14 THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND, - FRIDAY, JANUARY" 3, 1919 HEAT ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES $1 ; $2800 REAL HOME BARGAIN ...j- room, bueolnw type boune. with den and -leaping- porch. Urine room with fireplace, din--lng room with buffet; Dutch kitehen. full ce- . Burnt basement, fruit room and laundry trays, - electricity and gas. whits enamel plumbing. On . Woodward are. near K. 9th. Pared treet, close to ear. Price only $2800. Term. One of the , best barm In oar of flee. Autos at your service. " Start th New Tear rich. Bnj home. I will help you make your down payment if - Becwssary. See FTUNK L. M'GUIBK, ABINGTON BLDG.. ifo Buy Your )(om. Main 1068. A BUNGALOW FOB 5500 TABOR 69 $2850 PIEDMONT DISTRICT $2850 J Hera -la a very attractive modern home, large Bring room with fireplace, paneled dining- room. china, closet, built-in eoureniences in kitchen: 2 : light, airy bedrooms. 3 white enamel plumbing fixtar-' in bathroom, elect, and gaa: good ce taant basement, garage, on pared atreet clone ':. to car. Price $2650, eay terms; no mortgage rer atreet liena. I will help you make your down - payment if necessary. See FRANK L. MGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. i To Buy Tour Home. Main 1088. i ' ' Nrt FURTHER REDUCTIONS- WILL BE MAD; ON THIS HOCSK $2t00 Formerly $3250. Well worUi $3500. j, 8 rooms, attic, strictly modern, bteu i ttful fixtures, all built-in Including ' writing desk, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, garage. Corner. Go ing ft. Tared and paid. 3 A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Etch, bldg.. Stark, bet 8d and 4th. Main 53. 'LARGE.' fine riew home rite, went side, city ; water and : gas: price $350f $25 cash, bal-nca-$5 pertoonth. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett .bldg. rOB BALE jOTS I THREE lot 80x100, one comer lot. room for 4 cottage,, near Ldd' addition, on Division t ImproremenU paid, bargain and easy -term to Tight party. Call 1080 Clinton at. Tabor 'ST84. Richmond car. ; "R"-SA1.E improred corner lota, good loca " tion. Broadway 2205. ' ACBEAOB 7 PRUNES ARK KING J 5-ACRE TRACT mile to town .and electric line. ; Toung orchard, 0 years old, bore 2000 lbs. tbia- year. Beautiful country . home that will bring you fine returns. . - Nice neighborhood. Only $200 per acre. $450 caah, -balance good term. Bee us quickly. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4183. 809 Oak at. 'fclCf' PAYROLLS AND MORE INDUSTRIES GOING IN AT COLUMBIA CITY. , Choice acreage within a mile of town; rich. "sleep aoil. good water; any sine tracts. Easily - ' 'cleared. Main coflnty road through land, con necting with Columbia highway at Columbia 1 Oity. Erery inducement to settlers. Easy ..term. Low price can , also handle some ..' trade. 'SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., - , 212 Lumbermen bldg. .0 ACHES nr Unmdee and Newberg. Fine ; - Toads;- 4 meres in prune., Rich soil: no Bill land; fine ttam; splendid 8 room painted ', house, garage, barn; many other building; im provements ' Tallied t 12500. Can b ' pur chased for $3000: -terms. John E. Howard, .15 Chamber of Commerce. ' FOB SALE FARMS 17 -40 ACRES, 18 cultirated. balance fine timber - j and pasture, new 5 room house, good out bldgs.. flna spring, water piped to house; 2 horses, 2 ood cows, some chickens. 2 miles of good town . on grarel road. Price $2500, good terms. 8 acres. mile of town, good road. 2 acres In eultiratlon, balance ash timber and pasture; " woten wire fences; no bldgs.. 8600. Term. , 4 Acres. 1 mile of town. 1 acre cultirated. remainder slashed. Small house and chicken bouae, woren wire fence, $600. Terms. 84 acres, close to town, good road, lib here cultirated. 4 room, house 24x24; good well, barn, poultry house. Price $1100. IB acre, near depot, good house and barn, 1100 per acre. Land is all clear. $1500. ' 20 acres. 1 2 acres in eultiratlon. sown to fall wheat, balance timber and pasture. Good bldgs. Price $3000. anus- , iiKQ JJORSE, 809 Cham, of Com. ' " FARM-FOR SALE - 888 acre stock ranch, about 40 miles from Jortlapd: 80 acres in eultiratlon; most all in ' erap now, rest is good pasture land, some tim- - ber: can be orer 100 acres more put iu culti vation; part is now slashed and part is ready .far plow now; spring and running water, good building; wired for electric light, with power 'reliable; water piped to all buildings: all unller good fence; some machinery goes with it. Will .take 856 per acre or small place in exchange; : Sailing on account of ill health. We hare 60 other farms ranging from 5 to ; 800 acres. ACME REALTY CO.. t08 9 Abington Bldg. Main 7 478 " STOCK AND GRAIN FARM FOR SALE f; 1040 acre of deeded land with plenty of eut rang for stock, 4 50 apres in cnltiration, ": 160 acre more can be plowed, about 800 acres In fall 'grain?-50 acres under hog tight fence, " good drilled well and 3 other dug wells, good buildings. There is considerable recant gov ernment land in this locality that can be taken a homesteads; price $20 per acre, one half cash, balance on easy term'. - HUDSON LAND CO.. r ' The Dalles. Or. . NEWBERG BARGAIN A Portland bank has taken'-over 115 acres, two miles south of Newberg: 72 acres in cul tivation; fine prune orchard in full bearing, farm house. 2 barns. All good land. I-and in this location fells at $150 per acre. Bank aays sell and the price is. only $12,500, on easy 'terma. JOHN E. HOWARD, f .315 Chamber of Commerce. -rOR SALE One of the best 220 acre farms in - Linn county, located about 5 miles east of Crabtree: crushed rock road from place td Albany-; well .fenced, good buildings, better half -tinder high state cultivation; some bottom land. '20 acres clover. 30 acres in oats, cheat and Vetch; price $100 per acre; $5000 cash, bal ance long time. Address C. F Sargent, Scio, Or.. or,P-9S. Journal. - 10 ACRE well improved farm. 6 miles from Vancouver, Wash., good buildings, fruit; a splendid place; worth inspecting. Only $3000, c good terms. s A Squsre Deal to All. GILSON REALTY CO., 481 CK of Com, bldg. Main 6127. " - A Real Bargain - For sale or trade. 160 acdes of wheat land, ' 125 in cnltiration; 8 horses, tarm implements. Jmiuire 282 Alder street. VOR SALE fo acre farm 8 miles of city i limit on hard surfaced road, 7 acres clear - rtth mine on place will pay for the farm in 8 years; easy term. F-988, Journal. 108 ACRES of Jogged-ofFTand, 6 miles west - i of St. Helens and 80 miles from Portland; house and barn on it 256 11th St.. Mrsl. 2582. FOB BEJTT FARMS 11 : PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. FARM i -FOR LEASE - ' Team, wagon and harness, 5 rows, sow and "P'g. new drill, binder, potato planter, potato digger, separator, gaa engine, ensilage cutter, cul- tirator, about 20 tons of hay, 12 tons of en silage. Price $2000, cash. Farm- consists -.' 80 acre. 40 acres in cultivation, new 6 room plastered house, with fall basement, fair . bant and all necessary outbuildings. Water riped to house and barn 2 acres bearing prunes, 590 worth of prunes taken off place this year, 'together with large family orchard, large hog lot, fenced with woren wire, nice spring stream through place. The uncleared land is seeded to , pasture. Thts Is located 9 miles from Van - arostcr, ha all rural advantages, macadam road to within H mile of .farm. Rent $500 per . year. Thompson, Swan V Thompson. 3d and yjain st., vanoourer. Wash. FORTY acre farm. $50 a year: young team, har " ness and wagon,' cattle, farm tools and feed, $-450.- Quincy M. Fowler, box 55, Buxton. Or. HOMESTEADS' 47 HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 41 acres, 15 miles, from Portland, on O. E. R. R.. hi mile - to station; $1250. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Alain 3517. , YVANTED -Homestead or relinquishment close to Portland. E-97S, Journal. TIMBER 8$ COMPLETE sawmill outfit, including 2 sections of - yellow pine timber, cruising 16,000,000 feet The plant has a daily capacity of 2,1, O00 feet and is located right near a rapidly de veloping irrigated valley, where the entire out put could - be disposed of to farmers; price 32.Q00. Address H. M. Nolte. Lakeview, Or. DBY poles and-old growth piling wanted; give scale. O.' V.: Gamble, Geriinger bldg.! EXHANOE REAL ESTATE 24 126 FEET on Montgomery st; 4 large houses; .good - Income. Make an offer. Might con sider house to $4000 or $5000. T-842. Journal. VANCOUVER. B. a - Lot In Vancouver for sal or trade, 'bar yov"T 1801 Delaware are. What TIE A I. ESTATE EXHANGE REAL E'STATE 4 FOR EXClU.VUll 8 room modern house, bullt in buffet end book eases, bath and linen closet ; fireplace and furnace; large concrete basement; connected with aearer; wash tray and gas; large attic and sleeping porch; berries and fruit trees; 60x100 foot lot. Want smaller house In Monta riUa, 5 rooms. 253 E. 70th at. N., Mont villa ear. . 20 ACRES, all cultivated, good building, one mile B. P. depot; 300 yards to hard sur faced road: trade or sell on easy term. I'ru:e $7500. Cne A Forbes. 384 H Hawthorne are. HOL'SIC and ToL for auto or truck; 5 room house, clear, for good home equity; good Improred B acre tract for goosl residence. Room It. Mulkey bldg. WAXTET 1TEAI, ESTATE 81 DON'T WORRY I emu tell or trade anything anywhere, Layman. 147 Park St BOOMING HOUSES 63 Have You Got $1200? $1200 will buy a SO room transient down town rooming .house, well and completely fur nhhed. clears brer $500 per month; will pay itself out in very short time: must be sold im mediately; great sacrifice ; your opportunity. Don't miss it. See J. B. Goddard, 205 Couch bldg. WANT "to trade a 42 . room rooming house, west side, heart of- city, good trade, low rent, for a 6 or 7 room modern houe with cement basement, in a good location well in, near car- line; no agents. Y-H.1S. Journal. WANTED Parties look Inn for rooming or apart ment house to buy, of any size, to call at 431 Chamber of Com. bldg. We hare a compltsje listing. A square dei to all. Mn. til 2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tt CIGAR STORE 1-J11CE $2800 Nice clean stock. Will invoice a little orer $2000. Fixtures cost. $2500; all goes at price mentioned shove. Rent $10(1, including light and heat. Clears around $2410 jier month. No Sunday work. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St. FOR SALE- Blacksmith ahop and dwelling on - about 1 acre in Barlow, 30 miles from Port land; heavy tools with shop. Railroad fare re funded to purchaser. Title clear. $800 cash. N. W. LEADBETTER 1220 Taylor st. Hood River. Or. PORTLAND and Vancouver hauling. Interstate Auto Transfer, dealer in Rock Spring coal, wood in small lots, furniture mo ring; 2 small trucks. John E. Knlvnla. Ues. 1614 Multnomah "t Phne Tabor 8858. UP TO DATE general mdse. business in coun try town; invoice about $2500; doing $2000 per month. 8X-752. Journal. WELL paying old established bakery for rent 84 2 Front st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 88 HAVE cash for small cash grocery, living rooms; must lie reasonable. T-956, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE f 7 OUR Installment plan is the best aud sureat method of paying a loan. $32.20 per month, for 30 months, or $21.24 for 00 months, or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest, Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improred city property. c Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. $500 TO $5000 ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY AMOUNTS TO SUIT HERMAN MOELI.ER, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up! lowestjnterest rates. Liberal repayment privi leges No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 681 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban prop erty: money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 snd 21B Failing bldg. Main 8407. S250. $350. (400. S50O. SHOO aud largvr amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. IK YOU want money see tin; we have it Mc Kenzle & Co., since 1905. 515 Ge'rllnger bldg. Phone Main 2801. MONEY to loan in amounts cf $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Room 10-11 Mulkey bldg. MONEY to loan on city property at lowest rate. Fred S. WillUms, 02 16 l?t st. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO. . 222 Chmber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. 30l to XOOIIO to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. P. O. Box 8 73. MORTGAGE lo.n- 6 7 7e. Louia Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL. Nil 1RIEM mn DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pi anos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left in your possession: ALSO TO SALARIED TEOPLE on their notes with out security If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile con tracts are larger than you can make, we will pay them up. advance you, more money, if neces sary, and you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your convenience LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND IXAN COMPANY (licensed) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own nbtes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE LOANS WASTED 4 SEE OREGON; INV. & MORTGAGE Co.. Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. FINANCIAL CASH LIBERTY BONDS FULLY OR ONLY PARTLY PAID. MARKET PRICE PAID. OPEN TILL 7 P. M. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 SPALDING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H..L. Mutton. 446 Sherlock bldg. 3d. cor. Oak. Open till 7. Sat. 8 p. m. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 303 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1383. BRINGING UP FATHER 1 Liberty Bonds If yon must Us. If yon ca from us. - . W st the market seH your Liberty bonds, sell to a buy mere Liberty bonds, buy boy and w sell' Liberty bond DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. YOU CANNOT On Thursday, ing price for Jtimsrv 2! we nsitl the follow- L'nited States government Lib- erty loan bonds. ( W e are paying practically the same today.) FUfANCIAt. $100 $1000 Bond. Bond. XM.uO 994.05 K2.42 929.27 92. 7 932.81 95.99 984.98 94.89 953.93 96.94 974.41 95.42 959.20 3K 1st 4s . . 2d 4s . . 4 Ha 4 - 1st 2d 3d 4 s . 4lh 4 LIBERTY LOAN DEPARTMENT OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. SATURDAYS SAFETY DEPOS IT . VAULTS Morris Brothers, Inc., The Premier. Municipal Bond Hons Established over 25 yean. 809-311 Stark st. bet 6tb and 6th, Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 2161. LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY BONDS AND RECEIPTS. RE MITTANCE MAILED OUT OF TOWN SELI ERS DAY BONDS ARE RECEIVED. ESTAB LISHED IN 1909. Northwestern Trust Company SECOND FLOOR WILCOX BLDG 6TH AND WASH. LIBERTY BONDS All Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get our Quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX A COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds, 87 Sixth Street Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS CASH IAII till! ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET I'BICE. I RECEIPTS WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS. WHICH HEPRESENT GOLD DOL LARS TO YOU. I BEE K. BUHKITT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. I SECOND FLOOR), CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose what you have paid on your contracts. if you are not able to make your payments, see u. We pay cash for partly paid contracts or bonds, or- loan you 00 3 on your investment at 7 and H per snnuia Special attention given out-of-town customers. Bonds bought aud sold at market price. Loans negotiated on farm and city property. Deal with responsible licensed brokers. Open to 0 v. m. HOWELL & DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOR YOUU RECEIPTS Come to 725 Gafco bldg., Ctband Alder. Mail bonds fo us We Remit return mail. CEI.LAR8-MURTON CO. OPEN SAT. EVE. LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought.. Open till 7 :30. DORCAS & DORCAS 920 N. W. Bank Bldg.. fith and Morrison. HOnSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 GOOD gooseneck wagon, fine surrey, 2 high grade top buggies, fine steel tired top buggy, all kinds wagons, saddles, harness, single and double, nearly new bike cart, fine team of Shetlands, several good ponies, good 1100 lb. paddle horse, fine team of matched browns. 2000 lbs. All kinds of horses and teams from $23 up. Will take cattle or milk goats in ex change. 302 Front st FOR SALE One 1400 lb. horse. 12 years old. $45: 3 licht trattinc horses, ranging from 5 to 8 years, high bred horses containing Hunible tonian blood. $50 each. Will trade for fresh cow. George Burch. care steamer America, city. A GOOD sound 2800 lb. team; good 2400 lb. mm. j i or- iiursus are koou nonesx worn horses put on trucks and must sell. Come and Front t SAI.B or cxchange20 head of horses and . mules: also harness and wagons. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. 285 Front st MULES- 10 head good, young, sound, gentle .mules. Will sell cheap or exchange for hordes. Crown Stables. 2 So Front st . A FEW horses for sale cheap that we have worked in our ice and transfer business. Sunnyside Ice. Co. Stable. 1029 E. Yamhill st 2500 LB. pair of farm mules cheap or ex change. 3i2 Front .t 2100 LB. team young and fat with A-l har ness, $110. Phone Mar. 4055. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken Quick. Caii paid tor cows 1 L...,,..) i -, K..- 1 mo 11(1 (.i I iiii.c- j -X U,. TO TRADE Light auto tniok for team of horse, waRon and harness. d. o4th ave.S.K. HORSK and wagon. $1.50 day: - horses and wagon. $3. J. Cohen. 54R Front. Mnln 2208. LIVESTOCK S3 FRESH cows for sale Will exchange for dairy cows; Liberty bond accepted at face value. Franier & McLean. 240 E. 8th t FOR SALE Holstein-Jersey cow, heavy milker. fresh Jan. 15: 1 team of horseB and harness cheap. Phone Tabor 4 739. THREE fiue milk goats. 1 giving milk and 2 fresh in February. 251 Beech st South Portland car. YOUNG fresh dairy and family cows, extra good springers to freshen soon. Take beef cow in exchange. 751 East Ash. COW FOR SALE, $50 cash or Liberty bond. 172 E. 70th st. N. FOR SALE One fine fresh family cow. 226 Russell st. ti A GOO D family cow. - WtU take hontee, buggMB or harnea fn exchange. 802 Front st POUItTRT. PIGEONS. PET STOCK $7 i Portable Rabbit Hutches ' AND CHICKEN HOUSES S.D. Williams. Tabor 629. 6125 E. 82d g. E. PULLETBTfor sale. Brown. White and Buff Leghorns. Barred' Rock, R. Reds. I am clos ing out my breeders; 2 incubators. 120 East 20th N. Rose City car. FOB SALE Cockerel from Brewster's Oregon Girl, who laid 30 lbs. of eggs in her pullet year; 810 each. No out of town orders. Phone Sellwood 5993. 643 Harold are. FOR SALE OR TRADE One Barred Rock rooster and one White Leghorn for young hen. Phone Tabor 6911. WHITE LEGHORN and Barred Rock pullets ana hens. S303 82d are. S. E. Sellwood 1992. RHODE ISLAND REDS. Blue Andaluaian. Golden Polish and Sumatra Games, Cochin China bantam. Woodlawn 1 24 7. 12 R. I. R. PULLET8. large stock. $2 each: ready to lay. 6305 4 2d st S. E. LEGHORN and Oregon pallets. Phone SeU ood 873. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC 46 THOMPSON'S bird store knys and sells guar anteed birds. Call or address 957 Missis 1ppe are.. Portland. Or. GOOD chance to start rabbit business. 40 does with young or bred. 8 bucks; will sell singly or altogether. East 3780.- 300 E. .8th t. RABBITS, piiteons. to trade for rollers, singers, R. C Hamill. route 5. box 742. I-ents station. CHOICE canaries at The Canary Bird shop. 1151 E. 28th N.. C 2217. FOR SALE Six White Orpington pullets. Call W.- .11 Ifl.lO SAVE feed. I guarantee to pick the non-lay-ers from your flock. Tabor 8422. GUARANTEED fresh egg for sale. Tabur 34 33. AC TM OBILES ACCESSORIES 44 GLANCE YOUR EYE OVER THESE 1916 Grant touring Y. I 650 ,750 1200 TOO 600 3.10 400 700 350 1285 1000 350 350 250 650 J!17 Grant six 1018 Grant Fix 1918 Maxwell 1916 Saxon Ford roadster, fine condition . Ford panel delirery Overland ton truck Buick touring car . 1918 Hupmobile touring . . . 1917 Velie touring . . . . . . Ford touring v 1914 Maxwell touring Reo touring . Mitchell touring LIBERAL TERMS MANLEY AUTO CO, lllh and Buxnside. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GrvKN 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM WILL ACCEPT YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. AND TOUR OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF HIGH GRADE. LATE MODEL CARS TO SE LECT FROM AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Here are a few we offer for your approval: 1918 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cyL $1450 1917 Mitchell. 7 pajs., 6 cyl. $1250 1917 Mitchell. 5 pass. 6 cyl. .$1000 1916 Chevrolet. 6 pass.. 4 cyL $ 600 1914 llaynes. 5 pa"".. 4 cyl $ 50O 1!13 Hudson. 5 pass., 6 cjl $ 650 1915 Mitchell, 5 pass., 4 cyl $ 600 1917 Maxwell. 5 pass., 4 cyl. $ 500 1916 Overland, 5 pass.. 4 cyL ..$ 675 1915 Hudson, 7 pass., cyl.. light six. . . $ 850 WE CARRY OUR OWN PAPER AND CAN NAME YOU LIBERAL TERMS. USELCAR DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, East First at Morrison. Phones t East- 7272, B-12I6. WILLIAM L. IIUGHSON COMPANY NEW AND USED FORDS" USED TRUCKS g and TOURING CARS RIG CHOICE EASY TERMS WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 North Broadway at Davis Sc. Telephone Broadway 821. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do jKiu prefer? W.e hare them, all makes and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread ( sewed 1 tirea and do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 333-335 B'irnside. near Broadway. f7TV V VVhu An v,.ii bnnw . ..... . K - with a "Half Million Dollar Motor"? Costs less to run than a Ford. Price $1035. Easy u rm-i. For further information . phone Kelly Bdwy. 2 4 92. i . WE own our own building, can save you money on your auto and body work. New bodies made to order. See Vancourer Are. garage and blacksmith shop, 711 Vancouver are. Woodlawn 2869. STOCK USED CARS RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 8244. CASH paid for old carat condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto, Ex change. 10 Lownsdale at 15th and- Waahine- . Tt .1 .. tyaitft (.Oil. Iiriwilin.J 1 j . j 1 - j . . . , ip'.u; net i ii ii ber and runs perfect; some extras and price only $850. Some low price for late Dodge 55 Alder st. ' ' " YES. I have a Ford for $350. Etsy terms. Guaranteed in A-l mechanical shape. Kellr Bdwy. 2492. FORD tourtng, fine condition, good tires; S3U0; part terms. 30 Grand are.. N., near Burn aide. BARGAINS in used tiros; no Junk: new tires also; vulcanizing and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41- Grand ave. lHAVE a 1917 Oakland Six, A-l mechanical shape, like Dew. Call Bdwy. 24 92 and ask for "Jake." ' FORD delivery, new tires: a bargain, $325; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bum side. IF YOU want a bargain in a used car. see "Jake." For further information call Bdwy 24 92. MAXWELL. 1916 touring, good condition; will sell $450; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. , SAVE money and buy your car now. Have a 1917 Briscoe chummy roadster in A-l cnanicai snaie. un lor ".lane, ftdwy. 24 9:!. CHEVROLET. 1918. like new: will sa-nfi.-e $675, ' with terms. 30 Grand are. N. , near Bumside. $1S5 LIGHT five iSbenger car in good con dition. Crown Sables. 285 Front st. 6-CTL.. 5-paas. Chalmers, model 26. like new, a bargain if taken at once. Pbone Tabor 6227. BUICK roadster, fine coudition, low price, long terms. 525 Alder. OAKLAND '17 roadster, perfect running o? der. Ixiw price, long terms. 525 Alder st SPOT cash paid for used cars.- Dealers' Used Car Clearing House, Grand are, and E. Stark. Copyright HYF.8TOCK AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 NOW that you have succeeded h ushering (ha tww eatr in with All iU brighf prospects, let us make it still brighter for yon by making "yon the owner of your pick of an automobile from a stock of the best used can in the city, and the lowest priced ones also, if that is any inducement. Hera are a few sample pidked at random from our stock. Any on of them would make a dandy, car for that soldier boy; Hudson 6 . . . . $1400 Bmck 6. 7 pass.. 950 Cole 8 . '. . . : 1400 -Olds 8 ! 1200 Franklin . . 1000 ' Now here are three snaps; take your pick and trade us what you like in cars: j Bnick roadster, just the thing to go homjs in . !..-i$47S Maxwell 18. good as new..... 650 Maxwell 17. a splendid buy at 526 We also hare a Ford rith $150 extras, demountable rims, new tires, at...... 600 Now you delivery men, here is a snap for to 4 ton hauling, an excellent chassis with a 32 H. P. Continental' motor. This cost new $1500. W will give you whatever body you want at cost nd will take in a touring car on trade or sell the chassis as it stands at $475. Remember we buy and trade, and don't for get the nifmbeT. t 531 ALDER STREET THE ACME AUTO CO, FINE BUYS IN USED CARS. You hare been talking erer since last Summer about gettiug a car for your pleasnre trips this Spring and Summer. Why not buy It NOW and SAVE BIG MONEY! HERE you will find a wonderful line to select from. I The prices are rieht and you are dealing with a firm ttiat ltas m reput-ation, money cannot buy. Libera! terms if desired. We teach you all about your car. Find us. on the entire second floor, 1 5th' and Washington. Big brick blag. Entrance 17 Lowns dale. CONLEY S USED CAR CENTER. Phone Broadway 2656. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING. PROMPT SERVICE, EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO., CHAPMAN ST.. BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR, MAIN 1167. I REAL BARGAINS IN FORDS ,1918 Ford touring. . 1 o 1 7 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. t I !t 1 5 Ford touring. 1 H 1 K Ford delirery express. IsilH Fhrd delirery. 1 'J 1 4 Ford touring. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 37 70. E. 13th and Hawthorne are. LAHER' Mfg. and Repairs. 3000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 15tli st FINE BARGAINS 34;x4 and 36x5 Goodyear tires, slightly damaged jby shipping; 25 per cent discount; and all &izes'ui uned tires at low prices: retreading and vulcanizing of all kinds. 323 Bumside at " 1917ORD TOURING - $375 cash. Cr in first class condition in every way, engine, body, top. tires, paint, up holstery, all in good shape. Owner, Mr. Keller. Room 309 Clifford hotel, 411 E. Morrison. Phone Ea-st 502. . BY PRIVATE party, 1914 Chalmers roadster, new tires, electric lights, Boscb ignition; en gine in perfect shspe; compressed air starter. Must sell at once; $450 cash. Call Marshall 2913 after 530 p. m 1910 Ford, At water Kent ignition, $140 ex tras, runs like a new car. $375 cash. Phone Tsbor 3054 Sunday. v OAKLAND roadster, good running order; a bargain, $300; some terms. 30 Grand are. N., near Bumside. BEST chance in the country for a stage mn. Car furnished. $200 required. Kelly. Bdwy 2492. I CAN use your Ford or Cherrolet if you can use Tabbr 630 ' 7 : mr I HIV usiveu lonnnf f .a 1 1 BUICK roadster, fine mechanical condition; a bargain. SSOfl; some terms. 30 Grand are. N..;near Bumside. DUBRUILLE TOP CO. 0th at Oak. Broadway 1664. STUDEBAKEK touring, like new; will con sider some trade: -a bargain, $850. 30 fjrand sve. N . near. Bumside. 1018 COUNTRY CLUB Overland for sale cheap for cash. Montgomery garage. Front and Montgomery. -- CiThVIM H.ET' touring. 1917: .fine condition: a bargain. $550: some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-513. Journal. 1918 FORD. A-l condition; new tire. $535. Call Tabor 3506. MUST sell my nearly new 1918 Maxwell touring ear, A-l shape. M-867, Journal. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORDS Francis Motor Co.. 13th and Hawthorne. FOR RALE CHEAP 1918 Ford touring oat. Z-767. Journal 300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touring" car. Call Tabor 630. j GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASES- PIONEER PAINT CO.. 18 1st , GUARANTEED auto repairing for less. East 8219. 1918. International Nw Serrieal -AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 IE- tk HAS GIVEN ME AN HONORABLE . DIS CHARGE, AND NOW AFTER ONE YEAR OP SUBMARINE CHASING. I AM BACK ON ACTO ROW WITH THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENUINE USED CAR BARGAINS IN : PORTLAND Fords Maxwells Dodges CO USED CARS TO SELECT FROM 60 1 can give you a dandy car for $250. And you ran buy it on easy terms, too. Here is just a few of the many bargain in my stock. Overland. 5 pass, car $175 Chalmers, touring csr $276 Stadebakcr, elec. fights and sUrer $200 Ford. 1918 model, elec. lights, starter. . . . $ S 2 5 And Many Mere to Select From W. G. Obcrteuffer, Jr. : Studebaker Buildin ,CT Park-and Davis -.. PHONE BROADWAY 3278 GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES .WOOD SHEDS i ii-ono or ready cut See sample at d Hood at Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to learn to operate and repair automobile, tractor and trucks. Special day and night lasses. Student can enter at any time. Call or write Hemphill" Trade Schools. 707 Haw thorn are., at SOth st MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings. Wheels, Axlea and Trailers We wreck ail make of car and sell their good parts at half price. DaTid Uode Co., Mrosrtwsy and r landers t Broadway 198. AUTOMOBILES WANTED I will pay cash for any reliable make of tour ing car or roadster. Why leave your car with any one to sell when you can drive it to my place and get cash for it Think it orer and call and see us. A-l Auto Works and Painting Co.. 523 Alder st FORDS WANTED I will pay cash for 1915-10 Ford touring or roadsters. 525 Alder st. Bdwy. 2797. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 beautiful beach lot: also mountain lots, for Ford or Dodge car, in good running order. Call Tabor 7930. HIGHEST price, tion no object paid for automobile 121 N. 3d s. Bde condl 2629. AUTOS FOR HIRE (I AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERSl' Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. Y" AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN & SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL- -A-12S6 FORD, competent driver. $1.50 per hour; go anywhere. A. H. Winter. Tabor 1028. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 36x9 FOOT 4 cylinder gas cruKer for 4 ie or trade. Phone East 4051 or Broadway 4911. PIANOS. ORGANS, MTJlJICAI. C INSTRUMENTS $4 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $350 Storey & Camp used upright. ...$ 1 1 6 cash $450 Henry F. Miller used upright. ..$ 1 65 cash $350 Kimball, large mahog'y upright. $ 1 90 cash $450 new stored upright pianos. $290 rash $950 player pianos, 1917 model $395 cash Used upright pianos. $65 and $75 cash Used parlor organs $25 and $38 cash Fart cash, bond and other securities accepted. Piano bought and sold for caah only. Storage 50c per month. Phone Main 5323. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st 0 VBDLLL WB3M Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d. near Alder, upstairs. HAVE YOU BONDS, securities or a city lot to turn in as first payment on a piano or player piano and still- baying at 25 per cent below local market price at SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st. PIANO WANTED Want .fo store a piano for its use. Respon sible, refined home. Will buy later if satis factory and price and terms right Phone Ta bor 9308. $15 AND $25. cash sends home new $425 pianos for $290; balance. $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th st at Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS. 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "11 makes." sold on monthly payments. Send for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Co., re tail dept. 821 Washington st ALL makes of typewriters rented, , repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer o 94 5th st. TYPEWRITERS rented. repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO 88 Broadw'y. UNDERWOOD, 1 4 -in. carriage. Good condi- tion. $50 or Liberty bond. 188 Third. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE C Furniture Brokerage, MADISON Gas range, $8.75;" steel range;' $12.90; cook store. $H 50; heaters. $2.50; fron bed, $1.75; spring, $1.75; mattress. $2.75; dresser. . 75; chair. $1; rockers, $1.50; center tables, $1.50; library tables. $4.75; dining tables. $6.50; kitchen table. $1.50; steel equchea, $4.75; pads, $3.25: go-cart. $2.75 ; phonograph. $3.50, also dressing tables, buffet. China cabinets, graniteware, all marked with Big Yellow Tag. FOR SALE Furniture of a 6 room house. Must be sold mt one). leaving for Europe. 583 Motgomery st Phone A-2578. : BEDSTEAD' andi springs, chair, tables, other - household goods. 1 89 I-aurelhurst are. LEATHER bed 'darenport, leather chair, gain. Marshall 1253. bar- 110 MACHI5T.KT - ; 81 NOTICE OF SALE- I wUleell to the highest bidder at 10 a, ra.. Saturday. Jan. 4. 11. at my ! shop, foot, of East Taylor St.. one jReo traeaor wool-aw. to satisfy my charges ror ma terial and labor bestowed on said property. Coaat Engine A Machine work. Sidney Mat corian, prop. " L IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It WE MAKE AND NELLjj - !. Nation a I Cash Registers and Credit Files . i T.ew-t prices. SmaJ month ly payments. Na interest chaagea, tHd registers re paired, rebuilt, sold and exchanged. M - J. R, Mum ma. Agent J K NATIONAL CASH ntrriB-rc'n rvi TflE 8IHK93 Stark Street . tsroaaway in in. SEWING machine, new a ndl sec ond hand, sold for lea; no agent employed- Complete Una oi pans for all make machine, re paired and rented. ' Main 94$1. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d near Tar lor st ! I AM the best and cheanest clothe saiher t .i. c?n,."olT 'our rrant problem. My nam Is f Vi H rati - a. w w ... 1 - . - . T . niou WASHING. MACHINE. J.ovl. cAn learn all about me by telephoning nmnn-McCoy Electric Co.. Bdy. 2686. Liberty .i-i-epieu at par rame. .071 Washington t. EJectric Motors Bought sold", rented and repaired. naiaer electric wora. 4IS tturn id corner 10th. Broadway 6674, j JOHNSON'S j I PURE APPLE CIDERj ! MAE ON PKEMI8ES DAILT 24 7 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND.-8D j "MJ'BICA L INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters' end ItnTiulmLi f - i -- ... catinns. All advertisements of these goods are ruouiucu unucr tneir respective classification. T III I II I ''.. , k-wjii( ISSCIIIIIH Willi i attachments, all are in very good -um.Liuu. sewing machines rented at $ per ...i., .i. i none r.ast zaav, or B SJ7. j E. It Steen. 152 ; Grand are. near Belmont i AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES . are separate ciassiiicationa, A large listaig can be found under these different Claasi- ... i FFRTII I7FR !l Best rotted cow and horse mature, big; sear viir wagon loan oeiirereq. Kast 688. $12.50 to $15 se1 Gusrsnteed m' We Ren JRED DROPIIEAD SEWING klACUINES Kent and Repair i ITS 3d st. near Yamhill. Main 1 845. -A-l 81 COLUMBIA rirer smelts, carried in sharp .freea- er. 50 -pound boxes, $2.45 per box.i posloffioe or express order. Municipal Maaket. 187 8d at. Portland. Or. I Send Fish PRINTING FOR LESS 0edding , InritH Jon . or announcements for $3.50; general masificiai printing; Dear wora ; prompt deur jyi try us. pmun. printer, zoa- stark fst WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky: roof? Why not a permanent and indestructible roof 7 We oxidize and renew all. kinds of leaky roofs. on louruey mug. Alain I EAT HORSE MEATTT ell for less thn half the price of other mesit- masses rnorrnisn Inspection. 14B l;st st ELJCCTBIO wiiin svnd repairlnat. We employ maij cornpeteni etecTncuina. rimun-atcvoy tire, uo., nay. zono. 71 waahlnflon it FOR 8ALE-rFeftiliir fron Union Stock roth. for lawns and gardens; prompt service. Fbon Tsawr OfiBO evenings. i " HU.HE8T- prices paid for diamonds, watche aeio jeweity. itepairing a specialty. i(efner jevaelry c:o..44H Washington at f IKl!r water tanks, all sizes, in good, serviceable nonunion, jau gal. , u gal. $11. ZOl Adams st. East end Steel bridge. Phone B. ie)6 18. FOIl SALE Beautiful Haviland china; cut glass ana rsjuaDle books. Mr. O B. Palmer, Pa sk hurst apt. ! i FOat deaf ncas nr device to aid hearing! abto tint aoint electric iron, both good condition. 972. Journal. - - i a DBIOPHEAD sewing machine, $8. 110 G rand are. near A laer. I S FERTILIZER. Phone afUr 6 p. m. ; Main WB hare new and second hand safes, moderate Ilrlee. 46 Front' Broadway 1966. i I ED. V. PRICE A CO.. TAHORINQ.s 409 E. MORRISON ST. ) UNCALLED for tailor made suit. $12.60 up. Taylor the Tailor, 289 H Bumside st ! VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented olianeed. bought Bentley Co.. Main 8n$ 82. PLt'MBINU supplies; wholesale price. Stark- Daris Co.. 213 8d st. Main 797. GARDEN manure for sale. Tabor 6684. FURWITTTJIE TfAITTEB 74 (Read Important Redd . IV e carry a greater assortment of new and nsed merchandise than any store In the -city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and Sell. V specialize in shelf a$d .heavy hardware, porting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. , i When you have anything to buy or sell, call or i phi t.e j i Main 9072 A-7f74 i jLEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. I 221-3-5 Front st. cor. Salmon OWL FURNITORECU" Tlittt FIRST We waSit your . used furniture; stores, carpets and-pianos; win pay nignest casn prices. , Call Main 427. ' WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88 90 Grand ave. East 7766 i Highest price paid for used furniture, ear- pets, stores, range, etc. re call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8832. CllT freight - rste oil household goods shipped rat and south. Manning Warehouse A Trans- fen Co.. 9th and Hnyt. Broadway 708, A-l 793. WILL PAY CASH ' ! For used office furniture. Main 1971. I'acific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st WE PAY the highest cssh price ever psid by Anyone in the city for furniture. Call ua for one article or a house full. Main 784. " I 7" A Q II paid for furniture, store, range, heat- ers. carpets, rugs, drewwr. etc. i phone Mar. 2075. IlarUell Furniture Co., 341-45 1st PJHONE East 7710 when you want to Mil your luitnitnre; we win come at once and par yon CA. M. it. nbatck, a4H tiawtiioree are. SWAP COLTJMW fl UNIMPROVED iracU on Mt. Tabor ?carline to tradn for farm, goods, cattle, etc. Bee Ur camr-oell, ffU3 I'anama bldg. . , FDR TRADE New Gray It Daris Ford starter. t for watchmaker's iatb. Phone E-7V78, Phrry. j PIANOLA to trade for riohn or what hate you Can be seen at 125 'Fourth tf ! WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I GOLDSTEIN 1 The Tailor, pays highest prices for ladles' and arntlemen's suit, dresses, etc Broadway $932. J4 5 BiirnsW et. ' i GOING East or South J Household goods shipped at reduced rate; moving and packing. I'aHrle Coast Forwarding Co., 403 Hoytst. Bdwy. 703. WANT to buy comptometer. . Must be 1n first ' class condition. Write, stating price. li $78. Jourhall " i WANTED Rifle, shotgun, camera,- j lenses. I Ilocbfteld. 85 3d st Phone 8381. By George McMatius ;: ' YY ANTED- MISCELLANEOUS $ WANTED People of l'ortlsnd to know that t pay highest cash price for second hand liou-s-nokl goods- No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. !' N. 1L SKATER . Phone East 2203. 143 Russell st. $7,50 for Second-Hand Suits Merer, the tailor. Par most for rlnthlim ami atiee. Wa call lay or evening Marshall ,1229 or 229 Madison,- MarshaU C i. 7 1 H C I I 1 208 ; 1382 0 l LIULLU Front st -' W'a pay the highest price for second hand tools, iwnk. pine, etc. ; will cn promptly. Front L' Shank-Co, ' Oregon ' HIDES METALS - . RUBBEIIS Write for price and shipping tags, Main 1H99. OVER THE TOP, $7,50 Ud Spot cash for second hand imits, nrercoat. old ahoe. Main 78H. or buyer will call. I BUSY TAILORS" Highest price paid for clothing. "Talk to You will b satisfied. Broadway ,1021. &POT cash paid for misfit ' clothing. Atlantia Cleaner Alteration 'Dcpt Main 6701. PERSONAL 18 TRY THE PETERSON-PLAN - Late winter and early sprin , samples are In. Wcme.n are caring half at Pe.tenou' Mantifso turers' Sample Outlet dn suits, coU, dresses, waists; petticoat. Take ulevatur. 2d floor, room 205. I'tttock block. GLASSES AT A HA'IN(1 I solicit your oatronaa on the basis of 'rannMo crrlca. Thou- tT, aands of satiNfied patrons. Chas. W. tioodman, optometrist. 20U Morrison t COME IN -and get both your feet fixed tip good-' : for $1 by Dr. Eaton,- the'CHHiOPODIST that doesnt hurt you; 5 years' in Portland; evam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 1 Ith andWash. H.ly. 2K24, "j-kL i Mrs. Kenneth Hendenuin or Ilenry Grteri- t,JJeUX writo HaUia at once. Box 742. Leth hridge. Alberta. - . . SUPERFLUOUS hair, iiioLm, warts, rumored by -.0 needle method: (rial free. Josle Finley. 614 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 63BH.. DR. Vr. V, KETCH V, M, wninan's maladies ami . acute diseases of men. - Washington bldg., 4tU and Washington. Phone Marshall 4 4 8. DR. H. COI4.INS. orB BrounwayTiIdgTsi umach, llrer. bowels; rheumatism, female disorders, deafness and nervous tliHea-oK. . ' MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 235 6T11 8 T. Spiritual adviser, Instriu'timis in the . theory of health, auoces and harmony. WHAT'S the. matter wit if'ytmr' feet t Arrh niT port Specialist; Foot Comfort tore, 248 Wash, st bet. 2d and 8d. ; RATTLESNAKE Oil. ure relief for deafness, drynea and ringing in the head. Minnie ti. Scruggs. Nezperce. Iilaho. MRS. OZIN. spfritualUt and palmistry teacher! 150 nth st r-v ; - jJLEAN -your own home with new sleet rla rscuum cleaners; $1 a daydellv'd. M'n 75 75. 55! ELNA SOREN8EN. 60H Panama bidgT " DRUG-LESS Methoil; ha wonderful effect MME. GJIENELL, scl.ntirie face 'and scalp treatment 230 Fleidner bldg. Bdwy. 1N5. fiCIENTIFIC breathing, lieaTth'fntitutrrTi5 all disease, excesses, etc. 409 Macleay bldg. KOTICES I HAVE purchased all the stock and fixtures known as 'the - Broadway grocery, located at 410 E, Broadway, of Mr. E. Holland; all ac counts of indebtedness against the above stor must be presented by Jan. 4. 1910. D. B. Elliott. t , NOTICE-! wru not be rM.ponslohT"io7 any HIIU contracted by tuy wife. IL K. Rosa, 601 26th at N., city. . PH0fE55l0NAL ARC US!NE5S DIRECTORY aOOOROION BtLaMTINa. MIMiTITCMINa WK CUTTlfEM AND PLEAT' NKII1TH, ANT STYLE. FOR $1. HEMSTMClllNG 10a TER YARD. ' - ' EASTRR.V ''KOVELTf -TO 85 H FIFTH HT. BDVVY.. 50JI0. HEMSTITCHING and 1'i.ot A'fiwTiTTuar anteed. HI niter Hewing M'clt'Co.. 402 Wash ington and- 10th. - ANTIQUES OLD BRASS, nopiier. curio. tstry and art jewelry bought and old. 8 52 3d st. ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS of KUHNITURE. Stern Salvage Co.. 583 Washington t srsvisnsi SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by Muf tipl Needle Method. 04 Hwelland bldg. ai aHtf annw ui , ... bAvis Sc. holmaS. Inc.," kTo 21 st." r.itdi book manufacturers. A3183. -Main 188 CARPET CLEANING e. 8580. rLUi-r HUbb 280 From old nrrtftl. Samj, . .1 ri,i.. Rag ruga woven, all Mnll order auhcited. NORTHWEST lll'll CO. - Former addres 153 Union are. EAST 3580 B-1280 - 64 Miiioti v. N. . East 6518," O M 1475. i JOYCE BROS., EhMjtrie Cleaning WorkCa peta rleanad and laid, refitilng our sjieclalty. East 440, B-1963. 204 E. 19!h st. N. CHIROPRACTORS DR LAURA E. IxiWMNU, .Broadway bldg. Druglea Physician 1 0 yrs. experience Chtro practlc. Electricity Vlbratnfy Massage ami Diet, DR. McMAHON I making, good; 81 adjutCiiisiiu 815; seven. $6, lOsslest term. j COAL "A NO WOOD ' NATIONAL FUElTcST" Short slabwfN-Ml. block wood, 2 load lou. 4-ft e'ntry alb, Eit 2041. EDUCATIONAL OANOINO - MI8H IRELAND ' . ' . 10 LESSONS S 609 Dekum Mdg. Personal attention. 0 to . MRS. FLECK"'S ACADEM Y, 1 1)9' 2d "t. Rall room and stag dancing. Class Tuesday and Friilay evening. Main 2100. Private lessons. IrlUSIO 60HOOL8 ASP TEACHERS , WEBBER ACADEMY liV 'Ml ' wtT ' String inatnunent and piano. Columbia bldg. Main 1 868. PAUL F. KISSNEH, rlnilnjst. Roo"riTlT"45"tf Washington.' Main 5510. Ten lessons $15. PI(V)F. T. E. LAWSON20 years' experience.' loenaayojirhome, 76c. Tabor 7200. L. CA R ROLL . DA Y, piano7"rociIrons, with practice piano; 1 hr. dsy 5 mo-. Bdy. 2555. E. THIELHORN Violin "tes"eher,iVi7lJoVveiuT 207 Hiedner bldg. Broadway 1629. ALL-STRING piano. KoV Ksnbeck, professionsl erperience. 409 YamhlH. t MAIL ADVERTISING CRANE LETTER CO.. 612 It7,TaT bldgT MnTtP ; graphing, rnimeogrspliiii MsrMiaU oSi'a, f!,T' "0i ..Ti?.Ti",.?t- ",hAnoino t II. CLIFTON, palming, timing. ptririg 154 N. 17th st. .Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2126. PATtNT ATTORNEY GOLDBERG. 82iT"Worceair b'ldg."MTn2nl'57 PRINTING, ENQRAVINO, BINDING PRINTING WThALTE8AC).7"jrt r illll I 1 i 4 J and Oak ts. M. 165, A-l 165 PHYSICIAN DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadwsy building. Kbenmatlien.' female disorders, akin trouble.. stomach, liver, kkineys,. bowels, thrust, sours, high blood pressure. RUBIER STAMPS ALSO STENCILS, Trade Check. M-1 Sign. rai uiu cuAor niAMP wouhH, 63 Broadway. Broadway 7IO, A-2710. n SALTED AND SMOKED PISH ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CO., di tri Ijii tor of salted snd smoked fish. ixi Yamhill st, Portland. Or. TRANSFER AND. STORAQE OREGON TRANSFER CO. Etab1ihed 1K70 Trans far aud Forwarding Agents. . Storage Free' Trackage. Office aud Storage 474 Glisan. 18th and Glisan.. Broadway 1281,- A-l 169. American Transfer &, Storage . ' We do hauling of all kinds In r,v Mst nr ih. city. Baggage and furniture moving our specialty. i uiji iree siorsge. v( our price. asrosdwsf 4183. 809 Oak at - ( ALWAYS PICK THE . BEST HOUSEHOLD' GOODS 8PK.CIAI.IST Ktursis. tiaekln.. .1,1.- ping and moving, liurse and auto tana. iipeciaJ rate to ail point. O. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. Second and Pin. 1 Broadway 696. A-1994. STORAGESND TRANSFER CLAY S, MORSE, INC, v 4 28 Flandera t G, L. DAVENPORT" TRANSFER AND STORAGE i r.fi.'fi htsTivri?' lui'i iv. Vila 8576, A-8168. 144 Front st PACKING MOVING STOP AG K" SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., ivo rara si. Main OJU. A 1051. fFr e p r 00 f"sto Rag f a J. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 24 s-INK.