THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 11, 1919. 16 1 M , :j u TOTAKCIAI. LIBERTY BONDS If yon most kII your liberty bonds. Mil to US. ' II you can mi 7 mora uDen; raw, wuy from n. W boy sad ws sell liberty bond t tb market. YOU CANNOT v DOBETTER, w YOU MAT DO WORSE We are today paying the following price for United Stats, smrnmrat Liberty loan bonds. which fa the Jiew Tor a market price, plus ac crued intercut, lee 76c for a $100 bond and Ice 93.0V lor SlOvv Bona. $1000 Bond 902.14 031.72 T931.05 053.81 047.43 Bond ! . 88.71 i . 92.07 ; 02. 0 . 94 S3 . 94.24 1st 4 2nd 4s . . 1st 44s 2nd 414i 3rd 4 14 93.89 4. 35 063.03 048.63 4th. 4 Has. SAFE DEPOSITS VAULTS i- MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc., The Premier Municipal Bond Horns. Established over 25 Tears 809 311 Stark St., Bet. 5th and 6th. n.i (Ground Floor) Phone Broadway 2151. " ' V. B. BOND DEALERS T We wsnt $2000 2d 4s, $5000 3d 4 Us and $10,000 4th 4 'as this week. Will pay highest market price. Wo buy and sell Liberty bonds, all -issues, also receipts. Checks mailed out of town sellers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY Established 1909. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington. LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought. Open till 7 :80. , DORCAS at DORCAS, 920 N. W. Bsnk bidg.. 0th snd Morrison, HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC. 18 TEN head of mares snd gelding, all good work ers and gentle; weighing from 1100 to 1500 lbs.; also a few sets of single and double work harness; a few farm wagons. Call at the Nation al Laundry stable. East Otb and Hawthorne. Phone East 3227.. . 40. bead good work borxes, 1300 to 1000 lbs? i! accept Liberty bunds full value: no canh re quired if you can give good security. Union Fuel Co., foot of Sherlock are. Broadway 3030. A-7856. , A FIRST-CLAMS team ot mares, 5 and 7 years old. weight 2100 Ihs., iat and in good healthy condition, well built, work everywhere; also a 5-year-old bay mar, weight 1100 lbs., new harness snd a good busgy. Will sell cheap. 20th and Powell st", jWood.'-tnck car. DANIY pair of matched bays, weight about 2400 lb.4. This team guaranteed gentle and true puller, single and double. Come arwi try them yourself. Call at 302 Knott. block eat of Union are. ' You will be shown them. ONE team of farm horses. ' 2600. 7 and 8 years old. with good set of ball top harness. Several . smaller teams; very cheap farm wagons, buggy; single and double harness. Multo Stable, , lttth and Jefferson. GOOD, true horse, weight about 1 100 lbZT harness snd wagon: replacing with auto truck; no dealer. Call at Snider' Wood & Coal Yard, 420 Hawthorne are. TEAM weighing 2200, sound and good workers, harness and wsgon, will be sold for a reason able figure. E. Otb. and Hawthorne. Hawthorne Stable. No. 4 20. 1100 LB. horse. $35; also 1400 lb. hcrse! sell cheap, or exchange. 251 Meade St., South Portland car. s A 6-year-old bay mare, weight 1100 lbs., har ness and buggy, for sale chenp or trade for potatoes or good cow. 602 E. 2Sth at. 8. HORSES, harness and wagons bought, sold or exchanged. Rigs for liire; transient taken care of. Multo Stable. 16th and Jefferson. TEN head of horses will be sold -for feed bill. PHIL 8UETTER. 285 Front at. TEAM bay mares, full sisters, 2600 lbs., with good harness and farm wagon, $195-. Marshall 4055. 2100 LB. team, blocky and fat, with harness and light farm wagon, $100. Phone Mar shall 4055. 2550 LB! team, fat and blocky built, with heavy harness, $175. 253 Meade st, 8outh Portland car. A GOODT350 lb. hore. sound and true. Call 664 Water st. Marshall 9106. VQR TRADE Good 3-inch wagon for heavier one. J. H. Bradbury, 9101 Foster road. WILL trade a 1917 Ford for cattle or horseai 806 Powell st- Woodxtock car. DEAD borsea and animals hauled away free. OaJJ Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Qq il0 TAKES farm team and harness. S80 Front st. Trial allowed. $90 TAKES 1100 lb. horse, harness and Trial allowed. agoh. 880 Front st. HOUSE and wagon. 81.60 day; 2 homes and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front. Main 2208 bT& team and harness, sale cheap. Wood yard, 4th and Clay sts. MARE. 1050 lbs., sound end true. 8 years old. with harnea and spring wagon. 315 4th st. LIVESTOCK 8 FOR SALE Registered Holstein-Friesian dairy cows; best blood lines of the breed. Six cows. T heifers and herd bull. Cows giving 60 to 80 lbs. milk daily, testing from 8.2 to 4 . Good deal to party taking all Weaver Bras., Monroe, Or.. R. No. 1. SIX extra good fresh cows, 3 4 to 5 gallons a day, rich milk, sell or trade for beef cows. Price $65 and up, 1100 Macadam at.. South Portland car to end of line. 3 blocks south to Richardion ave., 1 block east to pasture. 6 MILCH goats. 1 giving niUkTlairbred, 1 fresh soon, also a fine Saanen buck 14 months' old. Will sell cheap or exchange for Ford, cattle or horses. South Portland car to Meade St., 2 blocks west. No. 251. . HAVE 2 fine grade Holatein cows with their second calves; milking. 5 and 6 gallons a day. Don't call unless looking for the very best. Woodstock car to 34th St., 4 blocks south to 1040 Schiller st. TWO fresh Jersey family cows, with calves, rich milkers; also a. (iuernsey 6 gal. cow coming fresh in few iTkys. 20th and Powell Valley road. Woodatock car. TEN head of large young cows, some fresh. with calves, heavy milkers, also 2 Ouernseys milking from 4 H to 5 gal. a dy. Bargain if taken at once. 806 Powell st. Woodstock car. IF it is a good family cow that you want, gentle, good catured. good rich milk. 3 to 3 V gals, per day, call Tabor 5132. Ask for Mr. Earl. Z FRESH cows. $60 each; also 2 Holsteins. 1 Ouemsey giving over 4 gals, each, and 5 heavy springers. E. Tth and Flanders. TWO FRESH Jerseys, with calves; also nice Guernsey, giving 5 gal. a day. coming fresh in few days. 662 E. 28th st. 8. W-S car. JERSEY cow, 4 H gallons, jus!" fresh. Mrs. B, C. Morse, 1157 64th ave., cor. 30th st. Phone Seilwood 875. JUST arrived! 5 head fresh dairy cows. aI5 breeds; also 3 large Holteins, coming fresh. Montarilla ear to 22d. 751 E. Ash. 12 FRESH cows, 4 to-6 gallons, sellor trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Co himbia blvd. station, go 1 Mock north. FOR SALE, cheap, good Jersey! family cow. Phone Woodlawn 2 5 HQ.. I FOR SALE Good family cow, just fresh; leav- ing city. Phone D-1458. . WANTED Good Jersey cow, fresh, not over 5 year old. John Ledford. 696 Harvard st. YOi'NG cow,- just fresh. Tub. tested. Woodyara, 4th and Clay st. VOPITRY. PIOEOIVS. PET STOCK 37 MAKE your rabbit keep you. Jaiu the asso ciation and register your rabbits. W-e guar antee the market. Oregon-Washington Rabbit Breeders' association. 802 H Yamhill st. rirv nni'.ta Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas. ( No eggs r grown birds.) Prices reasonable. C. N. Xeed- . 1 X) . . O C 1 ... FOR SALE White Leghorn setting eggs $1.50 for IS. Tancred strain. 6418 82d it 8 E Tabor 2680. j BARRED Rock eggs, incubator sets specialty. Mrs. Evans, 365 Lombard, corner Union. Woodlawn 1656. j BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR SALE Hoganized White Leghorns from 200 egg lay ers and up. Phone Tabor 4422.1 .FOR SALE Fine buttercup rooster and pul f Jet, thoroughbred stock. Poucber. 814 Stock xjenange. t-ortianq. nroanway ss. FINE incubator for sale, eastern make, in per- recE cwmmon. eo. oroanway ioatf. FOR SALE Laying bens and j pullets 81.50; sea. i e-a sr. o. rj - ELEGANT Brown Leghorn cockerels for sale -- 32.60. 787 Oregon mt. PARTRIiiGK WYANDOTTE cockerels, each. Jackson, 407 Ainsworth ave. BABY norn, jua egg .ayers ana up. riapor t42 INCUBATORS cheap. Reliable j Furniture Co. ; . sua so. WHITE LEGHORN cockerel fo Phone Seilwood 15S0J j sal or trade. THOMPSON'S Ringlet h.-hing egg. Tabo' 4658. .THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock batching eggs, 100 special pnee. Tabor 6559, SETTING ben for sale.! Seilwood 110. rOFLTltT. PIPE Q:fS. PET STOCK tl WHITE Leghorns are tbe meet profitable breed of poultry. U yon are In the puna for profit yon win eventually have them- . Early broilers; early layers: early PROFITS. We sell only WHITE LEGHORN BABX CHIX from heavy laying HOGANIZED hens. Safe delivery of full count hve chix guaranteed Price per IOO: February. $16.O0j March, $14.00; April. $12.80. , Tbe Pioneer . Hatchery. 408 Six ta treat. Petaluma, . Cahfornl. ; HAMLETS BARRED ROCKS, last Portland show, 1st cock, lst 2d. 3d cockerel. 2d pen. 3d ben; previous show entered 17 and 14 were winners. Oregon State fair. 1918, 1st cockerel. 1st. 24 pallet; 1917, 1st cock.! 1st. 3d pullet, 3d cockerel. Mating cockerel bred only . strictly show, no cheap utility. Eggs, $1.50 'each; 16 for $20. Hamlet. 6657i 82d st. Phone Tabor 4883. I MEADE DARE VELVET REDS Are bred from the leading strain of America. February and March is the time to get your chicks hatched for your early winter layers. My stock is very carefully mated to produce layers as well as exhibition birds. Prices most reason able. Phone Tabor 8368. Write W. H. Meade, 8028 101st st. B. E., Portlandt Qr. . FOR SALE tfM 240 egg Cyphers incubator. 825; 1 6 OSS' egg Buckeye. I 850; 2 Buckeye coal burning brooder stoves. ! capacity 600 to 1000 each; price $8 each, 2 for 315; are in good condition. Jenks Poultry Farms. Tangent. Oregon. i POOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 WANTED Field Cocker spaniel birddog, young dog or pup; latter preferred; color black. 934 W. 6th St., Albany, Or. j TRADE bull terrier pup and .rabbits with litter for chickens (young ones)!. Phone Wood lawn 2727. i THOMPSON'8 bird store buys and sells guar anteed birds. Call or eddreae 957 Missis slppi eve. CHOICE CANARIES at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singers euaranteed. lit SI V 58h N" C-2217. CHOICE singers. also females. (317 Dekum are. 1 FOR SALE or trade 2 pups. Will be dandy irm uuga. cast OOS. ! APTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 1916 BRISCOE Good condition. Tire O. K . aelfstarter and latest equipment. 8500 takes it. "J.k. ' itr tn. uroaaway i!4i2. OAKLAND sensible six roadster, can't be told i. ti. k 7 ' J lMn 4"V0 miles. This. IS the heat nurtit. K,,u r .... . . . IIUJ iii 1 j :r , ( 1 1 y ior a tieeCilySur;dhe"minUtS C"; lo"S- A-l AUTO WORKS Sc. PAINTINO CO. 525 Alder 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX Car in fir , loiiuiiion ana appearance; three cor. tires, one fabric; wil) sell on payment. Mam 780. Srt . I 12 117 MAXWELL .Sewiy repainted, fine mechanical shape 5 SOOO T.irPK 11 . u-ill ..... i . . - " uinc 11 jo-mi price ana easy terms on this. See White. '""a.tii jkitok CAK COMPANY 10th and Bumide sts. urosqway 021 1BJ!5MMA'ErJ' ,t'"'1'ita n"w ht the tinPB I hi. .All- 1. a . . ri' 1 l,.y wr jiubu. our price is away below this. We offer it at a 7 , r le r ior yourself, ussy terms and bonds at a bonus. ' swu uukkh & PAINTING CO S2"' Alder St. 1918 I IRFRTY Perfect condition mrd ! i . j , . V corn, 1 tils is no repaint job. See "Jaker' 523 Alder at. 1017 .MAXWELL, 5 -passenger, like new in erery way: extra tire .h ... 1 ... extras A bargain. Long terms. Liberty bonds taken at bonus. J A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO . 523 Alder St- SNAP BUYS Abbott-Detroit Jackson, 4 pass Ituirk, 5 pass Overland, 5 pass AUTO SALES CO . 9TH 2i5 275 3.85 475 ND COUCH. f AHFD Mfg. and Repairs 30OO guaranteed springs is Mock; prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st. tfTITtrk ATTTn TP A Wtwti DWIIL, rP? c?b ,nd new Victrola Brunswick. Grafonola or Edison phonograph f-d ViZJ"' '0rt TlkUig Machine , . - - ' - t,i,Unij paiiseneer mechanically first class, tire Q. K., light and economical; price $50o k v.- W'ABREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N.23dst. J MliQ 780 WILL sell my 1-ton Ford truck, almost "new j6 Je.n be Weciated: have good established business and office; will sacrifice if k"cA ?nce- Cl"1 S"ce Trajufe" Co., 180 1st, cor. Yamhill. pansier i .1 j i . f f. rf . r I M. n.i.n.i . 1U ITOWnTHEthf BARGAINS ACTLESrJ,.,, "Sent "tff SSSTgS "VTyK"". Btanng, Wr,ee. Aaltt lKi rell their good "p.rtr.'t half V DavSodea Co.. Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 1 j?5? DUBRUILLB UirroTOs XJ survuo. k -r, Ni9 OlVri mt rt. k .... BA RGAIN in a 1917 Saxon 6. Buna and looks like new. Just overhauled. Call Ta bor 630. STI DEHAKKK -O lilit tuurmg, good condi tion. $223. Mut sell at onoje. Sell. 2255 64 2 Milwa-tikie St. 1 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX AUTO SALES CO. OTH ANI COUCH. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. CALL EAST 1962. 1019 .CHEVROLET touring cart$630if sold this week. Call E. 8174 between 7 and 8 p m. 1015 STUDEBAKER. 4 cyL. 5 passenger, A-'l condition, cash or teirns to right party good family car. Mill St. Oarage, 366 H 2d' st. 1018 FORD touring in good condition looks like new, $4 60: terms. N-404 Journal. AUTO tops, celluloid in curtains, repairing" Roasiter Brp!., Union ajeat Pine. East 364. WANTED To trade for goodTauto7 1 6acres good fruit land. Phone Seilwood 726. $300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touruu ear. A-l condition. Call Tabor 680. GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON, OILS ANQ " . rami W.. 100 lat. MUST sell my nearly new 1918 MaxweU tourlna" ear. A-l shape. M-867. Jainml WILL sell uiy 1817 MaxweU cueap. X-&13. iumu. FOR ALE 2 n7 30x3, tires, less than wholesale. Phone East 1375; y' fJ-J 'or used cars. Dealers' Used r!ar l.lnrm Hmi-. Grand ave. and K. Stark NEARLY new Ford roadster body at a bar gain. Phone Woodlawn 2860 HCiI-rrrf1'"er' 15: Liberty bonds or cash. . inn unu. . rtenron car, FORO delivery body, steel tonneau, very cheap. FIV,E Pssenger Buick, in fine condition, $250. m atuui v O O . $450 DOWN BUYS 118 CH A LM E RS SEE TOURING CAR, A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 106" BRINGING UP FATHER 1 MINUTE - DO "fOU HEAR ME ? Si l , J hr : , t t t I i . L-aJ i-i . '. . . . . . " . . - , .i . . ' T-i 1" ' . !i . . ; , AUTOMOBILES -ACCESSORIES 44 WHY WASTE YOU R JIME LOOKING ALL OVER TOWN FOR A USED CAR? TO rami AND YOO WILL FIND 6&-CARS 60 ALL UNDER ONE HOOF THE BIG BUSY doRNER BROADWAY AND BUB NSIDE OREGON MOTOR bAR CO, Studebaker Distr AND butors THE PORTLAND UStgD CAR STORE FORDS FORDS FORDS Headquarters for New and Used. Ford Cars and 1-Ton Trucks.. . 4 1918 Touring! 1 1917 Touring! 2 1'916 Touring! 2 1915 Touring! 1 1914 Tourinc! 1 1913 Touring! 1 1915 Roadstci 7-paasenger Cadillac, like neW. Saxon roadster, a dandy. 1 Both of these cars have electtic starting and lighting systems. If in the market for a car.! see us before you buy. i Talbot & Casey Inc Grand Ave. and Ankeny St. Closed all day Sunday. DEARBORN UNIVERSAL TRUCK ! Attachment convert any make of ear Into an efficient 1 or 2 ton track at 40 per cent f cost of new truck. See u before buying. FOB SALE NOW A new 2-ton attachment on Cadillac engine, 81060. i CUTLER MfG. CO. Phcne East 832. SSI ' East Tenth Street. Portland, Oregon GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES v, WOOD SHEDS 1 Portable ' or ready cut. See sample at 644 Hood st. Main 11167. Millmade Construction Co. TRADE Bring in your old cars and we j will be glad to make you a liberal allowance on any used car in the bouse. "Jake." 523 Allder. Phone Broadway 24 92. j NEW TIRES I I What brand of new tires do yon pre f erf We have tbem. all makes and sizes Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-335 Burnside. near Broad way. A LIGHT CAR, 1914 Overland touring, self starter, good tire. This car has just been overhauled; easy tenms, 837 5 takes it. "Jake."" 523 Alder. Broadway 2492. 2 FORDS, 1917- model. 2 Chevroletts.-- 1918 model . 1 ton Republic truck, cheap; rash c terms. 1 Overland car. in good shape, running. 8200, 1 ChevroWt delivery body, seat and cushions, for a bug. ! 235 Second st. corner of Main. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change 129 Lownsdale at 16th and Washing, ton Broadway atittw. Stock USED CARS I "right COVEY MOTOR CAR jO. girt and Washington sts. Main 6244. HUPMOHII.E. PASSENGER . Fine shape. Cords on rear. New iabric on New r.2!i . fror.t. WHITE, Rrnadway AUTO TIRES We save you monejr on new and used tiras; vulcanizing and retrekding. Vulcan T ire shop, 41 Grand are. Phone. East 4896. 1918 FORD, shock absorbers, nnjs, extra tire, storage battery and other extras. $525. Call Tabor 630; terms. j BUICK LIGHT SI AUTO SALES CO . OTH AND COUCH. 1916 FORD roadster, with enclosed delivery body on the rear, in first chiss condition. Phone East 5552. j - 3175 1910 Chalmers drop frame, low modeL j Will rrfake good bug. East 7,734. 664 Vs Union ave. north. I MAXWELL ROADSTER AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AX ) COUCH. ! HUDSON Super-Six roadster, special body; goqrl ! tires and A-l shape. Call East! 962. ! NEW Ford touring body, just from the factory. r-ou., journal. BARGAIN Ford touring, dand shape. wife sick. Give phone. E-204. Journal. FOR SALE Chevrolet. Phone Tabor 6335 YOU -BUT I " INTEND TO ' TH ATt VHY END DINTY ? ON rr i - - wiii I itiwrv l . v j , - n i a . I i . . II ' ' - y $ I V TH E PHONE- AUTOMOBILESACCESSORIES a- tauc imra USEE Ml OUR POLICY IS DIFFERENT. OUR PRICE8 ARE LOWER 1917 Hup., cord tires, repainted $1250 1917 Grant Six. .repainted an attractive color 3 800 1915 Hup., cord tire $ 650 1918 Chevrolet $ 825 1918 Oakland Six $ 950 1916 Saxon Six. select your own color; we will repaint $ 625 1916 Overland, model 83. repainted.. ..$ 575 1916 Overland, model 75, small car. 31 by 4 tire .. . r $ 450 1916 Ford $ 350 Any of These Will Make a Good Buy 1913 Overland, in first class mechanics) shape $ 300 1913 Reo, run good ". $ 250 1914 Maxwell 1912 Hup. .. .$ 350 .$ 200 Trucks Overland, light delivery Ford, light delivery .. . 2 ton truck . .$ 700 .$ 400 .$1250 .$ 900 1 ton Maxwell Terms to Suit MANLEY AUTO CO,, 11th at Burnside Broadway 217 WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT AND YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. 1918 Dodge. 5-passenger, like new, extra equipment, only $1050 1918 Ford, 6-passenger sedan, electric starter and lights 875 1918 Overland 6-paasenger. model 90... 850 1016 Overlaid 6-pasenger. model 83... 650 1917 Overland. 3-passenger, model 85... 776 1918 Mitchell. 5-passenger, 6-cylinder. . 1050 1918 Mitchell, 7-passenger, 6-cylinder.. 1250 1917 Chandler, 7-passenger, tt-cylihder. . 1350 A number of others to select from. USED CAR DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East First and Morrison Sts. Phones: East 7272, B-1216. YOU ARE THE LOSER IF YOU DON'T ' LOOK THESE OVER. MODEL 90 OVERLAND Some buy; see iu HUDSON SLX-4 0 Priced low o it will go. See it. STUDEBAKER SIX. Good shape; $500; see it. MODEL S3 OVERLAND, A-l condition; $500; see it Besides these we Uave a BUICK Sli GRANT SIX SAXON SIX CHALMERS SLX HNDSON SUPER DORT CHUMMY MAXWELLS and FORDS. All at the right prices. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. USED CAR EXCHANGE 52 7 Washington St. Where Wash, and Burnside Meet. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING PROMPT SERVICE, EXPERIENCED MECHANICS- GIVE DS A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO.. CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR, MAIN 117. HUDSON Come in and make me an offer on a 6-40 Hudson, jU'-t overhauled. "Jake," Broadway 2402. 523 Alder st SIGHT cyl. Apperson, one of the latest models! Thi car is in the hest of mechanical Lon dition and fine in spjiearance. This model Apperson sold for $3200. Our price is less Uian half and you will make long, easy terms. Liberty bonds at a bonus. A-l AUTO WORK.S & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. 1917 MAXWELL New tires, good condition, new paint. This is a nifty car; easy terms. 523 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. "Jake." 1 CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTOMO BILE. CALL TABOR 630 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX Model D 45. 5-pass.; perfect condition: just like new, $1100, $500 cash, balance 360 per month. Tabor 4171. 495 E. 61st N. 1917 OVERLAND, 4-cyllnder, 6-passenger, me chanically first class, tires O. K. light and economical; price $500. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co.. 58 N. 23d st. Main 780. , TRUCK CONTRACT WANTED For 1 -2 or Heavier New Trucks. WHITE. Broadway 521. FORD touring, almost new, perfect condition, all new tires, Haasler shock absorbers, speedo meter, dash light, worth $550: price $465. Phone Woodlawn 4494 after tt p. m. DODGE TOURING. 1917. TWO OF THEM LIKE NEW. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. WILL sacrifice $200 on new Ford Kissel car for quick sale; driven 300 miles. Leaving for Honolulu. 496 E. 14th st. N. USED CARS. THE STREET IS FULL OF THEM. FIFTY MORE INSIDE. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH STS DO YOU WANT A SQUARE DEAL? THAT'S WHAT WE GIVE. AUTO KALES CO., OTH AND COUCH. $30O DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUR ING CARj REPAINTED. A-l CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630. 1917 REPUBLIC. 1 ton truck, in first class condition. Can be had at a bargain. Woodlawn 1427. LIT US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION AUTO SALKS CO.. OTH AND COUCH STS TRUCK contract wanted for 1-2 or heavier new trucks. White. Bdwy. 521. (Copyright. 1919. International ILL. eE R.HTi THERE -MAtE: Uill AUTOKMIES TERMS EI AtTTOMOBI LE8 ACCESSORIES 44 PORDS i FORDS FORDS ; X THIS MONTH MARKS TUK LOW WATER MARK IN ' THE PRICK OP LSED FORDS 118 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadstet. 1917 Ford towing. 1918 Ford towing. 1917 Ford tonrins. 1917 Ford roadstet. 1916 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1914 Ford touring. i ,1917 Ford delivery. 1916 Ford delivery. Don't fall to aee these ears before yo boy. Some of tbem are practically new. Lot of extra equipment. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAB CO.. East 3770. E. 13th and Hawthorn ave. APPERSON Good tires, aelfstarter. perfect condition. $408 takes it. Terms. "Jake." 523 Alder. Phone Broadway 2492. 1917 DODGE touring, cord tires; snap buy. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. AUTOMOBILES WANTED WILL PAY spot cash for late model lightweight cars, any make. Bring your car here and get the cash. No wafting. A-l Auto Work it Punting Co.. 525 Alder st LATE model Ford, Maxwell or Chevrolet touring car as first payment on a 5 room house, lOOx 100 lot, bearing fruit trees, berries, full base ment, close to carline. Mt. Tabor. K-805. Journal." D? successful bidder at government track sale cannot handle 2 to 3 4 -ton truck, give exhibit number, bid and write P. O. box 115. Nampa. Idaho; before February 19 as I live out of town and only here until above date. , y WILL PAY spot cash for good Ford, any year, but must be in good condition. No dealer. 525 Alder. A-l Auto Paint Co. WILL trade corner lot in Overlook addition for automobile; only vacant lot in block of fine residences; Dodge preferred, but what have your W-409. Journat LET me repair your machine, either in your gar age or in mine; private service car, day or night; MaxweU work a specialty. 757 Division st. Seilwood 8T55. WANT a good Ford touring for $250 equity in irrigated fruit land and cash. P-201. Jour nal AUTO wanted. 2 to 3 H -ton truck. State condi tion; size, make, cash price. P. O. box 115. Nampa, Idaho. 7-PASSENGER car or 2 to 4-ton truck for equity close-in Clarke Co. land. P-604, JournaL HIGHEST price paid for automobiles, condl tJon no object 121 N. 8d t- Bdwy. 8628 AUTOS FOR HIRE 89 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New model ears reasonable rate. "TEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGE" 86 10th st. ner BUffc. Broadway 840 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIKE COUCHMAN SULLIVAN. Mar. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-12R6 FORD, competent driver, go anywhere. A. H. Winter. Tat-or 1028. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES $5 I HAVE a few good twins. Will take single as payment or 825 down and ride them away. F.asy terms. I am not a dealer. K-802. Journal. FOR SALE 1918 Cleveland motor. lOOi E 24th st. N. SINGLE belt drive Harley. $40; ride home. Tabor 7828. $50 1912 7 H. .P. INDIAN. 664 H Union ave. N. East 7734. LAUNCHES A?TD BOATS 84 FOR SALE Good trolling or cruiser engine. Clutch, propellor and magneto. Cheap if taken at once. Jacobson, 1604 Fiske. NEW beached houseboat, 3 rooms and kitchen ette; also a canoe; -$175 cash or Liberty bonds. Marshall 1736. NEAT 3-room furnished houseboat, bargain for casn. Alien, loot oi Vermont, across tracks. 3 ROOM houseboat and rowboat. $200. Inquire i i an ierpy st-, Kenton. PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 SECURITY SORAGE CO CLEARANCE SALE All i t X 1 PH Hajari nianne a n4 rwm via Parlor organs for 825. 335 and.. 8350 Estey & Camp, large upright 8375 Bradford, small upright... 8875 Lyon & Healy. many, upright $ 88 cash 110 ea-b 160 cash 165 cash ISO rash vou oranaara. large upright. . . 450 Singer, walnut, uprighr. 215 cash 8425 RMrtfnnf l nn-t-v. O O H 3450 Thompson mahogany, upright.. 265 cash 8460 Schilling & Sons. waL. upright 265 cash 8450 new stored upright pianos.... 290 cash 8625 1918 model Steger upright.... 895 cash $660 1918 model player piano 395 cash $750 1919 model player piano 436 cash Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage 50c monthly. Phone Main 6323. 109 4th St.. at Washington U Q TOuNl L, WED0IQE1. Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 2d.near Alder, upstairs RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS Have you heard the "bes' records of the new est music"? It is a pleasure to play them for you. THE RECORD SHOP. 189 Broadway. Heilig Theatre bldg. 895 TO $350 saved buying pianos during fc tory clearance sale: terms or cash, (15 or s2o cash; 86, 88. 810 or more month. See our display advertisement or call at Schwa n Piano Co., Ill Fourth st- at Wash. sL PIANO WANTED See us bet ore selling your used piano; we pay a good cash price. Seiberling & Luca Music Co. 125 4th st. Main 8586. HEAR "SMILES" fox trot, on PATHE REC ORD. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington St. BE SURE to hear "HINDUSTAN" fox trot! PATHE RECORD. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington St. JUST received large shipment of PATHE REC ORDS; full line of dance records. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington St. "I'M Sorry I Made You Cry,"-PATHE RECORD WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington St. WANTED 88-note player piano irj first-clas condition, in exchange for desirable lot in Terrace Park. Main 2841. UPRIGHT Steinway piano, $300. Call morn ings, 1009 Garfield ave., or phone Wood lawn 1085. . PLAYER piano, cost $900. used 3 months -must sell; private party. Seilwood 3750 after 6:30. TRADE your old piano or organ for a new pho nograph ; liberal allowances made. Seiberling & Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8586. WILL SELL 35-doIlar alightly" usedguitar for $15. Call after 6 p. m., 409 Vt E. Burnside st st. WE pay cash for used pianos and band Instni ments. Sieberling-Lncas Music Co., 125 4th. PIANO wanted; 'pay cash; must be bargain; private. Marshall 1517. PIANO TUNING and Repairing. Main 6157. O. W. MOFFETT. 163 W. Park t. PIAM5 8150 takes this good piano! Seiber ling tc Lucas Mnsic Co., 125 4th st. WANTED Good square piano, good make: pay cash. N-673, JournaL New Scrvteel "WELL YOU UP-AREN'T PIA50R. OROA7C8. MUSICAL ' IN8TRVMKNT8 - S4 Cash Paid tor Used PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS rolkk brae and string Instruments. c4ano and organ. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 1st St.. near Aider. Main 4495. Tabor 0798. LIBERTY BONDS WANTED We allow you par on yor Liberty bonds to wards pa re has of .Victrola. -Edison. Brunswick or Grafonola. We refund difference in cash. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. TYPEWRITERS 7 GUARANTEED taatory rebuilt typewriter., "ail make. aold on monthly payment, i Send tor price Hat. Tbe Wholesale Typewriter Cow. r tall dept.. 321 Washington at AX.! make) ol typewriter rented, repaired and old on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type wrRer Co.. 84 Btn st TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired. excbangtoT Typewriter eupprlea. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Braedw'v. HOUSEHOID GOODS FOR SALE $3 Furniture Brokerage Madison at. 1 5 assortment of gaa range, high oven and side oven. 88.50 up: 1 combination range: 10 assorted cook stoves. $7.50 Up; 16 assorted steel ranee. $12.60 up; 60 assorted beaters, $1.60 np; iron beds. $1.85: springs, $1.75; mattresses. $2.75; dressers, $6.75: din. tables. $5.60; chairs. 85c; rocker. $1.50; library tables. $7.75; K. treasure. $3.90; concbea. $3.75. Good as new. All marked with big yel liow tag. OWL FURNITURE CO. eELLS FOR LESS Iron bed $1.75 and up Springe 1.0O and np Mattresses 1.50 and np Dresaera 7.60 and up Chairs . . . w 75 and np Dining table 3.00 and up Center tables .75 and up Cook stoves 9.0O Rocker . 1.60 OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st st. BODY BRUSSELS RUG. oakdining table, 2 oak rockers, 3 ladders, tent, girl's bicycle, shot gun. fiahing rod, many small household articles. Cheap. Leaving city. 232 E. 4 7th t. ' BRUNSWICK owner play Pathe records. No needles to change. Full line of records at WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY. - 427 Washington Street. "I'M GLAD I CAN-MAKE-TOO CRY75 Pathe Record WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY. 427 Washington Street. - DRESSER, oak rocker, arm chair, baby high chair, push cart,, center table, kitchen table, garden tools, Morris chair. No dealers. East 6046. FURNITURE packing and repairing, odd pieces for sale. East 6046. FOR SALE Furniture: some rabbits. 35c 207 Gibbs St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 STOCKYARDS MANURE Bids for manure other than carloads will be received until March 1 on all manure at the Portland Union Stockyards with jiew of con tracting year's output- For terms see mana ger Portland Union Stockyards Co., North Port land, Or. SCRAP WOOD $1 per wagon load. ( $2 per truck load See superintendent. Portland Union Stock Yards Co., North Portland, Or.1 ID f,lJ SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 Sd st. near YamhilL Main 1845. A-1S1S. FIRE and burglar proof safes bought, sold, ex changed. I.oek expert work and : repairing. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and horse manure,! big scav enger wagon load delivered. East 688. AU'iCMOBlLjka. alUlOKCXCLKa. LAUNCHES 1 or boats are separata classification, i A large Bating can be found under the acta rent claaai ficationa i FOR 8ALE Physician' operating chair, glass table, glass instrument cabinet, bookcase and writing desk combined, rolltop desk and instru ments cheap. Call at U1 Clinton sr. BAGGAGE stored 5 day free; delivery, 25 blocks, 60c ground floor; general delivering. For best service call Pacific Coast Transfer tt Mail 4 7 ft ft 1 t EAT HOftSE MEAT BcTls for less than naif tbe price ! of other rMt p.iwei thorough Inspection. 140 1 mt t. CUT FREIGHT RATES i on bonsehold goods shipped east and south. Man ning Warehouse Ac Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 703. A-1793 Uul' water tanka, all size. In good, serviceable condition. 80 gal. 87, 40 gL 89. 201 Adams St. Est end Steel bridge. Phone g. Hftlg HIGHEST prices paid for diamond. wakehee Usiasr and jewelry, rtepamng a specialty. iMuin Co.. 440 H Washington at. FuR SALE Fertiliser from Union Mtock yard, for lawne and garden: prompt service. Pnon Taoor dovu evearaa. CORNER lavatory, electric reading lamp, photo graph headgrounds. Blick typewriter cheap. 267 Holladay. . I PRINTING FOR LESS 500 anvelopea or 500 bond letterheads, $2.76; best work;1 prompt delivery: try ns. Smith. Printers. 204 Stark at SOFT annas, iruir. ana cigar stand, i xii or trade; snap for quick sale. 203 Third U Graham. Marshall 260. j SMALL STEEL safe! range, gaa plate, long buggy, single harness, cheap for. cash. First nouse v? iciiiu Dutuuii, uiraiwui nr. PATHE OWNERS' full line of Pathe Records. WAKEF1SLV MUB1U CO.. 427 Washington Street. IVER JOHNSON single barrel slirHguni, house tent, eirl's bicycle with coaster brake. !3- c. i to. FOR SALE tt floor cases, 1 wardrobe case; will sacrifice. 1 tailor's Singer machines. Call meat market, 1st and Market I EARLY ROSE seed potatoes, extra fine. A. Kappeler, Columbia blvd. and E. 57th st.. Dox 4u, it. J, i-omanu. FOR SALE Combination high chair sod rock er, one Wicker rocker, one tricycle. 5909 39th ave. S. E. Tabor 524 8. ADJUSTABLE porch chair, swings on steel frame. Tabor 5564. FIVE good sewing machines $4 each, lib Grand ave., near Alder. I " POTATOES, smooth high land Burbanks de livered. Phone East 3846. 1 8 FOOT GLASS SHOWCASE, cost $125 new will take $50. 255 Washington st. - I ter. FOR SALE. Universal cost or wood heater larir. . 1 . . ( V. - 1 JC , . , - . . aire. 1'i.iMi.ii mn. joo azaaison. SAFESbne - large and one-TmaIlfnj perfect condition. E-787. Journal. 1 yricew. 46 Front. Broadway i960.' PLUMBING supplies, wholesale price. Davis Co., 212 3d at. Main 797. I Stars. VACUUM cleaner sold! repaired, rented ixT changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8583. UNCALLED for tailor made suite. 3 lie. Aw aa lay lor in l auor. zbwh nurnslde at CHOICE potatoes $1.75 sack delivered. Call Broadway 464. evenings Seilwood 2839. DAYTON computing counter scale, weighs up to 1 00 lbs. Write 4 24 Wygant st, Portland. SAFE, 6 ft. high, with steel chest, bargain. 264 Front. i t STOVES .Plumbing parts and repai: 31 and installed. Kast 287. FOR SALE Buffet and electric lamp. East 6375. 288 E. 1st N. FIVE SUITS. 1 overcoat, size 40 and condition. East 7737. 44. Good A BABY buggy for sale, very cheap. Market. 1117 E. GENUINE Navajo rug for sale. 385 San Itafael st CHOICE" highland potatoes from grower. r. $1.75 sack delivered. Marshall 1874. ARE "YOO- ANO IN ra! AND YOU'LL H! BL; W NOT ET BACK I If lr -! I. INI THAT OtiNA. I :,' : iw'V f OH: P ' ONLf . V ' j "5 Xe-fM V"N. HAO THE riCRVElf ' I M: A YZwi TO OO WHAT CCx ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 DON'T - be deceived by oxidise or rubber bonder, asmoa claimln tn naa rubber In roof repairing shows hi ignorance. Tbe only ma terial known to chemical acta no that baa given absolute satisfaction to boom ropfer and roof mfga. is P ratine products. Don't be deceived by catch-penny specialties. Have your roofing done by expert In their line that can 'give the best reference. We make, sell snd apply the best roofing materials in the world. All work done cheaply. American Parafine Product Co., ahop 384 E. Washington, i Phone East 6764. SEWING macluaeav new snd sec ond band, aold for least agent employed. Complete . One of parts for all make machine, re paired snd rented. Main 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Sd near Taylor s. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented snd isiwtted. Walker ElectrVe Work a. 418 Bom side corner 10th. Broadway 8874. FOR SALE Good sewing machine, bicycle, fruit Jars, canned fruit, oil cook stove. Perfection oil heater. 5 and lO'-gaL jars, new horse culti vator, new Planet Junior cultivator, com and potato planters, 30 gsL (praying outfit. Tabor JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER WADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND 3D WHY be tormented by a leaky roof? We Rub ber Bond, repair and renew all kind of leaky roofs; reliable and permanent process; under a 10 year guarantee. A revolution in roofing. f none Marshall 4291. SEED OATS AND SUDAN GRASS 25 tons California Red oats, 2 cent pound; 4 tons dry land Sudan grass, 12 cents pound. Both heavy yielders. S. D. Herbert, box 932, Stockton, CaL CIA nC T-N drophead sewing machine with V I UiUU attachments, all are -tn very good condition. Sewing machine rented at $8 per month. Phone East 2859. or B 3307. K. SL Bteen. 162 Grand ave. near Belmont. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters" end "Household. Good" are separate claaai fl ea tiona. All advertisements of these good are published under their respective claaittcatioa LOOK THEM OVER FURNITURE WANTED 74 BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE, SEE US We are in need of all kinds of used fur niture, rugs, carpet, stoves, range, all kinds of old ga stoves and office furniture, and w pay absolutely tbe top price for ism. CALL MARSHALL 587 And our buyer will call at once with tbe cash. GEVUfiTZ FURNITURE STORE 205 and 207 First St. Between Tgtylor and Salmon st. Rfd Important Read We carry a greater axaortment of new and O'ed merchandise than any (tore In tbe city. There is hardly an item do not boy and aeU. We specialize in shelf end beavy hardware, sporting goods, household good, offlea turnJture, hotel and camp supplies. When yon have anything to bay or tell. 03 er Main 90TS A-T174 f LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE? CO. 221-8-6 Front st. enr. Salmsa OWL FURNITURE CO FIRST We want your weed furniture, stove, earpet nd pianos; will pay highest cash prices. Call Main 4627. Morrison Grand Furniture Co. buys your old furniture, stoves,' rugs." etc Call East 421. 887 East Morrison. WIG HTM AN -JOHN SON FUKNITCRK CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 776$ Highest prices paid for used furniture, ear nets, stove, rentes, etc. We call promptly. WANT HOUSEHOLD FTRNITUBJC WILL PAT CASH Phone Main 8882. WILL PAY CASH For axed office furniture. Mfn 1971. Peifle stationery A Ptg. Co... 107 2d ev. WE PAY the highest cash prices ever paid by anyone fn the city for furniture Call us (or ere rtiele or a house full. Main 784. HIGHEST cash price paid for an kinds of 2d hand household goods snd furniture. Phone Broadway 6732. p QU paid for furniture, stove, range, he unun era. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc Phone Mar. 2673 Hartsell Furniture :o,. sei-ee lac. PHONE Fast 781 o when yarn .want to sell your furniture: we will come et on and oay yon CASH. M. R BEATER. 880 Hawthorn ave SWAP COLUMN a JUST received, large shipment of Hawaiian Pathe records. - WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY. 427 Washington Street. WILL trade at Monroe, Or., 3 acre cleared, good well water, house and barn. 187 Wood St., South Portland. TO EXCHANGE:, ladies' tailoring and gown making lor tinting ana paper Banging, wood lawn 4244. I WILL trade 2 good lots on car line for late model car. 235 2d st. WILL exchange city lot for piano in first class conituion. Mam 2841. HUP ROADSTER 8wap for 3-speed motor cycle. Kenton car. 150 Willi bvd. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay highest cub price lor second band, house hold goods. No amount too large or too (mall Prompt attention. N. M. S EATER Phone Fat 22 08. 144 rffin $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, tbe tailor, pays moat for clothing and tboea We cell day or evening . Marshall 1339 m 2211 Madison. L Shank Co. PC 812 Front HIDES METALS RUBBERS V'rite for prices and shinplng te. Main 1899 1332 S. ZIDELL Front at. We pay the highest nrice for seeond band tools, tun ink. nip, etc : will cell promptly. LEADER, the second hsnd dealer, pay more . . i . , . 1 , a . ior your secona nana jauics ina genu clothes. Phone Main 287. WANTED Second hand horsepower hay bailer. Must be in first cjaas ahape. with all equip ments. G. K Bennett Port Orford, Or. WANTED Men ioritherr discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appra lament gad spot cash. Phono Main 8701. -. GOING East or South t Household good shipped at reduced rates; moving and peeking. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt rt. B'wsy 703 CLOTHING WANTEDb'w.? Gall 936 Top prices Sr clothing, furniture and trunks. OVER THK TOP. 87.50 UP Spot cali for second hand suit.' overcoat, old shoe. Main 738 or buyer will call. WE NEED some furniture and would be pleased to buy same from family leaving or giving up housekeeping. X-992. Journal. -GASOLINE drag saw for cash. Jti7 DavUT, 504 Williams ave. WANTED Bees; state kind and No. and make of hives. J. T. Emert. Hillsdale, Or., R. 2. WANTED Hiflea! shotgun! eemeraa. ienae. Hochfield. 85 84 t. Phone Main 3831. WANTED 100 good cedar fence post, delivered at Gehr. near Orchards. Wash. E-402. Journal. WE buy junk and everything. What have-you for sale? Call us. Mar. 901. By George McManus YOO'LL THAT ROOM- PERSONAL TRY THK PJCTKMboN PLAN -a Late winter and early spring easaplas are le. Wesson are aavin half at Pt.teraon'a Maaafae tover Sample Outlet on (alt, coat. Ai walat. petticoat. - Take elevator. 2d floor, roots OA 1. L, Institute ofphyciuo science. Mt. l. Grey, spiritual advise-, i Business eonsulta Hon daily. Teacher of occultism, pelmlirtry an 1 spiritualism. Arrangement can be mad for pri- vmvw ur.riuuieu L. flOUTO 1 1 SW MO, U O V HI 414 Taylor t.. corner 11th. . GLASSES AT A SAVLNU 1 Solicit volar natmnaea OB the ' basis of capable service. Thoe- W. OworHnaw. ritometrit. 309 Morrtsotl . MISS GOGER nd M ui OrTTgTaduatii n . constnictioni.U. scientific masaaga and Hwed lh movement. Special treatment for nervoui" neea. sciatica, eorwtiiiation. fractures, Offico 800 Onion ave. Wdlu. 1305. CLEANING, prexaing, reiwlring and dyeing dot. st corner Park .and Salmon.. NOBBY CLEANERS 43o COME IN and get both your leec fixed up sool for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIHOI'OOIST thsl doesn't hurt sou: 8 jrearn in Portland: avaea frUu jGlok. Theatre hlda.. 1 1th and Wash. Bdv. 2834. DR. H. COLLINS, 918 Broadway bldg.. au eeaafuUy rue drug lea method, stomaoh. ijwgiB, aiqneys, nervon ana remsie aisoraere. WHAT'S the matter with your feet! fcxanun ..urn. Ami tuipi)ii if!cuiii; rant un. fort store. 253 Washington at., bet gd nd 3t. DR. u. V. KETCH UM. vioman'a malaaie aoi acute disease of men. Washington bldg., 4ts snd Whinston. Phone Marshall 448. VVANTE1 For ailoption, a baby. 1 to 4 montha. boy preferred, beat of reference l. X-994. Journal. ' MRS. to U LAM...;. 2S5 6111 81" Spiritual adviser, instruction in the theory td health, success and harmony. SUPERFLUOUS liair. moles, .warts, removed I y lnirtLe rarthod; trial free. Josie Fiule;'. vm-w cc ijine mug. Alain U3n8. GOITRE, enlarged glands, people cure thett. boro. Or.. R. 6. T, 7. eirtcuaa, xxux.-. LADY "n nnirtr u ui,'..'. i . ,.v 1 i. - naMM IS. Q'lK . ' l ; WW UIU.II. I rf1BS3Wl M.l1lew4 dtntiiS Si 1 M.X.', viMini,iwiin, riivumaiisDi. MRS. OZIN. spiritualist and palmistry teacher. 1 50 t 1 tit mt - vi i'pT ft i, 1 " i . . .-: t- . vacuum cleaner, renieti. i a $i dr. 1! . uistance. Alain 737 a. j.r.. uiitr,,,,,, scientirie face and scalo scientific face and scalp treatment. 230 Fliedner hldg. Bdwy. 108i. gllE4y.RJKjYrit Graeo at oncC NOTIPKM "notich to C it EDI TO it s ' 1 . , ... In ths (.ounty Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah Notice is here! i given that the undernigned, Jesao M. Holhroo't has been apjmlntrd executor of Oie last will ai d testament and of the estate of Zachartah -Vml Walker, deceased, by the county court of tl a state of Oregpn for Multnomah county, and h is qualified. All person having claims againsti a 4 estat are hereby notified to present same, du y verified, as by law required, to the undentlgnr I st 214-15 Panama building, Portland. Oregon, within six montha from the date hereof. i Dated and first ptihliKhed Fehniary 11 19 lu O . JEH8K B. HOLBROOK, Executor Lt Will and Testament ZchrU!i Wood Walker. 4eceased. , JOHN H. TURNER. Attorney for Executor.! 42i Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. MOVED my real estate office to 507 chanan bldg.. 28B'H Washington st. man Peper. Main 6175. B-Her- PHOr.ESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACeOHOKON OLAITINQ. Hf MtTITCHINO Mj . i. ' . . z ;r . :r- yieTfrn Novel' y L-m, nem ana meat aairta in. atvia nemsuiciiing luc per yard. Eastern to.. no, Pth st. Broadway 2000 ANTIQUES i A.VIJVJUK and ALL klM ol UKMTUJli, Stern Salvage Co.. 683 Washlneton at,! BARBERS' SUPPLIES LEWIS-STENGER Barbara Supply Co.. 401 Morriaon L, the place to buy barber chai.1 and supplies. Stock at used furuitur always to hand at right price. ; . . . EAUTV SPECIALIST I tLPEHFLUOU hair deatroyed lorev.r by Ui. tiple Needle Method 604 Swetlaml hldgi BUNK BOOK MAKERS liA V 1 as Uoi.MAN.lAC.. loy 2d it, bUaa book manufacturer. " A-8188. Mala 188 ClrSTArlO REPAIR WORK I TRf-The Auditorium Carpenf erShr"2dia7 $ Market sts... In. ehin r.kkl.. -Lj . L ' work. Phone 'Main 6412. ' ' am T" OAWfET OLEAHINO E. 8580. B11I1 From old earpets. Carpet cleaning and reflttiat. rng woven. (II sixes. Mall order solid Uj. - - ..... Former address 168 Union ava. immm 1 Be Kim aro. ' EAST-3580 B-1280 n4 Lnitin av. . E..t 0318, 0 '-14 7B. i rf-Ui It, anus, elect no cwanmg Hulli- i pets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty Waa 440. B-la. 104 K. 19th at. M. CHIROPODIST DR. E. F. KIMMELL, lady chtropodist ipeeUI lst; eoriuC bunions and Ingrown nail. Room 207, AllskyTildg.. 3d snd Morrtoon. CHIWQPRAOTORS 1 DR. LAURA E DOWN1.NO. Broadway bid. Drnglea Physician 10 vra. axnerianee Chlr yaetle. Electricity. Vibratory Maae and Plat. UK MMAHON..lUU adjununenu, uuu. carefully, permanent Phone. 81 (18 COAL ANO WOOD National fuel co. Short ibwoud. bioeT wood, a load lota. 4-ft. e ntry lb Ka.tL'U!. POO AWD CAT HOSPITAL DR. O. H. IIUTHMAN TiWtT. 415 E. 7th t". eorner Grant. East 1847. 11-1962 T 1 1 EDUCATIONAL OONTERTIOVAL. Fm-'VCtfT Miss M. Henley." Reference 1,'nlversliy of South Dakota, London, Paris, New York city. Addre CmpheU Hill hotel. I OANCINO : M138 IK ELAND , J 10 LESSONS 68 60 fVlrnm hid. Pvmnnal attantfon. to" ro j MBS. FLECK S ACADIJUX, 1 0U 2d Ball- room and stg dancing. Class Tuesday, Friday evening Main 2100. Private leaaoov MUSIO SCHOOLS AMD TEAOHERS PROF. T. E, LAW SON. 20 year' exDeneM. Ptano lessons t yonr bom. T6e. Tabor 7300 L. CARKOLL DAY. piano, vocal lesson, witg praciic piano. nr. aay so mo. nay, PIANtJ, viijin, liarmuuy. All string. Kolkenbeciw 4 09 Yamhill. ' . felAII. APVERTISIWO CRANE LETTER CO.. 812 RoyaJ bldg. Mnlt graphing, mimeoerapbing. Marshall 6822. PAIWTIHO. TIWTIWO. PAPERHAWaintO NOW ia a good time to do ymur inslile painting! paper hanging and kalsomlning before ws get' busy outside. Call Johnsen, East 84 9. J H. CLIFTON, paloting. tinting, papering, lit 17tbt, Broadwy 4414. Woodlawn 312A. fATEMT ATTORNEY ;OLIHKHH. W3W Woreeeter bldg Main. 3634." PRIWTIWO, KNORA VINO, klNDINO i in i in r ki g. W. BALTES A CO., rnm i iin vk .u7m. im.YisT Ivt PHVSIOIANS- DR- R- A. PEH-LlPS. 9U6 Broadway buibtio. Bbenmstban. female disorders, skin UonbUe, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, tbrvnt, soitre. high blood pr nr. ALSO STEIXCILS. Trade Check. Metal aigaC PACHTIU COAST STAMP WORKS. S3 Broadway. Broadway 710. A-371A. SALTED ANO SMOKED FISH ALASKA HERRING Ac 1MPOR' J.NG CO., ti trlbutors of salted and ssaossd fiasv . 2a$ YambUl st.. Portland. Or. TRANSFER AND 8TOHAOE OREGON IRANSI-ER CO. EktabUshad 1S70 Transfer and Forwarding Agents totsge gree irekg. i Offteo snd Storsre 474 Gltssn. YMfband GUasn. Broadway 181. A-I189. ALWAYS PICK THE BKaf HoUBKUuLj GOODS SPKCUL18T Storsg. pack ins. Oit ping end moving. Uexao and snto ns. spssiii nu: to all point. C a PICK TRANSFER A 8TORAGB CO., See end and line. Broadway 9. A-l 998. STORAGE AND f RANSI-E.t CLAY S. MORSE, JNC, 438 11 Oder st. PACKING MOVING Mi'OKAGM SCCTJRITY STORAGE eV TRANSFER CO, ' 106 Park at. Main 6196. A-1981. T I REPROOF STORAGE O. M. OIJtON TRAWRrEH a. 4 PINB. U. L. DA V Its PO hi, iraruter and .lorssa, tut dUUne baaHng. Main 8678 144 Front, VIOLIN REPAIRING 4. KING, vioiiiia ratirel. mm orcuewe tiaioa. 644 k Wsso. Bdwy. 4J. ,