a Hil UUUOi DAILY, jUUii,U . 0vTLADr aaaUawJJA., a UU , Ur ;U. SURVEY FOR SECTION OF PACIFIC HIGHWAY NEARLY COMPLETED Appropriation for Jeffe rson to Albany Project H las Already Been Made by Commission. Albany. Feb. 13. John R. remand, a civil engineer of this city, ly completed for the statei mission the location and Bias practical- pighway corn- survey work contract for preparatory to letting tha the paving -of the Pacific highway from Jefferson to Albany. An appropriation for th work has already been made by the highway commission and the coun ty court of Linn county will prepare the roadbed for the paving. It is understood that the work Is sufficiently advanced that advertisement for bldn can be made and the contract let at the next meeting of tha commission,, early in March. The plans also Include construction work as far south as Tangent, and residents of sections contiguous to that stretch Of road have volunteered to do most of the grading work. When completed, there will be a continuous paved road 12 miles in length. Master of Grange Albany, Feb. 13. . L. Shaw was in stalled as master of Cfrand Prairie grange No. 10 at the last regular meet ing. Th other new officers are : A. II. McCall. overseer; Mrs. K. M. Combs, lecturer; Leslie Cade, sfeward ; 8. A. Lasselle, assistant stewarid ; Mrs. J. W. Bailey, chaplain ; II. J. Jjlclnnis, treas urer ; Mrs. Winnie Cade, j secretary ; K. M. Combs, gatekeeper ; Miss Alice Mc Innls, Pomona; Miss Ksther Tellefson, Ceres ; Miss Frances wfillard. Flora ; Miss era-Combs, lady assistant steward. Woman 90 Years Old Albany, Feb. 13. Mrs. Walter Mon- teith, whose husband gave this city its name, built the first frsme house and conducted the first store In Albany, cele brated her ninetieth birtihday Tuesday Mrs. Monteith came to ASbany with her parents in 1847 from Indiana and was later married to Walter arrived about the same Monteith, who time from Al bany, N. Y. Walter Monjtelth took as a donation land claim the lAnd upon which much of tho present cityl is located. "Fathers" Hold banquet Albany, Feb. 13. with Dr. D. V. Poling, head of the Y. d. C. A. work at the Oregon Agricultural college, and Kditor Moore of the Coifvallis Gazette- Times, who recently returned from a three years' stay in France, as the leading speakers, and Neil Foy, a Port land tenor, as an added feature, the "Father and Son" banquet was held Wednesday night at the St. Francis hotel. Many returned soldiers were in attendance. Victor Olliv pr, W. A. Bar rett, Deo McClain, Ed Taylor, James Sears, Roy Nutting, J. F. Emmett and A. C. Schmitt composed the committee having the banquet in charge. Masons Install Albany, Feb. 13. Bay Officers l(ey chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons, completed the installation of its evening. The newly officers Tuesday officers installed are: Charles II. Cuslck, high priest ; Roy Q- Bushong, king: W. 8. Weaver, scribe ; Willard L. Marks, captain of the host ; Ed Washburn secretary ; H. B. Cuelck, treasurer ; D. P. P. Mason, Ctawford Mason, princi- pal sojourner; D. L. Royal Arch captain : Owen B earn. master of master of third veil : F. M. Redfiteld, second veil A. H. Bleji ns, master or first veil ; and W. E. Biker sentinel. Kniahls Install Officers Albanv. Feb. 13. With K. C. Smith for the local acting as installing officer Knlffhta of Maccabee lodge the follow- inir were obligated and assumcd their respective offices for th4 ensuing year : ICasner KroDD. past commander ; R. D. Snell. commander; Victor- Howard, lieu- tenant commander ; record keener ; W. A. Ad olph Senders, Bddi ne, chaplain ; Ben Barcher, master at Rrhoel. sergeant ; Charle arms ; Charles Dannals, first master of guards ; B. master of guards, and sentinel. Hall, second E. E. Stewart, Clancy Leads Hose Company WMt Linn. Feb. 13.-4- M. E. Clancy has been elected pres dent of Hose company ISO. 4 or. i officers chosen are : thiis town. Other Vice-president, J. E. Butler ; nrnm4 : treasurer. secretary Josepn Farmer : Harvey finnnce. Ed Fredericks ; first assistant foreman, Richard Blttnbr second as- "slstant foreman, Joseph; Simpson, fire commissioner, John r . ilark. SEW TOPAT Send Us Your Od Carpets Old Rug nd Wool Clothing W Alak BeTertlble. HMd-Wavta Fluff Rugs Th'tr tt Lite Iroa Bag Rng Woven All Rise Vail Orders Sead for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rags, Steam Cleaned, $1.50 WESTERN FLTJFf! RTJO CO. 4 Union Are. If. East 8S18 Fhonee B-1478 NORTHWEST RUG COMPANY - FORMER ADDRESS 13 UNION AVE. New Rugs made front ail kinds of old carpets. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting. Re sizing. Rag Rugs woven ail sizes. EAST 3580 18S E. j8TH B-1280 AT7CTION SAIKS TOMORROW it WUaoo'i Auction Ho 109-173 2d at. Sale at 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 41 B. P. O. ELKS NO. 142 Reenlar meetine. nine. Elks Nomination thin Thursday 1 rn. temple. 8 o'clock Of Officers. VUiHn. brethren welcome. M. R. SPAULDING. Sec. Kenton ldge No. 14S r F. A munieation M. Special com- thii ( Thursday) even- us, 7:3(1 o Tclock. Visiton wel- come. R. F. GEIST. Secretary. BELLWOOl) LODGE. No. 131. a. r. a K. M. Stated meet- lag tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o clock. (Official visit of the M. W. Grand Matr. Visitors welcome. B- B o order W. M. J. H. 1 A BUTLER Secretary. PIKE LODGE. No. A A. II. Stated Ssetn rminicatiori Friday. Feb. 14. T.-80 p. m Refreshments. Via- Hon ' welcome, a. w COOK. Secretary. 41 ti UL, .-, bkazebIgbotto, C ra - - mrmial session Municipal A udi- torium, Saturday, ' Feb. 18. Bust- uesa session 1 p. 1 an. for election of W candidates. Petitions moat bo in hands of secretary by noon Saturday. Candi date report to front entrance at The Audt torinra by 7 p. ra. for registration. Band con cert at 7:30 o'clock, followed by ceremonial. Adro union by 1019 card. I Visiting Propheta cordially invited. AD members urged to attend. By order of Monarch. R. EJ Fulton, Secretary. afTXTKOjIAH CAMP NO. 77, W. I O. Vf.. meets at fta ball. K 6th and E. Alder, every Friday ereninc at 8 o'clock. VUitin neishbon alwaya welcome. 1. O. IWILSON. Clark. 1 WEBFOOT CAMP WO. 68. W. O.I W., erery Friday nf?bt in !W. a W. Tempi. 128 1 1th at Member re Quoted to be present- Visitori welcome. L. Q. DeTounc Consul Cbmmander. U. L Mnrtinr. Clerk. j O K E JON COMMA NbERfTK. T. Conclave this (Thure day) etenir( at 7:30. Full ltrm openine. Your attendance will be aijpreciated. C. F. WIEGAND. Rc. MT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157. A. F & A. M. Special commu nication tomorrow (Friday) eve nir.a ft 7. Work in K. A. de cree. Visitor welcome. Order V. M. ED C. DICK. Sec. EMHI.KM Jewelry a specialty. button. pinj, charm. Jaeaer Brc . 131-133 tb t- ft Hal statistics ma&ria&s.Blrtbs. Dzaihs. MAnillAtlE LICENSES lwrence Bail-y, Ickb!, 6324 Ninety-fifth are. S. E.. and Mary 1'orter. legal, name addrcsa. Kliner Itobbins, lecal. 11B1 Martina are., and Maiine It. JeweU, lraai. 44i Morrison fit. Kobert C. Mnllenhour. 21. 1045 K. 21?t ft. N. and Hi'len Itiwr. 1. 105 K. 30th rt. N. Cecil F. Van Kir. 2.1, 812 Stock ETchanae b!dg., and Wrrn Mi-r, lepal. Ilart apartmenU. Ti. Murl tinrdon, lr-snl, Multnomah hotel, and Bvrriella Holt. 4 9i) Harrison t. Ali'ander I). Veit. 20, LenU. and Betsy Nel son. 1 6, I-enU. Sam Ha"on, 22. 690 1st, and Stella Cohen, lezal. 690 1st. 1 Charles I. Headrick. 3J. 4 34 Salmon St., and Anna .Tohn?on, legal, Ventura park. Charles Roach, 28, Portola hoU-i. and Lean Irene Wood. 18.' 321 North Broadway. Walter J. Stuttle. 22, 53(0H Hfith are. S. E.. and Hazel M. Johnson, legal, 904 Foter road. William F. Cross, 83. 401 E. Morrison at., and .'.In. XI. L. Evani, CI, same address. DEATHS A!tl) ET7XERAE8 EINtJ Feb. 11, lulu, 3. Ijiwreme Sii J4 Si'AIU.IN'ti Feb. 11. 1U1U, J. Iwrent-e Spar ling, aged 34 years 11 monthi 26 days, helored lu"band of Mabel Sparlinit. and late of Kelso. With. Deceawl wa4 a miemher of HiRh land lotlEf. A. 1-'. arid A M. , LenTer. Coio. Kelso, Wash., and Denver.; Colo., papers please copv. lteinainn forwardrd today (Thursday) to KelsK.. Wash., by Fearsdn company, under takers, HusjwII at. at L'uion are. ; Final sorricea and interment will take place ; at the family mausoleum at lc:iTir, Coloj - ADAMS In Ms-citT. at E. 74th st. N., Feb. It. Iil9, Mary Ellen Adsm. beloved mother of Charles J. and g. T. : Artama of this ci'v. Dr. J. D. Adama of Boise,: Idaho; W. M. Aflini". ChrrryTale. Kan.; isister of Mrs. Lillie Duvalle, Binners Kerry, liho, and Samuel B. MiK.ie, 0.uinry, I1L Funeral .Refrice at W. H. Hamilton's funeral parlnr.i 1973 Eat Clisan street. Friday. February 14,, at 1 p. m. Inter ment at Slonett, Xfo. i LYLE At 564 I'matilla ave., Ft-b. 11. Sidney C. Lyle, accd 60 years, 1 10 month!", 2S days. Funeral services will be jhcid at the funeral chapel of the Portland crematorium, corner of 14th st. and Bbe ave., February 14 at. 3 p. m. Remains are at the reMflenc' funeral par lors of Walter C. Kenwdrthy. 1532-1534 E. 13th st., Sellwood. ' VEROILIO At Kelso. AVash., Feb. 11. Cerilio Vereilio. atfed 40 year?, late of 31 Water st The funeral service; will be held Friday, Feb. 14. at 2 p. m.. at St. Michaels church, 4th and Mill st. Friends invitpd.l Interment at ML CalvBry ccr.ietery. .1. 1" I'iriley & Sur,s, directors. MILLER In this city. Feb 12. Clark Miller. aged CS years, late of 1 009 E. Ankenyt., brother of Oscar I'. Millar, chief deputy cify treasurer's office, and Mrs. Ida Mayer of this city. SCRIBNER-At his late residence. 101 K. 31st at., Feb. 12, Fred Mott Seribner, aged 44 years and 9 months. Kemaina at the .parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 35th st. Notice of funeral later. OF.Elt At the re-udence. 4312 52d st. S. Y.r. Feb. 12. 1919, Frederick C. (Seer, seed 70 years 6 months 19 days., beloved husband .of Eliza E. icer. Reroaina at llolman'a funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. TJLRICH- In tfiis city, ;j February 11, Mra. Catherine Ulrich. age B5 years. Funeral servicea will be held Monday, .February 17, notice of hour later. Remains ar at the resi dential parlors of Miller& Tracey. 51 L!;ON IrTt Ills-city , Febmary"l3. Thomas Dillon, age 84 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller Sc Tracey. MAYER In this city. Feb. 12. Charles Mayr aged.C8 years, late of Aberdeen, Wash. The remains are at Finiey's, Montgomery at 5th. FI.OfUSTw CLARK r BROS., florists, Morrison at. bet. 4th and !5th. Phone Main mr A-1805. Flna flow ers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FOIiBES CO., Florists. 3S4 Wash ington. Main 268. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6th and Yam bill ata. Cat flowers, planu and designs. Sell wood greenhouse, 649 Nebalem are. 8 'wood 1620 PEOVLrs FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs and decorations. Phone Marshall 6922. iRVTNGTON PARK FLORaC CO., 4 th and Yamhill. Funeral designs; lowest price. BW1P8 FLORAL CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. LALANE Feral designs and decorations. Oppo site postoffire Main BB45. MAX U. SMITH, florist. 141 H 6th at. FCSKBAL DIRECTORS BREEZE & SNOOK FTJNERAIi DIRECTORS 1047 BELMONT AT 8BTH SUNNY8IDK. BPEC1AL EQUIPMENT for doing all work IN THE HOME when desired. Our beautiful chapel for services without charts. Prices nost reasonable and personal atten tion gives to all Both phones: Tabor 1258. B-2B49. 1047 Belmont at. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877 Third and Salmon Streets Main S07. A 1511 Lady Assistant P. P. FI85HJEY Progressive Funeral Directors Main 9 Montgomery at 6tb A-1599. WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TH AND! MULTNOMAH Funeral Directors EAST ti4 ; C-3163 F, S. Dunning, Inc. The ti olden Bui undertakers 414 Eat Alder st Phone East 52. R-H99I Dunning & Mctntee B3E5"ta every detail. Broadway j and Pin sts. Phoas Broadway 43Q. A-4atHj UlIj assistant. A. D, KENWORTHY & CO. 6802-5804 92d O. 8. E.. Lenta. Phone Tabor 6267. Home Phone TV 81 fy.-;1 P. l. ierch -rnT UNDERTAKERS E. lltb and Hawthorn CHAMBERS COMPAST 248 and 250 Kiilmgsworth ave.. near Witliaini sve. Woodlawni 3300. C-1133. MUJ.ER & TRACEY. Independent Funeral IC rectors. Prices aa low as $20, 140, (80 Waahington at Ella. Main 2881. A-788S Hi III .eilCI OU East 1688, 0108 skpWOCtiNL,ER1AK1iu co- Main 4152 OKtJWeS 4-2321 Corner Tbffd and n.. Wilsnn R, WilcnnL167 Ke" .txeet I J V 1 VJfcr II JV I I fffjl" 940.C-11SS HAMILTON iSLf East Ulisan at. Ku services. Tabor 431 . ERiCSON Cndertakina Parlors. 4 4.1 Lln uea IL Broadway 2SS4, MEETING NOTICES FTJKEBTAI' DIRECTOES B. T. BYRNE4.-IM Al Williams ave. nafdene satabliahiii sss Wnodlaww 220. C-1S4. BLAESlMGrUKlfTetc &7- 3FO.SLA1 MADiSO, PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-268 4th st, opposite city halL Main 8564. Pnilip Neu ft Kons for memorials. LOST A5I) FOU5D 21 THE following articles hare been found on ears of the Portland Railway, Light Power Co.: Feb. 11, 1913 4 purses. 1 book tick eta, 1 key, 2 pair (loves, 2 gloves, 1 bundle books, 12 pkga., 7 lunch boxes, 1 milk can, 1 traveling bag, 1 crip, 1 typewriter, 1 rain cape, 25 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder at- station. LOS T 2 Libert y bonds. Noa. 107272B8 and 10727287, Feb. 4,' between Urant-Hmith yard and 838 North Jersey at, St. Johns. Finder please notify 638 North Jersey. Liberal re ward. LO-iT Elk tooth, mouted, chocolate brown from age, Saturday night, Bth, in Cotillion dancu hall, liberal reward. 914 E. Alder. Ta bo. 6299. LOST Ist Sunday, one new 80a3 W Non fikid Miller- tir" between Portland and Inde pendence, Or. Please notify B, C. Barns d. Independence, Or., for reward. " LOST Round Eastern -tar pin. bet- 1601 Fremont and Morgan bldg. Please leave at Dr. Shepherd a office in the Morgan bldg., or phone Tabor 94 35. LOST Oold watoh Wednesday. If finder will communicate 1 will identity; reward. East 304. Phone LOST In Lip man, Wolf a 4 Co.rs lavatory. Feb. 12, purple sweater, in box. Finder please phone Tabor 7038. , WILL person who found minute wheel and tire on Albina are. please call Wdln. 1236. or leave at Weir's nrket,15th arid Alberta. LOST ("heck book of Northwestern National bank, between Ati and Washington en Frout at. Return to Telegram bus. office. LOST Black and tan hound dog from Union depot, Feb. 10. Reward. American Rail way Express Co. LOST Thursday p. m. . lady's gold wrist watch, Elgin works, sold colored face. Reward to finder. Phons Broadway 4861 F01 'ND-Falrroney Public Market Satur day February 1. Call 3 LI Journal bldg.. and make identification. LOSfBunch of keys. Reward. Mr. E. Martin, tax dept, courthouse. FOUND-Bif- brown " brlndle-bull with-wrilts neck. Owner. Call Tabor 3745. LOST Cameo ring in Meier ic I rank s store. Finder call East 7634. Reward. N p. KEY ItlN'O, 7 keys. Reward. East 8030. HEt.r WAITED MALE t DISCHARGED soldiers and sailors (in uni form), I have a proposition at which you ran make $10 a day. Tall 10 to 12, Multno mah hotel, ask for Mr. McDonald. WANTED,-men with Ford cars to handle one of the most meritorious and practical auto devices ever offered to the public. 2S9 Union ave. ri.one Eat 2022. SALESMAN over 21 years for cigarettes and tobacco. Call between 4 and 6 o'clock. 228 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn automobile repairing and heavy duty gas engineering. Call at 482 Hawthorne ave. ElCPERlENCED'rtter inpener wanted. $3R0 per sack. Portland Oyster Co. 4H N. 23d. WANTED -Man qualified to wire- 2 room frame bldg. Tabor 3058. HELP TT AVTKH-1IISC. 49 LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL FAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor. engine and auto electrical work: BIO 00 PAE CATALOG FREE. Address Adeox Auto and Tractor school. Dept. J. Union ave. and Wasco Portland. Or. Phone East 744T.. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Complete course in day and evening cTaaeee. everything mechanical and electrical; unlimited practical repair experience; it is not theory; it is practice that makes yon a valuable man. GOVERNMENT- will- hold-railway- mail clerk examinations, Portland. March 15. !)2 mo. Experience unnecessary. Men, 18 or over, desiring clerkships, write for free particulars. 4. L. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), lJ)08Kenois bldg., Washington, D.tX OOTHRNMENT railway mail clerk examina tion (males and female1;), March 16. Spe cial full, complete' preparation only $10. by our expert, former government examiner. Enroll to day or write for free particulars, "R1IC" Pat terson Civil Service school, Rochester, N. Y. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenograpny, bank ing. bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 21 8 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. liLRSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Day and Evening Classes Lnmbermens bldg. Bth and Sterk. Bdwy 8464. MISS F. BURSELL. Principal. TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE 207 Stevens bldg.. W. Park and Wash. Complete commercial courses Adding and calculating machine Spanish- French English. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS Al ISKT BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON. HELP WANTED FF.mXlE WANTED Girl used to aetivs work for busi ness place. Steady position, not office work. Experience not required. Do sot phone, apply 421 East Broadway. WANTEliExperienced second maid, best wages, references required. Call 654 Davis or phone Broadway 8743. WANTED, good plain cook, workingmen s hotel, J60- per mtmth. room and board. Call Mrs. Kane, Columbia 125. WANTED On farm, respectable woman house keeper, with son not under 16, for milking and chores. Ovid Pickard. Marlon. Or. COAT MAKER wanted, pay by week, nnion scale. Lundquiit Tailoring Co., 503-506 Abington bldg. ' WANtED Experienced second maid, best wages, references required. Call 554 Davis or phone Broadway 3743. WANTED Girls for stockroom, and Alder. Simons, 1st AN advanced pianiste to play vocal acenmpaui- GIRL or woman to help with housework; wages $30. 461 Hassalo St. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, ' family of 3. $35. Tabor 9271. WANTED Finishers and helpers on gowns, 303 N. W. Bank bldg. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 28 MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE Pays yon while learning; gives yon set of tools: positions secured. Writs for catalogue. 234 Burnide St.. or phone Broadway 17S1. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' expripnee. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guar anteed. 234 Couch st. WANTED A WENT Ol'R "Complete HUtory of the War" contains General Pershing's own stOTy and peace sup plement. Best terms with premiums. Prompt ithipments. Outfit free. Nichols Co., Naperrille, in. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED man and wife want to work on farm, wife to cook for few men; man to take full charge. Phone Eaat 1929 or write 13 E. 7th. WANTED Work in some 10 snd 15c store as stock boy to unpack goods; worked in Kresy's store in Ind. Address Wan. Kilian. 204 Madison st. ' YvANTED Carpenter repair work to do, rea sonable. Phone Main 6k! IS, 7 to 9 -morn-tngs. 1 to 8 evenings. ' ROOFS-REPAIRED Shingling and reahingling; also lathing. Ta- bor 2013. - DISCHARGED "soldier, experienced stenographer and salesman, desires position. Phons East 3050. WORK wanted for 8 ton truck; contract prs ferred at $18 a day. East 2 1 2 3. MARRIED man wants work repairing automo- biles or driving. Call Sell 1554. TINTING, paperhanging and caicimining by ex perienced workman. Tabor 4956. H. F. RONALD, painting and kakianining, neat work. 434 Yamhill. Phone Main 5917. ROOMS tinted $2.50; apt, and hotels quick at tention. Nickels, Bdwy. 8523. PAINTING, papering, tinting a specialty, rea sonable prices. Phone Woodlawn 8326. ROOFS, KehTngled sr itched," gutters elainsd and repaired Phone Marshall 70S. PAPERING, painting and kahomining cheap. Ta- oor Qiao. MAN wants garden work, small pay. Eaat 6888. SITUATION." FEMALE 4 GOOD laundress wants day work, ironing preP ferrd. Tabor 1014. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position Main 70? 3. MTTATIOKS FEMAlit! POSITION as housekeeper by young woman with obs ' small ehild. Pleas stats wages. Write "L. It." Gen. Pet. Vancouver. Wash. RESPONSIBLE woman used to the public, ex cellent references. Nrisbea work In doctor's office or some such position. W-411. Journal. ORDERS taken tor home-made Spanish-sausage, taaaalea and enchiladas. Orders .lor parties a specialty. uo Ki. BO. DRESSMAKING 49 DRESSMAKING done at your own home, dresses, tailored skirts and coats; prices rea sonable. Call Tsbor 1580. DRESSMAKING-, children clothes a specialty. -.428 Oatman are., St. Johns car. NURSES 88 COMPETENT young woman with but of ref erences wants position giving massage and Swedish movement. Residential or office work. Call Wdln. 1305. Only respectable people need reply. EXPERIENCED nurse, best of references; will take maternity cae.es in her own home. East 3663. NURSE wishes maternity cases in private home; be.-,t of care. Woodlawn 1079. FURNISHED BOOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH t s Day Up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. FOR RENT Partly furnished room at 293 H Stark street. Room 6. Mailn 5494. HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special car for Vancouver FURNISH ED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 78 LARGE front room, furnished, reasonable, west side, walking distance. Call Main 1818. CLEAN room, good bed, bath, fith and Mont gomery. References Main 3018. BOOMS ANI BOARD U THE HAZEL "Not like the others ' Every comfort. Home cooking. 885 Third at. BOARD or board and room, home cooking. 393 Grand ave. East 7886. THE Martha Washington. 380 10th, lor business girls snd students. Marshall 1231. : ROOMS AND BOAnil PRIVATE I FAMILY ?9 WANTED One or two children to board. Sell- wood 1 038. i CHILDREN to board iu private family. Call East 24 46. HOCSEKEEmii ROOMS 8 FTJRN 1SHED AXD UNFURNISHED 2 ROOMS; will furnish gas for cooking, light and water, $18; oould arrange for another sleepinj room if desired. Phone Woodlawn 5523. 807 Mont. ave. Call after 4 p. m. except Saturday afternoon and Sunday. ONE to three partly furnished housekeeping rooms with bath for rent. 911 E. Flanders st.. city. ; FU RN ISHED ami unfurnished housekeeping room. 233 Burnside st. 2 ROOMurnisbed" apartment; also jingle room. 392 V4 F Burnside. FURNISHED front room with kitchenette, suit able for 2 employed. 294 14th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY NEATLY furnished II. K. room with kitchen ette, for 2 or 3 clean working men; every thing furnished. Del Monte, 107 Stout St., near 20th and Washington tts. NICE furnUhrd housekeeping rooms in private family. 412 Kith st,. west aide. TWO-furnished H K. rooms, light, gas snd furnace heat. 8'4 Ross st. East 7657. TWO-furnished-II. K. rooms for rent. Adults only. Phone E. 6831. ONE H K. room furnished. 288 E. 1st St. N. East 537 5. TWO or 3 housekeeping rooms. Sellwood 1038. FOR RENT HOUSES 13 UNFURNISHED MEIER ft FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU Reliable vp-to-date tuts ef desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats with definite is formation pertaining to each. Newcomers rn Portland win find this bursas f great value in helping tham gat properly sad quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR ACRE, fine fruit trees bearing, 5 room bun galow, barn and garace; located in town of Clackamas. $15 pr month. John E. Howard, 315 Chaanber of Commerce. 6 ROOM unfurnished house, good location,; 3 room furnished house, sleeping porch. Main 500S. 6 ROOM house, bath. 5 cent care Oregon Elec tric, $15. Marshall 1874. WELL furnished 5 room house. $23 per month, not over 1 child. 74 3 M ississippi ave. WEST side 5 room cottage. 630 Quimby. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE S9 FOR KAI.P h.in-.phnld fnmitnre for 5 rooms. complete, $275. Will accept Liberty bonds. House rent $17. Tabor 7789 for appointment. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNF URNTSHEJ FOR RENT Three room apartment and bath, Kinghbnry. Phone Main 4519. 2 ROOM suite lor" light housekeeping. North west Apts . 545 Washington st. near 16th. HOTELS 54 12 ROOMS in Nob nill dist-. exceptionally well furnished, furnace heat, electric cooking range, full cement basement, all rooms light and airy. This place is a ;high class home and yields an income of $100 per month above all expense of maintenance; rent $45: price $1500. RITCHIE & RIORDEN, 353 Morgan bldg. STORES AND OFFICES 11 IXJDGE room for- rent. Call evenings. East 8080. WANTED TO RENT OUR EMPLOYES WANT TO RENT Houses, flats and apartments. If you have any vacancies phone Heave Together, cars of North west Steel Co. Main 11!3. WANTED 4 or more room unfurnished flat, west bide, south, between 2d snd W. Park, by responsible business man living in own home: anyone desiring suburban home might arrange to pxchanEe. Call Sellwood 1653. W ANTED tSo rent or lease 6 or 7 rooom modern house on 0c carline with place for 100 or more chickens. Adults. Box 74, Oak Grove. 1 , i i ' ' 5 OR 6 room fhrnished bungawiw oerore March 1, by business man; prefer Rose City" or like district; best of care guaranteed; no children; will lease. N -206 J ournal. WANTED By couple, furnished house, flat, cottage or apartment, modern and convenient to Miss., Kenton or St. Johns car; no children. Room 315 Multaomah hotel. WANTED Unfurnished 6 room modern bunga low with garage, will lease for term of years; n- children. Ea.'t 4972. WANTED TO i RENT Bungalow or cottage, gardens lease 1 or 2 years; rent $15. Wood- lawn 1796. j WANTED To rent 6 or 7 room house, well fur nished, so to move in about March 1. Phone Main 5398. i WANTEli To tent by couple, furnished cottage, apt. or flat; close in. Call Bdwy. 2460, Room 4 1 7. ' i WANTED, to rent 4 or 5 room house on or be fore March 1; no children. W-413, Journal. SF4 RM. house J flat, or apt., clean, with bath, close in, and garage preferred. Bdwy. 1908. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 EAST SIDE apartments, fine investment: nets 25 per cent-iPrice $6500. Broadway 639. " fc FOB SALE HOUSES 61 $1050. $150 down. $20 a month, buys a 5 room house, west aide. ri ernes and fruit, flowers. This lis a bargain.. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. GARDEN tracts, west side, city water and gas, fine soil. price only $750, $25 cash and balance 85 a month. II. E. Lee, SOS Corbett bldg. BY owner. 7 i room bungalow, modern exeept furnace; Dutch kitchen and garage, $2300, $300 cash; baL easy teruia. See at once. 693 Sherrett ave., Sellwood. HOME frore your plans, payments to suit, in Arlington Henghti, Irvington, Capitol Hill and other districts. I Williams it Will jams, architects. 811 Panama bldg. BARGALNBeautiful 1 room bungalow, ' BJch mond, $29215; paved : tenms; save commis sion, trwner. after 2:80, Barney, 303 Stock Exchange. I . - , ROOM limine on Union are., business center, oulf $2500.1 Teiiua. 1. J. Fuller. 11 6988. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES I SPECIAL Skat Irvington. between Irvinrton and Rose City, corner lot atxtat 70x90, 70 foot frontage, on hard surfaced stjreet; building faces south; 6 larga rooms, large Reception hall; no better fire place in the city; all kinds of built-in features in kitchen; house double constructed throughout; built by present owner for home; full cement basement; laundry trays in rcsement; hot and cold water, bath, Mectric lights, 3 large bed rooms upstairs and large alespiug ror.:u on hotzU side of house: laijge attic; fumao beat; ea rage : block from Fern wood school. The location is ideal and you could nt buy e. bet ter home for $600. The price haa been $5750. The owner of this property has soli, hi Port land business and bone into bwdaess in Seattle and for a short ttoe I have tais p-opj-t for $4 750, only 1750j cash. This .roptrty is 1011 Tillamook. Phonel East 7141. Yon can in spect this prioperty at any time; th furniture now In the house dan be bought very reasanah'e. Lot of fine roses i front of ho'iie in good con dition; beautiful jird. If this hmtie is not worth what I ask ion't buy it. If you can get a better buy in town I would advise you to take it, but you 4-ili say upon inspecting fMa property there is rm better buy 'or the money. CLAUDE G. WATSON KK.Vil'Y :,0., 606 Bwetland Bid. Main 74 J5. Terms The following aie each and every one strictly modern 5 and 6 room bungalows and merit your immediate injpection: Nw IxWalow; conv. Jeff. high. -New btngalnw; Rose fty 3100 New bungalow; nr. Hoi. and Ml Sd50 New biingaluw; rvwtd. db,t-, swell. $3500 New bungalow; Alberta: some place. Live, energetic, competent young men with auto to show aboie properties. By appointment G, C, GOLDENBFRG REALTJOR AND BUILDER 215-216 Abiagton Ibldg. 106H 3d. "35 Years in Poijtland." Main 403. ON 42d St., 5 rotfm house, half basementTfu? nace heat; lautedry trays on back porch; newly painted. lot) 100x100; til ch-.ken-proof fenced; large garage. Price $2600. $600 cash. 11th and Oneqnta, 4 rooms an! bath, lot 60x100. 8 blocks to Woodlawn car; no base ment. Price $1500; $600 cash. On Curtiss ave.j. between Portlinl Mvd. and Liberty street, 5 room house, 2 bedrooms, bath room, basement, electric lights. 2 blocks to St. Johns car. Ther are 6 lots with tlis house. Price $Jb00: house and 1 lot $2000, or house and 2 lota $2406. Small cash payment, good terms. Be glad to show you any of these places. I have ibout 75 other houses listed; crKT-r7rh7?BHuntinB- doI,,t to call. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO, 506 SwetlSjnd ldg. Main 7435. HOME BARGAINS $300 cash, 5 rioom modern bungalow, Monta villa, good plumbing, full easement with ce ment floor, a reall bargain at $1850 $300 cash, SeMwood car. 6 room house with paid pric7T63flinClUlin,I hnl surf,ce- nd 'V' Jm?e Irk- 5 ro mod.rn as.,A ' ueP'?: hem filing; price $1950. $500 cash. 100x1 00 near Mt. Tabor Alta- mead car good 5j room house, garage all kinds v?y rrntl 1?00" c ou' afford to 7rTr lew bargains are offered' & Osborn, 010 McKay bldg.. 3d and SUrk. $2650 j Vj-i,-vw . I Aram 1 1 i,. -1 : , . . ,. . i", !" norcn (sleeping ITr l 'IT ?ir)' fuU dement, paved waTkln. AiV"1 PVd J? full: 50x100 lot. easy "ran noreh D?J.0n Franklin chool. Irge th. P Ch'r ,50 d"n- Iet allow you this place. J. L.HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Cham- Wos." bWg' 4th "d surk- MaTn $ 18 85 N EAR j JEFFERSON HIGH $1885 new- -?mtJ?"i??r1iUnelow' ""rtive lines, like nn V.Ii , i- "nlt enmel Mumbing. on paved st. heAs paid in full; on Commercial ffbvri , JpJrson hich and grade school, library and park; only takes $350 down. $15 J b r cent; help you make first pajmeut if necessary. See FRANK L. McGUIRE Td Buy Your Hume Abington bldg.! Main 1068. Main 5156 Successor to R. D. McGnire. Est 1880. HAT THORN E83?ToO c HOOMS GARA 3E A rrMtl nw-lilriA -. , , ... -- - - v "whu uuosaiow, witn n a ra- 3 7. fl7,la- bniJt-in buffet, bookcases, writing desk full Dutch kitchen, with canopy over ranee. T.nti aa.ini. : . py , . f mis, eireeis pavea home 4erUinly will want this for your A. CI TPPPr frM i i 264 SUrk st near 3d. vr, PAY $400 IK)NAND MOVE "INTO-TIIll w , . ' i i JiL..-v,AI.OV ' Iivine Tnttn i will, ,i 1 . nancll A i' '"?.i"c ""a. ?oocasea. Ti-i, wi. v A 1 oeauuiui Outlet. Dutch kitchen 0n upper floor are 3 nice bed rooms and bath. Oak floors, full basement street Paved. LocaUon 36th at, near Hawthorne. Let us Fhow you. K'0t'tA fuCKPTA' CO - Main 4522, ii -gut nu, noBrn ni i rtfiM hiria $195 o 4pa rt cash $i956: r PA RTT T-U ivivv Trev - w - "ua A.wv r 1 1 1 o room nrms lor r.ftri nn , cumbrsnce. with jfull view of Tualatin t.ti-. .1 Council rest; Bonble constructed, plastered nsuered. stsinml .nH n; i..j L..:,: paneled with pf. eil.nd ' S"" J" and cold water land bath, full r.m-r,- -i. Ford. Own LPWH TTrr T rilTT xt Phone MarkhaR 5439 for directions. WEST RTrK priTTir;i7 O rOOm. ffnfVI pnHan .1-t ; u I . .. i . in ,V1 ";,CT:l"- ugna, natn, etC.. lot . 1 1 T 1 (in mnmm fir.- 1 I . . ' - - - ., ,.D uraiinj iruit trees, paved streets all in and paid; on carline on '.io wSl" ln Sttn Portland; price $1800 $500 cash, balaii-e to snt at 6 pt cent GItTr4aT A. PPMVr-rn 816 Board of Trkde. ' ' M.i ,.K FOR SALE 5 1 room ,il.ut.-ui k.,..i Tl All nice rooms. b!ath and toilet, gas and electric- cuicaeu nouse, au fenced, bam used aa gar age. Price $1 Son T,. Kf i. . . ax4 J x.j ui . J.I gVit'tO 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3270. SUNNYSIl E CAR; $a00 DOWN Close to LaurMhurst Park we have a good 5 room bnngalrfw type home with bath and ecment aTT'Tso t Bmu bnt u " sood It us show yon COE A' McENNA A CO . Main 4522. 2 4th rif.. Board of Trade bldg . 77777 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN " $3600 Beautifjil house with 4 bedrooms, den 8 roorris in all, honse like new. all large, light rooms, garage, imp. in and pd.; $800 cash. No mortgage to as sume. J J. 4 WICKMAV CO.. KT. Exch. pildg. M,, fjRj, $4200 -Beautifiil liorne 7 rooms ro.nui. iaii Duut-ma. Tlreplace, furnace full tl,,.m,tlf Inlta., ill. i ' tures fhmughotit. beautiful breakfast room. Imp. pd. 1-ot 4 8t2. Terms J. . WICKMAN CO.. 204 Rv Exch. bldg. Msin 5R3, FOR 8 ALE 5 1 room modern house full ce- nU.ent """.l1, 7Vh , ,ray"- white "mel Itchen and batliL and linoleum on floor 1 hlork from paved street and 2 blocks from Alberts. C.JJ?n 2StH nA f;"ne ats.: price $2100 ?v ,C" h!?!??'red; T?rni""'e for sale. Phone ..vjiwu oi jLor ixain nifsa net an artistfc home b an established en-M-tectnral firm at! low cost. We build anything, furnish the money if desired. U R. Bailey Oo Inc.. ejnitractingl architect. 924 K. W Rank. $2750- 5 rooni strictly modern bungalow, fur nace. fireplace, hardwood floors, buf fet. Ditch kitchen, 50x100 J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ttf. Exch.rbhlg. jfain 5S3 5 ROOM housk attic, pantry,' closeU, bath toilet, etc. ; ttarge cement basement, electric lights, gas; garige; half block from car; priced $3000; mortgage $1400; or trade for acreage with good house. E-925, Journal. NEAT 4 room Ihouse at 55 E. Hoyt st, 1 block from Montavila car. near good school. $1000 cash or half qash, balance on easy terms or $1100 and $200 cash and $20 per month. Phone Tsbor 2291. "GOING AT " " $825. $125 dojwn, $15 mo. Good 4 room plas tered house, 4 1st ave., good location, near ear. i(4 ntlifk IV .Ml want , . i . .. - -.WMn. TtKALTY CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 KUYfl good 5 room hou. wired, gas. 1.. V.T. Diocas good ear. $300 easri or Liberty bonds, $10 monthly Inquire 1911 jE. Irving st. M-V car. MT. SCOTT CAR Vw 4 nwira btmealow wtiit i - . " ' - CII.IU11 dw room, aiicneu. nui ana pantry; large garua. 5909 39th ave. B. E , 2 blks. from car. DANDY 5 roiom bungalow. M list sell below cost Pricel $3026, $750 down. tmettU need answer. Owner. Tsbor 6435. MODERN-rTlmnouseTTrjeapTTd and Haw thorne, bloik from carline. Geo. F. lie Clintock, 503 Lnmbermens bldg. ROOM house and one acre cultivated t Oak Grove Fisher. Main 988. 417 Abington bldg. I A V r, UOirvd r--. - BtNOALOWS BODY. IRTTNGTON. EAST -.7? &KA MAN. """" FOB SALE iMy equity la room hoIJie- HO E. aid. bsL on terms. uvll r.! 00 HOt'SE arid if lot "sale; a snap. Inquire 826 fycii tun n,.f lW5k froraII roadway car. BY owner, pletty bunealow, nicely located, at price jron will buj. wain. 6852. VEAL ESTATE - FOB SALEHOUSES 1 $2400 MODERN BUNGALOW t240TJ I know it is poor advertising to say. "This Is the best buy ln the city." bnt I j believe It is and will leave it to you. A 6-roora. very at tractive bungalow, with porch across tie entire front of bouse; Al cenVnt basement. laundry trays, double floors, heavy, white enamel plumb ing fixtures, elect and gaa.; house like new; hi block to car. 1 block to eity park: full lot, 6 fruit trees, flowers, etc Total fjrioe $2400: only $300 down, balance like rent. E. 33d, near Gladstone. You couldn't bnijd this house for $2b00. I have over 400 other, photographs in my office of homes for sale, all iprieea, terms snd locations. Antoa at vonr servide. i Come ln and look over the photographs. 8ej FRANK L. ilcUClRBl Tn Rnv Vmir llnmi i Abington bldg. Main 5156. Min 1063 i prii. rvap a mr-vTBV nritV with ANi INCOME $4 00 cer acre will buy commercial orchard of 7.70 acres riht at rtation fronting on Pacific highway, this side of McMinnviUe. This road is graveled and will be bard surfaced this summer as the stakes are already set. All of the land is in Lambert cherries and D'Anjod pears.i all 7 years old. The land , is of volcainio ash and. gently rolling, very finest soil. There is a neat cottage of . 4 rooms painted white, good chicken htu.-e, barn and woodshed, good Well. If the trees are properly pruned and the land culti vated there ought to be a good return from the fruit this year. Hay cars be grown between the trees. - As a combination of fruit I and chicken ranch you will have a nice income, and a pleas ant place to live. Terms: $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent Act quickly. OODDARD A WIEDIRCK, 24 Btark ,st $4300 ALAMEDA PARK 4300 Exceptionally cozy 6 room, bunga low with garage; interior finish, old ivory; a gem of a place: $1200 cash will handle; not many like this. For appointment, phone MR. DELAHTJNTY. I Main 1700, Eve. and Sun. East 2086. ARE APARTMENT HOUSES GET TING IRKSOME ! TO YOUf ! Still have a few bungaljows for sale in Laurelhurst snd Rose City Park, one of which might suit you. Call on MR. BROWN. E. Stth at Glisan, phone Tabor 3433 or Tabor 50, evenings. JUST THINK OF TIM FOR $'35o SURELY A BARGAIN Can you imaaine. can yon comprehend, buy ing a 5 room bungalow with hot i water heating riant, shower bath, fireplace, buffet, ets., on a 5Oxl00 lot for $2350? The brfent v-.wner needs a 7 . room house and must selL If you have $800 to make the first payment, you would better hurry right to our office, j Soots one is going to buy this- and buy it jquiekly. For goodness sake, don't overlook this opportunity. Hurry! T A. O. TEEPE COMPANY 264 Stark st, near 3d. j Mun T516. ROSECITY PARrT" 6 ROOMS ONE FLOOR-!--S-420-1 Right in Rose City Park's best district. i block from car. This bungalow one of Portland's best builders. H as i'Uilt by a-M A-oo-1" floors. fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc. This bpnsali is a real gem and it will appeal tp you stronzly. inis cant last long, so hurry, A. G. TEEPE COMPANY U4 Stars; Ht. near 3d. Branch ofiice, 50th and Main 35 16. f!air.ly. BEAUTIFUL LADU AUDIT HOME $G500 Here is one of the beautiful homes in Ladd Add. 8 rooms, strictly modern, 1 fardwood floors. fireplace, furnace, full cement bsement, paved street ana alley; 3 largo gtod bearing cherry trees, fine lawn and ahrubbervj clear of all incumbrance; terms. C. A. WARRINER HITTER. LOWE & CO. a03-5-7 Board of Trade! bIHg. WALNUT PARK Near JEFFERSON H GH 7-room 2-story house, lot fiOtl 00. east front. garage and alley: modern con iilences ; sub furntshed. "or to responsible 4. stantial home; price $4500, fullir Sdwvu without furmtnre; terms parties. Phone owner. Woodlawnj CLOSE IN, EAST SJDE Here is a snap for someone. Good 5-room cottage, floored attic, basement, 1 built-in conv.. gas -range, wood and coal range 'go with place; barn and garage: ground 65x100: paved sts. in and paid; fraiit and shrubbery:; 2 blks. from car; an for $2100, easy terms. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE & SCO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROOMY. SITNNYSIDE BUNGALOW S rooms and den, all built-in coin., fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, corner lot, gar afce, nice lawn and shrubbery; j S blks. from both H. A 8. cars; price $4500J terms. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. ('. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE & iCO. 203 5-7 Bosrd of Trade bldg. B RAZEE ST., HOME 5 rooms and sleeping jiorch, ; fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement, paved sts, ln and paid, nice lawn and shrubbery; 1 blk. from car; price $4 500, terms. I C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE. $3450 On 36th st, block to car: lifing room with fireplace and bookcases; dining ! room, kitchen down and 3 bedrooms and bath rap; oak floors, full cement basement, laundry, trayo; street paved end paid. Owner asks only $400 down. Don't miss this. TOE A. McKENNA A CO . Main 4 522. 82 4th t . Board of Trade bldg. REAL LAURELHURST BUY 0 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modem throughout ; paved sts. ln and paid : 1 Wk. from car; quick possession, owners leaving city; price $4200, terms. ! C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 8TRICTLY modern 5 room bungahfw with built-in fireplace, beamed ceiling, laundry trays in ba-sement, gs and electricity, white enamel plumbing, garage; on paved st rm car line $2350, $240 down, the i rest $20 per month and Interest If sold tomOTTow only $215 down. 2090 Glisan st jCall Woodlawn 3 7 5p or inlivo fUTTiCI! 250 CASH 5 room cottage on fine Urge lot. 45x191. paved street and liens all paid. 414 Fessenden st, mar Gilbert; price $1600. $250 cash and $1- per month, 6 per cent ..,!, GRISSI A BENNETT. 3 1 6 Board of Trade. I Main 74 52. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, electric light. gas. full basement, lot 50x1.06. 876 E. 7th N. See owner; , . EORRA I'E LOtS 16 VALUABLE LOW PRICE LOTS 60x100 near Hawthorne ave on 40th at. Pared sts., $000, half cash, balance easy. 50x100 on 4 1st st. near Thompson. Pared sts. in and paid. $800. ,1 . 50x100 on Capital bet. Skidmore and Ma son, 'cement walks, macadam sts-1. $725. 50x100 on Schuyler bet 35th and 86th. Paved sts., $600. Those are all at sacrifice prices. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WarTiner.j RITTER. LOWE A jCO.. 203-5-7 Board ot Trade jbldg EAST TERMS, $25 1X)WN PARKROSE acreage Inst beyond city limits, out where yon will feel free to keep chickens without offending your nelt door friend. Water, gas and electric connections. City deliveries. Let us show yon Park rose. Now is the time to (et ready for spring planting. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and btark. Main 208, A-2050. FOR SALE Full size vacant lots, large Jots. Alameda Park, Hose City Park.- Sellwood. Westmoreland, arid all parts of the city, for sale at $250, $300. $350 and $400 each, with very small payment cash and balance monthly. J 8 KNAUSS 416 Stock Exchange Bide, j Main 3270. SACRIFICE for quick sale.! choice corner in Pararose, 100x150 feet B. W. cor. Slau son and Brains rd sts. 1 block from Sandy road, 1 block from school and 1 H blocks to carline. Make me an offer. C. F. Hoffman. 223 Terry are.. Beattle, Wash. CHEAP lots on Kenton carline for $400, 40 cash." $10 per month, 6. Lot at Albina and Lombard for $500; terms. 103 Sherlock bldg. TWO lots for sale in Westmoreland, 60 feet from carline, $650 each. Phone Sellwood 2038; all Improvements in. LOT for sale. 60x100, worth I $1000; will sell $.100. half price Q-985. Journal. TWO lots on carline near Frainklin. high school for a late model auto. 235 2d st ACREAOEj 7 $40 DOWN $S monthly, buys 100x200. with : 2 room house, fine garden land, 35 minutes out; price $450. C A. Marsters, 408 Board of Trade bldg. i 165.20 ACRES I For a quick sale, $1250 u terms; fine bench ind timber land; coast country Carey, E. 112H. DCRINO February. 220 acres. ; 60 cultivated, : $6500; may take Vs in trade. Hugh Mayer. Scott Mills, ur. ! REAL ESTATE - . AC RE AO E U FOR SALS OfTXCHANaESO acrea. S miles east of HtHaboro. H mil from Oreneo, sidewalk to place. 6 room house, large bam, chlckenhonae, .good Well, creek on one end, $11 fenced; family orchard, variety of berries, 10 or 12 acres cleared. A-l land, so toe heave rdam. oak, fir and ash oa. part not cleared. Almost level, slight slope. -price $6000. Trade for strictly modern hease in choice location in Portland dear of incumbrance and valued at $4000 to $6000. Land is-clear. J. 8. KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 8270. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGB--10 eras, mile from Middleton on Dallas line of 8. P.. 1 miles from Sherwood. 4V acres under ul tivation. balance slashed and burned. 8 acres beaverdam, 6 room homse, woodshed, roothouse. i aides fenced, trout stream through, good well. bottom and H bench land. No rneir. School, church and pared road H mile. Price $2600. Trade for 8 room bouse with 100x100 ft ground in Portland. J. S. Knauss. 416 Stock Exchbldg. Main 8270. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 13 H acres, urt improved, on Fruit Valley road, 8 miles from Vancouver. 2 H mile this aide of Kidgefield, not more than 1 acre cleared, fine road ail the way; small creek, mostly level, some timber for wood., all easily cleared. Choice prune land. Trade in on strictly modern house in Portland worth $8500 to $4500. Price of land $50. J.j S. KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main . . , 1.' a , . n n . . r". i All in cultivation, 8 room house, chickenbaase end outbuildings. Good well; wood for ore year 25 chickens, some train, and all small tools go for $1200. Terms. LUEDDKMANN COMPANY. , 913 Chamber of Couimcice. 8 ACRES, just ouhdde of city limits, on hard road, city water and gaa. level and tonced; an Ideal place for chickeni; relumed soldier must have tome money; it will pv you to see about this. Gilson Realty Co., 431 Chamber of Comuierce. I- ONE 10 acre tract full bearing prunes; one' id acre tract half prunes, balance walnuts, pears and cherry fillers, all good variety and bearing; also few good apple trees; choice of one or both tracts. For further information ' call Tabor fU92. No agents. - FOR SALE A fine young filbert orchard, 8 acres, in the moat beautiful part of the valley. 10 miles out on good road; new nut house and garage. Cash only. ti. W. Stout, Multnomah Or. 19.4 ACRES rich land, some improvements, good road; exchange considered: also well im proved country home, near Vancouver, good Soil, 15 acres. $3500. Hee owner after 2:30. Barney, 303 Stock Exchange. 12 ACHES, suburban house and improved, close to mills, on carline. $8800 Caj.ll, terms or trade. EX-408. Journal. I STTB1JRH A ?f HOMES T THE auost beautiful suburban home near I'ort land, located at Oak Grove; 4 acres, all kinds matured fruits, picnic grounds. Urge modern house, automatic water system. Rector gas heat ing system, servants' cottage, double c a race. j. laundry, chicken home, barn. Mendouholni. ft:. E. Glafke. Oak Grove. 103 M. 4 ROOM house and four lots, variety full bearing fruit trees, 1 block from Fern Ridge station. t-rice siauu. ..terms. J. xiem ingway, Gladstone. FOR SALE FARMS 1 A REAL home and a bargain too. 10 acre. well improved; good, painted buildings; 6 room plastered house, large barn; home orchard, young trees; 1-3 acre strawberries; place fenced, excellent soil, on macadam road, cream route, daily mail, near churches, school, stores; 1 mile of streetcar, only 7 miles from Vancouver, Wash., and goipg at $8000; good terms. GILSON REALTY CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce. WILL SELL or exebsnxe for Portland bungalow 83 acre ranch in Houthern Oregon; fine noil, fine hunting and fishing, spring water piped in house, young bearing orchard, apples, plums, berries and currants; creek flows in front of house; tine roads year around; 4 room bunga low, well furnished; ranch well equipped. Ad- dress Ranch. 94 Front st - GOOD bargain in farms, near railroad and small town, one 86 acre, one 117 acre, one 81H acre, all improved; also 160 acres with timber, good location for sawmill, $15 an acre, part cash; another good show for tie mill. E. Turney, 819 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Marshall 4 85. ' SOUTHERN ALBERTA; FARM ?20 acres, all fine, level, rich farm land, 100 acres ready for crop, equipped, $32 per acre, $1200 ca-sh. Balance crop payment; one good crop should pay for it A wonderful op portunity. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermena bldg. 40 ACRES in Washington, near Am boy. . This is good and' cheap; returned soldier says Sac rifice; must have some money; wife In hospital. Rush. GILSON REALTY CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce. I FOR SALE 108 acres house, barn, soine cleared, springs, some fencing, nesr town snd on good road ; on account of family troubles will sell very cheap. 256 11th st Phone Marshal Zd81!. 40 ACRES of fine lsnd nesr Houlton, 26 miles from Portland, sbout half cultivated; bal. paa ture, fair buildings, orchard. Price $86o0. Take $1000 cash; big value. J. HAAS, 809 Chamber Commerce. i A SNAP, for sale, 40 acre farm in Woodland, Wash. 15 acres In cultivstion; rest esslly cleared, $500 down, balance easy terms. Call Broadway 580 after 8:30 p. m. ! FARM and. Irult lands for sale; price list snd1 free literature upon application. Rice A Coats, Myrtle Creek. Or. ! FOR SALE 30 acres cheap; terms to suit Owner, 24 6 l'age st. I FOR RF.yT FAR1WW 14 FARM for rent, 86 acres, 20 acres seeded to clover, good buildings, ' home orchard. Apply to owner. Wm. W. Davis, 8220 26th ave. 8. E., Portland. ABMH JV ANTE I) REiT ORB U Y 3 WANTED '-One to flve acres" on the Columbia blvd. or Sandy road, or chicken ranch within 15 miles of Portland, with poultry houses to hold 500 to 1000 chickens. Give price, terms and full particulars in first letter. W-412. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale, 640 acres ln Lake county 70 acres in cultivation and In crop, good well, 2 good houses, farm tools, some household goods, good road to place; this is a bargain; also we have other property simi lar to this in same county and other parts of the state. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg., John ston A McHardy. HOMESTEAD relinquishments for sale, one 120 and one 160 acre tract close to Portland, handy to railroad and wagon road, bandy to school, neighbors, town, msil route and saw mills. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. John ston A McHardy. . - TIMBER ti MILL FOR LEASE I have a 80 thousand capacity sawmill located on railroad, that I would lease for term of years and contract to furnish 'logs delivered in mill pond. U-893, Jonrnal. j j 60.000.000 FEET and op of first growth fir end cedar timber, near 8. P. R. R., down grade haul; idaal logging proposition ; mill site; this is good. I GILSON REALTY CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce. , TIMBER claim of 7000,000 feet, 1 mile from deen harbor and 4 sawmills for $3000. V.. A. Donebon, 447 Sherlock bldg. ; ; EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t highTgrade stock ranch 240 acres, 100 acres bottom land, in culti vation: subirrigated ; all tillable land; some very good timber. Potatoes net $125 per acre f this place. $6000 worth of high grade stock. This place is about 22 miles from Portland, in Washington county. Price $40,000. including stock, implement and crop. What have you as income property .with some cash to offer for this place? No Inflated values will be con sidered as this price is about $ 10,000 below actual value. Do not lose any time bat sub mit your offer. ' See Mr. Clark with . STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 802 Oak. 160ACRES in Harney county. $1600 cash, or trade for house in Portland, worth $2100. 106 A. near Mollala at $20 per, or trade for Portland property. j I 40 A. near Oregon City, $8800, or trade for 6 room house tn Portland. . ROOM 103 SHERLOCK BLDG. FOR SALE or would "consider trade! Good blacksmithing property, everything complete, gasoline pump and good place for garage; good place for a good man; too old for the job. State what yon have in first letter. W. F. Ma gi 11. Wmic.Or ' - . j ,, HAVE 12 room boose at Pullman. Wash., uit able for boarding or rooming house; will ex change for house in Portland or improved acre age. See Mr. Austin. 267 H Oak at. i - 38.32 ACRES Lincoln Co.. 16 miles from Newport, 3 miles from Alsea. hey, oa the Taquina-Waldport R. R.. 2 room house, acres cleared, for sale or trade. John Stone, Ona, Or. EQUITY 1b Oregon and Clarke Co.. Washington, lands for Seattle or Sound acreage, P-202, Journal. " . ' - EXCHANGE 6 room cottage well located. HZ Johns; want close in Portland residence. Pbona Columbia 2.' " 60x100 6 roomed, close in, for 7 or 8 roomed. Will assume or pay difference. N-408, Journal. FINE GROCERY tor rooming , bouse. U-808, Journal. ' ' 8 ROOM "hcraee. fine country home, for residence or good rooming house. Main 4897. UNIMPROVED acreage a payment on home, Wdln. 4685. ; It UNION AVE. Tw Kotwg and 6 room house, lot BOxlOOj corner lot VViU exoftange for good borne. Rent $100 per month. - i w... . -""WAKEFIELD FRIES. ! J L , 5 ': 4th St, ' - " fl'ss loanl on real e4at. 1iir'. odem bouse, vacant lot, farm .r ful "age; exchange considered for If... o V ."; save commission. -Owner after 2:80, Barney. 808 Stock Exchange. WAKTED REAL ESTATE 31 I ' I NEED CHEAP HOUSES That can be sold on easy terms. Send me your list of what you have. 1 have a big list f buyers with $100 np to $1000 to pay 2"-. ''"d our list now.. E. W. Hughes.' PJJ'JonalJbldg. Phone Main 2858. R 8 room merabungJTowrr"p3ed strei-O Kose City, Laurelhurst. Kuony.id. or Haw. tnorne; spot cash and quick deal for real. bar. gain; no commiasion. ' See HU1. 214 Lumber mens bldg. Bdwy. 421. ' , " DON'TWOHRI ' eell or trade anything anywhtra, Layman. 147 Park 8 L ' 1 WILL give 1918 Ford Beian, balance cash, for TB1,1?'.rn.'' or room house not over $2500. WVgli tMjwaukje.RF D l,box 2J7A. BtnT:B w,nU cm In lot $400 cash will buy. Wdln. 6760. WANT to buy. 4 or 6 rom house to move ou i m j2Lon5t side. W 414. Journal. ROOMING HOFSKS o.j BEAUTIFUL HOTEL ? - Ir'1 1no'!f n 55 T"nvi, elegant furnltur "d. ct"' iettsr hmt- on "omati can handle, rent $250; lease. r.ri-e $8000. Terms. , ROOM HOTEL one of the best commercial hotel in Port land modern brick bldg., in center of hunlne district, best of furnishings, lease.- $12,000 han dles same. ; -. ' . 22 ROOMS 22 ' i ."' i,,tl ?ri'"k' cl,r furnished, ) minutes from I. O. $2000 hsndles. v v, 75 ROOM9 75 In shipyards district, close to several factories, machine shop and foundry, rent $75 per month, well famished snd a snnp st $3600. APARTMENT HOIKE BARGAINS Swell apt- house of 78 rooms, 5 apt., new brick bldg., easy walking distance, fine class of tenants. ase with cheap rent price $6500. some terms. .HALF CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY . , "3 r.om. 28 apts.. rent $250. new brick? bldg., fine furniture and carpets, $3000 handles IB rooms, rent $40. price $1800. 9 rooms, rent $25, price $ 000. 8 rooms, rent $40, price $ 8o; 8 rooms, rent $15, price $ 850, .12 rooms, rent $50. price $1600. ; fl rooms, rent $30, price $ MOO.n -WATCH OL'R ADS WE GET RESULTS F. R I EH DON 1 RITTEH, IX1WE A CO. I 20X.K 7 t-J m TA- Tit... Rooming MniiSR flwnprs i ...... fy . V W W VIVfW Ifj you have a house for sale and price is- right I 'Will rnv vnit ..h f if .. -if ..... I w - . " ---- " mww . wnn want; yonr place and has not money ennusli 1 will pn up balance or cash your mortgage. Peters, of jponrse. 15 N. Sth st. Bdwy. 402. 10 Rooms, Rent $25" White ITempIe district. Clean and neVtf clears ovef $70 month, for $750; easy term. Also one same location for $895. Peters, 1ft tSl-J?tii'L'uJ1i"l,w'rou around in. IF YOU WANT A HOTEL ornrrmniTn hoiwi of any) sise we have them from $525 up; come ln and see us before buying elsewhere, ... ! J'SON REALTY CO. 4jSlnan4brMirt!fnrr-e. Main 6127j 22 Rooms, Renf$37.50 Clearing $185 month; close to Ladd school nice home.. Price $1750. Your own terrmu Peters. 1ft N. Bth st. WANTEDj, from owner, best close in room ing hoiise for $1000 or will assume some. N 998, Journals SNAP Iloorainirnno; 70 rooms, funC3ISdi best location; $14 00. D-824. Journal. RTTSITyESa QpronTFITIES IB GENERAL STORE, BLDoTaN DG KOUnTiS"" Stock of about-$3000, fixtures about $500; will sell at Invoice or will put in ground and bldg.; might take good borne In Portland. This la on good carline and hard surface road close to Portland, i Also have a good pool and billiard hall in city; price $1650. F. RIERDON, . RITTER, I .OWE A CO, 203 5-7 Board of Trad bldg. FOR SALE -Blark'mltB shop snd dwelling oei about 1 acre in Barlow. 80 .milee from Port land; heavy tool, with . shop. Kailror.d fare re funded to purchaser. Title ehwr, $800 casru N. W. Leadbetter. 1220 Taylor st. Hood Ulvsr. Or. j - . ' BICYCLE, gey, gun and general tinker shop:' one- man ;is making $6 average per day, ft hours a day; will gell, trade for hogs, cattle, franklin caf; will give terms: close to Port land; home land business is combined. K-807. Journal. ( . FOR SALE Money making garage on PacTfS highway at. Riddle, Or. Ground, building, atock and fixture. Only garage here. Repel shop hj connection. JDther business requires attention. Comequlck. C F. Iinils. I WANTTtlive partner with" $600; ehafieeTfi doable , in months. .; Investigate. E-60S. Journal. i t"0.,t SALE Sawmill; 'a splendid opportunity for 3 or live men with small capital. Big. low-Doans Lumber Co., Elk City, Otr SAif;5 pRTRADEfenera! mdw. store, posti b,ll-S nnr fore in town. Taboe 8181 bet. T a. m. and 7Jm.excrtHnridava. SIIOE shop, fully equipped with mschin"erysYii small stock of shoes for sale; have other hjisines. Itick. the shemaker. Lebanon. Or. A OOOD taring restaurant for sal; chears rent; good reasons for selling. N-403, Jour nal. Wfl irtaU in Liberty Market for rent Apply' at the market office. 6th and Yamhill ata. FOR SALE" mty c'fTetionerv - In "Crwri 3 1500. Price $1600. Call 246 Page t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i i WAWTFTl I 1 WANTED, CIGAR STOllE- . I hare a cash buyer for good cigar mt con fectionery and cigars. j . '. F. ! RIERDON, . RITTER, IIW'E A CO, I a0-5-7 Board of Trade bids'. MOTTEY -TO l,OAf TtrTAL FWTATE IT FOLIXWLVG amounts to loan at going rate of interest on improved real property : $3000 $2500 $2000 -$1500 $1250 ' ; . $1000 " $000 . $800 $700 $600 ' $500 . $400 $800 $200 HO DELAY -OTTO It HABKSON REALTY CO,, j4 18 Chamber of Copsmerce, 6UR installment plan s the Oest'sod stussl method of paying a loaa. $32.24 per month for $6 months, e $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 fur to months, pays $1000 loaa w interest. - . - . . iu ti i, , i. irnitmun, W loan oa improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE 8 A VINOS A LOAN ASSOCIATION; DLsr k pi. rnrunna, r. 880O. aeOD g&Od $760. $1000 and no. Liberal j repayment prlvt- TrT GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 632 Chamber of Commerce CASH paid for aaortgages and sellers' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. g. Noble. 816 Lnmbermens bldg. . $250. $350. f?00, $1 HO. $600 and lrg-( amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOtJ want money see ui:sniaveTt Me Kenzie A Co., since 1906. 615 Uerlingeg bldg. Phone Main 2X01. MONEY to loan in amount of $100 to $5009 on city property. , A. H. BELL, Room 10 11. MoTkey bldg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property! mosey advanced as work progrese. W. Oj Beck. 216 end 216 Fsillng bldg. Main 3407; MONET to loan on city properU s.t lowest zateaj Fred S. WiUis m. 92 1st at, SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. lili nsmoer or i ;ommvrce, tn ana Htanu 1(00 TO $9000 to loan on city or farm moik gage; no commisaion. P. O. Box 878. $200. $500T8T605, $2000, no eosa. City anX anouTban houses Ward, 407 Bpaldlng bhit. MORTGAGE loans ' 6 and 1. lxnuSakinua A Co., 408 Hailing bid a. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, HA LA HI EH 7 Salary '' LOANb CUlu,"! ! WE LOAN MONEY Ob short' notice to salaried or workrflgmen en their own Botes. Weekly, semi-weekly or reonthi payment. Each transaction strictly eonfid-ntiMj SO MORTGAGE NO IMKjka,... ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITX We also loan oa botuebold feruitara, pianos, etc. without rcmovaL CALL AND INVESTIOATTB OOLLMBIA DlrHXHTNT COMPANX , LI4KN8ED i ' . 218 Falling bldg. . t Continued on fallowing Pasl - KXCHANG K R ff A L ESTATE