THE OREGON' DAILY : JOURNALV POR TLAND, . .TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1919. i : HEW TOPAT Send Us Your Old Carpets OW Bifi tit Woolci Clot-las; Wo Make Scrvnlble, wto Fluff Rugs Tr Wear Like Iron Ef Rags Wore All Slseu Mall Orders Sead for Booklet Carpet Qeaning 9x12 Ruga, - SUam Cl-anwd, $1.50 WESTERX FLUFF BUG CO. . (4 Union Avev JV East 6516 Phone B-147S - AUCTION WAITS TOMOBBOW AT Ui Auction liousa. 169-178 2d t Kale tl 10 a. ra. MF.ETINO NOTICES 41 Tonight Tonight Tonight Place W. O. W. hall, on 11th bet. Wash, and Alder. What? Card party and dance. Time: Cards (500). 8 to 10; danc ing. 10 to 12. Groceries for prize. Everybody reading- this add i Invited, tf a member or not and you are rare to hare i - . time. tiven dt , Anchor Council No. 748. K. and I, of 8. Ad as 20c WASHINGTON IXDGB"N646. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tomorrow ( Wed neaday) evening. 7 .30 o'clock." East 8th and Hnmslde. Official 4i l. w tir - . . - - . ' w iu i. . icrmna niaTf r , . M. If. .degree will be conferred. Brother ,H"rlb.urt',.F- -. presiding. Visitor cor- " uraer vv. 41. J. 11 Hhmn,i Sec. REGULAR .meeting Villa lodge No. J 24 T?J "'.J'. K- "th and Olfean st.. Wednesday 1 lT?LW?.n "Udates. Hasselo lodge No. t iSl-""'. broUl have been invited I- U"ht, bnit will be served and '. m4kJ5v Enln '."" remembered. snairman or committee.' CAMP meets every Wed , nesday evening in W. o. W. Temple. 128 11th at j All members requested to attend. Visitors welcome. V. W. BOWKEI, O. O. HERMAN SC11ADE. Clerk. PALESTINE LODGE NO. 141. A,! 1 F. AND A. M. Special com munication, Wednesday. Jan. 28, 7:80. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Arleta station. Mount Scott car. By order of VV. M. W. B. Town send. Bee. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) ere ning at 7 :80. Work in F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec OSWEOO LOIRiE 109. A. F. A A. M . Milwaukie, Or. Special Communication toniRht f Tuesday). Work rn the M. M. degree. Vis itors welcome. J. M.. SN YDKTt, Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. 1. O. O. F, Kegular meeting Wednes day at 8 p. ire. at L O. O. F. tem ple. 226 Alder st. Visitors al-vays KARL R. ADKINH. N. G. welcome. R. OSVOLD. Sec . EafBLEM jewelry a special buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-183 flth st. PEATHS AD FITNF.KALS 7S KOTHFOS Jan. 27th. Macdaleoa ' Ilothfos. late of 10 F.tHott are.; mother of Mrs. H. W. Boat of California, 1. B. and Marie Ilothfos of this city, sister of Kdward Orathjan of Alaska, Ixraia C. and FrancLica O. R Oratltjan of this city. The funeral servers, will be held Thurs day, January 80, at lO a. m. at Finley's, Mont gomery at 6th. Interment Greenwood ceme tery. Serrices prtrate, by order of board of health. ! FLTNN At the resldenee. 155 N. 18th st.. Jan. 2f, 191. Catherine M. Flyno. aged B3 years, betored wife of P. H. Fly tin. mother of Miss Mamie Helen Flynn, James J. Fl.vnn of Portland: J. It. Flynn of Walla Walla, Wash., end Mrs. Raymond McCarthy of Pueblo, Colo. Funeral notice later. kUIVALA At the reideuce, 1614 Multnomah St., Jan. 26. 1910. 11 nun gamnel. KuiTala. aged 5 years, 2 months, beloved son of John HV an4 Anna - Knliala. - Funeral serrices wilt be held at the shore residence at 1 p. m. to morrow (Wednesday), Jan. 29, 1919. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. GOSSITT In 4hU city. Jan. 27. Graoe Uos sitt, aged 19 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Adath Gossltt, sister of Mrs. A. L. Sifield, Mrs. C. F. Smith and Charles Gossitt. ail of this city. Fnneral; notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. yODER The funeral serrlnes of-the late Zerlta Toder will be held Wednesday, Jan. 29. at 2:30 p. an., at Finley's. Montcomery at . 6th. Interment at Rirerriew cemetery. Serrices private by order of the board of health. STRANGE Jan. 28. 191i). at the family resi dence, 8184 67 th st, S. K., Mrs. Louise Strange; beloved wife of George Strange, aged 30 years. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. tiDfCOLN-GARFIELD POST, O. A. R. AND CORPS -Comrade Thomas Davison ha passed on. Funeral service at Dunning's, undertaker, R. 6th and Alder, Wednesday, 3 p. m. Seil wood crematory. SCREuClnthia city. Jan. 22TGeorge Grenc aged 96 years. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential funeral parlors of Miller A Tracey. FHILLIPS At her residence. 240"E. 36th st.. Jan, 28, Laura Phillips, aged H3 years. Re mams at the parlors of Breeze A Snook, l)t?l mont at 85th. Notice of funeral later. BUTTS In this city, Jan. 27. liUOT- MrsT Butte of 6110 41st ave. S. E. Remains at llolman's fnneral parlors. Funeral notice later. WITTNBB Jan. 27. Mm. NinT WfttnerTigeS 27 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. - FLOKIWTg MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists. 854 Wash- ington. Main 289. A-1269. Flowers for all oecaaions artistically arranged. - LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST, 5th andsnv hill its. Cut flowers, plants and designs. Scll wood greenhouse, 649 Nehalem ave. S'wood 1529 CLARK BROS., florists, Morrison st, beC4th and 6th. Phone Main or A-1805. Fine flow- en bin imrai uwigns, no orancn stores. IBVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designs; lewest prices. PEOPLES FLORAL SllOP. 24 5A Mer7desl gns and decorations. Phone Marshall 6922. "SWISS FLOW AT, "CO FLQWERS AND PLANTS. LaLaMe Foral denigmi and decorations. Ojipo- suepcTotTice. Main 604 a. , MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H 6th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BREEZE & SNOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1047 BELMONT AT 88TH SUNNYSIDE- 8PEC1AL EQUIPMENT for doing all wort IN THE HOME when desired. Our beautiful ehspel for services without charge. Prices most reasonable and personal atten tion given to all. Both phones: Tabor 1258, B-2948. 1047 Belmont st WILSON & ROSS - EAST 7TU AND MULTNOMAH Funeral Directors EAST 64 C-816S F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Buie Undertakers 414 East Alder st. Phone East 62. B-SSR Dunning &vMQEntee . S nderukers. Modern in every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 480. A-4668 Lady asaisUnt.- A, D. KEN WORTHY & CO. B803-58O4 92t tt. 8. E., Lenta. Phone Tabor . 5267. Home Phone T61. East 781 D I I r-DrU Mrs. Letch B-1888 I li LLI1UII Assistant IrNDERTAKERS. E. 11 tli and Hawthorne. MILLtK 1c. TRACEY, Independent Funeral Di rector. Prices as low as $20. 0. $0. -Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. 248 and 250 Killingsworth ave.. near tVilliam evew wooQiawn aawo. U-1133, AR 7pllpr Cn 692 WUuaa avenue, t lit 4-pilcl KjVt Eaft 1088. C-1088. FRIPQnM Undertaking parlors. 445 Mor- iiwn st. Broadwav 2B34. CIart-CNDEBTAKLNG CO. Main 4155; AM enn X. hJ" Kerby atreei, ffllOWit V II i I IWdln. 4940.C-1155 HAMILTON 1978 East, iilieet at. Fa ocral aemceav-.. labor 4-818. Qs.r vL FTJ7TEBAI, BIBFCTOBS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors EsUbltohed 18TT Third and Salmon Streets : Main 607. A-1611 Lady Assistant i. f. 'PIMIUEY- Progressive Funeral Directors MaW 9 Montgomery at 8th A-lSiffJ B. T. BYRNES, new residence establishment. 901 W111tsmsye. Woodlawn 820. C-1943. KOSrtTSIEKTS 3RD. ST- AT MADISON i PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 284-266 4th at, opposite city halt Main 8564, Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. LOST AND FOT WD CI The" following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.: Jan. 24, 1919 6 purses, 1 grade card, money, charm. -1 parasol cover, 2 single gloves, 3 pair gloves, 1 shawl, 1 shopping bag, 6 lunch boxes, 1 traveling bag, 1 suitcase, 12 umbrellas. Jan. 25, 1919 3 purses, X pin, 1 cuff link. 1 aingle glove, 3 pair gloves, 8 books, 1 pack age books, 8 packages, 1. milk can, auto light rim. 8 lunch boxes, 1 traveling bag, 2 suitcases, 12 umbrellas, 1 umbrella handle. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder sts. station. THE following articles have ben found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., Jan. 26: ,5 purses, 1 pair gloves. 3 single gloves, 2 pxgs. photos, 1 ease for book, 5 pkgs., 1 roll maps, 1 child's coat, 2 lunch boxes, 1 small suit case, 2 suit cases, 1 traveling bag. 7 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sttreet station. THE person who picked up purse at stationery counter in the 15c store Monday, Jan. 27 is known. Kindly retnru same at once to postoffice box 4140. city. PARTY that has not had laundry delivered, value $10, can have same by giving description and paying for ad. 268 McMillen. LOST One 60 and 2!i foot garden hose on E. Broadway. ' near 28th. CaU East 2712. Reward. LOST Mt. Scott district, female Persian cat, gray. Call Tabor 8712. Reward. FOUND English setter, about 10 months old. Main 40M3. FOUND Purse, on 33rd and Division sts. CaU at 1009 K. Sherman t. HELJ YT ANTEIV-M ALE 1 TRUCK salesman wanted, one that can earn big money selling one of the best known lines in the west territory. Oregon and part of Wash ington. TbU truck has been manufactured for 10 years. Only theme having had experience need apply. R-998, Journal. DISCHARGED soldiers and sailors, we have opening for 2 or 3 salesmen not necessarily experienced, for steady and traveling; can also place experienced crew manager. Call tliis eve ning between 6:30 and 8:30 o'clock at 610 Chamber of Commerce. MAN and wife for janitor work; 3 room furnished apt and wages to experienced party; must have references. Call in person. Cambrian apts., 4 33 Columbia st comer of 12th. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter on bundle work; tteady position. U. S. Laun dry Co.. 180 Grand ave. WANTED Marker for head o? dept., good wages. Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th and Everett sts. WANT boy about 14 for office work and er rands. The Record Abstract. 92 1st st HKLP WANTED MISC. 4 LEARN TELEGRAPHY A railroad official writes us: "The employes recruited fnen your school have almost witlumt exception given excellent service and give evi dence of careful and intelligent training" Operators are needed. Enroll now in day or evening classes. Fre booklet upon request Railway Telegraph Institute. 218 By. Kxch. bldg., Portfend. Or. WANTED 10O mn at once to learn to operate and repair gas tractors in a special 25 course now starting. Apply Hemphill Trade scoooi, 124 N. ih. Two blocks trom union depot or 707 Uawthorne ave at 20th. Branches at Winnipeg. Regina. Saskatoon. Lethbridge, Ed monton, Calgary and Vancouver, B. C. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne ave. AUTO. TRACTORS, TRUCK. GAS ENGINE. LIGHTING. STARTERS. IGNITION. WIRING. COME TO THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. ALTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL Technical and practical training, autoa, trac tors, gas engines, auto electrical work. Write at once for big 100 page catalog. Adccx Auto A Tractor School, Dept J. Union are. and Wasco st, Portland, Or. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHN KE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bank ing, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Day and Evening Classes Lumbermen blilj. nth and Stark. Bdwy 3464. MISS F; BURSELL? Principal. TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE 207 Stevens bldg.. W. Park and Wash. Complete commercial courses Adding and calculating machine Spanish French English. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKT BLDG. 3D AND MORRISON. MISS MATTING LY'S school, shorthand, typ? writing. 269 4th st Day and evening. 86 a month. Main 3893. PRIVATE school, Gregg shorthand, short course. Woodlawn 1424. Mrs. o'Neil, 951 Garfield. HELP WASTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced markers and sorters; other experienced help wanted. National Laun dry Co.. East 8th and Clay sts. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work; no washing. Phone Eaat 2930. 735 E. 35th St. N. . YOUNG lady companion in nice home; must be neat and clean in every respect Call Wood lawn 31 11. A MIDDLE AGED' lady to do chamber work in small hotel in exchange for own and bus band's board and room. 521 Savier st. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter on bundle work; steady position, U. S. Laun dry Co.. 180 Grand are. A GIRL to do mending of books; hours 8:30 to 5:80; wages $40 per month. Apply Public library. GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Ine. LADY for cashier in restaurant way 740. Phone Broad- GIRL wanted. 23 E. Union ave. ; $ 1 2 a week. HELP WAITED MALE ASD FKMAI.K t MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learntnt; gives kou set of tools; guarantees position. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside st. or phone Broadway 1731. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; wages while . learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. 6 -ROOM bungalow, concrete foundation, fireplace! bath: 5c fare, Oregon Elt-ctric. 31 COO; terms. Mashall 1874. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guar anteed. 234 Conch st. JAPANESE and wife or man to do cooking and housework. Call Tabor 2402. WANTED AGENTS ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL BOOK, ILLUS TRATED World war history. Pictorial. These hooks having enormous sale. Our agents doing biggest business. Get with livest. house. Best terms. Outfits free. It L. Phillips Publishing Co., Chicago. 111.; Philadelphia. Pa.: Atlanta, Ga. ; Waco. Tex,; Denver, Colo.; Butte, Mont Ad dress nearest office. AGENTS, either sex, for complete history world war. $2 book 50c commission. Agents making 821 a day. "Life of Roosevelt." same price, same terms. Send 20c for both outfits. F. B. Dickereon Co.. Detroit. Mich. OUR '-Complete History of the War" contains General Pershing's owji story and peace sup plement. Best terms with premiums. Prompt shipments. Outfit free, Nichols Co., Nsper ville. 111. SITUATIONS MALE MARRIED discharged soldier wishes to take charge of ranch. Can give good references, is 'reliable and a good hand; best acquainted with farming In Western Oregon. Address A. M. Iiickman. 1 13 EverarA at. Portland, Or. SEWING machines cleaned and repaired; work guaranteed satisfactory or no charge: work .done at residence if preferred. Keyfitted. -S i lay lor sr., Deiween ita ana aa eta. mane Main 9165. . ; - - ; POSITION with small growing concern as sales manager or salesman. Have had broad busi ness experience and will work on commission or profit sharing basis with reliable people if the business has .future. 8-794, Journal. WANTED Carpenter, repair work to do. rea sonable. Phone Mlin 6215, 7 to 8 mora- Bigs. X to 8 evenings. I YOUNG man. -business experience, wishes to in vest some money with services in good bu&ir ness. E-990, Journal. MAN wants work, after S o'clock. Phone Ta bor 3407. KALSOMINING, painting, paper hanging, neat ly dona. East 8780. . 2 rTTJATION!U-MAI.B t Y'OUNG man (discharged ) wiabea a position as auto salesman (er manager of garage in or out of city; has experience and can furnish plenty of reference. 1504 E. Gliaaa st, phone Tabog 8925, Portland. Or. ,: BOOMS tinted, f 2. 50; papering in and outside; painting reasonable. Nickels, East 2959. BOY of 16 wants work after school. Tabor 8774. BITLATIOTtT FEMALE 4 STRONG reliable girt to do factory work;' also good penman. Marshall 4794. -GIRL wishes position in office; baa . had soma experience. Phone B1978. DBESSMAKUNO DRESSMAKING, fine underwear god plain sew ing neatly done, at the right price. 747 . 14th S. Phone Sell. 1928. CHILDREN'S sewing a epecialty Ta. 3574. NURRES 1 PRACTICAL nurse will take Influenza Marshall 1598. PRACTICAL nurse, Woodlawn 4474. FTJBNI8HED BOOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN " WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a Day Up. Special Rates by Week. HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand, Starting point special car for Vancouver. Hotel Princess MiZS JHNISHED BOOMS FBIVATE FAMILY 76 TWO good sleeping rooms for 2 gentlemen. 396 N. 25th, Apt 8. FOR BENT 1 front" room; 1 room with sleep ing porch. 605 Montgomery at BOOMS AND BOABP It THE HAZEL "Not like the others-! Every comfort. Home cooking. 885 Third st THE Martha Washington. 880 10th, for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD FBIVATE FAMILY 71 I HAVE two rooms to rent to either ladles or gentlemen. Will give board. References ex changed. 662 E. Salmon At- WANT Young lady to room and board. 34.50 a week. 68 E. 2 1st, between Oak and Stark. CHILDREN to board in private family. 365 . Halsey, near Union. Phone East 2446. WANTED BOOMS AND BOABP 8 VA HTEI s-tt Furnished room in private family. West Side, west of 4th st, south of Morrison. 0-090, Journal. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FTTBNIHHF.D AND PNFT.'RNISTTED SHIPYARD district flats, housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. Apply 252 Gihhs. ' FOUR partly furnished H. K. rooms, $10. jHin r.. r.verett ana otn. ai. v. car. 4 NICE H. K. rooms, partly furnished, $10. H10 E. Everett and 75th. M-V car. HOrSKKEEPINO BOOMS J FTJBNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY LARGE kitchen and bedroom, light heat and water. 25 per month. Wet side. Phone Main299G. , HTK. ROOMS with kitchenette, $3;6d per wkl 284 Clay st. LARGE 3d floor room fur. H. K. , bath, pbone, light Adults. 387 12th. 3 FURNISHED rocans foT light H. K. 9503 69th ave. S. E. . FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It FOR RENT 7 room hour? on Michigan ave., Feb. 1. Call 735 Hancock st, or phone East- 5955 FOUR room house for rt-nt at 166 Graham ave. Sink and toilet $12. Phone C-2150. J. Brooks. 1221 Minnesota pvc FOR SALE or rent. 4 room house, eaav terms. 4 830 76th st 8. E. Mt. Scott car. Fir land station. A 9-ROOM house for rent 829 Gladstone ave. Call at 854 Macadam st, after 6 p. m. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 38 9 ROOMS, close in, furnished in housekeeping ing rooms; income $85 mo, rent $30; all full; $350. Thone East 2522. FURNISHED HOUSES 3A 6 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE University Park; electric lights, gas, good plumbinsr garden spot, roses, berries; close to car. Rent $35, or will lease to responsible party for one or 2 years. See owner, Bruce Goddard. 602 Couch Bldg. FURNISHED FLATS 53 5 ROOM upper flat, furnished. 32 E. 79th t. S. Tabor 0128. V APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED ND UNFUBNISHED NICE 5 room unfurfnisbed flats $15. 1840 E. Glisan. M-V car. WANTED T5 BENT . 7 IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOR RENT A HOUSE, A FLAT. AN APARTMENT LET US LIST IT. "HEAVE TOGETHER." CABS OF N. W. STEEL CO PHONE MAIN 1193. WANT to lease small farm Suitable for diversi fied farming, near cchool.lohn U. Shively. 402 4 Main st., Vancouve Wash., or phone 330 after 5 p. sn, - - WANT to rent, with option to buy. chicken ranch, near electric line. What have you? HX-893. Jounua ' 4-5ROOM fur. house, garage preferred; cou ple. no children; close in. Phone Broad way 1908. WANTED 10 to 20 acres improved, close in! Call Tabor 1935. WANT to r.-r.t rmall house or upirtment unfi nished: no kid. Tabor 7789. 4 OR 5 room bungalow, furnished or unfur nished. Proprietor Williams ave. Garage. WANTEDHeated H K. room " for " man and wife. Cal East 6008. BEAL ESTATE GENEBAL REAL ESTATE 63 IF Y?lV WANT SOMETHING GOOD In homes s well as farm and investment prop erty see my diplay ad on the local page of this paper today. Owners, 602 Spalding bliib. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 5 ROOM cottage near Franklin high, $2000. $500 cash, or trade $500 equity 1st payment, clone in, west side acreage. 3713 54th st S. E. Tsbor 8299. Owner. $1400 A FINE little 4 room bungalow, bath, toilet, electricity, cor. lot. now rented, $15 mo. Take $200 cash, $15 mo. and int Owner, 409 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE 4 room bouse, pst. toilet and sit.k in. on Mt Scott car, Lenta station: price $675; terms. Particulars address A. W. Lin dell. CoL City, Or. . 6 ROOMS, new and modern, near Peninsula school, value $8000; for quick sale $2400, $500 cash, balance monthly. Reed, Main 3517. 9 to 4. MODERN 6 room house, 3 nice large airy bed rooms, closet in each, in good condition, cement basement, lot 50x100. east front, 1 block from car. Wdln. 2028. SMALL house and lot. fee of incumbrances, on paved street at $1700, and 2 vacant lota, $8oo equity, for sale or eCiiange tor larger hone. H-785, Journal. A KNAP 7-room house, full basement strictly modern, ewell built-in fixtures, pretty yard, shrubbery. $2250; $500 cash, bal, $26 month. 6 per cent interest Tabor 2318. 4-ROOM bungaWw, electric, gas. cement base ment, in good condition; lot 60x100; abont 5 blocks from Mt Tabor school. Wdln. 2583. OWN YOUR OWN HOME Bnncalowa arai homes for everybody in Ir- vintton. from 3mi. r.ast Herrlman. NICK Jot with 2 room snacs. improvements ns id. on 29th. near 2 car lines, so.'io s R. 2!th st Alberta. EIGHT room smstly modern borne in best irt of . Lauf-ihurst. from owner. $5500. 150 Haaelfern Place. Tabor 8414. FOR SALK 5 room house and lot 50x1 Oil Grapes, raspberries and bearing fruit - trees. Wdln. 4 396. BABGAXN from owner, 5, room cottage, A-l condition, $50O eash. baL terms. Act Quick Tabor 2703. " ST. JOHNS bargain, 4 room modern bungalow. furnished. $250 cash.- bX terms. - 1UT Princeton. ' ! ' ' Classy 5 room bungalow, splendid locality, hard enrface street Owaer, Tabor 6435. $975 BUY 8 neat plastered eottaaw, new roof; worth 61475: os in. 1 47 9 Eat Oak. FOR SALE--Easy terms, modem a roocaTSouae" bout-ins, nrepiace. ' inquire 918 E. 1 5 to IRVINGTON Will aeU my delightful 7 room j;house ata Vbargaitt. r ast, 2838. SALE or-trade, house, small' lot. close InTweat aide, S earUnea, Marshall 865. BEAL ESTATE FOB 8ALK HOUSES 1 YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMILY TO OWN TOUBsOWN HOME T Don't say you cannot afford to buy home because you haven't enough to make your first payment. I WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOtfitt "' FIRST PAYMENT if neeesaary. Do you know that we nave ever 400 photographs ia ear- office- of bouses we have to aeUt Scene for 3200 to 8300 down, all prices, ell terms, an parts of the city. Many modem, attractive bungalows. Come in and look over the photographs before yon buy; 7 experienced real estate salesmen with autos to show yon homes. Start the new year right: atop paying rent on house that Buy be sold any day. Buy a home. See FRANK L. MoGUIRE, ABINGTON WLDO. To Buy Yonr Home. Main 1068. Office open Sundays and evenings. Look This Over Have nice newly furnished 4 room bouse and garage, only 2 blocks from car-. 60 ft. from Foster road, 2 corner lota, size 40x165, 2 blocks from largest school in Portland. Sell for 81500 on terms or $1350 cash. This is cer tainly the best buy in town. Seeing is believing. Call after 1 p. m. Sunday. 5924 95th ft, cor. 60th ave. Take Mt Scott car to 90th st Deal direct with owner or call Monday. 128 1st, near Alder. IRVINGTON SELECT YOUB HOME 7- room bungalow $5000 6-room bungalow 5300 8 - room house 6250 8- room house . 7000 9- room house 9500 These are ah very fine homes, and have every modern convenience, and priced below cost, See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St - Broadway 4183. - VACANT $2900 REAL HOME BARGAIN $2900 6-room very substantial home, close in on paved street an Hens paid, full cement base ment, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, etectrio lights and gas. Cleveland avenuer near Failing, 1 block: to Williams avenue car. No mortgage or liens. Couldn't build the house for the money. I will help yon make your first payment See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Yonr Home. Main 1068. ROSE CITY PARK; 8500 CASH I yet us show you this nice home: Living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath, floored attic, fireplace, splendid furnace, full basement, good garage, street paved, sewer in and paid, block to car. For $3500 it's a good buy. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. $2950 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $2956 B room attractive bungalow, full cement base ment hardwood floors, fireplace, fmffet, Dutch kitchen. On E. 40th. near' Hawthorne; price $2950. You couldn't build the house for this. Terms. We have 400 photographs in our of fice of houses for sale. All prices, all terms. See FRANK U McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Yout Home. Main 1068. WALNUT PARK GENUINE BARGAIN $S250 Exceptionally well built home of 7 rooms. Never been lived in. Owners have reduced price from $7000. Assets, all paid. Accessible to 4 cars. Let us show yon. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office SOth and Bandy (Open Sunday. ) 6 ROOM house, nearly new -and in good condi tion, Sunnyslde nr. Laurelhurat park; mortgage cost price $2750. pays for everything; and a 6 room modern bungalow in the heart of Irvington; mortgage cost price $4500. pays for everything The above property has hard surface streets all paid, and you can buy them- on easy terms. Henry 8. Cover. 64 Union ave.; phone East 243 for an appointment $2950 FORMERLY $3150 5 rooms, sleeping porch, full plastered attic; finished in ivory enamel throughout. Beautiful electric fixtures, fireplace, hardwood floors, atr tractive buffet; hard surface in, included in price. Terms. On 22d st near Brooklyn car. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exch. bldg. v Main 583. BOSK CITY PARK Furnished Bungalow $2850 Owner moving away and just must sell. 5 rooms, fireplace, full basement wash trays, large attic; not far out Let us Bhow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 3316. Branch office SOth and Sandy (Open Sunday.) FIVE ROOMS. $2000 An attractive bungalow, newly painted and refinished throughout, on 4 2d st.. near Wood etock car. I.ot lOOtlOO, fine parden land, side walks in. At least $750 rcauirud to handle. This is certainly good value. Blake Realty Co., 109 over Citizens Bank, East , h-692. Tabor 3583 evenings. FOR SALU Fine littte home of S rooms, eleo tric lights, gas, paved st, improvements all paid. ; On E. 7th st. N. Cheapest place in city. $2000. $80O or $400 cash and bal. in monthly payments. See me about this at once. J. S. KNAUSS. 416 Stock Exch. Building. Main 3270. $1850; HAWTHORNE Here is a mighty good buy: 6 room cot tage with bath and good basement This little home ia in good condition: Remember this is in Hawthorne, on a pared street. Only $250 down. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4622. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bide. . WE HAVE 4 good list ot houses in various parte of the city at prices and terms to suit you. Also have some good close-in acreage and suburban homes. Come in. It will be worth your while. GILSON REALTY CO., 481 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER Neat 5 room bungalow, shade fruit trees, choice location, near cartines. beautiful park 4 blocks. Also other natural ad vantages Which can readily be seen. All fur nished, ready to move in. Bargain for some one. Phone Wdln. 5852. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $3150 Nifty 6 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet etc.; lots of class; built two years; on paved street. Splendid bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st near 3d. .Main 3516. GOOD clean 5 room house, electricity, gas, hard surfaced strbets. full lot fine fruit trees, small bam. Can be bought direct from owner for le than $2000. Couple hundred down. Bal ance easy terms. 870 E. lit N., bet Mason and Shaver. KENTON 3 room house, facing east lot 50x100, &l bearing fruit trees, Kenton car 2 blocks. StH Johns car 4 blocks; $900 cash, or 8100O terms. Call evenings. Msin 6960, room 323. Have You $150? I can make yon owner of nice 2 room house and beautiful lot Alberta district Price $675. Absher, with Goddard. 502- Couch bldg. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, $1650 Attractively built little bungalow in Monta Tilla; needs painting and papering. $250 cash will handle FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. LET us know your wanta and we can sell you the very house you are looking for. Modern homes from $2000 up. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 583. MY beautiful 7-room home and 4 lots; only 2 blks. to car. Mt Scott line. Fruit and berries of all kinds; chicken houses, etc. Bee my agent, I.. J. Robinson, 325 Lumber Ex. Main 1533 or Tabor 74 57. WHY NOT BUILD f Get an artistic borne bv an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything, furnish the money if desired. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. eontraetirjr architects. 024 N. W- Bank. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 6-room house, lot 66x100, assorted fruit, berries, grapes, etc.', on hardsurface pavement; fine view. Price $3000, some terms. Write or call E. Tram hley. 611 W. 2 3d st. Vancouver. Wash. EQUITY in J5 ' room bungalow, furnished or un furnished, lot 85x100; lawn, fruit, winter's wood in basement 6sT30 50th st. S. . .Wood stock car. "WILL sacrifice equity in nice 5 room, modern, full basement cottage. 50x100, nice yarft, flowers and. fruit 401 Church. FOR SALE LOTS 16 $500 Fine bldg. lot, 43d near Clinton; terms. Take Liberty bonds. Owner. 2606 E. 43d st Tabor 6361. - 1 LOT for sale. 50x100. worth $1000; will sell $500, half price. 0-985. Journal. ACREAGE 67 CHEAP ACREAGE. , 5 acres $250; $10 down, $5 per month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centra lia, on the main line of 3 railroads. 1 4i to 8 H moles front -good KtUe town; sawmills and logging camps in immediate vicinity. Some of thia land is partly, cleared. Running stream; -some bot tom land, soma bench. This acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. s Can give you. any kind of a piece you want BELL REAL ESTATE CO. i 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. . FULL Vk acre with kits of fruit and berries. 2 houses one 4 room and one 8 room, well lo cated. 3 blocks from M out villa car. Pries $1450 if sold at once. - - t NEW TORK LANIJiSCO.. -303-5 Stock Exchange bldg. ' Pbone Main 7676. FOR SALE 1 acres, or more, 4-room house, - gas. orchard, berries, rich black soil, all in cultivation; Huber Station. Bargain at $1000, H eash. A. C. Chinw. Beaverton. Or is ACRES. $750: hi under cultivation, good Mack soil: $260 down. See Draper. 408 Board of Trade. FOR SALE 5 acres close to city on paved road; a bargain. 914 Chamber of Com merce bids. ft-ACRE SNAP If acres, all in cultivation. 1 H miles from Hsboro, $700 cash. Layman. 147 Park-. BEAL ESTATE fcUB URBAN HOMES 7 WILL LEASE Close in tuhnrbaa home, or might be tndneed to buy i If properly approached; must be at least room bouse. 0-978. Journal - '' ; TOB SALE FABMS IT 80 ACRES, 85 acres cleared, 20 acres creek bottom, 7 springs. acres timber. 40 acres the best of pastvre. good for 8 ta 10 eosrs, end even more, with all kinds of open range adjoin ing that ia not fenced, ft room house, all kinds of fruit, prunes, cherry, apples, peara, and plums; thia is an old settled place. 4am trout fishing in stream, little aver mils to school, good barn- and outbuildings; also telephone in house and rural free delivery at door, 8 miles from Castle rock. Wash. - This place cost . t he present owner $9000. but he is a traveling maa and can't see to it, and he will take $550. $2250 cash. - There is no mtg on the placet now you do not only get the 86 acres for thia price, bnt yon get two Boa res that cost $400, 4 good cows, some hogs, soma chickens, a tot of farming implement!!; in fact everything on the place, that is worth in the neighborhood of probably $1000. Castle rock Is 80 wiles from Portland, and only 6 miles front two good creameries, whioh are at Caatleroek; anlv a. 22 so lrash to handle this deal. Main 7485. 606 8 wetland 'bldg. ALFALFA LITTLE WORK, BIG PAY 40 acres, 25 acres now in alfalfa; .paid-up water right nice bungalow, bbrn, 2 chicken houses, all electric lighted; one and one-half miles of two railroads, creamery and high school. Price, $4000; onsbalf cash. Ws have this for a abort time only. See Mr. Richmond. - RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 80S Oaf St Broadway 4188. 125 ACBES. 4H miles east of Kalama, Wash., across from Goble, Or., at the ferryboat landing, 15 acrea in cultivation, rest logged off and fine pasture, 7 large cherry trees, all kinds of fruit, 5 room house, trout fishing right at door. This is called ' the Taxer ranch; mtg. $1500; price $4000, 82500 cash. This ia an other good buy; move right in place, just re cently vacated; all kinds of barns and outbuild ings. , CLAUDE O. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7435. 506 Swetland bldg. 20 ACRES, 5 miles S. E. of Oregon City, 1 mile this side of Beaver Creek, 15 acrea in cultivation, 6 room house, 2 wells, 4 saxes tim ber, 1 acre pastors, 'V mile of Ebee station. Southern Elect; $3500 mtg. at 6; price $5750. $2250 cash. i CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO., ' Main 7435. 508 Swetland bldg. FOB SALE OR TRADE For property in Port land or Vancouver, 160 acres of wheat land with fair buildings, all under cultivation. 8 tnilee from Alderdaie. Klickitat Co., Wash. Call at suite 201 U. S. Bank bldg.. or phone 2, Van couver, Wash. PRICE ADVANC-S $1000 3 1 ST. BE QUTC&: Splendid level 40 acres, SO cnltivsted, 20 growing grain; large bldgs., well fenced, roads two aides; town, highway, 9i mile; only $6000, cash. L Wheeler. Canby, Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. 120 acres, close to Portland, food roads, some improvements and creek, close to school and pos toff ice. A bargain it taken soon. 914 Cham ber' of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE, good farm near St. Helena, Or. Price reduced for quick sale. -reasonable terms. Better look this up. Inquire 1136 East 17th st North. FARM -12 acres. Vi mile from Monitor, all fenced. rood house and barn, hi cash, balance long time, 7. Address Box 90. Monitor. Or. RICH Alberta farm land, part crop paymsnta, Claude Cole. 215 Lumberraens bldg. STOCK ranch, 488 acres, cheap no agents.' W. A. Woodr Gold Beach, Or. SMALL berry ranch for sale on carline, close to Vancouver; good. buildings. Z-788, Journal. FOB BENT FABMS U 100 A, 30 A. cleared, 3 horses, 2 cows, poultry. nog nouse, nousenoia gooas lor sate, r a. 884. Journal. FABMS WANTED BENT OB BUY 88 WANTED To lease equipped farm or ranch'on shares. Good offer for 3 or 6 year lease, Psrker. 60 E. 62d st. N. HOMESTEADS 4? 320 ACRE relinquishment for sale, all tillable land, with approvements. Inquire at 33 W. Schofield after 5 p. m. Kenton car. CASH for relinquishment or homestead. ,297 H Hancock st. TIMBEB 28 WANTED In 30 to 60 days, 4000 feet 30- poond rails for logging road; one email hoist ing engine, single or double drum, 6x8 cylin ders; all to be second-Hand goods. Wilson A Hoi lenbeck. Liberty Bond. Wash. FOR SALE or will trade tor good auto.' 160 acre timber claim in Jackson Co.. Oregon. 3007 Kanffman are., Vancouver, Wash. EXCHAHOE-,REAL ESTATE tt 160 ACRES. Lincoln county. Fair set of build- ings, spring and orchard on place, 130 acre can be cultivated. Fence -with 6 wire. Mtg. $16w0, 7 ler cent. 3 years. Exchange equity for 5 room house. Will assume some. Bdwy. 2U6. 304 V, Oak st INCOME bearing property, free of incumbrance, in substantial Oregon town, value $4500; to trade for city residence; will assume some in debtedness. Call or addreaa-Misa Dobbin, 878 E. Taylor st. city. 1 OWN a 7 room house on the ease side, eiose . in, has a mtg. of $2600, 7 per cent; aiso a few street improvements. Am lea vine the city. Will trade equity for good fumituiw. Must be good quality. House Is now rented. K.nst 3234. 5-ROOM house, lot 60x100. garage; free of debt Trade for small ranch near Portland or Vancouver. Price $3000;-even trade. O-902, Journal. fFOR SALE Taas or trade for goood car or -Idsho property, T room modern cottage at Woodburs. Or.; price '$1600. mortgage 6800. Carl Jarrett, Mlddleton. Idaho. 160 ACRES timber near Astoria and Columbia river for spruce and cedar; estimate 5 million. Price $1. thousand. ' Trad for Portland property. Cobb; 409 Swetland bldg. I HAVE a friend who owns a very good 7 room house, close in, mtg. $2800. Will exchange equity of 8200O for acreage or small farm. , K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. TO TRADE 100 acres Oregon timber for Portland prop erty. Owner. 2228 42d ave., Oakland. Cal. 20 ACRES level land Southern Idaho, no debt for automobile; 4 lots in Warrenton, 1 or all, for upright piano, rugs. 1391 Division. HOUSE and lot to trade for eoine improved land. 914 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $2000 6 room house and lot; exchange for small ranch. 208 Abington bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 HOUSE selling is my specialty. I can sell yours. Have cash buyers. All listings gjven proper attention. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN ACREAGE WANTED We have continnel demand for Vt acre and acre tracts, with bearing fruit trees, convenient to intern rban. Price must be right Wid terms easy. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Utwlmber of Commerce. WANTED At once, houses and bungalows, any place in Portland. Wchave clients-waiting to buy. If your place is right we can sell it Why not list with a good live firm! New York Land Co.. 803-5 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. WANTED 40 to 80-aere farm, dairy ranches; have buyers waiting. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO. Main 7435. 606 Swetland bldfcl DON'T WORRY 1 can sen or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park 8t WANT 4 OR 5 ROOM BUNGALOW UP TO $250O. CAN PAY CASH. U-884, Journal. BOOMING HOUSES IS 30 ROOMS FOR $1860 74 rooms, clearing $600 a month. Fine loca tion, steam heat modern, terms; $6800. 70 room modern hotel, $6000. -65 room modern hotel, street lobby, $7300. 32 room, semi modern. $2700. 84 rooms, II. K . fine location, $2800. And many smaller place. Terms to suit GILSON REALTY CO., 481 Cham, of Com. SEE THE RENT . 45 rooms, brick bldg., cose to Morrison st on west side, rent only $73, clears close to $800 per month ; have had same for 7 , years ; getting too old to run it so will sacrifice for 41800. easy terms. Peters, of course, 19 K, 6 th .at Machine to show around in. HOTEL HOTETT Here is a chance .to boy a hotel on 6Uf at, netting around $90O per month, with good street lobby. - It will pay you to investigate this. The place will stand investigation. GILSON REALTY CO., 481 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 16 ROOMS FOR $595 ; Close - to Lincoln high, fair furniture, nice bldg., clears 865 above your own living rooms. Buy this, sell less than a month and' make 8300; $250 will handle. Peters of course, 15 N. 5th st CASH and Portland property owner) for our - apartment house. M-6T0, Journal, v BUSINESS O PFO RTTJUTTTE S tt 4JBOCERY -" FBICK ONLY $8000. This includes store building, wit several nice Urine rooms, 40x100 cor ner io and a nice clean stock of gro ceries that wUl invoice 8500 to 1600. Located la good suburban location, and doinc . a bui tineas of 820 per dsy. 81000 down and easy terms oa bal ance. Might consider clear property for part. Sea Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 808 Oak St Broadway 4183. GROCERY1 STORE AT INVOICE. Doing a $8000 eash business a month and an delivery, poetoffice in connection with it that pays well also; close to Oregon City where we have ' a large payroll from the paper mills the year around. Also a pool hall in the asms town trt wui pay a good pig salary lo toe right man. Price of it 8700. E. P. ELLIOTT A BON. Oregon City, Or. FOB SALE Blacks mi tn shop and dwelling oa about 1 acre ia- Barlow. 80 miles 'from Fort land; heavy tools with shop. Railroad fax re funded to purchaser. Title clear, 8800 cash. N. W. Laadbettor, 1220 Taylor at. Hood River. Or. Store Owner, Take Notice- Gentleman here wants small grocery store up to $1000; has the cash to pay. Absher, Mala 4557. HARDWARE and- implement business, clean stock, good location. , large territory. Stock and fixtures invoice $5500. Business butt year, $22,000. Cash deal only. Address MX-5 74. Journal. WANTED- Partner with $500 in big money making proposition; investigate. F-887. Journal. GENERAL mdse. store, postoffice, ground and bldgs. for sal or trade. Tabor 2181 bet 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. except Sunday. WANTED Partner with capitar to investigate gold mine proposition; good prospect 11-7 7 8. Journal. ONE stall in Liberty Market for rent Apply at the market office, 8th and Yamhill ats. MAN or woman can make $5 or mors a week otr $75 investmeat. 113 2d at PACIFIC BAKERY? E-celleut chance to rent equipped bakery near shipyards. 840 Front FOR SALE -Restaurant on good corner, close in. 861 Stark st LlGHT grocery and confectionery, good loca tion, good stock. Osborn. 700 Dekum bldg. TIN shop for sale, tools and material. 654 1st st. LIST your grocery or confectionery with me. I'll sell it Osborn, 700 Dekum bldg. SMKLL cash ' grocery. Pleasant living rooms. SMKLI - Bart frald. Investigate. 162 Grand ave. store for sale. Call Tabor 3124. MONKT TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 8T OUB installment plan is the beat and surest - method of paying a loan. $32.24, per month for 36 months, or $91.24 for 60 months, or $18. IT for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in prcportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at. Portland. Or. $306. $400 $500, $780. $1000 and np. lowest interest ..rates, Liberal repayment privi leges. No delay. ,' GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 632 Chamber of Commerce PRIVATE moneyw lowest rates. It will pay yon to see us first. Quick action. $500 to $5000. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Liimbermens bldg. . Bdwy. 421. TO LOAN. $5000 on Portland property; no -agents.- 470 Holman" st bet 8th and Oth. Evenings or Simdajs, j- BUILDING loans en city or suburban property; - money advanced as work progresses. W. G-. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. CASH paid-for mortf f -s and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H, E. Noble, 816 Lumbermens bldg. ' $250. $350 1400", 8'SW$600 and larger amonnts. current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 78- Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want money -ses us; we hsvsTt M Kenzie A Co., since 1905. 515 Gerlinger bldg.' Phone Main 2801. MONET to loan on -improved city property by private party;,np commission. M 580, Jour nal. - f pw r - MONEY to loan lb. amoante of $100 to $5000 en city property. A. H. BELL. Room 10 11. Mulkey bldg. S2UII. 00. $1000, $2000, no coin. City and suburban houses. , W'ard, 4Q7 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7. Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. $2000 to loan on improved city property, 7. Call Tabor 1007. MONEY to loan on city property at lowest rates. Fred' 8, Williams. 92 hi 1st St. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. $600. TO $9000 to loan on pfty or farm mort . gage; no commission. P. O. Box 873. MONEY TO LOANCHATTELS. SALARIES t 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pi anos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes with out security. If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile eon tracts are larger than yon can make, we win pay them tip, advance you more money if neces s iry. and yon can repawns in small monthly payments to suit your eoovAiience. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) 806-807 Deknnt Bldg. ' Mars-all .286. Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or worktngmen on tbei. own notes.' Weekly, emi-wskly or monthly payments. Each tratua ation strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE - NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc, without removaL - CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr., 804 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. ' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED 8$ 6EE OREGON INV. 4k MOltTGACK CO.. XXJ Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL SI LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought sad -old Before btrytng or selling get cur quotations. E. L. DEVE BEAUX A COMPANY. Covernaseat and Municipal Bonda 07 Sixth Street, Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS Do not. Um e what yon have paid oa yonr contracts. If yon. are , n ot able to make yout payments, see us. - i- We pay cash , for partly paid contracts of ponds, or Joan-yon 90 on yonr investment at 1 and 8 ft per annum. - -' Special attention given out-of-town customers Bonds bought snd sold at market prices. Loans negotiated on farm and city property. - Deal with responsible licensed broken. Open tt 4 p aw ,. HOWELL A DAVIS, v - 41 Board of Trade, r BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOR IOUR RECEIPTS i Come to 723 Uasco bldg., 6th and Alder. Mail bonds to us; - wo remit return msU. . Come to"725 Gasco bide. 6th and Alder. " CELLABS-MUBTQN XX OPEN SAT, EVE. T Liberty bunds'" ... A o coot sets for sen .bought Open till 8 SBTT REALTY A BROKERAGE JO.. 602 Buchanan Wdg., 280 H Washington st " Liberty bonds ob receipts" open evenings n T o clock. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 Spalding. 8d and Washington. WE BUY AND SEIJL. - LIBERTY BONDS --' Abo eqroitJes in Liberty bonds. Bring receipts snd get the cash. Open evenings and Sunday. Uaia 7478. 200 Abington bids, : (1 LIBERTY BONDS If yea must seO yonr Liberty Bonds, sell to a If yon can bay more Liberty Bonds, bay tra us. Ws bay and wo sell Liberty Bonds at the market YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WOK&E We are today paying the following prices fog United States Liberty loan bonds:. 8100 $1000 Bond. Bond- $98.70 002.68 1st At ........... 93.12 936.28 2nd As ,,,, 93S0 9S7.0JT 1st AH ; 03.18 955.38 2nd 44a 04.60 051.93 8rd 4 e ...... t.. 94.22 067.20 4th 04.68 051.60 i SAT- DEPOSJT VAULTS MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. ine premier Municipal Bond H Established Over 96 Tsar 800-811 Stark St. Bet. 8th and Oth, (Ground Floor) , ' Telephone Broadway 2181. U. S. BOND DEALERS. , ,'? . We want $2000 2d 4s. $5000 8d 4 V and 810.000 4th Oil this weak. Will pay highest market prica.. Ws boy and sell Liberty bonds, all issues, also receipts. Cheeks mailed out of town aeUers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY ' Established 1809. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg, - C Oth and Washington. LIBERTY BONDS ' CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. , - FULL MARKET PRICK. J Bond Receipts Bought WTLL CASH TOUB RECEIPT8 FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLAR- TO YOU. SEE E. BURKITT, 8ECRETART. ' OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., . 312 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. - LIBERTY BONDS, -'.- Partly paid contracts bought Open till 1 :30. DORCAS A DORCAS. -020 N. W. Bank bids., 6th and Morrison. Investments, loans. o ortaae" H. Lewis. 803 Lewis bids. Mar.-, 1888. HORSES, VEHICLES, F.TC. 1$ IF YOU are in need of s good ranch team -I have a span of mares snd harness, weight about. 2500 lbs., guaranteed sound and true workers hate been Working on a scavenger wagon hut am through with them and must sell ; . also have a span Of well matched bay mares, weight about 1000 lbs. esch, with good harness: no reasonable offer will bo refused. 392 Knott st 8185 burs 800 lb. team, food true workers. fat snd sound every war, grain fed. right out of work, suitable for any kind of heavy hauling or farm work. Also heavy breeching harness. Ail at one price. . OLSON'S FEED TtsRN. OREGON CITY. - NO CASH REQUIRED 40 head good work horses, 1300 to 1900 lbs.; will accept Liberty bonds full value; n cash Required - if you can give good security. Unionpuel Co., foot of Sherlock are. Bdwy. 30307f-7358. BEFORE, buying farm horses and wagons, sea us; 3 good cheap farm wagons, 2 spring; sev eral good work horses; one team ot ponies, work aingle, double or ride. I sell cheep. I take Liberty bonds in exchange. Multnomah Stable, ltttn ana Jefferson sts. TEN HEAD of mires and geldings, all good workers and gentle, weighing from 1100 to 1500 lbs.; also a few sets of single and double work harness, a few farm wagons. - Call at the National Laundry stable. East Oth and Haw- rnorne. rnone ast azzi. TEAM, 2680- lbs,, good trua workers and sound. also tat grain fed and sbod all around; also heavy harness and Boston team cellars and halters, all at one price for quick sale, 3168. WALTER'S FEED BARN, OREGON CITY. $165 BUYS 2200 lb, team and harness, blocky, fat and sound; everything tgood: orchard pair. Mt Scott ear to 9th ats., block seat, block north.. House with flagpole. No. 026 bTitn st. $126 BUYS team bay horses, weight 2200 lbs.. harness and 8 hi farm wagon gear) team ia good shspe. 5624 E. 86th., Mt Soott ear. Tabor 6BS4. RANCH team about 2200 lbs., mare and bone, well mated, sound and need to farm work wit double harness and farm wagon, $160 takes the ontnt 8 so Front at Trial allowed. BELL r trade 2 Usb one horse Studebaker wagons. 2 light top backs for driving, work horse, cow chickens, milk goat.- 1018 East HUrk -st.. Mt Tabor. M onta villa ear. TEAM blacks, 2350 lbs., good workera, $74 J 1 bay horse, 1000 lbs., light term wagon end harness, $40; also 14 in. plow. 6888 82d st 8. E. THE finest pair tMt black Bhttlaod ponies )a state .will take cattle or bis bones in ex change. 802 Front st GOOD jrouna ranch team, ham eta snd wagon i' weight 2800: Woodstock car to 84th at, 4 blocks soutn. 1 os o Banter. A G60Dhonest work pair of Z6otiAb. gelef ings. Corns and try . them at $260. 30$ Front st " ALIROUND fsmiTy mare, 1200. Will sell or let for keep. 6403 02d it ti. E-. Lenta, Ta bor 1270. BARGAIN $65 takst nice family mars, sound and gentle; work any place, with good buggy anc, name, sou rrons si. -inai snowed. 8155 -TEAM. S800 lbs., with good harneas ana guaranteed sound and true, with 1 0 days' trial. Woodyard. 4th and Clay sts. A FINE pair of 2500-Ib. mules; might take horses or cattle In exchange. 802 Front st LEAD horses and animals hauled away free. C9 Woodlawn $0. Portland Rendering Co. HORSB and wagon, 81.80 day; J bones and wagon. 88. i. Cohen. 54S Front Main 220 FOR SAE cheap, all kinds of wagons, buggies! arm naroeas. nu sroni a - ALL kinds of horses, wagons, buggies, saddles and harness. 802 Front st, s HCYH bay horse. 11 50 lbs., with good harness. 251 Meade st., S. Portland car, TOB" first manw1th $58 gets 2200-lb. team; leaving city. 302 Front st. 'alio Btl VH 2,1 oo lb" team, young and lat s n.n IP msi fiKim . rn'in. ir. v TEAM mares, good harness and wagon, sale or trade for Ford. 3821 aOth at 8. K. PAIR small farm mares, true to work and cheap. Sunnyside Ice Co.. 1020 E. Yamhill at LIVESTOCK ' 3$ 1 AM selling our good milch eows. HolsUrine and Iurhams; some of them fresh lately and some of them coming fresh soon. Tubercu losis tested. Call at 275 Hooker st Take 8. i nnism car. FIVE head of young, fresh cows with calves. 4 Darnams and Jerseys, pnee au to 9 la each, with calves. Also fi springers St. E,' 9th and Flanders sts. YOUffo Jersey, to be fresh in May. Good milker 858. Take 4th at line to St Marys station, hi mile south or address R. 4. Ueavtrten, Or. U. E. Swanson. SALT fish scraps for cauls, hogs, eliickena. $4 per hundred. i PiUKTHW but risri :.. z?3 Tsmmii FRESH cow snd calf, Jersey-Durham.' 6 Chester White shoots, Woodstock car to 84th St, 4 tonka sontn. iota wniner. TWO good young cows, both Just fresh ; one has calf with her. Will sell cheap. Wood- yard. 4 th and Clay sts. A FEW good fresh goats and seme that will soon be fresh.' 802 Front St. - y A FEW good fresh cows; take dry cows or big horse in exchange. 802 Front st DE LAVAL separator to trade for sow. Tabor - "61. - - ' . THOROUGHBRED Toggeoberg Billy goat for serrices. 186S Woolsey s, -Cot 271. MUST-be sold at once, 2 extra good cows. Call Bellwood 71 7f " - - - - FOR SALE Good big milk cows; also an Ilk goats; 1 right farm wagon. Foot of Mam t GOOD cow cheap. See her anilk at 8, 127T Omaha ave. St Johns -ear. FIVE fine milch goats, 1 milking; some fresh anon. 281 Meade st S. Portland car. FOR SALE A-l family cow. 880 Front st FOPLTBT, FIHEONW, FET STOCK T WHITE and Buff Leghorn pullets, $116 84th s d. .- rnoiw isenwooa BARRED pullets reedy to lay ; Rhode Ldaad rmuet nearly grown, tut wregnn. 2 LEGHORNS and 2 half China pheasant roos ters. Phone Tabor 4941, ONE ANCONA, 1 Whits . Wyandotte cocker L from fine, healthy cockerel. Main 7670. - 50 MATED pairs Carneanx pigeons at your own price. , East 843. 638 E. Grant St. FINANCIAL rOTJLTRT. FIOFONB, FET STOCK Tf WHITE Leghorns sre the most pro!iini, be- I of poultry. - If yon are in the business tor profit you wCl eventually have them. I'.sr broUers; early layers; esrly PROFITS. We t 1 only WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHtX from beary Uying HOGANIZED hens.? Sat drllvery of full count lire ehix guaranteed. l'nce r ' 100s rebrnary. 31 5. Off; March, 314.00; Anr-i, $12.60. " The ltoneer lUtebery, 405 ba street. Petalnma. California. - DAT OLD CHICKS O. A. C Barred Rocks. Rhode Island Ites, $25 for 100; White rshorns, $20 for 10; high grade Hoganised stock only. J. K, Magulre, 787 Oregon st - BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR SALE .Tancred'a Single Comb Whits Leghorns. 1 lu gs niae from 200 to S80 eggs per year. Call the Hoganising expert; guaranteed 05 ft fertility. Tabor 6422. , Portable Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES S. D. Wfniama Tabor 620. 6185 ., 82d g. B. TH0ROUGHBRDFlemlsh Giant rabbits, ateet gray and black, from price winning stock, for sale very rsasonabla. 1070 Union srva. N. " warn. 26T4. COCK EM EL for salejjr trade, Fnclish Ighpr7 -Tom Barron strain. 686 E. 81st st N. Ta BELGIAN hares, thoroughbred breeding stock, cheap. Must sell; does, $1.79 end up, Mrs. tr. tomsier, as tt. tow st N. M-V car. FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. L Red corkers!. .r wiu trada log-iuUsta. 683 E. 41st Tabor oouo. NINE It I. hens and 6 puUeU. Also a pair i tnorougnnrea t Zealand rabbits. 1U77 On gon st. M. V. ear to 64th. ' BUFF LEGHORN roosters 33, or will trails fur Buff Leghorn pullets or young Belgian bucks; siso eggs vor natc mng tx. ontt 4tb st S. K. ONE dos. WhlU Leghorn liens for sale. Eaat 1122. WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs $1.60, and osy oia rnicia. i-none rieiiwooa 9U4 0. BLACK MINORCA, S. C. R. L Red cockerels for sale. Woodlawn 688. SAVE FEED I f guarantee to nick ths non-laj-ers from your flock. Tabor 6432. 1 FOR SALE, White Ieghorn andBlack Minorc roosters. Marshall 2611. FOR SALE R. L, Red hatching eggs. Thone Woodlawn 6647. BOOB. BIRDS, FETB. T.TfY. 46 RAISE rabbits for me. WUl buy all you rau-s from stock bought from me. 20 page illustrate- booklet with - hntch plan and price list, 16c Monticello Babbitry, largest in Northwest, rorsiiui ana r. HtsrK. mrtlann. BOSTON . TElHtlKR atud. wnrUl a best, T..y Blood, pnrchaaed in Atassachusetts, fee, $10. THOMPSON'S bird tors bays' am sells gusr- - antecd birds. Call or address 057 Missis sippi ave. - - ,, : - - - , . FOR SALE Pedigreed stock Flemish Giant and young New Zealand rabbits; prices reasonable. I R. Hawk, OrcbardsT' Wash. - FINE Flemish Giant buck, 4 breeding does, ail for $6; must sell, 400 B. B8d st N. Phono Tabor 0282. . ' CHOICE lingers $2.50 up; aiao female- CTf ueaum ave.. woodlawn. stud. King Moose, registered black lr.ilan. S86 E. 6 1 t st N. Tabor 7778. , ' CHOICE canaries ' artEe Canary BdSo'p, 1151 E. 88th at W. 02217. f - ST. ANDREA8BERG birds.' "females, too' ti '0- t Tabor 7308. ,- - WILlT'buy all "the rabbits you Wertha pries ; is right, Tabor 1988. , . . - WANTED Fox terrier piippy Woodlawn IA 3. CHOICE canary blrds.i60. 617 Tiekiim ave. AUTOMOBILES ACCF.SSORIFS 44 , 101T MAXWELL, $625 ; RTTNS LIKE A SCARED RABBIT. LEWIS E. OBYB MOTOItM CO.. . . "BROADWAY AT COUCH. MY beautiful late model 4 cylinder Saxon, shines like brand new, special covering for alt upholstering, electrUi starter and lights; a real quiet motor.Y beautiful ained; your neighbor won't know it from new; forced to sell for cash. : $685,' Phone Bellwood 1850. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES"" - Insure your tires now against blowouts snd punctures with out guaranteed relinsra, , .Phono East 1808, We wlU caiL ' '.-. . UfrlON AVB. TIRC SHOP. - - 4 614 Union Ave N. OAKLAND -roadster, new in every way but tits price. Has some .extras and if yon are in nel of a good latest model light powerful rodter come up and take a look. Low- price, long t-rm v bonds at bonus. 625 Alder st- A-l Auto Works A Paint Co. - - Mfr. and Repairs. 3000 guaranteed springs i ' 34 N. lAtli at stork ; prices reduced. "ORD AUTO WANTED Will psy part eash and . fine new Tlctrola. Brunswick. Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for Ford. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 860 Alder. ' " I WITX. take yonr Cherrotet or Ford In on' a trade for m quality oar, giving you the choice of 8 leading automobilas, the Coalmen, or U- Hndaon, or Uudsea F as. Msin MIU Aak tut Jack Herainger. : HERE IS A REAL BUY 1 6 -pass. 4 eyt small car; tires srs almwt new; self starter and eelctric Hghu; A-l ahap. AU for $500; easy terms. See "Jake''. 623 Aider st B-2403. 1018 OVERLAND 4 pan. Country dab. five wire wheels, 6 good tires; car looks and runs irks tie; lor quick sals $845; term given, I, S" WZn MoW,r Cr Co " 68 W. 234,it, rhotis UTm b".ntl.f,ji S Magwell. lust a Aire as the day It left the factory: not a scratch on It: s!? ' 8B5' "non -sllwoo.1 r r -tuck USED CARS riK . - COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Zlt snd Washington st. Main 6244. FORDS . DODGES M AXV, KU 'MT WU kind do yoa want! Ws have thera. AUTO SALES CO., OTH AND COUCH. '18 MAXWELL lu first cU and iH readily pass for s new one. It has been so slightly used. Low price, long easy term and mnii at iwq oa -AloerSt, BTUDEBAKKB touring. e new; will ' aAurS-d mVUf,M- iOlf 'OAKCAND'six. touring, good" tires," A-f Bdro "hP MJ "imU'' -. Alder. PEBBLESS dimousine. tn first a aha... 'ai i va , ' Ford pttoe. AUTO SAL ES CO.. OTH AND COUCH AiUBrTuiLLfi "" TOP CO. Oth st Oak. Broadway 1664. A 1917 FORD, ia first class conuition, sell or trad for stock or light truck, CaU st 662 E. 28tb st. 8. Bi 36x4 non-skid e tings, rim snd tule t-.iri-plet for sale cheap, inquire Aincricaa 'J ire A Rubber Co., Broadway and Oak. -TON Republic truck, with 16,000 mile tir and in A-l running condition. Will, consider term. Crown Stables, 284 1st st A REAL bargain, 4 paaa. Otto car. High teoslou Boactt ttumneto, car in good si rape, tlrn very yowl. 6850 eash. See Hurch. 333 Ank-ny tt. $165 LIGHT 5 pas, car,- good tiresand A-l running oonditio 284 -lat st bet Jeifrrson and fVirombia. . ' UTo cSsii Buys ioir "maxwell, s TIRES, AND IN GOOD COSDITION. CALL EAST 1962. - BARGAXNS in naed areai no hi ok ; new ttrsw also; ruleanlaing and retreading, Yulcaa turn Shop. 41 Grand sv. $300 DOWN BUYS 191s) MAXWELL TOCiU ING CAR; REPAINTED A-l CONDITION. CALL TA BOB 630. . 200 DOWN - BUYS MAXWELL TOURIN'T CAB. A-l CONDITION AMD GOOD 11 LB- UK It t ;AI.L RAST lOi. UK-D CAItS. TH K STREKT IS FULL 0 THEM. FIFTY MORE INKIDK. ACTO WALKS CO.. OTH AND COLCIf STS. HERE is the best Ford in town. All aotel tire. been orernsnled; runs better than new car. Sre "Jake", 628 Akler. - B-2492. COME and look at nur large stock ni ui carV from 3200 to 62O00. 623 A Her. 'Jake.-f I-TTJB SELL TOUR CAB, QUIC ACTIO AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCI fcTM WILL my 1917 Max wall cheap. -613j Journal. . - SPOT cab paid for used cars Draler' Lsr-t Car Cleans Hoose . Urano ave. and . Stars. GASOLINK 20 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONAEB PALNT CO.. 186 1st. FOR RENT Garage for truck. East 81b at.d Glisan. Phone East 8288. 1916 FORD roadter, cheap, like pew. . Owner, Tabor 4578. -AUTO DRIVING taugji "Main 7320. after 6 " ' , - ' 0NETdN BepubHo UuVki cash or term 1 liht - delivery body. 238 Second (t 1016 FORDT chain drive truck, in flrt cla eondttton. Phone East 5652. 1919 FORD tonring car. Just new, some "extra C ,- leaving town, must sell. H-04,JurnHl. 1919 FORD 1 ton truck, crnlvu-I a "'aliVTrt ' tune; will sell, reason We. K-995, Journal. 1517 CHEVROLT,f$575 ' AUTO KALI'S CO., tffli AND COITFI. (Continued on yellowing pajei