THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, : SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY : 3, 4919. ,' " HEAL EBTATB ; FOB BALE HOLSEsT "51 SI 00.00 Cash S-room cottage,, large "lot. cement sidewalk la and paid, also lew, 1 Dta from wooa- stock ear, all for $750. Bel $16 per mo, $300.00 Cash Broom modem, on 27 th. near Bo mild, fins lot, snap at 8SOOO.- Kasy payments, S200.C0 Cash 5 room bungalow, Hawthorne district, for only $1750. Easy .payments, K I, ,,....t..,a, - lm Vaa all tlia eonvenieneea - of , any . modern ' bungalow except heat and basement neat, attractive, 1H mil old. A noma any woman can be proud of. - open Evenings and ' ; SUNDAYS LATHAM. 147 PARK ST. Phong Main 4134. ONLY 2500. Only $500 cash down. Now. lint en. Nothing lika this has ever been of fered before. A good rubstsntial 8 room house with furnace,' porcelain bath, toilet and wash stand. v only two - blooka aaat of the Broadway 'bridge, only 130 feet from Eaat Broadway; all improvement in . and paid for. A reasonable monthly payment, considering the value of tha property, will be accepted, together with $500 cash. , We challenge any carpenter or con tractor to replace the bouge alone lor leas man ai7nn Take the turns and lot for 82500. Bear in mind tliat this is very close in resi dence: walking -distance and tha location is right where yon want it. This t certainly buying a home for lea than ona half iu traa value. Don't let this slip your attention. M J. CLOHE88T..416 AB1NQTO.V BLDG. SMALL HOWES ON EAST PAYMENTS 1600 5 room modern bungalow in 42d at. south of Hawthorne are; $800 cash, $25 per month. $1400 4 room modern cottage, lot 50x100. in Iteed college district, 8 blocka from car; $200 caan and 119 per month; $2200 5 room modern cottage with fall lot. soma fruit and shrubbery, all improvement in and paid for; this include winter wood and soma fnrnitnre; good neighborhood; only 8 blocka from Union are.: $500 cash will handle it. , .. - , OTf O HARK SON BEALTT CO., 4JS Chamber of Commerce. TAKE NOTICE i $10004 room house on 50x100 corner lot. S blocks to car, close in. Terms. $13000 room house, bath and toilet., large --. lot, Mississippi oar; $500 cash, bal ance easy. $17004 rooms and bath, large attlo for 2 more rooms. Would like $500 down with balance at $15 monthly. $1800-S room house. 20 minutes out. Would like $400 down with balance like rent. See air. Clark with STANLEY S." THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak ROSES CITT PARK. $.8250 Beautiful bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, breakfast nook, strictly modern in side and out. Garage. Owner going to Canada. We have any somber of others, some of which the owners won't allow us to advertise but which we can show you by appointment. I If you bare tried others without result THEN TRY US. IT CAN BE PAD. 3. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Maia 688. Sun. MV. Stowell, Tabor 6881. San. Mr. Rock, Tabor 975. UNION AVEfC.CE. PRICE ONLY $2000. 80x100 lot and store building. Now rented. Must sell, as owner needs the money. See Mr. Fulton. KELIABT.K INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 300 Oak St. 8 ROOM house, nearly new and in good condl tion, Sunnyside nr. Laurelhurat park; mortgage cost price $2750, pays for everything ;. and a ' 6 room modern bungalow in the heart of Irvington; mortgage cost ..price $4500, pays for everything The above property has hard surface streets all paid, and your can boy them on easy terms. Henry 8. Cover. 64 Union are.; phone East 248 for an appointment. $850 WOODtAWNT-R7house. garden and chicken house. $2750 H acre ground, 6 R. bungalow, fruit trees, garden, eta. $1750 j R. house, Rosa St., walking dis tance. . $3250 Rose City-bungalow end garage. . CHA8. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry bdg. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN $2100. Call ' today (Sunday), between 1 and 3 " clock, at 211 Eat 52d St., 2 blocks north of Hawthorne, and I'll show you my 6 -room bun galow, with fireplace, big basement, good attic, rtc. If you can pajf $350 down you'll get a bargain. Phong Monday Main 4522. . ,' ". ' ! BIG SNAP 8 room house, convenient for 2 families; electric lights, gs( Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing,, large lot, facing 2 streets; bearing fruit trees, improvements in and paid, for sale, with or without furniture, by owner. Price 3000. at 188 45th St.. on Suunysida car. $2800 COMPLETELY FURNISHED $2900' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. a roomi, urepiace, iurnace, Duut-m conveni ences, bard surface in and paid, easy terms. tt . an . ,i . , , ... .J. A. ,T A XI CXV. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 100 X 200 $850 Neat 8 room cottage, with electric lights; good well and water tower; all kinds of young fruit coming into bearing; at Oswego; $250 cash. $15 of Commerce. ' ' ONLY $2400 for a good five room bungalow style house, modern with full basement and a full lot, only 2 blocks from the carline, close in, in the Brooklyn district on' 22d St., between Powell and Tibbetta sts., terms will be given on this. M. J. Cloheasy, 416 AbingwSn bldg. SIS ROOMS ALBERTA $2650 6 room thoroughly modern bouse, lot 50x100, in paved St., 1030 E. 15th st N. ; $300 cash. S26 monthly; street work all in and paid for. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. -WHY NOT BUILD! " Get an artisiie home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish the money- if desired. L. It. Bailey Co., Inc.. contracting architects. 924 N, W. Bank. FOR SALE Modern ! room house, full lot. at 827 N. Edison, and a modern 4 room house at 908 N. Willamette boulevard; will be sold on easy payment plan. Call 827 N. Edi son. St. Johns. No phone. COZYBUNGAL0W N earing completion ; owner will finSh to suit you and sell on easy terms. Office, 1280 Sandy nivn. Manor snzn. irpen Bunoays. 6 ROOM HOUSE $1000 This Dlsce is plastered, baa bath, toilet, m lispU end electric lights, convenient to car at Lents; $150 cash. $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., T32 Cham? of Com. FOR SALE by owner, a 5 room cottage bun galow, full basement and attic, 31st and Di vision sts. Terms reasonable. Possession after Feb. 6. Tabor 7896. FOR SALE- A good comfortable home with every convenience, 7 rooms. 1067 E. Broad way. To close an estats will sell for S3UUU. Terms. Tabor 6888. FOR BALE 4 room house, pat. toilet and sit.k in. on Mt Scott ear, Lents station ; price 675: term.. Particulars address A. W. Lin dell. CoL City, Or. FOR SALE $1600, S room plastered boose partly modern: 3 bearing fruit trees, large basement, electricity, and gas, cement sidewalk. Part cash. Wdln. 2944. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 room modern buiT galow, lot 50x100, Mt Tabor district: would consider auto as part payment or some land near Portland; Phone Sellwood 2533. Owner. 6 ROOMS, 'furnished complete, good location! " half Kl.w-W tA-KK WA,f U T K . cash, terras like rent on balance. Slain' 2558. Hletten' c Jones. 248 Stark St $67fr TERMS $575 ' ' 8 room lurose. lights., gsragc, T frttlt trees. aidewalk 48x100 lot, 4 blocks car. Mt Scott car Tremotit st station. 6226 Tlst st. 8. E. OWNER leaving city will sell 7 room bungalow modern except, furnace heat, full lot for $250 down, balance easy terms. Phone Tabor 7930. WANT A HOME WITH LOTS OF G ROUND r Then call Mr. Stowell, Sun. Tabor 6881, - It is a bargain on paved street J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. 4 ROOM house and 6 lota. Fulton Park." $2500" .100Keash" balance easy. . C. J. RoswelJ." 7 ROOM modern house, lot 86x100, for sala at a bargain, or $1000 equity trade on MODERN I room bongalow and furniture, view iw. jwiiwwTi vnomw cusincx. Close to ear . bV ' T . i, 1 lJ. .., 1 1 -. , MBu.c.M.m iHiuing, wiin gsraae aaoor slgB. v - - ' - - $ ROOM bungalow for aale on paved st CaH FOR SALE By owner. 4 room enodern house terms. Cot '665. FOR SALE 5 . room modern bungalow, near B.llwl . V 1 ana wm GOOD 6 room house well located, walkina diiZ 4$TBBUYS neat plastered eottaga. new roof"! worth $14T; clone in. 1479 Cast Ttek. SMALL bouse, close to carline. Will sell " on terms. 700 Dekum bldg. v , OSK 16x86 house for sale, $73. 826 S. MooiL . fait eve. Phone East 24 IT. 8 ' ROOifbouee. cheap, 1 blockfrom cr. Ta- por i. . lEVLNGTOX A dandy home at ' sane' Brkat Se owner. 537 ,Pittock plk. " .." T REAL ESTATE . FOB HALEHOLSES 41 ONLY $3500. .on 6th st.. one block from the . Lincoln high, I 4 Mocks from The Audi torium, very dose tor the business center. This as valuable property, the lot atone ie worth more than the price. There is a eixroom house on this lot; it is not new and modern but it has bath, toilet and all other inside city convenience, en a . paved street and a busi ness street at that. AB of yon who wish to lire clone in to the bosinesa district, on the best bueineaa street in Portland come and in quire about thia opportunity to get a place to live and at the same time ona which baa bet ter prospective value than anything to be found in the -city of Portland. . A eaah pay ment of $500 will handle this. The balance in monthly payments. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $1100 for a cozy 8 room cottage with two lote 100 feet off McKenna ate.; there is a bath and toilet in the house; it Is about four blocks from the St. Johns oarttne, right at tha point where tha big werks are, the Peninsula shipbuilSHng, lumber mills and Western Cooperage Co.. so therefore this property is situated close te an kinda of employment. Thia must be a eaah sale aa the property baa cost the present owner about $2000. II. J. Cloheasy, 419 Abington bldg. . ALBERTA DISTRICT. $3000 ASKED, easae an offer of $2800 and I think wa can deliver; 6 rooms, den. searing room, fall cement basement. wash trays, fur' nace. Easy terms.. We have any number of home in the Alberta district from $2100 op, and will be pleased to show you. It places you under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. Hun. -all Stowell. Tabor 6881. Sun. call Mr. Rock. Tabor 2975. $100 DOWN $10 MONTHLY Elegant one half acre tract with unfinished 8 room bungalow, cobblestone fireplace cost over $100. Pull concrete foundation and basement, 29 assorted bearing fruit trees, small barn, chick en house and yard, about $200 worth of improve ments will make -a $3000 home of. this. Tout price $1600. This is located on McCoy and Deaa avenues, Brentwood addition. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $200 CASH $200 Balance like rent. 4 rooms, good cement basement, ground 47x 120, about 8 good bearing fruit trees, sewer, gas, 100 ft. from car. Price 1100. - WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 208-&-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WOODLAWN HOUSE SNAP Very nice 7 room bouse, electricity, bath, ce ment basement, 2 fine lots, 100x100, with small house on either lot; will make good garage: 591 Highland St. near 14th; big snap at $2400; $300 -cash. $20 month. J. W. CRCSSI, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $ 2 1 0 0 WAVERLeigH HEIGHTS B room bungalow fireplace, gaa, electricity, concrete wall basement, good plumbing, laundry trays, lot 40x100. one block to car; $250 cash, easy terms on balance. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg., Marshall 4114. A-4118. THI8 IS A BARGAIN 6 ROOMS. MODERN, $2750; entrance hall, living room with fireplaoe, fine buffet in dining room, built-in kitchen, 2 bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch, full concrete basement. Boynton furnace. Urge lot BLAKE REALTY CO.. room 109, over Citixens' bank. Phone East 8592. Call Tabor 3583 evenings. FOR SALE Beautiful new 10 room bungalow, completely arranged for 2 families, all sepa rate; fireplace, oak floors, large built-in mir rors, paneled and beamed dining room, enamel kitchen and bathrooms elegant porches, hard surface, restricted district; east side; fine home with good income. Pay 10 per cent on invest ment. Terms, owner. R-990, Journal. w GOOD BUY 8 room home, good plumbing, basemenu electricity, gas, bearing fruit trees, fun sue lot, alley, street graded, sewer and sidewalks. Price $2550, $250 cash, balance terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4 118. ON the west side in the center of the industrial district, two houses, one of 9 and one of 3 rooms on s full lot; you can occupy one and get $25 a month for the other. This property Ja on, 28d st. N. The lot alone is worth more than the price asked; $4200 takes the whole thing, about one third cash is all you need. M. J. Cfobessy. 415 Abington bldg. FOR SALE By owner, extra good 7 room house, sleeping porch, bathroom, 3 halls and pantry, hardwood floors, cement basement floor, good furnace, laundry trays, fruit trees. 46 cup board and drawer built in, bookcase, window seat, garage, lot 64x100, street paved; terms. 526 E. 38th st. N. or phone Tsbor 6180. MONTAVILLA CAR. $2250 6-roora attractive home. Where the air is pure and the houses a' good dis tance apart 50x100 lot. Close to car. Mike offer as to terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main B83. Sun. Call Tabor 2075. SACRIFICE sale by owner, nobby 4 room brick house with bath and full cement basement. Right on Mt Tsbor carline. In first class neighborhood, with fine view. All improve ments in and paid for. Reasonable terms to right party. Price $2100. House No. 1786 Belmont st. near 69th. A SACRIFICE $1600 , Am leaving town, will sell my 4 room house with furniture, wood, etc., lot 60x170, chicken bouse, berry bushes and fruit trees; price $1600. some cash. Will be home Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Lowzow. 63d st. bet 66th and 67th ave. Take W-S car. NEWBERG Good 5 room house, bath and toilet, 100x100 lot near high school and col lege; several live industries in town; good place for msn with family desiring to locate in Ore gon: only $1500; $600 cash, easy terms. Gilson Realty Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR quick sale my home in Irvington district, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in conveniences, Dutch kitchen and linoleum, hot water heat, concrete garage. Only $4800. Phone Sunday only. East 6078. FOR SALE 4 room howe upper-Mississippi ' are.; lot 75x100; small fruits, trees, chicken house. Gaa and elec in house. $1600. Terms. J. S. Knauss, 416 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 3270. SAVE COMMINSSIONS 6 room cottage, electricity, bath, toilet, sink, sewer connected, hard surface street, side walks, curbs: 10 minutes business center, near school; $1200. Tabor 146. A SNAP 8 room house, convenient for 2 families, elec tric lights, gas and bath, for sale with or with out furniture, by owner. Call at 824 Second st, near Whit taker. 4 ROOM cottage, close in, lot 5 0 xTb 0 8 bear ing fruit trees; chickenhouse and run; hard surface street, paid. Will trade equity as first payment on 20 to 50 acres, some Improvements, or sacrifice for cash. Owner. R. H. Mills, 1120 East Main. - $3650 ROSE CITY BARGaTnT8650 1 story bungalow, close to carline, beautiful-hardwood floors, fine place, cement basement, furnace; easy terms to responsible party. East 1947. EQUITY in 5 room bungalow, furnished or un furnished, lot 85x100; lawn, fruit, winter's wood in basement 6330 50th st. S. E. Wood stock ear. ONLY $3300. in the Sunnyside district, on 34th st. between E. Stark and Belmont, $500 cash payment will handle this. M. J. Cloheasy, 415 Abington bldg. GOOD corner, 2 j houses, on Rodney are. Wlfl take auto or -Mberty bonds as part payment or trad for farm. Owner, L. A. Mills. 671 Rodney ave. East 4144. LEAVING CITY " ' My home for aale cheap, 5 room house, ga rage, lot 84x100. Price $1850. terms; also Ford car. 185 Wf Lombard. - 5 ROOM cottage "near "FrankUn-highT-; $2000" $500 cash, or trade $500 equity 1st payment close in. west side acreage. $713 54th at. S. E Tabor 8299. .Owner. MODERN 7 room house, well located. 1 v.l.i. from car, full lot. furnace, fireplace, built-in effects; Tme home; $3300, H cash. 207 Panama bldg, FOR SALE $850 or trade for acreage 3 roomed house. 2 lota, well fenced, choice fruit and bernos. on Mt Scptt line, Tremont Terms. OwneiW.TuttuV 495 Flint st ONE 4 room house, 1 block- from- carline"; fruit, cheap. One 4 room house, a lota! 3. blocks from carline, cheap. 5630 68th st. Get off atNaahville.67thave. NEW1, modem 6 roomedeungalow for aale or exchange, clear of indebtedness. Inouira 432 V East Washington st FOR SALE 7 room house and lot 262' East 16th st. 1 block north of Hawthorne car By owner. E-98B, Journal. , . BARGAIN from owner, 5 room cottage ' condition, $500 cash, bsi terms. Act 'quick TftboTT 2703a STJOHNS bargain, 4 rnpm modern banaalow furnished. $20 cashT bai. terms. 1117 Princeton, - 3 ROOM house with bath, gas. lot 40x100 Bargain for cash. Tabor 5727. 6828 85th art,'" Sa E. , SNAP : eay 5 room bungalow, splendid locality .uriagp fUTOt. vwurr, 1IDOE Q49H ROOM house. barn. - chicken , - . trees and 10 lota.1 cheap to close an estata. Cash or terms to suit. Tabor 4446. 6 ROOM house, 80x100, with Iota of fruit Mt Scott district, $1300. Easy terms. 801 LUMBER EXCHANGE MODERN 8 room bouse, fall basement, wash trays, near car, $2700. $400 cash, rent; yvjl xuq ph t-slalalT3s;. nun afi O OO, - MODERN 6-room home, restricted district! all , improvamenta m sad - paid. $4000,. terms, Tjrimore. Mam 2S58. 248 Stark St 150 CASH 5 room bouse. $2250: paved street. 9 Daid. vacant. s'ftO if,lri! . I Miss iUocomb. Main 7260. 624 tianry bid., SEAL ESTA1TS iOB. HALE HOUSES 1 OUR PHOTOGRAPHER ' Will take a picture of your, bom ' OUR SALESMAN Will appraise your property ALL FREE TO TOO If yon will Jet us sell your home Any place in city ' City Park St, Johns Laurelburst Sellwood-Irvingtan-AIbina -We aell them all Our salesmen are efficient They are hustlers - We have automobiles W spend money edverUsins ; v VK MAKE SALES ; I Call u id J. L. HAKTMAN coMPAN. NW T. Cham, oti torn. Diag., 4ta ana Stark.. Main 208. A.-Z03O. . TW SPECIAL HOME BARGAINS NO. l-TO CLOSE E8TATE Alameda park, $5000. Home . for$4250. $750 cub, bat. terms,, Two story 6 rotgria Bee. hall and sleeping " porch. Hardwood f 1.. firepL, bookcases, furnace, garage; fine loca tion surrounded by high class homes, fir trees in front and rear of house. An ideal home spot, a rare opportunity to get- in thia location for such a price and terms. NO. 2 BUNGALOW, DEN AND SUN PAR LOR Fireplace, bookcases, furnace, panel dining room, beam ceilings, beautiful lawn, east front, 49th st. X. near the, Alameda drive. Quick sale at $3350. $1000 cash, bat very easy. Call Mr Barr. Main 6967. wih Lueddemana Co.. 91 Chamber of Commence. I HAVE a six-room bouse, sleeping porch, three bedrooms, hardwood floors, 9-foot high full basement, furnace heat, electric lights, bath room, laundry trays in basement:' lot 50x100, 18-foot alley behind. This is out in Piedmont and one of the elassieet homes in the city. Sleeping porch has four double windows; recep tion hall, pantry screened in. One of the bestl constructed houses in the city. It would be worth your while to look this property up. Price $5000. $2000 cash, 6 per cent, interest - , CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. : 906 Swetland Bldg., Phone Main 7435 THE BANK offers for aale a new. substantial 7 room house with a full basement, cement walls. This house is modern and up to date in every respect. The lot is a full lot and atreeta paved surrounding it. This property is located on North 1 2th - st , between Failing nd Shaver. The bank offers it for sale for just its claim, which ie about one half or less thgsi jta true value. .$500 cash psyment is all that is required, the balance monthly payments. Here is a chance to buy a fine residence at a sacrifice, close in. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $1385 $185 cash, baL terms, buys 75xlOO lot, 5 room bouse, bath, toilet, gas, elec., graded etret, sidewalk, , some fruit $1800, $250 ceb, bal terms, buys '5 room furnished house, bath, toilet, gas, elec.,' 2 lots, all kinda of fruit; a real nap. $1300 buys a neat bttle 4 room cottage, corner lot, variety of fruit $2750 buys 7 room modern on 36th st. Dear Hawthorne. Some terms. See this. 4 rooms, bath, toilet, basement, full - lot $1100. Terms. HOUCK. IIP Tenth st MODERN home in E. 24th near R. C. car. in fine neighborhood, 7 rooms, full basement, furnace, wash trays, fireplace, built-in effects, best of plumbing, first elass light fixtures; all plate glass in living and dining rooms; large sleeping room on ground floor with full length mirror in door; a first class, well kept home, Dutch kitchen with water cooler, gaa water heater, in fact every convenience, and walking distance to business center, $5000. and good terms. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. i $1450 PENINSULA HOME $ 1450 Here is a 6 room bargain. Electric lights and gaa, white enamel plumbing. Large lot, 2 blocks from Fisk and Lombard. $200 win handle. We have 40O photographs of houses for sale in our office, all price, all terms, all parts of the city. Some real bargains. Autos at your service. See FRANK U McGUIRB, ABINGTON, BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. DONT MISS THIS 8 room house, concrete wall basement, bath, electricity, macadam street, corner lot, with sidewalks, all for $1500. $250 eaah. balance easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg., Marshall 4114. A-4 lib. EMERSON ST. HOUSE SNAP Good 6 room house, cement basement electric lights, good bath. 3 bedrooms, full lot 50x100: city liens all paid. Price, a snap, $2100; $600 crash and $20 per month. 508 Emerson near 10 th. Go look at it It is a good buy. J. W. GRU8SL 816 Board of Trade. Attain 7452. - $240 CASH $240 $1700 Ground 75x96, several nice bearing'' fruit trees, 5 rooms, bath, elec., gas, etc., 1 blk. from car. O. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2Q3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT. 549 E. 41st ST. $1600 4-honms. bath, electric liahts. aas: full 50x100 lot, with street improvements all m ana paid. Make your own terms. Richmond car to 41st, one and one-half blocks south. 3- A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 588. Stark, Between 3d and 4th Sts. $8150 VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME 83150 A real bargain. 8 room house, A-l condition, hot water heating system, electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing, 75x110 corner lot On E. 9th st, east of Piedmont Practically new carpeta go at this price. Verv easy terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Yonr Home. Main 1068. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. s $1800 4 rooms, all in fine sliape, good full cement basement H block from hard vkurface, $300 cash, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KENTON DISTRICT $1850. On Lombard st, we will show yon a good 5-room house, with garage and big lot 84x100 feet The lots alone cost $1500 6 years ago. If you can pay 1 500 down here is a snap. Coe A. McKenna A Co. Mais 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. WEST SIDE COTTAGE. $100 CASH Good 4 room plastered cottage, electricity, bath, 2 bedrooms, lot 46x116. 1001 Macadam near Bancroft ave. . Price $1200; $100 cash, balance 6 per cent A real snap. ' J. W. GRUSSL 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. BY OWNER Neat 5 room bungalow, shade and fruit trees, choice location, near carlines, beautiful park 4 blocks. Also other natural ad vantages which can readily be seen. All fur nished, ready to move in. Bargain for some one. Phone Wdln. 6852. ONLY $900 for a practically new S room cot tage with such conveniences as city water, gas. electric light, city school short distance from it On a 6e carfare, only one block from the atation. Half cash. Can yon beat itr si. j. uLUHLaai. a to aniauTua BDG. DANDY 5 room cottage, newly painted, double constructed, full basement and attic, wash tray, gaa and electricity, lot 50x100, 6 bear ing fruit trees; everything in first elass con dition. 1 block to ear. Price $2600, terms. Inquire 502 Buchanan bldg. SEVEN room house. Alberta, $2300, modern house. Laurethuntt $6500, 8 room 6 room house in Woodlawn, $1800. Cash and terms or trade for hotel or rooming nouse furniture, in Oregon or Washington. Owner, 484 Cl re in ont ave. KENTON room house, faring east, lot 50x100, 8 bearing fruit trees, Kenton car 2 blocka, St Johns ear 4 blocka; $900 eaah. or $1000 terms. Call evenings, Main 5950, room 823. COUNCIL CREST : New T room borne. Lot 60x11$. House woedd east about $$600 to build but circum stances compel sale. -Will take $8000. J. O. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewie Bldg. $2100 BUYS 6 -room bungalow, one block to Alberta ear. Homes like this Bsed to sell at $2600 when building was much cheaper. Terms. J, A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry.'Eich. Bldg. Main 688. Sun. Tabor 6881. MODERN. 6 room house, 8 nice larga airy bed rooms, closet in each, in good condition, cement basement lot 60xlOJ, east front, 1 block from car. Wdln. 2Q28. FOR SALE House, 6 rooms and sleeping ' perch. All modern. Cement basement, hot air furnace, 50x100 lot. garage. 4 blocks to 2 streetcar lines. A bargain. Wdln. 4587. ONLY $850 for a 5 room house eloae to Peninsula station. There are lots which go with the house; $800 cash is all yon need, terms. M. J. Cloheasy. 419 Abington bldg. - -MODERN 9 room bungalow, hardwood floorsT fireplace, - furnace, . built-in affects, paved streets. $3600. - Easy terma.' Tabor 1464 Sun daya and evenings. . ' - WILL sacrifice equity in nice 5 rooaa, mod era, full basement cottage. 60x100, nice yard, flowers and fruit. 401-Church. . NICE lot with 2 room shack, impiovemerfts paid, on 28th. near 3 carlines. $650. 989 E. 29th at Alberta. WANT to sell my equity in good modern bosne - on paved streets, corner lot, on carline, en west side. Tsbor 8678. i - EIGHT room atriotiy modern homo- in beat part 6f Laurelhurat, from envner. ,$5800. 150 Haselfern Place. Tabor $414., '1 FOR SALE 5 room house and lot 60x100. - Grapes, raspberries and bearing fruit tree. Wdln.- 4896.- SlCTE 3 room house, 60x100 lot: fruit trees. $760. Some terms. Tabor 867$. frtrwirn'L. nnn ." t - . iX XAJUBW col. S0ft-T iewi bldg. SEAL ESTATE FOB, SALE HOUSES 1 . YOU OWE"lfTOYOrRFAMILY TO OWN YOUR HOME. Ifcm't say you can't afford to buy a home because you haven't enough to make your first - I WILL' HELP YOtT MAKE TOTJB FIRST PAYMENT. if necessary. Do you know that we hava ovar auu pnotograpns in our"-office el noswes we hava to sell. . Some for $200 to $30U down, all - prices, all terms, all carts of tha, city. Many modern attractive bungalows. Come in and look oyer the photographs before you buy 7 experienced real estate salesmen with autoa to show you homes. - Start the new year right stop paying rent on a house that xaay be' sold any aay. iiuy a noma. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. 2 r To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $550 3-room on lot 50x100. half cash. $2500 3-rooBi close in, $200 cash, baL like rent ' $1600 4, rooms, lot 50x100, $400 eaah. 2000 5 rooms, lot 84x110, $20O cash. $8O00 5 rooms in Fremont at, SSOO cash. tlS0 8 roomi, lot 75xUO, $400 caSB. 82200S rooms. lot 60x100. 820t cash. $1850 6 roomi, lot 60x100. $200 cash. $26503 roonu. lot 60x100. $650 cash. $2600- 8 rooms, 4 9 T, Sumner at, S. K., $500 cash. $6500 8 rooms. 244 Alberta at, $304)0 cash. . HEADQUARTERS FOR EXCHANGES. I WILL. HELP YOU MAKE FIRST PAYMENT JOHN BROWN. S24 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331 $1400 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $TT0O Here Is a B room modern bungalow in A-l condition, being newly paisited end tinted throughout; haa electric lights and gas; white enamel plumbing; large living room., dining room, kitchen and . one bedroom down stairs combination sleeping " porch and bedroom up stair. This is. a rest good bargain. $375 will handle, balance $15 per month. No. 5803 f9th avenue, 1 blocka to Woodstock car. See To Buy Your Home. Main 10. Look This Over Have nice newly furnished 4 room- house and garage,, only 2 blocks from car, oo ft from Foster road, 2 corner lots, size 40x165, 2 blocks from largest school in Portland. Sell for $1600 on terms or $1350 cash. This is cer tainly the best buy in town. Seeing i believing. Call after 1 o. m. Sunday. 5924 5th st. cor. 60th ave. Take Mt Scott car to 95th st Deal direct with owner or call Monday, 12S 1st, near Alder. 82200 -"BY MONDAY NIGHT" $2200 I appraised over 1000 houses last year and I know a bargain when I see it This bouse will be sold by Monday night. Act quickly. 55x100 corner lot, 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, gas, white enamel plumbing, 3 blocks to car, 6 to Jefferson nign, close to library, pars, etc Can arrange terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Tour Hon. Main 5156, Main 1068. Offioe Opea Evening? and Sundays ON ACRE TRACT Ideal suburban home: fruit and berries. 6 rooms and Sleeping porch, fireplace, laundry trays, modern bath, big kitchen, attic, chicken house, sow barn and garage. Grounds in fine condition. Gas. water, elecfne lichts. Price $4200. half , cash. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. No. t Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th ana sura. Main 298. A-ooo. '. HOME BARGAIN. ' 6 -room up-to-date bouse, with all modern fea tures, such as furnace, fireplace, buffet, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, wash trays, etc, double constructed throughout, tin a beautiful corner lot with some fruit, roses, street paved and paid, in choice residence district a regular $5000 home for $4000. $800 to $500 cash, balance to suit R. M. GATE WOOD Sc. CO., 165 Vi 4th St NEAT COUNTRY BUNGALOW. ONE ACRE OF GROUND. 6 rooms, bath, good floored attic, wash trays. wood lift, etc, garage, 2 chicken houses, lawn, young fruit trees, all fenced and cross-fenced, all in cultivation, on hard-surface road, for $2800, some snap. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $750 SMALL HOME BARGAIN $750 $100 DOWN Here is a good, substantial little home with 2 rooms and an attic Large living room 12x 14. kitchen with aink and gas; patent toilet: immediate possession. K. 88th street near Raymond. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ToBuv Your Home. - Main 1068. BEAUTIFUL Rose City bungalow, very attrac tive and well built: has fine large buffet. fireplace, furnace. Convenient kitchen, oak floors, large light pleasant rooms, old ivory and white enamel finish, garage, 50x100 lot; if you want a first class bungalow, aee this one; $4000, (1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N.W. Bank bldg. $3750 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3756 If you are looking for a real bungalow in Hawthorne district see this $4500 very modern attractive bungalow, reduced to SaioO. Ownet leaving city. On Glenn ave., near Hawthorne. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Very large, stoutly built dilapidated building. enough material in it for more than two houses. large corner lot Building was formerly used as a small manufacturing plant Located in Fulton, on the west side. Price $1200. Fred, W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. . HAWTHORNE CAR $1850. Here is a mighty good bargain; A 5-room cottage, with bath and basement street paved sewer in and all paid. Remember this is in Hawthorne. You need pay Us only $250 down. Coe A. McKenna A Co. M. 4522. 82 4th st Board of Trade bldg. HAVE YOU A FORD Good 6 room house, new, and H acre all in berries, right close to good auto roads, paved right in business center. 20 minutes out Place cut H. C. of L. in half. Room for chickens and cow. $1950. $300 cash, balance "rent Tabor 771H. Hawthorne District Snap $250 down and $15 per month buys splendid 8 room house ana lovely highly improved lot Price $2000. Rents for $20. Worth $3500. A twher, . WITH BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. INVESTMENT 9 room house. 4 upstairs and 5 down; rented separately; bath and toilet on each floor; street paved and paid; sewers in and paid. 15 minutes from old P. O. Never vacant Will be sola so that rent will pay for the place in o years, flouo will handle. F-883. Journal. ST. JOHNS COTTAGE. $250 CASH 6 room cottage on fine large lot, 46x191, paved street and liens all paid, 414 Fessenden st near Gilbert; price 81600; $250 cash and $15 per month, 6 per cent J. W. GEUSSI. 816 Board of Trad. Main T4S2. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room house with garage, oak flqers, large living room, fireplace, furnace, builths buffet, paved street; a strictly modern home; $4800; possession at once. F. Vandoyn, 615 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. - House and Lot, $675 $125 down. $15 month. Lovely lot, founda tion in for larger house. Sidewalks in. Make good home. Close to 18th and Alberta. Snap. ABSHER. WITH GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLD. GOOD clean 5 room house, electricity, gaa, hard . surfaced streets, full lot, fine fruit trees, small bam. Can be bought direct from owner for less than $2000. Couple hundred down. Bal ance easy terms. 870' E. 11th N bet Mason and Shaver. 5 ROOM bungalow and sleeping porch in the Hawthorne district; modern in every respect; fine lawn: street improvements sQ in and paid, Terma, $1500 cash, balance like rent J. C OORBIN CO.. 300-6-7 Lewis bldg. LOOK at 104 E. 27th st, there you win find a new 8 room house, modern with full ce ment basement: this property can be bought for a great deal lesa than ita true value. M. J. Cloheasy, 416 Abington bldg. ST. JOHNS. Modern 4 room bungalow. Base ment and laundry trays, lot 50x100. Price $1660. Cash. $250; balance. $20 per month, which includes interest Address 127 8, Olym pia, Portland. Or. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW East 41st st, strictly modern 8 room bunga low. Extra fine finish. $3500. Reasonable terms. J. & CORBIN CO., $06-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $950 KENTON BUNGALOW-COTTAGE 4 room plastered cottage, eiaetriq lights and gas; neat little home; terma. See FRANK U M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDt,. To Bay Tow Home. " Main 1063. S ROOM bouse: rooms all large and, airy; tla ished to suit yon; 2 50x100 foot lots; good district: small amount of cash will handle. Good auto taken as part payment Z-669. Journal, SMALL bouse and lot fr-e of incumbrances, oa paved street, at $1700. and 3 vacant lots, $800 equity, for sale vr exenauge tor large- House.- xl-78o, Journal. SACRIFICE Owing to death, 6 room modern house and full lot furnished or unfurnished; $500 to $1000 cash and terms. See A.-M. Searle. 1924 E. Glisan at , i ' "Z. OWN YOUR OWN HOME " Bungalows and homes for everybody in ' Ir yington, from $3000. East 373. Herdmaa. LET" me hear from someone who wants a com - fortable.home in South Portland; reasonable. H-954. Journal. FOB SALE LOTS 1$ LOT for aale. 50x100. worth $1000; will sell $500. half priee. Q-985. JonrnaL WILL sacrifice my 33 lots close iu for $3300, i.-uuv easn. nai. tenma. x-, journal. FREE and clear, 40 house equity or lots. acres. , unimproved, for Owner, Y-856, Journal, 3 RIVER view lots. Vancouver; 1 lot Kenton. Sell or trade for good roadster. Wdln. 5128. 8 LOTS,, $2000, good district; auto taken as part payment. Journal. BEAL ESTATE MALE LOTS 1$ HAVE A-l first mortgage, email amount, $125, seen red by four lota, in city of Portland. It's due but owner wants extension six months, ac count aicknfaa. . Do not want to foreclose, but really Band money myself. Will make it worth yonr time to take it, Answer .quick. 8-790, Journal. - - FOR SALE -At bargain, lot in Alameda Park. or will trade fox groceries, stock, and fixtures. Woodlawn 179$. Maude Clark. 783 M Wil liams ave. ' . FINE reaidenee lot. all Improvements in, re stricted district, closa in. 100 feet from ear; surrounded by good homes. Price is right Call evenings. SeO. 2252.' SEVEN lots for aale cheap. - out from ira . waukie; 10 min. walk from carline. Plume Tabor 6858. 656 Eaat 68th stN. HAVE clear lot. West Moreland. and cash for good home to $3000. SOI LUMBER EXCHANGE $600 Fine bldg. lot. 48dnear Clinton : tetma. Take Liberty bonds. Owner. 2606 E. 43d n. jsoor Bsei, FOR -SALE at sacrifice, my equity in a $500 resiaence lot lor aaoerty Boutin. .No able offer refused. Phone Tsbor 7103. ACREAGE 7 . ACRE at Clackamas, good buildings. $1$00; easy terms. " acre at Oak Grove;- modern bungalow, wa ter system; $$600: terms. 1 acre at Metsger station. 2 room boose. $$00; terras. 1 acre at Aloha station. 5 room bungalow, city j water, $1600; terms. 2"l-6 acres, Oregon City car line, fine set of buildings,, cow, chickens, etc., $2900; terms. 8 acres, Oregon City ear line, modern 5 room, gas. water system, $4500; terma 3 ri acres, Greenburg station, all in eultivav tioo, full aet of buildings, only $2500. 5 acres 1 mile from Eagle Creek, no build ings, $300. $ acres near Roekwood station, modern 5 room house, 3 acres in cultivation, $3300; terms, 5 acres close to Base line road, all in cultiva- tion, no buildings, $1500. 8 acres near Sifton, all in, cultivation, buildings $1350; easy terms. 10 acres near New berg, good buildings, 6 acres , in cultivation, $3000; terras. 10 acres near Middleton, buildings, 4 acres in - ' cultivation. $2100; terms. "$2000 mile from Newber i" cultivation. 10 acres Section line road, 8 acres in cultiva tion. S3MIO 11 acres near Yamhill, 6 acres in cultivation, good buildings, 6 cows, bone, all farm m- . vnmciiu, omy aiuau. 28 H acres near Monmontb, 15 acres in culti ration, very rich bottom land, fully equip ped. $5000; terms. 27 acres 8 miles Portland courthouse, $2200. JOHN E. HOWARD, Sltt Chamber of Commerce. YOUR CHANCE FOR CHEAP LAND SO acres 4 miles of Forest Grove. Some cleared, some good timber, fine stream, house, good barn, chicken house, spring water piped "ouw ana earn. per acre. 8000 down. 160 aorta, 3 miles of Gales Creek, church, store and R. R. Old building, living water, 12 acres in cultivation. $250O cash. 45- acres, mile to Burton. 20 id cultiva tion, bottom. House, barn, orchard, running water. $2250. V, cash. 463 acres. 16 miles of Vancouver. Wash., $6 par acre. Some terms. 650; acres, 85 in cultivation, all kinds of buildinffa fanj.A.1 aim..).... , i . , soma. timber. 22 miles of Portland. $40 per K1B8, BOB SPALDING BLDG. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME OR SANITARIUM . Seven acres on high bank of Clackamas river, with aeveral buildings of different kinds kuu sizes, garages, cnicaen nouses with runs, watjtv vrirwut faim a mim . V... II .1 ; . a ------ . -i.". - ., . ,ua iniuuuti iwu different places on tha premises, an all-year "muw mineral spring, snruoDery and ahaue trees and an ideal place for swimming snd a good plaoe for fishing. This place cost the nama nnlv a fn n aoA rtt i . is now offered for only $7500. This ought to vym u you. E. A. LINDGHEN. -Savon Land Co.. 985 N. W. Bank bldg. DO you want a garden proposition f We have 7 Vi acres, all in cultivation, 8 to 5 acres of which are genuine BEAVERDAM, ail fenced, well located, close in to Beaverton. It has no buuaiaga. our price la below actual value considerably, $2500. , Abother baraain. An attrartlva A mm iinnaa well-built a woodshed and chicken house, good weu, in aooa sou, a nice garden spot In culti vation, enough good wood for your own use for vwo years at least, two acres in the place. 3 minutes to station. Price $1400. Terms if you want them. Tucker A Shreek. 1102 N' W Rank uiua. main qui niKE JsJ-what you are looking for. A modern Dungaiow, urge 11 ring room, bedroom, dining room, built-in kitchen, sleeping porch screened in, bath and toilet Of cravi mialitv nlntnhin. . for cooking and lights. 8 and one third acres of ne very lineal 5 sou, a good garage, woodshed and. barn. 20 wall selected fruit trees jet in bearing, all kinds of berries, roaea and ahmha a neat bttle, up to date home, well located near neavenou, near station and school, on a good road. Price $2750. Wa don't ni r tti tuav it, a a Bargain. l erma. 'tucker ok tsoreck. nua w. w. Bank bldg. Main 881. CHEAP Af!RKArtll! 6 acres $250; $10 down, $5 per month, buys o acra oi iana Between i'ortiana and Gentralia, on - the main line of 8 railrnada. 1 U to 3 u. miles from good little town: aawmilla and lmrs-inr cMiia m immeaiais vicimry. Borne -or tnu land is partly cleared. Running stream; some bot tom land, some bench. Thia acreage priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want BELL READ ESTATE CO., 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres, all In cultivation, 7 room house, chicken house, barn buildings new, dose to paved highway, $3500. 20 acres, 1.7 acres in cultivation, 8 room house (new), bsrn, chicken house, beat of soil and ideal home, $6000. 6 acres, good 7 room house, barn, chicken house, a very nice home, $3000. 1 acre, 7 room house, modern, in town; wood house, barn, chicken house, fruit; a very com fortable home: $2500. A number of small snd large farm for sale, reasonable, close in. kjoii or write j. . eanosness, usnby. Or, SNAP 4 acres. 83 lots, half in eitv llmita. half outside, about 5 miles from court house, gowd team, cow, 8 brood sows, 2 wagons, harness, plow, about 100 bushels good corn, 50 sacks, seed potatoes; place is fenced, has running water; ideal truck or fruit land; for quick sale price $3500. $2100 cash. baL 5 years at 6. E-087, Journal. 87 ACRES near Gresham. Good soil and creek. Price $900. va limn t axiey roaa, mostly in cultivation, nicely located, near atation, $2500. ft airna nn HmIJmi Tin. wA . n . ... terms. krttvtii a Trr.irTvriTOv r,. 8 ACRES, within the city limits ol Reevertoi in good state of colt 3 room house with fins cement basement, small barn, good welt tuea, x ciocx on new highway. Prioa $1600. We can sell for a small payment down and month It vjavninta Tnlrav av Gl,.uk N. W. Bank bldg. Main 881. FOB SALE H sere, 4 room nouse. chicken of berries, $50 gas range, linoleum,- IS minutes - - mwimv lib, x yj minuxes walk from station; prioa $170O, $700 cash. w am, a ft mi. mu slain 949s OA 1 -,- X C. A . . . .' SO ACRES 8 miles west of Wiilamina, OrTTon main road to Tillamook; good spring, about ciuuuni, oaianca paature and good timber; plenty of ship knees. Price $1200; tMTH. A ff I ti fS Ht.,.n... XTI11 I Oregon. TEN seres, on good road, 10 miles from Portland:- S acres clear. balanca aaaii cleared; mile from Oregon Electric and store; 5 room house, large bam and chicken house. Price $5000. Bee owner, 221 12th st 9 ACRES, all under plow, running water. tiled, on macadam road. 6 miles (mm Port land. Price $2700. easy terms; will take Liberty bonds at face value. Address Archie Pike. Beaverton. Jjr. - 8 ACRES $400 cash, balance terms; S room bouse, barn, outbuildings, bearisw nrhari. small fruit, water to irrigate, clever meadow, all fenced. Mary Fry, Scappoose. Or. SALE or exchange. 6 acres, improved; house. barn, fruit, running water, aas. telenhone. electric, sidewalk front St. Marys to place; on easy Aerms, by owner. 470 Shaver st. . FOR SALE or rent 10 acres improved. 10 miles from Portland, 40 fruit trees, noose, barn; creek, good well water. E. O. Holcomb. 1Z19 Holgate st p. is., near 41st WS. car. T2 ACRES, no rock; house. wn7loa to e lac trie station, school, store, chnenh mat. office, employment Ysmhlll count; $1375. la ja'oown. u. Marsiers, avg. jtoard of Trade. FOB, SALE 2 acres cleared, near carline, just outside of city limits, sidewalks and water to place, $809. terms. Land across road selling for $250 a lot. 8501 8 st Vancouver. Wash. 40 ACRES unimproved, near Bull Run P, O.. at a bargain. Address MUirankie, Or.,- Route 1. Bog S17. WANT to rent acreage with house, on paved road, not over 10 miles from city, liard man, 1111 E. Washington at 6-ACRE SNAP 5 acres, all in cultivation. 1 i miles from Hillsboro. $700 cash. Layman. 147 Park sc. 10 ACRES, house, barn, other buildinaa. feneea!! 18 miles east; , $2590. terms. Tabor 6734. Owner. ACRES fine garden land near electrie station, aehooL store, church, post office, employment: $$76. terms, W. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 10 ACRES, near Newberg, all in cultivation, nroning water. 2 acres of berries, W. E Mosby. Wheeldon Annex. eHy. :. 3 ACRES for a home, on ear line, 25 minutes eat, btuldings, running stream alt year: $1600: easy payments. H-868, Journal, r 5 ACRES smimproved, 4 miles cast of Gresham. Tabor 4440. 6ACRE8. paid $1200; wilt tske $S5 cash"or good auto, atoont 4. 128 stain at, - REAL ESTATE ACREAGE $7 . ACREAGE, 3V acres, 5 nuiee west of court house; room Bouse, harn and. sarare. S hen hoos paved road. 70 fruit trees, $3500, $3000 cask. 15 acres. 6-room house, nice white bungalow. all under estivation. 14 In lies to town wast of Portland, on Hill-boro road: bam ami chicken Houses; price $4730, .$2500 cash. 4 acres. 4 mites east of Gresham. $700, $506 cash; in good neighborhood, Bails school ; no buildings, lu acrea. 2 bloeka from Barton atation : 6 room boose, barn, good soil. 4 acres in culti vation- asnoa csoo n,,h 5 seres, unimproved but very choice. Bell. rose station $2600, half cash. . - 5 acrea, Bellroae station ; 6-room house, out bnlldings, half acre orchard. 6 acrea. Aa mi la from Davtoa: one acre good onion land. 6-room house, garage, chicken houses, good barn: $300. terms. . 160 seres. 5 seres cleared. IS acres in grass. 6-room lma snd barn, some f ruit. one mile to vcbool; $1400, half cash; 6 miles front Reed. Oregon, Lane county. t0 acres, 25 , acres in cultivation. 3 living springs, 75 acrea can be-cultivated ; No. 1 land, easily cleared, some fruit trees r $S5OO,,$160O cash; 8 miles from tape Horn. Wash. 20 acres, water frontage, Yakima bayt indus trial Dronertr or subdivision: $4000. terms. 2 . seres, 4 mile from Albany, Oregon ; all fenced, B-room house ; good well. - barn and out buildings; au plowed; 129S, naif oasn. . 5 acres. 1 W miles from Newberg and Dundee. Oregon: 5 room house: woven wire fence; well 22 feet deep, 3 acres orchard, including 25 extra fine Royal Anne twelve-year-old berries,; land lays well, no rock; price sieuo, terms. 10 acres. Middleton station: 4 acrea pare beeverdam land, 8 acres plowed, fine well of wajer. $2650. $1650 cash. 10 acres, all clear, 4-room house, near, True tore: $2500. half eaah. 1 acre, fine garden land. SS English walnuts. 4 years old; out near Plate Ice at coal company; S20O0. S300 cash. 10 acres, 8H miles sooth of Salem; 8 acres loganberries, all wired and ready to be trained; good well but no buildings; $2650, $1400 cash. 6 acres 44 miles east of Trees station on Ore gon Electric; some' beaverdam land, 75 trees fsmily orchard, all aorta of small fruit, new he.rn and colony chicken houses, well and pump, 4-room boose; price 84SOO, S2IOO easn. 5 acres. .4 M under cultivation. 2 -room shack level land, blaek sod, good for garden, small barn; price $850, $800 mortgage, $550 cash; one-half mile from Borina. 21 acres. 8 miles from Vancouver. Washing ton; all under cultivation; no buildings; half mile of Deer station on electric railway; price saooo. I8UO easn. 80 acres walnut land, above Fruitdsle." adjoin ing the city of Grants Pass. Oregon: ideal home- site and above the frost line; red loam virgin sou, good, for - English walnuts and --flaming Tokay grapes; price $1000. $600 rash. 10 acres, 4 miles from court house on Beaver ton road; small house, half mile north of S hat tuck station. This is in neighborhood of ex clusive country homes, not over three blocks -from the Wilcox country hornet priee $1800 an aore, half easn. . , "J, v. , , a.n. ,-mu v II 7 acres in field. 6 acres prunes, 80 apples and some email berries, 1 mile from DiHy, Ore., or 3 miles from Forest Grove, Ore. Price $4200, 12400. easn. CLACDE G. WATSON REALTY COMPANT, 506 Swetland Bldg Main 7435. $500 CASH , 10 ACRES 10 acre special at Barton station. Esteeada line.. I advertised thia last Snndar at 82000. half cash, but I have- made arrangements to sell these 10 acres for $000 cash, assume $1000 on mortgage and take a second mortgage of $500. This is 10 acres located two blocks from Barton station. Fsre is 55e from Portlend. Good atuo road all the way out if you wish to drive UP by auto. Thia land is not all level. There are four acres now under cultivation, 6 acrea have stumps snd brush, but lots of good grass. I consider this an unusual buy for yea -could not build the 6 room house, 3 rooms upstairs snd half concrete basement that is on tins place for less than $2000. There is also a : nice barn and a well on back pdreh, young orchard and other improvements; -in fact everything is here for a home. The location is unususlly good, only two blocks from electric station. and it only takes $500 eash to handle. 3t is an ideal chicken ranch in fact a good investment snd with a little work this place shonld sell for $3 500. but for quick ssle $2000, 8500 caxh. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY COMPANY, 600 Swetland bldg.. Main 7435. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCHT 70 acres, not far from Sheridan: running wa ter, fine soil, - part cultivated, some fine saw timber, lots of grass tor stoes; price cut to 82500. small navment down, balance to suit 6 per cent. Sea Wood Realty Co., S Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE 1 V, acres, or more. 4-room house. gas, orchard, berries, rich black soil, all in cultivation; liuoer atation. .Bargain at esvvu. H cash. A. C. Chinn, Beaverton, Or. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7$ 5 U ACRES, all in cultivation, paved road, neat 6e carline, good large barn, water, gas, elec tric lights, $4500: gooA terms. . 5 seres, improved, ff-room house, 2 bsrn, garage, paved road. 3 M acres bearing fruit, 5 miles courthouse, $3500; terms. 10 seres, 5 seres improved, bslsnee pasture, near Clackamas river snd near Clackamas eta.; paved road. $3200; terms.. 5 cres, 4 acres improved; small house, bsrn. well water at railway station. $1100; easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 1 65 H 4tn st ADJOINING townsite Oregon City, 140 acres best farm in Oregon. Snap for platting. M B79, Journal. 8TJBTTRBAW HOMER 7t ONLY $3700 for one big acre of land, no prettier acre in all of Multnomah county, on a hard surface street There is practically a new 6 room house with such eonvenieneea aa city water, gas, electric light in tha house. There is a barn and a garage on the place, chickenhouse and a large variety of fruit in full bearing. It is close to a new city school and on a 6c carfare. , $500 eaah with easy monthly paymenta will provide any person with a home in which the land alone will supply more then half the living and at the same time you have all tha city eonvenieneea.' M. J, CLOHESSY. 41Q Abtngton bldg. ON the Columbia highway, no mora com manding view of tha Columbia river than this affords. Here is a good, substantial 6 room house with & acre of Una. abundance of fruit in full bearing; barn, chickenhouse, wood-U Virl m.nin, K.t., inlA .Via hiaiM- am ' paved highway, close to the electric carline, close to the O-W. B. ft U, depot, close to school, churches and stores. Right at Trout dale. The house is mostly furnished. Take the whole thing for $1000. All yon need is $200. M. J. CLOHESST. 416 ABINGTON BLDG. ON LY $5250 for the finest suburban home on the carline and 3 'blocks from the station.' With tliis home goes 2 acres . of the most highly improved land with oceans of fruit of standard variety, all in foil bearing. It haa its own water system and on a paved street almost to the gate. The land lies the moat favorably of any Oak Grove. This- place has cost the present owner almost - $10,000; $2000 eash down, S years' time on the balance. This place will pay for itself if the right party buys it M. J. CLOHEHS Y,4 1 5ABINOTON BLDG. ONLY-$4500 for the most perfect up-to-date suburban . home, right on ytha carline. The house alone cost mora- than the pries asked. These is one acre of land, firstcUas, with chick enhouse and parka, a larga . variety of email and large fruit in full bearing. The owner is obliged to sell this place , at loss on account of leaving the city. It is on the Oregon City carline: $2000 eaah ia all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY. 416 Abington Bldg. ONLY $4000 for a 6 room up-to-date bunga low with one big acre of land, highly Im proved with all kinda of fruit in fall bearing. This place ia on paved street and dose to a carline. close to schools and churches. It is a corner acre; the house contains all modem con veniences. It. I. CLOHESSY, 416 Abington bldg. IF YOU WANT a suburban home of one acre to five, aloes in to the business center of Portland, All of them on s good carline, .close to schools and on paved streets, for prices ranging from $1000 no to $6000. we can supply you and give you easy terms of payment Our list of tnese properties is very large ana varied. M. J. CLOHESSY, 4 1 5 ABINGTON ONLY $2400 Almost of an sera highly ira proved. full bearing fruit, lots of it On this land is a very good four-room house with bath. toilet, electric light, gaa and city water. It is cioje to toe oara-eurtace street: gaiH! easn as all you need. M. 1. CLOHESSY, 416, ABING- TON BUWi. SPECIAL CHANCE - Haif acre, good 6 room plastered house, plaoe fenced, on hard surfaced road, city water, gaa. etc A bargain. Going at $1100. ' GILSON REALTY CO.. 481 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $1200 for one- acre of land, no richer in Oregon. - This land lies on the paved higb wav. there ia a comfortable rive-room bouse, aas and electric -light, water in the boose, half eash will bur this place. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BU $1800 BIG SACRIFICE" - " 4 room plastered house, . , sere.' iust out side city on good carline; exist: owner $2500. Give terras. - ' . - -. -. ASEKWJI, QUt OWVX EL Diag. - fll. SSBg. will'LeaSe" Close in suburban home, or might be induced to bur if properly approached; must be at least 6 room house. 0-878, Journal 8 ACRES on paved road, gool boose and bam. all cultivated. . near Portland, for improved land or city property. $2 OOO. 717 Board of Trade. . - . . . SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS STOCK RANCH FOR SALE "T Excellent ranch of 1896 seres, in the well known Umpqua valley, in floothem Oregon, where elimata ia moderate nd winter la mild.' Thia is an attractive Brooertr. mostly cleared land, with some good scattering oak and fir Usa ner. it st situs tad on the Paetue nigway close to a guod town on the Southern Pacific railroad. The buildings are sufficient and in good condi tion. The property ia well fenced and there is plenty of water. ' About M of the property is tillable and there is sufficient now in cultiva tion to produce all the feed necessary. This place could also b conveniently subdivided Into smsller holdings, It would make twe or three good stock raachea. For furthet particulars write to i WM. MaeM ASTER. 831 TT. S. Nsfl Bsnk Bldg., Portland. Or. ALFALFA AND HOGS SURE WINNERS 49 acres, 25 acrea in alfalfa paid aw water right nice bungalow, bam and chicken house ; all electric, lighted; 1 miles to good town, 2 railroads, high school and creamery. Can aell this at a sacrifice price of $4000; one hksf cash, balance $ years. If you sea it you will surely buy it Sea Mr. Rich mond. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 809 Oak st 5 ACRES. H mile of town, good road; S acrea in cultivation, balance ash timber and pasture. norm wire lenees, no nidge., O0 trms. 4 acrea, 1 mila of town. 1 acre cultivated, remainder slashed, small house and. poultry auuse; woven wive xences, souu : Terms. 5 acres, close to town, good roeM. 1 U acres cultivated. 4 room honee, good well, barn, poultry house; price $1100; terms. 1 1 acres near town, a fine place for a chicken rmiu-ni sues spruag; oidga., on publte roaa, SUDO Terms. 20 acrea. 1 9 na !i.Hu In fall .taa balance timber and pasture, good buildings; price $3000. -Have some larger ranches In the same locality. George Morse. $09 Chsm. of Com. ' AN CXCSCAL BARGAIN 777 -acres, 600 ready to plow, comfortable house, 7 rooms, 3 baraa and set of ootbuildlnrs, all fenced, 600 acres with woven wire, all the very oesx or son 1 1 million feet A-l timber; located in tig best part of the Willamette val ley, on good road, near school. 4 miles from good town, in a deairabla neiahbnrbonil. Wa offer this place subject to prior sale for $80,000. one uuiq caan. Da lance to suit at per cent vb us give yon tun particular at once. TUCKER as SHRECK. - 1103 Northwestern Bank bldg. Mahs 881. EIGHTY A.. 13 cultivated. 1 V mi. from. ta- . . springs water yearly; nouse and barn, plenty outrange. $900 - cash, assume $400 mtge. a A. rtver bottom, all in cultivation. V, mi. from station, a dandy S room, late model bungalow. $60O eaah - or Ford ear and $800 eaah..- These places are in Lincoln county.' 26 H A. 1 mL from MobUla and 1 block from ' sta tion ; 3 daily trains in and out of Portland, rn rock road. Price $2800, good terma;- all Ibis land will grow loganberries. 683 Savier st be tween-min ana ivtn sts. - STOCK RANCH 1000 acres, Douglas county. 90 per cent till able land. 600 acres haa been cultivated, all fenced and cross feneed, good 7 room bouse, barns, large absep barn, well watered with creek and springs, some timber and dotted with large oaks, located on railroad and Pacific highway. Thia ranch fine for sheep, wheat and stock. Two miles from station. Only $80 per acre. Terms to suit Sea Wood Realty Co., 8 Chamber of CL08B IN FIVE1 ACHE TRACT, 1 II I LB --SOUTH OF TOBIAS ON S. P? ELECTRIC Splendid S acre tract, about 3 acres in cul tivation, very large creek throng the place. 4 room bungalow with fireplace and sleeping Porch, small 3 story nam, very large chicken bouse, good well. Priee $2850.. $500 cash, balance to suit This place has cost ever $8800 ana s a wonaenui Buy. jrred w. Oerman Gev. ia- Hamper oi commerce. $28,000 RANCH FOR lla nnn Located - in .Clarke county, .Washington, 1 0 miles from Vancouver, 1 44 miles from - Brush Prairie on stage road; 160 acres, 60 acrea in cultivation, balance easily cleared; first . class soil, no gravel, large 6 room house, barn. gran, ary. -brick smoke house and all neceassry out buildings -2 wells, 1$ to 20 seres of swsil land. This place actually aold for $28,009 6 years ago, 000 cash will handle. Fred W. German Co., nmm '.H.BIDW ,11 0HnlSrce. FINE FARM NKAU PMHTT A vn 12$ awrea within 80 miles of Portland. aA JoJning station, all finest bottom land. rich oam sou, HU acres in cultivation; balance turd for pasture. Good house, bam, machine shed, silo and other buildings, fruit and berries. Stocked and eonioned. rnanln, (., rma i Price $18,000; good terms. Would take in house to $4 OOO. Lueddemann Company, 918 Chamber vs vum innrt, "UVV ' YTS ' u7at t& a titrCJ wrsswaawamaus Ws Rat aa amna.Il mawaaua.. J a. ia. -a f M g rancbtss. In hib Ute of r-jlUraUon and on mid WumAm I . - 1 , , , . - w rmuroM rawis, wmcn we can sen on small eaah paymenta and. easy terma W.4a M ... , , , , iK " . isrra ana gina you wun eko buy, 6918 aYli:C" 205 Corbett blit- W; tor 15 acres, 1 miles north Hillsboro, rock road, fi acrea cleared, bal ance stump peatnre. 4 room plastered house, 5V. 24lft raU,ld-: 'will consider trade for w acres. x-nce VBOUO. Also 10 ' nn" soutnessT. riiuaboro, B acres cleared, small box house, well and woodhoose; on county, road. Price $2000; will .take auto iint payment. i ax. yiarg, MlUsboro, It, 1. 14 ACRES, 10 acres cleared, good house and bsrn, 60 bearing fruit trees, . horse, wagon enu single ouggy, cows, x neifer a year old, chickens, sow, 8 hogs. DeLavel cream separator, plow, narrow, cultivator and other small imple ments, 1 mile from good town, church snd high school, on good graveled road: price $5800, $1000 cash, balance. $ years' time at 6 ft. Address Boa 666. Willamette, Or. IDEAL DAIRV FARM1 ' " " 41 acres, aU in cultivation, 1 5 acres onion lead tiled, on county road. 8 miles from center oi i-omana, a room noose, large barn. 2 ailoe, I cowa. young stock. $ hones, all fain ma chinery, tools and dairy equipment go at $16. 000. See Mr. Brown with ' NEILAN A PARKHILL, " 219 Iimbemaens bids.. 6th snd Stark eta. 40 ACRES, located 3 miles east of Castle rock. Wash.; good productive soil, rolling' land, small 4 room house, 8 acres cleared, vege table cellar; running stream on place. Thia ia in a well settled community. Price $850, give any terms. Other 46 sere places similar to thia held at $2000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger UlUf. - 25 ACRES of truck land 12 miles from court, house, fair improvements, lota of fruit; price sevuu. i on can sell otr enouen aereaaa to IU ft Villa nlM mwA li,.. kIIJI.M --I r --- ua.w .uiUiiiii, ,UWI, BUU good piece of truck land left; $8000 cash or gooa nouse win nsnaie. ttTwi , a. arTTAvar 81$ Northwestern Bsnk bldg. 7 ACRES, West Side. 4 room house, fsir eondt- mw wmv i i . VI..HH VHJ, .1 TV IS. Ismette station in 10th st. ; spring, family or- cnara. o acres spaaea ny nana, pastured last year; abundance of free range; $1800; down, balance $12.50 ner month. 6 per cent ' Call or write A. K. Norton, 1 894 E. 17th at " FOR SALE 7 80 acrea timber land near liostsr, fine stock range, grand climate and pure water; get been to the land, raise stock and be your own boss; will trade for bouse and lot, acreage, ear, or aell on easy terma Write for fuU information te Box 657, Newberg, Or, 240-ACRE GRAIN FARM. gsToO ,fa- mnrm In mUbl... , , fc. . . 1 m m. . m.i. . a.M.M.a .,1 VV MR. , 160 in cultivation. 80 in crow, all Ilea fine; fenced hog tight; fsir buildings with water piped to them; family orchard: close to aehooL Price $3700; i wants eash. Lueddemann - Co., - 91$ vnamoea- oi v;ommerce. BARGAINS in reaK estate, large and small larma wttn ana - without pmnee sad dryer. Suburban homes and cRy property. Yamhill Co.. the best in the state. Write for description or call at our office. block eaat of depot. WHlTK-gf .'., 109 V, 1st St, FOR SALE OB TRADE For property in port land or Vancouver, 160 acrea of wheat land with fair buildings, all under cultivation, 8 amies from Alderdale. Klickitat Co.. Wash. flail at suite 301 U. S. Bank bldg., or plume 2, Van couver, vvsan. i SACRIFICE Ranch near Grants ' Pass, - nice bungalow, large bam. Toksv and Malaea vineyard,' sraln -and pasture Land, some timber. creek, good bunting, -flailing, good roads, dally mall, good . neighbors, with stock and . tools. . H. . c , v 1 1., a.iwf. vi, i20 ACRES, "good rich la'ad nesr Salem." 260 acrea under cultivation: good house and ham. all fenced;, prune orchard adjoining thia prop, erty. Price only $60 per aerf. This is a great bargain. Owner non-resident W. )L Barley. 685 Irving street. Marshall 3963. CHICKEN RANCH GIVEN AWAY J S acres. 60 minutes out on electrie liefa. las. provements alone cost over $4600; bur all now at sijwj. nee s at. nrown wiin . m1LjAN at rAitn.riii.ij. . . . 31$ Lumbermene bldg., 6th and Stark sts, FOR SALE (0 seres, by owner, half mile south of Dsmascus: good house, bam and wall. 14 seres in cultivation, rest pastura. Addraea II. Hefbert. Boring, or,, K. a 40 ACRES, 2$ - cultivated, house," bsrn, hop and chicken houses; water piped to all build ings; sere in prunes; gaa engine; dandy farm. ell AMnatoB, nam aoa. FOR SALE 320 irrigated, " 1 60 alfalfa, good Oregon: $18,000, g cash, easy terma. x8. AT HALF PRICE, improved 10-acre place ef good soil, bo rock or grave1, near Vancouver. If sold this month $1850. takes, it: worth double. J. R. Wolff, 616 O. of C. Bldg. BARGAIN 160 acres, unimproved, some tim ber, near Camas. Wash., only $1200; part Terms, is as uinerty ponas. -Ti, joumsi. BICH Alberta farm land, psrt em pay loan uT Uatnoe to-w 2x aAwnoermena REAL ESTATE FOR A L E V ARM f For Sale or Rent : ; My Farm of 20 Acre Or 'more. . near Greenberg atation on O Electrie B.R., 10 miles south of Portland sell stock of 13 dairy cowa. 6 heifers, 1 tared Guernsey bull 2 years eld, 1 registers roe boar. DeLevai separator and. all farm i menu, $ young horses about 1400 lbs. T, DeLano R. 1. BEAVERTON; OB. Call Eaat 2419 if not there, leave your nu 130 ACRES. -about 60 acres fa cultivation. very easily cleared, wood for family use. rn 5 room bungalow and small barn, cl house and park, also 7 room plastered ) large dairy barn; fenced and cross fenced, little vpring creek down through farm with foot fall, which supplies gravity water fo buildings and generates' power for electric and other purposes. Moat of this land can b gated from this spring stream and a pert oi bottom land. Only 2 miles from tnaiu liuc road and good town. Pavetneut to the di thickly settled neighborhood on main county All rural advantage. This farm ran be dsvi into a moat beautiful country home and ' have to be seen to appreciate the advan Price, Vr a short time, $o,t)60 half cs-ih, THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON, Sd and Main sts. - Vsmtouver, 1 ALFALFA SACRIFICE SALE 820 acres, 170 acres in cultivation. 110 acrea now in alfalfa, balance toou soiL Psld-up water right House, barn, granary, chicken house. 3 miles from town and it railroads. Last year Ha place produced $6000 net Price onli $16,000. One-half cash. . We have a man who will give $20,000 for It on a -crop plan.. Can. you beat this I bc Mr. Richmond. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 413$. 809 Oak st 18 ACRES, all cult. 0 acrea. bearing : berries, good condition, Peking house crates'; 9 acres fall rye, black loam sc room house, outbuildings, fruit trees. 4 from electrie railway station, 6 stores, school, church. $5600; good terms or will Portland city property up to $3000. 40 acres all in cultivation, 20 acres E walnuts. 6 years old. 20 acres beans year: choice land", no rock or gravel, Dundee, Or., $5000; $500 cash, balan suit at 6. . 20 acres, 17 acres cultivsted, bstsnoe tare; 2 wells, 6 room houte and bsrn. railway, store, church, school, $5500; $ 1 0 years, 6 . Balance food terms or property.. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 168H 4th . COMPLETE FARM BARGAIN PIMC '160 acres, about 40 acrea cultivated, 10 house, all furnished; new barn, chicken and boghmue, water piped to house and IB head df cattle. 3 good horses and rh( good harness, wagon, hack, buggy, mower, dnut plow, rake bay fork and other Imple and tools; orchard of several hundred b fruit tress of various kinds; 80 acres seed timothy and aclover for pasture. The tract fenced ind cross fenced with .wire ing. Located 4 miles from Kshims. Wan miles from Pacific Highway and Columbia Price $9000. term $4 500 cash, balance per cent. Worth looking into. E. A. LINDGRF.N, . Savon Land Co.. 985 N. W. Bank B) ' BEST BUY, AND AT THAT7 . IN PARADISE PART OF OREGON 44$ acres. 8 V miles from Roseburg on eled .road, a bent 265 acrea cultivated, gc room house - with brick foundation, large and other outbuildings, good eixed all year ning creek, land slopes enough to give p drainage. Uncleared land in small oak. es clear and good for pasture as it la. This is suitable for grain, dairy, stock and frui is sbsolutely the cheapest priced farm in neighborhood. If you are looking for. thing good at a low price, here it in. A your -while to investigate. xtr E. A, LINDGHEN. Savon Land -Co.. 895 N. W. Bsnk BM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR T PROPERTY 20 acres near Estacada. for anto. 70 scree joining townsite of Yoncslls. 10 acres near Koaebnrg, for city property. 64 acres 14 miles from Portland, good liun 80 acres near Hheridan, all under rnltivsi 127 acrea near Eugene, Or,, fair buildings. 15 acres V4 mile Woodhurn; reel home. 4 9 acres near Canby. all under cultivation. 80 seres near Lrnneman. 6 room bungsh 20 acres 1 mils f torn J Oner. 6 acres Boons ferry road, 4 room house. 88 acreg near Bogne river valley. - J"HN BROWN. 824 Railway Exchange Bldg. Manhstt i SCNNT CALIFORNIA 20 seres rich level lend, 18 seres undei tivstion, S acres in assorted orchard, soma 'raits, 3 acres in-Madrons, Mansanita am timber; place fenoed and cross-fenced; bouse, good chickenhouse, bam, etc.; fine i 2 blocka from fine school. mi. . from Pacifio highway, 1 V, miles from two I stations, and 8 miles from county seat- in t settled eommnnity, with all rural sdrsi at the floor. Price only. $3000. No nw Will take good Improved or unimproved at cash valuation. . THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, ndMain sto., Vancouver. Wash. 90 ACRES near Canby, f ronUBgtb about 20 acrea rtver bottom; all the best ef soil. A bargain, $65 per acre. 86 sores, 60 in -cultivation; fair bnlli all stock and equipment, near Pacifio big leas than 15 miles from Portland, price $i Would seeept smaller place or part pay 186 acres, 160 in cultivation, 75 acres alfalfa 4and; good buildings, plenty of wst, all purposes, nesr Pendleton. A bsrgai $6600. Good terms. m- 60 acres, 15 acres in cultivation, more ly clear; good buildings', $ miles from I Would accept good home in city, price ; " ' o n, ti r..-iA.M,-.. L- a V - . - BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY lfOMK With new 6 room plastered bouse, full ment, water piped to bouse and barn, all i jary outbuildings, 2 acres bearing prunes, ftrnily orchard and berries of sU kinds. , ing of 80 acres. 40 acres in high state of cm tion. balance in paature; no ro:k or a spring ereek through farm; wood for family paved and -macadam road to within H ci place. All rural advsntages, in" thickly a fT.'."- "" ,ro"' Vancouver. $10 600. Will accept Portland or Vane residence as part of payment. . . THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON, 8d and Main ,ta. Vancouver, 1 42 ACRES, located 3 wiles fr"riur"Red, Or., paid up water right, 2$ acres rated, place well fenced and .cross 1 county road; ratal delivery; bouse cost $ bam. chicken boose and other buildings." ', wagon, harrow, twe sets harness, plow, vator.. mower, rake and all email tools, fin. aey cow, potatoes and household furniture eept rags. Price for everything tHouO, place is clear of incumbrance. $1.' 00 east terms on, balance. Move right on and making money, John Ferguson. Gerlinger WE HAVE 0 seres in 6-year-old eh.rry Bings, Iimherts and Royal Anns; well f In. Small town and block from postoffU-, electric station, service every 'J hour to land. An exceeding aood bnv at glHod a cash, Portland vacant lots for balsnce; at vsiue titw property has cost the owner i twice that STEWART AV ttlfrtr 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. CairTTTind HZdr.K rancjl 1900 acres. 600 arresibave been eulHi 90 per cent is tillsble. 7 room liouse, t large sheep bsrns. fenced, ar,rin aa and rm water, dotted with Ivge oak trees; railroad Paeifie highway. Tble is I fine for grain stock; $30 per acre, terma to auit. Sea stealer IO., liamoer of Commerce. 460 ACRE going ranch in Canada stork equippeo, gzuvv easn payment, balance payments. - ea acre tiarx county improved ranch; take house snd lot In Portland s, part ps RICHARDS A COLLIER, 614 Panama bldg. Main ' D atrttjaikctt: i 70 acres, 3 miles from station, Yamhill if, house, barn, sheds, orchard, fenced, fn cultivation, running water, fine for fill walnuts or fruit; $5000. terms to snlt Wood Reslty Co., 8 Chamber of Commen 60 ACRF.S on Clackamas fiver. 5 acr i - cultivation, fair buildings,- 8000 cords wood. Richard A Collier, 614 Panama Phone Main 7S09. 1 i ; I FOR "SALE, good farm near St.) Helens. . Priee reduced for ouhik aale. T rraen terma. Better look this up. Inquire East 17th at North. ISO . ACHES 6. miles, from Camas, . V, graveled road near place, some- imv ments. unlimited outrange. easy terma. Hartje. 687 Plttock block. , ACCOUNT of aicfcne and old age tnut my fruit ranch adjoining city of Va ncoi Wash,; a first class home sod a money mi li acre ; terms, box on, xonte 4. FOR SALE 120 acres. 20 clear. 4 room I and bam, water, fruit on place, nice vie Columbia: will take asms trad. 1302 lamette boulevard. Wdln. 1068, FAR! 12 acres. nTfie from Monitor fenced, good houe and bam, 4 cn'h, ha long time, 7 ! . Addrei Box f0. Monitor. SMALL berry ranch for axle on cari,,,e. to Vancouver, good twilling-". 35-7 J 8YOWNER Fine 1 9 0 acre WlTian- ley farm. East 4844. 633 E. 13. a