10 : THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 5, 1919 -r REAL ESTATE iron SALE HOUSES 41 . $500 CASH - A HEAL SNAP WERE I TO OFFER TO GIVE TOU $106O CASH TOU WOULD NOT BE LONG IS COM- , .jmj to MX office, v , , But I am of ferine to Kir you $10O0 the best v ef it ha this deal. Go and see for yourself. . , Till la a real 'home, th bet, and muat suitable -- heme liwida that can be bought In the city, t An you going' to look at this licnaeT 3000 i families that need homes in this city; why not look this homo overf Would I go to the trou bla of running an ad like thi if it were not an unusual bar snip? I bare photo of this f ; pise in my office. If you lore roses, thin is a rea home It has a rose tied .re all around the . house. ' 150 well kept rose. Not only roses but currants, blackberries and mulberries and gooseberries. The lot fa no 30 by 73. either. The lot is 100x100. You can hare the finest ' garden In town, the best of loam and fine heme - location. The land is nice and level and the boune was build for a home. Will be glad to i show yon tlie iho(o of this home as 1 bare three iu my office if you will not take the tune to go and see this place. The house is 5 rooms, full basement, wood lift, everything you find with a $3500 home, but I am offering this for quirk sale at only $2500, " nd only $.i00 to $000 cash, ran you expect tt beat it? No, not for 810O0 more. It is - only 12 minutes' ride frutn the car to the heart -.' of the city. If you so to see this i.fctee take Woodstock car and get off at 80th and Glad " atone and walk 3 blocks south. Von can't mi- it. Owner is counselled to sell on account1 of - sickness. If you go to see the place you can see why the place: Is offered so cheap, and at such a bargain. frhis place is 933 30th st. " The telephone niroiber at thi place is Sell. ' 1472. Go out to; See this place Sunday. BROWN & WATSON REALTY CO.. Main 7435. 600 Swelland bldg. BUNGALOW Modern 5 room bungalow. No. 005 Van couver arenue, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement floor in basement. This is a beautiful little place and will make you a swell home. Price $3800.00.. Easy term?. - . J,:F. H1LL 686 WILLIAMS AVENUE EAST 208. SACRIFICE ' . $3150 5 ROOM Bt'NGAI.OW Roue City esr. Hardwood, floors In main .-. rooms. Large attic, furnace, fireplace, omen kitchen, built-in ironing board and cooler, linen ' . closet, clothes chute, large mirror door in en- ! ' -trance hall: pared street, good lawn and loti , of roses. Place les than 3 yearn old. Terms. . $750 down. Can be occupied at once. J. I-. ! HASTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com i inerce bldg.. 4th and Htark. Main 2OW.A-2050. VOli ONLY $2130, a quaru-r block, a corner i r with a 5 room bungalow, modern, only 4 blocks east of the I'nion are. csrliue and east rtVthe Piedmont district. This i in the right locality and the cheapert buy ever offered considering the improrement. For a heme nd a profitable inrctmcnt. this beat1! any thing in the distrirt and i offered les than the bouse can be built by 1 0OO. It in on llol mlo st. S300 ra?li will handle it. M. J. Olohemy. 415 Atoington bids. . J NO FURTHER, REIt:cf IONS Wi'LLBE MADE ON THIS HOfSE $2900 Formerly $3250. Well worth $3500. 5 rooms, attic, strictly modern, beauti ful fixtures, all built-ins Including writ ing desk. Full cement baemenV, fur nace, fiueplaoe. garsse. Corner. Going t.. street pared and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Excli. Bldg. Main 583. Sunday call. Tabor 93 17. $1900 REAL HOME" BARGAIN $1900 6 room, very substantial uvxlern home; liv ing room, paneled dining Mom, Dutch kittlien. J , full basement, electricity and gas, white enamel plumbing, attractive Hnes. full corner lot. $400 down. Help you make 1st payment. On 37th ave.. near 67th: "OWN YOI R HOME." See FRANK L. McGlIKE, ABINGTON EI-DO.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1008. SACRIFICE WEST SIDE Modern 7 room hotfte in fine shape and 2 room cottage on ground equal to about 113 lot, all hard surface in gnd paid, 1 blk. from j car, clear of all incumbrarfc, price $2950. V.. A. WARHINER. , RITTER. LOWE &. CO. i 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " $1.50 DOWN. $1900 WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $ 1 900 5 room modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing. .Sleeping porch. New and vacant, immediate possession. Full lot. E. 8th st. N See FRANK L. MoGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Yeur Home. Main 1 068. . EASTMORELAND HOME Near municipal golf links, 7 room modern house, fireplace.' steam heat and usual built-ins, lot 75x100. fine native trees, all street im provements in and paid for: price $4500. P. B. Van Nice. 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 54 54 for terms. i - COMPLETELY furnished 9 room house con taining bathroom and 2 toilets, laundry trays. f. large gas range, electricity, hot and cold water; lot 60x120. '4 block from end of Wood.itock cariine. Full baement, barn and chicken house and chlcken. $3000 cash. Sell. 2332. 5803 Woodstock are. 2SOO -PIDMOST DISTRICT $2800 0 room very attractive modern bungalow, paved street, garage; no street liens to assume. Hot water heating system. Close to Union avenue. Terms. See FRANK L McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ST. JOHNS 'Modem bungalows on fine lots. $1750 up. Handy to cars sad to Industrial plants. $100 or mora down, balance monthly. Cozyhome Con struction Co., cor. Lombard and Buchanan. Col. 1141. A B ROOM cottage, modern .and sanitary; gas Ac electric lights; large, warm and dry base ment, in good neighborhood and best location: for sale cheap for cash. Inquire of owner. 617 E. 24tlr at. If yon see it, yon will like it. WEST j SIDE FORECLOSURE Apartment house, 60x100 ground; income over $100 per month; a very good buy at only $8500: about H caah down. For full details call at McClure at chtnauch Co., 306 Railway Exch. BY O W N E H3- BEAUTIFUL SEVEN ROOM WHITE BRICK HOUSE. MASSIVE BUILT IN FIXTURES. RESTRICTED DISTRICT AND ON- PAVED STREET. TERMS. CALL TABOR 6774. j MODERN 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, sll built-in effects, furnace and fireplace, 50x100 lot; nice cherry trees; all street improvements in and paid: 2 blocks to Mt Tabor car; $3500. 480 E. 84th st. Call Sell wood 3588. FOR SALE 7 room house and lot at 1129 Gladstone ave.. cor. 30th, for $1600 if taken at once, , Leaving town. No agents. Take Woodstock car. Write Mrs. J. M. Kinkela. 1381 Grand are., Astoria. Or. 5 "ROOM BUNGALOW 755 E. 27th st. and attic for 2 nice rooms Above. Lot 33x100. Price $2450. $450 cash. CLAUDE G. WATSON. Main 7435. - 506 Swetland bldg. WEST SIDE 5 room bungalow, on Kearney st.. , between 21 st and 23d St. cariine; fireplace, bath, full cement basement: small lot. I'rice $$000. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st. Marshal) ' 296S. MUST settle up this estate on account of death of owner. House. 2 lots and barn. $1800. , Worth twice thit. Call Belding. the jeweler, 245 Alder st. Main 1602. ONLY $2400 for a modern 5 room bungulow la the Kenton district on Ruasett st. $;00 cash is all you need. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Ab- Ingtoh-- bldg. BY OWNER, neat 5 room bungalow. A fine location, cloe to schools and good car serv- ice. Furnished, read to move in. A great bar- gatn for someone. Phone Wdln. 6853. 9S0006 room modern bungalow and 50x100 lot, now rented for $25 per month. A fine i buy. Some cash and $5 per mo, and interest. t Prentiss. 605 Corbett bldg. . $760 equity in good 3 room modern house. Good garage. Total price $1600. Balance tlO per month. Place is worth $2000. Call on owner. 9060 60th ave. 8. E. ALBERTA 5 room house, full lot, 1066 E. 15th N.. $2500. Sell to responsible parties. , $500 cash, monthly payments of $15 and 7 Interest. See Dr. HoUister. 700 Morgan bldg. " MODERN 6 room bungalow, 3 7 th near HsV thorne. 1121 Grant, $2260. Part cash. , balance like rent. Phone 3030. FOR SAL! 6 room modern home, built ins. . 50x100 view lot. $3000. $500 cash, $15 aooth and interest. Inquire 918 E. 18th N. FOB, SALE 3- room house with bath, toilet - and gas; lot 40x100. Price $750 cash. Ad nreaa 6828 85th st. S. E. Tabor 6727. SEMI-MODERN, 3 rooms, new. well located: St. Johns, large lot, improvementa paid. Bar- gain. $800. Phone Tabor 6143. STRICTLY modern house, ft rooms, pared street. good neighborhood; sacrifice price. Owner. Ta bor 6485. 4 ROOM bungalow, gas, electric lights, fuU basement, lot 60x100; about 5 blocks V Mt. Tabor school. Call Wood lawn 2588 ' $850 will buy a 5 room house with two iota ob the St. Johns cariine. II. i. Clohessx 41 B Abington bldg. v 6 ROOM house, wai take auto first payment.' Owner. J-T67. Journal. MODERN 5 room house; plenty of fruit, gar age, forjiale or rent. Good terms. Tabor 8375. ; ' S y ROOM unfinished bungalow for sale. 294 "oltsnd ave. Wood lawn 181T. : FOR SALE Two room house; must be moved! Loveleigh addition, Woodlawa 1656." SOLDIER'S widow must sell 9 room residence. - s earlines. 781 Brooklyn. Sell 8162. REAL ESTATE FOR hALE HOUSES CI OPEN SUNDAY FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY. 517 CHAMBER COMMERCE BLIXJ. Main 3718 $300 Cash 9 room hoase on AJnsWortli are.': lights.' bath, built-in kitchen. . Can (ire immediate possession. riw 4 f IS. $250 Cash 7 room modern bnnnloe 4n Albert (llslrW. Uodern built-in features. Beam ceiling. Price $8000. $400 Cash 6 soora bowse and 2" lots. Lots of fruit and shrubbery. Near MohUvilla car. Price $2350. $250 Cash 5 room modern bungalow, near Montavilla ear. Price $230O. $300 Cash 6 room 100x100. house. Montavilla depot line. Lots Price $1600. $300 Cash i room cottage in Sunnyside addition. Price $1000. $100 Cash 6 room house. Hawthorne car. $300 Cash Price $1800. 5 room modern bungalow. Richmond car. Strictly modern house, with all built-in features. On hard surface ttreet Price $2850. , . . $200 Cash 4 room house, Montavilla, 1 block to car. Price $1300. OPEN SUNDAY MAIN 4 184 Furnished Houses 3 room cottage, nicely furnished, bath and toilet. 14 basement, sidewalk and street grade. 3 blocks to car. Only $1250 for $11. $250 casn Handles. $350 Cash 5 room bungalow, new furniture, good house, on 7.1x100 ground, 2 blocks to ear: a very good home. Price, furnished, only $2080; balance mommy. S225 Cash 3 room unfinished bungalow, only $520. Pay the balance $7 a month. The owner lives there so it is good enoneh to lire in. Better see it. $75 Cash 3 room pla-tered cottage, 2 blocks from car. This will make a nice home for a small family; has chicken runs, full bearing fruit trees; is a real snap at $700. Pay the balance $10 a month. Thi! is close in; Alberta district.- $300 Cash C room house on 40xir0 lot. 20 minutes out; a real good house and has garage and fruit trees. Hnap at $1900. Pay the balance as you like. Call 147 Park Street BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER Phone Maia4134 Open Sunday BARGAINS $3675 8 rooms, modern, garage, street paved, paid, no mortgages. Terms. Near Union are. $2000 8 rooms, bath, gas, electric lights, full line of plumbing, 50x100 lot. Near Union are. $2830 8 rooms, modem, furnace, full lot, near , 12th and Alberta. Terms. Hawthorne We have six exceptional buys in 6 room modern bunaalow. everything in and paid. Liberal terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. Sunday call, Tabor K3I7. DON'T SAY "I can't afford to buy a home, because I haven't enough ta"make the first payment." Do you know we hare over 4 00 houses for pale that are modern and attractive,, some for $200 or $300 down? And I will help you make your first payment, if necessary. You owe it to your f.milr . ' ' , , H -7 VnrD IlWt' f i. I look over the photograph. Autos at your service. FRANK L. M'GL'IHE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Bu: OWN YOUR OWN HOME Only $75,00 Cash 3 room jpla- tered cottage, chicken runs, tvres, ttq. : 1! blocks to car. Price onlv fruit trees vr; Balance 1U a month 147 Park Street Between Morrison find Alder. Open Sund ay IRVINGTON HOME $2500" In order to make a quick sale I have been instructed to sell the modern 6 room house at No. 464 East 8th street north for $2500.00. This house is in splendid condition and is a great bargain. Terms $500.00 cash, balance like rent, terest 6 per cent. J. F. HILL i'.)6 WILLIAMS AVENUE EAST 208. ,n" j I ONLY $1800. I.i.sten to tins: 3 bia wu with cement sidewalk, ci'rb and street down to grade, on 3fith st. 3 blocks from the car line. The house is a plastered house and con tains 7 rooms, large, with a full cement base ment. The property, if the house was in good condition, would sell for $4 000 readily. On ac count of house being in poor repair we offer whole thing as a gift for $1800. M. J. Clo h;sy. 415 Abington bldg. . Furnished Bungalow 20 minutes out, paved street, two blocks to car. full basement, laundry trsys, large attic, oak furniture, good rugs, brass beds, $85 Charter Oak range, Vulcsn gas range, modern plumbing, double constructed, paper between, $40 worth of fuel; immediate possession; $2850; $850 cash. Don't miss seeing this. Main 6882. $1150 9Oxl00 AND BUNGALOW $1150 Neat 4 room new plastered bungalow-type ccttage. 90x100 ground; concrete foundation. 3Hth ave. $100 will handle. Help yo;i make 1st payment if necessary. "OWN YOUR HOME." We have 400 houses for sale. See FRANK I- -McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. $1200 SNAP $1200 " 5 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, electricity, gas, water, sewer, etc., lot 50x112, several large bearing fruit trees, 1 blk. from car and hard surface. Peninsula district. $500 cash. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE Ac CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR $1275 $300 DOWN $10 MONTHLY Going farming: must sell quickly; 7 room hnrne. well located, near lots work. Enam-ted plumbing, concrete basement. Fine 75x100; fruits, handy man can complete and double value, immediate possession, hurry. C. M. Thomason. 207 Panama Bldg. SACRIFICE EQUITY And furniture for $175. Good 4 room modern house, lights, bath, hot and cold water, pantry, etc. ; dandy home for working man on contract at $15 month, close in. balance $1090. Leaving town. Call at once. Miss, car, yet off at Fre mont. 2 blks. west. 1 south. 683 Missouri ave. LA URELHI'RST-ALAMEDA PARK homes. We have listed some beautiful homes in these districts. The prices range from $4000 to $7250. on terms. We will deem it a privilege to show you. Coe A. McKenna Co., Maia 4 522. ground floor Board of Trade. $2100 MODERN HOME $2100 5 room attractive home: electric lights and gas; white enamel plumbing. E. 47th st Va cant: immediate possession. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ON 4 7th ft, between Holgnte and like, is a 5 room bungalow with a full cement base ment. This bungalow is "modern and upto date. $2300 is the price. $300 cash is all you have to have. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abing ton bldg. $2000 SELLWOOD HOME $2000 7 room modern house: full lot Tacoma at $300 will handle. Vacant, immediate posses sion. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $200 CASH and 120 per month buys a modern bungalow which we will build for you on a 60x100 ft lofta Piedmont district Glad to talk it over with you. See Mr. Graham. The Brong Co., 267 Oak st WAVERLY HEIGHTS BUNGALOW A dandy buy at $2650; neat place. $300 cash will . handle. See this. J. Haas. 309 Chamber of Commerce. UNOCCUPIED house, barn, chicken house, fruit. garden; best school in city. Tabor 300. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ PARKROSE BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT AROUND PORTLAND. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS $25 DOWN. $15 MONTH. INTEREST 6 HALF ACRE TRACT FOR ONLY $750 Cement sidewalk, and paved . street No aa 2S,,men U cleared. Located on Sandy blvd. (The Columbia highway) Ptod ertj aloag this highway is bound to advanced Buy now. Put in cultivation, make a real home aite out of it J. L HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4 th and su Main 208, A-2060. Btarfc. BY OWNER " Corner 100x100. Shaver aad MaQory ava.; im aayle nd Phone 339 week THIN1. of this: A lot in Sunnyside. on E." FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. F1?L1?,re0J Heights, $1250. $150 down' $10 month. Inquire 411 East TtavW REAL ESTATE rOB SALE LOTS 14 KOSK CITY PARK Hare good lot in the beet residential part of Kose Citjr. : street improvement all m and paid. Will take aoto as payment. ' WAKF1KLKFBIES CO.. Main 14. 85 Fourth at. THREE lots 80x100. one corner lot. room for 4 cottages, near Ladd'a addition, on Division st. Improvementa paid, bargaia and ' easy terms to right party. Call 1080 Clinton at. Tabor 2784. Richmond ear.' ACREAGE 57 A NEW YEAR S OFFERING AX IDEAL PLACE FOB A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME OR A SANATORIUM Seven acre:, en a high bank of Clackamas river: house of 4 large rooms, kitchen, pantry and 2 storerooms on first floor: 12 rooms, 2 pantries and a dining room oa second floor: a summer house. 2 garages, aato abed, Russian bathhouse, with rest rooms upstairs, cement milk and crcura house, 2 chicken houses, with chicken run of lacre end 14 acre respectively; water piped from a spring to all houses and elsewhere on the premises where water is needed : a nice mineral spring on place, beautiful shade trees- and all kinds of shrubbery. A good place for fishing and an ideal place for swimming. The place cost to the owner, only a few years ago, over $20,000, bnt is new offered for the unheard-of price of only $7500. E. A. L1NDGHEN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. LOT BARGAINS 53xt50 N. facing on Killinesworth. 100 ft. west of Vernon, cement walks, $600i $100 cash, balance to suit. SOxlOO Cor., 1 blk. from Kennedy school, cement walks, $500. $150 cash, balance $15 per month. 50x100 Schuyler bet. 35th and 36th, all street improvementa in and paid, $600. , 50slOO 43d St.. 100 ft. south of Thomp son, all, improvements in' and paid, $1000. Terms. Kenton 50x100, Willis bird.. 100 ft. west of Brandon. $1200. Easy terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TEN JlCRES. NEAR HOLCOMB SCHOOL Ab'n.f-4 miles N. E. of Oregon City, near new Carver line; 5 room house, barn and well fenced; hfTrceti 5 and 6 acres under cultivation. Price 82200; mortgage 8800. Term-i $350 down, balrucc easy; or will trade for a house in Tort land. ONE ACRE. WITH A SMALL HOUSE A; Wilsonville. Or., close to school, postoffiee. electric station ai'd ceTeral stores; all under cul tivation, good well snd 3 bearing cherry trees. I'rice $550: terms S3SO down, balance on long time at 6 per cerr inter-' t. E. A. I.INDGRBN. Savon Land Co.. tl35 NJIV. Bank Bklr. BIG PAYIfOLlTs AND MORE INDUSTRIES GOING IN AT COLUMBIA CITY Choice acreage within a mile of town: rich, deep soil: good water; any size tracts; easily cleared. Main connty road through lands, connecting with Columbia highway at Colum bia City. Every inducement to settlers; easy terms. Low prices. Can also handle some trade. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 212 Lnmbermens Bldg. BIG PAYROLLS AN D MORE- INDUSTRIES GOING IN AT COLUMBIA CITY. Choice acresge within a mile of town; rich, deep soil, good water; any size tracts. Easily cleared. Main county road through lands. con-k necting with Columbia highway at Columbia City. Every' inducement to settlers: Easy terms. Low prices can a"lso handle some trade. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 212 Lutnbennens bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, $250. $10 down. $5 per mo., buys five acres of land between Portland and Centrslia on the main line of three railroads. 1H to 3 H miles from a good little town. Saw mills and logging camp in immediate vicinity. Some of this land is partly cleared, running stream, some bottom and some bench. This acre age priced from 2i to $75 per acre. Can give vou any kind of a piece you want. Bell Real Estate Co.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 room house and 'i acre, $850, $150 cash. ijerms. t 4 room, new house, bam. well and spring, 2 15-100 acres. Cow. chicken and pig, all in best of shape, 4 blks. of station, at Jennings Lodge. Oregon City car. $2900. $650 cash. Terms. Geo. Morse. Jennings Lodge, Sunday. Week days 309 Cham, of Com. CHICKEN RANCH 1 0 acre, close to A.mity. House, running water, part cultivated, fenced, enough of Um ber on it to ' pay for it. Sorn clear. All good land. $10OO. $200 down. $50 per year. 6 ner cent. 9 acres. 3 miles to Amity. Ysmhill Co.. sll fenced, r.ome oak timber, part in cultiva tion, fine soil, close to school. $700: $200 down, $ii0 per year. 6 per cent. Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 248 Stark st. 37.23 ACRES, near Shetidan, Or., small house and barn, about 15 acres ready to plow, fenced. (-stocked and equipped: mortgage 2 years, 8 per cent. $1228.50. Want Is-.rger trart of raw land, clear of incumbrance or Portland property. Will assume some on close in small bungalow. Price $3700. C. GUY WAKEFIELD. Broadway 492. 427 Wash. st. IF you want a suburban fme time work in city home and at the see us. We have shout 7 acres, all in cultivation, good build ings, on very good auto road. About 30 min utes' drive in auto, east of city. Owner is non resident and instructs us to sell. Price only $370. shoot 14 cash. This is a bargain. McChjre Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Ex change bldg. HAVE 56 1 acres nearly all in cultivation. fenced: 5 room house, 2 barns, small orchard, near Sheridan, Or., subject to mortgage of $2500 dne 2 years, 6 per cent, stocked and equipped. Want to exchange for nice bungalow close in, and will assume. Price tfiSftn C. GUY WAKEFIELD, Broadway 492. 427 Wash, st. TWO A C R K B A R G A I N Eight cent car fsre on the Oregon Electric Ry. House, chicker.house. shed for cow, all in cultivation, rich soil, for onions ' 'and garden, running stream all year, water piped to house. Will sell on terras. $1500. or will take Ford as part payment. P-972. Journal. 14 ACRES. 10 acres cultivated, balance easily cleared : good buildings, fine water, good road, near cariine. school and church ; stock and equipment: $3500, terms. 5 acres. $2600. terms, close to Vancouver; all in cultivation, good building, lots of fruit J. B. ATKINSON. 112 W. 6th. Vancouver. Wn. TWO ACRES CLOSE IN 7 600 feet to station. 25 minutes out. Oregon Electric, 9c fare; running stream all year: near park, school and stores. See this before you buy. Main 6882. Owner, A76 Corbett Street. 160 ACRES, 2 miles north of Toledo, on main road. 6 miles to Newport summer resort and Yaquina Bay; 40 acres tillable, balance hilly pasture land: creek and sprinzs on place, $10 per acre. W. H. Burley. 685 Irving st. Mar. 2963. FOR SALE! 25 acres on the Sandy Bluff road. 1 mile east of Cottrell. 20 miles from Portland, 17 acres in cultivation, fair buildings. fine creek on place, good soil, good location. Price $3i500. Terms on part at 5 per cent G. M A ndrews. No. 1. Boring. Or. Gresham 3 7 4 . 8 AND 6-100 acres, cleared and in cultivation, 1 mile from Clackamas station, no buildings. fenced and a well dug, $150 an acre. A few hundred; dollars down and easy terms on the balance. 1 7 Beaver bldg., Oregon City. 40 ACRES, 8 miles north of Newport sum mer resort. 2 miles from the ocean; ideal place t find good markets and good roads. $623. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving jt Mar shall 2965. 10 ACHES. 11 acres in cultivation; good home land barn; close to Vancouver $3500. 4 89 E; 84th st. Phone Sellwocd 85N8. FOR SALE One acre of fine berry and enr- Jflen land. Just east of Eastwood station. Cheap. Call B-1415. 21 ACRES, 7 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; small buildings; $2250; near Sher wood. 489 E. S4th st. Call Sellwood 3588. 40 ACRES, all in cultivation: good buildings, good orchard, 15 miles of Portland. $7500. 489 E. 34th st Call Sellwood 8588. TEN acres, all cleared, good soil. $600. $250 down. I,ong time on balance. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 8i:BtRBA ACREAGE 76 5 ACRE home on S. P. red car, electric line. between Aloha and Tobias; house quite new, with 5 rooms, bath 'and sun porch first floor. 2 bedrooms, sewing roqra and attic second floor; electricity and gas; living room has fire place and library, built-in bookcases, big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water sys tem with gasoline engine, berries and young orchard, balance of land under plow. Adjoin ing are 5 acres free pasture: price $6000; terms to suit P. B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 6454. SUBURBAN HOME TRACT 3 1-5 acres cultivated, on fine fishing stream. 20 minutes from heart of Portland, at electric Ry station. 7c fare. On good auto road Bull Run water. $4000. Terms. This is a choice homesrte. , R. M. GATEWOOD Ar CO.. 16514 4th st $350 GARDEN tracts, large enough for your vegetables, fruiti and can even have a few chickens ; city water and gas; $25 cash, $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. $800 THREE room bungalow and 80x110 cor ner lot; city water and gas; $100 cash and $16 per month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. SUBTJRBAW HOMES 79 THREE big acres of land with a house of 5 roosns, partly finished. There is a barn and chicken house) and yon can drive to within S00 feet of tills land on a hard surface paved street It is located close to the station on j the Ore gon City cariine and not as far south as Oak Grove. $2500 takes the whole thing. $300 cash is all yoo need. . M. J. Clohcasy. 4,1ft Abing toa bldg. t . H , , REAL ESTATE SUBURB AX HOMES 79 1 BIG ACRE on a paved street to the door; on this acre It t i room modern bungalow, fireplace and full basement; the land is highly improved and corner, with a variety of full bearing fruit; a modern house in the city will be taken in as part or all of the purchase price; this is one of the best and prettiest suburban homes at Jennings Lodge, only 4 blocks from the station. M. J. Cloheesy. 418 Abington bldg. I0 YOU want an up to date suburban borne with a new brick, modern nouse with all of the present day equipment, with 1 acre of highly improved land, all kinds of fruit in full bear ing, chicken houses and other necessary,, only 2 blocks from the station on the Oregon City cariine? The present owner is forced to sell on account of sickness, and the property can be bought for $1000 less than what the bouse coat. M. J. Clone-ay, 415 Abington bldg., HERE is another one snd the price is only $4250, with a modern up to date 6 room bouse facing the cariine. on a paved street al most to the house; there is 1 acre of land highly improved, fine chicken bouse and runs, all kinds of fruit in full bearing, and this is another where the price is less than the house cost to build. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. ONLY $1100 foe a 3 room house with a full brick basement and a full lot on 6c carfare; this house has such convenience as city water, gas. electric light and city school; $200 cash is all you need. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. TWO big acres of land with a 7 room house. new and modern, chicken houses and other necessary things. Assorted- variety ot fruits. This place is close to the station at Metzger on the Oregon Electric and can Te bought on easy terms. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. ON the red carijne on the west side, near Hills dale, is 1 acre with a good 6 room bouse, new and modern, assorted fruits. This is con sidered one of the prettiest suburban homes on the west side. $5000 is the price. Terms will be given. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. WHAT do you want? Here is a 4 room bunga low, plastered, with city water, gas and elec tric light, only 1 block from the station on 5c carfare; the lot is 50x80 ft And the house is a new house, practically; $500 in cash will buy the place. M. J. Clohessy.t 4 1 5 Abington bldg. A DANDY suburban home -place of 8 acres at station, on O. E.. 11 miles from Portland. fine auto Toad, all in cult.-, good set buildings i and orchard. The kind of place all want, $4000. '. J. R. WOLFF. 618 C. of C. bldg. ; ALMOST Vi acre with a 5 room bungalow and ! a new tzarage, 2 blocks from the station on I the Oregon City cariine, and the price is only ! $2000; $300 cash is all you need. M. J. Clo i hessy. 415 Abington bldg. - I FOR SALE FARMS i; 59 ACRES, all in cultivation, 42 acres 8-year ap- . pies, best varieties. 150 cherries and other fruits, best of red shot land, 7 room house, barn. 1 shop, and other outbuildings, fully equipped and stocsed with everything necessary; at Ky. sta.. near school, church, store. 20 mi. Portland: price $16,000. good terms. This place with equipment should bring $20,000. 20 acres. 17 acres high state of cultivation, balance pasture, extra choice land, level; 2 wells, 6 room house, barn, half mile R. R. station, close to church, school and stores; 30 dwelling within mile radius; price $oo00; J000 on or. V.,. f . . .- . K ....... it r.T- COCnn Mtlh rtr modern house worth $2500. You cannot dupli cate this. 112 acres. 75 acres cultivated, balance timber, at least $3500 eordwood' 6 room house, barn, hop house and other outbuildings, 20 miles Port land, 3 miles Newberg. 1 H mile railway station, near naved road, close to school, running water. very bet of sandy loam soil; price $100 per; acre, good terms. This is one of the best farms f in the Willamette valley. ' 14 acres, 9 acres cultivated, balance pasture, , running water, family orchard, good 6 mom house and barn; -choice black sandy loam land, t ! miles east of city; 3 miles raliway station, .1 H ; mile hard surfaced road: $4500, $1500 cash, ; $500 iter annum. 6 per cent. 10 acres, all cultivated, level, 6 r. house and : barn, orchard, close in; $3500; terms. j 5 acres, 4 a. cultivated, good well, small new hou-e and barn, near electric ry. sta.; choice land. Price $1100; good easy terms; 10 acres j more adjoining can be rented for $28 per annum. K. M. Gir8WOOD & CO.. 165 H 4th st. SPLENDID DAIRY PROPOSITION Consisting of 46 cows, 12 2-year-old heifers. 2 calves 8 months old. one 3-year-old -bull, 1 span of heavy horees, 1 mule, 8 mares and 4 colts. 2 sets of heavy harness, 1 set light har ness, 2 raddles, seeder, harrows, 3 cultivators. 3 wagons and racks, 2 buggies, 1 spring wagon, hay rack, 2 mowers, 1 kale transplanter. 2 plows, 1 new separator, 1 milk cooler, 35 milk cans, buckets and a lot of other tools, and uten Bils, 2 double harpoon hay1' forks, 1 single, 200 feet derrick. 1 new hay carrier, 8 acres of kale. 20 tons of grain hay. 30 tons ot straw, all the above can be bought for $7000. The rancli can be leased at $80 per month, con sisting of about 325 acres, of which 200 .acres is bottom land. One of the best dairy propo sitions tributary to Portland down the Columbia river. Ranch can be bought at a reasonable price and good, terms. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM FOR SALE 1040 acres of deeded land with plenty of out range for stock, 450 acres in cultivation, 150 acres more can be plowed, about 300 acres in fall grain, 50 acres under hog tight fence, good drilled well and 3 other dug wells, good buildings. There is considerable vacant gov ernment land in this locality that can be taken as homesteads; price $20 ger acre, one half cash, balance on easy term. HUDSON LAND CO., The Dalles. Or. $28, 000 RANCH FOR $10,000 Located in Clarke county. Washington. 10 miles from Vancouver. 1 14 miles from Brush Prairie on Ptage road: 160 acres. 80 acres iu cultivation, balance easily cleared; first class doil, no gravel, large 5 room house, barn, gran ary, brick smoke house ar.d all necessary out buildings. 2 wells 1 5 to 20 acres of swaii lan4. This place actually sold for $28,000 6 years ago. $5000 cash will handle. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CW1SE IN FIVE ACRE TRACT. 1 MILE 8OUTII OF TOBIAS ON S. P. ELECTRIC 0 Splendid 5 acre tract, about 2 acres in cul tivation, very large creek throng the place, 4 room bungalow with fireplace and sleeping porch, small 2 story barn, very large chicken hott-e, good well. Price $2350. $500 cash, balance to suit. This place has cojt over $3300 and is a wonderful buy. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES at a bargain. Good set of buildings, .stx;k, implements and feed. 5 miles from Portland city lirhits, 1 mile to school, church and store. H mile to cariine. Will divide into 10 or 20 acre tracts. Suitable for small fruit, chicken or dairy ranch. Buy a farm near the big market and sell direct to the consumer. If interested write to Box 193. R- F. D., Clack amas, Or. NOTICE We have moved to our new office In the I.umbermens Bldg. (5th and Stark), where we shall be pleased to receive our old clients and to meet others who desire to aiil themselves of our reliable service. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lnmbermens Bldg.- Phone Broadway 421. 'FORSALE, 5milesfrom Bend. Or.. 160 acres irrigated ranch. 135 cultivated, 35 in clover, timothy and alfalfa; level, deep soil, no rocks: 7 room old house, barn. 2 cisterns; reason for sale, am widow and alone: $3000 mortgage, 6 per cent interest. $50 per acre; half cash: 15 cows, 10 yearlings, 4 calves for sale. Mrs. Mary Knotts, Bend. Or. FARM NEAR GRESHAM 20 acres, all in cultivation, mostly in hay and grain, all good lands, on good road, beautiful sur roundings, 1 acre orchard, new hou-, barn, chrekenhouse. etc. Owner going east is reason for offering r.t $1400. Terms. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. , 188-ACRE valley farm. ,on O. E. Electric, 36 miles from Portland, Vi mile from sta. Nearly all in cult, best of soil, good set build ings and orchard. Bargain, $115 per acre. Might consider soma trade. J. It. Wolff, 618 C. of C. Bldg. 40 ACRES House, barn, hop house, gas en gine, water piped in all buildings, 25 acres plowed; acre in prunes, brought $350: price, $6500, terms. Also "5, 10, 20, 50. 75 acre farms. 417 Abington bldg. Main 5988. A BARGAIN 4 South of Reeville, 10 acres 'fenced, 7 culti vated; house, barn, other buildings, orchard, beiri ea, $2100; easy terms. CAMERON. 803 Spalding bldg. 23 ACRES prunes, cherries, and pears; $3000 income this year: close town ; will sell on easy terms and take house and lot aa part payment Claude Cole, 215 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP 40 A. 2 miles from White Salmon; will take home or vacant lots in Portland. S-775. Jour nal. 160 ACRES in Southern Oregon, 100 acres in cultivation, for sale or trade.. What have yout Call week days after 5 p. m.. or write 630 Miss, ave. 1 24 ACRES prunes, mile town; bldgs. worth $7000. Price $10,000; two good crops should pay for it; easy terms. Claude Cole. 215 Lnmbermens bldg. 10 ACRES bearing apple orchard, close electric stations and- good town. $1100. terms. To get this hurry. . CAMERON. 803 Spalding bldg. 640 ACRES of pasture land. A 'special low price has been placed on this for quick sale. $7 an acre. No trades. 3. Haas. 809 Cham ber of Commerce. " - FOR SALE cheap. 80 acre farm. 20 clear. 28 miles down the Columbia ; plenty water, fruit and wood. PhoneWoodlawn 1 068. $240010 acres. 6 room house, 00 cariine, 6 blocks tor. Borirlg. . acres : cleared. :, . Terms. Pbona Maia 211$. . - - 1 , . : ; R EAT, ESTATE run sale farms" ., REAL.-FARM BARGAIN WASHINGTON COUNTY This is undoubtedly the greatest buy in the state for a farm of this size. ' It is only 13. miles from the courthouse in Portland, on one of the best roads. Bee this. Don't fait 160 acre lOO. acres under cultivation, some timber, OO acres pasture, 14 acre prunes, some apples, - all bearing, all fenced with wire and rail. R. F. X. and telephone, etc.. 2 wells. 1 creek, windmill, gas engine and tank, good 9 room house, large barn, silo, blacksmith shop, prune dryer, slaughter ; boaset hog house, running water in all the buildings, modern plumbing in house, 8 thoroughbred reg istered Holstein cows, 3 grade cows, 3 horses, hogs and chickens. This farm is completely equipped with every kind of machinery needed, about 87' pieces. The feed on hand goes with the place and is 30 sacks tof wheat. 200 bushels oats, 5 sacks of rye. 6 sacks oats and vetch, 195 lbs. clover seed, 14 sack cheat seed, 2 14 sacks gray oats, 5 44 tons clover hay, 2 tons oat hay, 10 tons of ensilage. Price for everything $25,000, $6500 or $7000 cash. We have some 300 farms which com prise the cream of Oregon and Wash ington at bargain prices. We can and will please you. See us before purchas ing. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. f rRINEVILLE 0R.) FARM. Here is a farm that is irrigated with plenty of water arid a proposition that is hard to beat 303 acres. 20 acres level. 265 acres in cultivation and ir rigated, there, is. forest reserve for out range. A-l rich soil. 6 to 10 deet deep; family orchard, all fenced but 80 acres with woven wire; 4 14 miles from R. R , R. F. D. and telephone, school cross road. 1 creek, good road, 4 wells, 7 room house, good condition; barn, 30x 50; granary, 25 bushel capacity: ga rage, tool shed, hoghouse, chicken house, etc. Personal property: . 2 wagons, 2 plows, peg-tooth harrow, spring-tooth harrow, grain- drill, .mower., hay rake, half interest in header, hay fork and cables, all small tools, rj bead of good work horses, 4 head of cows. 1 bull. 4 calves, 8 hops. Price for everything $20,000; $7000 or $8000 cash. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TOLEDO. OREGON. FARM. Where2 the grass grows the year around. This farm is located on the coast, where little, if any,- feeding is done, 392 acre. 50 acres level bottom laud and under plow, 342 acres fine isssture, unlimited outrange, all kinds berries, 5 acres arples, pears, prunes, all fenced ;-with wire and boards, 14 mile to R. R. station, postoffiee, school, church, etc. ; numerous springs, 1 creek. 5 room good house, barn 32x32, hen house, smokjC house, goat shed. Per sonal property: Mower, rake, wagon, plow, harrow, cream separator, all small tools, 10 cows, ! spring calves, 75 goats. I'rice $9001); $4000 cash, balance to suit. See this. Don't fail. Will ac cept house in Portland to $4000. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE &. CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. JOSEPH. OREGON, & ARM. This farm is irrigated and is a money maker. If you want an irrigated farm you can't beat this .one. 320 acres, practically all level. 260 acres under plow and ditch. 70 acres in alfalfa. 30 acres clover, some outrange, 1 acre cherries, pears, apples, etc.. 100 acres fall plowing ready for sowing, soil is A-l, all fenced with woven wire and rail; 3 14 miles to R. R., 4 fine creeks on place, tine 7 room house, 2 barns. 50x65 and 35x50; hog and chicken house, cellar, granary, milk house. This place must be sold and will be 4pld. See it and make an offer. It is to settle an estate. ' I'rice $40,000. good terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , FOR SALE OR TRADE 200 acres 21 miles from railroad, 114 miles to postoffiee and store. 125 acres in cultiva tion, the rest is very easy to clear. All fencesd and cross fenced with good hog-tight wiring. The very best of soil. This place has a good 7 -room house, water piped into the house and on porch, all good outbuildings, woodhouse, blacksmith shop, milkhouse, hog house, wagon shed and a fine big barn with basement Good family orchard, 300 fruit trees, apple, pear, peach, plum, prune, quince and berry bushes. 60 acres of fall grain, including wheat oats and rye. There's a spring on every 40 acres; all g od farming tools; King Economy separator, riding plow, harrow. 4 -horse seed drill and cultivator and ail other necessary farming tools, gasoline woodsaw, wagon, buggy and harness, 5 work horses, 1 colt, 4 milch cows, 3 2-year-old heifers, fresh in the spring. I 2-year-old steer. 5 yearlings, 5 calves 7 months old, 2 brood sows. This place is fully equipped and ready to go to work. The reason I am selling is that ,1 am getting too old to work it I will sell or trade for smaller place up to about $0000. I want to locate in Oregon or Wash ington. This 200 acdes is located in Madera county, California. Everything goes with the place. Write to R. Loeitscher, owner, AUwahnee, Cal Price $15,000. FARM FOR SALE 388 acfe stock ranch, -about 40 miles from Portland: 80 acres in cultivation; most all in crop now, rest is good pasture land, some tim ber: can be over 100 acres" more put in culti vation ; part is now slashed and part is ready for plow now; spring and running water, good buildings; wired for electric lights, with power available; water piped to all buildings; all under good fence: some machinery goes with it Will take $56 per acre or small place in exchange; selling ou account of ill health. We have: 50 other farms ranging from 5 to 800 acres. I ACME REALTY CO., 208-9 Abington Bldg. Main 7478 560 ACRE wheat ranch, Wasco county ; heavy land, raises 25 to 50 bushels per acre"; good buildings, 4 00 acres in wheat; all goes with sale. Price $65 per acre. Consider good in come property. Very large valley ranch, well improved, full line cif stock and machinery: owner will consider other good property, in part Best of terms on balance. Price $70,000. lliehly improved farm. Western Washington; lot of machinery, fine buildings. Price $35,000. Consider Portland income property. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. EASTERN OREGON BARGAINS 1G0 acres. 10 miles from Redmond. Or., all fenced 4 0 acres under cultivafion and is under Tumalo irrigation project Price $10 per acre. 320 acres. 10 miles from Madras, Or., all fenced. 2 small houses, barn. 2 wells arid 2 springs, on main county road. Only $10 per acre. Will accept a Portland house in trade. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 935 N, W. Bank bldg. 20 Acres for Sale 19 H acres in - cultivation, family orchard, all kinds of small fruits; running spring on place, 6 room house,, barn, chicken house. All good level land, on vnacadamized road, 5 miles from Oregon City, 14 mile from electric road. Close to school, $4500. Part cash. Dill man 4 Howland, 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. 40 Acres $1500 Rich soil. Spring water. On hardsnrfaeed road. Located in lower Columbia river section. 5 ACRES GARDEN LAND All cleared. Near eity. On car line. Price $1500. A. K. HILL CO.. 214 Lnmbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. " BEST BUY IN OREGON 80 acres, 35 in cultivation; family orchard, 9 room house, fine barn, 40x80, chicken house, hog house, gratnary and dairy; on good road 23 miles from Portland. 1 hour's drive, with ma chine. Some stock and tools for sale. - Price. $8300. Terms to suit ALLEN St ALLEN 408 Stock Exchange FOR SALE One of the best 220 acre farms in Linn county, located about 6 miles east of Crabtree; crushed rock road from place to Al bany; well fenced, good buildings, better half under high state cultivation; some bottom land. 20 acres- clover. 30 acres in oats, cheat and vetch; price $100 per acre; $5000 cash, bal ance long time. Addresa C. F. Sargent. Scio, Or., or P-968, Journal. 198 ACRES, 2 boors to Portland and 2 miles to good town, 3 railroads and boat landing, 45 acres in cultivation: more not bard to clear; all good" soil, running water, bearing orchard, good buildings, close to high school and R. D., telephone in house; plenty of fuel. $5800; $1800 cash, balance long time. Box 97, Castlerock, Wash. ' FOR SALE 814 acres, $400 down, balance time. ' 3 room house, barn and outbnil lings: young bearing orchard, 21 trees; all kind! of small fruits; good spring, running water to irri gate. Well fertilized garden; clover meadow and fenced. Mary Fry. Scappoose. Or. A Real Bargain For sale or trade, 160 acdes of wheat land. 123 in cultivation; 8 horses, farm implements. Inquire 232 Alder street -. . FOR SALE lO acre- farm 3 miles of eity limits on bard surfaced road, 7 acres clear with mine on place will pay for the farm in 8 years; easy terms. F-986, Journal. RICH Albert farm land, part crop payments. Claud Col. 21ft Lumbermens bide . REAL ESTATE FOR - SALE FARMS 17 UNITED 1 ' , GRAIN GROWERS.' LTD.. OF CANADA A cooperative farmers company, owned; con trolled and operated by 38.000 farmers, a large percentage of whom are from the United States. For year ending Sept 80. 1918, this company handled over , , 29.000,000 BUSHELS WHEAT ; 4800 CARS LIVESTOCK and sold nearly $8,000,000 worth of farm im-n dements and merchandise at a net profit of $441,000. This amount represents the actual saving the farmers made in one year - by con ducting thAr own business. They own 843 ele vators, also large terminal elevators, and do tlieir own exporting to European markets. There are splendid opportunities for farmers on the broad, fertile prairies of Western Canada today for grain, mixed farming and stock raising. The United Grain Growers, Ltd., have sent a rep resentative to furnish reliable information re garding these opportunities to the fanners of the western states. They have eelectd a large li t of improved farms at prices of $25 an acre up, stock ranches and prairie lands as low as $15 an acre. No literature is published but reliable facta will be given by personal fetter to atl inquiries or will make a personal call. Address at once. United Grain Growers, Ltd-., McMinnville. Or. 20 ACRES, all good level land, practically all under cultivation, 5, room house, barn and necessary outbuildings, 7 mi. from Vancouver, on level road part of which is hard surfaced, 1 mi. from school, with rural advantages; price, for short time. $3750; $1230 cash, bal. 6. 60 acres, all tillable, 8 acres meadow, 30 acres in cultivation, fenced and crossfenced; weil at djpor, - 8 acres prune orchard, 50 winter bsnsna apple trees, large family orchard and berries: new 8 room house, large barn newly painted, new prune dryer cost $800, necessary outbuildings; together with 6 covfs, 3 heifers, hogs, team, wagon, harness, chickens, mower, rake, disc harrow, spring tooth harrow, separator, hack,; small tools; in the famous Prune Hill district;- prune crop this year sold for $3000; this yesr 14 of trees just coming into bearing; all rural advantages, only 2 mi. from town with $75,000 monthly payroll; best of soil, no rock or gravel; 10 mi. from Vancouver, on good auto road; price $11,500, 1-3 cash, bal. long time. 15 acres, all tillable, fine loam soil; 10 acres in high state of cultivation;' fenced-and cross fenced; fruits and berries of all kinds; 5 room honse, good bam. all necessary outbuildings; together with 1 horse. 2 cows, chickens, mower, rake, plow, harrow, wagon, hack, single buggy, cultivator, double set of harness, disc, and feed; only. 114 mi. from good Columbia river town which has a pay roll of $75,000 per month; price $4000. Will exchange for city property. Thompson, Swan at Thompson, 3d at Main st, Vancouver. Wash. 42 acre Willamette valley farm. . . .$ 3.500 19 acres near Vancouver, Wash. . . 4,500 50 acres near Cove Orchard. Or. . . 4. .100 207 14 acres near Elk City. Or 6.0O0 53 acres Willamette valley farm.. 10,000 78- ceres near Kstacada. Or 10..100 87 . acres near Estacada, Or 11,000 117 acres Willamette valley farm... 12.000 130 .acres near Washougal, Waah... 13.500 91 acres 5 miles from Oregon City 15,000 100 acres Willamette valley farm.. 15,000 440 acres near Hoseburg, Or. :.. 15,400 232 14 acres near Yamhill, 0 16,000 289 acres Willsmette valley farm.. 18.500 lOO acres Willamette valley farm... 20.000 256 acres Willamette valley farm... 32.000 48 14 acres 2 miles Ore. City. Or.. 11.000 Most of the above farms are stocked and equipped. They are priced right and are worth the money asked. Terms of payment are also such that they can be handled by parties who are looking for real farms in well settled com munities. Full . particulars cheerfully fur nished. Call or write to v -E. A. LINDGREN. L Savon Land Co. 935 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE, GOOD LITTLE FARMS NEAR CORVALLIS . A nice 5 acre place at city limits. Honse. barn, outbldgs., plenty fruit; acre loganberries; city water, sidewalk to house, $3600. 20 acres, 214 miles out. on good road. 17 seres heavy bearing prunes, bal. in cultivation. New house, 7 rooms, basement, wateT system; new prune' dryer, traya. boxes and all tools necessary to work orchard: good team, etc., $12,000. half cash, balance 7 per cent. 21 acres, 3 miles out on good road, 4 room house, new, large barn, chickenhouse, all new; 6 acres prunes. 4 acres 4 year, 2 acres 1-year-old: other fruits: 2 acres timber; $3600. These two places are in proven prune districts ard well located. FRED TOM KINS. Corvallis, Or. A BEAUTD7UL ACREAGE HOME. 10 feres, all tillable, 9 acres in high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced, good well of water st door, family orchard in full bearing, and all kinds of small fruits; new 4 room house, new barn and all necessary outbuildings, together with 2 fine cows, 2 year old heifer, one horse, plow, harrow, wagon, buggy, hay rake, chickens and all small tools: 1 acre in back part of place in timber, enough wood to last a natural lifetime. The land is tile drained, very best rich loam soil, no rock or gravel; only mile from country town and 2 miles from electric line; on county road with all rural advantages, 10 miles from Vancouver, macadam road to within "4 mile of place. Price for short time, $3000, $1250 cash, balance to stilt THOMPSON SWAN & THOMPSON, 3d and Main Sta., Vancouver, Wash. SPLENDID COUNTRY HOME. 13 MILES FROM PORTLAND 98 A.. 38 in cultivation, balance in pasture: family orchard; some besver--dam land ; 7 room house, electric light ed : large bare, granary, chicken house. , and other buildings: hard surface to Portland: R. F. D. route: 14 mile to S. P. and. 14 mile to Oregon Electric . line just like living In the city; only $125 per acre, terms: can you beat this price? See Mr. Richmond. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St 80 Acres 18 acres in cultivation. 40 acres - of -plow land when cleared. 3 acres of timber, spring and small creek, family orchard, 7 room house, barn. garage, outbuildings. . All kinds of farm implements. 17 acres .sowed to crop.. 4 miles from town and railroad. Price $4000, $1000 cash, balance 5 per cent, 6 per cent Dillman & Howland, otn ana Main ats, Oregon City, Or. CAN TOTJ BEAT THIS I New 7 room bungalow, fine well with pump n n n,n.h t.l.nhniu wnmi fmm barn Hotihle deck chicken house, new woodshed and separator room: 20 acres. 12 in cultivation. A-l sou; ronne orchard, assorted berries: on fine road 20 miles from Portland, 1 mile to 4 roomed school. Price $4-000. ALLEN ac ALLEN, 408 Stock Exchange Bldg, FARM. J 96. acres, good road, 6 miles from R. R. town. R. F. D cream Toute, telephone, spring water in house; 6 rooms; plenty of buildings including dryer: 4 5 acres cultivated, za crop, 5 orchard. $5500. $3000 cash, balance 6 years. 6 per cent. See Austin THE BRONG CO. Main 1743 26714 Oak St. lO ACRE well improved farm, 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash., good buildings, fruit; a splendid place; worth inspecting. Only $3000, good terms. GIBSON REALTY CO., A Square Deal to All. 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 6127. BUY THIS ACRi: $375. 1 acre of rich garden soil, in cultivation, all fenced, near Oregon Electric cars; pay $50 dawn. $10 a month. Coe A. McKenna 4c Co.. Jflin 4522. 82 4th st, Board of Trade. After 6 o'clock phone Tabor 8159. IF you are looking for farms in the best pari of the Willamette valley around Tualatin or Wilsonville. I can suit you with tracts ol trom 40 acres up, at prices away under what ad joining farms are held at M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. 320 ACRES choice sub-Irrigated land. 1 mile from Montague. Cal., 1-3 wheat, 6 acres alfalfa, past year, balance pasture, easily ckearod. No stump. Small improvements. Thomassen. Y. M. C. A. FOR REJTT FARMS? 14 PERSONAL PROPERTY FOB SALE FARM FOR LEASE Team, wagon and harness, 6 cows, sow and 8 pigs, new drill, binder, potato planter, potato digger, separator, gas engine, ensilage cutter, cultivator, about 20 ton of hay, 12 torts of ensilage; price $2000; cash;. farm consists of 80 acres, -.40 acres in cultivation, new ft room plastered house with full basement fair barn and all necessary outbuildings; water piped to house and barn, 2 acre- bearing prune. $590 worth of prune taken off place thi year, together with largw family orchard, large boaj lot - fenced with woven wire, nice spring stream, through plaee. The uncleared land i seeded to pasture. This is located 9 miles front Vancouver, ha aU rural advantages, macadam road to within 14 mile of farm: rent $500 Pr year. Thompson, Swan A Thompson, Third and Main sts,, Vancouver. Wash. A 76 ACRE farm, 80 mile from Portland, 20 acres cleared, half - of It in fruit; -rent in exchange for clearing nor land. .-Apply P O. box 97. Portland. 9 y ACRES, family orchard, ft room cottage. partly furnished, on river. Or. City car. Main 2528. . . FOR- RENT Improved 40 aero ranch: stock and equipment for sale. Call Sellwood. 2, from IS to 2 p. m. today. 250 ACRES, 2 miles C A. C. share or cash. Refe Owner. . 661 Gliama at. REAL ESTATE FARMS WANTED RENT OR RUT SH Wfi W ANT i 1 FARMS-. DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES We have buyers -for grain, farms, dairy and eroct raucties. located m Oregon or wasmngton. also for small acreage, close to Portland. 1 We have boxer for ft to' 10 acres, data to Tlgsrd. - - . 1 . Send as -full description or coma 1st and tell ns an about your ranch, if your price if at tractive wo will pnsh sale. THE LAWRENCE CO 203 Corbett bldg. Main 6915 A-231S. WE WANT "DAIRY RANCH I We have client who wishes to bay front' 200 to 600 acre dairy ranch within 60 miles of Portland and within 6 miles of Railway station : must have 100 acre under cultivation, j good water and pasture. If you have such a (ancb let us hear from yon. j . , THE LAWRENCE CO. 4 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. A-2815. WANTED TO RENT 1 to 5 acres. Improved-. close to cariine or station. Address J. W. Wortnen. 790 E. Salmon. 1 HOMESTEADS j 47 IF YOU DESIRE A GOOD RANCH HOME come with - ma to Central - Oregon see th very finest homesteads in th United State today, for alfalfa, grain, vegetables, stock; rais ing,- -etc. Today I call your special attention to some 74,000 acres I lust finished cruising Which was withdrawn in 190S for irrigation project not constructed and now open for homes teadlng in 320 acre tracts. 15 or 20 miles from! town of 6OO0 and close to new Strahorn railway. I Fine roasts, fine water, fine rich soil, fin rainfall, fine climate, fine crops already produced. A tine chance for a fine ranch with water available! when patented. Also many fine 640 acre grazing claim available nearby. For full details, piiotos maps, etc, see me afternoons or evening on Tuesday. Thursday or Saturday, or write for circular. G. S. Ehle ( government land cruiser) , 227 East. 49th st. Portland. . j 160 ACRES, relinquishment, good furbished house, close to store, creamery and postofilce. Creeks and springs. Price $450. C. '-W. Miller- shm. Alder Hotel. WANTED Homestead or relinquishment I close to Portland: E-978, Journal. j TIMBER J 18 COMPLETE sawanill outfit, including 2 sections .ll.., nln. llmh.r eniiiin 16.000.000 feet The plant has a daily capacity of 25.- 000 feet and is located ngnt near a rapiuiy op vekoping irrigated valley, where th entlr out put could be disposed of to farmers; f prio $32,000. Address H. M. Nolte, Lakevie. Or. 32"vr"IILL10N feet No. 1 fir timber, well lo cated, for only $15,000. A. P. Adams, out Lumbermens bldg. DRY poles and old growth piling wanted,; give seal. O. V. Gamble, uerunger oiag. 3 12 ACRES green timber, trade for team, or what F-990. Journal. I E X C H A X G E REAL ESTATE t4 40 ACRES 14 mile to electric station, 14 miles from Portland. S rcami house, barn 30x50 and other outbuildings, orchard, vineyard and small fruit plenty of wobd.and water. Want modern residence in PortlandPrefer N. E. section. 49 22 d st. East 7045. r 'I, if. XT want tn sell hia 7 room residence on Michigan ave.. with furnace, laundry trays, fruit room. Price $3500. Lot ooxiou. wm nioca from car. Would accept ft or 10 acre ntarTi BaK np to $2600 as part payment - i GODDARD A W1EDRICK. 248 Stars' st CLIENT wants farm of 20 to 40 acres, well inrnrnVMl in Willnmntill TalleT. US to $6000: wants to turn in his 5-rm. residence or paved street near Prescott and Grand ave. rnco f auuu. -No incumbrance. ' ' . GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Start st 160 OR 320 ACRES, Northern California, for sale, 1 mile to R. R. town, choice aub-irrt- raled land, artesian belt. 1-3 wheat pas year, (S acres alfalfa, balance pasture; small improve ments; take dwelling or acreage as pstt pay ment Thomassen. Y. M. V. A. j CLIENT wants to exchange 6-rm. house with bathroom, water, gas, chicken, house and park; also rarue: lot 100x100. Brice $1S00J Free of incumbrance for small improved acreage, aam value. - 1 GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 SUrfc st CLIENT will exchange 2 story store building with living rooms and 1 acre of .land . situated at Evergreen sta.. next to depot, price $2850. no incumbrance, for modern 6 or 6 -room bouse on E. side. Would assume some. . ! GODDAUD A W1EDRICK. 248 Stark; st lO ROOM bouse. 50x100 ft. lot, eloseln, east side, surroundings good, all modern conven iences; will exchange for close in acreage Ore gon City line preferred. This is priced; at vame. H-770. Journal. 20 ACRES logged off land 214 mile from May ger. Or., in good dairy country; also fine lot st 22 Alberta st, close to csr and school, for sale or trade for- house and lot in Portland. - Bee ownrr. J. 8. Johnson, 685 Bldwell ave. - j -TO TRADER 25 acres unimproved land lot house and lot in Alberta, Wood lawn or Ports mouth district Value $1800, unincumbered. Inquire 1029 E. 15th at North or 841 E. 44th St. South. ' !' - FOR sale or exchange, by owner, 118 A., 20 acres in cultivation, 1 14 mile west of Don ald, Or. Remainder easily cleared, would con sider city property. J. Kennedy, 424 Columbia st - Marshall 8710. EXCHANGE 76 acres, all equipped, 40 acre in cultivation, 30 acre seeded; 2 fin young hooes, 5 cows, plenty of feed.'ft-lB mile from Portland; $11,000. 48 E. 34 th it 1- Phong Sellwood 3588. j CLIENT will exchange 8 room residence with modern improvements on Kearney bear 23d ; lot 30x100; no incumbrance; price $5500. Tor grocery stock of same value. GODDARD A W1EPBICK, 243 Stork st F0II SALE or exchange, a fine 40 acr farm, good buildings; - all cultivated, near Es tacada. Or. Price $6000, will take soma trade, no junk wanted. C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. OK ROSE CITY PARK. 1 Have good lot in the best residence, Ipart of Rose City: street improvements all In and paid for; ' will take auto a! payment Wkefleld-Fries"-Crt.. 85 Fourth st Main 14. j WILL TRADE good city property for j an im nroved farm of 40 or 60 acte within 25 miles of Portland, in Oregon. ( Call Wbodlawn 3373 or 62314 Vancouver ave. I . 20 ACRES, all cultivated, good buildings, one mile S. P. denot: 800 yards to bard sur faced road: trade or sell on easy terms.! Price $7 500. Coe aV Forbe, 884 H Hawthorne ave. A I.OTS near. Osweao lake, not improved and not incumbered; will exchange for si good lot in Portland. Fred W. German Co.; 732 Chamber of Commerce. I EXCHANGE Portland property. 6 vacant lots, 8nringbrook Park addition, Mishasraka, -Indi ana, value $2600, 10 min. rid into eity Soath Bend. Call East 91, Mon. a. m. s WANT modern 6-rm. bungalow in good idistrict. p to $3000, in exchange for 2 acres unira proved, with good buildings, at Huber sta. GODDARD 4c WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st 4 8 ACRES', Clearwater county, Idaho, some tim- - ber. unimproved: 160 acres Central ; Oregon improved, either or both for California jr I'ort- land property. X-54 5.- Journal. I 1-3 EQUITY in 6 room modern bungalow 1 block from II. A. ear. I want lease and equip ment of small ranch or apply on small acre age close in. Phone Tabor 8812. j , EXCHANGE good $1000 equity in B room house. Woodlawn. nicely located. nr car. for hotel or rooming ' house, furniture,. Portland or other city, .W-677. Journal. , j 40 ACRES A-l upland, near Molalia. 'lit acres in cultivation. Trad for 2 to 4 act place near city. I J. it. WOLFF, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 28 ACRE farm. $1 fare Portland, clear; will ,xcliai;ge for house and lot Claude Cole, 2 IS Lumbermens bldg. J FIVE room hou and 3 lots, bam and or chard, for suburban home. 2 to 4 acres J. R. WOLFF, 618 Chamber of Cororueoe bldg. FIVE roomed house. 40 V4 acres, to trade for something near Portland or . Waah. OX 878, Journal. l 12S FEET on Montgomery st. ; 4 large houses; . cood income. Make an offer. Might con sider house to $4000 or $6000. T-8 4 2, Journal. IF you have bousecto trad for farms or sub urban becnea. I bare a large -li-t to select from. M. J. Clohessy. 416 Abington bfclg. 632' ACRES, ail stock and fnJmp1einetiU; will take- house and lot a first payment 676, Journal. IMPROVED ft acres for residence, residence for farni, farms for city property. Be ns lor good exchanges. Room 11. Mulkey bldg. Main 447U. 320 ACRES, wild, near Portland, 12 acre cultivated. Oreneo. Trad - for Idaho, or what hav yoaT 434 Morrison, or Mat, 6946. VANCOU Lot In Vancouver 4 'UyEB. B. 4yr sale t trad. What have your 1661 Delair ave. 20 ACRES of ' good land, 9 mile out j of Van couver, to trade for Portland property, Pbon Woodlawn .2889. -. . 169 ACRES raw land, $1 fir Portianrl, clesr; witt exchange for house and lot Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. - - VfUAZ TRADE fin Salem .property for 2 lots in Portland. l or lalgrouaMm call l a oof 1031. 6218 7 1st at 8. E. . J FOR TRADE 5 room cottage, comer, clear. In nnoxane, tor cone nous or restaurant, call 103O E. 17th st N. Alberta ear. I TO TRADE 100 acre good land, small bpild ing. good spring, water: clear of, debt; for noose or rooming nous.- isb, journal, 60 ACRES, 64 mile . from Portland; alls stocked, all kinds of tools, lor $5800; taka soma trade. RX-784, Journal. j S 0 ACKEW, all stocked, to trad a for 2 4 or 3 14 tu AKts, z " u. A. t;. will trad lor . C. Will trad i alfalfa and stoek ranch. Owner. 661 Glisan. 60 ACRE FARM. 1 mile from, carlin, to REAL ESTATE" v.iisuv. :r vl : statu h KvniiiK riat. lsiatk TV 1 ROOM bouse, on J2d srjjiue wutliea.st ... room house, on IMIh i,t. -southeast. .8 room hnuMt, on I'rewott st. .w.wt. ' o room honse, on 82d st southeast. 8 room honse, on 3uth ave. soutlteast. , . All of th abuv for small farms. m ?47. mcTr9 ""r Nawbnrg.- 2 tam. 7 cows. better, 80 sheep, 6 hosts. 175 acres under cultivation, 2 houses and good barn. 1 8 14 acres near Tillamook. .,." V 80 acres near Falls City, ' 2Qtacre near Oregon City. -' 1 14 sere, a housa and cldcken bouse on Ore gon City lin. - -2' acres", near Sifton. Wah. 7vh acre near Yoncalla, Wash. X 5fi ''I tan miles from Portland. All ot the above to exchange for city property. BROWN A BROWN " 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar.J1331. 2100 ACRE STOCK KANClI -Ti ftock rnrh f" Wheeler Co, 75 head cat tle, 16 horses, full farm equipment. 30 acre al falfa. 100 acre grain, BOO scree can plow now. Good house, barn, orchard. Plenty running water. Adjoins town, school, high school. Nplen did income. $20 per acre. ill take smaller ranch to $25,000 or some city property and cash. - i . - - R. F. FEBMBTER. 309 A-l.lngtn M.lg CLIENT waut unimproved acreage on har.i surfaced road, close to Portland, up to $SOOO, in exchange for 2 story residence of 7 rooms, hardwood floors, old iory finish, lot 87x1 1 2 no Incumbrance; macadam street paved. sitiutM near E. Taylor and K. 20th sts. Price $:.oo0 2d floor of 8 rooms now rented uufuruished lor J.V Owner lives first floor. iiQPi'A".' WIKPUU 24 3 Stark st. -FOR EXCHANGE 6 room modern rfiouw, built in buffet and bookcases, bath and linen client; fireplac and furnace; large concrete basement! connected with sewer; wash trays and gas; iargs attic and sleeping porch; berries and fruit trees; ' 60x100 foot lot Want smaller house in Monta viila. 6 rooms. 253 E. 70th -st N., Montavili csr. . 160ACRES, a whest ranrli. in th adjuiim.g county to Walla Walla; no mortgage, every thing icler; the owner will take in exchamr for this ranch an up to date suburban home to the valu of $5000; thia will be an even trade, a he balds, th ranch .at $5000: if you want -wlieat farm hm 1- .......... I .... . . . , Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. ' , ' LOS ANGELES FOItOHEGON FARM Beautiful modern bungalow on spacious, sight ly grounds, in splendid suburb of Los Angele.s. An ideal Sou. California home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, semi-tropical -ruit anil, nut trees. Garage. $6000, clear. Tit I good l-f ley farm. Price must be right. -i R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington Bldg, TRADE story block. Rooms above, etor benestu. Income near $700 per month. All clear. $11 O00. Will take 60 per cent trade, good farm property. Balance easy terms. See -Austin. THE BRONO CO.. Main 1743. 26714 Oalr'st. . CLIENT want 6-rm. bungalow.' with attic, on . paved street, in exchange for his 2 story 6-rm. residence near Prescott and E. lltb at. Hous has full cement basement and floor, laundry, $3000' SOOd Ban," wlth cement runway. Pric GODDARD A WIEDRICR", 243 Stark st. MAKE MONEY WITH STOCK, "ill . trade 8, E, Oregon, parti y improved farm, high school 1" mile. Mores, abundant out range for stock. Take ; rwidence or acreage no to $3000. .Miss hlecomb, 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266.- - ! . EXCHANGE income business building ami a fin modern equipped dwelling in Fprwst Grove, Or., for equipped farm. J. A. CAMPBELL owner). Forest Grove. Or. 160 A. TIMBER, 6 mile to It It., on macadam road, good tie timber! also cedar mill; sell chess; i. Will taka part or' all in. city property or farm. Q-869. Journal. ' - i 40 A. TIMBER cheap: must sell; will trad foi house in city or part payment on small farm. S-776. Jopmal, EXCHANGE 3 house for farms, or sell cheap and easy terms. East 6161. WANTED REAL ESTATE HOME OWNERS. .ATTENTION If you want to sell a house while the "selling is good," sea us. W have been commissioned by several prospective purchasers to find fi them various types of home properties ranging in price from $2000 to $10,000. - These pros pective purchasers rely upon us Xn select foS them home -properties which are, in our Judg ment, just the properties to suit their require ment. If you' waut to sell quickly, and youl pric is right, ws can get quick action for you. W know vsiHes snd refuse to offer for sal properties which ar not. in our Judgment, con sidered good buys. We have a contract with on of the best photographers in Portland to t.nk large photos of home properties which we offel for sal. This service free to home owners, THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., SDefrialist in Horn 1'routirtie . W 270 Stark street i Main 8062. OVER $300,000 HOUSE SALES ' ' - W bar sold over 14 million dollars' worth of houses since January 1, 1918, "a house a dsy"; w ar in touch with the majority of purchasers"; hav many buyers for: modem homes in Itor City, Hawthorne, Alberta and Peninsula dis tricta.' I personally inspect and photograph list ings; four experienced real estate sale men wtta auto to show your property, .List your property with ns for result. - ' FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1008. Successor to II. D, McGuir Co. Established 1880. WANT HOMES ON WHICH Smaller places can be given as part payment One in Laurelhurst up to $8IOO. $2600 6 room home as part One in Piedmont np V $5B0, $3000 Irrington Park bungalow aa paVt. Want $3000 bungalow, $1000 Wondlawn bom si part . Want 8 room and sleeping porch horns. good location, up to goooo; a.ioou modern bungalow as part This party ha clear lot on Flanders at, value $2000, will go up to $65110 if lot can go in. " i J. C. CO KB IN CO., 805-6-7 Lewi Bldg, NOTICE W hav moved to otir - new office in th Lumbermens Bldg. (Sth arid Stark st I, where we -fthall be pleased Jto receive, our old clients and to meet others who desire ho avail themselves of our reliable service. A. K. HllJi CO., -214 Lumbermens Bldg. phone Broadway 4 21. HOUSES WANTED If your pric la light and your terms ar rea sonable, list your property witli. me. I am oa the - Job until sold. Mail me full description with yonr lowest price snd best terms. I hav a big waiting lint especially for modern, up to dat bungalows. Come in or mail tut your ht today. E. W. HUGHES. 607 Journal bldg. NO P1IQN E YET. PORTLAND LISTING EXCHANGE If you wish to get quick ranlta in celling ymil residence, business opportunity or acresge call and se us. PORTLAND LIST1NQ EXCHANGE ' Main 7435. 5Q6 Swetland bldg. WILL ay cash for neat, modern 3 or 4 room bungalow in good location close in. $900 to $1600. - ' A. K. HILL CO., 214 Tumhermen Bldg. Phone Broadwsy 421. WANTED Acreage or , proved -tip homjilsl 1(1 ; Josephine or Curry county; have good sut or East Portland - lotato trade. Give particu lars. H 891. Journal. "DON'T WORRY" ' 1 can sell or trsde .anything anywhsra. Layman, 147 Park St WAN T land inold Mexico. Swank. -517 Henr bldg. ; -. WANT 6 or room buiitjalow, east aide, 14. cash or good auto as imrt. g-65W,' Journal. WANTED -Home; have cir vacant lot som cash first payment. Y-W75, Journal. . WANTED, to buy-interurban home" or acreage. Address 971 E, 29th st. N., Portland. -. ROO.MIWG HOUSE r Get in Mv Automobile And I will quickly and comfortably show you the best buys la rooming and apartment house. in Portland. J. BRUCE JJODDARD. 8f2COUCH BLDG. "MU8TJE SEEN TOBB APPRECIATED 19 rooms, dean as a new pin, full to Hi guard all the time, clearing over $100 pet month, A-l location. . . I ' J. Blitl B GOIMMKIJ, 602 : COUCH I BLDG. WANTED Partie looking for rooming or apart men I honae to buy, of any six, to call at 481 Cham ber of Com. bldg. We have a romplnt listing. A sonar deal to all. Ms In 6127. WANT to trade a 42"room rooming house, west side, heart of city, good trade, low rent, for a ft or 7 room modem house with cement basement. In a good location well in, near car llne; no agents.' Y-938. Journal. NICE. CLEAN 12 ROOM"" ROOMING HOUSl Full of good roomers, mostly housekeeping. Cheap rent, good location, $800, J. BRUCE GODDARD, . 502 COUCH BLDG. CASH or t.-rru. My 9-room apt. Iioum, l.n, always full, no Junk, fin location, complete!! furnished. Bargaia if taken thin week. Leaving. Beet buy In city. 4IZ 10th at STOP dancing to the music of tb-latulialy ; buy - yourself a rooming house on easy terms. Sea I. BRUCE GODDARD. . " t 602 COUCH LLDO. ROOMING) boua for sale; 11 rooms.' abipyaij location, nice and clean; pric $800 cah. S7 -a st, BOOMING housa for saje; 24 housekeepir'l PW UMk t "H 14 til . priCaJ . tOUV 820 2d st - 14 ROOMS, steam heal, a snn. CO rootns, cheap rent, $1200; 14 rooms; rnt, $10, $225, Room 1 1, M Hike y bid g Mam 4 379. IF TOU want to- sell your rui.oiniu' ioti-e . H. W. GARLAND, 188 3d. Maia 8ui-. aichanga for city property. 0-786.1 Journal - - f it