THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY,7 JANUARY. 22, 1919. f- " 'T .SUSPfCTSLAINBY OFFICER BELIEVED Man Is Shot by Inspector Tack . aberry While Resisting Arrest, Dies Short Time Later. MORE INFORMATION SOUGHT Name Believed to Be E. C. Lan caster of Minneapolis, Alias M. a McRoberts, Alias J. H. Smith. ;"Whll resisting arrest, a man. at pres , writ not positively identified but believed 1 to be E. C. Lancaster of Minneapolis, v alia M. McRoberts, alias J. H. Smith, was shot at 142 Second street about 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by Police In spector J. M. Tackaberry. He died about 45 minutes later on the operating. i table at jthe Emergency hospital. Lancaster was being placed urtder ar rest outside the office of the Montana Assay office by Tackaberry on suspi cion of being a burgrlaT. As soon as --Lancaster recoe-nizAd Tii.h.rrv n officer he reached In his pocket to draw his revolver. Tackaberry drew first and vpuenea nis revolver Into Lancaster's stomach, ordering him to throw Up his hands. Lancaster complied. A car ', penter, A. C. Thompson of 286V4 Mont Koroery street, was working In a near by office and, hearing the loud talking, ran Into the halt - Lancaster Shows Fight Tackaberry told Thompson to take his handcuff and place them on the pris oner's wrists. Thompson starred to corn fly, but while he was trying to open the "bracelets,'' Lancaster brought his hands down on Tackaberry'a head, knocking ' htm to the floor. Thompson -was holding a hammer but said he was afraid to strike af Lancaster for fear of hitting Tackaberry. Lancaster turned Tacka berry's wrist and had the muzasle of the gun almost pointing toward Tacka berry, who managed, however, to get the gun pointed toward Lancaster and pull, the trigger. The shot lodged In the - right leg and came out below the knee. Lancaster then fled down the stairs and Tackaberry fired a second shot, catch ing him In the left arm. This shot broke-his wrist. Lancaster ran to Alder street and turned east. In front of the Fulton fish market Lancaster stopped as if to take a shot at the pursuing officer and Tackaberry fired twice. One shot en tered In the back and another under the left arm. The last shot proved fatal,- ac- v cording to the coroner. Loot Found In Home jusncaster sjxuce out a lew words be fore dying. While lying on the side .walk he said to Tackaberry. "You got . me the first time," meaning that the first shot fired In the hall upstairs took effect. At the emergency hospital he EASTERN BURGLAR y Ternonstrated with the detectives who "were searching his pockets, when they removed $115 from a trousers pocket The only name he gave before dying was McBoberta. . This is one of the names -used during he 10 days he' Is known to have been in Portland. A receipt for an advertisement In serted In a local paper found in Lancas ter's pocket furnished the officers a clue through which they located several hundred dollars' worth of Jewelry at Lancaster's house at 117 Lombard street. Jewelry May Be From East None of the rings, watches, costly c bric-a-brac, 13 wtolen blankets or 17 oriental rugs found at the place are ; mentioned in the list of local burglaries, so the police are of the opinion that ' Lancaster is an Eastern burglar, who came to Portland to dispose of his wares. A long list of about 112,000 worth of Jewelry recently stolen In Minneapolis has just been received and detectives '. are now busy trying to determine if any- ' thing found in Lancaster's house an swers the description. Lancaster wore several pieces of clothing which were purchased in Min neapolis and St. Paul. A few of his be longings bore the marks of St. Louis and Kansas City merchants. Police received the first Information about Lancaster from the Montana As say office, which complained that a man named J. II. Smith of 1909 Stephens street had left a quantity of Jewelry to be melted down. All settings were miss ing from the rings. Monday he is Bald to have returned with a second lot. Two Women Arrested Lancaster was to return Tuesday, so the -'police were notified. Inspectors Snow and Tackaberry were placed on :v the scene, but a few minutes before Lan caster appeared a circuit court sub poena was served on Snow and he had ; . to leave. When Lancaster went to the assay office Tuesday he carried a box filled with broken rings to have melted. From a letter in the man's pocket the police learned that he had resided at 990 Fifty-seventh avenue Southeast under . the name of McRoberts. He is said to have given another address about two blocks away to friends. The police do' not know as yet who was writing him letters. Later in the eve ning Stella Evans, 20 years of age, and Emma Clark, 23. were arrested in a hotel at Twelfth and Washington streets by Inspectors Tichenor and Mallett. They, are said to have admitted know- ing Lancaster and had been out with - him on several social occasions, but dis claimed any knowledge about - his for mer places of abode. The police do not regard them as accomplices, : List of Addresses Foaad - -At' the Lombard street address the police found a long list of addresseV -, which, they say, Lancaster Intended to use in furthering robberies. He clipped . his Information from the society col- umnsof the papers. A few of them are: "Mr. and Mrs. James D. Fullerton . leave- Saturday for New York."'- "Luther H. Farrlngton, leaves Monday for California." " "Mrs. Charles C, Webber will be gooe for a. few days. Finger prints were taken of the -lfcan ;. ' after he died, and these will be sent to the finger print clearing house at Fort Leavenworth to sea If any other jail In the nation has a record of the man. 'Redmond Soldier In Argonne Fight Killed Tricky Hun The Dalles, Jan. S2- Just back from eex-vlce overseas, ; where he was gassed " in the famous battle of the Argonne forest, Walter A. Wood of Redmond was In this city Monday. He carried with him the photograph of a German officer.- ... c M ':..' . rHe was the first Boche I killed after " we went into action!, declared the young soldier, n was with the Fiftieth Ambu lance company of the Seventieth divi sion. , Shortly after we went into the bloody action the prisoners began to come to the rear and this officer waa ordered to help ; me carry back, the wounded on a stretcher. X told him to keep to the-front end of the. stretcher and not get behind me. Soon afterwards, however,.! caught him making a flank movement, so I cracked his skull with the butt of my gun. I found bis photo graph In his blouse and brought It home for a souvenir. 4 Later In the action a big gas shell exploded near Private Wood,- stripping off his gas mask and outer garments. He was overcome by the gas which the big shell contained and lay unconscious in a shell hole, with two dead Germans as company, for 21 hours before help came. He was removed to a base hos pital, where he was treated. He said he had entirely recovered from the ef fects of the gas. He expects to go to Camp Lewis in a few days to get his discharge. EW TOD AT Get Out of Debt LOANS That Cost You Less Compare the entire amount of interest paid on a "itraight" loan with the amount of interest paid oa our monthly .payment loan, and note tha wring. . r . Under the monthly payment plan a loan of $1,000.00 and Interest la fully repaid in 60 monthly payment of $21.24 each, a total of $1274.40. of which $1,000 00 ia returned prin cipal and $274.40 Js ths total Interest paid. The Interest e 1 ' "strBtoM,, loan of 1.000.00 for flja years (00 month) at 7 per annum, amount to. . . . S360.00 - Tha interest on monthly payment loan for the same time It. . $274.40 A savins of.. 76.SO (A proportionate sarins of loans of other amounts and for other periods of time) Sets lis at one for monthly payment Real Estate Loans Equitable Strings and Loan Association 240-242 Stark St., Portland, Oregon. Send Us Your Old Cfcrpets Old Bags sad Woolea Clothing We Make Bererilble, Hand,WoT6 Fluff Rugs They Wear Like Irea Bag Bags Wovea AU Sisss 31 all Orders Sead for Booklet , Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rues, Steam .Cleaned, 91.50 WESTEBJT FLUFF BUG CO. $4 Union Ave. X. Bast 6516 Piloses B147t Salesrooms West Park and Yamhill At 10 A. !. Tomorrow MEETING NOTICES 41 PORTLAND CHAPTER. No. 3, It. A. M. Special conrocation this (Wednesday) erening, January 22. at 7:80 o'clock. Work In Mark Master decree. Visitors welcome. W. P. ANDREUS. Secretary. i PORTLAND LODGE NO. 29 1, 1. U. O. MOOSE At the regular meeting Wednesday ere nini. Jan. 22. Fred L. Lock ley will tell the members the story of our boys at the front. If you are a Moose don't mina this. R08COE P. HURST. Die. J. IT. KENNEDY. 8ec. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Thursday) ere., at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic tempi; labor in the M. M. de aree. Visitine hnthran alwava mi. come. By order W. M. FRED L, OLSON,, Sec. . SUNNY8IDE LODGE NO. 183. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication. Dawley's hall Eaat 84th and East Yamhill; E. A. decree. Thursday. 7:30 p. m. By order of tbe V. M. ' L. M. SNOW. GUL REAZEE GROTTO NO. 63 The annual dance which waa to hare been held at the Cotillion hall on Thursday erening, January 23, has been postponed on account of the influenza enMemb. Rt order of the monarch. R. E. FULTON. Sec. ,T lOr B E O U LA R meeting this (Wednesday) erening, East Sixth and Alder streets. Vis itors cordially Inrlted. Second BAT MANAGHAN. N. G. S. A. STARR. Secretary degree. THE MA CCA BESS Portland Teat Mo. 1 Regular review ever? Thursday erening. at hall. 400 AWer at AU embers urged to be present. VisitingSir Knights always welcome, GEO. D. BAKER. N. R. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros... 181-133 6th at. titaJ statistics matria&s.Blrtbs. Dzatbs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Milton Horton Wade, 21. 887 Taylor st, and Leona Fern Erlen, 17, 11 SO E. Madison st Carl Frederick Ruef, 39, Salem, Or., and Florence Elizabeth Nichols, 29, 89 N. 18th St. Frank A. Dixon, 85. 551 Harney are., and Addie M. Brueck. 28. 651 Harney are. Burton B. George, legsl. Seattle, Wash., and Ida DarU. legal, 880 10th st. Benjamin B. Beckett, legal. 17 E. 60th t. N. and Malinda Blair, legal, 2016 K. Yam hill at. Charles H. Hoy, legal, Butte, Mont, and Sophie Krouch, legal. Broadway hotel. A. U. Tanner, 24, Scappoose, Or., and E. Frances Wsbh. 21. 970 E. 85th st N. Henry Preston Price, legal. 60 E. 78th at, and Lula Harris, legal, 627 Orertoa st BIRTHS PAGNI To Mr. and Mrs. A. Pagni, 408 E. 11th. Dec 27. a daughter. PELLEGRINI To Mr. and Mrs. A. Pellegrini, 1091 Amhurst. Jan. 9, a eon. KAPRON To Mr. and Mrs. Michael KaproB, 665 Water. Dee. 26. a daughter. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, 8813 67th. Jsn. 8, a daughter. OLIVER To Mr. and Mrs. Edw. OUrer, 413 Charleston. Jan. 18, a daughter. RESTAN T Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kestan. 1024 E. 28th, Jan. 17. a eon. MARK To Mr. and Mrs. A. Mark. 1672 E. 23d.- Jan. 8. a son.' GRAVES To Mr. and Mrs. W. M. GraTes. 147 K. Webster, Jan. 11, a daughter. REKDKR To Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. S. Reader. 1078 E. 15th. Jan. 10. a son. BURKE To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Burke, 9511 B7tb. Jan. 7. a son. GRAHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Robt O. Graham, 292 Sacramento, Jan. 11, a daughter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7S BAUMAXN In this city, Jan. 22. Ella Bau inann. aged 29 years, lata of 712 K. Ererett t.. niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mueller. The funeral asrtieea will be held Friday, Jan. 24, at I p. m., at Finley'a, Montgomery at 5th. In terment at Bos City cemetery. . All serricea prirate. by order of the board of health. HOPKINS Tha funeral serricea of the late George L. Hopkins will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, at 3:30 p. m., at.Finley'a, Montgomery at 5th. 1 Incineration at tha Portland crema torium. - All serricea prirate, by order of the board of health. ; 1 GARRIGrS Tha funeral a trices of the lata Lewia Cass Garrigua will be held Thursday, Jan. 2 ft. at 2:80 p. m., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Incineration at lft. Soott Park crema torium. All serricea prirate, by order of tha board of health. KERR At the family residence. 144 25th at, Jan. 22, Mary Isabella Kerr, aged 8 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kcaa 8. Kerr. Re mains at tha parlors of Breese 4k 8 nook. Bci snont at aotn. rouco or Tunerai later. JONES 1 this eity. Jan. 21,-1914,-L. T. -Jonea, aged 69 years. Br mains, at Holmaa's funeral parlors, Be PHOME Your "Want Ads" to THE JOURNAL RATES DEATHS AJfTi FTJyBBAliS 71 GIACOMOZI In this city, JasT-21. Frank Giaoomoxi. aged 50 years, belored brother of Mrs. Anna-Jance 11am. Mrs. Virginia Pedrettl; also surrired by three sisters in Austria and Joseph Giacomozi of this city. Funeral will leare tha residential parlors of Miller St Tracer Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8:80 a. m., thence to St. Michaels church, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a. m. Serricea prirate. Inter ment at Mount Calrary cemetery. Colorado papers please copy. VJinnHN In thia nit-w Jan. 21. Joeia Vaughn. belored wife of George Vaughn, daugbxar of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finley of Camas, Wash.; sister of Carson Finley of this city; Cline Finley of Taeoma, Wash.; May Finley of this city, Eugene Finley of Camas. Wash. Funeral serr iccs will be held Thumday, Jan. 23. at 10 a. m. at tha chapel of Miller A Tracey. Serweea prirate. Interment at Camas, wasn. STONEMAN January 19, at 55 Went Skidmore st, Luke Stoneman, aged 69 years, belored husband of Mrs. Ellen Stoneman, and father of William. Jowph. Edward. Gerald. Mabel and Clara Stoneman. Mm. Mamie Bunton. Mrs. Catherine Lee. Mrs. Ellen Fiupatrick. and John Maloney. Remains at A. R. Zellar Co. parlors. Funeral announcement later. S-CHREIBER Jan. 21. 1919, at the family residence, 1342 Glenn are. N.. Mrs. Anna Schreiber, belored wife of Peter Schrviber. She ia also surrired by four children. Prirate funeral aarrieea will be conducted tomorrow t Thurs day). Jan. 28. at 2 p. m.. at tha abore resi dence. Interment Rose City cemetery. Pearaoo Undertaking Co., Russell at, at Union are. MARTIN January 20, at WaahougaL Wash., aged 29 years, George H., belored husband of Bertha Martin; father of Marion and Eileen; son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin. 462 Rodney are.; brother of Linus. U. B. marines; Lillian, Tessie, Mrs. Frank J. Foley. funeral serricea at Wssbougal. Wash., at 10:30 a. m.. Thursday, at the Catholic church. WirriFBlfrHB At the residence. 722 W. Main St., Jan. 21, Fannie Wiederkehr, aged 22 years, belored dsughter of S. and Elizabeth Wiederkehr. Prirate funeral serrices will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 a. m. tomorrow (Thursday). Jan. 23. 1919. Inters ment Rote City cemetery. BLACHLY Tha funeral serrices of Grace Rand Blachly, wife of Dr. Arthur T. Blachly, of 4411 Woodstock arenue, will be held Wednesday, January 22. from the residential funeral parlors of Walter C. Ken worthy. 1532 and 1584 East Thirteenth street, Sellwood. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. MASS In Milwaukie. Jan. 20. Julia E. Mass, aged 59 years 10 months and 9 days. The funeral serrices will be held Fridsy, January 24. 1 o'clock p. m., from tha Erangelistic church In Milwaukie. Interment Milwaukie cemetery,. Walter C. Kenworthy, funeral director. MILLER The funeral serrices of the late Ger trude D. Miller will be held Saturday, Jan uary 25. at 2:30 o'clock p. m ., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. All serrices prirate by order of the board of health. boar LEV VY In this city. Jan. 21. 1919. Josephine T -- aced 63 rears. 4 months, belored wife of II. L. Lery of 768 Johnson st Prirate fu neral serrices will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1:80 p. m. tomorrow (Thursday), Jan. 28, 1919. Pleae cit flowersf XrtRTELL Tn this cltr at his late residence. 1115 E. Washington at, Jan. 21. Stanley OUrer Norr ell. aged 26 years, husband of Mrs. Fay B. Non-ell, father of Mary Elizabeth and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norrell. Tha re mains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th, CAMPBELL In this city. Jsn. 20. William Campbell, age " 62 years. Funeral serricea will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, at 1 p. m.. from Ericson residential funeral parlors, Mor rison at 12th it ' GRAY At the residence, 88 Beryl Terrace, Jan. 21, Zannie Hildegard Gray, wife of J. S. Gray, aged 24 years 3 months and 9 days. Remains at the chapel of Breeze dc Snook, Bel mont at 35th. Notice of funeral later. MEAD At McMinnrUle. Or., Jan. 30. Mrs. Lydia S. Mead, age 50 years, belored wife of Frank A. Mead, agent American Railway Express Co. Funeral at McMinnrUle, at 2 p. m., Wednesday, Jan. 22 SHAND in th city, January 221 Janette Marshall Shand, aged S years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. Shand of 1086 Schiller st The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. KNTJDTSON In this city at his lata residence, 834 5th st. January 22. Otto Knudtson. aged 8R years, husband of Mrs. Mayrae Knudt son The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. FELIX In this city, Jan. 21. Mary Felix, age 4 5 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. BERGMAN In this city, Jan. 20. Ethyle Berg man, age 23 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. aiESSING At tbe family residence, 1220 Iron st, Jan. 22, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claua A, Messing, aged 3 days. Remains at tha parlors of Breese & Snook, Belmont at 85th. BARKER At the residence, 8312 49th are. 8. E., Jan. 21, 1919. John A. Barker, aged 49 years, 3 months, belored husband of Tina Barker. ' Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. JACOBSON At Maplewood station, January 22. Matilda Jacobson, aged 83 years. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. HAYEK The funeral serrices of the late Elize- beth Hayek will be held Thursday. Jan. 23. at 1 p. m.. at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. All serrices prirate, by order of board of health. STONEMAN 1 this city. Violet Stoneman, aga 84 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller Sc Tracey. KULISCH W. C. Knllach, age 33 years, died January 20, 1919. Tacoma, Wash. Remains chipped to Portland. Funeral notice later. MILCOFF Malcho Mileoff. Nisbeth sanatorium. Jan. 18, 32 yrs .; influenza. FLAGER Otto Flager. Nisbeth sanatorium. Jan. 18; influenza. TANAKA Yoshiko Tanaka, 480 Bumalde. Jan. 18. 20 yrs. ; influenza. H1CKEY Laurence F. Hickey. St Vincents hos pital, Jan. 15. 88 yrs.; influenza. LESMEISTER Dorothy Lesmeister. 187 Dekum are.. Jan. 17. 17 yrs.: influenza. LADD Chaa. D. Ladd, Good Samaritan hospital. Jan. 17. 40 yrs.; influenze. HAZEL Gladys Hazel. 437 E. 44th. Jan. 18. 26 yrs.; influenza. LUCE Isabella M. Luce. Portland sanatorium, Jan. 18, 7 yrs.; influenza. STONEMAN Luke Stoneman, 05 W. Skidore, Jan. 19, 88 yrs. : influenza. DAVIS Olire M. Daria. 893 Borthwick, Jan. 18. 56 yrs.; influenza. GOODFELLOW Fernia E. Goodfellcrw , 411 Swift. Jan. 19. 9 moa ; influenza, 8PADY Lewia Spady, Portland sanatorium, Jan. 17, SO yrs.; influenza. PERRT Ethel H. Perry, 386 Vancourer, Jan.' 16, 27 yrs .; influenza, TOLLISON Margaret 8. Tollison. 603 Mis sissippi are., Jan. 17, 24' yrs.; influenza. HILBERT Amelia E. Hilbert, Multnomah hos pital. Jan. 18, 40 yra; influenza, YOCNG Harry Young, Multnomah hospital, Jsn. 17. 35 yrs.: influenMT ESPEY Lena Espey. 192 E. 49th. Jan. . 17. 49 yrs. ; influenza, DUNN Irene M. Dunn, 888 Jefferson, Jan. 18, 2 8 yrs. : influenza, ROSEK M. K. Rosea, 8636 E. 68th, Jan, 17, 2 yrs.; influenza. JELLEY Florence I. Jelley. 810 Borthwick. Jan. 17. 27 yrs.; influenza, HUBER A. Huber, St Vincents hospital, Jan. 17, 22 yrs.; influenza. CARR Margaret Carr . St Vincents hospital. Jan. 16. 29 yrs.; influenza. VAN LOO Peter J. Van Loo, 554 Lake, Jan. 18, 28 yrs.; influenza, TOWASH Luke Towash. St Vincents hospital, Jan. 15, 84 yrs.; influenza, WEBER Mabel C. Weber. Sellwood hospital. ' Jan. 17, 23 yrs. : influenza, McCOBKLE Maude McCorkle, 481 E. 18th. Jan. 18, 39 yrs. ; influenza. 8TURGEON Wm. Sturgeon, Portland sanator ium, Jan. 17. .5 yrs.: influenza. UNG Mon Ling. 2tS Flanders, Jan. IT. 29 yrs.: influenza, , , RE IS M. U Beia, 9119 41st, Jan. IT, X yr.; 4 n f Iticnseta, GRAHAM Lanta Graham. 246 Meade. Jan. IT, 4 8 yrs. influenza. JOHN8 Frank J.' Johns. Nisbeth sanatorium, Jan. 16, 64 yrs.; influenza. SOMMERVILLE Jaraea L. Sommerrille. 890 - Saner. Jan. IT, 18 yrs.; Influenza. BAY- Agnes Bay. 65th st and 65th arc.. Jan. 17,-89 jrra ; -apooWayt .....-.... SILK Thos- SUk, St Vincents hospital. - Jan. 18rr69-aa.; chronie nephritis. . . IH cents per word per Insertion. Three oonaaoutlve lnsertleBS Xor the price of two. Seven consecutive Insertions fee the price of five. Minimum charge It cents. For contract rates and other tn formaUtn phone for s 'solicitor ta csil. Home A-6051 Pacific Mala 7173 DEATHS AWB FTJITERAIS 1 HATCH Wm. B. Hatch. Good SamariUn hos pital, Jan. 18, 02 yrs.; pneumonia. MAG UN SON Carl Magunson, St Vincents hos pital. Jan. 18, 23 yrs. : bums about body. MITCHELL Harry Mitchell. Good Samaritan hospital, Jan. 17. 55 yrs.; perforation of bowel. GUELZAW Mildred M. Guelzaw. 1224 Mean, Jan. 19, 15 yrs. ; lobar pneumonia. CLARK John C. Clark, 873 N. 19th, Jan. 15, 63 rra. f ram suffocation. JONES Clement D. Jones. 2006 Hawthorne ere.. Jan. 18, 28 yrs.; meningitis. BOBERTI Mike Robert!, 418 E. 45th, Jan. 19. 12 days: inanition. WEBER Gottlieb Weber. 685 E. Going, Jan. 18, 67 years; endocarditis. GALBRAETH Nera J.- Galbraeth. 621 Dekum, Jan. 15, tubercular meningitis. INGRAM C. a Ingram. 6906 77th. Jan. 17, 1 yr. : eonrulsiona. HOBAUGH Eralyn Hobaugh. Emmanuel hos pital, Jan. 17, 22 yrs.; rupture oi uterus. BLESSING G. B. Blessing, 906 E. Deris. Jan. 15, 42 yrs.; uremic poisoning. WILLL4MS Alice M. Williams, 595 6th, Jan. 17. 58 yrs.; hemorrhage. SCHOLTZ Harry Scholtz. St Vincents hospital, Jan. 8, 40 years; appendical abscess. FOSTER Nancy J. Foster. 119 N. 57th, Jan. 19. 71 yrs.; heart failure. RASMUS SEN Maren Rasmuaaen, 669 Hoyt, Jan, 18. 70 rra.: carcinoma. RICH Amalie H. Rich, St Vincents hospital. Jan. 18. 86 yrs.; meningitis. JOSLIN Henry F. Joslin. Elmwood apta, Jan. 18. 51 yrs.; diabetes nielli tus. FLORISTS THE following articles were found on ears of the Portland Railway, Light tt Power Co.: Jan. 20, 1919 1 purse, 1 fountain pen, 1 key. bunch of keys, 1 comb, 1 book tickets, 8 single a lores, 1 tie, 1 pair rubbers, 2 shopping bags, 8 pkgs., 1 can soap, 1 roll wire, 5 lunch boxes,' 1 trareling bag, lT umbrellas. Owners may obtain property st 1st snd Alder st station. MARTIN It FORBES CO., Florists, 854 Wash ington. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically amngea. LIBERTY MARKET-FLORIST, 5th and Yam hill sts. Cut flowers, plants and desiana. Sell. wood greenhouse, 649 Nehalem are. 8 wood 1020 VriTTVrh TtlaV n,H, L.. Owner may hare same by Calling st Journal office. CLARK BROS., florists. Morrison st bet 4th and 5th. Phone Main or A-1805. Fine flow ers and floral designs. No branch stores. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th ' and xamixm. junerai qesigns; aowesz prices. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs and decorations. Phone Marshall 6922. SWISS FLORAL CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS. LA LANE Foral dedans and decorations. Oo slte poetoffice. Main 6546. MAX M. SMITH, florist 141H 6th st. v FTjyEBAIi PIBKCTQBS Freeze & snook FUNERAL DIRECTORS 104T BELMONT AT 85TH SUNNTSIDE. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 'for doing all work IN THE HOME when desired. Our beautiful chapel for serrices without charge. Prices moat reasonable sad personal atten tion giren to all. Both phones: Tabor 1268. B-2546. 1047 Belmont st WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND'S MOST PROGRESSIVE Funeral Directors PRICES REASONABLE PERSONAL SERVICE BEAUTIFUL CHAPEL T, A rV A GQIOT A V'T wV ka C EN T R A XJ Y IXCATEI vw u-dina Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors EeUblished 1877 Third and Salmon Streets Main 507. A-1511 Lady Assistant Progressive Funeral Directors -fain a ir . .a .. JAirn uic ry , qui A-l OV19 F. S, Dunning, Inc. -Aiuo uuuercazers 414 Eaat Alder at Phone East 52. S-v " a 1 ' . 1 ' " -' .i Dunning & McEntee e erery detail. Broadway and Pins ata. Phone "'""7 A-oo- Lady assistant A. D, KENWORTHY CO. ' OOUZ-D9I14 3d at 8. E.. Lents. Phone Tabor 6267. Home Phona TV-61 b887881 P, L; LERCH Mith. UNDERTAKERS E Vim. .- A.t?" " " -savaa l.awujOin. VFR TRACET. Independent Funeral Di: TriirFAt'a ij., ... . Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885. fTJ A aX l 7CDO Awn'taf' 48 snd 250 Killingsworth ara, near Williams STlTM WArullaw a OMAO S , . r wuwU novo, J-1 AOO, A. R. ZpIIpT f!n 682 WiUiazns arenue. ' ' "' -CnCI UU, E,t loaa. C-1088. tK CSflN Cndertakin Parlors, 445 Mor L.I1I QUM rison st Broadway 2534. Ql-OUOC CMDEMAKLVO CO. Main 4152. OftpWcb a-2321. Corner Third and Clay. c-nn SI, VAilcnr-i?,? ?.T pei VfllOUII U& TTIIOUll IWdla. 4940.O-1155 HAMILTON ne9rl? serS.TS: B, T. . BYRNES, new residence Mtablfahment. 901 Williams are. Woodlawn 220, Q-1948. MONUMENTS BLAESING GRANfTEGl PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-266 4th st. opposite city hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu ft Bona for memorials. - LOST ASP FOUJTD SI WILL tha nartr who found lady's tortoise shell nose glasses in the public library at Sixth and Yamhill please return to Mr. Maud Berger. 306 Hall St., or caU Mar. 24451 Re ward. LOST OR STOLEN At Sifton. Saturday night a khaki colored coat with black fur on collar, cuffs and around bottom. Reward for return of or information leading to return of same. DX-880, Journal LOST A gold wrist watch. onV'ashington. be tween 4th and 6th. on 4th between Wash ington and Alder, on Alder between 4th and 6th, about 4 o dock Sunday. Kewara. wain. eovu. THE party who took paras from Swetland a lara tory is known. Return it to Swetland'a or mail it to Mrs. M. B. Underbill. P. O. box 886. and arotd further trouble. LOST Solitira diamond ring on Stark between 6th snd Broadway. Reward if. returned to Koyle, tsenson notei. LOST Black and whits hound oog. Phone Main 2953 day time and Broadway 2970 nights. Ask for Franklin. Reward. LOST A purple silk umbrella with Jubbers in sida, Broadway between BurnaideV and the bridge. Saturday night CaU Tabor 2868. LOST A lady's small gold wristlet watch, Sat urday nigbt Reward siren to finder. Please call Woodlawn 5963. FOUND Small purse containing silrer oa East 80th st Phone Tabor 4612. FOUND Setter pup about 10 months ohL Main 4093.- - -. s 1 t U j w ; IOST Air roxnrD tt Will party whs picked up package containing 1 large- and 11 small 'pbotographa in O., W. A K. store please leare st Journal business of ficer No questions asked. W. F. Gribble. ' TrTELF WAKTED-MAtE 1 DECK OKFICEBbWC. S. . akipying board free narigation school. ' at Seattle. Tacoma and Portland, trains dock officers for ths merchant marine; abort "cut to Ueaaees netire snd natu ralispd eitizena only; deep sea sailors two years' experience; lake snd sound pilots and masters snd gradnatea mt .nautical school strips eligible; course six weeks. Address W. J.'Craanhe, 860 Btusrc euuaing. Beattie, wasn. . 1T5 PER MONTH tha year arouno. tn arerage earning jsat year ot a number or our saiaaaaea wear 46 years. This year will ba tha biggest yet No expenonos .neoaaaaryt weekly cash edranoe, outfit furnished- Big asaortmeot snuraatsad trass, sbrabbery and vines. Ion can do what other s expeslenoed men hare dona. Watbisgtoa Jir- aery Toppenian. wasn. TWO neat appearing discharged soldiers, only those willing to work need apply. Call be fore 9 :S0 a. m. or after 4 -.80 p. a, 309 8tock kx. omg. WANTED At onoa, experienced orchardist to cars for 30 -acre fruit farm. Furnished house, barn, sheds, etc. : also . good teas, snd farming implements. Z-561, Journal, or Wood lawn 3159. WANTED Bright boy for deUrering and as sisting in store. Good opportunity for right boy. Detmer Woolen Co., 14.8 5th. WANTED Married man te work on farm. Write for particulars. H. F. VaDiei. Bick reall. Or. , Al MLIKER and miBthouaa men wanted, 590 snd board. Z-660, Journal. , HELP WANTED MISC. 49 LEARN TELEGRAPHY A railroad official writes- us: "The employes recruited froaa your school hare almost without exoeption giren excellent serrioe snd gire eri dence of careful and intelligent training. Operators are needed. Enroll now in day or erening classes. Free booklet upon request Railway Telegraph Institute, 218 By. Exch. bldg... Portland. Or. - HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne are. AUTO, TRACTORS, TRUCK. GAS ENGINE. LIGHTING, STARTERS. IGNITION. WIRING. COMB TO THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU TO BOSS THE JOB. AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL . Technical and practical training, sntos, trac tors, gaa engines, auto electrical work. Write at once for big 100 page catalog. Adcox Auto A Tractor School, Dept. J. Union are. and Wasco at., roruana, ur. YOUNG MEN. 16 and orer. are eligible for gorernment railway mail clerks, 892 month; examinations soon. For free particulars writs Raymond Terry former eiril serrice examiner), 849 Columbian bldg.. Washington. - POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Busfhess College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, bank- lng, poosseeping, secretarial. trte catalog. TAYLOR-FAITH : BUSINESS COLLEGE 207 Bterens ldg-, W. Park and Wash. Complete commercial courses Adding and calculating machine Spanish French English. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKY BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON. SHORTHAND. Mm. Hannum prepares for po sition, 8 months. East 8880. 230 Tillamook. HELP WAXTEP--FEMALB t WANTED Woman. ta keep house and care for two children for couple employed during day. Woodlawn 2121. WAN TED Girl for general housework, good wages, no washing. 629 Thompson st Phone East 3012. RESIDENT laundress, prirate family. -all elec tric appliances. Call 908 Electric bldg., after 9 a. m. . WA JfTED Markers and sorters, also other ex perienced help. National Laundry Co., K. 8th at Clay. A MIDDLE AGED woman wanted to help take care of children and help do house work. 1016 E. 82d st N. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1385 Mississippi are.. Kenton oar to Portland bird. WOMAN or girl for housework. Phone Tabor 1761. WANTED rTeaohers for mission school. Apply 170 1st st from 0:80 to 9:30 p. m. HELF WAITED MALE AND FEMALE t MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learning; sires you setw tools; guarantees position. Writs for catalogue, 234 Jtnrnaiae St.. or pnone E roadway 173 1 MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade; waxes while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 2 3 8 Madison. PORTLAND .BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guar anteed. 234 Oouch st WAyTED-AOEKTS AGENTS, eithee sex.. Take orders for "Amer ica'a War for Humanits and Complete History of World War" $2 book, 60 per cent commission, Outfits and books ready. Presses running day ana night. Arerage commissions per agent 3-1 a day. Send 10c for mailing FREE outfit Memorial Life of Rooaerelt ssme prices, ssme terms. . Dickerson Co., Detroit Mich. SITUATION! MALE SEWING machines cleaned and repaired; work guaranteed satisfactory or no charge; work done at residence if preferred. Keys fitted. 247 Taylor St., between 2d snd Sd sta. Phone Main 9165. IF YOU are looking for a real lire wire, with lots of pep, who will work for your inter ests as well as his own without a boas, you're found him; married. H-777, Journal. WANTED Carpenter work : will take dry goods, groceries or dental work aa pay. Phona E. 8754 or call at 1061 E. Taylor St. WANTED Employment part or all time; adaptible middle aged American; some sell ing and soliciting experience. D-879, Journal. WOULD like job of driring team, either in town or on ranch; hare handled teams all my life. Joseph Griffin. Phone Broadway 2569. ROOMS tinted, $2.50; papering in and outside; painang reasonaDie. nicceis, East 2999. CARPENTER, married, wants steady job by monm. imibi. journal. WANT work as chore man. city. X-606, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE MARRIED lady would like to manage rooming or ajn. nouse ana uu janitor wont, i&eierenees. Tabor 8775. SOLDIER'S wife wanta place to work for room and board m torenoona. E-982. Journal. WANTED Position as housekeeper. Writs 2080 E. Alder st Ella Conable. YOUNG lady with personality wants position in dentist's or doctor's office. S-757, Journal. FUBHISHED BOOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 51 a Day Up. Special Rates by Week. THE GEM " Nice rooms with first class board; steam heat hot and cold water. 665 H 1st at HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand. Starting point special ear for Vancourer. Hotel Princess Modern; moderate. K. 3d and Burnside, FUB3TISHED BOOMS FBIVATE FAMILY 7 PRIVATE family will rent to 3 or 4 gentlemen strictly modem sleeping rooms in duplex apartment. Nob Hill district, walking distance; references. T-860. Journal. PLEASANT room, prirate family, walking dls-' , tance, west side. Main 8488. SLEEPING room at 290 Columbia st . BOOMS AND BOABD U THE HAZEL "No like the others. " Erery oomfort Homo cooking; 885 Third st HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 FTJBjriSHEP AJTP FFUBWISHED FOR RENT To woman,' 2 detached furnished rooms. Nothing swell. Very reasonable. 117 Lombard st Kenton car. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 7 FUB5ISHED A WD UJTFUBBISHED PBIVATE FAMILT THREE furnished rooms, tor light H. K. AdulU only. 265 W. Farrsgut st - - NICE housekeeping rooms, 501 Harrison, near 14th and Montcosnery. - - FOB BEKT HOUSES - If UN FUBNISHED 6 ROOMS, new and modern, near Peninsula - school, ralue 83000; for quick sale 82400. 500 cash, balance monthly. Reed. Main 8517. 9 to 4. ' 8TORES for liring quarters, concrete bldg., steam heat, hot and cold wster. 1139 H Albina are. ' FIVE rooms at east end of Broadway bridge. No children. 325. Owner. Main 8916. SOUSES FOB BEICT FUBJTITUBE FOB SALE tt FCRN1TURX of 5 room bungalow and house to sell or rent Leaving city. Mar. 3464. FU B ISHET HOU8F.S 36 FURNISHED bouse for rent to relisbls couple v without children. 83 Miles st, - FU RNISHED bouse for, rent 440. Sell. 8474. FOR BET FLATS 4-ItOOil ' flats. Union are. sear Russell; adults i only. East 2195. . - .. . rTAJTTEO TO RE! T IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TORRENT , , . - -A HOUSE. A FLAT.;N APARTMENT LET US LIST IT. "HEAVB TOGETHER." CARE OF K. W. STEEL CO. PHONE MAIN 1193. WANTED o" rsnt one or store acres with good, assail' Tnnuea nn amhurfaan rVwtm Writs D-900. Journal. - - . WANTED -Furnished hoase. 6 rooms or larger. Phone Portland hotel, room 584. BEAL ESTATE TO LEASE 65 WANTED to lease Equipped tana or ranch on share. Good offer for three or firs year lease. Parker. SO Eaat 62d st, north. FOB SALE HOUSES t WIDOW LADY'S SACRIFICE 81896 , Thoroughly' taodsra 6 room plastered bungs lew with bath aad toilet, elsctrie lights sad gas, full basement aoaersts foundation, lot 60s 100. Sta art Park. Mt Boon has, 8223 cash. $12.60 monthly, .ineludla tnUreat st 6 : as hardwood floors, f uruaea, 1 ireolaee or 1 built-ia pianos. Fred W. tie sen Uow 783 Cham, of Com, . . 1 THE BIGG T HOUSE VALUE FOR SALE 68660 ' rooms, den, full cement basement with basement 4 nios Bedrooms with separating two of them, making French one imm If desired. Furnace, improre paid. ; hear Union are. cars. merits Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Diaz. Main osa. NOW VACANT BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Go right out and take a look at 423 B. 46th st N., 6 rooms, strictly -modem, garage. This horns win stand inspection. Get busy before it's gone. Pries. 54500; terms. C. A. WARRINER. - BITTER. LOWE ft CO., 203-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE, house and lot 45x100. 1428 Mimissinpt are., one block north Peninsula park; house contains parlor, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, hall. ' S bedrooms and bath room; gas., electric lights on first floor; full stuo; Isundry trsy in basement For 32700 small payment down, balance on monthly pay' ment. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT -$ 3200 NIFTY BUNGALOW GARAGE FULL LOT You just must see this. A real bungalow a real home; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, elegant fixtures, cement basement, 60x100 lot, garage, near car. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 8d. Main 8516. BEAUMONT, HOME 1 5 rooms snd sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, full lot, nice lawn and shrubbery, hard surface in .sad paid,' 1 block from car; pries $4600; terms. '-. . C A. WARRINER, RTTTER: LOWE A CO.. 208-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. , ' ROSE CITY PARK . ' FURNISHED BUNGALOW 12850 Owner moring away and must sell; exeeptioo slly well built, 5 rooms and attic, fireplace, full basement, wash trays, etc. Sea this sura... A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st.. near Sd. Main 8516. BRANCH OFFICE, 60th and -Sandy. WESTMORELAND HOME 6 rooms and inclosed sleeping porch. Modern conreniences. such aa furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, etc. Fine view of Mta. Hood and St Helens. Lot 50x100 on lerel street all street improvements in and paid at this price, $4000. Offer your own terms. Possession soon. P, B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Mar. 5434. NOW IS THE TIME Ts boy this nice acre of ground all in ehltlrs tion, good 5 room bungalow, garage, 2 chicken bouses, sereral young fruit trees; Buckley are. near Powell Valley; price 828O0; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RTTTER, LOWE ft CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. AN ABSOLUTELY MODERN BUNGALOW $2750 Worth $8250. 5 rooms; bath, fire place, all built-ins. hardwood floors, furnace, 50x100 lot with the use of two more for gardening. Ttnns. cinc ture In office. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. bldg. Main 588. SNAP in Irrington. 7 room modern bungalow. classy district; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, built-in conreniences,- exceptionally good condition, pared streets; owner lea ring city, must selL Price $4600, clear of incumbrance. Will giro good terms, W. H. Barley. 685 Irring st rnone asarsnau icvos. $450 " 8 room furnished house, closet aad pantry, large woodshed full of dry wood, toots, etc. good rowboat: 15 minutes on two earlinea; west side. Taks "ir car to Termont st. one block east, cream colored house to tas 'right Mr. Allen, owner. ' THE BEST BUT IN HAWTHORNE A nice bungalow of 4 large room a and sleep ing porch. Dutch kitchen, finished in white. The street Is psrecKsnd sewer ia and pnid for. The price is $2000 with $500 down. COE A. McRENNA ft CO. - Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. EASTMORELAND HOME Near Municipal Golf Links. 7 room modern house, fireplace, steam beat and usual builtina lot 75x100, fine natirs trees. ' all street kn- grorementa in ana paid lot, price 545O0. P. :. Vsn Nice. 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 5454 for terms. $100 DOWN. KENTON Buy this and mors right in: Two blocks to car. a nice new 3 room bungalow with wood shed and tenthouse, big lot 66x110, for $177$ This is a bargain. , COE A. M'KENNA ft CO. Main 4522 82 4th.. Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE In Oregon City, Or., 5 room house, barn and chicken house, 6 lots, 1 block to school: price $1800, $500 down and $10 and interest per month. L. B. Martin. 1108 Main st Phono Horns B-49, Oregon city, -r. 100 x 200 $850 Neat $ room cottage, with electric lights; food well and water tower; all kinds of young fruit coming into bearing; at Oswego; $250 cash, $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. " CLASSY little bungalow. o edge of Alameda: atrictly modern, hardwood floors; In first class condition, newly painted and decorated. This id a good buy st $3400. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st Phone Marshall 2963, ' BJX ROOMS ALBERTA $2650 room thoroughly modern house, lot 60x100. in paved st. 1080 E. 15th st N. ; $300 cash. $25- monthly; streetwork all In and paid for. Fred W. German Oa.. 733 Cham, of Com. WHY NOT BUILD? Oet an artistic homo bv an established areht tactural firm st low cost. Ws build anything, furnish the money if desired, L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting architects 924 N. W. Bank. 8 ROOM HOCSB $1000 This place is plastered, has bath, toilet, 'gaa and electric lights, conrenieat to car at Lenta; S150 esah. $15 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. CHEAP team, weighing 2400. T snd 9 years old. good harness snd wagon. Taks Oregon City car to Hereford, go east to High, turn south, little brown house. FOR SALE 4 room house, pat toilet and sink in, on Mt Soott ear. Lents station: pries $675; terms. Particulars address A. W. Lta- aeii. uoi. viity. jt. CHEAP Bungalow, $3000; ssay terms; on"caF line, close in, pared street 6 rooms, furnaoe. This win go quickly. Hartoia ft Wilhelm, roam 103 Sherlock bldg-. FOR BALE A new 4 room plastered bungs-low- with bathroom and hall, half 'basement, lot 60x180, by owner,-10107 65th are, 6. .. city. ' $1400; SNAP; 3 BLOCKS B C. PARK CAR Modern 6 room bungalow, gas. electricity, bath, built-in features, nice lot 75x100. Terms, Ta bor 6559. $575 TERMS $57 8 room house, lights,; garage, 7 fruit trees, sidewalk 43x100 lot, 4 blocks ear. Mt Scott car Tremons sr. station, ozzg Tlst St. B. E. SOUTH PORTLAND home cheap, on Whitaker st. 5 rooms. $1900; $600 down, rest $16 per month. Room 103, S her lock bldg.. Sd and Oak. - OWNER leering city win sell 7 room bungs low. r. modem except furnace heat full lot for $250 down, balance easy terms. - Phona Tabor 7930. -' . - x FOR SALE Modern bunralow 6 rooms, 1 aors of ground; fruit .snuo, beautiful view of city. - block from Kawthoras oar. $3600 cash. Owner. Taoor i;t.t MODERN 6 room bungalow, close la on paved street; erery conveaicnoe; easy terms; $8300. or will trade for -clear farm. Glass, 807 BroadV way building, or Main 4007. - - - 6 ROOM bungalow, concrete rowjsdatioa. f1r place, bath. 6e fare. Oregm Electric ; $1600; terms. Phone Marshall 1874. - FOR SALE Nice bungalow, handy to Vancou ver yards; 2 big lota; lots of fruit X-699. journal. T-rn aiir s tin.... ... ! n 1 sent lot 75x100, 6 blocks from Lents atsv tion. $900. Tabor T808, ; - FOR SALE Modern 7 room hones oa pared street, comer Jot 75x100. . For particulars Woodlawn 8229. - " ' OWN TOUB OWN HOME " Bungalows aad homes for everybody. In Irr ington. From 68O0O. East 27g. Herdmaa. WALNUT PARK -room saedern . resit ence; - - $4000 tf sale is made without scent Phona Owner. Woodlawn 4. -" --' $975 BUYS neat eottaia. new roof-. worta itii; tm 1479 East Oak. SALE OR TRADE 6 liring rooms snd store, . oa csrlina. Owner, Tabor 4573. ES Ta rags xn dooa eresrpom El BEAL ESTATE 1 FOB-MALE HOUSES - $1 - TWO CNLStAL BOMB BARGAINS - Strictly modern. 6 room house. 1 block from carlina, good neighborhood, flreplaoa, . (umaoa, fall cement basement, nice large airy bedrooms. duxiuu nr. immediate possession, mt only $2950. $400 cash. baL 836 month including interest MODERN S BOOM BUNGALOW hm, ilitci iiujui, immn cement basement, lota of rasas, 40x100 lot good noma ennronment. owner la Califernla author ises US to sell foe 8287S,. SSOtt ruh . will handle. A 'sosp" for somebody. TUI CHOBSLEI-VIUARS CO.. T0 Stark st , Main 8068. IT.Rprti Riprfarva 52100. room bungalow, block to Alberta - ear. Full lot Ws recently sold a du ... pUesto of this house for $2850. Terms. $2950 Beautiful corner bungalow' with oae bedroom down aad three up. 7 -rooms in ell. Looks lias $8750. Term Owner. - lea ring city. $80006 rooms, dsn, sewing room, furnace, .? full cement basement, stationary tubs. , Maks your offer ss to terms. Recently foreclosed by bank and well worth $3750. - . , ,'. ,. A. WICKMAN CO.. ': . : 804 By. Bkch. bldg. Mala 68S. - -1 REAL SNAI TT LAURELHURSsV BOMB "; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Hreplaoe. furnace, full cement basement, sH hard surface in and paid. 1 block from ear. If you are looking- for a nice home in a ales loca tion st a bargain pries this Is Hi pries $4200 terms. C. A. WARRINER, RIOTER. LOWE A firt 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Do You Like Cherries? Do yon like to lire la the sity snd bars lots 'our own iruitr usrs is a real genuine snsp, 6 room mastered hanae. eiwvl h.Mm.. v( ln ULkn!, 'ruit. orsr 8100 worth o? eherriss sold last season, besides prunes and applss; strset- P- tha door; handy to school sad college; ub imn ana aosoiuteiy a sacrinos. 51900. See it at once. My auto te at your serrice. E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal. Phono Main 2858. HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW" A SACRIFICE . t -. Don't stand bask thinking this snap has already been picked up, just because it's a snsp; you may bs first: calf and find out; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnaoe. full ce ment basement. aU built-in eonrenieoeee, hard surface in and paid, 1 Vs blocks from car. Look it orer. -C. A. WARRINER, -BITTER. LOWE ft CO., - " 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. KNOTT ST.. tlUKftT 1 Truly hers ia a wonderfully good buy, sloes , muua waving custanoe or Albina shipyard and O-W. R. ft N. shops, we hare a splendid 7 room 'house with firenlaca. furnaea. a-rwwl b. ment corner lot, nice garage. You'll like this SSST . r;.''.'ouu uowa ana it s yours. COE A. M'KENNA ft CO. Mala 4522. p. am as., jsoarq oc Traas blag. HAWTHORN E--$2S50" -'-. ' - XUS.A.U HACRIFICB Out of town owner wants quick action: fcss rsduoed prios from 68400; located 555 E. 46th st. full lot. fireplace snd built-in festuraa. If sou appreciate a bargain, see this, Ds not dis turb tenant -. . A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Mala SSI 6. ... dux yiAjoa 1.-, $8150 5 rooms, sleeping porch, full plastered, floored attic. Finished throughout la irory enamel: hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, beautiful buffet, ex quisite electric fixtures. Improremeata ia and paid. On 2 2d at Terms. r fir r r nt 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. " Main 588. RASE CTTV vihV'tihKX Lota of class a real home; 5 rooms, sleeping Soreh and breakfast room,, exceptionally lsrse ring snd dining rooms, erery eonoeireble con venience, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, furnace; a real homo st a moderate prios. - A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 8d. - Main 5516. BRANCH OFFICE. 60th and Sandy. A fiDT.VU r,TT-k 5 room bnnaalaw. one h. milt hrf A'. You gnust see tt to appreciate it A brand new asonarcn Jange, new linoleum on kitchen floor. SIT' 2 blocks of car. all for $2150. $500 down. . ' . WILSON BEAtTT CO.. - -' 481 Chamber of Commerce. - - Main 6 127. . ONLT $2750; ROSE "Citf PARtf ":" -Modern bunaslow R rnnmm imI tlMnin.rfMMii hardwood floors, fireplsoe. bookcasea, buffet. siLcnen, large clothes closet, bath, gas electricity, full- eement bssement- good location. eow oani. -lsoor uoov. ACBEAGE 57 ' flTTTD't'W lAt4 ' ' -T u "" muee eouut or Bales on the Jefferson highway, one quarter off ths high way, four acres 9 year old prunes. - two seres of three year old prunes, two acres cherries, one v w..tiiit. .uu one sere ox pears. . , L. vm acn oe oaas umosr with good grass under ths trees, tour room "r-f" V mi. a sncaua asa . w, w v .m in. ewvv cava, no mortgage, property is elear: will act con sider trade. To inspect .this - i 6 seres go to """"" 1 ie ana go xnres ana ens fcflf miles south to a Mr. Jsck Bonnie that Uvea .wniMu m wu piace, ana a nrouter-in-law , u " ... w iwHun in enow- ing yon ths place. You can taks Oregon Kleo tria st 10th snd Stark st 8:20 a. m., leave Salem at 12:10 or 4 p. ra. back for Portlsad. Mfain 7485, .606 Swetland" bids. CHEAP ACRKAfiK 5 sens $260; $10 down. $5 per month, hoys W acres jof land between Portland -snd Centrslia, ja u iukiu iinw 01 o rauiuaoa, X v u IH miles from cood little town, sawmills id l. ging camps in immediate vicinity. Soma of this ana is partly cleared, xiunning stream, some bot tom land, some bench. This acreage priced from Can gire yon sny kind of a place yon want BELL REAL ESTATE CO.,.. u wmway exenanga slog. MISSOURI 5 and 10 acre eanfan t. eluding Interest in oil company, only $80 an sere, $8 monthly; inrestigsts. T-864. It VU I 111. 6. ACRE SNAP . . . ... . 5 acres, all la cultivation, 1U miles from Hillnboro. $700 cash. Layman, 14T, Park at, 10 ACRES, house, barn ."other buildings, fenoatC as rnues eas; s.ouu, terms. Taoor 6754 Owner. 10 A r BP'S U in mltlnlln. mrA kl..b .-11 $775. $200 down- Mr. Marstsrs, 401 Bosri 01 iraoe. . . SUBUBBAW" ACBEAGE : ' 7$ V ACRE near"! VicElU. station. Eatacada line' 4 -room new house, 2 chicken booses; $1850. terms. Miller. Sellwood 1714. is AUBfi, H block rrom Hawthorne ear, sll planted in logsnberriea; will bs sxeeHeni tn wiiawai. eM casn. vwner. is OCT PHI. ' SUBURB AIT HOMES 79 WILL LEASE Close In suburban horns, or might fso lnduaad to buy if properly approached; must b at least o room nouse. u-vio, journal. FOB SALE-FABMS 17 THIS will pay for itself in 18 months. Read tt carefully. 60 acres of ths finest land, ad jacent to Portland, most all in' high state of culti ration, except 18 acres of vary fine timber which cruises orer 2000 cords and it worth $5 per cord on the ground. There is a vary fins, absolutely new, modern bungalow, worth $4500, barn and sereral modern chicken booses, worth $2000. water snd electric light' plants worth I14AA. 1IAA k -. 1-J . mJaa. m v i.e., vw H. www. wv, o tons of hay worth $200; lota of poultry feed. vooie ams macuxDery 100 numerous to mention. The income last year wss ss follows: Sold 179.. egrs, lor 6OSBB.00; nena, potatoes, etc., $820, making a total of $7208.65 from only 1200 hens, and ths owner bow has 1600 haaa. This plaoa ts only 20 miles from Portland, oa auto road, near school, and 4 miles from a fins town, and is without a doubt one- of ths heat paying and bast improvsa poultry farms fa the Norm west, out tue owner TO rears old and wanta to retire, and in order to o so at ones Is willing to taks ths aacrifieo price of t ll.OOO. 4 ueaah. It will Tar sow to Ibsws. tigats this ss ths first' man who sees ft will buy it Thompson. Swan ft Thompson, 3d sad Mam sts., Vancouver.' vrsen. - - CTXISE. IN - jm: ACRB TRACT, 1 MILS 80UTB OF TOBIAS ON 6V F. ELECTRIC Splendid 6 acre tract, about f acres ia sua tiration, vary large creek throng tbe place, 4 room bungalow with firm lace and aiaenlM porch, small 2 story bars, very largo chickea nouse. good well. Pries $2350;' $600 cash, bs lanes to suit THs pises has east over $3800 and is a wonderful buy. Fred W. German Caw, 13Z uwDsrr or tomme a. IT yo would "Bko to hare 80 acres of good asa aavB nver near ins voiumoia aigbwa; snd can pay a few hundred 4o liars down. will gire yon free years to pay ths balaoes. Olsss. boi urosawsy eiag. jaam 4007. FARMS for sals cheap. Logged off land and timber land for $5 par a., eloao to Portland; dry farming land st $16 psr a. Hsrtoln ft Wil helm. room 10s. enertoek Mdg. 13 ACRES in good town, good 6 room house. creek, 82 bearing walnut trees, all kinds bear- rag rrun, line ami; price szooo; gooa terms. UtHf. HUKOti, BOW fJnAM. VF WH. ACCOUNT of sicknaas and old ago must seU my fruit raaen adjoining city of Vaseourer. Wash.: a first class home and a money asakvr; z acres; sen, po 00. oa S7, 5 ACRES About one cleared; 4 r. bouse. cnieaen oouse. smau sts Die, goeei creek: p. u. mile, scnoot . ; vv, r. xt Harding, B. noon, or. BY OWNER Fine 100 sere Willamette vst ley farm, gsat 4844. 3 E, 18th ! RICH Alberta farm land, part crop " payment viaaoa iois, ao Auuoermens cms, , BEAL FSTATE FOB SALE FABM8 17 ALFALFA AND HOGS 8URB WINNEuS 40 seres, 26 acres in alfalfa; paid up water right nice bungalow, barn, ' . and chicken houses; all electric lithted.v y IH miles to good town. 2 railroads, . high school snd creamery. Can sell thU st s sacrifice price of $4000, cue half cash, balance , 6 years at 6 I'-' cent. 'If you see it you will surely buy a it See Mr. Richmond. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. ' Brosdwsy -4193. $09 Oak. ' FOB BE!TT FABMH It 100 ACRES pasture land, house, barn, road, 16 miles out. Good for stock, dairy or chickens. Parker, 422 H Wsililngton. TIOMESTEADSr 47 WANTED 0. A C. homestesd rvllnqulshment I here ths cash. P-976,- Journal. 7 TIMBEB - 4 JjXJR At,E 10 -acres of cordwood timber cIom - to, Portlsnd. good shipping point 10.3 1 2 uvui are. bv a... city. WANTED To buy or lease a portable tie saw- mill.- State run 'particulars. U-UTB. Jonrnai. EXCHANGE BKAL ESTATE 8t WANTED Ta Uade for place in, Lcots, a 4 room hones with basement, plumbing, electrto Ughas and full lot' Call 5119 64th S. E. or phono Tabor 6870. LOTS, near Oswego lake, not lmprored and not ineumberea; wiu exchange tor 1 gooa lot in Portland. Fred W. Uerman Co.. 78a ' Cnamber'or Commerce. Bring jn Your Trades we II maten you. 002 uourn nag. BIO prioss for wheat and stock for many years. Trade your property now for good Montana rancn. - r. u. Aiie, ewwtown. sion $2000 rocan house and lot ; exchange for small ranch. 208 Ablngton bldg. GOOD store building, liring rooms abore; $2500; st Kern Psrk; will exchange. Tabor 4090. WANTED REAL F.HTATK 31 WANTED ACREAGE Ws hsva s -lara-e list of acreasa borers. We want everything that yon hare in the way of acreage and small farms. Get busy. 1 hare ths buyers. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO. Main 7485. 608 Swetland bldg. WE HAVE cash buyers for houses. V'e ctu - an you in selling yours. WATCH OUR ADS. WE OET RESULTS. O. A, WARRINER. ' RTTTER. LOWE ft CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. SHACKS AND S if ALL HOMES "WANTED " Prios must be richt and very easy terms. We bare sold over 800 houses in the last year. If you want action see us. Fred W. German Co., 78a unamber of commerce. WANTED From owner. I or 9 room bunga- low, norm Bant preferred, closs 10 scnooi. rs city lot and. pay balance sash. Giro dels.-0-983, Journal. " . Bars WANTED -To buy from owner 8 or 4 room house or shack on Kenton earllna; must bs cheap for cash. Calf Wdln. 8864. DON' WORBf 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere, Layman. 147 Park St BOOMING HOUSES 5$ TjeiTHotel in Portland $7000: terms: clearing $800 per month; classy family hotel; splendid long leasC at pfs war price. I. BRUCE OODDARD. 602 Couch bldg. "WANTED ' Parties looking for rooming or apartment house to hurt of a fry size, to call at 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. We hare a complete listing. A square deal to all. MatnJJ 1 27. r 20 ACRES, all good, not far out, close to new " highway. $8000. H down. Prios will be 84000 after 5ta of February. Buy now. . Get a bargain. Owner. T-BnS, Journal. Dandy Little Place ; is, strictly modern, $850; easy 11 rooms.' terms. Bruce Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. 20 If. K. rooms, Brosdwsy snd Montgomery; clears $100 per month, Nice horns, $1000. slain 7oS. FOR SALE IS room rooming houae all full, clearing $123 orer expenses, rent $50; walk ing distance. H-1000, Journal. BrflTa,8S OPFORTUNTTIKS SO SELECT TOUR BUSINESS Fine cigar store doing about. $R0 per day. Wfll invoice about $3000, including' fixtures at $750. CONFECTIONER T AND SOFT DRINKS . Washington st location, nice cor ner Kent $60. Doing a good business. Price $1850. - . CONFECTIONERT. FRUIT AND CIGARS . Near North Bank station. - Fixtures ' alone cost $2800. Will sell the whole 'K thing, including a good clean stock, for $2100. See Mr. Fnlrnn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. t . Brosdwsy 415$. 809 Oak st FOR SALE Only ators in town, 88 miles southwest of Portland on electric line, four malls a day.. Two sawmills in operation and mors coming. Will sell for caah or inroirs. Will sell or rent store building, 24(4 8, with liring rooms attached. . This proposition includes the express office, S. P. ticket office snd the pot offioe. Address Postmaster, Core' Orrhsrd. Or. - WANTED " Party who owns portable mill of about 20,000 capacity to cut tiea and timber by the thou sand for proposition located on railroad. When answering gire details of mill and machinery and business qualifications and refersncea. P. O. Box 646, Portland. - MAN 'with email capital $800.' sa partner and office manager for - Portland and Multnomah counties for. the. latest auto necessity on the market Money secured. This is s money maker.' See Manager Portland Labor Agency, 11 2d st N., near Burnside. FOR 8AT.E Blacksmith shop and dwelling oa about 1 acre in Barlow, 80 miles from Port land; beary tools with shop. Railroad fare re funded to purchaser. . Title clear, $800 cash. -N. W. Leadbetter. 1220 Taylor st. Hood Hirer. ur. EDISON phonograph, latest diamond disc mci-l end records, for quick sale, no reasonable offer refused. Call after 6 o'clock, Orderlaigh Apta., No. 10. 82 grand are., east side. ' , FOR BALE or exchange, large hall moring tHc tore outfit, skating rink, dance hall combined. Thriving town. For particulars. 1601 Glouces ter sr., porusna. WANTED Young man of good education i t partner in active business, szoo needed. J. B. MtiauM, 41s ntocr r.r-nanre bins. LIST your grocery and confectionery with me. I ll sell It. Osborne, 700 Dekum bldg. PACIFIC BAKERT Excerient chsme to tent equipped bakery near shipyard. 840 Front ft ONE stall in Liberty Market for rent App.'y et the market office, 6th and Yamhill sts. MONET TO LOAK BEAL ESTATE $7 OUR Installment phtn la the best and suro-s method of paying' a loan. $82.26 per month for 86 months, or 621.24 for 60 mouths, or - ' ' 815.1T for 90 atonths, pays $1600 loan snd Other amonnts In ptoporOoa, Ws loan en tmprored city property, r Or for building pwrposes. . , Ko eommlsslon charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION 34 z atsrk st. PortiarMl. or. $800. $400. $500. $760, $106 ' and " up. krwert lntsrest rates. Liberal repayment feiru Isgea Mo delay.' - OORDO! TWTESTMENT CO.. at jnamer or uom mere. BUILDING loans on city or suburban prnt erty: money advanced as work progressee. W. n. Beck. 216 and 216 Falling bids. Main $407. CASH paid for mortgagee and sellers' eootrsc-a en real estate in Wsahlngtnn or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 816 ambermens bldg. 8260. 8860, $400. $500. 00 ami Ut t smeunta. current rates. Quick set km. Fred W. flersws Co., '7$2 Chsmber of Commeree. IF TOU want snoney see u; we bare ttu: Wr. Ksnzie ft Co., since 1905. -616 Gerllng.r MOgi: pnone Mam aoi. MON'kT to loan la amounts tf $10O to 4yo -. oa city property. H, BELL. Room 10-11 MuTkey bldg. MONET to loan -on eity property at lowesr. reus, Fred g. WilHama. lW - SEK OHEGON I.VV. ft MOKTUACK CO.. 'ill Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 600 to $9000 to loan, city or farm swrv gas; no ec mWm. P. O. B-tx 878. - MORTGAGE loans. and 1. Louis Salomon ft Co.. 406 -eMng bMat M01TET TO LOAK CHATTELS, HALABIEW 7 alary LOANS WE LOAN 'MONirr . Cieul On short salaried or workfngm en their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction atrictly confidential fcO MORTGAGE NO StHjHa.J ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ' We slao loan en household furniture, pianos, etc, without leaaovat, CALL AND TNVFSTIGATE i COLLMBIA DISCOf'NT VOaifAXT LICENSED . 816 FaiiiDg bldg. (Continued en Following. Pausl