r. . 3 " X THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 12 'SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1919. PORTLAND. OREGOtf. JHultnomah County chdols pen heir Coriventiori on ? k n n k tc . n .' "t e t . ' at i ..', ' " . .-V . n "? N . JSew (Era Conference to e (greatest of Presbyterian (gatherings pible ,Htudy Eaid (But for Children Just as Arithmetic or (grammar sunday . e e it ? IMPORTANT EVENI IS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN ON JAN. 20 -Plans for New Era Conference at First Presbyterian Church Are Now Weil Under Way. MANY EXPECTED TO COME m Invitations Have Been Sent to - Ministers and Members in Ore gon and Parts of Washington. Plans for the great Presbyterian New Era conference, to be held In the First Presbyterian church. January 20 and 21, are well under way and present indica tions are that the meeting will be one of the most important Presbyterian Catherines ever held in the Northwest. Invitations have gone out not only to every Presbyterian minister and church In the state--of Oregon, but also to those in Southern and Western Washington. It is expected that representative Pres byterian churchmen from this wide ter ritory will attend the Portland confer- eince. : It is a distinct disapBPintment to local leaders that Charles Alexander, the fa mous, evangelistic singer, will not be able to attend. It Ib probably due to -the death of J. Wilbur Chapman, with whom he was associated for so many years, that he has cancelled the Port land engagement. Nevertheless, the per sonnel of the visiting church team is noteworthy. Among the prominent workers in the church expected at the conference are : Rev. J. Frank Smith, moderator of the general assembly; . John A. Marquis of the homo mission board, Rev. John It. Davis, Miss Mar garet Hodge, Miss Edna It. Voss, Mrs. Guy W. Davis and Miss M. Josephine Petris. The addition of the women to the team insures local women that they will have a part in this new movement commensurate with the service which they have rendered the church and the world in bringing In the new age. Mr. Marquis, who is on the team, was recently made general secretary of the Presbyterian board of home missions and is in charge of the entire home mission work of the church. Prior to that time, he was president of Coe col lege, Iowa. Rev. Mr. Davia recently ac cepted the general secretaryship of the board of ministerial sustentation and relief, which is in the process of rais ing a fund of $10,000,000 to care for disabled and aged Presbyterian minis ters. He was formerly pastor of Beth lehem church in Philadelphia. Legislator to Be Speaker at Church "'What Will the Legislature Do?" will be the question for discussion at the open forum. Sunday evening at 7 :45, at the Unitarian chapel, Broadway and Yamhill streets. The principal speaker will be John Gill, a member of the legis lature from Multnomah county. Many important questions will come before the present legislature and here is a good opportunity for free discussion. At the morninj; service the pastor will preach on "Liberty of Conscience During the War and After the War." ' ''Creative Power of Truth' Is Subject At the morning service of the New . Christian church (Swedenborgian ). Rev. William R. Reece will speak on the . "Creative Power of Truth." He will endeavor to show how the application of a simple psychological principle will build character In an easymnd fascinat ing way. The annual meeting of the aociety and election of officers will be held Wednesday at the church home. 831 Jefferson street. The meeting will be preceded by a supper, which will be lerved at 6 o'clock. Subject Announced For Friends Church Rev. Homer L. Cox says tlte Sunday aervfce at the First Friends church will be of special interest. The pastor will eek to , make plain just how far the conscience is.a safe guide to follow, also dealing with, the overly scrupulous con science. Important truths will be dis cussed in the morning meeting for wor ship as well. ' The public is invited to all these services. Rev. Mr. Hornschuch To Occupy Pulpit Owing to tbe illness of the pastor, lev. E. IX Hornschuch, the Rev. p. o! Bonebrake will preach both morning and evening, Sunday, at the First Evan gelical church, East Sixth and Market streets. THE First Congregational Church PARK yj) MADISOX STS. IttSt A. M. " REV. J. A. SULLENS Snpt- HometaHssloaaiy Society "THE .'WORLD'S SEED FOB BE LIEF IN OOD" 7:45 p. M. REV. F. J. MEYERS "EXPERIENCES OF A f. M. C. A. SECRETARY ON THE BATTLE FRONTS, CHATEAU-THIERRY, iSOMME, ARGONNE WOODS" Come a"nd hear this most interesting . , address. Special . at , Beta Service people jSeglect to WLrite Hetters v to Soldiers in Camps 'Letters from home to the soldiers at Camp Lewis have fallen ofjJA per cent since the signing of the armistice, ac cording to the statement made Thurs day evening by Rev. A. Anderson at Our Savior's Lutheran church. Rev. Mr. Anderson is Lutheran camp pastor at Camp Lewis. He gave two addresses in Portland on Thursday on work among soldiers. Mr. Anderson said : "The boys still need encouragement, but the peo ple seem to have forgotten them now that the laurels have been won. For some reason public interest has ceased. After the boys have won a great victory, those who were left at home in peace are now refusing to help keep up the morale of those who now have nothing to do but drill." Rev. M. A. Christensen, pastor of the church where the lectures were held. said Friday that he found similar con ditions to exist a Vancouver barracks. He cited as instance of where one young man, who is lying sick in bed, only received one letter from home dur ing the Christmas season and that was from his little brother. His parents and older brothers neglected to send him a word of cheer, even though he is sick with a disease which may keep him bed fast for many years. TO DEAL Wl THE UNSEEN Dr. Waldo to Point Out Strength ening Forces of Supernat ural in Human Life. The Sunday morning sermon of Xr. William A. W'aldo at the First Baptist church (White Temple) will be a plea for the supernatural elements as an aid in human life. Dr. Waldo intends to point out the strengthening forces, unseen and yet present, in national and civic relations. In the evening he will explain a night scene In an historical picture and will set forth the claims of religion in the home and personal relations. The ordi nance of believers baptism will be admin istered during- this service. The temple quartet will also render several choice selections. The general public is in vited to these services. Dr. Hinson to Begin New Sermon Series 4 At the Kast Side Baptist church, Dr. W. B. Hison win preach in the morn ing the first of a new series of sermons of the modernized life of Christ. At night. Dr. Hinson will take for his subject, "Theodore Roosevelt His Life and Its Lessons." This will be a char acter study with an application. At the midweek service, on Wednes day night. Dr. Hinson is leading in the study of the doctrintf of the Bible. Last week the class studied "The Doctrine of God," and next Wednesday will take up "The Fact &f Jesus Christ." The series of iermons on the second coming is beirfg published in trade form and will soon be rady for distribution. Missionary's Wife Will Make Address The Sunday morning sermon of Rev. Alexander Beers at the First Free Methodist church will deal with the part the church must play in the reconstruc tion of the new order of things from the past. Sunday evening Mrs. Mac Geary, wife of Rev. James MacGeary, who was missionary bishop to Africa an.d India, will speak, Mrs. MacGeary has traveled the foreign fields with her husband and has visited many mission stations of the world. She will- bring a message direct from the field. Dr. Morrison's Topics Sunday Announced "Oonsttuctive Religion" is the general topic of a series of Sunday mornrng ser mons, which Dr. A. A. Morrison is to begin Sunday at Trinity Episcopal church. He proposes to show the scien tific form of the Christian religion and the vital necessity for a knowledge of its essential truth and will point out the -practice that a man may follow to get in harmony with God s plan of de velopment.. In the evening the subject will be "Looking at Ourselves Throueh Other Eye." League of Churches To Be Sermon Topic At the Hope Presbyterian church. East Everett and Seventy-eighth streets, the pastor. Rev. Floyd K. Dorris. win dis cuss the idea of a league of chuches based on the league of nations, idea. In his Sunday morning sermon. In the evening an incident from the life of St. Paul will be the theme. Special Music to Be Sunjf Special music will be given by the chorus choir both Sunday morning and evening at Millard Avenue Presbyterian church, of which Rev. W. Lee Gray is pastor. The program will be in charge of Professor Archie Hollingworth. First M.E. Church South- UNION AVE. AT MULTNOMAH Rev. Jas. T. French Pastor Preaching II A. M. and 7 : St P. M. Morning Subject "THE TWO GREATEST FACTS IN LIFE Evening Su alert "BATTING SINGLE HANDED AND ALONE" ' "iJ2?r9&r. OOOI) Srmona and GOOD Music, services, at this r Caurch should Interest you. r SERMON prominent leaders II LiH " , t-I( Vi"' ti I -- 'V. I 1L a ZZzheztJXSA . IL-W l .. Ill jr . I McAlpin Studio m BKMIStKKHKBtKBKKKBUBtSibi ii' ii : Old Ideas Will Be 'Replaced by Up-to-Date System of School of Methods. A new treat' is promised for Sunday school workers who attend the Multno mah county Sunday school convention next Tuesday to Friday, by Harold F. Humbert, general secretary of the Sun day schools of Oregon. The convention hjjs been arranged as a school and will be. known as a "School of Methods." Classes have been arranged for the dis cussion aud teaching of every branch of Sunday school work from the cradle roll to the adult department. Persons who have made a success in the various branches of Sunday school work throughout the Northwest are on the program and will conduct classes in their special lines, of church work. There will be 38 periods of Instruction in the convention knd 62 instructors. The afternoon sessions' are from 3 to 4 :30 o'clock and the evening meetings from 7 :30 to 9 o'clock. All sessions will be at the White Temple (First Baptist church). Twelfth at Taylor street. The Tuesday evening features will be a violin solo by 7-year-old Olive Up dike, and the annual election of county officers. Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of the First Methodist church, will give the main address, on "The Master Teacher." Humanity Outlook Is Service Theme The theme of the music and medita tions at the First Christian church on Sunday morning will be the outlook of our humanity in the light of its divinity. Rev. Harold H. Griffis will preach morning and evening. Or Tuesday afternoon- at 2 :30 the Women's Mis sionary society will present an educa tional program under the leadership of Mrs. E. S. Muckley. The period of dis cussions will be followed by a social hour with music and refreshments and DIRECTORY First Sunday After Epiphany Uniform Sunday School Lesson "Moses the Leader of Israel." Ex. 3:1: 4.17. Primary topic. "The Story of Moses"; Junior topic, "Israel in Bondage in Egypt"; Intermediate topic. "A Champion of the. Op pressed"; Senior and Adult topic, "The World's Call for Leadership. " Golden Text: "Moses indeed was faithful in all his house." Heb. 5. Young Peoples' Topics Baptist Union: "Th Practice of Kindliness," Gen. 45:1 -lil. Christian Endearor: "The Practice of Kind liness." (Jen. 4.V1-15. Epworth Iacne: "Our Purpose and fhir Program As Epworthians." Heb. 10:24-25; Jas. 5:16; 1 Tim. 6:18-19; 2 Tim. 2:15. Baptist Jvr?t White TVmple, 12th and Taylor Re. William A. Waldo. 11, "riiTine Strength In life's Journey"; 7:30, "A Nieht With a Heaven ly Messenger." BaptisufnH service. K--t Side K Oth and Salmon Her. W. B. Hinson. Rev. Herbert T. Cash, asswtant. 1 1 . "How God Came -An Enquiry and an An swer," 7 :30. "Theodore Rooevelt, His Life and Its lessons." Tl,ird Vancouver and Knott Rev. Webley J. Beaven. 11. 7:4S. Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handley. 11, 7:30. Monta villa 11, 7:30. Calvary ft. 8th and Grant lev. J E. Thomas 11. "Christian Experience; Why Some times Pisapjointing." followed oy Lord's Sup per: 7 :30, "Beyond the flesa." Glencoe E. 4Mh and Main Rev. F. C. Laslette. 11, "The Secret of a Great Life"; 7:3. "The Man Who Had Everything buti ." Sellwood Bethany Rev. T. J. Broomfield. 11. 8. Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:45. Highland Rev. Ed C. Cofer. 11. 8. Vniversity Park Rev. S. Lawrence Black. 11. "The Call of the Bible School"; 7:45, "The Christian Bi Secret." Cathollo St. Petrs " Lents Rev. P. TSentgen. 10.30, 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. OHara. 6, 7:15, 8:80. 8:45. 11. 7:45. ft. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. 8. V. C. l'uehes. . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. S'. Patrick 10th and Savier Ra. Charles M Smith. 6:30. 8, 9:15. 10:30, 7:80. St Franci K. 12th and-Pine lWr. J. H. Murk. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30. Ijimaculate Heart of Mary Williams and f tuton Rev. W. A. Dalyt 8. 8, 0. Jl. 7 :3jf. Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Rev. C. S Olson. 6. 7. 8, 9, 11. 7:80. fet. Rose E. 58d and Alameda Ilev. J. O Jarrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Be. J. i,.;cni. 8, 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou Her. Gsorgij F. Wompson. 7:90, 9, 11. Ascension E. 76th and Yamhill Franciscan Fathers. 8, 10:30. 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blaniena Rev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Urbr Cross 774 Bowdoin Ber. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d at. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:80. 8. 10:30. 4. til. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Her. Yar tn A. Wairt 6. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. Poly Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancouver atr Rev William I. Devine. 6. 10:30. 7:80. tt. Phillip Neri tPaulist Fathers) E. 16th an:l Hickory -Rev. W. J. Cartwrigbt. 7:30. 9. 10:80, 7:30. " Clements S. ' Smith ave. and Newton Sl it Fathers. . 8. 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Her. G. Ec- 8 10:30. 7:30. Si. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. f. Comminaky. 8. 10':30. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fa fl irt Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. T:80. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Bar. B. Durrer. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Michael (Italian) 4th and UUJ Bar. M. Ek'estra. 8. 0:30. 7:30. St. Clares Capitol HiU Bev. f. Capiapzam 8. 10:10. St Charles E. 33d and Alberta Ber, J. T. O'Fiyon. 8.10:30. AE Sainti E. 39th and Glisaa Kr. Father VOiiam Cronin. 8.10:30. "r ' ':k;v. . CTtirMlan ' '; f J.. First Parte and Colnmbla w, Harold H. Griffia. 1L "Man AUda ia to lmaae of His of Sunday Schools SKElill Conduct jHeeting Jfext 0(eek UNDAY school convention leaders Left to right, Wal ter C. Moore of ' Seattle, field secretary for western Washington Sunday schools; Mrs. E. C, Knapp of Spokane, superintendent of children's work in the In land Empire association; Professor James F. Ewing, superin tendent of First Presbyterian Sunday school; Harold F. Hum bert, general secretary of the Oregon Sunday School association. Wednesday evening is to fce young people's night, when two addresses will be given. William S. Hale, former su perintendent of the state reform school, will speak on "The Cigarette Peril," and Walter C. Moore of Seattle will talk on "The Dollar a Year Man." Several downtown churches will com bine their Thursday evening prayer meetings with the convention service, which will be opened with a short de votional service. Mrs. E. C. Knapp of Spokane will follow with a short ad dress on "Winning the Children." The Friday evening program for the general assembly has been rearranged on account of the postponment of the Ar menian and Syrian drive until February 17. The program committee planned to give the pageant, "Armenia's Call to America," on this evening, as next week was to be the week of the great national drive. But this pageant will now be postponed until February. In its place, Mr. Humbert has arranged a strong program for the evening, in all women ofjithe congregation, includ ing members and friends, will be cor dially welcomed to this afternoon serv ice. Evangelist Dickson Is to Speak Sunday Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak Sunday night at 7 :30 o'clock in Chris tiansen's hall and a special musical program in charge of Professor I. C. Colcord of Los Angeles will be ren dered. OF CHURCH Maker." 7:45. "The Upsetting Sin." East Side E. 12th and Taylor Bev. R. H. Sawyer. 11." 7 30. Monta villa E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. Herbert Ryder. 11. 7:30. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J. F. Ghonnley. 11, "Realization" ; 7:30, "Les sons Worth While From the Life of Theordore Roosevelt." Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. Christian Science Lesson subject: "Sacrament." First 19th and Everett, 11, 8. Second E. 6th and Holiaday. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d at. and 42d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 Yamhill. 11. 8. Seventh Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday, p. m. Congregational First rark and Madison 10:30. 7:45. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Preaching by Rev. WG. Kent. Sunnyside -E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Staub. 11, "The Extravaffance of True Love"; 7:45. "Life's Supreme Question-and Its Possible Answers." Hiehland E. 6th andPrescott Rev. Edward Constant. 11. 7:30. Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward 11. 7:30. Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th st S. E Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Rohm Murray Pratt, 11, "The Tree of Life in the Garden of God'-: 7:30. "Art Thou He That Should Come, or" Ie We Look for Another?" address by A. G. Thomas. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. Samuel Nevala. 6. 7 :30. Iniversity Park Rev. C. H. Johnston. 11, 7 .30. Episcopal '1'nmty lth and Everett Rev. A. A, son. 11. "Constructive Religion"; 8. ing at Ourselves Through Other Eyes." Morri-'I.ook- rro-uathedral of St. Stephen ale Martyr 13th and Clay Rt, Rev. VV. T. 8umner. bUhop and preacher. Sundays. 7:45. 11, service b Rev. Robert S. Gill of Salem. Week days Wed nesday, 7:30 a. m. ; Friday. 9:30 a. m. ; Holy day. 7:80. " St. IHvids E. 12th and Belmont Rev Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 1 1, "The Home of Nazareth and the Home of America"; 7 :30, the ninth commandment or "What Is Lying in Cur Pay?" St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev J ci Patton, rector. 7:30, Holy Encharist;: 9 45 school: 11, Encharist and sermon; 7:45, even song and sermon. St. Andrews Hereford St., Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7 :30 p. m orace Memorial E. lTtn and Weidler Rev Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. ' Good Shepherd Vancouver and Rev. John 'Dawson. 11, 8. Graham n " fl "a All Amrrls E. 4gd ,n( " ' en. vicar. s. io. 11. o. ) Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st at 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7?30 and li IB. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7T45 k St. Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay- All Saints -25th and Savier Ber. Frederic &. Howard. 1 1. t- Johns Memorial K. 15th and Hamev Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11 736' fct. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Ber" W. A. M. Breck vicar. 10. 11 ' Evangelical First K. 6th and Market Rev. E ) n lr. sehuch. Preaching by Rev. p. o. Bonebrake, 11, 7:30. Central E. 65 th and Flanders Rev. W Coffee. 11, 7:80. N. First E. 9th and Mill Rev. A. Beers. 1 1 US?, ?hJ!rhl? M?e and the World's Problem s, 7 :30 missionary talk by Mrs. James uaco-eary. Friends f1 th and Main Rev. Homer L. 7:s- "Conscience. Its Cse and Abuse. Jwkn Congregation Beth Uriel 12th and Mam Babbl Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday ft 8 p. m.. Saturday. 10:80 a. m. Sunda. 10 to Portland academy bid, 18th and MonU gomery. Religious school. Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation A ha via. Shoiom Park and Clav Jta. Rabbi K, Abyhsmaon. Friday. 8 a, at Satatday. 9M a, ' . . which musical Tiumbers will be featured. Albert Gillette, baritone singer, will give several special numbers and the Sunny side Methodist vested choir will sing. The rearrangement of the program will also permit a roll call of Sunday schools of the county on this evening. The convention will close with an address by Mr. Humbert, on "The Triumph of Loyalty." Mrs. E. C. Knapp, who is to take a prominent part in the convention on Thursday and Friday, is children's di vision superintendent of the Inland Em pire, association with headquarters at Spokane. She formerly held the same position in the Ohio Sunday School as sociation. Walter C. Moore of Seattle is general secretary of the Western Washington association. He has been a Sunday school' supef intendent for many years, having specialized in young people's work. Profess! James F. Ewing, who has A. 6. Thomas to Give Special Address A. G. Thomas is to give a special ad dress Sunday evening at Pilgrim Con grega.lonal church, Missouri and Shaver streets. Special music will be. furnished by Corp-ial""Haley and a male quartet. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, the (pastor, will preach in the morning. All Day Holiness Meeting An all day hol'ners meeting will be held January 15 at rt:twood Nazarene SERVICES IN Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison. 10. "1:30. Lutheran St. Jame.w W. Park and Jefferon Rev. William A. Brinkman. 11. "The Cry of Dis tressed Armenia"; 7:30. "A Year of Individual Opportunity and Responsibility." St. Pauls E. 12th and Ctrnton Rev. A. Krause. 9:30, Sunday school; 10, confession; 10:30, service and holy communion ; 7:30. eve ning service. Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christensen. 11. "The Christ Child in the Temple,", service in Norwegian ; 8, song service. Trinity! Williams and Graham Rev. J. A. Bteintiach. 9:15, 10:15, 7:30. Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Davis rRev. Wilhelm PetterRon. -1 1 , 8. Grace English Mason and Albina. 10:30. Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and GHsan Ber. F J. KpEng. 10:45. Bethel Norwegian (Free! Wygant and Rod ney St. Johns Peninsula and K Una trick Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:4 5. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan Rev. C. 3. Lr-din. H. 7:80. Methodist Episcopal Centenary E 9th and Pine Rev. J. C. Rollins. 11, "A Spiritual Vacuum A Dan gerous, Condition"; 7:45, lecture on lumber camps by W. A. Goodwin, known as "Three Fingered Jack"; music by chorus choir. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. B. Maclean. 11, 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. John parsons. 1 L Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. Stanford Moore. 11. "One Hundred Per Cent Chris tian"; 7:30. song- service; 7:45, "The Con scientious Embezzler." First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. Chrutian Stewardship"; 7:30 "Righteousnesn and Peace." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. Preaching by Rev. C. Au gust Peterson of Seattle, 1 1 and 8. Lecture to young people at 7 p. m. by pastor. Lents Lucien B. Jones. 11. 7:80. Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A. Ginn. 11. "The Stewardship 'of Life"; special services each night during coming week. Monta villa E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gcruio. 11. I so. Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bev. E. Olin Kldndge. IT, The Secret of Strength ; 7:30. "Christ's Definition of Christian." Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11. 8. Sellwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, 7:30. Snnnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. R. E. Smith. 11, "Stewardship of Life"; 7:45. "The entenary Stoveejient .and .the World Ootlook.' illustrated with "stereopticon, by' Mark Free man; special music. St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J, H. Irvine. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthvrick Rev. Abel Ekltind. 11, 8. - University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. J. T. Abbett. 11. 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Skidmore and Vancouver. Rev. C. J. Rynningv 11, 8. Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7:80. . Wilbur tMaltnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur gette Short. 10-.80. "The Glory of Sacrifice." followed by communion; 12:15, school. District superintendent. Rev. William Wslltce Teungson, D. D, 691 E. 62d st. SI. Tabor J 7 90. M. E. South First Union ana Multnomah Bev. James T French. 11, 7:30. Nazal's ne - First E. 7th and Couch Bev. C Howard Davis. 11, 7 30. Sellwood E. 9 th and Spokane Bey. B. H. Mors. 11, 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 07th St.- Rev., C. V. Fowler. 11. "The Dry Bones of Religion-' : 7:30. Highland Park E. 14 th and KUllingsworth Bev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian Bev. J. G. BringedahL 11. T '.SO. Presbyterian First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:30. quarterly communion service followed by reception and baptism of new members; 7 :30, "A Candid Review of the Problem of Re contructjrn. " Westminster East 17fl and Schnyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. 7:30. Central E. 1 3th and Pine. Ber. Orlando B. Pershing. 11. "Re-Enlistment"; 7:30. "Safetr Margin Calvary Jltt and Clay--Ber. R. W. Rogers. 10:3t.- "The Religious Opportunity ef the Horns"; T:tt, What Should Ws Do With the Kaiser The Answer the Christian Must Give." sit. Tabar B. 55th and Belmont Her. Waxd Gathering Will Begin at White Temple Next Tuesday and Last Through Friday. charge of the administrative division each evening at 7.30 o'clock, is superin tendent of First Presbyterian Sunday school, which is the largest school in Oregon. He has been a young people's instructor for years and ts considered an authority on Sunday school work by local church people. 0 Harold F. Humbert, who is in charge of the convention, is Oregon's new sec retary, and. Incidentally, is the youngest state secretary in the nation, lie is also the international association repre sentative in Oregon. Mr. Humbert be fore coming here was Instructor in Eng lish at Pamona college, Claremont, Cal. Within the past week the committee Was able to get Re'v. John II. Matthews of Seattle to take a place on the pro gram. He la to conduct a class Tues day and Thursday: evenings at 7:30 o'clock. The first evening he will speak on "The Religious Education of Adol escents," and Thursday evening he will talk on "The Aims of the Adult Bible Class." Every Sunday school In Multnomah county is exposed to be present at the Friday evening; roll call with their re port and pledge.- church, of which Rev. C. U. Fowler is pastyr. The rrcgram for the ay is preaching at 10 a. m. by Rev. J. O. Rttr.-gendahl, i reach In at 2:30 o.a?k by Rev. C Howard Lavls and -1 7 o'chK:k by Rev. O. F. Ooettel. Th ; ib lie is i.ivited.to com.- a.d bring lunch and sr.iy p.ll cay. Roosevelt Is Topic 'Li?f5rna Worth While From the Life ." Thecdc.-a Ect.-aevel" will be the Sun day ev-ining topic of Rfv. J. F. Ghorm ley at the Rodney Avenue Christljn cKurch. Special music will also be fur- nisned by the choir ami Harry Larsen will simr "Face to Face." PORTLAND Macilenry. 11, "Have We Advanced Beyond Christianity?" 4:80, "What Do You See?" Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. R. Lands borough. 11, 7:5. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. A. L. Hutchison. 11. 7:30. Fourtri First and Gibbs. Rev. Levi John son. 10, reception of new members by ses sion; 10:30, communion and sermon on "For giveness"; 12. school: 7:30. community sing and sermon by Rev. Jacob Yunzy. Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Rev. t-aiM r.. natscn. ii, "Chruit the First Inter nationalist": 7:45, "Are Revivals Out of Date?" Hope E. 78th and Everett Rev. Floyd E. Dorris. 11. "League of Churches"; 7:30, "A Broken Friendship." Rose City Dr. Robert H. "Worry"; "Concentration." MilHgan. 1 1 , Forbes Graham and Cantenbein. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev Theo. dore P. Smith, pastor. 1 1 , "What Is the Place of Devotion in Our Lives?" 7:30. "Tmni.H Anabel Rev. John E. Nelson. 118 7 3o'lard' A"DUe Ilev" W- lK Gray.' U Seventh Day Adrentto V. iTT i a "frTlcts of this denomination aicsu vii oatu 1 jr. wuirii mu. uin ana Kverett I. K. Dick- "- . A A. AO, JJ??rnac!e Women of Woodcraft hall 10th and Taylor streets. 1 1. ' -"10 Alontavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder . Huinrt79,,h, St B8th EW" D r-, JL. 0n!,renr, T": nl Charleston t w'i Tib0r77E- 80th ,nd Blmnt Elder W. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Rev Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11 is A. Scandinavian Sixty-second near 4 0th" ave 11 8alvatlon Army -I1" V?- T45 Ash 6t Adjutant Frank Corps No! 4 128 Vi First Harmon, 11, 3, 8. -Adjutant Joseph 8wedenborglan ...ew C,hurh ocjfty 831 Jefferson Rev. iinara . Keece. n, "Truth, a Creative Unitarian , Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam mil Itev. w. G. Elliott Jr. 11 "Tik.-. Conscience Jring the War and After the ""at ii me legislature Do?" by Hon. John Gill. United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E Mc Donald. " - First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J , II. "'The Christ ly Spirit"; 7:30. Helpless But Not Hopeless." Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11. "Seeing God"; 7:30, "Selective Men. Third 67th st. and 32!d ave. 8. E. Rev. E. O. Khepherd. 11. 7:30. Fourth Tremont Rev. ; C. p. Blancbard Evangelistic services Preaching by R. -f;. Sum merlin, 11, 7:30; song service in charge of L. A. Northrop. "-j United Evangelical First: E. 16th and Poplar Ilev. J. A. Goods. 11. 7:30. United Prssbytarlan First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F. Given. 11. communion and reception of mem bers; 7:30. "Thing That Endure." Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco n ttev n. rain mi uoia. iu:3U, 7 :30. , Kenton 120 Wet I-omharfl Rev. George N. Taylor. 11. "Belief Plus"; 7:30, song service and short address. Mhcellaneoui Christian and Missionary -Alliance E and Clay Bev. John E. Fee. 11, 7:30. 9th Realization League 186 Ctb Iter. H. Edward Mills. 11. "The. Spirit of Truth" j 8, "Tbe Message of the Hour." by Mrs. Emm W. Wells of Spokane. ' . Chris tedelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God 863 Falling. 11, 8. First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe. 3. 7:45. Gospel Han E. 29th and Stark. 10:30. 12:15. 7:45. , Men's Resort 4 th and Barnside Bev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. .8. New Civilization 407 Tilford bid. Dr. Beth Northington, 7:45. Divine Science Tilford building Bev. T. II. Minard, pastor. 11. - Universal Messianic 318 Abington building. 11. 8, 'The Inner Peace." Glad Tiding ' ( Pentecostal Mission) 24 H 1st C. H. Woolley. & 3. 7:30. weekdavs except Monday and Saturday, 8 p; m. - Pentecostal entrren zvta. aad Ankenv A. W. Smith. ( '. -,'--. Second Bpt ritualism AJlsky Hall Rev. Max Hoffman. . 8, "Wawra Peace Begins." intensive Campaign (ffvangelismOTill East Until Caster "The First church. United Brethren in Christ, at East Fifteenth and Morrison streets, Is putting on an Intensive cam paign of evangelism to last until Easter. The interior of the church has been decorated, new lights have been In stalled and the evangelistic program will be put on Sunday and" Thursday evenings of each week. A large chorus choir anji orchestra, under the direction of Professor W. H. Moofe. .will give a 20 minutoi concert each evening, begin ning at 30. The pastor. Dr. Byron J. ?lark. will give .a series of evangelistic lectures, covering every phase of . constructive evangelism, leading up to a climax at Easter, wljh an objective of 100 addi tions to the church. TO RECEIVE BAPTISM First Presbyterian Church to Hold Qimrterely Communion at Morning Service. At the First Presbyterian church, the pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd. D.D will preach both morning and evening:. At 10 :30 the quarterly communion service will be observed, and there 'will b re ception and baptism of new members. Dr. Boyd will frive a brief communion address. At 7 :30, Dr. Boyd will con tinue his series of talks on "The New Era of Reconstruction." These are under the general topic of "What Next?" Sunday evening's subject will be a can did review of the problem of recon struction. The Sunday sfchool, which meets at 12:15. is beginning to recover from the effects of the ban and is increasing in attendance. There are classes for all ages and all are invited to visit or to enroll. Vital Topics Will . Be Dr. Stansfield 's Two patriotic sermons touching on the vital questions of? the day are to be de livered Sunday by Dr. Joshua Stans field at First Methodist church. In the evening the subject is "Righteousness and Peace" and he- will discuss the pres ent work of the allies as represented by the peace commission In France. Among the points to be discussed are: The allies ought to demand the just punish ment of those guilty of the instigating of thewar and its atrocities ; the peace commission ought to demand and pro vide indemnity and reparation for wrongs done and property confiscated and destroyed and the restoration of property now or heretofore unlawfully seized, and lastly, the allies should tiro vide for a league of nations looking to the establishment of a permanent peace The music will be appropriate for these sermons. Montavilla Church Chooses New Pastor Rev. Herbert Ryder has been chosen minister ol Montavilla Christian church for tie ensuing year by the congrega tion of the church and will assume his new duties Sunday. The annual busi ness meeting roll call and basket dinner were held ast Sunday Six new mem- bora were also added to the church Strang.T8 are afruied a hearty wel come ii this church. Bible Studies Featured Services are being conducted Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock by" A. W. Smith at the. old Kast . Side Baptist church. Mast Aikeny an- Twentieth streets. In teresting Bible studies on law and grace re being glverlT Meetings are also held on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday eve nings. First Presbyterian Church 12th and Alder Streets. REV. JOHN H, BOYD, O. 0.. Pastor. ' 10:30 H. fvl. Communion Service "With Brief Address by Pastor 7:30 f. M. "A CANDID - REVIEW Of, Tflt rnuBLIM OF RE ' CONSTRUCTION." (Organ Recital, 7:15-7:30 P. M. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH r" tTM AND" TAYLOR STS. Bf. JOSHUA RTATCSFIELD. D. D. ', PasUjf wHI preach ! "I 10:30 A. at. I "Christian Stewardship" Our High Privilege ana" Our ObllfaUon In R scon struct! on Days 7:48 P. M. "Righteousness and Peace ,The Peasant Work of tha Allies te B . - Dismissed: 1. They should dtypaM the punishment of tha -'"snHty. Zt, They should demand Indemnity aad Teper- aiioft, lor wrongs eoramitud. ft. They should provide a League for the ; EsUblUbaveot of Peaee.' Come! ana' Hear That. Twa Strong fremone. NEW MEMBERS li ' " 1 1 i j . ' ; ..- -f , . ; . . r - - L COURSE PLANNED 4 YEARS AHEAD -v. L,,. International: Association Has Sent to Societies Throughout World Lessons to Be Studied. WELL PLANNED SYSTEM USED Idea That Studying of Bible Is Done Haphazardly -Has Long Been Contrary to tFacts. A four year course of Sunday school lessons has been adopted for use In the schoola of the nation by all denomina tions and is now being sent out by tha International Sunday School association to Sunday schools throughout the world. This course of study for Sunday schools has been planned In the same careful manner In which a graded course in arithmetic or grammar is planned for the public school children by a com mittee on education. In addition to the four year course . another four year course for the years 1921 to 1925 has uwn urawn up and ts now awaiting tha ratification of the Sunday school com mittees of each denomination that Is a member, ef the international association. Theffoor year course is divided Into three, six and nine month periods, each of which cover a upedlfio line of Bihl stories. Fdr Instance, one . period takes 'up the lives of the patriarchs, another a BUidy Into the lives of "the apostles and a thIrd a study of the social teachings of Jesus. The four year coursn now In operation started In January t 1918. The first six months was a study In the gos pel of Mark and the next three months were studies In the Christian life. Beginning with last September and continuing until March, the course out lines a study In the lives of the patri arch from Abraham to the settlement of Canaan. Following Is the adopted Sun day school program for the next three years : April to September. 1310 : Some great teachings of the Bible. October. 1919, to March, 1920: Studies in the lives of Peter and John. April to September. 1920: Early lead ers and kings of Israel. October, 1920, to March. 1921 : The gos pel of the kingdom of heaven; studies in Matthew. , April to June, 1921: Social teachings of the Bible. July to December. 1921: Life and let ters of Paul. While the International Sunday School association has been systematically choosing Sunday school topics for about 40 years, many Sunday school workers are not aware of the fact. The eonnrsi impression of the average Sunday school worker Is found to be that the lesson subjects are chosen at random by inter national leaders. This Is-brought about probably by the fact that only the lead ing workera In the Sunday school have been able to know in the past the Hat of subjects beyond a three month period, or a quarter. A largo booklet containing the yearly courses for the' coming three years has been Issued by the International lesson committee, of which Professor Ira M. Prtce Is secre tary. These lists may be had by any worker now who desires to purchase them. x "IS THE MILLENNIUM OF PEACE NEAR AT HAND?" SUNDAY 90 f I. -ii . .... . . -. HEAR EVANGELIST L. K. DICKSON" on this great prophetic subject of th'' ill me.. 7 he immediate future holds that which in of unusual vital interest to every man, woman and child in Portland. SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM led by Vrotn. C. Colcord of Los Angeles. Christensen s Hall lltlt St. Between Morrison and Yamhill ' Saadajr, Jan. J2, at 7tt0 o'Cloek- PUBLIC INVITED SEATS PB.EE m Sua SPIRITUALIST FIRST CHURCH SIXTH AHP MONTOOMEKT 8TS. - ' - - . .. - I . Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe PASTOR MBS. ETTA S. BLEDSOE, Messaffs Bearer i , MBS. E.MMA"lC FOWEES, tSololit SERVICES StTHDAT! P. -W. ATTD u seats rin.n . 1 t : ." ' W 'f 1