12 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1919. - - A" -j. - .PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 6L2-13 14-16 Swetland Bldg. GARAGES 115,000 Nice plsce, right on highway, - . 60x109 building, cheap rent nice S' to race, accessories snd repairs. $2750-iSnsp: building 75x100; hit re- Eslr shop, 85x230, end a good tuinctw. mum machinery ; $1000 - of accessories; 2 sutos; -rent $80; sil cow Monday lor $2750. $2750--Cood west aid location: look this . over; storage, repair, and sceea sorisa. - $3250 Big brick bofldlni. 2 stories. 60 X100; storage; full capacity; fully equipped mar bin shop; ac--i cesecmes and repairs. $8900 Building 2 stories. IOOiIQO; - right down town, west aide; fully equipped machine shop:, just coat :' ICoeO to install; Ions lease, 9200 per 'month; fall of atorage. RESTAURANTS. $1700 Dairy lunch clearing 90 to $100 . r per day; come take the ash for a -day or two; oo will bay one of the busiest corners m city; w w $2000 Restaurant oa Morrison at. doing fine business; cheap rent; can't - beat this for the money. ' - r $2500 Restaurant near Fifth and Wash- - ington; big business; o come look it over; worth twice the money. . $2000 Kesiaurant; shipyard and sawmill j district; Bring- rooms; doing fluff per day; anyone loosing lor ' a permanent business, look this ' over. . $2600 Cafeteria clearing $000 per month and sold on this guarantee; " can try out before buying. -. And lot more that space wont permit telling about. GROCERIES. $960 Nice place on Columbia high way; 1 pool table; about $300 stock and fixtures; S living rooms; rent $15; all for $560. $650 Good east side location: good -business; cheap rent; always busy; can be Increased by right party. $1400 Five) living rooms, furnished and stock and fixtures; cheap rent; doing $40 a day; no credit, no de livery. $2500 East side; doing $100 per day; look this over. $4500 Yamhill Wrket; nuf said. $7500 Good west side; stock $4009 and equity in contract on building; worth twice the price asked. Sev eral country stores in valley. HIGH CLASS INVESTMENTS. $8500 Wholesale tire business; well es tablished; big business for anyone who will bustle; lota of orders In $2500 Partner wanted to help care for a business that has got too big for ,, one man to handle; $200 a month guaranteed. t $13,000 Public corner: invoice twice price asked; did 130.000 last :ear; superintend this business and clear $1000 per month. $25,000 Restaurant; best location in city; long lease; will show to parties by appointment only. $14.000 Dairy lunch; clears $1000 per . month. We have anything in business yon want; come in and see us. r - LOCATIONS. IOOxLOO, brick building, suitable for gar age; on Broadway, west side; rent $250 per month. 100x100 west -side; will build garage to suit reliable tenants. 20x80 space on Third, near Washington, for rent; small price for lease. Desirable location on Morrison St., 25x60; long lease. . Get the habit of coming to see us. PACIFIC AGENCY; INC. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. . POOL HALL 10 tables,, 9 pool tables and one billiard; about 100 cues; 30 opera chairs; cue case for 100 cues; 14 ivory balls: 150 pool balls, cash register and all fixtures; 11 ail safe; rent $137.50 per month; lease good until December 31, 1021. There Is a deposit of 8680 on this place for a guarantee on rent, winch goes .back to purchaser at the end of 1921. This place, equipped, cost $7800; the tables alone cost 4000 and would now cost 8550O at present pnee of pool tables; heavy cork linoleum, cast 81000: other equipment cost $80O. Be glad to show you this place. The income is about $400 per month net; located right in the heart of downtown; $5000 cash will buy this place. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. 608 Swetland bldg. r " . Main 7435. PACIFIC AGENCY.'Inc. 51-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. ' - MERCHANTS We handle your business in a confidential way ' and get results. - We want Groceries, Stores,. Garages, Restauranta; in fact, if your business is legitimate, we can handle. Call' as up or coma see us. Our commission - is only 5 if we sell. Why pay more! PACIFIC AGENCY, .Inc. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. EASTERN OREGON STORE Largs stock of groceries, men's wearing ap parel, farm implements, ground, building, about $18,000. Will take rity residence aa part. CLOSE TO PORTLAND $3500 .stock, general store, on carline, hard surface road. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONER'S" STORES $1000 buys a neat little business in city, nice place for man and wife. F. RIERDON RITTER. LOWE CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. a3T opportunity of a lifetime for some live wire. A chance to go into a well paying, business which , has been established for the past 1 5 years, doing a very successful Business. This in the Spencer Hardware Co. of Salein, Or. Lo cated in the heart of the business section, on Htate St., 3d door from the Oregon Electric station. Stock is clean and well selected. Will run in the neighborhood of $25,000. Must be sold next week, Call at store Wednesday, March 5. SPENCI :ER HARDWARE CO.. Sslem. Or. IOOK A BU8INESS PROPOSITION FOB BOMEBODT Complete outfit for repairing batteries, includ ing 20 -amp. 30 volt motor generator, lead burning outfit, torches and everything one needs for such work. JUST THE THING FOR A COMPETENT BATTERY MAN IN A LIVE TOWN OWNER CAN NOT STAND TO WORK WITH ACID SO MUST SELL AT ONCE. Will sacrifice cheap. Writ 1014 Court st. .The Dalles.- Or. ESTABLISHED MANrFACTT"FlG ' ' COR- PO RATION. NOW DOING PROFITABLE BUSINESS AND NO DEBTS) HAS OPENING FOR SERVICES OF CAPABLE -. SECRETARY TO HANDLE FINANCES, $10t000 TO $15,000 CASH "REQUIRED TO BUY RETIRING PARTNER'S INTEREST. A REAL -OPPORTUNITY. FULLEST' INVESTIGATION AVAIL - tu. a-it, vuiuiAU GROCERY STORT PRICE $2000 ' This fa a dandy little grocery on a nice eor nefv in thickly settled residence district, and do ing from- $40 to $60 per day. Rent only $30. . RELURI.K IVVEBTMITMT fn 300 Oak st ftdwy. 4183 5bOUT $2000 stock" merchandise; good store vuuuui,, v , wius upoiaira. - lunuwieu; only rooms in town: 4 acres good land.' comprising about the whole towmite: the biggest part of , 4 acres can be told in lata for more than the whole . thing - coats. Store doing an excellent business, . The best buy in Oregon for $5000. n u. Mjiuaa, in nn S GOOD opportunity Tor investment in mining1 property. Mine well developed. 6 shafts down in ore. Several thousand dollars worth of ma chinery oa ground. For particulars ' address G AL C. V. O. box 670. Astoria. Of. business i orronTtrwiTiFf . EVERGREEN STATION One acre and 2 story store building, right at the waiting room of Oregon dty carline. Store now rented at $20 per month. Can give posses sion July 14 next, t Price $2850. Terms $300 down. .-. - --'.. ,., ...v-;-- GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. HERE IS A SNAP A grocery store 'for sale. Terminus of K. R. Average sales, $1500 per month; anto service station In connection; will sell cheap; terms to suit: will state good reason for leaving. Call sr write, 426 E. Polk St., St T strive . - FOR SALE. 51015c store in good live val- - ley town with large payroll; stock and pic tures $2100; no incumbrance; Quitting on ac count of health. If yon mean business writ or eome and see me; no trade considered. LeRoy DuUum, SUverton, Or. BAKER T ATTENTION 1 Complete rquipped bakery. . very good location. Bent only $25 per month.' Will give lease. Ate lure gehmsnca - Co., 806 Railway Ex change bldg.- v BICYCLE, gun, k-y, general riair uop, coat city 2900 population. CO mi'ea from Port land 6 living room and ahon. $25 month rent Selling account vickness. Give terms or take car as part S-S18. Journal. - .. RESTAURANT and lunch counter, close in. on west side Good clan of trade and doing fine business. Price $650. Also have some good bargains in groceries and confectionery stores. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. FOB 8ALE Btnmpage and mill locations In good Southern Oregon pine. Tracts of from four to 12 million ft Lumber haul to it it 4 to 10 miles. Cash or part cash and cutting contract - NX-990. JtmraaL BAKERY FOB BALK On account of failing health, owner is forced to sell well established bakery in Harrisburg. Or. $0OO equipment for $400. JOHN . CRAMER, Harrisburg. Or. GARDENERS and truck farmers. 25 acres diked Columbia river bottom- land, right next to Kenton r only SS850. terms to" suit owner, nart can run 20 years. McDonald A Son. 304 Lom- . .mil A I CT " . WANTED, by local manufacturing firm, man with pep and some business, ability to take charge of branch ' agency ; must hare some money; previous experience not essential. See Brown, 208 First st ' $800 TAKES large lake front lot 95 foot -frontage, one block to station; 18 electric trains daily; 82 minute service. Box 9. Waluga, Or. A HUSTLING commercial man quitting the road would take charge of hotel or room ing house on salary or share basis, or would consider leasing. W-4, Journal. $1000 BUYS hi interest in wood yard, city; 1000 cords first growth fir wood to start with. McCroskey, Main 2509, evenings, Mar shall 8202. HURRY FOR THIS Only pool hall, conf., soft drink parlor in neighborhood, at a real bargain; be convince ed by seeing it. 628 Williams ave. or call Mn. 6405. GROCERY STORES AND RESTAURANTS We have the money makers. Why not bny rightf For bargains see Bruce Goddard. S02 Couch bldg REAL ESTATE BUSINESS Wsnted Reliable party with car to take in terest in well established real estate business, or will sell. Investigate. H-41 2, Journal FO RESALE -On account sickness. Caah groc. No delivery. In apartment house. Cheap rent and doing a good business. Will invoice at 53 Union avenue north FOR SALE Oarage ; good car agencies; well equipped; good tire and accessories depart ment; best location on Pacific highway; you can't beat the place. SX-207. Journal. FOR SALE Established, good paying business, selling articles in use by creameries snd dairy men; offered only because of illneas of owner. exceptional opportunity. H-411, Journal. IRHIGATION or gas well enterprise on Snake Hvr fnr nrnmnt.r nr nartv with fnitm" N. 611, Journal. HAVE $650 cash; invest grocery business; mut be cheap rent no inflated values. Owners only considered. Must invoice. W-l, Journal. FOR SALE Harness-shoe store: also repair shop : doing good business; write for particu lars, FX-806, Journal. FOB SALE Cigar, confectionery, fruit and soft drink place, 'doing a good business. Inquire- 307 1st st FOR SALE Good law library, equipment and practice, in best valley town. KX-905. Journal. FOR SALE Confectionery In a country town; population 1500; no opposition. See owner, 246 Page it GARAGE for sale, one of best in county; terms or small smt trade; $6000. Fred S. Ashley, Enterprise. Or. 100 ON YOUR Liberty bonds. F-805. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED $8 WE HAVE applicants for any and all kinds of business opportunities. When . wanting to dispose of your business list it with us. We can sell it for you. IL A H. REALTY CO.. Main 7r.92. 615-16 Swetland bldg. HAVE 32000 and services to put into going bminess or small manufacturing. Can sell and might take agency for something of merit W-H08. Journal. WANTED A high grade specialty or line of manufacturers' products. Expert sales man ager salesman will market on contingent basis and help finance if necessary. 8-2 Ft, Journal. MQ5ET TO LOAJf REAL ESTATE 37 OUit- installment plan is tna Deal ana surest method of paying a loan. $32.20 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or IIS II far ttU month ran iinflfl In.. A Interest Other amounts in proportion. Wc loan on improved city property. ' Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAV1NOS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Z42 stars st.. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan in amounts of $luO to $5000 or city property. A. H. BELL.' Room IQ-ll. Mnlkey bldg. $100,000 TO LOAN on farms; no delay, no red tape; no publicity, Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Company, Aurora, Or. $800. $400. $500, $600. $730 and up. low est rates, quick .action. Gordon Investment Cm.. 631 Ch. of Com. Main 0445. PRIVATE FUN&S LOWEST RATES A. Ji. HILU 214 Lnmbennens bldg. Bdwy. 421. CASH paid for mortgagee and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. K. in ome, 4io L.umDermens niag. IP YOU want money see us; we nave it Uo- avtnzie at uo.. since iua. c.13 Uerllngar bldg. Phone Main 2801. - TWE W;ILL PURCHASE TOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT CONTRACT WANT YOUR SMALL-MORTGAGES SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX $25071350. 3400, $300. SCOu and larger amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., T82 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property: money advanced as work progresses. V. G Beak. 215 and 216 Failing bldg Main 3407 $200. $500, $1000, $2000, no com. City and suburban houses. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. kloMii to loan oa city property at lowest rates. Tea bv. vviiiiam. 2 1st st 6EK OREGON INV A MOBTeiAGE CO.. " w " ' -km. ,tc Own, MORTGAGE loans. ana 7 . touis 8alooioa Mm . . m f0 o-lli LIJ- MONEY to loan on real estate security. 7 per cent. Nn ftimmiMMn Xfain 50U TO S9000 to loan 'on city or farm mort gage; no commiaeipri. p. O. Box 878. MORTGAGES and installment contracts bought -ia Donni oi xraae. sum MONEY to lean on improved city properly. Call Tabor 4059. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 1 SALARIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pi anoa, nooseboid goods or anything of vara. Security usually left in your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes wUb ot security. If your payments to other loan companies or oa furniture or automobile con tracts sre larger than yon can aaaae. we wiU pay them up, advance yon mora money xf necss -ry. and yon can sepay jam- in smail at"oiniT pay menu to suit your eonvenienoa. LEGAL. BAtiES. ISO DELAY ' ' S,?5J?lfit1. "TKIC1LY CONFIDENTIAL . POKILAND LOAN COMPANY iiiceniedl Aiaraoaii tit. Ealary . . LOANS . tww TiiAV unwav Charial Oat abort notice to salaried or worklngmen on that-- own notes. Weeaiy, semi-weekly or monthly ,nn'. UanaactioB atricUy confidsntiai. , ABSOLUTELY KO SECURITY We alao loan oa neoMhoid lnxnilufe, piaaoa, stc without removal. t .vJV,. INVEStlGATE , COLUMBIA DISCOUNT tXMPAHT .-.. LltlUHsEn . 1 Ifaiiaig bldg. POKTLANl tt.Mh,DULL, tAlA.N ASaM. Established by Portland Business Me to Protect the Borrower , - LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY", r IAN OS. ,. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURi -City and County Warrants Cashed - - for Face Value. CARRIE MYERS HERKMAN, MGR.. -' 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan bn dUmoaua. jewelry: legal rate? all articles beM a year: eatabliahed ainoa 1888. -. Das Marx, 28S Washington. . ,V; ; ". ' '- ' .-Ai-v $ -$7S -DISOOCST $450 monthly paving real estata contract' for $375, interest payable monthly, contract la bank ' for collection. Check mailed , when pay ments are mailed. Sea Mr. Hickman, care J. L. liartman Oo., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and SUrk sta. - - WANTED 51000 at 7 per cent on 82U acre farm, fenced hnd erase fenced, 100 acres in cultivation, in Eastern Oregon. Owner thrifty and, hard working. Lives on place and wants loan for mora stock. Good reference. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. WANTED A ' loan of 83300 on property worth 317.000," from private party. Pbone Marshall 4443. i - WANTED $400 for 4 months, secured by first class second mortgage for large amount E-227, JonrnaLj : -.. WIDOW wants to borrow $500, 7 rooms af .furniture as security. R-408, Journal; a,j. iKaku.t lv e iioK'n.Awt. , ... Chamber of Commere. 4tb and Stark. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS If you must sell your, Libert bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty bonds, buy from us. We buy and wa sell Liberty bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOTX MAY DO WORSE. fc On Saturday, March 1, we paid tna following prices for United. States government Liberty loan bonds, which were the .closing New York market prices, plus the. accrued Interest: i $10O Bond 3U'i . ... .3100.45 1st 4. S . 94.37 2nd 4 s 1st 4H's 2nd 94.39 B5.93 95.40 3rd 4 "s 4th 4 V, 's 97.37 95.61 In purchasing Liberty bonds we deduct from the 'above prices 87c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty bonds we charge the New York market price, plus the accrued interest Burglar and fireproof safe deposit vaults. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT MORRIS BROS,, INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. ' Established over 25 years. 309-311 Stark street, between 5th and 6th Ground floor.) Telephone Broadway 2151. UBEBTTY- BUNDS AO Issues ' bought and sold at the New York market Partial payment RGCGi PtS purchased Freeman Smith & Camp Co. 220 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 646. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE ' OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE Bond Receipts Bought , WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPT8 FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. SEE E. BUfiKXTT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDKR STS. C. 8. BOND DEALERS . We want $2000 2d 4r. $5000 3d 4 Us and $10,000 4th isi this week. (WiU pay highest market price. Wa buy and sell Liberty bonds, all issues, also receipts. Checks mailed out of town sellers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Established 1909. 2d Floor Wilcox Bids. . 6th and Washington. a LIBERTY BONDS All Issues Bought sad Sold ' Before buying or selling get our quotations. B. L. DEVEREAUX A COMPANY Government and Municipal Bonds 87 Sixth street Between btarh -and Oak . $500,000.00 FIVE PER CENT FARM LOAN BONDS Issued under the federal farm loan act dated Nov. 1, 1918, due Nov. 1, 1938. Redeemable at par and interest on any interest date alter 5 years from date of issue. a Exempt from all taxation; lawful investment for trust funds; acceptable as security for all public deposits. Price 101 ana interest yielding 4. so per cent to optional period snd 6 per cent thereafter. W e recommend these bonds for investment and offer them subject to prior sale. Ifurtner particulars on request SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT IN OUR FIRE. BURGLAR AND MOB PROOF VAULTS UNfON SAFE DEPOSIT So TRUST CO.. 284 Oak st bet 4th and 5th sta. Marshall 756 A-1212. I WTL? BUT ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (Ail due coupon interest included). J. H KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH 8POT CASH CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS . Come to 72ft Gaaeo bldg.. 5th sad Aides. MaB bonds to as: we remit Be torn mail. Come to 725 Gasco bldg.. 6th and Alder. CELLABS-MURTON CO. OPEN BAT. KYjL LITE INSURANCE" FREE INFORMATION. NO OBLIGATION I cpuld have saved $527 on a $300.0 policy had I known premium - rates of other good eld line companies. Learn all rates before you insure. Send name, address and telephone number. Ed Word; P.O.Box 1041 City LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought Open tSl 1 DORCAS A DORCAS. 920 N. W. Bank bide, th and Marram. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgagee. H. Lswia, 308 Lewis bids. Mar. 1838. WANTED $450 and $550 on real estate. Tabor : 5887. - - - FOR SALE, well secured $600 second mort gage, 3 years: K-427, Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. f ETC 18 TEAM of horses and harness; weight 8Q00 lbs.; - will sell cheap. 7SOO 68th ave, S. E. ; take Mt Scott car.' J. McCoy. - ' ; , 4 PAIRS- mules, from 1600 lbs. to 2800 - lbs. a pair. Must sell at once. Also the best pair of Shetlands in state. 802 Front st 2400-LB. team, blocky and fat. with harnesa, $165. Take South Portland car to Mead at, S blocks west to 253.,. - HARNESS fov sale. One set new double ex press; oa set new single driving, one set sin gle express, rjwi Doug. THE prettiest spotted 800 lb. kids' pony in city ; - aiao : rwo gooov ssaqie ponies, cbean. 802 Front st' ; -...'. "- ONE heavy ! team horses. 1600 i lbs. 284 Front street--- '. DEAD Horses and animals hanlad away frafl wwmwi w. rarassa nerjaermg uo. HOKSK snd wagon. 81.60 dai boraes aal wagon. 8S.1-.Jj Cohsw. 848 Fvwnt Maiw $45900 lb. mare, gentle, sound,, harness. n0RSE8for sale, 106 North 12tFilT T.OA'Wsi- WANTED HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 HORSES HORSES . ; 125 head, any kind of horse or mars esn be found. More hones than ny Xhf tsb in Portland have for sale. These will be sold and guaranteed as represented. Jat arrived from Eastern Washington and Oregon, horses weighing from ' 959 to 1760 lbs. Soma well matched teams, Abo A few .mules. Harness and wagons 'of- all kinds.- ' - PHIL SUETTEK. .'I'::' 285 Front st. SHALL replace my farm bones with s tractor and will sell them. Span of blacks, ages 5 snd 8. weight S200 lbs. 3400; span of bays, age. 7 and 9, weight 3 100 lba., $230; team, bay and sorrel, age 8 and 7. weight 2800 lba.. $275; brwwn gelding, weight 1400 lba.. ago 10, $50; black gelding, ago 8. weight 1200 lbs., $65; sorrel mare, gentle for woman or child to ride or drive, weight 950 Ihs., $35; xsu sets of double work harnesa and 8 singl sets, 4 farm wagons. Inquire at seed store, Tigard. Or... on Oregon Electric Tailway.- TAKE NOTICE Just received 40 liead of mares and geldings from 4 to 6 years did. weighing from 1300 to 1800-Rm., aU Belgian and. Shire stock, some well matched teami. all well broke. If in the market for a good horse, call and look these over before buying. All horses guaranteed. U. S. STABLES, 248 Front st G. D. WILLIAMSON. . WE have two teams, and one extra- mule. Weighs about 150O lbs. One team. 24U loi. horses, several smaller ones, work single or double. One Guernsey cow. 14 to 18 inch plows. AU kinds of wagons and harness. Will sell or exchange, and take Liberty bonds at face value. Multnomah Stables, 16th and Jef ferson. , , NINE head of good big farm mares from 3 to 7 years old, weight from 130O to 1 50O lbs.; 8 wagons, 3 sets of harness, good buiigy and a new set of single harness. A so 6 head of good cows, some fresh with calvea, heavy milk ers. Will sell cheap. Woodstock car to Powell st, 8 blocks east to 896. 16 HEAD of mares and geldings from 4 to 10 years old, weighing from 1000 to 1700 lbs; 2 tesjns of logging ' horses smong them: si) good workers snd gentle; also four farm wagons and 4 sets of double work harness. Call at the Wood yard Stables, cor. East 9th and Haw thorne, or pbone East 8ZZ7. A NICE span of mares, 8 years old, blocky build, weight about 2400 lbs., with good liirne" : also a bay horse, weight about 11S0 lbs. ; light spring wagon, aa old buggy snd a single harness. 392 Knott St. block cast or union sve. ONE team of ponies, good under saddle, drive single, or double. They have a good set ball top, breeching harness; weight 1700 lbs. WiU trade and pay difference for good farm team. Inquire Multnomah Stables. 16th ad Jeffer son streets. AUCTION saie every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. m.. We buy anfl sell all classes of horses, wagons arid harness on 5 commission. - If you have anything to sell or went to' buy, esll snd see us. John S. Williamson, properitor snd auctioneer. Star Stables. 308-10 Front st WILL arrive Sun. night, carload of horses from Grand Konde valley. These horses weigh from 1200 lbs. to 1700 lbs. and are all- heavy boned, thick made horses, and will be sold st s very reasonable price. G. K. - Howitt, E. 9 th and Flanders. ONE single harness with collar and hames, $8.50. One good steel tired buggy, $10.00. One spring wagon, $15.00. One 1400 lb. mare, good harness, light farm wagon, complete, all for $90. Also nice laying hens for sale. 8219 Woodstock sve. Mt Scott car to 8 2d at. A .REAL bargain, a pair, of matched 7-year-old sorrels, 2800 lbs., with good harness, for $250, the price of just one of them. Come and try them and you will lead them away. 302 Front st - 1300 LB. BLACK mare, 5 years old. This is a fine mare snd works single or double. Small mare, guaranteed for women' or children to rule or drive. Woodyard. 4th and Clay sta. TWO good young teams of farm mares, first class in every respect ; no reasonable offer refused. Woodstock car to Powell st. 3 blocks east to 896. , . HARNESS, light double wagon or carriage com 'plete, collars mounted spreaders, hand sewed, cost new $80. Price $30. 24 W. Buffalo it Kenton csr. 20 SETS of heavy and light double harness, all kinds of carts, buggies, wagons, fine surry, good logging wagon. Any or ail, cheap, 802 Front st ONE grey horse weighing 1200 lba., price $75; also buckskin weighing 1250 lbs., price $65; work in all harness. Mt. Scott car to 9th ave. Inquire Westover Grocery store. BARGAIN Big team and harness: thin to flesh but good true workers; no further use for them; will sell cheap. Woodyard, 4th and Clay sts. ' IF YOU want a dandy pair of small chunky mires that is just right, with a good harness, for $135, come see and try this pair. 302 Front st ; J FOR SALE A dandy young sound gentle mare; fat and pretty;' weighs about 900 lbs.: dirt cheap at $35; a good driver and rider. Call at 964 E. 34th St., North Portland. GOOD young team, brood mares, weight 2900; harness and wagon. None better. Will sell reasonable. Woodstock car to 34th st, 4 blocks southto 1040 Schiller st FOR SALE Good horse and harness. Inquire L. H. Morgan, Evergreen Station, Oregon Electric line. FOR SALE All around work horse, gentle, weighing 1400 lbs., fat. at reasonable pnee, st 191 Arthur t S. Portland car. .Slain 2724. SICILIAN BUTTERCUP eggs, $2 a setting. Best layers. Tabor 8697. 6301 87th sve. S. E. . ONE good 4 inch Birdsell logging wagon with bolster for $110, cost $225; have telephone. Kirk Hoover, Sherwood, Or. LIVESTOCK 85 AUCTION . Woodland. Wash.. March 14. 1919. 22 cows, five 2-year-old heifers, 10 yearling heifers, reg istered Holitein. bull, some calves, horses and machinery. The beet bred herd of grade Hot steins in this section. Watch for further ads., or write for bills. C'oL W. S. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE, my entire herd of eight extra fins Holstein cows, including one 600 lb. 3 year old HOLLYWOOD heifer. This is an op portunity seldom equaled to procure high pro ducing stock. At my farm, one mile northeast of Newberg. J. C. Lemon. FRESH Guernsey-Jersey cow, with nice large iieifer calf; milking better than 4 gallons a day on dry feed. Alao a young team of mares, weight 2700 lbs. Bargain for quick sale. 662 E. 28th st S. ONE 4 weeks Holstein heifer calf; will make excellent cow; eats and drinks. Georgesen, 2048 Hodge st St Johns ear to Portsmouth, 0 blocks north. FINE young Holstein cow, big milker; slso 2 high-grade young milch goats, bred. 802 Front st. . - WANTED 4 or 5 pigs. 30 or 40 lba.. to be delivered at 6657 8 2d St., Portland. Ham let. Tabor 4883. REGISTERED sow and some shoats. also 2 fine young milk goats, bred; they are good ones. 302 Front st FOR SALE Good family cow snd calf. Terms can be arranged. Address 33 E. 75th st. be tween Ash snd Pine. WILL eell cheap, 6 good cows, some fresh and , some coming fresh. 896 Powell at Woodstock car, . FOR SALE JerseyHolstein, 6 gals.; ideal fam ily cow. fresh in March. Tuberculin tesetd. 8126 62d st S. E., city. Tabor 1261. FOR SALE Jersy cow. fresh in March. Mount Scott ear to Tremont station, 15 blocks south. 1 Joe Blaumer, Box 413 7 2d st. T FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow with calf, giving over 4 gallons. - Bellrose Station, Greaham car. F. Oldenburg. - ifHIGrfGRADE family cow- for sale at $75. E. J. Hufford, 212 Central ave.. fit Johns station, city. JERSEY cow, just fresh, for sale; guaranteed to give 8 gallons milk a day. 153 Terry, Ken ton. THREE fresh cows, all heavy milkers. Will sell cheap. Woodstock car to 34th st, 4 blocks south to 104O Schiller. . : ONE registered'Shorthorn-Durhan) bull, 2 years old. W. E. Brown, Clackamas, Or., Route!. FOR SALE 2 fresh Holstein and Jersey cows. 1225Charleston st, St Johns. FRESH MILCH GOAT WITH-" KIDS, $75". 284 FRONT STREET. -TWO cows, one just" fresh,- 4 H gallons. Sell wood 875. 1157 84th ave.. corner of 89th st 25 SHOATS. 30 to 70 pounds. Pbone 95 Milwsukie, GOOD milch cows, must be sold ; tested cows. Take Sooth Portland ear. 275 Hooker at FOR SALE Arood gentle Jersey cow, fresh in June: rich milker. Call East ',2 24 6. JERSEY,' easy milker, gentle, good family cow; $65.. Call 1196 Mall' st. Woodstock car. FOR SALE, 1 5 year old Jersey cow; gentle good milker. $75. S. Clifford; Beaverton.' Or. FOR SALE, fresh dairy and family cows. 73 i East Ash. . y ' - POTJLTI1T. PIOEONW. PET STOCK 87 FOR SALE, thoroughbred White Leghorn set- ting eggs, Tsncred strain, bred five years under the Hogan system; nothing better, $1.50 per setting; 8 for 100. Cell st Poultry Ranch. 1845 Misa. sve. Wdln. 3878. , v WHITE LEGHORN eggs. $1.25 for 15. and bantams. Phone Tabor 4941. - ; THOMPSON'S Ringlet Barred Rocks, hatching eggs and cockerels. - Tabor' 4658. : . FORSALE Laying pullets. . Apply""! 198 E." 28 th at N. " " '"" - - '. - " - BLACKM"lnorca eggs for setting. Columbia 909. WANTEO iKtung uvn. Wdln. $049.. . . ... POFLTRT. PIGEONS. FET STOCK 87 ' WHITE LIRBflBM KSTtW CHICK Now is the time to order your baby chicks. We are apectansta in the chick hatching boainess snd, owing to the high , cost of feed, wo have made special efforts tide season to select oar best stock for oar breeding pens; sR our breeders rs Hocsaixed and have been raised on free range runs: oar pens are headed with mate birds that are from trapnested and a very high egg record strain, therefore we do not hesitate to say we can produce the strongest and largest ehicks y" can buy in the -West; our past experience allows us to guarantee all our chicks good, sound and vigorous; safe delivery anywhere. Wfll have chicks March 8. Order bow; visi tors are welcome st all times. SCHNELLEB S HATCHERY. : Phons Woodlawn 1198. 1540 E. 18ta st N. Portland, Or. t Robinson's IraD Nested . Single Comb White Leghorns Have made a new world's rcmnl for entire flock. K. C Calloway of 633 Ganteubein ave. reports 9164 eggs from 88 pullets from October 2,1917, to October "2. 19J.8. an averaae of 241 ecas ner bird. J. D. Stokes of 933 Mississippi ave, reports 1334 eggs from ept. 1. 1SU7. to Bept 1, 118. from 6 pullets, sn sversge of 220 eggs per bird. They, will do the same for you.- Give them s chance. Day-old chicks 820 ner 100. Address A. F. Robinson, 82d st and 26th ave., or phone raoor yzs'j. , MURRAY'S BLUE RIBBON ' HENNERY 312tS tJ-M lit. 8. E.. Portland. Tabor. 1261 Breeder of Murray's Blue Ribbon strain Barred Plymouth Bocks and Green Sheen i Silver Campines. HATCHING EGGS. $3.50 TO $5 PEE 8ET- Tt-W OF 15 EGGS, $20 PER 100. COCKERELS, $8.50 TO $3. EITHER BREED. Write or phone 'for illustrated circular. MAJOR 3. J, MURRAY. THE CULVER YARDS TRAPNESTED WHITE LEGHORNS Trapnested the year 'round. We Hoganise first then trapnest to prove it Absolutely no gueaswore. in our breeding pens. . , 8 breeding pens, each headed by a high record mala, insures you stock that can't help but lay if you give them proper care. Eggs 82.50 and $1.50 per 15. Chicks. 256 and 18c Incu- bator lots, $10 per 100. Phone Tabor 6969 HAMLST'S Barred Rocks' win everywhere. Shown because they have, exhibition quality. acquired only by many years of expert mat ing. The wise ones that secure my stock are stepping 10 years abesd of the average Rock breeder. Remember, I do not make cheap util ity matings and sell poor stuff cn the strength of my unsurpassed show record. Matings strictly show producers, no second choice. You get my r-est or none. Eggs, 51.50 each; $20 for 15. rtamlet 0657 Bad st Tabor 4883. rtHlTE Lesnorne are the moat profitable breed ' of poultry. If yon are is . the business for profit you. wfU eventually have them. Early orouers; earn layers; early rituriTB. Wi sell enly WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHLT. from heavy lsying HOGAN IZED bens. Safe delivery of full count live ehix guaranteed. Price per ivy; itorury, exo.uu; saarcn, x i.u; apru. 12.DU. ins noneer tsatcnery. sua euxts street, fetaiuma. Uauiorcla. BARRED ROCKS. Reds, Leghorns, pullets and cockerels, full bloods at srecisl prices. $1.50 up. a. C. Lubr, It 3. Box 258. Lents Sta. Portland. Or., or take Estacada, Bull Run or i. res haul car to .Kendall station and inquire at store. AT half price. Make me an offer for the bunch, or will sell any number. Himalaya ns. New Zealand. Flemish Butterflies and Bel gians. Does, bucks and young stock. Woodstock car to 3bth st., 1 block north. 805 E. S6th st Phone Sell. 8516. FOR eggs the year round and best table fowl, get T. A Hodgson's R. C. Rhode Island Reds. Eggs $4 per 15. & C. English Whits Leg- norns, eggs 82.50 per 15. 172 Grand arc n. i-nono .at dbZ4. FOR SALE Ancona and S. C. Brown Leg- norn eggs; fl.aO per setting; best Eastern and laying strain. Call snv dav exceDt Sunday. John Lennox. Ramapo, Estacada Line. Address i-nts. ur., Box Btl4. WHY pay $5 and 810 for a ' setting -of eggs when you can get Lindahl's highest quality S. C. Red eggs for $2.50 a setting.. Line bred for egg production as well as standard points for T years. O. W. Lindahl, R 1, Linnton, Or. MEADE dark velvet red is practical breed for businesslike people who want more eggs, bet ter prices and maximum profit Prices most reasonable for the quality. Tabor- 3368. Write W. H. Meade. 6023 101st st EXCELSIOR RABBITRY New Zealand Reds, pedigreed at practically utility prices. Young does and does with litter. m I T t 1 boa , . u I I O. WOW DISI H1H f IV Oi A. C. Barred Rock cockerels, $4 and 85 each. Large, strong and well barred. Eggs for hatching, 82 per 15. Corona Poultry- Park, 2030 E. Salmon st, Portland. BABY chicks snd i batching eggs from pedigreed stock; order now for April snd Msy. Butler Poultry Fsnn, Jennings Lodge, Or. Woodlawn 1902. SOME Barred Rock males. $2 50 to $5. AU fine. Buff Cochin bantam males, $Z-' Bash, phone D01-4322. Box S17, B. 3, Lents Sta., PortlanrL st Ramapo Sta. FOR SALE Fine White Wyandotte cockereC no scrubs. $2.50 -each; White Wyandotte eggs, $1 for 15; also incubator lota. 1185 East 26th N. Alberta, car, 3 blks. N. -. HATCHING eggs from Tsncred S. C. W. L. hens, mated to Hanson cockerels, $1.50 per setting, $8 per 100. Few day-old clucks left in April 20 hatch. 20c each. Dudley. Aloha, Or. THOROUGHBRED dark R. I. Red chicks and Leghorns. Mrs. Binderup, 6320 E. 44th st, Woodstock. " BREWSTER 8 OREGON GIRL 3J7 EGGS IN 382 DAYS Cockerel. $10. Sell 2903. 643 Harold ave EGjGS. Silver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Reds, $2.00 per 15. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Or. LARGE kind, pure bred. S. C. Black Minorca . eggs, sent $1.50. Come get them.. $1.25. Mrs. F. A. Neibauer. Gresham, Or.' ' .- O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for setting. Also O. A. C. White Leghorn eggs. Maia 5450. Box 22, Hillsdale, Or. FOR SALE Cyphers incubator, "Buffalo," 90 egg capacity. Almost new. Also oat sprouter trays, Pbone Tabor 8904. WILL exchange papering, tinting or painting for White . Leghorn hatching eggs; must be good laying strain. H-605. Journal. ; THOROUGHBRED Brown Leghorns and Silver Lace Wyandotte at 6020 86th avenue 8. E. Eggs for . setting, call Taoor omo. GENUINE Kellerstrass White Orpingtons. Set tings, 81.50 snd 82.50, Phone Sail, 8048. 4219 4Ptn sve. p. is. wooqwacs car FOR 8ALF, One thoroughbred Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock cockerels. 1172 Minn. ave. Phone.'' Woodlawn 8247. FOR SALE 1 black Minorca rooster and some splendid Flemish Giant rabbits. 882 Syra cuse. Phone, Columbia '1165. WYANDOTTE and Rhode Island Red baby chicks for ssle. Incubatina done reasonably. Phone Main 0568. SILVER and Golden live pheasants, for sale at the Columbia" River Fish depot 275 Yam hill ft. at the Vista Houe market ; FOR SALE White Minorca cockerels,, of the non-setting strain, or' will exchange for pul lets. 520 Eat 2Sth ct north. East 4103. FOR"S A LE 6 Oegg incubator; cheap. Call Marshall 5167. f; ' FOR SALE Black ' Minorca, rooster. ' 8. C. Rhode Island eggs for setting. Woodlawn 585. FOR SALE Single comb Red pullets, cockerels and cock bird. Phone Tabor 5814. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Buff Leghorn and Silver Ijace Wyandotte rooster. Mar. 4J7. WHITE Leghorn ehicks. Barred Rock and Red eggs, i s dot iu iu BARRED rock. O. A. C. strain eggs. $L50 setting ox id. oui e; xpui si. m. : FOR SALE Black Minorca rooster. : S. O. Rhode Lland eggs for setting. Woodlawn 585. BUFF-ROCK eggs. $3 per 15. Washer" BroaTl East 15th sod Broadway. Phone East 271. lOOO 'CHTCKS, colony brooder, for sale; also 2 O. A. C. Barred Bock cockerels. Tabor 7826. WT!TTEWyi ndotte cockerel snd pullets. 228 E. 47th. Tabor 231. O. A. C. White Leghorn eggs. $1.23 geUingT 67 E. 78th North. Montavilla car. ' FOR 8AI K Partridg Wyandotte in pairs or trios. Wdln. 1617. ' : FINE Rock cockerel. O. A C strain. WootT lawn 4847. THOROUGHBRED P.uff Leghorn cock for sale. East 1502. FOR SALE 200 chick brooder, $8. Tabor 7955. T . " BROWN Leghorn eggs for setting, from heavy layingstock. 682 E. 75th st N. v. WHITE Wyandotte cockerel, very fine,- sale or exchange. Setting eggs $1.60. Wdln. 996. WANTED- Good poultry "equipment at" bargain - prices. Box.jl58 city. - ' ' - - DOESwith young for' sate, all sees, : cheap. East 8780. 806 East 8th, . FOR SALE OR TRADE S rabbits. . 1105, between 9 snd 1. Tabor 240 EGG incubator- 1245 , Gay st i Phone Woodlawn 5659. " t v t ; THOROUGHBRED Barred Rook batching eegs, special prices for incubator lots. Tabor 6559. BARBED BOCK eggs, incubator lota specialty. . Mrs. Evans. 865 E. Lombard. Wdln 1656. SINGLE express harness to trade for laying hens and White Rock cockerel. E. 6508. - FOR SALE or trade for hens. White Orpington rooster. Tsbor 345.. .... ...... - . ; ; ; - rori.TRY.-PtOEON f srnrs m THE BEN THAT LAYS IS THE HEN THAT ' ; - : STATBt. - - -., ,-- , ..." - . Do you like 'oar motto! - -- " You will like our da-Mld ehicks better.' The beat Taacred White Leghorns, beaded by a aula out ot "Oregon Girl, the wonderful aus-egg hen, and aired i by r the . beat male bird Dan Tanered ever produced. - Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Mar. 2469. 194 Boundary sve. BIG profits in poultry assured by using Pratt's Poultry Regulator. It strengthens breeding stock,- increases fertility, resulting in bigger batches and insures strong, healthy chicks. Sold on money back guarantee by first class daalen everywhere. FOR SALE, reasonable, one prise winning H. It cockerel and 4 hens and settings ot eggs from best strain. 8. C. W. tghorns, $1.50 per setting. W. Roberts, I07O Corbet t st. Tel. Main 41 85. - - - ' -. , a - BLACK MINORCA. jnamafoUi laying strain. prise winners; oockerels and cork buds, $3-60 and up; eggs for hatching. 82.50 to s.i pet art- ting. Parks. 5619 4Sth are, S. E. Phone Sell- wood 1070. A BABY food for habv chick. Greatest d- vaneo in Kieniifia chick feeding in the PestL century. Pratt's Baby Chick Food saves chicks, f money, worry. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. BoW by first elasa dealers everywhere. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 2 240 ( 1 120-egg cans citv each; standard Chvhrs . make : nsed dnly one season; thoroughly cleaned; first-class condition: look hke new; s bargain. Evenings, 844 East 17th st North. EGGS FOR HATCHING White Plymouth Rocks, $2; Indian Runner ducks, per 1.1, $2: slo Belgian hsrei. new Zealand Reds, flemish Giants. Montcello Farm. 80th and Eaft SUrk sU.. I'ortUnd. SINGLE comb White Minorca. American Beauty strain, very large and pure whtse. and prise winners; won 24 prises at two shows. Kggs 82 per 15. Cockerels for sale. Wm. Tupper,. Box 198. HilHboro, Oregon. . . - , SINGLE combT White leghorn cockerels, f 3 to $5 each; single eorob Brown Leghorn eggs, 15 $1.60: 45. $4. Harvey Been, New Ply mouth, Idaho. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY. 1 1534 E. 12th N. Woodlawn I486. R. I. R. baby chicks, $25 per 100; hatching eggs. 82 for 15. . 1 HAVE several choice Barred tkock cockerels for sate. Apply to Wm. Constantine, Con stantino Co. Liberty Market, cor. 6 th and Yam hill. Phone Main 2312. PINEHURST RABBITRY Breeders of fsncy and pet stock, also build ers of portable hutches. 8016 03d ave. S. E. Tsbof 3362. . ' . CURTIS Whits Wyandotte. "Eggs that hatch from hens that lay," $2 per 15. M. E. Curtis. Hillsdale, Or. R. D. 2, Box 242. Main 8280 and Main 3889. BABY chicks for sale Rhode . Island Reds : im " mediately delivered; orders taken for future delivery. These are from trapnested birds of high egg production. Phone Sellwood 1001. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock eggs. O. A.. C. 200-egg strain. $1.50 for 15: also O. A C, "Oregon.'' same price. Mrs. Ernest Werner. Aurora, Or., R. 2. - FOR SALE Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs $2.50 per setting; your satisfaction is my guarantee. The Idle Hour Poultry Farm, Mc Coy. Or. R. L RED eggs from heavy layers, mated-with - .egg pedigrees; cockerel, $2: also 10x12 tent, with poles and pegs. Good condition. $12. 956 Williams ave. FOR SALE 2 R. I. RED cockerels, very large and dark, one direct O. A V. White Leebora cockerel. Eggs for hatching from direct O. A. 0 White .Leghorns. Phone Sellwood 642. "OREGON S" Can spare a few eags at $1.50 the setting. Stock from Oregon Agricultural college. A vigorous cock bird mated to six fine pullet. 4619.A2d ave.. Woodstock car. WHITE Leghorn and Oregon hens and pullets 200-egg birds and better, $1.50 each; 25 cocks and cockerels, $2 each; 7 incubators, 400 egg size. -Sellwood 873. WHfTE Leghorn cockerels from Tanered great est levers. 81.50 and 32. OO each. L. H. Morgan, Lakewood Station, Milwsukie. Phone, Milwsukie 87 R. . YOUNG Flemish Giant does, 8 to 10 pounds, bred, $4 to $6 each. Crated ready for ship ment 1121 cast zotn st nortn., roruana, or. Pbone woodlawn 1724. 8. O. REDS, good breeding, stock, for sale, to make mora, need the space; eggs $3 per setting of 15. 6403 90th st, Lents.' Or. Will- banks. R. I. REDS, laying strain, prise winners, cock erels, cock birds and pullet for sale: egg. $2 to $5 er setting. Parks, 5619,46th ave. 8. E. l-none oeiiwooa ioiv. R. I. Red eggs from great producers. Winter layers of large eggs 81 per setting. N. Mc- Klnley. Route A. Box 461. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE Eggs from Robinson's strain of 8. C. White Leghorns. All stock hoganized and bred to lay. Woodlawn 6803. RAISE wild decoy ducks, 4 liens, all lsying; t drake and 2 settings of eggs for sate, F. 8. Blaaer, 288 Hamilton "ave. THOROUGHBRED ;New Zealand buck. Flemish Giant Several does. Reasonable. 1495 Bos ton. St Johns car to Bryant 4 blocks east WANTED1 12 Barred Rock hens, spring hatch young and of good laying strain. P-42S. Journal. ' WANTED 1 doz. Barred Rock hens, good lay ing stock. Prefer- those hatched in the fall. 8-815. Journal. 1 PAIR Checkered Giants; 1 pair Vienna Blues; 2 Butterfly does; bred; Hymslsyaa. 1.127 E. 25th N. Phone Woodlawn 1724. FOR SALE Partridge Wyandotte cockerels. S3. 60; eggs. 82.50 setting of 15; guaran teed. Henry W. Domes, McCoy. Or. FOR SALE 40 laying pullets, mostly White Leghorns; also hen house and chicken netting. Sell. $440. - FOR: SALE -15 White snd Bsrred Rock chick ens, now lsying. 40 Willis blvd., Kenton Psrk. - FOR SALE 2 Barred Plymouth Rock cocker els from O. A. C. e.tgs, $2.50 each. 507 Borthvrick st. " - S. C. BLACK Minorca eggs for sale from Pape's large, heavy laying strain, the very best D. B. Wood. Columbia 792. DARK CORNISH eggs, $3 for 15. Males 5 each. "Fins lares birds. 1184 7th at N. K. P Woodlawn 881. BROODER, complete, half price; also Whits Leghorn, 2 year and 1-year-old roosters. 1196 Mall st, Woodstock ear. FOR SALE White Legl N ICE HENS Young White Leghorn laying hens; also eggs for setting. Phone Tabor 612. PEDIGREED Flemish Giants, young breeding stock; also light gray buck. 6523 45th ave. 8. E. - 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs, 200 egg stock, 81.50. . per setting. Elizabeth Matthews, Mar. 2666. THOROUGHBRED White Plymouth Rocks, prize winning strain. 0 hens and 1 cockerel for sale cheap. Owner leaving city. Tabor 8455. S7ItTrRED hatching eggs. $2.50 for 15; 810 per 100; Hardesty stock. H. A Cox, Multnomah. Or.. ( FOR SALE. White Rock eggs, fine trapnested stock, Fishel strain. $2 and $3 per 15. C. Gustafson. R. 1. Milwaukle, Or. WHITE ORPINGTONS. - exillent stock, eggs $1.50 for 15. Good cockerel. $2. After Sun day. - pbone Wdln. 674. ' BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching hens, Hogan ized roosters, O. A C. strain. - Car. 60th at snd72d sve., S. E. RHODETSLAND RED eggs for hatching. 15 for $1.25: best laying strain. Call Wdlru 4 81 8 . COCKERELS direct from" Thompson snd 8 hens, Myers strain: setting eggs. Tabor 7929; BEST laying strain Rhode Iland Red eggs, 82.50 per setting. Tabor- 2018. f5"r SALE 11 laying pullet. and 1 rooster, tl each. W. N Mitchell. 5028 4 1st ave. B. E. 250 "EGG hot water incubator and Interna tional brooder. 812 take, them. Cot 827. It. I. R. eggs for setting, $1.50 per-J5. 770 Macadam st -. FOR SALE 1 BUck Minorca pullets. 5303 R2d ave. 8. E. Sell. 1992. THREE Black' Minorca, 2 R. L R. pullets, A3 laying. 81.50 each. 850 Sandy blvd. THOROUGHBRED Barred Bock setting eggs, 82. Black Minorca. 32.50. Bell. 1309. ONE doa. White I -eg horn pullets, laying. Wallace. 'Kendall fta.. Estacada car. CHOICE Rhode Island Bed Batching eggs. Ta- bor 6736. BRONZE turkey hen, W. S. C. stork, $6. Mar. 2666. FIVE dark Rhode Island Red cocks for sale Or exchange. Wdln. 1998. , - -v 50 EGti incubator for sale cheap st 407 4th t - st Phone Mar. 6167. WANTED -Setting hen. will pay ' $2 for good hen. CaR Mar. 5039. BARRED Rock young laying bens; O. A. O. strain. Tabor 89b5. ; 1 INCUBATOR. 2 brooders, and S bone cutter. Phone Belrwood 1T( BEAUTIFUL high -.bred White . Orpington roosters; reasonable. Main 6491. - 250 EGG hot water incubatory bargain, Wood- - lawn 1965.? .-.-''- - - - '-"-.. NEW ZEALAND and Belgian rabbits, cheap. 4227 68th ave.,--Woodstock. DOOf4v BIRDW. PETf. ETC. 46 DOGS and Birds boarded in a good home; rea eonable, 682 E. 75th st N. FOR SALE Singers and good females,' Main 468. - -: t5sS CANARY females, ready fog mtui Phone C-2766. 7 sting- 7 pupa. U: 76c to $L THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups. Mrs. Evans.' Woodlawn 1656. 869 East Lombard st FOR BALE Japanese Bantams; also Red eggs for hatching. Phone Woodn 2979. CHOICE singers, slso females. 617 Dekum ave. FOB boarding your dog see Boutledgs Seed Co. 'DOGS. BTIlTirV PET-. ETC. 4 iV,.. ROSE CITY fW,' CATTERY I frv.r Registered Persians ser- CV. 1 i vice $& for remainder of on. Sunburst Ursnge, 11.1 V lW tMnM44 Sill, " Jf ZXsJ Boarders taken by day or Tabor 7274. 1250 Morri- XOTICEVVe have purchased from Uie Medrock Babbitry the grand New Zealand. Buff Boy, Beg. No.. 4722, perfect color. - weight 10 lbs., who will bead our New Zealand department; we have some choice. Lops, . Kufus Bed snd Himalayan grown snd yoiing stock for ssle. Grenoble Stock Farm, Inlow A Inlow,, 5628 60th ave. S.E. Sellwood 1877. ' - BEFERRLNG to an article in February 22". ' 101, ixiiie of - The Journal, rrgsrdlng a $100 New Zealand buck, we wwh to lUU ws are the breeders of King Oregba No. 4716. His sire and other classy rssintered bucks st stud; also, a few youngsters to spare. ; The aiedrock lisDDiiry. -3929 52d St. 8. B. Mt Scott car. RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT We have Belgians. New Zealanl Flenrlnh Giants. Enoiish Lop Ears and i White English, all ages snd sixes; utility stock as well as fancy pnre-bred. Write tor prices i snd catalogue, Roatledge Seed A Floral Co. 145 3d st. Pert, lsnd. Or. FOR RALE 2 'male tmimlesL half Slieuherd sad - nsu lox terrier; beautiful golden Crown color; wiiite faces: collar and tins: 'short haired, dandy Lranch dog. Price. $7.50 uach. . Box 1U1, Forest Grove, Or. BOSTON stud, oe-t Eastern toy, fee. $10. Llt ter of-puiH to kennel about March 15.- Make early srluctipn. Hamlet Oboi bad St.. S' bor 4883. - '' - AT STUD Boston Terrier, Grenoble Stuart; light weight, tight screw tail; fee $10. Gren oble Stock Farm. Inlow A Inlow,' 0628 5ULh sve. n.K. sellwood 1B77 CHOICE CANARIES at "The Canary Bird Shop,' Singers- guarsutsed. 1151 E. 28th N. C-2217. - - - SERVICES registered Persians. $4: Sir Kewpee, orange; Sir Taloo. silver; Chief W hy not, blue. Portland Cat Kennel. Tabor 7501. . PEDIGREED New Zealand rabbits, bred from sirs of "Worlds Champion." 875 14th st Mar. - 3851.. t - AT SERVICE. Hillsdale Red Rover, red orangs Pernan. Also Sinbad of Holden. silver Per sian. Main 5450. Hillsdale. Or., Box 22 1X)R 8ALE-7 Bonton terrier Duppies. seven weexa pedigree. Old; long line champions both sides; $20 to (50. Tsbor 2879. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Toy . Fox nicely marked. Phone Eat 5886. Terrier, Wanted Mai. Great Dane pup. Must be thoroughbred. Jerry Rieker,' Enterprise, Or. THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guaran teed birds Call or address 967 Miss. ave. -WANTED A genuine green at Anureaaocig roller. Tsbor 821. FOR. SA LE Clotting out my femaie canaries and cages. Call Tabor 821. 1 SPITZ puppy and 1 Water Spaniel and Collie mixed, George Fisher, 6710 57th ave. B E. SpOTCircolHe pup for sale. Tabor 3510. APTOMOBILE8-ACCES80niES 4 NEW 1918 Ford roadster top. complete; $18. J-215, Journal. "- . 1917 FORD starter, shock absorber, storage bst- tery for sale. 91 E. 8th st S. 84x4 CASING $10 28x3 , casing $3, Presto tank. 35. curtain S3 Main 6$89. 1 HUDSON roadster for sale, $125 cash. Call Woodlawn 813. . 34x4 STRAIGHT side Springfield-KeHy casing, tube and rim."-$21.50. 800 Journal-bldg. SAXON roadster, all new tires;, $275 cash or terras. Main 6289. ' . LIGHT BUICK Six. model 1918. nearly new, 31175. East. 6180. ' - 1917 MAXWELL, in first class condition, cash ' or terms. East 4987 after 2 Sunday. 1916 CHEVROLET in good order, $400. Beil- wood 180. 1917 AND 1914 Fords, sell chesp, need money badly, 188 Chappan st - . FOR SALE Hudson 6, in Al condition, cheap. Must be seen to appreciate. 824 Wulisms sve. FORD delivery body,, ready to settle on chassis. 109 N. 4th ft Broadway 945. GOOD BUICK Six for sale, model 1918 tour ing car. Ring Main .1252. Clias. Gramm. FORD expressv 1918. sell cheap, or trade "for Ford touring. Tabor 4573. 1917 FORD delivery in splendid condition; price reasonable. 3aU Tabor 6312, or see at 448 E. 62d st FOR SALE Cola . 30 ; the biggest snap we have been able to offer. Sandy Road Garage, 24th and Sandy. ' WILL SACRIFICE 1917 Studebaker Six, 7 pass; good condition, $650. Mnt be soldi by Monday. Call, Williams Avenue : Oarags. 1917FORD. $70 wortbTof extras, tires nearly new. Forced to sell. $415 cash; 109 E. 27th St Phone East 2719. - .- . lBlo CHEVROLET, all overhauled. $460. Will trade -for good Ford. Also 6-pasaenser Reo, will sacrifice for $250. Phono Wdln, 2869. far hai.K Have vour carbon removed by oxy- gen process at Sandy Road Garage, white you wait - ; : ' 1918 LIGHT WEIGHT twin tandem Ford and electric light; must sell by innrsaay, uo. VM.u Vmmt AAA! FOB SALB--Leave your car " over night for washing andpoli&hinf, at Sandy Boad Uarsge, 24tfl and Bandy. . tTHRVTtoi,ET IB 16 in good running order, just overhauled, looks like new. Apartment 1. 840 Grant corner Broadway. Main S2l. $10 BUYS a. good $20 tire rack, good strong material. Just ss good as new; a bargain for someone. Room l. worcnester mag. PRIVATE garage, hold 2 atttos. 700. Williams ave. Apply J.- W. E. , Rawlirjson,, 20 Gra ham ave. SXIALfc Saxon rpadster. Can operate less thsn carfare. WiU mske - you a f gooo cssn pnee. Soencei1. Bxdsdwsy 8383. ' $750 BUYS a 1917 Dodge in the very best of . condition, including tires, and looks like new. This price is to sell. Mr. Campbell, 253 E. 6th st N. , East 1318. - , - - WILL exchange- fine Hudson super : six, like new- 1917 model, fine mechanical eonditton. for real estate. Do ot desire to pay say dif ference. B. E. Footei Box 4. city, ' FRANKLIN ; . Ught 4 -cylinder csr, good tires, good mechani cal condition; Just the car to make good pug; $250. phone East 3021; - 1917 FORD, nearly new, $450; 1914 Buick. $450; 1918 Chevrolet, $650. and several others. All of these cars are in good running order. ASk for night man. 235 2d.cor. Main. OVERLAND. 6 cyl. T piss., 1918 model; la A-l condition, $675. - Ford roadster, late model. $850. MONTAVILLA GARAGE 1 ' S250 1913 STEARNS Knight 5 passenger ear. in good condition; win make powerful track; must sell ; have no use for machine. - T.JE Vigler, 1013 Cleveland ave. CELLULOID ns Auto Top ROSSITEB BBC REPAIRING IN CURTAINS s LIGHTS os, TTnbwi ave. at Pine. - East SB 4. BUICK roadster, first- class mechsnical eondi tion: repainted; tires A-l. Will consider lighter csr in trade. 449 Burralde st Phone Broadway 2104. - HAVE patent on auto signal to indicate direc tion traveling. Want to- make deal with someone to assist me in imt.tiiiff ft on the .market marker in -in Call or write 1918' E. Portivnoatn ave. condition, including tires. This car is wort.n $1000. Can be seen Sunday at 263 E. $U st N.-East 1318, Mr. Campbell. " - I THREE 32x4 Q. D. one 82x4 8. S. auto tires, cheap;' light auto delivery 'body; small! 4 cylinder auto engine with Bosch magneto. - Phone East 1705. - ' I j j FOR SALE Ford, $125; Ford. 5 pass., $2SS; Ford, 5 peas., 30(: Ford. 8 pass.. $475: Michigaq,. cheap, nr ill -rad -for livestock or property.! Ints. Mt Scott Garage. Foster road, let LATE model Studebaker touring csr, in. best pos sible condition; looks tike new; msny e-tsaa. Will apply as fiir payment on 5 or 6 roim strictly modern home in' K. C. Psrk, or simBar di-trict Jwrier.Tabo.' 03U8. ; PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP i - We make end repair bodies, fenders, radiators windshield v lamps, gas - Unas,' oil pans, etc. Speedster' nodias a specialty- All work guar, anteed. 825 Alder at, cor. . 1 7th. Phone Broadway tt-II. - i FORIS start easy in oold weather with our new 1919 .carburetors, 34 mile per gallon. Use efeeapoat gasoline or half kereeene; . increased power.- Styles for any motor. Very alow tea high.' Attach it yourself. Big prof its -to agents. Money beck "'guarantee; 30 days' triaL i Anr FrictWm Carburetor Co., 1465 Madison. Day ton. Ohio. . - - i AUTO AUCTION OF FORDS, pOD;E8, CHEVBOLETS. OVERLAND8 . ANIT SEVER AL OTHER MAKES: CASH; TERMS, BONDS OR TRADE. I SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE IN THE-NORTHWEST. COME AMD MAKE ME PROVE IT. LIBERTY AUTO CO.. THIRD AND MAIN, VANCOUVER, : WASH. PORTLAND PHONE EAST 6888. - J I 1918 CHEVROLET 6 PASSENGER J Excellent condition. Paint A-l.' All good, and over - size tires ( 1 extra) . 2 extra inner tubes. Large special 18 Inch steering wheel, spot light Haf elite no glare lens. Dash tight Price $625 cash. Can be seen today at 634. E. $7ta st M., Rose City ear. - ATJTOMOBILEU .ArCESSORIFS 4 WE don't have all the best buys in town, but we know we have some of them. It don't eost anything to took. Al Smith Auto Co.. I'srk snd (. ouch. , - FORDS ; ""FORDS Touring ears ' Roadsters "-' i . One-ton trucks , j Buy your csr from ' sa Authorised Ford Dealer. UOBINbON SMITH CO - Suth aad Madisoa. Walk Over to Grand Ave. and f East Stark St. . . OCT OF THE HIGH REN? W3TBICT -AND SELECT YOUR CAR 1, TO,U.,8AyS F"M OJiE TO TWO HUNDRED m 1 A wZ er d a as ST4 a - a.W a w -h . . w - . . . . - jixiai IU1.U1H mu t Alls. 1918 MAXWpiJ. 1918 pVERIAND. -4 1918 BU ICR. ' 1918 MITCHELL CHUMMY ROAD8TER. , 1918 OI.IlH MOBILE. 1918 VEL1E. . . ' Dealers' Used CarClearing House GRAND. AVE, AND EAST STARK ST, PHONE EAST 7810.- ! OPEN ALL' DAY SUNDAY. , ' TME. HOME OF A u w Engines Engines- Trailers ira. Trai Parts Parts Parts railers Engines Trailers AS WE ABE MAKING EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS WE ABB OFFERING THE ABOVE AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES TO MAKE BOOM AND SATE TIME MOVINO PABTS. '- IN GOOD CONDITION. COMPLETE, WITH IGNITION AND CARBURET ORS. READY' TO RUN. . OVER 70 ENGINES MUST P.H MOVED. BE- LOW WK ARK QUOTING PRICES OS HOME 'Or -TUB ENGINES NOW IN STOCK. Studebaker EMF. 80 ' II, Studebaker Flanders Studebaker 88.....'...'.., Studebaker 6 cyL ...... Overlsnd engines $50 . 40 . 70 , 90 , r.o ailtcnall a 8.1 Winton 6, with Boschs msgneto. 95 Msny other 2, 4, 6 engines too numer- ous to mention at prices that will as tonish you. AT A FRACTION OF THE REGULAR PRICE. TO MOVE THESE TRAII ERS WE ARE. ALMOST WILLING TO GIVE THEM AWAY. , 500 to 1000 lbs. capao., $10 to $ 2.1 1000 to 2000 lbs. canec, 20 to 50 2000 to 8000 lbs. celiac.; 83 to 75 8000 to 4000 lbs. capac, 45 to 95 - 4000 lbs. snd -upwards. 63 to 140 Goods must be moved to save hand ling snd will go at thes prices now. FOR EVERT MAKE OF CAR. HAVE WRECKED OVER 1000 CARS AND WILL SELL) THESE SLIGHTLY USED ' PARTS AT LESS THAN ONE HALF THE PRICE. . Y . EWj-GEAR ANDvAXLS AT REDUCED PTIICES. TRO!9 STOCK OF TRANSMISSION GKARfl, iiff;rential gears and axle shafts for nearly eye it y make OF CAR. NOTE OUB pptCES ON NEW AXLE SHAFTS MA OK OK 8 5 TO 45 PER CENT CARBON ,-BPK-CIAL ALI.OY STEEL FROM HOT ROLLED BARS ( NOT ROLLED OP. COLD DRAWN), BEARING SUR FACE' HIGHLY POLISHED AND SIZES ARE ACCURATE. . V BELOW WE tARE QVCtTXSn PRICKS ON A " I'KW POPULAR MAKES OK OUR LAHOE STOCK OF NEW AXLE SHAFT'S: Chevrolet 480 ... ............ $8.65 Clievrolet Bsby Grand ......... . 6.50 Dodge f ........ . ......... . 8.75 Ford . . 2.20 Grant Six n.00 Maxwell 25 , 8.65 Overland 6.00 Saxoa 4 .cylinder ............ 4.00 Saxon 6 cylinder , , . 6.50 Studebaker 4 and 6 cyL 1914-18. 6.00 TP" YOtr NEED PARTS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEE US, Write, Phone, ot Call Broadway and Flanders St. THE ORIGINAL ACTO WRECKERS OP THE NORTHWEST f