The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 22, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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aptists of
ill old
gional Conference ere Sunday
Proximity of Sunday to Birthday
Anniversary Will Make Observ
ance More Conspicuous.
Rev. Thomas Jenkins Gives Brief
Sketch of Washington's Spir
itual Nature and Christianity.
This being George "Washington's blrth-
day. and but one day removed from Sun
' day. more than is usual Portland
' churches will observe the anniversary
and pastors will take him as the subject
' of their sermons. So much is General
(Washington admitted as a statesman and
j military officer, that people are unused
to looking at him as a God fearing
i Christian gentleman, marvelously. de-
vout. Of the spiritual side of the first
president's nature. Rev. Thomas Jenkins
of St. Davids Episcopal church says :
"Much has been written of Washington
f as statesman, but little of him is easily
I accessible as Christian. That he was a
i faithful and reverend Christian his own
' records show. Thus in his general orders
for May, 1778, he writes: 'While we
are sealously performing the duties of
i citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought
"! not to be inattentive to the higher duties
' of religion.' To the distinguished charac
ter of patriot It should be our higest glory
to add the more distinguished character of
' Christian. In 1783 in writing to the
'governors of the states he adds: 'I
make it my earnest prayer that God
i would have you and the state over which
you preside in His holp protection.' f
'Was Loyal Churchman
' ' "That he was a loyal churchman, his
public service gives abundarit evidence.
Ilia rector wrote of him : 'I never saw
so regular an attendant at church as j
Washington.' At the age of 15, 16, 1
and 28, the old parish register shows
; him as Btanding sponsor at the baptism
of children. For 22 years he served
. one Virginia parish as vestryman. Sev-1
, eral churches are still , in use whieh he
' helped build. His gifes to Christ church.
Alexandria, and his family pew are well
known by every visitor to that historic
- spot. A visitor at a session of the con
gress once having asked to have Wash
ington pointed out to him, was told to
look for the gentleman who 'always
kneels during prayers.' His private
prayer book, written In his own hand,
reveals a spiritually and reverently
minded man.
"For eight generations his fathers had
been loyal Anglican' churchmen. His
reverence for the English tongue and for
clean speech led him -to speak with great
Warmth against 'that abominable habit
. of swearing.' On one occasion he asked
his fellow officers to use their Influence
and authority to check vice 'which Is
as unprofitable as It is wicked and
shameful.' "
Judge Stevenson to Speak
In his Sunday morning sermon Rev.
Mr. Jenkins Vill preach on Washington
as an exemplary type of American
In keeping with the custom of former
years the Sunnyside Congregational
church will utilize the birthdays of
Washington and Lincoln for the purpose
of inspiration -and quickening In true
. patriotism. Dr. J. J. Staub has turned
the Sunday evening service over to the
Men's league of the church, who have
secured Judge John H. Stevenson for
their main speaker. Special music will
be furnished by the chorus choir under
the direction of Professor J. H. Cowen.
r A cordial invitation is extended to every
one. Sunday night Highland Congregational
church will hold an honor service, when
recognition will be made of the nation's
.debt to Washington and his co-pa-
triots and also to the men who are re
turning from service overseas. The
music will be patriotic Miss Tillard
will sing: several solos.
School for Clergy
Set for June 24-27
The committee for the Oregon summer
school for clergy of the Episcopal
church Is arranging for the fourth ses
sion of the school, to be held in Port
land. June 24 to 27. The following men
have already been secured as members
of the faculty: Bishop 5.ber of Mon
tana and Dean Cecil S. Quainten of Vic
toria. eFutureLeague
of Churches to
Enforce Religion'
will, bring out Mma Astonishing revela
tions f Brtl prophecy reeardins the
proposed league of churches In connec
tion with the League of Nations. He
will show how that certain currents of
world thot and sentiment are making
- tne mold for the religio-civii organiza
tion which will operate just bsf ore Christ
comes again to the world.
Christensen's Hall
. llth 8t Between Horrlsoa aid Tanihlll
Sunday, Night, Feb. 23
I Special Gospel Sing Beglas 7:S
JSoted Baptist preachers to y?Be Heard ere Sunday
I o
Left to rights-Rev. F. A. Agar, of New
League (Opposition
3s JBeclared to ?Be
Support of
"Opposition to a League of Xatlons is
pan -Germanism in statesmanship and
religion, " contends Rev. R. W. Rogers,
pastor of Calvary Presbyterian church,
and he has chosen this statement for his
Sunday evening topic. He said : "Fail
ure to support the movement for a
League of Nations is virtually lending
support to the autocratic idea of national
sovereignty and tha kaiser's idea of
Dr. Reynolds Will
Speak at Glencoe
Dr. Francis W. Reynolds will tell the
congregation at Glencoe Baptist church
Sunday morning how it feels to be un
der shell fire when lost in no man's
land and also will relate many of his
experiences in the front line trenches
along the Rhine as a Y. M. C. A. worker.
The male quartet will sing, "Launch
Away." Rev. K. C. Laslette, the pastor,
will preach in the evening. A Bible
study class of 15 was organized in the
church last Monday evening. George
W. Downs was elected instructor. All
who are Interested In the study of the
Bible may join this class. Kighteen new
members have been received into the j
church since the first of the year. The j
pastor now speaks over a new rostrum, j
Will Relate His
Camp Experiences
Rev. J. S. Coie, former pastor of Ken
ton United Presbyterian church, will
speak in his former pulpit Sunday morn
ing on his experiences at Camp Lewis
as a "Y" worker. Mr. Cole saw the boys
come Into camp as "rookies," evolve into
soldiers, leave for overseas and later re
turn to be honorably discharged. What
has come to the men through training
and foreign service will be the subject
matter of Mr. Cole's lecture. A section
of the church will be reserved ' for the
Kenton Boys' club.
Eevival Services
Put Off Two Weeks
The revival services announced for the
Third United Brethren church have been
postponed for two weeks on account of
the illness of the pastor. Rev. K. O.
Shepherd. Other speakers will take
charge of both Sunday services. The
pastor of the First church will discuss
religious education in his Sunday morn
ing sermon. Fourth church pastor will
take the same topic for her Sunday
evening sermon.
Closer Organization
Is Tendency of Times
Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity
Episcopal church, said : "A closer union
of great organizations for the improve
ment of conditions in labor, general in
dustry, education and the whole sphere
of human endeavor is a marked ten
dency of modern times, greatly stimu
lated by the war." He will take for
his Sunday morning topic the part the
layman is playing in the formation of
this great union.
Will Illustrate ' Lecture
G. C. Wells will give his illustrated
lecture, "Life in the Jungle," at High
land Congregational church, on Monday
Bishop to Conduct Services
Bishop W. T. Sumner will conduct the
11 o'clock service Sunday at St. An
drews church. ! . -
T. B. RHODES, who has been orig
inal Y. M. C. A.' secretary in France
for 14 months, will relate the story
f-his wonderful-experiences at the
war f In France and tell about
the Oregon boys he net' over there
at the
Sunday, 7:30 P. M.
First M.E. Church
Rev. Jas. T. French
PREACHING AT 11 A. M. artel 7:SO P. IN.
Mornlna Subject
- Evenlna Subject
AH Are Cortflallf Invitee' Good Mule.
York; Rev. C A. Brooks, of New
Sessions Will Be Held Wednes
day and Thursday at Grace
Memorial Church.
An important gathering of the Epis
copal clergy and laity will be held at
Grace Memorial church Wednesday and
Thursday, when a meeting of the North
ern Convocation of the Diocese will be
held. Bishop W. T. Sumner will preach
at the opening service Wednesday eve
ning, his subject being. "What Duty
Has the Church to the Citizen Soldier?"
At the morning session Thursday, be
ginning at 9 :45 o'clock. Rev. T. F.
Bowen will present a paper on "The
Proposed Improvement In the Offices
of Confirmation, Communion of the
Sick, Consecration of a Church, Peni
tential Office and Family Prayer," and
Rev. C. H. L. Chandler of Oregon City
will discuss "Provincial Systems and
Proposed Readjustments."
Woman's work In the church will be
the general subject at the afternoon
session. Papers will be presented by
Mrs. James Muckle on "The Result of
the Advent Calf With Future Possibili
ties," by Mrs. Kirby on "The Young
Woman's Auxiliary." and by Mrs. Wil-
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
"Moses Praying for Israel." Ex. 32:1-34.
Primary topic, "Asking- God's Help for Others";
Junior topic, "Prayin for Other People"; In
termediate topic. "Interceding for Others"; Sen
ior topic, "The Value of Intercessory Prayer."
Golden Text: "The supplication of a righteous
man amileth much in its working." James
5:16. r
Young People's Topics
Baptist Union: "Industrial Minion on Bap.
ttat Mission Field." 1 Thens. 4:9-12; 2
The. 3:7-13. (Conqowt meeting.)
Christian Endeavor: "Chrintianity and the
Toilers of Japan." Matt. 28:15-20. (Mission
ary meeting. )
Epworth League: "The Rebuilding of Eur
ope." Isa. 61:4; Mie. 4:3; Luke 10:30-37.
First Wriite Tempie, 12th and Taylor Re.
William A. Waldo. 1 1. "The Present Day Op
portunity for World Evangelism" by ReT. C. A.
Brooks of New York city; 7:30. "The Secret of
Optimism" by the pastor.
East Side E. 20th and Salmon Be. W.
B. Hinson. Her. Herbert T. Cash, assistant. 11,
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. Webley
J. Beaven. 11. 7:30.
Montevilla 11, 7:80.
Arleta 11, 7:30.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant ReT. 3. E.
Thomas, 11, "The Larger View"; 7:30. preach
ing by Rev. F. A. Agar, speaker at Baptist lay
men's conference.
;iencoe E. 45th and Main Her. F. C
Laslette. 11, "The Lost in No Mao's Land" or
"How They Fight in the Front Line Trenches"
by Rev. F. W. Reynolds: 7:30, "The Heart of
the Oospel" or- "The Church's Message for the
Coming Time" by the pastor.
Sellwood Bethany Rev. T. J, Broomfield.
11. 7:30.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, preaching by
Rev. John Snape of Los Angeles; 7:80, service
in charge Mr. Hallmaa of Swedish Baptist
University Park Bev. S. Lawrence Black.
11. 7:45, "The Victory Campaign" by Dr. J.
D. Springston.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. O. Sjolar
der. 10:30, 7:30.
St. John Rev. Mr. Burton. 11, "What
About the Verdict"; 7:80, "Clearing Away the
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Preaching by
Dr. 11. P. Borden. 11, 7:30.
St. Peters Lents Rev.
10:30. 7:30.
P. Beutcen. 8.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E.
uara. o. 7:13, 8:30, 8:4 5, 11, 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and ' Sherman Her. J. C.
Hughes. 6, 8:30, 10:30, 7:80. -
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine ReT. J. H.
Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly, 6. 8, 9. 11, 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E.
S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9, 11. 7:30.
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
OTarrell. 8. 10:30, 4."
St. Andrews -E. 9th and Alberta Rev. 3.
Kiefnan. 8, 10:39, 7:30.
The-Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev.
George F. Thompson.; 7:80. . 11.
Ascension E. ,76th and TamhiU -Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Rev. F. V. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
.Holy Cross 7 7 4 , Bowdoin Rev. C Raymond.
8, 10:80, 7:30.
St. - Ignatius 8220- 48d it- S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephen E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev; War
ren -A Waitt. . 6. 8:30. 10:80, 7:80.
Holy. Redeemer Portland blvd and Vancou
ver ave. Rev. William 3. Devine. 6, 10:30.
7:30. . " .
8L Phillip Neri (Paalist Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory Rev. W. 3. Cartwright. 7:30.
9. 10:30, 7:80. . . ,
St. Clements 8. Smith ave. and Newton
Serbite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. llth and Center Rev. G.
Bob. .8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15 th and Miller Bev. 3.
Comminsky. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and fag.
iog ReT. F. Matthew. 8, 10: SOv 7:80.
8L - Joseph -(German) 15th and Coacb-
Rev. ;B. Dnrvee . 8. 10:30. T:i.t -,
St. Michael (ttHan ath and Mil) Rar.
M. Baleatra. 8:80. IO-..IO. 7 :SO.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Father. Capistran,
ft F. M.; 8.10:10.
St Charles E. 33d and Alberta EtT. 3.
P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:80. ------ ...
AH Saint K. 30th and Glisan -Rev. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and Columbia Ber. Harold H.
Griffia. 11. "International Christianity"; 7:45,
"Apple ol Gold In Picture! of Silrer." ;
East Side E. 12 th and Taylor Bev. R. H.
Sawyer. 11. "A Uvinaj God and a Living
Christ"; 7:80. "The God of the Anglo-Sauna."
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J.
F. tihonnley. 11. "The Ax at the Root of the
Tree"; 7 :30. '"When Rome Falla." Music under
the direction of Mrs. Maud Sammoraon. - ,
Montaville, E. 76th and Ulisan Rev. Her
bert E. Ryder. 11. "Keeping Fit".- 7:30, stere
optieaa lecture illustrating Dr. Charles H. Shel
don' book. "In His Steps" . or "What Would
Jeeus Do.",.
' i
T 'V- .
v x i?
York; Rev. John Snape, Los Angeles
l&eligious Aspect
i league OTill ?Be
tEopic of 3SrB Boycl
"The Religious Aspects of a League,
of Nations" will be discussed Sunday
night at the First Presbyterian church
by Dr. John H. Boyd. He said: "This
Is a timely subject. In which all ara in
terested now, and in order that free and
full discussion may be had of this sub
ject there will be held in the chapel after
the service an open court for questions
and answers with criticisms and re
marks about the new League of Xatlons
which has been formed In t-'ie covenant
at Paris." All wbo wish to discuss this
subject are Invited to attend this meet
ing. .
League of Nations Topic .
In his Sunday evening sermon. Rev.
R. H. Sawyer of East Side Christian
church will present the spiritual signifi
cance of the League of Nations and
other international questions. Mr. Saw
yer attributes the rapid rise in world
conditions to the power of the English
speaking races.
son Johnston on "The New Junior
Lay reading will be the general topic
In the evening. Addresses will be given
by T. R. A. Sellwodd on "Early Days of
Lay Reading in the Diocese," by Blaine
B. Coles on "Lay Reading In Parishes,"
and by Dr. H. C. Flxott on "Lay Read
ing In Missions."
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, "Conquering the Impossible";
7:30. preaching by Walter L. Myers, "The Babel
of Calvary."
Vernon E. J 5th aiv? Wygant Rev. K.
Tibbs Mazey. 11. 7:30.
Christian Select
Lesson subject: "Mind."
First lflth and Everett 11. 8. .
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12 th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourtli Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. Es.11.
Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 TamhiU. 11, 8.
Seventh Holbrook block. St Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. Dr. W. W. Wil
lard. 10:30. "The Good of EvilSide Lights
on the Problem of Pain": 7:45. "The Dream
Lof World Peace."
ounnyside E. 32d and Taylor ReT. J. J.
Staub. 11 "The Church, the Cause of Her
Weakness and" the Source of Her ; Strength";
patriotic service in charge of Men's League;
speaker. Judge 'John H. Stevenson.
Atkinson Memorial E. 28th and Everett
Preaching by Rev. W. H. Meyer of Portland T.
M. C. A. 11, 7:45.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Constant 11.. "What is God Like?": 7:30,
patriotic service with special music and, address.
Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, "New Discoveries of
God"; 7:45, "Exulting in the GospeL"
Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th at S. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11, 5.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. ReT. Robert
Murray Pratt 11, "The Unpardonable Bin";
7:30, "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine."
Finnish Mission 107 JSkidmore ReT. Sam
uel Nevala. 6. 7:30.
University Park Haven and Lombard Rev.
C. H. Johnston. 11, 7:80.
St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner
Bev. Ole Tbrgessen. "11, 7:30.
First German E. 7 th and Stanton ReT.
George Zocher. 11, 7:30.
Second German E. 8 th and Skidmore ReT.
Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:30.
Zion German E. 9th and Fremont ReT.
J. H. Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
13th and Clay Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Sundays, 7:45. 11, 7:45, Holy days. 9:30.
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8, 9:45, 11, "The Layman's Part in the
Mighty Movement for Christian Unity"; 8, "The
Peace Makers in the World.''
St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 9:30, 11,
"George Washington An Exemplary Christian
Statesman"; 7:30, "Christ. The Light of the
St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
Hatton. 7:30. 9:45. 11. 7:45.
St Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, address
by Bishop Sumner; 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8.
St. Michaels and All Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Kev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10,
11, 5.
Church .of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
st S. E. ReT. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80, 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital ReT. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:45.
St Pauls -Wood me re .Her. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Sarier ReT. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
45 Johns Memorial E. . 15th and Harney,
Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30.
St. Mathews Corbett and Bancroft Rev.
W. ,A. M. Brack, vicar. 10, 11.
E vayigsjl tej
- First K. 6th and Market Kev. E. D. Horn
tchuch. 11, 7:30.
Frew Methodist
Central E. 55th and Flanders BeT. W. N.
Coffee. 11, 7:30. -
First E. 9th and Mill BeT. A. Beers.
11, 7:30.
Alberta E. 30th and Wygant BeT. E. I.
Harrington. 11, 7:30.
- - Friend
First E. 35th and Main Rev. Homer L.
Cax. . Revival services in charge of Evangelist
Harry Hay and pastor. 11. 7:45. Services
each night during week and four afternoons.
...- - Jearlatl -
CoBgrecatfon Betb Ursel IStb and Main
Rabbi Jonah B Wise. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m., Saturday, 10:30 a. ro. Sunday, 10,
in - Portland ' cademr bids., 1 8th and Mont
gomery. ' Religious schoo.. Bible classes at
Central library, second- and fourth Wednesdays.
Concrecation Ahavia, sholem Park and Clay
at. Rabbi R. A bra ha tn nop, Friday, 8 p. m.
Saturday. :30 a. m.
attar Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10, 7:30.
St James W. Park and " Jefferson Her.
William A. Brtnkmaa. , 11, "How the Gosoel
May Be Made Effective." 7:30. 'The Need of
Broad Humanity.' .
St Pauls E. 12th and- Cllnton-L-Rer. A.
Krause. 0:30, L0:30, 7:30..
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Her. M.
A. Christeneen. ,11,: 8.
Trinity WUUaw and Graham ReT. .
Subject Will Be Discussed in
Many of Local Churches at Re
quest of Surgeon General.
Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the
United States public health service has
requested the pastors of the nation to
set aside one Sunday in February as
"Health Sunday." Feruary 9 was ob
served as that day In many states, but
Oregon churches are to observe the day
tomorrow. The Oregon Social Hygiene
society is cooperating with the national
bureau, and during the past week has
mailed every minister in Oregon copies
of the government literature, and also
a letter asking the pastors to cooperate
in the movement
Major Calvin S. White will ap;ak on
"What the Army Has Done for the Ex
tension of Human Life" at the Sunday
evening open forum at the Church of
Our Father. Broadway and. Yamhill
street. The speaker and topic were
chosen by the minister, Kev. W. G. JCliot,
in accordance with the request of the
federal government.
A. F. Flegel, president of the Oregon
Social Hygiene society, will speak on
diseases at the Montavilla Methodist
church Sunday morning.
National Health Sunday will be ob
served with a special discussion by the
pastor at Piedmont Presbyterian church
Sunday morning.
Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, pastor of
Pilgrim Congregational church, will also
observe the national movement Sunday
morning, when he will preach on ' The
Unpardonable Sin."
Rev. William R. Reece of the New
Christian church (Swedenborgian) will
tpeak tomorrow on "A Lesson From the
Work of the Oregon Social Hygiene So
ciety." Rev. Mr. Reece will analyze
the worft of the society since its or
ganization In Portland in 1911. He will
also lay stress upon the factors which,
according to the figures of the adjutant
general's office in Washington, have
placed Oregon's fighting men at the head
of the list with regard to freedom from
so-called social diseases.
Mrs. Deen to Presire
Mrs. Mary Parkin Deen will preside
at the Y. W. C. A. vesper service Sunday
afternoon. The subject will be "An
Hour With Old Hymns and Their Writ
ers." A social hour will follow. All are
Women Will Meet
A week from Sunday ntght the women
of Kenilworth Presbyterian church will
observe their annual praise meeting.
There will be a stereopticon lecture, spe
cial music and other features.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Davis ReT.
Wilhelm Petterson. 11, 8.
Grace. English Mason and Albina. ReT. C.
H Bernhard. 0:45, 11. "Christ Brought Life
and Immortality to Light" j
Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and GUsan ReT.
F. J. Epllng. 10:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ris Rev. L. P. KjoUer. 11. 8.
St Johns Peninsula and Kilps trick BeT. L.
Ludwig. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Gllsan
Rev. C. J. Ledin. 11, 7:30.
Swedish, Augustana Stanton and .'Rodney
Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. services in English.
7:45, "St John," fourth in a series on New Tes
tament characters.
Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. J. C.
Rollins. 11, "Unto Others." 7:45, "The Amer
ican Indian as a Loyal American in the War," by
Chief Red Fox Sku&hushee of the Blackfoot tribe.
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R.
Maclean. 11. 7:30, preaching by Dr. Francis B.
Clinton VKelly E. 40th and Powell Bev.
John Parsons. 11.
Epworth 26th and Sarier ReT. 3. Stanford
Moore. 11. 7:45.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stana
field. 10:30, 7:30.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Elian Gjerding. 11, "An Open Bible and a
Burning Heart" 8, "The Bond of Brotherhood."
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster Rev. A. C.
Brackenbury. 11, 7:30.
Lents Lucien B. Jones. 11. 7:30.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. ReT. F. A.
Ginn. 11. "Life's Visions."
Montavilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
Gould. 11, health talk by A. F. Flegel, president
of Oregon Social Hygiene society. 7 :30.
Mt Taboi- E. 61st and Stark. ReT. E. Olin
Eldridge. 11. 7:30.
Rose City Park ReT. D. Lester Field.
11. 7:30.
Sellwood ReT. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:80.
Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. K. E.
Smith. 11, 7:45.
St Johns W. Learltt and Syracuse BeT. J.
H. Irvine. 11. 7:30.
Swedish Beecn and Borthwick Bev. Abel
Eklund. 11. 8.
University Park Fiske and Lombard Bev.
J. T. Abbott DWJ
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynning. 11, 8.
Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7:30.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur-
gette Short. 10:30. "imperfect but Real Faith."
District superintendent Rev. William Walla;
Toungson, D. D., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. E. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. James T.
French. 11. 7:30.
Firt E. 10th and Weidler Rev. C. How
ard Davis and Rev. O. F. Goettle, assistant.
Evangelistic preaching by Rev. C. E. Roberts,
11, 2:30. 7:30. revival service each night dur
ing the week except Saturday.
Sellwood E. 8th and Spokane Rev. B. H.
Morse. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st Bev.
C. U. Fowler.' 11, 7:30.
Highland Park E. 14th and Kilhngsworth
Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8.
Scandinavian Bev. J. G. B ringed hi 11,
First 12th and Alder ReT. John H. Bosd.
10:30 "Vision Linked With Power," 7:30. 'The
Religious Aspects of the League of Nations."
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rer.
Edward H. Pence. 10:30 7:30
Central E. 13th and Pine. Rer. Orlando B.
Pershing. 11. 7:30.
Calvary llth and Clay Rev. R. W. Rogers.
I. 0:30. "The Vital Note in Present Day Relig
ion." 7:30, "Opposition to a League of Nations
is Pan-Germanism. ' ' . .
Mt Tabor E. 65th and Belmont ReT. Ward
MacHenry. 10:30, "Victory Campaign of the
New Era Movement" 4:30. vesper service, "Get
ting Ready to. Live."
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. J. H. Land.
borough. 11, 7:30.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. L.
Hutchison. 11, observance of National Health
Sunday. 7:30. "The Kind of God That Man
Fourtli First and Gibbt. Kev. Levi Johnson.
10:30. 7:30.
Kenilworth K- 84 th and Gladstone Rev.
Paul E. Ratscb- 11, "Co-Workers With God."
7:45. "The Story of a Lay Preacher."
Hope E. 78th and Everett Her. Floyd E.
Dorria. 11, 7:30.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Millignn. 11. "The
War and Vicarious Suffering." 7 :80. Ivan B.
Rhode will tell T. M. C A. experiences in
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. 11.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo
dora P. Smith. 11. "Elijah. A Vlctorlona War
rior." 7:30, "The Compassion of Jesus."
Armbel Kev. John K. Nelson. 11. 8.
Millard Avenue Kev. .W. Lee Gray. 11,
MarshaR Street 17th and Marshall-w-Rev. A.
3. Hanna. 11, "Stewardship." -.
Seventh Day Aaventirt
Note Regular service of thta denomination
are held on Saturday, l
Central E. llth and Everett L. X. Dick-
on, pastor. XI :L5. . . ..-...(
Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft hall, 10th
ishop to preside
i s
i 4I
-'-3 4
8 X i
I : A
Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner
DR. C. E.
General Secretary of Epworth
Leagues Will Be in Portland
About March 4.
The coming of Dr. Charles E. Guth
rie, general secretary of the Epworth
leagues of the Methodist church. Is a
great event for the leaguers of the
Portland district While serving a large
church in Wilkesbarra. Pa., Dr. Guthrie
acted as dean of the faculty In various
Epworth league Institutes of the East,
where he proved to be a most inspiring
leader of young people. He takes the
place of Dr. Wilbur Sheridan, who was
elected by the general conference as
secretary and who was compelled to
give up his work on account of Ill-health.
A great meeting is to e held at Cen
tenary church on the evening of March
4 or 5. Exact date will be given later.
Dr. Wilcox to Speak
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock Dr,
George D Wilcox will give before the
Realization league the address postponed
one week on account of the League of
Nations congress. At 11 o'clock Rev. H.
Edward Mills will preach. The league
rooms are over the Woman's Exchange,
186 Fifth street. w
and Taylor streets. 11.
Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
Gerhart 11.
Lents t94th st and 58th are. Elder W. IX
Huntington. 1 1 .
St Johns Central are. and Charleston
Elder A. K. Falkenberg. 11.
Mt Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert 11.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Rev. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Sixty-second near 40th are, 1L
Salvation Army
Corp No. 1 243 Ash' at Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11. 3:15, 8.
Corp No. 4 128 H lrt Adjutant Poaeph
Harrison. 11. 3, 8.
New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
William R. Reece. 1 1 , "A Lesson From the
Work of Oregon Social Hygiene Society."
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tarn
hill Rev. G. Eliot Jr. 11, The House of Broth
erhood." 7:45. open forum, lecture by Major
Calvin S. White, on What the Army Has Done
for the Extension of Human Life."
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Bev. G. E. Mc
First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J.
Clark. 11, "Christian Education." 7:30, "The
Demon's Cry."
Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11, "Preaching and Hearing." 7:30,
"He Was a Good Man."
Third 67th st and 32d are. S. E. Ber. E.
O. Shepherd. 11. 7:30.
Fourth Tremont Her. C. P. Blanehard.
11. "Christian Stewardship." 7:80. "Our Own
Church College," by Rev. B. E. K me rick.
United Evangelical
First E. 16th and Poplar Bev. J. A.
Goode. 11, 7:30. . M
United Willamette bird, and Gay ReT. H.
H. Farnham. 11.7:80.
United Presbytartan
First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. 11, "Jeu tha Champion of Truth.
7:30. 'The League to Enforce Peace."
Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rer. 8. Earl Du Boia. 10:30. "Power Not to Be
Restrained." 7:30. "A Prophet Lke Lnto
Moses." '
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rer. George
N. Taylor. 11. "Y. M. C. A. Experience in
Camp Lewis." by Rev. G. S. Coie. 7 :30.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9tb
and Clay Rev. J.Un E. Fee. 11. 7:30.
Realization League 186 5th Bev. IL
Edward Mills. 11, "Through Pain to Praise.
Through Praise to Power." 8, "Man' Body the
Implement of Man." by Dr. George D. Wilcox.
Christedelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church of God 868 Failing. 11. 8.
Gospel Hall K. 29th and Stark. 10:30.
12:15, 7:45.
Men's Resort 4 th and Burnside Ber. Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
New Civilization 407 Tilford bldg. Dr.
Beth Northington. 7:4 5.
Divine Science Tilford building Bev. T. M. pastor. -11.
Universal Mesvianic 218 Abington building.
11, 8i "Infinite Light and Life."
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246Vs
1st. a, 8. 730 week day, except Monday and
Saturday, 8 p. m.
Pentecostal church E. 20th and Ankeny
A. W. Smith. - 11. 8, Bible study in "Romans; 8.
First Spiritualist Sixth -and M on tg emery :
Rer. A. Scott Bledsoe., 3. 7:45.
Second " Spiritualint AUsky Hall Rer.
Max Hoffman. 3, 8, "Who Are .Our Guardian
Volunteers of America Mission 224 urnakla
Meeting every evening except Monday at 8
o'clock, and Sunday. 3 p. m. '
' Central Kg.. 10th at Mr
By Dr. Woodruff Sheppard
(Greatest Jero of
19tli Century to
ermon QCopic
"Am much for others as for ourselves"
was the record made during- the past
year by the First Christian church In
Its offerings for missions and benevo
lences. In promotion of thta unselfish
spirit the Rev. Harold H. Griffiths, In
his discourse Sunday, will give a bio
graphical study of the greatest hero
of the nineteenth century. Sunday eve
ning the sermon will be a popular dis
cussion of the power of human Bpeech.
On Friday evening the women of the
Kcclesla circle in Irvlngton will meet
with their husbands in the' circle's an
nual social session at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. D. Owens.
Dr. Sheets and Dr. Trennery to Be
Heard Here, Dr. Ream in Eu
gene," Dr. Hancher in Salem.
Preliminary apportionment of the na
tionally known speakers, Who will be in
Portland next Friday and Saturday "for
the world program conference of the
Methodist centenary, for many of the
leading church centers'" of the northwest,
was announced Friday by Dr. Charles
A. Bowen, executive secretary of the
centenary movement in the northwest.
But two of the speakers of the -centenary
team will be heard In Portland
next Sunday. They are: . Ir. Fred B.
Sheets, field secretary of the educational
department of the board of foreign mis
sions of the Methodist Kplscopal church,
and Dr. Trennery, one of the national
leaders in Sunday school work.
Eugene's First Methodist Episcopal
church will have Dr. G. Franklin Ream,
executive chairman of the life service
department of the. centenary, foij morn
ing and afternoon meetings. The First
church at Salem will hear Dr. John W.
Hancher, who is a prine Methodist
favorite over the entire northwest. Dr,
Hancher is the director of area, organi
zations for the centenary movement.
Other northwest allotments will be
made in the. next day or two, for it is
planned that every important section
of this territory shall hear one or more
of the famoys divines.
Evangelist Will
Lecture at Night
Kvangelist L. K. Dickson will lecture
Sunday night at 8 o clock in Christian
sen's hall. Eleventh and Yamhill streets.
on "The Future League of Churches to
Enforce Religion A Prophetic Warning
of the Bible." This will be a continua
tion of the Bible lectures which Air.
Dickson has been" giving for a number
of weeks .and which have attracted
much unusual interest among a large
class of thinking people of Portland.
These lectures are Tree to the public
Ivan B. Khodes to
Speak on Sunday
At the evening service of Rose City
Park Community church, Ivan B.
Rhodes, who has Just returned from
France, will tell the story of his experi
ences during the 14 months' engagement
in war work as regional secretary of
the Y. M. C. A., one of the most re
sponsible positions of the Y. M. C. A.
organization. - Mr. Rhodes is an elder
In this church and the- congregation
will give him a great welcome Sunday
evening. Dr. Mulligan's subject for
Sunday morning will be "The War and
Vicarious Suffering."
Rev. Mr. Brers to Preach
Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Free Methodist church, will occupy
his pulpit both morning and night. Tha
pastor is preaching a series of sermons
on the fundamental principles of Chris
tianity and is urging the people to re
turn to the conditions of the New Tes
tament church.
Invited to Central
Dr. Francis Burgette, Short, pastor of
Wilbur Methodist church, will preach
Sunday evening at Central Methodist
church. The pastor of Central church
has invited Dr. Short's members to, at;
tend the evening meeting
Remodeling Social Hall
Rev. Ellas Gjerding, pastor of First
Norwegian Danish M. E. church, an
nounces that a committee from the
young people's society Is engaged In re
modeling the interior of the social hall
of the church in an effort to make It
more attractive.
Multnomah Hotel
flermoR, lil, Morning
Portland' Best Quartet.
Offertory by- Mr. Bell.
' William Mantel Wilder
Francis Burgette Short
: Pastor :
will preach, morning and evening, i '
After the evening service
an Open
svers with
Court for questions and answers i
criticisms and remarks will
ducted by Dr. Boyd about
Victory Campaign Now in Prog
ress Will Be ; Inaugurated at
Regional Conference Sunday.
Prominent Pastors From East and
California Have Been Secured
to Address Gatherings Here.
Northern Baptist laymen are In the
midst of a "Victory campaign" to raise
16.000.0Q0 by April 1. To this end the
laymen of the Northwest have planned
a regional conference for Portland Sun
day Afternoon and Monday and have
secured, the servicer of several leading
Baptist clergymen to assist them In their
conference. The main speakers of the
conference will be Dr. F. A. Agar and
C. A. Brooks of New York city and Dr.
John Snape of Los Angeles.
A great laymen's mass meeting will
be held Sunday afternoon at the White
Temple, when all three visitors will
speak. The afternoon theme will be
"The Spiritual Ideals Emphasised by
the War." The laymen's sessions on .
Monday; will be at 10 :30, 2 :30 and 7 .30
The theme of the morning session Is
"Preparation of the Heart In Prayer" ;
the " afternoon session, "The Call of the
New World's Need," and evening ses
sion, "Enlisting the Whole Power of
-the Church.' The general theme of the
conference is, "A New Church for a
New World."
Sunday morning and evening the Bap
tist churches of the city wll hear the
speakers as follows: Dr: Brooks, White
Temple In the morning. Highland church
in the evening: Dr. Snape, Grace church
in the morning. Third church In the
evening; Dr. Agar, Arleta church In
the morning. Calvary church in the eve
ning; Dr. O. C. Wright, lyents church
in the morning; Dr. F. W. Reynolds,
Glencoe church In the morning;' Mr.
Hale, Sellwood church In the evening ;
Dr. J. D. Sprlnpston, University Park
church In the evening.
The urgent need of this united move
ment by the laymen of the church was
explained at a banquet for laymen last
Tuesday evening. Dr. F. W. Reynolds,
who has Just returned from a "Y" over
seas hut, and Dr. Bowler twere the
Special Services
At Friends Church
Beginning Sunday morning at Firat
Friends church, the, pastor, assisted by
Evangelist Harry Hays, Willi conduct
revival services. Rev. Mr. Hays, the
evangelist, and Rev. H. 1. Cox, the pas
tor, were formerly assocated in evan
gelistic work in the East, and will make
a strong team. The series will not be
continued long. The public Is Invited to
attend from the beginning and receive
all the help possible while the services
last. Meetings will be held each after
noon at 2:30, on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, and every even
ing during the week.
Chief Red Fox to
Talk Sunday Night
Chief Red For Skushushee, chief of
the Blackfoot Indians, will speak Bun
day evening at Centenary Methodist
church on the loyalty of the American
Indian. Together with his cousin he
will sing in the language of their tribe.
Both will appear In native costume. The
chief recently appeared before 85,600
people in New York city.
Revivals to Continue
The revival services at St Johns Bap
tist church will continue throughout the
coming week with Rev. an Mrs. W. C.
Driver of the chapel car. In charge.
Sunday will be observed a decision day
in the Sunday school. - . t ;
SU5DAT MOn5I!TO, llllt
Dr. Stansfield will discuss whether
such a League is revolution or evo
lution. " i -
Sl'SDAT EYF.5I50, 7i
Rev.Joshua Stansfield, D. D.
. A
"V V
v a