THE OREGON DAILY JOURHAr. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 15, 1919. 17 NEW HIGH RECORD PRICE BUST IN EGGS VERY : SEVERE; IN TRADE COMPLETE t J-: Market Is in a Very Bat Way Here . With Practically All Markets of , the Country Sharply Lower Trade Trick Brings Disaster. EM aura-et to "busted wide open" all alont the coast. So many price ar ruling at this time tnt it ia Impossible to x; definitely what the market ia. Bale of current receipt are shown from SB to 7 Oo a, dozen. . Keceipta of eta are Increasing quit rspidly. Bad tbe percentage of pullet egg ia much great er than usual for this period of the season. Bup- pile arc aecumuiauns on erj nuc, aim eielly ao in tbe bouse that tnaka a specialty of ess asles. .- With tha rof-xnt break in the eastern market. and with California unable to more it surplus In rflrn-tJnn tha southern nnee nas oeen fcmakins nadir. A local meat company crested much of tbe troubles here brotlie Importation of thee lrmet nriesd California, sumilies. hi an effort to causa . a temporary break in the Portland prices. announcement was given out by this importer of tbs bringing in of California eggs at lower price than what th bora stock could be pur chased at, This news was printed for the sole ranxM of breaking the, local egg market until such a tint a the big buyers could grsb low ' Brined stock in tbe country. Then, it was lis tired,-that a reaction would again carry tbe egg price to a high level, which would eventually result in the speculator obtaining some bend om profits. Not so. bowerer. Th egg market broke much worms than was believed possible at th moment, and instead of making money on the California . Importations, th purchasers lost considerable money, Recording to reports along en street. "'WEATBER NOTICE FOB HIPFHS Weather bureau advises: . Protect shipments during the next 86 hours gainst the following minimum temperatures'. Unix north. 88 decrees: northeast over .. P, A a. R. R.. 24 decrees: east to Baker. 20 de- gre, end south to Ashland. 82 decrees. Mini mum temperature at Portland tomorrow about SS degrees. CALIFORNIA CABBAGE 18 DOWN Bxima of th of ferincs of additional sup (Mm of local stock of good Quality. California cabbage is quoted lower here. Ios Angeles teck 1 generally selling around 8c a pound. with local st 8 Me. IMPERIAL" LETTUCE IS REDUCE First carload of Imperial valley lettuce of the season has been received here. Stock is of teellent Quality, with gales thowu around $4 00 4. 25 per crate, while Los Angeles is firmly held at 84. CHICKEN MARKET NOW HOLDING While there has been more or less talk of breaking price in the chicken trade, sales- of heavy hen are still being made st 32c a pound generally along the street. Receipts an dean. tut up. DRESSED HOGS HARD TO SELL Market for country killed hogs is in a bad shape along the street with most of th whole osiers filled up sod retailers holding liberal storks. Lower prices sre, eenerallv foreran t. Veals ar steady at 22 V, 23c for fancy stuff. POTATO SUPPLIES ARE LIBERAL Offerings of potatoes are increasing from local sections and th rush to purchase at country Mints by the Front street trade is less pro nounced. Borne few. orders are coming from tho south and southwest. BRIEF NOTES OP PRODUCE TBADE Small sales or onions reported at former prices.,. - Chaesa and butter msrkets firm. - Car California cauliflower, French carrot and cucumbers in. . Slightly better arrivals of fresh crab re ported. Continued strong demand for hope; none of feting. WHOLESALE PRICES IN PORTLAND The are the price retailers pay wholesalers, except a otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER Selling price, creamery prints parchment wrapped, extras. 87e; prime firsts, Set firsts, eOe; In 80 lb. boxes. o mora; 60 lb. boxes, le less; cubes, 1 less: dairy, 40o per lb.; lobbing prices, cubes, extras. 61 01 He lb.:-prime first. 68 0 59a: storage butter, el ?82e per lb. B0TTERFAT Portland delivery basis. Sour cream, 88 9 Tie: price at country stations, 87 8a per lb. OLKOMAJtOARTHB Local brands, SO and 80 lb. tubs, 85c: 1 lb. cartons, 88o; 2 lb. oak- Smu SSUit! nntnftruriu. 1 lb. eartons. 88 lb. CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook fresh Oregon fancy full cream triplets. 89 0 40c lb.: ,Toung America,, 40 041c; prices to Jobbers, f . o. ft, Tillamook, triplets. 88c: Xoung America. 87c; price to jobbers, f. tn b. Myrtle Point. triplet. 85 e; Young America and long Lorns, 8e: selling price, brio. 48c; limberger, 88 84c; block Swiss, 4647e per lb. " EOG8 Selling price, breaking badly, B7 flOe per doz.; buying price, 65c; telling price, elected, 60c. EGGS Public market retail selling price. TOO x- dosen. -LIVE POTJLTRT Heavyhens. S2e per lb. ; light hens, 80c per lb. ; broilers, 80c per lbn 'old roosters, 20e lb.; stags, 25c per lb.: squsbs. 8.00: duck. S804Oe lb.t pigeons. 81.60 $2.00 per docen; turkeys, live. Sua per lb.; dressed, 40 041c per lb.; geese, Bve, 25o pet lb. fresh Vegetable and 'raft FRESH FRUTTS- Orange. $5.00 0 5.50 per Vox; bananas, 909H4 per lb.: lemons, $5.28 06.36; Florida grapefruit, $8.00 07.26: Cali fornia. $8.25 & 8.50, APPLES Various varieties. $1.88 0 8.00 per GRAPES Almeria. fn keg. 31 Tbs., $9.00. PEAKS Per box. $2.25 0 2.60. DRIED FRUITS Dates, Dromedary. 22 0 40c: Farda, $4.50 per box: raisins, three crown, loose Muscatel. 10c lb.: In 60 lb. box; figs, ' $8.80 per box of 70 cs. package. ONIONS Belling price to retailer, Oregon. 13.00 est; association selling price, carloads, $1.50 V o. b. country; garlic, 35e05Oo per lb.; green onion. 85 0 400 dosen bunches, CRANBERRIES North wst, $7.80 0 8.00 bushel box. POTATOES Selling price, $1.85 02.00 per ' ewt-; buying price for fancy large aia, $1,50 0 1.60; ordinary. $1.26 01.35 per cental; sweets, 4 M Be per lb. VEGETABLES Turnip. $2.00 03.25 per 'sack; carrots, $2.00 02.26 sack; beeta, $2,26 a sack cabbage. Oregon, 3 i 0 So1 Per lb.: California,. 2 0 2 e per lb. : lettuce. $4.00 0 4.75 per crate: celery. 1.26(S1.BU do.; arti chokes, $20O. per docen: cucumbers, t ) ; to matoes. California; ) ; see plant. 20o per . lb.: cauliflower. California, $2.26 per dosen; horseradish. 16e per Jb.j ball peppers, - 86 0 aOo Bx Meata and Prevlslona COUNTRY MEATS Selling1 price: Country killed best bogs, 20 20 He per lb.: ordinary kegs. 19 He; best veal, 22 23c; ordinary, tie per lb; rough heavy, 16c; lama. ' 20 0 21c; mutton, 14 0 16o per lb.; beefTHw 14c SMOKED MEATS Hsm. 8904Ce; break fast bacon. SO V 64c; picnic. 2 It; eottace roll. 88c: short cleans, 810 34c; Cregon exporta, miked. 88c per lb. LARD Kettle rendered. 81.40; standard, 8 Be per lb,; lard compound. 28 He. Fish an Shell Fish I FRESH n3H flilvenode salmon, storac. 18c; chinook. 20c; nalibut. storage. 20c; black cod. 11012c; silver smelt. 9 10 10c; tooscoa. 10c; sturgeon. 18020c; fresh aernnsV e ey 7a; ' Columbia smelt. 20c per lb. SHELL FISH Crabs, $2.00 0 8.00 per don,; Shrimp meat, 62 s per Jh; lobsters, 80o par lb. OYSTERS Olympic, gallon. 86.60; canned, ea tern, 76e can, 89.0O-doaen cans; balk, $4.60 par gallon. StJGAH Cube, $10.20: powdered. $9.95: fruit and berry,; i yeuow, ss.oo: arena Stocks, Beads, Cotton, Grain, Etc. 118-117 Board of Trad Banding Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT 'PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES :" Members Chicago Board of Trad r Correspondents ef XeaB a Bryan Chicago , anew Terk STAGNATION Country Meats Held too Long Country Falls to Ship When Mar ket at Best. Br HrataB H. Cohsa The freak- in the prieeof country- killed hogs alone tbe, wholesale way is tone of those incidents that would not "have materialized If the country shipper had sent his supplies, to the market When they were needed most and prices were of the best. Seemingiy the average country ship per feels that "someone is trying; to put something over on him." whenever they Civs him any advice as to the proper time to ship supplies to market. If the wholesaler tells him to ship hog's at once because the demand is keen, many will hold their supplies back because they feel that perhaps later on a still better demand will be shown and values accordingly raised. Sometimes the country shipper wins out by such methods but generally speaking, and in the present Instance, he Is out consider able money because of this holding. There are a number of very good commission -firms and f. o. b. buyers along Front street and as a rule their advice as to the proper time to ship should be taken seriously by the man who has stock to market. Corn Is Up and Down in Chicago Chicago. Jsn. 15. (L N. 8.) Whil th best prices In corn for the day failed to bold, the closings were at advance of 1H 2 Ti The greater strength was shown in the February and the smallest gain tbe May future. Many in the trade were anxious to even up their position, and th buying was at times greater than the selling, which caused the upturn as shown. Ost were e 1 H c higher, and hog products were mainly better. Chicago, Jsn. 15 MI. N. 8.) Corn opened H ti o higher. The shorts' efforts to cover were responsible for en early" upturn in prices, but selling pressure developed anS a sharp decline fellowed i Oats opened 4c lower, wKk th market dull and featureless. Commission house were baying lightly. ; Provisions opened a trifle higher, with de msnd light snd trading extremely dull. ; Chicago range by United Press: CORN Open High. Low. Clone. January 13tt 139 135 V4 137 4 February 131 134 130 132 March .130 133 129 131 May 12SH 130 H 126 1284 July ...128 14 128 U 125 127 OATS January 6 H T H 6 t B6T, February . 67 67 March 67 68 68 67 May 7 i 6R 67 67 July 64, -B5 64 64 PORK Janus . .. 4550 May i 4000 4125 8850 4020 LARD January 2375 2385 2S72 2377 May 2385 2387 2360 2371 RIBS January ..... 2450 2455 2425 3442 May 2235 2235 2222 2222 POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST 8an Francisco Market Sn Francisco. Jan. 15. (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental. Netted IJems, $2.00(2.25; Oregon $2.00 fc 2. 10: Salinas. 2.BO2.60: river, 82.00 (f 2.15; sweets, $3.60 3.85; new pota .oes, 5 (?) ic per lb. Onions California dry, storage, $1.8501.65 dui ice house, $1.75 & 2.00 per cental. Seattle Market ... . .. . . . . , Seattle, Jan. 15. (f. N. B.) Onions Cali fornia. S2.00O2.25: Walla Walla. 82.00. Potatoes Yakima, $37 0 88; local, $30 0 82 Money and Exchange New York. Jan. 15. ( L N. S.) Call moftev on th floor of tha New York Stock Ex chance today ruled at 5 M per cent: high, 4 V4 per cent; low, 4 H per cent. Time money was quiet Rates were 6 hi 5 M per cent. The market for prime mercantile paper was dull. Call money in London today was 8 per cent. Sterling exchange was steady with business in bankers' bills at $4.75 for demand; $4.73 H for ttO day bills and $4.71 H for 90 day bills. Hew Yrk Metal Market New Tork. Jan. 15: (L N. 8.) Lead. dun. East St. Louis spot, offered, 85.87 H; January, offered, $5.75; February, offered, $5.70; March, offered. $5.66. Spelter, weak. East St Louis spot and Janu ary, offered, $7.30: February, offered. $7.20; March, offered, $7.1 2 H. Copper, Leading dealers holding for 28e lb.. smaller dealers quoting at zug-ic id. Iron, Pittsburg Bessemer, $35.69 g 86.00. 'San Francisco Grain Market San Francisco, Jan. 18. (TJ. P.) Cash grain: Barley- Per cental, shipping, $2.25 92.80; feed. 32.22 Vs 2.27. Oats Per cental, white feed nominal; red feed, $2.85 2.60; seed, $2.85 3.00; re cleaned. $8.10 8.20: black feed. $2.40 2.60; seed. $2.60$ 8.00. lated. $9.40: beet, 89.BO; extra O. 89.00; golden C, $8.90. UUJIItl new. ee.Dvw .ou per case. RICE! Japan style. No. 1, 8j10e: New Oris as bead. 11.H 0114 e; bine rasa, 104 9 llio per lb. SALT Co rs. half ground, 100s, $16.00 per ton; 60s, $17.25; table dairy, 60s, $22.60; bales, $3.10 0 8.85; fancy tabl and dairy, $30.25; iurap rock, $20.90 per ton. BEANS California (sales by Jobbers) : Small white, 18c; large white, 12c; pink, 9e lb.: Limas. 14 He: Bayou, 94e; red, 10c Oregon beans (buylag price) White, machine cleaned. 7 i 7 H e per ib f. o. b. CANNED MILS Carnation. $7.60; Borden. $7.T5; Aster, $7.25; Eagle, $9.95; Libby, $8.75; Teloban. $7.25; HoUy. $7.25 per case. COFFEE Roasted, 26041); ia sacks or drums SODA CRACKERS Bulk. 17e per Th. NUTS Buddeu walnuts, 30'aio per Ox ; almonds, 24 0 29e; filberts, 2"Jc, in sack lots; peanuts. lSe; pecan. 25o: Braxil. 8 So. Hons, Wool and Hides HOPS .Nomiual. 191T crop. 29029Helb, HIDES No. 1 salted. SO lbs. and up, IS He per lb.; No. 2 salted. 80 lbs and up, liuc: No. 1 creea. 80 lbs. snd ud. 10 Ho: fsNo. 2 green, 80 lbs. and up. 9 He: No. 1, salted bulls, bo lbs. ana up, iae; no. a aaitea bulls, 60 lbs. and up, 9 He; No. 1 green bulls. 60 lbs. snd up, 8 He; No. 2 green bulls. 60 lbs. snd up, 7 He; No. 1 green ti salted ealf kins, up to IB lbs.. 80e; No. 3r green or salted call skins. Op to 16 lbs.. 28 He; No. 1 green or salted kip Skins, 15 to SO lb., 14 He; No. 2 green or salted kip skins. If. to 80 lbs.. 18a; dry flint hides, 7 lb, and p, 28c; dry flint elf. under T lbs.. 88e; dry salt hides. T lbs. and up. 22e; dry salt calf, under 7 lbs., 82e; dry cull aide or calf, H price: dry stags or bulls, 1 Bo; dry salt stags or bulla. 12c; dry cull stags bulls, H price; dr horse hides, according to sis and tak off. each, $1.60 to $2,60; salted horse bides, according to slxe asd take off, each. $3 te $5; dry long wool raUa. per lb.. 25e; dry short wool pelts, per lb.. 6e to 20e: salted long wool lamb pelts. $1.60 to $2.60: salted sheep pelt, each. 41.X5 to $2.25; dry sheep shearlirg. each. 15c to 85c; carted sheep shearling, etch. S5o to 60s; dry long hair, goat akins, per lb.. 25c; dry short hair, goat skins, eaeh. 33e to 75c; horse hair, tail, 25o; horse hair, mane, 10c. (Prices quoted above are per pound, except where otherwise designated.) t MOHAIR Long staple. 60c lb. ; abort staple, 40c; burry. 16 W 20c lb. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow, 8e; No. 2. 7c; No. 1 grease. 7c; No. 2 gross. Sc. CHIIlili OB OASCARA B ARK. -Orees weigata, 18c . ' rtqpe. Paints, Oils E ROPE Sisal, dark. 24c; white, 23Ho lb.; standard Manila. 32 He. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls.. L98 galloai ketUe soiled, bbls.. $1.85: raw. esses. $L9S; belled, eases. 2.0STkr gallon, i COAL OIL Water white, in drum or iron bbls.. lOe calloa ; cases, 20e gallon. i GASOLINK -iron bbls.. 21 He; esses. SlHei engine distUlate, iron bbls., 13c; eases, 23c, : WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 18 He; 600 tbs.. 18c i TURPENTINE Tanks, SOet ease. 9Se: 1ft eaie lots, le less. I WIRE NAILS Basis price- 35.40. For top qaallty veat w pay 29e -For ton duality pork we pay toe We can also use country dressed beef, lambs, mutton, kids and chickens. Ship immediately. We never charge commis sion. - - . FRANK I SMITH MEAT CO, I "Fig'Jtinsr th Beef Truth."- t Adv. z - 228 Alder St,' Portland, or. FOR APPLES AT HOOD APPLE MARKET VERY EXCITED; SALES GO ATI A NEW RE Hood River Reports Yellow New- towns Up to L50 r. o. b. While Yakima Is Said to Dave Sold Wine saps Around $3 a Box There. Market for apples is intensely excited at pri mary centers. While confirmation to lacking, reports from reliable centers indicate that as high a $2.50 per box has been paid at Hood River for extra fancy yellow Mewtowns. end that In tbe Tckima districts Winesape bar been sold a high as $8.00 per box f. o. b. Such value are far above previous figures', the advance at Hood River, amounting to about 50c and the rise at Takima is about on tbVsame basis. Great atrengta is also shown lu th cneaper dualities. In fact th cheaper priced stock t showing even grecter strength than tbe better class good which are being purchased generally for export. It is stated that sales of cookers in the Hood River section are being made at $1.10. and that most of th holders of tbe limited supplies new remaining are caking up to $1.26 per box f. o. b. Local market is firmer, with low grade stock higher. Sharp Advance Is Scored Early in New York Trading CLOSE IS IRREGULAR New Vera, Jan. 16. (I. W. 8.) The stock market closed Irregular. Steel common we finally 1 , , aldwle) 72, Merino preferred 10S, Anaconda 60 Vi and Southern Pacific 100. 8tudebaksr dropped 2 points to 4S4, while U. 8. Rubber, after selling at 7S, yielded to77'4. Mexican Petroleum was finally 184 's. Texas Company 184. 8lnclaJr 85, Tobacco Products 77, United Cigars 113 and Read ing 80. , Sales 421,400 sheres; bonds. $9,861,0007 New York. Jsn. 15. ( I. N. S.) After cn Irregular opening stocks as a whole advanced rather sharply. America Sumatra after opening at 100. an advance of 2. rose to 100 on comparatively small transactions. United Cigar Stores advsnced H to 115. There was a substantial boring movement in steel common, which advanced to 81. Great Northern Ore advsnced to 36 . Mexican Petroleum after opening at 182 ad vanced 2 points to 184. but Quickly reacted to 183. Railroad stocks were tiiui and frae tionallv hisher. Baldwin Was weak in the late forenoon, falling to 71 . and Bethlehem Steel B, after selling at 68, declined to a new low record of 56. American Sumatra was strong, moving up nearly 8 points to 106, and then reacting to 104. United Cigar Stores advanced 1 to 116. The oil stocks were in good demsnd, with Texas advancing 2 to 190, and Mexican Petroleum advancing 2 to 184. Great Northern Ore rose 1 to 87 . Texas Pacific dropped 1 Point to 31. There was good general demand for V. S. Steel, which advanced to 91. Furnished by Overbeck 4s Cooke Co., Board of Trade buudtng: CORD DESCRIPTION : Open I High Low Close Auka Gold 3 4 3 3 4 AUis-Chalmers, c. . . 33 33 3t 33 33 H Am. Agr. Cliem. 101 VA Am. Bert Sugar... 7 70 69 H 694 Am. Can, c 43 H 49 H 48 H 48 Am. Car Fdy.. c. . . 88 2 88 90 H Am. Cotton Oil, c . . 44 Vs 44 H 44 44 1 Am. Linseed Oil. c. no 50 49 49 S Am. Loco., c BO 60 60 50 H Am. Smelter, c ... . 73 74 73 73 Am. Sumatra Tob. 100 100 H 100 103 Am. Sugar, e.H.. 114 114 Mt 113 H 113 'i Am. Tel. i Tel... 101 H L01 H 101 101 Am. Woolen, c. . . . 48 48 ,46 46 & Anaconda Min. Co. 60 60 60 60 Baldwin. Loco., c. . 714 72 H 71 72 Balti. & Ohio, c. . . 49H 49H 49 49 Bethlehem Steel 'B 57 58 56H1 66 Brooklyn It. Transit 25 26 25 25 Butte & Superior. . 18 1S 18 18 Calif. Petroleum, c. 22 23 22 22 Canadian Pacific. .. 169 159 159 158 4 Central Leather, c. 68 69 58 68 Cbec A Ohio. 56 Chi. GL W., e 8 0 U. 8t F 40 40 40 40 Chi &N-W-, c... 96 86 96 96 Chile Copper 17 17 17 17 China Copper 83 33 33 88 Colo. F. Ac I., e 36 86 86 35 Corn Products, o .. . 49 49 49 49 Crucible Steel, c. . . 66 67 f6 67 Cuban Cane Sugar.. 26 26 26 26 Distillers 61 51 51 51 Erie, o 77 16 tGen. Motors 128 126 125 125 Goodrich Rubber... 61 61 81 H 61 Gt. Nor. Ore Lands. 30 37( 36 37 Gt. Nor., pfd . 93 Greene Can 44 44 44 44 Hide & Leather, c. 15 15 14 15 Ice Securities 42 42 41 41 Illinois Central . .. 9 98 9rt 9T lnd. Alcohol 102 102102 101 H Inspiration 44 44 43 Ts 43 Int. Mer. Marine,;.. 24 2o a4 24 Ido pfd HtH 14 ll(Mit'i Int. Nickel I 29 29 1 28 1 29 Ken'necott Copper . 32 32 H I 32 a J 14 Lackawanna Steel j U4 b-i Vs ' l4 Lehigh Valley ..... H Maxwell Mutors. c 25 2b tt - - Mexican Petroleum. 182 186 182 184 Miami Copper ... 24 24 24 24 Midvale Steel ... 41 42 41 42 Missouri Pacific .. 25r25 25 25 Natioual Lead ...1 (,11 07 66 66 Nevada Con. 16 16 16 16 New Haven 81 N. Y.-Central 73 Northern Pacific . . . 92 Pacific Mail 36 86 36 86 Pennsylvania Ry. . 43- 5 44 44 Pressed Steel Car, c 64 64 64 64 Kay Cons. Copper. 20 20 20 20 Railway Steel Spgs. 74 74 74 73 H Heading, c 80 81 80 80 TKep. L 8., C. 72 72 72 72 Rock Island 24 24 24 24 Shattuck 13 13 13 13 Studebaker, o 62 62 49 49 Southern Pao. 100 101 100 100 Southern By., e ... 28 28 28 28 Swill, sc Co. 124 124 1.23 124 Itui Uil 188 195 188 194 Tobacco Products ... 77 77 76 77 Union Pac. c 128 129 128 128 United Cigar Stores. 114 117 114 117 U. 8. Rubber, o 76 78 76 77 U. S. Steel, o 91 91 91 91 H do pfd 114 Utah Copper 72 72 72 72 Virg. Chemical, c ( 63 W. U. Tel. h 89 89 89 OS Willys overland ... 2ai 25 23 25 Woolworth 128 128 125 124 Total sales for the day were 421.400 shares. ia. Div. 1 percent. tKx, Div. 3 per cent and Ex. Rites. tEx. Div. 1 per cent. IkiX. Div. 3 per cent. Chicago Dairy Fredac Chicago. Jan. 16. (L N. 8.) Butter, re ceipt 6756 tuba. Creamery extra. 65c; first. 64 He; packing stock. 88 44 He. Eggs, receipts 2168 cases. Current receipts, 58 & 67c; ordinary firsts, 66 0 56 He; firsts, 67 067 He; extra, 63 0 66; checks, 350 39c; dirties. 4O0 48n. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiip. Hall & Co. I Liberty Bonds E S INVESTMENT BONDS EE ' PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL, SECURITIES 5 ' Bought and Sold E Quotations Upon Request Lewis Bldg. ' Marshall SSS , E rfillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIKsr Veal Hogs Poultry ! ! Ship n in any quantity at any time, as our outlet is unlimited. Msrke prices ALWAYS obtained. Checks mailed promptly. Shippers, try b with your next consignment. Fair treatment guaranteed. Write for tags. Veal, Boas, Hides, Poultry of an kinds wanted. Ship today. Ex cellent demand st high price. P. H. COM MALE V OO. PsM Up Oats4 S1 0,000. 14C FrcertfSt. .-. (EsV.1fS) - Psrtisnd, Or. LAMBS REACH $14, A NEW HIGH MARK NO. PORTLAND YARD Sales "Are Made at a Quarter Above Previous Quotations Beckley Has Claim in for Earliest Lambs in the Condon Section for Year. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hog. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Wednesday ...... 578 125 1 10S Week ago 82S 89 ... Previous week ... 63 64 ... 10 4 week ago .... Holiday Tear ago tS 2 years ago A 8 54 24 880 632 469 S years ago 888 4 years ago ..... 851 Price of lambs cerranced another ejnarerat North Portland during th day with a sal of one let lent tn by B. 8. Wilcox from Wasco, at 814, a new high mark for this season. Condition of the lamb trade ts excellent ana values are easy to lift with limited offerings. In fact, the entire mutton traae ts nrm. C. Ray Beckley of the Sheridan-Beckley company of this city and owner of a rsncn near Condon, claims the earliest latnos tor uui section. Mr. Beckley sars his first lambs dropped January 2 and lie has not lost bne animal on account of the weather. He believes in early lambing and is prepared to nave om extra good staff for th Easter trade. General mutton range: Prime lambs $18.50 14.00 Pair to medium lambs 11.60 12.50 Tesrling 11.0011.80 Wethers 10.00 M 0.60 Ewes 7.00 8,00 Cattle Market Firm Market for cattle continue to show strength at North Portland with only a small run reported in overnight. Demand is good tn all depart ments with vslnes well maintained. General cattle range: Prime steer Good to choice steers . . 818.00 (B 14.00 . 11.5O12.B0 . 10.5uail-60 9.80 10.60 8.00 9.00 Medium to good steers. Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers. Choice cows and heifers. Medium to good cow and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers. Csnnars ................... Bulls Calves Stockers and feeders 10.50 A 11.00 8 no 8) 7.00 9 8.00 4.00 5.00 .509 8.50 00 13.50 7.00 & 9.00 Swine Market Is Quiet With a fair run reported tn overnight, mar ket for hoas is oulet at North Portland. While ales continue ss high a $17. the bulk of re cent offerings have not gone above $16.75. General hog market range: Prime mixed Medium mixed , Rough heavies Pigs Bulk , .81 8.78 17.00 , . 18.00 018.50 . . 14.75(915.75 . 18.5014.50 . 16 00 17.00 Wednesday Livestock Shippers Hoss Mr. Bonifsce. Mt Angel. 1 load. Cattle J. R. Cowan. Hoper, Wastu, 1 load. Walter Given, Estacada, 1 load. Sheep R. P. Wilcox. Wasco, 1 load. Tuesday Afternoon Sals STEERS No. Ave. Ibe. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. Price. 1.... 4 50 $ 7.00 j 1.... 730 $ 7.00 6.... 850 9.00 I 1 1160 11.00 COWS 1 840 $ 6.50 2.... 920 $ 8.00 1. 850 6.50 ,2.... 910 8.00 1 R10 5.50 3 710 6 50 2 ... S40 5.50 12.... P20 6.50- 2....1O50 BlOO 3 734 4.00 1 740 5.00 1 .1020 7.00 1.... 760 4.50 21 . 950 7.50 2 740 7 00 6 830 7.125 1.... 890 8.75 1 1300 1050 BULLS 1.... 550 $ 6.50 I 2.. ..1200 $ 6.25 1....1860 6.50 . 1.... 880 8.25 v HEIFERS 1.... TOO $ 8.00 I 1.... 810 $ 6.00 1.... 630 8.50 1.... 670 7.25 CALVES 8.... 190 $18.50 I 2.... 270 813.00 2 170 18.50 I HOGS 24.... 170 $16-90 134.... 220 $16.80 11 230 17.00 46.... 240 16.85 1,... 320 16.30 10.... 140 16.00 l!... 200 15.80 1.... 850 15.50 .... 170 16.75 6.... 140 16.25 80..., 100 14.85 80.... 100 15.00 5 200 17.00 8.... 200 15.00 2.... 260 16.25 2.... 430 16.25 1.... 280 16.80 2.... 180 15.20 20 190 16.75 1.... 850 15.00 13 200 16.60 1 140 15.25 Wednesday Mornlna Sale COWS No. 3 8 Ave. lbs. . . . 880 Price. I No. Ave. lbs. Price. $ 6.00 7.50 $ 7.00 1.. 860 730 890 S.7S t 8. HEIFERS $ S.50 1 980 LAMBS 100 $14.00 1. EWES 150 $ 7.00 47. 63. 110 $14.00 IRREGULAR TONE IX COTTOIT WITH EARLY FBICE MIXED New York. Jan. 1.5. (I. N. S.) The cotton market opened irregular today, first prices being 20 points lower to 9 points higher. Cables were weak, dry yoods reports unfavorable, and advices from the South indicated continued lack of de- I mand. Prices broke heavily shortly after the opening under active Selling by the south. New Orleans, Wall street and old bulls. The close ws steady at a net loss of 80 to 81 points. Open. High. Low. Close, 2584 2605 2450 2458 2292 2312 2200 2210 2005 2010 January ........ 2690 2690 March 2530 2640 May 288 2890 July 2280 2298 October 2085 2099 AMERICA LIVESTOCK FBICES Chicago Hogs S17.7S Chicago: Jan. 15. L N. 8.) Hog Esti mated receipts 82,000. steady. Bulk. $17,40 0 17.70; top, $17.75; butcher hogs, hesvy, $17.60 017.75; pecking hogs, heavy. $16.75 017.25; medium snd mixed. $17.15 017.40; light. $17.00017.50; pigs. $14.00 14.75; roughs. $16.00016.50. Cattle Estimated receipts. ' 1 2,000 : steady. Beef cattle, good choice. $16.50 019.85; me dium snd common. $9,50 0 16.25: butcher stock, heifers. $7.75014.60; cows, $7.00018.75; canners snd cutters. $6.25 07.00; stockers snd feeders, good choice, $10.25 018.75; Teal calves, good choice, $15.75 0 16.25: -A Sheep Estimated receipts 21,000, steady. Shorn lambs, choice sad prime, $16.50 016.75; medium and good, $15.00016.50; spring lambs, good choice. $14.25 014.50: - feeder lambs, good choice, $13.75 015.25; ewes, choice prime, $9.25 010.76; medium and good, $9.00 0LO.25. Kan City Hogs $17.68 Kansas City, Jan. 15. I. N. S.) Cattle Receipts 17,600; best, steady. Wethers slow and weak. Steers, $15.50 016.50: cow and heif ers, $6.00 0 12.00; stockers and feeders, $7.00 014.00; calves, $8.00 018.60. Hogs Receipts -21,000, steady to 6c up. Bulk. $17.10017.80; top. $17.65; heavies. $17.85017.65: lights, $17.00 01.7.50: me diums. $17.85017.65. Sheep Receipts 4500, steady. Lambs. 815.75 016.25; wethers. $10.25 011.25; ewes, 9.25 010.25. Omaha Hoes S17.4 Omaha, Jan. 15. (L N. 8U Hogs Receipts. 19,500, steady. Top. $17.45; range. $16.75 17.45: mixed. $17.15 017.80; good choice. $17. 80 17.45: rough. $17.00 Q 1 7.15; light, $16.7517.S0; bulk. $7.00017.86; nigs, $12.00013.00. Cettle ' Receipts, 8800; steady. Beeves, $18.60; cows and heifers, $6.75018.50; stock ers snd feeder, $700 016.60; calves, $7,60 0 13.60. Sheep Receipts 6900. steady.- Wethers, $10.60011.50; yearlings. $9.00018.35; lambs, $14.00016.15; ewe. $9.00011.00. Denver Hoot $18.89 Denver, Jan. 15. (U. P.- Cattle Receipts, 2700. steady. Steers, $12.25 015.50: cow snd heifers. $7.76 011.00; stockers and feed ers. $10.00 0 14.D; calves. $9.00 013.00. Hogs Receipts! 1200, 6 to 10c higher. Top, $16.85: bulk. $16.70016.85. Sheep Receipts 6000. steady. Lsabsj $14.75 016.00; ewes, $8.25 09.75. Seattle Hoes 817.40 Seattle. Jan. 15. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipt 443. lower. Prime lights. $17.26 17.40; medium to choice. $17.00 017.15: rough heav ies. $15.00015.90; pigs, $15.00 16.40. ' Cattle Rec-ipta 1 56. steady. Best steers. 111.50013.50; medium to choice. SJOB0& 1.00; common to medium, $6.6009.00; best cows -$8 60 6 10.5S: common to medium cows. SS.OO 7.50: null. $4.00 0 8.00; calve. $7.O012.O0. . Sheep Receipts 880, steady. Lambs, $lt.60 012.00; yearlings, $8.00 010.60; ewes, $5.0$ 0 7.00. Sew -Tork Sagar aad Cef t Wew Terk, Jsn. 16. (TJ. P.) Coffee Spot No. T Rio. 17e; No. 4 Ssntos, 22024a, Bufar Centrifugal, $7.2$. . RIVER MILLSTUFFS ARE OUT MARKET; OFFERS TO BUY ARE UNFILLED Situation Is Extremely Serious With Hills Closing Down Government Likely to Offer Low Price for Flour if Any. . Northwest Stoln Rci r)st Cars- Wheat Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland, Wed. . . 9 Tear ago' 1 10 12 Season to date..SSTO Tear ago 8588 Tacoma, Tuev. . 42 822 1529 188 643 571 till 828 1232 . r 8 128 got) 178 1170 1 15 82 14 47T 2080 820 2298 Year ago . . . T- 28 Season to date.. 4259 Tear ago .8462 Seattle, Tues.. . . 41 Tear ago T Season to date .4421 Year ago 8325 Astoria, receipts of 8 to 11, were $9 cars. . . 19 ... C3 ... 2 7 6 48 902 218 1047 inspectaa wheat, Jan. With ss high as $49.60 0 60.00 a ton being offered for spot delivery millstuffs between whole sale Brokers, the market here ha reached a new high record and practically no stock available at the extreme mark. There Is move or lee talk of sales of mill stuffs at 855.00 a ton, but none are able to discover where sales are being aside ct this range. In fact at any price millstuffs are prac tically unobtainable st the moment, end no relief is In sight. ' Passag of the Hoover food bill may prove of soma benefit to the trede by giving the gov ernment money by which to purchase flour, but it ia generally believed that millers win not care to grind- additional supplies at the prices they will probably be offered. Somewhat better demand for eeta and barley for feeding is shown, but the taetle in grains as a whole is not very liberal. FLOUR -Selling prices: Patent, -$10.99; femilv wheat flour, $10.70; barley flour, $10.70; Willamette valley, $10.60; local straight. $10.70; bakers' local, $10. 70 10.90: Montana spring wheat, patent, $10.88; rye flour, $12.50: cat flour. $ 10. 70 ; corn flour. $11.50 914.00 per barrel; graham flour $9.65; whole wheat flour, 89.83. Price for city de liveries tn five barrel lota. HAT - Baying price: . Willamette timothy, fancy, -j ) ; Eastern Oregon-Washington fancy timothy. $31.00 0 82.00; alfalfa. 826.000 $26.50; - valley vetch. $28.00; cheat. 4 ) ; clover, $26.00 0 27.00: grain, $28.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 20c in car lots; less esaounts higher. MILLSTUFFS Mixed run, st mills, sacked, $45.00 50.00 per ton. ROLLED OATS Per barrel, $10.20 010.70. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton, $62.00 0 63. CORN Whole, $67.00 0 68.00; cracked, $69.00 070.00 per ton. M. B. Mlckelson of tha Lewiaton. Idaho. Milling company, was a visitor on the Merchant!' Exchange during the dcy en route home after a visit with his parents in the Ceneral West. He says that the acreage of wheat crop con ditions ar ideal ' and that Kansas is looking for an output of 200.000,000 bushels of wheat in 1919. Ralph II. Brown ef th federal grain super vision branch ef the bureau - ef msrkets, de partment of agriculture, who is located - tn Washington, D. ('., was also a visitor during the day. Mr. Brown was on business connected with his buresu. M. 1L Mouser of the food administration ad vises : Exports of wheat flour to Cuba : War trade bulletin No. 464. which reads, "On and after February 1. 1919, applications will be consid- eied for -licenses to export wheat flour to Cubs, may be construed to mean that applications will be considered for licences to export wheat flour ti ( uba. on and after February 1, 1919. Mills may, therefore, submit applications to the war trade board during January for consider ation. Exports of wheat flour to British possesions in western hemisphere: Tbe war trade board also announce that they axe now prepared to give favorable consideration to application for licenses to export wheat flour to the British pos sessions in the western hemisphere. Merchants exchange bids: FE&D OATS Jan. No. 2 feed 4950 BARLEY Feb. 5000 March 6000 Feed 4875 "A" , 4900 Eastern oats snd corn in bulk: OAT3 No. 3 white 4700 White 38 pound clipped. . 4950 CORN No. 3 yellow 6000 No. 3 mixed 5900 4900 4950 4900 4950 4700 6050 5900 6800 4750 6000 6800 6700 Foreign Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck At of Trade building: A. F. 5s Oct. 1920 V. K. 5s Nov. 1919 U. K. 5 s Feb. 1919 U. K. 5s Nov. 1921 A. V. Sec. 5s Aug. 1919 Cooke Co.. Board Bid. Ask. . 97 97 . 100 100 . 100 100 . 98 98 .. 99 90 . 155 160 . 98 99 . 100 100 . 49 53 . 120 124 . 99 99 H . 97 98 . 97 98 . 98 07 . -98 99 . 96 97 96 96 , 103 103 Hep. France 5s 1981 Paris 6s Oct. 1921 Marseilles 6s Nov. 1919 Russian Extn. 5 Ha 1921 .. Russian Intl. 5Hs 1926 ... Dom. 6s Aug. 1919 Dom. 5s April lr.l Dom. 5s April 1931 Dcm. 09 April 1926 Argentine 6s May 1920 .... China 6s 1919 Dom. Canada 6a 1937 French 5 s 1919 .. PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT ParUsnd Bsntt ' This week. 5.075,449.10 $ 4.722,948 23 4.789.352.80. Taooma'Banks - - $ Clearings Tear age. Monday . . . . I Tue-day .... 4,186.429.00 Wednesday. . . 2.749.728.58 16.619.00 416.256.00 Clearings . . Balances . . Clearings . Balance Clearings Balances Seattle Bank $ 6.681.148.00 1188.491.00 Spoken Banks 1.642.106.00 689.361.00 St. Loais Metal Market St Louis, Jsn. 16. L N. S. ) - Lead Thill. tv.ov, sellers. Spelter Quiet. $7.80 for January and $7,25 ior ccpruary. . Liverpool Cotton Weak Liverpool Jan. 15. (L N. 8.1 Spot cotton was quiet toaay. I'rice weas. oaies, 1VOO bales. futures opened quier. TBAUSFOBTATIOJf ESTIMATED SAILINdS Passenger and Oargs Service ' HEW YORK ts LIVERPOOL pVirtse Jullanla . Feb. Etn Royal Oeerge Fes. SSS Saxonls Pan. 1 2tn Qermenla Pea. 1 7th Osvuna Pe. SSth Caronla Mar. a NEW YORK t LONDON Palermo Poona area. 1st Ixlon eretv Ul Nsleus Fan, 8th Byron ..Pea. 22d Pannonla Feb. 18Ui For sll informs tlon ss to Rate. Tours, stew pply to sny of our local Agents, or to Dor B. Smith, The Journal Bids.. Portland, Ox. COMPANY OFFICE, HOOE BUILDINO. SEATTLE, WASH. . , TC7 UROPE JJLa Travel is already heavy te Europe, snd as soon as passporta are issued freely again travel will few enormous. We represent all ctecawbiB com- '- panie. eaa. secure svailavMe space on any steamer, end tssu ,, STEAMSHIP TICKETS to any foreign port. Patrons contemplating a trip to Europe should avail themselves, of this experienced information, tree of charge. DORSE V B, SMrTM, Manager. Jsuinaf Travel A twfer motion Bureau. Teteoaon Marshall 1ST. The Journal BlSa,, Peniend, or. Mm CHANCE TO BUILD MORE SHIPS FOR NAVY LOOMS IIP Steel Yard Owners Find Encour agement in Present Attitude of the Government. OREGON'S RECORD IS GOOD Portland Builders Lead Eastern Yards in Production, It Is Declared by Coast Builders. With the failure of th government to permit steel ship builders to make any contracts or accept any work from the French and Scandinavian Interests after the armistice was signed, builders are convinced that the federal .authorities have recognised the value or th Facirw coast yards over those of the Bast. Ship yard managers reel positive- tnat aiter the Emergency Fleet corporation con tracts are finished effort will be made to obtain contracts from the navy for local ship yardsr The facilities of the Columbia river country has been well demonstrated by tha war during which period -this sec tion of the country readily supplied every demand made on It. Builders now o- lieva that the sTovernment is plannthg to make an extension to the navy and, as this region has shown up eo well with eastern competition, they have good ground to believe that the western coast will come in for their share . of tha new bulrdlnE. Portland builders have assertea tnai they haVe led the eastern yaroa in nnint of production. Which alone would offset any handicap of freight charges anri ahlnnlnc facilities. Moreover, the r.u-l industrial situation in ime ret,"t is oetter, or - wui ps " mmwrmi months, than any otner section of the country. The wage scale Is higher, making a more satisfied group r lahnMra HlnV of WtlOWl may be nhiainni at the moment the demand for more labor is received. RELATIONS ARE FRIENDLY Paeifie Marine Iron Works Has NO) Quarrel With Fleet Corporatio. "That any unfriendly relations exist between, the Emergency Fleet corpora tion officials of Oregon and the Fa ! Marine A Iron works, as reported in a incai newsnarer last evening, Is noxltlvelv an untruth," says J. L.. Jen nlngs.. manager of the Pacific Marine Iron works, in a statement issuea mis morning. "There may have been minor quarrels lwtwMn tha Emergency Fleet corpora tion officials and our firm, such as might exist between any two organizations euch aa ours." continued Mr. Jennings, 'but as a whole our relations with th nffiriata of the Emergency Fleet cor- nnmilnn are absolutely the best and mnat harmonious. "The report baaed on alleged recent conduct of employes or tne leet cor rwvration did hot. come from represent a tivaa of the Pacific Marine Iron works, and if they did come from the crew and men of the ship Ashburn dur ing her trial trip, as reported, tney cer tniniv are not the sentiment of the men, "The men In charge of these ships on their trial trips come In contact with officials of the Fleet corporation every day. and If any unfriendly relations ex isted we certainly would have heard of it long before this. "The statement that officials of the Fleet corporation are not competent men or qualified for their work cannot be based on truth, as these men know their work and are well qualified. Tha future of Oregon is In her lum ber industry, and I cannot believe or an, anv reason why discrimination should be made against tho-wOoden ship ping industry. Most all of the men of the Emergency Fleet corporation In Ore gon are Oregon men and are well In formed' of the future of the lumber in dustry In Oregon.' TO RUSH HARBOR WORK Colonel Taylor Comes as Assistant to Colonel . Zlnn. The war department is losing no time in rearranging its rivers and harbors forces to care for the peace time re- snonslbilities. as evidenced by the as sianment of Colonel Charles J. Taylor, corns of engineers. United States army, as military assistant to Colonel George A Zlnn, In charge of the First and Sec ond Portland districts. Colonel Taylor, who was formerly commander of the S20th englneersr-arrived her Tuesday to assume his new duties. The two officers had been assigned to this district before the- entrance of the United States into the war, but with the finishing of the dredging project at the mouth of the Columbia river, tne anues of th force her was considerably light ened, and one man was removed. Now, however, tha new projects to be carried out In the Willamette river and the upper Columbia sections will cause more work for the department and the gov ernment, with this In mind, has placed Colonel Taylor here. HEAVY GALE IS REPORTED Wind Reaches 54 Miles an Hour at Mouth of Columbia.. The United States weather bureau did not receive any reports from North Head. "Wash., yesterday and It is i sumed that strong gales which swept this portion of the coast Interfered with the Isnd telegraph ay stem. At i o ciock on Tuesday morning the velocity of the LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bonds official closing price, New Tork :Conv. 1st 4th 8. 9960 9960 9950 9940 9930 9916 1st 4s. 2d 4a 4s 4 Wednesday Thursday . Friday. . Saturday. . Tuesday. . Wednesday 9800 9290 9280 92SO 9649 9544 9640 9668 9290 9928 9260 270 9278 9640 9562 9640 9556 9262 9220. 9230 9620 9506 9610 V804 BAIBT PRODUCE OX TBE COAST , Baa Fjfsae Market San Francisco. Jan. 16. (U. P.) Batter- Extras, 63 He. Kg Extras. 66 He: pallets, extras, 62c Cheese. 83 c . . . Seattle Market Seattle. Jan. 16. (TJ. P.) Butter Local city creamery, bricks, in cartons, 67 0 68c: do pcrchnseat wrapped, vie: as ranee, 6i ig ooc K2C Feney rsncb. SS S7e; pullets. 68c Cheese Washington triplet. SS046e: do Tonng America, 40y41e; Oregon triplet, SS 0 40c; aa zeung America, ss ey 4 1 c - Record Cream . Price, - Eureka. CeX. Jan. 15. U. P. ) Hambotdt county creameries today easa paylna; 74 He pec pound for bntterfat. This i th highest pnos ever paid here, sad increased butter prices are ariad had reached hi miles an hour and at noon it was reported to havs fallen to 2S. miles an hour. '?. The wira trouble con tinned this morn ing until later reports were received that wast wind was blowtns; with a so-mlle velocity. There; were occasional hlsrn winds,, the sea was choppy and tfis fed eral weather condition was- cloudy. The bureau believes that better conditions rill be encountered this evening. ' .Government Dredging Resumed afore moderate teraoertaurea along- the Columbia river during- the past week have caused -the tee to disappear along tbe lower Columbia and . Tuesday the rovernment dredc Wahkiakum re sumed operations at her St. Helens po sition. This morning the Muitnoman left for dredging work along the lower end of Dobblebower'B. Te Change Fog Signals reA Munmlaslfuise ef llrhihmiaaa haa launiswi sl not tea to marinara warning them that' the fog signal at Point Arena light station an the California, eeaeoaat will be changed on or about Marcn l. 1919. to an air aiapnone. to aouna m m. wm UssU sTtrr 60 ' BACOndB. The first blast will be for on second, followed by silence ef btie second, and then a blast of three seconds. Silence of U seconds will com between the next series of blasts. Big Cargo Departs Tacoma. Wash- Jan. 15. The largest cargo of flour ever taken out of this port by a sound-constructea snipping board boat departed today for Europe with a cargo valued at $1,200,000. weigh ing 9.4S7 tons, short, of "our. and 13 tons of oats on the- steamship Edge combe. A slightly larger cargo was taken out of the port recently, but It a on a foreign-constructed ship, slightly larger than the Edgecombe. Strikes Thing of Past a...,1. tXTaah Van. IK (L N. 8.) " , - cMiu f tAnnhnremen at Puget Sound ports are a thing of the past according to an agreement- aignea y rrprtwuis- . . - . .i... u7a..rMnt Kmnlnvsrs uvea os ino , . , - - union andf the International Longshore oniation. affective today. By the agreement all freight moved at Puget Sound ports must be handled by union men and all labor for this rrarpose Will be supplied Dy - tne nonniinrv men's association. Tn Join New Destroyer DiviAK i R. Jones. United States navy, eon of W. J. Jones, who is well known in shipping circles m mis umim ppIvmI in Portland Tuesday en route to the Mare Island navy yard, pre paratory to joining a newiy duui ow troyer and going to Newport News. Vs., .v..H h. wrtii kumiM a. torneao omcer. it. psu-nmrnenrlerl the first of the year for a junior lieutenancy ana win likely get his commission wnen no sr rives at Mare Island. To Make Shipyard Fill Tha dredere Portland will shift Thurs day from St. Johns terminal to the plant of the Columbia River Shipbuilding com' nanv. where she will be engaged In th work of making a flu around tn ena of two new ways built by the company during the latter part of 1918. Srhware fs Improved Lieutenant Oscar Schwars, nautical expert in charge of the Portland branch of the hydrographia office, has been ill with influensa at St. Vincents hospital. H was reported much Improved today. Vessels Off Entrance The "W. A. Mare ton was the only new vessel reported In port today tip until the noon hour. The stormy weather has kept ships off the entrance of the Co lumbia. News of the Port Dasarturss dafHiary IB ' EI Segundo, American ateaaier. for Baa Fran- Cisco, ballast. - Edgefield. America a steam sr. for New zone, flour. General Msunoury. French eteamer. for Fraaoe.via Tacoma, bcUast. Pep art uree awasrr 14 Frank D. Stoat. American steamer, for SsS rears via weans, mm Per. AT NEIGHBORING! FORTS Teeoene. Jan. 16. Arrived Barce Barracnta. ia tow ot tug anroa. Seattle. Jan. 14. Balled, at 4:20 n. : British auxiliary schooner Janet Carruther. for Columbia river: tug An vox snd barce Baroda , peet te leave port Thursday p. m. for Columbia river. - . . r W. II. Marston, from Ban ' Francisco, or Port ia no. i . San Francisco, Jan. 14.- Arrived, at 4 S. .St. LIBER TY BO N D S If you must SELL your Liberty Bonds, SELL to US. If you can BUY more Liberty Bonds, BUY from US. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market TOTJ CANNOT SO BETTER TOO MAY DO WOMB Cleslag prices ef LIBER, TT BONDS ea New York Stock Zxehsege en Taesday, Jaaaary 14, wsre as fellows 1st 2d Sd 4th SUs lsf4s 48 4S 4S S 4S Tuesday MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Th PrwmUr Mniclaal Bond Hows ' 309-311 STARX, BETWEEN BTH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Tslepkose Broadway tlel Established Orsr tt Tears One Year Notes Yielding 7 Washington Water Power Company Collateral Trust Coapon 6 Notes ' Dated January IS, 1919 . . Da February 2, 1920 , IatesfeMt PayabU Qurtrly " DENOMINATION : $1000 These noteare the obligation of the Washlncton Water Power Company,. Spokane, Washington, one of the strongest . public fertice corporations in the Pacific Northwest- PRICE 99 AND INTEREST, TO YIELD 7.05 e - Full DeUils 4a Request , , CalL or Phoiao Brosdwsx. 951, or A-2060 LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY LUMBeKMENS BUILOIMa : CAPITA!, AN0 steamer City ef Topeka, from Portland via Cone Key ana Eureka. SaiieO. a 4 P- m.. eteamer Hoquiaaa. for Columbia river. Arrived, at 7 p. m.. testae Acme, from Portland. Eureka, Jan. 14. - Sailed Steamer Asreh, from Saa Fraoeieoo, far Portland via Coo lay. XAKlTOTXlBIAirAC Weather st Stiver's Mouth North Bead. Jan. 16. Condition t the month of tbs rivet st aeon: West wind, 80 mile velocity; see, choppy; cloudy. , Tides at AtteHs Thursday 1 Risk water I Low walsr 1:09 a. sa.T.a feet I 7:04 a. m.. 2 9 feet 12:36 p. sn.,.9.6 feet I 7:43 p. so.. 0.9 foot ' San ' Tims Sua rises at T :49 a. as. Bun sets at 4 :C2 p. m. DAILY BITER HEADINGS X' Ji a" Umatilla 2$ 0.4 -0.l 1 e.00 Lugerle.... 0 . so.3 0.S4 Albany ,. f.t 0 0.62 Ralens .. 20 1.8 0.1 0.88 Oreeew Ctty . . . . . . IS 8.9 e.l 0.94 PovOend ......... 1 g. Q.a (t.4 EIYEBTUITECAST ?H1 WiTla-asWtA ertoMos a to.ta,. - --w --"-w e vara s a n usnu win tv mm in fMalffl BtaHasis-w afssw4a. .V . a a a, " - . wa j OSIIIIf M4SP DV tW OT 1 II I fSf days exeept as effected by the tides. Itteh tide iT-aay vnu occur asoat 1:15 a. m. end 6:30 AT NEIGHBORING POETS . Raattla T. m SC .If w a . j a " - - " - . ' . 4-. n, nrnira, eosaaaer Cnreceo, from Ben Frsneiare, at 8 a. m. ArrlTod. Jan. 14, eteamer Meiko Mara, from Dalren. at p. .; Kuriha tru. from f-? " WeS. from Tacoma, at 10:80 p. ai. Baued. Jan. IB., si earner Africa Mar fnv t lis. .; Edgecomb. for Mew Tork ?B,Jbo,5 Bailed, Jan. 14. M ; . H!? Carnthera, fer .Shanghai via Portland, st 4:20 p. at,; Rainier, for Hmn lanctu- t 10:80 vj. ns.: Bosrln fnv (eUI en,iu a .a,. KtMoner Annie kf. CsmpbeU. from Port Blske- , vfvi aff Jan. 14. (L N. 83.) Arrived! SteatnshlB Vt ru . .,,. , - . tiuiu Kntm TIB SB1 ......... .... v.,,. lt n. i fni : Hoiorship IJbby sfslne. for Manils via nores. .i,"FMWr B- t'-. Jen, 15. (I. N. d, Beattla, : sras csrrasui, irom Taeertns, Jan. IS. (I. n. g ) Arrived: "'." klsmslrl. from Baa Franctseo; stesm- jr-r a varce osrrsceats, irnrs dova. from Mouth western Alaakaa ports. .,"lJf,.rd- ,J"- .!. -ell Arrived j vew any, grom eeattie. Haa srictsoo, Jan, 18. U. N. B.l Ar rived Vests rtlav Foster, from Honolulu, tl : . m- Admiral Dewey, frets Lee Anrelee, a 4:66 p. at.; ship Marlon ClOJcotl f root llmtn- lulU at K n m X ... , a... p. m.: WlUamette, from Seattle, at T:5 p, re ; tug Fearless, from rnrt aa f t .h. k.... Pallarton in tew), at 9:46 p. tn. ; La nslng, frnnt , . . .. - . i. as- , hup Monnnssneia, fross Manila, at 10 e, as. Beturnlng to this rmrt, schooner Fearleea, henoe January 11 for Welling, ton. on ecount of vessel r leaking. Hailed V- wruay Hoqutam. for Portland, at 4:15 p. ra ; iaeper. for Caspar, at 4 ISO x.'tn.; Kvlchak, fnr (,raya Harbor, at 8:0$ p. nt. ! Provkienrls. foe Santa nosalls, at 6:35 p. ,., Manoe, for Msnlls. i , th m-! Trtn,"a' 1or Eureka, at 6:05 p. "jr regg, ei t:i p. m. hninjulwi, Jan, j$. . n, S.) Arriverl , v,aa, i wit j nwnsenn, it p. rn. louay: rfsnanese steamer Bhlnyo Msto, 1e ro Mate, . v Venl. r John AJ 1 mi' MelroserL l. 6 oelolu. Sc. m.: 11,,'iwma. a a. m. : acnonnar tmll. Suva, a a ,a , i.. - s- m-; steamer Enterprtae, Hoaelolu. Wat fl,a w. t . A 1 . . Salledl Willamette. Lcs Ange'le,' 12:80 g. m. John McOormaok Is HI in Pennsylvania Scranton, Pa., Jan. IB. (I. N. S. John McCormack, th great Irish tenor; Is ill at the Hotel Casey here. Tit singer came to Scran ton , last night to fill an engagement. After Ms third song hid voice failed and he could not con tinue. Ills manager announced to the audl nce that McCormack had a severe cold an& sore throat. The singer may be taken to New Tork for treatment. Airplanes to Watch For Forest Fires , Spokane, Jan. 15. (TJ. P.) A number of aviators and airplanes are to be made available by the war department for lookout and .patrol service in the forests of Idaho and 'Montana during the coming fir season, according to Homer FX Fenn of Ogden, Utah, st a meeting of federal foresters here Tues day. - - - Walter MacKay Is Burled Lebanon. Jan. 15 Tbe f unerat el Walter Mackey. a local barber, was held Sunday afternoon from tha N. C. Low undertaking parlors under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America, ot which order he was a member. Mr. Mackey's death was caused by pneu monia, resulting from an attack of In fluenza, lis leaves a wlf and two young children. , .' 98.3f 92.60 $2.10 96.2$ 96.00 (8.08 95.04 SATE DEPOSIT VAULTS SUSPLUS 5600.000 rirrM and .UrArtft, t :