THE OREGON ' SUNDAV JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1919. APAHT3IE"NTS 4S islPTHKEE Urge light furnished noasekeep tM nou. 46 East 27th at, Bichaaond car to 2 7ti. en block- smith. tilE b furnished rooms, heated, an oateUe: kesatiful place. A lb ma as. Mississippi car; no -children. -So .Um tint. HOTEM 64 HOTEL at nwKt resort, f3 noma: oa , on 4 room cottage; electric light, city -waUr. fireplace, tarnisbBd ccasplet: pian, ' half dan. rat aasy payment. 1009 We 16th at.. Vancouver, Wash. stores AsporriCM 11 PART of off ica for tvsrt, 'ccBtrally located, hot and coil water, food aerric entrance eppoute ctevator; 8T.50 par month. H-892. Journal BUILDING a 1440 Sandy road, suitable lor garag or shop, on at 841 K 67th N. WAITED TO RE5T IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOft RENT . A HOUSE. A FLAT, AN APARTMENT LIT TJS LIST IT. -HEAVE TOGETHER." CABS or K. W. STEEL CO. PHONE MAW 119. WANT to rent farm, about SO acrca under cul tivation. 20 aoraa pastor, fair build in t. near acbocL Will pay cash rant and buy some stock i If price 1a right- t.ive full particulars in first tetter. Z-65H. Journal. ' ' WANTED, to rent 6 roots b tinea low furnished or buy furniture and rent botua, with far ax preferred. Stat particular first letter. a- av. Jmim.1 "WANT TO RENT, with option to buy. chicken ranch, near electric line. What bare you? HX-893. Journal. like to rent aoma acreage with bom outside city limits, not more than 10 miles out; mora tn Feb. 1. 1919. Call Tabor 80 1 01 , WANT to rent, privilege buytne. furnished bom n as An 1 gum hnsis. if -h 7 7 Jour nal. BY February 1, cottage or la re boose with rooms fox subletting ' for housekeeping. 7-718, journal. WANTED To rent 2 or 3 acre, partly cleared. 696 UnWB are. N. WANTED Several small houses, apartment and housekeeping room for rent. J. a. Enema, 418 Stock Exch. bldg. Mam 3270. WANTED On or two H. ST. rooms for maa and wife to apartment. CaH East 6008. WANTED to rent 4 or 5 room hue or flat by couple with no children. Call toi. ivi. FOUR or 0 room modern bouse, on Hawthorne, Mt Scott or Richmond car. Call Tabor 6143. WAST to rent acreage close in. or email farm. 86a ri. notn st niwr dii. WANTED Space, ground floor, to demonstrate oil burner. Z-785. Journal. 1 BUY anything that is cheap enough, Bruce .toddarq. au-' concn oiog. WANT small furnished house in suburb; elderly count. Tabor 356, WAXTroon suitable for restaurant, good loca tion. Marshall 2300. REAL ESTATE TO LEASE S WANTED to lease Equipped farm or ranch on share. Good offer for three or fire year lease. Parker. 60 Eaat 62d t. north. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 68 " WILLIAM G. BECK. BEAL ESTATE INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE LOANS 215-210 Failing Bldg.. Has property for sale in all part of city. Also acreage and farm. SHACKS. HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS Price from $750 and upward. House for rent also. S ACRE TRACJ, E. 4 1ST AND BELMONT ftlOOO 2 STORY HOUSE, 8 BOOMS. LOT 40x100. MONET TO LOAN FOB BUILDING PURPOSES FOB SALE HOUSES ft an, no nBV I'lTV rUSTHIHT 1400. , W f I fc. I O f " " " " " - " . I ft room bungalow, modern plumbing, electric lights and cas. fnll lot- Vacant, immediate occupancy. Eay terms- Consfder taking lot as part payment. We hare sereral other good hciuea In this district up to 10.000. Help Ton make your first payment if necessary. See tiiivv r Miiiuc ARfNGTON RLrXf. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1.0B8. Office open eTenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE CAR $2000 kika tM Hawtbnme car. We will ahow yim ' a nice bungalow X 4 large rocma ami twfjn pofV-n.- The street is pared, the sewr tn and paid. We really bUre this is the best bargain in tba Hawthorne district. - COE A. M KENNA A CO.. 82 4th st. Board of Trade. Maia 4322. Nnmlay Plione Tabor 819. i200-COMPLETELT PCRNISHElS $2900 HEAT BUNGALOW 5 rooms, fireplace, fnrnaee. cement base m1nt, nice fruit tree. errie and khrubbery, hard snrface streets in and paid, quick posses sion and essy terms. Arnold near 34th. V. A. WARBINEB. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ! DENVER AVENUE $23SO - A nice o room bungslow with fireplsoe. all bniltin feature. 60x100 lot. 2 blocks to car; .you'll like -this pretty little home; pay $200 down and $20 a month.. COE A M KENNA CO.. S3 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. Sunday Phone Tabor ir! CASH TALKS. 7 ROOM BUNGALOW. 60x100 ft. lot. pared street, all paid: rooms first floor. 2 upstair: furnace, cement flror: L block to car; only $2S50. $1100 cash, balance easy Tabor 7710; erenings and Sunday. Mam 934. .This is close In on 38th st. Mark thi one X and see it. $1000 CASH B UN G ALOW $ 33-0. $ BOOMS. DEN AND SUN PORCH. On E. 4th at N. cm top of hill near Ala meda drire. S rooms, den. sun parlor, furnace, fireplace, bookeaaes. beamed ceilings, beautiful lawn. Don't beliere you can beat it; think of it. only $3350. Most hare $1000 cash. Price cut to get it quickly, t'all wain. !a, OWNER OF BUNUALOW being transferred to other state says sell my bungalow at $2750. $1250 eash. It baa 0 rooms, oak floors, fire place, baffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, full plumbing.- thoroughly modern: t lot 50x100. near car. high and grade school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 834 N. W. Bank bide $1260 WEST SIDE HOME $1250 S room plastered home, elect, and gas. white enamel plumbing. This is a good borne at a sacrifice; recent, more in. Easy terms. 2d at. near Whitaker. This is close in on the west side. See FRANK U M-GUTBE. ABDiGTON BLDG.. To Boy Tonr Home. Main 5 1.58. ,2000 FURNISHED PENINSULA HOME. Here Is a 6 room substantial home on a fall lot on Sumner St.. close to Denver are.; electric lighta and gas. whit enamel plumbing. This price includes furniture. Terms. See FRANK Ij. McGUIRE. ABLNGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Maia 1-08S. Office opneTenings jind Sunday a . pRICE5ErCCED FOB QCICKSALE Rose CirjPark rooms, modern except fur nace, oak floors in S rooms, sll bniltin. Dutch kitchen, full cexnent basement, bearing fBr trees, street pared and paid. Vs block Sandy and nly $8500. Easy terms. F. VANDUTN, (IS Chamber of Commerce, Msin 1855. ' $350 CASH $ 1350 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 roccu bungalow, full Una plumbing,. $200 worth ef - furniture; conrenient to car (West iidel ; in Front st. near Nebraska. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON. BLDi., "35 Tears in Portland. " Main 4 503. " B'tfSE CTTT PARK 3 2 ."i 0 0 5 rooma with sleeping porch, break faat Rook I all built in Conveniences; - fnrnaee. - fireplace, hardwood floors, garage; terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. """" 100 I 200 $850 Neat 3 room cottage, with electric lights; good $reU and water tower; all kinds of young fruit tossing into bearing; at Oswego; $250 cash, $15 (tionthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber ftjmmerc. . - FAMILY flat, rent $105 month; $1000 cash, balance rent will pay. Price $8500. 5 eoom each, modern, hot water heat, fine loea kioa In Walnut Park. Boy this eacrifice, live $r one apartment, rent of the other three will y for it- Call Woodlawn 2S88. $1300 COMPLETELY FURNISHED" 5 ra. plastered cottage, $300 worth of fnr uiture. enamel plumbing. 25x100 lot. : coBV. to car; St. Johna; only $300 cash. O. C. OOLDENBEBG, Abicgton btdc it yrs. n roruuM.' m 4803. OiE CITY Park bungalow, ft rooms and den,' oak floors. Fox furnace, beautiful corner, both tracts paved, bouse newly tinted and an for SS250; easy tenon. F. Vaadaya. 616 Chamber r ommeroe. atans laso. rOR SALE Modern-? room house, full lot. at B27. n. kxuaon. and a modern 4 room house at-00S N. WlUamett boulevard; will be old on easy payment plan. Call 821 N. Edi aon, St, John. Wo phone. .- $1100--NEW BUNGALOW COTTAGE' ft good eased rooms, double consrtttctioa. 2 full lota. ' Owner, Tabor 81 fl. THREE neosn bnagalow. wast side, large lot for ale cheap.. Easy ,erms, M. E. Lee, S03 47orbetfj bhlaV - - - . . . : $1000 $160 cash, balaaca $16 per moath, - bnja ft room eoUagev. largo lot. f not and ber. Jw and fJowers. M. E. Lee. 60S Corbett bid. BEAL ESTATE FOB, HAL HOUSES i LOOK AT THESETOt)AY $70 2 room feooee. lot lOOxlOO. am K. ' JU 1t bet. 1-oUaday and Multnomah. $ a0 cash. QOfl 4 cot tare, bath, electricity, lot VU 8xlS2. 121 Bancroft asst. west ' Bade, SIOS rash. Si 300&sr zt?i-tzzrj& $1 600 afa,?81 "Uor'- room cottage, lot 46xll. 414 r I tJU Feeaeadew at-. Bear Stewart. St. ' Johna, $259 cash. IQYi fiu: room cottage. 1248 Miniw VlOWsota Bear Simpson. $200 caab. C 1 QY. rooa nice cottage, full tot, pared O I 3JJ street. 138 Nebraaaa. wot side. T 1 QAA 4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit, 1120 J I OVAJ K. Maia near 37th. $200 cash. MrtArt 7 room house, 3 lots. 1023 Inter saCUUU staU are., cor. HnmboUt; $500 casb. QOnnn roosa cottage. 333 Fremont near D-vyVU Rodney are.. $600 cash. COOnn room, cottage. 388 Fairbanks st. OZZUU near T barman, west aide. $500 caah 0A(Y 7 room bona. 2 lots, 1 Highland vJZ4UU ,t mr E. 14th, $300 cash. A big snap. QOCnn rm. oot . 269 Hasaalo. t Laira OZDUU bee. nr. Bdwy. bridge. $500 cash. QOCRfi ft room noose and two steeping V-vvv porches, garage, soa j niu a t. An. r- Fine modern 5-rm. bungalow, con S3150 hiock garage, lot 50x100. $13 VVJ I OU R 12th N nru. Maaon. $600 cash. J. W. GRUSSI S18 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 5 R, "BUNGALOW . ROSE CITY PARK. $3500 STRICTLY MODERN. IN BEST OF REPAIR. 7 ROOM HOUSE. MONTAVTLLA. $S000 1 BLOCK FROM THE CABS 7 ROOM HOUSE, LOWER ALBINA S minutes' walk from the Alhina shipyards, walking distance to downtown; furnace, laundry trays, buffet. They are owned by a bank,' in good repair and can be sold en small payments and easy terms. Sell wood 1 29 FRfi) F. HUNTRESS. 1459 E. 31 ST ST. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW A beautiful 6 room bungalow with Pullman breakfast nook, very cleverly arranged; rooms large and well lighted; hardwood polished floors, lovely fireplace, A-l furnace, fall lot. paved streets, all paid. $4 860: $1900 cash. KOSSMERE HOME 8 rooms and sleeping porch, nicely arranged lower floor, with large bedroom, fireplace in din ing room, built-ins in dining room, 2 nice large bedroom and sleeping porch on second floor, close to Bose City car and school; paved streets all paid, with nice garage. $4750: $2750 cash. THE LAWRENCE COMPA-NY. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. A-2R13 8 ROOM plastered house, large lot, gas, electric lights, fine well, fruit; -will take house in city. 5 room house and H acre. $350. $130 cash, terms. 4 room, new house, barn, well and spring. 2 15-100 acres; cow. chicken and pig: all in test of shape; 4 blks. of station, at Jennings Lodgen Oregon Cfty car; $2900. $650 cash, term. George Morae. Jennings Lodge, Sunday; week day. 309 Cham, of Com. 7 BOOM BUNGALOW $2750 Nicely located, attractive and well constructed, fireplace with, bookeaae. buffet. S bedrooms, den. fad basement with concrete floors, wash tray, lot 45x106 ft. This is extra good value. $760 cash, balance $23 per month with interest at 7 : no mortgage to assume. BLAKE REALTY CO.. room 109. over Citizen's Bank. Phone Eaat 8512. Call Tabor 3583. eve ning. r $1760 8 BOOMS RfTNN YRfriR ' Good basement, electricity, (at. plumbing connected to sewer, improved street, concrete Mdewalks and curbs, 1 block to car. near school and Laurelhurst park, close to business district: lot 57x80 feet. U feet over street grade; small caah payment and liberal term. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 A-4 118. $2800 ONE ACRE OF GROCND-$2800 . NEAT BUNGALOW Located in Buckley are. nesr Powell Valley; 5 roonu and floored attic, basement, wash tray wood lift, good garage, 2 chicken noose, ground a3i inf cultivation, on hard surface roed: terms. " C. A. WARRINER. HITTER, LOWE &. CO. 203-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WIDOW LADY'S SACRIFICE $1395' Thoroughly modern. 6 room plastered bunga low wtth bath and toilet, electric lighta and gas, full basement, concrete foundation, lot Bux 100. Stewart Park. Mt. Scott line. $225 cash. $13 50 monthly. Including interest at 8 ; no hardwood floor, furnace. Areolae or ball t-la piano. Fred W. German Co.. 7S3 Cham, of Cone. WESTMORELAND HOME 8 rooms aud inclosed sleeping porch. Modern convenience, such ss furnace, fireplace oak floors, garage, etc. Fine view of kits. Hood and SU Helens. Lot 50x100 on level street, all street improvement in and paid at thi price 14 01)0. Offer your own terms. Possession soon P. B. Van Nice. 401 ConcortJildgMar. 5454! FOR SALE Going east, will sacrifice my papperty st 185 W. Lombard between St. Johns and Kenton carlines, 3 room house , gar age, chicken boose, all kinds of berries. 14 fruit trees, some bearing. 2 lots, paved street, paving partly paid for. $1850. cash; might con- raereesy terms. ROSE CITY. & room mM.m HunnL, s and white enamel finish, beautiful buffet, fire place, fine furnace. Dutch kitchen, attic, garage 50x100 lot. $4000: $1000 cash, balance like rent. Thia is a thoroughly modern and extra wen built bungalow. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 834 Northwestern Bank bldg. 8 ROOM NEARLY MoTERNSl850 Here is the best buy in Portland: 8 rooms full basement, wash trays, very best modern porcelain plnmbing, ga.. electricity. 50x100 lot. a blocks from Franklin high; $350 caah $15 per month. B. F. FEEMSTER. 309AbingtPn Bldg. A SACRIFICE $1600 An leaving town, will set! my 4 room honse with furniture, wood, etc.. lot 60x120, chicken borate, berry bushes and fruit trees: price $l0O, ome cash. Will be home Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Lowsow, 3d r bet. 66th and 67th are. Take W. S. car $3250.00, $300 Cash, 6 Hawthorn bunealow lot fin, inn i ki.v to car. paved street and sewer: will 'sell furni ture and give possession at once. Main 6882 v o toroext sx. Near Municipal Golf links, 7 room modern house, fireplace, steam heat and usual builtins' lot 76x100. fine native trees, all street im provements in and paid for. Price $4500 P B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bide. Marshall 5454 for terms. , HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $200 Cash. lretty 4 room bungalow, bath base ment, elec lights, gas. 50x100 lot. paved ertreet. Thla Is an awfully nice neighborhood of pretty homes. Price only $1775 and $133 city Hens. 1110 Grant st. Tabor 854. ONLY $2300 for an S room house; one of the bet constricted in the city of Portland : a full basement, with cement walls; a foil lot. right on the rarllne. Thia place is offered for sale for $1000 less than the honse can be built for. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. U U V VrVr wrrrr ri" . . . . v . , . . , -1 Get an artistic horn bv an established archi tectural firm at lew cost. W build anything, furnish the money If desired. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contracting' architects 924 N. W. Beak. albeMa 4 roca house with bath, gas, electric right and garage. 40x100 lot: a good buy for $1500 By owner. Phone Woodlawn 4860. $475 first payment, eash down, buys my beau tiful bungslow. whole city block, garage, 4 chicken houses, abundance of fruit. Phone Sellwood 1839. FOR SALE 4 room cottage with sleeping porch 20 min. ride to business, V, block from car' near school center. 199 Monroe at Wdln! $30 DOWN. $20 MONTHLY Neat 7 room house, on pavwu street and eartine close to junction point of two lines. Pric $1000. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. MODERN 6 room "bungalow, close in on paved street: every convenience: easy term; $3300 or will trade for clear farm. Glass, 807 Broad way building, or Maia 4007. S ROOM house, large let, bchts and fin drilled well; eom fruit; near river at Jen niffgs Lodge; wQl take a 8 room in city. Geo. Morse, 309 Chamber of Commerce. OWN YOUR OWN HOME Bungalow and homes for everybody, tn Irv Ington. From 880OO. Eaat 273. Herd man. FOR SALE 5 room modern house and 8lotT 1386 Curtis ate. Ht. Johns ear to Portland bird., 2 blocks west. Phone Wdln. 3965 $750 3-ROOM furnished house, paved street k Plumbing, 50x100 lot Tabor 6568. 1392 T tlXJW. FOR HALE By owner, east side. 7 room bouse hardwood floors, cement basement, modern at -. nM r--n r. aaa ' $700 EQUITY la $1400 boas. 4 rooms and wa, imiiw sm riinrsm nsnssenw laOOT ej12. $600 BUYS cottage with 5 large iota in small valley town on 8. P. line; easy terms. Ad- dres Cecelia Apartments, apt. 32. UNOCCUPIED 6 room hoiis (no bath), larei $976 BUYS neat plastered cottage, sew worth 814Tft: close h, Hit Kmmt FOUR room moderate baas at KentoaT harcaia. sT 1 f i 1 1 I i h at A ....... vssa so vsa ta aa-r j sea FOB SALE S room hoase, 60x100 let. S ntkal 3 ROOM unfinished bungalow for sale. 294 axuuana avsv riooaiawa lki, - . RE AI' ESTATE r'PB HALE HOUSES $1 Small Bungalow Bargain ' I have been instructed to sell those 2 modern 4 room bungalow at the comer ofVncotnr are. and Shaver st. Thase Bala places are strictly ap-to-dat in every respeot and eaat b dupli cated anywhere ta the city for tfa priesx. Comer 2350. Inatde, $2$0. Terms $60 eash. balance tike rent. look them over. They may be jost what yoa want. J. F. HILL 9 WILLIAMS AYE. EAST 288. $1800 6- room modem houseboat, furnished complete, all built-in feature . a beautiful home. $250 CASH 4 -room furnished. Alberta district, full lot; a dandy home. Pric $1200. $400 CASH 8-room modern. Hawthorne district, hard wood floors, garage. A dandy bom for $3500. easy payment. $50O 5 room modem. Beilwood district, good gar age, near paved street; a beauty at $2100. Open Bandar and Evening. LAYMAN, 147 Park St phone Main 4134. $2800 BEAL HOME BARGAIN w-$2800. Very attractive, modern bun sal ow -sxype home, with sleeping porch, fireplace, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. full cement basement and laundry trays. Paved street, dose to car. On Woodward are., near E. 39th. Terms. We have several other good buys in thH district See. THANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Horn. Maia 1068 Of flee open evenings and Sundays. LAURELHURST HOME Two story. 8 rooms, full basement, billiard room in attic Complet and convenient; abun dance of rose bashes; north front; wide street; garage. Pric $6800. . Call owner. Tabor 9167. $1450 PENINSULA HOME $1450. 6 room substantial home, electricity and gas, whit enamel plumbing, large lot, 2 blocks to car, oh Lombard and Flak. Very easy terms. I will help you make your first payment if necessary. We nave 23 other homes for sale ta this district Autoa at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Yoar, Home. Maia L068. Off ioe open evenings and Sundays. HEBE is on the bank offers tor just Us claim; a practically new 8 room boose with full cement basement walls, every room is targe and airy. It is modern and op to date, a fine location in N. 12th st. between Shaver and Failing sts. ; all the streets improved, paved, cement sidewalks, etc All the bank wants is the claim they hold against it , This is valuable property and a nice residence. M. J. CLO HESSY.. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3750.00 Here, folks, is an absolutely mod ern, attractive bungalow, such as you are looking for; 6 rooms, fireplace, furnace, all builtins; hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, ga rage; newly painted and tinted throughout: terms: imp. in and paid J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Owner leaving city, must sell 5 rooms, sleep ing porch, good floored attic, good finished waxed floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, full basement, all bard surface in and paid. 1 i blocks from car; come and see it; will make price right. t C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. FIXE GROUNDS. 90x100, great abundance of fruit and English walnuts, on paved street, near P. O., library, stores, school: lot alone worth price asked and you get an attractive 6 room bungalow in fine condition and clean as a new pin.N Oh, yes. price it will be about $2450, but you rosy pay. ssy $300 cash and balance about like rent 4619 Woodstock ave. Vacant, door unlocked. Owner. Tabor 854. $ 1 850 WAVERLEY BUNGALOW $1 850 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and living room, corner lot, hard surface htreets. 3 blocks from car. $500 cash, balance like rent WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR Sunnyside car. splendid 7 room house, in good condition: nice, airy sleeping room? on splendid street Thia has just been put on the market The lot is 60x182. Will take $500 down, $23 per month. $3000- Call at the Haw thorn Realty Co. ' office for snaps, 39th and Hawthorne. $1500 S-BOOM HOME - stories, concrete wall basement, plumbing, electricity, corner lot. sidewalks and curb, ckwe to csr; (Bull eash payment, balsnce easy terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Msrshall 4114 A-4 11 8. FOR SAIJ5 House and lot 45x100. 142 Alis- fissipi-i ave.. 1 block north Peninsula rark. nouse contains parlor, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, hall. 2 bedroom and baturcom. Gas. electric lights on first floor. Full attic. Laundry tray in basement For $20U. Small payment down, balance on monthly payments. EAST" YAMHILL ST. near 2 2d. large modern 7i mom house, spacious living room, hardwood floor, fine fixtures- and shades, lot 50x50, be tween 2 carlines; T3150. only $500 down, bal ance like rent, or will trade for modern bunga low farther out. Phone East ,4720. ATTENTION! SHIPBUILDERS Modern 5 room hoase. 6 blocks to Albina ship yard. Improvements in and paid for. Full sized basement With furniture if desired. Price $1600. $5 0O cash. Owner, 156 Knott St., cor ner of Bprthwick. i ; SOMEBODY WANTS THIS Residence, consisting of 4 furnished 2 room and 3 room H. K suite, on 60x80 corner lot west side. 1 5 minute' walk, 2 blocks car. Pres ent Income $88 per month. $3500. Term. 306 Piatt bldg. WEST SIDE modern 5 room bungalow, small lot: walking distance, between 2 carlines; only $3900: cannot beat this on the west side. W. H Barley. Pacific Coast Mortgage Co.. Rail way Exchange bldg. ; 5 ROOMS nd sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. buffet, bookcases, built-in dresser, etc. ; "SS" ear. close in. $3200; $500 cash, balance easy; street paved and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 Northwestern Rank bldg. BUY FROM OWNER S2600 NOW VACANT $2600 Tour own terms. 7 room modem house, cor ner 60x100, one block from car; Bear S. P. shops. Call Woodlawn 410. $250 Down, $15. Per Month. Buys you lovely home, close in, in Hawthorne district; $2100 kt whole price. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. SIX ROOMS ALBERTA $2650 8 room thoroughly modem house, lot 50x1 0O, to paved st, 1030 E. 15th st N. ; $800 eash, $25 monthly; street work an in and paid for. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $2250 TWO BLOCKS R. C. PARK CAR. Dandy "modem 5 -room bungalow, Just like new; gas. electricity, bath, built-in features, two large porches, full basement, nice fall corner lot with aerieirjs aB paid. Vacant Tabor 6359. A BARGAIN 3 room house with bath, gas, wood -triad, chickea boose, lot 40x100. 7 fruit trees, lots of roses, for cash or part mortgage. CaH Tabnr 6727. 6HZ3 atl t. s. & FOR SALE 5 room bungslow. 2 blocks from Anabel. electricity, gas, new chicken house and fence; or trade my equity in a house close in. 6028 41st are. 8 NICE modern 6 room bungalows for sale, on easy terms from $3000. to $S50O. is Haw thorn and Sunnyside district Milton J. Ed- ward. Sellwood 35S8. 489 E. 34th st FOB SALE 9 room honse. tot 60x125, good location, t block from Williams are., 1 block from Russell stri price reasonable. Call East 2002 or East 271. COSY 3 rooms snd sleeping porch. Iot 80x100, furniture if wanted; cheap price and your terms: Vs brock Alberta car. Inquire 502 Buchanan bids. It KOOM bungalow, all built-in featurea, beauti ful lot 60x100. well kept: nie fruit; 2 blocks from Hawthorne. Improvements in and paid. $2050. Can Tabor 7463, FOR SALE A sew 4 room plastered bunga- low wtw Hinrosa ana nnu. nan oase merit, lot 60x130. by owner, 10107 35th ave. S. E.. city. LOT 88 ft. by 178 fW small hoase. partly modem, in city limits. Part caah and terms. X-566, Journal. FROM owner, modem 4 room house, bath, cement basement laundry tray. f 2100 Terms. Tsbor 1667. 629 E. 51t st N. FIVE room modern bungalow, hot water beat, shower battf, stationary tub. 52x100 lot 1 Mock to ear. Owner, Tabor 4064. HELP YOU BUILD HOUSE Lota sad house, pay like rent. Near Kenton. close to ears, isoor 17 FINE coUaea, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, lot 50x10O. 1 block ear. SeUwood. $1300. $200 easn. x-z. Journal, NEAT littl bungalow, modern and farniabed. 50 tl 0O let and large shop and. garage. 359 74th st. N.. near Haisey st ALBINA district.' fine S room modern bungae low. faraace. 60x100 lot on eartine; $X00O I'neae owner. voamwa Z43T. SALE or trade, 1 acre. 6 room house. Owner. . w... . . a . 6 ROOM hoase, en St. Johns oaxline, $2000. term-, 7t Detain Mrlg. - ST. JOHNS 2 60x100 feu and bonne. $1500; term, 22 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 rUXIilS, fnrntsiwd,- fSOO, $200 sabsJaJlZ . Cannon. Broadway 264. ' ' s . ' - T " . REAL EST ATE ' FOR SALEHOUSES 1 Move Right Into This Swell Little Bungalow - ! Modern S room bungalow with attic fnrnaee, Btrevlace, stationary wash tray, cement flour in basement and many other modern improremextta, Thia is one of the nicest little heaee in thia sectso. being Aocated at 903 Vaaccsxw ave. Take the ttm and investigate this- It win pay you. Pric $3300. Terms $700 cash, be lance monthly. ' J. F. HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 26. BEFORE TOU BUY YOUR HOME yoa set it to yourself to see oar lists of over 40O photograph, of personally appraised houses, wtth prices and complete data. Houses in all parts of the city, all price and term; soma re markable bargain. v WILL HELP TOU MAKE FIRST PAYMENT If necessary. I never pad price. Bayer and seller know exactly what I am making. Come in and look over my listings. Seven experienced real estate salesmen with auto at your service. FRANK U M'GrjIRK, ABINGTON BLDG., Te Bay Year Home. Main 1068. Of fie Open Evenings and Sundays. ALAMEDA PABK BUNGALOW BEST BUY IN CITY This is exceptionally fin and has ftu the modern conveniences and then some; also cement' garage; 8 room and large floored attft; large living room. 15x30. with massive fireplace; can sell this $1000 below actual cost; just like new. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 809 Oak St. HOME BARGAINS 6 room strictly modem full 2 story honse, furnace, fireplace, buffet, beamed ceiling, wash trays, etc.. corner lot, street paved and paid for, in Richmond district; a regular $3000 home for $4000; $300 to $800 cash, balance to suit purchaser. 3 room modem bungalow.'' fireplace, hardwood g00" r "ic. on paved street, close in on East Side, near Kirby and Morris streets: price $2650; easy term. 6 room bungalow in paved street near SOth and East Main: elegant surroundings; a real any at $3000; only $500 required. . uan.nWM t 103 4trj it $2550 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2 5Sl) 5 room attractive bungalow, electricity and gas, white enamel plumbing, . close to car. Terms. We have 75 other homes in this district, all pnees and terms. I help you make your first payment on any of these if necessary. Autos ' JW service. Over 400 photograph in our office- of houses for sale. - Come in and look them over. 'RANK U M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Msin 1068. sjinco upen r. renin s and Sundays ONLY $1100 for a cosy 3 room cottage, bath snd toilet in the houses. There are 2 lota which go with the hoase. This place cost the present owner $1800. but on account of her great misfortune in losing two of her sons in ranee, she Is all alone and wants to go to her re!f a the East; therefore, she is forced to sell. This most be all cash, as tne property is h nearly twice what sh asks. It is ht the -- -j - -, -buv MAS. si is i ii me right location near the Peninsula shipyard snd mills Travel u vooperage vorxs nrot at Mc- TON BLDG. q. -i- " $280O BUNGALOW Large living room, fireplace and bniltin book cases, dining room with bniltin buffet, Dutch kitchen, bathroom with good fixtures. 2 bed rooms on first floor; also 2 bedrooms second .u'1 concrete basement laundry trays aud wood lift, sewer, ha resurfaced streets, concrete sidewalks; 3 blocks IrvingtOn csr; full size cor ner lot; unobstructed view; $300 cash, balance terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114 A-4 II 8. $1000 SELLWOOD DISTRICT $19001 6 room substantial home, electricity and gas. white- enamel plumbing, full lot plenty of fruit, flower and grapes, close to car. $300 will handle. I have over 20 other hemes In Sell wood ranging from $1500 to $4000. terms. I will help you make your first payment if neces sary. A ii to at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1O08. Office open evenings and Sundays. ONLY $850 for 1 big acre ofiandnear the river at Oak Grove. The prices of sdjoining acres are held firmly at twice this price. If you want to make a pretty suburban home close to the river, paved streets, schools snd car line, here is a chance to buy this acre cheaper thn you could have bought it at ny time within ' ?5 yrs. AB you have to have is TON BLDG M' J- CLOUESSV- 415 ABLN-G- $3250 REAL BUNGALOW $3250 6 1 room artistic bunealow. Large den with fireplace, living room, paneled dining room with builtin buffet, beamed celling, hardwood floors white enamel Dutch kitchen; . 2 light, airy bed rooms; white enamel plumbing, cement basement. In E. 43d st oes r Clinton. Terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and. Sundays. KENTON niSTBlrT litis" A nice new 3 room bunealow with woodshed and tent house. 66x110 lot; pay $125 down and move in. ST. JOILVS DISTRICT $125V 5 mom bungalow style house, half block to car. a big bargain: pay $100 down amf it's yours, toe A. McKenna A Co., Main 4522, 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. LOOK AT f4! E. 4 1ST ST. acant Move right in. $1600.00 4 rooms, bath, electric lights, gas. 50x100 lot with all street imp. in and paid. Terms to suit. 1 H blocks south of Waverleigh-Bicbmond car. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2ft4 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. NEAT CORNER: BUNGALOW 5 rooms snd floored sttic. in first class shape, large chicken house, all clear of in cumbrance. 2 blocks from car, price $2950, terms. Alberta. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Bnsrrt of Trade Bids. 5 ROOM bouse. H sere. $830:.150 cash. balance $12 per month. Jennings Lodze. Oregon City car. 6 room plastered house, large lot. gas. Ugsts, fine well, bearing fruit, close to river; will take house in city. GEO. MORSE, 309 CHAM. OF COM.. Jennings Dodge Sunday. Week days. $1600 KENTON 5 rocsns on hard surface street, basement, gas, electricity, good bathroom, fixtures, con venient to stock yards. Kenton or St Johns cars; smaU cash payment, easy terms. A, H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marscaii 4J14 A-4 11 8. WOOD8TOCK BUNGALOW ' Corner 85x100, 3 rooms. fuU basement, prac tically new house, nice lawn, chicken house -price $1800; easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.'. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3300.00 Beautiful strictly modern bungalow of 7 roonu and sleeping porch: 2 bed rooms 1st floor; has all builtin con veniences ; improvement all in. about $323 to be assumed. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. . 204 Ry. Excb, Bldg- Msin 633. WE have 2 real bargains in houses, 1 at Monro st near Williams ave, 1 at Portsmouth; strict investigation solicited and full detail gladly given; small cash payment down. M'CLURE A SCHMAUCH CO.. 806 Railway Exchange Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW $2400 Attrsctive, nearly new 3 room bungalow. 1 block from eartine. Living room, dining ruom, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, modern plumbing. Cait make terms. Goddard A Wiedrick, 243 otsra sc. MODERN BUNGALOW, bright, cosy ana eon- Tenient; furnace. aB built-in, - near car and school; lot 60x100. shrubbery, etc.. $2400: $600 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON rc , w i . ,. . , , . . .i i w rrk ill xsrt UH1K, ON E. 27th st is ons of the best house, with lull lot oriered for just the price, it would take to build the boose. Yoa can look at it; the No. 104 E. 27th et; $4000 is the price; terms. M. J. CLOMKSST. 415 ABINGTON BLDG 6 ROOM modem home, fireplace, beamed ceil ing, large attic, full basement, laundry tnb, 60x100 lot, close to car; owner wants an offer for equity. The Brong Co- See Mr.aAustin, 267 H Oak st. COUNCIL CREST. Fin new heme, good view; ? lot 50x118: would cost about $3500 to build bat caa be delivered for $3000. reasonable terms. J. O. COBB1N CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. 7 -ROOM modern house. lO min. from Mt Scott car; let 8xlOO; for sale at a bargain r trade 1000 equity on smaller place. T-997. Journal. MODERN home, Eos City Park. 7 t rooms. 2 sleeping porches, oa pavement, near carline. $3300. $500 down. bai. lik rent W. C. Johns. Tsbor 6645; JF yoa want a horn on easy terms la Bos City Park. Alameda, Piedmont or Waverly Heights, I caa suit yoa, W. C Johaa. Tabor 6645. WANTEXl 2 OB S LOTS. Most be on or close to paved street, west of 50th st Stat price including city liens, if any. R-786. Journal. 5 ACRES oa Oregon City ear line at station ; aB in cultivation : 6 room honse, orchard; a splendid buy at $0600.' Terms. J. B. WOLFF. 618 CH. OF COM. BLPQ. WALNUT PARK 6-room modern reaidese: $4000 it sal made without agent Phon Owner. Woodlawn 4. ST. JOHNS bargaia. 4 rooas anodera fumUocd bwngahnr. $409 eash canity fog $290 or bond. HIT Princeton. - KEAL ESTATE FOB. SAXE HOUSES 1 You Gah Have Immediate J Possession Modern 6room 2 story hons. 289 Wygant st. between William and Cleveland avenues. Thia is a splendid botes and is in very fin con dition. Coxa ta and get the hey and go out and took, it over. Pric 830O0. Caa make good terms. J.F.HILL 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 56B. $1950-NEW ARTISTIC BUNGALOW-$ 1 9 50 Here is a 4 rocga plastered bungalow, at tractive lines, electricity aad gas, best whit en amel plumbing, with living room, 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen and Pullman breakfast room. This boas is just cosnpletad. Vacant, immediate poa sessaoo, $200 will handle; balance $20 per month. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Maia 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. TO" CLOSE ESTATE PRICE CUT $1000 ALAMEDA PARK SPECIAL HOME BARGAIN $750, caab, balance terms. Price only $4250. This home is surrounded by beautiial fir' trees and other high class homes from "8SOOO to $25,000. so it' beautifully located. Six rooms, reception hall and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage. It may b a kng time before yoa will ever get another op portunity to buy in thia district again for such a pric and term. I've got the value here, tetter act now. Call Woodlawn 2888. ALBERTA HOMES $3000.00 Buy 6 rooms, den and sewing roorn, bath, r electric lights, gas, furnace; terms; close in. $2500.00 5 room home on comer lot, bath, electric lights, gas; full Una of plumb ing; terms, $2150.00 5 room bnngalow in 28th st. H block to car; we recently sold a dupli cate of this one for $2330. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. VACANT $2900 REAL HOME BARGAIN $2900 6 room very substantial home, close in oa paved street, all lieaa paid, full cement base ment, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electricity and gas; Cleveland ave. near Failing. 1 block to Williams ave. cars. No mortgage or liens. Couldn't build the house for the money. Ill help you make your first paygnent See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Snndays. ROSE CTTT PARK HOME." This bungalow home is different The ar rangement of the rooma will please yon. There is a splendid fireplace, hardwood floors are in an rooms. The bedrooms and, bath are fin ished tn white. There is a fine garage. The lot is a comer 50x100, close to ear. The price is $4250 and yoa need pay only $1000 cash. Let us show you thi pretty home. Coe A. Mc Kenna A Co., Maia 4522, 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Sunday phone. Tabor 8 1 50. ONLY $2900 for a 6 room modem house in eT 3 2d st.. 1 block north of Hawthorne are.; all of the streets are paved and all other im provements nude snd paid for. There i a full lo goes with this house. It would cost to build this hoase today nearly $4000. say nothing of the cost of the lot It is closein property, you might say in the center of the city. If yon know anything cheaper than thia in the city of Portland don't pay any attention to this ad. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE LOTS If FOR SALE Corner lot 58x100. Sellwood. $350. New 2 room house. 12x24, water and toilet, lot 50x100, smaU fruit etc. $1100. 2 lots in Montclair. $450. 80x100 ft Tre mont Park. With fine grave of trees. $500. Fin lot in Irvington. $1500. lOOxlOOlt Woodstock. $7$0. . J 30 acre highly improved ranch and fruit farm, close to Portland. $10,000. J. S. KNAUSS. -418 Stock Exch. bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. FUR SALE Lot with basement dug, cement walks paid for; garage, close to car. close in. Pt Johns, part eash, time on balance or con sider Ford part payment; abo 10 acres land, imp., good roads, between Salem and Portland, acre close to Salem, on small payments down, small monthly payment. MRS. B. M. WOODS. 4J5Court st. Salem. Or. WHERE CAN TOU BEAT THIS? $60O, 37xl0d with all street liens paid, on the north side of Salmon, 50 feet east of 38th. Thia is 50 cents oa the dollar. See FBANK L, M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 50x1 TO-0N East 81st and Morrison, facing north, between 2 bungalows. Price $4 50. Easy terms, Tsbor7 2L2. GABDEN TRACTS, west side, city water snd gas. price only $350, $25 cssh, balance $5 per month. M. t lee. u joroett oiag. LOT on 15th st. Vernon, half block to car. $700; terms $23 down, $10 a month at 6 per cent Woodlawn 2244. FOR SALE Journal. Gearhart 2 lot. $1000. Z 562. LOT 84x100, Vernon addition, cheap. Msr- shsil 1453. $350. WESTMORELAND (cost $800). assume city lien $330, Business twmrs. Main 2 20. lOOxlOO in Warrenton Park, near Astoria, for Quick sale. $600. J-787. Journal. ACREAGE 67 15 At'KES fine rich soil, all fenced, on county road, 8 miles from Portland. R. R. starion CD rlace. Price $3000. Easy term. 2 acres, all high stat of cultivation, orjr station and school, on good road, 9 Si miles from Portland. Good room house, bath, toilet, gas for light and cooking, neat barn 20x30. extra good chicken house 21x30, nice bearing orchard, fine selection of shrubbery and roses, cement walks, etc. A place entirely complete. Very reasonably priced at $3700: easy terms, or would consider exchange for a leae. stock and equipment on a farm. TUCKER A SHRECK. 1102 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland y3mhill ranches 10 acres close to Amity. H in cultivation, house, running water, fenced, some timber, rich soil. Only $10OO. $200 down, balance $50 per year, 6 per cent 9 acres, partly cultivated, fenced, some tim ber, adjoining school, fin lsnd. $700. , $200 down, balance $30 per year, 6 per cent. -36 acres, two miles from station, Yamhill county, some in cultivation, running water, enough timber on 4 to pay for land. Market st your door for all wood. Only 2i;00 $200 down, balance your own tinve at 6 per cent SEA-WOOD REALTY CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WELL IMPROVED 9 H ACRES Near Mullno and Liberal. Very good 6 room honse. nam. about 5 acre in apples, close to school and on good mad. Price $1800; terms. 15 ACRES NEAR IXK1ANSVILLE, OR. House, barn, chickea honse. hog house. 2 wells with a pomp on each, partly cleared, about 700 cords of wood. Adjoining 27 acres with 17 acres cultivated can be rented for $68 per year. Price $2400; good terms, E. A. LINDGREN. Karon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg , 18 ACRES black rich sod, all under tile, at; Donald, Or., on-Oregon Electric. 2 block; from depot: 8 acres in full bearing loganber-l ries that will yield 3 to 5 ton pee sere; 10 acres in grain: good 6 room house, sheds, crates, h.iiru-ks for bandline 40 tons berries: thia is good income property; well sell or trad for-; Clear Portiano- or sraiu imusnw proveny, oy owner. Value $5000. Address W. A, 11., Donald, Or. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE 1 6 acres, 9-year-old. up-to-date apple and peach orchard. Well located. Peach, crop alone 1918, 2600 boxes. Will eeeept city property part or full payment Purchaser can have cash and use of other land for care of adjoining orchard. Fin opportunity for live man. Get bnsy. D. L. McLeod. 204 Porter st CHICKEN RANCH SNAP 3 acres. 6 minutes' walk from ststloa on electric line to Salem. 17 miles from Portland, 5 room bungalow, smsll barn. 3 chickea houses and brooder; pric $2 1 00. $500 cash, balance on time. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN A PABKHILL. 219 Lumbermen bldg, 6th and Stark st. 158 ACBES near Oregon City, in high state of cultivatioa; all fenced, good house and barns. f-cliaxii; nice creek; few minutes from Portland. Only $175 per acre. Small payment down. 20 years for balance. W. H. Burley, Pacific Coast Mortgage Co.. Raffwsy avxpnange bldg. . fT-r r . 1 o rvr X.' DM . , .w. S acres cleared, 1 acre ereek bottom land; good 2 room house, chickea hoase, spring water, fenced. Pric $1200.- Terms, $600 cash, balance 3 years. LUEDDEMAN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Comeree. OREGON ELEC. OR S. P. 2 acres, honae. water piped, chickea house, running stream all year. 23 minute out, 8 cent fare. 976 Corbett St. Main 6882. FOR SALE 30 acre land. 20 acres cleared, 10 acre oak and alder, near Hockrnson, Wash., 13 miles from Faneoueer;. level with lota of outside range. Heavy black loam: $100 per acre, part cash, balance term. J-799, Journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres" broom corn land in Oklahoma on htrg stream.- near Saline reserve: would like Willamette valley ranch or city property to value of $3200. 8X-782; Jour- BCRNT aver land. 40 acre tract, on crushed rock road, easily cleared ; Willamett valley: easy terms. 10 acre 1 mil from Newberg, ad in cultivation, running water. Owner, W. E. Mosey. Wheekfasa Anaex apt., city. SALE or exchange 5 acres, improved: house. barn. - fruit running water, gas, telephone, electric, sidewalk from- St Marys ta place; on easy terms, by owner. 470 Shaver at e FOR. SALE Near Milwaukee, S. acres. $1500. h-svjz. joejrvsaj. 6 ACRES, at Clackamas, to trade lor house and lot 70 aVtam bldg. WANTED Ian proved acreage, oa - Oregon City carUn. Phon Weouiawa 099. - REAL. ESTATE ACREAGE 67 TEN acre. mil of Mkidletoa station, on S. P. electric tine. Thia a fine chicken place, n been slashed over and burned ofL No rocks, 4 acres of pore beaverdam land. 3 acres been plowed. Cheap 8 mom board hoase, fine running water, good paved road all the way from city orrt Mortgag of 810OO ran S year. Pric $2800. $160O cash, it mile from Port land. At Jennings Lodge. 4 acrea. H sniteeaet of station on Oatfield road. Nie place for chickea ranch. Price $1800. $800 cash. No halldinga. 1 1 acre, S rooxe. bouse, at WVotiita station. A boot 8 blocks southeast Telephone, electric lights In house Good schoot 4 sail away. Thi is real buy. $2200. $70O cash. 10 acres, all under cultivation, the eery best of .ud, 6 room honae. bam, chicken house aad ran. 1 H acres' of hay land. 1 H acrea of mixed fruits and berries. 1 mil of Beavertoa. Price $4800 cash. 4 acrea, 4' aCw east of Ores ham. Good school 14 of a mil. Fine road right to the land from the city. Nona of this land is cleared bat can be. In good neighborhood. This at a very fine piece of land. Price $700. $509 cash. 50 acres in Happy Valley.' S mites southeast of Lents. A dark loam soil, upland, slope to the east 2 springs on place. Good family orchard. Fruit broagbt MOO. last year, ft room house, barn and outbuildings. All fenced, hog tight, oa good road. 12 acres in cultivation, but all caa be cultivated. SO roda to school and church. 12 mile from courthouse. Pric $7800 or by cutting off 20 acrea with all improvement at $50OO for the 20 acres and $3000 cash. 10 acrea. all under cultivation. S miles south east of Can by- All fenced, sandy clay loam and will grow anything. Banning water on on side. This i a good buy. Price $1400. 8500 cash Nine acres K mile from Clackamas station on S. P. railway. Two story hoase, no bam, all level land. One-fourth mile tf Clackamas river. All fenced. Price $3650. $630 cash balance 4 per cent interest Ten acrea. New boos and ham and out buildings and orchard. An ideal chicken ranch, only two blocks from Barton station on Esta cada line. Unusual good buy. Pric $2000, one-half cash. Buy this home, quit working for the other fellow; 800 to 600 chickens. You csn clear easily $10 a day nbose feed aud other expenses. This U an ideal home with aa ideal location. The house alone cost $2000. Two acres, four room house, chicken shed. Also two acres with five room house. The two homes are side by side, four blocks of BcUros station. $2100 each. $700 cash. One and a half acres, high aad dry, at the foot of Edison st on St Johns carline. Price $2100. $400 cash. Thia l!i acrea was aB iu potatoes last year. Eighty and one half acres. Fifty acre hog tight fence, about tea seres clear, good tour room house, three rooms more can be mad up stairs. All papered and painted inssd and oat A bam, 30x70, painted, Oa c mnty road, daily mail, telephone in house. Creek runs through the place. Good well at back porch. Grass the yesr round- All thia land can be worked when cleared. Located at Seal Rock. 10 miles sonth of Newport, five, miles ne-th of Waldport. Or. Good summer home and very cheap. Pric $3000, terms. One acre No buildings. On Milwauii Heights. Some fruit Price $1130. $200 cash. One snd a half acres. Met. arc r station, on Salem Electric carline. Price $1100, $600 cash. No improvements, located Bear depot Two and a half acres. Five room plastered bungalow, tile fireplace . full cernent basement, fine well at back porch, concrete walk to yard New chicken bouse, lota of amlea and straw berries, raspberries, 14 small fruit tree. Page wire fence. An under cultivation, close to elec tric station. Mortgage $1000 or will trad for home in Portland, equity . 2 700. Ten acres, Troutdale ruau. one quarter of a mile of two stores, sll cleared, four room hou-c Price $2500. $1250 cash. One half acre, with grapes that produced 220O lb, last year. Peaches, cherries and plumes, three chicken houses, residence. etc. Price $1150. Small cash payment good terms, 6 per cent on bslsnce. Near same place is block af land 149x250. All kinds of fruit, berries, chicken houses, engine house, water and well, eiglK room dwelling. A fine home place. Bight ik-tr school. Price $3200, small cash pay ments. Adjoining this tract five room house and all kinds of fruit some outbuildings. Pric $1 lOO, small cash payments, balance good terms. These three places are located, at Clackamas station, Ten acres, nine miles from Hawthorne bridge, near Clackamas cemetery. Spring water, a very fine location for chickea ranch as this property is protected from the winds snd doesn't blow very bad. Price $3'00. $1000 mortgage. Rea sonable cmh paymnt snd terms on balance. CLAUDE G WATSON REALTY CO. Msin 7435. 506 8 wetland Bldg. 10 ACRES at Osk Grove. Three fourths mile east of Oak Grove 'station. Fine water. 200 ft. well, gas piped in house, free deliv ery from Portland big stores. Csn drive in auto in 23 min. A few apples. English wal nut and all kinds of fruits; 5 room house. This is a valuable property as it is close in. Price $6500; mortgage $3O00. or will sell 64 acres unimproved out of this tract for $3300. Can plow about seven acres. One half acre, 4 room boose, chickea boose, 16x18 garage; set off Oregon Electric at Byan station. Price $1850. $750 to $850 cash. $15 a month, 6 per cent interest Bull Boa water and gas. 10 and 84-100 acres, eight in cultivation, balance pasture; house snd bara and oot bmldinas; 2 well and spring; 8 miles to Port Is nd. one half mile east of Capital highway: located Tigardville Heights. Barn 20x24, one well, back porch. Get off ear at Shahaplata station. Price $3800. $1000 cash. 12 acres, sll in cultivation; no buildings. 2 miles beyond Milwukie; nice neighborhood; sd joining place can be bought for $7O0 per cre, six Mocks of electric car station. Price $4500. $1000 in rash. 8 H acres, Tigard. on paved highway. On the 8 P. and Oregon Electric: not a foot of waste land. I-sys high. sandV loam, one-half rile east of Tigard; no buildings. Price $3000. 1000 cssh. 1 seres, nnimproved. st Capitol Hill sta tion. Oregon Electric, $1500. $250 cssh. 1 0 acres nesr Middleton station, on 8. P. snd Oregon Electric, running wster, fin chickea place, was slsshd off snd burned. Price $2300. CLAUDE G. WATSON BEALTT CO.. Msin 74 35. 606 Swetlsnd bldg. YOUR CHANCE FOR CHEAP LAND 40 acres. 6 mile of Buxton, mostly level.. In county roaa. some ccdsr. $800; $200, beL B. 40 acres. 6 V miles of Buxton, lie well, in county road, mail route, living water, $1000; $250 down, bal. fi . " . - 40 acres. 6 Vr miles of Buxton, lies well. 5 acres cleared, old house, orchard, in county road. $1500; $31)0 down. 45 acres. Vt mile of Buxton, 20 in cultiva tion, bottom, bal rolling, house, barn, orchard, running water. $2509: 812SO down. 160 acres. 7 miles north of Buxton, 40 acres timber burned over, some easily cleared, $1250; $750 down, bal. 6. 160 acres. 3 mile from Gale creek, church, store and By.. 80 acre timber, old buildings, living water. 12 acres in cultivation, $2600; a cash; fine buy. 10 acrea commercial apples, orchard hearing. 1 mile of town and electric car; $1100. terms. BEST BUY IN OREGON 500 acre. sll fenced. 85 ia cultivation, all kinds of buUdiugs, orchard, abundance of water, an ideal stock and grain farm; 22 mite of Portland; $40 per acre, trm. 803 SPALDING BLDG. 10 ACRES all under enitrvation. good 8 room house, fireplace, small oatbuiMings. best stock fence, near school, on good rock road. 9 mile from Portland; $3260; trmt. 10 acres 4 miles froaa Portland, station on ground, modern bungalow 6 rooms, good out buildings, 5 acre bearing orchard, good garage, pressure water system, balance of land A-l state of cultivation, acre timber for wood, hard surfaced road to Portland; $3000. $500 cash, easy terms on bslsnce. 5 acres 4 miles from city limits near Foster road, 7 room plastered house, small outbuildings, 50 fruit trees, good well, living stream: land all under enitrvation: $2675, $878 caah. easy terms on balance. One acre ail under eulttvitlon. fenced, fruit, 5 room bungalow, good outbuildings, near ear; ideal chicken ranch; $2350. $300 cash, monthly payments on balance. You can live on these places and work la eify. SLETTEN A JONES, Main 2558. 24S Stark st. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME OK A SANATORIUM 7. acres on high bank of Clackamas riser, with several buildings cf different kind and sixes, fcirages. chicken houses with ran. Water piped from a spring to buildings aad different places on premise, aa all year overflowing mineral spring; shrubbery and shade tree and aa ideal place for swimming and a good place for fish ing: This place cost th owner only a few year ago over $20,000. but is now offered for only $7500. Worth your while to look thia up. Z. A. LINDGBEN. Savon Lend Co.. 933 N. W. Bank bldg. CHEAP ACBEAGE 5 cvrs? $230; $10 down, $3 per month, boy 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on th main line of 8 railroads, i to S H mile from good little towa ; sawmills and loggiag camp ia immediate vicinity. Soma of this land is partly cleared. Banning stream; some bottom land, some bench. This aeresg priced from $23 to $75 per acre. Can give yoa any kind of a piece yoa want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., $18 Railway Exchange Bldg. $10 LOCATE TOC On S acrea facing Base Lin road right at sta tien. unimproved, covered with trees : pric $2230; term. $10 down. $35 a sarath, I.CEDDEMANN COMPAXT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 250 ACBES 2 snilea O. A. C. adapted for stock and farming, eash rest, well Improved, running water in every field. Owner, 661, GU- saa at FOR BENT 2 acres, in 37th at, lots ef feed, with every eonreniesve, suitable for stack fait US Pvmnt mt 23 AC EES. all cultivated. 1 mil fr burn. 8110 per acre; term. r Owner. Maia 9451.- - ' ' - - - - ftfROOM eubarbaa honse; taks mseliin as part peynvetiv. 70O Dekum bldg. .r $750 -15 acres, in enlUvetiott, black soil; terms. Drake. 401 Board af Trade. SMALL acreage, etos to city, t irau Cog house aad UW 700 XxAom bldg. BEAL ESTATE ACRKAOh 61 TWO seres, 4 room bungalow., chicken, bouse. . S3 fruit tree, 6 blocks from Bellros sta tion en Gresham ear! in. $1800, $500 cash, W. Davis. Grcahaxe, Rout A, ' j SUBURB AK ACREAGE & ACRES ON FOSTER ROAD j Good 4 room house, ehw-hati 1 hoase, 1 bam. good well. 4 44. acre in e-iiltJ ration. 183 fraH tree. Prin $2500. Term. Goddard A Wiedrick, 248 Stark st i - J FOB SALE c trade for small house. 10 acre near Portland. Tabor 7807. J ' RUBCXBA HOMER 2 H ACRES SACRIFICE j $2150 Baas lane Home $2150 Her is an aaaaaal opportunity to bay 2 H acres, all under cultivation, with 600 foot frontage, on Baa Line road, which ie paved ail the way ta the city; the improvement cost mora than pric asked ; targe 8 room plastered house, large ham and family orchard: oa Mt Hood Electric, em block ta station; total torio only $21 SO. Term. We aba has lu acre at Oreaoo: 8 acre in cultivation. 2 in pasture, and 2 in timber, for $2650. Terms, with house and bara, etc Also on acre oa E. SSd at. lust east of Reed college, improved with very artistic modern bungalow. See FBANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Horn. Main 1068. Office open svenings aad Sundays. - THIS is a flrst-claas suburban home, due to the carline. en a paved street; oa big acre lot land, highly improved, every tiling ta th line of fruit in foil bearing, except orange and lemons. On this acre is a 7 room modern, np-to-date house, with chicken house large enough to ac commodate 250 chickens. This place la to a sold at a ilea pric than th . house.. alone coat It is no th Oregon City eartine; somebody will get a monstrona bargain if they buy this olee M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG, - $1800 COUNTRf HOME -S1800"" Beautiful View lit - er-t 4 sr.itts rtnir. electric lights and W. Ii..terua station, lie cummutation fare, on Pacifie Highway Una, paved street and side walk. $1800. Terms. See FRANK L, M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sundays. ONLY $750 for l acre of 1 ukI, with a three room house, woodshed sad chickea : hou$y Thia place is near th Mt Hod station, out sin the Base Lin road. The roal leading to it is paved from th center of th c.ty to within 700 feet of this place; $200 cash a .U handle. : There are a number of frnit tree, an I th land U per fectly level. M. J, fTLOHESi:Y, 415-ABINGTON BLDG. $3500 COUNTBT HOME $3500 Beautiful View A subatsnUal house a IK er ground, large f rait tree, large bara. room lor autoa, : electric light and gas. Running water, also well. Term. 11 commutation fare. See -FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Boy Your Horn. Main 1068. Oftic open evenings ami Sundays. ANY person desiring a suburbs i home of from 1 to S acrea on either th Oregon City car line, the Oregon Electric, the Red carline or S. P. 11. R,. call St th offices and learn the full particulars concerning the large Oat of these sub urban place which we have tor sale. : M. J. -Irlfcasr, 415 ABINGTON TiLDG. ONLY $2300 lor Hi acre oi first clas land, highly Improved, with rinds of fruita ia full bearing. There is on ...' Lnd a coxy four room bunealow It Me ou a paved street and close to the Oregon City carline. M, J. CLO- nissi, 1 ASI.NOTON BL1KJ EIGHT acre suburban bume, all in -ciUUvatiun. hoas. barn, orchard, etc. right st station. 11 miles from Portland, fine auto roed all th J. R. WOLFF. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 8 ROOM bnngalow, concrete foundation, fire place, bath. 5c fare. Oregon Electric; $1600; terms. Marshall 1874. FOB RALE FARMS 17 THIS WILL TAY FOR ITSELF IN 18 MONTHS. BEAD IT CAREFULLY. 60 acres of th finest land adjacent to Port land, moat all in high state of cultivation except 18 acres of very fin Umber which crtde over 2000 cords and is worth $5 per cord on the ground. This is a very fine, absolutely new. modem bungalow, worth $4500, bam and sev eral modem chicken house worth $2000. water and electric light plant worth $1200. 1600 bens, now laying, worth-$2400; 8 tons of bsy. worth $200; lots of poultry feed, tools and machinery too numerous to mention. The income last year was as follows: Eggs, $6388.55; cockerels, old bens, potatoes, ete. $820; making a total of $7208.55 from only 1200 hens, and the owner now has 160O hens. Thi place is only 20 miles from Portland, on auto road. Bear school, and 4 mile from a fine town, and Is without a doubt on of the beet paying and best improved fwuy lanna lri in aorinwesv, cut tn ownr oia ana. want to retire, and In order to d so at once is willing to take th sacrifice pric of $13,000. half cash. It will pay you to fn reetigat thfct, as the first, man who see it will buy it Thompson. Swan A Thompson, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. SACBIFTCB PRICE ' $5000 , Tli ink of it 200 acre Douglas county stock or grain farm, beat kind of soil: timber alone worth mere than priee asked: about 80 acre in cultiva tion. 20 acvea pasture j balance cedar, ash. fir. House, large bara. chfa-kea he is and hog bouse; water piped to buildings; 8 springs and 2 creeks. This caa b bought on reasonable terms as present owner took it on a "mortgage and has no- use for it. See I. I. McCntchan. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4133. S09 Osk.. COMPLETE f'ARM BARGAIN PRICE 160 acres, about 4 0 acres cultivated, goad 10 room house, all famished, new bam, chicken honse and hog house, water pined to house and bara. 1 3 head of cattle. 3 good horse and ehickr eu. Good harnesses, wagon, back, buggy, mower, disc, drag plow. rake, hay fork and other im plements and tools. Orchard of several hundred bearing fruit trees of various kinds, 80 acre seeded to timothy and clover for pasture That whole tract fenced am cross fenced with wirsi fencing. Located 4 mile from K slams, Wash., 2 mites from Pacific highway and .Columbia river.! Price only $9000: terms. $4500 eash, balance at 6 per cent Interest E. A. LINDGBEN, -Savon I .and Co.. 95 N. W. Bank bldg. FINEST BANCH IN THE NO BTH W EST-""" 63 acres, most U ta cultivation, , 12 acres bearing prune that ha averaged 84000 a year, 3 acres assorted orchard beautiful 9 room, ab solutely modern house, with hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, etc, that' onet $9009; good barn, double gang and tenant boo; fine water system, cost $2500. Place i fetx-ed and cross fenced with woven wire; has the f In set view in th country ; overtook th Colum bia river, mountains, etc; only 10 mL from center of Portland. If you want a beautiful farm home at a sacrifice pric, free thi at once. Price $25,000. Very easy term;- or Blight consider some trade. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON. 3d and Main st. Vancouver. Wash. OlAVE aa op to data dairy, well equlpTs-dand modern, all stocked, implement and all tools re quired, everything complete: AO head of cattl (Hoestein). team, chickens, ete. ; cow milker, auto, and sell milk wholes I at a yearly average of better than 30c per gallon, . last month cheek for milk was $700, takes 4 hour .per day to tend th dairy, balance ef day aan farm; thia place i oa of beat moneymakers ia th Northwest for th sis of it S3 acre in culti vatioa and 3$ acre pasture partly e lea red; pric $18,000. a eash, bal nee ta suit can show satisfactory reason for selling- T-OaH, Journal. DANDT COOdHbUT ' 19 acre, all rich land. 16 acrea under cut, trvatioa. all fenced ana eross fead with woven aim fencing : creek and 2 fin springs; 2 acrea of assorted orchard cleared 8466 from orchard products ta 191$; 6 rooas house, hot ad cold water, good earn, chickea house, tool bouse, root cellar, dairy house, woodshed. tc, 1 mi. from country tows, school, store, eta.. 11 mile from Vancouver. Pric 63300, . $769 cash, bat ta smrt parrhaser at 6 per cent. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSONS 3d and Main at. f VaweoUTT. Wash. HEBE Is a place that will pay for Itself (S acre No. 1 bottom land, fair buildings, every foot under cultivation. 1 mil from postoffin, good towa, net faff rout cannery; this laud will raise anything that caa be grown In th North west; pric 86000 aa term of $2000 cash, balance at ; this is not a small place as it will grow a wtoch a 200 acre of uptend. 8TBWABT A BUCK, ; $14-13-16 Northwestern Bank- bldg. IN 811 ETi COUNTRY" 90 susrea. aB Bottom except about 5 aerea. 23 ere under cultivation. Good bauae, large bam and outbuildings, fin waterpower, good teem; 2 colts, 3- cows and calf. 8 bogs, 8 doav chirk, ens, all kinds of tools. Will take hoas la city. Pric $80O0 for alt $1Sr tt loan. , , - GEO. MORSE. 309 Chamber of Commeeee. - FAlurWTEEaTt When ready to buy farm or a ranch, you will sar tin, worry, money and energy by calling oa us. W hava farms and ranches of different sixes at rignt prices, w have satis. fied other aad caa satify you. Give -us a call r- m lAxsdarevi. gavwn Lend Co.. 916 N. W. Bank Bldg. WASCO CO. wheat ranch, 640 acres, over 400 ia grain: aB goes with pteee; heavy producing land, good buildings, irrigation canal irossis pksec; ail caa h irrigated; present crop should sell for $30,000. - Priee $66 par sere. Good terms, l. .. Jloore. 31 1 7 Board of Trad. HALF section wheat land. Eastern Oregon. BuilO- inc. water, aew fsaee. horse and asaeMaery, for leas thaa yvsa caa buy yaw land ta vicinity. MeCrava 4t Rehrnauch Co.. 306 Railway Kxch, 14 V ACRES or lea aader cultivatioa. snodera house. fna rcharu, r nsar gar aoi, school. Tabor .056, , T - - JREAlE STATE. FOaJ BALE FARMS UNITED GRAIN GROWERS, Ltd. - : OFFER FOR SALE ' GOING CONCERN 1 60 acre, abont M . in cultivation, bal. sll good mad except ft acre lak; IH mil from towa: good 6 room house, telephone, (table, granary, corral, well fenced. 28 bead high-grads Shorthorn cattle. 8 head horses, with harness; full sat implements, free open rang adjoining. Price. $43 aa aer. H eash. .- -. 160 acre improved farm. 6 miles from town, , comfortable house and stable; fenced. 1 $0 Srre in cultivation, balance brush ami tim-berrjsfoj-water. Pric $15 an acre. $600 cash, balafct-eSswy. No. 442. Ed Sertoli. 320 acre, fair buildings. 2u0 acre in culti vation, bal. fin grass with ratrniiig water; all splendid land. 7H mile from town, $25 an acre. $2000 caab, bal. to suit No. 683. Di. la bury. 629 acres, well improved, good house, large barn, all ether necessary buildings: fenced snd cross fenced; good water, 2 springs; 240, acres in cultivation, bat. partly brush but all good land and fin grass. Has telephone and rural de livery; splendid home farm for gram ud cattle. Price $31 an acre, easy, term. No. till, Duis bory. - , bpeciai bargain 84 head high-grade shorthorn cattle. 33 head horse, including 12 brood mares; 1 regis tered Clyde; feed for all stock, full line im plement.: 960 acres, improved with good room house, furnsc heat, large - barn, ether building; water piped to house and bam, close to towa; good road; land, stock, feed, imple ments, sll goea for $41.73 aa acre, on good terms; ready ta move right in. No. 730, 1. E. Winton. The farm all located ia Alberta. Canada. Guaranteed to be exactly aa represented or in spection charge refunded. W hava many mora of all kinds. Writ us. UNITED . GRAIN GROWERS, Ltd." : M'MINNVILLEr OREGON EQUIPPED CATTLE, HOG OR DAIRY FARM. 207 H acres. 180 acre IevsL 27 ere rolling; 63 acres under plow, 13 acre pss-toreT-jl er prunes, 1 aer apples, A-l soil, good .fence, board and wire; 2. spring, good creek, 28-foot falls for power, good road, fine new 9 room bouse, plastered, with besmed ceiling, paneled dining room, built-in buffet, bathroom, etc., bara 40X.80. big machinery bara. chickenhous. Personal property: Fiv horses. 6 cows, S heifers. 1 brood sow. 9 pig. 60 chicken, ail farm machinery Bcry, an1 all household- goods. Also fully equipped ami operating sawmill with steam and wster power. Sawmill machinery ia all new, 2.500,000. ft A-l first growth fir. Just think of itl This ?lac t priced at $13,500, everything Included, t ia located only 13 mile back of Oregon City ia - th .famous Beaver ereek .district' The owner I going to California and must sell. There la timber enough on this place.- to psy lor- two farm Ilk It, and orders can , he got hy the trsenf "ownrr for every foot of lumber at $28 to $88 per thousand. A rash payment of $1500. balance ft yean at 6 V 'per eenu WATCH OUR ADS. WK GET BESLLla, A. U. BENDER. . i : BITTER. LOWE V CO..! 203-6-X Board of Trade Bldg. ISO ACBES. 100 cultivation. Al soil, new wtrs fence, 4 springs, good well ; buildings good condition. Bill to school. 4 mite Waahnn gal. Wash.' Pric only $100 per aer. $3000 down, term to suit at 6 per cent SO acre. 33 cultivated, fin -. bara, good house, small sjui! dings. family orchard, on good road. only"2S mile from Portland. Trice $8500, $2000 down, bat to .nit at 8 per cent. 80 arres, 83 sowed to winter grain, xtr food building, family orchard, on good read, 2$ mile to Portland. Pric $10,500, $4000 down; term to suit at 8 per rent -v sere, camnua, imuy orchard, T r. new bungalow, good bam, chicken house, paved road, X mil to 4 room school. I 'rice $1000, $2000 down; terms. - V 120 aerea, 20 cultivation. 60 a. slashed and eeued to pasture; creek never goes dry. school house oa place, 1 V mile to railroad: good roads. 2 story house. 2 barns, cliicksn house, tor house. . This is a good, farm and well located, 80 mites of Salem; A-l soil. 0 miles Au rora. mile Can by, 16 mile Oregon City 30 miles Portland. Pric $87.50 per acre, $iOO down, ft years time on bslsnce at 6 per cent 408 Stock Exchange. ' ' - , ALLEN A ALLEN. . 187 ACRES. 4 Vs mile Cornelius. 63 s. r cultivated. 60 acres slashed and -. seeded, bal ance good stand timber. Fenced with woven wire, very fertile anil, no rock, on milk and B. F. K root. Modern 0 room plastered house, furnace and basement, good bam 40x60, alio 9i24. straw bam 40x40. granary, family orchard. In cluded are 10 cow. 4 heifers, 4 horses, 2 sn ow. 1 spring wagon, mower. 3 plows, 2 hr rosts, cultivator and all small tool, all bay, si lag and feed on the place. Crops areall in yteept corn land for si lag. A stock and dairy proposition of th very finest kind. . Price I sell at once. $15,000. Term If desired. A fine small farm of 20 acres, all culti vated. 8 acres oats and vetch. 3 sere clover, good 6 room boose, fine bara and silo, straw si led" and other outbuilding. 4 in ilea Fore-t Grove, on rock road. 1 mile to school, on milk and mail rout. Fully equipped wi'H farm im plements. I cows, feeu, etc., go with the place. Price $50ii0. $2000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. TUCKER A SHRECK, 1102 Northwestern Bank bldg . Portland. NF.WI1EHG, OREGON, FARM 247 acres, -165 acres level. 173 acrea un der plow. 62 acrea timber, 12 sere elsshed. family orchard, soil is A-l. ia all fenced. kmile from R. St.. mile to school, H. F. It. and telephone, 6 springs, 8 creeks, creeks run through every 40 sere on the farm, gmel road, water piped to buildings. 2 house, one . 4 room, oa 8 room; bara 60x70, silo 8x28, hog house, sheep house. chicken house. smoke house, blacksmith shop and outfit, 13 acre of winter wiiest sowed, feed enoncli for winter; mower, binder, rake, 2 cultivators, harrow, 4 plow, farming mill, cream separator, hsy rak. wagon, light wagon, hack, buggy, 3 sled, 2 sets of harness, roller, hay fork and ropes, 7 good Jersey cows, milking; 30 hesd-f sheep, Lincoln ewes, registered buck, 8 Inno brood sows, 3 bogs, 1 team mule, 1 team horse. 6 I tatters. Pric for everything, $25,000; $6000 cash, butane to uiL , A. O. BENDER, U RITTEB. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board of. Trade bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for chy property . 40 acre. 15 acre under causation, hpus. bara. family orchard. 6 miles from Bsttle O round. Wash. 20 acre near Sif too, W ash, 1 1 acre under cultivation. 6 room house, barn, good well, bo Incum brance. 40 acre pear Merlin, Or., for city lots. So acre 2 miles from Llnemsnn, 8 room bungalow. Ml acre S miles from Wlnlock. Wash. SO acre Bear Rogue -river. Jackson Co. SO acre Bear Sheridan, Or., all ia cultiva tion. 247 acre 8 tulle from Newberg, 7 nUch cows, S heiferr," . 2 teams, 30 head hep 6 hog. - 9 acre east of Buckley ave. oa Base Lin road. BROW A BBOWN. $24 By. Etch, bldg. MsrshsH 8331. 80 ACBES $2000 Ob mil from truck, steamer and rallwsv transportation, en th Columbia, 40 mites dowsj th river, from Portland; fertile red shot soil; lays well, free from rock, spring . water; will di vide: would take com trad if property not over earned. Sellsanod 1020. FRED V. HUNTRESS. 1459 East Slet St. FOB SALE -Prune and walnut ranch. 63 acre-, hearing orchard. 8 acre yonng trees, 40 acre ttm ber, beat dryer building in the state, com pletely awttipped; 'two houses, large barn and alt a." mas ry equipment I'neqnaled marketine fad Hues. Sitnsted in tlie Wiilsmette valley, ". mile from Portland, adjoining town on the paved highwty,. Address bog 144,'Inmde, Or. 49 ACBES. Lewis county.. Washington. 8 miles to good sown, close to school, Cstholie chorcsi 1 mite, food-road, good soil, nearly level, 15 seres etiltitai-d, 10 winter grain, orchard, fit buildings: 8250O with crop, stock and ittit-l meat's: have many other good farm bargafns. U07 Panama bldg. ' 40 ACRES oSi Columbia highway, about 6 '-acres caa be flowed, 6 acre tuore csn be easily cleared, balance oak timber; floe view; fla for fruit and chick sua; Hood Rivet district; very cheap, oa terms; .night trad. phone Woodlawn 2708 or address owner, 295 Wil lamette b?vd. FARM EAU CITY 30 ACHES UN FOSll il lUMIl rAI r.u 22 acre in cultivation, S acrea stninri land, 3 fteres timber. Complete outfit of good bonding", family orchard. Price tlO.OOO. Term. Goddard A Wledric, 24$ Stertr irf. 3ttO ACRES, well improved, some tiruher n Washington county nesr Cornelia. If yo.i want tli bsat farm for th money, com end about tills. Coe A rerbes, 884 Haw- thorn, sv.. Portland. Or. Ksst 4726. FOR $2000 you caa buy a splendid place. 1 o . acres, very best soli, gooa house. oothuUdini! plewaUof orchard, good roads, 2 mile from Canby. Or.. V mile to sehooL This is a re. I bargain, W. C. Repass. 123 4 N-W. Bank bldg. ! 32 ACRES IMPROVED " LAND , ' Overtofsxlng beautiful lake. ftxhing year around. Fine soil, orchard, good bulldinrs. n. road. dndy place. Quick sal price, $35i)0, baif eeh a09 Chsmber Com rneree. - LEWIS county farm, 4 acre on the m"i rosdtsll Under csj It (ration ; close to school, trig orchard and good buildings. Anna Cirwn 638 JPowell t S 220 ACRES, $5000, $1000 down rmaina.-r . 1 - y ea rs ft per gent Interest Owner, Sii Glfcan t