14 THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1919. . COMPLETE Ackron-Will isms steam vnjcanis- i ing plant, t moulds with reducing sheik, tub : plate, boiler. Bin covered benches, largo tire r ftrack, air pnrap with 2 tank. electric motor; in - 'fact averything for complete shop; Can be -een at 10, 0th si. E. C. Chspln, Jettag Lodge, Or. p Phone Oak Oroya 126 Y. 40 CHAiaf restaurant at lit aid Couch; new outfit, food business. 1BOSET TO LOAK-HEAI, EHTATKt? OUR fasta llraent pbtn ia tUs beat ana iium i method of paring a loan. 882.18 per month for 84 months, or 21.34 for 6r motjths. or $15.17 tot 90 luontba, pays 91000 loan and JbstaraaC . Other amounts rn proportion. i .. We loan en tmprored city property. Or for building purpose. . No corarol-alon charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 842 Stark at.. Portland. Or. '$300. $400. T&00. ffSO. tlOOO and up. lussst httereat rates. Liberal repayment prlvt alef JSn delay. OORDOf INVESTMENT CO., - . 681 Chamber of Commerce. jSAVE time and money by seeing na for loans, - private funds on band : amounts to unit at lowest rates; farm or city. Prompt, reliable 'service, A. K. mil. 214 Lumbetmens bide. fDVlLmHQ loans on city or suburban prop erty money advsnred as work progresses W. tl. Bach.' y and 21(t Falling bldg: Main 3407. CCA SH paid for mortgages and sellers' contractu . V. on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. f Wotile, lift Lombermena bldg. -$250, $860. 1400. $500. $600 and larger p i amounts, current rater Quick action. Fred .yv. ueronn uo., 112 rnamner 01 uommerca. fc1000 to loan private party on city property tor 2 years. Intercut paid aeml-annually. No com- mienon. N-snn. Journal " It YOtf want money see na: wa hare It. Mc : v Keniie A Co.. since 1005. BIS Gerllnger vpmi. rrmw msm znui MiONET to loan in-amounta cf $100 to $5000 en city property. i A. H. BELL. Boom 10-11 MnTker bldg. -JdONEY to l"-" i c'- .ro-- t lowest ratea rtad g. Williams. 03 H 19$, SEE OREGON INV & Sl iKTGAGK CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. 600 to $nM0 to loan, city or farm mort--". fara; no commission. P. O. Boi 873. MORTGAGE loan-, tj and 7. Co.. 408 Helling bids Louis Salomon OXEY TO I.OAS CHATTELS, r -- SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobile", diamonds, Pl ata, household foods or anything of value. Racnrtty oaually left in yoor posteulon : ALHO TO SALARIED rEOPLE on their notea with :emt astnirity If yonr payments to other loan , ' eompsniea or on furniture or automobile con traets are larcer than yon can make, wa will ipay than op. adrance yon more money, if neces aary, and yoa can repay ua in small monthly payments to suit your convenience. t LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BTJBTNE88 8TRI0TLT flON FTDEMTIAL. POBTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) ' 806-807 Dekum Bldg. " UarabaU 8280. -'SSarT" LOANS . Chattel m snort notice to uisnea or worcingmen on "their own notes. Weekly, bp mi- weekly or monthly "Paymanta. Each transaction at net I y confidential 0 MOHTGAGE NO INDOKSEB V ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY VWl abo loan on household furniture, pianos. V, wtthont remoral. I CALL AND INVESTIGATE i COLUMBIA DISfOf'NT COUPANY LIt?ENSED ' 18 Failing blda-. A PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. fctablihed by Portland bnalneaa men to protect . borrower. ' aC MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 804 STARK ST. . 'LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. ' . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. lOAS WASTED SO ; BEH OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE Co.. Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. fWANT to borrow direct. $1000. beat security. East 2305. K. E. Miller. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS - r If you must sell your Liberty bonds, sell to ru. ''If you can buy more Liberty bonds, buy from us. ' :Wi buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market. " TO0 CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE Vfm are today paying the following prices for nited. States government Liberty loan bonds: siimi -simiu Bond. Bond. AHs ..... !S.S3 003 3t 1st 4s i)2.I7 i2 72 2d 4a 02.20 027.05 lit 4tl ......... Illiftl 0R4.I2 2d 4 Via OS. 02 ln.2 8d 4Va 110 63 070 34 4th 4 Us 0S.1! 930 04 SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Morris Brothers, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House Established Orer 25 Years 808-311 Stsrk St.. Bet. AVth and 6th. (Ground Floor) Telephone Broadway 2151. '5 LIBERTY BONDS. Ail Issues B ought and 8 old. Before buying or selling get our quotations. K. I DEVEREACX COMPANY. Gorernmerit and Municipal Bonds. 87 SUth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS fc-MARKET PRICE. "WILL CASH YOUR ...RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON -KONDS. AT FAIR VALUE.' DO NOT SACRI FICE YOUR RECEIPTS WHICH REPRESENT ilUOLD DOLLARS. ;! SEE E. BURKITT. SECRETARY OBJEGON BOND A MOKKlAOE CO.i rl2 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) COBNEU. SIXTH AND .ALDEIt STREETS 3 : 'LIBERTY BONDS D not loae what you hare paid on yonr contracts. If 'you are not able to make your Payments, aea ua. Wa pay cash for partly paid contracts or bonds, or loan you 90 on your lnraatment at 7 and 8 par annum. . Special attention given out-of-town customers. Bonds bought and sold at market price. Loans negotiated oa farm and dty property. Deal with responsible licensed brokers. Open to 9 aav HOWELL DAVIS, 401 Board of Trade. ."I- "BONDS -BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOR YOCR RECED7TS Coma to 725 Cisco bldg.. 5th and Alder. ' Mail bonds fo na; we remit return mail Come to 725 Gaaeo bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLABS-MURTON CO.. OPEN SAT. EVE. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS Will pa' rash market ralue. Wilcox. 416 Pittock block. John D I Will Cash Any Liberty Bond At foil cash ralue, leas three months' inter' . as.. No other charges. - 1. H. KEATING. 81T Board of Trade. ?. ' . LIBERTY BONDS! 'Atsa contracts for sama bought. Open till 8 .", P. ' UBEHTT REALTY A BROKERAGE CO., BOa Bnchanan Bldg.. 280 H Washington St. WE BUY AND SELL LIBERTY BONDS - Asm souitiee in Liberty bonds. Bring receipts and et th cash. Open evenings and Sundays. Main 7478. 200 Abington bldg. LIBERTY BONDS - Partly paid contracts bought Open till 7 JO DORCAS A DORCAS : .: 20 If. VT. Bank Bldg.. th and Morr1on . INVESTMENTS, loaiu. nxm, lbuUkirv i H. lwta.. SOS Lawis bldg. Mae. 1SH3. LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY BONDS AND RECEIPTS. RE MITTANCE MAILED OUT OF TOWN SELL ERS DAT BONDS ABB RECEIVED. ESTAB LISHED IN 10. Northwestern Trust Company 6EC0ND FLOOB WILCOX BLDG. TH AND WASH. CASH LIBERTY BONDS OR RECEIPTS Open erenings until 7 o'clock. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 Spalding., 3d and Washington. KTOCKK AND BONDS WANT in?eator with government bonds who knows security snd can see opportunity of fered. This week 412 Fenton bldg. 1IORSEM, VEHICLES. KTC. 18 41'ST RECEIVED A carload of horiea frmn Ia tirsnde raUey, sges from 4 to 0 years; weight from 1200 to 1400 lb. ; sll blocky built snd heary boned; anrae well matched trim. If in the market for good young hones, call at the U. S. Stables. 24-8 Front St. G. D. "WILLIAMSON. 12 HEAD of maiva and geldings, weigh from 1O0O to 100 lbs.: also a few sets of double harness and farm wagons; horses are all good workers and gentle; also one span of mules, at K. 0th and Hawthorne. National Laundry barn. Phone East 322 7. J 125 BI'YH ranch team snd harness, weighing 2200 lba. ; mare and geldrng, grain fed, aonnd and true: also hare a 2 Vs inch light farm wa gon cheap take Mt. Scott car to 9th arc; Mreet 1 block eaxt. 1 block north, to 6825 83th at. S. K "135 BAY MARK. 1400 lbs., chunky built and only 7 jears old and a good worker, ain gte or double; owner leaving the city and must be sold at once. 380 Front bt. Ask for Mrs. Bcnner'a mare. ' BARGAINS In order to make room, I am offering for sale at rery low prices 20 head of good work horses and harness and wagons ; everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Huetter. 285 FTont st. $105 BUYS team of bay horses, weight 2200 lbs.; work single or double; in good shape; grain fed. with harness; also hare 2 i inch Moline farm wagon in good shape. 6624 80th st Tabor 6634. A FINE matched pair of . 25a?0-lb. blacks. 2100-lb. team of browns, matched pair of sorrels, all dandy farm teams; all kinds of horses and ponies from $25 up. Will ex change. 302 Front st. A REAUTiFl''lLYniatched span of blue roans, 7 and 8 years old, weighing 3000. Guar anteed sound. Price $310. K. 8th and Main. OXK bay mare and gelding. Good workers. Vt. 2500 lbs. With harness. $100. 830 Hsn Rafael st. CARLOAD "f young horses just in from the country. 1100 t 1800 lbs. Frazier it Mc Lean, 24 0 E. Sth st. ALL KINDS of wsgons, 3 fine top buggies, good surrey, all kinds of harness. 302 Front st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlswh 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD 25.00 lb. pair of muled cheap, or ex change. 302 Front st. HOUSE and wagon, $1.50 day; 2 hordes and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front. Main 2208. AT SACRIFICE -I single and 1 double har npss. Call mornings at 608 Toumy baig. FINK pair of ponies and harness chesp; will exchange for big horse. 302 Front st. $75 takes hor-e, wagou and harness. 380 Front st Will gire trial. $35 buys an 1150 lb. mare with good harness. 251 Meade at. S. Portland car. 2700 lb. team with A 1 harness. Will sell cheap or trade lor cow. Ptione Mar. 4055. I WILL take good work horses or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith, 228 Alder st. LIVESTOCK 3 SIX fresh cows, large Jersey and Jersey-Durham. extra good, rich milkers; will sell or trade for beef cows. 110O Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line, 3 blocks south, 1 block cast, in pasmre. YOUNG fresh cow. giving 3 galsT $60 ; fresh Jersey cow, 3 gals., or .better, $65; also o springers. We would be pleased to show at E. 0th snd Flanders. HAVE a nice wood range to trade on family cow with aome cash difference; cow must be milking or coming fresh in near future. Write A. I. Richter. Vancouver, R. 5, box 115. GOOD, young Jersey cow, fresh, giving 4 gala. per day; cell cheap. Take Oregon City ear to Arlington utation. come up river to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. 11 VH tine milch goats. 1 giving milk. 2 fresh in February. Will take Liberty bond. 251 Meade st. S. Portland car. TEN head of cows, some heavy milkers; will sell reasonable. Woodstock car to 34th St., 4 blocks south to 104 0 Schiller st, GOATS-FOR TlALIS I have ! Swiss enilk goats for sale. Address Miss Ida Ellner. 109 H 3d st.. Hood River. Or. I WILL take good work horse or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith. 228 Alder st. FRKSH dairy and family cows, all breeds: take your beef cows in exchange. 751 E. Ash at. COWS 5 good, young, fresh cows. Crown Stables. 285 Front st. 8 MILCH goats fox sale. 420 Hawthorne are. cor. E. 72d. FKK.SU cow, siring 4 gal. Will sell cheap. 380 Front st. COWS 5 good, young, fresh cows. Crown Sta bles. 285 Front at A NO. 1 fresh cow. 302 Front st. FOR SALE Fresh cow. 6324 68th st, 8. E. POULTRY. PIOEON8, PET STOCK S7 76 THOROUGHBRED Bsrred Rock. R. L Red, White lyeghorn layings pullets, $1.25 up $2; horse harness. 2 light hacks, 2 ona horse light Studebaker wagons, cheap. Monta villa err to Stark. 8 blocks west to 1018. Portable 'Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES S. D. Williams. Tabor 629. 6125jE. 82d S. E. FOR SALE thoroughbred R. CWTiite Wyan dotte cockerel, Ringhouse' strain. He is a beauty. E. M. Locker. Oswego, Or.. R. F. D. box 164. CORONA POULTRY PARK. 2030 E. Salmon St. Portland. Or. O.A.C. Barred Rock cockerels $3.00 each Pullets and hens $2 50 each 100"onsIZEStsjidanrbrooder. $T77fToTl00 ft. 2-inch 6 ft, poultry wire. 2 V4 c per lineal foot. 75 ft, 1-tnch 6 ft. poultry wire. 5c per lineal foot.. 644 E. 36th st- Phone Ta. 7769, 12 WHITE LEGHORN pullets $1.75 each. 12 R. I. Red hens $2 each. 4 R. I.' Red cock erels. Feb. hatch. 6305 4 2d St. 8. E. WANTED, Partridge Wyandotte, will exchange rabhita. Phone Tabor 1463. 12 PARTRIDGE ROCK hens. 161 E. Slat r N. Tabor 1250. WHITE Leghorn young hens and pullets. 6116 54th st. S. E. Sellwood 1092. SAVE feed. I guarantee to pick the non-layers from your flock. Tsbor 6422. DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. is CHOICE canaries st the Canary Bird Shop, 1151 E. 28th N. C-2217. BRINGING UP FATHER DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC " RABBITS New Zealand Reds. Flemish Giants, Belgian hares; breed now for early spring yon neuters; 20-pega illustrated booklet, with hutch plans, 15c stamps, Monti cello Babbitry (largest In Northwest) , comer 8t& and East Stark. Mt, Tabor (MT 88TH). ear to nd. 4 btocka north, one east. BO8TON terrier atud, beat Toy blood to Aaaar iea. purchased in Mass.: fee $10. Hamlet. 6657 8 2d st- Tabor 4888. THOMPSON'S bird store boys and sells gwai anteed birds. Call or address 957 Missis sippi are. AIREDALE black and Ua dog, 8 months old, thoroughbred, $25.00. C T. Trengore, 2030 E. Salmon st Tabor 8800. SPLENDID singers and female, beautiful colon. 294 Jefferson. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Conley's for Just New Cars . These cars are wonders. Ixiok them over. If they are not as advertised, bring tbem back and we will make them so, free of charge. Nice Bulck roadster, elec. light and starter. .$250 Nice Buick touring, elec. generator, lights. .$300 Studebaker Four, small car $200 High grade, high speed bug. elec. gen.t lights $300 High grade, medium light, 5 pass., elec. gen. and light . $300 Packard tour.. Council Crest on high $600 Overland roadster, Bosch mag.; overhauled. .$225 Overland touring, elec. light and starter. . . .$350 1017 Maxwell touring; it runs perfect. . .'.$550 1016 Maxwell touring, thoroughly rebuilt. .$500 1917 Chevrolet touring, 90 per cent new. .$550 1016 Chevrolet touring, new battery $500 1916 Chalmers Little Six. cord tires $800 1917 Oldsmobile Eight. 90 per cent new. .$1200 1917 Paige Little Six; looks new $1000 1016 Chandler Six; looks Just like new... $900 Series 17 Studebaker Six; Just new $76 Series 18 Studebaker Four; 95 per cent new $800 Good Terms Liberty bonds faca ralue on cars. Conley's Used Car Center Entire 2a floor, upstairs- not downstairs. Msin entrance. 127 Ijownsdsie St. Phone Broadway 2656. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE Model 83 Overland, nearly new tires. Special. $500. Studebaker "Four," A 1 shape, $450. 1916 Ford. Some puller. Good tires. $873. Oakland Six roadster, good shape. $600. Biggest bargain In the city. 1917 Stude baker Six. 7 pass., new tires, extra, bumper and snotlight. See this for s real buy. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington St, Where Washington and Burnside Meet. GUARANTEED ATJTO BEPAIBIHO. PROMPT SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE CS A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO.. 1 CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR. MAIN 1167. Ford Delivery 1918 Ford delivery, finest condition, express body, roll curtains. 1910 Ford delivery, express body, roll cur tains. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 3770. East 13th and Hawthorna are. USED CARS. THE STREET IS FULL OF THEM. FIFTY MOKE INSIDE. AUTO SALES CO,, 9TH & COUCH STS, FORD SEDAN Ford sedan, brand new. electric starter, de mountable rims, oversize tires, speedometer, deck, dome light and tire carrier on rear; cost $1100: price $950 for uuick sale. V-448. Journsl. LISTEN TO THIS Have on hand today 1 Huick Six roadster, 1 Buick touring car and 1 Hupmobile touring, all in good shape. You will have to talk quick to get one of these. See Jake at 523 Alder st. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES Insure your tires now against blowouts and punctures with onr guaranteed relinera. Phoue East 1393. We will call. UNION AVE. TIRE SHOP, 514 Union Ave N. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE FORD TOURINO 1918 Ford touring, used very little, like new, speedometer, lock, demountable rims, oversize tires snd bumper; $150 down, balance monthly payments. X-54 8. Journal. MY FORD, equipped ith torpedo hood, sub Hoosier carbureter, jMt 28 miles oh gallon of gas, Stewart speedometer, chime whistle, cutout and other extras; a classy outfit, looks like new, in first class running order. A real bargain at $339. I'hone Sell. 1859. MY Ford, equipped with the latest attachments. real class, goes for the best cash offer Sunday. Take Woodstock car. get off at 29th St., walk 4 blocks south to E. 910 Long ave. and 29th st. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, ISO Lownsdala at 15th and Washing ton. Broadway 2868. CHEVROLET TOURING. 1917 Fine condition: win sell at $550 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD COUPELET BODY New Ford coupe body; will take touring or roadster in exchange. X-549, Journal. FORD TOURING Fins condition, a bargain at $300, soma terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. OVERLAND ROADSTER Fins condition: will sell at $300 and (ire terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. DODGE TOURING ' Fine condition, $650. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside WE HAVE a light 6 cyl. Olds roadster, run 1800 miles, for $1350. Oldsmobile Co., Rroedwey and Couch. MAXWELL ROADSTER Fine condition, a bargain at $600, aome terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAXWELL TOURING 1916, fine condition, a bargain; $450, soma terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. OLDSMOUILE. late model, 8 cyl. roadster, 300 in extras. For quick sale $1150. Oldsmobile Co.. Broadway and Couch. BARGAINS in used tires; no Junk: new tires also; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan lira Shop. 41. Grand ave. $200 DOWN buys Maxwell touring car, run 5000 miles, 6 good tires, A-l condition. Call East 1962. FORD DELIVERY Good tires, perfect condition, bargain. $375: some terms. SO Grand ave. N . near Burnside. FOR 8ALE 2 to 3 ton truck. Cadillac engine and Dearborn chassis. Cutier Mfg. Co.. 851 E. 10th St., Portland. Or. $200 DOWN buys good Ford touring car. Call Tabor 630. MUST sell my nearly new 1918 Maxwell touring car. A-l shape. M-867. Journal. AUTOMOBILE B ACCESSORIES 44 USED AUTOMOBILES i Terms Given 1918 Mitchell. 6 pass.. 6 cyL. club road- star ...!TT....r.7. 1I60 1917 Mitchell. 5 paaa., 6 CyL 10O0 1918 Mitchell. 7 paaa., 6 cyL 14SO ltl Oimnt, i paaa.. 6 cyL 75 1911 Pierce) Arrow. 6 pass., S cyL. elec tric lights and starter 1200 1917 Hudson Super 6. 7 paaa., 5 cord tires 1475 1915 Hudson, 7 paaa.. 6 cyL.. light six 850 1915 Buick, 5 pass., 4 cyl 600 1919 Rco, S pass., 4 cyL 550 And many others to select from. We carry our own paper and will name you very liberal terras. Your Liberty bonds taken at face value and your old car aa part payment- Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co,, USED CAR DEPT. E. First and Morrison sts. Phones East 7272. B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS NEW AND USED CARS S 1914 touring mechanically right. 2 1915 touring, in good shape. 4 1916 touring, fine looking cars. 3 1918 touring cars, perfect condition. 1 1918 touring, A-l shape and new stream line body. Several others to choose from. It will be to your advantage to see these cars before buying elsewhere. Talbot & Casey, I nc Grand ave. and E. Ankeny at. CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOU8ES ' WOOD SHEDS I 1 Portable or ready cut. Sea sample at 644 Hood at. Main 1167. Millmade -Construction Co, SNAP 1914 Winton Six. nearly new cord tires, new top and side curtains, teat covers. first class condition; price $1250. 1912 Chalmers 7. nearly new tires, motor in first class condition; price $500. 1918 Chalmers, first class condition: price $1050. 1.916 Case, driven 9000 miles; almost new; price $700. MILL ST. GARAGE. 366 Second st. Main 6352. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yon prefer? Wa hsve them, all makes and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 883-835 B'imside. near Broadway. $1750 $1750 $1750 BUYS 1918 Hudson Super Six demonstrator; cord tires, runs and looks like new. Regular factory guarantee. Call East 1962. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO,, 9TH & COUCH STS, NEW 2 ton Garford truck with long wheelbase. selling at $3700 Portland; have discontinued agency and will aacrafice for $3200 spot cash. J. Leuer, room 322 Oregon hotel. Sunday only. Permanent address, Pendleton, Or. - FOR SALE 5 pass. Buick six late 1917 model, first class condition, all new tires; 1 070. J. S. Knauss, 416 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 3270. I WILL take your Chevrolet or Ford In on a trade for a quality car, giving you the choice of 3 leading automobiles, the Chalmers, or the Hudson, or Hudson Essex. Main 311. Ask for Jack Herzinger. STUDEBAKER TOURING Same as new, $800: will consider Ford In trade, balance terma. 30 Grand are. N., near Burnside. FOR SALE; Dearborn Universal truck sttach tnents convert any make of car into an effi cient motor truck at low cost. Cutler Mfg. Co., 851 E. 10th St.. Portland. Or. BUICK S73CROADSTER Can't tell it from a new car. $1050, easy terms. Kelly, Broadway 24 92. MOTORS. tes rings. Bearings. Wheels. Axlea and Trailers We wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. Brosdwsv and Flanders st. Broadway 196. STEVENS-DURYEA. 7 -pass.. A-l mechanical condition, aluminum bodv. first class condition $250 cash. 584 East Madison st. 1918 FORD in A-l condition, demountable rims, runs like new, $475, terms. Call East 1962. CHEVROLET ROADSTER " Will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD SEDAN BODY New Ford sedan body; will tske touring or roaasxeT poay in exensnge. v-44 7. Journal. MAXWELL touring, refinished, like new, new urea, a sou. uiosmoDue Co., Broadway and Couch. STEARNS-KNIGHT. 6 pass. Paige roadster cheap for cash. Come and see. Garage. E. 1st and Main sts. DUBRUILLE TOP CO. 0th at Oak. Broadway 1664. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1918 Same as new; will sacrifice at $700 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE, COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN, Msr. 232 10TH AND YAMHILI-A-1236 GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st $300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touring car. A-l condition. Call Tabor 630. 1918 FORD for sale cheap; good 'condition; Jot of extras. Tabor 1627. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-513. Journal. $100 TAKES Saxon roadster; can be seen at 766 Hood st. SPOT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. and E. Stark. DODGE 6 pass., like new, cord tires and extras. $ 830. East 1393. 61 4 Union ave. N. WANT to buy an old car for cash; must be cheap. Tabor 1627. OVERLAND 5 pass., good condition, $175. East 4804. 226 Russell st. OVERLAND car. starter, electric lights; a bar gain. 163 West Park st. VACANT lot at Lents, clear, for Hght auto truck. Route 3. box 626. Lents. Or. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet, in first class con dition. Phone Woodlswn 2045. 1916 MITCHELL. 5 pass., 6 cyL car in splen did condition. $800. Woodlswn 3344. JUST right for Jug or jitney; 64 horsepower. $160. 153 ET 8th st. TOR SALE CHEAP IBIS Ford touring ear, Z-767. Journal OVERLAND, model 85, A-l condition. "Cooper. East 5203. mmm (Copyright, 191, International News Service) AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 BEFORE BUYING A tTSED CAB, SEE OURS. AS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE AND CAN GIVE DESIRABLE TERMS AS' WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE. Maxwell touring, lata model, refinished .$ R50 Chevrolet touring, lots of extras ........ f60 1918 Cadillac tourinc i 00 Series '18 Studebaker, new tires 750 1916 Oldsmobile tourinc 0 1918 Oldsmobile, 8 cyL, demonstrator .. 1650 1918 Okiraobile. 6 cyL 1350 Special for 2 Davs Overland touring, food tires, electric lights and starter 230 OLDSMOBILE Co. of Ore. 1918 BUICK 6. -practically new in every way. cord tires, etc. This is positively the best Bui buy in the city; $1150, part cash or Liberty bonds, bah monthly. 1918 Maxwell. 0 pass., looks and runs like new. This grand lightweight popular car $750; small payment down, bsL monthly. Studebaker lightweight roadster, newly painted angood mechanically, good tires; $235. $100 down, baL. $20 montfh. . Ford roadster, runs good as n"W. all good tires,; special $285, $100 down, bal $20 month. 1916 Ford touring, best of condition; a snap, $325. $100 down. bal. monthly. - We have 25 other cars of all makes and models, at genuine bargains. See them. Liberal terms on all; Liberty bonds taken at a bonus. A-l AUTO WORKS A FAINTING GO& 525 Alder st. SOME SMART , USED CARS Now on hand in our used car department you will findj the following cars which, in our opin ion.'; are second -to none as advertised today. Scripps Booth roadster $ 40O 40O . 375 4 50 350 275 700 I9m Ford atouring car .. 1917 Ford touring car .. 1917 Chevrolet touring car 1918 Ford roadster - 1916 Ford express . . . 1917 Dodge touring .... 1917 Mitchell. 7 pass. .. 1000 All ears are completely - equipped and ara ready for use. Call and be cpnrinced. Reasonable terms. Open Sunday. COVEY r MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington st. at 21st. . Main 6244. 1918 Ford Touring 1918 Ford touring, cannot be told from new, finest condition, front seat is hinged so that you can aleep in car on camping trips. Price $450; terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO:. F.. 3770. East 13th and Ilawthorne are. ATTRACTIVE-prices on small cars from $250 up. 1915 Ford touring. 1915 Ford roadr ster, 1916 Ford touring, 1917 Ford touring, 1917 Ford panel-top delivery. 1917 Maxwell. 1918 Maxwell. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Cadillac and Dodge Distributors. 21st and Washington Sts. DODGE TOURING Perfect mechanically, finish like new. Driven ROno miles, good tires with spare arid cover. Tire lock and clock. Seven months' fire and theft insurance: $900; terms or trade. W'ood lawn 56S0. Thomas. I . AHED Mfg. and Repairs. 8000 guaranteed sp rings In stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. AUTOMOBILES WAJTTEP 78 WILL pay cash for 1918 Ford passenger or delivery: body no object if good mechanically. Write stating price or call evenings. 311 E. WANTED, 5 pass. auto. Will exchange equity in small place on carlina and pay difference. Tsbor 14 63. WILL trade piano as first payment on. Ford auto and pay balance monthly. S-799, 'Jour nal, i FOUR good lots on carline in Lenta, clear of incumbrance, to trade for a 1918 Chevrolet in A-l condition. 6228 95tB st S. E. CHOICE Irrington lot, E. 16th and Siskiyou. exchange for 1918 touring car. D-894. Journal. WANT a Hup or Buick for two lots in Ariel Heights. Van. 142H'4th. HIGHEST price paid for automobiles, condi tion no object. 121 N. 8d at- Bdwy. 2 829 ACRE, 3 -room bungalow, to exchange for light car. first payment. E. 7737 or Wdln. 6028. ATJTOS FOR HIRE St AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Robnett, City Garage, 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-l 238 AUTO truck for hire. We haul anything. Broadway 476. FORD, competent driver, go anywhere. A. It Winter. Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES LET US DEMONSTRATE the New 1019 Excelsiors. New 1919 Clevelands. Easy terms. We have some used Motorcycles at bargain prices. MERRILL-8TRINE CYCLE CO., 86 Broadway. HA RLEY-DAVIDSON. 3 speeds. A-l condition: fully equipped; cash, terms or Liberty bonds. East 2185. INDIAN motorcycle, 1914, $125; terms. 153 E. Sth st. ' 3-SPEED Indian, new tires, $125 if takenat once. imk) rn w, o-- '..ojumoia st. 1917 Indian for sale cheap. 1 88 Fargo St. LAUNCHES ASP BO.VTS 'B4 FOR SALE Modern 4 room houseboat fat nished. ftth bouse from Sellwood ferry, wast aide: cash only. FOR SALE Boat house, will hold 26-foot boat. A snap if taken at once, ("all Main 8472. PIA3TOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 HAVE YOU BONDS, securities or a city lot to turn in as first payment on a piano or player piano and still baying at 25 per cent below loc-il market prir - at SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st. $50 VIOLIN. $15. ' r ) $700 Steinway square, $125. $350 Mendelssohn (oak). $238. HAROLD 8. GILBERT! 384 Tarahffl. CABINET talking machine, latest model, plays "all records; will exchange for piano. 163 W Park at. - FIANO. standard make. 163 W. Park. slightly used, cheap. WANTED Piano or player piano for cash. 871. Journal. U- WE pay cash for used pianos and band fn straments. Sieberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4tb FINE CABINET VlCTROLA FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER!. 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. Aay JsjWS PIANOS, ORGATTS. MUSIC INSTRUMENTS SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSLNU OUT $350 Stot 4k Camp Baed vpright. ... $ 1 1 8 easa S460 Henry F. Millar used upright.. ,$1$ ea an $850 Kimball. Urge ma hog 'y upright ..$190 rash $450 asrsf atorad upright Pbosl. . ...$290 cash $960 player pianoa, 1917 modeL .... $898 cash Used Vpright plan,... $65 and $75 cash Used parlor organs $26 and $38 cash Part cash, bond and other securities accepted. Plan bought and sold for cash only.' Storage 60a per month. Phone Main 5S2S. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at- mm l. MM Phanograpfaa and records bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. ' 142 H 2d, near Alder, upstairs. $16 AND $25 cash sends home new $425 pianoa for $290; balance, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th at, at Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes." sold on monthly payments. Bend for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dept.. 821 Washington st ALL makes of typewriters rented, repaired ana sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 6th st. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, excuangea Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadw y. FOR SALE Addressing machine. Bargain. 108 Citizt-na Bank bilding. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS Iron teds $1.76 and ap Springs 1.00 and up Mattresses 1.60 and np Dressers ................... 7.50 and np Chairs .76 and op Dining tablea 8.00 and up Center tables 75 and up Cook stoves 9 00 Bock era 1.60 OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st at. . Furniture Brokerage 208 MADISON EXTRA SPECIAL As an extra inducement to our sale we will cive a special 10 per cent cut off ev ry article in the store for this week only. Everything is marked with big yellow tag.- I.ook them over and take an additional lO per cent off if you need furniture, carpets, Ftoves. kitrhenware. GOOD range, iron bed. springs snd mattress. 2 rockers, kitchen cabinet, cooking utensils, dishes, ingrain carpet, wash boiler, all for $30; tUo 50 qts. of fruit at 25c per qt. 5904 97th at. 8. E.. Ints. Tabor 336S. FOR SALE 5 rooms furniture, house for rent, $20. 31 Grand are. N., "bet. Burt de and Couch. FURNITURE for sate with a 6 room house and garage for rent. Wdln. 3416. 1226 Willam ette blvd. FOR SALE At aacrifice. furniture of 8 room house, almost new. East 8296. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale. Montarilla; house can be rented. Tabor 0033. MACHINERY 81 COMPLETE Ackron-Williams steam vulcaniz ing plant, 8 moulds with reducing shells, tube plate, boiler, tine covered benches, large tire rack, air pump with 2 tanks, electrio motor: in fact everything for a complete shop. Can be seen at 70! 6th at. E. C. Chapin. Jennings Lodge. Or. Phone Oak Grove 126Y. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PHEMI8ES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D MSD 8D "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewntera" and "Household Goods" are separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these goods ara published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER RELIABLE, scientific and permanent process by reliable, permanent and responsible people for sheet iron, rubbenod, gravel or shingle roots. Expert workmen, no bums or floaters. Mar shall 4291. ffl A Of) TEN drop head aewing machines with V I V-'iUL attachments, all ara in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 per month. Phone East 2359. or B-8307. E. R, Steen, 162 Grand ave. near Belmont. ' AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under ess different classi fications flO Rn C1 C USED DHOl'HEA O Cpl ,JU 10 vj I J SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Bent and Repair 172 3d st- near Ysmhill. Alain 1845.A-1818. COLUMBIA river smelts, carried in sharp frees -er; 60-pound boxes, $2.45 per box. Send poatoffics or express order. Municipal Fish Market, 187 3d St.. Portland, Or. I PRINTING FOR LESS SO wedding Invita tions or announcements for $3.60; general commercial printing; -best work: prompt deliv ery; try ua. Smith, prlntera. 204 Stark st. FINE eating potatoes, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Bring sacks and take them. Good steel tire buggy. Sell orArade for chickens. 619 E. John st., St. John: riANO. nurt, reed chair, waxing brush for hard wood floors, gas range, oil heater, lawn mower, hose, stone jam. . distillate burner, primer, carbide, etc. Tabor 963." EAT HORSE MEAT BeTla for less than half the price of other meat. Passes thorough inspection. 149 1st at. FERTHJZER Beat rotted cow and horse manure, big scav enger wagon loads delivered. East 538. FOR SALE Tuxedo, clawhammer and Prinoe Albert suits, tailormade. siae 42, almost new. cheap. Irish Tailors. Pittocfc bin FOR SALE Underwood No. 5 typewriter, same as new, $61.50. J. S. Knauss, 41U Stock Ex. bldg. Main 3270. FOR SALE, fine lined wolf robe, size 6 by 7 feet; just the thing for physician or auto mobilo use." Mr. O. 613 Corbett bldg.. city. HOT water tairks all sires. In good, serviceable condition. 30 gaL $7. 40 gaL $. 201 Adams t. East end Steel hridsw. Phone 8616. Bicycle For Sale Only $10 CALL 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. A TENT-HOUSE at Bertha Sta.. 14x20. 2 doors. 8 windows, board roof, $25. L. A. Tger. Oregon City. HIGHEST prices paid for diamonds, wstches and jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 H Waahington st. ELECTRIC wiring and repairing. We employ only competent electricians. Fmlth-McCoy Elec. Co.. Bdy. 2686. 671 Washington. st. FOR SALE Fertiliser from Union Stock yards. for lawns and gardens; prompt service. Phone Tabor 6890 evenings. FOR SALE Addressing machine; bargain. 106 Citizens Bank bldg. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 707. SING.ER aewing machine, $20. 110 Grand ave. near Alder. FIVE new Singer sewing machines, cheap. M- 996, Journal. ' FOR 8ALE One general elec. motor, one 6 h. p.. Ml UW .-viiiii tipo. sVE have new and second hand safes, moderate price. w c iuui. onjauwi; ivuq, VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8582. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $12. So up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Burnside st FOR 8ALE China pheasant plumage prepared for millinery purposes. II 995, Journsl. LATE popular sheet music and photographic head grounds, cheap. 267 Holladsy ave. BUBBANK potatoes, $2 Marshall 1874. a aack, delivered. FOR 8 ALE Garden manure, and plowing done. Tabor 0634. FOR 8ALE Hand'ome mahogany office furni ture. Phone Main 8583. ' FOB WALKMTSCELXAyEOTJS 1 COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT SINa S FROZEN 10 CT8 PER LB. Wa prepay postage. " Pack ad ta arrive la good conditio within 160 miles .of Portland 5-Ib. lota up. Writs or phone for Quotations oa quantities. .- . NORTHWEST FISH PRODUCTS CO. -203 Tamhill St Main 4760. SEWING machine, new and sec ond hand, sold for less: aw sgeata employed. Complete line of parts for all make ma chines, re paired and rented. - Mala 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 8d near Taylor st 1 AM the beat and cheapest clothes waaher. I can solve your servant problem. - My name ia th THOR ELECTRIC WASHING, MACHINE. You can learn all about ms by telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co.. Bdy. 2688. Liberty bonds accepted at par value. 671 Washington st Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired Walker Electric Worka. 418 Bum sida corner 1 04 b Broadway BS74. FOB SALE- Baas and trap drum and acces sories, $35, I'hone Woodlawn 2969 or 1204 Burrage. Sunday. FURNITURE WAWTED" 74 Read Important Read Wa carry a greater assortment of new and used" merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and aelL We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies.' When you hava anything to buy or sell, call or pb.iis Main. 9072 A-7174 ' LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 221-8-5 Front at. cor. Salmon nwi fiirnitiirf r.n 204 FIRST We want' your used furniture, stpves. carpets and pianos; will pay highest cash prices. Call Main 4827. WIGHTMAN-JOItNSON FU K.N ITU KE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7786 Highest prices paid for nsed furniture, car pets, stovea. ranges, etc. We call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CA8H I'hone Main 8832. CUT freight rates on household goods shipped eavt anej aouth. - Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co.. 9Uv snd Hoyt. Broadway 708. A-l 70S. WILL PAY CASH For used office furniture. Main 1971. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st WE PAY the highest cash prices aver Da Id bv anyone in the city for furniture. Call ua for one article or a house fulL Main 784. f" A O LI paid for furniture, stoves, ranges, heat- unOI 1 cm, carpets, rugs, dressers, etc Phone Mar. 2675. Hartsell Furniture C.O.. 841-46 lit PHONE Eaat 7710 when you want to sell your furniture; we will coma at once ana pay yon CASH. M. K. BKATKH. 84 H Hawtnorne ave. SWAP COLTJMW t SUNNY Florida- 10 acres orange land, cleared, no incumbrance, for auto, furniture or what have you? Price $600. T.-858, Journal. I WILL take good work horses or cattle for my Studebaker truck. Smith, 22" Alder St. COWS to trade for motorcycle. . Write or. call Lou A. Puxey. P. O. Box 673. St. Helena. Or. EXCHANGE Two lots for automobile. Tele phone Main 1821. 2 24 WANTED People of 'Portland to know that t pay hicbsst cash pries for second hand house hold goods. No amount' too large or too small Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER Phone Eaat 2208. 148 Rasn st $7,50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, ths tailor, pays most for clothing and shoes: We call day or evening- Marshall 122S or 229 Madison. . Marshall Q 7inFI 20 1332 Oi LIULLL Proatst We pay the highest pries for second hand tools. Junk. pipe, etc. : will call promptly. Front L. Shank Co. Oregon HIDES METALS RUBBERS V'rite for prices and shipping tags. Main 1699 Over the Top, $7.50 Up Spot cash for second hand, suits, overcoats, old 'hoA- Main 738 or buyer will call. W'AlTTsD To buy Universal combination coal and gas range; must be a lata model slid good condition. Address Guy 8. Benedict. Lewiston. Ida no. BUSY TAILORS Highest prices paid for clothing. Talk to OS. . You will be satlaiieo. uroaoway m.i. GOLDSTEIN The Tailor, pays highest prices for ladles' and gentlemen s suits, areaa es. cia. or away aval. 24 5 Burnside st WANTEI Bed. $5 ; wardrobe, $10; single iron bed with steel springs, o; oa a library tsble. f 5. ' 60S Everett SI. WANTED Name and address of those inter ested in Jsck London's works. Object, read ing club. P-000.. Journal. - WAN TED To buy Columbia Southern con tracts, guaranteed by the stats of Oregon. Address Piercy A Sons. Tumalo. Or. LEADER, ths second hand dealer, pays mors for your second hand ladies' and gents' clothes. Phone Msin 2874. GOING East or South f Household goods shipped at reduoed rates; moving and packing. Pari Mo Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt at Bdwy. 708. WANTED Men, to aoii their discarded and misfit clothes for liberal appraisement and spot cash. Phone Main 6701. WANTED Rifles, shotgun, ramaraa. IsBssa, Hochfield. 85 3d st. Phons Main 8581. SHOWCASES and wall, fixtures wanted, highest prices paid. phone D-1674. WANTED Bargain, candy making tools, all kinds, for retail shop. Phone Wdln. 692, WANTED Baby folding sulk ey, wicker aides; must be in good condition. East 8400 WANTED Thor washing machine. Phons Ta bor 3896. PERSONAL 28 DK. O. V. KETCH UM, woman's maladies sad acute diseases of men. Waahington bldg , 4ta and Washington. Phone Msrshsll 448. WANTED Those who d emirs information about any kind of business matter to phone Main 3270 or call at 416 Stock Exch. bldg. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 285 STH ST. Spiritual adviser, instructions in ths theory of heslth, tuccess snd hsrmony. WHAT'S tl matter with your feetr Arch sup port specialist; Foot Comfort store. 248 Wik St. bet. 2d snd 8d. -. . RATTLESNAKE Oil. sure relief for dsa fasas. dryness and ringing in the head. Minbis U. Scruggs, Nezperce. Idaho. GOITRE, enlarge! glands, people curs them selves permanently. A. R. Strachaa. Hills- boro. Or.. R. fi. m SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts. . removed by 1 0 needle method : trial free. Josis Fialey, 614 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 638M. ELECTRIC vacnum cleaner (new) for rent; $1 per day delivered to-, reasonable distance, Msin 7575. I WISH to, correspond with a catarrh specialist in regard to a cure. Writs W. Hall. Boss burg. Or. , WANTED Baby st birth; lovely horns; confi dential, R-773. Journal. '- ' SCIENTIFIC breathing, health institute. Treats all diseases, excesses, etc. 400 Msclesy bldg MMET GRENELL. scientific facs and scalp treatment 280 Fleidner bldg. Bdwy. 1688. DR. ELNA SOREN'SEN. 50 Panama bldg DRUG LESS Method; has wonderful effect By George McMnus et TRY THE FXTERMOM PtN Lata stint1 A rut r1 mrln. mril am If Worn are savins half at Pater n'a Manufaa turers' Sample Outlet oa suits, coats, dnaasa. waUta, petticoats. Taks lata. tor. 2d floor, room zwn. rtttoec Dior. GLASSES AT A SAVING yjtfwO . I solicit yonr patrons gs . oa ths S" basis of capable service. Thca- sands of satisfied patrons. Chas, W. Goodman optometrist. 209 Morrison at 9 Morrison at COME ' -' nsa your iwi iixea up gooq . wm vj j-iuti, nit. i iiiHurvJuia r mil AnMn I hn . . . . , . , . . , 7, : - w rmwm in romana; exam. irea. G-Pba Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdy. 2824. wit the aentleraen who war coming "west ia auto on Eaat Broadway JSn. 8 and saw streetcar collide with : auto going north on" bth street., please phone Sellwood 849. HARRY. I need you. Grace, Gen. Del,. Ta- MRS. OZIN, spirit hat ana palmistry toachat 1 HI aP "NOTICES 88. NOTICE of sale of government timber. General Land Office. Washington. D. C. Dee. 21. 1918 Notice is hereby given thai subject o the conditions and limitations of the act of J.n.9'- "I Slat. 218). and the In atrnctiona of the secretary of the interior of September IB, M17. the timber on the follow ing lands will ba sold Fb. Jl. 1919, at 10 ewer i n. at pnbllo fnctlon at ths United States land offles st Uoseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lesa than the -appraised value as shown' by this notice, sale to be subject the approval of the secretary of the Interior The purchase price, with an additional aura of on' fifth of 1 peT cent thereof, being commis sions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sals is not approved, otberwiss patent will issue for ths timber which must bs removed within 10 years. Kids will ba received from citiseoa of the United State, associations of such -cltisens and irorporsttons organised tinder ths laws of the United States ft any state, territory r district' thereof only. Upoa application of a quaUied purchaser, the timber on any legal eubdivuinn will be offer separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: Township 21 8., K. 4 W.. See.' 19: N. W. 14 8. E. 54, red fir, 880 M.. not to be sold for lesa thin $1 per M.; T. 83 .. II. 7 W See. 11; N. E. V4 . E. M . 8fr M. yellow pins, 685 M , red fir. none of ths yellow; pins to bs sold for lesa than $2 60 . per M , and none of ths red fir to be sold for less than $1.25 per M. Very respectfully. Clay Tallman. commissioner genersl land office. SALE of pnpert.vriiuildiiigs'"and "furniture 'of the dismantled federal radio station. Lents, Or. There will be sold at the- Thirteenth Navsl Dis trict Headquarters. Stuart building, Seattle, Wash., property belonging to the navy at Lenta. Or., together wlUi building and furniture con demned as "unfit for further use therein con sisting .of ths sits of ths ex federal radio sta tion at Lents. Or., of approximately 7 acres of land, 1 concrete building, 2 frame houses, 1 shed, 1 new dwelling, furniture, chairs, stoves and ranges, tablea, tools and scrap metal. This aale will ba for cash to the highest bidder by sealed proposals to be ojieneti at 10 a. m Irhruary m, 1919, at the office of snpi'lv officer. Thirteenth Naval District, Stuart build ing. Seattle. Wash. Schedules containing form of proposals, and terms of sals can be obtained upon application to the supply officer, Htuart building. Seattle, Wash. Josepbus Daniels. 12-26-1 8. ' i ' TO whom it may cornier n: This, is to certify that Catherine Wistrand has left my bed and and board and that I will not bs responsible for any billa which she may contract or incur. ; W. 8. WISTRAND. AFTER this date. I will not be responsible for bills contracted by anyons but myself. Wil liam 8. Reece. ! WGf SIGNAL AND iBUSINESS DIRECTORY ACOOWDtOW fVLOITIWa. HtMBTITOHlMCI ACCOTtDEON PLEATING " Ws cut, hem snd pleat skirts any style, ft. Hemstitching lOo per ysrd. Eastern Novelty Co.. I9U Bth a. II .1 HEMSTITCHING snd tieot; anieea. Singer Sewing Mc'll. Co.. )2 Wash. ANTIQUfS ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS of FURNITURE. Stern Salvage Co.. 888 Washington at BIAUTV OPEOIALIfT SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by Mill tiple Needle Method. 504 Bwetland bldg. LAWK BOOK MAKa-RS DAVIS HOI.Vf AN IM' inii V.I k... boos manufacturers. A-8188. Main .88. CAWP1T OUAWIWQ FUJFTRUGS v sitin . iir. i j - . ri urr n in n-is r.Tfm W carpeta. Carpet cleaning and refitting, stag rugs woven, all aisea. Mall orders solicited. . NORTHWEST BWJ CO. . Former address 168 Union avev EAST 3580 g- th B-1280 JOlCK BROS.. Electrio Cleaning Works- Car- pets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. ' Eaat 440. 8-1008. 204 E. 1 9th st N. CMIWOPSiAOTOW LR- LAURA E DOWNING, Broadway bid. Dregless Physician to yra. experience Chlro practic. Electricity, Vlhratoiy Maaaage and Diet DR. M MAHON. 100 adjustments, niada wi. carefully, permanent. Phone. 81 $15. COAL AWO WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. Short alabwood.- bloeg-' wood. 8 losd lota. 4-ft. e'titry alb East 204 1. BMttMm0 ailSS GUNI SONY A ENGELSTAD Duera ing dressmaker, designer. No patterns. Shop 1082 Hawthorns ave. Phons Tabor 8088. DUCATIOHAL FRENCH lessons; simple eonversstlonal method. 801 Corbett bldg. Msin 8386, r CONVERSATIO NAL and commercial French lessons. 409 Msclesy bldg. Tel. Main 6957. DANOINO MISS I H ELAND - 10 LESSONS $8 809 TVknm Wdg. Personal attention. 7l to a. JjRS. FLECK S ACADEMf7i0 2d st Ball- - vnn.a a ...... m.-a IP. - . Friday evening. Main 2100. Privata lessons. MU8IO SCHOOLS! AND TKA0HIRS WEBBER ACADEMY OS MUSfcT String Instruments sod piano. Columbia' bldg . Main 1868. I - PAULTF. KISSNF.Hvlnllnlst. Room 1, 245 si" Waahington. Main $810. Ten lessons $16. PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 20 years' sxperlenee.' Piano lessons st your horns, 7 5c. Tabor 7206. E-CARROLL DAY, piano, vocaF lessons, with practice piano. 1 hr. day $6 mo. Bdy. 2565. HOUSE : WRKOKINdi CHICAGO HOUSE W RECK ING CoTw7if"7riaks reliable estimates on all kinds of wrecking. 855 N. 22d at. Phone Main 8008. i -wlA IL. ADVKWTISIHa CRANE LETTER CO.; 812 lloysl bldg.' Mult-" graphing, mimeographing. Marshall 8822. PAIWTIWO, TIWTIWa. APSWHAWOIWQ t II. CTTFTON. painting, tinting, pa paring 164 N. 1 7tb at. Broadway 4414. Woodlswn 2126. PATtPIT ATTORNEY GOLDBERG. 820 Worcester bldg. Main 252aT PWIWTtWO. IW0RAVIW0, INOINO PRJNTIN6 a'adk8!.... - - PHVSIOIAWS r DH. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadway building. Bbartu aatlrsn. female diaordera, akla troubles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, thrust, goitre, high blood pressure, - . - - 8U81I8 STAMPS ALSO STENCILS, Trad s Cbeeka, Maial Signs. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 68 Broadway. Broadway 710, A-2710. SALTED AND SMOKED M8H ' ALASKA UERBINO A IMPORTING CO.. dis tributors of salted snd saaok sd fish. 82 Yamhill st. Portland. Oc STOVE AWO PUWWAOE WIPAIWIWO liTtlVKS, furnaces, i renaireL culls iu tailed. Sesbrok. Main 2575. TRANS ER AND STORA0.E 0REG0lTrRANSTER"C0r" EsUblUhsd 1870 . Transfer and Forwarding Assata. Storage Free Trseksge. Office sad Storsgs 474 GHssa. 13th snd Olisaa. Broadway 12 81. A-l 1 69. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storags, packing, ship ping and moving. Hons snd auto vase. SpscisJ rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO.. -Second and Pine. Broadway 696. Jl-19. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC., 428 nsadsrs st PACKING MOVING STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE aV TRANSFER CO. luo r-ara st saaia it, FIREPROOF -STORAGE- CL M OLSON T RAN 8 r E R JM.. 34 S PINK. -tt. U DAVENPORT, transfer andstorta, tons distancs hanHng. Main 8576. 144 Vront WIOLtaj HEPSISIIMa W. L KING, violin repaired . Danos orchaaUa, PERSONAL 1 mis wato. say. us, w i-t:-rt , . . . - s. : . . . ... ' . . - . . t - - j. . . . . r . . . ; - . . -.