlia, NVaabihgton . 386 fBth. for business girla and Btadenta. Marshall 1.251, BOOMS ASB BOAllD-rrKlVATE BOOM and' board In IrvftiBton for rafined em ployed person, walking distance. 815; .2 meals and a lunch; reduction for 2 in room- East 6887. I - : HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS 8 FTTRKliSHEP A1fl USyPESlSHED BUIPTARD distriot oottagea. housekeeping apartmenta, furnished, unfurnished, reason able. Apply zoz umps. ONE lance furnished housekeeping room, close ins Mississippi car. 88 Knott at; $8 per month. i x FTJhNISHEP H. K. (1m J) room. No children. 50V Hawthorn ava. . FURNISHED anU unfurnished B. K. rooms. 2MH 21st St. ; FBEnTSHED sleeping room. 850 Vb Hawthorne ava. FURNISHED II. K. rooms.. 141 LownsdaleT HOlTSEKEEPiyO ROOMS IS T PRIVATE FAM IX Y : ONE. 2 or 3 furnished, unfurnished or partly 1 furnished H. K. rooms, neat and comfort- i able, close in. East 7817. TWO furnished IL K. rooms in private family, lights. Phone, bath free. 11 E. j'14th st. N. rhotie East 2134. i FURNISHER if. K, room, private entrance, walking distance, water, 'lights, cooking gas includeo, it-none .vi ioio NIGH clean rooms furnished for housekeeping, 11 outside; no children, near car. 752 AK ?BLS?UjyoILj3i . ; . ONE single BV K. room. Adult only. East 8815. j Jj - FOR RETTT HOlTSBB . UJTEURNISHED 13 6 BOOM bungalow,-positively no children. 5604 61st sti S. E. Inauir at 40 Va 2d St.. Room 34. ! , HOUSES - FOR REST FURNITURE' ;.r... I-- FOR SALE ? ; - S3 FURNITURE of a 4-room house, all household ' articlea ' includtid. also 0 paUuU. house for rent, $10; one acre of land; lota of fruit. 9005 71st are. . E. Tabor 8408. s FUJtNISUKD HOUSES 31 W ll.ti share my furnished 8 room modern house, $25; this includes water, light1, gas. woodf garbage. 1081 E. Lincoln st. Hawthorne car to 37th et. FOR LEASE T ! 828 JOHNSON ST. Furoiabjed or unfurnished. Central heat. I Phona- Mar. 1866. ' FURNISHED hoiuo tor rent, $45 per iraontli. Phone Sellwood 8474. APARTMENTS t 43 FTJRyiSHEU AND I'.VF L'TIXISTIEIJ SUITE of '2 very deairabla ligtit'HT K rooms, . thoronghly renovated, suitable for 2 or 3 adult. 247 H 6th. FURN1AUED , apt.; private residence; light, water, garbage and phona. $36. 325 V : lSt? St' ' ' & ROOM furnished apt., no cluldreo. 45 Trin ity place. Marsh. 083. FOB BEyTFLATS 13 3 BOOM flat, Uwion ava. near Russell, with garage clutse. East 2185. ! FCRJtlSHEP FLATS ' 50 MODERN flat, mostly furnished, $20 "niontlC 63 80th st... UoutaviUa car, or 215 Lam. bermens bldg. FUHNISHED 3 room flat with basement. 820 ' Vaughn at. Take 23d st. car to 24th and Vanghn sts. i HOTELS 51 CHESTERBUBX hotel. 20 th and Kearney. rooms with board; t try attractive mtes; un der new management. FOR HEXT-.MISCELLA?iEOUS S3 GARAGE for rent.. 823 Rodney ava. WANTED TO JtBS'I' j VVAN'rEii-To' aent, by- reopokfioie ' party, 0 room modem bungalow ; Ruse City Park or jteaumon i; preierreq. rnuns w ooujawii 2ov8. RELIABLE young married man wishes to rent a farm with front 7 to 15 cuwa. - X-3J, J oar Hal, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED TO RENT-.6 room houso or bunaa-i iow. uiwera, eituer iuriujieu or uniurmsheu no children. Phone Tabor 771.' . . WANTED To rent, 4 or 5 room modern oot- :. : ge or uniumiMdea ape, clone jn A-246 l" 'WANTEI SimaXl mutirniiivetl niodurn house or 4 flat, west side. iisr. 22J4. ' WAHTBaV TO BEJTT WE WANT TORRENT a 8 -room wp-foata dtrelllng in aeltct Beiih- borbood. - r I ' Also home, flats and anartmenU. If yon hT any aeaneiea rone Heave Together, care of Worthweet Htee! Co., Main 1108. WANT ta rent 2 or 8 vacant room, cloaa tn. at once, or furnialied hoaaekeeping rooma and a place to ator aome furnitare. 448 Colum bia at. WANTED To wnt er lea 6 or T room boose. with some grounds, good locality, by reapon tible party permanently located; aecnritjr if de sired. Phone Tabor 8177 A MODERN 4 er B room bungalow. Roae City Park. Hawthorns or Piedmont. Call Tabor 2505 or Main 580. M. B. Coaile. WANTKD To rent, A room modern bungalow, famished or unfurnished. ' Ho children. Call Tabor 7871. '' REAIi ESTATB FOB SAXE HOCSJIs" 1 RV1NGT0N SACRIFICE 8 ROOMS PRICE $4500 8 -room houae, with fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, ail built-in effects, sleeping porch, etc. Full lot. AUo garage. Tin is an absolute sacrifice and iff ya see ft y will buy it. KLJABf.E INVESTMENT CO.. m Oak St.. Broadway 4188. 81500 WOODLAWW HOMB 81B00 8300 CASU-r-8200 7 rooms, aeml-basemeni elect., gas, good plumbing, full lot, sereral bearing fruit trees, C. A. W'ARRtSKR, HITTER. IOWK CO.. 203-5.7 Board of Trade bldg. HOUSEBOAT Fornished complete, good row boat, wood in shed, also extra float. 8450. Houseboat One large, pleasant room, 8150. Houseboat furniture, complete, gas, bath, electric lichta and all other cooreniences. 8700. also other houseboats ranging from 8700 to r. VANDtTTX,, 515 Chamber of Commerce bldg Ask for 'P., A. Doremus. Main 1955. Will be open this orening. HOSE CITY PARK BUNOALOW $3500 This is to be sold at once, 5 rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern; fur nace, fireplace, tmffet. Dutch kitchen, linen closet, bookcase, full cement base ment, imnrorementa all in and included in price. Uake us an offer. Wert of 4Mh St. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By, Exch. bldg. Main 588. Between 8d and 4th on Stark. t . PEWINSOTA BUNGALOW j w 4 rooms.t fireplace, built-in conveniences, good basement, cloee to car and hard surface. Price 81500; eaoy term. C. A. WarHner. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5 7 Bogrd of Trade Bid. T ROOM BUNGALOW. 82800 In the best part of the Woodstock district. two blocks from car, in very good condition and on a lot 1O0K1O0 with a dozen fine assorted fruit trees and a variety of berries, all well taken care of; finest garden land; sidewalk is and all improvements paid. 8700 cash, balance 825 per month, including interest at 7 Der cent. Blake Itealty Co., 109 over Citizens bank. Ta- tor 8383 erenings. KOS'E CITY PARK8325fJ If yon don't buy tliia you'll miss it: A mod ern 5 room toururalow with fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch: kitchen, oak floors, full cement bawment, splendid furnace, block to car. on 67th street, 8500 cash, $25 monthly, which amount memoes interest. COE A. M KENNA & CO. Main 4522. a am St.. Hoard of Trade Bldg. , bosk crrr park 8426"" 6 rooma and sleeping porch, all modern con veniences ; everything right up to the minute in every respect. ! located on 62d st. near Hose Oty Park can. Tha owner paid 84700. The asseBsments am all paid. Let us show you. A, G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8516. Branch office 60th and Sandy. heating stove, refrigerator, 22 chickens, 3 cords of wood and garden spot, 8550. W. YaaJuyn, si a Chamber of Commerce bids. Main IB 55. Ask for B. A. Doremus. Will b open ithl evening. 2 ROOM HOUSE 3100 CASH " ' Nearly new 2 room house, city water, pat. toilet, ceiled and nicely painted, some fruit and fruit frees, nice lot BOilJO, fine locRtion-, on K. 29th near Ainsworthl price $1100, $100 cash and $12,250 per month, 0. j OK.US8I & BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 53. SIX room, dandy fireplace, corner lot, 4 block to car. Owner leaving for the South, must sell, SlfiOO, $200 cash. $20 per month. Will sell furpished complete. Ready to move in. f HLETTEN & JONES, Main 2)558. t 248 Stark' Street $3000 KENTON HOME 28o6" ' Big bargain in 3 room modern bungalow, practically new. A-l condition, first class plumb ing and; fixtures, all woodwork in white enamel, gas andi elec.. lot 100x100. H block to car; terms. 1566 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 3186. Owner. ' ELEGANT HALF- ACRE TRACT $1350 Well " built S room plastered eottage with ft sere of ground in Brentwood. Mt. Scott Mae; no buiit-ins. no fireplace or hardwood floors and Is not on a paved street; $200 cash, $16 monthly. Fred W. Uerman Co., 783 Chamber cf Com. ' - BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, bath, basement, largo floored attic, wide stairway. 2 fine Dorebes. This bungalow is spendidly constructed through out; lot is 60x72 and its very delightful feature is we have a tine view of the mountains., $2300, $250 down. .1454 Eaat Conch. Owner. Ta bor 854, forenoons. FOB SALEKlogaiit home in Irvington. 7 rooms with large attic and- sleeping porch, furnace and fceplace, 2 lota 100x100, on cor ner 25th and Halsey. Greatest bargain offered today. $6500 J. g. Knauss, 416 Stock Ex. efiange bide. Main 3270. 8-ROOM house, lot 100x200; on block to car; fruit trees; chicken house; can be bought for $2800, easy terms. 209 Oregon Bldg.. Broad way 1658. ! CAN'T beat it, attractive 6 room bungalow. E. 0th St., 2 Jbiocks to ear. $2800. $800 cash. $25 per month, ' WcLEOD & TAYLOR. 830 TtegwaylExchapgaJbldg. Mar. 2633. L' ' it'OSE CfTY$2950 '" " ' ' Nifty B room modern bunealow. with sleep ing porch, .2 jbiocks from Sandy blvd and R. C. car; very convenient and up-to-date; imp. all paid; $G90 eah. 470 E. 54th st. N WilY SOT rtrrfr fi' j ! Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm , at low cost. We buUd anything, furnish the money if desired. L, R. Bailey Ca, Inc.. contracting architects. 824 N. W. Bank. 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 75x100, 10 nice fruit trees, chickien houie, all for $1850 with $300 down. 200 Oregon Bkig., Broadway 1658. 100X100. 7 BOOM house and garage, on dou ble corner lot, Haight and Mason, 8 blocks to carline. Price only $4000 for quick aale $1200 ash- Owner, Main' 636 daytime or East 7342 erenings. $2350 ROSE CITY PARK DISTlSIcl? " Positively one of tha prettiest 5 room bunga lows yon eves saw; clean aa a new pin: vacant; full basement;; 2 fine large porches; dandy corner lot; assessments paid; terms. Tabor 6559. $400 A beautiful 6 room bungalow, all iron. in and paid, nice" district, near ear, $2200 cash. 1 a McTEOD & TAYLOR. 330 Railway ' Exchange bldg. Mar. S633. 4 ' ROOM bungalow, firepfaee, tiaifbaaement. Dutch kitchen, lot 50x88. shade and fruit trees; sanitary chicken house; buildings can't be duplicated for price: $2150; $730 cash. F. K. Stearns. 2102 Viloox bldg. MODERN 5 room bungalow, view lotj Over- look. $86010, $500 cash, balance terms or $3500, $2000 cash, balance terms. Wood lawn 2507. ' : ., , ..: BUNGALOW 6 ' rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, $2250. Easy terms. Owner, 5816 E. 60th st. Woodstock car, . . CLOSE-IN-" room Triiodern house, E. Ankeny st. Cement basement fumace, fireplace, hard wood floors, excel loot condition. Price $4000. A 1 . HA At EQUITY $1400 in good property. 5 2-J loti, 5 room modern bungalow, hot house. 2At70 barn, henhouse, bearing fruit trees ; value $4000; bargain- - Phone Sellwoed 8754 after 8 evenings. V fc, , - . -www Kyiwv) Urn 41UVIS, fireplace,'' i-ot hater beating plant, built-in conveniences; fin garage: terms. 500 Going st Phone Wdln. 3229. FOR'SALE H acre, 2 houses right in city; a real snap if taken at once. . Sea owner. t'Uone laoor (aio. FOR SALE 4 room house on l60x5Q lot. electric lights and water, 1. block front ear line. - lunnire 824 Calhoun St., St. Johns. -BY OWNER 5 room bungalow garage, sleep- ins porch, 15 mm. from Morrison Sbuthern Portland. $2000. MinJ424. HOUSE and'lotlor sale, 1 block from Broad- way carline. 826 Benton it ' .... BUNGALOW for sale of'trada- Tatvr 783-7 TWO west side houses. Owner. Wdln. 3378. HEAL ESTATE FOR RALE HOUSES 1 FREE EXHIBIT of 600 PHOTOGRAPHS i Home for Bale 7ach noma is neraonally inSDectad and ap praised by an expert appraiser and photograph arranged in it ieapsoUv "district, with price, term, etc., on die wall of our awpiay room, Xou aiw invited to call and inspect these photo graph; aome wonderful bargains; compare them 'with other noose that have been offered you before making a decision. Six automo bile ( your ! servioe if you should ear to e any of these home. , W gold over 100 house in the last $0 day and over 4 "million dollars' worth in 1918, because we have the bargain. Office open evening and Sunday. See. FRANK I MeGUIRE. TO BUY TOUR HOME! AWngton bldg. Main 1068. Main B18. Succeasor to H. I. MVUnips Co. Est, 1880. ROSE OTTY PARK. 6 ROOMS $30 SO Jnst think of being able to boy a 6 room house in Rose City Park with a hot water beat ins plant that would cost $800. Thi is just as modem a any house you could imagine. Hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcase, cement basement, wash tray, etc ' Require $1000 cash, but ft i some bargain. Don't lose any timeget in touch with as at once. Oh yes. we forgot to' mention that it to finished in white throughout. French, doors, too. . Can. you imagine an that for 8SA50f Hurry. -: A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. - Main 3616. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. $1375 HEAD THIS $1875 2 blocks to Jefferson hih. 4 block to pubha library. 4 block to Piedmont ear barn. - 4 block to Pfeninsul park. 100 feet paving in and paid. Good substantial 6 room bungalow eottage, cement basement, bath, toilet, electricity and ; total price only 81876s term. A wonderful bargain chance to make a good profit; act Quick iy. Autos at your service. See j FRANK L. MeGUIRE ; ' - To BUY YOUR HOME Successor to H. D. MeGuire Co. Est. 1889. Office open Evenings and Sundays. WHAT IS THE TROUBLE f You who are looking for ABSOLUTE BARGAINS $3200 You have been looking at only fairly good buys. Here is ,a real bargain, 6 rooms, furnace, full cement basement. 1 bedroom down, 2 up. Fine view on 62d north of Hawthorne. Worth more than price asked with only one lot and we throw in 83 ft. more for good measure; st. imp. all In and paid; terms; only 6 int. Now it is up to you. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WICK MAN CO., 204 By. Kich. bldg. Main 688. Between 8d and 4th on Stark. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT BUNGALOW Vacant Move Right In $5000 8 rooma and breakfast roam, .all on 1 floor. Attic for storage, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floor throughout, fin ished in solid mahogany; every door is a single panel mahogany door; mahog any buffet, French door, exquisite elec trio fixture; a triple constructed house, garage, improved street. A real horn that you can be proud of. A pleasure to show you. Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Kxch. bldg. Main 583. Between 3d and 4th on Stark. IN LAURELHUJK3T High etaas bungalow, up-to-date In every par ticular; finished in old ivory; all hardwood floors; garage. Close to Lanrelhurst Park. Pos session, reasonable time. Shown only by ap pointment. I IN ROSE CITY PARK Modern 7 room house with garag. close to school and car; house exceptionally well built; magnificent view. This home cost more than is asked for it. Terms. . - MR. BROWN Main 1700, or Sunday and evening. Tabor 6. NEAR S. p. SHOPS EASY TERMS Large 7 room house, full basement, ma cadam streets, clear of all incumbrance. Price $1800. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2850 HAWTHORONB PAVED DISTBICT. 5 room bung., cor. , lot! VERY REASON ABLE. Look at it. 1436 E. Lincoln. 6012 83d ave. S. E. Look at it; 5 room bungalow; BEST BUY in the DIST.; price $2650; large Vi block to car and paved st 6728 63d ave. S. E. ; price $1800; 8 room and attic, 2 blocks to ear. . IF INTERESTED call Stiles A Welle. Main 3429. 624 By. Ex. bldg. Evaning. Tabor 8743. G LIS AN ST. HOMB ; 51800 FUBNISHED $1600 4 ..... - 6 rooms, bath, semi-basement, corner lot garage, on hard surface "street good furniture, quick possession, terms.' C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK Classy 5 room bungalow, with garage; price $4300; all improvements paid. y. 5 ON FAILING 8TBEET Corner lot 60x75 feet 8 room bungalow. All improvements in and paid. A big snap at $1900; easy terms. $8800 On 4 2d st: modern 6 mom bungalow; large attic. Ail improvements in and paid. A splen did buy; easy termi. Tabor 3433, or East 2088 evenings. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW PRICE $4500 $1500 CASH 6 room bunas low, witht fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-in effects, etc. Full lot East front Garage. This property cost nearly $r)000 and is an absolute sacrifice at above mentioned price. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st, Broadway 4133- ""REAL NEAT PLACE- $200 CASH; JUST NORTH OF BROADWAY 8 room cottage, eleg. bath and plumbing, lights, large floored attic; paved sts, sewer, all pd. Fract lot, walking diat Price only $1800. G. C. Goldenberg 215-18 Abington bldg. 106 H 3d. . " "35 Tr. in Portland." BARGAIN- 6 room, modern bungalow. 2 fine lots 40x125, Dutch kitchen, bath and bed rooms finished in old Ivory, cement basement, beautiful lawn, lots of rosesr fruit trees, berries and grapes, 2 chicken houses, everything A-l. See this before you buy. Price $2650, $1000 cash. Furnished or unfurnished. 1 7783 45th ave. S. E. 3 ROOM COTTAGE, $750 Nice 8 room eottage, gas, bath, rooms lars and in fine condition; 9 frnit trees, 8 rose bushes, all fenced. Lot 40x100. 6828 E. 83th near 69th are. Price a snap, $750; terms. GBCSSI A BENNETT, 31 Board of Trade bldg. Mam 7452. THE BEST BUY IN HAWTHORNE A nice bungalow of 4 large rooms and sleep ing porch. Dutch kitchen, finished - in white. The street is paved and sewer in and paid for. The price is $2000 with" $500 down. COE'A. M "KENNA CO. Main 4532. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. "f"25 PER MONTH" Modem 5-room bungalow, fine fireplace, built in bookcases and buffet, white Dutch kitcen, at tractive electric fixtures; convenient to Van couver and Woodlawn ears; $2100. 1480 E. 7th st. N. Phone. Wdln. 3524. SEVERAL ' GREAT BARGAINS IN BCNGA LOWS; ROSE-CITY PARK; SEE THEM. TWO EXCELLENT HOMES IN IRVINGTON. VERY REASONABLE, TO 8 ROOMS. EAST 273, tl.HUMJLJi. "BARGAIN TERMS " New modern 6 room bouse; Westmoreland, Phone SeUwood 1648. FOR"E"aTl 2 3 "Minnesota ave. N.,'a 6 room house; lot 50x100, fruit trees, close to Jeffer mn and OcSley Green school. eloe to 2 earlinea; price $2250, termaPhcneWoodlavra 2692. FQRSALE 7 room house with sleeping porch furnace, weshtrays, full basement; 13 bear ing frnit trees, garage, lot 50x1 3(1 ; paved, streets. 1 block from carline. East 7626, i 5 ROOM house. eor.lot paved street," splendid neighborhood. $2800. Will take lot up to $500 part payment F. Plympten, $09 Atig- ton bldg- -f ;';r " - - ! - ' - . . HOUSE, furnished complete. Will sacrifice tor $185 cash, and Vi acre land,. $650, on.easy terms- 15 minutes' walk from carline,, Bdwy. 8421 between 4 and T P. m. 4 BOOM plastered, electric lights, gas, toilet sink, 60x100 lot, 4 blocks north M-V car, $975. $280 cash. 219 E. SO th st N. Owner, Tabor 854, forenoon. , ."7 ' . "$iToo " ' - ;: : 3 room shack, acre, fruit and shade trees, opposite Arleta hool. 5208 64th st S. E. Tsoor azaa FOR ' SALE Lot 60x106, 2 houses on $60 - monthly income, bargain $6000. Will sell eagle if necessary. Owner, Mar. 4448. -. IIAWTHOR'NE DIST., 35TH ST., $2660 "" Five large rooms, -large lot room for garage; vacant, owner, laoor ssit 250 EQUITY 6 room bungalow, garage," cnicgen noose, exuw mu. wuwow im, FOR SALE 3 rocan shack and lot 4428 4 2d ave. MODKRN 6 room bungalow. 644 . 36th St., , $3250. ' ; - S ROOM house, and lot cheap, - Small payment down; tout trees; near car. K-923. Jonrnal. $10t, PAiJ-eesh, takea good 3 room houseoe carline. - 020 85th .S. E. KEAX ESTATK FOB SALE HOUSES 81 BOSS- CITY PARK 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $8250 You can't afford to pas this up. Why, Just think of being able to buy a bungalow with 8 rooms and sleeping porch with hardwood floor, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement - basement, furnace, etc., on a beautiful corner In Rose City Park, with all assessments paid. ' Here, truly, is a wonderful opportunity for someone to get a wonderful buy. 'The owner 1 moving away and want to raise the cash at once. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. Located 56th and Thompson sts. Will yon delay! Probably never again an opportunity like thi one. A. ii. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st,, near Sd. Main 8516. Branch office 60th and Sandy. $1800. 8 ROOMS White enamel finished, modern plumbing. Large living room, big front porch with river view. Thi is truly a snap. Located at WUHwood Court, near St Johns ferry. Term, halt cash. J. L.. HABTMAN COMPANY, T Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and 'Stark. Main 208. A-2050. FOR SAXE LOTS 1C ATTRACTIVE a LOT BARGAINS 150x100, Southraoreland. on 1 9th at. near Rex; cement walks and curb, east front; $1200. 1-00x100, White City Park, 72d St.; Clack amas Ca line; cement walk and curb in and; paid, nortli facing; $800. -.. 100x250. Peninsula, S. E. cor. of Hunt and Chase; 162000. easy terms. t 60x90, Peninsula district, S. W. cor. Gil bert and Rochester: $200. . ' ' 60x100, Montclair, on 78th, near Ma son; cement walk and curb, west Xacing; $625, terms. 50x147, Peninsnla district, ear. Watts and Wabash; cement walk and curb in and paid; $700, easy terms. 50x112, Hawthorne district Mt t. near Hawthorne ave., east facing; all improvements in and paid: $750, .terms. , 79x100, S. E. cor. 7 9t.h and Halsey; $700. 50x09. R. C. Park, S. E. cor. 46th and Tillamook; all improvements in and paid; $1550, cash. 50x100, Irvineton district, on Schnyler, near 35th st; all improvement in and paid; $710. 50x100, Overlook, on Capital, near Mason, east facing: cement walk, curb and Macadam st in and paid; $725 cash. We also have many other at bargain prices. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER, RTTTER, LOWE f CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LOTS IT, 18. blk. 20, Berkeley add., corner lots 60x100, close to ear and school; will sell cheap os tiado for lot in Kenton. Address 1642 Denver ave.. Portland. CARPENTER or contractor, well located lot for sale, reasonable; a good part taken in work. T-880. Journal. f . , FOR SALE Two good lota, Oregon Electric. 5e fare. Will help ' party to build small house. (.Private), G-421. Journal. LOT in Brentwood, cheap for cash, or will trade. What have yout Wdln. 4965. ACREAGE $7 LOOKING .FOR BARGAIN T HERE'S ONE 10 acres, all fine land and cultivated, good house, barn and chicken house, all fenced and croasfenced; good well and spring water. Only 17 miles from Portland, and 1 A mile from station and paved highway. Price $2500. Rea sonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE, la acre, just outside of city lim ita, south of Tremont sta., 6 room plastered house with concrete foundation, big barn for 8 head stock and place for hay; concrete walk. water in; 14 frnit trees. Price $1675; terms $200 cash and bat easy. J. 8. KNAUS, 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270 TWO acres, house, water piped, chicken house, 8c fare (Oregon Electric) by book, near bard surface road, garden soil, all cleared. $1500, terms. Take auto to $600 part pay ment. 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 5456. .1 f -00.- buys 40 acres; A-l animproTed89JE.17thN. ONE acre, close lnj cultivated, no buildings, eity water, on Hawthorn ave. carline, on 29th ave. at 66th at B. . IS. Terms, Owner, 2932 62d St. . ri. 15 ACRES all oieared, very best of soil, right at station, enjoining electric n". from Portland, can be bought on easy term for eZOtlll, iSUW uresoa Plug. " pnawwaj i- 20 ACRES for rent in Tigardvflle, fine or ehard. Inquire 858 Yamhill St. SPBTTRHAy HOMES 78 TWO tracts, each 105x318 ft, on Oregon Electric line, 5 blocks frcra Sbabapta station. 8 blocks from Multnomah station, hard surface county road; price $800 each; teams; 6 cento commutation fare. One tract 100x165 ft near Maplewood school house, on gravel county road; price $650; terms; house built if desired: 6 cents commu tation fare. Phone Main 2 1 82. Wm. Borsch. 25 acre to choose from in this locality. ALMOST 11 acres with 8 acres in cultivation, 8 room house with sleeping porch, good never failing spring, mile from old Tigard Stone and Capital highway, good auto road to place, fine view of Mt Hood. Council Crest and valley, exceptionally good 'soil for early berries and fruit; price $3400; terms; no trade. Phone Main 2182. Wm. Borsch. TEN acres, near Oswego lake; good 6 room house, fireplace, small outbuildings, fruit all under cultivation. Hog tight fence, on good road near school. $8000. Easy terms. Ideal country home. Main 2558. SLETTEN & JONES. 248 Stark t QUICK action and $500 gives you possession of my full acre and pretty rustic bungalow with fireplace. One of Lake Grove's most beau tiful sites, overlooking Oswego lake. Furnished complete ready to move in, $2100; easy term. Home phone B-6161. Mr. Eason. ' THREE room and Vk acre, also 6 room house and fruit Oregon City car. close to river and station. Geo. Morse, 808 Cham, of Com. Main 5008. FOB SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE by owner,, close, in, all rural ad vantage. 3 acres, all in cultivation; 60 .bear-, lng trees, small fruit, good room house, with furniture 2 well, big woodhouse. plenty wood. Hen-house and 20 nice pullets, fine Jersey cow, big barn, hay, straw, all kind seeds, grain to plant farm machinery, garden tools, new lum ber, shingle, cedar post; including late model touring car all equipped and in beat condition for $2800; or wUl sell place eeparate if yon wish for $2200. See me at onee; going east Call O. E. Freytag. Gladstone. Or. Phone 269-J. JUW U M . At bargain price for nick alo- 43 aerea. 38 cultivated, 4 acre timber. 11 acre 6-year-old prunes, 12 acres wheat AU good land. Neat bungalow, good barn, etc $2500 insurance, good team horse. 1 cow, 6 pigs, all kinds tools, machinery, etc. 50 miles Portl&nd. 8 miles good valley town. Price $7600. $8000 cash. If you are in the market tor a good farm cheap. ?,nVl:ATEW"0D CO. 185 4th st WILL SACRIFICE MY RANCH Must move to Canada thi month and wffl have to sacrifice my highly improved 20 acre ranch 9. mile from Vancouver, all good level soil good house, barn, silo, fence, water, seboolaod American neighbors; excellent dairy, hog and poultry preposition;, bargain for ome-nne- $3000. cash. bal. long time! easily worth $3000. Address owner, 90 East 8th t. PortUnd. Phono East 137B. r in irBES 14 miles from HillsboVo, between 102 eVric tines rail, to statSr close to new Wchway, all in wheat. 1-3 goes with farm. 1 '"V, ,'JL -n. $1700: terms; also modern Omroom-houseu'HUlato. totb. toilet wash roWin basement, big lot 90x190. all kinds of fruit and roses; also other property. Add, J. 4i. .. i i i.T " " STOCK and grain ranch wanted, prefer - East ern Oregon, Offer to exchange 834 acres; Polk county, Oregon, equity $28,000; . 820 Northern California equity $15,000; also apartment house. Portland, equity $30,000 Sell or exchange one or all. Thontaasen. Y. M. C. A., Portland. FOR 8ACB"by owner, B2 acres. 24 acre in cul ti ration, fair buildings, all fenced, mile from hard surface road, T miles north of Van couver. Wash, Price $7250; $3250 caeh. balance on time at per cent Will take bouse and lot for $2500. W. W. Gerta. 1867 Chase t Call Columbia 154,- Portland, Or. FOB SALE By owner. 820 acre "Hairy ranch, 1 mile south of Beaver. Or., in Tillamook county, with U stock and machinery; will sell all or part For particular see or writv W. A. H. Rig. FOR SALE by wner, 80 acres irrigated land, near Redmond, 4 water shares, some xnaehin. ery furniture, 3 horse, lease on 180 acres pasture land fenced included. Phone-East 1549 0f write iuu mucto wiuw. FOR SALE By owner, 1 7 acres, improved, $3500, with terms, at Glen Oak station. Take electric car at 15th st. fare IS cent. Peter Blocan. Route 3, Oregon City. FORT SALE 110 acres 8 miles north of Van - coaver. -All Mock and tools go with .place, R. F.'D. S, Box 139.- Vanconrer. Wash. - -TWO good stock ranches for sa'ia. WriU ETBl Thru l. Laiiloii, Curry county, Oregon. RE A I, ESTATB FOR SALE FARMS 17 12 ACRES. K -mile from car line; new small house, bam. poultry house. 8 acre cultivated, good well and stream; oa gravel road; price $2000. cash. 40 acre. 8 mile of town, 18 acres culti vated ; new 8-room house, nice barn and out- uaxiuMKs ; spring water pipea wo souh bj nu , some fine timber: team. 2 cows, chickens and S acres, H mil of tows, 2 , sere in cultiva tion, balance ash timber and pasture; woven wire fences; no buildings; price $600. term. 44 acres, near term: 1 er cultivated, rest slashed; small house and pouBzy house; woven wire fences; $600. term. ... '.., 8 aerea. close to town: 1 H acre eulHvsted; 4 -room house, well, barn, poultry house; $1100, terms. - - li seres; bufldtngs; mV place for poultry; spring; on publio road; $850, terms. ... t . 20 acres, 12 cultivated ta fH wheat. fclarjc timber and pasture; good building; $3000, terms. .These are all doe to good town, n - . -GEO. MORSEv . 309 Chamber of Commerce. 129 ACRES. 90 In eulUvatton ; good ' 7-room house, old barn, good outbuildings, garage; family . orchard, lot of .Nrrje; mnnuig water; best soil; well fenced and eros fenced; one of -the beat stock and dairy farm In Clarke county; with complete outfit of machinery to run place; one team; priced at $126 per acre; Vi mile from high achooL bank, stores, railroad; 26 milea'from Portland: --'-- 40 acres, 87 in ctwtiTStlon ; 7-room modern house, hot and cold water: large-barn and ether outbuildings: feaeed and cross fenced: B acre in prunes; 70 walnut trees, 7 almond; 4 acre to apple orchard. 25 'cherries, 15 pears, and all kind, of Jlnad fruitl jalle .from. VaAcouver; farm Implements; horse and wagon; all Tor $9000, $3500 cash, instance long time. 2.61 acres 1 mile Yrom city limits; lays weTl and about 150 cords wood; close to the industrial district; for gale or would consider trsd. 6 acres, all in cultivation, 2 acre in ber ries; 4-room house, 3 chicken houses, 2 block from store and street ear; a nice home priced-for quick sale at $2000, ft cash, terms on balance. See us for all kinds of insurance. W. W. Wilson Co., 611. Wash. St., Vancouver Wash. SOME very good buy in small farms, 4 to 20 acres, all outside city limits of Newberg; per sonally inspect before listing; come in and tell me your wants; have one 9 acres, 1 mile out good buildings, lots of fruit, B, F, . D., tele phone, some good furniture, all at $4000, cash; another S acres, lota of fruit tood 6 room house, 1 mile out barn,, chicken bouse, good road, loganberries brought $50. raspberries $48; price $2600, $1600 cash. I have one or two mAlo 5 of the best farm hnys In Tamhtll Co.. 287. 116, 82, 60 and 40 acTeg respect ively. Ask for Hesgard. with Claud O. Watson iteaity CO.. QUO owexiana mm. mu ON highway 20 miles out 21 acres, 16 in culti vation; all thi to pranes and blackcap ; has about 6 acre A-l tree which brought $2300 last season, balance are 4 years old; 6 apple. 21 cherries, plum, prunes, 8 walnut." 8 peaches, 6 acres of blackcaps; expect an average crop of 10 tons this season; red shot soil, rolling good aw and Soil drainage, 6 room dandy bungalow, good barn,- woodshed, chicken house, etc.; stones throw from church, school, store and electric line; balance of this fa"n is 8 acres pasture and fir timber; an exceptional buy; price $10,000. Call and let me show you this. Ifesgard, with Claud G. Watson Realty Co.. 606 Swetland bldg. Phone wain iw 80 ACRES 2 miles of Rainier, Or.. 20 acre in cultivation, balance paatwe, house, barn, orchard, spring. $2700, $1200 cash. , 75 acres 6 miles of McMinnvUl. 16 acre cultivated, fair buildings, running water, $2000. $200 cash. . 11 H acres 18 miles of Portland at Barton. 3 acre clear, good house, $1500. , 160 acre logged off land 6 mile west of Rainier. $25 per acre. . . 41 1-8 acre 3 miles of Oregon City, 25 acres clear, best of soil, good lmP7?me?ti crop, stock, machinery, feed, $6000, half cash. Room 103 Sherlock owg Absolutely best land in Western Oregon. 50 acres- all in cultivation, level and no rock; half fenced, new 4 room house, barn and other small buildings. Only 28 miles from Eortland. on Estaeada carline and surfaced road. mile from station, store, school, etc Thi land , O . W I. ...... 411 flllll.. ll fsuv per acre. wouh $2000. Hurry and investigate. Xou cant go wrong. Term. Call evenings, 5 to 9, Wdln. 896. or Wdln. 4965 FOR SALE, by owner. $40 per acre, 100 acres. 6 miles northwest of Scappoose. 2 mile of Parson Junction: 80 acres together in pas ture and cultivation'; plenty of good water; 9 room house partly finished; . old barn; all sorts of good farm tools,- Implement "and - growing crops go with place. About 20 acres of good timber.- write owner lor lurtner intormaoon. G. . H. Siercka, Scappoose. Columbia Co., Or. FARMS WASTEB-BEST OR BTJY 83 HAVE $2000 cash and Liberty bonds; will buy stock and lease small stock ranch, with some farm land; might buy ranch later. Give full particulars first letter. J-213, Journal. WANTED Have customers who would ex-' change Portland city lots for small farm or acreage, partly improved, if clear of incum brance. ' Give full description and legal num ber, nearest town, etc Also state how to reach the land from Portland. Want 2 acre up to 80 acres. Have customer for farm of 40 to 160 acres right on the Columbia river between Port land and Rainier. J. S. Knauas, 410 Stock Ex change bldg., Portland, Or. WANT farm ranging from $3000 to $10,000, Will exchange for houses of same value, clear of incumbrance. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO. 302 Oak, TIMBER ' 18 NOTICE of sal of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington, D. C, February 14. 1919. Notice ia hereby given that sub ject to the condition and limitations of ti act of June, , 1916 (89 Stat., 218). and th instruction of th .secretary of the interior of September 15. 1917. Use timber on the follow ing land will be told April 8. 1919. t 10 o'clock a- m., at public auction, at th United State land office at Portland. Oregon, to the highest bidder, at "at less than the appraised value a shewn by this notice, sal to b sub. ject to the approval cf the secretary of the interior. The purchase prices, with an ad ditional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent there of, being commission allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if t.le ia not approved, otherwise patent will ton for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United Stats, association of snch elti sen and corporations organised under th law of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, th timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 8.. B 2 E., sec 6. NE NBH. fir 1690 nu. hemlock 270 m.; NW 14 NEK, fir 880 m., hemlock 160 mi 8W14 SBH. fir 1770 ra., hemlock 250 m. ; 8E NE , fir 2890 sa.. hemlock 200 m.; SE14.fir 1170 ta.. hemlock 120 m; SW SE. fir 1630 ra hemlock B0 ra. : gWVt BE, fir 790 m.; 8B SEtt. fir 1190 m.; hemlock 80 m.; NE NW 14. fir 630 m., hemlock 130. m.; NW NW. fir 1760 m. NE 14 8W , fur 1950 NW 8W. fir 2100 m ; SW hi SW, fir 1250 m; BE 14 SW14. fir 1650 m.i sen of the fir to be sold for 1 than $1.50 per Ha., and none ef the hemlock to he sold for las than 76 cent per m. T. 4 S-, R. 3 E., mq. 8: SE SEW , fir 1200 m.: 8W 6K, fir 1145 m. Sec 83: BE 14 NE 14 . fir 730 m cedar 25 m.; SW 14 NE14, fir 850 ra., nona of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per m, CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office TTMBER FOR BALE OR TRADE We nave several good bargains in large and small tracts close to railroad, log. tie and wood Lp reposition. - - . jonaotu.v m atuiuii, 914 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg. WE have several million feet of timber and can make a very attractive proposition to parties to put in tie mills. 828 Railway Exchange bldg. HOMgTEATB - 47 640 HOMESTEADS snd rellnquiahmcnU. Large portion tillable. Eastern Oregon r splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient. Some good timber claim. Lived ia that coun try for years. Call 7 to 9, evening or Bun day, or write W. T. Lester, Room 5, 454 8, Broadway. EXCHANGE REAX ESTATE t 160 AND 400 acre farms. Eastern Oregon, ex . change for city property or (mail farm near Portland.: Call evening. 7 to- 9. or Sunday, or write W. T. Lester, Boom 0, 645 8. Broad way. . ' . . . NICELY located, improved farm," 180 acres, in Minnesota, by , owner ; consider residence or improved acreage; give full particulars or no reply- - E-7, Journal. . EXCHANGE Residence. Hiawatha. Kan., and home site. K. C Mo., for property Portland, Of. Tabor 270O. -FOR - MALE 320 acre of ila-nd in northern Lake cuuuty. Inquire 7bd Reed st REAX ESTATE EXCHANGE RE AX JESTATE 81 160 ACRE STOCK FARM, ALL FENCED . 25 aerea in cultivation : cood house, bunch graaa near government reserve, plenty outrange. price g-auuv; wm eonsudev auto as part or wnsi have youf - GILS0N REALTY CO., 431 Cham.' of Com. 4 ACRES close to the electric line, 4 acre under cultivation.! acre timber, pasture: good house and barn, chicken house, . orchard and small -fruits, close to Forest Grove; price $1000, clear. . Want small house in Portland and will put in cash on difference, J. M. Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. ' $9400 Good fir timber and land (240 acres) , title dear, creek on Dlaca. adjacent to high way and logging stream, half mile frtan town, railroad and sawmill, in Lane ronnty; make good goat ranch; trad .for deairatAe. Portland home. E-8, Journal. 160 ACRES. 80 cultivated, SO a, cleared ready to plow. 40a. timber and pasture. 6 spring, 6 room house, barn, family orchard, close P. O., school, church; price $10,400. $2500 mortgage.- 6 . Want boo in Portland for equity or . merchandise stock, or will make good term. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 H 4th t. THE MATCH MAKER . -Tour farm for a city property. -Your city property for a farm. -R, F.. BUTLER, 431 CHAMBER OF COM. I25ft EQUITY 6 room bungalow ; for auto. , horses, rows, chickens or what have youf Sellwooa 81X7, .-" .. WANTED KF.AL ESTATB 81 I HATE " CLIENTS waiting for B ' or 6-roora bungalow er cottage. Irvington. wainut rar. or Piedmont preferred. . If the price i right I can make sal immediately. Call or writ. 1 J, H, HILL 6S6 WILLIAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. V ' 1 AM NO CARPENTER But have sold home and must move. Have good clear 60x100 Albert lot improvements naid $750: one 6 room ; modern , bungalow to $2500, M-V west of 60th, It O. oriltawtnorne district Can pay $50 per month. Ta. 2934. HAVE income city property to trad for good timber claim, ranging from $2000 to $100, 000. SUnley 8. Thompson Co., 802 Oak. HAVE a client for 6 acre ranch ' all or partly cleared, with- house and outbuildings, within 15 mils Portland; vrifl paycash. , . MrTKOD k TAYLOR. a-tn T7.n Rznhance. Mar. S633 a, o v "J " ' " , -i in . I WANT your listing, bungalows, garage, acre age. Can sell them quickly for you. LA MONTE, 606 Swetland bldg., with ,C G. WAX- SON REALTY CUaPAJX. mam WANTED To trade A- 1917 Grant machine . . and $100 cash as first payment on up-to-date B-room bungalow; balance in good payment, Mrs. Knapp. 121 Russell t Est 6053. WANTED, 4 or B roon modern house with basement; 60x100 lot preferred ; . can i pay $500 down., $25 or $30 a month, . Box 2050. Portland, ur. WANT room bungalow -cottage. Out J modern,' near Umoo ave. Nw preferred. , uerunger diuc. I WANT""the"pet"6 room bungalow or cottage $1800 . cMhTwill buy. Act autek. Owner only. J-zn. jounuu. . ..... .. wnauT. 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman. '147 Prk t . SPOT cash and quick deal for bargain in mooern B-room bungalow on Pavedat; prefer Boee Ijlty or nawuiwii v , . - , WANTED -5 or 6 room bungalow; have going transfeTbnes to trade. 183 1st st. owner., WANTED. 4 or 5 room house, with terms, irom owner only. Woodlawn 2588. ROOM1SG HOPSESr 6S 22 JcctxUJJ! city; ortca nououia. i, fine, clean a ptn. clear. $228 to $275 per mo.; plenty ot unci), cireu. and cold water to W trieUy modem; easily worth $8500. wif. Mef VrX .t2!ofl phereitm, TB. ' ' L S06 Swetland bldg. Main 7435. 80 ROOM FINE APARTMENT 0Q 10 rooms, extra good anno 37 room apartment gVo rooms, corner, ------- - yn; o iwiiv, . . . - ..... - 3tTK 8 rooms, good .. . . . - - nflkh 28 rooms, steam heat transient. "oi0 64 rooms, l,-2. 3 room, steam heated . apartment, fine furniture aou Many others no junk. 0ILSON REALTY CO., 431 Cham, of Com. " ftot in Mv Automobile And I will quickly and comfortably "ofWJ"a the best buy obtainable ia rooming and apart ment houses. I'll guarantee you a Square deal and see that you baTe no rrouoie. J. BRUCE GOPPARp. 602 Conch Bldg. PHONEMJn 7435TXA it&STE can sell" tour apt house, large or small, and do it tly I have a waiting list of buyer. C, G. Watson Realty Co.. 506 Swetland bldg. j WTTST irSS OPFORTITWITIES I 29 PAYING grocery tor le. RjJ PnilK aU cash, few by week. Living room in rear. Nearest store to steel shipyards: thick ly settled district Store a money maker. Just the place for man end wife or small family. Owner leaving city. $800 cash take atocSjand fixtures, call main save, - " " after 6 p. m. ana unaayosiuaTOtooji. MY oufit aU in A-l condition, is for sale, con sisting of pool -tables, soda fountain, 12 ft marble, complete. 1-12 ft tobacco wall case, show cases, electric cash register, linoleum .and lot small fixture that go with above. No. 1 me dium safe. See me if yon want some good fix tures, complete. Call Wilgu D. Smith, 286 Beech at. near William ave. I' ' POOL. HALL - ! M Doing good cash business, beet location, 4 goou pool - - - ' ' . ' . plete, low rent; $725. Main 2558.. j WE have half interest to a good business for sale cheap, help more essential than money. stand ittTmtictiov.-t BL & H, Klty Co., 616 T pfif A TTU A VT fiAP Good location, fuUy equipped, doing fine; owner leaving city; $900. j . SLETTEN A JONES, J Main 8858. .. .. f Stark t WlNTED General blacksmith and horseshoer. Good proposition for right party. Auto ga rage in connection. Good location. George Hartll, aoti. vt. WILL lease space, for garage and repair shop on highway, near city limit wnere average of -about 6000 people a day pas in autoa. ; J- 212. Journal. FOB SALE, dental office, modern equipment good Pying practice, in a live town. Best of reason for selling. For particular apply TX 876, Journal. ' 1 '- T6& SALE Cigar, confectionery, fruit nd soft drink pUee, doing a good business. In- ON account of death, want to cell or trade . . - . , .OO ... a gOOa going inulr uypumvm. a at, . m. FOR SALE Photo studio, good location, cheap rent well estanurnei. au or part oi ouhiw Have other bu-ineiis. 71 6th st- N. .. .. ; GENERAL blacksmith shop, machiiiery," stock and- tools, doiiur- g'xid business. 1385 i Di visional. TaborJ5603. . T FOR SALE OR TRADE Garage, rood "loca tion. Come and see thi if you are in terested. C. G. Miller, Jefferson, Or., Box 73. f-OIt SALE A fine buctnea in the heart of the city, paying 15 cash monthly. No in cumbrance. For particular call Tabor 840, MERGHANTILE"buaine!w'for"alr $8000 buy . property, stock and fixture, F&-424, Jour nal.' - "'. " i " SOFT drink, cigar and lunch room; a bargain. 43 N.'2d st ... . J- - FOR SALE ORRENT Blacksmith shop and - ' garage. KX-424, JournaL- BUSINESS OPFORTC3UTIEJ5I - WASTED 64 WANTED, ft and 6 room bungalows in'R. C. district, pool hall, restaurants, garage, any thing; have a list of buyers. i LA MONTE. 1 606 SwetUnd bldg. Phone, 748B. Thave cash Want small business, about . $2000; prefer grocery. Answer quick what you hare; will call and see it. -D3i. Journal. WANTED Party wishes to" buy nmall garage business; atat price and . best term. W-812, Journsl. t - .'--"" FOR drug store, west aid, income property. 449 ""' Lexington ave - .- . , MOTffEY TO XOAy REAX ESTATE 87 MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7. Louis Salomon es lio.. OS feeahng BiJa. - 4tf00 TO $9ioU to loA on. eity or farm luurt gage: no communion, p. O. Box 873. MONEY TO I.OATf REAL ESTATE J7 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying 'a loan,'...--'". c $32.26 per month for 88 months, or ' ' $21.24 for 60 month or 815.17 for 90 months. sn S1000 lou and Interest Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No oommisaion chanred. EQUITABU4 SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 842 Stark t, Portland, Or. $100,000 to loan oa farm; no delay, no red . Lll . .- . .fill .... . ' . I - , . ianr, tiv puuiicii, l- m uiimaiv fauvj muai gage Loan company, Aurora, Or. . MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property.-.'...'.'- - A. 1L BELL, Room 10-11, Mulkey bldg.' $300, $400,, $500, $600, $750 and UP. low est rate, 'quick action. Gordon Investment Co., 631 Ch, of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortaage and sellers contracts ; on real estate in Washington or Oregon. IL mx, nrow, u unmensw mag. $250. $350 $400, $500, $600 ' and -larger amounts; current rates: auick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commeme, BUILDING 'loans ' on eity or euburbaa property, : money advanced as work progresses, w. i. Beck. 215 and 2 16 Falling bldg. Main 8407. $200, $500, $1000, $2000, no com. City and suouroan nouses, Ward. 407 Bpaktlng bldg. MONEY to ltmn 6a improved city property." Call Tabor 4059. - - . - - - ' - - i - MONEYto loan onc"ity property at lowest rates, r Fred S. WilfiamK, 8214 1st t I I s EijroTrEiH5ireNv?e Chamber of Commerce, th and Stark. 4- MOJfEY TO XOA7T CHATTEXS, SALARIES " i t Do You Need 'Money?; anos, household', goeds or anything of value. w"ii t. w . your- penseaaioa ; -. a lsi 1 to SALARIED. PEOPLE on Uiei I notes with out security. a your payment to ether loan comrnie.or.on, furniture .or. automobile con- t T"f(l, m ,l0a, , I. . n wam ... . I, , - ..." " , u u ui u. n, m t, nm pay them up, advance you more money if neces sary, and you can repay us- In anul monthly payment to suit your convenienre. iJiuaii KAIta. -' WO J1KI.AT BUSINESS - STRICTLY CONFIDENTTAIi PORTLAND XOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-307 Dekura bldg. ! ; Marshall 8286.- " Salary IRAN'S WV. iJiiv unwrv I Chattel On short, notice tn salaried er :Workingmen on their own not Ah , ; Wm1it k. a.nft,rw payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. auniuswi NO INlHRaElt, ABSOLUTELY ;NO -SECURITY - W also- loan -on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal, . v . ,i , ,i. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . IJCENSED" " . ' " 1 , . 218 Falling bldg. I PORTLAND REMEDUL 'LOAy 'ASSJ. Etabliahod by Portland Busineaa - Men to Protect the Borrower ; . LOANS-ON DIAMOjfDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE City, and County i Warranto' Cashed '" . for Face---Vane. . ' , -.-' . CARRD3 ; MYERS IIERJtMAN, MGR., V ' 384 STARK ST MONEY to loan oa "diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all article held a year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington, XOANS wanted; aa WANTED A loan of $3000 on property worth $1 7,000, from private party. Pboaw SEE. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 viaiuwt m ionimeroe. e tn ana ritar. . FIXAKCIAL $1 LIBERTY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty bouds. fell to n. If- you can buy more Liberty bonds, buy from us. We buy and we cell Liberty bond at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER TOO MAT . , DO WORSE. !-. , We are today pkying the following price , i , -sD.ernmeiK juioerty loan bond which are the opening Nw York Price nitik .lis ... 1 . . ' . $100 Bond S1& ... . .................. i .. onart J1.4!. 95.00 T", 7T, ; , 94.83 15'-"-::::::::::::r.:-::.. 3rd 4 14 .- ..97.3 2 is uurenasing l.ioerty bond w deduct from the above price 87o ou a $50 bond and $2.60 On S S1O0O hnnri . In seUlng Liberty bonds we charge the New W rtw-gf n lr a 4 MiH.. 1 i i. IT , vfu-n. pius in accruea interasv. SI'ifJT, "nd firProof safe deposit vault. SAJE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BENT M0RRIS BROS., INC. - Th Premier Municipal Bond House. . . ... Established over 26 rears. 809-811 Btark street between 6th and 6th lurouna tioor.J i Telephone Broadway 2161i LIBERTY BONDS - CASH FAIT FOR- ANY ISSUE OF BONDS J- UTTT.r. 11 1 O tr rwrw. - Bond Receipts Bought WTLL CASH YOTJR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUB BO. NOT SACRIFICE YOTJR ! RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT GOLD TOLLARS SEE a BTTRKITT, SECRETARY OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO. " .212 SELLING BI.DG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER. STS ' TT. 8. BOND DEALERS We want $2000 2d 4s, $5000 3d 414 and $10,000 4th U . thi. urn. .T.7..C". market . price. We hnv ant knit T,V, ; . t j . also receipts. Check maUed out of town seller day bond are received. i : ....... - NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Established 1809. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington.! " f 1 LIBERTY BONDS J All Issues Bought and Sold- Before buying or ellind get our quotation. E. I DEVEREAUX It COMPANY, Gorerument and UunicfpsJ Bond. 87 Sixth street Between Stark and Oak; ' '4 BONDS' BOUGHT - SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Come to 725 Gaaco bldg., 6th ad Alder. - Mail bonds to u; we remit return matt. - CELI.ARS-MCRTON CO. OPEN SAT. EVE. LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR LIFE INSURANCE IS TOO GOOD TO JUSTIFY M I S H EPRESENTATION. Misunderstanding may be avoided by dealing with agents who sub mit proposition in writing before securing appli cations. Take policy and agent' statement to your attorney for verification. Premium rate of regular companies quoted. Take your choice. Send name, addres and telephone number. -B. WORD, P. O. BOX 1041. CITY. ' J VlLL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND " - -'-' ' . ' " - - V- i ? 99 PER CENT -. OF FULL CASH VALUE - (AO da coupon interest included) . X. H, KEATING, 617 BOARD OF TRADE. L.IBEKT V BUAllS Partly paid contracts bought Open till 1 :$0, DORCAS ec DORCAS, 820 N. W. Bank bid,, Uth and .MWrrtsnn, US VkJS'J M..l , loaswi eofee, kt-Lsw:. i3 Lewis b:d. Usr. idtZ. HORSES. VEHICLES, FTC. FOR SALE Best lot of all purpose horses the city; aU guaranteed as represented; : horse to pick from than there ia in any ham tn Portland. I buy -and aell en commissi". Horse to hire by the day, week or month, iior nes and wagons of ail kind-. PTIIL SUKTTER . 286 Front t , TEN head of mires and hones, ranging in weight from JOOO te 1600 Ins. , Among tltft-e horse you can nick a ' eood farm team or a single work horse; also seversl et of hraivy work name, one Ugnt top- sprtnii wnron, top bugcy and 8 14 -inch running gsar. Coma and try thi stock out before you bp. 8!)2 Knott st , v nine es or i nion ave. T HEAD ef good young farm mar, all blnrky and fine built, gentle and good worker;:, weight from 1300 to 1600 IIj. eac-h; alwt 3 extra food hi cow and 1 heavy sprintier, I single mare and 8 set of harness; will sell at bargain, Woodstock ear to Powell st, 3 blw-ks east to 806 or call SeUwood 717. ' . SPAN of bay mares, weight 2200 lb., free of blemishes; extra good workers, aingl or dou ble, with light harness. $110.- Dcppl grnv mare. 7 years ofel. free: of blemishes,- weight 1660; also 30 head of young horses and ! mated teama on aala. fl. W. Howiii:. K nth and Flanders. A FEW spans of good, fat mule in good harness. w souu ins.; gio goon norses, 2500 lb. team, barnes, gxwd farm wagon ; one team of the best noniea in state, (rood harness. light spring and farm wsgon, cheap for cash or liberty bonda. 263 16th near Jeffemon t FOR SALEl have moved to Portland anl - want to sell mv 2 teamni tram 6 and 1 weighing 2900; team 7 and 8 weighing 2R00; 3 eta good harnea and wagon; will sell separate. 682 1st Take South Portland oar to Arthur st Mrs. Logan. 0NK of the best combination mares; all quiet un der asddlw; gentle, good single driver;, man, woman or cuild can rid or dnv her; weiglit bout 1160. PTTTTj STjETTET 285 Front st 40 HEAD of first-elan, youna. stocky, beavv boned home and marei, weighing from 1200 to 1800 Ibsi, fresh to from Willamette valley. See them before buying. Frasier & McLean, 240 E. 8th t. . $187.50 BUS'S team, mare and horse, hliV-Wy built fat. weight 24il lbs., with good har ness . and fairm wagon, 261 Meade st., Souiii Portland esti. - - good firm team for sale, ene extra hor, weiRh 1800 lb.; on gonee-nckd wsgon. one fine lumber wagon, en expres wegon. 170 K. Killingsworth, - : -. . - - LIGHTWEIGHT horae, ' barnes. and cart, f.-r delivery purpose, for aale ; cheap. Address 6916 4 2d are. S. B.' Phone Tabor 408. FOR8AIJS 1 44nch logging wagon; l'S Inch; Melburn wagon. Both in good order. Lewn U. Kortlun, (iajee Creek, Or. 0 SETS of heavy and liirht double hs mens, ail kinds of csrts, baggies, wagons, fin surry. good logging wagon. Any or all cheap. 802 Front st. a W. POMEilOt. general team work nd plowing. 174 E 47th st Portland. lr. Phone Tabor 64. 12 SO LD, mare, with wagon and harnea. $Ha. Phone Marshall 4055. DEAD Jioirse and aitnals hauled away free. " Call vvooalawn so. Portland Rendering Co. HORSE and' wagon, $1.60 day; 2 horses and l wagon, $a. J. Cohen. 646 Front Main 2204. SEVERAfJ small homns cheap. 802' Front SELL cheap, 3 big young teams of far in mares, gentl and honest workers everywhere, -Wilt trade for cattle. or light car. 29tlt and Powell st . Woodstock ear. FRESH Baanen doe; Saanen, Toggenburg atiit grad buck kids for salo; choice stock. 1911 E. Irving st, M-V car. ONE registered Shorthorn-Durham bull. 2 year old, W. E. Brown. Clackannls. Or,. Bout 1. FOR SALE; two fin Saanen goat coming fresh. K-421, Jpurnal. FOR BALE, fresh dairy and family cows. 701 Est Ash. SOME hoals; a bio 2 fine yiHing milk gosu, nren. 'iney are good ones. oa rronu NINE fresh oows and oalvea, ifohtteins and Jer- sey. Union Stockyards. Take Kenton car. WA N TED -A good "kit WriTarT-881 Journat GOOD cow for sale. 6838 82d rS.E. FOR SALE Nifty farm team. (iSllwoodTftC FOT7XTRY. PIOEOTTS. PET, STOCK 87 MURRAY'S BLUE RIBBON HENNERY 8128 62d st S. E.. Portland. Tabor 1261. Breeder of Murray's Blue Ribbon str-ifn Barred Plymouth Botk and Green Sheen Silver Cam pines. HATCHING EGGS, $3.60 TO $5 FEB SET TING OF 15 EGGS. $20 TO $26 PER 1U0, COCKERELS. $3. 80 TO $8. EITHER BREED Write or phone for illustrated oircular and learn great value of my suck for either show, purposes or' egg production. WHITE Iechorn are the most profitable breed of poultry. ' If you are in the business for profit you wUl eventually bve them. Early broilers; early layers; early PROFITS. -We sell only WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHOC from heavy laying HOOANIZED bens. Safe delivery ef full count hve ehi guaranteed. Price cwf 100: February. $16.00; March. I14.O0; April. $12.60. The pioneer Uatcbery, 405 tout street Petalitma. Canlornia. , .1 EXTRA SPECIAL Largest thoroughbred flock ever offered for Kale in Oregon in small lots, Barred Rocks, It. I. Red. 0. A. C. and Tancred White Leghorns, Prices raonbIe, - Birds can b seen at my home place, - Kendall ststion. Ettacada, Bull Knn; Greshara line, ill orderi filled subject t guarantee aa represented . er money refunded. IL C Luhr, Rout 8, Box 263, Lent t!lon, Portland, Or, LOOK If you want to win t th large show this Me MV Tta.FVwrf - Bock mmmrn- III and -lO per Mtting, All prise winners in pen. On elioice cockerel for aale. Setting hens wanted. H. W, Krupke, 1208 Clinton t Tbor 8814. FOR eusa the year round and beat table fowl. get T. A, Hodgson' It a Bbod Inland Bed. Egg $4 per 16 8. C. English Whit Lj horns, eggs $2,60 per 15. - 17J Oraud ave. N. Phone East 6524. FOR SALE thoroughbred White Leghorn set ting esg. Tancred strain, bred 6 years under th Hogan system. Dotliing better, $1.60 per setting. $8 per 100. -; Call" at poultry ranch, 1645 Mississippi ve, Wod1wn 8878. 4 f LElf fSHrfllant, Befflan "arid New " 'ijeVlaiid rabbit and waterproof hutehe for sale at your bid; or will exchange for gas range or Ruud water heater. Must be sold Friday be- fore 7: p. m., Woodlawn 3421. . ' . CURTIS Whil W'yandottesT "Eaits that HATClt from HENS that Lay," $2 per IS. M. K. Curtis Hillsdale, Or. It D. 2, Box 242. . Main 6880 and Main 8389, " I1A BYlfieKS toil SALE ,L' Leghorns, Bed, Bocks, Minorca, best toek ; price reasonable ; safe delivery guaranteed, t. N. Needham, box 412, Halem. Or. -.-' . . ; WHITB Wyandofte. fine mating", Rtrighou and Adam strain; pullet, eock, hn And COcKerclM. 874 Kant 1 1th nd Harrison. WXnTED A" good sacond-hand incubator, alwi brooders.; Must be reasonable, Mr. A. E. Newby, Beaverton, R. 5 4. ; , -;---'t. '-- -4 FOR SALE, cheap, 40 White ' Leghorn piilleiit, ' $1.60; heavy layers. Take jour choker from 66. 1882 JSttkiyou eV - : TANCRED trin WW Leghorn hatching nest. $1.60 per aeulng, $8 per 100, 6418 bid t. S- E. Phono Tabor 2689 - BIIObEISLAND'Bdee for btclilna',L from prize winning stock; also Jtpaneo ' bantams. Wdln. 2979. ;"-::;''-";; - - . THOMPSON7! rWlet elected Hri il-w k hatobln egg. j$2 for IB. . 4904 84th e. Tbor 465. BARRED RSCKi eggs, incubator loto tieeiliy. Mrs. Evan. 865' E. ' Lombard, Woodlawn 1656. - " "" - -- " .- " FOR SALE, 12 kyiii hens, chicken house, wire fencing. Byanj 613 E. B4t at. N. bTRRED Ilock W for hatching. Tabor lUiK 161 E. 81t t N. - - IgGGSO. A. CBrredRock. $2 for 1 3', C. J. Me.lntoh( Corvaliis, r. fTTADEPliahTn(;iant ifibbTiX good n. k" for good sewing machine. Pbon Col. Hum, FIVE doe. 1 Bufus Red, 1 New' .Zealand, 3 Belgian hares, 8 litters. 184 W. st. LIVE (iolden " an4 Silver Pheasants for sale et the United Fish A Poultry Co. 253 Yamhill. FIVE nW red pullet nd rooster, $12. TiT bog 1692. , IIA BB ITS'" and rabbit lmU-I.e for sale. Usbr 8862, 8018 63d are. S. K. : .- - TIIOUOUGIIBHED Barred Ron . iiat.-innn . apecial price for inoubsl incubator lot." Tabor 6 '. SETTING hens wsnted"." Journal. POOS. BtBDI. FFTS. FTC 4 FOUR flawy little Toy Ronton. 7 weak old'. bat ear, prettiest you ever saw. Come ' thrrn and my Toy Eastern stud.. Hamlet, 6CiT 24 st Tbcr 4888. ; atTST sell my stock of fine elnrel KIvuhmi Giant and New Zealand rabbit. A bargain. L B, Hawk Orchard, Wash. CHOICE CANARIES at "The Canary Lid Shop." Singer guaranteed. 1181 B. 28th .V C-2217. :-; ;' - : - - THOMPSON'S bint store buy nd s-l!s gnaiao teed birds. ' Call or ddres ft ?.7 M .. W AN T E D T w o you ng hound tnilned , l.r coyote. J. H. neail, Woodiawri 817 1. TTr'lt(I'i,,..i."li"totker i . 1, "o, 1. . Main v.