THE OREGON DAILY, JOUPJiAi;, , PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY" 31,-1919; U. S. HOLDS LUMBER FOR MARKET PRICE Government Attempting to Pre vent Demoralization of Lumber :f Market; Camp Lewis to Stay. . Wahinston, Jan. 31 WAShlNOTON BUREAU OP THE JOURNAL) The army still has on hanfl from 225.000,000 to 250.000.000 feet of uncut lumber ac cording to a statement of General R. C. Marshall of the quartermasters depart ment to the house committee- on appro priations a few days ago. - General Marshall says that care Is helng taken not to demoralize the lum ber market In salvaging this lumber, ' Which had been assembled at camps and depots at the time hostilities ceased and construction was stopped.' Effort is being made to sell the lumber-ata not less than DO per cent of its value. This decision vras only recently reached, and no sales have yet been reportd. ' Used lumber .Being Sold ..- Ued lumber and other materials at the camps where the national guard troops formerly were quartered is being sold as fast as advantageous offers arte received. General - Marshall said. For jCarap Greene, near Charlotte, N. C, fo example, the dpartmnt has been offered 954,000. This offer does not include the clearing of the land or assumption of damages, and the department is not sure that It could come out even on this offer. - General March, chief of staff, stated ,.inat is considered desirable to buy the "land at 14 cantonments, where na tional' army troops have been trained. 'There are 18 cantonments in all, but the government already has the land at Camp Lewis., Wash., and Camp Funston, Kan. General March believed the gov ernment would be the gainer by buying the. land and taking its time to salvage materials at cantonments not perma nently retained, "because the claims for damages in some instances actually ex . ceed the price at which the camps can be purchased. ' ITew Army Planned For .-, Explaining that the army authorities are counting upon a permanent army of 00,000 men. General March said that the problem of housing is solved by the s of the existing cantonments. The wooden structures will serve the purpose .tor u. iuxig tuna iu uumc, lie nd m. "The purpose of . the department, he . , aid, is to abandon the tent campaand to retain the most of the cantonments, lie failed to indicate what cantonment will be abandoned, but said that all 16 will not be needed. The department is also asking at the present time for the purchase of land and construction of three new artillery cantonments, one in North Carolina, one in Kentucky and one ln Georgia. General March gave positive assurance that the department will retain Camp I Lewis, which Tacoma people have been j nervous about. He said: i f "We have a large camp at Camp Lewis which Is actually occupied by troops Of course if this measure goes through congress (the 500.000 army bill), and if congress allows us to have 500,000 men, which consist of five corps of 20 dlvl- ( ... - ...lit .n,.A ,41.. I -riui io a v lit iisyo iu 1 1 ci v iiiaiij uivi sional camps, and this will be one of HUooe camps." ft ,. Navigation Company ; Seeks an Extension . Albany, Jan. 31. That the Capital ,'Gity Navigation company should be en couraged to extend its boat service to Albany and Corvallla is the opinion of Frank J. Miller, former chairman of the public, service- commission. Mr. Miller believes that sufficient traffic can be secured, to make It profitable for the boats and has arranged tentatively for Office, dock and. warehouse facilities. "II HAPPIEST WOMAN IN TOWN SAYS MRS. EMERY Finds Relief With Tanlac After Suffering for Twenty eight Years, I have gained 35 pounds since I be gan! taking Tanlac and feel better in every way than I have for many years," said. Mrs. P. L. Emery, who lives at 253 North, Fourteenth street, Portland, a few days ago. , ''fjf entire nervous system had been in terrible condition for about 28 years," she continued, "and nobody will ever know how much I suffered during that time. I shudder when I look back and. think of the misery I went through, and especially the many sleepless nights. I can hardly remember a single night during all that time when I really slept well, and 1 spent many hours walking the floor and longing for daylight to come,. My appetite left me and I often had severe, nprvnim VimjIiiiiIia. r it the medicine I tried, nothing seemed to hayo a particle of good to it, and I Just kept going down In weight and strength until I had lost 45 pounds. The last five or six months I was almost helpless and waa not able to do any of my house work. . My husband brought home a bottle of Tanlac one day and told me to take it. I thought I would try it and see if it was any different from the rest we had been' throwing money away on. After all the trouble I had gone through with I had in idea that there was a medicine In the world that could possibly help me like Tanlac did. My appetite is Just fine .-and ray 'nerves are In very much better condition than they have been for a long time, ' It is simply wonderful the way I Bleep, now. Why, just lots of nights I don't wake up ftt all, and they have to :all me in the morning. . I never thought that I would gain ray weight back again, but if I continue to gain a while longer -I will get back every pound I lost. , I am doing all my housework now, and' look after my five children, and, once in a while; X do the family washing. I have gotten rid of those headaches -also, and I am o wonderfully improved that . I just know that X am the happiest " wo man in Portland. I expect to continue taking Tanlac, for I believe it is with out a doubt tha greatest medicine in the world. x. . ' ' . Tanlac is sold in Portland by-The Owl .Drug Co. Adv. Thief's- ftHrjCpiip Nets $5 From Drawer Of Oil Station Till By means of the telephone- -a .robber managed to loot the till of the Stand ard Oil company filling station 5 at Union avenue ; and Broadway shortly before noon today, without .being, de tected . by 'the i manager . or : customers. About' $5 Is - reported missing. Money lying kestdfe the till, about $7, was untouched.- - ? - ,r ." : Jonnes Ogle.i In charge of the sta tion, received an . "urgent", call to a telephone in a garage across the street. But when he got to the telephone, the party on the other end 'had hung' up. Investigation proved that the robber, enered the dnic store of W c rhn,.iii' on the corner, where he could get. full view t or tne ruling station and, the garage and called for the filling sta tion man. - AsOgle left the station, the robber bungi up the received and walked over to the s tat Los. ' L. L. Barrett, of 377 East Burnable street, was filling his tires with air at the station and saw the ct, but thought the robber one of the company's employes. brand!" nations. The plan, according to reports received here, baa' been worked out' by the Bulgarians;' the. draft pro posing the inclusion in the ' republic of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, ; Herzegovina, Montenegro and Slovenia. - The idea, it is said, grows out of the historic as sociations of the Coburg dynasty. Broach Proposition To But Hun Rails In : Government Hands Zurich. Jan. 31. (U. P.) A proposi tion to turn over all German railways to the central government, "with proper Indemnification for the confederated states, is being discussed by delegates to the national council in Weimar, which will open next week, according to ' dis patches here today. Reports were received that Edward Bernstein, noted German Socialist writer, is coming to Switzerland for the purpose of raising a loan for the German government. Federal -Republic Is Planned for Balkans Rome, Jan. 31. A federal republic of the Balkans Is the latest plan advanced for keeping peace among these fire- Women's Suitcases Stolen The theft of two suitcases, containing women's apparel, from an automobile at Fifth and Salmon streets last Thurs day afternoon, was reported to the police by Miss Wilma Heavner of 1481 East Glisan street. Miss Heavner and a girl friend had left their suitcases In Mr. Heavner's machine while they entered a store, and returning a few minutes later found both grips missing. The two girls were on their way to the depot, preparatory, to leaving the city. AIM SPEED IN HANDLING COURT BUSINESS OF A NEW MEASURE "4 Senate Bill Gives Chief Justice Right to Assign Circuit Judges to Any County in State. Salem, Jan. 31. By the provisions of senate bill 96, which was passed by the senate today, the chief Justice of the supreme court is given full power to assign judges of the circuit Court to sit in any county where the business of the court is congested. Senator Moser explained that under the present law the chief ' justice may assign a circuit judge to sit in another district only when a request comes from the judgs of the latter district for as sistance. The new bill imposes upon the chief justice the duty. of seeing that the busi ness of the circuit courts is expedited, "as promptly and expeditiously as pos sible consistent with the orderly admin istration of justice." In discussing the bill. Senator Pierce stated that a movement has been started to create a new judicial district out of Wallowa county, which is now linked with Union -county.- He said he would oppose thecreatkm of the, new district. The senate . passed senate bill 97, in troduced by the judiciary committee, and which makes it a crime for persona to solicit any litigation or lawsuits on ac count of personal Injury to aay person. It also makes it a crime for a lawyer to take any claim for damages from such solicitor. Soft Drink Dealer In Clutches of Law Marshfield, Jan. 81. Gus Pederaon,. who conducts a - soft drink place at Empire, has been arrested for selling over his bar a bitters manufactured in Portland and claimed1 to contain 20 per cent alcohol. Nine cases of the bitters were found in the place. The bitters were sold for 15 "cents a glass, and res idents made complaint against the traf fic as a violation of the prohibition law. Pederson was released on bond. Accident at Mill Darkens Marshfield Marshfield. Jani 31. All street light are ouVand no power could be furnished Thursday to the industrial plants, because or an accident at the Smith mill, which made It impossible to fur nish electric power. Until repairs are made, lights can be supplied only to residences and for the interior of business houses. Feeding of Europe . Proposed by House Washington, Jan. 3L--U. P.) 'The plan for feeding needy civilian states of Europe was originally proposed by Col onel House about December 1, and had British and French approval, according to correspondence made public bya the state department today. No Need To Be Thin, Scrawny or Sallow If you are thin and want to be plump ; if you have winkles in your face that you are not proud of ; if the skin is sal low or subject to pimples or blackheads, take Mi-o-na stomach tablets for. two weeks and notice the change. The majority of the thin people are thin because the stomach does not per form its duties properly. It Is not secret ing sufficient of the natural digestive juices and in consequence does not ex tract from the food enoi&h nutritive matter to nourish every part of the body. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are Intended to build up the stomach so that it wilt act properly and extract from the food the elements necessary to form flesh. If you are thin try two weeks' 'treat ment of Mi-o-na stomach tablets they are small, easily swallowed and are sold on the guarantee of money back if they do not overcome chronic indigestion, acute or chronic, stop stomach disturb ance, belching, heartburn, sour stomach and any after dinner distress. For sale by the Owl Drug Co. and all leading druggists. Adv. Girl Loses End of , Finger Jennie Swarnson. a 19-year-old ' girl. employed at the American Can com pany's plant, lost the end of one, of her land was 'caught in a machine which aba waa working., ' - ; . War Savings Stamps of the 1919 serte fingers. Thursday afternoon, when her may be purchased at the usual places. BIG SHIRT SALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS Starch and Soft Cuff $1.503 for. . . . . . Starch and Soft Cuff, ,$2400 values. Soft Cuff in Fine Crepe, $2.50 value. . . Fine Mercerized Fabric, $3.50 value. . . Silk Fibers, $5jOO values SIW . . . : Pure Tub Silks, $6.50 values ........ Best Silk Broadcloth, $8.50 values. . . . . . Negligee Shirts $1.503 for. v. . . . Agents for Shawknit Hosiery Cooper's Union Suits, Special ........ . . . . $4.00 . . .$1.65 ...$2.15 ...$2.95 ...$4.25 v $4a9S . . . $6.95 . ..$4.00 . . .$2.00 ROBINSON iDETLORm ONE -BUCK 353 Washington St. SHiRT HOUSE Majestic Theatre Bid g. ..l -..LL.--.i. DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN ON JANUARY BILLS IF ACCOUNTS ARE PAID IN FULL ON OR BEFORE THE TENTH DAY OP FEBRUARY Men's and Women's Manicuring, Second Floor Children's Hair Bobbed, Second Floor Public Telephones and Rest Rooms, Second Floor Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement -- HOME , JOURNAL PATTERNS ARE THE EASIEST OF ALL PATTERNS TO USE TRY THEM Perfect Ventilation At This Store Complete change of purified air throughout the entire building every few minutes wide, spacious entrances on all four streets. CITY AND OUT OF TOWN MAIL ORDERS FILLED AND FORWARDED SAME DAY RECEIVED The Standard Store of the Northwest 4 Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods SEE OF THE OHIO ELECTRIC CLEANERS RUG DEPT. 3D FLOOR For Best Lunch in Portland Come to our Tea Roonv on the 4th Floor. Only the best of foods served. A good place to meet your friends. Served from 11:30 to 2:30. EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENCY 1 FOR OUALITY LINENS ALL WOMEN'S COATS AT HALF PRICE Second Floor Beginning Saturday morning we inaugurate the Greatest Sale of Coats Portland has ever witnessed, involving hundreds of beau tiful garments our entire stock -at just half regular prices. Ap is well .known, our stock of coat's is the largest and most com plete in the entire Northwest. Don't fail to attend this GREATEST COAT SALE OF THE YEAR. COME EARLY! All -All -All -All -All -All All -All -All $14.50 $15.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $32.50 $35.00 Coats Coats Coats Coats Coats , Coats Coats Coats Coats at $ 7.25 at $ 7.50 at $10.00 at $11.25 at $12.50 at $13.75 at $15.00 at. $16.25 at $17.50 , , Our Greatest AU Sale All f --All 1L -A11 -All All E3 ah Price' Zffj Second Floor $37.50 $39.50 $42.50 $45.00' $52,50 $55.00 $58.50 $65.00 $89.50 $135.00 Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at Coats at $18.75 $19.75 $21.25 $22.50 $26.25 $27.50 $29.25 $32.50 $44.75 Any Woman's Coat in Basement Half Price Hundreds of Splendid Garments to Select From Unrestricted choice of any, woman's coat in our Basement Underprice Store Saturday at just half regular prices. This is the most important sale we have ever announced and no doubt hundreds of our customers will be quick to take advantage. Our stock is all thoroughly desirable and the styles are up to date. Extra salespeople will be ready to serve you. Any coat 2 price. Women,sScarfs$1.79 Lines Formerly Marked to $3,75 Main Floor Women's silk knit scarfs wool scarfs and sets velvet sets In a good assortment of styles and colors. Many discontinued numbers are included in this sale, but only .a few of each kind. Stylish and exceedingly comfortable for Spring wear. Scarfs and sets j-f fTQ heretofore priced at $2.50 up to 13.75 special for Saturday . New Fleisher Yarns Second Floor Customers who. have been waiting for the. new yarns .may now -supply their needs, for we have an excellent assortment of Fleisher's yarns in the new and wanted colors. Sale of Canned Goods Model Grocery, Fourth Floor 22c Preferred Stock Peas $2.50 dozen per can Monopole Tomatoes OA S2.1S dozen per can lC Del .$2.00 Van $1.40 dozen 2 cans for 2 20c Monte Peas dozen per can Camp's Beans OCT Standard brand canned corn special $2.10 dozen 2 cans for 35c Telephones Marshall 4800A-623 Sample Pieces of High Grade Furniture Offered At HALF PRICE Third Floor Only one piece of a kind. Samples from well known makers of quality furni ture. In the assortment are UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, MA HOGANY SEWING STANDS, DESKS. LIBRARY TABLES, DRESSING TABLE TRAYS. FERN ERIES and various other pieces. A good opportunity to save. AIL sales final none sen! C. O. D. and no exchanges made. 3d Fir. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ROOM-SIZE RUGS THIRD FLOOR T ' ZJi T First Showing of New Spring Millinery The Millinery Salons invite your inspection of a fresh ship ment of new Spring hats which has. just been opened up. The styles are, indeed charming and every woman will want to see them. Beautiful models for dress and tai lored wear, in satins, silks and new straw combi nations. Black straws are espe cially smart for early spring wear. Many of these are trimmed with quills and ornaments of va rious kinds. The new hats range in price from $7.50 up to $30. See them today in Millinery Salons, Second Floor. We Give S. & H. Stamps Children's Coats HALF PRICE Second Floor Saturday will see many of these coats go out, for mothers who have girls to buy for will take quick advantage of this opportunity to save a full half. Lines are broken only one or two gar ments of a style and size -ages 2 to 14. This sale includes all girls colored Win ter coats. Trading Stamps with purchases. Girls' Dresses HALF PRICE Second Floor Attractive dresses made up in novelty silks. Only one or two of a kind. Girls' party dresses are alsp included in the Saturday half price sale. Women's Neckwear AT HALF PRICE Main Floor Dainty, high-class neckwear in the season's most de sirable styles. Collars, sets and vestees in satin, net, and crepe materials. Some are hemstitched or lace-trimmed others are hand embroidered. Only one or two pieces of a kind, therefore we are anxious to dispose of this lot at once Choice HALF PRICEI v ouyiio jur.auiuraayjznoppers tn l ms L.tst Household Supplies Mua . Floor Toweling "IQ full bleached the vard -VC Richardson's pure linen buck toweling 18 inches wide Hfr priced special, a . yard muslin pfiOET -Bleached good grade a yard on $5.00 Bed Spreads, .(yf (( scalloped special- at luilted Cotton Batts 51.75 35c to 50cNovelty Ribbons Priced Special for Saturday at Main Floor Ribbons of good hairbow quality. Odd pieces in fancy brocades, floral effects, plain all-silk taffeta, striped moire and combination fancy and moire. Excellent assortment of colors. 35c to 50c grades priced special for Saturday's Sale 2Sc yard. 25 c New Motor Veils 10c to 50c Min Floor New motor or elastic veils for Spring wear. Plain hexagon mesh or with chenille dots. These are very smart and dressy. Excellent. Basement Millinery $2.98 to $5.98 Street Hats $2.48 Easement A final .disposal of about too. Winter hats-at $2.48. selling formerly up to $5.98. Many are trimmed, with'' ostrich and ornaments of various: kinds. Velvet, plush, felts-- 10 AQ choice special at only tDaVeTcO ANY untrimmed hat: (PI njr In the Basement for tDleUU Men's Shoes at $5.98 Nearly All Sizes Main Floor Men's shoes of black calf, black vici kid or tan calf. Wide and narrow toes, medium heavy soles. Laced styles only. Shoes of standard quality from dependable makers. Priced special for Sat- JpT QQ urday's Sale at the pair only foOsVO Boys9 School Shoes At $2.98 Pair Buttoned shoes .with good heavy soles. Black, calf leather. Sizes are from 414 to 6. MEN'S SHOES of black or tan calf with fiber soles. Made on the popular English last good range of sizes. Regular $6.00 (P4 QQ shoes priced special for Saturday at only, the pair vrJO New Millinery Ribbons Main Floor New grosgrain rib bons and new black eerie ribbons in narrpw and wide widths for millinery purposes. The gros grains are of fine quality and are shown in black and colors. Prices range at yard 20c and a p. . - Orders Taken for Ribbon Articles such as camisoles, arm bands, sashes, fancy : bows, handbags, boudoir caps, baby pon pons, ties. All work neatly done. Reasonable prices always prevaiL I Sale of .. Third Floor Another big lot of wash boilers, special low prices. $3.25 Boilers priced special $5.00 Boilers PQ QQ priced special at DOa70 $5.50 Boilers QQ priced special at vrxmOV $6.00 Boilers dfl F7Q priced special at. jWf 7 at S2.59 Wash Boilers i Other. Special Offerings for. Saturday FOOD CHOPPERS "Univer sal" make. Size for large fam ily. Regular , price I0 OQ $2.75 Special at only DMoJV CASSEROLES without bandies brown and white earthenware of . good grade. Worth KCkn $1.00 each Saturday only Ivory o cakes Special Soap 25 c Main Floor Limit 5 cakes to- a customer and none sold or de livered except ' with other pur chases made in the Drug De partment on the . Main Floor. Woodbury's Soap, cake 23c Palmollve Soap 12c 3 for 35c Pear's Unscented Soap 20c Packer's Tar Soap, cake 23c Resinol Soap, the cake 25c Sempre Giovine. a 'cake 49c Drug Specials for Saturday Palmolive Cold Cream at 47c Hind's : Honey - and Almond Cream 2 sizes 49c, $1.19 Java Rice Powder priced 45c LIsterine 23c 45c 85c Jergen's Banda Lotion at 39c Lavoris for mouth & throat $1 - Lyon's Tooth Powder at 23c Mulslfled Cocoanut Oil 49c Mennen's Shaving Cream 29c Squibbs Paraffin OiL pt. SI 'pluto Water quart size 45c Ask for S. & H. Stamps - T