THE ' OREGON , DAILY. . JOURNAL, . PORTLAND. SATURDAY, . MARCH 1. 1919. '4 PORT MISSION RESENTS ATTACKS ON PAST RECORD Critics of Policy Declared jn Res ojutfons to Be Ignorant Con 3 cerning Facts in' Situation, . .r :'; V- " SPENCER FLAYS ASSAILANTS : Commissioner Kelly Back of Job; To Meet With Public Dock ' Commission. ' Taking exception to the allegation 'mad by 3. B. Cobbf-and George H. Shepherd, that the portjsody. had lost It pep and had made a number of 'fool ; lsh expenditures. Captain E. W. Spencer i introduced a resolution at the Port I Portland commission - meeting Friday i afternoon to neavor -to make people juit saying "unkind thine" about the i commission. ;. . .. ' The body was stirred inta action when '. Captain Spencer averred that If some ; steps were not taken to frown on false f pubilo utterances against the port com f' mission It would soon ba. Impossible to h get men to. serve on the board giving ' : up a great amount of their time and j ' receiving no pay. "It will soon be im t possible to find a man to serve on. the I board If he la subjected to such critl t clam, said Captain Spencer, ji Insofar a losing pep was concerned, f -Captain Spencer then began. to give an outline of some of ,the reasons why the - port commission has been held Inactive i tor some time. I i "Those fellows at Salem seem to for f get that there ever wad a war and. the government commandeered every carrier t which had been serving the port. They t.r also seem to forget that If there are no . vessel here, hipping' could not be moved, no matter how moch w.aa as- sigped tcPortiand or any other port." - 'Ctstsre Seemed, tladeaerved f He pointed out the fact, that W.R." Grace .Co. was only awaiting a. defi- tute announcement of policy by the gov !. ernment before starting a tblg trade . -movement- out of the' Columbia, river. ; Captain Spencer did not believe that r. the port commission should be censured for 'anything they hed no control over. Concerning- the statement that the port had spent $30,000 in one year for legal fees. Captain, Spencer minced no words In saying that- this announcement was .a falsehood and 'made .by someone not -acquainted with the facts.: He wished to straighten out the gentleman . who ' -thus assailed the good name of seven . loyal men. . 7 Superintendent Doyle then announced ,Jthat the records for the past seven years ;rdy showed an expenditure' totaling 124,200 for such fees. The -ridiculous statement," said Captain- Spencer, that ; the commission spent 121,590 for rubber , boots in investigating Columbia slough ; "wer also ungrounded,' as any expendi turea for this class of "work were made by the city, and the lajst work of this ' lclnd was made eight years ago." -j, Members Resent! Attacks ; D. C, O'ReilJy felt that the commission f should take some exception to these statements, but felt that Captain Spen cer's - resolution, which was made in such a way aa to demand control of the Publlo speech, should be amended to : the effect that the members resented the recent criticism. Captain ' Spencer then continued that . - h thought that if people made state ments, against the board in the future they should know that the commission considered that they would be more careful to use facts if they thought the a members of the board were going to make some objection. The resolution . after some more discussion was then adopted unanimously that the port rer sent such recent statements which cen Bured the board by their "misleading J and untruthful" aspect to the public. '' Commissioner Kelly Baek George H.' Kelly was replaced on the board after, an absence of over a year v during which time he5 was in service In France. Bids were opened for gro ry and meat supplies for the commis sion and It was . decided to accept the lowest bid on each commodity. ,. The ;! port 'commission also decided , to accept the dock commission's invitation to hold ,a joint session, placing the date for ; March H at 19- o'clock In the' Port of v Portland rooms. v Formal . acceptance ,of the , $60,000 open coaling dock was made and the -'matter of Insurance, was referred to & later Investigation. The matter of tttew dredging, work? was discussed, ln- eluding diggings at the Peninsula Lttm ber company and the Associated Oil piers and the-board gave its consent to undertake this work. - It was also decided to take back the pilot boat Pullfzer and make all posei- . ble haste to put her in shape for work at. the mouth of the Columbia river In handling the trade which the com mission felt sure wjll be headed to , Portland ; before long. It also decided 'to obtain a statement from the pilots as to what they thoughts of the plan to fix - up the boat, mother matters .including the acceptance' of the--P. . R., L ft P. rates for lighting the dry '." dock tor the future was also taken - up at the meeting. , '.'Proved Safe by Millions." Bay only. "Bayer -Packages, For Colds . : Rheumatism 1 1 - "Headache Neuralgia ; 1 i Grippe Lumbago . v r Influenza Pain , ' i .V Adults can take one or two '"Bzyer Tablets of Aspirin." with" . ' water. If . r necessary, . tako - jthreo times a day, after meals, 'BayerTablets of Aspirirt.,f y -'D4eat jckago Larger izea.'V: i : - . v. ), Arrfrfu N the trade tssrfc f Byr'Mntifae to ft MeaeaoBUtaoatttct st SaJklrcacta - ' -Cross? fiBYBbn 63 genuine V a - 11 JtMets,. T IllRI RED CRQSS WOMEN' ACT AS STREET SWEEPERS t tv-rry-"; rfry" 'r"?rz'r"' "rcs .., ' v V'X't-" T, ' i . vl -J 1 &r ?J ''t Y'- I. - , . M t , I - ' I - - i - i ? H -If i . ' -11 1 i . - - it ' J The American Red Cross In Northern Russia to care for the American boys clearing the streets of Archangel of filth. While there are no regular streets in V sanitary condition, several squads o women are kept busy ' dirt to permit the passage, of troops and supplies. ALL FRILLS ARE TO BE ELIMINATED FROM THE CITY'S ANNUAL BALL : i Grand" March and Speech Mak ing Strictly Tabooj Dancing Ojily Will Prevail. i 1 k All the frills that usually attend the giving of a ball have been eliminated from the annual municipal ball at The Auditorium, Monday evening. This af fair, given under -the auspices of the city, will be devoid of everything but dancing, which, wilt prevail from 8 :30 o'clock until the midnight hour. Kven thfe long time honored custom of a grand march has been eliminated by order of Mayor Baker, who states that grand marches are obsolete. "I have been forced to lead many of them ; but, having' something to say about the city's ball, the grand march , is (eliminated," stated the mayor. j Speeches, which often Interrupt a. ball under the direction of the city, are also on the ban, members of the city coun cil, acting as the floor committee, hav ing Instructions that nothing but darn ing should be In order in connection with the "annual ball. The spirit of the annual ball is danc ing for rich and poor, . one time' each year, when all' the residents of the city, regardless ot-creed or ' social standing, may mingle for a few hours of enjoy ment. , Popular prices will prevail.1 Heavy Kaitfs Make For Splendid Crop Conditions in Wasco The Dalles, Mar; 1. Wheat growers report crop .conditions have rarely, if ever, been better at this season of the year. The rainfall for three months has totaled more, than 11 infches and the ground is thoroughly wet. ; Auto Appropriation Halted The Dalles. Mari' 1, (The county court and Clyde T. Bonnet, county school .superintendent, have -locked horns over the question of providing Mr. Bon ney with $600 for an automobile. The appropriation was aHvised by citizens at the budget meeting. The court de clares Bonney's traveling expenses are fixed by statute and that the budget meeting had no right to grant the" ad- i Venn Carrier Encounters -Big Bear The Dalles, Mar. jl.-'-A black bear was seen Thursday at Mill creek,,' 12 miles from this city, in a populous farming. district of the county, bj? Hfr bert Harrlman, a rural mall carrielC He estimates it weighed about 250 pounds. Bruin went on his way undisturbed! Shopliftijag Charge Is Denied . .. - n at ay,-- at'; at -' at at 'at ' 69iGent Pair of Hose Involved Mrs. Harriet Ethelton Is being detained, in. Portland while Municipal Judge Ross man vdecides whether or not he will con vict her of the charge Of shoplifting. Mrs, Ethelton, artistic, richly dressed, vivid of language, j in the municipal court Friday dramatically denied the charge that she stole a: 9 cent pair of hose front a sales counter at a depart ment store. f . Rising: from the witness chair she tMd of her many friends In musical circles pf the 'Kaet, of previous fat bank ac counts in Ketchikan, Alaska, and spoke derisively of cotton hosiery. She said she was. to have left Port land to fill a professional musical en gagement, j I- Klamath Will Make Payments.Only From Its Specific Funds Klamath FaUs: Mar. 1. Payment of old county warrants win be suspended for a time. It is figured out because of the decision of Circuit. Judge Calkins in the suit; against County Judge Bunnell wherein It is cited that, with the legisla tive budget act of 1913, a general f ur.d no longer exists. vi W.i M. Duncan, dis trict . attorney, has suggested that the county court hereafter keep all ac counts separate, making payments from funds specifically provided. It will have the effect of placing Klamath county on a cash basis. - , - '-- Club Leader Opens Ofrice Klamath ' Falls. Mar. ; 1. Frank- W, Sexton, the new county club, leader of the Boys' and Girls Industrial club of Klamath county, has - opened nia of fice with. County Agricultural Agent H. R. Thomast v---.-.i-; Official of Mining Concern Arrested ; Under Manu.Law San Francisco, March l.r (I. N. S.) Charged with a flagrant violation of the Mann whits slave act. in that he conveyed the wife of a lieutenant In the United States navy from her home In Duluth, Minn., to California for Im moral purposes. W. K. aowling. secretary-treasurer of the Feather River Gold Mines company, was haled before Com missioner Kralt here Friday to jgive cause why he should not be removed to Loe Angeles for trial. Lieutenant C. K. Nbrthcutt, formerly a mining man with headquarters In Du luth, Is Cowling's accuser. The naval officer, who brought about the alleged white , slaver's arrest in front of the Palace hotel Thursday evening, declares that Gowllng lured his wife away from home during his absence in the service of his country. The Northcutts have two children, who are now living with Mrs. North cutt's mbther, Mrs. Martin Pattison, in Los Angeles. Federal Agent E. M. Blanchard says that Lieutenant North cutt denies the paternity of a third child, now only a few months old. California Would Welcome Klamath As Part of State Sacramento. Cal., March 1. U. P.) California would welcome Klamath county, Or., should she be transferred to the Golden state. A resolution to this effect was Intro duced Friday, jointly by Assemblyman Ream, of Siskiyou and Doran of San Diego. , "North, south and all the way be tween, we are In favor of annexing Klamath county," declared Doran. "That is if Oregon will net her go." Odd Fellows Denied Eeduced Rail Hates Washington. March 1. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL. ) The railroad administration .has in formed "Senator McNary that it. cannot grant the request of the Oregon Odd Fellows for reduced rates to the Grand lodge at Salem in May. Reduced con vention rates will be granted only to the Grand Army and Confederate. Veterans reunions. Spartacans-Busy Printing Money Munich, March 1. (U. P.) The Spar tacans have seised the government printing' house --here and are printing bank notes. "With John Cahalan, deputy city at torney, cowed into silence, Deputy Clerk Crounse fidgeting and Bailiff Carr minus . some of his usual unperturbed dignity. Judge Rossman took the case under ad visement. . Mrs. Ethelton was arrested Thursday by Officer Craddock, summoned by floor superintendents and a store detective. They testified that they found the stock ings in her muff. ' ; SAVE MONEY! SAVE SHOES! In a Ions chase for a criminal. J. E. Jones, a secret service man of Chicago, wore one pair of shoes with Ne&un .Soles for nineteen months. This chase covering both ' American continents and Australia, ended in April. 1917. The shoes were then given a mechanic at Clearing, 111., and were worn' by him another seven months. ' . ' "Until I discovered shoes with Ne&lin Soles, I bought new shoes about every two months, said Mr. Jones, v t Twentyrsix months of wear under conditions such as these is indeed extraordinary even for Neolin Soles.. But Neclin Soles are made by Science to be especially durable. They are comfortable and waterproof, too. You can set them on new shoes for men, women and children, or for. re-soling. Manufactured by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.. Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels, guaranteed to outwear all other beels. t . - AT ARCHANGEL nr3 5 4 there Is aiding in the work of provisions made for keeping the clearing the streets of snow and U. S. NITRATE PLANT , IS CLAIMED-TO HAVE Value of Industry Set Forth in Defense of Mussels Shoajp Plant Is Under Investigation. Washington. March 1. L N. S.) That the government nitrate plant at Mussels Shoals, Ala,, now under inves tigation by the department of justice, ranked first of all the war department's building projects in its psychological effect up on the German war-making minds, and thus had a tremendous in fluence in bringing the enemy to sue for peace, is the opinion of Colonel J. B. Richards of Cleveland, Ohio, in a state ment today defending charges of waste and extravagance in the building of the plant. j Colonel Richards, now ; la ' civil life, was, until the Signing pf the armistice, in charge of contracts In Assistant Sec retary of War Crowell's ofrice, and ap proved the contract made with the Air re DISTURBED GERMANS To Everv Ouies' About tke Income Tax On Saturday, March 1st, we are mailing, to our clients our Bulletin No. 95 on the 1919 Income Tax Law. which contains information on all doubtful points, f and shows just how you or your business is affected, i Commencing Monday, March 3d, we will have in our office an expert to assist our clients and give infor mation in making out their income tax statements. Our tax expert is at your service free of charge. V Copies of our 1919 INCOME TAX LAW will mailed upon request. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Th Premier Municipal Bond House ' ; 309-11 STARK STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone: Broadway 2151 ; . ' EsUblished Over 25 Years (- . - 7' U,fl I KJ ; Saturday Night Banking HTiiZ Savings Department of the Northwestern Na- tional Bank, as you probably know, is . open on Saturday evenings from 6 until 8 for the convenience of. depositors. The new quarters of this department are just "across the, building lobby from the. main banking floor -and may be entered from Morrison street or through Northwestern Bank Building en A "Banking Headquarters tor. Firms, ; , Familios and Folks" SOCIALIST PARTY TO RULE SWEDEN Political Upheaval Will Put Lib erals in Power Prediction . of Statesmen. By Bauett Digby . Special Cable to The JobtbsI ' sod the Chleage Dsu Kw. (Coprricbt, X19. by Chieaca Daily New Co.) Stockholm, March 1. Sweden until re cently a stronghold of conservatism is likely to acquire social democratic dom ination that may mean far . reaching changes in her political and social force and hex economic relations with the out side world. The landslide has gone so far that so sound a student of political balances as Riksdagsman Per Albin H&nssen, Hjalmar BrantingS right hand man, declared at Falun : "I am convinced that the social demo crats will be the majority party m the riksdag's reconstituted first chamber after this year's elections. It now seems certain that the second chamber will contain a socialist majority so as to form a government. - "Under these circumstances there is only one possibility, namely, a pure soci alistic government. This Is sure to be realized in a short time and then we shall have the parliamentary power to realize our Ideals." Mr. Hanssen added that this aim would be attained without shedding a drop of blood. His address from which the foregoing was taken was entitled, "Democracy or Dictatorship." It closely differentiated between the alms of the majority and minority socialists. Mr. Hanssen referred with anger to the Rus sian bolshevism. He said that the clauses approved by all parties on the occasion of the recent constitutional compromise for raising the voting age in the county council elections and also the remaining taxation stipulations for voters will be abolished as soon as the first chamber is reconstituted. Nitrates company for the building of the Mussels Shoals project. "I did not like the contract," said Colonel Richards. "I fumed and fussed at it and knew that it would lead to waste and extravagance, but there was nothing else to do but approve ifa. The American Cyanide company, of which the ir Nitrates company was a subsi diary f was the only concern in the United States that' had made a success of manufacturing nitrate by the fixa tion process, and we had to have such a plant as scon as was humanly possi ble. Their engineering plans were sound and I had to approve it. "I think the "results justify the ex travagance. We did build the plant and did make ourselves independent of our only. 'other source of supply 'the Chilean natural deposits. The Germane did not believe this possible and the effect that it must have had upon their minds could be nothing else than astounding. It knocked out one of the sole, remain ing props of their war schedule." " -!,-' Is tlie Aifswer V Wins High Place in Oratory at Q.;A'. C. ' - - I -'.' r. ; Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Mar. 1. W. p. Black, Michigan, won the honor of college orator with his oration. The Immutable Law," which dwelt with the League of Nations from an economic and . social ' standpoint. : Mr. Black has been a student and an orator in the Ohio Northern university and In the University of Colorado. He Is a member. . of . the national orotorical fraternity. Delta Sigma Rho. The college orator is to represent O. A. C. at the intercollegiate oratorical contest which will be held at the Uni versity of Oregon on April 11; LUDENDORFF SPEAKS IN DEFENSE OF HIS COURSE DURING WAR German General Denies He Ad vocated Annihilation of Enemy; Heeded "Voice of People." By Frank J. Tsylor Berlin. March 1. (U. P.) General Ludendorff Friday defended his course during the war in a letter addressed to the German people asking them "to clear him of blame." "I never advocated annihilation of the enemy," he said. "I believed in ending the war with the status quo of June, 1917. and again with the status quo of March, 1918. Z also advocated peace in the middle of last August, when I realized that it was impossible to. fores the enemy to ask for peace by further prosecution of the war. . "After Bulgaria broke away from the central powers, there was no time to be lost. It is not true that I favored al lowing the enemy to dictate the armi stice terms, in the hope that such a course would cause the German people to rise and lend thelt moral strength to their armies' resistance so that the enemy might be forced to of fer miller terms. I "I always consulted the voice of the people before taking, military action, realizing that the voice of the people was the backbone of our army's morale. "The kaiser and the crown prince both agreed last August that tt was Impos sible for us to win. Both of them al ways loved and ardently desired peace." Rainfall Above Average Klamath Falls, Mar. 1. February in Klamath county had 18 days up to Tuesday on which it rained or snowed, resulting In a precipitation of Z.24 Inches, one inch above 4 the average US i SIP S3 H 31 aa a j it an 8?; iii nnn I aa ?a it 1 Michigan Student LUNCH WITH VILSOH WAS CHATTY AFFAIR OF CLOUDED RESULTS Committee Members Would, Like to Know Third Term Po$- 1 .' sibility. Washlneton, March i ft. S. Will President Wilson permit the use of his hams as a candidate for a third term? That was expected to be one of ; the important topics at the White House Friday when members of the Democbatlo national committee gathered for. lunch eon with the president. During- the meeting of the committee, at which Homer S. Cummlnfcs was named' Chairman.-there was much discussion as to presidential candidates, and there was a persistent demand 4o know If the presi dent would perratt the use of his name; Some of the members of the commit tee, it is known, were inclined to put the question to the president direct, for the reason they feel the groundwork of the 1920 campaign would be simplified were .the answer known. - .': Another' matter the president Was ex pected to , discuss with the committee men is the apparent . deadlock be has reached with the senate over the urgent supply bills, including the Liberty loan measure, and the question as to the date of the extra session. - .The president is -also expected to dis cuss with them their impressions as to the country's position on the. League of Nations, and It was regarded, as probable he would ask them to sound out publlo opinion in , their various states as to the voters' view with regards to his big gest achievement. He Will lay before them his view that " It Is the League of Nations pr more war," and advised them as to the arguments In favor of Immedi he ei I BLm.RiBB4ari II W- VVA OREGON VULCANIZING COMPANY 333-335 BURNSIDE ST, Distributor FEDERAL TSRES: Extra Ply FABRIC TIRES Double Cable Base CORD TIRES You Can't Bt 'Em . , mm v and . : Exclusive Agents, for The ; . ' f Valves and t TesrtWheleisUar la Fortlasd ! -: bssss. '' -T- f ate public support for the purpose of the plan. i '!'.'"'- The luncheon did not break up until after, S :30, and following it the members of the committee were reticent as to what had been dlacused. The president in said to have told them that the League of Nations Is above politics, and hence. , not to be discussed at a 'political gather-( log. '- Plans. , for the coming campaign were outlined and it Is believed the : president laid particular; stress upon; or-1 ganisatlon of the women voters. It was just a chatty political lunch-( eon. was the way one of the commltteei officials described what had taken place. Hood River Gives ' Pledges for SXOOO To the Stock Show Hood River. March 1. Within Sft.mln--utes after O. M. Plummer, general )fnaw- agar of the Pacific International Liye stock exposition had alighted from the train at the depot here, he had lsau'edi a certificate of shares In the exposition t! to . the amount of $1000. Hood Kiver s, quota in. the drive for funds for the ex position. Those-who underwrote-' the quota for the county were. 13. F. Batten' and A. W. Peters; K. A. Krans. the But ler Banking company and the .First Na tional bank. j - - r , , ' . . t . Dog Wanted for .ilurder : ' A stray dog Is being sought by the police for murder. ' According to a report1 made by Mrs. Axel Johnson of 4540 Kaat' . Ninetieth street, north, the dog 'entered her rabbit pen 'Thursday night and killed six large rabbits. The police have been Instructed to ' pick up stray , dogs running loose In that district. Crowdrr , to Aid Cuba . "Washington. 'March !. (IT. P.) -Judge Advocate General Crowder will leave soon for 'Cuba to assist that government) In revising Its. .election 1 laws prelim-' Inary to the forthcoming elections. Sec retary of War Baker announced Friday, Seasoned slsbwood and tnslde vwood. green stamps for cash. ; llolman Fuel1 Co. Main 853, A-3S53. Adv. . fJKLT-niSsV xsiacorT- ccxi SPOKANC AM PORTUOIB1 X RE'S Plumljinij. Hefitinjj, Mill Steam Supplies WUliam Powell Company Specialties ' 8( FROST STErrT