The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 01, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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SATURDAY,. MARCH -.1, 1919.
i riterchurch Wi
To Those Confirmed in Church
V : Observance Is - Much More
, Than Simple Pibus Custom.
Many Reasons for, "Forty Days"
' Are to Be Found in a Study
Of the Old Biblical History.
By Bt. Bt. W. T. Ssmaer
Btabop of Oregon.
- The Lcnfen season is here once attain,
and, naturally, we ask ourselves what
it means -to -us thia year, perhaps, com
pared with the years that have gone
' before. V
Lent is a time when we stop to con
sider and meditate upon our spiritual
Condition, The word Lent has no special
significance save only as it designates
the time of the fast before Easterj The
word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon
Jencten" which means the spring sea
son. From this we learn that the Lenten
fast means simply the fast that comes
. in the spring of the year.
'-It was appointed at this time for the
: reason - that "-bur Lord's passion- and
death occurred at this time of the year
and these devotions of the faithful
grouped . themselves around that, sad
hour , on Calvary. To those who have
betfn confirmed in the church the season
la oije o( renewed spiritual activity of
a contemplative kind, it is more than a
Himple .observance of a. pious custom its
observance is made a matter of con
science. - ,(" -
Beginning with Afh Wednesday the
.Lenten-season reallycove'rs a period of
46 days. As Sunday has always been re
garded as a feast these six Sundays are
not counted as belonging to the fast of
the' Lenten season. We therefore desig
nate them as Sundays in and not Sun
days of Lent.
Authority tor "Forty Days"
Why forty days should be set apart in
this way is nut difficult to understand,
lor thera, are many reasons why 40
Is a scriptural number. " On, authority i
points out in- his exposition hri Lent as
i follows : "Forty years the children of
Israel, were under discipline in their pil
grimage in' the wilderness. -Moses fasted
40 days. on the mount. -Klijah was 40
days, in the .wilderness. Forty days the
IS'tnevites fasted and repented them of
their sins. FoVty daysiour Lord fasted
in the wilderness when about to enter
upoihls public ministry." -.
From, these references we learn that
-it is both scriptural and. helpful . that
1 this season of penitence should be pro
longed for us, that bearing injmind these
incidents of 40 years and 40 days of de
votion and discipline whichf character
ized the history of God's people, and
: also pur Lord's example, we may be like
minded in, prayer, lh discipline and in
turning to God. 'The devotions of the
Lenten fast are intimately connected
with Easter which ltprecedes and are
. intended to prepare fi&e mind and heart
for the devout celebration of the "Queen
of Festivals" Easter, and for the Eas-
' ter communion.
Time- for,. Taking Stock
4 To those who look for guidance, to the j finding probably that the debit side of
communions of the Christian church f the journal is heavier than the credit,
v.htch observe Lent the appeal to ab- to turn about and seek their God with
stain from all social functions and to ! renewed and invigorated energy,
attend more closely upon the services of f We aU tecom surfeited with the
the Churcfc during the 40 days is not a i world's cares, amusements and diver
Hew one. To those who are not of these. ' tlsetnentt(- 11 is wel1 at we should go
communions I most heartily recommend ! ou occasionally into the mountain in
that they take thse 40 days for spiritual
nfruhmont ni ',H.vni. thom
iiaps they have never done before, to
contemplation of spiritual things.
It is good' for anyone to take a cer
tain time of the year in which, to take
, Conflict with evil is ever going
6n; and spiritual preparedness is
the guarantee of safety! victory
and honor. .
Means Intensive Training
of St. Stephen the Martyr, 13th and
Clay Rt. Rev. . W. T. Sumner.
Bishop ; Rev. K. 8.' Gill, Dean.
Sundays 7 :45, 11, 7:45.
19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8, communion ; 11, morning
prayea, and sermon ; , 8, evening
..prayer and address.'
East Twelfth and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, Rector. 7 :30, :30
and 11.
21st and Marshall Rev. J. Q.
Patton, Rector. .7:30; 9:45, school;
1L Eucharist and sermon ; 7 :45,
eyensohg and sermon.
.; - Vancouver and Graham Rev.
.John Dawson. 11, 8.
Hereford street, Portsmouth
Archdeacon' Chambers in charcre
, 7 :30 pi m., v ,
E, 43d and. BroadwayVRev. T. F
-Bowen Vicar. '8, 10, 11, 5. :
v,'i'.tll,ave- aod let'.st. S. E. Rev.
E. H-.CIark.'Vlcar.J .-30 and 11 a. m.
T.?5th and SaviefHev. Frederic
IC Howard. 1J,
. 11 i6tK and Harney. Sellwood
Rev. H. Clark In charge. 11, 7 :80'.
. Corbett .and Bancroft -Rev! W
. A. M. Breck. Vicar. 10. H.
? j. ST at MUwaakle)
11, Rev. John D. Rice, Vicar ; T.
R. Sellwood, Lay Reader.
Multnomah Hotel
- Snnday, lft9 Worskin-Stiftjeet
The Greater Love
Only early comers get seats.
Francis Burgette Short
EpwortHians , Plan
Big Keception for
; General Secretary
Dr." Charles E. Guthrie, new general
secretary of the Epwortb Leagues of the
Methodist church, will be In Portland
Wednesday .afternoon and evening- and
local Kpworthlans are planning: to make
(he most of their chief visit. A big
banquet has been . planned for Wednes
day night at Centenary- Methodist
church, Kast Ninth and Pine streets.
The pot-luck banquet at :30 o'clock
will be for officers of the various chap
ters. Miss Delia Milltgan, city presi
dent. : will preside. ' Dr. Guthrie 'will be
the guest of honor. Other speakers will
be Dr. George H. Parkinson and Robert
H. Hughes, ' editor Of the Pacific Chris
tian Advocate. Following 'the banquet
a general rally will be held in the
church auditorium at 8 o'clock. ',Rev.
A. S. Heisey, district Centenary secre
tary will preside and Dr. Guthrie will
tell the Epworthlans the part they must
play Jn the great ? 100,000,000 Centenary
movement of the denomination. Miss
iiu . ku.j .. j
Kvrrow aucb, uic uiiuu Biuizi , win jhv-
i Vide special: music
Dr., Coari Plans a Series
Lectures on Conditions
In Armenia.
The cause of suffering Armenia will
be presented Sunday from Portland pul
pits. Alt pastorr have been urged to
mention the Armenian; drive, which oc
curs next weeTt, in their sermons. A
few churches have planned special serv
ices The 'speeial observance in many
churches was during Chjgjtmas week,
when nearly every Sunday-school in the
country took an offering to help the
400,000 orphans in Armenia.
Dr. Frederick G. Coan. former presi
dent of Urumia college, Urumia, Persia,
will tell of the terrible sufferings of the
Armenians Sunday morning at Trinity
Episcopal church.
The Woman's society of Mount Tabor
Presbyterian church .will hold an annual
praise service at 4 r30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon tnd will also have Dr. Coan as
a special speaker. Special music will be
furnished: '
, Mrs. O.f F. Lamson of Seattle, a na
tive of Armenia,' will' speak on the
j Syrian and Armenian situation Sunday
evening at Kose city jfaric jneinoaist
church. .
An exhibition of stereoptteon pictures
wll be iven at Highland Congregational
church J Sunday night, pictur ing scenes
in Armienia. The accompanying lecture
will ,'be! delivered by Rev. C. H. John
ston. , ,
Sunday night a praise meeting will
be held at Kenilworth Presbyterian
church under the auspices of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary society.
This meeting is arranged to give for
eign mission information ' to the com
munity. One of the features of the
service- will, be an illustrated talk on
Syria the aim being to show the. needs
of the .starving people. Misa Walker
will sing.
Rev. H. F. Given, pafetor of the First
United Presbyterian church, will, also
present the cause of Armenia in his
Sunday evening sermon.
account of stock of spiritual" forces, and.
"r l "lcu'lal
and W pray and to bring- ourselves
back again into a right relation with
God, our maker and our friend. Some
wonder why Easter is not happier, for
them.- It will be if they observe the
Lenten season, In letter and in spirit 'and
come into the glorious Eastertide with
new penitence and renewed repentance
and new resolution.
Dr. Boyd to Repeat
Washington Address
Dr. Jfthn H. Boyd will repeat by re
quest Sunday evening the address which
he gave-on Washington's birthday at
the meeting of the Civic league. " It
deals with the necessity of education in
democracy. . This address . created a
great Impression when delivered to a
small audience and there has been a
strong demand that it be given a wider
hearing. Sunday morning Dr. Boyd will
talk on. "Safety and "Duty in Hard
Places." i
Greatest Religious Test
in History Near
at Hand V
. in thi lecture on what the Bible mtn'
about; 144.000 who wiU ml taste
of. death. -'.
CHRI9TENSEMUS HALL, Eleventh' St., Betwem
r T MorHaon and ramhIH. ,
unday, March 2, at 7j8j o'clock.
"The WnrM At !:-tL J-
u neither Heaven nor Hell:
it is the 'place into which
man, first 'comes, after
death.", . I t .
Hear this explained ifias moniing by
Ml Jefferson , 11 o'clock
f y
ovement 3s to
'.American Bible Society Announces
Am After-war Program of a
World-wide Significance.
The publication and distribution , of
millions of testaments in 150 languages
In all countries of the globe is part of
the after-war program of the. American
Bible 'society, as announced a few. days
ago from their headquarters in Astor
Place, New York city. At least $150,000
will be required for this huge task, it
is said. To meet this emergency the
Bible society is cooperating with .the
14 church organizations! of the United
States ln the inter-chtrch emergency
campaign for 110,000,00' for after-war
needs. ' . "
Tr. William: I. 'Haven, secreta'rV of the
society, said that appeals were being re
ceived by th.e society' from Europe and
Asia : Minor for Bibles printed : in the
languages of the different peoples. The
stocks of Christian Bibles In these coun
tries has been exhausted but the so
ciety lacks the funds to supply the need.
The; copper plates from which editions
of the Bible in modern Greek, Ruman
ian, Bohemian and Arabic were , printed
in the past at various . Kuropean cap
itals have been made inaccessible by the
war and the Bible society is reproduc
ing them by a photographic process
which entails heavy : expenditure.
The report of the society, rendered De
cember 31, showed that 7.000,000 copies
of the New Testament, the Gospel of
St. John and the Proverbs of Psalms
had' been placed In the hands of the
fighting . men. The American Bible so
ciety operated during the war through
the chaplains, regardless of denomina
tion. , : ' .
', Special Praise Program
Sunday evening at First - Congrega
tional church the choir and organist will
give a special praise program followed
by an address by the temporary pastor.
Dr. W. W. Wlllard. These musical pro
grams during the past months have
proven ' very . popular. Communion' will
be observed after the morning service.
The Men's Brotherhood will begin active
work again- with a supper andrprogram
Monday evening, at which time Rev. Mr.
Willard will be the special guest. He
will speak on "The Business of
Meeting Is Postponed
The social service meeting of the
churches of Portland, which was an
nounced for the evening xt March 3, to
be addressed by Miss Dorothy Wyser,
executive secretary of the home service
section of the Red Cross, has been post
poned until the evening of March 18.
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
..mi.. . v- V.nW1l'
iiw ncpuri Dl l UTT K3fVm. . . v. .
Primary topic. "Tb Story of Wonderful Jour
ney"; Junior topic, "Two Men Aint Ten";
Intermediate topic, "The Folly of (Cowardice :
Senior topic, "Cuae of Failure in life.
Golden Text: "Thto fa the Tfctory tht hth
OTercome the world, ereo our faith. v -. 1 John 5 :4.
Young People's Topics
Biptint 'Union: "Our Relation to God."
lit (Obeying). John 15:12-17. (Consecration
Christian . JSndeavori "Our Relation to God."
111. (Obeying). John 15:12-17. . (Consecration
meeting.) ,
Ep worth League: "High Hearts for Great
Pay."' Matt. 10:37 89; Eph. 1:15-23; Matt
Firrt: White Tfrnple. 12th and Taylor ReT.
William a. Waldo. 11. "The Element of
Succesn," followed by the Lord's tapper; 7:30,
the Inter-Church World moyement. ;
Kast Side - E. 20th and Balmon ReT. W..
B. liinon. ' Rer. Herbe.t T. Cash, awiittant, 11.
"Tiie New Testament Church," followed by ordi
nances of Baptism and the Lord's supper; 7:30,
"When Mary loot. God." ,
Third rVancouTer and Knott Re. Webley
J. Btaren. 11, 7:30.
MontaTilla 11, 7:30.
"Arleta 11. 7:30. j
CalTar'--E. 8th and Grant Rer. - J. E.
Thomas.. 11. ."The - Gospel', According to I-e-TrUcu;
7:30. "Church, and Labor,"' by "Labor
Erangelist" D. L. SchulU of Pittsburg.
Glencoe E. 45th and Mam- Re. F. C.
Laslette. 11, "The Faith for Today The
Church' of Today," followed by the Lord's sup
per; 7:30, "life" -
Sellwood Bethany Ber. T. J. Broom field,
11. 7:30. ,
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11,7:80.
University Park Ber. S. Lawrence BlacM.
11. 7:4S. -
8wedirh 15th and.Hoyt Re. T. G. SJolar
der. 10:30. 7:30.
- St. Johns- Re. Mr. BnrtoO. Sermons by
Evangelist Drirer. ' 1 1, " "Faith and Works";
7:30. "Now or Setr." I
Hiirhland E. Oth and ATbert Preaching by
Dr. E. P. Borden. II. "The Second Mile";
7:30. "Labels." I
Cathello I '
St. Peters -Lents - BeT. P. Beutgen. 8.
10:3. ':30. !
: Pro-Cathedral 15tl and Paris ReT. E. T.
OlUrs. , 7:18. 8:80. 8:45,- 11, 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Her. J. C
Hughes. 6. 8:30. 10:80. 7:30.
St. Francis - E. 12th and Pine ReT.' J. H.
Black. 6. 8. . 10:80. 7:80.
Immaculate - Heart of v Mary WUHams ' and
Stanton Ber. W. A. Daly.,. 8, 0, 11. T:BO.
Holy Rosary E. 3d snd Clarksmas- ReT. E.
S. Olson. 6, 7. 8, . 13. 7:30. i
- St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rer. 3.
O'FarreU. 8. 10:80.-4. ' !
St, Andrews K. Otli and Alberta BeT. J.
Kieman. 8, 10i3O. 7 :SO. - s "1 "
The Madeletne E. 24th and Sfaiklyoa Ber.
George F. Thompson. 7:80, 9, 14. ' i
fit itcension E. 76th and YmhilF Franciscan
withers. 8. 10:3d, 7:80, T
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and BHaadensi
ReT. F. W. Black. 8. lO .SO. 7 :8. i
Holy Cross --774 Bowdoin Kbt. C. Bajmond.
8( 10:30, 7:80. N
St. Imatiu 3220 43d it S. E. -Jesuit
Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:30, 4. , -
St 8tephiuv E.-42d and Taylor Rer. War
ren A. WsJtt. . 8:80. 10:80 7 :80w
Holy Redeemer Portland ol-rd. aM Tsneoa-
Ter -are. BeT. William J. DeriBe. 6. lO:80.
7:80. .. s. - ' - '; -i . '
St- Thfllip JJerf Pattlit ; Fathers) -t-B. '16th
arid Hickory Be. , W. J. Cartwrighf 7:80.
. 10:80 7:80. . r
St Clementa S. . Smith aTe. and Nawtoo
Serbita Fathers. . 8. 10:30; 7:80.;
Sacred Heart E. 1 1th and Centar ReT. -O.
Rob. 8. 10:80. 7;80. . "f vf. r
8t Agatha E. 15th and MUler -i-Ber. J.
Comminxky. 8. 10:80, 7:30. I
St StaaisUos tPpUsh) Maryland land Fsfl
ing BeT. F. Mattbew. 8. 10: 80. 7:80.
St Joseph- (ermeir) 19th and, Goocb
BeT. B. IHirrer. 8, 19:30. 1:80. f
St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer.
M. Balestrs. ' 8 :S0. 10:30, 7:80. " i ...
- St Clarea Capitol Hill Father Capiat ran,
a T. M.: 8. 10:10. .
-St . Charles E. 58d and Alberta Ber. J.
P. O'Flynn. ? Si 10:30." i
All Saints E. th and Gliaan BT. Father
William Cronin- 8. 10:80. .1
. - a .-, OfcrirUan
First Park s and Columbia Re. Harold H.
Griff is. ? 11. -Th Bynote of Cbristiaiutr";
7:45, "Jesua and the Pom." . . t
. Easr Side JC. lath and Taylor Ber.: R. H.
Sawyer. 11, 7:30.
Rodney Aremie Hodney and Knott Rer. 3.
F. Ghormley. 11, seme ia charge of the ciders?
7:30, sacred concert
MontaTilla K. 76th" and .GliaaB lieT. ..Her
bert E. Ryder. 11, 7:80. stereopticMi lectors
illustrating Dr. Charles H. Sheldon's book. "In
His Steps, or What Would Jesus Dot" r ' :
WoodlawB E. 7th and Liberty Bmw. Joseph
IA Boyd. 11. 7 :30. -:v -, v: -; f - ,1 . f i
Vernon E. 1 5th aaj ' Wjcant Ben .B.
TIbhs Mazey. 11. T:30. . ; . ' :
pastors Jew to Portland Congregations
Hi - - . " s
I " f
I i.
Rev. ; X. Stanford Moore, a graduate of Washington High school and
Willamette university, who has Jieen appointed . pastor of Epwortli
Methodist church; Rev. C. II. Bcrnhard-of Dallas, Texas, who served
as civilian chaplain at Camp Freemont during the war, who ; has
been called to Grace Lutheran c hurch. - : 1
Patriotic Service at
Wilbur M. E. Church
The service tomorrow morning at Wil
bur Methodist church will take on a
patriotic character. An address will be
delivered by the pastor and Dr, Stuart
McQulre will sing the "Marseillaise"
and Harriet Leach will sing the "Star
Spangled Banner." Dr. ' Short is chap
lain of .the J. C. Penney Company that
operates 197 stores in 25 different states,
employing 2000 people, and this address
has been printed and a" copy sent to
each of the employes as an appreciation
of the services rendered by 150 of their
number who responded to thir country's
call. . !
Consecration . Campaign On
Under. tKe leadership of the pastor,
Harry Neal. the Church of God, 363
Failing; Btreet, is conducting a cam
paign 'for consecration of -souls. Sunday
morning the pastor will speak on "Be
Ye Filled With the Spirit." In the
evening Mrs, Neal will speak on the
fulfillment of prophecy.
Seasoned slabwood and inside wood.
green stamps for cash. . Holman Fuel
Co. Main 353. A-33i3. AQV.
Christian 8clevca
Lesson subject: "Christ Jesus."
First 19th and, ETerett. 11. 8.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth VancouTer aTe. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth 2d and 42d awe. B. E. 11.
8ixth Masonic Temple. 868 TamlulL 11. 8-
SeTenth Holbrook block, 8t Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m. .
Congregational '
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wil
lard. 10:30. "Life's Flying Goal," followed by
communion serrice ; 7:45. "Music and De
mocracy." Sunnyside IS. 32d and Taylor ReT. J. J.
Staub. 11. "Launching Out Into the Deep";
7:45. War-xone lecture by Dr. J. J. Sellwood.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and - Ererett
Preaching by ReT. W. H. Meyer, of Portland T.
M. C A. 11. sermon followed by communion
serrice; 7:45? ,
Highland E. Oth and Prescott Rer. Edward
Constant. 11, "The Search for God Where Is
He?"; 7:30, stereopticon riews of Armenia and
its people, by Her. C. H. Johnston.
WaTerley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
ReT. Olirer P. Ayery. -11, "Eternal Life Now";
7:45, "The WaTerley Heights Community."
' Laurelwood 45th are. and 65th at S. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 5.
Pilgrim Missouri and 8 ha Ter. ReT, Robert
Murray Pratt 11, "Ships That Pass in the
Night"; 7:30, serrice in charge of Christian. n
deaTor society. . C3
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore rBT. 8am-'
uel Netala. 6, 7:30. - . . '
. Unirersity Park Ha Ten and -Lombard ReT.
C H. Johnston: 11, 7:8J. - '
St John-! S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rer.
J..T. Merrill: 11, 7:30. .
. Danish-Norwegian - E. 23d and Sumner -r
ReT. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:30. '
First German - E. 7th and Stanton ReT.'
George Zocher. 11. 7:36. ,
Second German E. 8th and Si idmorte ReT.
Henry Hagelgaq. 11, 7:30. '
Zion German E. 6 th and Fremont ReT.
J. U. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
13th and Clay Rt, ReT. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Sundays. 7:45, IX, 7:48, Holy days, 9:3).
Trinity 18th and ETerett Rer. A. A. Mor
rison, 8, 0:45, 11, "Sufferings of Armenia."
by Dr. , Frederick Coan of Persia ; 8, public inter
church meeting, speaker, J. Campbell White of
New Tork.
St DaTida E. 12th and Belmont Rer.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 8:30, 11, par
ish anniTersary sermon; 7:30, musical program.
St Marks 21ft and 'Marshall Ret. J. G.
Hatton. 7:80, 9:45, 11. 7:46; " f
St Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers. in charge. 9,-11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial -K. 1 7 th and WekUet' Rer.
Oswald W. Taylor, fi. 11. j
Good Shepherd TanoouTer . and Graham
Rer. John Dswspn. . 11, 8.
St Michaels and All Angels- E. 43d and
Broadway BeT. . T.- F. . Bowen. Ticar. .. 8 10,
11.-6., - - .
Cliurch of Our Sarior 60th are. and 4 1st
st S. E. ReT. E. H. Clark. Ticar. 7 :30. 11.
Bishop 'Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital -Ber Frederic K. Howard. 1. 7:45.
St. Panls-a-Woodmere ReT. Oswald W. Tay
lor. . 4. - .
All Saints 25th and 8a Tier Ber.' Frederic
K. Howard. . 11. .; - t
. St Johns' Memorial E. 1 5th -and Harney.
Sellwood. Her. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30.
' St.- Mathews Corbett and.. Bancroft KT.
.W. A,; M-. Breck. Ticar. 10, 11.
C VaMTgSftCsagf -
First E. 6th and Market Be. E. D. Horn-
Uchuch. 11,7:30. -
. -rraw snasnoam .-.r-.
Central BRta and Flanders Rot. W. N.
Coffee. II. '7:30,. missionary gsddresa by Miss
Graee Allen of Africa. ' o -, '- '
i-irst K. ta and Mill - Ber. A., Beers.
11, "The Belie-rers' Inheritance in Christ"; T:30,
"The Bible - Teaching on Hell and Modem
Science." . -. - - ''
Alberta-E. 80th and Wygant ' Per. E. L
Harrington. 11. 7:36.-'
FlTBt E. 8.5tb and Main ReT. Homer L,
Cox.' ReTiTal serrioes in charge of ETangclisS
Harry Hay and pastor. 11, '7:45. Serrices
each night daring week and four afternoona.
. Jewish . " s
Congregation Beth Israel 1 2th and Main
Rabbi Jonah- B. Wise. Sabbath set-rices Fridsjr
at & p. m.. Saturday. 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10.
in Portland academy -bldg.. 13th and Mona.
gomefy. Religions achoo- Bible class - ait
Central library, second and.' fourth .Wedncsdayi,
-. Congregation AhaTia Sholem-r-Park and' Clay
sta. -Rabbi It- Abrahanwon. Friday. 8 p. m.;
Saturday. 0:80 a. na.-- - -1
Latter Oar Saint '
Church 'of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10,' 7:30. -...
..' sVutheean .
. St j JsanesaW. ' Park and Jefferson ReV.
WTriiaririTBiriKman. 11, "Charity for AU.
and 'Malic' Toward None"; 7sSO. ".The Heart's
Best Preparation for the Coming Lenten Sea
son." , . - j J
8t Pauls E. - 12th and Oioton Rt. a.
manse." :iv, lo:ov. ?:.-' - - il
- Our Sanors E. lOth, and Grant Sar. M.
A. Cbriatenseu. - 11. 8-
Trinity WQliams and Graham Bar. J. A.
Beinbach. :15. 10:80. 7:30.
- Bethlehem Norwegian -14th and Deris ReT.
Wilhelm Petterson. . 11. "The Most Beautiful
Name"; . "The Most Wonderful Chapter ia
Se launched in Portland on Sundny
Morse to Address
Training Institute
y .
A slight change 1A the Portland Train
ing Institute program for next Tuesday
night Is , announced by the dean. Rev,
R., M. Pratt. Instead of the model Sun
day school promotion exercises, as was
originally planned. A." A. Morse, : prom
inent in Sunday school work, will be
present and will speak on "Sunday
School Records." Dr. Pratt will conduct
the "teen-age" class personally.: Tues
day night, taking for his subject. "Se
curing Attendance at the Church Service."-
Friends Increase
Revival Interest
The attendance and interest is increas
ing at the First Frjends church where
Rev. Harry Hays is conducting: a re-,
vival campaign. The services will con
tinue until Thursday evening. .After
noon service will' be held the first four
afternoons of the week by the pastor.
Rev. Homer L. Cox.
the Bible."
Grace. English Mason and Albina. ReT. C.
H. Bemhard. 11. "The Christian Life Real
ised" ; .1 :30. "Experiences in Mitttary Camp
Work." t
Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and GUsan BeT.
F. J. Epling. 10:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Erangelical Union and Mor
ris ReT. L. P. Kjoller.- II. 8.
St Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick ReT. L.
Ludwig. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Tabernacle V. 17th and Glisan
Rer. C. J. Ledrn. 11. 7:30.
Swedish Aogustana Stanton, and Rodney
ReT. V. g. Ogden. 10:45, Celebration of
Lord's supper, reception of new members: 7:45
(English). "St Peter," fifth in series , of New
Testament characters.
, Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. Oth and Pine Bet. J, C.
Rollins. 11, 7:45,
Central- Vancouver and Fargo ReT. A. R.
Maclean. 11. sermon by ReT. O. C. Barick of
Washington, D. C; 7:30.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell BeT.
John Parsons. 11.
Epworth--26th and BaTier-r-ReT. J. Stanford
Moore. 11, "The Approral of God"; 7:30,
song serrice; sermon, "Not Yellow But True
First 12th and Taylor' ReT. Joshua Stans
field. 11, sermon by Rer. Edward Laird Mills
of San Francisco; 7:30, "The League of Nations.-"
' - ,
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
ReT. Ettas Gjerding.
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Rer. A. C.
BrackenbUry. 11, 7:30.
Lents Lucien B. Jones. li 7:30.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. ReT. F. A.
Ginn. 11.
MontaTilla E. 80th and Pine ReT. Hiram
Gould. 11. 7:30.
Mt Tabor E. 6 1st and Stark. Est. E. Olin
Eldridge.. 11. 7:30.
y Rose City Park ReT. D. Lester Fields.
11. "8how Tour Colors"; 7:30, "The Armenian
and Syrian Situation," by Mr, O. F. I-amiston.
Sellwood Rer. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside -E. 35th and Yamhill ReT. R. E.
Smith. 11. "The Challenge of the Difficult";
7:45. sacred, concert
St Johns W. I-earitt and Syracuse ReT. J.
IL Irrine. 11. 7:30.
Swedish Beeca and Borthwick ReT. Abel
Eklund, 11, 8 '-
Unirersity Park Fiska and Lombard ReT.
J. T. Abbott ,
Tancourer ATenue Norwegian Danish Skid'
more and VsneottTer. ReV. C. J. Rynning. 11, 8.
Westmoreland ReT. F. A. Ginn. 7:30. -i
' WiUmr Multnomah hotel ReT. Francis- Bur
gette Short' 10:80, "The Greater LoTe."
District -superintendent BeT. William Wallas
Toungson. D. D.. 691 K. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. E. South
First Union and Multnomah 'ReT. James T.
French. 1L, 7:30. .
. Naxarene - '
Pirt K. 10th and Weidler Tier. C. How
ard Daria and BeT. O. F. Goettle, assistant
11. 7:80.
" BeUwood E. 9th and Spokane Preaching by
LukwRader. 11, 7:80. .
Brentwood - 65th its. and 6 7th st BeT.
C. TJ. Fowler. 11, 7:SO.
-Highland Park E. 14th and SOlingsworth
Bet. W.' Vi Keebaugh. 11. 8.
ScandinaTian Ret. i. G. Brinfedahl. 11,
7:30. :..-.. '-.--.. ;- -: ": ' '. ,-.
'.",. . '.fVeabytertnn -'. ;
First 12th and Alder BeT. . John H. Boyd.
lO 30. "Safety and Duty in Hard Places"; 7 :30,
"Brain Power In Democratic Society.":.
: ' Westminster- East 1 7th and Schuyler -Key.
Edwart It Fence. 10:30 7:8ft - .
Central E. 13th and Pine. Bee. Orlando B.
Pershing. 11. "Organisation aa a Force"; 7:30.
"The Maximum." '-J '
i CalTary lltfa and Clay -Rer. R. W. Rogers,'
lifr-SO' 7:30. .
? Mti Tabor E. 55thand Belmont ReT. Wsrd
MacHeury. 10:30, 4:30. oman' day cele
bration.! . ijr
Vernon 19th and Wygant BeT. J. R. Lands.
bornosh. 11; 7:30. , -.
'Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Ber. A. L.
Hutchiion. 11, "The New World Vision"; 7:80.
"The Kind of Man God-Wants."
Fourth -First and Gibbs. Hit. Leri JohnsoB.
10:30, SO.
- Kenilworth E. ' 84th and Gladstone BeT.
Paul K- Ratseh. II, "Stewardship God'a New
Cmrn nrtmsnf - t'l' praise serrice. in charge
of woman's foreign mistnonary society,
Hope E- 78th and Krerett Ker. Floyd E.
Dorris. 11. 7 30. . '..
Rose City Ir. Robert H. MiUigsss. 11, "The
Effect of the War Upon the Idea rd Practice
of Prayer"; 7:30. "Growtog a Soul." - v .
Forbes Graham. and Gantenbein, II.
' Trinity -Virginia ajpd sNebraaka Rer. Theo
dore F. Smith. l. "A Character Study 8t
Paul"; 7:80, "An Ideal Life." . .
Anabel Rer. - John E. Nelson., 11. 8.
-Millard Areouw Bar. : W. Lee Gray. 11,
7 :30. -'- ' -'' . - ' --V7- - . - i'
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rer. A.
I. H" ' 11. Mrs. Lamson,. a- natire Syrian,
will , speak in behalf of the Armenia" reuef
drire. . :S: -..-: &;' ; '-'iy Aw-ti, :'i;;;..fc:
. ' Seventh Day Adrerritrt
"Note Regnlar serrioes- of this denesnhaatlasi
are held on Satarday.
Central . 11th and Krerett L. X. Xnck
aon. pastor. 'f 11 :1A. - ' -
Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft hall. 10th
and Taylor streets. - 1 1. - -....
MontsfiUa 80th and Ererett Elder J.
'.r. "A ' t
. . - ' v,
' if
L,,.lil j,, n, . iwwww sMffiMMWHtf.
Visitors Remain Over Sunday to
Fill Leading Pulpits of
State and City.
Two of the vlsitimj clergymen of the
Methodist -Centenary training conference
will remain in Portland Sunday and
deliver addresses at First and Centenary
churches. Dr. Edward L. Mills oC San
Francisco will speak Sunday morning at
First church and Dr. George Parkinson
will - speak Sunday night - at Centenary
church. . In : addition several nearby
cities will be supplied with special
speakers. Dr. O. Franklin Ream will
speak Sunday morning and afternoon
at Eugene Methodist church ; Dr. J. W.
Hancher will speak Sunday morning
and afternoon- at Salem First church,
and Sunday morning and evening Dr.
Fred Sheets will be. at First church,
Vancouver. ....
Dr. Mills, who speaks at Portland
First church, has charge 'of., the work
west of the "Mississippi. He is consid
ered one of ' the ablest- ministers of the'
church. He is a member of the na
tional Centenary 'convnittee and super
intendent of the department of frontier
work, board of home missions. He has
been in . the West . for four years.
Dr. Sellwood Speaks
Of War Experience
. A message of interest, fresh with ob
servations and- experiences on the' wes
tern front in Europe, will be given Sun
day night at Sunnyslde Congregational
church by Dr. J. J. Sellwood. Dr. Sell
wood served as a regimental surgeon In
the famous 91st division after his ap
pointment at Longres, France. He saw
fighting on the Somme, and -at .Chateau
Thierry and witnessed the vicious bat
tles in the Argonne woods. . The public
is Invited. The pastor. Dr. J. J. Staub,
will speak in the morning.
League of Nations -Is
Mission Topic
, Rev. Walter Duff wiftl make special
reference Sunday afternoon in the Alder
Street Mission hall,- to the great work
done by the president in getting the
kingdoms together in Europe.' Rev. Duff
sees a fulfillment of Bible prophecy in
the League of Nations pact. The meet
ings are announced as interdenomina
tional'. PORTLAND
Gerhart. 11. -
Lents 94 th st and 58th are. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11. .
St Johns Central are. and Charleston
Elder A. R, Folkenberg.- 11.
. Mt Tabor K. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. HilgerU 11.
Albina Skidmore and Msllory Elder A. A.
Meyer C F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Scandinarian E. 02d neat 4 Oth are. Elder
O. 8. Lee. 11.
Caseation hrmy
Corps No. 1243 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Genge. .11. ,8:15, 8.
Corps Ho. 4 128 1st Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11, 3. 8.
. Swederiborglan
New Church Society 831 Jefferson : Ber.
William R. Beece, 11, "Man's First Experience
After Death of the Body." "
Church of Our .Father Broadway and Tam-hil!--ReT.
G. Eliot .Jr. 11. "PUate'a Question";
7:45, "The Legislature of 1919," by Senator
S. B. Huston.
' United Brethren
Conference superintendent Iter. O. E. Mc
Donald. .
First E. 15th and Morrison Ber. Byron J.
Clark. 11, "Assurance"; 7:30, memorial aerriee
for Corporal Oscar W. Garrer.
Second E. 27th and Sumner. Ber. Ira
Hawley. 11. "A Just and Unjust Judge"; 7:30.
"And He Gate Not .the Glory to God."
Third 67th st. and 82d are 8. E.--Ber. E.
O. Shepherd. 11, "Missioimry Serrice"; 7:80.
"Putting on Strength."
Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Rlancherd,
11. "Hearen"; 7:30,. "Health of Zion."
United Evangelical
Flrrt E. 1 flth and Poplar Rer. J. A.
Goode. 11, 7:80. '
United WUUmette -bird, and Gay Ber. H.
H. Farnham. 11, 7:30. ;
', Unltad Presbyter lao ; ;
First-E. 37th and Hawthorne Rer. H. F.
Giren. 11. "Partnership With God in Busi
ness"; 7:30.: "Armenia, Its Psst. Present and
Possible Future." 10:80. 7:80. .
. Church ot the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rer. S. .Earl Du Bois. 10:30. 7:80.
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rer. George
N; Taylor. 11. "Romans on Friendship for Re
spectable Sins": 7:30, song serrice followed, by
pastor's study from Mark's gospel. .
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rer. J jn E. Fee. 11. 7:30.
Realization League 186 "6th ' Rer. H.
Edward Mills. 1 1, "Through Jesus to Christ,
Through Christ tbOod 'S 8. "Man's Body, the
Implement of Man. by Dr. George D. Wilcoxon.
U&riiitedelpliiari 621 E. Washington. 10 3O.
Church of -Ciod 863 Failing. Harry Neal.
11, "Be Te Filled With the Spirit"; 8. "Aa He
Said," by Mrs. ,NeaL
lopel Hall K- 29th and Stark. . 10:3O.
12:16. 7:45. . " .
Men'a Resort 4 th and Burnside Rer. Irl
Johnson superintendent 8.
New CirUiaation 407 .Tilford bldg. .Dr.
Beth Northington. 7:45. .
Dirine Science Tilford building Ber. T. M.
Minard. paator. 11.-
Unireraal Messianic 218 Abington building.
11 8, "The. All IncluaiTe 'Beauzation."
Pentecostal Fin and Washington ' Rer.
Will o. Trotter. 11. 8, 7:80. - , -
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246
1st. 2, 8. 7:30 week days except Monday and
Saturday, 8 p. ra. k . .
vf Penteoostal. church E. 20th and Ankeny
ua. W. Smith. 11. 8v 8.
Voluntewrs of America Mission 224 Burnside
Meeting erery erening1 except Monday t 8
o'clock, and Sunday. 3 p. m.
First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery
Rer. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8. 7:45. - .. ' '
Second Spiritualist Ansfcy HaU . -. Rer.
yiax Hoffman. 8. 8 "Ltberty and Light" - . '
First Congregational
' Acting Pastor O' - -. i ..1
" Tnor 0t lAddnea
"Lie. Flying Goal',
' SeoiaJ Mtistcal renlog, with-Short
;..'.'.,..., -. j..r Address rv''
''Music and Democracy" -
Lucien E.'Beker, OrganM and
... , Choir Director. - . r - .
'v ;;i'"f ; ,.-,.-.:-.---..v:.---
Young, People Will
Hold Big Rally, at
East Side' Buptist
5"" " ' egssiessaassgi '
Baptlut young peopl In tho WillarriettO
association, which "comprises the ' area
between Astoria and The Dalles and
aouth to Oregon City, will meet at tb
East Side BapUst church Tuesday -fcieht
In their Quarterly rally.. Delegation are
expected from several outlying: points.
A., B. Boaserman. president of the as
soclation, wijl preside, . The main ad
dress will- be given by .Dr. George B.
Pratt . Harley Hallgren, state president
of the B. V, v: V.. and also state' direc
tor of , the Victory campaign movement,
will present the Victory campaign to the
young people.
The special music will be furnished
by the young people of the First Germarf
Baptist churchs -A,roll call will be given
and a banner awarded to the society
having the largest representation. .
Fratismalism to Be
Featured in Sfcrmon
The world ; fraternallsth contemplated
by our Christian evangel will, be the
general topic of the Sunday morning
worship at the First Christian church.
"Jesus and the Poor." will be the theme
for the- evening service at 7 :45. to be,
iouoww next Kunaay evening by: dis
course on "Jesus and the Rich.' ' The
first week in March will be one of un
usual religious activity.' On Monday af
ternoon the women will hear J. Camp
bell; White at the First Congregational
church. Tuesday the Portland Christian
Endeavor congress will convene! at this
church s ?:45 r. m . We,lnfd.i lh
womerf of the congregation will be the
guests of the Naomi Circle at a church
luncheon and Friday evening a St. Pat
rick's social will be given in the church
parlors by the young people of the En
deavor society,
Chairman Smith of.
(World Move Speaks
Fred B. Smith, temporary chairman of
the tnter-church world movement, will
speak Suirtlay night at the Fitst Baptist
church.' Mr Smith is considered one bf
the greatest speakers to "men on the
American continent. For the past five
years he has beenl executive secretary
of the Federated. Council of tTh'ircheit
and' for about 17 years was religious
work director for thje international com
mittee of the, Y. Mi C. A. The Temple
uartet ' will render -ineclal m'ilo,
Sunday morning Dr. William A. Waldo
will administer the Lord's supper at the
close of the sermon and wilt extend the
hand of fellowship to 23 new members,
who have been received during' Febru
ary. This makes, a total of 200 mem
bers received in the church during the
past year. t N" .
Lent's Eeal
Will Be -Discussed
Quinquagesima- Sunday will be - used
by Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen, pastor ot
Bethlehem Lutheran church, as an op
portunity for laying, stress' on. the read
meaningof Lent. He will deal with this
subject in bth services. The morning
sermon will be In English and the even
ing discourse In Norwegian. Rev. Mr.
Pettersen said: "Lent has no meaning
unless it brings ua closer to-the,. suffer
ing and dying Savior." f .' ;
Rev. - P. D. Ilolfman
Rev. P. D. Holfman will occupy the
pulpit Sunday night at Parkrose Congre
gational church. , ..
Just around thecorner.
On First tnd GibJ)s streets i ,
Every Sunday morning .
There's bound to be a treat,
For Rev. Levi Johnson, ; '
Burnside's Men's RCsoct true king,
To us. South Portland peopfe .
True srospel news doth bring.
Sunday, 10:30 A. M. -"
:' First and Cibbg Streets
Vesitminster Presbyterian Church '
C..' - ' ertll preeoli at ,-.. . .'.. . - . J , -i '.
l ' 10:S0 A. St
"Safety and Duty in
"Brain Power in Democratic 0
; Society'' - ' .'-
(Tt)i ia a repetition-! ef a addTees on
. the need -of edacatloti is . (tf mocrecy
. ; grrea t the meetinc at the tlTjc.1 .
t on r-ebrnery 22.' - 5
(under Sehee. With Oleesee ami Oheewtee
for All Member of the, ramll at 12:1,
Plan to Join Protestant Churches
. vi mui in nuierita id renorm-
1 ance at I ask to Be Qutlined.
:::i-Xv:,,.v 1 ":
-j: r.'. ' ..'" f' ' '
:'-'"':'"f ' - ';"':"'h ;'.'; : -;: '. : V':: ' I '
Fred' B. Srtith and J. -CampbelP
White of New York Will .Ad
dress Big Gathering Sunday,
i . - . -. - - -
(.The interchurch world movement of
Korth America will be launched in Port
land Sunday and .Monday by Fred B,
Smith and', Campbell White e"f New
York. In the . broidnes8 of its scope .
this Is probably one of the' biggest pro
grams launched by. the churches since
the close of the war. This interchurqh
movement aims to unite the various
boards- and missionary ' societies of ' the
Protestant churches : .nd . avoid over
lapping and duplication In the work and
expense. The movement also alms (to
present a unified program of Chrintlau
service and -to unite ; the iProtestant .
Churches of North ".America, in the performance'-'
of thelr. common task, thus
making available the values of 'spiritual
power which come from, unified, con-certetl-Christlan
effort. - "
H.l C, Melby of the Y.. C. A., seo
retafy of the local committee, said:
"By common consent of those who hav
"beeni' 4n intimate relation to the move- -me
nt, -it has the promise of making u
contribution to . the work of the'Klpg
domf of ! Qod probably unparalleled lu
the history of the church.
I ' .'- Many Are Joined .
! "Cooperating In the movement wllh
the churches are Ihe Y. M. C. A., Y. W.
C...A;'.. "Salvation Army, unday nthool
organisations. ; la-ymen's. mlslonary
movement, missionary education move
jment, young people's societies ami
f hurch, peace union. : -'
The opening meeting of the regional
conference will be a mas meeting for
men Sunday afternoon at the First Con
gregational chqrch, at which time Mr.
Smith and Mr, -Whte will speak. The
subject of the meeting will Ie "The
Church and the New World Responsi
bility." . r
-Sunday evening Mr.. Smith wllf speak
at th White Temple and Mr. White will
spedk at Trinity iCplKcopal church.
ionday morning the cpnference ses- -
siontiwill ope.n at the ST. W., Ci A;' Lay
men, yo.ung people's leaders and clergy
men have been lnvltedito this great con
ference, This will be primarily a lay-;
men's conference and it will-discuss the
needs of the laymen J more than- the
needs of the "clergy, f ; -;
Banquet Monday Night
; Monday afternoon the women's mum
meeting will be held at 2-.30 o'clock at ;
the First Congregational church. Mr.
White will give the main address. The '
conference fwill close with an invita
tional banquet dinner in the Hotel I'ortr
land at 6 :30 o'clock. Each leading de
nomination will be represented at this
banquet by about 15 men,
Tte local committee are : ' Chairman,
Dr. A.. A. Morrison of Trinity Kpicopal
church i secretary, II. C. Melby of the
Y. M. C. A., and committee In charge of
arrangements, Dr, Kdward II. I'ence,
Rev. Boudinot Seeley. CleorgeVK. Frost,
Graham Glass and Miss Ida. V; Jont,z.
First M.E. Church
Rev. Jase T. French
' J ' . Fattor ' ;'':''.
PRKACHIria AT 11 A. M. and 7:80 . M..
, . 1 , IMomlBg Subjeot
j i. t ALIVI." '.
Tenlna Subject
A' Cordlsl loTttetlon E I tended te All.
Hard Plaqgs"
j ! A
t -r
... 1 i ' .