The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 04, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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' i r
'f t
rdgram 3s iven in
Coimty Sunday School Dohvention
. . -: . : ' i
Team of Men Promijient in De
nomination Throughout the
Country to Start Things.
, .Tomorrow It Is Planned to Enroll
' Entire, Membership to Service
v of Church'and of Fellow Man.
" The rresbyterian church In the United
' Btates In confronted with the new con
ditions and problem growing out of the
" i-wae and has organized a movement to
' . fleal with them. This is called the new
era movement and is concerned chiefly
with the inspiring of the churches so
- that they may be ready to grapple with
1 . theme new conditions. The movement
1" will be Inaugurated in Portland on Janu
ary 20 and 21 at the First Presbyterian
church by a team of men prominent in
the church and In the country.
Every Oregon Presbyterian church Is
expected to observe Sunday. January 6,
as the new era movement's "reenlist
' ment day." when the keynote of the
. - movement is to be presented by the
pastors. Cm reenlistment day it is
i planned to rcenlist the entire member
ship of the Presbyterian church in the
service of all the activities of the church
and In the service of one's fellow-men.
It la designed to make this a sacrament
; ' of allegiance on the part of the whole
' The movement Is designed to concen
trate the church's activities and aim
: to create a great spiritual reawakening
and to manage the finances of the
church on a modern business basis by
presenting onebiidget Instead of many
. all united under one presentation. The
', great reconstruction problems arising
out of the war re to be given spe-
' clal consideration under the new era
' movement.
', ; ' It ia now planned to appropriate half
million dollars for stricken Protestant
. j churches in France, Belgium and Italy.
.and another half million dollars for the
-.- reparation of young men who went forth
to war from Presbyterian homes and
who return from the front wounded and
1 unfitted for normal service. The church
budget for the coming year is set "at
. $13,000,000. While the new era move-
. 'rnent has this large financial function,
"Ha hief aim la essentially spiritual and
, ' It designs to help solve the social prob
lems that are arising in all parts of the
i nation. Community service is especlal
.ly'to be stressed. The church will con-
aider as Its first task the alleviation of
sorrow, sickness - and need of any kind
-In the community, i The homes that have
I been touched by war are to fee given
special consideration.
The old-fashioned American custom
t of family prayers Is to be reestablished
. In the home, and 'the young people of
'the church are td be enlisted as "com --
rades" of" the new era.
.Presbyterians from the Northwest
, have "been in consultation with mem
;. sobers of the new era ' staff and with
, Charles N. Wonacott, associate general
: ,, secretary of the movement, and have
brought back to Portland the message
" that the new era movement is one of the
greatest spiritual forces" and reawaken
j ings that any church has ever vexperi
i enced. The Portland conference Is de-
signed to be to the churches in this sec
I tlon what the training camps were to
' the army. It will equip officers for the
, ( new era movement forces.
. Some of the church leaders who are
( to speak at the district conferences to
be held throughout the nation. Including
.': the one here JanrTary 20 and 21, are:
Rev. William Hiram Poulkes, D. D..
.formerly of Portland and now located
In New York as general secretary of
4 the new era movement ; Rev. J. Frank
Smith, D. D., moderator of, the general
assembly and pastor of the temple at
j Dallas.-Texas; Rev. John A. Marquis,
-,: J IX D.. secretary of the board of home
( missions. New York ; Charles N. Wona-
- - cott formerly of Portland, now asso-
elate secretary of the new era move
jment : Dr. W. Ej. Blederwolf. the well-
known evangelist ; David McConaughy,
I expert n church finance and steward
ship; Dr. John McDowell, from Balti
more; Dr. A. W. Halsey, secretary of
the board of foreign missions. New
p-Tork. The music will be in charge of
t Charles M. Alexander, who has trav
eled with the late J. Wilbur Chapman
. in evangelistic meetings. Meetings will
f fee held morning, afternoon and evening.
Fresbyterlaa men and women are urged
reserve these days for this purpose,
j More detailed announcements of pro-
y gram will be given later.
: Service Will Be of
Dedicatory Nature
In keeping with the spirit of the first
Sunday of a new year, the services of
. ,, Sunnvslde Congregational church
- , will be of dedicatory character. The
pastor, Dr. J. J. Staub, will speak on
. subject of a particularly appropriate
j and helpful character. In the morning
bis theme will be, "The Fuller Christian
, Dlsclpleshlp." In connection with this
. service the Lord's supper will be cele
r - brated and a goodly number of new
members will be welcomed into fellow
. ship. The topic of the evening dis
, course is to be, "A Race With an As-
- sured Goal." r
The New Day
Tilt P. M. Orgas Recital. Wltfc
" Mrs. Gladys Morgaa Farmer
, Presiding -
- s l T'. 3tL SERJMOX
"The Best Before"
The ark of the eoveaaat west before.
Osr soldier boys r best west be
fore. BOTH SERTttOTfS Jffff TEAK'S
City 23eaconcss 3fs
mi s trie (Sp worth
lit ' - r, . - . - 7
til .r -"-,
a?- -t - '
J-j r r'?- -- - " : f - , r,
fj , - j t uinWar i-.
Vi x ''ir . , - , r j- r
til r v ; ' J5& -V 5-4
Miss Delia Milligan
The Portland district Epworth league
has elected Miss Delia Milligan, Metho
dist city deaconess, as their new dis
trict president. Miss Milligan came to
Portland over two years ago from
Chicago, where - she was engaged in
young people's work. For two years
Bhe assisted Rev. C. C. Rarick at Cen
tral Methodist church, having charge of
the Camp Fire girls. During this time
she also found time to assist jn the
Albina mission rescue work, which was
at that time partially supported by the
Epworth leagues.
Fallowing the last Oregon conference
Miss Milligan was made city deaconess,
to assist Dr. W. W. Youngson. For the
past. two seasons Bhe has been .instruc
tor at the.Kpworth League institute on
successful Junior league methods.
Miss Milligan ia regarded as an effi
cient young people's leader, and, there
fore, a bright future is looked for by
local Methodist young people. The Port
land district embraces all Methodist
churches from Garden Home to Seaside.
Lieutenant to Preach
Lieutenant H. P. Vlckery will ad
dress the Sunday morning congregation
at the First United Evangelical church,
of which Rev. J. A. Goode is pastor.
Lieutenant Vickery has had some inter
esting war experiences. The pastor will
preach in the morning.
Hockley to lUddress
Fred Lockley, "The Journal Man
Abroad," who recently returned from
a year on the French front with the
Y. M. C. A., will recount his experiences
Sunday evening at 7 :45 o'clock in the
open forum at the Unitarian chapel,
Broadway at Yamhill street. At the
Second Sunday After Christmas
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
Throb Oppresses Israel." Exod. l.:l-14:
1-25. For young people nd adults. "Modern Op
pression." Exod. 1:8-14; 2:1-8; Amos 8:4-8.
For Intermediates and seniors. "A People in Sore
IMi-tress." Exod. 1:1-14; 2:1-25.' For juniors.
"Israel in Bondage in Kgyp-"-Eol. 1:1-14;
Golden Text: "He will saTe the children of
the needy, and -will break in pieces the op
pressors." Psa. 72:4.
Young Peoples' Topics
Baptist Tnion: "Worth While Life rurpesea."
Ptot. 3:1-18 (consecration meeting).
Christian EndeaTor "Worth While Ufa Pur
poses." Ptot. 3:1-18 (consecration meeting).
Junior Christian EndeaTor: "Stories About
Jesus." I. (Calling of - the Disciples) Matt.
4:18-22 (Consecration Meeting.)
Epworth Ieague: "Our Relation to God;
Praying.' Mark 11:1.9-28. (Morning watch
aerrice. )
Vnt White Temple. 12th and Taylor ReT.
William A. Waldo. 11. "Time Measured by
Tears." 7:30. "Life's True Equipment in the
Morning of the New Year."
East Side E. 20th and Salmon Her. W.
B. Hinson, lte. Herbert T. Cash, assistant. 11,
"A Good Cheer for the New Tear." 7:30, "The
Unseen World: The Facts and the Fads."
Third VaneouTer and Knott Re. Webley
J. BeaTen. 11, 7:45.
ArleU Rt. W. Garnet Handley. 11.
"What the Follower of Christ May Expect."
7 :30. "Beginning All 0er Anew.'
MontaTilla 11. 7:30.
CalTary E. 8th and Grant Ber. J. E.
Thomas. 11, 7:30.
Glencoe E. 45 th and Main Ret. F. C.
Laslett. - 11, 7:30.
Sellwood Bethany ReT. T. 3. Broom field.
11. 8.
4 ; race E. 78th and Ash. 11, 7:45.
Highland Bst. Ed O. Cofer. 11. 8.
VniTersity Park ReT. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 7:45.
St. Peters Lents ReT. P. Beutgen. 8.
10.30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Para ReT. E. V.
CHara. 6. 7:15, 8:30, 8:45, 11. 7:45.
ft Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rer. J. C.
I'urhes. 6, 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
Si Patrick 19th and SaTier ReT. Charles
TH. Smith.. 6:30. 8. 9:15, 10.30. 7:30.
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine leT. J. II.
IJark. 6, 8, 9. 10:80, 7:30.
I -n maculate Heart of Mary Williams and
t.tMiton ReT. W. A. Daly, 6, 8. 9, 11, 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas ReT. E.
S Olson. 6, 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:30. j
St Rose K. 53d and Alameda ReT. J.
O FarrelL 8, 10.30. 4.
St Andrara E. 9th and - Alberta' Bar. J. 8. 10 :30. . 7 :30.
The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou Bit.
Gsorg F.' Thompson. 7:80, 9. 11.
Ascension E. 78th and Yamhill -Franciscan
Fsthera. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Blessed 'Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Hi"l. F, W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
Ilcly Cross 774 Bowdoin Rer. O. Raymond.
8, 10:30, 7:80.
St. Ignatius 3220 43d at. S, E. Jesuit
Fathers. 8:30, 8, 10:30, 4. "
hi. Stephens E. : 4 2d and Taylor ReT. War
IMl A. Waitt, 'S. 8:30, 10:8O. 7:80.
Poly Redeemer Portland blTd. and YanconTer
aw ReT. William J. DeTina. 9, 10:30, 7:30.
Phillip NVri (Paulist Fathers) E lath
ami Hickory ,. . W. J. Cartwright. 7 :80.
9. 10:30. 7:30.
3U Clements S. Smith t. and Newton
Seilit Fathers. , 8. ,10:30. 7:30.
"What Shall We Give
to This New Year?"
Sunday morn ins;, li o'clock, and In
the evening, 7:30 o'clock, "CLIMB
ING HIGHER will be two. interest
ing eubjectsby the Pastor; Rev. Jag.
T. French. The church will be warm.
First M.E. Church
4 : . South
CHIEF RED FOX Sirinual Jfleeting .
Blackfoot Indian Will Be Speaker
In Evening at the First
Christian Church.
Chief Red Fox Shiuhushu. a northern
Blackfoot Indian, who is riding: with
his cousin. Black Hawk, through the
country on their ponies, will spend Sun-day-In
Portland and is to speak in the
evening at First Christian church.
Red Fox was granted two interviews
with President Wilson recently In be
half of the Indian race and citizenship.
He also addressed an audience of about
35,000 people while In New York city.
This address was printed In the Literary
Digest of June 1. 1918. Chief Red fox
carries credentials from noted men of
the nation, including governors, prom
inent clergymen and Secretary of War
Baker. He generally reads a few of
these letters when he lectures.
Red Fox Is the most high chief of the
TlpI order of America and Is a real
American Indian. The chief will ap
pear Sunday evening In full tribal cos
tume, embellished with 15.000.000 beads.
The. chiefs topic will be, "Patriotism
of American Indians and Citizenship,"
or "Am I Not My Brother's Keeper?"
At the close, Red Fox will display a
flag presented to him by the secretary
of war and will also sing "America" in
the Indian tongue. " Rev. Harold H.
Griffis, pastor of the church, will pre
side at the evening service and will
preach In the morning.
Pentecostal People
Take Baptist Church
The former home of the Kast Side
Baptist church. East Twentieth and An
keny streets, is now being used by a
group of Pentecostal people as a mis
sion houset Services are being directed
by W. A. Smith, who has been engaged
In Pentecostal work In the city for sev
eral years. Meetings are being held
three times on Sunday, and on Tuesday
and Friday evenings. The main auditor
ium of the church is reported to be well
filled on Sundays.
Miss Brown Directs Choir
The choir of Calvary Presbyterian
church is now under the direction of
Miss Netlas Brown and will furnish
music for boh services Sunday. The
evening service will be a song service.
The public is cordially Invited to both
Unitarian Jforum
morning service, the pastor, Rev. Wil
liam G. Kliot, will preach.
The adult class is to begin a study
of the Maccabean period, Sunday morn
ing at 9 :45 o'clock. The "Young People's
fraternity meets at 6 :30 o'clock Sunday
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center ReT. G.
Rot 8, 10:80. 7:80.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Ray. J.
Confminsky. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and FmQ
iig Bt. F. Matthew. 8, 10:80, 7:80.
KL Joseph (German) 15th and Couch ReT.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian! 4th and Mill ReT. M.
EhJestra. 8. '0:30. 7:30.
St Clares Capitol Hill ReT. J. Capispram
8, 10:10.
fct Charles E. 33d and Alberta. ReT. J. P.
O'Flynn. 8, 10:30.
Ai: Saints E. 39th and Glisan ReT. Father
V-.llim Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and Columbia Her. Harold H.
Griffis. 11. "Tha Crystal Christ." 7:45. "Pa
triotism of American Indiana and Citlaenship, and
Am I My Brother's Keeper," by Chief Red Fox
Skiuhushu, Northern Blackfoot Indian.
East Side E. 12 th and Taylor Key. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, 7:30.
Montarilla E. 76th and Hoyt ReT. J. W.
Jenkins. 11. "Go Forward." L2:30, basket
dinner. 2:80, roll call and business meeting.
7 :30, eTangelistic serrice.
Rodney Arenue Rodney and Knott ReT. J.
F. Ghorinley. 11, "The Miracle of Incarna
tion." 7:30. "SalTation by Grace."
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty ReT. Joseph
I. Boyd. 11, "The Challenge to Christian Stew
ardship." 7:30, "SaTing Faith." m
Christian Science
Lesson subject: "God."
First 19th and Ererett. 11. 8.
Second E. 8th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
- Fourths VaneouTer aTe. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth 62d st. and 42d aTe. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple. 3B8 TamhiU. 11. 8.
SeTentli Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Co na relational
-First Park and Madison Preaching by Dr.
i-ioya L. Douglas, pastor of Ann Arbor
Congregational church
Communion serr-
ice. 7:45.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th
Preaching by ReT. W. G. Kent.
; and ETerett
Sunnyside E. 3 2d and Taylor ReT. J. J.
Staub. 11, "The Fuller Christian Disctpleshtp."
7:45, "A Race With an Assured Goal."
Highland E. 6th and Prescott KeT. Edward
Constant. 11, communion and "The Call of
Christ." 7 :30, a New Tear'a message. "Looking
Warerley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
11, 7:30.
Laurelwocd 4 5th are. and 65th st. 8. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri knd Shaker. Rer. Robert
Murray Pratt. 11, "The Fun of Beginning
Again." 7:80. "The Contents of a Boy."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Key. Samuel
NeTala. 6, 7:30.
tlniTersitjr Park ReT. C. H. Johnston. 11,
7 :30.
Trinity 19th and ETerett ReT. A. A. Morri
son. 8, communion serrice for men. 11, "The
Christian Appeal to Young Men."- 8, "Chria
tianity; A Religion of Good Cheer."
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tha Martyr
13 th and Cimj Rt. ReT. W. T. Sumner, bishop
and preacher. Sundays. 7:45. 11, aerrice by
Rct. Robert 8. Gill of Salem. Week days, Wed
nesday, 7:30 a. m. ; Friday 9:30 a. m. ; Holy
day, 7:30.
St. DaTids E. 12th and Belmont Rer.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, men's commun
ion eerric.. 11. preaching by. E. A. Mcintosh of
Tanana. Crossing. Alaska. 7:30, "What Is Steal
ing in the Twentieth Century f by rector.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Ker. J. G.
Patton. rector. 7:30, Holy Eucharist: 9:45.
school; 11, Eucharist and sermon; 7:45, eren
song and sermon.
St. Andrews Hereford St., Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7 :80 p. m.
Grac Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Bar.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
-Good Shepherd VaneouTer and Graham
Rct. John lJawson. 11, 8.
St. Michaels and All Angels E. - 43d and
Broadway KeT. J. F. Bowen, yicar. 8. 10,
11, 6. (
Church of Our 'SaTier 60th aye. and 41st at.
S. E. Bar. E. H- Clark, vicar. 7:80 and 11
a, to. w' '
' Bishop Morris MemorialGood Samaritan
hospital Rer." Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:45.
8t. Pauls Woodmen Eer. Oswald W. Tay
lor, 4. v -
. All Saints 28th and Barter ReT. Frederic
K. Howard. 11. "
Ft. Johns Memorial K. 16th and Harney,
Sellwood. r Bt. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:36.
t,f. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bar.
W. A. M. Breck.,Ttcr. 10. 11. i.
: atTonealleail
First E.- 6th and Market Rer. E. I. fiorav
ehuch.. 11. 8.
Free MathodM - j
" i Central E. 65 th and Flanders Rer. Tf. K.
Will tSake Pace
January 14 to 17
gaHE Multnomah County Sunday
flk 1" School association Is to hold its
A I annual convention in Portland
Bgr January 14 to 17. in the White
Temple. The sessions are to be
conducted as a school of methods and
will not be the old fashioned convention,
full of written reports of past achieve
ments. Harold F. Humbert, general sec
retary for Oregon, has arranged a four
day program similar to a college course
and those who attend will have an op
portunity of hearing experts discuss the
various phases of Sunday school work.
The program is arranged so that It will
not be necessary for anyone to attend
every session in order to gather data for
their own school, but definite hours have
been set aside on each day during which
time specialists in Sunday school work
will lecture and conduct classes.
One of (the unique parts of the pro
gram Is that all speakers will be west
ern men and women who have made a
success In young peoples' work. Promt
inent among these are : Professor James
F.- Bwing of the First Presbyterian
church ; Walter G. Moore, general sec
retary of the Western Washington Sun
day School association ; Dr. John H.
Matthews of Seattle and Mr. Humbert. ,
One of the big features of the conven
tion will be the pageant, "Armenia's Call
to America," which is to be delivered on
the closing night by local Sunday school
Following is the tentative program as
outlined by Mr. Humbert :
3 p. m. Devotional, Charles A; Staver.
3-.15 "A Community Program for Re
ligious Education," Rev. Harold F. Hum
bert 3:55 Children's division, "The Cradle
Roll," Mrs. K. R. White.
3 :55 'Young Peoples' division, "Train
ing Young People for Leadership," Mrs,
M. B. Meacham.
3:55 Visit exhibits.
7:30 p. m. Children's divison. Mrs. J.
W. .Wilkins, presiding. Methods of Il
lustration : "Story Telling," Harold F
Humbert ; "Use of - Pictures," Miss
Georgia Parker ; "Sand Table," Mrs. S.
E. DuBois.
7 :3Q Young Peoples' division. "How
to Teach a Class of Boys."
7:30 Adult division, "Organization of
the Class," Ellton Shaw.
7 JS0 Administrative divrsion. Profes
sor J. F. Kwing, leader, "Publicity and
the Budget."
8 :20 General assembly : music ; ad
dress, "The Master Teacher," Rev.
Joshua Stansfield.
3 p. m. Devotional.
3:15 County association reports.
3 :55 Children's division. "The Begin
ners' Department." Mrs. C. A. Morden.
3 :55 Young Peoples' division, "Child
hood vs. Youth," W. C. Moore.
3 :55 Visit the exhibits.
7 :30 p. m." Children's division, Mrs. J.
Coffee. 11. preaching by ReT. J. A. Hopper
district elder, 2:30, "A Trip to Inhambane, East
Africa, by Rer. J. S. Mae Geary of t. mcago.
T:30, preaching by ReT. J. S. Mac Geary.
First E. 9th and Mill Rer. A. Beers. 11,
"PreTaillng Prayer and the Destiny of the
Church." 7 :30, "Hell's Gassing the Christian
First E. 85th and Main ReT. Homer L.
Cox. 11, "The Christian Faith." 7:45, "Spir
itual Alienation."
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath serrioes Friday
at 8 p. m.. Saturday. "10:30 a. m. Sunday. 10,
in Portland academy bide., 13th and Mont
gomery. Religious school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays,
Congregation Aharia Sholom -Park and Clay
sts. Rabbi H. Abrahamson, Friday. 8 p. m.,
Saturday. 9:80 a. m.
Latter Day Saints
Church .of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30.
St. Jame W. Park and Jefferson Rer.
William A. Brinkman. 11. 7:30.
8U Pauls E. 12th and Clinton ReT.A.
Krause. 9:30, 10:30, 7:30.
Our SaTiort E. 10th and Grant Rer. M.
A. Christenseu. 11, sermon in Enelish.
Trinity Williams and Grahem--ReT. J. A.
Reinbsch. 9:15. 10:15, 7:30.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and' DaTia Iter.
Wilhelm Petersen. 11. English serrice, subject,
"Where Your Treasure Is"; 8, Norwegian serrice,
subject, "The New Year and the New Life."
Grace English Mason and Albina. 10:30,
Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Glisan Rer.
F J. Epiing. 10:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rer. L.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30.
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan
ReT. C. J. Ltdin. 11, 7:30.
Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rer. J. C.
Rollins. 11. "The Forward Look"; 7:45. "An
Hour With Father Time." Inspiring music by
chorus choir at both .meetinjrs.
Central VaneouTer and Fargo Rer. A. R,
Maclean. 11, 6:30. address by Chaplain Du
bois of Vancourer Barracks; 7:30, preaching by
Chaplain Dubois.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and" Powell 'Rer.
John Parsons. 11.
Epworth 26th and 8a Tier ReT. Stanford
Moore. 11. 7:30.
First 12th and Taylor Key. Joshua Stans
field. 10:30, 7:30.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rt. Elias Gjerding. 11. "A Call of God for
This Hour"; 8. "Enlisted for Serrice."
Lents Luclen B. Jones. 11, 7:30.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Key. F. A.
Ginn. 11, "The Present Day Task, of the
Church": 4. Epworth league, in charge of Jose
phine Handler.
Montarilla E. 80th nd Pine Rer. Hiram
Gould. 11. 7:30. ., .
Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Olin
Kldridge. 11, "The Church in the' Home';
7:30, "Temporal Anxieties and .What to Do-
With Them.".
Rose City Park Rer." D. Lester Fields. 11.
"To Whom Shall We Got"; 7:30. "The Joy
of the "Christian Life."
Sellwood Rer.-W. S.' Gordon. 11 7:J0.'
Sunnyside E. 35th and TamhOl Bey. B, E.
Smith. 11, 7:45.
- St. Jons W. Learitt and Syracuse Rer. J.
H. Urine. 11. 7:30.
Swedish Beech and Borthwick Her. Abel
Eklund. 11. 8.
Unirersity Park Fiske and Lombard Bey.
J. T. Abbett. 11, 7:30.
Vaneourer Are. Norwegian Danish Skidmore
and Vancourer. Rer. (X J. Rynniag. lil, a.
Westmoreland Rer. F. A. Ginn. 7 -.30. -
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur
gette Short. 10:30, "How May Wo Lire- 1919
Undismayed and Unafraid!": 12:15. school.
District superintendent, Rer. William Wallace
Youngson, D. D., 691 E. 62d at N. Tabor 2790.
M. C. South t ? '
First TJnlon and M ultnoma h Re r. James T
French. 11, 7:80.
Nazarene .
First E. 7th and Conch Rer. C Howard
Darin. 11, 7:80.
Sellwood E. th and Spokane -Kev. B. H.
Morse.. 11,7:30. V -
Brentwood- 65th are. and 67th st Rer
O. U. Fowler. 11, T:30. - " '
Highland Park E. 14 th and KiUingsworth
Rer. W. P. Keebaugn. 11 8.
ScaaJinaTian Rer.. 7.- G. Rrtnaxl.v,! tt -
xirst l -in ana Aiaer Ker Jnhi. it n
t. John H. Boyi
10:80. talk, to members by pastor; 7:i "Can
a- Man Escape Hi Pastt" - ,
Westminster East 1 Tfh and Sc!lUTler--Ttr
Edward, H. Pence. 0.30, 7.80.
W. Wilkins. presiding. Special services:
"Worship." Miss Vlda Nichols; "Wel
come." Mrs. Walter Oill ; "Birthday Of
fering," Mrs. .A. B. Slossen.
7:30 Young rfeoples : divlsldh, "Utilis
ing the Group Instinct; W. C. Moore..
7:30 Adult division. "The Home De
partment," Rev. II. H. Farnham.
7:30 Administrative . division. Profes
sor J. F. Ewing; "Sunday School Rec
ords." 8:20 General assembly (Young. Peo
ples Night) ; music ; address, "The Dol
lar a Year Man," W. C. Moore.
3 p. m. Devotional.
3:15 "The Necessity for Trained
Leadership." Rev. Harold H. Grlffls.
3 :55 Children's division, "The Pri
mary Department," Mrs, J. II. Zehrung.
3:55 Young peoples' division, "Look
ing Over the Wall," W. C. Moore.
3 :55 Pastors" conference. Rev. W. A.
Waldo, leader.
Visit the exhibits.
7:30 p. m. Children's division, Mrs. L.
C. Phillips, presiding; "Music in the
Sunday School ;" "Home Cooperation,"
Mrs. K. C.. Knap p.
7:30 Young Peoples division, "The
Social Activities of the Class," Mrs.
Catharine Ordeman, presiding.
7:30 Adult-division. Adult Courses'of
Study : "Women's Classes," ; Miss Grace
Page ; "Men's Classes," Rev. W. H.
Amos ; "Parent Training," Mrs. Robert
7:30 Administrative division, W. C.
Moore, "The- Superintendent and His
8 :20 Assembly. Prayer on behalf of
the Sunday schools of Oregon. Address,
"Winning Hie Children," Mrs. E. C.
3 p. fn. Devotional.
3 :15 "Missionary Education," Miss
Violet W. Johnson.
3:55 Children's division, "The Junior
Department." Mrs. J. Earl Else and Mrs.
E. C. Knapp.
3 :55 Young Peoples' division, The
Girl Problem," Mrs. F. N. Rogers.
3 :55 Pastors' conference, Rev. W. A,
Waldo. leader
Visit the exhibits.
7 :30 p. m. Children's division, "Les
son Presentation," Mrs. E. C. Knapp.
7 :30 Young Peoples' division, "Round
Table," "What My Class Is Doing," Har
old F. Humbert, presiding.
7 :30 Adult division, "Service Activ
ities of the jClass," J. Earl Else, presid
ing. " 7 ;30 Administrative division. Profes
sor J. F. Ewlng, "Special Days."
8:20 Assembly. Pageant: "Armenia's
Call to America."
In one side of a new driving gauntlet
is set a watch of the ' wrist type and
a tiny dry battery electric lamp to illu
minate it.
Central E. 13th and Pine. ReT. Orlando B.
Pershing. 11, -In Memorium," communion
serrice: 7:30, "Sealed Orders."
Calrary 11th and Clay Rer. R. W. Rogers.
10.30, 7:30. Music by new choir.
Mt Tabor E. B5th and Belmont Rer. Ward
MacHenry. 1-, 'Ixyalty to Christ" and com
munion; 4:30, resper serrice.
Vernon 1 9th and Wygant Rer. J. R. Lands-
oorougn. li, 7:0.
Piedmont Clereland and Jarrett Rer. A.
L. Hutchison. 11, mid-minter communion
sernce ; 7:30, song serrice. '
Fourth First and Gibbs. 10:30, sermon by
Rer. Leri Johnson; 7:30, serrices by other
speakers music led by Mrs. Hotchkiss Street.
Kenilworth E. 84th and Gladstone Rer.
Paul E. Ratsch. 11, "The Sacraments"; 6:80,
school of missions; 7:45.
Hope E. 78th and Ererett Rer. Floyd E.
Dorria. 11, 7:30.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, 7:80.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rer, Theo
dore P. Smith, pastor. 11. celebration of -tha
sacrament of the lord's supper; 7:30, "The
r orgireness or Sin.'
Anabel Rer. John E. Nelson. 11. 8.
Millard A renue Rer. W. Lee Gray. 1 1
"The Real Thing " ; 7:30. "A Tempted Leader."
erentn Day Mdrentlst
Note Regular serrices of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Ererett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:15.
, Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft haH, 10th
and Taylor streets. 11.
Montarilla E. 80th and Ererett Elder J
Gerhart. 11.
Lents 94th st. and 8th are. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11.
St. Johns Central are. "and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E 60th ehd Belmont Elder W.
T, Hilgert. 11.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Rer. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
( Scandinarian Sixty-second near 40th are. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. t 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11.- 3:15. 8. :
Corps No. 4 128 First Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11, S, 8. .
New Church Society 381 Jefferson Ber.
William R. Reece. 11, "Death a Gateway
to a Larger Life."
Church of Our Father1 Broadway and Yam
lull Iter. W. G. Elliott, Jr. 11. "How Can
I Best Employ My Timet"; 7:45, "Dug-outs
and Sand Bags on the Western Front." hr
iFred Lockley. 1 - .
united Brethren
Conference auperintendent Rer. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison ReT. Byroa J.
Clark. 11, "Consecration and Concentration";
7:30; "The Philosophy of Prayer." Chorus
Second E. 27th and Sumner.' Rer. Ira
Hawley. 11, "Christian Loyalty," by Rer. G.
E. McDonald, superintendent; 7:30, "Putting
the Church to the 'Test," by pastor.
Third 67th st. and 82d are. 8. E. Bar.
E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Man's Perplexities" :
7 :SO. "At the Door."
Fourth Tremoat Rer. C. P." BlanchanL
kErangelistic campaign to start. 11, 7:30,
preaching by Rer. R. G. Somerbn.
United K range! leal
First B. 1 6th and Poplar Rer. J. A. Goode.
11. "The High Calling of the Church"; 7;30,
serrice by Lieutenant H. P. Vlckery.
United resbyterlan
Ftast E. 37th and Hawthorn Her. H. F.
Giren. 11. "A Task a Man'a Size"; 7:30,
"Which Do You Chooser"
Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco .
Rew.' 8. Karl Du Bois. 10:30. 7:80.
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rer. George N.
Taylor. 11. "Why Do Ye Despise ? v ; 7:80. "He
Whom Mark Saw."
' Miscellaneous
Christian and Missionary Alliance K. - -9th
and Clay Rer. John E. Fee. 11. 7 :80.
Realisation League 186 Sth Rer. H.
Edward Mills. II, 8.
Christedelpbiau 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church of God 863 Failing. 11. M.
'First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery
Rer. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8, 7:45.
Geepel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 10:80,
13,15. 7:45.
lien's Resort th and Burns ids Bar. Leri
Johnson, superintendent. 8.
-New Cirilization 407 Tilford bids. Dr.
Beth NorthinsrtOT. 7 :4ft.
Dirine Science Tilford building Rer. T. M.
Minard, pastor. -11.
Unirsrsal Messianic 8 1 8 Abington buOding.
11. 8r-"Watch to Behold Perfection"; study
class. Wednesday, 8 p. m.
Glad Tidings-- Hall Rer. Charles Woolley. 8,8.
i Second Spiritualist Alisky Hall Rer. Mas
Hoffmao,: 8, 8. "The Spiritualist ew ri'ear
Message. , . ... - . 1
Expert Advertising to Acquaint
People of Centenary Move
ment All Over Country.
' A treat plan of advertising; and news
paper publicity la beinsr planned toy the
Method let Centenary committee in the
near future, according; to the announce
ments of Dr. Charles A. Bowen and Dr.
A. Lincoln Howarth of the local office,
who have Just returned from a New York
conference. The general directors of
the five year movement announced that
a former newspaper man had been se
cured to represent the work in each
area of the nation and that It would he
the duty of these men to eee that the
secular press received all valuable news
concerning the great Methodist move
ment. No definite dates have been set as
yet by the central board, but within
a very few months the church expects
to call for volunteer subscriptions to
the Centenary, which Is also known as
the Methodist reconstruction program.
The Centenary aims are to build up
Methodism throughout the world, and es
pecially to look after those who have
been made destitute by "the ravages of
The Centenary is the outcome of a
big celebration that is planned for Co
lumbus, Ohio, June 20 to July 7 of " this
year. At this, time missionary leaders
of the world are to gather together and
celebrate the one hundredth anniversary
of "the organization of missions in the
Methodist church. A suggestion was
made that a campaign be carried on
to fosterjthe work to still greater pro
portions. This was adopted and " the
great Centenary movement had its birth.
The church is asking the world to give
$80,000,000 within the next five years to
better the conditions of those who live
In darkness.
The old Columbus fair grounds have
been leased by the Methodists and are
now being remodeled to meet the re
quirements of the great missionary cele
bration. All local Centenary workers
plan to attend this celebration. r -
Dr. Morrison to Take
Up Timely Subjects
"The Christian Appeal to Young Men"
will be Dry A. A. Morrison's subject In
Trinity Episcopal church, Sunday morn
ing. In the evening he will speak on
Christianity being a religion of good
cheer. There will be a special corporate
communion for men iin the chapel at 8
a. m. Men are urged to come to, the
morning service because a drive is on In
the Episcopal church to enlist them in a
movement for the care of returning sol
dVers'. The Christmas decorations have
not been removed, ' so those attending
Sunday may enjoy ttyeir beauty.
Church Program for
New Year to Be Given
The prjogram for the new year of the
East Side Baptist church will be given
Sunday jmorning by Dr. W. B. Hinson,
after which he will outline the way he
believes will secure and guarantee God's
blessing on ' the work of the church.
Baptism, followed by the Lord's supper,
will be observed after the sermon, when
a large number .will also be received
into the. church. Sunday evening Dr.
Hinson intends to discriminate between
the facts and fancies of the unseen
world as presented under spiritism.
Problems of Today
Dr. Waldo's Topic
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the
White Temple, takes the occasion of the
first Sunday of the new year to bring
some elements of present, day considera
tions and problems before his congrega
tion. Jn the morning he will refer to
elements relative to the importance of
life in Its present conditions and the
acquirements necessary ' to meet the
world in Its ' present day construction.
In the evening, at 7 :30, he will give
a Scriptural presentation of the posses
sions of life and' the necessity o obtain
ing true- values, as an equipment for
service. .The Temple quartet will ren
der appropriate music. A hearty invita
tion Is given to the public to attend both
St. Davids td Hear
Alaska Missionary
A , missionary from Central . Alaska
will speak at Si. Davids Episcopal
church Sunday morning at- 11 o'clock.
E. A. Mcintosh, who Is a member of
the Tanana Valley mission with head
quarters at Tanana Crossing, comes to
speak as the representative of Bishop
Roweif Alaska. This service will be of
great interest to the public. Mr. Mc
intosh may be able to address the Sun
day school at 9 :3f o'clock. -There be
ing two Sundays in the Christmas-tide
this year, the choir will repeat .the
Christmas music at 11 o'clock, singing
Gounod's great service and one of the
Christmas anthems. There will be a
men's communion at 7 :30 o'clock, " In
accordance with the suggestion of the
Swedenborg's Words
' Are. to Be Explained
Revi William S R. Reece 'will present
the subject. "Death, a Gateway to Larger
Life,- Sunday morning In his sermon,
aa explained in the writing of Emanuel
Swedenborg for, -the New Christian
church. - New members will also be re
ceived ' into the ; society at this service.
Class study of the inner meaning of the
Bible will be held on Tuesday evening
at S . o'clock : at . the church i home, - S31
Jefferson street; u v -
Will E Speak at Atkinson
Rev. W. J. Kent wilt occupy the pulpit
of Atkinson. Memorial Congregational
church Sunday, morning, and evening.
The public .is cordially Invited to wor
ship . with this ' church, . where visitors
will always receive a cordial welcome.
rirv slafiwood and blocks. Ifolman
Fuel Co.. Main 353, A-3353. A$v. j
patriotic and WLc
Snown pastor 311;
(Gardner to
' M '
Dr. E. II. Pence
tn account of a slight . indisposition.
on tne part or Dr. Edward II. pence,
pastor of Westminster Presbyterian
church. Lieutenant John H.. Gardner,
former chaplain of the Seventy-fiflih in
fantry. U. S. A. t Camp Lewis), will
occupy the pulpit morning and evening
tomorrow. Dr. Pence's illness lis not
serious, but as a precautionary measure
his physician ordered him to remain at
home. ..''-. ' ;( j I
Lieutenant Gardner's subject at! 10 :Z
will be, "Common Sense de Luxei and
at 7:30, "The Unity of Choice.- le has
just come from Camp Lewis, where he
served during the war, having resigned
to accept a call to Fort Street .Presby
terian church,. Detroit, as associate pas
tor. He formerly held the position of
assistant -to Dr. Pence, when thjej later
was pastor ' of that, church. ' ' ' i ,.
J. Hutchison, organist of Westminster
church, la also ill and . his place will
be filled temporarily, by Mrs. Warfen 'E.
Thomas. . .-. . .... . . . . J
Dr. John H. Boyd Will, Discuss
Church Conditions and Also i
Explain New Era Movement.
Dr. John H. Boyd has issued a spe
cial invitation and urgent - appeal for
every member of his congregation to be
present at the' services Sunday, when he
desires to speak. to his members! "In a
simple and direct way of the conditions
Within the church and the duties and
opportunities, now arising." He will "also
explain the .great new' era movement
of the denomination to. his congregation,
In keeping with the uniform plan out
lined for every Presbyterian pastor In
the nation. At the evening service Dr.
Boyd W411 preach on individual recon
struction as the great need of the hour.
Where Are the Dead?
' . ' : feVAXOELIST
will answer the question from the Bible
"Can he Dead .Return : to- Us ow?"
Sunday Night at 7:45 o' Clock
- - '"I."'' ''''': '
ChristeiuenY HaH
llth St. Between Morrison and Y in kill
, ... ' A .
,TO ANOTHJ'.B'V . jj '-.""'
Hear this explained Sunday morning
at the. j
til Jeffenoa Street, 11 e'CIOck
: W3r.,B. BEECE, MlaUter i .
I I . I mm
''T i . j-ii
v ' - La i ' '
1 Yij 1
- -...-'- n
I ih
The Service Tomorrow Morning at
1 0:30 . 1 One of Vital ' Importance
wish to speak to you in a simple and
: direct , way oK conditions within the Church
uand of duties and opportunities now arising,
t dhall outline a program of future develop
ment for the ChurchJ ' -
J ask of you a hearing
Let every member' be pres
ent and meet this request of
. ; Your Pastor,
Series of All Day Services to Be
! Conducted Sunday at hfteenth
and Hoyt Streets.
Rev. Charles Ausplund, Formerly
T of Local 'Congregation, - Will
Greet His Old Friends.
The thirty-fifth anniversary of the or
ganisation of the Swedish Haptlst
church. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets, is to
be celebrated Sunday In a series of all
day -services. At 10:30 o'clock Tlev.
Charles Ausplund of Tacoma. h former
pastor- of the church, will be present
and will deliver the Sunday morning
sermon. This Is to be a great Jubilee
service. - The Sunday school will follow
at '12 o'clock. - A special service 1s
planned for 2:30 o'clock, which will be In
charge of the Baptist-"Voting : People's
union- of the church. A number of spe
cial 'speakers, are to :be present anil
reports of the past year s work are to
he read
A light lunch IsJ
rs! rvrlr as rA 1 t aba
to le served at R
wishing to remain.
for the evening service will be welcomed
by the church- '
- Rev. O.: C. Wright, general' secrets!
of Baptist missions. Is to preach In t'4
evening on, "ye Must Be Born Again
The pastor. Rev. Gideon SJolander, win
preside at the various services. Special
music has been provided by the choir .
for each service. ' . - -
Sunday's special services will marl
"th beginning of a series of revival sen
Ices to- be held. each night during tli( ,
coming week, except Saturday,. '
All members of the 'church are a 1st
requested to attend the annual business,
meeting lni the church tonight at 7 :3)
o'clock. ' : ' ; -
White temple
Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe
. : Bearer
M US. EMMA X. POWEI1S, Soloist
: 7l4 P. H-sEATs PRKJS
( ' " '
l-i , - ' ' ' t " '
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' i . 'A
' . I -
: y -'' ' ,
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