THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PO RTLAND, WEDNESDAY. MARCH .5, 1919. t 7 X 4 BB1P WAICTEP-MAM t T. .H." fl. A. APVISORTAND EMPLOiUEiit DEPARTMENT I not aa employment agency but department I tlx I. II. C A. established for th purpose of aiding ambitious young men- 1b prying open the doer of opportunity. la ft making good on the Jobf Read the following figure (record -for put 9 yesnKjw,;: . - -j-.-r- , Cailafor men ,V , . i . . i i,!4J ... Positions filled i.,.,.t.,..filMl; Shy the kind of mm wanted . . . ,: 8.782 Employers naturally tarn to th Y. M. C A. bwioK Uur iwif eleaneut - capable men. ' If yoc are seeking employment yon are corfllally Invited to consult with on .of the advisory W ran help rem. $176 PER MONTH tb rear around. UM average eemtng Jut year of a number of oar Bulimia ever 4ft yean. ' Thto year wlU be tie btggest ret. So experience necessary; weekly cull advance, eetfit furnished. Big sseortmeat geireateed trees, ebrabberr and fiiw. Sou cub do what other av experienced men hare dose. . Wai-hmgton st Mi sery Ua., Toppefasn. , wan fa EN to tail a subscription for' the Oregon Vet erao; good commission. 209 Stock Ex change bMg. 1ATEIW fjntifnpi driver for nilk tnvk : no other need apply.- Willamette Dairy, 483 Union are. N. - - HELP WANTED MISC. 49 LEARN Afm8ANnT?kArfoa FIVE DAYS FREE TRIAL . PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We tesrb ante, tractor. gas engine and ante electrical work; BIG 100 PAG B C AT ALOG FREK. Address Adeox Anto cad Tractor school. Dept. J. Union are. and Wasco at, Portland. Or.- Phone Rest 74 46. ' ktAWTHORNB AUTO SCHOOL 402 HAWTHORNE AVE, Oaao plat course la 4ay and eventing etaaaea. everything asecbanical and electrical: Unlimited practical repair experience: tt i not theory: It a practice that inakea yon a valnaM matt. EVERY GRADUATE Or BKHNKE-WALKSB Business Cofles. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenoenntrv. beak ig. bookkeTrtn secrete risL Free catalog .- . . LEARN I TELEGRAPHY i Young' meo and women wanted. . Call 318 Railway Bsehsngs bide Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession, free booklet. Hallway Telegraph Institute. TAlLORFAlf K Business College. Beat because cempletest. Spanish, French and English eora- china. 204 Sterena bklr. Went Park and Waah BQBSSIX PBIVATB BUSINKSS BCEIOOb . Day and Ereniai Claaaaa : tabennene bide. Btb and Stark. Bdwy S494. MISS F. BtJHSEIX. Principal MISS 1RCKEB8 PRIVATE BC81NESS COT.tBfl -BPECIAIj COCB3B IN COMPTOMETTfrtej A1.WKT HVDfl. t AND MORRISON. ItOCKT- MOI'NTAtN TBACHKRS" AGENCY. Frank K. VVellaa. ez-aast. State Rapt., rair., Portland, Oregon. Teaehera placed promptly. GOING lUat or South T H cum hold sood abipped at redneed rates; morlna and peekine. Pa rifle Ooaet Korwardinc Co.. 403 Hoyt at. Bdwy 70S. HEIiP WASTEPFEMAtE t VfOSfEN can make good eommwaiona takinc aub . - acrtptione for . tbe Oregon Veteran : pleyant work; aoldiera' relaUrea preferred. zO Stock xiflianga bldg. WANTED, first elaa tenograpber; most hara aoma knowledge of bookkeeping; referencea. Ap ply ' HemphiU'a Trade School, 707 Hawthorne LADIES to do needlework at home, apare time: experience . unnecessary. 132 1 Ota at., room zuo: nonra b to 4. evening 7 to H W'ANTEO Young woman hooaekeeper . by middle aged man; foil charge. ; Deck San ford. Letenrella Palla, Or. WANTED Amateur acts. Clinton theatre. Ao- . ply -any evening except Hon., Tnea. Tabor P183. WANTED A young woman as assistant ma tron, at a children 'a institution. Mar. -1723; A-8304. COMPETENT woman to work in grocery etore; A-l reference required. E-1S. JonroaL EXPERIENCED lady demonstrator, good salary. it boc bldg. RELIABLE girl to work half das; general of- ;M t. tr sati " WAN T ED 1 0 ounce breast milk daily. C. Ulysse Moore, Main 2400. Dr. WANTEI Middle aged woman for housework. 2 in family. East 6SB2. general WANTED--Experlenced finish era and helpers en gowns. B02 Nortnwestern Bank bldg. WANT atenographer; state age. experience and aalary. N-474, Journal. ' WANTED Able-bodied houaekaeper, 45 oi v erer. G-419, Journal. TheLp wanted-male ash FEMALE .. 99 ' HOLER BARBER COLLEOgf Pam yon, while kamina ; girra yen aet of toots; Positione secored. Writ for catalogs. 2S-f) Vurwlde St., or pnone Hroadway 171. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wagea while learning i position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years exterienee. orrcon Haroer Joiie!e. Jtoa Maaisoa. Portland" BAB-BEIt COi-IiOB teaches trade in 9 weeks; pay while learning; position guar anteed.' 284 Conch st. MTr ATrOTVR M AXE WANTED Position as truck driver or chauf feur for private ramOy, 9 yean experience In the Belgian army. 1 year In toe American transportation army, all around mechanic 223 lTtn t fedOKKEEPER desire small aet book to keep evening and Sunday; any kind clerical work; correspondent, use typewriter. E-808, Journal. WANTED Position evenings as assistant mo tion picture operator; had ff months' ex perience operating my own machine. (Simplex). xv-euT, Journal. WANTED Position a caretaker ; of mill or .other vacant property, anywhere. R-478, Journal. i ETlPEEIEXCED man capable of fixing locks 'plumbing, electrical fixturee, for bead janitor; Kest 4711. HIGH school boar 16. experienced switchboard operator, desires work Saturday. Tabor 2111 SOIJ.D3R auto mechanic will repair your car in your, own garage; all work guaranteed. Call East 8767. WANTED Painting, paperhanging and kalso- mining. by axperieneed workman. Phone Ta- bor 4956. FOCND A man to repair and rs-urhotr your furniture at your home prices rea aonapie; ait work guaranteed. Phone Main 4229 CONTRACTOR and builder, repair and new wora, in in city or country. . 1). Crowe. PIANIST would like "movie" position; experi enced. Main 608. , PLOWING done. Call Tabor 454S. 2174 fc.' :iiari st PLASTERING and tinting., Sellwood 462. SITL ATI OTWS FEMALE 4 TWO young ladies wish clerical position; havs t high school snd normal school education; formerly school teachers. Answer. N-606, Journal. 1 ELDERLY widow with 11-year-old boy wishes position ' as housekeeper, full charge, perman ent if suited. Address 5200 524 at 8. E.. Portland. Or. Phone Sellwood 231. KtliEfiL1 ludy wants kitchen work or any .mm- vi uaj wnia, . i-ni i, journal. WOMAN to keep house for widower, in country Main 8763. Mrs. Culver. COLORED woman want day work. Call 124 Union ave. N. ' XTJRSES - 89 EXPERIENCED nurse, best of references; wili take confinement in any own home; every : thing furnished. Phone East 3063. GRADUATE nurse will make maternity engage jjnentscity references; reasonable. Phone FURNISHED BOOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN tr ASHTTSriTOV IT rTrTT-rwBra. 9t a Day Up. Free Tub end Shower Bath. is'ICELY furnished large front room. closeTiT 1 blocks from carline. - 269 Halaey. HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorns and CrandT Starting point special car for Vancouver FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE ranil.1 ja 1 - w LARGE u 1 10 noma witn im tifct. K-.i, t , , ",L" neat. suu coiu water, si a for one. $20 for two, close in. s 4th t MarshaU 3214. - m TO- RENT farnished room, gentleman oul7 iS214 E. Washington. .;.) ou'7. -. . PLEASANT sleeping rooms at 808 4 1 and R 25th st Call 6:30. r Bimont BOOMS AND BOARD It - I, I - , MM room, with board, very attracavVTraaiS; new management suanat nauu oc lis 4iis othen. ' ri.- ' comfort Home cooking. 986 Third at THK Msrth,,VV.shinson. $A0 10fh lor a girl and atudenta. MarehaU 1281 one ; BROOMS AN1V BOARD PRIVATE , -j '. - ' " -' ' , FAMILY - - i-- - . - jj teO. 27tra' 80Xl ""Hhcm- StflPWORKEtt wanu room and board; widow's - home preferred. .805. JournaL ROOMS A5X BOABD PJUVA.TE yAMILT ?l BOOM and board in Irvingten for refined ass- ployed person, walking diatanoa, $36; 2 meala and a lunch; reduction lot X in room. East WANTED Small children to Uka cars of by month: rato reasonable. . Call at 627 2. Stephene St. Mrs. Elk Brown. S'CRSE wishes children to board and ears for in own boms: reC given. Mr. I. Conover, 1749 19th st., Sellwood. - HOTTilEKEEPnro ROOKM rpRSlSHEP AHD VTXYV KNISHEP $14 PES MONTK, furnlxhed bETK. rooms, "wUh stream heat, hot and old water free: phone. Suitable, for two. 406 , Vancouver are., near Broadway. f ' i . SHtPTABD district cottage. housekeeping apartments, furnished. ; unf nrnlahad. reason able. Ai-ply 252 Ofbba. ONE large furnished housekeeping room, in: Mississippi ear. . 98 Knott st; 98 close per month. FURNISHED H. U or 2) room. Ko children. 350 H Ilawthoma ve. TWO furnished' H. , K. "room. 1717 Porta- moutb are. St. Jobna ear. TWO furnished . housekeeping rocan. very rea- "ti,i , otjnv in, eainejMupfn car. vn xkihjii. FURNISHEDleeping"i850HHawtborn ava. FX'RNISHED If. K. rorm!. 141 Inrnsdaie NICE houiiekeeplng room. 708 V pnion ave. nOTTSEKEEPljrfl ROOMS 71 FUBSISHF.D Altft UTrPURNISnEO PRIVATE' FAMILY TWO newly cleaned housekeeping rooms, large and light, free lights. pione and bath, 912 per month: no children ovr 1 year old; en 2 rarline. 307 East 60th. nr Hawthorne. ONE, 2 or 3 furnished, unfurnished or partly furnished 1L K. rooms, neat and comforV able, close in. East 7817. ONE furnished housekeeping room. Htark. 640 E. FilOUSKKEEPINO room a. Wood lawn 4857. FOR RE7TT HOUSES IS US TURKISH BP FOR RENT 6 room bungalow with garage, in . Rose City Park. Inquire of owner, 100 E. 6fth N. S ROOMS. $20 month. 6804. 702 E. 7th at. Main HOUSES FOR RENT FTJRJftTCRB FOR SALE 3 HOUSE for rent; range, canned fruit for sale cheap. E 225. Journal. FTTRNTSHEIi HOUSES ' 3$ WILIi . share my furnished 5 room modern house, $25; this Includes water, lights, gas. wood, garage. 1081 E. Lincoln st. Hawthorn car to 37th St. NICELY furnished 4 room modern house; good location; nice lawn. 370 E. 37th at.; Hsw thorno car. 9 ROOM furnished house for rent 10T8"tT Alder. Tabor 743. APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED- AND UNFURNI8HEP WANTED" Man and wife. Man employed; wife to help take care of small apt. house for use of modern furnished apt; no children. Broad way 8671. FURNISHED 2 -room apt.; 1 private residence" light water, garbage and phone, $86. 323 H 18th st SUITE of 2 very desirable light H. K. rooms, thoroughly renovated, suitable for 2 or 3 adults. 247 H 6th. FURNISHED apartment of 2 rooms for rent, $12 per month. 1717 Portsmouth ave. St Johns car. FOR RENT FLATS 13 3 ROOM modesn upper flat, sleeping porch, gas range, hot water heater and other stores; some furniture; adults. 261 E. 2d st N be tween Haasalo end Multnomah, 3 ROOM flat. Union ava, near Russell, with garage close. East 219S. FFRNISHEP FLATS (9 FURNISHED 4 room flat- and sleeping porchl 884 tt Belmont st- Bdwy. 172v WANTED TO RENT OUR EMPLOYES WANT TO RENT Bouses, fists and apartments. If yon have any vacancies phone Heave Together, ear of North west Steel Co. Main 1193. WANTED To rent or lease 6 or 7 room house, with some grounds, good locality, by respon sible party permanently located; security if de al rea. f none -taoor 0177, WASTED To rent by responsible party. 6 room modern bungalow; Boa City Park or Beaumont preferred. Phone Woodlawn 2698. WANT housekeeping room, west tide, in ex change for painting or papering. K-425. Journal. RELIABLE young married man wishes to rent a farm with from 7 to 15 cows. X-83. Jour nal. Vancouver, nun OAK GROVE or close by; want to rent or lease small house. E-14. Journal. BY" couple, no children, 4 or 9 room house. Call up East 6430 between 8 and 7 evening. REAL- ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY $ REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Well established, well furnished real estate business for tale. Forced to sell on account of sickness. Investigate). N-609. Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES $ 1 ST" owner, bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, mod ern except furnace; Dutch kitchen and ga rage. Price $2300, $300 down, easy terms. See st once. Some furniture if desired. 683 Suerrett St.. Sellwood. v $2330, ,2 BLOCKS FROM . C. PARK CAR Attract! modern 6 room bungalow, just like new, electricity, gas, bath, built-in, full base ment, 2 fine large porches, nice corner lot, assessments paid; vacant; terms. Tabor 6559. FOB SXLE Excellent 7 room house, near Ana bel station, Mt Scott carline, close to school churches and library, lot 61x109, garden apace; price $2400; no mortgage; easy terms. N- 0, journal. 7 CLOSE IN UNION AVE. $1500 " $400 cash, $20 monthly, buys neat cottage; 9 rms., plastered, bath and toilet, electric light and gaa; located at 412 Ivy at Fred W. Cai man ue-i 7z unam. or cm. BARGAIN 7 room and bath, modern resi- dence, lot 145x100. 19 fruit tree, berries, garage, paved street; must be seen to be ap preciated; easy term. Owner. 1095 E. 30th UN. Great Bargains in Houses On easy payments in all parts of the city. Buy now. 3. BRUCE OOPPARD. 602 Couch Bldg. 6 ROOM modern bunsalow on paved st. lot 60x 400. full cement basement wash trays, fire place, good location, at a big sacrifice; price $2100 if taken at once. New York Lend Co.. 303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main T676. FOR SALE at 1230 Minnesota ave. N., a 6 room house, lot 50x100, fruit trees, close to Jeffer son and Ockley Green school, closer to 3 carlines; p r iee$ 2250 terms P hone JWoodlawn 2892. FOR SALE 7 room house with ileepingporch furnace.' waahtrsys. full basement; 18 bear ing fruit tree, garage, lot 60x180; paved streets. 1 block from carline. East 7629. 5 EOOM h cor. lot, paved street, splendid neighborhood, $2300. Win take lot up to $500 part payment F. Flympton, 809 Abing toa bldg. . - : $i60o 3 room shar, V acre, fruit and shade trees, opposite Arleta school. 6208 64th at S. E. Tabor 8239. - EQUITY $1400 in good property. 6 4-3 lots. 5 room modern bungalow, hot honse. 20x70 barn, henhouse, bearing fruit trees; value $4000; bargain. - Phone Sellwood 2754 after 9 evenings. FOR SALE Modern 7 room house; oak floors fireplace. Pot hater heating plant built-in convenience; fins garage; term. 500 Going ct Phono Wdln. 3229. $1400. SNAP, 2 BLOCKS R. C. -PARK CAR Modern 4 room bungalow, electricity, bath, gas, built-in, fine lot, 75x100; tense. Tabor 6559. 100x100, 4 room house, fruit lxts are worth price asked. E. - 13th. Walking distance. $2000: half cash. Jv Haas, 717 Board of Trade. HOUSE and lot, 82x104. Will trade for auto. Value $960; Lenta district labor 182. after n p. m 9 ROOM semi-modern, home, 2 blocks carline? cement - sidewalk, two 50x100 - lota; $2200 ; $1400 cash, balance 3 years. Box 62, city. BUNGALOW, 5 ' rooms,' bath, -fun basement 60x100 lot. withsgarage. $300 cash, balance) easy payments. Tabor 6030. , $575"BUYS3 room 'bungalow, west aide, If. Lee. 505 Corbet bldg. - . HAVE 2 bargains in Un relhurst homes, if sold ,ui. wwa. HUB uooo. . $250 EQUJTY 6 room bungalow. garag7 chicken house. $160 cash. Sellwood 8127. MODERN. 9 bm buiigalow. , 6V4'ETY6lhatr TrOOM house, and lot cheap. Small payment --" a-gjg, journal. $700.. PART cash, take good 3 room bouse on cariin. 6020 85th B. E. m iloTT room bungalowl Inquire at 6825 45th ave. 8. E.. ' Kern Pr7 BUNGALOW for sale or trade. Tai6r"T93T 9 . REAL ESTATB FOR SALE H0CSE8 91 JL. PIEDMONT DIAT. r $250 Cosy, well built double eonst'd ban galow, street modem, with fireplace, enamel plumbing, bookcases, buffet, linen closet Dutch kitchen, cor and-, beam ceiling, - fall cement baa t., choice elect fix., practically new artistic home; could not e bailt for lees than $2800; 50x100 lot, 3 block eariinee, liens-all paid; neat garage; only $600 cash, baL like rent im mediate possession. We have sold 109 houses in this district: 9 a one street; ft in one block, and this the beet of buys today. We know, and if you confide ein us we will show your ideal. G. C. GOLDENBERG, 216.19 Abingtoa bldg., 106 H 3d st "35 Years in Portland,'1 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Price $5000, $1500 Casrr Lovely View. Vacant Fine 7-room strictly modern house, newly painted outside and newly tinted throughout This is located in the beet pert of the district hard surface street in and paid in full, and only one block from car. ' Unobstructed view of the river and the East Side. Fine homes all around. Call us Up and we will call with auto and take yon out RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 809 OAK St ' BROADWAY 4189. ROSE CITY PARR 9 ROOMS $305v) Just think of being able to- buy a 9 room bouse in Rcee City Park with a hot water heat ing plant that would cost $800. This is just a modem as any house you could imagine. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, cement basement wash trays, etc. Require $1000 cash, but it I some bargain. Don't lose any time ret in touch with ua at once. Oh yes. Uere forgot to mention that it is finished in whits throughout French doors, too. lad you imagine all that for $3050 f Hurry. a. tr; TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8516. Branch Office, 50t.h and Sandy. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW BARGAIN Man left Portland for one week'a stay in Los Angeles. While there found good busi neaa proposition and wired wife to pack up and come down. House now for sale at bargain price ef $3800. Contains 6 rooms and den with large, light attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, fruit room, furnace,- wash trays, ' new flower boxes, new screen for all windows. Improvements aU In; no ques tion about this selling. Only to whom? A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 583. Stark between 3d and 4 th. FOR SALE 5 room bouse, bath, toilet eiec. and gas, full basement cement floor.- Lot 50x100, garage and driveway, some fruit and berries, all clear of incumbrance, on B. 81st at, between Grant and Sher man. Price $2500. Would ac cept dear lot- or lota on paved street out Rose City Park way for about $1200, if rightly priced and not more than '2 or 3 blacks from carline. J. a KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3270. AINSVVORTH AVE. CORNER 9 room modern bungalow, 2 fine 60x100 lots, rooms lsrg and airy, cement basement everything first clasa, font wonderful bearing (Bing) cherry trees. This is a very nice mod ern home that ' cost owner over 35060. Will seU for $3800. $1000 cash w01 handle, Bee large photo of this home at our office. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark St -Main 8052. ALAMEDA PARK Classy 5 room bungalow, with garage; price $4300; all improvements paid. ON FAILING STREET Corner lot, 60x75 feet, 6 room bungalow. An improvements in ' and paid. A big enap at $1900; easy terms. $3300 On 4 2d st: modern 6 room bungalow; large attic AU improvementa in and paid. A splen did buy; easy termi. Tabor 3433, or East 2086 evenings. ROSE CITY PARS? $4800 Beautiful California bungalow 00 cec near lot. Imp. all paid, near Sandy; 6 rooms snd breakfast room, aU on one floor; fireplace, bdwd. floors; ususl 'built-in;' win install furnace; priced low for quick sale. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exeh. bldg. . Main 683. Stark between 8d and 4th. ROSE CITY PARK $3253 If you don't buy this you'll miss it: A mod ern 5 room bungalow with fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitohen, oak floors, full cement basement splendid furnace, block to ear, on 67th at, $500 cash, $25 " monthly, . which amount includes interest COB A. M'KENNA Ac CO. Main 4522. 82 4th at. Board of Trade Bldg. $400 DOWN s $8400 ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow. Almost a new place. Hard wood floors in main rooms, fireplace. 1 block to caw. Corner lot J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark Main 208, A-2050. , ' Hawthorne: $3200 8 room bungalow garagb A real modern bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet bookcases, writ ing desk, full Dutch kitchen, with canopy over range. Garage, streets paved and paid for. You will want this for a home. See it A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8516. HA WTH ORN EB AR GTlN 93200 6 rooms on dandy view lot 88x109, on 62d st. near Hawthorne ave,. honse haa furnace. 1 bedroom first floor; needs tome repairs;. an absolute bar igain. Out of town owner. - WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 683. Starke between 3d iml au ST Jftitvs. a i-inf ii. t'o ... -.. - . room 1H story house, electric, gas. lot 60s 100. Paved street, sewer and all city lieas paid; Nc 14 r. Crawford at., near Burlinatoa' nriea $1500 $220 cash and $10 monthT will Pnt for slo. . GRUSSI A BENNETT, 31 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7453. HOME FOR THE OUTPOLKS $316T" 1 acra and S room modern bungalow with fireplace, extra, well built 76 large assorted bearing fruit trees, first class chicken house, !m"UDtr5 Bd'M'i 411 '"need. and aled trie lights, just outside city limits- ia Brent, wood. $600 cash, balance $20 monthly. Fred tt. mnMj yjo., iaa u nam per ef Oommercw. ELEGANT HALF ACRE TRACT $1319 well built 6 rocan plastered cottage with tt eT,.TOT,nd n Brentwood. Mt Scot Ha7: no built-ina, an fireplace or hardwood Goon and is not en a paved street; (200. cash xi a monthly. Fred W. German Co. 732 Chkinbe? And we'll ahow you our big list of bnngslows and houses in a.11 parts of the city. We have homes to sell on payments ef $75, $100, $160 to $500 down. Our auto are at your service COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Mant 4522T 82 4th St.. Board of Trade hu Nice 5 room cottage, electricity, bath, cement basement in first class condition, 124 6 Minne ota ave., near Ainsworth. Price $1800. $209 cash and $20 per month. G.RUSSI It BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7462. ' FOR SALE Comfortable 4 room house and l?Tfe fe J?" n,pp" Mississippi ave.. J y block from ear and paved street Lot j 75x100. Price $1600, with convenient terms. J. S. KNAUSS. ; 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8270. STRICTLY modern D-room bungalow, floors hardwood finish, woodwork old ivory t burg attic: lot 60x120. 718 B. Madison near 20th, AU improvements paid. Me reasonable offar re fused. Owner. E. W. Bent .. Main 284 S. 227 V Washington t A - FOR SALE Elegant hoane is Irvington, T rooms with large attic and sleeping porch furnace and fireplace, 2 lots 100x100. on cor ner 25th and Halsey. Greatest bargain offered today. $6500'. J. S. Knauss, 416 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 3270. FOR SALE- N'eat little home of S ui nw. hoi Vukcan at, short distance from Dekum ave-, fine lot 60x100. Price $1523, $.100 cash, J. 8. KNAUSS. r 4 16 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3 270. $25 DOWN $12.60 MONTHLY PRICE 3650 Well built 2 room one half of a house, located at 474 E. lath at N.. in WoodUwn; cone rex foundation, gas and electric lights, plus $28 bonded assessments. r! Fred W. German Co- 732 Chamber of Commeree. ' " , FOR SALJfi 9 room, house, with gas, ales. nd water, woodshed, good lot on - k f 68th are. 8. E. . Clear oT alt io - eumbranee. Price $660. ;- -:- . 8. KNAUSS. ' : 416 Stock Exchange bldg-.- Main 8270. WHY NOT BUILD t Get an artatio bm by n eatabtlshed arehln teetural firm at low cost We build anything? furnish the money M desired. - L. B, Bailey Oa.. law., contracting crchrteota 924 ti. W. Bank. FOR SAL! Lot 60x106 H. 2. houses on(6d - monthly income, bargain $6000. Will sell ingle if necessary. ' Owner. Mar. 4443,- . HAWTHORNE DIST., 39TH Sf.j$i650 T, " Five large rooms, large lot, room Tor garage: ncacb vtbci,. tiuyr. ooT,. GOOD 9-roora plastered house, gas, water, bath, fruitOOxlOO. Corner Tuth and Ji. Aah at. Tabor 9653. ' $1550.. term. V - 4 ROOM cottage, large tract of 'ground, lOOx 20. Price only $1300, $150 cash, balance $29 per month, M- sOLee, 606 CorbeU bids. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES "it $2650 S ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH On TE: SOtli st, near Division, on ML Scott carhne, but not in Mt Scott Corner lot 90x 100. paved street in and paid la full Only 4 short blocks to ; school and easy walking dis tance to Franklin high school. Pull basement large attic Ptece free of incumbrance. tu0 will handle it To purchaser win sell ' furniture reasonable. This ia a cozy little home for some one. WU1 give possession 10 day from ask. J. Lv HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4 Us and Stark, Main 208, A-2050. - WILLAMETIE HEIGHTS On of the most attractive modern 1 M star bungalows in that beautiful location for a home. Reception hall, living room, fireplace, dining room with buitt-in buffet, French doors, hardwood, floors, convenient kitchen, large back porch, commanding a most beautiful view of river and surrounding country, 4 nice bedrooms and bath, fine lot rose bedga en three idea; asphalt street, splendid home environment Price 95500. Homes like this st such a low price are very scarce. Inspection by appointment THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. Specialist ia Home Properties. 270 Stark it , Main 3062. HOME BARGAINS $300 cash, neat 5 room bungalow, near Moa ts rills car; price $1850. $800 cash, 8 room house, sear Sellwood car; an imp., including hard surface, inOtad paid; price $150. $600 cash, 5 room bungalow in Terrace Park; fireplace, beam ceiling; price $1900. $500 cash. 100x100 near Mt Tabor. Alts mead car; good 6 room bouse, garage, all kinds ef fruit; price $1900. Strictly modern 7 room bungalow, west of 90th st; furnsee, fireplace, nearly new; terms; price $8250. 8. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. , ROSE CITY PARK THE VERY BEST $5000 If you are in the market for a- bungalow of the very highest type one of unsurpassed construction- and interior finish, in Rose City Park's choicest location please do let us show yon this one. Draw on your imagination as much as you like go the limit and you will not be disappointed. Yen would expect to pay over $6000. You couldn't buy a better built house they don't make 'em. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc. And the assessments are all paid, too. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark ct. near 3d. Main 8510. Branch Office.'BOth and Sandy. $1900-1-6 ROOMS White enamel finished, modern plumbing. Large living room, big front porch with river view. This is truly a snap. Located at Whitwood Court, near St John ferry. Terms, half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and -Stark. Main 208, A-2050. IN LAURELHURST High class bungalow, up-to-date in every par ticular; finished in old ivory; all hardwood f'oors; garage. Close to Laurelburst Park. Pos session. . reasonable time, Shown only by ap pointment IN ROSE CITY PARK Modern 7 room bouse with gsrage. close to school and ear: bouse exeeptionaUy well built; magnifleent view. This home cost more than is asked for it Terms. MR. BROWN Main 1700, or Sunday and evenings. Tabor 89. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ FOR SALE- Equity in lot or exchange a payment on home 943 Albina are. K- 607. Journal. TP YOU want a fine residence lot, well located, clese in. paved street and cheap for- cash, call evenings Sellwood 2252. ACREAGE $7 $200 CASH; OWN TERMS 10 acres, 3 cleared. 7 ilashed, running creek, ltt mile N. E. of Eagle Creek sta.. fine for poultry farm; big snap: only $600; cost owner ( 1 400 6 years ago. If you aee it you wUl part with your money quickly. G, C, GOLDENRFRG, 215-16 Abington bldg.. 106 3d. " "35 Year in Portland." FOR SALE 24 acres, aU cultivated. 4 room house: coat $500; chick enhouse. well, etc Also a 5-pasa. . Ford included with above. AU clear of Incumbrance, Price $2100 with terms. Located M mile north of Base Lin ttion. J. 8. KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 82T9. 20 ACRES, 25 mile from Portlsnd. 14 acres - cultivation, some berries, 4 aerea alashed and (ceded. 2 springs, 4 room house, stable, henhouse, on county road; price $375 if sold this week. See owner at 92 H Grand are., room 34. 81100 buy 40 acre : A-l unimproved; 869 17U N. ONE acre, close in, cultivated, no Endings, city water, on Hawthorne ave. carline, on 29th ave at 65th at, S. E. Term. Owner, 2932 62d at 8. E. 2 ACRE farm, improved, with building; St. Johns; $8660. McBUnney, phone CoL 2; residence. Cot 1042, 926 ACRE farm foCiale or trade, in Eastern Oregon, from owner. Inauir at 450 Gold- amith st, room 218 after 6 p. m. FOUR good acres at Jennings Lodge; a bargain; investigate. Main 6988. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 GARDEN tracts, west aide, $350; $25 cash. balance $5 per month. See M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. . FOR SALE FARMS 17 SOME very good buys in small fsnms, 4 to 20 aerea. all outside city limits of Nawberg; per sonally inspect before listing: coma in and tell me your want : have one 9 aerea, 1 miles out. good buildings, lots of fruit B. P-. tele phone, some good furniture, sll at $4000, H cash: another 6 acres, lot of fruit, good 8 room house, 1 mil out barn, chicken house, good road, loganberries brought $50, raspberries $48; price $2600, $1600 cash. I have ens or two Also 5 of th best farm buys in Tamhfll Co.. 237, 116. 82 H, 60 and 40 acres respect ively. Ask for Heagsrd, with Claud G. Watson Ken It y ijo., pun pweitanq puis, win itoa ON highway 20 miles out 21 acres, 15 in culti ' vation; aU Oils in prunes and blackcaps; haa about 8 acre A-l tree which brought $2$00 last season, balance are 4 year old; 6 apple, 21 cherries, plum, prunes, 8 walnuts, 3 peaches, 6 acres, of blackcaps; expect an sverage crop of 10 tons this season; red shot aoU, rolling, good air and soil drainage, 5 room dandy bungalow, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, etc; stone' throw fJm church, school, store and electric line; balance of this f-"u is 5 seres pasture and fir timber; an exceptional buy; price $10,000. Can and let me ahow you this. Hesgard, with Claud rj Watson Realty Co., 606 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 7430 tVR SALE bv owner, close in. aU rural ad- vantages. 3 acres, all in cultivation; 60 bear ing tree. smaU fruit good 6 room house, with fumiture, 2 wells, big woodhouse, plenty wood. Hen-house and 20 nice pullets, fine Jersey cow, big barn, hay, straw, all kinds seeds, grain to plant farm machinery, garden tools, new lum ber, shingles, cedar posts; including late model touring ear all equipped and in best condition for $2800; or win aeU place separate if you wish for $2200. Bee me at once: going east CaU O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. phone 2 6 9-J. WILL SACRIFICE MY RANCH Must move to Canada this month 'and win have to sacrifice my highly improved 20 acre ranch 9 nulea from Vancouver, all good level oil. good house, barn, silo. f races,' water, school and Amsrican neighbors; axoellent dairy, hog and poultry proposition; bargain for some one: $3000,i H cash. bai. long time ; easily worth $5000. Address owner, 90 East 8th st, Portland. Phone East 1878. FOR SALE By owner. T H acres, 4 mile from ClaUkani. $1600, $800 cash: 6 room house, painted inside and outside t brick chim ney. Well by tbe bouse, .big barn, 60 feet from houses one acre cleared, two aerea almost cleared, . two acres slashed, balanoa standing tim ber, and wire rail fencing. I am forced to sell on account of too much business. For information writs to Tom Peterson, Clatskanis, Or; Box 286. STOCK and grain ranch wanted, prefer East erg Oregon. - Offer, in ecchange 854 acres. Polk county, Oregon, equity $25,000; 329 Northern California, equity $15,000; also apartment nous.. Portland, eqnity 90.00i, SeU or exchange one or all. . Thomsssen, Y. M. C. A.. Portland. BEST stock ranch in valley, near Eugene; 11 00 acres. 8 seta bides., everything ' up to date: latest machinery, fully stocked, worth $73,000; wiU take $50,000, terms. I mean busineas and am owner, CaU Main- 649S for particulars or write Box 104, cogens, or. FOR SALE By owner. 320 acre dairy ranch, 1 mile south of BeaVer, Or., in Tillamook county, with all ateek and machinery; will aeU aU or part For particular see or writ W. A. Baling. Beaver. Or.., FOR SAtE by owner, 80 aerea irrigated land, near Redmond, 9 water shares, some machin ery, furniture, 3 horses, tease on 160 acres' pasture land fenced included. Phone East 1549 or write 700 Hancock st, $4700; terms. I'LL MAKE a date -with you for any evening this week, Butler, for bargains in farms. Prices, 1 steam boiler and up. Maid 9127: 431 Cham ber of Com me rest , REAL ESTATE FOB BALE FARMS - . 17 13 ACRES, K miles from car lane; new small house, beirn. poultry house. 3 acres cultivated, good wen and 'stream; on gravel road: pries 92000. cash. r 40 acres, 2H miles ef town. 18 acres culti vated; new 6-room noose., nice barn and out building: spring water piped to house bp yam; some fine timber; team. 3 eons, chicken and farm implement; price $2909 with term. 8 acres, H mfle of town. 2 acres in eultiva tion. balance ash timber and pasture; woven wire fences; no buildings; price" $600. terms. 4 acres, near town: 1 acre cultivated, rest slashed ; anull house and poultry house; woven wire fences; $900, terms. 'close to town; 1 H acre cultivated; , well, barn, poultry bouse; $1100, 4 -Toots terms. "n'l acres; building : nice place for poultry; on public road; $950, terms. spring 20 acres, 12 cultivated in fan wheat, balance timber and pasture; good buildings: $9000. terms. These are sU close to good town. GEO. MORSE. . . 809 Chamber of Commerce. BUTLER'S BARGAINS 820 acres all in cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, good building, windmill. 150 acre ready for spring plowing, 4 mules, farm machinery, 8 miles frrrn 2 R. It. 1 h miles from church snd school, $20 per acre; wiU trade for Portland property. 25 acres, 17 cultivsted. 60 Roysl Ann cher ries, 80 seres Bartlett pears, 6 acres Spitxen berg apples, lots of small fruit 6 room house, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath, fruit room, good outbuildings; $5000. $1500 cash, good terms. 7 acres, new lfid. good buildings, fine creek across one comer, small fresh water pond, near school; a beautiful little farm. $1250. 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I HAVE 65 acres of land in Rogue River val- ley for sale for $1000. Is partly cleared, fenced, has small house and other buildings, Elenty of water; good school and neighborhood thickly settled, plenty of outrange. Soil win produce good corn and grain, good fruit land. $600 will handle the deal Frank L. Chitwood. Oswego, Or. - TWO good stock ranches for sale. Write E. B. Thrift Langlois, Curry county, Oregon. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 88 BUYERS FOR FARMS We have many inouiries for good farms, to 160 seres. If you want td sell yours and your price is right, send -us a description and we can handle it for you. LUEDDEM AN N COMPANY. 319 Chamber of Commerce. ft TIMBER 38 NOTICE of sale of government timberT" Gen eral lend office, Washington, D. C. February 14. 1919. Notice is hereby given that sub ject to the condition and limitation of th act of June, 9, 116 (89 tat.. 218). and th instruction of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the follow ing lsnds wUl be sold April 8. 1919. st 10 o'clock s m., at public auction, at the United States lsnd office st Portland. Oregon to tbe highest bidder, at - t less than th appraised vslue ss shown by this notice, sale to be sub ject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase pricee, with an ad ditional sum of oner fifth of 1 per cent there of, being commissions allowed, must be de nosited st time of sale, money to be returned if sr.le is not approved, otherwise patent wfil lame for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens ef the United States, associations of such citi- sens snd corporations organized under th laws of ths United States or sny state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the 'timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before be ing included in any oiler or a larger unit: T. 9 S., It 2 E.. sec 6, NE NEK, fir 1690 m.. hemlock 270 m.; NW14 NE14, fir 880 nr. henJock 160 m; 8W 14 NE14. fir 1770 m.. hemlock 250 m.; BK KEH, fir 2390 hemlock 200 m.; NE 14 8E14. fir 1170 m., hemlock 120 m. ; NW14 BE . fir 1630 m.. hemlock 60 m. : 8W BE 14 . fir 790 m. : SB 14 BE 14, fir 1180 m.; hemlock SO nv; NE14 NW14. fir 630 m hemlock 130 m.; NW 14 NW14. fir 1760 m.; NE 14 SWIi, Of 1969 m.; NV14 SW14. fir 2100 m.; SW 14 8W14. fir 1250 m.; BE 14 8W14. fir 1650 m ; none of the fir to be sold for less than f l.SO-per m.. and none of the hemlock to be sold for lee than 76 cent per m. T. 4 8.. R, 3 B.. ec 3: SEU SE14. fir 1200 m.; 8W14 SE14. fir 1145 m. see. 88: HE 14 A1S14, fir 730 m., cedar 25 m.; bSW , NKlt. fir 850 m.. none of the fir or cedar to be sold for. less than 31.80 per m. CUT TALLMAN, - Commissioner General Land Office.' TIMBER FOR SALE OR TRADE We have several good bargains in large and small tract close to railroad, log. tie and wood prepositions. JOHNSTON A M'HARDY. 914 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Complete sawmill with dry kiln, edger and planer, also timber and logs: ma chinery aU in good running condition. Capacity 16 M. Very good local trade. Good bargain. Fish er Lumber Co., No. 3, SUverton, Or. HOMESTEATIH 47 40 HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Large portion finable. Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber convenient Some good timber claims. Lived in that coun try for year. Catt 7 to 9. evenings or Sun day. Phone Main 4136, Room 6. W. T. Lester, 454 S. Broadway. , EXCHANOE- -REAL ESTATE 34 EXCHANGE tt room cottage St Johns, value $1750. Want 6 room bungalow close to Portland. Will pay difference. 7 room modern house, 14 block St Johns. Want modern home, Irvington district preferred. $50o equity, new 5 room modem bwngalow St John. Want good vacant lot You pay balance monthly. J. S. McKINNEY. 216 N. JERSEY ST. Phone Columbia 2 or residence, CoL 1042. SELL OR EXCHANGE : Near Fairriew. 8 acres, aU in bearing cher ries; 4 room oottage, bam, worth $2500; want house in city. 25 acres, 12 miles from courthouse, en good road, about 10 aerea in cultivation, balance very easy cleared; worth $3500; mortgage $1500. Will exchange for house and assume or vacant for equity. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sta. : NICE LITTLE RANCH, $8600 - 22 A.. 1 H mils from Ridgefiekl, Waah., en good road, 10 H A. in cult,' 3 nn. house, smaU bam and chicken house; owner will exchange for neat little home in Monta villa or any other good district up to ' about $2500. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. . - . 1 60CRES7901UTated, 80Tc1ieared ready " to plow, 40a. timber and pasture, 9 springs, 6 room bouse, barn, family orchard, close P. O.. school, church; price $10,400, $2500 mort gage, 6. Want house in Portland for equity, or merchandise stock, or will make good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 4th st. MONTANA 160 ACRES Stock and grain ranch, near Flathead lake, fenced, ranch house, 25 acre in cultivation ; good place to raise stock ; win take good auto a part or what have you to trade? Gilsoa Realty Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce. A PAYING country hotel in Easter Oregon town; good building, nicely furnished, good business, large grounds; worth $12,000. WUl sxohang for anything not needing my at tention. F-ll, Journal. 1 The Match Makers . Your farm for a city property. Tour city property for a farm. B. E. BUTLER. 431 CHAMBER OP COVj 160 AND. 40O acre farms. Eastern Oregon, ex change for city property er (mall farm near Portland. CaU evenings, 7 .to 9, or Sundays, Phone Main 4136. Boom 5, 454 S. Broad-i way. W. T, Lester, r - FOR" -SALE orlrade. 100x100, corner Woolsey and WincheU. opp. Columbia Park. Monthly payments. Liberty bond accepted. L. Campbell. ivoo aiaaerj atc, ijom Angeies, i si. Bring in Your Tdes We'n match you. AU kinds. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 Conch Bldg. LOTS, near Oswego lake, not improved and not incumbered; win exchange for 1 good lot in Portland. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerce 40 ACRES 18 miles cast of Portland, on high way, partly improved, exchange for store sear Portland or eeU for cash. Phone Tabor '8518 from 12 to 4 p. m. . $250 EQUITY 6 room bungalow for auto, horses, cow,, chickens or what have youi SeUwood 3127.. - . - 9 LOTS Schaefer add. to North Bend. Coo county," clear of incumbrance, to trade for auto, E-224. Journal. 4 STORY brick building, west aide, eW 'cTInt eumbranee: owner would trade for a fame M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. FOR- TRADE One lot. near ear and paved read, for Ford drive. 10312 60th av. WANTED TtKAt, ESTATE 31 DON'T WORRX I can aefl or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park rt. WANTED, 4 or 6 roAru house, with terms, from owner only. W oq4ai ,11 2583. 31 I HATE CLIENTS waiting for 8 "or 6-roorn bungalows or cottages. Irvington. Walnut Park er Fled moat preferred. If .the price t right I can make sals immediately. CaU or write. J, F. HILL 899 WILRAMS AVENUE. EAST 268. $4000 CASH FOB BUNGALQW ROSE CITY OR ALAMEDA We want a strictly modern bungalow In these districts to sell to client on Bnnday. March O. He has $4000 cash to buy a home with. Call Main 6031. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. LOTS WANTED CASH BUYERS In Rose City Park er it near addition. We bare cash buyers for lots in this district," nd they want snaps. If yon. want to make. a quick Bale call at our office er mail ua your lot and block number and give beat cash price. No attention paid to answer unless price is given. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th and Stark, Main 208, A-2050. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price mnt I right and vary easy terms. We have sold over 8.0 bouse in ths last year. If you want action e us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To trade A- 1917 Grant machine and $100 cash as first payment on up-to-date 5-room bungalow balance in good' payments. Mrs. Knapp. 121 Russell St. East 5058. HURRY, FOR I MEAN BUSINESS Want about 6 -room modern bungalow. Writ what yon have; win call see it H-407. Journal. ROOMINO MOUSES ii APARTMENTS 28 room, brick 83 room, brick 82 room, close in, west side. 20 room. White Temple district... 22 room, close in . . 37 room, all new furniture 24 room, brick, transient . . 12 room, house 10 room house ................ A room house ................ , .$2000 , .$4500 , . $3000 , .$1700 . .2000 . .$3000 , .$1200 , .$ 450 , .$ 450 . $ 600 Can arrange some terms on these; also have apartments to trade for close in acreage, would consider good residence. See J. K. LOWE. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-6 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. HERE THEY ARE 9 rooms, fine location $ 8 50 9 rooms, a dandy 660 22 rooms, a money maker, central 8160 8 rooms, a good one ................. 475 12 rooms, a bargain 1575 12" rooms, see this 1250 9 rooms, good 650 40 rooms, clears $300 month; H cash. . 8700 10 room, fine location; term.... 1050 11 rooms, a daisy. More bargains e the todsy. An auto to shew you these. LA MONTE, $06 Swetland Bldg- Main 7435. Some Transient House Bargains 22 room. 6 baths. Northwestern heat, bra beds, steel springs, best mattresses. Clearing big money. A good one 22 room, rfear Imperial hotel, modern. 32 room. $2600; right in the center. 75 rooms, clears $70O monthly. Others of merit, real bargains. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. 11 ROOMS $950 12 rooms $ 900 15 room 1100 12 room 850 14 rooms 1100 Many other good, clean, -weU located rooming houses, hotels and apartments. No junk. - GILSO.N REALTY CO.. 431 Cham. . of Commerce. Main 6127, A 39 BOOM furnished apartment house, all rented and bringing a good income, with nearly a 5 year lease, wiU exchange same for residence or. close in acreage. Price $3500. Call at the New York Land Co.. 803-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Family Hotel First Class 67 room, lovely parlor, large dining room; modern heat furnished by owner of building, This place clears about 8800 month above ex penses.. Price $7000. on easy term. This is right J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch, bldg. I CAN SELL YOUR APT. HOUSE HAVE A WAITING LIST Phone me if you want to sell or buy. You can get quick action. LA MONTR with Claude G. Watson Realty Co., Mail 7485. 506 Swetland Bldg. FINE 16 room house, aU housekeeping rooms, weU -furnished, always full, good locality, takes in $160 month, good place for wife to take care ef while . husband works; 2 fine room for own use; price $1050; win take good auto mobile a part payment See owner at 268 Montgomery at.- 19 Rooms $1500: Terms Right downtown. Rent $50. Clearing 8150 month above every expense besides providing good home. Thoroughly clean. $800' down nsndies tnis. - 02 Gotten, bldg. 9 Rooms $650; Bargain Clean as a new pin, nice yard. Rent $25, Snap. New like. J. BBUCE GODDABD, 603 Couch bWg. Lovely 12 Rooms.. $950" Easy terms. lovely yard, good bouse, well rurnjsDee. cosy nnme, good Income. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 Couch bide." 25 ROOMS, close in west side, rent $35; money maaer; snap, stew; sua Bargains. Garland. 188 3d. ttlHWn T K,,T fmn. ..ll J 1-1 er apartment house ; more for home than large income, stain 7 to. HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses; oldest established firm in city. Garland. 183 Sd. BUSINESS OPPOBTTTNITIES 99 evwvvit. atTAWwr imaa imAiw Also owns ground and bldg.. good Eastern Oregon territory; wUl sell on terms or take in good Portland home as part payment; must nave aovuu casn, CITY CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY - A good buy for 81000, cheap rent good Duswess. ' FIRST CLASS POOL HALL Large cigar store in connection, good brick Bug.. A-l location; will invoice about $3500. F. RIERDON, RTTTER, LOWE A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. , BY DAY OR CONTRACT"" Mjon i pay we office man. We- can savs you money on painting, papering, sign-writing. auKuunirt. Te worm arm rient the painter' trust Win exchange work for 1917-18 car. ao si, roruana. IF you are looking for a bargain in A-l new aawmiU we have it Been in operation about a year, on railroad, river and Colum9ia high way. This is a bargain. 408 Stock Exchange. ALLEN A ALLEN. 1 SURRYFORTHi5! unty poet riau. conr.. soft drink miIm neighborhood, at a real bargain; be eonvinceed by seeing it 328 Williams ave or can Mn. 6403. WANTED General blacksmith and horsesboeE iooa proposition lor ngnt party. Auto ga rage in connection. Good location. Geo rue FOR SALE, dental office, modem equipment good paying practice. In a live town. Best of reasons sn- avuina. a or particular apply TX 879, JournaL CONFECTIONERY, stock and fixturee; $1009' average profit about $175 month; for r RESTAURANT with 19 room in connection, nil furnished, cfgnplete; terms to responsible ln.y. n a n, qveauy vo.. pin swetland bldg. FOR SALE- Cigar, confectionery, fruit lu oil anna piaee. wnng a gootx pusineaa. in quire 907 1st at A REAL' bargain in restaurant close in, west side, for -something good;. see this; can eve ning.- oeu. szas SHOO TAJa- large lake front lot OS ft frontage. One block to station, IS electric trains aany. pox . wainga, sjr. : A FINE automobile electrical business, right "in heart of city; owner must go cast; snap if taxes ac once, u-tzt, job mat. ' $2500 STOCK and fixtures, cash grocery, no aenvery; -sates au uay; low rent; call eve nings. Sell 2252. FOR SALE OR RENT BlacknjJUi'7hop and garage. .- avjk-azs. journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED , i nivrrfinH. - Want amalf business, about $2090; prefer grocwrv. aimn quica wuai you Dare; WIU tali WANTED REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WANTED, 5 and 6 room bungalow in R. C district, pool halls, restaurants, garages, any thing ; have a list of buyer. - - - . . LA MONTE, 60S 8wetland .bldg. ? Phone 7435. MONET TO LOAN BEALi ESTATE 37 OUR installment plan ia the Pest aaa nree) method of paying s loan. 932.29 per month tor 39 moatha, et . ,931.24s for 90 months, s 319.11 leg 90 months, pay $1009 baa a ad Interest ,--,ij:-.. Other (mount tn proportion. Vg. man en Improved city property. Or 1 ax building purposes. i y no commission rnergea. EQUITABLE 8AV1.NUS4 A LOAN ASSOCIATION X4X Htark v. Portland, or. MONEY to loan in amuunu of $100 to, $J009 nr. crty uynpvuj. -A. H. BELL; Room 10-11. Mulkey bldg. $800. $400. $600. $600. $7 BO and up, low- Co.. 931 Ch. of Com. Main 9446. CASH paid,, for awrtgage and aeUer' contract en real estate in Washington er Oregon. U. E. Noble. 16 Lumbermen bldg. IP YOU want money sea us. nave it. Me Kendo- -Co since 1U- eta uernager bids. Phone Msln 2S91. $250, $360. $400, $.300. $600 sad target amounts, current rates. . umck action, ma W. . German Co., 782 Chamber ef Commerce. BUILDING loans on city er suburban property; money advanced a work progresses, W. U. Beek. 216 and 216 Failing bldg Main 9407 $200. $500, $l66dr$5ooo.' no com. City ami auoornaw nonsen, - vtaro, sin ppasuai wut. MONEY to loan on city property at luweat rata. Fred B. , Williams. 3 1st at. EE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE OO.. iit Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark, MORTGAGE loan, e and 7. Lenta Satasnes) A Co.. 409 Belling bale. itOU TO $9000 to loan on city or farm age: no eommiasion, r. O. Boa 878. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Iwna made on antomobilea. diamond ns. anos, houaebold goods or anything ef value. Security usually left in your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE en their notes with est security. If your payments to other loan eompanie or off furniture or automobile eon tracts are larger than you can . make, we will gey them up, advance you snore money It aces 1 -ry, ana yon caa repay ss in rnsu asomniy payments to suit your convenience, - LHUAJL, HAIKU, AiO VKLtl BUSINESS BTMlCiLl - CONFIDENTIAL . - . 908-801 Dekum BkisV Ms rail ail , Salary LOAN -On short notice to salaried or worklngmen, en inei. own note, weesiy, enu-weeaiy o ssontniy paymenta. Each transaction atrtctly confidential. giV MOUTUAUH NO 1NLMJ ikUi ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household tura iture, piano. ate. without removal.. UAU. ARU INVESTIUAIS COLUMBIA DISCOUNT WOMPAJfX LICENSED i 319 Failing bldg. PORTLAND Wa.Mi.UlAL 1AJAN ASoN. Established by Portland Business Mea to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PlANOS. HOUSEHOLD Ft ltNlTUKB City and County , Warranta Cashed for Face Value. , 1 CARRIE MYERH HKKHMAN. MGR.. -894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonua, Jewelry; legal raise; all article held a year; establlabed since 1888, Dan MTfrx, 288 Washington. LOANS WANTED 89 WANTED A loan of $3500 on property worth $17,000. from private party. Phone MarshaU 4443. - 1 ' BS.K OKKOON 1NV. St MOKTtiAiB Uu, J. J. J Chamber of Commeree. 4tb and Stark. FINANCIAL 1 LIBERTY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty bonds. aeU to us. If von can buy mors Liberty bond, buy from us. We buy and we eU Liberty bond at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. f ' We are 'today carina the follows! price far United States government Liberty loan bonds which are the opening New York prices plus the accrued interest: , 'I , ' - 9100 Bona ........... .. 99.66 .............. 94.92 3H ..... 1st 4 . .. . i 2nd .4 :. . . we. on 1st 4 14 2nd 414 s . 95.94 95.23 3rd 4 97.21 4th 414 95.48 In purchasinc Liberty bond w deduct from tbe above prices 37e on a- $00 bond and 92, 00 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty bonds we charge the New York market price, plus the accrued interest Burglar snd fireproof ssfe deposit vsnlta. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT , MORRIS BROS,, INC. Ths Premier. Municipal Bond House. Established over 26 sears. 308-811 Stark . street . between 6th and 9th (Ground floor.) , Telephone Broadway 31S1. ' LIBERTY- BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OP BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE . - - ' i .j , f Bond Receipts Bought WTLL CASH YOIIH RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT PAIR VALUB DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT GOLD ; DOLLARS TO YOU. j r 'SEE K. BURKITT, SECRETARY . OREGON BOND Ac MORTGAGE CO. 313 SELLING BLDG. SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STB. V. S. BOND DEALRBS: W want $2000 3d 4r. $6000 3d 4 44a and 910.000 4th 414 this week. WUl pay highest market price. - j , We bnv and aen Liberty bond, all also receipts. Cheeks mailed est of town aeUers day bonds are received. j : NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Established 1909. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg, f ' .' N etiend WasMiigton.. .- LIBERTY BONDS t I All Issue Bought and Said Before baying er setllas get our quotation. S. L. DEVEBEAUX A COMPANY GeTernment and MnniclpalJBond 87 Sixth street 65 , Between tetart and Oak i . BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH ; ; GASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Coma to 339 Uaaee bide.. 9U and AlaUt. , Msfl bond to ns w remit twtats maU. Com to 729 Gaaeo bldg,, 6th and Aider.' CELLARS-M URTON CO. OPEN ' bAT. MVM. LIBERTY" 30NDSTAT PAff LIFE INSURANCE IS TOO GOOD TO JU8T1FY UlgB KPRESENTATION. . Misunderstsndings may be avoided by dealing' with agent who sub mit proposition in writing before securing appU cations'. Take policy snd sgent's statement to your attorney for verification, -. Premium rates of regular companies Quoted gratis, .fiend name, address and telephone number, E. WORD, P. O. BOX 1041, CITY.- 1 WILL .BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND . , at ' - 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE i - IAU due coupon interest Included). J. H. KEATT.NO. 917 BOARD OF TRADE. INVESTMENTS, loan. Bote, mortgage. : U, Lswis, 803 Leak bkis. Mag. 139. (I LIBERTY- BOSiieT Pertly paid contracts bought Open till 7 :9tL mmm, .DORCAS A DORCAS. 939 W. W. Bank bids,, etb sad Mnrrlsnsk HORSES. TEHtn,E, ETC. ta FOR SALE Best lot of all ptirpow horse in . , awMafiuwu m repnrsenieu , morn ferses to pick" from than there is in any barn in Portland. I buy and sell en comraifton.- Morse to hire by tbe day, week or mouth, Hai nes and wagons of aU kinds. rmii bcetteb j It rmn AS I have left th fanm. I will ell one team ef 2000 lb. horses. 6 and -8 year old. with hsrnesa, $75; slso one brown horse. 1800 lbs.; one mule, 1200 lbs.; two seta of double hsrne-w, one 814 in. wagon snd one 13 in. plow, 6416 84th vs, K K T.v- i-.., w . - . , . l. T B M r- 1 must sell out one team ' of horses " " -. " wnnw, n PfitH 1 1- er teams., all ia good condition, true to work; t fU. Kmc -.M - I 1 . . ..." . in ureron; gooa lift tit farm V ft sons, amine waeotu ail kinrf. ..r ,.-. nea. Tk Liberty bonds at face value, ltitb and Jefferson t$. a ONE 0 the best ennbjnatjon mares; all quiet un- der saddle; genUe, good (ingle driver; man., TH!", rrchilJ ca ride or drive her; wriaut about 1150. POTT, SUETTER aoo Tont-t AUCTION Hit every Monday and Thursday at J p- m. U buy and sell all cUsses of horse. . .-, u ,0 oonimission. ir Toil have anything to sell or want to buy. call and " c TTiuiamson, proieroy and auclioiM!T.t.8tar 8tbl.808-iqFront t 10 HEAD offlrrtrelaa young, stock yT he vyl , . J?- n meres.. welshing from 1200 to 1800 lb., fresh in from Willamette valley, f them before buying., Fraaier A McLean, 34W IS, 8th t ' kJP.u' S''Ti 23i0 lb- harness. Take 808 "Front lira, '(T LSiZ1-' 1,1 " to sell my two teainsT Sn??- tem 7 year old. weighing Mn Logan te,m 'gl'lng 2600. 082 1st st. BAkGAIN Rjg team and names..- ti.ln in e.K twf' Jil?4 T. wor?,: no further us for 1 Itreets. Woodyard, 4 til and Clay raoO-LR, BLACK' 9 years old; also smin aJU: '-J"1 . 'or wom or children to tide or drive. Woodyard. 4 th and Clay sta. XtV. TJ"r"' In rr -th comilry, gnn j. S2k j"f'.or miWe. Ne u for her. QJjj'360. City Market! Wonylyardaa Front 20 SEfToTJesvy andTIght double harneasTaH , 'nu of carta, bnggte. wagons, fine surry. good logging wagon. Any or all, cheap. 803 Front t. PAhIiv.0,-4m,'T ,27l6in'locky buiTTsTja MarSa X$StMt 8etTle Pid. ch.p. lT.on. vrlLXiVZ? i"4 "'' hnld awa, fr.Cj -, v- . s-orrjana wenderlng Co, SEVER AT, small horses rhesp. 802 Front. """" HORSES Jor ml. 169 .NorthuTit": LIVESTOCK 3$ """r -or. en: Pr eashTjf. l X flVanlr- OAfl. T, Mt Tabor car ts 82d. 2 blocks south. FRERII Riiwn 1 doe; Saanen. Toggenhurg nj B. Irving at, M-V car. FOR SALR-wek."ofdnllerSff7fr 654 , T 64 ONE registeredhorthrn1rn old. W- B. Brown, glacjkjimss. Or.. Roufe 1. SOME h'jat: also 2 fhi JoiiTFVnrTuata; bred. They are good ones. 82 rront E f Aa'k" 1fre,dl1 'OinU7"cow7T3l 'A'JL um- ' Sellwood iViC POTTLTRT. PIOFONW. PET! STOCK 31 Wf,TJS-,bonf. bm "mt Profitable breed profit you wflj eventually have them. Early broiler; early layers; early PROFITS W mU Kil. WHITE LEO HORPf BABY Cffll from wJ fnnta2f.BK,ANJZ,CD hm- delivery inn. wn,B MT.. ehUt gnanntaed. Price per li ,b"Ir,r'' t?' 00' 4reh $14.00; April. Jtii.60 T" ,lor-r Rewbery. 409 bUU street Petaloma. California. m9 a rouna ni nest table fowl, ai "V- "T100'' a Khod. I.l.nd Reds. ff. r 15 g. o. English White Leg- T&s?G5iSiZ 113 Onod FOR SALETCrougbred 'whit Leghorn i - ting egga. Tancred tnin, bred ft years under Hwgsn tystsm. nothing better. $1.60 pet TZtZ'b,. F. 10- Cell at pmiltry rsnch, 164 5 Mississippi ave,Woodlswd 3878. ClfrrTiiiwK' Wykndott,;'EgT-th.t7rATtm: from HENS that Lay," $2 per 15. M B Curtis. Hillsdale. Or. H. D.. 2 L oi- 8280 and Main 8889. ' EjHEJl eggs from heavy layers, mtel with ' egg pedigreed gockereU, 82; akto 10x12 tent. - Willlarns'ave P,'' ood condition, $12, '95ii , - BABY CHICKS FOR BALE"' Leghorn. Red,. Rock, Minorca, best stock; prion reasonable; safe delivery guaranteed, u N. . Needlism. box 412. Salem Or - WANTED Partridge Wyandotte egg for u', tins ar male hi rH 9n hMti,. uk-. a . m B. vTmX. COCKERELS, ffn 'birds. 6.' XI "(T, beat laying strain, $3 each, Mrs. R. J. Frakes. Scapnoose. Or. ? WniTE .Wyatidottr7ine matifigsTRinghoust and Adam strain milleta. nk enckerel. 874 East 1 1th and Harrison. INDIAN RUNNER duck eggs for haJchTng" si fin mttiro aa . inn. uu 1 , .. ."' Tabor 8888. FOR SALE 1 6Whlte and Barred'vi'eSlrk"- ' Mjwn. wv tt 1111a pivo., jkenten ear. EGGS ti. A, Cr"Barred"Rocksr$3 "forl$". O. J. Mcintosh Corv.111. - ' ' TIIOROUG11BBED Barred Roca" Ltlching es": rnsny, iiroiiwwi ra, a 31 DOT DRUM, fTNE "Rock cockerel, O, A. C, 'stfsInT'octf. lawn 4857. , v?C7---r-5-c- vw bwo. nAi, 4 oay old etilcka. Wdin. 187-B. - WANTED Betting hens, T-iiiTTournaX" - 'TOfl4. BTRi).PET$.'rTC. 4$ FOUR classy little Toy Boston. T week old! t).t Mrn r, (-1 wm --. . ' - -, f .-. , , . i,vind eee them and my Toy K astern stud. Hamlet. 6637 92d st. Tabor 4883. - - . CHOlCB CANARIES at "Th Canary " Ulri. Shop," Siagers guaraataed. J181 E. 28tb ti. C-2817. . -1 - i - i THOMPSON'S bird store buy and- (ells guaran teed birds. Call or. addr 957 Miss, av. LEWELLYN setter and furniture for sale. Call East 6100. - - K'EW Singer sewing machine: latMt- model", cheap. 191 Park st. near YmhilL WANTED Two young hounds trained fol coyotes. J, S. BesU. Woodilwn 8171, CHOICE gingers, " also female. 6 lTTiek urn "a ve AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 MOTORS, Weanags. Bearing. Wheels. Ann and 'trailers AV wreck sll geskas of can and eeQ lhlr good parts st half pnos. Davtd Hod as Co.. Broadway and Flanders at. Broadway Ik. STOCK USED CARS ' PRICES' ' COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. 31st and Whtpgtoa sta. Main 6344. 1 CAN IJSE YOUR-FORD, CHEVROLET Oil MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXYVA.LL AL'TOkiO BILE. CALL TABOR 930. CELLULOID At.-frt Tnnrr BEPAIRINU LN-CURTA1NS nUlO I 0DS LiGlil ROSSITEB BROS. Union are, at Pine. . - East 364, AUTOMOBILES OTer'iJaULED , Let n give you a price on your repair work; all work guuxntoed. - liemsMU Trade Kchoola, 20th and Hawthorne ave. Pbone East 906, STUDEBAKER roadster ia excellent condition, very reasonably priced. See White. PORT LAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside, Bdwy. 621 : KISSEL BIX, latest model. Ursa, paint, top, step ' lik new;, lota of extras, perfect condition; can be seen at garsgs, 6th and Madison. Mais 1100.- -v -' -: - - ',' - $300 "DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOI'U-. INO CAB. REPAINTED AND A-l CONDI TION. CALL TABOR 830. HAVE new Maxwell, used lust little; S pax. I going away; your price gets tt; snwr quick. E-5, JournaL $750 BUYS 4917 Dodge 1n first class condition; V looks like new and Is a bargain. 253 K. 6U at-N. East 1918. TRUCK, Ford 1 too, worm drive, with heavy - body; nearly new; must sell;. terms. Z-630 Journal. "" - ; IS'ItmXXWELL touring. $523; term. Rum and look fine. 163 16th t Main 4033. 1918 FORD touring car. run very little; wil sacrifice and give term. Z-8J15. JmirrmL S3T.0 BIJYH 1912 Cadillac worth $500!; Csl! 258 K. 6th st. N. -ast 1818. NEED the money, 1918 Ford ei press, used 4 months. $475 cash. Tabor 4 $7 t FIBSTLASS auto meehanio wiil'do work ai your ewa garage. Pbone Tabor 8028. tletnttfiwed eo Fellowlea Pas) FINANCIAL