THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', POR TLAND, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21. 1919. i .1 7. 1 - i I -i . -" . .. .' - - .: .- I HORSE. VEHICLES, ; ETC.' H f illit SALE Bay mre, about 11.50. 10 year ' old: gray mare. ? oW- 100 lb-! cream colored aoare, about 1200. about 10 Sear old; gray mare, bey horse; all thia stuff r in good health and mil work any place; Just ttw thing for year or two, just for feed ' Kin, that are against them, from '-8 to $47 to date.. 283-285 .Front at. Phil Suetter. Crown Stable. 2700 LB, pair bay bones, fat and true to work; make good farm team, including heavy breeching harness and good 2 horse covered epre wagon in good order. This team re- placed with Ford truck and must be aold to save feed bill, we have no use for them. Price C KARl KSKKED BA OREGON COT SoOO LB. "pair work homes. 2500 lb. pair of black, 2500 pair of moles, one 1000 lb. mule, handsome pair of 2000 browns, 2200 lb. pair of grays, several single horse; the speedy peeing horse. Ash lock, a good one; good pair of ponies. All good workers. Will sell cheap or take cattle. Liberty bonds or Stamp. 302 . front st. CHOICE of 2 young mares, 1 weight 1300 and the other 1030 lbs. Both gentle and honest workers; fat and In good health; condition guar anteed to work and pull anywhere, no load can atop it; also 8 great big young cows, coming fresh aoon; will sell At any reaaouable otier. Call at 890 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. 2600 ' LB. team of Percherons, sound and true i to work any place, fat and rea.dy to go right to work, also heavy breeching harness and col lars; complete outfit $185. Have been used by wood and coal company and replaced with truck only reason for selling. UfMN'8 FEED BARM, OREGON CITT JL'Sr arrived with 60 head of best larm chunks that has been seen for some time in any barn in Portland; 5 to 8 years old, 1200 to 1450; will sell for cash . or approved notes or exchange for cattle or horses; assortment of harness, wagons of all kinds. Phil Siietter, 283-285 Front t -Crown Stables, Main 0100. HARK 1300 lbs., fat. sound and extra good i worker, single and double, geutle for lady or children to handle, will plow and cultivate and stand any place ; will sell cheap as I have no Use for her; only 8 year old. OLSON'S FEED BARN, OREGON CITT At) 1 am about througn witu my contract i sell one of my teams 1 have been working on scavenger "wagon; also have a span of mares that I will sell reasonable. Call at 392 Knott at., Just east of Union ave. GOOD lamily lmrse. harness and spring wagon suitable fur Hyht farm work or delivery, all good condition; aUo 1 dairy or family cow. fresh soon, fi gallons guaranteed. 7S0 Insley ave., Bel I wood car. , 'ktiS Head tmrao and gelding, ell 'good workers i and gentle, weigh from 1100 to 1400 lbs.; Sl-to 8 seta good work harness, a few farm wagons and one top buggy. Cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne. . Ill'Z-A BAHoTlN 1T50 takes ranch team bout 2200 lbs., sua re and horse, Well matched, with harness and farm wagon. 380 Front it- Trial allowed. vrm fill l.- Toany mutable for small rancn ' 1150 each, with harness. $85. to cover Teed bill. Phil Suetter, 283-2 85 Front st Crown Stables. MUST sell team of bays- weighs 2400 lbs.; -with harness and farm wagon; $125. L. -a end Broadway. Portland Iiamascus feitables. TEAM of good mules, also team of horses to i rent to responsible parties for their keep. Marshall 4 558 (110 BUYS pair of bay horses, weight 2200. work . snv nlnce: also uamcM-. mi ,i ....-.-. ! Siith ft , Mt. Scott, car. Tsbnr 6634. FOR SALE- 3 heavy goose neck furniture wagons: 4 zwneei aump caru, anu 2 20 Russell st. . 2100-LB. team, young and fat, with good har ness; will Bell cheap or take good cow. Mar- shall 4055. ' DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. HORSE and wagon. $1.60 dax; 2 horses and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 640 Front. Main 2208. $85 00 TAKES horse, harness and light farm wagon. 3 HO Front St.; also buggy, cheap. SEVERAL" delivery "wigons, $20.00 for your choice. 3ho Front st. - BAIN tarm wagon, 3 Vi . good as new, bargain; consider lighter wagon. Box 34. Tigard.Or. 2 Of)OD top buggies, high grade surrey, all kinds of wagons, and harness. 302 t ront at. I WILL take good work horses or cattle for my " Btudebaker truck. . Smith. 228 Alder at. LIVESTOCK 35 AUCTION HALE 11 miles east of Vancouver, Friday. Jan. 24. at 11 a. mi v 1 cow. 2 grade Durham heiferi, 1' grade Durham bull coming 2 years old, 1 2-year-old Jersey heifer. 3 spring calves, 1 coming year steer, 1 coming year bull, 5 brood sows, 6 small pigs. 1 Duroc boar. 16 boats, 1 team mares weight 2800 lbs. team mares weight 2000, 20 bushels gray seed oats, 60 bushels barley and wheat. 15 bushels white :aed oats and vetch, gas engine, woodsaw, feed grinder, ensilage cutter, horsepower hay baler. Adriance binder. Bain mower. Homier grain drill. 8-16 disc, sulfcey stirring plow, 2 16-in. plows, riding cultivator, 2 horse corn planter. 5 shovel cultlvstor. r0 tooth harrow, spring tooth har rnw 2 shovel cultivator, stump puller, complete lines, chocks, blocks, cable, etc., 9(i Mandt waenn. 3 Mitchell wagon, top buggy, light wagon, 2 light hacks. Bradley manure spreader 60 inch. I,oU of small tools. John- E. Cox, Robt E.. Cox, owners: Col. W. S. Wood, auc tioneer. Vancouver. Wash. a FRESH cows with calves, milking from 4 to 5 gallons a day; also 3 heavy springers com ing iresn in - weess, vvooastocs car lo owo Powell st. THREE fresh cows, milking 4, 4 H , 5 gal per dav: also 2 young Holsteins; will sell cheap. Woodstock car to 34th st. 4 blocks south to il040 Schiller st FOR SALE 8 nice big cows, good milkers; they have been fresh lately: will sell reasonable. vl91 Arthur St.. South Portland car. Phone Main 2724. " A 1 BROWN Swiss and Jersey cow with herj Second calf, milking better man gai. a ' day. Call at 662 28th st. Woodstock car. ' NO. 1 YOUNG, gpntle Durham-Guernsey cow; reasonable. 142 E. 81st N.. M-V car. ' 'l WILL take good work liorses or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. 228 Alder st ! SNAP 2 pigs. 100 -i Phone Tabor 0324. lbs., each $22 apiece. TWO fine milch oats. fresh in February. ''Mead t. South Portland car. ' 251 ' I FRESH dairy and family cows, all breeds; take r' your beef cows in exchange. 751 ;E. Ash st. WANTEri A good fresh milch cow. Box 123. Milwaukie. Or. Owner, FOR SALE, a dandy young milch cow, children can handle. Call at 143 Page st. -i A FEW A-No. 1 fresh cows, take dry cows ot . 1 big horses in exchange 302 Front st. FOR SATE. 2 goodmTlch cows. 380 Front st. yOUIiTR''. PIGKONS. PET STOCK 57 '- WHITE Leghorns are the most profitable breed ! of poultry. If you are in the business for i profit you will eventually have them. Early ' broilers; early layers; early PROFITS. We sell - ', only WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHIX from 1 heavy laying HOGANIZED hens. Safe delivery ' if of full count live chix guaranteed. Price per , 100- February, $15.00; March.-$14.00 ; April, fl $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery, 405 Sixth - D' street. Petaluma. California. , . rAYnoi7DHICKS O.. A. C. Barred Rocks. Rhode Island Reds, u $25 for 100; White leghorns, .$20 for 100. High grade Hoganized stock only. J. R. Maguire, , I 787 Oregon st. , S SILVERLACED WYANDOTTES A few hiffh , 'Class cockerels for sale. 8 and 10 months 3 old Big. strong, rigorous fellows. L. Dive- ttein. 184 West Alberta st. Phone Woodlawn 9 4369. Portable Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES P. William. Taboi 629. 6125 E. 8 2d 8. E. INCUBATOR and chickens for sale or trade for anything useful on a farm. Tabor 4888: Route A. box 520. BEIXilAN hares, thoroughbred breeding stock, cheap; must sell; does, $1.75 and up. Mrs. P. Collister, 88 E. 46th sL N. M-V car. WHITE LEGHORN pullets $1.75 each, or Rhode Island Red cockerels $4 each. 6305 42dst JE. FINE R. I. R. cockerels or will trade for pullets. Phone Woodlawn 5461. SIX thoroughbred Black Minorca laying hens, $2 etch. 6102 85th st Mt Scott car. FOR SALE 10 laying hens and pullets. , each. Tabor 3387. FOR SALE 3 Old Trusty incubators irTitopd condition, for trade. 1 spray jumi for whe barrow. Columbia Poultry Yard, Wdln. 4027. WHITE LEGHORN laying pullets. $1.75. . 6803 62d ave. S. E. W-S car. SAVE feed. I guarantee to pick the non-layers from your flock. Tabor 6422. FINE Barred Rock puHets, ready to lay. 787 regon st. Hose (Mty car. BARKED EOCK eggs. Mrs. Creed Evans, 365 Lombard. corner Union. Woodlawn 1656. WHITE Leghorn young hens and pullets. 54th st S, E. Sellwood 1892. 6116 ANCONA eggs Jor hatching, heavy laying strain. 81.50 per getting of 15. Ta. 2983 FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Wyandotte cockerels. Columbia 09. DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guar anteed, birds. Call or address 967 Missia- ' Stppt see.' v FINE Flemish doe for sale. Sums will bring reply. Serena Manning. Woodburn. Or. i BELGIAN bred does, thoroughbred ; also young stock. Prices right. Tabor 1935. CHOICE canaries at the canary birdshop, 1151 r E. 28th S., C-22 1 7. l FLEMISH Giant rabbits from pedigreed stock for sale- Woodlawn 4150. WANTED- A good talking parrot, none other, y U-982. Journal. I AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOlUE4 FORDS FORDS FORDS KEff AND USE CAES S 1914 touring mechanically right 2 1015 touring, in good shape. 4 1916 touring, fine look f car. 5 1818 touring ears, perfect condition. 1 1918 touring. A-l shape and new stresq ttne body. , Bsveral other to choose from. It will be to your advantage to see these can before buying elsewhere. j 4 chain drive 1-ton trucks, with or without bodies. - Talbot & Casey i Inc. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny st CLOSED ALL DAT SUNDAY. FORDS FORDS FORDS THIS MONTH MARKS THE LOW WATER MARK IN THE PRICE OF USED FORDS 1918 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1914 Ford touring. 1917 Ford detivery. 1918 Ford delivery. Don't fail to see these oars before you buy. Some of them are practically new. Lota of extra equipment. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTORS CAR CO., East 3770. E. 13th aind Hawthorne ave. THFSF ARE NEARLY NEW CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1918 Overland, model i P0, new tires. 1918 Mitchell six. j -1918 Overland. Country Club. 1917 Hudson Super. See these for repl cars. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 WASHINGTON STREET Where Washington and Burnside meet. Say. Bill, where cart I buy a good used car? Why you big chump, haven't you learned that Conley's Used Car Center at southwest corner 15th ajnd Washington sts.. 2d floor, is the best and isafest place in the world to buy a just new cjar? He has got a stock of the finest buys ewr offered for sale, and you surely get a square Ideal. , Thanks, 1 will go up ana poa mtnu uvci. USED CARS. THE STREET IS FULL OF THEM, FIFTY MORE INSIDE. AUTO SALES CO., 9TH & COUCH STS. SPECIAL WTNTEtt PRICES Insure your tires now angainst blowout and punctures with our guaranteed reliner. Phone East 1393. We! will calL UNION AVE TIRE SHOP. 614 Union Ave N. LAME! Mfg. and Repairs. 3000 guaranteed springs In stock ; prices reduced. 34 If. 15th at. A BABY SAXON Just the thing for a working man; electric lights, self -starter, good tires. $150 will handle it. i AUTO SALES CO., 9T!H AND COUCH $450 DOWN BUYS 191$ CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. A-l CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. EAST 1962. 37 BUICK TOURING A-l shape. 523 Alder, See Jake. FORD ROADSTER; NEW I can save you $50 if jou are going to buy a . new Ford roadster, run! Just a few hundred miles, equipped with speedometer. Terms. T- 862. Journal LET C8 SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO,, 9TH & COUCH STS, HUDSON SIUPER Cord tires: just revarnished; mechanically per fect. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH CASH paid lor old car, condition no object; parts for all makes of can. Oregon Auto Ex change. 180 Lownsdale at 15th and Washing ton. Broadway 2068. - 1917 HUPMMiBILE Driven 5000 miles; revarnished and in A-l Ehape. AUTO SALES CO., '9th and Couch. DODC3E Looks like new; runs like new; cord tires. How much will you pay? AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH STOCK USED CARS BIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. FOR SALE 5 pass. Buick 6. late 19T7 model first class condition, new tires, ettc, $1070, E-983. Journal. FORD Sedan, nearly new, run only a few miles; will sell at a bargain and take terms from re- sponsible party. Woodlawn 14 J7. I MUST have money. Mate offer on my model 83 Overland. See it si. the Used Car Ex change, 527 Washington rtJ HAVE 3-ton truck in fine shape to trade for small auto or good notes. son Oak st. FORD touring, late model, $325, bondi or motorcycle as part. 273 Columbia St. ONE ton Ford truck, new attachment, on easy term. "Jake. o23 Alder. GARAGE for rent between Broadway and 6th St. 328 Main st. Tel. Main 7u. $300 DOWN buys my 11918 Maxwell touring car, A-l condition. Cail labor 63Q. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. Journal. X 513 1917 Buick Light Six touring, good tires, new paint. A cla-ssy 30b. ".mse, od Aioer. 1918 HUP. used very little, almost new. 4 674. Tabor FOR SALE or trade. 1917 Chevrolet for Ford. Call Woodlawn 2869. $100 TAKES Saxon roadster; can be seen at 766 Hood st. STODDARD-DAYTON bug. quick sale. $125. Tel. Main 7364. 405 W. Park st. $320 DOW N buys a C37 Buick touring car. Ask for "Jake'' at 523 Alder. 1917 Ford touring for sale, cheap. 351 Shaver st. Phone Sell. 2794. TRY us for your repairs. Storage. Yamhill garage, Yamhill and 16th st $200 DOWN buys good Sford touring car. Tabor 630. Call MUST sell my nearly new 1915 Maxwell touring car, A-l shape. M-86T, Journal. FOR SALE. Ford. 1917- model, in fine shape; $425. 664 E. Ellis a?e. GASOLINE 20 CENTS Jk GALLON. OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st BRINGING UP FATHER T U oi - i wj A f "1 t 0SX- DEAR SOT I T 7 k WEU.-At OH. LOOK-M. NT 0 ftOMtED TO MEET H ' uJt 'Ll-TELL. HER I WUZ. BlJ COUUDN'T WW FROM f&f J UO! A I , UI44 " CliNT jP-fCS)u ) I'M TEN J V DETAIN AT THE OFFICE- THE OFTICE NEJ KNOWVOUVE V ! MOORE'? 0O YWT i- -w-l MlNUTE LATE rsOW- mV. .. .. hw, . f- if) WK"4 f ?' S H OEEH FOLLOrV- 1 OINTt MOORE. 48 APTOMOBILES ACCES8QB1ES TEMS mm .IPECDAL - 8A! JUST BADIGABliS 0 truck 1918 Hupmobiie, cord tires 1916 Hupmobiie. cord tires 1910 Hupmobiie, Sedan 1917 Grant Six, repainted 1018 Grant Six, like new 1916 Grant Six IP 18 Maxwell, spare tire 1917 Maxwell, repainted 1916 Mitchell. 6 passenger 1915 Mitchell, ft passenger 1918 Chevrolet 1915 Ford touring car 1916 Saxon 6 passenger touring. 1916 Overland, cord tires. ...,. 1917 Velie Maxwell touring Reo touring TRUCKS 3 hi -ton Overland Ford delivery 9-lr f Fii.-lr S 700 400 1250 MANLEY AUTO CO, 11th and Burnside at Oak St, Broadway 217 USED AUTOMOBILES rirnxfs citen LARGEST STOCK TO SELECT FROM OF VARKU'S MAKES. WILL TAKE TOI.R OLD CAR, AS PART PAYMENT AND TUIK l.m vutv nnvi.s at jriCK VALl'E. HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR OLH APPROVAL 1618 MITCHELL, 5 PASS.. 6 CTL. ...$1000 1018 MITCHELL, 7 PASS . 6 CYL ... 1450 1913 8TI DEBAKER. 5 PASS. t'tu.. 1915 REO, 5-PASS.. 4. CYL 550 1011 PIERCE ARROW, 5 PASS.. 6 CYL. .1250 1918 MITCHELL, 5 PASS., 6 CYL. CHUMMY 1200 1917 HUDSON SUPER 0. 7-PASS ... 1475 1915 HUDSON 7 PASS.. C CYL. LIGHT SIX 52 1913 HUDSON 5-PASS.. S CYL 675 1912 MITCHELL 6-PASS.. 6 CYL 300 1915 MITCHELL 0 PASS.. 6 CYL 775 1915 MITCHELL 5-PASS., CYL. ... 600 1912 MITCHELL. 7-PASS.. fi CYL. . . . 500 SAMPSON TRUCK AS IS 300 Used Car Dept. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. Phones: East 7272 B-1216; FORD BUYERS, LOOK! Ford Coupe, wire wheel. Ford Sedan, nearly new. Ford, light delivery, panel body. Ford. 1919 touring, new. Ford, 1917 touring. Ford, 1917 roadster. Sedan bodies, touring bodies, roadster bodies. EA3Y TERMS Ford magnetos recharged. $5. Makes motor tart easy and brightens your lights. ROBINSON SMITH CO, Authorized Ford Dealer. 6th and Madison st. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES s, WOOD SHEDS 1 Portable or ready cut. See sample at 644 Hood It Main 1167. Milimade Construction Co. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING. PROMPT SERVICE, EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO., CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR. Js-AIM iiai. 1918 VELIE CHUMMY Four-passenger, run very little. Will sell at substantially reduced price and give new car guarantee. This is the last available "Chummy' for several months. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58 N. 23d st. Main 780. NEW TUtlia What brand of new tires do rou Drefer! We have them, all makes and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-G Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 833-335 B".rnside, near Broadway. 4 -CYL. 5-PASS. STUDEBAKER Electric lights and starter, good tires, top, curtains, etc. tor quick sala. $27o. D C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO 58 N. 23d st Main 780. FORDS DODGES MAXWELLS What kind do you want? We have them. CASH TERMS -TRADES AUTO SALES CO.. itTH AND COUCH MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings. Wheels, Axles and Trailers We wreck all makea of cars and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 1S6. I CAN USE YOUR FORD, CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1H19 MAXWELL AUTOMO BILE. CALL TABOR 630. SELL cheap or trade for .stock or a light truck. 2 Fords, touring cars, in first class shape; run like new. Call at 662 28th st. Wood stock car. THE first. $500 cash takes my 5 pass. Chevro let: demountable rims, extra tire, spotlight, etc. Any time Sunday; week dajs, after 6 p. m. Main 4 707. FIVE pass. Cadillac auto, cord tires in good condition. Owner has no ue for the car. Make offer Prentiss. 505 Corbett bldg. 1918 MAXWELL The $1100 kind for $675. AUTO SALES CO., 9th and Couch. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN. Mar 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 DUBRUILLB TOP CO. th at Oak. Broadway 1664. USED CARS AND TRUCKS GIVE THEM THE ONCE OVER. AUTO SALES CO OTH AND COUCH STS. BARGAINS in used "ttrea ; no Junk ; new tires also; vulcanising snd retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand sve. bi'ul' cai paid tor used cars. Dealers Used Car Clearing Hone. Grand are, and E. Stark. DODGE 5 pass., like new, cord tires and extras. $850. East 1393. 614 Union are. N. CHEVROLET, good condition, good tires, one extra. $400. Call Tabor 3299 Styiday. 35x4 I. D. chain tires, Call D-1342. nearly new; sell cheap. WE ME Any 8 IE n good $1285 1100 1000 750 1200 600 . 700 650 650 650 675 350 600 673 1000 m AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 TUuE ME TO8J GM iPECtAl PRDCl SPECIAL TERMS 40 CARS TO SELECT FROM During Thia Sale You Can Buy A $2500 National roadster for $1500 A $2100 Nash six for $1275 A $2200 Chalmers 6 for $ 850 A $1200 Michigan for $ 250 An $1800 Chalmers for $ 375 An $1800 Studebaker 6 for $1050 A $900 Maxwell for $ 600 Many more could be listed, but call and see for yourself. We have several late model fours and sixes that we veil! accept smaller cars as part pay ment on. balance on easy payments. . Whether you need car now or not you can save money by selecting one during thia sale. We will hold it for you. WE MEAN TO DISPOSE OF 20 more cars this week, and if you find it inconvenient to call during the day phone for an evening ap pointment. But aon 1 wan unui 11 IS TOO LATE OUT OF TOWN BUYERS SHOULD WRITE AT ONCE FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF CARS AND PRICES. And remember, every car aold bears the indorsement of the combined OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, And the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE The biggest and Busiest Cor ner on Broadway at Burnside PHONE BDVyY, 616 VELIE 1916, good paint and good tires, 5 passenger, upholstering and top in good order; belongs to shipyard worker; yards closed and I am going away and don't need it. This car cost new $1800: will sell for $800; cash or terms; no dealers need apply. OLSON'S FEED BARN, OREGON CITY. 1 WILL take your Chevrolet or Ford in on a trade for a quality car, giving you the choice of 3 leading automobiles, the Chalmers, or the Hudson, or Hudson Essex. Main 811. Aak for Sack Herzinger. DIAGNOSIS WHILE TOU WAIT E. J. MORIN. Automobile Mechanician. No guess work. Woodlawn 1340. 945 Ganten bein avenue. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR, A-l CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. CALL EAST 1962. LATE 1917 Buick Light "Six" touring. X.w tires, spotlight. A bargain. No bunk. 37 N. Broadway. -, FOR SALE $.150 cash, 5-pass, late modeT Overland in first-class condition; will demon strate. Call Main 31, room 30x1, after 6 p. m. 1918 Apperaon, newly painted, run only 4000 miles. A beautiful car. See "Jake," 523 Alder. 4 CYLINDER BUICK : Come in and take a ride. AUTO SALES CO., 9th and Couch. DORT S passenger, just overhauled and painted, $795. See it. The Used Car Exchange, 627 Washington st LATE model Ford, extra equipment, afl In best of condition. Call Tabor 3167. BUICK 1917 Light SU. $975. Terms to re sponsible party. Phone Owner. Woodlawn 4. MAXWELL '12, bargain. $150. Mar. 2766. (Copyright, 1919, International IEME0M1S STIIEiBMEl lllTiiMTIII AUTOMOBIIES ACCESSORIES 4 8AUE Mil SALE FORD' CARS FORDS 100 in cash or Liberty bonds will enable you to own a Ford car. ALL CARS IN A1 TVIECHANl CAL CONDITION 918 Ford touring 916 Ford touring at 916 Ford touring, several extras. $300 300 395 895 250 450 600 52S 1916 Ford touring, like new 1914 Ford touring, some extras . 1917 Ford roadster. like new p a 1918 Ford touring, like new ,. 1017 Ford touring, new tires, car can't be . duplicated at this price Classiest bug in the city: it cost to build this bug $1500; can be bought reasonable. Come in and see this bug if interested. Price will suit. $800 worth of special equipment. Ford chassis with Kelsey body on It; de mountable wheels, some other extras. . . .$625 And several others to choose from. FORD BODIES - L All Models of Bodies. Sedan bodies, touring car bodies, roadster bodies, delivery bodies and Eelsey bodies. Onlv a few of these bodies left. All bodies reduced from $25 to $75. If you have a touring car body and want any of the above mentioned bodies, will make you a good trade on any body in our stock. We want to make special mention of the Kelsey body, equi(ied with one-man top, sloping wind shield, robe rail, tire carrier and other features. We have just a few of these Kelsey bodies left -come in and make your selection while they last. The Kelsey body comes in three different colorsi You can make your own terms on any body or car selected from our stock while sale lasts. $10f in cash or Liberty bonds and a small monthly payment and drive a car away. Reduced From $75 to $150 Come in and see these bargains before buying elsewhere. $100 in cash or Liberty bonds wiil enable you to own a FORD CAR PALACE GARAGE COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer 12TH AND STARK STREETS Broadway 1572. A- 1442 DEARBORN UNIVERSAL TRUCK Attachments convert any make of car Into an efficient 1 or 2 ton truck st 40 per cent of cost of new trucks. See us before buying. FOR SALE NOW A new 2-ton attachment on Cadillac engine. $1200. CUTLER MFG. CO. Phone East 7332. 851 East Tenth Street. Portland, Oregon VELIE DEMONSTRATOR Car never been licensed; goes as new car, with new car guarantee at substantial reduction in price. Your chance to buy a new car at a discount. D. C. WARREN 58 N. 23d st. MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. $300 DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUR ING OAR; REPAINTED. A-l CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630. AUTOMOBILES WANTED WANTED To buy 2 Maxwell roadster, 1 Ford roadster and 1 Chevrolet roadster st once. Call Tabor 630. WILL no general coniracung, remodeling or painting in exchange for light truck or auto mobile, no junk wanted. Broadway 3053. AUTOMOBILE wanted for land or lots. E. Grant st 1038 AUTO wanted, for 5-room house and 4 lota i Portland; roadster preferred. East 6619 DODGE 5 pass., in perfect order, good appear ance. Spot canh. N-903. Journal. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condi tion no object 121 N. 3d st Bdwy. 2629 AITTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cats. Reasonable rate. Fearing ft Robnett, City Garage, 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN ft SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 1 Vi TON truck for Phone Main 1571. hire. Rates reasonable. FORD, competent driver, go anywhere. Winter, Tabor 1028. A. IX MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES J,i TWIN Reading. 1914. Presto. tandem, new. A-l shape. $75 Eat 6250. tires LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE Fishing outfit: Boat, 5 H. I1 Frisco Standard engine. 3 net, float and drift right $600 cash will handle. J. Woodman, Columbia City. Or. 3 ROOM houseboat, all kinds of wood, fur nished or unfurnished; price $375. Inquire at 1700 Union are. N. In city limits. PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL ; INSTRUMENTS 84 GOOD practise piano (piare) dark cases, $98. REED FRENCH PIANO M FG. COJ, 435 Washington st. (corner 12th) WE pay cash for used planoe and band in struments Sleberling-Lueaa Music Co., 126 4th PIANO, very fine tone and bargain, $100. Sieberling ft Lucas Music Co., 125 4th t PIANO wanted, pay cash for bargain from pri vate parties. Marshall 1517. News Service) r IAS OH, OROAJIS, lisSlitL MKNXS u JUST arrived: Fancy antique Sheraton Inlaid mahogany large aise Pathephone. If you want something in a class by itself both as to exquisite ton quality and unique case design, don't fail to eee this instrument. Only $225. Compares favorably witb other makes up to $350. Also beautiful William ft Mary fancy wal nut cased Pathephone. Oh this art case we in vite comparison" with anything offered up to $650. . The tone quality U positively better. Only $215. Don't take our judgment or any bodya. We would be pleased to make a few demonstrations fox you. Phone ua and our car will call for you, WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. Bdwy. 4 92. 427 Washington St. SKCUK1TX STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT S350 Storey ft Camp used upright. ... $116 nan $450 Henry F. Miller used upright. .. $165 eaeh $350 Kimball. large mshog'y upright.. $190 cash $450 new stored upright pianos. $200 cash $950 player pianos, 1917 model. $395 cash Used upright piano. $63 and $75 cash Used parlor organs $25 and $38 cash Part cash, bond and other securities accepted. Pianoa bought and sold - for cash only. Storage 60c per month. Phone Main 6323. Security Storare Co.. 109 4th st. SPECIAL' bargain in slightly used piano, beau tiful mahogany case, sweet tone and fully guaranteed. Will deliver thia to you with stool to match for $225. Cash or terms. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington st. (corner 12th) Cash Paid for PHONOGRAPHS. AND RECORDS music rolls, brass and string instruments, pianos and organs. NEUMAN 8 EXCHANGE. 128 1st St., near Alder. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 0 mm L WEBS-EE! Phonographs and records bought, sold. rehsnged and rented. Expert repair in.". 142 H 2d, near Alder, upstairs. HAVE YoupONDS, securities or a city lot to turn in asfirst payment on a piano or playet piano and skill buying at 25 per cent below lor-l market pric - at SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st. BEAUTIFUL lister piano, only used a few months, just like new; duet bench with music compartment: all for $367. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 Washington st. (corner 12th) WILL rent Swick & Co ebony caed old rtyle piano for $3 per month. Good practice piano. , WAKEFIEI D Ml SIC CO.. 427 Washington "t. 4 EDISON nhonoiirauh. latest diamond disc model and records, for quick sale, no reasonable oner i refused. Call after 5 o'clock. Orderleigh Apts.. ' No. 10. 82 Grand ave.. east side $50 VIOLIN, $15. $700 Steinway square, $126. $350 Mendelssohn (oak), $288. HAROLD 8. GILBERT, 884 Yamhill. $15 AND $25 cash aends homo new $425 pianos for $290; balance, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th at. at Wash, st. PIANO, late style, like new, standard make, cost $450; take $225; terms given. Sieber ling ft Lucas Music Co., 125 4thst PIANO tuning and repairing. O. W. MOFFETT. Main 5157. WILL trade beautiful- cabinet talking machine for piano. Main 51 57. TYPEWRITERS 17 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes," sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tall dept., 821 Washington St. FOR SALE No 5 Underwood tyjHrwriter. same as- new, $61.50. J. S. Knausa, 416 Stock Exchange bldg Main 3270. ALL makes of typewriters rented, repaired and aold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 6th st. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, excuangsd. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 8 BmarlWe. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 6i Furniture Brokerage Madison Cook stove. $7.50; steel range. $12.50: gas ranee. $8.75: gas plate, $2; heaters. $1.75; ... hutn 7Rc: iron beds. $1.75: springs $175; mattresses. $2.75; dressers, $6.(5: ex. table. $3.50: chairs. 85c; rockers, $1.50; centre tables. UOc. : library tables. $7.75; kitchen tables. $1.50; drop-leaf tables. $2.90: K treasures. $3.90; buffet. $11.50: davenport, $18.50; china closet, $18.50; grandfather clock. $8.75; roll ton desk. $8.75; 'in fact every article in the rtore is marked with a big yellow tag. rxvr. wttr k i Trip re no. SELLS FOR LESS Iron beda 1" "J " Springs J O "2 nP Mattresses 1 JO and up Dressers '.80 . P Chairs anc, up Dining tables . 3.00 and up Center tables Cook stores ? 00 Rockers . -DU OWL FUBN1TUKK to., ieue in - FOR SALE A 6-pieee Circassian walnut bed room suite at reasonable price; has only been used 0 months. Inquire at 591 1st st FOR SALE Household goods, including piano. 674 E. Salmon st, Portland, or. FOR SALE 5 room up to date, furniture for sale, whole or pieces. labor 2i.u, an new. FOR SALE At sacrifice, furniture of 8 room house, almost new. Last MJiin. FOR SALE Sanitary couch complete, $15. Call Tabor 2376 or 7111. 54th ave. s. FOR SALE MISCKMiAXKOl S 19 r EAT HORSE MEAT Sella for less than half the price of other Dnt. Passes thorough inspection. 149 lit st PRINTING FOR LESS-50 wedding invita tions or snnounceinents for $3 50; general commercial printing: best work; prompt deliv ery: try us. Smith, printers. 204 Stark st FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and horse manure, big sear- w and bora. delivered. tfh, laPJff enger wad seon load" Ojenvereo. r.ssi EDISON phonograjlh, latest diamond disc model and records, lorjQUica saie. uo rcaaoname oner refused. Call after 5 o clock, Orderleign Apts., No. 10. 82 Grand ave., east side. CUT FREIGHT RATE9 on houehold goods shipped east and south. Man ning Warehouse ft Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt Broadway 703. A-1T93. HK.HEST pricos paid tor aumorau, watches and jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jew-lr-v Co.. 44 9 Si Washington at. FOR SALE Fertiliser from Union Stock yards, for lawns and gardens; prompt service. Pbont Tbor 6690 evenings. FOR SALE Crown kitchen range, good aa new; also Oliver walking plow. Pbone East 19081 FOR SALE Express body and top for 1 ton Ford truck. C. F. Ewing, 751 Kearney st. Tel. Main- 4441. , GOOD wood heater. 2 iron bed and 1 st.riag mattress for sale cheap at 1516 E. Lincoln st Phone Tabor 2443. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Davis Co.. 212 3d at Main 797. Stark- WE have new and second band safes, moderate price. 49 Front Broadway 1906. FIVE new Singer sewing machines cheap. liiiuds accepted. O-080. Journal. FOR SALE Gas engine. 1 price. Phone Tabor 4 54. H, for half VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co., Main 8583. UNCALLED for tailor made mts. $12.50 up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Bnraside st e FOR SALE Garden manure, and plowing done. Tabor 6634. A LARGE, tarpaulin in good condition. cheap. R-98 5. Journal. ; MAN'S new raincoat, about 3. for sale. Ta- bor 2771. 4912 72d ft, S. E PORTABLE rubber bat:. for wile A-l ..- dition. Cost $20: sell for $8. Bdwy 339 NICKEL in lot musical harp $85, cost $75fL 366 N. 20th st. FOR SALE Window washing tools and- route. R-988, Journal. ' FOR SALE anSCElMiAYEOITti 1 COLUMBIA1 RIVER SMEL, SINGLE FROZEN 10 CTS FES LB. We prepay postage. Packed to arrive in good condition within 160 miles of Portland 6-lb. lota up. Write or phone tor Quotations on quantities. 20 lb. box t. o. b. Portland, express. $1.20. KOBIHWE8T FISH PRODUCTS CO., Phone for City Delivery. 205 Yamhill St. Main 4760. SEWING machines, new and sec ond hand, sold for less; ae agents employed. Complete t line of parte for all make machines, re paired and rented. Mam 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d near Taylor st. i JOHNSONS PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND 8D Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. - Walker Electric Works. 41$ Burn fide corner 10th. Broadway 6674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Tyuewntera" and "Household Goods" are seoarate classifi cation. AU advertisements of these goods are published under their respective claauticauona, LOOK THEM OVER RELIABLE, scientific and permanent process by reliable, permanent and responsible people for sheet iron, rubberiod. gravel or shingle rovfa. Expert workmen, no bums or floaters, Mar shall 4291. T 1 f rn TEN drooliead sewing mavhmea wllb V I viW attachments, all are m eery good condition. Sewing machine rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2659, or B-3307. K. t. Steen. 152 Grand ave. near He! moot. AUTOMOBILES. AluioRClUl.Ea. LAUNCHES or boats are seoarate classification. A large Hating can be found under these different classi fication-, ffio Crt r c: used uiiopheau PlZi0U 10 vP I 0 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Kent and Hepair 172 3d ft. near Yamhill. Main 184 5. A-l SIS mi ITXfTtIA rii.r smelts, carried in sbaro frees- er. 60-pound boxes. $2.46 per box. Send postoffice or expreaa order. Municipal Ebb Market. 187 3d st,. Portland. Or UU1 water tanks, all izei. In good, serviceable condition. 30 aal. $7. 40 gaL $9 201 Adam. -t. East end Steel bridee. Phone E. H516 FINE Red Hose seed potatoes: Mann bone grinder, power or hand. A. Kappcler. Colum bia blvd. and 57th st. Box 446, R. 1. FITRNITmK WANTED 74 Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We epecialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office iurniture. hotel snd camp supplies. When you have gnytning to buy or aelL call or ph. tie. . v Main 9072 A-7174 LEVIN HARDWARE ft FURNITURE CO. 221-3-5 Front st. cor. Salmon ; OWL FURNITURE CO " FIRST Wa want your used, furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos; will pay highest cash prices Call Main 4627. , ' - W1GHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-00 Grand are. East 7766 Hlehest prices paid for used furniture, ear- pets, stoves, range, etc. We call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8832. ', ' WILL PAY CASH For ned office furniture. Mali 19T1. Pacific Stationery Ptg. Co.. 107 2d rt. WE PAY the highest cash prices ever paid by anyone in the city for furniture Call u for one article or a hone full. Main 734. f a o II paid tor furniture, stoves, rangea, neat- ers, carpets, rugs, dressers, etc Pbone Mar. 675. Hrtsell Furniture oo.. aei-en PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture; we will come si once ana v CXSH M. It. SEATER. 3 80 Hawthorne ave. WE will pay more than any dealer for Ojd-hsnd furniture, .dam xooo. . SWAP COLUJIII WILL trade or sell launch for good team and outfit; will pay difference if good. T-sou Journal. . SWAP Pair birds for child'e bed. E. 63d st. N. No. 2 I WILL take good work horses or cattle for my studebaker trues. mun. -o " - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS t WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay hiiit cash price for second hand house hold goods. No amount too Urge or too null Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER Pl,nn. Fast 2203. 143 Ttnsaetl t $7,50 for Second-Hand Suits irver. the tailor, paye moat for clothing- snd hoes. We call aay or evening Marshall 1229 or 229 Madlsnn- Uv,u S. Z DELL 208 Front st. We pay the highest price for second hand tonls iunlt. pipe. etc. ; win cn 2.. L. dliailrv OU. Oregon hum . METALS RUBBERS Vrita for prices ami shipping tags. Main 1699 Over the Tod, $7.50 Up Snot cash for second hand suits, overcoats. old shoes. Main 788 or Jmjjeuicauu "BUSY TAILORS m.k nrlroi nald for clothing. TsTk to . Von will be satisfied. Broadway 1021. GOLDSTEIN -v. ir.!!, nan highest prices for Isdles" and gentlemen'.' suits, dresses, etc Broadway 8932 24 5 Burnside st WANT poultry netting, 1 and 2 inch mesh, and Cypress incubator Give siae and price. Address MBarronIWTnomnyr. Wvtvii Hoisting engine without boiler: want 2 cylinder engine with 781. Journal. ' drums. : 8 vJfaDER. the second hand dsler, . pays more -for mnr second Hand ladies ana genu clothes. Phone Main 2874. GOING East or South r Household goods shipped at reduced rate; menra ; mlL jy Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt st. nowy. ua. W"NTto buy from owner. 2d hand safe about ail inches high; also filing cabinet, st bar gain. East 4635. WANTED Men to sell their discarded and misfit clothes for libers I aipraisement and spot cash Phone Slain '"'t WANT ED Hot water incubators, BOO-egg size or larger. iiuisiae roniir csrni, nuitr ton. Or. r.fOTHING WANTED., 355 Ton prices for -lathing, furniture end trunks. uiivTirn Hints' "shotgun.- cameras. lenses. Hochfield. 85 3d st. Phone Main 8581 V'febu teiier, rsgt, 'junk of all descriptions, Pbone Mar. mil. WnL give carpenter work for tailoring or dental work. T-H67, jonmai. WANTED An automobile robe. Call Tabor .2130. DRAG SAW, mut 7S7 Union eve. N. be bargain, , also saddle WANTED Restaurant fixtures; ail you nave S 760, Journal. WANTED R'frigerstor and ranae. 8 762. Journal six burner gas PERSONAL MRS. OZIN. spiritualist and palmistry teaeber 150 lltn at. SClESTIFIO breathing, health 'mdlt- Treats aD diseases, excesses, m. i& By George McManus PEIISOWAI, TRY THE PETERNON PLAN Late winter and early spring sample are t Women are- earing half at Peterson s Manufac turer' . Sample Outlet on suits, coats, drawee. waists, pet lie oaf, 'sake elevator; Zu lloor. rooms 205. Pittock block. GLASSES AT A SAVIMi 1 I solicit your patronage on tht basts of capable, service. , Thou sands Of tiHfiwl mtrnni : (Tht- fTeodman. optometrist. 209 Morrtw st. COME IN and get both your leet fixed up good for $1 bv Dr. Fatnn. ihm rillltrii ilil r hn doesn't hurt you; 6 years in Portland; exam. free. i,opo i nestrs nmg., 11th and Wssh. Bfly. 2824. DR. G V. KE'tCHUM. woman's insiatiiea anu acute dtneases of men. Washington btatg., 4th and Cvahinirto. Phnne Marshall 448. WHAT a Hit matter with your lent Arch sup port specialist: FwotiCemfort store. 246 Wash.. L bet. d and 3d RATTLESNAKE Oil. aure relief for deafness. dryness and. ringing in the bead. Minnie G. Seruags, Neaperce. "Idaho. - YOUNG, lonesome married lariy wishes the ac quaintance of some lady with refined Char acter. N-992. Journal. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mnles, warts, removed b 10 ineedle method: trial free. Josie Finlsy. 614 Bash ft Lane bldg. Main 63Q8.- Et.ECTRIO Taeuum cleaner (new) for rent. $1 per day delivered to reasonable distance. Main 7R75. GOITRE, enlarged glands, people ture them. selves permanently. A. U. btrachan. HUU born. Or . R. 5. , DR. F.LNA SOHEN8EN. 608 Panama bids DRT'GLESS Method: has wonderful effect. MME. GRENELL. scientific face nd scalp treatment. 230 Fleidner bldg. Bdwy. 1685. LADY barber, shave, 15c; haircut, 25c; face massage. S5o. 323 Glivan, cor. Clli. , ". NOTICES ,..'. .JA NOTICE of sale of "gov'eFnmelir Umber. General Land Office. Washington. D. .. Dec. 21. 1918 Notice i hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set of June 9. 1916 ,89 Stat.. 218). and. th in etrnctlnna of the secretary of the interior ot September 15, 1917, the -timber on the follow ing lands will be sold Feb. 11. 1919. at 1 o'clock s. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Itowbure. Oregon, to th i highest bidder at not less than tha appraised value as shown by thia notice, sale to be subject, to the approval bf the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth .of 1 peir cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, mint be deposited at time ot sale, money to be returned' if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which -must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United State, associations of such citizen and corporation. organised under the laws of the United Statel or any atate. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any leasl subdivixion will be offered separately before being Included in any offer of larger unit: Townshio 21 8.. It. 4 W.. Bee. 19: N. W. U S. E. red fir. 830 M.. not t . be sold for less than $i per M. ; T. 33 S R. W.. Sec 11: N. E. V 8. E. V. 86 M. yellow pine, 685 M , red fir. none of the yellow pine to be aold for less than $2.60 per M . and none of the Ted fir to be sold for less thau $1.26 Der M. Verv resoectfully. Clay Tallman. commissioner general land office. TO whom it may concern: Till" Is to eertifv that Catharine Wislrand has left my beit ami . and board and that I wilt not be responsible for any' bill which she may contract .or imrur. W. n. WIHTHAJili. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN My wife. Edith M. Schoolon. having left my bed and board. I will not be responsible for any debt! conutracted by her, (Signed) N. M. rVhmdon. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS; DIRECTORY: AOOORDEON PLAITINQ. HEMSTITCH INO ACCOHDEbNOiLEATING' We cut hem and pleat skirts any style, $1, Hemstitching lOo per ysrd. Eastern Novelty Co., 85 H 6th t Broadway 2000. IO;MSTITCHfNirandFic.t, All work guai- an teed. Singer Sewing Men. Co.. 402 Wash. ANTIQUES ANTlUtE and ALL KINDS of KLIiMTUUt SUm Salvage Co., 633 Washington -st BARBERS' 8UPPLIE8 LEWIS-STENGER Ilarbcrs Suj.ply Co., 401 Morrison at.- the place to bny5 barbers chaltt snd supplies. Stock of used furrijtur slwajs oa hand at right price. - i-' BEAUTY 8lgq I AtlST bUi'EUrT.UOUS bair deatroyl-d forever by klui" tiple Needle Method. 504 Hwetland bldg BLAWK BOOK' MAKERS , j DAVIS ft HOLM AN, INC., 4 09 2d st. blani book manufacturers. ' A-.)! 8 8. Main 183 OAWPKT OLEAWIWO , E. 8580. r i t ii i r-vii. rl Urr HI ll-iS B-iasu From old rarpeta. Carpet cleaning and reflttln Hag ruga woven, all sisos. Mall orders aollcllev. NORTHWEST RU1 CO. Former address 163 . Union are. EAST 3580 ...,... '8-1280 JOitJii UK OS., Electrto Gieamng , VVoras- ir. pet rleaned snd laid, refitting our specialty. East 440. D-1963. 204 E. lth st N. CHIROPRACTORS UK 1 -A I J It A K. IKJVVNING. liroailwsy bid, Druglesa PhyslcianrlO yr. experience Chiro practic. Eleetricitr. Vlbratoiy Masxage and Diet. DR. M MA1IO.M, 10U4 ad hutment, luad-t . carefully, permanent. Phnne. 81 $15 COAL AND WOOD ' NATIONAL PUELCO. Ki7irtiUbwol.- bloe wood. 3 load lots. 4-ft. r'ntry lb Ka-8-U4tfr ' - DOQ AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. . if. IIUTHMAN'iioepitair 4 1 5 E. fiti at", corner Grant East 1 H47, -It 1902, DftESSMAKINQ MISS GUNI RON YA ENGEI.STAD Diacero ing dressmaker, designer. No patterns. Sboa 1082 Hawthorne are.- Phone Tabor 8086. .. s - - EDUCATIONAL FRENCH lessons: simple converational metbwj. 801 Orbett bldg. Main 8388. r- DANCINQ MISS IHELAND 10 LESSONS $5 609 Deknm bldg. Personal attention. 70te . MRS. FLKCk'S ACADEMY, 1 09 2d st Bl! rooio and stage dancing. Cla Tuesdny anf Friday evening. 'aln 210O. I'rivste lessons. NIUsicTicHOOLS AND TEACHERS WERREIt ACADEMY OF MUSlfl" String inatrumenU and plana. Columbia bldg. Mslrt 1888. "''; PROF. t.E. LAWSON, 20 year'- eiperiene. Piano lessons et your home. 76o. Tabor 7208.. Li CA R H6XEDA Yr pla novoeaf lewna7wni practice piano 1 hr. da $6 mo. Bdr. 2585. VioOn, piano mandolin," guitarT banjo. Kol Kunbeck. 409 Yamhill. MAIL ADVERTISING; CRANE IJSTTEH XJ 512 Royafbldg. Mule graphlns.miroeotoraphlnir. Marshall 5822, " "PAINTING," TINTING, PA PER HA NO IN (1 i H. CLiirioN, iTxtiirwnniri N. 17th st. Broadway 44-14 Woodlawn 2126. PATENT ATTORNEY ' GOI.DBKKG. 820 Woreetter bldg Main 2525 PRINTING, CNORAVINO. BINDING PRIrTTl Nf W BALTES ft CO.lT! I ill I. I 1 1 vJ nd Osk . M. 165, A-l IBS PHrSICIANS DK. H. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Brosdwit buUdlng. Kheumatitm, female disorders, skin trouble, tomacb, liver, kidney, bowel, thrust, goitre, big h blood pressure. " RUBBER STAMPS ALSO STENCILS, Trade Ch-eks, Metal Sigaa, PACIFIU COAST STAMP WORKS. 6 Broadway. Broadway 710. A-2710 SALTED AND SMOKCD FISx" ALA8KA HERRING ft lul'tHt" ING CO., dis tributors . of salted and smoked tUtt. 'i't TamiilJi at. PortUnd. Ur. . ' - - - TRANSFER AND STORAGE OREGON TRANSFER CO. Estsblisbed 1870 i Transfer sod Forwsrding Agents. Storage- Free Trackage. Office sod Storage 474 Gll.en. th and Glisen. Broadway 12 HI, A-llllw. ALWAYS KICK THE BEST HoUSEIIOLlT GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, nip ping snd moving. Horse snd auto van. Specia rates to all point. i a O. PICK TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO.. , Second snd Pine. Broedway 68. A-lb8 STORAGE AND" "TRANSFER CLAY S, MORSE, INC., 4ZR jrisndert at PACKING MOVING STORAGE - SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO.. 106 Park at , Main 616. A-1S61. FIREPR00F"ST0RAGE C. U. OLSON TRANSFER i.. 24S PIN O. L DAVENPORT, trsnsfer and storage, long distance hauling.. Main 8578. 144 Front VIOLIN REPAIRING W. L K.1NG. violin" repaired Dance orchesUa, ' union. 644 is Wash. Bdy. 478. , r . Vv-i-.-i Uy:. ;v'-;.:; .,- ', :'::J::-- ':;:--