I l : f ! - --' - -"!---------...--.. - - - - -- 1 1 1 i 1 '"- '"- - ' " - ' j , ' 1 - . ' ... 1 HELP WASTED MAjyB KOUNG man with - bookkeeping experience bookkeeping who . wishes to go to eastern wreim. who f not afraid of bard work and who k nth at to team the wndertaking business along ith other lines; reasonable salary to start irith end as Interest in the busmfM if yon mute ol. O. O. Trester. room 243 Imperial hotel Sunday. 6 to 7 p. m. - -. ' $17$ PER MONTH the year around, U average earning ia.t year ot number of our avlemtl ercr 49 rors. .This yesr wlU be the biget yet. No experience wseessary; weekly cash advance. , outfit furnished. Big assortment guLraoteed tree, shrubbery and Tinea. Sen cn do what other in experienced have done. Wsrningtoa or . erTCo;::Toppenib, Wart. , &AN CFACTUBING firm had openings for ex perienced white enamel finisher oh metal, ornament! Iron worker and several young men i who desire to learn trade In sheet metal line: steady work. Answer; must itate age ana wage expected. P. O. box 42 7. ; WANTED A few lite men In Portland to aell oor old-Una health aud accident policies. Good compensation end eha nee for rapid advance ment 406 N. W. Bank bldg. HELP WAITED MISC. 49 LEABN AUTOS AND TRACTORS f HTE DAYS' FREE TRIAL t PAT TUITION WHEN SATISFIED W teach auto, tractor, ga engine and auto electrical work: BIG 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adeox Auto t and Tractor achool. Dept. J. Union ave. and Waco at., Portland. Or. Phone Kaat 7445. "HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 482 HAWTHOKNK Ay K. i Complete course In day and evening classes, everything mechanical and electrical; unlimited practTcal repair experience; It Is not theory; it is practice that makes you a valuable man. GOVERNMENT railway mail clerk exainina Uon (male and females), March 15. Spe cial full, complete preparation only $10, by our expert, former government examiner. Enroll to day or write for free particulars, "BMC" Pat terson Civil Seryfce (school, Rochester. N. YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are eligible for gov ernment railway mail clerks, 192 month. For free particulars regarding examination, write Raymond Terry (former civil service examiner), 504 Continental bldg., Washington, P. C. ; POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OK BEHNKE-WALKEB " Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bank ing, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. Yearn telegraphy Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Railway Telegraph Institute. BUIISELL PKIVATB BUSINESS SCHOOL Day and Evening Classes Lumbermen bidg, 5th and Stark. Bdwy 384. MISS F. BUHSELL. Principal. TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE 207 Steven bldg., W. Park and Wash, Complete commercial eourea Adding and calculating machine Spanish French English. k ' MISS DEGKEit S PRIVATE BUSINESS CO. LEGE SPECIAL COURSE KX COMPTOMETERS AI.IWKY BLIXL 3D AND MORRISON. STEEN. SEWING SCrMMjL Bleek'a .aystem of ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phone East 5f35, B-8307. 162 Grand ave., near Belmont. BOOKKEEPING instructions given by practic ing accountant nights, to ladies only. Class limited to few. First meeting Tuesday. N-204, Journal. MAN to work this city ref inching chandeliers, brass bed, automobiles by new method. $10 daily without capital or experience. Write Gun metal Co., 308 Elm. Decatur, 111. HKLP WANTED FEMALE GIRL for warehouse work. Grant sts. Simons, Front and f RELIABLE woman for steady position pasting patches on cotton sarka. One with labeling . paper box or trunk factory experience pre- i erred. Ansver, giving experience, N-6T1 .fournal.Nw WANTKKZamlddle aged lady to do general housework in country; good home; family of itve; wages 30 twr month. John H. Blosser, vvoooDurn, l.r.. It. 1. PROMINENT phonograph store desires the serv ices after school snd on Saturdays of a west side school girl. Salary to start $16. M-818 Journal. COMFORTABLE home in mountains" for middle aged lady, help work and companion for chil dren. Write C. it. Williams. Philomath, Or., Harlan route. HAVE several positions to offer makers, trim mera and managing positions. Apply Imme diately, Muller & Raas Co. , (ilRLS wanted, steady employment at good ! ' wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and line. t WANTED- A woman for laundry work. Inquire New System Wet Wash Laundry, 507 E Flanders, A GIRL over 25 to take charge family of ""boys 'and aasiat with housework; no laundry. East 7630. ELDERLY" Isdy to keep small bouse and care for small boy for few months. Call Tabor 6875 Sunday, after tj evenings. MATD for general house work, smail-family, good wages; no washing. Call 629 Thompson st. GIRL wanted for general housework '"' 1 rt I "23d at. Marshall 56ti. SCHOOL. CIRLto aLtwlth '"light" huu-ework. room, board and salary. Tabor 70.12. WOMAN to take carp-of ' iklien. MiSt liave experience. Apply 345 E. Kith Ft COMPETENT hairdressers ti nd liairworker, 340 Alder. . WANTED Girl to assist with general house ' work. Apply mornings, titft) Lovejoy st. J HELP WANTED MSXE AND ' FEMALE I WAN TED Good man and wife to 'do janitor r. work for unfurnished modern 3 room apt., telephone, heat and water furnished and little :. money; good proposition for man that has other business where hours are not long and wife not .afraid to help; no children; C. S. preferred. N-669. Journal. MOLE It BARBER COLLEGE Par' Tu while learmna; gives wm -et of tools; positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Bomside St.. or phone Broadway 1 731. WANTED Middle .aged man and wife to work I on small ranch 2 miles from Vancouver Phone 31F4. or address Mrs. G. W. Louden, R- 2. box 45, Vancouver, Wash. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber tradlr-wa-es while learning; position guaranteed. Mar yean' exprnr-ncc. Oregnn Barber CrtUfge. 33 Madison l-OUTI4.NI BARBER CO LI. KG E teaches trad. in 8 weeks; iay wbile learning; position guar anteed. 234 Couch st. " WANTED AGENTS 1'OU are wasting time it vou are m,t nki ii io anus, man nr woman start - anvwhere; materials xwt vou 7So retails for f 45; I made $1-50 in' 26 days. Craycroft Fresno, Cal. MAKE $40 week!yseHins Cood'iear guaranteed raincoats. We deliver and collect. Profit in ' .advance. Sample coat free. Write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 438 Lillis bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ; OUR "Complete History of the War" contains General . Pershing's own story and peace sup plement Bt terms with premiums. Prompt shipments. Outfit free. Nichols Co.. Naperville, -11. . $18 to $38 WEEKLY in your spare time doina : special advertising work among the families 'f your city. No experience necessary. Write noway i or mo particulars. American Products Co 140 American bldg.. OinctnnatL O. ' . $75 weekly easily made sellinghih class patrT otic production. Excellent onnortimitv tw - turned soldiers and soldiers' widows. Lsarke -Tfoward Co., Desk 71. 96 Fifth ave., New s;' a wi Givy. SALESMEN Experience unuecessarv: n " strong proposition, staple line to nml ,. 'trade in Oregon, $35 weekly advance. Continental Jewelry Co., 1816 Continental bldg.. ClevelandT 'AlARCHS "History .of World War." Wonderful - mowj-raiitr. introduction General March, highest officer United States army I ib eral commissions. Outfit free. Bible Eduea- AUnwuy -yi Tneoaore Koosetelt." iMKiiu r uouit -gciiLs commiiwion. Outfit free Bibla EducaUonal Society, iiUerton bld.t &t AGENTS Reversible 2lnl" raincoat and over- coat, new, never on market before. Credit '.Outfit free direct. -Sal Tailors. 742 Bey at AUK. ms Answer this one. "2inl " raincnat Reversible ; guaranteed; new; Just out Credit given. .Outfit free; direct. Sales Tailors, 336 isey s, uayton. u. AGENTS 1 pound of our herbs drives the . most stubborn case of rheumatism entirely out of the system: never falls. Pound 60c Postage 12C- Los Angelc Rheumatism Herb Co., Cal. t r GO WHERE MONET FLOWS ' The fanner baa the money today.' , Wb have what he need. If yon will fow it to him 9 out of 10 will boy. i Our Aladdin kerosene mantle lamp creates a sensation wherever introduced. Fire times as bright as electric eavta one half on oil; 4 sales a day means a yearly income for yon' of 6000. No experience . needed; ever night trial convinces. Big or auto necessary. No capital required. We fural&b goods on time to reliable men. Sample sent for 10 days' trial anfi given free when you take up the work. Ex clusive territory. Get particulars. MantW Lamp Co., Dept. 937, 100 N. Fitth St., Port land. Or. ' , ' FBIENDSf AGENTS 1 Ladies and Gentlemenl Lend me your mm. Use and sell Egyptian Magie Perfume. A powerful high grade extract of flowers that give entire satisfaction. Mrs, H. writes, "Your perfume is Just grand. " Mi O. says "It's wonderful, already people take more -notice." Mrs. Kelsey writes, "It asay be the perfume, anyhow business is better." Hun dreds of satiKfied customers. One bottle, post paid, 25c; three, 0e; ti. $1; dozen. $2; gross, $18. O. J. Churchill Chemical Co.. Mfera., Beaumont. Texas. ; i TWO great sellers, ' '"Life of Boose velt," memori- al eiiition, and "Complete, History of the World War." Big 600 page books, beautifully illustrated. Millions of families are waiting for these books. 129 to 50 pec day can be made. You get 60 per cent and freight -paid. Credit if desired. Outfits of both book sent prepaid for 25 cents. Geo. G. Clows Co., Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMEN NEW CARBURETOR FOB FOHD CABS. Simple, not a moving part, in stalled in 30 minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage and start, in xerj weather without heat ing or priming; 15 day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1400 in 6 months. Salt Lake City man made $1200 in one week. Write V. J. Carburetor Co.. 505 W. Jackson bird., Chicago. HALF MILLION WAR BOOKS Most complete and authentic war book. In troduction by General March. Unique patriotic insert for soldier's photograph and military rec ord. ' Thousands of books ready for immediate shipment. Also Roosevelt book. Special terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free. H. L. Baldwin Co.. Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL BOOK, ILLUS TRATED WORLD WAR HISTORY; Pictorial. These books having enormous sale. Our agents doing biggest business. Get with liveliest house; best terms; outfits free. K. 1 Phillips Publish ing Co., Chicago, 111.; Philadelphia. Pa.; Atlanta, Ga. ; Waco. Texas; Denver, Colo.; Butte, Mont. Address nearest office. SALESMAN Vacancy. February 15. for com petent salesman or ex-merchant to be em ployed direct by sr large Cleveland corporation to sell merchants a needed high class, specialty in Oregon and surrounding territory. Permanent position, $300 to $500 per month. Commissions paid weekly. State experience. Address, H. R. t)rh. box 170. Station C, Cleveland. O. WANTED By three quarter million dollar cor poration, representative for Portland and surrounding; territory to sell high grade adver tising novelties and signs; appropriate for every business. Live man can make $2500 to $3500 a year. Exclusive territory; liberal commission. To proper men personal interview will be granted. Bastian Bros.. : Co. . Rochester. N. Y. WAR BOOKS WAR BOOKS WAR BOOKS Comnlcte. Authentic. Thrilling. Uttlcial ilhiftrations, maps, charts, diagrams; big book; big profits; also Life of Roosevelt. Freight paid. Credit iven. We give best Danx reierence. Outfit free. R. C. Barnum Co., Chicago, 108 No. IaSalle st. AGENTS If you want to average $1(JV daily sell a high grade line of combs, brushes, mir rors and other novelties in ivory ware, direct from factory to consumer. Enormous demand. Particulars free. Yanoco Ivory Co., Leominster, Mass. SALESMEN can make $10 a day with our line of art and commercial calendars, pencils ana other advertising novelties; exclusive territory; steady positions; big business this coming year. Both local and traveling salesmen waniea. aioaei Calendar Co.. Dept. 8, South Bend. Ind. AGENTS Reversible 2 in 1 raincoat and over coat. New, never on tile marset neiore. Credit given. Outfit free. Milton Raincoat Co., 944 Cotton st.. Dayton, umo. HAVE a big money-maker for a salesman famil iar with advertising or special line. uin ai 51U Royal bldg.. 9 to 12. SITUATIONS MALE WITH or without investment, $400 available; American citizen, just honorably discharged after 4 years and months' service over seas with Canadian expeditionary forces; wounded twice but not disabled; 36 years old: dye works pref e rred. L. C. de Bel levue, 488 Columbia st WANTED Work on farm. 20 years' experience, good hand tith Rtock ; married man with wife and 10-year-old boy. F. B. Zell, 26 S. Willamette Portland. Or. B" YOU can use an ex-soldier that has been buying subsistence supplies, drawing rations and is&uinz same for from 1000 to 15.000 troops duping the past six months, then write to Z-530, Journal and learn more aoout me. FORD OWNERS Let a competent Ford mechanic repair your car m your own garage at very reasonaoie price, satisfaction guaranteed. A trial will convince you. Phone Woodlawn 5486. CIVIL engineer, expert surveyor, municipal, and topographer, ' draughtsman, held responsible positions, just released from army. desire3 posi tion. PX-602, Journal. MARRIED man wishing work on a farm; have 2 children, aged 3 end 6 ; wife good cook ; can give references. Address i. .Al. Jjox, Cherry Grove, Of. A-l BOOKKEEPER. accounUnt, statistician and typist wislies position ; 1 0 yean expert ence: capable of taking full charge; local ref erences. Smith. Mar. 81. HAVE 2 ton truck, want contract hauling or trade for young, heavy team. 1298 E. 17th st. S.. city. Call 5 p. tn. WANTED Carpenter, repair work to do, rea sonable. Phone Main 6215. 7 to 9 morn ings. 1 to 8 evenings. EXPERIENCED washer wants work; country town lanndry preferred. Address Charles J Prespler. Independence, Or. FOUND A man to repair and re-uphol-ter vour furniture at your home t rices rpa- nnahle; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 4-20 YOUNG man. knows town, wants job driving or ki lping; can drive team or Ford. Phone WiJ.xiiawn 1585. GALBKAITH. .the painter. We hanr paper rinht ride up. Corner 1st and Mill sts. Phone Sunday Sellwood 2535, shop, 2714. DISCHARGED soldier wants job as second cook or fry cook m email restaurant. N-203 Journal. YOUNG MAN seeks position auto driving or shop; some experience. Small wages to start W-60 1. Journal. CIVIL engineer with experience In rough coun try would like position with logging firm. G. W. Smith, Waahougal, Wash. WANTED--Carpenter reoair work to-do. rea sonable. Phone Slain 6215, 7 to 9 morn ings, 1 to 8 evenings MECHANICAL and civil draftsman with two years' experience want position. G. W. Smith, Waahougal Wash. LANDSCAPE ""and ""general"" g'ardentni by ex perienced gardener. Marshall 2260. TJ.NTING, paperhenking and calcimining by ex perienced workman. Tabor 4868. WORK wanted for 3 ton truck : contract pre- j f erred at 818 a day. East 2123. lilNGLER, leaky roofs patched, chimneys re flashed: reshmgVing done. Marshall 1072. ROOMS tinted. $2.50; paltering reasonable. Nickels. Phone Bdwy. 8523. POOLROOM man, competent to take full charge. wants position; references. P-605, Journal. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomining; day or contract. East 1911. ROOFS, reshtngled and patched, gutters cleaned and repaired. Poona Marshall 70. SHINGLERR When you want shingling done, Call Woodlawn 5206. FOR plowing rail Tabor 64. SITU A riONS FEMALE AN experienced nurse with best of references wishes position in private family caring ror an invalid or any afflicted person. Call Wood lawn 6063. : A GOOD home, near Shattuck school, for a 13-year-old girl who can assist with light house work for her board and a little spending money. 5S-572, Journal. MOTHER and daughter want housework in gen tleman's home, close in: good home; no chil dren preferred. N-401. Journal. WANTED Day labor, by day or hour. Ad dress Mrs. Edith Courtney. Lock Box 345 Portland. Or. AN elderly woman would like work in restau rant or boarding house as kitchen helper. Call evenings, Columbia 546. WANTED Position as manager of apt bouse by viuic uiau, Desi. ox reierence lumished. Marshall 2480. WANTED General housework by colored wo man, good cook; east side preferred. Phone wooatawn io. POSITION or housekeeper for elderly person. U-899, JcnrnaL UNINCUMBERED lady wishes housekeeping on iw'ft'i, - - v. -i , vrui I is I. . HAnt dyed at home, reasonable, by experienced lauj. nsiB astir. ionrt, i b.-M woman wants day work. Call EXPERIENCED ironer wishes position by hour MNn -ssT'w ""i" ib chambermaid. DKKSSMAKTNO 40 jrfl n children clothes a specialty". -..v. .-.-.uwu .c, ou onns ear. MILLINERY designer wjth new or old materials. ui uuiereni aiatncta, iast 936. PRFSSMAKIXO NURSES' uniforms made to order. East 036. XTJRSES COMPETENT young woman will beat of rei erencea wants poaltlon giving massage gnd Swedish movement. Residential or office work. Call Wdln. 1865. ' Only respectable people need reply. . , , FVBKI8HED BOOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH a Day Up. Free Tub and Shower Bath. $1 HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorns and Grand. Starting point special ear iov v incrorn. Hotel Princess fnfiirn: moderate. E. 3d and Burnsida. FURNISHED room for rent. 763 V Thur- man st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. $18. 124 7 Wilbur st, St Johns car. Phone Wdln. 1CRSISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED sleeping room for respectable man. $S per month, close in. 4464 E. Burmude ft., nptairs. next Masonic bldg. BRIGHT, cozy front sleeping room in modern apt on N. and S. earline. convenient to restaurant, reasonable. 38 N. 25th st. Apt. A. NEATLY furnished room for rent, walking dis tance. S3 week. Wood lawn 2042 or 6-0 tance. $3 week. Borthwick st. TWO nicely furnished rooms in private family; everything homelike. Will give breakfast. 562 E. Salmon st. FURNISHED room for rent in private family. Phone East 731". FURNISHED room, suitable for two. $2 per week. Home priviligee. 291 17th. Main 3S06. ONE ROOM. Alberta earline. Wood lawn 324. TmFTJRiyiSrrEP ROOMS 10 3 ROOMS for rent with private family; walk ing distance to N. W Steel Co. U-900. Journal. ROOMS for light housekeeping. 911 E. Flan ders st. BOOMS AJTD BOARD li tioi'iv .n'rhoard. home etvle cooking; rates I reasonable. Grand Ave. Hotel. 334 Grand aVC, O DIOCaS IUUIU UI uftuwuuiB THE HAZEL "Not like the otherr ' Every comfort Home cooking. 385 Third at- THE Martha Washington. 3S0 10th. tor business girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7S WOULD like cliild to board and care for in my home; best of care; references. Call Mon day. 195 E. 84tlet.S., M-T Car. WANTED to board children in private family; one 10 years old. 810 E. 14th N. Phone Wdln. 694. SUNNY rooms, hot water heat, laundry and kitchen privileges, west side: beautiful home for young lady employed. Main 4 295. ROOMERSand boarders wanted, close to car line. Phono D-1177. CHILDREN to board in private family. Call East 2446. S f ALL child to board; mother' care. 648 Tenino ave., Sellwood. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ONE large and one small single H. K. rooms. thoroughly clean. light and comfortable. 247 H 5th st. TWO furnished - housekeeping rooms for rent, $15 a month. Phone Tabor 77S9. : FURNISHED h. k. rooms for 2 or 3 men only. Call 290 Jefferson st TWO housekeeping rooms, light, gas, heat fur nished. 354 Ross. Last 7657. $12.50 Two furnished rooms light house keeping. 390 East 1st st. N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY DESIRABLE suite of extra nice rooms, west side, lower floor of private home: suitable for housekeeping ; owner will -rent to desirable business or professional adults; references re quired. E-201, JoumaL TWO light housekeeping rooms in private family. light, water, bath, phone, fuel, 1 block from car. Adults only. Call Wdln. 3715. THREE rooms, furnished or partly furnished, all modern conveniences, for light H. K. ; adults only. Phone East 324. 574 E. Couch. $35 4 large furnished housekeeping rooms. lower floor. 546 E. 27th st. Richmond car to 27th St., 1 block- south. $6.50 MONTH. 2 front IL K. rooms, partly furnished. Inquire rear 911 Williams ave. TWO or three nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $25. 287 J3th st. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 13 MEIER FPANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU Reliable up-to-dste Hsts of desirable vacant booses, apartments and flats with definite in ter mat ion pertaining to each. Newcomers tn Portland win find this burean of great value in beiping them get properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOB MODERN 5 room cottage, white enameled, plastered attic, large lot. fruit trees, walk ins distance, $23. 34 6 Victoria, block cast of Williams, near Broadway. East 76.16. 4 ROOM house. $10; 3 rooms ground floar. $12.50; garage, $3; harn, $5: several acres for cultivation. Corner 89th and E. Stark. COSY 4 room bungalow. Mt. ScotT district, fruit. berries, gas, $8.50, including water. 68 12 4th ave. Tabor 1927. 8 ROOM house, electric, bath and gas. hot and cold water. 621 E. 14th South. Phone Sell. 274. RETURNED soldier with family must have 6 or 7 room house by Monday night Phone Liberty Temple. Main 313. NICE 5 room cottage for rent Inquire at 786 Reed St. near 24 th.. weet side. MODERN 10 room house for private family only; central west side location. Mar. 1 1 05. 5 ROOM bungalow and acre. 68 16-44th ave. S. E. A MODERN 5 room house, near Firland. Call Tabor 7303. 6 BOOM flat over store at Kern Park, $8.50 per month. Tabor 4090. 7 BOOM house. 2 lots, fruit, berries and gar den, $18 a month. Inquire 3613 68th S. E. MODERN 5 room bungalow, E. 24 th and Oregon st call East 04. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 FURNITURE for sale 6 room house for rent; yard, truit. trees; not too tar from business district. 982 Cleveland ave. Williams ave. car to Going st. - ' FOR SALE, household furniture for 5 rooms. complete, 5i.. Will accept Liberty bonds. House rent $17. Tabor 7789 for appoint ment. FURNITURE of --room house, idee little home. rent $10. Come today. 1827 Woolsey st. St Johns oar. HOUSE for rent and 5 rooms furniture for sale at a great saving, 2n (jibbs st. FURNISHED HOUSES 56 S ROOM modern bungalow, very good furniture; small family, $30; water furnished; would sake reduction if I could lease for a year; Al berta district. Phone Tabor 4897.' ROSE CITY PARK Completely furnished 3 room modern home. 1 4 blocks from earline, no children. Tabor 9536. 3 ROOM furnished house, piano, bath, gas, elec- rxicity, ua mem, uu - iuuc, u uuicu. 6141 45th ave. S. E. 1 FOR RENT Furnished house. $23, including water, light and garbage; garden, some fruit; 3 rooms. 405 E. 44tli st Adults. NICELY furnished home, desirable location. 955 Clinton' st. price $55 per month. Phone Tabor 8124. i APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHE D AND UNFURNISHED WELL furnished 2 room apartment reasonable: no children. 293 Union ave., corner of E. Clay st. JEFFERY 2 rrtera furnished apt. $20. Cor. Russell and ' Kerby between Miasis.-ppi and William ave. TWO roomed, rleati. cozy furnished n. k. apt, niUblo for 2 adults. 247 H 5th. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FURNISHED 3 -oom upper flat 826 H Vanghn: no batb; ' gas. only; no children. Phone Broadway 3358. . 3 ROOM lower flat, 745 Roosevelt; modern ex cept bath room; adult only. -Broadway 3353. FOR BENT Store with partition, suitable for living rooms. lftH Williams ave. GOOD S rman lower flat, 691 Everett st. west side, rnone "xo. vK'K ROOMS, flat partly furnished, $13. 1M i East Gluan. MontaviUa. car. - FOR RE?TT FLATS IS f-ROOM riats, nion ate. near B usee U: adult only. East 215. 'FIJR-JTISHFD FLATS ' FURNISHED 6 room flat,- chicken yard and garden plot. Wdln. 688, 3 ROOM furnished cottage, water, lighta. phone, 818. Marshall 2041. 800 Jefferson. STORES ASP OFFICES : II STORE, corner 35th aud Hawthorne, suitable for dairy r delicatessen- Johnson, Broad- way 1612. East 8421. PART of office fori. rent, Deknra bldg.; good ser vice, entrance opposite elevater; rent reason able. O-804, Journal. LODGE room for writ. Call evenings. East 8030. WASTED TO REM IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOR RENT A HOUSE. A FLAT. AN APARTMENT LET OS LIST IT. "HEAVE TOGETHHfi." CARS or N. W. STEEL CO. PHONE MAIN 11B$. WANTED, to rent with privilege of buying, by couple without children, modern htiuse of 6 large rooms, all on 1st floor, with attic floored, full cement basement with laundry trays, extra deep lot, two lots preferred; near earline. Give fuU description and number of house in first let ter or no attention given. N-201. J ournal. WANT to rent farmof 80 to 160 acres from old couple who would like to live in town. Have neat, comfortable house in Portland which could be occupied by old couple as part payment on rent of farm. Can give references. 1750 Haven at. WANTED by absolutely reliable small family 5 roomed modern furnished bungalow by March 1. Portland Heights preferred, but Rose City; or like district will be considered. Every sign- of permanency if suited. Q-892. Journal. 5 OR 6 room furnished bungalow before March 1, by business man; prefer Rose City or like district; beat of care guaranteed; no children; will lease. N-206, Journal. WIVTIT, . I o ... ...... m 1 n 1 ft .ni7 Jlk dwelling and chickenhouse. 681 E. 8th, phone Sellwood 484. WANT 2 or 3 acres with 7 room house, close in; have equity of $750 in 7 room house and a little cash. Give description and location. K-207, Journal. WANTED Unfurnished 5 room modern bun galow, 1 year; not over $15; close in; good location. U-895, Journal. WANTED, to rent four or five room house on ML Tabor or exchange for 5 room cottase. 1160 E. Main. SIS Call Tabor 2189. RENT, privilege of buying, nice furnished house; can furnish any desirable referen.-ts. M 896. Journal. WANTED By'Feb. 15, 4 or 5 room house, by couple; near Mississippi car line. N-205, Journal. 5 ROOM modem house or flat; adults; Haw thorne or Mt, Tabor car preferred; permanent. Phone Tabor 1292, a WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room bungalow, with privilege to buy. East 5097. WANTED, to rent, unfurnished five or six room house by Feb. 15. Call Tabor 6171. W A N T 6 or 7 room housed tour adults. E. Grigsbr. 73 East Taylor St. WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room house, with garden space. 1117 E. Market. Tabor 42U. WANT 6 or 7 room house, 2 Grigsby, 773 E. Taylor st. families. E. WANTED To rent 4 room furnished house. Alberta district. Marshall 5324. WANTED to rent 4 or 5 room modern apt. on west side, unfurnished. Phone B-1890. WANTED Space, ground floor, $0 demonstrate oil burner. E-205, Journal. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 HOTEL at beach, 35 rooms, one 7, one 4 and cottage, 4 lots overlooking ocean, electric lights, city water, fireplace, piano, furnished complete, $4000; down, balance easy pay ments. Owner, 1009 W. 10th St.. Vancouver, Wash. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 BARGAINS in real estate. 475 a. rolling land and the best of soil, large dwelling and barns, well of cold water and 3 large springs, 150 a. in cultivation, 100 acres slashed and seeded to grass, good rock road and beautiful view of Uie valley, some nice timber and most of the land could be farmed. Would make a good dairy and sheep ranch. It' sold soon, 2 com plete farming outfits, including horses, cows, hogs, sheep, chickens and turkeys, go Willi the pale of this beautiful farm and all for the low price of $36,000. This is a snap for the man with a little money. Worth more than double this amount Residence on the paved road just out of the city, good barn and other outbuildings, all kinds of fruit bearing, land all in cultivation; a good home for the right party. Only $3150. 17 acres in cultivation but no buildings; 9 acres in 10-year-old walnuts that made 17 per cent on the investment last season; 8 acres of Spitzenberg apples. Fine location and a snap at $3000 for short time only. Very desirable home, all modern and corner property, close-in: range, heater and. expensive carpets all c in if sold soon: owner going away: value S450l Can be had for $3150. Terms on ail over S1000. WHITE & CO.. 703 V 1st st. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE 6 lots with 1 modern 7 and 1 9 room building, fir shade trees, bearing fruit trees, running water through grounds, water right from mountain spring. This place is 4 8 miles from Portland, 60 feet off Columbia high way, an ideal spot for summer home or resort hotel. Cai be had for $4000. Address box 154, Cascade Locks, Or , FOR SALE HOUSES 1 A HOME BARGAIN $1600 Nest modern cottage on beautiful, nightly lot This hnase has full modern plumbing, base ment, electricity and gas. Lot 50x100, with a number of fine, bearing fruit trees. Only a rmill cash payment required. E. 33d, near paved street. It V. FEEMSTERJSOO Abinglon bldg. EMERSON ST7h6uSE SNAP Good 0 room house, cement basement, electric lights, good bath. 3 bedrooms, full lot 50x100; city liens all paid; price, a snap. $2100; $600 cash and $20 per jmonth. 508 Emerson near 10th, Go look at it It is a good buy GRUSSI A BENNETT.; 316 Board of Trade. -fain 7452. $lfi000 STBiCTLY modern Irvington home. Beautiful modern 6 room bungalow on Rose City Park earline. A strictly modern bungalow, 6 rooms, located on Suniiyside earline. RICHARDS & COLLIER. Panama Bldg. Main7309. MODERN C room hom.e; furnace, fireplace, polished floors, full cement basement : nice lawn, roses, fruit. Lot 50x100. on 48th st. near Hawthorne, only $3750. Terms. Liberty Realty & Brokerage Co.. 502 Buchanan bldg. Main 2712. WANT 2 to 5 room cheap cottages and bunga- i .... r-.. . r,w cjnjiik i ; lun., 1 1 ' ' l II .1 uul'. , ti UI demand. House selling has been our specialty for 16 ycari. We get results. List with us at once. GRUSSI A BENNETT. 316 Roard of Trade bldg. Main 7452. HOUSE AND LOT $550 Here is a wonderful bargain, $550 cabh buys a house and lot This is the total cost Lot 46x100 with 8 fine young, -earing fruit trees, worth the money. Neat cottage, plumbed jind painted. Near Firland station, R. F. FEEMSTER. 3G8 Abington bldg MR. HOME BUYER, if yon want a modern 7 room bouse, well located, with good sur roundings, see this one, on E. 45th et, 3 blocks from car; 2 story, full basement, furnace, fire place, wash trays, hardwood floors, built-in ef fects, all in good, repair; price $3500: $1000 cash, good teTms. Room 27 Panama bldg. NEAT little plastered home, near earline. fur nished, 30x100 lot $950; easy terms. 9710 56th ave. S. E. See Motter & Barrett, attor neys, Panama bldg. ' Main 9404. $2000 BUYS half acre, right at O. E. station, 8c fare; good 7 room house, brn. henhout-e, fine orchard, city water. See this today. CaU Sellwood 2252. FOB SALE or trade, 8 room modern home, cor ner lot, 100x100, 30 fruit trees: free from all incumberances, Woodlawn 2528, or East 7655. , I MODERN 7 room house, well located,! 1 block from car, full lot, furnace, fireplace, built-in effects fine home; $8300; half cash. 207 Panama bldg. 5 BOOM bungalow, finished attic, hardwood . floors, fireplacee, all built-in effect, full base ment, improvements in, $3100; terms. 964 Brooklyn at SelUvood 2 04 7 EXCEPT KJNALLY well built 7 room house and 50 foot lot; street improvements in and paid; Broadway near 35th; $3000. terms. Phone Tabor6833. ! $900 BUYS a 4-room house, large lot. fruit and berries. Shade, city water td gas. Terms. $30O cash, balance to suit .you. M, E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW Nifty 6 room bungalow, near to car, $3000. Phone Woodlawn 5447. BUY a home I with an income; 6 living rooms, over store. i5x50: cost $2500; -first, one with $1600 gets II., Tabor 4090. EQUITY in 4 mall bouso and lot. $225. $825 price of Jbourejind lot Call Tabor 4361, BY-OWNEB-t Pretty bungalow, nicely located. at a price you will buy. Woodlawn 3852. i-ROOM house ; will sell on easy term. Os borne, 702 Spalding bldg. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 STTTblfNS B.AR.GAINS $30,30 8 room house. 10 Iota, vomer. 88 good bearing fruit trees, 2 . chicken booses. , 3 blka. from ear: terra. . "r " $27004 room and sleeping porch, ground 125x100. 10 good bearing fruit, treea. barn, chicken house, etc.; terms. $2500 5 rooms, full brick basement, full lot. 15 good bearing: fruit trees, abundance of berries, full lot; easy terms. $2400 9 room bungalow, (round 60x100. full basement. 6 good bearing fruit trees, 2 blks. from car; terras. WATCH OUB ADS WE GET RESULTS. C A. WABRINEB. EITTEB. LOWE A CO., 2 0 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNISHED 4 rooms and bath, foil "lot. Woek to car; move right in. $1375. $173 cash, $25 per mo. 8 room house, full lot; 10 bearing fruit trees; full cement basement; improvements paid. $1800, $400 cash; will aell, furnished com plete; also tow and 35 chickens. West side, 4 rooms, plastered: can arrange .3 rooms second floor, full lot, walkfhg distance to shipyards. Price $1000; terms. 6 room modern, furnished complete; 1 block to car; good district, $2900, $650 cash, $25 per mo. SLETTEN A JONES. Main 2558. 248 Stark St. HOME BARGAINS $300 cash, 5 room modern bungalow, Monta vUla, good plumbing, full bascanent with ce ment floor, a real bargain at $1850. $300 ca-sh, Sellwood car, 6 room house with all improvements, including hard surface, in and paid; price $1650. $500 cash. Terrace nark. S room modern bungalow, fireplace, beam ceiling; price $1900. $500 cash, 100x100 near Mt. Tabor Alta mead car, good 5 room house, garage, all" kinds fruit and berries; $1900. Can you afford to pay rent when these bargains are offered? S. P. Osborn, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. LOOKING FOR A HOME? New bungalow, double constructed, all built ins, oak floors, 4 rooms, bath and separate toilet below, 3 chambers above, full basement; west of Piedmont. $2600. $600 cash. Council Crest. New home, which you could not build for $3500. Beautiful view, lot 60x 113. Photos at the orrice. $3000. ' East 10th. Near Ainsworth, -6 room bun galow -design house. All the modern features, cost owner $4500. Mortgage pressure force sale. $3250. Can handle on $1000 cash. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. 1 V, BLOCKS TO ROSE CITY PARK CAR $2150. $250 down, balance, including all interest, only $25 month. 5 rooms, 60x100 ft. lot, cement sidewalk, no assesstnents, nice lawn and roses. East ' front, good front porch. Place will be vacant and you can move in March 1. J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208, A 2050. WALNUT -PARK Near JEFFERSON HIGH 7-room 2-story house. Int. 50100, east front, garage and alley; modern conveniences: sub stantial home: price $4500. fully furnished, or S390O wrthont furnitur?: terms to responsible parties. Phone owner, Woodlawn 4. DO you think you can beat this? A full lot with 2 bouses, on N. 23d st., one house alone rents for $25 per month, the other you can live in for nothing. How would you like to buy this for -4200 This fa in. the thick of the big works on the west side, close to thai b ranee, with full view of Tualatin valley at railroad terminals, where there i never a vacant I Council Crest: double constructed plastered, pa house; $1000 cash will take this. M J. j Pered, stained and varnished, built-in buffet. cionessy, 41 o Abington bldg. BRAND NEW Jl ST COMPLETED HOSE CITY PARK VERY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW 434 E. 42D ST. N . BLOCK NORTH CAR 6 rooms, large living room 14x26, finished in old ivory, trimmed mahogany, swell beveled plate buffet plate glass windows, breakfast room, eastern oak floors, finest furnace, solid brass hardware. Phone Tabor 1 900. Best Car Service I have for sale a 6-room bungalow near 4 4th and Sunnyside car, on a corner lot 50x120 feet: price $2800, most any terms. There is no mortgage on this property. 1011' Yeon bldg. Main 5456. $80001 modern 2 flat building. 1 S room house. 62xl00. in Union are; good in vestment $3000 7 room house, 1 Vi story, 50x125 lot? paved street: in Monroe st. near Union ave. $3500 50x100 in 'Union ave.. near Alberta; good business lot. E-7734. 423 Monroe st RICHMOND DISTRICT $3500 5 rooms, sleeping porch, attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins. furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, st imp. in and paid. No mortgage. Terms. J. A. WICKMAS CO.. Main 583. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. MT. SCOTT CAR 4 rm., double constructed, fine batb, Dutch kitchen, garage, lot 60x133 ft. 10 fruit trees. This fine little buy can be handled on amall payment down, balance easy. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington' bldg. 100 x 200 $.50 Neat 3 room cottage, with electric lights; good well and water tower; all kinds of young truit coming into bearing; at Oswego; $250 cash. $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FURNITURE given away. 6 room house ivith built in features and furnace, completely furnished: in a No. 1 neighborhood: imp. paid. This is really worth $4000: will -ell all comnlete. S3400. S750 dnwn per mo. Tabor 7463. Irvington I will sell a modern 8 room home in one of the most attractive locations in Irvington at much less than its true value. Phone Tabor 6645. $1300 BUYS 5 room tumished house, bath" toilet, gas, electricity, outhouses, fruit. 2 lots, immediate possession. . $1385 buys 5 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, elec tricity, lot 75x100, walks; in, street graded. Houck. 110 10th st 0 ROOMS. 814O0 4 rraa. downstairs. 2 bedrooms upstairs, faces est : has tfarage, also gas, elec. light, etc.; 92d st S. E., just north of school house. Easy terms. CEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg OWNER'S SACRIFICE Leaving city and will sell my strictly modern house away below cost, on easv terms. Only $3600. and city lien. Tabor 3825. UNINCUMBERED, extra good" and c o in pa ra tffe 1 y new 8-room house, good barn, 2 large lots, affording good garden and attractive grounds; a genuine bargain at $4250, and give terms. Samuel Doak, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. laurelhurst ' " 6 room bungalow, modern, finished in old ivory and solid mahogany. See this before you buy. F. Vanduyn, 615 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1955. $1050 $150 CASH, balance- $20 a month. buys a 5 room cottagi, SOxlOO lot with berries and fruit This place is located on the west side, and is a bargain. M. E. Lee, 505 i (irv,of. t -'-ruen uiufc ONLY $2400 for a 5 room cottage on 22d st, close to the Brooklyn earline: streets pared, everything in and paid for. S500 in cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY, 413 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Inside city limits, modern rsi- denco of 7 roonn and bath, large basement. stable, with servant's room above; hen house, wuodhouse, 2 extra lots, room for cow and large garden; terras to suit purchaser. Tabor 3340. 40 ACRESnea rMolal!aT 8 RT house "and bsrn, part under cultivation and fenced and some good timber. For terms, L. Sherman, 494 24tb st. N., Portland, Or. MUST sell, leaving city4 room" houseTrs, water, garage, lot 50x100, $185 down. cash or Ijberty bonds, balance $620, $10 per month, with interest Bdwy. 1578. 3 ROOMS. $950 S rms., hath. Dutch kitchen, basement, ase east; Mt. Scott car; $150 down. bal. easy. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. 5 R. BUNGALOW furnished $2800. orurr furnished $2300; terms; street bonded. Met calf. 617 Cliam. of Com., Marshall 2432; eve nings, Sellwood 3652. 3 ROOMS, electric lights, lot 80x100. cement basement teady for building bungalow: 8 Mocks from Hawthorne car; a snap. Call Mar shall 721. 1 A FINE 100x110 corner lot with 6 room house in course of construction and new chicken house, $1850 with reasonable terms. Owner living in house. 1414 Montana ave. WEST side, close in. 5 room cottage, lot 28x100. free of incumbrance, near Sooth Portland shipyards. Price $2800. IMrshL 623. 6 ROOM modern houe, 3 blocks from Alberta car line, $1400; $600 cash. 1151 E. 23th st. N. t FOR SALE House and lot A snap. Inquire at 328 Benton it 1 block from Broadway car. 7 BOOM modern bungalow, Killingsworth ave, district $2250; terms. Inquire 1435 Mis sissippi ave. Phone C-1483. . 5 ROOM bungalow, modern, 2 blocks from far, K. 46th St.. Hose City Park: a very pretty place and cheap V $3."00. Main 125. ROSE CITY PARK One of the most attractive 6 room bungalows in ltose caty rare at a sacru ice. xaoor ooo MODERN 6 roam bungalow, $2250 5816 E. 50th st, Woodstock car. i termsH 4 -BOOM shack, lot 76x100, SlOOOjLflOO down, $15 per month. Tabor 4320. . , FOB SALE 2 5-room bungalows, close In: oa : easy term; by owner, I'houe East 6161. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 A HOME ; WOT MERELY A HOUSE Just tha place for the family of a business or profession-l man. 6 room with lovely son parlor and breakfast roam, large living room. 8 large beautiful bedroomi; polished hardwood floors throughout; furnace, fireplace, etc Lboica location in Beaumont on 46th st.. about 1 H blocks off Alameda drive; garage, paved street, lot 73x100 feet. IMa 1 more than Just a beautiful home it is a real bargain besides. Price only $1100; $1500 cash, balanco at 7 . Let Mr. Altos show you this. It will meet your expecta tion fully. - THE Il WRENCH COMPANY . ' 203 Corbett bldg. Main 6913 or A-2815. ARE APARTMENT HOUSES -GET-V TING IRKSOME - TO YOU? Still have : a few bungalows for gala in Laurelhurst and Rose City Park, on of which might suit you. CaU on MB. BROWN. E. 89th at Glisan. phono Tabor 3438 or Tabor 39, evenings. VEBT ATTRACTIVE BOOM HOME Modern and well built, nice, large, airy rooms, good neighborhood, reception halt living room, large dining room, kitchen, 3 nice, large bed rooms, fine view of mountains, I block to Glisan st. car; cement basement, "Fox" furnace, fine 50x100 lot. Immediate possession. Price for quick sale, $2950, $500 cash will handle. We commend this house as being priced hundreds of dollars below its actual- value. Phone for our auto and inspect this. THE CROSStEY-YIGAHS CO.. . Specialists in ? Home Properties. 270 Stark eL ' Main 8052. $1500 TERMS-$1 500 4 room double constructed plastered bunga low, boiltins. enamel plumbing, choice electric fixtures, full cement basement, laundry trays; 50xl0Q; sewer, etc., paid; 3 blocks to car; just east of Laurelhurst; sold for $2250 in 1917; this is a snap. G, C. Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg. 108 3d. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803 LISTEN to this, only 1 block from tha Lin coln high, only 4 blocks - from The Audi torium on 6th st. the business street of the city, close in to the Liberty Temple. A 6 room house with porcelain plumbing ; the house was not btsilt yesterday, neither is the lot a half acre, naturally it wouldn't be expected in this locality for $3500, but it is sufficient to tell you that the price is very much less than the lot alone is worth, $500 is all the cash we want M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. BUNGALOW IN Alberta near Alameda district. Five rooms and bath and toilet, large attic, every modern convenience, electric lights, hot and cold water, gas, hardwood floors, built in features in all rooms; paneled dining room with beamed ceiling, has cute breakfast room, screened back porch, Dutch style kitchen, wood lift, fireplace, clothes press with full sized mirror in door, full cement basement with fur nace and laundry trays. $3300, with $1250 cash, bal. terms. E-202. Journal. $1950 PART CASH $1950 PARTY LEAVING CITY 6 room house and garage, free from irtcum- blocks from end of Council Crest car. Owner LEWIS THIEDERMAN Phone Marshall 5459 for direction-. OUT OF THE ORDINARY Hawthorne district; 6 room modern house on fin 50x100 corner; 150 ft hard surface street (all paid), reception hall, large living and din ing room, large kitchen; 8 nice bedrooms and batb, cement basement, fine furnaee, etc. It' a very nice, roomy home and a great bargain at $3-00. Better look into this. THE CBOSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark st. r Main 8052. $2500 PORTLAND HTS. hillside home, dou ble garage, walking distance. $2500 Ainsworth ave.. furnished 6 -room mod. $2650 Hawthorne, 5-room modern. $2900 Peninsula Add., 7-room modern home. $1750 Ross st. 5-room, walking distance. $2750 H acre, fruit, garden, 6-room bungalow. $ 850 Woodlawn, 4 -room boue. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW $3200 Nice 5 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen; nice finished floors, cement floor in basement: 1 block to "MT" car; lot 50x90. 1244 E. Alder, near 42d. Price $3200: $500 cssh. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 316 Board of Trade. Main 74 52. $3250 1 ACRE 7 ROOM HOUSE "-lath, toilet, fireplace, full concrete basement, gas, water, orchard, fine garden, barn, chicken house and runs, 1 block from improved road and city limits. See this at once. Get off at end of Woodstock earline, go 2, blocks east and 4 blocks south to 6532 C2d st Vi. E. ; $500 down, bal ance easy term. Owner. Tabor 777. BIG SNAP 7 BOOM HOUSE 2 LOTS Good 7 room house, bath, electricity, cement basement, 5 rooms down, 2 upstairs, 4 bedrooms; 2 lots, 100x80. comer, 1023 Iiiterstato or Patton ave., comer Humboldt. Big snap at $2000, on easy term. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 31 6 Board of Trade. Main 74 52. IN the heart of the city, close in on Market St.. near 14th, is a 6 room house with lot 30x100 feet, only $3200. You don't have to I go away out on the east side, here' one only a step from the park blocks and business centei. $1000 cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington blht FOR SALE a room house in Jonesmore. bath. toilet, ga & elec. full basement, lot 50x101. Clear pf incumbrance. 4 blocks from car. Want good lot near East 28th A Ankeny or Roe City Park, not over 15 min. walk to 3d A Wash, on west side. J. 8. Knauss. 416 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 3270. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW ,6 roonn, fireplace, good basement, full lot, garage, good bearing fruit trees; price $2000, $500 cah, balance easy. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER. I OWE & CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $lf00 for a good coy 3 room cottage, with 2 lots, bath and toilet in the cottage. This is in the right direction, only 4 blocks from the St. John car, near the big shipbuild ing. Peninsula Mills and Cooperage works. This must be all cash as the owner is leaving the state. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. YOU ARE OVERLOOKING SOMETHING $1600 5 room bungalow, bath, gas, electric I lights, fireplace, 50x100 with alley. No shack but an absolute bargain. No mortgage to assume. Terms. J A WICK MAN -CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. : " ROSE CITY PARK ' A wonderful buy, $4500. Fine 6 rooms modern home, bungalow type, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built ins, garage, nice yard; yon must see this to appreciate its value. 52; E. 42d st. N. Tabor 7048. ONLY $3300. on East 34th t. in the Sunny side district, is a modern, 'up-to-date house," with a full lot, a full basement, furnace, fire place, all other built-in effects necessary. $500 cash will handle this. M. t. CLOHESSY, 4154 AOinglon otug. $1000" BUYS good house. 5 large plastered rooms, cement basement, cement walk, 5 blocks to car; $300 cash or part Liberty bonds, balance $10 a month. Inquire 1011 E. Irv ing st M-V car. FOR-SALE, 5 room modern, double constructed cottage, well built; with all built in conven iences; full basement, 'lot 50x100, good location. 8 blocks to school, car and CoL park. See owner, 440 W. Farragut st FOR SALE 4. room house and 3 lots in Sell wood. 720 Nehalem; water and gas, lota of fruit; $2000, $360 cash, balance $15 a month.' Corner 19 th. and Nehalem. Call any time this week. SACRIFICE ON 84THSTP "5 room cottage, 1 block from Division, ce ment walks, paved streets; somebody gets a bar gain. Price $2230; terms. See tbe owner, 267 Oak st. war NOT BUILD? Get an artisiie home bv an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish, the money H desired. L. K. Bailey Co.. Ine.. contracting architects 924 N. W Bank BY owner, 7 room bungalow, modern except furnace; Dutch kitchen and garage, $2300. $30O cash; bal. easy terms. See at once. 693 Sherrett ave., Sellwood. 5 ROOM bungalow. Bos City Park di-t net. with 2 lots, hard eurfacti atreet. certainly a bargain at $2100. Fred S. Williams, 92 First t. i SALE CONTRACT for boose in Woodmere: price $1900, 7 per rent. $25 per month; S300 has been paid: further particulars address, W.g:Corbin. Etciida. Or.. It. B. 1. . FOB SALE Plain 5 room furnished cottage, 1305 East Madison st Good neighborhood. convenient to ear. .Easy terms. House vacant. phone Tabor B702. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW 5 rooms, newly built, hardwood floor, fire place, full basement and big garage. Price $4800, term. Owner, Woodlawn 4895. FOR SALE 6 room plastered boose, fun base- t. lot 40x124. by owner. 9226' SSd ave. S. E.. Portland 6 BOOM modern cottage in St. John on Im proved street. 1 block from earline: $1600, $800 cash, be la nee monthly. 818 Hartmaa st WTf.D sell or trade for $f O00 equity In mcd ; eru bungalow. Tabor 146A. REAL ESTATE FOR SATE HOUSES 1 $100 Cash S room cottage; Woodstock district; large tot. f-ilea, $7 90. $200 Cash 4 room h erase; lot 30x200; fruit, berriea, barn, chicken house; water and gas, Pries $700.; baL a. $1800 3 room modern furnished houseboat, finished la old Ivory and ertaraeL French windows, t hi years old; beautiful furniture; dandy. Terms. $400 Cash . room modern; large lot; garage ; Hawthorn dist. Price $8500; easy payments. $300 Cash . 8 room modern on 27th near Burnslde; carago. Price $3000; easy payment-. ' . LAYMAN 141 PARK ST. , Open Sunday and Evening Phone Main 4134. : " $2500 " Piedmont District Exceptionally well built bungalow, 5 large, light, airy rooms, all newly painted and dee orated. Hat all the modern convenience, such as fireplace, porcelain plumbing, choice electric fixtures, buffet, bookcases, buiitin Seats, cove and beamed ceilings, linen closets, reception hall, full hastxnent, garage; 50x100; liens paid; terms ar ranged. JUST 3 BLOCKS EAST OF UNION Ideal Location ; Among Beautiful Hemes, G. Cr Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg. 485. Years in Portland." 106 3d. Main 4803 $4300 ALAMEDA PARK $4300 Exceptionally coxy 5 room bunga low with garage; interior finish, old ivory: a gem of a place: $1200 ovish will handle; not many like this. For appointment, phone MR. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700", Eve. and Sun. East 2086. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW NEW $200 DOWN $2500, easy terms; big living room. ' 3 - whit enamel bedrooms, bath, white enamel kitchen with all built-in effects. 50x100 ft lot.. 1 block to car. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bid).. 4th and Stark Main 208, A-2050. - , SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW NEAT AND ROOMY 8 rooms and den, all buiitin conveniences. fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, corner lot. nice lawn and shrubbery., garage. 3 blks. from both S and H cars; price $1500, terms. C. A. WARRINER, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MONTAVILLA SNAP $250 CASH $250 4 rooms, bath, good fall basement, about 18 good bearing fruit trees, full lot. 1 blk, from car. Price $1800; terms like rent WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULT,. v.. A. warnner, RITTER. LOWE & CO . 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3600 Beautiful home In the best of condition with three rooms and den on first floor and four bedroom on second, with French door between two rooms, also attic: furnace and garage. $600 cash will handle and no mortgage. J. A. WI-KMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. - Main 383. CALL Sellwood 3861 for heat buy or trade in euDuros, u rooms, plastered, half acre ground orchard, barn; city water, ga in addition. $1650 easy terms. This place cost me $3000; 8 cents tare, io minutes to car. Will take auto, store, restaurant, rooming nouse; no agents. A REAL BARGAIN H1K.10 A 7 room house with bath on upper floor and lavatory down, garage, 50x100 lot; upper floor now rented for $1.5 monthly. It is located in Sellwood near car.' Pay $500 down. Let us show you. COE A. McKESNA & CO.. Main 4 522 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT" $2530 5 BOOM BUNGALOW $500 down, 5 large rooms and attic, in good comation ana location. u nie wui please you. Come in. Our salesmen wjth auto will take you out J. L HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4 th and Stark. Main -US, A--UOU. ROSE CITY Very good 4 room partially fur nished residence on a good Improved 50x 100 lot. with street graded, sidewalks in and paid: fruit berries, shrubbery: electric light, gas in street; owner non-resident, asks only $1250: $250 cash, balance monthly. JOHN-SON-DODSON CO.. 834 N. W. BANK HLHO. 5 ROOM bungalow, strictly modern, gas, elec tricity, paved street and earline passing in front of the door, buiitin Dutch kitchen, beam celling and fireplace, lot 50x100 and garage; $2350, $250 down and the rest like rent first payment down can be made to suit buyer. 2090 E. Glisan. Call Woodlawn Jj7 50. GENUINE SACRIFICE; " Nonresident has instructed us tn tell 5 room bungalow, on terms, for only $2020. Street lien all paid. This in worth $2650. Located in S7th st, between 8. H. and Hawthorne car lines. Chap man Wintier Co., 1079 Hawthorne, corner 36th St. Office will be open 2 to 4 today. ROSE CITY PARK $4000 This is a very pretty bungalow of 6 rooms irr eluding 3 bedrooms. It has oak floors, splendid fireplace, hot air heat, all built-in features; pav ing liens paid. . We want to show you. this pretty home; $1000 cah handle. COE A. M.KENNA & CO.. Main 4522. S2 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. $2500 HAWTHORNE "BUNGALOW '$2300 S rootm, fireplace, lull basement, wash trays, wood lift, etc., all hard surface in and paid, 2 blks. front car; easy terms; quick .possession. C. A. WAUBINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Btds A NEW 6 room hou, ail built-fii conveniences, hardwood floors, street improvements in and paid for. Full cement baemcnt, furniture, piano, Columbia grafonola, chickeiu, 1 imrtable chicken hou?e, 75 pedigreed rabbits and hutches, very cheap, H. C. I'., party leaving city. Call Tabor 5637.1 1284 Halsey. - IN th Kenton district 138 Kusett st., is a cute up-to-date" bungalow with basement This is new and modern. A full lot, cement side walks, only 1 block from the Lombard streetcar. The price is only $2400, less than the cost of the bungalow. M J. CLOHESSY, 413 Abing ton bldg. 5 ROOM house S room house . . 7 rooms, lot 75x100 5 rooms, corner Lot .$1,800 ..I 1750 . . 3000 . . 2500 3500 L7 rooms, Laurelhurst , . j. . riiifc-it. Main 5988. ROSE CITY PARK I have a brand new, strictly modern bunga low in Rose City Park, with garage. Parties built for a home; will sell for what it cost them to build. - F. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1955. $l'80O NEAR8. P. SHOPS $l800"1 7 rooms, bath, elec., etc., full basement, hard surface street; $500 cash, balance like rent C. A. WARRINER, i RITTER. LOWE A CO., . I 203-5-7 Itoard of TrdeBldg: 5 BOOM modern bungalow, well biiilt-nnd conveniently arranged, full plumbing, buf fet; 100x100 lot, nicely improved with fruit, berries, flowers, etc. Price $2500, $250 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., U34 N. W. BANK BLDG. - WHAT BETTER? "OWN YOUR HOME." and have an income with it Buy a two -flat building, centrally located on west side, fi furnaces. Price right. Tel, East 2621. fireplaces. ALBEBTA 3 rooms, nice plumbing, patent toi let ria electricitv. 10 bearina fruit trees. lots of berries and roses; 30x100 lot, 80 feet from car. winoay, is r,. .potn a. .asonoay, call Main 788. FOR SALE Reasonable, by owner, strictly modern JJ room home, fall finMied basement and steeping porch, furnace ' heat electricity. gas. hardwood floor, west ride. Mivt be eea to be appreciated. Phono Main 4436. ALBERTA bungalow, 100 feet from car line, for $2500. B rooms, sleeping porch, garage, full lot; a bargain; 1500 down, rest tennJ. Hartoin A Wilhelm. iu rinerioca orag rvt Bit v. Modern 6 room bungalow. Jones- more add.. 4 blocks to car liiw; will take lot walking distance 28th and E. Ankeny, balance cash. Owner,Tabor 8965. -f : ' IiWKri"i04) ET27th at, here is an Pii-to-date 8 room house with a full hit and the price is only $4000. i The house alone will cost the price. If. J. CLOHESSY, 413 Abington bldg. J 4 2 5""MA K ES"firit payment on modern7room house, 10 minutes walk to steel yards; pay ments like rent; price $2500. Owner, 1009 W. 16th L. Vancouver, Wash.' . . - , , REAL bargain, 100x100, with 6 roots cot tage and 20 fruit $3000. $500 eah, bslanoa to suit 4204 K. 61Sd v. S. E. W. 8. car. SACRIFICE sale. 8 room house, famished, $1800; $275 down, balance like rent; Wood- lwB car toltn. iwremmuj. 5 BOOil cottage, bungalow, 8 1st and Division; fau baseiuent ina tuu; urmi leuwun. Owner. Tabor 7896. - GOOD' lot. 8 room bona, fruit trees, chap for cash or teruu. . Sell wood 313. HEAT, I -TAT FOR bAlt-iiOLSt i $350 CASH Alberta Bungalow $2350 $2330 $2850 $2350 $2850 Real classy 3 room bungalow, pntetlcally new, porcelain plumbing, large floored attic, full base ment, builtina. electric fixture, oast front, near 2 oar line, adjoining Alamsda park. Owner, nonresident, must sell. -G. C, Goldenberg 215-16 Abington bldg. 106 H 8L "83 Year in Portland." Main 480 I ! ' - $2680 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ' Large attic and sleeping porch (sleeping porch on first floor), full basement, paved greet in and paid in full; 50x100 lot, easy walking distance to Franklin high school. Large front porch, $500 down. Let us how you this place. I. L. HAHTMAN CO., No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark, Main 208. A-2000. Rose City Park v! ' $8500 Attractive buy for quick action; among best location in Rose City, only 1 block to car, south of hill; no big expense In future for sewers and other street improvements: light. cheerful 3 room bungalow, up to date features. If you mean business, and ready for Quick deal, call owner, Broadway 421 or Tabor 7352. No agents, please, -. - HERE'S ONE REAL BARGAIN ST. JOHNS C A KLINE s Strictly modern 5 room bunaloW almost new, with every built-m convenience; aouoie cormtructed throughout, large lot 50x105, fine large chicken house and run. riace lias plenty bearing fruit and nice shrubbery, Pnc is only 200: not less than good cash. Tan m. Johns car ' to Jordan street, go block wet 1 to 'No. 1557 Jordan and deal with owner di-.r rect. All day today or after 8 p. m, week day. Phone Main 931S. . DO you want a practically new 7 room house, modern with a full cement basement, itreet paved in front and all street around it paved, cement ildewalk and enrb, between Falling nd Shaver sts? Only a few block east ot the Union ave. earline. The bank offer thl placn (or it claim against it with a perfect title. If you want to buy a fine residence away under its value with a full lot see M. J. Clouossy, 415 Abington bldg. HERE IT IS! A real Hawthorne bungalow tnap 3 rooms and sleeping porch, floored attic, fireplace, fur nace, full basement, all in first elasa shape, hard surface in and paid, close to car; this will hive to be seen to be appreciated i-let us show you; quick iK)scsioii. C. A. WARRINER, HITTER. LOWE CO . . 203-8-7 Hoardof Trado Bldg. WOODLAW NBU,N G AlA )V $300 CASH $300 3 moms, full basement good bearing fruit trees. 1 blk. from U car; price $2630. terms like rent WATCH. OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAHRINEB. BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 6 ROOM-BUNGAlTOW Rose City Park, close to 46th st N. In Sandy blvd; lovely large rooms, fireplace, nice library, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, paved streets all paid; a lovely home, and offered much below it value $3800, $1000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main (HUB. A-2815 ROSB CITY PARK 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Located in 61st st, 2H block from ear; larg living room, nice dining; cheerful breakfast room nd 2 "large bedrooms, fireplace, furnace' and garage; price $3750, $1000 cash., THE LAWBENCE CO.,. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 8915. A-281B. ONE ACBE"" "" LARGE HOME 7 rooms and bath, well built ground all in cultivation, abundance of fruit, berries and shrubbery, chicken house. 1 H blks. from H car, on 67tb St. Quick possession, pries $5000., O. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-8-7 Board of JTrade Bldg. -r 7 room modern house with living room and parlor first floor; ivory enamel throughout. Beau tiful grounds, large lot.- $6500, or wtildivld lot and sell for less. Terms. - J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 38$. $4500 FOR HOUSE WORTlflOSOO" 9 rooms, 30x100 lot. : furnace heated, larg sleeping porch, plumbing in. upstair suitable for apartment, ga and electricity throughout, close in, east aide; will take $2000 in unim proved acreage close in; this is bargain, grab it Address P-4 02, Journal. 5 BOOM bungalow, new. Buffet, bookcases, . fireplace, complete plumbing, city water, gas, electricity, full basement, 1 block south of Ryan Place. Or. Elec. By,; 15 minntes nut 5ie fare; 4 acre, good chicken hou-.e, running 'Water; fine for chickens and ducks; young fruit trees, berries, ctc. Come to house or address, U-898, Journal, ROSE CITY, modern, npto data fiTroom bungalow and garage, attic, cement basement. furnace, fireplace, built in buffet, old ivory and W. E. finish, built in kitchen, excep tionally large bedrooms. Price $3800, reason able terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 684 N. W. BANK BLDG. . ST. JOHNS COTTAGE, $250 CASH 5 room cottage on fine Jarge lot 45xl0t, paved street and Mens ai!Teid, 414 Fesntndcti st. near Gilbert; price $1600; $250 canli and $13 per mouth. 8 per cent. GRUSSI ti BENNETT, 316 Board of Trade. Msln74 52. LAURELHURST 6 room "bungalow. 2 years old, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, built-in bookcases snd buf fet $4600. This Is one of the beat buys in Laurelhurst Let me how you. F. Vanduyn, 513 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 1935. "ROSE CITY PARK ". $4500 Beautiful 3 room modern bungalow, attic, finished througbont In ivory enam el: 'garage, imp. In snd pd. ,l J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 388.. ON Portland Heights, on Montgomery drira, , listen, only $3200, for a good substantial house of 7 rooms with a full lot This bouse is modern enough for anybody and the price-i awsy under Its value, $10041 casb will handle it MJ. CLOHESSY, 415 AhingUnvbldg. WE8Y"SIDBCofTAGE. $900; $100 CASH Good 4 room cottage, bath, electric light, lot 43x162, 121 Bancroft are ; price $900; $100 cash, balance 6 per cent A big snap. ; . GRUSSI A BENNETT. ? 81 9 Board of Trade. Main 7482. , ' SEE'TffiSTURl? -" ' One 5 room modern, one 4 room semi modem, 75x100 corner: wortli ; $2800, price $2200; trme.. Union Safe Dep. A Trust, Co.. 284 Oak. .''- MODERN bungalow in South Portland for $2500,' Here f a dandy 6 rooms, sleeping porch, pan try, 3 bedrooms, biwmtnt ; set - quick if you want this. Hartoin A Wilhelm, 103 Sherlock bldg. ROSE CITY PARK I 8 room bungalow, fireplace, furnaoe, built in buffet, large living room. This i bargain. Will show-.-the -property any, time today. Call 030 East 60th st north.. . . . ... - - BOgR t,rTY PAKK v - 5 room huiigslow with finished room In sttie. Strictly modern In every detail. Too small for present owner. Call at 48 4 East 88th st M. Terms, No agent please. Owner. -FOB ie or trade"; 8 room modern bungalow, lot 50x100; ML Tabor dl-drict ; would convidet anlo as part payment or some land near Port lend. Phone He U wood 25,3a, Owner. THREE- rncrm furiiiih! "house, 1827 Woolaey tt. St Johns car. If nil lot, fin? garden soil, chicken house, fir,. Price, $700. Half cash. C(Vn r.dsy. BY""owner, """ bungalow, larje rooms, good condition, gai, eleetriclty and plumbing, $1-000; $250 down. $15 month, including in terest, 1 03J, E.27th il.S',. 4 bk Albertaear. 3 LARGE airy rooms, strictly modern; . oak floors, wl -tMev. Furnace, fireplace, fuH cement basement . Paved street Glenn w., 502 Bucnsnsw bldg. Main 2712. FOR BALE 7 room hcuxe, os 1 00x100 foot. : street fiaved and' all asuessmenta Paid; corner lot and 2 blocks from Irvington car; $5000, 820OO down. Owoer- .Woodlawn 2777.. ONLY$830 "forV' 3 room" house wjth""2 lols. " little way off from Peninsula station, $350 cash wilt handle this. M. 4. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington bldg. 3 ROOM bungalow, modern; fireplace, full base ment, so I VO lot. Sellwood B083. Sidewalk paid. Pbona 7 BOOM modern bouse. 50x100 lot, near Alblna shipyard"; price $2000; good term. 218 Board of Trade. . . -$150 CXSlI, balance easy tenns;, attractive home, a roonn, oaut; walking utstinee; $1 7 30. 406 Fenfon mdg. Broadway 2923. $5003 rooms, semi modern, on car line, im proved street, tot 25x126, in St John; fur ther information. Tabor 6143. , MUST sacrifice modern" t room house, Alameda park, eortier lot. Phone owner, Woodlawn 8 1 3, No tradee-considered. GOOD large house, fmlt tree, berrie snd snrubbery, Vh block from Mt. Soott car and store. Snap. $2650. Tsbor 8400. 4V BOOM how st Lent. $650; term. Tabor 8472.- - - ... . : ' ' IRVINGTON- iWUl U my delightful 7 Toon home at a bargain. East 2888. MODERN, bargain, owner. Pbon reBings. East 027. -. - ' - S"llOO'M house for sale by owner; modern, full cement basement Hell. 1460. ' $560. $100 CASH, buys'-a, room house, fine Jot, west side. II. E. Lee, 305 Corbett bl .i. , ) V-