1G THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; POKT LAND,. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1919. HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC. 18 A WELL-MATCHED snaa of bar num. blocks built, weigh 2700 lbs., with heavy : barn . guaranteed. Bsy ha bees working on i Ktfw . ger wagon, i am tnrougn witn my couwnCT. also hv 2800-Ib. team and tanea. Mo rea sonable offer will be refused. 112 JUM K block east of Union ave. 63 HEAD of homes'" for ami nr exchange or hire by the' day, week or month; all kinds wr narness and - wagons, , dump carta, rooter, plow, 4 bona and 2 bono Fresno aerapara and ailp scrapers, an stock guaranteed as twrtHauo. .1 ., PHIL SUETTEa, 285 Front at. . AUCTION aala every Monday and T bandar t 2 p. aa. Wi boy and-aall all claaaaa of bursa. wagons and harness on 0 commiasioa. '. If yon Bar anything to aeU or wa.t to "my. call --na to u. John 8. Williamson, proprietor o auctioneer. Bur Stables, 808-10 Front rt. A PAIR of dark gray geldinga 4 and 6 year old, weight 2600 lbs.; a span of 5-year-old bersee, weight 26B0, heavy - boned and block 7 tmilt; one 1800 lb. black gelding, must be sold in next three day. FOOT OP MAW ST. FOR BALE; I bare mored to town. I bare got to aell my hone, team 6 and 7 rear-old, weighing 2000, with good harness snd won; team of 3-year-old Belgian weighing 2400. Will aell separate. 682 1st. aim, Logan. cEVERAL good cheap farm team and aiugle horses, d fine Shetland pome, ail ainoa oi wagon, buggies, surreys, carta and harness, Ho heary 4 inch logfring wagon. 802 Front at. HOHSK and wsgon. $1.80 day; 2 borne and" wagon. 13. J, Cohen. 648 Front Main 280 TWO good 3000 lb. teams. Will trade one team . for good Ford car. 802 Front. LIYKSTOCK FOR SALE Registered Holstein-Friesien dairy i cows; beat blood line of the breed. Six cows, 7 heifera and herd bull. Cows girtag 50 to 80 lb, milk daily, testing from 8.2 to 4 . Good deal to party taking all. Wearer Bros., Monroe, Or., H. No. 1 MILCH goat.- also 10 fine Angora goaU and 2 small pigi, 2 fine fresh cows. iu norses, buggies or diamonds in exchange. 302 Front at FIVE-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, with calf it foot, $125 Liberty bonds accepted. ' 280 E. EIGHTH St. 2 GRADE bucks, half Baanen and Tog., the other Tog.; also 2 does coming fresh. Head of High t Stratton. Gladstone. Or. TWO-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, jut fresh, $40. Will accept Liberty bonds. . ' 280 E. EIGHTH ST. WOULD LIKE to buy 2S head of Holsteln cows coming fresh soon. .John Back, general delirery, Portland. Or. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calres. good milk ers. 4 and 5 years old. 191 Arthar st- Phone Main 2724. ONE brindle cow. 4 gal.. 1 Guernsey, large Jer aey. Dutch Melt; must bo sold. 148 West Killmgsworth are. FOR RALE Some fresh cow. Durham and Holstein; one heary springer. 875 E. 28th at B. W-S car. PIGS for sale. 6 weeks or 4 months old. 'Phone 96-J, Milwaukie. A GOOD family cow for ssJe or exchange for htTse. 880 Front rt. rOTJLTRT. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 WHITE Leghorn ara the most profitable breed of poultry. If you are la the business for profit you will eventually hare them. Early broilers; early layers; early PROFITS. Wa aeU only WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHIX from beary laying HOGAN1ZED bens. Safe delirery of fun count lire chlx guaranteed. Price per 100: February. 810.00; March. 814.00; April, $12.80. The Pioneer Hatchery. 406 Sixth atreet, Petaluma. California. INCUBATOR FOR SALE . Dandy Petaluma 200-egg size, good aa new. Come to fire station, 85th and Belmont, Sunny aide car, ask for Mr. Merriwell. BABY CHICKS All leading rarietiea. "Right Chicks at Right Prices." Write today for prices. C . Need ham, Box 412. Salem, Or. BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR SALE. Tandred's Hoganized heary layers. 90 fer tility guaranteed. Tabor 0422. BED MINORCA and Blank Minorca laying year--- ling: make me an offer. C. P. Doeleman, 1 20 85tl are. 8. E. Si IN E thoroughbred R. L Red last march chick ens, one sack feed. 850 Sandy bird.. Rose City car. O. A. C. BTKALJ Barred Rock eggs. $2.50 per setting of 15. Cor. 10th and B razee. Irring- ton car. WANT setting hens, near Milwaukie preferred. Wood, 512 Buchanan bide.. Mam 5554 fcOR SALE; O. A. C. White Leghorn pullets. Call Sellwood 2949. WANTED 2 bloody hens; price must be rea sonable. Her. i. C. Lore, 14H8 Congress st. SrVHITE Leghorn ' pulleta, $1.75; cockerels, $3! : oaua B2d are, s. e. JiEW cyphers incubator for sals or trad for hens. Tabor 233. VHITE Leghorn pulleU. 6116 54th it 8. E. - HelL 1092. CORNISH Indian young cock and cockerel, cheap. r Phone Tabor 1 6y. jl2 CHOICE laying pullets. Woodlawn B461. r POOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4$ THOMPSON'S 'bird store buys and sells gnar r anteed birds. Call or address 957 Misals atppi are. CHOICE singers. also' females. 617 Dekum BOSTON Terrier Stud, Eastern Toy, fee $10. " Homlet. 0657 82d st Tabor 4883. PRIZE canaries at The Canary Bird Shop. 1151 i ESth stN. C-22 1 7. - PEDIGREED Airedale pup. cheap. Mar. ST67. ATJTOMOBa$,ES ACCESSORIES 41 I WINTON SIX CHASSIS ' " Would make a good truck or serrice car, lut elass mechanical shape, good tires with de mountable rims. See this at Portland Garage, 60 Taylor. Ask for Mountani. - I" VELIE 6 ROADSTER ' Latest model, run 1925 miles. Will sell . at unusual reduction, simply because It la a roadster. If you can use a roadster of quality don't fail to see thi one. Will accept trade in and gire terms. Guaranteed same aa new .car. D. C Warren Motor Car Co.. 58 N 23d at. Main 780. Open Sundays. NEW TIRES J What brand of new tires do yon prefer? W bar tbem. all make and sizes. ' Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 833-335 Burnsulo. near Broad way. LATE model touring ear In good running order; , It has th best of leather trimming and will ir you lots of pleasure, low price of $350 .$100 lets you drire it home and the balance is $25 per month. Call and let's give you a ride 628 Alder st A-l Auto Wks. A Paint Co. OAKLAND roadster. Ilk new, runs fine, ; 18 Maxwell touring, new. , 17 Cherrolet touring. , 1 7 Chalmers, 7-paaa. i Will gire liberal terms and jnonthly payments. 525 ALDER ST. . DODGE A dandy '16. well used; bargain for ; Cjuick sale. IIANAWALT Bdwy. 621. A REAL SNAP Apperson 5 pass., self starter, 5 good tires. Tery latest euuip.; $400 take it; terms. "Jake " 623 Alder. Broadway 2492. C1"11. 5. passenger. 32x8 H demounUble rims, 90 per cent new; oversize tires. This ear baa a generator and electric lights. $150 eowa and drive it away. White. 4 21 Burn ,. aid at,, west, at 10th st Broadway. 521. ' SPECIAL WINTER PRICKS " laear yonr tires now against blowouts and 1 puncture with our guaranteed relinera. I'houe East 1393. We will call. VNION AVE. TIRE SHOP. ' 614 Union Are N IP YOU want a good used car. light or hearr from $300 to $3000, see White, 421 Burr aide street J west) at 10th at Brdwy 5 '1- liberal term. " A DOIXiE in splendid shape. ' I .ate model. Easy .terms ; : Must sell quickly. WHITE BDWY, 521 BRAND NEW 1819 MAXWELL ALTOMO. BILEx CALL TABOR 630 """ CASH paid lor old eat, condition uo object-' part for all make of cars Oregon Auto Ex change 129 Lowrndal at 16th and Washing, ton : Bnadwar. 2iiK 1018 FORD $S25 cash, like new. absorbers" speedometer, chains, other extras. Main . 1740. - - - -. i9i.8.i,1'8P touring; looks like new; $440 cash. X-S83,-JoarnaL ; -i WTNTED. tire" repair equipment - Phone tabor 2700 or Z-690, JonrnaL ' v GRAY A DAVIS electric starter for Ford. hi7 : new, $60, Owner, Tabor 4573. k ArTOMOBILE ACCEWHOHrKS 44 i -'" t ' TifSEY. ME- Di . TO THOSE ON OUR WAITING LIST: T Ti Ml III ML OF I41EI ' -Ml mm- iew 9TH AND COUCH BIG TRUCK UNITS 3 H ton Federal, like new. 3 i ton Kissel; a snap. 6 ton Reliance; good shape. 3 ton White, good buy. 1H ton Federal. 1 ton Ford. Authorized Ford Dealer WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO. Broadway at Daria at Phone Broadway 321. DO you want a good Ford at a reasonable figure 7 Here it is: 1915 5 passenger, de mountable rims, good tires, electric lights and horn off starting battery. Come in and pay me $100 and drire it home. No red tape. WHITE. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 521. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES 4-v, WOOD SHEDS I I Portable or ready ent See samples , at 544 Hood at Mala 117. Millmade Construction Ca LAHER' Afr and Renain anon mi.m.t.i Stock ; prices reduced. 84 N. lfith at. 1918 LIBERTY 8ix. perfect condition. Cord tires. 1 extra, easy terms. "Jake." Bdwr 2492. 523 Alder. ' 1917 BRISCOE, weighs 100 lbs. more than a Ford more gas mileage, good "tires, easy terms. "Jake, 623 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. WILL sell any 1-ton Ford trttc't. almost new must be seen to be appreciated; have good established business and office; will sacrifice if taken at once. Call quick. Service Transfer Co.. 180 1st, cor. Yamhill. e COME in and make me an offer on a 1917 Hajnes. Thi car has been used in citr o I'ortnd "1- Jke, 523 Alder. Bdwy t&cK USED CARS 'fif&j COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. 21t and Washington sts. Main 6244. LK,HT 6. 5 pass. Overland. Continental motor, extra tires, extras; a powerful light 6 cheap; price $850. TK V. Warren Motor Car Co. 58 N. 23d. Main 780. ' AUTOMOBILE. OTerland. model 90. 4 new tires, new battery, first class order; I am leaving town, mml sell, $550 cash: or Liberty WILL pay $100 cash with my 1914 Grant roadster for 19g7 Ford. Tabor 4573. siiii'i' i. - srui c.-n imi,u ior usea car. Dealer Used' . T. mm W. gXMTM, bli I ...u la 11 1 1 TT MILL sell uy 1917 AlaxoeU caeap. A-dlA journal. Egra. ml mum (GMS Till! TO BRINGING UP FATHER SOOrTTf S OH: AFTER FIVE OR TEN I IZiC0 )r-x- -Ti A HAPpf ) I I O0O TIME 5UT 1 W II I UJ 3-JU Y MANHER TON HTi "YEAR? I'LL BE 1 Sk MAN I AM I J LET OO FRlEND 6 ft 1 2 f- liPRCX3D (wHl - V, fA LETXOO A Lgfa J "V TrT-' i ft) REMEER-OOryn REAT HEAVEN . "ES. OFVOU-' pffi&K " ffts rNvtTEfC30Rf vfeL- Vw VSLi?-0 &JIrX - vHAT VIUL THE I 4i fT - iv " - ' AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 COME AND LOOK r THESE OVER TOXIGHT. SUNDAT OB ANT DAT OB ' EVENING. AND PICK CP A BARGAIN AND ON EAST TERMS. 1918 Telia. S paat, $1400. 1918 Peerless "8." $1890i 1918 Telle. 7 paw., $1700. 1918 Baby Grand Cherrolet, snap. 1917 Telle. 5 pas... (1100. 1916 Ford, lots of extras, $375. 1918 Dodge, snap, 1917 Overland at bargain. 3 pass., 4 cyL Buick, first class tires, powerful ear. $275. 1917 Buick. 6 cyL, first class car. W ara ashamed to quote yon the price on this car. 1915 Ford touring, $300. OPEN SUNDAT AND EVENINGS We will sell on very easy terms and our cars ara right before they leave our salesrooms. D, C. Warren Motor Car Co, 58-60 N. 23d, near Washington. x Main 780, "EVERT BUYER A BOOSTER" COME IN AND HAVE A TALK WITH OUR USED CAR SALESMAN OUR POLICY IS DIFFERENT OUR PRICES ARE LOWER 1917 Hup., cord tires, repainted $1250 1917 Grant Six, repainted an attractive color 800 1915 Hup., cord tires 650 1918 Chevrolet 625 1918 Oakland Six 050 1916 Saxon Six; select your own color; we will repaint 625 1910 OTerland. model 83, repainted .. 575 1916 Overland, model 75, small ear. 31x4 tires 4 50 1916 Ford . . 860 ANT OF THESE WILL MAKE A GOOD BUT 1913 Overland, in first class mechaqa icai suape) x 300 1913 Reo; runs good 250 1914 Maxwell 350 1912 Hup 200 TERMS TO SUIT MANLEYAUTOCO. 11TH AT BI RNSIDE. Broad 217. YOU KNOW REAi. VALUES COMPARE THESE Model 830 Overland, nearly new tires. special $500 Saxon Six touring. Think of it! ; only. . .$500 Studebaker Six, some car, for $500 Many other just as big values. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527" Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet MR, FORD TRUCK SEEKER Consider this if you want a good buy in a swell looking corered 1-ton truck. First it is In A-l mechanical shape; second, the tires are 99 new all around ; third, it was built in Portland and guaranteed by the builder. WHITE. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 521. A FEW of our used cars are listed here : 1918 Oldsmobile 8. touring, quality .$1650 1918 Oldsmobile 6. touring, nearly new . 1350 1916 Maxwell, new tires and paint "... 550 1916 Chevrolet 6 tires and new paint . 550 1910 Case, new paint, cord tires 750 1914 Overland, new tiros, elec. lights .. 275 1918 Chevrolet, looks good 700 Dodge touring, late model 875 Reo 1 ton truck, make me an offer OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. GUARANTEED AUTO BEPAIROTri PROMPT SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS GIVE US A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO., CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR. MAIN 1157. FORI) speed-.ter, in the best of condition; with self starter and wire wheels. Worth to be seen. Will be sold cheap. 6th and Madison call for Mr. Wicke. MOTORS, bearings. Bearings. Wheels. Axles and Trailers W wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parte at half price. David Hode BRING In your old wreck and we will make a liberal allowance on any used car in the house. "Jake." 623 Alder. Bdwy. 2492, 1917 FORD touring. Just overhauled by us. $450. Easy terms. "Jake." 623 Alder Bdwy. 2402. ' FOR SALE Studebaker 4 cyl. 5 pass.; good condition; 5 good tires and other extras. cheaD frr cash Phone East 1418. FORD Sedan, a peach, atrictly A-l condition" tr S"1 r,6i- ?,o down- 35 P" month. Kelly. Broadway 2492. PUBRUILLB TOP CO. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER CALL EAST 1962. 1915 FORD touring, good as new, -good tires. 4628 60th are. , GASOLINE 20 CENTS A UALLON. OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st LATE Ford, 5 Urea, extraa. $325; snap. Mar. 2006. MUST sell my nearly new 118 Maxwell Lourau ear; A-l shape. M-8S7. Journal. $200 DOWN buy my 1918 MaxweU tounng car. A-l condition. Call Tabor 630. LET US SELL TOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH STS. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 GET ONE OF THESETODAY THET WONT LAST LONG AT THE PRICE WE ABE OFFERING THEM AT 1917 HUDSON SUPEB $1300 1917 CHEVROLET 490 1916 CHANDLER . . . 750 1918 8TCDEBAKEB 750 1916 BUTCK ROADSTER 850 1917 FORD TOURING . . . 450 CADILLAC 8 H00 1918 VELIE LIGHT 8 DC 1250 TERMS IF DESIRED Lewis E. Obey Motors Co. BBOADWAJT Af COUCH USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN WE TAKE TOUR OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT AND YOUR LD3EBTX BONDS AT FACE VALUE. 1918 FORD SEDAN (USED VERT LITTLE. HAS ELECTRIC START- ER AND LIGHTS ... 87B.0O 1913 CADIBLAC, 6 PASS., ONLY.. 650.00 1014 MICHIGAN. 6 PASS.. 4 CYL. 276.00 1912 MITCHELL, 2 PASS.. CYL. 325.00 1918 CHEVROLET. 5 PASS. (USED VERY i iTTi vi inn An 1913 OVERLAND, 2 PASS. 4 CYL! 80o!o0 1Q1H UlTi'Hk'l 1 K Di uu a nvi . (NEW TIRES) '. .. . 1175.00 1917 MITCHELL, 7 PASS., CYL. 1200.00 1915 kk.o & piaa .4 I'vi. ft mi m 1911 PIERCE-ARROW, 6 PASS.! 6 CXL. (EIJiCTRIO LIGHTS AND 1913 HUDSON, 6 PASS.. 8 CYL... 6B0.00 1915 MITCHELL, PASS., 6 CYL. 760.00 1914 HAYNES, 6 PASS.. 4 CYL... 600.00 JUi- llllUHIibU PASS., o CX1. . ouu.wu SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM WE CARRY OUR OWN PAPER AND WILL NAME YOU MOST LIBERAL TERMS. USED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHEIX,. LEWIS A STAVER CO. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. PHONES EAST 7272. B-1216. THE , GOOD ONES ARE GOING But hurry before all the best used car are gone. We're still got some big bargains left Sale continues all week. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Alder at 18th. DEARBORN UNIVERSAL TRUCK Attachments convert any make of ear fata aa efficient 1 or 2 ton track at 40 per estxt af cost of new trucks. See us before buying. FOR SALE NOW A new 2-ton attachment on Cadillac engine, $1050. 1 CUTLER MFG. CO. Phone East 732. SB1 East Tauth Street Portland, Oregon FORDS FORDS FORD SEDAN. ELECT STARTER. LIGHTS 1918 touring car like new. 1918 Ford coupe. A-l shape. 1916 Ford delivery; panel body. 1917 Ford roadster; a bargain. Authorized Ford dealers. One of the largest stocks of genuine Fords on the Pacific coast. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO. Broadway at Davis st. Phone Broadway 321. Ford. 1916, fine condition $375 Cherrolet. "Al" condition, special $450 THE USEDAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet STUDEBAKER roadster. This fine light lit tle car has nearly new tires all around and runs fine. It will serve you well and with lit tle expense. Price is low and $100 lets you drive it away. bal. monthly; bonds at face value, always 100 cents on the dollar at The A-l Auto Works A Paint Co.. .626 Alder st 1918 OVERLAND Country Club. 5 wire wheels. 5 good tires, car in excellent condition; has seen only city use and looks the part; price $845. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co., 68 N. 23d, Main 780. IF TOU want information or advice when pur chasing a second band car, I will help you in securing a good car at tha best bargain we can drive with anyone that has a good car for sale M-687. Jonrnl. rORD AUTO WANTED Will pay part cash and fine new Vlctrola. Brunswick, .Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3S0 Alder. 1917 OVERLAND. 4 cyl., 5 pass., mechanically first class, tires O. K., light and economical; price $500. Sell on easy teams. D. C. Warren Motor CaryCo.. B8 N. 23d. Main 780. $300 DOWN BUYS 191o MAXWELL TOUR ING CAR: REPAINTED. A-l CONDITION. CALL TABOR 999. - BARGAINS in used area; no lunk: new tires also; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan Tire chop. 41 Grand ara. PAIGE roadster, cheap for cash. Come seaT East First and Main. Phone evening. Wdln. 8637. USED CARS, THE STREET IS FULL OP TBEM. FIFTY MORE INSIDE. AUTO -SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH STS REGAL bug. $185. Williams Ave. garage. -AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WANTED Ford or Cherrolet. cheap for cash. Phone Msin 1740. WANTED Late model used car; will pay cash for a bargain; no junk. Tabor 6143. THREE room bouse, good location. Will take machine as part payment 601 Dekum bldg. (Copyright 1919. w ' AUTOMOBILES WAWTEO 78 SELL YOUR AUTOMOBILE- WHEN TOTJ COT READT TO SELL TOUR CAR BE SURE AND SEE VH BE FORE TOU DO SO. WE HAVE SIX BALKV MEN, TWO STORES AND A LABOR PAINT. TOP AND BODT PLANT WHERE WE MAKE CABS LOOK AND RUN LIKE NEW. HIGHEST OBTAINABLE PRICES GUARAN TEED AT ALL TIMES. LEWIS E. 0BYE MOTORS CO. BROADWAT AT COUCH BROADWAY 8327. ' , WANT TO SELL Y0UR.CAR? TOU CAN SURE ENOUGH GET THB MONET OUT OF IT QUICK. JU8T GET IN TOITCH WITH THE DEALERS' USED OAR CLEABING HOUSE. YOU'LL BE ON TOUR WAT TO THE BANK WITH THE "JACK" IN SHORT ORDER. "NO FOOLIN." WE SELL IT RIGHT OFF THE "REEL" KING US UP ANYWAT OR BETTER STILL, SEE US PERSON ALLT.- TT'LL PAT TOTJ. PHONE EAST 7810. r GRAND AVE. AND STARK. , CARS WANTED I will pay cash for any light late model temr Jng car or roadster. Must hare .tarter. Why leare yonr car anywhere to be sold when you can get real money by driving it to 525 Alder st? A-l Auto Works A Paint Co. FORD wanted for cash. Bring me yonr Fords. I pay cash, no stalling about having buyers or asking you to leare it Tet get real money here. 525 Alder St. A-l Aato Works A Paint Co. LET me repair your machine, either In yonr gar age or in mine; private service car. day or night; Maxwell work a specialty. 767 Division st Sellwood 8755. EQUITY in well located land, partly improved. near Vancouver, for 7 passenger auto. X-684, Journal. HAVE clear lot and cash for late model antn; no junk; A-l deal on cash basis. M-687, Journal. WILL trade lot on Union ave. for automobile. Call 69 W. Jessup. St Johns car. WANT to buy Ford touring. Will psy cash. Phone Tabor 4573. HIGHEST prices paid tor automobiles, condi tion no object 1S1 N. 8d at Bdwy. 2629 AUTOS FOR HIRE SS AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New model ears reasonable rates. "FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE" Rff 10th st. near 8tark. Broadway 840 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN, Mar 232 10TH - AND TAMHILL A-1288 HAVE new one-ton truck: would like monthly contract Marshall 5210. A-4665. FOHD. competent driver, go anywhere. A. H. Winter. Tar or 1028. MOTORCTCLF.S. BICYCLES B3 FOR SALE. 3 speed Indian motorcycle, fully equipped, good running order; also Colum bia phonograph. Wood la wr 3668. J. J. Lewis. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 5 ROOMED houseboat; a No. 1 motorboat 26 ft. ; plenty of good walks for sale. 4th house below Northern Pacific mills: 23d st. car. Sell at once, party leaving town. FOR SALE Motorboat, finest and most com plete on the river; also boathouse. Phone Main 2516. MODERN 3 room furnished houseboat and woodshed. No. 89 Willamette Moorage, foot of Crampton st. JflAKOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 SPECIAL sale of used pianos. Our space is limited. Must make room for large incom ing shipment, of the famous Wick and Shat tuck pianos. Get one of these bargains while they last. Swick A Co., small upright, ' ebony case .$125 Remme A Long, small upright 135 Automatic rebuilt piano, golden oak .... 175 Weiler boudoir style, mahogany 250 Bailey 88 note player piano, new $750. now 450 Genuine Shattuck piano, fumed oak' 342 Art "tyle Louis XIV. $750 new. 568 All these instruments in good order and are fine pianos. Come and look them orer. Easy terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington st . Cash Paid for Used PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS music rolls, brass and string instruments, planes and organs. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st st. near Alder. Main 4405. Tabor 6798. Q honographs and record bought, sold, ix changed and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d. near Alder, upstairs. records Records records Have you heard the "best records of the newest music"? It is a pleasure to play tbem for you. THE RECORD SHOP. 189 Broadway st. Heilig Theatre Bldg. PIANO WANTED Will psy highest cash price for used piano. Let ua give you one bid before selling. Seiberling & Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st Main 8586. WILL TRADE new Psthf. Brunswick or Amer ican phonograph for auto repairing. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. 4 27 Washington st NEW February records are here, In Victor, Co lumbia and Edison. Come in and give them the once over. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. , 435 Washington st t corner 12th). IS fOUR old piano dead? Trade it to us for a new Sheraton model, inlaid mahogany Pathephone. Give or take difference. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington st $95 TO $350 saved buying pianos during fac tory clearance sale; terms or cash. $15 or $25 cash; $6. $8. $10 or more month. ' See our display advertisement or call at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at at Wash, st $50 BUYS a square -piano, in fair condition. which may be traded in on a new piano at any time within 3 years at this price. K-203. Journal. BRUNSWICK phonograph, new machines. A week's free trial in your ownhome. Then you know what you are buying. Get latest cata logue. Nate Ardry. Sell. 3155. TRADE your old piano or organ for new pho nograph and records; liberal allowances made; estimates gladly given. 8ieberling A Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st Main 8586. $95 VICTROLA and records $80; 65-note player rolls $1 per dos in packages. Harold S. Gilbert. 3 84 Tamhill st. I SELL your piano ior a small commission. Have more orders for used pianos, than I can fill . K-202. Journ.1. . JUST arrived, largest shipment of Pathe records; all the latest hits by popular artists. Wske field Music Co.. 427 Washington St. P1ANO Just used short time; late style; sell at big - reduction. Seiberling A Lucas Music Co. . 125 4th st NEW piano, been used only short time. Will sell , for $350. Tabor 7117. ; IN first class condition, a $90 Victrola and $10 worth of records for $75. Call East 8025. WE pay cash for used pianos and band instru ments. Sieberling-Lucas Music Co.. 126 4th. PIANO wanted. Will pay cash for bargain from private parties. Marshall 1517. PIANO TUNING and Repairing Main 6157. G. W. MOFFETT. 163 W. Park at International News Service) i "PIANOS. ' -ROAN'S. ' WUSICAX''''''-' INSTRUMENTS t SECURITY BORAGE CO CLEARANCE" SUM AB stored used pianos and organs. Parlor organ for $25. $35 and....$ $8 cash $?50 Ester A Camp, large upright . 110 cash $$76 Bradford,' small upright...,. 160 cash $875 Lyon A Healy, many, upright.-. 18B cash $450 Standard, large upright...... 190 cash $450 Singer, walnut upright... ... 216' cash $425 Bradford, Flemish oak upright $260 cash $460 Thompson' mahogany, upright.. 265 cash $450 Schilling A Sons. waL. upright 268 cash $45 new stored upright pianos.... 200 cash $825 1918 model Steger upright. .... 895 cash $650 1918 model player piano .. 395 cash $750 1919 model player piano .... . 485 cash Part cash, bond and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage 50c monthly. Phone Main 6323. .109 4th St.. at Washington st PLATER piano special; a genuine Autopiano with very finest De Luxe action, slightly used, but in the best mechanical condition, guaranteed fully, polished oak case. We will deliver this to your home with bench to match and a dosen of the very latest rolls, all for $449. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO- 485 Washington st. (comer 12th).- HIGHEST grade player piano, new, with fac tory guarantee; mast be sold to pay storage chsjrges. Your chance to secure finest player piano at price of good upright; sella for $750. Must be sold within few days for $450 cash. K-204, Journal. T rEWRITEHS 11 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "all makes." sold on monthly payments. Bend for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Cul. re tail dept. 821 Washington t l.i makes or typewriter rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 Bth t TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, excnaugxT Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadw'y. UNDERWOOD typewriter. No. 6, back spacer, for sale. 53 E. 11th st HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 41 Furniture Brokerage 0 08 Madison it Gas range. $8 75: ns nlate. S2: 3 burnt Perfection oil range, $7.75: cook store, $1.50; lots of heaters, iron bed, $1.75: spring, $1.75; mattresses, $2.75; dresser. $6.75: dining tables. $4.50; buffet. $11.50; dining chairs. $1.25; kitchen halr. 85c; rockers, $1.50; library ta bles. $7.75; davenport. $18.75: ateel couch. $5.75; kitchen treasure. $3.90: drop leaf table. $2.90; dishes, graniteware. ruga. See these values. 'AU marked with big yellow tag. WILL sacrifice my practically new furniture In cluding Singer sewing machine (drophead) ; Columbia Grafonola, leather davenport with pad, kitchen range, gas store. Turkish rocker and other household goods. Call Marsh. ,5474. Call. 11 uod azauison si. FOR SALE Furniture of 3 rooms, only $60. Will accept bond: fine location; rent $8.50. CaU 702 H Williams are. FOR SALE Bed complete, $5; davenport. $12; oak dresser, $20; rocker. $3: 3 carpets, $15. 623 Gantenbein ave., Woodlawn 4677. FOR SALE! Furniture -and household goods, rabbita and chickens. Must sell. 207 Gibbs. ONE bed complete, library table and one oak rocker. 832 H Mississippi. GAS range and water heater cheap. Woodlawn R1A1 FURNITURE of 4 rooms; leaving city; Sell reasonable; no dealers. Sellwood 465. rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Born side corner 10th. Broadway 6874. JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 TAMHILL BET. 2D AND SD AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are aepaxate classifications. A large listing can be found under these deferent classi fication WHT be tormented by a leaky roof? We Rub ber Bond, repair and renew all kinds of leaky roofs; reliable and permanent process; under a 10 year guarantee. A revolution in roofing. Phone Marshall 4291. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these good are published under their respective clasauicauoaa. LOOK THEM OVER (Tift nn '1 i aropneaU sewiug maenutea with V I UiUU attachments, all era in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 per month. Phone East 2S59. or B-3307. U. Steen. 1R2 Grand are. near Belmont BAGGAGE stored 6 day free; delivery. 25 blocks, 60c ground floor; general delivering. For best service call Pacific Coast Tranafer A Storage Ca. Main 4785 EAT HORSE: MEAT ' Sells for Jew than bait tha prlc of other ID vat. tAass thnrntifh Inspection. 1 4 1 wt -rt. FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and borse manure, big aeav- enger wagon loads delivered. East 636. CUT FREIGHT RATE8 ! en household goods shipped east and aouth. Man ning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 9th and Uoyt Broadway 703. A-l 793 O r CIA OrlED L)JtOl-HKAl 314L.JU 10 4 I J SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 8d st near Tamhill. Main 1845. A-1818 WOOD WOOD WOOD Big load of dry wood. $4 per load, delivered; also big load of heavy 14 Inch timbers, $6 per load, delivered. Phone East 4325. ELECTRIC appliances- in good condition, iron, heater, coffee percale tor. toaster, stand lamp, vacuum cleaner, all $32.50. 623 Gantenbein ave.. Woodlawn 4677.' lluf water lank, all else. In good, serviceable condition. 30 saL $7r 40 gal. $0. 201 Adams st. East nd Steei bride. Phone E. KA16 DRY wreckage wood for sale, also building ma terial of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4925. O. K. and Rose City Wrecking Co. PRINTING FOR LESS 60u envelopes or BOO bond letterheads, $2.76; best work: prompt delivery: try ua. . Smith. Printers. 204 Stark at FOR SALE A Universal coal and wood range, excellent condition ; bargain. Phone Wood lawn iov. HIGHEST prices paid for diamond, watcbe and Jewelry. Repairing - a specialty. Reiner . . . ii.ii tii i.i . jewelry so.. ny-ra, tt njiimim " i- FOR SALE Fertiliser from Union Stock yards, for lawn and gardens; prompt serrloe. I' bona Tabor B690 evenings. CORNNER lavatory, nickeled faucets, etc. cheap, also photograph head grounds, fancy electric light stand and globe. 267 Holla day. POTATOES Smooth Bnrbanks, grown on highT sandy soil, $2 saek; 2 sacks or more deliv ered. Phone Last 384. WRECKAGE wood for sale. Hippodrome lee Palace. Bdwy. 450 or Sea 257. PLUMBINO supplies, wholesale price. Davis Co.. 212 8d at Main 797. Stark- WE hare new and second band safes, moderate price. 4$ Front Broadway 1906. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. 1 ex- changed, bonght Bentley Co.. Main 8682. GENUINE dill pickles for sale. 845 (Stafford st, Portland, Or. TJNCAlXEDfoftaiior made suits, $ 12.60 an. Taylor the Tailor. 289 Vfc Burnside st BURBANK potatoes $2 a sack delivered. Malt 1874. GARDEN manure tor sal and plowing dona. Tabor 4634. FOLDING' gocsrt. almost new. for $4.50. Mar shall 1780. NEW genuine Navajo rug for sale. 885 San Rafael at W A TCH M A K E R ' tools, bench and material. Call or write. 8415 Foster road. t FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It a;vv l.Nv aoacuHMe, new aad sec ond , hand; - sou for sasa: . as nta ' mx loved. Compute ? una Darts for all make naacbiuea. re- airxl and ranted. Main 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 ad near Taylor . CHOICE potatoes $1.76 a sack delivered. Call Broadway 464. evenings Sellwood 388 1. FURNITURE iWAKTBD . -w- 74 BEFORE YOU! SELL YOUR FURNlTUREfSEE US We are in need of all kinds of used fur niture, ruga, carpet, stove, ranges, all kinds of old gas stores and office furniture, and wa pay absolutely the top prices tor same. j CALL MARSHALL 587 : And oflr buyer will call: at one with the cash, GEVURTZ FURNITURE : STORE 205 and 207 First St. j netween Taylor and Salmon sts. - Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new and used merchandise than any (tore In tha city. There is hardly an item w do not buy aad aell, W specialise in shelf and neary hardware, sporting .good, household goods, office furniture, betel and camp supplies. When you hat anything to buy or aaU. call ex ph. StM m - Main 9079 ; A-71T4 LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE- CtX S21-S-5 Front st eor. Balsa on OWL FURNITURE CO FIRST We want your used furniture, stove, carpet and piano ; will pay highest cash prices. Call Main 4627. W1GHTMAN-JOHNSGN FUBNITURE COt 88-90 Grand are. East 7766 Highest prices paid for used furniture, ear- I . fWT, ranees, etc- we call promptly. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL PAT CASH Phone Mala 8882. WILL PAT CASH Fer ued office furniture. Main ltTt. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d VI fAX the Highest cash price ever paid by anyone in the cite for furniture uau us tor cne article or a house full. Mala T$4. PACLI Paid tor furniture, stoves, ranges, heat. era. careetsfrugs. dressers, eta. Phnna Mar, sotp Hartsell Furniture Co.. 841-45 1st PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture; we will coma at one and oay yon CASH. M ' H. BEATER. 880 Hawthorne are WANT to buy positively high claaa dining room and bedroom set. Phone East 283. WE will pay more than any dealer for 2d han 1 furniture. Main 16SS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $ WANTED ONE 8-INCH OR 12-INCH JOINT ER AND 38-INCH BAND SAW: MUST BE IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION AND CHEAP. GERREB AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS, 55 0T1I. N. CORNER OF DAVIS. BDWT. 1873a WANTED People of Portland to know thai f pay hiaheat cash price) ior second band house hold goods. No amount too large or toe small Prompt attention. j N. M. -BEATER phone Fast. 2208.. 148 Ttnss.n. $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pays most for clothing sad shoes. We call day or evening Marshall X229 er 210 Madison. Marshall 1332 S. ZIDELL 80S Front st We pay the highest price for seeond band tools, junk. pipe. etc. ; will call promptly. 812 1 OUne.1 Portland Front L.. OlldllN OUi Oregon HIDES METALS RUBBERS V'rlte for price and shipping tag. Main 1699 Over'the Top. $7.50 Up j Spot cash for second hand suits, overcoats, old shoes. Main 738 or buyer will calL GOLDSTEIN Taw Tailor, par highest prices for ladles and gentlemen's suits, dresses, eta. . Broadway 898$. 24 BtiTTtslde st WANTED-i Men to Sell their discarded aad misfit clothes for ; liberal apprsismsnt ' and spot cash. - Phone Main 6701. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM PARTY TO SHARE FURNITURE CAR FOR DETROIT. MICH. Z-674. JOURNAL, GOING East or South? Household goods shipped st reduced rates; monng and packing, Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st B'wsy 703. ni ATUI Mfi WAMTCn Call OLUI IIIIHU VY nil I 1LB'wt 858. Top prices for --'ig. fumltrrre and trunks. WANTED To hear from party who would let contract for making of from 25.000 to 40, 000 railroad tiea. Write P. O. Box 81. city. STOVE plumbing, overhauling, repairing, rs- plating. East -287.; - WANTED Sewing machine, late model; state price, etc P-984, Jonrnsl RUUD gas water heater, in good condition. CaU Main 7609. 328 Main st WANTED Rifle, sbotaun. camera. Hnrhfield. 8B 84 st. Phone Main 8681. PERSONAL 28 INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE. Mrs.. L. ; C.rov snlrltual advise". Business consulta tions daily. Teacher of occultism, palmistry and spiritualirm. Arrangements can De maae ior pri vate development.' Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m 414 Taylor t.. cornet 11th. -V. GLASSES AT A SAVING V50 1 solicit your patronage oa the i bast, of . capable service. Tbou sands of ! satisfied ' patrons. Chsa W. Roodnan, optometrist 200 Morrison t FOR ladies only Steam bath and massage for rheumatism, nervous trouble and convalescent influenza patient. Mrs.v C P. Kaufman, 674 E. 7th South, city. I COMPETENT young woman with best of ref e re rices wsnts position giving msssags and Swedish movement Residential or office work. Call Wdln. 186B. COllK I.N and aet both your leet fttcd no for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt you; fi yers in Portland; exaa. free. Globe Theatre bids.. Itth and Wasb. Bdy. 2884. DK H COLLINS 913 Broadwav bids.. cessfully use draglen - metnod, etomaca, bowels, kidneys, nervon and female disorders. UFEHFLUOUS hair,! mole, warts, removed by , 10 needle method:' trial free. Joaia Flnlsy. 614 Bush A Lane bids. Main 6868. FOR SALE cheap. large black bear rug; mounted, natural skull, open mouth. 163 E. 69th N. WHAT'S the matter with your feetr Examina tion free. Arch support spec i list J Foot Com fort stfre, 15 5 Washington st., bet 2d nii 3d ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner fnew) for rent $1 per day delivered to reasonable distaste. Msin 7H7 LIFE insurance ia the best policy today. Joint policies issued on husband and wife. Sea P. G. Lewis, 608 Board of Trade bldg. MR. M. U LAMAK. 2ii Bill e)T. Spiritual adviser. Instructions ia th theory of health, success nd harmony; DR. G. v. K E l CHUM, woman's maladies sod scute disease of men. Washington bldg., 4tk end Washington. Phone Marshall 448. If ME. GRENKLL, eotentlfle face and ealp treatment. 23Q FTeidner blda. Bdwy. 188a. MRfsrOZTN. spiritualist and palmistry teacher. 180 11th st DR. ELNA SORENSEN. 606 Psnssss bids, DRUG LESS Method; has wonderful effect By George McManus passu;.. PERSONAL RT THE HE VEU80N PLAN n Lata, winter and early spring aamplee are In. Woasea ara sarins half at Peterson's Maaufac turns' Sample Outlet on suit, coat, dress, waists, petticoat. Take lava tor. 3d floor, room 0. Plttnek btork. l- NOTICES NOTICE of aala of government timber, General eV,Hlw?.f10. '1,ln,0- P O. Den, 81, J" '!,,2te bs'eby given 'that subject te the conditions and limitation of - the set of Vm t,ye"r,. ' ""lor of IT? ,"2!?. ISt the timber on the follow, tog Isnds will be add Feb. 11. J919. at 10 eeJoek a. aa. at pnblle aoetlon at the United Sii.,VS0,nc? " Roeburg. Oregon, to the btgbeat bidder at not lea than the appraised ealue as shown by this notice, sale to be ubiet to the approval of the secretary of tbe Interior. Tha purchase price, with an additional aum of ens fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being ootnmlv sions allowed, must be deposited at time of sal, money to be "returned if sale ta not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber evhlca be removed within 10 year. Hid will b recfus-ed from cttisen of the United Ktatea. association of such ettisens and enrporattoan orgaassed under-the law of the United btat or any state, territory or district thereof only. Cpoa a pp beat ion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offrd sepsrstsly before being Included In any offer of ."7,"nnJl : Township 21 8 , R. 4 V.. See. 1?: Ni H B, E. H. red fir. 830 M.. not te S1 2OT le $1 Per T. 83 8.. R. 7 W.. Sea. 11 ; N. K. y 8. E. 14 . 8 M. yellow pine. 685 M., red fir. none of the yellow pine tn be sold for lea than $2 60 per M.. and aoas of the red fir to be aold for lea tbaa ?' - Very respectfully. Clay Tailmaa, commissioner general land office. . BEAL?P ,rI 1 be receivedTTth. office of the undersigned. 401 court. house, until Tk " m t Tn" February 6th, 1919, for Ih!.?? one-story frame building at !" ,lt.of the Benson Polytechnic school. Port- MnftJrE0"' from th9 Sth0r fl'trict No. 1, Multnomah county. Oregon. BiOa i will be eJrt i, m.. same' date, in room 804. IL fJE -8P?tons may be received ?lL anV2!i 0l ""-""ntendent of proprr- .!.$DUrt b2u"5- Portland. -Oregon. fei7ii chek for. one -hunJred dollars mJlZ7M' Thomasschool cler Tale of government owned .nose . BAGS 1 T.'nJt'1 POP" division. Munition bldg . H tre"U- W ashington. D. C, will t? m. on t known aa feed haw. that were manufactured for the gorern rmr Muipment No bids will be ac- form fn I1" .B'v wiUt "'"d" in triplicate WaThlL """ time to reach .;Ji9i.u Fn" Particular and forma for ,b. mitting bids may be obtained mw,n application I"-1" Prnfrij division. Munition bldg.. Welngton, D. C. Kef. 8. P. D,, No. 320 PUOrESSiONAL A'NDl eUSLffiSSDIRECTORY COOBBIQ8 wtAITIMQ. HEMSTITCH I NO tit zr i - , . ww " , g.'srg Dun 17 7.4 J. Tlett skirts ny ttyK $1 r as A ..5 10e D"r J"1 Ksstern Norelty Y- P'h st. Broadway 2000 UKMHTITCHINU and Picot All anteed. Winger Bewlng asch, Co.. 402 Wash. ANTIQUE ANTIyLjB and ALL Jal.MiS o( t VHS ITURaC Stern Salvage Co.. 633 Wa.hirTetea at BWBEH8' SUPPLIES EBmGER Barber Supply Co.. a of .Jr,F t"U, P'c buy barbr' chair BE UTY SPECIALIST tlple Needle Method. 804 Swetl.nd bldg LAWK BOOK MAKERS DA Vie) a 1JOLMAJM. 1M .... . book manul.ctnrera. A-8183. Mala 18$"" 0lrETsiD REPAIR WORK J.JP.' Atfrinm CarpenterBhopr2dria QRPET OLEANIWO NOKTHWKsT RUG CO. rPT nrnn uaioa ava. tAbl 3580 k. 8ih B-iORf) f.mttt .I.tlA O t-1475 . - - rr.llling our S Et 440, B.963.. 204 K. loth t N. 7.1. It!? nr specUlf. " " 1 CHIROPODIST 207 'AM'l,MUili0o!. ,nrL )n,rown H1- Room AHsky bldg.. 3d Jj"" ' CHIRQPRtCTORa Y DrvijlMA.JL Uov?ii-s;'. Broaa-a, bids oraTj. 71 J!.T11.CUn:1 0 "Perlenc. Chlr Praetlc. Kleetriclty. Vlbrato.y !.. ,ad IH.t tLHtutHUS- 0 "'"ments. made Va.yT earefnlly. permanent. Phone. 81 gla COAL AWO WOOD - ooa- load lot. 4-ft e ntry sip Ka.t 2im i. OOWCRETE MHO CEMENT WORK CAMPBELL A HMITn7"ncretagaraee.T-ii: OOQ r.OCAT HOSPITAL DR. O. H. HUTilMAN hwpltsOi 8"K.nrtT7T corner OranQ East 1847. B-lr)3 EOUOATIOWAL OANOINd" D , LEARN TfiTDANCE i-roressor end Mrs, Ilown's studio, 12 nrtrafj. lessonsrJB: 4 prirsfe lons, 2; hours 10 I l 9 - 03 Eiler, bMg..' between 4th and Bth on Washington t. Main r.K4. a i: i .jsa. ;si t j UBS. tfi.wiaK' ii-iiiL-uv j 1 If R A Erf vrir 'x a a r .,-,, ," - 7. " 1 .. --. 1. eCl?I" nd , " .dsnclng. Class Tuesday and Friday evening. Main 2100. Private ZJ1 MUSIC IBlMfll earn --ZZ. PBr2r- LAWSON. 20y..ra' e.perlener Piano lesaon at your home. 7 Be. Tabor7s6 L CARROLL DAT, piano, vocal -aTViTa pvactlee piano. -1 br. day $ mo Bdr. 2B " MAIL APVERTiaiMQ ' T CRANE LETI fc.il CO., 612 Royal bldgTMuTS: rapbln. mimeographing. Marshall . 68237 -. PAiwTiwajnwTiwo. paperhaajoiwoT J afvHVI!0- pr,ln"n- rinUng, patrlDg. 14 N. 1 7th st. Broadwav 441 w Jw.i. i , .7. PAlTlN. f'urnitiira 'BMn,.(.l.i.,. ", irr - log. . Imrch A Co.. Phone Main 8213.. PAOKINQ AND REPAIRINO PACKINO AND ilEPAIRI.VO" MirM A1IU.VU for sale. Eart 6046- . ola JnK- PATEWT ATTOWWar ' ' GOLDBKKG. H2 Worcester JihlsTM.ie. -js-i-f PRINTINO. CNORA VINO, INOIMO PRI NTI Nft wALTEsAx7n; mini llvU and Oak tja. M. 16B. A-VlAt uvaiii... DB- tH. aL PCilLIPB, po Broadway biiiiainaT Rbeusaatlsm. female diawrdara. skin tr..t. . stomach, Hr. kidneys, boaeia, thruat, soUre. high blood premura. - HUIIIK a -r a ansa : v vu..i oiAr uua, 88 Broadway Broadway 710. A-271S ALTEO AMO SMOKED PikH ALASKA HERRING A IMPOK'. JNO CO.. diw" trlbutors of salted and saaoked fish, UJX TsashUI st. Portland. Or. - - - 8EWIWO WACMIffg WCPAIRIWO ED CLA KK, rwrwing nisc-l.m exiwru lair r. t-oone itowy, 2inH. OREGON TRANSTTfTCOT ' Established 1870 Transfer aad Forwsrdlog Agents, 1 Storsg Free Trscksge. Offiee sjA Ht ara :n.. I tb and Olissn. Broadway 1'lstl, A-I1S ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HoUleTTHL17-. ruiAris wcu,., . f u. - ping aad snoring. Morse and auto tana. Speciei sate to 11 point a - a O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. teeoad aad Pine. Broadway A98. A-l 968. ' STORAGE AND I KANSTEB .CLAY S. MORSE, INC., 428 Flndr t. : - PACK LN1 MO V IN iiil O H A I i IECURITT STORAGE A THAN6FKK CO 108 Psrk i. Mta $1B. A-l 981. FIREPKOQh- STORAGE C. M- OLSON THAWSFEW ).. 84 pwa. G. L. DAVSNPOlt r. trausTer and ton.. iu7 dlatanee hauling. Main 8576 144 Frnt VIOLIfl REPAIRIWQ VV, J... KING, viojms repaired Isanee orcntii union. 54 i Wash. ISUay. 478.