BEAT, ESTATE FOR BAIK-HOI'BES 1 FRANK T. WcGtTRE ' 110 MB BARGAINS EASY TERMS . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT J3250 Nw B-room unuuIy i attractive ' , bungalow, best of material-and work manship, every convenience ; hardwood floor, built-in, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace and fireplace. This is on of the artistic bungalows of Rosa City Park. Owner called away on business and offers this pretty home ft $3250 for quick sale. $3675 5-roora bungalow, corner lot; many - convenience; on E 66tb ft., below the hill; price $3675. terms. $4600 8-rootn very substantial home; ery modern convenience; on E. 8 lit t, near Alameda; price $4600, terms. 1050 $200 down. Neat little plastered a. buncalow, electric lights and gas; 3 wliite enamel plumbing fixture ; fall Jot " We have a lane list of booses In this and all other districts, with photo graphs of each house in the office. Come in and look over the photo graphs. SLKXTSIDE. HAWTHORNE AND MT. TABOR DISTRICTS 13000 7 -room sttraetiv bungalow; fur- nace and fireplace, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen; one bedroom on lower floorj 3 bedroom on upper floor; pared atreet; $400 will handle. $3150 5-roora typical bungalow, with fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, etc.; pared street; term. 2800 Unusually attractive 6-room typical bungalow, heavy substantial lines, fire place, built-in conveniences; paved street on Division, near 85th; term. We have over 50 houses in this dis trict. $2950 5-roora modern bungalow; hard wood floors, many built-in conveniences, fireplace, cement basement. paved street, E. 40th, near Hawthorne; easy terms. You couldn't build the house for the price asked. $2875 5 -room modern bungalow; electric lights and gaa; white enamel plumb ing; built ins; Sherman street; terms. PENINSULA "DISTRICT $2500--5-room very substantial modern . bungalow on Webster. hi block from Mississippi ave. car., convenient to Jef ferson High school, library and park. (2700 7 -room furnished modern home. Greeley at. near Portland blvd. : paving in and paii for; wood enough for the winter; terms. ,-, $1450- 6 -room house; electrie lights and gas; white enamel plumbing; full lot; -close to Fisk and Lombard; $300 will handle. $960 4 room plastered house; electric lights and gas; easy terms, $2200 5 -loom new bungalow; modem conveniences; on 100xl25-foot lot, ad joining Kenton; terms. We have over 40 other homes in this district. ALBERTA DISTRICT $2250 5-room very . attractive bungalow; fireplace; white enamel Dutch kitchen; many conveniences, house like new. garage; on paved street and all liens paid; lot with improvements paid is worth $1000; could not be built today for $1800; Broadway car; tenm. $2250 5-room modern home, newly ( painted: completely furnished; total' price $2250, terms. We have a large list of houses In this district, with photographs of each house in the offioe. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT $760 2-room substantial house on full lot, $100 down. $2500 $250 down; 5-room substantial bungalow; white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas, built-in conveni ences; corner of 53d ave. and 44th st,t $1400 Very nest 4 -room bungalow, with sleeping porch, on 44xl20-foot lot; white enamel plumbing, electric light and eas 69th ave. $900 4 mom very attractive Utile bunga low, with garage, ou 55th St., near Olst ave.; easy terms. 8ELLWOOD DISTRICT $2750 5-room very artistic modern bun galow, Milwaukie ave., near Harold. $2000 $200 down: 7-room modern house, newly papered and painted; on Tacoma ave., near 15th. $1000 $190 down; 5-room modern at tractive bungalow. F. C. basement, white enamel plumbing, built-ins: larse lot; VACANT; move in. No. 735 Har old ave. We have a large list of houses in this district, with photographs of each house In tiie office. WEST SIDE DISTRICT $2400 Terms. Here is a 5-room very substantial home; lull cement base ment with furnace; white enamel Plumbing, electric lights and gas; Ban croft ave., close to Corbett. $2650 5-room modern bungalow with fire place, built-in conveniences, Dutch kitchen: on Hood St.: terms. 1 have 400 home for sale, all prices, all terms, all parts of the city: many remarkable bargains. PhotogTaphs 'of each of these houses, arranged In districts, in tha office. I will help you to make the first payment, if nec essary. Automobiles at your service. Come in and look over the photo graphs. 50 HOMES WERE SOLD LAST MONTH IN OCR OFFICE OVER $500,000 IN 1918 WHI1 Because we have the bargains. See FRANK L, McGUIKB o. TO BUY, YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main 1088. Main 5156. Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Est. IS SO. LOOK HERE. LOOK AND TAKE NOTICE. YOU WANT A HOME, WE HAVE SOME OF THE BEST MODERN BUNGALOWS IN THE CITY. AT THE RIGHT PRICE AND BEST TERMS. COME AND SEE US. AND WE WILL TRY TO PfdCASE YOU. HERE ARE HOME OF OUR STRICTLY MODERN UP-TO- PATB BUNGALOWS, AND ON PAVED STREETS. WE HAVE AUTOS TO SHOW YOU. NOJV NOTICE. 8 room, Laurelhurst ( price $5500. 8 room, Hawthorne district, price $4000. 8 room. Hawthorne district, price $5000. 7 room. Sunnyside addition, price $4000. 6 room, Sunnysidet close in, price $3750. 5 room, Richmond district, price $3500. 0 room Peninsula, furnished, price 83500. 7 room. Irvington. furnished, price $4 500. 5 room, Hawthorne district, snap, price $3000. 5 room. Hawthorne district, price $3000. 6 room. Hawthorne district, price $2700. These are a few of our strictly modern buntra- Inws. all on paved streets, all in and paid for. Now we have lota of cheaper priced houses and bungalows. 5 room, practically modern, bungalow, close in, price $2350. 6 room bungalow, price $2500. 6 room cottage. 2 large lota, close in ; price $2200. 6 room cottage, paved st, lot 50x120, price $2350. 6 room house, close in, paved street, price I1SUU. 5 room modern cottage, Sellwood district. price siouu. . " 6 room modern cottage. 2 large lota, com pletely furnished, price $8000. 6 room cottage, completely furnished, price azsaw. room nouse. completely , lurnisbed. price l0O. These are a few of our good buys. NEW YORK LAND COMPANY, 303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. $4000 LARGE MODERN 8 ROOM HOUSE With furnace, fireplace, wash trays. -. electricity, iuu cement oasement, ga rage. Lot 50x100, improved street sewer connections, ail in and paid for. One block from streetcar. Terms siuuo casn. Balance? mommy. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 FAILING BLDG NEAT 4 room house at 55 E. Hoyt St., 1 block from Montavtlla car. near good school. $1000 casn or nau casn, oats nee on easy terms, or $1100 and $200 cash and $20 per month. pnone Tsoor zzai. FOR SATiF LOTS 18 50X100 LOT. near Albina and Lombard, $500 terms. . van v ooniawn 1 1 3 -. 6 VACANT iota, good locality. Bdwy. 295, REAL ESTATE FOR SAL LOTH 1$ , XOT BARGAINS 80x100 on 43d. near Thompson, ' all im provement in and paid, $1000: term. - 50x100 on, 14th st , 100 ft. from Powell Valley, $800. Easy term. I 60x100 corner. Glenn ave. 'and Jerrett, I 1 blk. from Kennedy school. $500. $180 cash, balance easy. 60x100 oas Schuyler, bet. S5th and 36th, $600. . 63x100 on Killingswortb. bet. 13th and Ver non, cement walks, $600, $100 cash, balance to suit. 50x100, Overlook add., cm Capital, bet. Skid more and Mason; cement walks, macadam st., $725 cash. Roasmere, 50x100. 150 ft. N. of Thompson, on 41st at.; paved sts. in and paid, $800 cash. Corner 5 3d and Alameda, ground equal to about 100x100; pared sts.. $1100 cash. 60x100, Peninsula district, on Fsrragut, neat Washburn. 12 bearing fruit tree. $550, $100 cash, balance easy. ' 50x100, near Hawthorne ave., on 40th at all Improvement in. $600. half cash, balance easy. C. A. Warriner. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldaj EASY TERMS, $25 DOWN- PARKROSE ACREAGE Just beyond city limits, out where you will feel free to keep chickens without offending your next door friend. Water, gas and electric connections. City deliveries. Let u show you Parkroae. Now is the time to get ready for spring planting. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208, A-2060. SACRU1CE for quick sale, choice corner in Parkrose, 100x150 feet. 8. W. cor. Slau son and Brainard Ma. 1 block from Sandy road, 1 block from school and 1 hi blocks to carline. Make me an ofter. C. F. Hoffman, 223 Terry ave., Seattle. Wash. SEVERAL nice,-large lots and tract! in Port land on easy terms, as low as $50 down and balance monthly. J. 8. Knamn. 416 Stock Ex change bldg. Main 32 70. FINE residence lot, all improvementa in, re stricted district, close in, 100 feet from car. surrounded by good homes. Price is right. Call evenings, Sellwood 22 52. $1900 LARGE Hawthorne are. lot, near E. 31st; all improvements paid. Beautiful trees Owner. Tabor 356. FOR SALE 3 lots with small barn, all fenced and in cultivation, cheap. 44th st, 8. K. Phone Marshall 62S. GAIti KN tract. West side. City water and gas. Price $350. $25 cash, balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bii'.g. IRVINGTON lot. beautifully situated, between luompaon and ttrazee on 2Uth at, $15oo cash. Kant 6J.49. CN you beat this? Choice lot, 41x100, right in Irvington, for $400. Phone Wdln. 4531 and be quick about it. A SNAP Bew .a home site now. Beautiful lots iu Wills mvtle add. cheap for Phone Marshall266. THKKE "lota, 6 blocks from Sandy blvd., worth SS50. Will sell for $500 cash. Must sell. A bargain.. Tabor 2817. MUST sacrifice my Laurelhurst lot, in Uassalo near 43d St.; $500. Phone Monday, Tabor 334 7. IB V INtiTON lot. 50x100, 16 th and K razee. clear. $1600. Eaay terms. Main 4C01'. LA T'KEI.HUKST snap. A very fine lot in i-aiireinurst. very cneap. Phone Kast 1 !):.'. CHOICE building lot, N. W. corner 54th and Stanton, only $900 snd city lien. Tabor 3825. LOT tor sale, 50x100. worth $1000; will sell $300. half price. O-085, Journal. 2 NEWPORT lots, scenic; $75 each; no in cumbrance. K-402, Journal. ACREAGE 57 40 ACRES 18 cultivated, balance fine timber. and pasture, new 5 room bungalow, good out buildings, fine spring water, piped to house; 2 horHes, 1 cow. chickens, implements and furni ture; 2 miles of good town; price $2650; $1000 cash, balance good terms. 5 acres H mile of town, good road, 2 acres cultivated, balance ah timber snd pasture; wov en wire fences; no bufldings; $600, $150 cash; terms. 4 acres 1 mile of town. 1 acre cultivated, remainder slashed, small house and poultry, house; woven wire fences; $600; good terms. 5 acres elose to town, good road, 1 H acres cultivated, 4 room house 24x24; good well; barn, poultry house; pjice $1100; terms. 1 5 acres near depot, good house and barn, land Is all cleared; $1500; terms. 20 acres. 12 cultivated, sown to wheat: bal ance timber and pasture; good buildings; price $3000; terms. 2 2-5 acres, new 4 room house, barn, poultry hoiie, cow and some chickens, 1 pig. spring, 4 blocks of station: $2850. term. GEO. MORSE. 300 Cham, of Com. Phone Ms in 5008. 5 ACRES, all in cultivation, 3 acres garden land family orchard. 3 room house, eood urn ill barn, chicken house, good well, on sidewalk. 10 minutes io station, l miles to Bearerton. Price $1800; easy terms. acres unimproved land. 3 seres beare.rdam. some good wood, all fine soil. ?t acre cleared. just o!t paved road, 4 miles west of Tigard. Price $1BU0; $S00 cash, balance to suit. A real country home. 8 room olstrcd bnnfra- loww barn, garage. 2 chicken houses, 4 acres rine sou. 5 minutes walk to Turard: fronts on paved highway; family orchard. Price $4300; will consider 5 room house m Portland. 5 acres, all cultivated. 7 room house, small bam, set outbuildings, family orchard and oerries, H m clover, near paved road. Price $1700; $300 cash, balance to suit. TUCKER & SCHRECK, 1 102 N. W. Bank Bldg. ; Main 881. ONLY 30 MILES TO PORTLAND Choice acrenge, close to Columbia rHer and highway, at Columbia City. Any size tracts. Good rich soil, no rock or gravel, easy clear ing, good roads and water, thriving farming community, every inducement to settlers, low prices, easy terms. Can accept some trade. SCANDINAVLN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 212 Lumbermen blug. 10 ACRES NICELY IMPROVED Located 2S miles from Portland and near station. 1 acre cleared, , surface cleared; practically all good tillable land: good soil, free from rock and gravel; two good spring, three room house and other buildings.- Price $1000. Terms, $500 cnh. bal terms. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE Five seres, located 10 rods south of Powell Valley road, north of Lents Junction. All under cultivation. No buildings. Terms can be ar ranged, or will make a very cheap price fcr all or half eah. John Ferjruson, Gerlinyer bldg. WILL buy 2O;40 sere unimproved land, suitable for farming, with ' outrange: would prefer creek or spring on land; net farther than 50-60 miles from Portland. State lowest price and location. N-209, Journal. BACK TO THE SOIL Look at Park View Acres. E. 82d t Excel lent car service. Paved street. $350 to $050 per acre, JO per cent cash. J. C. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. HUNT, fish and rai-o stock on 160 acre ranch on lower Rogue river. $10 per acre; terms; 4 0 seres under fence. Would trade for smaller piace. Owner. C. W. Sinniger, 813 Bowdoin st., city." 40 ACRES AT BARGAIN $500 4 miles from town, with 3 lines of railroad and boat landing, close to school: rock road, R. F: D. past place. Will take Liberty bonds. Glenn Hott. Kalama. Wash. 40 ACRES of good land, near Yaquina bay and other summer resorts; ideal place to live; good neighbors, good market: be independent of jobs aud strikes. Price $550, terms. W. H. Burley. 6Sr, Irving st. Marshall 29Bj3. FOR SALE 10 seres Ping. Lamberts, Royal Anne, also English walnuts, young and bear ing, close to thriving county seat, good roads, cannery near, part rash, balance terms.-" 1908 E. Bnrnrtide t.. Portland, Or. DON'T hesitate; investigate this 10 acre plsce fine fof chickens, good house and barn, ".5 fruit treei, fenced. H under cultivation, $2500; terms: cash inducement. Phone Tabor 6734. FOR SALE 160 acres land, over 1000 cords wood on plsce: will ..mtchange for auto or sell cheap. Call Main 725 after 6 p. in. No agents. FOR SALE. 80 acres, unimproved, close to school snd railroad town, V could be cul tivsted; plenty timber 'and water. Price $ 550. Adt'ress box 57, Gstes. Or. 75 ACRES near Vancouver. 50 acr cultivated; house, barn, well, windmill. 5 acres prunes, 3 acres apple3; join school rock road; part trade, seine tesrms. JS'-207. Journal. A GOOD stock ranch. 200 acres, iu Lincoln Co., 6 miles east of Waldport, on Abes river: creek on place: for quick sale. $2000. Purcell, 498 Nelialem ave. FOR SALE 65 acres improved, fine location, good soil, dona to school and church. F. M. Williams, osvner. R. 3. TurneT. Or. .SACRIFICE H sere, H block Hawthorne ear, $1000, adjoining property valued at $3000 per acre. Tsbor 6123, . Owner. NEARLY 1 hi acre for sale; a one room shack, new; ground partly cleared. $1200. Phone B-6161. Local 721. FOR SALE or trade cheap. $1800 equity in 80 acres of logged -off land. K. W. Simmons, TVer Pland. Or . . 40 ACRES, part cultivated. 13 miles out ;j terms on part or kll or part trade, N-203. Journal. GOOD unimproved farm land, on crushed rock road; IO acres, all in cultivation; running water. 820 Chamber of Commerce. 640 ACRES in Harney valley for sale or trsde, 270 in cultivation: Call or write 62$ Mis sissippi sve. j Call evenings or Sundays. - ALMOST an i acre. 8 room plastered house, wa ter, lights, gas; a bargain alt $1150; terms. X-997. Journal. 12 ACRES, suburban bou-e snd improved, close to mills, on carline, $8800 cash, terms or trade. EX -403. Journal. - ' 10 ACRES ul spple orchard for naif f,rc, Phono East 483. - i RE At ESTATE ACREAGE 7 4 acre at Oak Grove; modern bungalow, watex systems $3500,- terms. I acre at Metzger station: 2 roots house; $000, terms.' . 1 acre at Aloha station ; 5 room bungalow, city water; $1500. terms. 2 1-4 acres, Oregon City carline: fin set of buildings: cow, chickens, etc; $2900, terms. 3 acres, Oregon City carline; modem 85 room house, gas, water system: $4500, terms. SK acres, Green burg station; all in rtUltava Uon, full set of buildings; only $2500. 5 acres 1 mile from Eagle creek; no buildings ; $800. 5 acres close to Base Line road: all la culti vation, no buildings; $1500. 8 acres near Sifton; all in cultivation, build ings; $1830, easy terms. 10 acres, near Newberg; good buildings. 0 acres in cultivation; $3000, terms. lO acres near Middleton; buildings, 4 acres in cultivation: $2100, terms. 10 acres 1 mile from New berg; is cultivation; $2000. 10 acres. Section Line road; 8 seres in cultiva tion; $3500. 50 acres hi mile Cove Orchard, in main high way: 20 acres cultivated, bearing orchard, buildings; owner invalid; for quick sale, $4250. 55 acres; 23 acres in cultivation, good build ings, beat of prunes, 2 hones. 3 cows, heifers, 1 calf, 2 piss. 86 chickeus, hay and feed, large line of farm inplementa alt goes for $4600. 64 Vi acres; SO seres in cultivstion, 15 acres fine timber, 8 acres clover; good house snd , fine large barn, also a number of other out buildings; 10 acres ready to plow; only $4000; stock and farm implements for sale. TO AVOID FORECLOSURE 80 acres at - Needy. Clackamas county: all tillable and in main county road; only $5500. KEWBERG FARM 115 acres taken over by Portland bank; 72 acres in cultivation; give away pries of $12,500. JOHN E. HOWARD, 815 Chamber of Commerce. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME OR SANATORIUM Seven acres on high bank of Clackamas river, several building of different ' kinds and sizes, garages, chicken houses with run-i. water piped from a spring to building) and different places on the premises, all year overflowing mineral spring: plenty of shade trees! and shrubbery; good place for fishing and an ideal place for swimming. This place cost only a few years ago over $20,000, but is nowj offered for only $7500. With a Uttle expense it will be the most attractive, place near Portland. E. A. LINDGREN Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W Bsnk bldg. 11 ACRES $100 DOWN On electric line, 25 miles from Portland, we have 11 acres of good soil, 3 acres cleared, bal ance in brush, easily cleared: there is a good 4 room house a barn and chicken house: our price is $1850; pay $100. down and $25 monthly and interest ' this is your chance to get a little ttirm. It us show yon, COE A. McKEXNA Sc. CO,, Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. THE home you are looking for, extra tine chicken ranch, good 6 room plastered bunga low, concrete basement, good barn, chicken house, extra good well, fine water, some fruit; 10 acres fine laying land, 9 acres in culti vation. Well located in fine American neigh borhood, 2 miles carline, Vt mile R. R. station, 1 mile school. Only $3000; H cash. J. B. Atkimon, 112 W. 6th st. Vancouver. Wash. 2-ACRE HOME OAK GROVE $250 DOWN On paved road near Oak Grove, small attrac tive bungalow; orchard; prine$2200. You caa enjoy country life here and work in Portland. WATCH OT'R ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE eV CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE 24 acres, located 5 miles south of Salem. Or., half mile from Oregon Electric station; house, barn, chicken house, family orchard; one and a half acres of beaverdam. drained; 3 acres culti vated. 3 acres partly cleared. Price $1000, $300 cash, balance at 6 per cent; lone time. This property clear. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 3 ACRES All good level lend under high state of cul tivation, family orchard. 5 room house, barn, cow. chickens, farm imijlcments. close to school and store, i mile from Oregon City, price $1050. DILI.MAN & ROWLAND. 8ti and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. 10 A., ALL in cult., nice orchard and com plete set of bldg.. near Pac. highway, fertile land; anap at $2200. 20 acres, all in cnlt.. complete set of bldgs., fruitand berries : 14 miles southeast of Port land, on main road. Price $SOOO. F. B. MADISON. 216 7th St., Oregon City EOR SALE BY OWNER 10 seres improved. 4 room house, chicken houe. barn, root house, garage, well water, east front, on good graveled road, mile from high echool and grade school, rural free delivery; $1275; worth $1800; terms. R. A CHI8HOLM, Monroe, Or. 240 ACRES sheep or stock land near Wilhoit: well watered. 2 hi acres Pacific highwsy at Oak Grove, 2 H blocks from electric line: water to install ram. 20 acres improved. 7 miles from Front and Morrison, in Washington county; running water. Price reasonable. Address owner, K 205. Journal. $50 LOCATES YOU ON 21 ACRES About half good tillable land. 3 acres creek bottom land, hilly country but finest soil. Dandy Ktock or hog ranch. Station M mile, Port land 30 miles. Steady work nearby. Price $7 60. Terms, only $50 down and 15 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. fit 3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOUR room bungaloWj 2 acres. 35 fruit trees, well and chicken house. $1800. $500 cash. 5 room bungalow. 2 or three acres. V, sere bearing orchard and berries, all in cultivstion. 4 blocks from Bellrose station. Terms. Go to Bellrose on Gresham carline. Inquire for W. Davis. BARGAIN if taken at once; 40 acres rood level soil, close to tmvn, on Pacific highway : 6 room house, orchard. 10 acres clover, 17 acres cleared, balance ash and alder, $3500. some terms, no trade. Address owner. Box 102. To ledo. Wash. SUBURBAN? HOMES 79 THIS is the best ever offered, the land alone is worth the price, 2 big acres in full snd fine cultivation: everything in the line of fruit, which grows except oranges, pineapples and lemons, in full bearing: a good 6 room house with fine basement with its own water system, barn, ehlckenhouses, in fact everything neces sary. On the Oregon City carline, 2 blocks from the Oak Grove station, near to the paved street. This place cost the present owner al most twice what you can buy it for, $5250 is the price today. $2000 cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. WELL what do you know about this? Here is s pesch of a 5 room bungalow, plastered, gas and electric lights, with almost a half an acre of land; a very pretty place: only 1 block from the big school, only 2 blocks from the na tion: practically on a paved street all the way from the business center of Portland to the gate. The former price was $2700. The own er is leaving for California. Do you want the whole thing for $1700? If so come running) M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. BARGAIN in a beautiful suburban home, 2 acres, all in cultivation, sightly location, trout fishing on place. 7 room modern, prettily sr ranged and finished, water system, pumpcl with electric motor, ass. furnace, etc.. hot snd culd wster; right st Whitford station, 8 mm ute? from Garden Home; fine chicken house, brooder bouse, family orchard snd berries. Sac rifice equity for $2400 cash. K-201, Journal. $4750" WILCbuy-tfiiFpTscel l7uTwortb7$7000. three big acres of land, all in orchard, in full bearing: on this land is a 8 room modern bungalow, with a full basement, with gas and running water, a barn, : chickenhouses and ga rage, close to the river; and not far from the station, on the Oregon jCity carline. half cash will buy this place even at this sacrifice. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415Abington bldg. &NLY $1175 for lbiTaere, all ofit on the paved highway. There is a comfortable 6 room house on this place with an assortment of fruit in full bearing. This is close to the station on the Oregon City carline. The owner needs the money and is forced to sell, half cash Is required. The balance on easy payments. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. HALF ACRE NEAR RYAN STATION On Oregon Electric. 5 He fare, gas and Bull Run water: has fair 4 room bouse, garage and chicken house; all in cultivation; has plenty fruit and berries: dandy bargain at $1600; $450 cash, balance $15 month at 6 per cent. Phone me now. McCormic. Main 9318. METZGER ACRE HOME On Oregon Electrie: has fair 5 room house; good bam and chicken house: plenty full bearing fruit trees and berries; only 5 minutes from sta tion, on rock road and only ha mile from paved highway; price $1600; $500 cash. McCormic, Main 9318. hi -CRE at Wichita, 4 room house. 2 chicken houses. $1330. term. hi acre at Stanley. 8 roo-n shack house, some fruit. $875: terms. Phone Miller, Sell wood 1714. Come to Stan ley Saturday p. m.. Estacada: line. DO you want a 2 room house with 4 of an acre of good land, all of it on the carline, only 2 blocks from the station for $1050? If so come around with $500 cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. IF YOU want a suburban home buy one from tha owner; built for a home; am moving and wfll sacrifice. F. W. Wells. Aloha. Or. FOR SALE or rent to reliable party. 10 acre suburban ranch. hi in bearing fruit. Sell wood 2991 or Boa 283. city. 4'sROOM plastered house, hi block station, close in, Oregon Electric ; $900, terms. Owner, Msrsnau is. ONE acre,, unproved. 8 room house, at Oak urava. j 6988. . .-, 3. i. FISHER. Main HEAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES HEBE'S A REAL SNAP Vivo aerea. all in very highest state of cul tivation, with large house, barn and other out buildings. - Buildings are old, but comfortable and well built. House has solid brick founda tion. This place has 470 feet frontage, oa good auto road and is located . right i city limits of Beaverton, only 8 milea from court house. Over, two acres of fine full bearing orchard, good variety; all kinds small ) fruits and beautiful shrubbery- Contract has! been let for paved highway to Beaverton this spring. The laud alone is easily worth $(V000: now. This place will be worth $10,000 in less than three years. b only 10 minutes' walk from both Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric stations; 1 0c commutation fare: good side lk to both stations. Place has piped water, (gas and electricity at Portland rates. Owner gone into business snd needs the money. Will sac rifice for $5260; about $2O00 will handle. Phone appointment and I will drive you out any day this week. McCOKMIC. JUAIJt DSIB. ONLY $5800 for two big acres, all of It prac tically en a paved street, right at the sta tion, on the Oregon City carline. On these 2 acres is a modern 6 room house with running wa ter, gas, electric lights, furnace, fuU porcelain plumbing, a fine basement; on these 2 acres are the most modern, scientific poultry houses, sufficient to accommodate 1000 chickens; you cannot replace the poultry houses and runs for $1600 alone; all kinds of fruit in full bearing; all kinds of shrubbery, a pretty place to live forever. Its own water system; if you paid $10,000 for this place you would get a bargain; all we waut is $5300. You must have at least half cash. M. J. CL0HESSY. 415 Abingum bldg. ONLY $1100 for a big 4 of an acre of very rich land, all kinds of small snd large fruits, in full bearing. Now listen, there is a three room house on this land, in the house is city wster. gas, only 200 feet from the boulevard, which connects with the Terwilliger; only 4 blocks from the station, with 5c carfare into the business center, only 20 minutes' ride from Olds, Wortman & King's store, only 5 blocks from a city, school, in a fine neighborhood with $5000 houses across the street. Bear in mind that tli is house is no mansion because $1100 takes the whole works. If you have not got $300 in cash don't inquire nor come around. M. J.LOHESSY.415 AbingtonbIdgJ THIS is like living in Irvingtan or Laurelhurst, only different, one acre of land, highly cul tivated with all. varieties of large aud small fruit right at the station, cement sidewalk from the door to the platform.. On this sere is a most modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, gas, electric light, city water, furnace, all porcelain plumbing, a garage if you want it; its own water plant as well as city wster for irrigat ing purposes. A corner acre with a road the whole length leading to the paved street. You can well afford to pay $9000 for this place. All we want is $5500, on terms of $1000 cash, M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. ON the west side on a hard surface street, one of the prettiest acres in all of Multnomah county ; on this sore is a large variety of stand ard fruits in full bearinz; ou this acre is a barn, a garage, chickenhouse and runs, on this acre is a 6 room house with a turf cement basement, such conveniences as city water, gas, electric lights, bath, toilet, full porcelain plumbing. The price of this place is so small we are ashamed to mention it, only $3700 and a $500 cash payment will buy it and for good measure we will throw in the kitchen range. This is cer tainly a pretty place. M. Jj CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. i WHY pay rent or high taxesi iu Portland. Own a home in beautiful Oswt-go. Small house, garage, chicken hoiue, fine lot. garden plot, city water, electricity; eplendrd train service, 2 5 ruin ates' ride to 4th and Washington. Home phone Oswego 131, or Box 103, Oswego, Or. FOR SALE FARMS 17 FARM BUYERS A WORTHY EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW John Lester with wife, girls and boys. Came to Portland from Illinois. Away from heat, away from cold. That were too severe for young and did. He tilled there the soil for meager reward. The hours were long, the labor was hard. By sweat of his brow, for a rainy day. He managed to save and lay away. That in years to come, if he desired. He haa the maney that is required. To move out West and quit the strife. And take it easy the rest of his life. But before settling down for real rest. He gave Portland realtors the acid test. To find a nin who tells the truth. As taught by parents in his youth. He didn't say how many he's tried. Merely this: "I quit them all dissatisfied." He now is settled and taking a rest. We Sold Him a Farm. We Withstood the Test, E. A.'. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. $40,000 PROPERTY-FOR $25000 285 acres, of which 155 acres is the richest kind of tide land inside of 8 years old dike that cost $0600 to build; 130 acres of upland with small timber, alder aud tir. The dike land haa 40-foot wide chaifae) on three sides that is used for gasoline boar highway. This land is located in Coos Bay, Coos county, 2 miles from North Bend wharf and 15 minutes' boat ride to the property. The dike land is free from standing tijber and stumps; 120 acres ready for plow. Those acquainted with and know the value of dike land will admit that for dairy ing, grain and vegetables no equally good land can be found, and that similar land has never been offered for such a low price as quoted for this tract. The whole tract is in coal and oil belt, and the owner reserves one-half mineral and oil right. Requires $15,000 to handle the deal. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. FARMS ""Foil-SALE 400 acre wheat ranch in Morrow county. Gooseberry district. 12 miles from railroad; 320 acres in cultivation, over 2U0 acres seeded; Vi of crop to be delivered in warehouse on R.R. goei with place; 5 room houje, bum, spring water; all fenced; $15 per acre, hi cash; a genuine snap. 100 acres, 35 miles 8 E. of Portland: about 60 acres in cultivation; fair farm buildings, stock and all farm implements: $11,000. $3500 cash, balance time at 6 . 55 acres, 21 milea from Portland: 15 acres cleared; 8 room house, large new barn, young family orchard, spring water piped to buildings; itock and farm implements: fine creek and trout stream; land can be irrigated by gravity; $4000 A. W. LAMBERT 3c SON. S E. cor. Grand ave. at E. Alder St., Portland. Or. IF YOU WANT A REAL FARM READ THIS AD 284 acres. 130 bottom land. 100 second bot tom. 54 rolling, 260 acres in cultivation, re mainder some timber and brush, 10 acres of this brush very fine bottom land easily cleared; place well fenced. 10 room house, large cellar, plenty of outbuildings, water piped to house and two large barns; one of the barns holds 25 horses snd 60 cows, the other 25 head of stock; school house on place, 3 miles from town. R. F. D. passes door; price $70 per acre, $7915 cash, balance of $12,000 can run for 20 years If desired, as it is a government loan; the culti vated land is nearly plowed and a good portion .seeded. Think from what the government has loaned on this place what the real value must be. STEWART & BUCK, 815-16 Northwestern Bank bldg 4 1000 choice farms. 10 acres and up; highly improved, some stocked and equipped; located in Willamette valley, Clark county. Wash., and famous Chehalis valley, near Centralis, Wash. ; these farms can be bought on reasonable terms, and some trade. If you are in market for farms (any size), come in snd take one of our autos and look them over. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc., 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg, PORTLAND. OU. BANK HAS INSTRUCTED US TO SACRIFICE Here is a forced sale on 80 acre farm, $20lO less than any of the jburrnunding farms; 80 acres cleared, balance igood pasture and easily cleared; all A 1 shot clay soil: large house and barn and outbuildings, all good; water piped to everything. This has been an up-to-date farm, no little old shscka. Come in st once snd let ns tell you and khow you this piace before it is too late, for it will not last long. STEWART Sc BUCK. 315-16 Northwestern Bank bldg. FINE FARM NEAR PORTLAND 160 acres, 1 mile from electric station, in Tualatin valley. Over half in crop. Good house with modern conveniences; 3 bis mod ern barns, 2 silos. other good buildings. Water in all buildings;' lot of horses, cows, hogs, and full line farm tools. Price $24,000. Give very easy terms, or take part trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ETHEL, WASH. 40 ACRES All tinder cultivation; good buildings; all machinery goes with the place. For more par ticulars, write ANNA CARLSON. 688 Powell st. Portland, Or. HAVE several Bargains in Good Goinit Farms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 212 Lumbertnens Bldg. PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc.. 512-13-14'15 Swetland Bldg.. PORTLAND, OR. NICE Uttle 15 -acre place near Banks; fair 6- room house and barn; apple and prune or chard; also 1 acre in strawberries and logan berries: board walk all way to town ; $1000 down and tt per cent on balance. r Stewart & Buck. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. EVERY acre producing, 48 a. in fine fruit and ' alfalfa district, 16 a. in bearing apples, 16 in alfalfa, 16 in winter wheat. Fair bides.. $2000 crop in sight now with but little work till harvest. Circumstances f ores sal at low value and terms." M-890, Journal. 17 hi ACRES at Groveland station, all cultivat ed, good soil, buildings, young orchard, ber ries, well, near school, church, store, M, B. Hoard, Route 1, HUbboro. Or. 120-ACRE farm and Umber. Clarke Co.. spring creek, county road. Call 96 E. Salmon at. Tabor 8621. BE AL ESTATE FOR SALE FAHMft 17 125 .ACHES, 4 miles frumiaima. Wash,, known as tha Taxer place; 16 acres in -cultivation, balance logged off. ' in- stood - grass; 1 large cherry trees,; 28 prunes and apple;- 6 room house; fin fishing -' on the place; 2 springs, good stream water; 80 acres lies fin for farming and will be easily cleared i the largest fish hatchery in the state is only hi mile from this place; mail delivered at door; gravel road all the way to town, A mile to school. This is an unusually good buy. Tha building are -old but you bet a lot of land for your money. 1 advertised" , this place last week at $4000. I can now seU it for $3750, $2260 cash. 70 acres, 18 acres in cultivation: 4 - room house), barn 40x46; poultry . house; water sup ply is well and running -water; price $5400, mortgage $1700; $700 cash . will handle. Lo cated at Viola, Clackamas county,. 12 miles east of Oregon City, 6 miles west of Ectacada; known as the D. G. White piece. This is well worth the money snd a small cash payment. 1 5 acres, 2 acres "cultivation, 6 seres tim ber, 8 acres pasture; very fine soil; 3 room log cabin; log barn 16x24; chicken house and other outbuildings; fenced; 0 miles from Yamhill; 1H miles from school; spring water; a dandy little heme for the money. Price $950, $150 mort gage; from $300 to $800 cash will handle. To inspect this property see C. W. Baker .who lives near the place. The property is about 1 mile from Pike. Go to Yamhill, go west to C. W. Baker's place and -be will show you the place. CLAUDE . WATSON REALTY CO. 506 Swetiaud bldg. Main 7435. 6 ACRES, all under asnrWvation ; good 7-room plastered house, small outbuildings: good well, running stream cuts, one corner of land; 60 fruit trees: near station and hard surfaced road; $2675: $675 cash, terms on balance. You can live here and work in Portland. 10 acres, all under cultivation; 5-room house, fireplace, small outbuildings, fruit and berries, on good crushed rock road, 2 blk. to school. 10 mile from Portland. This is an ideal country home. $3250. easy terms. 18 acres, near Beaverton, 11 acres cleared, fine creek bottom soil, balance slashed, easily cleared; 5-room house, good barn: running water. $3000, $650 cash, terms on balance. 5 acres. 10 minutes' walk Bell Rose station, all under cultivation; 2 acres berries, family orchard, 4-room house, full cement basement, good barn and chicken houses, on Buckley ave,, close in; $3700, $800 cash, easy terms on balance, 2 4 acres, almost new modern 6-room bun galow, near Council Crest; 2 good chicken hounes, fruit; 2 acres eleared; ideal some; $3500. $700 cash. 20 -acre prune orchard. Al bearing condition; good ' house, large new barn and outbuildings. fences;! price $10,000: $a000 cash, terms on balance. SLETTEN 8c JONK3, Main 2558. 248 Stark st. 296 ACRES Fine firm and stock ranch, i mile from Aurora, 28 miles south- of Port land, 100 acres cleared and In cultiva tion; 6 pastures. well fenced, snd good all-year-'round spring in esch; rich, deep black soil; 2 5-room houses, one old, the other new; 2 fine barns; new silo; gravel road to door. Price $150 per acre. $6000 cash will handle. Call or write to DABNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Room I, Worcester Building. 19 '.a ACRES. 16 hi in hiuh stale of cultivation. 3 acres in fall wheat. 3 acres in fall oats, 3 acres in clover, balance ready for spring plant- in-: sou is rich, dark loam, uo rock, no stumps. Ixication of farm is hi mile east of city limits of 1-at 'enter. Waxh.. less than hi mile to Pa cific highway : high school, church, river, boat landing, par toff ice and 4 big stores; hard surface road to highway. Land needs no draining, can be plowed and seeded durinu the months of Feb ruary and March. Large stream running across the northwest corner, good tishing; o room house, barn, 2 side sheds, 1 straw shed. 1 Wagon shed, potato cellar. 1 epan farm horses, 1 set double harness. 1 buggy harness. 1 disc harrow 1 plow. 1 mower. 2 cultivators. 1 farm wagon. 1 Studtibakcr busey, 1 cart, plenty hay and straw for season, also gray and white oats for spring seeding, potatoes for use and seed; $3786 cash. $2900. balance 34 years st 6 per cent. V. B. Breitigam. La Center. Wash, Box 91. 40 ACRES, all tillable. 20 acres in high state of cultivation. 3 acres seeded to timothy and clover, 7 acres of first class timber on bnck of place. Good well, gas engine and pump. Family orchard in full bearing. 4 room houe. extra good barn aud new silo, all necessary outbuildings. Together with 5 cows. large team. wagon and harness, plow, narrow, mower, rake 2 cultivators, cream separator, gas woodsaw, some hay and grain. 3 dozen chickens and all small tools. The very best of soil. Only H mile to school, 1 hi miles to .railroad station and large General store. 9 miles from V ancou- ver on good road. Has all rural ad vantages, in thickly (settled community. Price, for short time.-only $5000- cash. baL any reasonable terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE Excellent ranch of 1896 acres in the well known Impqua valley, in Southern Oregon where climate is moderate and winter is mild. This is an attractive property, mostly cleared land, with some uood scattering oak and fir tim ber. It is situated on the Pacific highway close to a good town on the Southern Pacific railroad The buildings are sufficient and in good condi tion, 'lhe property is well fenced abd there is plenty of water. About hi of the property is tillable and there is sufficient now m cultiva tion to produce all the feed necessary. This place could also be conveniently subdivided into smaller holdings. It would make two or three good stock ranches. For further particulars write to WM. MaeM ASTER, 331 V. 8. Nat l Bank Bldg.. Portland. Or. 20 ACRES FOR SALE ONION LAND 12 miles from Portland on hard surfaced road, ht mile from electric station. '. mile to station on S. P. 7 acres of finest drained onion land in Oregon, 2 acres of 9-year-old or chard, bal. of land cleared and in meadow. 4 room house and fine barn 60x65 ft., cost $1200. Entire ranch in high state of cultivation, all good soil and especially adapted for gardening or poultry raising. Lies high enough to drain well, no water stands on top of ground. Owner has entered commercial lines and has placed this in our hands for quick safe at $300 per acre. Some terms. THOMPSON. SWAN & THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. AN ATTRACTIVE SMALL FARM 20 acres of fine red shot soil, all good, about 10 acres in high state cult., some slashed, bal. timber for wood : 4 mile Tigardville, on good road : 8-room bungalow, plastered, cost over $2000; good barn and outbuildings; -an excep tionally good orchard, good well; a fine view from tha place; price $5500: cary terms if desired. Tucker & Shreck, 1102 N. XV. Bank bldg. Main 881. $28,000 RANCH FOR $16,000 Located in Clarke county, Washington. 10 miles from Vancouver, 1 hi miles from Brush Prairie on stage road; 160 acres, 80 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; first class soil, no gravel, large 5 room house, barn, gran ary, brick cmoke house and all necessary out buildings, 2 wells, 15 to 20 acres of swail land. This place actually sold for $28,000 6 years ago. $5000 cash will handle. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRE farm. 18 acres nnder cultivstion, good soil, spring in pasture, well at bouse and barn, 5 room house, fair barn, well fenced, hi mile of school, 2 hi miles of It- R. and depot, good roads: will take in a light car and a little money as first payment; balance easy terms, low rate of interest. Price $3500. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO. 304 West 6th st. Vancouver, Wash. CATTLE MEN 18.000 acres: bunch grass range; 2c per acre: 2800 acres valley land; volcanic ash-soil; wster rights;. 700 acres un der irrigation. Grows immense crops, all kinds. Farm buildings, equipment; orchard, cattle, horses. Some smaller places suitable for cattle or sbeep. Write Investment Co.. Vancouver, B. C ALFALFA RANCHES Improved irrigated land, with paid-up perpet ual water right; nearly all in alfalfa; good build ings and all rural conveniences; located at Red mond. Ore. Price $100 per acre, -.on terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 2 ACRES. 25 minutes out. Garden Home way; house, chicken house, running stream all year, water piped to house; all cleared; will sell on easy terms or take a Ford as part payment. Price $1500. Phone Sunday a. m.. Main 6882. Week days. Main 5456. S7 Corbett st. 80 ACRES, 2 miles to Columbia river, fenced; good 6 room house, spring water system, barn and other buildings, peach orchard, alfalfa. '20 acres cultivated, for $2000; take light truck or auto, balance terms. Address B. F. Hogard. Lyle. Wash. FOR SALE. 157 acres, about 40 clear. 28 miles down the Columbia: 9 head stock, good team horses, all farm implements, or will sell half the land with stock. Call 1302 Wil lamette blvd. Phone Woodiawn 1068. BUY of (Jwner. . For sale. 90 acres, $1200 cash, on river new bldgs.. near county road, hi mile school, 30 acres hay land and grass. Address H. C Starr, 1578 hi E. GUsan, Portland. BEAUTIFUL 20 acres, 8 miles Forest Grove, good house and barn; small orchard. $2250, 1-3 cash, baL time. Owner. 732 Patton road. Portland Heights. FOR SALE A cool 72-aere ranch. 6 miles east ox Vancouver, u rjinswui, U7 uwuci. nr. jt, Morgan, Vancouver.- R. 1. Box 67. FOR SALE, trade or rent, stock ranch near Newport; also S lots, 63d are, . 63d at., cheap. Box 6, Jefferson, Or. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 11 220 ACRES, all highly improved, with two com- deto acta of dniUiiiec wi faarst holds 1 5 bead of cattle, and about 80 acres of full bear ing orcnerd, all In tha . very, beat of eonai tion. This farm baa complete set of farming tools, with gasoline engines and a good sprayer, and over 100 head: of stock. They are milking about 33 cows now. The stock is all blooded stock, and tha very best. This farm would have to be seen to be appreciated, for it is one; of the beat farms in the valley. Electrie line run through the pKce. ; Will consider a trade for the full amount of 155 0OO' If vou want a food cp to data farm, do not overlook this one. a-u acres, atfalfsx farm, all under Irrigation, of which there U 65 acres now in alfalfa, 100 acres in fall grain, of which 266 acres is ready to be put in to alfalfa. This is only 4 milea irum rnneruw, ur, and is all good lana witn 10 head of cattle. A head nf ennrf work horses. hogs and pigs and all farm machinery and tools; ooa i room nouse, barn and other oatonuaing, good family orchard, on hard surface road, at a low price of $18,000. $5000 will handle this farm, balance oa time at 6. 42 acres, well improved, all stocked and equipped, with all new machinery; plenty of hay ana grain, potatoes and other vegetables, and only a mil from Tlgard. 80 minutes' ride from Portland. This is a very nice little farm, at a very low price of $7500. We also have a 64-acre tract, all well Im proved with good buildings and good fences, just hi mile out from Carlton. Or., on a hard via roau. at a .low price lor quick sale oi fvouw. t 100-acre farm, 75 acres in high state of cultivation, rest pasture land, with two com plete sets of buildings, and sU well stocked and equipped, and everything In first class shape with all feed and seed, and onlv about 18 snilee from Portland. If you wish an up to date pisoe you cannot beat this for the money. Price $20,000. 280 acres, of wMcJi 135 acres hi in cultiva tion, 35 acres in alfalfa, 60 acres in grain, and all ground ready to plant, with two complete sets of buildings, all well stocked, and all farm machinery and tools; on a good road. Tlda farm is good, valued at $18,500, and will Uxt up to a $4000 residence -in Portland, and some cash snd easy terms on the balance. This is near Grants Pass. Or. NEW YORK". LAND CO., 803-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. MONTANA LAND Does anyone feel interested in Montana' land? You are well aware of the fact that Montana haa a great, farmine future; true that two last years have been failures, but five crops before that were good ones, so good were they that people there did not think it was possible to have a failure, and these two , years did mean every thing to Mantana, but on the other hand, it has brought land down 40 to 60- and there was never a better time than this summer to bul iind over there. 1 ha"v:"lived taMsa ' 8 years, located over 600 homesteaders, sold over lOO relinquishment', snd am farming 64 0 acres over there now, and know Montana like an open book. I know land that is 100 en gine plow land 4 to 6 miles from good railroad towns that can be bought from' $20 to $25 per acre that a year ago was selling for $45 per acre. I have homesteaded in Montana my self, have my patent here to show for it. I have refused $50 per acre for this 820 home stead. I could make $75 per year on it rais ing wheat at the present price of wheat, with a fair year, but I had 300 acres of wheat last year in No. 1 condition that never sprouted in the field until September. I lost a $30,000 ciop, but this might be s big year, and if it is even a fair year, this land ;. at ones advance $20 per acre at the lea.. m, tn-ar :r ,n those that are interested iu iluuiaSa. : ., "i my farm and lived in the heart of the 1mm hard .wheat belt in the state, better known as the Famous Big Sandy and Rudyard country. I made 11 bu. of wheat to the acre last year on 100 acres with less than hi inch of rain through the entire growing season, and have 500 acres now summer-fallowed for this spring's seeding. Do you realize the fact that Wheat land in the Pendleton country is selling for $200 per acre that does not produce any more grain than ours in Montana? , . Claude G. Watson of the CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY COMPANY. ONE OF OUR MANY BARGAINS 80 acres in Lincoln county farm land, good soil, 15 acres cultivated, 3 good springs, good barn, fair house, county road on place, 1 hi miles from railroad; some timber on land.' Price SI 500. part casja. Will take Ford car as part payment. Here is another one you can't best 4 acres bottom land, the best of soil, all in cultivation, a late model three room house, hi mile from railroad aud town; on county road; best fish stream in state joins land. Price $700 cash or take Ford car as part payment. Also we have several other bargains such as those in large and small tracts in Oregon, Washington and Canada. We invite you to call on us and inves tigate them if interested, as we deal exclusively in bargains and accept ap pointments for evenings. 914 Chamber of Commerce' bids. JOHNSTON & McHARDY, RANCH FOR RENT, STOCK FOR SALE -40 acres, rich "bottom land. 40 under cul tivation, about 80 in meadow, balance good pasture. 6 room house, also small ranch house, large barn, large silo, dairy house, machine shed, hog houses, chicken houses, etc. 40 fine cows, 1 bull, 7 2-year-old heifers, 11 yearling heifers. 4 calves. 3 horses, saddle pony, 3 hogs, milk separator, milk cooler, pails, gas en gine. 1 10 horse engine, ensilage cutter and blower. 1 3 inch centrifugal pump, hay tedder. Hike, 2 mowers, cultivator, harrows, new disc, about 50 tons of hay and the same amount of ensilage, potatoes, kale, turnips, a wagons, etc. Rent $75 per month and 3 year lease Per sonal property $8000, $6500 cash, bal to suit purchaser. If interested in a dairy propo sition do not fail to see this one. THOMPSON. SWAN Ic THOMPSON. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. $250 DOWN Will put you in possession of 11 a. chicken and fruit ranch. 300 Royal Anne cherries, bearing: 1 a. apples, bearing; some fine grapes, $1000 lbs last year. Running water and well ; 1 1 chicken houses, double decked cement founda tions, dimensions 8x10 ft. to 20x40 ft. 6 brooders. 5x10 ft.; 1 house, 16x30 ft., 2 stories; plenty chicken wire fence, hi mile to depot', college town, 23 miles from Portlsnd. Easy psy ments; price $4200. W. T. Lewis, box 425 New berg, Or. FOR SALE Dairy and stock ranch, 160 seres, located 3 14 miles from'Lvons. Or - 4 5 acres in cultivation, balance timber and nasture. elms to cheese factory and . creamery : trout stream crosses place; plenty of, good spring wster piped to house: new barn, 40x45, not quite finished: nouse oia out liveable; other outbuildings old. fencing wire and rail; orchard for family use. The bottom land is a black soil and the hill is red similar to the Waldo Hills. This farm is 80 rods from a good -crushed rock road and one mile to school. Price $4500, $11500, balance time. Address. 675 Ellis ave., Portland, Or. TO GET THE KIND OF A FARM YOU WANT CALL ON E. A. LINDGREN SAVON LAND CO., 933 N. W. BANK BLDG. COUNTRY HOUSF SACRIFICE SALE 28 acres, 18 acres cleared, bal. easily cleared. 8 acres in commercial bearing apples. 9 room honse. double constructed, fine large barn, buildings would cost to build, $5000; on ma cadam highwsy. 6 miles of Hood River. Pnca only $5000. hi caah. A beautiful home In a line climate. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Osk st. Broadway 4188. IRRIGATED FARM LANDS $150 per acre, 1-6. cash, no payments re quired for. 2 years, balance in six annual in stallments, S per cent interest, buys the very best rich volcanic ash soil. located at Stanfield, Or., with fully paid up water right. Alfalfa averages 8 tons per acre on this project. Pic tures and full information at office of THOMPSON, SWA A THOMPSON, 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 4 acres, 1 mile from center of Newberg, 3 acres in cultivation, balance tight grove; Willamette river frontage; very best of soil: 7-room bungalow. 30x80 ft-. not finished inside, 14x20 ft. barn: close to schools, churches and stores, only 27 milea from Portland, with paved road all the way; 6 red electric trains daily to and from Portland; -price $1200. J. G. Crain, 144 Kllpatrick St.. Portland. Or. THIS 32 acre improved level farm is a snap. 10 room, fine, op to date honse, gas, tins water, garage, chicken houses, very i large barn, fine roads, between Portland and Gresham, on the Section Lino road, corner of . Barker road; across from school. This plsce will go up in a short time. See this. Phone Tabor 8987. 138 ACRES, 8 miles from Vancouver, paved road, electric tine through place! 110 acres in cultivation ; mostly bottom land; 'dairy cr general farming; aood honse. new barn, large silo, 3 acres orchard. Price is right and will give good terms. 218 Board of Trade. 10 ACRE farm, small house, good barn. 8 or 4 acres eleared. about EH milea N. of Vancou ver, near Pacific highway; best of soil; $1900. part cash, easy terms; this is a snap. D. 8. CAMERON SEALTY CO., 804 West 6th st. Vancouver, Wash. 934 ACRE wheat ranch, large part in gram ; running water, some bottom land, (air build ings, clone to R. R : reasonable cash payment down, baL to suit. Price $25 per acr. L. K, Moore. 817 Board of Trade bldg. 160 ACRES or mora rich black loam soil, bfg crops ' wheat, oats, barley. Alberta. Close to town.. $20 per acre. Tenth down, balance . 20 yean. Claud Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. RE At ESTATE FOR KALK FAli.MM II APPLE ORCHARD TJf THE WEJfATCHEK VALLEY '. -12 acre apple orchard 9 years old. I know of no better, fruit farm deal to put op to yon "than this one; for tha next' 7 or 8 year this orchard will be in its prima: to prove to yon that this is a number one commercial orchard, crop of 1918 when" tha trees were only t years old there were 1950 boxes of apples. The va rieties are about 1000 Winesap, some Jonathan, White Winter Pearmains and delicious Winter Banana. We can show warehouse receipts for 1856 boxes of Wlnesapa and out of tha 1859 boxes were 11 85 boxes of extra fancy. This will prove to yon tha class of fruit grown in this commercial orchard. If you are a fruit man you understand that this is a very large percentage of extra fancy boxes. There are 40 aerea in this tract. 12 acres in apples. 1000 trees. This country has never known fruit fail ure. Wenatchee apples are known the world ever; crop of 1918 sold for about $4500. Tula farm is located 16 miles west of Wena tehee. 1 hi miles southeast of Dryden, ' mil to school. There is new 8 room bungalow, plas tered, all wired ready for electric lights; there is a cement storage with a capacity of $509 hpxea that cost $1500. Tha soil is volcanic ash nid the very best of fruit land; concrete cis tern filled from irrigation ditch; there are also 28 acres small timber, few cherry trues and 60 pear trees; the nearest neighbor is J. A. Haver stick, the owner's name is C. R. Thompson; price $10,700. $1200 mortgage you can as sume; $5500 cash, balance 2 to 6 years 6 interest. The next two crops will mora than pay for this place. After inspecting this prop erty, wire or write if you wish to buy. Tha owner lives here in Portland. -CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY COMPANY. Maui 7435. 606 Swetland bldg. BAOR1FICR l.KMsl THAN hi PRICE 1 0 sere bearing apple orchard, 1 mil to town, electric car,. $1100, terms. SPLENpiD HOME, CHEAP 10 ;-e rr:h of Reedrille. 7 in cultivation, iijosl house, barn, chicken house, other build tugs, orchard, all kinds of berries, roses, good well and pump. $2100: easy terms. A REAL. I1A ltd A IN 45 acres, hi- mile of Buxton. Washington Co.; fenced: ' 20 acres bottom land, in culti vation; house, barn, orchard, spring, running water. 62250. $1250 down. WKST Ht!V IV ORF.fiOV 650 acres. 20 miles of Portlsnd. 85 in cul tivation. Large house. 2 barns, also other build inas. orchards. berries, trout creek and spring. Excellent stock and grain farm. Only $40 per acre. 'ierm. would taite row iraue. 804 SPALDING BLDG. HERE IS A LOGANBERRY FARM That will make you from 14 to hi of the in the next aix months, with most of the hard work dona now. all in crop, SU000. Will take bunaalow uo to $3000. in Rose City, Hawthorne or Alberta. This place has good 6 room house, good tiled well, right at electrio station. Can come to Portland movies of an evening and get home by 1 1 o'clock. Just like bring iu town. Good stores, bank, P. O.. and every city convenience handy. An ideal plage to live, less than 30 mi) . from Portland. oTJyWAKT ek Bi'Crk, 815-10 Northwestern bank Bldg, WHERE CAN YOU EQUAL THESE RANCHES? 105 acres. 100 acres under plow, all in fall crop, all fenced, old buildings. 1 00 acres black loam soil. 7 cows, 8 homes, all farm machin ery. 2 miles froru good town and good school. fl5 per a . .Sui ii cash payment: Also one of he b t 80 acr- rsuch . lu Washington Co. 65 aorus under plow: $70 per acre; terms. And I hare fire other good valley farms that I have iuu information on. ' J. W. GREGG. 318 Fenton" bldg. FARM BARGAIN . 80 ACRES 28 miles of Portland, on good road. 4 5 acres cleared, 35 -acres in isuture, all gpod soil, J o sterns in clover. 7 acres in hops. 8 hi acres in prunes. Improvements consist of a 1 2 -room plas tered house, bath and toilet, large barn snd hog house, spring water piped to bldgs.-; going with this are a horses. 2 milk cows. 1 u heifers, 1 Jersey bull, 2 hogs, i 3 wagons, hack, buggy and all farming machinery; price including stock. $11,500. Reliable InVsU Co., 309 Oax st Brosdway 4138. A REAL PLACE 10 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED Mrwlern hnnffnlow veith hardwood floors, el trie lights, fireplace, bath, running hot snd cold water, phone. 7 acres (in tilgn quality run near ine commercial orchards buildings, fences, etc., arr an peri to raise chickens on large scale; extra fine soil and good fences. Price $6000. This place is reasoable worth $10,000 of any mans money. i RITTER. LOWE Sc CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DAIRY FARMf -LINCO'LN CO. ACIIES-I PRICE 87000 Si miles west of Wlllamlna. ii mile south of Salmon river and road, rich black loam soil with senile slope: 60 acres in cultivation, bal fir and hemlock, about 10.000.000 ft.; woven wire fences, good hnUse and 2 barns; terms $1000 down, baL 6 Ptr cent. Daily stage from WlPamina calls for mail snd cream. GODDARIj, & WIEpRICK. 248 -tanr . NO BETTER buy anywhere, 90 acre farm, near Molalla. on rock road, all level land, creek and spring; 25 acres in high state of cultivation, a lot more nearly raady for the plow, abundance of natnr. a tiH f.l ffnodi house, barn and orchard. telephone, cream and mail route at door; fine neighborhood; a very suitaoie piace ior uwrj, rtick, sheep or bogs, jand a very good buy at $4000. ! JtWOLFr.228 Henry Bldg. PRTTNE ORCHARD CLARKE COUNTY $2000 1 r crM about 4 in full bearing prune or chard, balance in cultivation, all fenced, facing on good county road, near fctiooi. electric car. stores, etc. This is sn exceptlonxiiy goou nmc rain, out of town owner must sell. WATCH OUR ADS. , WE 'GET RESULTS RITTER, LOWE YCO. j J - 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. j -15 PER ACRE - Only the prioe of wild land in this j vicinity. and the 160 acres lias goou amaii nouse, nam, chicken house, lota of fruit; 8 acres Iri cultiva tion and 15 more nearly ready for the -plow; plenty of outrange, and is clear of all incum n .ns.a. .niffht tot, small amount in trade: is only hi' mile from R. R. town. I Call o- address E. S. t llrey. lebanonwr. , f : Von RET TIIE PRICE I 80 acres of unimproved cut-over land, no. brush. 50 acres good tillebie sou wnen cleared. 1 hi miles from station and main highway. The best cash offer takes it. See Mr. Csrlos. THE BRONQ CO. 207 hi Osk Bt- WILL SELL or exchsnge for Portland bungelow 83 acre ranch in Southern Oriegon; fine. soil. fine hunting and fishing, spring kmiu vAiins . bearing orcnard. berries and currants; creek flows in front of bouse; fine roads year arouna; room Dungs low. well furntsueq; rancn weu dress Ranch. 94 Front St. equipped. Ad- 23 hi ACRES, very fine soil. 20 acres in cul ti vat ion. 8 acres in orchard, good 8 room houe. barn 30x40. chicken houses and park, located in thickly settled community, near school and good town, 14 miles from Vancou ver. Price 83150. ooott terms. THOMPSON. SWAN ft THOMPSON, 8d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. Jin achf. farm in-Yamhill county. In fine state of cultivation, nice buildings, good roads and neighbors, about 83 miles from Portland, good roads all the way and near electric railway; owner fell heir' to this property and will sell cheap. -See me at once lor a naryain. w. ii. Burley, 685 Irving st, Marshall 2963. UNftntN COUNTY DAIRY RANCH 93 aerea, 2 miles from Roe T xylite. Salmon river; 20 seres in meadow grass. 10 acres slashed - ot,!uI- kw l.-ree house, modern: large barn w-i'h sheds: rural delivery, telephone, eto.- Pries $1500. John Ferguson, Uerunger oiag. R Af'.HKA near Portland, on Or. Klecj By.: bTS house, not modern, new barn, 28x82; fin well. 53 ft,, all fencea, partly cicareci; cneap, rnuxt sell, leaving state. Address, A. " R.,' Box 230, It. 1. Oswego, Or. . WASHOUGAL river through th place, 80 a. h,t torn land, 60.000 acres unoccupied out range; water grade auto road into Portland. Finest stock proposition to be bad. -at-889 Journal. ;" FORCED SALE 160 a., north of Whit Sal man, 60 a. cleared. 7 r. house, fin barn. S springs, all fenced, extensive out range. Re cently taken under foreclosure, for sal at half appraised value, oso. M. uowara, all u. oi j, wht cj a , f- A , .. , s t K Mww4 1... ; IA - inn. 4 acres beaverdam. in hiab State of cultivation, balance upland; also cow, chickens and household goods; 4 mil of street car, south fbt Sifton Wash. : Charles Ssgert. SO ACRES to exchange; Ideal place for chick en ranch, buildings in good condition. 12 miles from courthouse: will consider, well located Portland borne or other property. Richards Sc Collier, 614 Panama bldg. 40 ACRES, located in Clarke county, on good automobile road. 89 acres now seeded to crops: has fair buildings; will accept good 'bona in Portland and balance in Ions term. Richards Sc Collier, 614 Panama bldg. FOR SALE Good Willamette valley farm, 260 aerea. 150 acres nnder cultivation. 100 acres bottom land; railroad station on blace, good boos snd outbuildings; best terms. 914 Panama bdlg. Richard Sc Collier. - A SNAP For sate, 40-acr farm, $1500;' 15 acres in cultivation and rest easily eleared $500 dosva. balance to suit barer. Call Broad way 1580 after 8s30 p. m. 21 ACRES, 6 aerea in cultivation, 17 milea to Portland; email boom ana barn, only J. easy term.' 617 Chamber of Commerce, Jail Msrsnau Z483. . f LOGG ED-OFF lands, $ 1 0 acre up; improved and partly improved farms, $50 up. r Inquire S. B. Godfrey, St. Helens, or. i FARM and fruit land for aale; prion list and ire literature upon application. Rice St Coats, J-yru creea, vt. ' . EE At, FT AT: FOR HALE FARM 17 WILLAMKTTE VALLEY FARM LA N i ,-, NEAR COBVAUJS, BENTON COUNTY. . :l CATTLE SHEEP OR GRAIN 604 acres. II nilaa fenm f Vic. !! ..r main highway, 800 acres in cultivation, 125 in croi, 30 aerea "now fine nastnra. ean be nut in this spring it desired ; in fact, all but 60 acre rat oe piowea now; plsce well frnosd and trws fenced; the beet buy in this part of 'ha falley. Price $25,000: $8000 rash will handle. txmVshUS COUNTRY HOME ' 78 - acres, located on main ' mad A mile from poetoffioe, all in - cultivation and tha of land; place well fenced and improved witl modern S room house, good barns and out buildings: baa running wster and an UeJ mall farm. Prlrs. $15,000. ,UNX COUNTY BOTTOM FARM 126 acres of second hot torn . not everflaw! about 100 . aerea in cultivation, well fenaedl no building: rrico $7000. $3000 cash. A vHEAr ONE MAN FARM i 80 acres, located 8 miles south uf Cnrval'.i. oa fine gravel road: 70 acres in cultivation and neatly all In fan crop; sr mom house, barn, sheds, etc., all in fair condition; place is well fenced and a money maker; price $5500. 3Utru easn. "LOOKS LIRE tOWA TO ME" i said a. man from that state when ha saw this farm; 825 acres. 810 in cultivation. 35 aiirca In pasture and wood lot, no hills, no whit land, just drains well; has 160 acres in fall wheat, 60 acres in clover snd ball nee to go in com; ... t-u . i o viu varus, two pnos, lair qoiims etc.: Place has all been in clover - recently and is fine, productive soil ; tractor, machinery and soma stock and 'crop go at $40,000; im mediate possession. Theie are no betu-r farms. i F. L KINNEY. CORVALLIS. OREGON. . A Home snd School Town.- ESTACADA FARM This is a dandy farm for raising cattl or hogs or a dairy proposl tidn. You" will be pleased with the place If 'you see it. Consists of 193 acres, about 80 acres level, 70 acres , under plow. Some timber, balance pasture all kinds small fruit. 1 acre family orchard: A-l sandy loam soil; . all fenced, barbed wire and boards;, two miles electric R. R. station, only ; 28 miles Portland," 2 miles postoffice, i ' 2 miles school and church. R. F. IK. . telephone. 8 springs, 1 good creek, good gravel road, 2 fin wells, 2-story 7 room house, painted, good condi tion; on barn. 60x60, hoghmise, 16x26, cookhouse, workshop, 14x16, granary. 14x20, henhouse, 16x16; woodhouse, 10x22. Price $16,000. $5000 cash;: balsnee terms, 6. per cent, W show jfitn farms to sll prospective purchasers. See Us be fore buying. We have many farms not advertised. WATCH OUR ADSjWE GET RESULTS A. G. BENDER. RITTER, lAiWU St CO., , 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. " ! MOLALLA VALLEY FARM Hera is a fine fsraq and is worth of your inspection. It consists of 124 acre,, all bottom land: 90 acres un der plow, snm cedar timber, 28 acres stump pasture, all kinds fruit and berries, 8 seres, peaches, all fenced " with woven wire and rail; l'hi miles r P. O., school on plsce, R. R. station on place, R. F. D., telephone, 2 creeks, gravel . road, 1 well, good house, barn, granary, woodshed, hen house, machine shed, etc . Personal: Tractor, plows, drill, disc, new rid ing cultivator. new corn planter, mower, wagon, buggy, double har ness, single ' harness, harrow, bay straw and ensilage, 8 good mules. 1 - horse, 4 cows, 1 heifer, 2 sows, sep arator, new ensilage cutter. Price for all $18,000, $0500 cash, balance to suit. We have many farms not advertised. See ns before buying. WATCH OUR ADS: WE JET RESULTS A. . BENDER. RITTEIt, LOWE St CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. EASTERN OTtECOV RANCH. Only 3 hi miles from R. R. Why not own a fine wheat ranch In Morrow comity snd make some rest - money f Next yesr beyond a doubt will be a bumper crop and you could ?sy for this fsrm in a few yesr. t consists of 8000 acres, 1000 acres level, balance gentle roll fin for: - tractor use; 000 acres now in eultt vallon, 1500 acres more easily. -cleared. Soil is good and deep;. 500 : acres fenced, two good wells, eight room house, good condition; bsm, chicken and bunkhouse, blacksmith shop; price $54,700 or $18 per acre. Will take $10,000 city property or nmall fsrm, might sssums ions, $7000 cash; balance-long as wanted. WATCH OUR ADS; WE OET RESULTS A. G. BENDER, ritter, Lowe st co., 203-5-7 Board of Trad bide ' DIKED LAND. TOLEDO, OB, This land cannot be beat for any thing yon want to raise; an ideal dairy farm: one acre diked land will produce more than 6 acres of up land; 158 acres, DO aerea diked t and under plow, 60 acres pasture 83 acres slashed, 48 acre brush and stumps, family orchard, apples, pearsf- ploras, prunes,, fenced, 8 good springs, I hi miles from R. II., school house. Personal property: Wagon, barrow, plow, rake, cultiva tor, new cream separator, all farm tools, 10 cows, 8 heifers, 4 yearling. 2 hoga, 7 calves, chickens, 1 gas launch, - Price .$4,500, $5000 caah, balance terms to suit. WATCH OUR ADS: WE ftET RESULTS A. O. BENDER. j RITTER. LOWE eV CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. 200 ACRES. 110 acres cultivated. ,0 acre l.ol, torn. 80 acres In orchard. 00 acres good tim ber, balance open pasture; new 6-room bungalow. both hot and cold ws'ser; new barn and garage: owner not able to farm and will take $100 per acre for quick sale; reastrnabl payment down, long time on balance at 6 per cent. See Mr." Clark, with Stanley H. Thompson Co., 812 Oak t. FOR RENT-tFA ItSIS It CLARK COUNTY 0AIRY KA&Cli ISO acres. 60 acres In cultivation. 25 acres fn crop, joining town. I Good buildings and fences. Bent but $800 per year. Stock, crop and equipment for sale. $1600 will handle. . l.l'KDDEMANN ! COMPANY 918 Chamber of Commerce. - - i ; FOR RENT Why not deal with owner snd save commission. I have 160: acres, 70 in cultivation, all necessary buildings, tools, ma chinery, stock, ready for work, to party . vno can pay caah rent and buy part of stock. Can gtve-tromedlat possession. W. F. Yount;, Sherwood, Or. Telephone 82-8. i WHEAT RANCH Ts leas on shares 450 acres, 26 S acre jn crop. mil from town. Good buildings, fencea and water. Personal property for sals, $1200 Will hsnrlle. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 918 Chamber of Commerce. - 7 WE leased farms last month aggregating over. $10,000 cash rentals. If you want to rent yours, writ us. We do not ask exclusive con tract and make no charge unless we secure satisfactory tenant. Lueddemann Company, 913 cnamnrr or .otnmerce. WANTED Good working' couule with $( cash to rent a farm, stocked and equipped. Including hay baler am threshing machine: 7' acres. half cultivated. R. F. Walters, Gresham. Or. , FARM for rent, 160 acre. 120 plow land, fx! acres plowed, 80 acres in fill wheat, r-ntef can buy work and seed. All shsre rent. House, barn, orchard. 2 mile front station. J. II. M o raw. Monmouth. Or. : FOR RENT Small farm, 1 7 acre, on Pacific highway; 6 miles tbls sida of Newberg. on" electrio car line; fruit and berries; Weal plsce; partly furnished house. . J. II. Bradbury, 9101 Footer road. ' FINE 6-acr tract, conveniently located nr carline, six cent fare. Plenty of fruit, good building, fin for hog and poultry. Some stock and equipment for sale. Must go cant; bargain for quick sale.' Tsbor 7271. 20OR 32 acres, house, barn, city water, some fruit; good for dairy, market gardening; rl to 6c ear line; rash rent. Apply corner 89th and ' E. Stark. Ml Tabor (Mt-88tb) ear 1 end, 4 blocks north, i cart. FARM for rent. S- acres, io acres seeded clover, good buildings, home on -hard. Aprly to owner. Wm. W. Davi, 6220 2Cth ave. 8. i, Portland. ' SELL OR BENT 210 acres near Salem. WV1 .sell stock and Implements; must have $3000 to handle. Telephone F.sst 6504. FOR RENT 23 acres. 7 acres clear; balan.-e pasture: 5 miles suth of Osweeo: low rent. J, J, Cshslin. 685 Chamber of Commerce. FOTfTSENT A pUc suitable for dairy and chickens, 45th st, and Columbia blvd., John strom. - 10$ ACRES pasture land for stock, sheep or small dairy, near Portland. - Parker, 422 hi -Washington. ' ' ' 10 ACRES, ' buildings, orchard, nice tr..t stream, down Columbia: 876. TaW 4H. FARMS WANTED HESTjOB BIJY$4 16 ACRES of A-l level soil. 1 miles frotlTTril. r" stat bridge;' acres in cult, bal. pssture; 4 R. house, barn, chicken house, 2 wells. Owner gone; must sell at sacrifice. Price $1375; terms. J. R. WOLFF. 228 Henry bldg.