f .J no - S V I ! ! , i - s. 10 f ' HORSES,' VKHIRtEli. ETC, 1 ' A WKLirMA TCI 1KB ipts of bey mares. kutweigU 2700 lb, with to.tr liarw-. guaranteed. Bey has been worttng on J ..,. I am through with eo."tr.' I:-also have 2300-lb. team hrnfc No K annabla offer will- be refilled. 392 Knott - block ent of "ion ewe. 69 HEAD of horse I of Mia or niS? biro by the day. week month ;.U kind "m:"T h i rno pr and r.V;. :r. .11 .toek guaranteed a represent-!. ' PHIL BUETTEB. 285 front t TEAM and hrn, weiihi bout 230 'b. a.T...ILt:-.M!iui and good worte; also a nice Mack mare, weight lOOO lbs. tingle or double, genua ; able offer will be mueea. ow-s - block tatwyMw rTBlfrt, g, eldi 4 and 15 yrs old. -"'' 'T " bonid .nd bloeky &Vn71!S02?blr7mu be sold to next thr-day ,, itFAVY team blocky young no-, . w.U mitcbed. If you want horses you -iiV huV 7 when you them. HarnM. and wagon Ule Have- Phone. -Kirk Hoover. , : 1 . Sherwood, u. 6 year old, both blac ,d tra itwtjw?" ' " Td w Til sell her ue; i 1100 also 896 "'- -- Woodstock car. cheap. , 8 year. Heavy borwa aw. horses guaranteed. 218 Front St. v. built. Alt H. Stable. tl. D. Williamson. " ! I.. I.. Ikntit 1100 lb.. GOOD, narnessd waon. "rfplacinc" with auto truck; dealer. Call at Solder's Wood A. Coal lard. ..in 1 1 .tVinma Y "SEVERAL ..-Kl J:m.irnd,f UUnCB) W - iTilTBt,Tff1n choice of 2 teara, blocky bum, weigni v tiatW. V- v.. ... fr one team. 562 E. ootn. Only he ,or one lel1- 8. K . Mt Scott car. f-head f hor?r -g-- - 1 '. . 1 . m 285 Front rt. USie bim for "iT keev- Oood horse, ride or drlTe. Main THREE teams ot mulea cheap or exchange. 302 Front st. " SPAN mere cheap or trade furniture, or what ? S21 6rh t, 8. E. HSIh harm and anlmala buledaway fe- Call Woodlawa 20. Portland Kenoennc 3000 lb. team of good work hone. $250. Will take cattle in exchange. 302 Front t. a0 TAKES 1250 lb. ranch mare, harnesi ana wagon. 380 Front t. Trial allowed. LIVESTOCK MIIXH goat. 6 naumes, 1 giring L young nannies tresh soon. 2 nannte 8 month, old; 1 fine Samen buck, 14 montln old; must mil at once. South Portland to Meade at.. - Mockn went. No. 251. 7 HKAD of extra good young cowa, some fresh and aome heary springers ; also 2 nice Jersey with their calves. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. ' MII.CH goats.; alo 10 fine Angora goats and -,,,.11 nio.9 firp fresh cows. Take horses. buggies or diamonds in exchange. 302 Front st. FIVE-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow. with foot. 12" I.ibertj bonds accepted. 2R0 E. EKHITH 8T oalf at 2 FKK8I1 Jerseys, with calves: also nica Guern aey. giving 5 gal. a day, coming fresh in few day. 682 E. 28th st. 8. VV-S car. 2 GHADK bucks, half Saanen and Tog, tne other Tog.; also 2 does coming fresh. Head of TligTi st. Stratton, Gladstone. Or. TWO-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow, just fresh, $40. Will accept Ijberty bonds. 280 E. EIGHTH ST. tVOt'LD LIKE to buy 25 head of Holsteln cows coming fresh soon. John Back, general delivery. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Some fresh cows, Durham and Holstein; one heavy springer. 875 E. 28th at. 8. W-B car. A GOOD family cow for aale or exchange for horse. 3R0 Front st. 2 BIG YOCNG resh cows with calves, very U. 8. Stables, 248 Front st. heavy milkers. i FOR SALE Good Jersey cow and calf, fresh. Phone D-1458. just FRESH cow for sale 6324 58th st. SE. ' rOtTtTRY. PIOEOyS. VTT STOCK 91 ' VHITE leghorns are the most profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the business for profit yon will eventually have them. Early i broilers; early layers; early PROFITS. We sell I only WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHIX from heavy laying HOGANIZED hens. Safe delivery 1 of full count live chU. guaranteed. Price per . J00: February $15.00; March. $14.00; April. $12.50. Thai Pioneer Hatchery. 405 Sixth 1 street. Petaluma, California. Portable Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES 8. D. Williams. Tabor 628. 5126 E. 8 2d S. R, INCUBATOR FOR SALE Dandy Petaluma 200-egg size, good aa new. Come to fire station, 35th and Belmont, Sunny aide car, ask for Mr. Merriwell. i BABY CHICKS ATI leading Varieties. "Right Chicks at Bight Prices.' 'Write today for prices. C. N. Need ham, Box 412; Salem, Or. BABY-CHICKS AND EGGS FOB aLE. Tand red's Hoganized heavt layers. 80 fm fer- tlllty guaranteed. Tabor 6422. NINE thoroughbred R. I. Bed last march chick ens, one sack feed. 850 Sandy bird.. Rose City car. , BARRED Rock eggs, incubator, lots specialty. : Mrs. Evans, 365 Lombard, cor. Union. Wood . lnwn 1656. O. A. C. STRAI.t Barred Rock eggs. $2.50 per l setting of 15. Cor. 16th and B razee. Irving- t ton car. . I WANT setting hens, near Milwaukie preferred. Wood, 51 2 Buchanan bide.. Main 5554. FOR SALE O. A. C. White Leghorn pullets. I Call Sellwood 2949. I WHiTE-Leghorn pullets, $1.75; cockerels. $3. j 53Q3 62d ave. 8. E. i THOROUG HBRED Barred Bock hatching eggs. J Tabor 6559. 795 E. 78th st N. NEW cvphers incubator for sale or trade for ,1 hens. Tabor 238. I DOE S. with young for sale. $2.50 and ud. East anu. boo iti. otn. "WHITE Leghorn pullets. 6118 54th st 8. E. Sell. 1992 CORNISH Indian young cork and cockerel. cneap. I'bone Tabor 1600. FOR SALE Hen with baby chick, also i White Leghorn rooster. 27 E. 89th N. BOOS. BTRDS. PETS. ETC. 4 BEAUTIFUL, large. Scotch Coliie, splendid dog for laree farm or large city home. Price $25. Worth $100. 5803 Woodstock ave. Sx?H wood 2332. AT rervice. registereoTngemale Persian; also registered silver Persian male. Hills dale, Or.. Box 22. Main 6450. AIREDALE dog, pedigreed? black and-tan79 months old: cheap if taken at once. C. T Trengue. 2030 E. Salmon st. Tabor 8800. IHOill'SO.V S bird store buys and sells guar anteed birds. Call or address 957 Minis- lippi ave. Choice singers. ave. x also females. 617 Dekum BEAUTIFUL Irish Linnet singer, stock.- Tabor 1000. thoroughbred BOSTON, Terrier Stud. Eatern Tov. fee $10. Homlet. 6657 8d st Tabor 4883. PRIZE canaries at The Canary Bird Shop. 1151 E 28th rt N. C-2217. ,' rED IG HEE D leiupheap. Msr3T87. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 ' MOTORS, benruigs. Bearing WUeeU, Axle and Trailers We wreck all makes of cars and , eell their good parts at balf price David Bodes Co.. Broad sv snd Ftender". t; Rvoadwsv 1M. 1 S"ORD Sedan, a peach, strictly A-l condltiolT only $600. $250 down, $35 per month. Kelly. Broadway 2492, montn. ,DUBRUILLB TOP CO. 8th st Oak. Broadway 1664. $200 DOWN BUYS MAAWELL TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION AXU GOOD HUB- BER CALL EAST 1 BG2. FRANKLIN, 5-pasa.. cord tires, new paint Might take Ford in trade. E. 7094, Satur day, Sunday or Monday. l.AKxAlA-oi-a coupe, ne, luu uiscount Teroti. Tabor 94 1. $rlii cam pa for used cars. Dealers' Used l'r ,!teerioa Rnaw. Grand ave, and R. Stark. SAXON 4 roadster, electric lighta -and starter, car in beautiful shape; 84Q0. 614 Aldest. Clll-.V KtU.lt T. $."00. with terms. A remark able bargain at this price. 514 Alder st . WIDLTsell takes it. my roadster today. First See it at 209 Union ave. N. $273 DANDY Maxwell, just like new, term'. Phone Tabor 8546. $085; l Jii i a t Myue, in pertect-. eondiUou. Make me an offer. Kelley, 522 Alder ; BARGAIN in 191T Mitcbellsix good tires; terms. CaU East 1962. " $450 CASH buys good 1917 Maxwell; Tires, f in A-l condition, tali Tabor uso. WANTED Late model used tire; will pay cash for a pargam; no junk. Tabor 6143. .1915 FORD touring, good a new, good tires. APTOMOBl!ESACCEgBOBnES 44 " 'Mi : - Ti -T ON duR WAITING LIST THE AUtiO SALES C Afinounces the Arrival Of If III - MB . NEAOULY NEW There Are Fords Some With Gray & Davis Electric Starters Wire Wheels Several 1917 5-Pass, Cars 1017 DODGES. I.IKE NEW 1017 DODGE ltOADSTER f16 HUPMOBILE Completely Overhauled and Painted 1917 5 PASS. OAKLAND. LOOKS LIKE NEW ONE 1917. GUARANTEED PERFECT 1916 IN A 1 SHAPE ANOTHER 5 PASSENGER, IN GOOD SHAPE 1917 COLE EIGHT Completely Overhauled Cord Tires A Dandy For-hire Car That We Can Guarantee HUDSON SCPEB 1918 STCDEBAKER BOADSTER These Cars Are Ail New Arrivals IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET IN WHILE THE STOCK, IS COMPLETE NINTH AND COUCH SPECIAL WINTER PRICES Insure your tires now against blowouts and punctures with our guaranteed re liners. Phone East 1393. We will caJL UNION AVE. TIRE SHOP. 614 Union Ave N. 1915 FORD touring, . demountable rims, elec tric lights from storage battery; a fine run ning car; easy term. See White. 421 Burn side st at 10th. Bdwy. 521. LAHER' Mfg. and Repairs stock ; prices reduced. 3000 guaranteed springs '.a 84 N Iftth st ' BUY A REAL AUTOMOBILE 5 Mv late model Chalmers has been well treated very very quiet, looks almost like new; genuine leather upholstering, practically new tires, snap at $925 cash. SeUwood 1859. rORD AUTO WANTED Will pay part cash and fine new Vfctrola, Brunswick, .Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. TWO Overland cars, $200 apiece; 1 Republic truck, $750, balf cash; 1 new light delivery body for Chevrolet; auto seat and cushions suit able for bug. 235 2d St., corner Main. TRUCK contract or good hauling wanted for 5 ton truck. H. L. White,'' Portland Motor Car company, 10th and Burnside tt. Bdwy. 521. COME in snd make me an offer on a, 1817 Haynes. This car has been used in city of Portland only. Jane. 020 Aider. jiawy. 2402. OVEKLANl 6-passenBer, Hue running order, good tires, engine just overhauled, high ten sion magneto; pries very reasonable. New Y01 Garage, corner 8th and Belmont. 1917 FORD touring. Just overhauled by us. $450. liasy terms. "Jake," 523 -Alder. Bdwy. 2492. Ft)K SALE Studebaker 4 cyl. 5 pass.; good condition ; 5 good tires and uther extras, cheap for cash. Phone East 1418. 1915 STUDEBAKER, good running condition, almost all new lues; latest equipment. All for $500. "Jake." 523 Aider. . Bdwy. 2492. 5 TON truck and hauling contract; $500 will handle. H. L. White, Portland Motor Car company, 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 521. GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GBEASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st LATE Ford, 2006. 5 tires, extras, $325; snap. Mar. MUST sell my nearly new 1818 Maxwell touring ear. A-l shape. M-S67. Journal. $300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touruu car, A-l condition. Call Tabor 830. THREE ME BRINGING UP FATHER err cjt.-t-rvAE rMo'-bHE MEVER VAxNT ED TO SEE. T1E -T5UT IVE "WRITTEN HER LETTER, AKHM' HEK 1 ?"V KAfS mtMC UAWC -THD OREGON i AtTTOMOBIXES ACCESSORIES 44 - ' HIGH-GRADE CARS ALL OTERHACLKD AND BEADY TO BUN ' 7-peaa. perfect...... 800 , elec L. and 00 18700 Peerleaa am. 7 -pa: atarter - .-.-- - Hudson -6. aome (Tand buy. ..... Packard, 7 -pan., good aa erer 1 Orerlaud. elec. U. and etartcr 600 eoo 400 High-grade. 6-paaa.. ; Bosch mag.. , else. 300 800 lights . . 1815 Chalmers master six, com area.. High-grade Bud, electric generator and 350 llffRT ... -............--- Bukk. 6 pass., generator, lighta and bat-, ttrf ... 30(1 Small S-pasa., just overhauled 200 1914 Telle, e-pasa., eiec ju. ana MrKi.. New non-skid casings an sizes, sw per ccui off. , Two good batteries, naif price. Bring In your old ears and trade in on a tnr new one. or your diamonds, last year a straw hat, anything but real estate. Liberty bonds at face value on cars. I am the easiest trader you ever knew. Ask for Conley. the man you want to meet. Open Sundays and evenings., CONLET'S VSEdL CAB CENTEB. Biir brick building, entire 2d floor. S. W. cor ner lath and Washington sis. mot aown sraira. Phone Broadway 285tt. j 4P- FORDS .FOftDS FORDS THIS MONTH: MARKS THli LOW WAYEB MARK IN THE pku;k OF USED FORDS 1818 Kordi touring. 1918 Ford: roadster. 1917 Ford! touring. 1918 Fordj touring. 1917 Fordl tourinu. 1917 Ford! roadster. 1916 Ford! touring. 1816 Fordl roadster. 1914 Ford! touring. 1917 Fordl delivery. 1916 Ford! delivery. Don't fail to see these cars before you buy. 3ome of them are practically new. Lota of extra equipment, lerras if deisirea. East 3770. E. ljth and Hawthorne are. DEARBORN TR UNIVERSAL UCK Attaebmenta convert any make of ear Into an efficient 1 or 2 ton truck at 40 per cent ot cost of new trucka. Bee ua before buying. FOR SALE NOW A new 2-ton attachment on Cadillac engine, $100O. CUTLER MFG. CO, Phone East 7$S2. 851 East Tenth Street. Portland, Oregon Ford, 1916, fine condition ............. $375 Chevrolet, "Al" condition, special $450 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet GUARANTEED ATJTO REPAIR IN f. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO.. CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR. STUDEBAKER roadster. Thia fine light nt tie car has neatly new tires all around and runs fine. It will "serve you well and with lit tle expense. Price -is low and $100 lets you drive it away. bal. .monthly; bonds at face value, always 100 cents on the dollar at The A-l Auto Work & Paint Co., 525 Alder St. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have them, all makes and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-O Doable Tread (sewed) Urea and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 3S3-S35 Burnside, near Broad way. ; LATE model touring car in good running order; it has the best of leather trimming and will give you lots of pleasure, low price of $350; $100 lets you drive it home and the balance is S25 tier month. Call and let's give you a ride. 525 Alder st A-l Auto Wks. Paint uo. 1917 BRISCOE, weighs 100 lbs. more than a Ford more gas mileage, good tires, easy terms. "Jake." 623 Alder. Bdwy. 2492. IF YOU WANT a good light, used car.' on easy terms, consider this. -As low as $100 down and $''0 a month without a bit of, red tape and you drive a car away. nee WHITE. 421 Burnside. at 10th Bdwy. 621. WILL sell any 1-ton Ford truck, almost new; must be seen to be appreciated; have good established business and office; will sacrifice if taken at once. CH quick. Service Transfer Co. 180 1st, cor. Yamhill. ' Tin -rrTT want information or advice when pur chasing a second hand car. I will help you in securing a good car at the best bargain can drive with anyone that ks a good cat for sale. m-osi. jouxi. gjScK USLU (JAncJ highI COVEY MOTOR CAB CO. 21st and Washington sta. - . Main 6Z4e. 1918 OAKLAND 5 passeVger in very good shape; some extras; terms to suit; $950 H. L. White. Portland Motor Car company, 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 521. i" CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON nisl, NKW 1910 MAXWELL AUTOMO BILE CALL TABOB 63Q 1918 APPERSON ,igni. 1 pawnr. com . this car IS vlf r new mum m "v " - . bW dTioSnt H. L. White Portland Motor Car company. 10th and Burnside. -Bdwy., 521, PAIGE roadster, cheap for cash. Come see. East First and Main. rbone evenings. Wdln. 8637. T-SED CARS THE STREET - IS FULL OP -8-D THEM. FIFTY MORE INSIDE, j x.TTfi SALES CO.. 0TH AND COUClT 8TS. TL7 Ford, completely overiiauieu. " ""c. $4 50. $150 down, $32.50 xjejv.month. Kel ley. .'.22 Alder. ", ' 's x S3 50 BUYS modem Apperson car.'? five tires: all to good condition, electric fights and ,.rter. Terms. CaU East 1862. j BIG six 7 passenger Cole in fine shape. $650. H 1- White. Portland Motor Car Co., 10th nri Rnrnside sta.. BroaHway OJi. iftiR I itJHT o touring, Jim ixxvc , extrT equipment. Cost $1950. $500 off for spot ch?20a Tudor Apt.. 18th ad Couch. BRINf in your old wrecks and we pill make a liberal aUowance on any used, car in the house ake. '2 3 Alder. JSdwy 2492. $300"BUYSCbalmers "367" 4 paaaj. splendid . : , x t- . appeanntt. wn u.., huv a new cheap car. 514 Alder t LETHDiTSEtaL YOCB CAR. QUICK! ACTION "to SALES CO.. 9TH AND CO0CH STS WILL aeU my 1017 Maxwell cheapo S-5 13. Journal. TQ C- 'lv ' ; - " . i ' V v- - T3T IcetSwL10 ULIUL I ?T1S ' wBk . 1 v isj?6, 3 L-tiA5 . jMTnr S. 1 tx W I CJ I Ja1-. I I 1 1 I V--rfrA II Li II" mu s t'f "is J HDME.- , ' II 1 f IIS 11 . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1D19. ACTOMOBrLES ACCESSORIES 44 USED - ' AUTOMOBILES . . TERMS GIVEN . WE TAKE TOUR OLD CAR AS PABT PAYMENT ANI YOUR LIBERTY BONDS . AT FACE VALUE. 1918 FORD SEDAN (USED VERY LITTLE, HAS ELECTRIC STARTL ER AND LIGHTS ... 87 5.00 11 CADILLAC, 6 PASS.. ONLY. . 650.00 1914 MICHIGAN. 5 PASS., -a CYI,. 275.00 1912 MITCHELL, 2 PASS.. 6 CYL. 325.00 11 'lx,v aOLLT, 6 PASS. VERY LITTLE) 800.00 1813 OVERLAND. 2 PASS.. 4 CYL. 300.00 1818 MITCHELL. 5 PASS., 6 CYU. tNBVV IlKtS) lll.v 1917 MITCHELL, 7 PASS., 6 CYU 1200.00 1915 REO, 5 PASS.. 4 CYL 650.OO 1911 PIEBCE-ARROW, 6 PASS.. 6 CYL. fEIJSCTRIO LIGHTS A1XD STARTER! . ONE-MAN TOP 1250.00 1813 HUDSON, 5 PASS., 6 CYL... 650.00 1815 MITCHELL. 6 PASS.. 6 CYL. 750.00 1914 HAYNES, 5 PASS., 4 CYi 600.-.0 1912 MITCHELL, 7 PASS., o UXli. ou.uw SEVERAL OTHEBS TO SELECT FBOM WE CARRY OUR OWN PAPER AND WIUIj NAME YOU MOST LIBlSKAi. i.Ba. USED CAR! DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON 8T8. PHONES EAST 7272. B-1216. YESTERDAY WE SOLD A CADILLAC, REO, NATIONAL, COLE, FFDFRAL TRUCK -And at bargains. There are many good buys ft but hurry. NORTHWEST AUTO CO, Alder at 18th. YOU KNOW REAL VALUES COMPARE THESE Model 830 Overland, nearly new tires, special Saxon Six touring. Think of it! $500 only. . .$500 $500 Studebaker Six, some car, for. . if i,it biir values. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527. Washington St, Where Washington and Buroside Meet GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES -d-a. Wft(lli SHEDS 1 rOTHVl M cut. See samples at 544 Hood sc. Main 1187. Millmade Construction Co. VELD3 6 ROADSTER r run 1925 miles. Will sell . 1 i...t,nn .imniv oecauae it m at unusuai n7Ta roadster of quality "7 ,a to 'e this one. Will accept trade , and give terrns. Guaranteed sams as new car DC. Warren Motor Car Co.. 68 N. 23d st Main T80. Open Sundays. OAKLAND roadster, like new. runs fine. 18 Maxwell touring, new. 17 Chevrolet touring. 17 Chalmers. 7-pass. Will give liberal terms and monthly payments. 625 ALDER ST. CHALMERS, 6 passenger, 82x3 M demountable tnms. 90 per cent new; oversize Urea. This car has a generator and electric lights. $150 Sown and drive it away. White. 421 Burn aid st, west, at 10th st Broadway 621. LIBERTY PAINTSHOP. 13th and Jefferson. Have your car painted before the spring rush. You'll get better service. Fords repainted, with my color. Tto select from $12. This includes the top and cushions; only the best materials used; other cars in proportion. Fords enam eled. $10. IF YOU want a good used car, light or heavy, from $300 to $3000. see White 421 Burr side street (west) at 10th st Brdwy. 621; liberal terms. 1918 LIBERTY Six. perfect condition. Cord tires, 1 extra, easy terms. "Jake," Bdwy. 2492. 523 Alder. CASH paid lor old cars, condition no obj object; to tc-aahiag- nlrti for all maae 01 ca . rhaiiae 128 Lownsdale at 16th and Wi ton Broadway 20UM. A300 DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUK $3n r !ar REPAINTED. A-l CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630 'bxhoaINS in used Ores ; no )unk; new tires also ; vulcanixrnrand retreading. Vulcan Tlra Shop. 41 Grand ave. AUTOMOBILES WANTED SELL YOUR AUTOMOBILE WHEN YOU GET READY TO SELL YOUR CAR BE SURE AND SEE US BE FORE YOU ,DO SO. WE HAVE SIX SALES MEN, TWO STORES AND A LARGE PAINT. TOP AND BODY PLANT WHERE WK MAKE CARS LOOK AND RUN LIKE NEW. HIGHEST OBTAINABLE PRICES GUARAN TEED AT ALL TIMES. ( LEWIS E.O'BYE MOTORS CO, BROADWAY AT COUCH. BROADWAY 3327. innn wanted for cash. Bring me your Fords. I nav cash, no stalling about having buyers or asking you to leave it Yet get real money here, 525 Alder st, A-l Auto Works 4 Paint Co. EQUkTY in well located land, partly improved, near Vancouver, for 7 passenger auto. X-884, Journal. i WANT a 1918 model 5 passenger auto; prefer cylinder. Will give 1918 Ford sedan and caU. M-878, Journal. WILL trade lot on Union ave. for automobile. Call 69 W. Jessup, St. Johns car. HIGHEST price paid for automobiles, eontlt tion no object 121 N. 8d st Bdwy. 2629 THREE room house, good location. Will take machine as part payment. 601 Dekum bldg. WANTED Ford or Chevrolet, cheap for cash. Bute price, etc Z-793. Journal. y : t (Copyright 1918, International News St.-viet) 78 i1 ' WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? YOtI CAV RTJBB ENOUGH GET : THE MONET OUT OF IT QUICK. JU8T CRT IN TOUCH WITH THE DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. TOU'LIBE ON TOUR WAY TO THE BAN WjrTHTHE "JACK" IS SHORT ORDER. "NO FOOLINV WE SELL IT RIGHT OFF THE "REEL." RING VS UP ANYWAY OR BETTER STILL. SEE US PERSONALLY. IT'LL PAT TOO. AUTOMOBILES rfAHTEP I PHONE EAST 7810. ' GBAND AVE. AND STARK. rma wanted I will nav rub fnr inv licht late model tour ing car or roadster. Must have starter. Why leave your car anywhere to be sold when you can get real money bv driving it to 525 Alder sr. r A-1 Auto W orks & Faint vo. AUTOS FOR HIRE S9 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New mndffl mn , reajiftnable ratea. "FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGE" 86 10th st. near Stark. Broadway 840 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H1RB ronrwikfAV sm.i.iVAN. Msr. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 HAVE new one-ton truck: would like monthly contract. Marshall 5210, A-4605. i FOHD, competent driver. go anywhere. Winter. Taror 1028. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES tS FOR SALE cheap. Twin Indian motorcycle with Presto light, tandem and speedometer; $7! terms to suit or Liberty bonds. Call Main 3223 or 326 Hall st. FOR SALE. 3 speed Indian motorcycle, fully equipped, good running order; also Colum bia phonosrraph. Woodlawr. 3868. J. J. Lewis. LAUNCHES AND BOATS f BOOMED houseboat: a No. 1 motorboat. 26 fit: plenty of good walks for sale. 4th house below Northern Pacific mills; 23d st. car. Sell at once, party leaving town. FOR SALfc Motorboat. finest and most com plete on the river; also boathouse. pnone Main 2516. PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL, s INSTRUMENTS 84 SECURITY' BORAGE CO CLEARANCE SALE All stored used nianos and organs. Parlor organs for $25, $35 and....$ 88 cash $350 Estey & Camp, large , upright . . 1 lo casn S375 Bradford, small uprigbt. . . . . ISO casn $37 5 Lyon & Healy. mahy. upright. . 165 cash $4 50 Standard, large upright ISO casn $450 Singer, walnut, uprigbt 215 cash $425 Bradford Flemish oak unriabt 8260 casn $450 Thompson mahogany, upright.. 265 cash $450 Schilling A Sons, wal.. uprigbt 23 casn $450 new stored upright pianos. . . . 290 cash $625 1918 model Steger upright.... 895 cash $050 1918 model player piano 895 cash $750 1919 model player piano 435 cash Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage SOc monthly. Phone Main 0323. 109 4 th st., at Washington st. SPECIAL sale of used pianos. Our space is limited. Must make room for large incom ing shipments of the famous Wick and Shat tuck pianos. Get one of these bargains while they last. Swick tfc Co., small upright, ebony case .$125 Remme Sc. Long, small upright 135 A utomatic rebuilt piano, golden oak .... 175 Weiler boudoir style, mahogany 250 Bailey 88 note player piano, new $750, now 450 Genuine Shattuck piano, fumed oak 342 Art stvle Louis XIV. $750 new 568 All these instruments in good order and are fine pianos. Come and look them over. Easy terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington st. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS We have these 'numbers, -all new and popular hits: A 2652, A 2656, A 2655, A 2661 A 2665, A 2870, A 2668, A 2662 THE RECORD SHOP , 189 B rosd way (Heilig theatre bids.) Cash Paid for Used PHONOGRAPHS AND HECORD8 music Tolls, brass and string instruments, pianos and organs. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st st. near Alder. Main 4496. Tabor 6798. Q VERBS L. WEBBCEU honogrsphs and records bought, sold, .achanged and rented. Expert repair In z. 142 2d. near Alder, upstairs. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS Have you heard the- "best records of the newest music"? It is a pleasure to play them for you. THE RECORD SHOP, 189 Broadway st, Heilig Theatre Bids;. PIANO WANTED Will pay highest cash price for' used piano. Let us give you one bid oeiore selling. Seiberling & Lucas Music Co., 1ZD tn st Main 8586. IS YOUR old piano dead? Trade it to us for a new Sheraton model, inlaid manocany Pathephone. Give or take difference. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington st. Xr. TO S350 saved buying pianos during fac- tory clearance sale: terms or cash, $15 or $25 cash; $6, $8, iu or more raentn. see our display advertisement or call at Schwin Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st-at Wash, st WILL TRADE new Pathe. Brunswick or Amer ican phonograph for auto repairing. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington st. TRADE your old piano or organ for new pho nograph and records; liberal allowances made; estimates gladly given. Siebtrflng & Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st Main 8586. $95 V1CTROLA and records $80: 6 ..-note player rolls $1 per dos in packages. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st JUST arrived, largest shipment of Pathe records; all tue latesi mut vj isil'uixi arumta. vraaxe- field Music Co., 487 W'asburgton st. PIANO Just used short time; late style; sell at big reduction. Seiberling ' & Lucas Music Co.. 126 4th st NEW piano, been used only short time. Will sell tor S33U. lapor 1111. WE pay cash for usejd pianos and band instru ments. Sieberling-Ixucas Music Co., 12$ 4 sh. PIANO wanted. Will from private parties. pay cash for bargain Marshall 1517. P1A.VO TUNING and Repairing. Main 6157. G- W. MOKrr.1T. ia w. i-ara sr. PLAYER piano, cost $900, used 3 months. Must sell. Private party. Sell. 3750. COLUMBIA Grafanola, nearly new. for aale reasonably. N. A. Cutter. 372 E. Clay st TYPEWRITERS 7? OCARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "ail makes," sold n monthly payments. Send for price list -The Wholesale Type writer Co.. re tail dept.. 821 Washington st au, maaos of typewriters rented, repaired an I sold cn monthly payment plan. Oregon. Type writer Co.. 84 6th st . 1YPEWR1TERS- rented. repainl. exenanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadw'v. UNDERWOOD typewriter, No. 5. back spacer. for sale. 63 E. 11th st HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 85 WILL sacrifice my practically new furniture in cluding Singer sewing machine- (drophead), Columbia Grafonola, leather davenport with pad, kitchen range, gas stove, Turkish apekers and other household goods. CaU 54 74. Call at 585 Madison st " FOR SALE Bed complete, $5; davenport, $12; oak dresser, $20; rocker, $3; 3 carpets. $15. 623 Gantenbein ave., Woodlawn 4677. FOR SALE Furniture and household goods, rabbits and chickens. Must sell. 207 Gibbs. ONE bed complete, library table and one oak' rocker. 832 V4 Mississippi. not' srwoi ti noons FOB HALE 88 Furniture Brokerage l , ret. run. t8 75: cas late.f 82: burner Perfection oil range. $7.75; stove. JT.ou. lota of beaters. Iron bed. $1 75: prine, mattreaaea, $.7; aresaera ,,,. $4.50: buffet. $11.60: dining ehalra. 81-25. kitchen chain, 85e; rockers, $ 1 . 50 ; nbrsry ta- $.7S; Kitcnen treasure, ., -, $2.90; disbea. graniteware, ruga. See these values. AU marked with big yeirow a. OWL FURNITURE CO, SELLS FOB. Mies i 81.75 and up Iron beds l.OO and up .... 1.60 and up ...... 7-6 end up . . . . . .75 and Up . . . . . 8.00 and up .75 and up Springs Mattreaaea ........... Dressers Chairs Dining tables ........ Center tables ......... Cook stoves B.OO 1.50 Rockers OWL FURNITURE CO., 204 1st St. FOR at v MlwrELLANEOUS 18 ul.NU mactunea. new and seo- -. I I --ut tar lass: BO mninnd. . eComplete f of parts for aU make machinea. re paired and rented. .Main f.Vru SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 8d near TA y ior st .JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER Made on the premises dailt 247 yamhill bet. 2d and 8p Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and .repslred. Walker Electric Works. 418 Burn side corner 10th. Broadway 6674. AUTCMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. JNCHES 1 ... uiixri te classifications. A large ftrting can be found under these diMerent ficattonH WHY be tormented by a leaky roof We Rub ber Bond, repair and renew all kinds 'easy . n.nn.iint nrocese : under a iTVear guTrau. A "revolution in roofing Phone MarshaW 4291 . a. xi a,Lrl lm" at rsa stafj PbVT.8 CiaUntl catiotu. AU dTertlsement of tbw .,4 7 rbiitiet their mpu ci i. a rr dropnead sewing machines with I U.UU attachments, all are in oou condition. Sewing macb'.nea rented at $3 Ir month. . Pbon. East 2858. or Hteen. HZ vana ave. u . . r.. . A k Aavm free: aeuvery. deuvery. SOrund floor; general deUvering. For best service call Pacific Coast iranaier Storage Co., Main 4785. EAT HORSE MEAT Pells for less than half the price of other -. thnrraiih inspection. 148 1st st FERTILIZER . --... mvA hnrse manure, big enaer waaon loads delivered. East 5S8. CUT FREIGHT RATES on household goods shipped east south. Mea ning Warehouse ot 1 ranaiex vj., ' Broadway ma. a-x i qq v-t cA x Tmc JKl PKUi-nkAU $12.50 t0 $10 sewlno machines 172 .d'SrSS tTv," 845.A-1818 wf TTT"Vf TO at nnlliniil In aood condition, iron . . f r,w-,irr toaster, stand lamp, -Tm Vleaner. all $32.50. 623 Gantenbein ave., Woodlawn 4677. . .. . t:. i anno double faced Em- .4 T records, all or part Several hundred -i.ii k..un 11 and 3 at room 3UV lilies. ' , . . .. . .- - . . . ,,. , r?nh MAb UDStalTS In tn ST. near nuu. FOR SALE Cheap, 1H k. w. roUry converter u.ki,.. with instruments: circuit breaker. starter, rheostat portable cables and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. F-894, Journal. FOR SALE Store fixtures, bins town, shelv ing, counters;, a oaiaauxx. xu. -" - 629 E. 61st st in . MOT water tanks, all sizes. In good, serviceable XX x wwx . . . . -I .ft 1 n QAl condition, ao gai. . - AilsnvT st . Eaat end Steel brid.e. Phone g. 8516 TiRT wreckage wood for sale, also building ma- terial of all kinds. Phone MarshaU 4925. , .... , , , . . ... i ; O. lv. and Kose v.ii.y w nre'i v PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelopes or 500 bond letterheads. $2.75; best work; prompt aeuvery: try m. f""". , ,...vy.. HIGHEST prices paid for diamouos, watcliaa and leweiry. xityn-niiB "i Jewelry Co.. 448 H Washington at, FOR SALE Fertiliser from Union Stock yards. for lawns and gardens; prompt service, phone Tabor 8680 evenings. BEAUTIFUL and valuable books, cut glass, axand-engTaved glass, bric-a-brao and many household necessaries. 260 N. 20th st. Apt N. AUTO and truck driving lessons; auto without driver -eror hire. Main 7320 after p. m. i PAIR of high topped rubber boots, worn- but a few times. B East 4287. WRECKAGE wood for sale. Hippodrome Ice -Palace. Bdwy. 450 or Sea 257. PLUMBING suppliea, wbolesale prices. Davis Co.. 212 3d st Main 797. Stark- WE have new and second hand safea, moderate price. 4 Front Broadway 18G6. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ez ' changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8583. 4NEW - Singer sewing machines very cheap; bonds accepted. Q-883, JonrnaW UNCALLED ,(r tailor made suits. $18.60 up. Taylor the Tailor. 288 H Burnside st BURBANK potatoes $2 a sack delivered. 1874. ' ' Mar. GARDEN manure for sale and plowing dona. Tabor 6634; FOLDING gocart. almost new, for $4 50. Mar shall 1730. NEW genuine Navajo rug for sale. Rafael st 885 San WATCHMAKER'S tools, bench and material. Call or write. 8415 Foster road. CHOICE potatoes $1.75 a rack delivered. Broadway 464. evenings Sellwood 2838. Call FURNITURE WANTED 74 BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE, SEE US Wa ara in need ef all kinds of used fur niture rugs, carpets, stove", ranges, all kinds of old gas stoves and office furniture, and we pay absolutely the top prices for same. CALL MARSHALL 587 And out buyer 'will call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ f-URNITUnt 'STORE 205 and 207 First St. Between Taylor and 8almon sts. OWL FURNITURE CO 204 FIRST We want your ttsed furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos; will pay nignest caan prices. Main 4627. W1UUTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East T768 Highest prices paid for used furniture, car pets, stoves, ranees, etc. We call promptly. WANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL PAT CASH Phone Main 8882. WILL PAY CASH For used office furniture. Main 19 T I. ra-rffic Rtatlrmerv A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d WE PAY the lugliexit cash prices ever pax! ot invtiRi in tha eitv foe furniture. leu us for w article or a bouse full. Main 784 flAQL) paid tor furniture, stoves, ranges. -UnOn en. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc Phone Mar. 2675 Hartzelt Furniture Co.. 841-45 1st PHONE East 7818 when you want to sell your fornitnre; we will ome at on and nay you ? SH. M. R. SKATER. 880 Hawthorne eve VK will pay more than any dealer for"5d hanl furniture. Main 1633. t FURNITURE WAlfTEI Read ImportantRead We ear greater anoruws. , a a ssm cakJ I iV. Ve donot buy and a41. I D. - MI We DeelaUs In shelf and ' baavy hardware, 1 sporting foods, household goods, oiuoe xwawvsvt, i hotel and" earn: iP s aannliaa. When or ln &e. When foo ha ve aAyuung to wmw u-x.' ...a r x.ttf A LEVIN HARDWARE at FUHNITURB CO. -221-8-5 Front st or. SWAP COITOW 8 ovTr nnrtp trad for stock or a light tcfc A ltflT Fordln first c mechanical truck. A 1917 Jrord. m iijm ci "'"r"" . uiEt crmotion. 662 r.. zmn st. . EQUITY in .Clarke Co. land. In dose. What have yout H-788. Journal. I IaTS ftr a late model auto. . 236 2d at WANTET MISCKI.IiANEOUS 1 1 W AN TED People of Portland to know that 1 pay highest cash price tor second band Promut attcotion. N. aa. Mwxnpwvx . phone East 2203 4n RitM.ll . I $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits , 4 i y,, -a 1 Meyer, tne isiior. " l,."," ,! .i, shoes. We call day or evenus; or 228 Mao won. Marshall Q 71 nM I ? m issa v. - x wIZx 1 w. h hlshaat -brice for seeoBd BaM I tools, junk, pipe, ete. 1 will call promptly. I 812 L. Shank Co. PoTtUad uregou 1 hides iieuw "v ,; -rite for prices and, shipping tags. Main ie Over the Tod, $7,50 Up e.. -..v Mflnnd hand suits, ovsrooats. eM shoes. MSin 1B or ouyer wm ex. nm nalTETW Tb-.Tnr, pay. highest price, for UdW and tni ra.n i fnxiia. " - Z4A rinirmne sx. WANTED Men to ell their discarded and j misfit clothes for liberal appraismeni ana soot xjash. Phone Main 0701. . WANT" miscellaneous collection of curios, relics. mounted birds, etc., ior ueu. iive paruuian. O-708, Journal. WOULD-LIKE. TO. HEAR FROM PARTI TO SHAKE FUBS1TUKK uan ivn jji.xxi.viii, MICH. Z-674, JUUttaau GOING East or South f Household goods hipped .1 MilnMil ntis: moving and packing. . Pac Coast Forwarding Co., 408 Hoyt st B'way 708. ia I P.I OTHINfi WANTEDbwb. Top -prices for -"-. fnmlture ana v-runsm. WANTED Davenport or sanitary . An. ana Pliiladelohia st. cot au- WANTED Sewing machine, 1st model; atate Drtce. etc. jo"' WANTED Confectionery or cigar stand. 993. Journal - Y- fc., . .- t-1 innM .l-i ni.nn eameraa. lei Hochfield, 86 3d at. Phone Main 881. PERSOITAI. It i TRY THE PETERSON PLAN . Late winter and early spring samples tw Women are saving half at Peterson a Msnufae R.mnla Outlet on suits, eoata. drssssa. S'.'SS rttVtolg. Tgi- elevator. 2d floor, room 205. Pittock block. , INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE, Mrs. L. Grey spiritual adviser. Business consulta-ure-'i.p a.. h., of necultism. palmtatry and spirittialis'nx. Arrangemenu can be mad. for pri .... rf...i.nment Hours 10 a. m. to p. m. 414 Taylor st. corner 11th. r.I lHKKH AT A BAflBU t solicit your patronage on the basts of capable service. Tbou aanda of satisfied patrons. Chas, vxr inniSnan .nntnmetrist 208 Morvisoo st FOR ladies only Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, nervous trouoie ami oju,.iiht,,. natienta. Mrs. C. P. Kaufman. 674 E. 7th South, city. . 7 COMPETENT young woman with best of ref erences wants position giving massage . and Swedish movement Residential or office work. Call Wan. 1365. tout, f and get boUi yourj teet fixed on good for $ I by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST the, doesn't hurt you: 6 years in JortUnd; exam, fre Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and-Wash. Bdy. 2824. MR H. COLLINS, 813 Broadway bldg., sue ; eeinfullv uses drug less method, stomach. boweU. kidneys, nervous and female disorders. fUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, removed by 10 neeuie meiuou. i""' " " u Rush A Lane bldg. Main 8388. FOR SALE cheap, large black bear nig; ! mounted, natural skull, open mouth. 163 68th N. ; WHAT'S the matter with your f eet ? Examina- i tions free. Arch support specialist; Foot Cora, fort store. 255 Washington st, bet 2d and 3d. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner (new) for reut $1 - , . 1 Haunakl. H , . I . na. day delivered to reasonable dixUoca 7575 LIFE insurance Is the best policy today. Joint j policies issued on husband and v"1- ti, Lewis, QUO DniU w x "- MRS M. L. LAMAt. 235 6Ti Jii. Iniritual ' adviser, instructions In the theory ot lealth. success and harmony. DR. G. v. K.ETCHUM. wo man's maladise and acute ueases oi man. waamngion w and Washington. Phone MarshaU 448. aij.iri-u ft,' .iilirilMl tfLxillxx. DeOIle .UTe salves 'nermanenUz A R Stracbaa. Hal boro. Or.. R. 6 ' WANTED Baby at birth to adopt into a ood home. 0-88', Journal. WANTED To adopt baby girl, blue eyes, iron. 4 months to 1 year, u-gais. journal. LADY BARBERS, shave, l5c; hair cut, 26c; face massage. 85c. 825 Gllsan st. cor. 6th. MME. GRENELL, sclenflfle lace ana stm treatment. 230 Fleidner bldg- Bdwy. 1881 MBS. 0ZIN, splrituaiist and palmistry teacher. IBO litn st - DR. ELNA SOUENSEN. 608 Panama bldg. DRUG LESS i Method: has wonderful effect NOTICES S$ NOTICE of sal of government Umber, General Land Offiee,i Washington. D. C Dee. 81. f91g Notice la hereby given that subject ta the conditions j and limitations of the eet or June 8. 1818 ! (88 Stat. 218), and the In structions of the secretary of the tn September 15, 1817. the timber on the ioow ing lands vrill be sold Feb. 11. 1818. at 1 10 o'clock a. m. at pubUo auction at the United States land offica at Roseburt, Ore f on. to the highest bidder at not less than the apiwlsea valne as shown by this notice, aale to ba subjeef to the approval of the secretary of the lnterlo. The irarchase price, with an additional etm of one fifth of 1 per cent ereof, being eni mis sions allowed, must be deposited at time money to be returned If sale ta not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber wWe must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof ooiy. Upon applieatiotfspf a qualified purchase, the timber on any legal subdivision will be off separately before being included in any offer ol a larger unit: Township 21 S., R- 4 W.. Sea. 18; N. W. S. E. H. red fir, 880 M,. not te be sold for less tbsu $1 per M.: T. 83 S.. n. 7 W.. Sec 11: N. K. S 8. - ,' M M; yellow pine. 685 M.. red fir. none of the yeDoW pine to be sold for lest than 82.60 per X and none of the red fir to be sold for teas thaa $1.26 per M. Very respectfully. sy b Ma.mMlufnnAV 'iaXftaA office. sale"ofT6venmi!;nt owned n3S2 BAGS i.. i... A4i.ii.lnn Mnnition bldg, l no j,.,,.d.v ..... ....... , , f o.i. .na. n strMtx. W xhinffton. D. C, win hit on nnw baa-t ato kno tj 'd bagi. that were manufactured for the govem- .inm.nt Ko tMi will be ac- fepted for less than a bale lot, which contains 50 bags each. Bids wiU be made in triplicate form and must he, mailed in time to reacn Iat h' nrwninff at 2 p. m. Marcn 3 1619 Full particulars and forms for sub mitting bids may be oWa-ited "P? -to surplus property division, Munitions bklg-, Washington.. D. CI Bef. S. P. D. No. i0. C. E. " By George McManus 2'1 a "j- '- i i fix a J.UJM" - - i . , I LK.UAU MOTICEChattel mortgage forevl(Xtiri sale. The undersigned. Northwest Auto mint BU. ft ArYIArriAn tnnwiaa aaa nsmari In lZ'r"Z - ' - - - - - ' - rrl-"l w"sw w vMsi dusrvw. sH mBV "APVIIWiJ V A Ml'iilfssr Masters. morUracor. to said Northwest Auto company, a eorporation, and which mortgage is oatea tite lTth day of July, 1818, and recorded in book 98, at page 224, on the 23d day of July. 1818. In the reennia of ehlf.l mnrtmmi or- juuitnomah-county, Oregon, hereby exercises me opuon on loreeiosing said mortgage and fore elosea said mortgage by means of thia adver ttsement in accordance with the terms and pro visions of said mortgage, for the reason that the mortgagor has failed to make the payments in aeoordanoa with the terms of said mortgage and I 7 " " serma. oi sam mortgage ami hh' ot aecured thereby. Notice it. therefore I hereby given (that on WerinI. -h.r. i i918, at the hour of ten' o'clock A. M., on sra ,t premise, of the NorUiU.t Auto company, a corporation, on tlie southwest eor- S'-01 AWeti and Chapman streets, in the city of Portland, Oregon, the undersigned, the mort- gagee. vm offer Lhe property described in said cuatim morxgage, aa follows, to wit: one vol if our ie) cylinder, seven (7,4 pas- and bearing i license number for hum lutnn wacfruw wxtui ail abxatTjimeaia ana accessories ttnm "r"" " ""- - mr saie at punim uuuiRi, ana win- seu 10 tne nignest bidder for caan at said time and mace, in order tfv hi.in fmm tkx a.t. .Wmu I . . .. , . , 1 1 a . " - v-.. b,i in xfi 1 11 1 rfl ii'inurrii n " n W.U-10O ($310.00) dollars, with in- tereat thereon at eight per cent per annnm from November 11, 1018. and f ot such further sum ", reasonable for the eoata ' incurred in puh- usmng inis rxotice or chattel mortgage foreclosure sale. Th, l.rm, n M iri,i. wilt be published one week' in tho Oregon Ihitly Journal, - - daily newspaper of general circulation , puousnea ini Portland, Oregon, which nnhlica- tion is irt accordance with the terms and pro visions of said chattel mortgase. KOBTnWJSBI AUTO COMPANY, Inc.. 1 . Xf..rt. By WALTER 0. HATES, ' Agent and Attorney. Date of publication. Fehruarv 4. 1018 SEXEeD proposals wiilbe received at the office oi me u title maned. 401 court house, until B p, m.. Thursday, February th. 1810. for the purchase of a one-story frame building at the site, of the Benson Polytechnic school, port- ana, Oregon, from-the Krhnoi hi.irt.t vn i Multnomah county. Oregon. Bids will be opened at 4 p, m same date, in room 804, ,f court house. Speciflcationa may be received ti -!nt,ic l ',,,' ""Pcrin'endHnt of praptT- v 5un uoixiie, l oniana, uregon. o""0 i or one hundred dollars ($100). payable to R. II. Thomas, .hnol ,i.rw Muurawnj cn proposu. Hoard of dl- rectors reserves the right to reject any and all 1 UlUlflJHJfl,-- i K. M. 'I linUlU H-l,,,! 0iJ, . rx ,.. . - . Dated Fet. 1, 1919. PUOHESSIONAL A'ND IgUSINtSS DIRECTORY dCOORDION PtAITINQ. HEMSTITOHINa WIS cut hem and i,Ut kirtx . ... J.i. "iT" n ?atch.in; 10e prr Eastern Novelty Co., 88 e, Bth at Broadway 2000. , ; MxtM STjTtiRlN G and 1'ioot All work " guar-' ant d, Singer Sewing Men, Co.. 402 Wash. a unnii.. : 1- ANTlWUlfijand'ALL KINDS"of FUHNiTURA" tern Salvage Co.. 633 Washington st IxEWIS-STENGER Barbers Supply Co., 401 ..HMorrU?,n Ple to buy barbars' elxair. ad rapplies. Stock of used furnltura alwava n. natiq at right price. , AUTV 8tgQtAtl6T -UL!.VL,?,1,tlr d-tro,i lor.v ay Mai." tlple Needle Method. 604 Bwetland blog LAWK BOOK MAKERS UA jV lit v HOLMAN, INC." v : : ..v., iv. au ax.. 108 2d btaaa " manufacturers. A-318S. Main 188 CABINET AND HIMIS un- Tn2T2L AnritPwntenhopr2daiQ -Wox.,,.0., -olnt. lobbing and r.pai, work.- Phone Main 041 a. " OARRkt OUANIWO !8ft- l"LUhP RUGS Northwest rug Former address 16a Union ... uAb I ajOoU 188 th B-1 9PPJ F 64 Luio'n sr. jt. East 6518 14 75. JOVtai MHUH.. Alectrio CMtantng Woraa oaf r.anM!l'?!.d Jmid' refitting our speeiait, Eaat 440. M-IBoa. 804 E. 18th at N. yOTICEi Chattel m I OHIROPODI8T vfl DR . E. F. KIMMELL, lidy chiropodist spectai i?' . b"'ons and inarown pails. Boom 207, Altaky bldg., 3d and Morrison. CHIROPRACTOR fTLlJ1x.:a DoWNlMi, Broadway blda, '!,JS!Sfta"r10 J". experience Chlre. praetle. Eleriolty. Vlbratoty Mamwae aod Ilt fkU ll-lf Itl.lU a... T . "' ' xi7 aujosuaeiiu, uum tui, carefully, permanent Phone. 31 (IK I OPAL AMP WOO l N1H J,!tL CO hort alabwood, bloekT eveoa.; a load lota. 4-t e nlry nb Ba.t ftoa i. COWORKT- AND OEMINT WORK CAMPBELL SMITH. conpreiaearsrMeZ SMITH, eoncre BMBt Work. Fai-imsta a . Boa 7.' . Estimates free. 625 Clay st Main 6848. ' OOa AND OAT HOSPITSL DR. G, H. HUTilM AN "ho-fiiul. 41 tTTETjU. st" corner Grant. K,t 1 H4 7. B-l 862. COUOATIONAt OANCINO . LEAITN TO DANCE ' . " Professor and Mrs. Kown'a xtndio 11 lessons, $5; 4 private lesaona, 2; hours 10 a m- 0 P- m .,603 Eilers bldg., between 4th and Bth on Washington st. Main 5004. MISS IRELAND 10 LESSONS $5f 808 YVkum bldg. Personal attnlM as tin. (LKuaa ACAUKMY. 109 2d at R.iC room and stage 'lancing. Class Tueadsy and Friday evening. Main 2100 Private lessons! WU8IO gQHfOLS AND TEACHER PBOF. T. E. LAWSON. 20 years' Piano lesaona et your borne. 78a. T.hn. lor.Z experienea. L. CARROLL DAY. piano, 'vocal lessons, ""wTta practice piano. 1 hr. day 38 mo Bdy. 26i. MAIL AOVERTIglNO CRANE LETTER CO.. 612 Royal bldg. ifultj." graphing, mimeographing. Marshall 6822. PAIWTINO, TINTIWO, PAfERMAwaiwa lr .J:i-i0- viatlul tinting, papering. Jft4 N.I 7 th at. Broadway 4414 Woodlawa 2 126. PACKINO AN REPAIRINd PACK! N(JA N D REPAIRINtJ" Furniture Packing and Repairing; old pieces for sale. East 6048. ' yT,!yTX0J,fltv, GOLDBEHG, o20 Worcester bv.ig. Main Jf.XT PRIWTIWa. K NORA VINO, aiNOINO rnill I IllU and Oak sta. M. 168. A-flT r PMY8ICIAN0 DR. B. A. PEliElPS. 908" Broadway buiidtna, RhwaBati-an, female diaordera, akin troubles, stomach, liver, kid nays, bowats, Uirvat. goitra, high blood pressure. RUORER ETAWpg AaCSO STENCILS. Trade Checkis, ' ifetal aool PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, g$ Broadway. Broadway 710. A-2716). ALTEO AND SMOKED FISH -1 ALASKA HERRING IkJPOR' JSO V4X, dlaT trlbulors of salted and smoked JUsa, 22$ Tata 11 at. Portland. Or- W 8CWIWO MACHINE REPAIRING ED CLA RK, aewinii mm-hi no esimrt Ijownsdale at. phone Bdwy. 28. 129 TRANgp-ER AND STORAGE OREGON -TRANSFERncoT" Established 1870 ' Transfer aad Forwarding Agen Storage Free Trackage. Office and Storage 474 Glisata, . 18b and GHsaa. Broadway 1 2 81. ' A-l 169. ALWAYS PlCK THE BEST mTJiliD6X17 GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, peaking, ship. plsg and moving. Uorsa aad auto vans. Speoial rates to all pointa "' a O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. 8eeond and Pine. Broadway 696. A-1884 - STORAGE AND IRANSh EH CLAY S. MORSE, INC, 428 Flanders st PACKING MOVING MTOHAGE ECTJBITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 108 Part st Main 6193. A-l 961. FIREPROOF STORAGE 4 M. OLSON TRANSFER X 848 PINE, Q. L DAVENPORT, transfer aod storage, luoa dlatanee hauling. Main 8576 144 Front URHOL8TE RINQ AND R ERAJRIN O " UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING OF FURNITURE Cabinet work, reflniahing. furtiitura packing, auto cushion. CHAIRS and DAVENPORTS MADE to OBDER. Work, guaranteed, HENRY EGLER A Co . 200 W, Wygant at I'bone Woodlawa 4840. VIOLIN REPAIRING W. J- RING, violin repairfwl. ljan;e oichur.ua ualon. 64414 Waub, 13dy. 478. - - 4628 Both ave. REGAL bug, $185. Williams Ave. garage. -' ' . ' ' - . i .' h ,i J i ' S" r -x ,1 ' , " V I , . '- ' i