, I THE ORE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, t JANUARY 12, 1919. 0 wy 5tOM in well furnished apartment, food steam aat, print bath, dose in: gentleman only. ppe gumlM Mlia 4655. 0 BOOil. with furnace heat, without board. 4Cwrir. board by party willing to pay. 981 ytwthofD ave. Tabor 8782. CaTlSHEJJ room wttn inclosed sleeping porch jaitabte- ior two; breakfast if d cm red. Call Feat 8783. - - . VrDVIEITm -,, t , , .- r.,r, t Alt K tt. PLEASANT iuniished front room, larie cloeet . falj Tabor 2077. , iX'KNISflKU room, near oath, private family. breakfast tf desired. East&648. FURNISHED sleeping room. 290 Columbia t. .LARGE clean room. 708 Everett t. BOOMS AXD BOARD 15 1HK H AZi.l -Not like the other." Every comteTt. Uorae cooltwe 3S Third st- ROOMS ASP BOAni)-PRIVATE FAMJL V II ,ONE room, -unmll family, modern conveniences, reasonable. East 6S8. LADY wishes to take couple children to room ami board. East 8347. MOOD rw,m and board, home privileges, walk in distanee. 77 Johnson st Main 6397. WASTKII -HOO MS ASD B OAR 39 mother's" es.re. sewing, boaid, school iri. room free M iitht consider adopting. Best ot reft-niiices. M 968. Journal SoME tntr .-oihoywhrele can help; will pay l2.50 per in. Kat 107-4. 1IOISKKKKP1X) ROOMS S V I ' RN I H Fl JKl 1 A Ml 1 NJ;' IR M SHK I FOUR partly fnrruhed II. K. rooms. $12. 1910 K. Everett and 7 3th st. M.-V car. ' Fl'RNISlfrriirK rooms for rnt 1 1 3 5th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 H11SISHKB AND I SH'RJflSHF.U PRIVATE FA31ILY 1 THREE partly furnished housekeeping rooms and sleeping porch. Marshall 3694. Call after 9 a. m. TWO furnished housekeeping mcbi" fr roupl: fine riew, go-d neishboihofd. Phone VVoojl- - lawti 270 V TWO turnHivl housekeeping room", hteel range, hath. !...."0 montli. 7t(7 Williamg aye. THREE nirely fnrni-hed H. K. root 72-1 tf. N. 315 H. K. KOOMS in private family. 250 Iy at.. Albina n r Vsn'-ouvpr ite 4 HOfMsT npstairo. gas t.e and gs light; 18l.fl at 1'eUygrite ; 1 . Marihall 15j. f , K H Tl I. Kr"ontn7 it 5K. 4 t ht. FOR RENT HOFSES 12 i;N H RM8HED UEIEIt St. FRANK'S TREE RENTAT ANI EvrOKMATlON BUIiEAO Reliable ni-to-date litt of desirable Tacant bouses, apart men ti and flats with definite in ionnation pertaining to eaco, Newcoraeni tn Portland win find this tmrean of great salne In helping them get properly and quickly located. - - EIGHTH, FLOOR s ni.r f(TTA;?: Nar ear, love runt to responsible party. Pee K. M. Brown with NKII.A.V & I'AHKlill.l.. 21D Enrabermen bide. Ith and Stark st. VOH KENT- J room, Tery attractive molcrn home; Trtcant. immediate possesion ; $30. TOao E. (jrant- See Frank I,. Mc-Uire, Abington bldg. 5 IMHfMS. sleeping porch, sun iwrrh, hardwood flooro, fireplace, . all builtin conveniences. 208 K aoth st.. Ilawllionie car $22 4 room boue. Lirce ysni. S fniit trees. 1 Mock to .Vil'iaMi nve. car. 0"7 Develand see Phone F-t 4t0t aitrr 7 p. m. Pnnday fi-U ! hon e. TtU bath. partly furnished, $15. vacant 16th. Call Sundjy. 727 II rook - , lyn st. HOUSB ivitti garage lor rent, rurnuttre tor sale, including piano and KdiMon. Wdln. 341t, 1 2 2 V U la inetl ibln I. THitEE if.,m furia-iini apt. in private acine. Tatwr, 391 Siindsy morning. COTTA'JK. H room, hath, basement. 8SS E. Atikeriy. yen Sunday. 12 to 2 B i ,..- V. .,.. .,ti.nl .:.-. f " Thnr ' 1 4 ROOM flat at j-:o. faces St. Helens Toad, opp. St. Johns. East 2H71. FOR. RENT rnfumiched 1 or room. Has and water; low rent. 309 West Broadway. PES1KAHI.E 5 r-m house. S car to Gibbs st, 2 blocks we-t. R0.") 2d. ItOCS EM FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE S3 If ROOM modern cottage for rent, $23 nod $000 worth of furniture for sale for $350. - House is in walking di.-itance on tho weJt side. References required. Fred S. Williams. 02 ' lt. 5 ROOMS, gocd iuruiture, gas; range. gt.. healer. for qniok sale awsy blow cost, flat for rent if desired. 4 88 K. Rurnxide st. "Foil KEVTi room cottage "Kent 's fier month. lruiture for sale. 102 9 E. Al der vt. ; FU UN IT! 'RE for ti rooms for sale, house! for rent, cheap. Call 51l 55th ave. S. E. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR REVP- 4 room furnished house, bath, gas and electric lights, garden space. 930 Alhina a?e. . enr prescott t. Mississippi car. Wood- lawn 2638. $33- LOWER part of cottage, furnished, 646 E.. 27th st., Richmond car to 2 7th it., 1 block south. FOR REXT FLATS 13 5 ROOMS with bath. Woodstock car. Inquire 1228 Man st-. .FURNISHED FLATS 50 MUSIC teacher wants girl to share flat and study music Slain 301 8. PART of fnrnishedTbnngslow. modern. 877 Rod ney sve. Sundays or after 6 p m APARTMENTS 43 FIK51SHKI) AND V.VKCBXISHED kAi,oi i.( ACT. Ea t 3d and Ueiuiout, modern 1 and 2 ro. -m apts. $1.30 per week 'iro Slecnios rooms. East 212 4 ROOM unfurnished apt., private bath, heat, close to carlhie. 64 2 I-eo ave. Phone Sell. 2960. Call Monday. STOKES AND OFFICES fl FIFTH AND GI.ISAN 60x100 or more space on ground floor, mod ern brick bldg . good light. HITTER, LOWE ft. CO.. -3-7 Board of Trade bldg . , FAMILY JJ .WILL share expense in office; well furahcd I for two. U-872. Jonmal. WAITED TO RENT 7 IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING FOR RENT A HOUSE. A FLAT. AN APARTMENT 7 LET C3 LIST IT. "HEAVE TOGETHER." CARE OK" N.' W. STEEL CO. PHCNE MAIN 113. CONGENIAL mlddieaged cuple. no children, permanent tenants, want S or 4 room strictly modern apt. in high rlasa apt. hou. or private family: must be in good neighb.orhood and ten trited by refined people; willing to. pay not over M5 a month. H lounaL fv'ANTED to vent vrik privilege of purchasing at end of 3 or a years 50 to 100 acres; largest part must be cleared. State cash rent price, alo purchasing1 price at end of rent term. Give full particular W. E. R-. 429 East Morrison st.. Port lord. Or. WANTED To rvn by eouiile with year od habv, 4 or 5 room sfictly modern biyigalow; walk ing distance Vsntouver car preferred. Perma nent tenants for light house. Address Room 310. Liberty ho!. Vancouver, Wash. . WANTED 1 r 2 partly furnished housekeep ing r.wms ir' plain house, where boy 14 will be looked after when father away. Write V. A., 13 N. fth st. , WANTED K RENT 4 or 5 room furnished bungalow ith garage, cloee in; also 2 or 3 eooru furnisted apartment, 00 west ride. Call Marshall 86'. WANT 2 o 4 unfurnished boosekeeping rooms; no childwci ; elderly couple; west side. Main S401. WANTED. at once, an up to date furnished flat, 5 -r 6 room ; west side preferred. Main 38. WANTI& 3 or 4 furnished rooms in private home Most bo heated- State price. M- 881, J la. THRI5 or 4 room house, in r around St. . , T A-A T . tfori. n-vav, tfouriiai. WANT to rent 4, or 5 room house. gooi location, ,, .... VS . J A . , sua sKiuca, cas ovoo, OUOU17, WAKTED-TO BEST FURNISHED tana for term of years, or will bay on ay crop payment plan- 884 E. Bth st. N. BEAT. ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY WEST SIDE SACRIFICE In the warehouse district, 100x100 corner. 1 (.til and Northnip st. Aseened value for taxes near $12,000. For quirk sale we are author ized to sell for $11.00o, xm terms. !j K. Si. BrowvCwtth N EI AN PARKHILL. 219 Lnmbtrmnw bldg. 5 th and Stark sts. W EST SIDE bre eornet, paying 7 on S 10,000. $4500 takes it. (2500 cash. $2000 2 years. 7. Owner. 405 25th st. N., Port land. Phone Mar. 3282, after 5 p. m. FOR SAUS Apartment or lodge site. The pnee and location can't be beat. N-888, Journal. FR BAIK HOC5ES (I YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMIEI TO OWN YOUR HOME Don't say you can't afford to buy a home becu.-e you haven't enough to make the firt payment. I WUJ. HELP TOf MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT if necessary.' Do you know we have over 400 photographs in our office of houses we have for sale. 5tue for $200 or $300 down, all prices, all terms, all parts of city; many are modern attractive bungalows; come In and look over the photographs; 5 experienced real es tate salesmen with auto at your service. Why not start the New Year right? Stop paying rent on a house that might be sold any day. BUY A HOME See FRANK T,. M'OflRE. ABINfJTON BLOC,. To Buy Yonr Home. Mam 1008, Main 3156. Successor to fl. It. Mc;uire Co. ESTABLISHED I80 Office Ott-n Evenings and Htinday. 1 0 UO(!iiiniieTarge rooriot75i . The hou i. almofft new. Sleeping porch, full haement, one of the best houa in this neigh borhood. Price $4 50O. Terms. Located, at 412 Allegheny st- Take St. Johns car. off at French block, go north, first big white house you see. Owner will be at home Sunday from 1 to J p. m. The owner is making good money keeping roomers. You can make a lit tle money besides your living if you had this home. I'LAIKE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7435. 5D Swetiand Bldg. A HEALTIFLL HOME. BUILT BY DAY LABOR 9 rooms, 0 bedroom--., bath, f nil cement baso-m-Tnt, laundry trays iir basement, furnace, elec trie light,.,. This i some home, I. t S0xl20. facing north. Go see this place Sunday- People will be home. This place i 72 Cook ave. I'hone Wdln. 3.29. Take MissLssippi ave. car. get off at l-'renvnt, go back one block and then wet two blocks. Do not fail to give this the look ever .Sunday if you are looking for a home in Ui is cla. CI AI DE Q. WATSON REALTY CO , Main 74 3.".. Rots Swetland bldg NICK. ." room hou-e. fnt lOOjilOO. House in food '-.'mhtion: nice canicn place, small ber ries, H ru: lights, gas. bstliro)m. This is an nuuually g.ol buy f'r the money. I'ri-e $1 725. S.'iUO cash. This place is located at ti04 4 1st are. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car. get off at Kern Park or 67th St., walk five Mocfes east. Go out and see tiiis place Sunday; the varfies will be at home, CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7483. 506 Swetland bldg. SACRIFICE WEST SIDE Mod-rn 7 roomiou-se, in fine shape, and 2 roum cottage, on ground eoual to about 1 1-3 lots; all hard-surface in and paid. 1 blk. from ar, clear of in inciimhran.-e. Price $2950. C. A WARRINEK, KITTER. LOWE A CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bids. 7 ROOM house. Fodr bedrooms, bath room, full hasem'ut, some fruit trees, some furniture g.-s with place. Lot POxllO. Frjce $3000, one half cash. Take Woodstock car to 4 'It li st . one block north, 3909 46th t Go out Sunday to i this, and parties w;ll show you through. CLAUDE G. WATisON REALTY CO.. Main 7435. 506 Swetland Bldg. KIVE room house, bath room, basement 12x16; lot 50x100, apps, pears and some berries. This property is at 269 E. 7 8th st. N. Price $1650. $1000 cash. Go see this place Sun day; the people will be home. Their tele phone is Tabor 7169. Take Montavilla car, off at 7 8 t.h. CLAUDE . WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 74-35. 506 Swetland bldg. $2 4 0 0 WES 'F-"SIDE 1 1 0 M E $2 40 O ." room attractive well built home. Full ce ment basement with furnace. hite enamel plumbing. Electric light and gas. Bancroft sve , 1 block from 2 carlioes. Very sightly. Terms. See FRANK L. MGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Y'our Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. 7 ROOM house. Five rooms beiow, two up. Full basement, bath room, electric light and gas. Lot 37 xlno. Built in effects in din ing and kitchen. This place ix at 089 E. 16th st. N. io see this place Sunday bet. 3 and 4 p. m. Price $2225. with $1023 cash. Take Alberta car, get off at 16Ui. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main7435. 500 .Swetland Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK : LISTEN TO THIS $34O0. rooms, sleeping porch, breakfast nook, modern throughout, swell buffet, hard wtxd floors, fireplace, bookcase, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, ex ceptional elect-ic fixtures; garage. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 2(14 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main ,i3. Sun. call Wdln. 318. 5 ROOM house and IXUch kitchen, lot 44x120, electric lights, one lialf basement. This property is located at 5803. 59th ave. S. E. Take Woodstock car to end of line, inquire of the little store and they will tell you how to find place. Go out Sunday, ss the- parties will be at home. Prii-e $140(1. $373 i-ash. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO., Main 7435. r.Ott Swetland bldg. $1450 PENINSULA HOME $1450 Here is a. 6-room bargain. Electric lights and gas. White enamel plumbing. L&rtfe Int. 2 blocks from Fisk and Lombard. $200 will handle. See FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your H -nie. M.iin IO68. Office Open Evening, and Sunday. $1900 WOO DI.AWN B UN GALOW $1900 5 -room attractive bungalow, just finished. Sleeping porch. Modern plumbing; $150 down. Vacant. FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $2650 PENINSIXA BUNGALOW $2630 6 room modem bungalow. A 1 condition, lOOx 125 ground. Clo-e to St. Johns car. $300 will handle. FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1 06S. otfioe Open. Evening and Sunday. 27oOROSECIT YPsfRB.'T $2400 5 room bungalow, modern plumbing, electric lights and gas, full lot, vacant, immediate occu pancy; terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. 3 ROOMHSdUSE RA KG A IN Full lot. near car. We can sell this house to responsible party on rent basis. "This is your chance. See E. Tif. Brown with NEILAN ft rARKHILfe. 219 Lumberraens bldg.. 5th and Stark stsL $1 9 00 WOO DLAW N B'N7aLOW $ 1 900 5-roora attractive bunitalow. ju-t finished. Sleeping porch, modem plumbing. $150 down. Vaosrit See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Hme. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. 5 ROOM modern bungalow. Hawthorne hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in features, white enameled Dutch kitchen and bath, large attic, cement basement, laundry trays, close to 2 car lines, furnished or unfurnished. Owner, 326 East 4 9th. EMERGENCY .SACRIFICE 6 ruom house. ' basement, bath, etc.. 75x1 r0, garden lot, fine fruits, good location; $1275. $300 down. $10 monthly; will, take part Liberty bonds or store produce at full value. Address owner, care P.ox 916, city, 5 ROOMS ami sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, bookcases,-built-in dresser, ete; S. S. ear. close in, $3200. $50O caali. balance easy. Streets paved and paid: a good buy. Johnson Dod son Co , 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ALBERTA 5 room honse. full lot. 1066 E. 1 5th N. $2300. Sell to responsible parties. $500 cash, monthly payments of $15 and inter- ct. See Dr. HoHLsfar. 700 Morgan bldg. FIVE room bungalow, entirely up-to-date, in Rose City Park, on very easy terras to good reonle $3300 Sell. 1929. Fred F. Huntress 14 59 E. 31st st . BELOW cost. 2 lots, -2 rooms. $825. $150 down, mostly labor or anything usable. $10 monthly, 6 per cent. 3001 64th st. S. E. BARGAIN in new semi-modern 3 rooms, heart of St. Johns, on carline. Improvements paid. Price 8QQ Tabor 6143. , 5 P.OOM house, lot 60x100. easy terms; also good building lot. Phone today and after 6 o. m. Woodiawn 5784. $900 4 ROOM house, Brentwood; part cash Tabor 5887. 4 ROOM house, plastered, modern except bath. lot 50100. Tabor 8438. $675 BUYS neat plastered cottage, new roof: worth $1473: close in. 1479 East Oak. 3 ROOM unfinished bungalow for sale. 294 Holland ave. Woodiawn 1617 FOR SALE By owner, 2 houses, close in; price $2600. will give terms. Inquire 4 9 Fremont st. IiOSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow. $2200 terms, eod Spaulding bldg. 4 ROOM house for sale, $630 cash or $700 terms. 649 E.; Lombard at. or Wdln. e67. $700 EQUITY itt $1400 house for sale or trade in on larger place. Tabor 6513. A 6 ROOM bungalow for sale. Row- City Parif This is a food buy, 33. . Tabor 60S5. BA ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Bungalow Modern 5 room bungalow, No. 005 Vancouver ave. This is sorely a swell little place, has furnace, fireplace, ce ment floor in basement, attic and other modem improvements. Is one block from the car line and only 7 blocks to the Jefferson high school. It will pay. you to go out and look at this little home. Price $3300.60. Will make reason able terms to responsible party. Tou can have inaroediate possession. J. F. Hill 696 . Williams Avenue. East 263. $200 cash. $20 month, price $2100. for 6 room modern house, cement basement, 2 porches, 1 large corner lots, fine gar den, cement walks in and paid, 3 blocks to carhne. best bargain in Mount -Scott district. $1500 cash, $15 month, price $1030. for good 4 room house, pat. toilet, large lot in fruit, 2 blocks to carline. $200 cash. $20 month, price $1350. for 6 room house, pat. toilet. 2 fine lot in garden, near carline. $250 cash. $20 month, price $1509. for al most new 6 room plastered house, ce ment basement, woodlift, pat. toilet, tide walk paid, 3 block to cariine. NEIL SMITH. 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1831. $13."0 5 rooms on Yamhill near R2d st. 1150 3 rooms, Woodiawn district. $ 1 600 4 room". Piedmont district. $2200--5 rooms neari 4 2d .t. East. $2000 j-5 rooms. Imke ave. $1680--5 rooms. 68th t. $1930 7 rooms, between 18th st. and 22d st- 240t H rooms, Delaware st. $2630 6 rooms. Piedmont district. $:700- 6 rooms on. E. 15th ,-t. $4000 10 rooms on 14th and College. $6500 2 story, 8 rooms on Alberta at. BKOWN & BROWN. 324 Railway Exch. bldg. Marshall 3331. See This Save Rent 6 room house, good plumbintt, electric lights, just painted and kalsoniined. lot 50x100. tmit tree., convenient to o-W. R. A N. shops and .-hipyards. Price $2550. $300 cash, balance $20 monthly and interest. A IL BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114 A 4118 $250 CASH $250 BALANCE LIKE RENT 4 room house, bath, electricity, water, sewer, etc . cement basement, full lot. 16 good bearing fruit tree. 1 blk. from, car. Price $1600. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A W A RHINE U RITTER. WWK CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bl.ig. SACRIFICE CENTRAL EAST SILE 9 rooms, full basement, washroom, furnace, large sleeping porch, suitable for two families or apartments; plumbing in upstairs, gas snd electricity throughout, combination fixtures, 50x 10O lot., improvements all in and paid, worth $6500. will take $2000 for my $400O equity. Call or address T. S. Lawrence, 371 Larch sU, city. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW 5 r.oms. nnern and attractive, select neigh borhood. I'avtsi street fpaid), cement basement, fine furnace. 40x100 lot. lots of roses, immedi ate possession. Owner in California authorizes us to sell for $2375; $4 00 cash will handle. Modern bungalows like this are hard to find for any such price. THE CROSSLEY VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3052. $1200 A SNAP $1200 5 ' room. 2 sleeping porches, electricity, gas, water, sewer, . etc, lot 50x112, several large bearing fruit trees, 1" blk. from car. and hard surface. Peninsula district. $300 cash. C. A. WARRINEK. RITTER. IAAVE & CO . 0i57B ard of Trade bldg. BEAUTIFl 1, modern neat home, with 8 nice rooms, full aize cement basement, ideal cor ner looxlOO, with 12 full bearing fruit trees and small fruit; select roses, etc.; paved streets, all improvements paid; 1 block to car; ex cellent neighborhood; special bargain, only $4200. $60U down and $25 per month at 6 per cent. Owner going away. Bring this ad to 830 Haight ave. or phone Wdln. 209. W'lDOW"-LAIVy"'S SACRIFICE-$1395 Thoroughly modern 5 room plastered bunga low with bath and toilet, electric light and gas. full basement, concrete foundation lot 60x 100, Stewart Park, Mt. Scott line, $225 cash. $12 50 monthly, including interest at 6; no hardwood floors, furnace, , fireplace or built-in pianoa. Fred W. German Co., 7 32 Cham, of Cn. $300 CASH $300 JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT 5 large rooms and large bathroom,' full base ment, 3 blks. from car, about 5 blks. from the high; clear of all city liens. Price $1800. C. A. WARRINER. KITTER. LOWE & CO , 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $ 1 7 50 ATTRACT! V E BUNp ALOW $ 17 50 4 room bungalow, artistic lines, paneled din ing room, Dutch kitchen, standard plumbing, furnace. Terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday HAWTHORNE lTUNUOW -"$13 7 5 and you pay $375 paving, etc.; 4 rooms, plastered, bath, basement, electric lights, gas, 50x100 lot. If you want to live in a district where attractive homes greet the eye on every hand look at this offering; about $1000 under cost. 1110 ; E. Grant at. Owner, Tabor '834. ' FOR SALE A house and acre : bouse rooms, cement basement, fruit cellar, bath, wash tubs, etc. ; cement walk in f ront and around the house. Variety fruit, about 30 trees, gmpes, berries, chicken house and lot, woodshed, roses, etc Nice home. $4000. Part cash. 4133 79th st S. E. Tabor 1997. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, reception hall, fire place, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement ba-pm-sit, full plumbing, panel (lining room, corner lot. near car, well built, is vacant; $300t, easy terms. Jchonson-Dodon Co , 634 N. W. Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE, nearly new 5 room modern bungalow, furnace, sleeping porch, all built ins, comer lot, 1 block to car; hard surface in and paid, coal and wood in basement. If taken before Sunday will sacrifice for $2950, $1000 down. Call Tabor 1270. 890 HAIGHT AVE. 6-room house, big garage, corner 100x100, ell improvement in and paid. Price reduced only $4000. cash $60O. This is a big bar in. McClure ft Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway -xchange bldg. ROSE- CITY CAR Positively one of the pret tiest 5 room bungalows yon ever saw; comer: 2 fine large porches: 50x100 lot; clean as a new pin; vacant, $250 cash, balance $20 month. 7 per cent. Price $2150. 750 79th N. Owner. Tabor 854. ONLY t lllMi for a good 3 room house wiUj a full lot. The house has such conveniences as city water, electric light, gas and close to a city school. Thts place ia on the west side and cement sidewalks lead to the station with a 5c carfare. M. J. ' Clohe.'sy, 415 Abington bldg. FOR SALE el-room residence, rented at $22.50; price $2350: $1150 cash. bal. $10 mo. and no in terest. If yeu are interested call evenings Seil wood 2798. No agents need call. At horns Sunday all day. ONAtfCOl "NT f leaving Portland will take any reasonable offer for my new 3 room bungalow, 57x100 feet, extra fine comer lot, at 7Sth and Siskiyou St. Come out Sunday between 10-4 and give me an offer. Larson. WHY NOT BUILD? Get n artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish the moviey if desired. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc . contracting architects, 924 N. W. Bank. CORNER cottage. 5 rooms, bath, gas, walks, streets, sewer in and paid, block to car, $1150. $100 cash, $10 month, 6 per cent in- terest. 301 Fremont st, FOR SALE. $1250. Good 6 room house. 5 Ox 90 Mot, near two carlines. call at 1620 Macadam st. Take Riverview car, get off at Nevada ft. MODERN 8 rooms. 100x100 comer, two fire places, garage, near Sandy blvd. and E. 40th st. PViicta $7500. Phone owner, Milwau kie 81Y. FOR SALE, $14 00 Small 6 room house, E. 52d St.. 2 blocks Mt. Scott car, 2 blocks Franklin high school; terms. Home phone 5 511. Lents. DEAL with owner . Vacant, almost new 7 room house, 829 Gladstone are., comer 27th. block to car. near 8. P. shops. Price $2500. Make yonr own terms. Phone Woodiawn 410. FOR SALE at a bargain, a modern 0 room house, full basement, good neighborhood, lot 40x125. Price $2000. $100 cash, balance $25 per month. 209 Abington bldg. IDEAL home on Willamette Heights. 8 room bungalow, furnace heat. lot 50x110: sacrifice $6500, $3000 cash; owner leaving city. 408 Stock Exchange. Allen ft Allen. IRVINGTON SNAP ft room honse, built 3 years. Price $5750 or term. Immediate possession. Owner, East 8015. OWN YOUR eWN HOME Iots to choose from. 14 years in Irvington. Fast 2J 3 . W-H- Herdman. FOR SALE 5 room modern honse. garage. terms. See owner. 707 East 18th st, Van couver. Wash. GOOD 5 room house, 1 block car, 7 2d; trade for good 6 room closer in; assume or pay difference. Owner. U-462, iTournal ONLY $O00 for a 3 room house, a garage. 2 blocks from the carhne. $300 rash will handle thK M. J. Clohessy. 41$ Abington bide FORHIaEE cheap, by trainer, modern 6 room house. Address R-772, Jcontai, REAIi ESTATE FO& SALE HOUSES 1 Here Is Your Chance MODERN 4 ROOM BUNGALOWS I have been instructed fo sell tboaa two little four-room bungalows, located at the corner of Vancouver avenue and Shaver street. These little homes ar trctly modem in every way and are conveniently located one block from the Wi Ilia ma, Ave., car, close to the public and high school. Price $2330 for the corner. $2300 for the inside. Terms $50s cash, balance like rent; interest 6 per cent. J, F. Hill ' 696 William Avenue. East 268. WILXLiMT;. BECK. Real Estate, Mortgage. Loans. Fire Insurance, HAS FOR SALE Properties in all part of city and suburbs; also farms, timberlands and acreage. 3 room stacks, lot 50x100 $ 730 5-6-7 room bouses, lots 50x100 1400 5-6 7 room bungalows $1800 to 3500 Also some incomplete houses; will furnish money to complete same, easy terms, will accept Lib erty bonds at par. Vacant lots in all parts of city. Money to loan for building purposes, paid as work progresses. 215-216 FAILING BLDG , 3d AT WASH. FINE IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 4 90 Fast 0th t. N. Go and see this, but be sure and ee the inside as it must be seen to be appreciated. Price $3000, $1500 cash will liand. See Mr. FltoTU RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak. TWO GOOD ONES. $1730 $1800 On 71st st.. only 2 blocks to car. We have a dandy 5 room bungalow tie home, large aify rooms, good bath and basement, nice 50x100 lot. Pay $150 cash and this nice little home is yours. On 61st st, 1 block to car, we will show you a 5 room cottage with bath, full 50x100 lot. The lot alone is worth $1200. Ownet baa rut the price to $1800 and asks only $250 down. Let us show you. COE A. M'KENNA ft CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. Can Move Right In Modern 6 -room house. No. 289 W'ygatit street, between Williams and Cleveland Ave. This is a very fine location and will make you a mighty nice home. Price $300O Easy terms. J. F. Hill 696 Williams Ave., East 268 Cozy Bungalow f room. iM.iiureLe wall basement, fireplace, built-in efforts, Wei-tririty, c. sooti plurobinx, sver, 1 bli-ck to co 1 car nervine, near school, lot 40x100, south front. Price 91! 100, on -ror termi. A. H KIKREI-T TO . 217 Northwestern Hank bWe. Nfeirhall -4 114 A-411 9. Rose City Park BARGAIN NifLy and cheerful litUo 5 room bungalow, best part R. C. P., htrictly modern, close to car. Price only $3350, including i.aved streets paid: j$1500 cash required. Inspection cheerfully in cited, fcee own-.-r, Broadway 421. A. K. HILL CO . 214 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark. $2400 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW- $2400 ti room very attractive bungalow with large porch across entire front or hotise; electric lights and gas, white enamel plumbing, builtin conveniences: bh-k to Woodstock car; con venient to S. P. shops and Central Door ft Lumber Co. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. A Main 1068. Office Open Evening" and Sunday. FINE COUNTRY HOME $2 800' One acre of ground, ail in cultivation, and a nice 5 room bungalow, good floored attic, garage, 2 chicken houses, fruit trees, all well fenced, large lawn. Cail and see us about this snap. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, IOWE ft CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1500 8-Rm. House, Snap Comer lot, 2 blocks to car, near Tremont. good basement, electric lights, good bathroom fixtures, sink, everything in good shape. $130 cash, balance eay terms. A 1L BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114 A 4 1 1 8 Rose City Park BELOW THE HILL Five nice rooms, reception hall, plate glass mirror door, floored attic, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, cement basement, white Dutch kitchen, $3St)0 for quick sale; all assessments included, $1000 cash. F-993, Journal. $3150 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, floored and plastered attic, furnished throughout in ivory enamel, hd, wd. floors, beautiful buffet, fireplace, canopy over kitchen range. A beau tiful home inside and out. St. imp. in and pd. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Rv. Exch. bldg. Main 383. Sun. call Wdln. 318. ROSE CITY PARK, $500 DOWN On 4 2d su, near car, we have a 5 room bun galow type home with furnace, fireplace, big basement, garage wiUi gasoline tank and pump: street paved and paid. This is a mighty good home for $3500. Immediate possession. COE A. M'KENNA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. $3300 WAVERLEIGH HTS. BUNGALOW 5 room very attractive, strictly modern bun galow. Best of fixtures and workmanship. House like new. On paved street. Terms. See FRANK L M'GUIRE, ABINGTOr BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $300 CASH $2500 SUNN YSIDE "HOME $2500 Attractive, 5 rooms, f.c. bas t, laundry trays, standard plumbing; paving paid. G. C. GOLDENBERG. 215 ABINGTON BLDG . Main 4 803. DO YOU want a close-in 3 room house with full cement basement, all of the conveniences, right on the carline. on E. 12th st., for $2300? All you need is $4 00 in cash and the balance in monthly payments. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Ab ington bldg. $250 CASH, $25 PER MONTH. $2500 5 room bungalow, large floored attic, full plumb ing, bookcases, buffet, lot 100x100, fruit, ber ries, flowers. 200 ft. hedge, nice garden soil. Mt. Tabor ear. Well built. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 634 N. TV. Bank big. MODERN BUNGALOW, bright, cozy and con venient; furnace, all buitt-ins. near car, lot 50x 100: shrubbery, etc. Price ?2CO0; $30O cash, balance monthly. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $3150 SUNN YSIDE $3150 7 room home. Large lot. paved street. House newly paintd and tinted, fine condition. Lot of fruit. Terms. Phone Main 2712 or 502. Buchanan bldg. 286 Wash. st. ALBERTA BUNGALOW This is a dandy buy, in 25th st, near Pres cott; $2500 takes it; terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG, 213 ABINGTON BLDG Main 4803. WE HAVE a large list of houses ranging in price from $830 to $5000 aind those look ing for hotise of moderate priee vqil do well to call and learn the .particulars of these proper ties. M. .1. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. ALBERTA HOME 6 rooms, new and modem, full concrete base m.'iit. furnace. Mut be seen to be appreciated. Owner. $2800. $500 down. East 7737 - or Woodiawn 502 8. IK) NOT PAY RENT 5 room modern cottage on E. 27th Ht. near canine Terms, $500 cash, balance lite rent. East 2S71. j KENTON district. 3 -room bungalow fireplace. built-in kitchen, n-ar car and school; pr;ce only $1500, very easy terms. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $2500 HOME Neat 6 rooms, modem, in fine shape, full comer lot, on carline, Gladstone ave., $500 cash, balance like rent. East 2871. COZY 3 room bungalow and sleeping porch. I Ait 80x100, some furattnre. only $1700. Easy terms. Phone Main 2712 or 602 B chanan bldg.. 280 H Wash. st. WE have a bargain in a 3 room house, walking distance of Piedmont bams, for $1800, $200 .down,"l. $20 per month. Room 103 Sher lock bldg., 3d and Oak. FORCED to sell my $5500 modem home, 6 rooms, sleeping porch and garage; in re stricted district, for $4000. Phone Wood lawn 2357. ONLY $235 for a 5 room modem bungalow on the Mississippi carline. This plages' is cheap. $500 cash will handle it. M. J. Clohesey, 415 Abington bldg. THREE roomed house for sale, $800, by owner. Well fenced. 2 lots, fruit trees and berries. Addres W". Turtle, 4 95 Flint st. SNAP in Woodiawn district. 5 room house for 165iX Easy terms. Room 103 Sherlock bklg., 3d and Oak. ONLY $2 300 for a 6 room modem bouse with a big lot, right at Milwaukie station. Easy terms given. M. J. Clohes-y. 415 Abington bldg. 5 ROOM house, partly modem ; fruit tree, berries, 2 lots, chickenhouse, garden, $1250, $5O0 down, terms to suit-; R-770, Journal. A HOME clear for $800. ' Take automobile. bonds on your terms; 3 rooms plastered, full lot. bam. Woodstock car. Phone Woodiawn A302. FOR KALE On easy terms, 6 room house, in Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 2374. .. i RE Ali 1 ESTATE FOB 8AXE HOUSES 1 OPEN SUNDAYS 6 room house, not quite finished. It has the plumbing in and plenty lumber to finish the house. It is 2 blocks from the St. Johns car. It can be bought for $1200, with $200 cash. . $200 .CASH : ' 5 room house on the ML. Scott line, near Archer place. It has one half basement and a dandy at $1350. $200 CA8H 4 room liouse, near the car and an extra large 3 piece plumbing and a dandy good house for $1200. $300 CASH A beautiful 5 room bungalow with hardwood floor, all the bnilt-ins, lawn and flowers. This is in a good location and a snap at $3000. $500 CASH A 5 room bungalow in the Woodiawn district with hardwood floors and fireplace at $22 50. $150 CASH 5 room house on the Mt Scott -line .'with two lots. Price $1200. Falls City Mortgage Co. 517 Chamber Commerce bldg. Phone Main 3718. Irvington Bungalows I bare the two bungalows. Nos. 307 and 511 East 8th St, North, being at the comer of East 8tL and Braaee streets. . These bungalows are strictly modem, having lis rd wood floors, furnace, fire place, attic with a room finished, Dutch kitchen, cement floor in base ment, wash trays, tiled floor in bath room. Take the time and look the, over. If you are looking for a bungalow -in Irvington it will pay you. Prices $4000 for the comer and $3750 for the inside. Easy terms. J. F. Hill 696 Williams Ave. East 20?. $200 cash. $20 month, price $2100. for 6 room modern house, cement basement. 2 porches. 2 large comer lots, fine gar den, cement walks in and paid, 3 blocks to carline; best bargain in Mount bcott district . $150 ca.h$15 month, prioc $1050. for good 4 rcjom hoase, pat. toilet, large lot in "fruit, 2 blocks to carline. $200 casb, $20 month, price $1350,,' for 6 room house, pat. toilet, 2 fino Tots in garden, near carline. $250 cash, $20 month, price $1500, for al most new 6 room plastered house, ce ment basement, woodlift. rat. toilet, side walk paid. 3 blocks to cariine. NEIL SMITH. 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1931. MAKE AN OFFER SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 7 room home. bath, with 200 ft- Irontage on the Willamette bl.d., 150 feet of which is 329 feet 0e-p. This has a beautiful view of the river and the city. Worth $5000. but it can be bought at praeticaiiy your own price as owner must have money to protect a busi ness investment Mortgage $2100, tal. must be cash. Property is just across the street from the old St. Johns water tower. See this at once, a quick sale must be had. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg Main 583. Sun call Wdln. 3 1 S. $16O0 NEAR S. P. SHOPS $1600 6 room modern bungalow type cottage, stand ard plumbing, electric lights and gas, graded Etreet, cement sidewalk and retaining wall, lOOx 100 lot fruit and flowers, in E. 27th st near Gladstone: walking distance to S. 1'. Bhops and Central Door A Lumber Co; ground alone should be worth the money; nonresident orders it soid: terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $3350 Irvington $3350 Modem 8 room house on K. 7tli st.. near Thompson. This property is easily worth $4 500. Price today. $3351). Don't fail to inquire shout it J. F, Hill 696 Williams ave. East 268. AT A SACRIFICE $3150 BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS Rose City Park car, 5 rooms and attic, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, ' cement basement, furnace, fireplace. Large miiTor door, lots of roses. Taved street and sewer. Will show to day by appointment. $750 for equity, balance J jo month. Phons Tabor 5 533. Possession i'oyessio given at once. $2600 $2600 FURNISHED KENTON HOME Here is an 8 room substantial home. Modem. Best of fixtures. All kinds of fruit, flowers and grapes. Must be sold at once. Terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG-.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. QUICK ACTION HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 6 rooms and sleeping porch, floo'red attic, firerlace, furnace, all good as new, hard sur;face in and paid, 1 V, blks. from car; price $3150; terms. " C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE tu CO . 203 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $17UO FORMERLY $2 000 Pric reduced so as to sell this week. 6 rooms, bath, full 30x100; plenty , of fruit; convenient to Aiberta and UniOn ve. cars. Term. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg Main 583. Sun. call Wdln. 318. $1273 80x100 LOT $1275 6 room substantial house. 80x100 ground. All kinds "of fruit, tlowcr and vegetables. Chicken house. Very easy terms. C8th near Powell. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. SUNN YSIDE SNAP 6 room house with basement, electricity, gas, sewer, improved street, 1 block to car. near LaurelhuT park, on 57x60 lot. for $1750. Good terms. Small cash payment down. A, IL BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. $2750 5 ROOM modem bungalow;' fireplace, furnace, lid. wd. floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot. with use of two more for gardening. A -well built double constructed home, well worth $3250. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5 83. Sun, call Wdln. 318. ON E. 27th st is an 8 room new modem house with a full cement basement It would cost more than the price asked for the house with a full lot than the house alone could be re placed for. If this locality suits you call and learn tne price. 21. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldi;. ; j. DENVER AVE.. $2330 '2 blocks u car. a good 5 room bungalow with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built in features, 50x 10O lot, cement walks. This is a cosy home and it's yonrs for $230 down. Let us show you. COE A. M'KENNA A CO. Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. ON K. 32d stT is ari up-to-date house of 7 rooms, 1 block off Hawthorne are. The house alone cost $4200. On account of closing n estate you can buy this place for $3200. Sinno cash, the balance on terms of monthly pay ments. M. J. Clahessy, 413 Abington bldg. TWO room house (new), 50x100 lot sidewalks, curb, water, gas, electric lights, 1 20 fr Iumber. 4 yds. graveL Price $560, $100 cash or Liberty bonds, baL $10 per month. Would accept $50 worth of furniture; lot cost $500. 434 East Burr st : 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. $1230 40x120 lot. 2 blocks from car on 58th ave. E. $650. cash, balancs on time. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN ft PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen bldg.. f.th and Stark sts. GOOD BUY $1300 buys good 6 room house, comer lot. 100x100, on E. 63d st N. Inquire at 608 McKay bldg., or phone Main 1390. $2500, $400 cash, $23 per month, nice con venient 6-room hotise, near Union ave., good district, hard surfaced streets, paid: linoleum in kitchen, hall and bath included. Johnson-Dod- son Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $3350 HAWTHORNE district, brand new 5 r. bungalow, block to car. If you want a real nifty bungalow for less than cost see this one. Easy terms. Open Sunday, cor. 50th and Lincoln. Call owner. Tabor 87 43 4 ROOM modem bungalow in Borthwick near Shaver. $1800; $20O doss; this is the dandy buy von have been looking for. G. C. GOLDENBERG. 215 ABINGTON BLDG , Main 4803. 8 ROOM modem, 2 lots, near school. 3 blks. to car, fine fruit; $2500. S40O cash, rent terms on balance. Sletten A Jones, Main 2358, 248 Stark st. $700 wanted. 7 per cent Tretty 4 room and bath plastered bungalow, 45x100 lot, 4 blocks north Mt T. 88th car. 56 87th.. Tabor 854. BROOKLYN district. 5 room modern cottage. $2250, reasonable terms, from owner. Ta- bor 1667. EQUITY in modem 5 room cottage, nicely located, H block from Unicn ave. AtSould consider moderate price machine. 401 Church. FOR SALE Easy terms, 6 room modern home. 918 East 18th st N. NICE little 3 loom house. 50x100 lot. $750. Some terms. Tabor 8673. FOR SALE 6 room, well famished, cheap rent, downtown district. 273 Taylor. A & ROOM bnngalow. This fe your chance, a food bargain. Tabor 69S. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES TI $500,00 Cash 5 room house, half basement, furnace, house newly painted inside and out swellest little home in city lot. 100x100. lots of small fruit, good garage, all fenced chickenproof, a very fine garden place; place must be seen to be appreciated: this is just as good a place and much better located titan tha plaVe I advertised in 30th at; I had 42 buyer for th Suth a, property, which is the same size house a this one and the same size lot, 100x100; this prop erty is only 1 Va blocks from the crline, the 30th st. property was 3 Vt block from the car line. Take Woodstock car, get off at 4 2d st and walk 1 Mocks south; the number of the bouse, 6121 42d st S.E.; phone number. Sell wood 913; owner. B. L. Porter. Don't fail to see this Sunday: owner will be borne all day Sunday. Deal direct with owner. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. " Main 7435. 6yS Swetland bldg SEVEN rooms, lot lOOxlOO. Palmira district At 13 H6Lh street This is one of the best homes in Portland, and if you are out h o Limiting Sun day you can't w.'o... ., o miss tin . House itself cost $4500. Could net he built t.Kiay for less than $5000. I.ots cost $2500. A $6000 value for $4250. $8MU to $1000 cash. Full basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. Take Montavilla car, get off at 65th st, four blocks south. Num ber of phone at this place is Tabor 7499. , They will be home all day Sunday. I always give the house and phoue number, so ttuit you can deal direct with the owner. " There are a number of Montana home buyers here in town. As you were out to see one of my hotins Sunday don't fail to look this one over, for I know this one will appeal to you as a home that you will always be proud of. If it suits you ct me to my office Monday or call Main 7141 any time Sunday. Ci.AUDE .. WATSON REALTY CO.. -Main 7135. 506 Swetland Bldg. A BEAUTIFUL aiv room house near E. 17th and Burtiside ts. Three bedrooms, bath, laundry trays, full cement basement, furnace ,teat, electric lights and gas: lot 50x100. Look at this place Sunday. If you go on car take East Ankeny car. off at 16th, north one block and east one block to 63 3 E. Burnside and they will show this property. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7433. 506 Swetland bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKSfM-QO ' Very neat, well built 5 rm.; 1 hi story house, massive fireplace, maple floors, a really wonder ful Dutch kitchen, besides every imaginable built-in convenience, hot water beating plant alone is worth about $1000; lot 41x100; con crete retaining- walls and step. This is a real home, $400 cash, balance reasonable monthly payments. Fred W. German Cfc, 782 Chaw ber of Commerce. I i fsi 1 5 i'Y Tn a lcr r . . . - . - - - . . . -. , . , -. . : D,n f -.-n- hnnnln. , A . 1 l ..' ' i v . .. .u.i,a,u -i ,ir.!llf 7Ur.L, full basement, beautiful lot with fruit and flowers, sidewalks snd rurhings in. handy to cars and school; only 11(1.), $350 cash, bal aiiri. like rent See it at once. My auto is at your service. E. W. Hughes, 607 Journal bid. Main 2858. I Hawthorne Home, Snap, $250 I down and $15 per month, buys nice 8 room ; house and highly improved lot close in. in Haw- thorae district; this place is worth $3000, but i will take $2100 on such easy terms. GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. ROsE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $2400 Very attractive nearly new 5 room bungalow, 1 block Sandy boulevard, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bedroom giasoed in. can be used as sleeping porch. Tliis is a snap at the price; act quick. Easy terms. GODDARD A WIEDRR.-K. 243 Stark st. SIX ROOSlS ALBERTA $2850 6 room thoroughly modern house, lot 50x100 in paved st. 1030 E. 15th st N. : $300 cash. ( fzo mommy; street won in in ana paid for. Fred W. German Co., 73 Cham, of Com. I M L'ST have money ; will sell my 4 room I modem home, garsge. cement driveway: $1230 i if , taken at once; $700 cash, balance 3 years. 'Call Sunday before 8:30 p. m., 4835 87th st : S. E. 1'hone Tabor 9101. MY MODERN bungalow. 1 city block, about 2 acres, in a high state of cultivation ; a nice variety of fruit trees. 4 chicken houses, sgarag, first class poultry farm, clne in, only $300, balance on easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1859. STY H ILlTlsT. wstf""hdrmcsierTTarge 5 room house, spacious living room, hard wood TJo. r, fine fixtures and shades, lot 50x50. between two ttreet carlines, $3150. only $500 down, balance like rent Phone E. 4 720. FOR SALE Modern 1 room house, full lot. at 827 N. Edison, and a modern- 4 room house a; 908 N. Willamette boulevard; will be iold on easy payment plan. Call 82 7 N. Edi son, St Johns. No phone. TWO-"FINE lotjTon MlssourTTve.. ihhk from Piedmont carbarns; a 5 room bouse and garage, fruit for large family, all street improve ment! in . aivi paid for. 1.143 Missouri ave. Phone Woodiawn 12 76. 7 ROOM HOUSE, modern, lot 75x100. Mt Tabor; $3000. 5 room bnngalow in Waverly ! Heights, modem, fine, $3000. 417 Abington. I Main 5988. j 6533 96th S. E. Good 4 room bouse, plas- ' trti lot aOvlOO fr.tit ftnH 1 r-r-i., IT terms. See owner. FOR SALE CHEAP Five room modern house. 2 lots with all kinds of berries, by owner. Phone Sellwood 556. ' HOUSES bungalow! ' ' From $1500 up in all parts of the city. J. C. COKBIN CO., 303 6-7 Lewis bldg. 5 ROOM bungalow, built in. winter's wood, fur nished or unfurnished: terms. 6330 50th st S. E. FURNISHED 4 room modem home, everything you need for housekeeping; only $1750. Owner. Marshall 2353. ROOM modem bungalow for sale. Tabor 2143. 5409 40th st S. E. terms. FOR SALE LOTS 16 SOME GOOD BUYS. 53x'l30, north facing, on Killingsworth. 100 feet we-t of Vernon, cement walks, $600, $100, cash, balance to suit 50x100 comer, one block from Kennedy school, cement walks, $500,, $150 casb, bal ance $15 per month. 50x100. Schuyler, between 35th and 36th, all street improvements in and paid, $6O0. 50x100. 43d st. 10O ieet south of Thompson, all improvements in and paid. $1000, term. Kenton, 50x100. Willis bivd.. 100 feet wert of Brandon, $1200. easy terms. WATCH OUR ADR. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE TRACT PRESCOTT STREET PARK ROSE Half block to macadam road. 2 blocks to Sandy blvd. All cleared, slight slope, well drained, sidewalks, water, gas. Price $130. Easy terms. J. L. HABTHAN -COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce' bldg., 4 th and Stark. Main 208, A-2050. LARGE beautiful view hoaeaites, west side, eity water and gas. Price $350; $20 easn. bal ance $5 per month. M. K. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. .:. FOR SALE East front Rose City lot, $500 caeh if taken at once- X-655. Journal. CLOSING estate. Must aell very attractive lot for cash. PhoBe Marshall 296, . RE AI l-STATE ACREAGE FIVE acres, 12 mile east of Portland. Two miles from Gresham. Located on Section Una road.' A good -fruit tract. Price (750, $25tt cash. . . - Two acre, with 4 room J)OUe 1 year cM. Chicken house and woodshed, H arm fruit tree ( assort ed ) . Thi ia lor led between Footer ami Powell Valley roadj.2 Price $2000, $700 each, balance to salt -"; i 40 acres. 18 cleared. If) acre good timber, balance clashed and seeded. . 7 room modem house, new cement basement. A urge wood shed, a new' concrete milk house, hot and cold water. acre in assorted fruit. Thi place is located 2 miles f mm Vader. on a good coun try road. Price $3700, $2200 cash. Two acres at Gresham. I H block of Mt. Hood: depot A good 1 0 room house. wl) built, and also good baaement. A bam and 2 chicken house. All kinds of fruits, and plenty of ber ries. A very beautiful home. Pric $6000, some terms. SU acre, all under cultivation. One B mom honse and one 4 room house. Woodshed and chickenhoase. A very good tract of land, located on Baa Line road. Price $1100, $3 JO rash and balance to i'J. One and. ort -fourth'-1 acres. 15 minn si ride to Capitol HUL station, on Oregon Electric. No hu.l.Uigt. but city r-ater is there xnd electric lijlus and gas run le easily installed. Ilice $ : $250 in caf It. One acre on Park ro4. A good 6 rcon house with all modem , o-invenlences neb s electric lights, phone, bath, sleeping po-ch and fireplace. All kinds of tntit on this place. Price $4250. $1500 in .ash. CLAUDE. G. WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7433. 006 Swetland Bldg. AN IDEAL PLACE FOR A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME OR A SANITARIUM Seven acres on high bank Vlarkamas river; beuae of 4 large rooms, kitchen, pantry and 2 store room on first floor. 12 rooms, 2 pantries and dining ' room on second floor, a sumimr loust. 2 garages, auto shed. Russian bath house with rest room rpauira. 2 rbtrkenbouse Willi jht - pin-, -t.-v. t Iped from a aprhig to b-ull i. ,-,.:,. cii .:-t,.ises where wtter .. m.v...x Ali o".'."!, wing lu.neral spring on the piae All Mnds of shrurbery and beaiiifnl shade irets. A good pUoe (or fishing anj an Ue.il plucr fir sv in trii.g. Thi place eastr the o.'- .mly a few year sgo over $20,0011. 1 nt is now offered for only $T5G0. Look thi up. E. ... 1.1-IIK.RF.N. Savon Ia,d Co.. 1)25 N w. Bfnk Bldg. ONE ACRE r" Do yon want a place wb re you ran have your own covr and chickens. Not out in the country, but close in. I hav i here a six-room house, and sewing room, threi bedrooms, bath, full basement and a garage. This ia an ideal home place, about 20 minutss' ride In auto. This place is locaxed at 4 2d and Emerson. The owner s name i I. V. I.unibe g. Phone Wood lawn 2393. Price $3100, $ 1 O00 cash. If you care to go and look at this place tha owner will be at home Sunday. Don t fail to sea this. CLAUDE G. WATSON REALTY fHJ.. Main 7435. 506 Sw. tland Bldg. 6 ROOM plastered houses large lot, gas. electric lights, , fine well, fruit; wi.l take house in city. 3 rocm house and H acre, S850, $150 cash, terms. 4 room, new house, bam. well and spring, 2 15-10O acres; cow, chicken and pig; all in best of shape; 4 blks. of sta ion, at Jennings L!ge. Oregon City car; $2900, $650 rash, terms. George Mows, .Tc--1"- Lodge, Suuday ; wek . days, 309 ('ham. of t '.on. 5 AURIC h-tn in S. P. red cr electric line. "between Aloha and Tobias; house quite new, with 3 rooms, bath and sun porch firat, floor, 2 bedrooms, sewing room and attic aecond floor, electricity and gas; living rdkim has fireplace and library, built In bookcases: big chicken and pigeon house and yards, barn, water system with gasoline engine, berries and young orchard, balance of land under plow; adjoining are 3 acres of pasture; price $6000. term to suit P. B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Mar .lis 11 5454. CHEAP ACREAGE. -Five acre. $250; $10 down. $3 per month buy five acres of land between Portland and Centralia. on the main line of three railroads, IH to 3 M mile from good little town; saw mills and logging camps in Immediate vicin ity. Some of this land is partly cleared. Run ning stream.; some bottom land, some bench This acreage pflLul from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. TWO ACRE HOME 20 minutes' car ride, Oregon Electric Ry., 8c fare. All in cultivation, running stream ail year, small house, water phted. wimdshed, chicken boue, shed for cow. best of soil. $1500; terms. . 2 acres at Metzger, 9c fare, mostly cleared, 3 blocks to station, running stream all year, mo-t any term. Take Oregon Electric today at 1:13 Jefferson nt depot, to Metigwr. Inquire for Im vidson, owner, 976 Corbett st Main 6882. CHICKEN RANCH BARGAIN Cost over $3000. price now $2100. $400 or $500 cash, balance on time; 17 mile from Portland on Oregon Electric to Salem; the building are worth more than the pric asked for the property. See E. M. Brown with NEILAN ft PARKHILL. 219 Lnmbermen bldg., 5th at Stark at MUST cell 10 acres, all under cultivation; good 5 room house, fireplace, small outbuildings, best stock fencing, . 9 miles from Portland, on good auto road, near school, good neighborhood; this is an "ideal country home; worth $4000, price $3250, terms. Sletten ft Jones, Main 2558, 248 Stark st. - UNIMPROVED 8 acre, up above Seattle, close to best towns in Washington, close to schools, church, sawmills and shingle mills, all level, water. Well adapted to fruit and berries. Will take good team outfit or any kind livestock. Will tell $3 cash. $2 per month. The Beaver Apts.. Room 26. Bdwy. 5038. NEW BERG COUNTRY HOME $2500 1 'i acres on Hive street, modern 5 rm. house with city water, toilet, sewer, elec, light, chicken house 30x200. strictly up to date; room for 2000 chickens. Terms SI 700 cash, balance time. Goddard A Wiedrick. J243 Stark st 10 ACRE-CHICK EN RANCH Near Pleasant Home, east of Gresham. good land, some in cultivation? some timber, house, srn good water, on county road, bargain at $50O, terms. S. P. Osbum, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 30 ACRES with good 6 room bungalow, 12 mile from Portland. 4 5 cre in Clarke Co , Wash., highly improved; will take Portland prop erty up to $2500. 160 acre of raw land, 83 mile of Portland; cheap. 614 Panama bldg. Richards A Collier. , -s, Iess than it is worth unimproved A-l 40 acres. $1200. 669 E. 17th N., Woodiawn 6818 1 ACRES, all in cultivation, in Union ave. ; this is a real bargain; can be handled on a mall cash payment See Mr. Graham. THE BRONG CO., 207 Oak St. 1 TO 5 acre tract, close to Portland, for tub urban homes, chicken, fruit and garden tract. Good road, school, electric railway, ete. Yonr opportunity. Easy term. Owner, Jtoom 2, Worehester bldg. . WANT to buy 5 to 10 acre ranch, within 13 mile of Portland; house, few fruit tree, close to carline. on hard road. State price. termj.full description in firt letter. FXU000. Journal, . 8.61 ACRES, cleared and in cultivation. 1 mile from Clark a mas station, no buildings, fenced and a w.U" dug. $150 an acre. A few hundred dollars down and easy terms on the. balance. 17 Beaver bldg , Oregon City. FOR SALE Cockerel from Brewster's Oregon -Girl, who laid 317 eggs in her pullet year; $10 each. No out of town order. Phone Sell wood 2993. 643 Harold ave. " 10 ACRES improved." 10 mile from court house. Portland. 40 fruit trees, hoosa and bam nd creek, good well water. E. O. Hol cotnb, 1219 Holgate st. 8. E. near 41t W-8 car. 1 ACRE of land, good cultivation. In To-Wit. Wash., close te Spokane, Wash., for sale for $150 cash. .Charlie Hepner, 2884 Sd t, Portland. Or.. Cadillac hotel- - ; l.CR.aU under "cultivation, fruit and ber rie. good new 5 room bungt'ow, full base ment, near ear and school: $2350, easy terms. Sletten ft Jonea. Main 2558. 248 Stark st ABOUT 7 acres, ail in cultivation. 2 house. 30 minutes' drive in auto east of eity. . Only $3750. Owner instruct u to sell. McClure ft Schmanch Co.. 806 Railwty Exchange bldg. GOING east, must sell 1 0 ' acre English wal nut, bearing age. $3500; worth $$000; terms. T-79B, Journal. Tab" ACRES, unimproved, 17 mile, east of ... . .AA . . . Vancouver, wasnu, aniy . o o , ue.im . . . . , i i , r , v . i or take Kino s or imve -mqwri m. - t , . .-.!- ONE acre, fine building cite, cleared "and level, near Metzger station, 1950 .cah or Liberty bonds. H-7S3, -journal. IMPROVED 10 acres, 14 mile east; good road. between two carlines; $2500, term. Partic ular corner;' Tabor $734. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN ACREAGE WANTED About 2 acres close in, small house, for some cash, automobile and balance $25 monthly. 932 Chamber of Commerce. BUBURBAX HOMES HERE is another one, one acre of land, all in garden and ' up-to-date chicken house - and tuns, with a variety of fruits, s garage. cor ner acre, facing the carline. with a very nice modem six room hbose, eery sttractive in ap pearance, and the price ia only $4250; term will be given. " Thi plaee is on the Oregon City cariine. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 AB INGTON BLDO. , VERY choice sun.:n home of 8 acre, all is high mate of nvtonl. good set buildings, fine family orchard, cn auto road.; It miles from Pert la ml. at on O-E. line, a dandy place fertile rr'ee ;.?.. trnue. j il hdX", .;. : C bide. REAL ESTATE SUBURB AX HOMES HERE ia a perfect auburban borne with I big acre of land in the high state of cultivation with alt kind of email and large fruit of the choicest Standard varieties in full Wring. , On this one acre la a modem up-to-date 7 room h use with every convenience to be suggested. There i classy chicken house and chicken park which will accommodate large flock", shrubbery of rare quality, in fact, thi place was not Improved with Intention to sell; it was elected and improved for a permanent home, but un aefrount of change of residence it is now offered for eale for about or little lea than the beuae coat It is practically on paved atree from the bunneaa center to the gate. It ia only one block from the Oregon City carline, ctoee in; $5500 is the price. The buyer must have $2800 cash. M. J. Clohessy . 4 1 5 Abington bldg; ; DO YOU want the finest suburban home cm , the Oiefoa City carline f Her it is. Very substantia!., extremely modern brick bunga low with 1 ( full concrete basement, concrete1 porch floors! a very unique furnace, six rooms; brand new, with 1 "4, acres of highly improved garden land, chicken house: all kind of fruit coming into full bearing; only one block from tatwn. for a price less than the bungalow can be reproduced, on term of $1000, the balance to stand a long-, a you like. M. J.. CLO HESSY. 413 ABINGTON BLIM. DO Y want on big aore of land, ldghly im proved, on practically a paved street, out the Terwllliger boulevard way, on the west idef On this acre of land is 0 mom house with such conveniences a electric light, city water, ga. toilet ad bath, a fuU cement basement, a garage and barn. It is. a pretty plane and does to a city school and only 7 blocks from the station with be carfare. The pnee U only $3800: $1000" rash la all you neyd. the bal ance, you ran pay in your lifetime. M, J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. liO-Wwoul4youitteto"have this? One big acre of land with all varieties of fruits in full bearing, shrubbery, etc., on tills Und 1 a mod ern up-to-date 6 room bungalow with a full basement, fireplace, all builtin effect which could be auggtwted. on a paved street all the way to the place and thi plane can bo bought for a less price than it would root to replace the .bungalow alone. It Is close to tbe Oregon City carline. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abinglou bldg. . HERE is one that you can't beat, on a raved street ll . the way. . Only four blocks from the station at Courtney, 1 acres of land, highly improved. The rait alone ia worth almost Uie price. There is on -this land a coxy 4 room hmia with chirke'n house and other" necessary buildings, cement sidewalk, ga and electric light, and the price for the whole work is only $2300, one half cash. You "ill ' hav to buy thi place. ' M. J. CMHiKSSY. 4 15 ABINGTON BLT0. DO YOU want something cheap? On acre of ground of the richest kind of oii. all of It on a pared treet, witli a five room lioti which could be made comfortable, and the prll'e only $1200. M. 3. CLOULSSV, 413 AU- INGTON BLDQ. j ONLY $2500 for three acre six Tblock from the station and carline, on the Oregon Ci'f line. All of this land is in cultivation. A honse, bam, woodshed, thrown tn for- tha above price. M. J, CLOllESSV. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. TOR HALE FA R5I ti 17 1601 ACRE WHEAT RANCH SHERMAN COUNTY. OREGON 420 in winter grain. --mostly ll plow land, new 6 room house, also 2 room house ami barn 50x80, 2 orchards, full -equipment of homes, machinery, combine, milk cows, poultry, all $50 per acre, part tar ins. ALSO 11 SO acre stock tancth join above. 5 mile to K. R , warehouses and elevator, 400 acre plow laud, balance bunch erase, creek, springs, 6 room house, barn, hog and hen houses, cellar, orchard, irrigated garden, 25 Durham cow soon fresh, bull. 0 calves, 16 young horses, sow machinery, iKiultry and hogs. , $28,000- -PART TERMS ' The above 2781 acre are one ranch, sell irparate or together; possession at once. THOMASSEN, 631 Y. M. C.-A.. FARM FOR SALE Red this: Successful dairy farm. Oppor tunity of lifetime. The best money making , dairy in Washington; check ' for milk $650 to $7 50 per month; 2 cars of alfalfa hay in bam; will feed stock until spring grass. 2 cow Em-. plre milker, NEW, .everything modern: 82 head, cattle, team and $1000 worth farm imple ments: 67 acres, more than half cleared, front ing on lake; & mile from city. 3H mile paved road, shot clay soil, water in front of each cow; 9 room house, up. to date barn, everything first class: nothing better in the dairy line. aU for $17,000, half cash, balance 6 per cent. STEWART ft RUCK, Phone M. 2011. 314 15 10 N W. Rank bldg. J;RY FARM 30 minutes from 4th and Alder sts. and just outside city limit of Beaver ton on main county road to HillKboro. 41 acres, ail in cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, 13 acres onion , land, aU tiled; 0 room house, city water and gas, electric lights available; large harp, two silos -and outbuildings, fine well, gasoline pump: sll ccwa, bones, farm machinery, bay, ensilage, dairy equipment and Ford auto go with place. I 'rice $15,000. Terms. See E. M. Brown, with NEILAN A PARKHILL 219 Lumbermen bldg., J5th and Start st. PHOTOGRAPHERS, her Is a' cjianee to get irrt a good live town Where there is no com petition; nice movable gallery, for $800. Willi this you ran buy for 3.".U0 14 acres insidi City limits, family orchard, house, two barns, garage, chicken, house, woodshed, hog house and boat house, 1 hi join Pacific highway, 50 feet from sidewalk. Gallery can he bought separate or vice versa. Terms 'on land. . STEWART Sc BUCK, S 14-1 0-10 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE In Wyoming, the "undevekiel empire." fine farm of 1600 acres, near thriving town; fine improvements; largw bam, 6-room -houe. two well and windmHla, J 60 acres broken, nearly all can be farmed: carried 200 cattle all last winter and last cummer without other feed. State land. No tains: 15 yean to pay out Price $31 per acre for quick sale; if not sold soon price will be advanced- to $50 per acre. Write OT call 132 W. 23d at, Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACRES All on land, in ' cultivation, - 1 acre in prunes, 6 room house, bam 16x24, chicken house. This t' one of the best 10 acres in Oregon. Hone and buggy with the place; only three miles from our office, on macadamise- ' road. $2800, $1000 cash, -bslnnce on time. DILLMAN it -ROWLAND, 8th and Main r., Oregon City, Or. 40 ACRES Close -to Oregon City, on good- rock road: 80 acres, in cultivation, food buildings, family orchard, berries, etc. ; soma personal property. Price $10,000. Would consider or 7 room house tn Portland up t $4000 as part ea first payment See E. M. Brown, with j ! NEILAN ft PARKHILL,!, ' 219' Lnmbermen bldg., 5th and Stark sts. J00 ACRES Washington county ranch, 100 acres, 12 mile from Portland en S. P. electric R. R.j car stop on the place; house, bam, two. good ware houses, state high north boundary of ranch. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., 83 4th st Main 14. ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS AT 6 PER CENT 120 acre in cultivation. 8 5 acres in fall grain, balance timber, good soil, lies well, all fenced, watered by creek, spring and well, m county road, 2 mile from R. K. town of 76o population, mile tn school, houee and 2 bams on this place.- See Ham Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 1 Chamber of . Com merce piag. 40 acres, Lewis county. Wash.. 3 miles to 'good town, close to .. school, Cetholio church 1, mile, good road, good soil, nearly level, 1 5 acres cultivated, 10 winter grain, orchard, fair buildings; $2500 with crop, stock and Imple ments ; have many other good farm ' bargains. 207 Panama bldg. , STOCK RANCH, 1280 acres, practically alt under cultivation; all level, good barns, gtinds and fair buildings; lota of hay, permanent per mit on forest reserve for 400 head of cattle, fine winter range; reserve right joining ranch per mit alone worth thousand of dollars. For all $12. OOP, Information Bog 64 la Pine, Or. 320 ACRES wheat land. Morrow county; build ing, water, new fences, horses and m--: chinery. Vicinity lone.. At $26 per 'pr. Tibs must be sold, owner Is .portlan'rvwidow. Mc- Clure A hob inane h Co-., 906 Kallwjv Exchange bldg. 40-ACRE FARM near Wilsonville, all. in culti vation, bnlldifigs, springyand creek, fine orchard, : for sale at $6500, 1-3 cash, baL to suit. 0 pec cent, might consider 2 or $ acre suburban home as first payment J. R. WOLFF, ll C. of C, bldg. 45 ACRES, y mile to good railroad town, 33 mile from Portland, 20 in cultivation, orchard, house, bam, running water, $2250; term. ' . ' DUBOIS. 808 Spalding tMg. . 80 ACRES, 1 mile from Columbia river ami ril road station, 40 miles from Portland, $2000; aU good land; some term, and might take some trade; will divide Into 20 acre tract. Sellwood 1929. Fred T. Huntress, 1489. K. 8lt St.'.- . $1250 CASH PAYMENT ON THIS 24f ACRE ' YAMHILL COUNTY FARM , $80 AW ACHE, 20 YEARS TO PAY BALANCE FOR BALE 40 acre ranch in Rogue River valley, bo torn land, one mile from town, Priee $2800. Free of incumbrance. Will give abstract. Write 895 W. lt St., Mafshfield Or. ' 25 ACRES. W nnder cultivation, blue soil"; $53 per acre,. $260 down. . See Draper, 401 r Uoaril OI 1 raqe. gAP 10 acre apple orchard, bearing, 1 'i mil to electric station. $1100, term. VV- POIS, 808 Hpslding bldg. gKAP 40 acre northeast of Portland, living water, $1000, $250 down, balance term a. 808 Spalding bldg. FARM to exchange fo city property. II. V- Lv 603 CrbeU bid. i