15 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1919 It Eras Bfort. Hem eooxtog. bso lDira n. . housekeeping ; kooms r "VTTBJrXSHXD AKD nrFVBKUSEP PHITATB FAMILY -Two housekeeping rooms' and a KOOMS ANTj BOABP ' TUZ URKI"Kat lika the others." Ism Thoroughly modern and well tar- - wished. Mlddleaged or working . couple pr- v ferred. J Phone Bellwood 3v THREE pwrtly furnished rooms at 911 East Ptander st v rOB BENT-HOUSES unfurnished u imn t fbanitb FREE Rmit AND INFORMATION BUREAU ReBabl tip-to-date Bit of 6Vlrebl vacant boom. apartm nt and flat with definite to ' tersaation pertaining to earn. KMtnm ta Portland win find tM buree f great value In helping tbatn gat properly and euickir located EIGHTH FLOOB LARGE comfortable tent house, shingle roof. 110 E. .Watts at., Kenton. BOUSES FOH RENTFURNITURE FOR HALE 89 k ROOM house for rant and furniture for sale. 1021 E. 27th N. S POO SJ rooming house, furniture tor aala and bouse for rent. Ill 29d N. FURNISHED HOUSES 18 'WRIT, furnished hmiM to responsible adaltK : -! $83.00; references required. 1284 E. 0th J at. North. Woodlawn 8562. . TOa RENT FLATS 18 MODERN 9 room flats. Union are. near Bus aell: adnlU only. East 2195. FURNISHED FLATS 69 MCHIO teacher wih airl to shaft flat and atodi ' Main 8018. apartments 48 furnished and unfurnished MAGNOLIA APT. East Sd and Belmont: modern 1 and 2 room ant. $1.60 per week Bp Bleeping rooms. East 212 . FOB KENT MISCELLA5E0TJ8 OARAGE for rent. 024 Eat Broadway. 83 1 WANTED TO RENT WHAT hare yon for rent; furnished or oru fnrnlshedt We bare list of first-class ten ants waiting for homes. Northwestern Trust Co.. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main, 8517. and ask i for Mr. Psdden. ' .' WANTED, three room furnished apartment for small furnished house. Tsbor 8180. REAL ESTATE "BUSI N ESS-F R O PE RTT" FI.ATS ' fl good investment, e and 8 room flats on the Weat Bide, street improvement an in, paiu isi. Rent for 960. a month. We can offer these flats at a real bargain. Main 14. 85 4th it. Wakefield-Friea Co. ' FOR SALE HOUSES 1 A BUNGALOW FOB 94800 TABOB 69 TOUR TERMS VACANT 82200 Real Bungalow Bargain $2200 Five room attractive bungalow on full corner i lot: white enamel plumbing, vacant, move in. lOOO under value, w . r.. corner ouawm nu bard, go 2 blks. N., 1 blk. K. Price $2200. $200 down and a .snap; will help you make . first payment if necessary. Hee FRANK U M'OUIBE. ABLVGTON BLDO.. .To- Buy Your Home. Main 1068. START THB NEW TEAR BIGHT OWN YOUR HOME Help yon make your first payment if neces sary. Wo hare over 400 houses for sale, all tvpes, all prices and terms, all parts of city. Photograph of each of these houses arranged in districts in our office. ('otte in-and look them over. Four experienced real estate sales, men with antos at your service. See FRANK L. M'G CI RE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. . ROSE CITY PARK $2850 r. - Completely Furnished. ' 5 room bungalow, doifble constructed. Fire , place, full basement. No assessments to assume. j ' Owner moving to Eugene and just must sell. ' Terms. See this. s A. G. TEEPE CO. . 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 8516 Branch Office 60th and Sandy. MODERN BUNGALOW $2200 Fire rooms, full basement, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, attic, etc. Fruit, trees and berry bushes. Lot 47x130. $200 cash, bal ance terms. J. L. KARNOrP & CO., 811 Ry. Kxch- bldg. - Main 675. PIEDMONT DISTRICT $3500 r Fine 6 room bungaloSv, modern in every re spect, hot water heat, lireplaee, bookcases, etc. Two blocks to cartine. 05x100, comer, of Mal lory are. - ' ' 3. It KARNOPP & CO.. B1 Ry. Kxch. bldg. Main " ROBB CITY PARK $3650 7-Room Bungalow 4 8th street. ' Ton certainly will want this modern bungalow. Splendidly located on 4 8th- st. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Full lot. Av O. TEEPE CO.. 364 Stark et.. tiesr 3d. Main 8510 . Branch Office 60th and Sandy. '. WEST PIEDMONT $3800 ' Modern 8 room houso, full basement, fur nace. Dutch, kitchen, four bedrooms, newly painted throughout; $350 caxh, balance terms. J. U KARNOPP A CO., 919 Ry. Kxch. .bldg, Main 075. ' WALK I T PARK -SACRI FICE $4500 6 room bu.nKa.low. carage. Full lot, all assesFments paid. Owner moving away. Gen uine sacrifice. A. G. TEEPE CO. 204 6 lark st.. near 3d. Main 33 10 r.ranch Office 60th and Sandy. 8100 DOWN and 925 per month will put you In your own home : nice 5 room bungalow rlrfoe in on K. 14 tit St.; rare opportunity. We have large list of good residences to. choose from. A square deal to all. Gilson Realty Co., 481 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 6127. : 81200, NSW ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE good sized rooms, gas light, city water. 2 porches, dirt bosameut. 'J 1 full lots, level, good oil, not modern, 10 minutes- walk to streetcar. 6 Morks from paved it. This explains th. rery ,w price; cash $20. JiEAR LONK iiaVci Tabor 8ll. 1 CEMETERY $1800 Very neat S Toon modem bungalow. The Imis fa not in .the best of condition and needs. d few minor repairs, but it a very decided! nap; 8300 cash will handK Fred W. Uer man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER, 40 acres, 6 room house, barn. lots of fruit, plenty of wood and water, on lectrto line, near school ; 14 miles from center of Portland; good soil. Cash price 96500, might exchange for . good Portland residence, phone East 7045, 49 E. 22d. 1230 WEST BIDE COTTAGE $1250 6 room cottage, good condition, on 2d street, near Whittaker, plumbing, etc. This is a wonder ful buy at 91250. $300 will handle. Bee FRANK L. MeGCIRE. Abington Bldg. To Boy Yonr' Home. . Main 1068. - lRVINGTON, 94600. pricS includes aeaess- ments. Attractive terms., immediate disposal. 8 rooms and hall, modern, desirable. Lot 60x lOO; Irvington school 2 blocks. Buy from - -yywner. Kaet 7919. - EAST side workers see 6 room cottage, good plumbing, 60 ft. lot, garage, in walking dis tance of east side factories.. Only $1900. Easy terms. Tabor 8826. DEAL with owner, now. vacant, almost new 7 room house, 829 Gladstone ave., corner 27th. Mock ta. car, near S. P: shops, Pftce 82500. Make your own terms. Phone Wdln. 410. ATTRACTIVE 6 room bungalow, good condi tion, easy walking distance, bargain at 83250, terms. Furniture if desired. 400 Fenton bldg. Bdwy. 2033. BARGAIN B-room modern bungalow in Mon- tavilla. 2087 E. Clay sf Corner. 100x100; will take good auto as first payment tap to 8800. Balance cany. R. P. 8yverson, Beaverton, Or. ; ST. JOHNS, 3 room modern " Housec l"rici 8850. Terms 9260 cash, 920 a month. ..Phono East 4051. BARGAIN vf or quick, sale, 4 room house 9700 Call $760 terms. 049 Lombard su Wdln. 867. 92000 takes 9 room house in fhie condition. E. . Salmon, near 37th, Street paired, paid. Eve niogs. Tabor 6441. . - - 9975 BUYS neat- plastered cottage.new roof; worth $1475;, close in.- 1479 .aat Oak. HEAT, ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES -FALL CITY MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce Bide Phono Main 3718. S room modern house for $1100, 1200 downy balance 915 per 'month, , only 2 block from ear. . 8 room turrnehedT bouse. Plica $1170, Mt. Scott ear, $lSO down and the balance like rent. 4 room bungalow nearly modern with 8 large fruit trees. 91900, only 8200 down and bal ance (20 par month. 5 room doom. Hawthorn ear, clot in, only $1850 and $100 down will handle it, - 6 room hoaae, MontaTilla ear, lot 100x100. 91700, 920u cash and $29 per month. Many other good buy in onr lista of city properties. FALL CITT MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8718. A BUNGALOW FOB 9S500 TABOB 69 NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION 204 Bail way Exchange Bldg.. 12000 Beautiful 6 room modern bungalow, attic, garage, fait cement basement, fur - nsce. fireplace, full mirror door in en trance hall, hd. wd. firs., boffet. Dutch kitchen. Requires $1200 cash. 2 blocks to Irriogton car on Going st We hare no phone for a day or two, but it will pay you to call at our office, as we hare several buys as good as the one mentioned above that ean be handled for less money down. J. A. WK'KMAN CO., 204 Ky. Exchange Bide. 4th ami Stark t. Main 583 A BUNGALOW FOB 93500 TABOB 69 9200 DOWN 11850 ATTAOTIVB BUNGALOW 91850 4 room artistic bungalow, painted white, large living room and dining room, Dutch kitchen and bedroom with closet, white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, laundry trays. E. 40th St., close to car. Price 81850; $200 down; good, value. SlflOO -5 room modern bungalow, corner lot. E. 4 2d and Francis; 1250 down. See FRANK L. Td'OUIRE. ABINGTON PLDG. To Buy Yoar Home. Main 1068. $2800 REAL HOME BARGAIN ft rooms, bungalow type home, with den and sleeping porch, living room with fireplace, din ing room with bufftt, Ihitch kitchen, full ce ment basement, fruit room and laundry trays, elect- and gas, white enamel plumbing. On Woodward ave.. near E. 30th. Paved St., elose to car. Price only $2800, terms. One of the best buys in our office. See FRANK L. M'UUIBE ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home Main 1068. ROSE CITY PARK. FINK LOCATION Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, besides breakfast room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, epl&jidia furnace, bookcases, beautiful buffet, full cement basement, laundry trays, nice full lot with garage, no assessments. Price $3450. Termi. Owner reaving city;, move right In; will also sell furniture. Tabor esRo. $1200 NEW DESIRABLE HOME 1 OOx 1 00 . six rooms, double construction : gas lights, young fruit trees .and berries. 488 E. 88th North; 10 minutes' walk from Monta villa car. Cash. 8200. Tabor 8191. . OWNER must sell cozy 5 rtn. bungalow, vacant", ready to move in. Fine location, fronting east; hard surfaced streets, only; H blk. from Alberta car. 1031 E. 15th N. Price $2150. Terms. Owner, 870 E. lira. N. FOR SALE LOTS 19 TUBER lots 50x100, one corner lot, room for 4 cottages, near Ladd's addition, on Division It. Improvements paid, bargain and easy terms to right party. Call 1080 Clinton it. Tabor 2784. Richmond car. 5O1IOO LOT only block to Rose City Park rar, for sale or trade for auto. Woodlawn 5589. rii STTv improved corner lots, cood loca- Broadway 2295. Acreage 97 CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, $250, $10 down. 85 per mo., buys five acres of land between Portland and Centralia on the main line of three railroads, 1 "4 to 3 miles from a good little town. Saw. mills and logging camp in immediate vicinity. Rome of this land is partly cleared, running stream, some bottom and some bench. This acre age priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. Bell Real Estate Co., 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES near Dundee and Newbcrg. Fine roads; 4 acres in prunes. Rich soil; no hill land; fine stream; splendid 8 room painted house, garage, barn; many other buildings; im provements valued at $2500. Can be pur chased for $3000; terms. John K. Howard, 315 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 79 $600 buys hies half acre near city limits; will take hair in trade. What have your Two tracts may be liad together. D-884, Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 TWO ACRE HOME JTouse. chicken house, soil fine for onions and garden. $1500, terms, running stream, 7ic fare. Main ISSM2. FOR SALE 1 H acres or more, 4 room house, orchard, berries, gas, Huber station, $1000, $50 O cash. A. O. Chinn, Beaverton, Or. HERE is a bargain, fine home and acre in small fruit. Place for chjckeua and cow. Must selL Call Wdln. 2S05. FOR SALE FARMS 17 40 ACRES. 18 cultivated, balance fine timber andpastnre. new 5 room house, good out bldgs.. fine lrii)K. water pited to house: 2 horses. 2 good cows, some chickens. 3 miles of good town on gravel road. Price J2300, good terms. 6 acres, mile of town, gtsod road., 2 acres in cultivation, balance ash' timber and pasture; woven wire fences; no bldgs., 8600. Terms. 4 4 acres. 1 mile of town. 1 acre cultivated, remainder slashed. Small house and chicken house, woven wire fence, 9600. Teruisr " 5 4 acres, close to town, good road, 1 "?4 acres cultivated. 4 room house 24x24; good well, barn, poultry house. Price XI 100. 15 acres, near depot, good house and barn, $10o per acre. Land ii . a!l clear, $1500. 20 acres, 12 acres in cultivation, sown to fall wheat, balance timber and pasture. Good bldas. Price- $o(0. GEO. MORSE. 300 Chani. of Com. NEWBERG fiAKTiAIN A IVirtland bank 1ms taken over 115 acres, two miles south of Newhere; 72 seres in cul tivation; fine prune orchard in full , bearing, farm house. 2 barns. All good land. I and in this location sells at $150 per acre. Bank Fays sell and the price is only $12,500. on easy .terms. J - JOHN E HOWARD, ,315 Chamber of Commerce. 10S ACF.KS nt logged off land, 6 miles west of St Helens and 30 miles from Portland; house and barn on it 258 11th rt., MrsL 2582. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD j-elfnquishment.. 41 acres. 15 miles from Portland, on O. E. R. R., Vi mile to station; $1250. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. WANTED HoBKeatead or relinquishment close to Portland. E-973, Journal. BRINGING UP FATHER I fIRRNf COPE 15 COMING I TTIT I SaC b THlb THE II HELLO! I I "iJL I CHAwHED TO 1 i1 ?l HELLO -HOoPvTAL? I "i.:''v c r - : :: t -y, s ' ' : - . - r " v ' ' LL , - .-. - ' . :' T'-'v:- -y'-'--'y:iyy ' ' HEAti -ESTATE ' -EHANUE-REAL ESTATE 80 ACHES sageorush land. 40 acre cleared. Hoaae, bam and a- good wr3L 19 milee from Qnincy. Waah.7-Grant Co. Price 91200. or will trade for smalt tract of land near Port, land. Or., or lower Columbia . river, suitable track farming, or 3 ton auto truck, H. A. Cook. Kaappa, Or. I HAVE a 92600 canity ta 18 acres 2 mnes from Tillamook, all under cultivation, bal aooe very easy terms; woald like to exchange for house and lot in Portland near asms value. F-984, Journal. I HAVE several vacant lots in Portland which I will trade. What hare yon. Also 7 room house in Corrallis, Or., for house in Portland. Call Roo't B. Cos Jr., 884 H Hawthorne are. 125 FEET on Montgomery at: 4 large houses; eood lneome. Make an offer. Might con sider house to 84000 or 85000. T-842. JonrnaL VANCOUVER. B. C. Lot in Vancouver for sals or trade, have yon? 1661 Delaware ave. What WANTEP REAL ESTATE 81 WAKTED-jJodern 5 room bungalow on paved street, under $2000, Will pay $1000 down. What have your Main 6209. Apt. 8. DON'T WORRY 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park St ROOMiyp HOUSES 68 MONEY MAKKRSfN ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENT HOUSES. AND HOTELS 75 room hotel, clears $400; 86700; terms. 72 room hotel, clears $350; $6150; terms. 40 room hotel, modern, clears $300; $5000; terms. 40 room hotel, clears $250; $3300; terms. "56 room apartment, clears $280; $4100; terms. 87 room apartment, clears $400; $5000; terms. Terms on these; many others. A square deal to all. GILSON KEALTT CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127. UQOMtNU HOUSES. ALL SIZES 8 roms and up, $375 and up. Terms arranged to suit. Square deal always. Goddard, 601-2 "ouch hldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 89 FOH SAI.E Blacksmith, shop and dwelling on about 1 acre in Barlow; 30 miles from Port land; heavy tools with shop. Railroad fare re funded to purchaser. Title clear, $800 cash. N. W. LEADBETTER 1 220 Taylor ht. Hood River. Or. PORTLAND and Vancouver hauling. Interstate Auto Transfer, dealers' in Book Springs coal, wood in small lots, furniture moving; 2 small truck John E. Kntvsia. Res. 1914 Multnomah st. Ptm Tsbor 8858. FOR SALE 24,000 sawmill and planer in good order, been running up to present time Lane county, 3 miles from railroad. S. M. Blenis, Al bany. Or,tare Mountain States Power Co. CP TO D4.TE general mdse. business In coun try town; invoice about 82500; doing $2000 per month. KX-752, Journal. WELL paying old established bakery for rent. 342 Front ot- MONET fO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan is the beat a lid" surest method of paying a loan. 832.26 pet month for 36 "months, or $21.24 foe-60 months, or 815.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. 4ffi loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION t 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. B00 TO $5000 ON IMPROVED CITY PROPEBTT AMOUNTS TO SUIT HERMAN MOELLER. 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. $80i $400. $500. $760. $1000 and up. lowest interest rates. Liberal repayment privi leges. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans ejj city or suburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 an(f216 Failing hldg. Main 3407. $250. $350, $400. $500. J00 and largr amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want money see 1. . we have jt. Mc Kenzle A Co.. since 1905. 615 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main 280.1. MONEY to loan in amounts cf $100 to $5000 on cfiy property. A. H. BELL, Room 10-11 Mulkey bldg. MONEY to loan on city property at lowest rates. Fred 8. Williams. 92 H 1st st. SEE OREGON IN'V. A MORTGAGE CO.., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. $500 to $9000 Ta loan, city or farm mort- gage: no commission. P. O. Box 873. MORTGAGE loam. 6 and 7. Louis Salomon 'A Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEI TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pi anos, household goods or anything of value. Security usually left In your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes with out security If your payments to other loan companies or on furniture or automobile con tracts are larger than you can make, we win pay them up, advance you more money, if neces sary, and you can repay Us in small monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) 900-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. Salary UU.NS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household -furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr . 8!)4 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark. FINANCIAL SI CASH LIBERTY BONDS FULLY OR ONLY TARTLY PAID. MARKET PRICE PAID. PEN TILL 7 F. M. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 SPALDING BUR. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H. L. Murton. 446 Sherlock bldg. 3d. cor. Oak. Open till 7, Sat 8 p. m. LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought. Open tin 7 :30, DORCAS A DORCAS 920 N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. . INVESTMENTS, loans. notes, mortgage. IL Lewie, 803 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1383. rrxAirciAx. Liberty Bonds If yon moat sen -rear liberty bonds, sell to ns. if yoa can buy more Liberty bonds, boy from as. We buy and we sell Liberty bonds a the market. . . ' TOD CANNOT DO BETTER YOTJ MAT SO Tc npllK. We are today paring the following uriuee tor United State goremmsot Liberty Joan bonds; uoo 81000 Bond. 88.90 92.4 2 . 92.79 68.99 94.89 96.94 95.42. Bond. 094.06 929.27 982.61 964.98 968.98 74.41 959.20 8Hs 1st 4s .. 2d 4s .. 1st 4S 2d 4 14s 8d 4Hs 4th 4 4s SAFETT DEPOSIT VAULTS .Morris Brother's, lnc.f Thar Premier Municipal Bond House , : Established over 25 yean. 809-811 Stark sr., bet 6th and 6th, Ground Floor, Telephone Broadway 9181, LIBERTY BONDS V WB BUT BONDS AND RECEIPTS. RE MITTANCE MAILED OUT OF TOWN SELL ERS' DAT BONDS ARE RECEIVED. ESTAB LISHED IN 1909. Northwestern Trust Company SECOND FLOOR WILCOX BLDO. 6TH AND WASH. LIBERTY BONDS All Issues Bought and Bold. Before baying or sening get our quota tiofcs. E. L. DEVEREATJX A COMPANY. Government and' Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANT ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. RECEIPTS WILL CASH TOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS' ON BONDS ?AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT COLD DOL LARS TO YOU. BEE E. BURKITT, SECRETARY OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR), CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS LIBERTY BONDS' Do not lose what yon have paid on your contracts. If 70a are not able tp make your payments, see us. , We pay cash for partly paid contracts or bonds, or loan you 90 on your Investment at 7 and 8 per annum. Special attention given out-of-town customers. Bonds bought and sold at market price.' Loans negotiated on farm and city property. Deal with responsible licensed broken. Open to 6 p. m. HOWELL A DAVIS, 401 Board of Trade. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASH CASH FOB TOUR. RECEIPTS Come to 726 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder. Mail bonds to' us We Remit return mail. CELLAR8-MURTON CO. OPEN BAT. EVE. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 GOOD gooseneck wagon, fine surrey, 2 high grade top buggies, fine steel tired top buggy, all kinds wagons, saddles, harness, single and double, nearly new . bike cart, fins team of Shetland, several good ponies, good 1100 lb. saddle horse, fine team of matched browns, 2000 lbs. All kinds of horses and teams from $2 5 up. Will take cattle or milk goats in ex change. 802 Front st 8125 BIG team, mare and horse, both good workers; small team mares, single or double workers, for 75; big mule, sound send good worker, only $05. Crown Stables, 285 Front st FOR SASTJE One 1400 lb. horse, 12 years old. 945; 3 light tratting horses, ranging from 5 to 8 years, high bred horses containing Uamble tonian blood, $50 each. Will trade for fresh cows. George Bnrch. caraSteamer America, city. a ai rxsi tv si a "vxTa . j rsjAA1,1 A GOOD sound 2800 lb team; good 2400 lb. team. These horses are good honest work horses put on trucks and must sell. Come and try them if you want a good work team. 302 Front st SALE or excliange 20 head of horses and mules; also harness and wagons. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. 285 Front st MARE, 1150 lbs., sound, and any woman or child can work or ride, with good harness and spring wagon, $50: also good pony, saddle and bridle, for $25. 285 Front at MULES 10 head good, young, sound gentle mules. Will sell cheap or exchange for horses. Crown Stables. 235' Front st 2500 LB. pair of farm mules cheap or ex change. 302 Front st DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses taken quick. Cli paid for cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. TO .TRADE Light auto truck for team 6t horses, wagon and harness. 7235 &4th are.S.E. HORSE and wagon. $1.50 day; 2 horses and " wagon, $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front Main 2208. LIVESTOCK S3 FRESH cows for sale Will exchange for dairy cows; Liberty bond accented at face value. Frailer A McLean, 240 E. 8th St TOUNG fresh dairy and family cows, extra good springers to freshen soon. Take beef cows in exchange. 751 East Ash. COW FOR SALE, $50 cash or Liberty bond. 172 E. ,76th st N. 4 GOOD freh dairy and family cows, aell cheap. U. 8. Stables. 248 Front st A GOOD family cow. Will take horses, buggies or harness in exchange. 302 Front st x POULTRY,' PIGEONS, PET STOCK 7 RABBITS, pigeons, to trade for rollers, singers, R. C. Hamill. route 5, box 742. Lents station. FOR SALE Six White Orpington pullets. SeUwood 1928. Call SAVE feed. I guarantee to pick the non-lay-era from your flock. Tabor 6422. GUARANTEED fresh eggs for sale. Tabor 3485. .Copyright FOPl.TttY. PIGEONS.' rET STOCK U 'Portable Rabbit Hutches . AND CHICKEN HOUSES ' 8 P. WUTlama. Tabor 929. 8196 E. 824 IS. B. FOR 8AIE Cockerels from Brewster's Oregon - ilrl, aas laid 30 lbs. of egga in faeg pnUet year- 910 each. No nut of town erden. Phone Sell wood 2098. 648 Harold are. POULTRY and rabbi ta; send tor list of new rak bit books, pedigree blanks. Pacitie Poultry ma rf, 60S Poison bldg., Seattle. POGS. BIRDS, PETS, ETC 49 THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells as teed birds. Call address 98T Miasw tlppe ave., Portland, Or. ' 1 ST. ANDREA SBEBG roller singer. 3 years, and 1 ems res. weoojawn aaoa CHOICE eansriss at The Canary Bird shop, 1151 E. 28th N..-C-2217. GOOD BREED rabbits for sale. D. . E. Car- toaian. 68th ave., 78th st S. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIESi Used automobiles FeRMS GIVEN 20 CAKS TO SELECT FROM WILL ACCEPT TOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. AND TOUR OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE. WE HAVE- A NUMBER OP HIGH GHADE, LATE MODEL CABS TO SE LECT FROM AT EXTBHMELT LOW PRICES. Here are a few we offer for your approval: 1918 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 9 cyl ....... 781460 1917 Mitchell. 7 -pass.. 6 cyL 81960 1917 Mitchell, S pass, 8 cyl. $1000 1918 Chevrolet, 6 peas., 4 eyL .......$ 600 1014 Haynes. 5 pass.. 4 cyl ........ .6 600 1918 Hudson. 6 pass.. 6 cyL $ 650 1015 Mitchell. 5 pass., 4 cyL ..$ 600 1917 Maxwell, 6 pass., 4 eyL $ 00 1916 Overland. 6 pass., 4 eyL f 676 1916 Hudson, 7 pasa., 6 cyL, light six... 9 850 WE CARRY OUK OWN PAPER AND CAN NAME YOU LIBERAL TERMS. USED CAR DEPT.. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Go. East First at Morrison. Phones East 7272, B-1218. ' ROADSTERS BUICKS AND OAKLANDS Ws hare thia year model six Oakland, new rubber and general appearance of car is fine; runs Hke new one. Now everybody knows how dependable the OakkVnds are; the prise is low and the terms are easy and long. Buick Thia little four is in fine shape and It runs like a new one; haa new tires and is com plete, and the price is, only $325, with some down and long Urn. on balance. . 625 Alder st s. 1619 Maxwell tonrint ear; ew In very way; this little light car will serve you, and the price is low; terms are long and easy. Call and see it '17 Ford; haa lot of extras on it and is ready to ran to Chicago and back, and our price is $100 lower -than any one like it in this city. Easy terms and long time. We have twenty-five, ether cars, all makes and kinds, that we will sell on liberal terms to any one. Call and see us 525 Alder st. A 1 AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO.. Bonds at bonus. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING. PROMPT SERVICE, EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO., CHAPMAN ST., BET. YAMHILL and TAYLOR. MA IN 1167. ' NEW TIRES What brand of new fdres do yon prefer? We have them, all makes and sixes. Also We make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon V uioanUing Co., 883-886 Bnrnside,- near Broadway, WIS own our own building, can save yon money on your auto and body work. New bodies made to order. See Vancouver Ave. garage and blacksmith abop. 711 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn S869. goat USED CARS prhS COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington ata. Main 6244. THIS year Dodge car, touring, nearly new rub ber and runs perfect; some extras and price only $850. Some low price for late Dodge. 025 Alder st , ' ' - ; CHEVROLET touring, 1917; fine condition;- a bargain, $550; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Bnrnside. 1916 Ford. Atwater Kent Jgnltion, $140 ex tras, runs like a new car. $375 cash. Phone Tsbor 3054 Sunday. FORD touring, fine $300.; part terms. Bnrnside. condition, good tires" 30 Grand are., near OAKLAND roadster, good running order.; a bargain, $300; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. BUICK roadster, fins mechanical condition; a bargain, $300; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. STl ;KiiAK.J!iit touring, nae new; will con- sider some trade; a bargain. 8850. SO Grand ave. N near Bnrnside. CHEVROLET 1918, $875. with terms. like new; will sacrifice, 30 Grand ave. N.. Bear Burnside. 5 PASSENGER Overland, Just overhauled. No. 1 Condition; owner in army, needs money, and i ....... t T A , . . iDsuucw in o L't fwxi 1 1 in r. o 1 -a v mon ave, MAXWELL 1916 touring, good condition; will sell: 1 4 5 0 .- some terms. 3V urana are. N.j near Burnside. . H , . . .. 1 1 11 s tA.i une juat r ora or vnevrciei 11 you can nse my 1 1919 Maxwell Touring oar. Call Adams, Tabor 630 DUBRUILLE TOP CO. 9th at Oak. Brosdwsy 1664. 1913 HUPP touring, good condition. Trade for 1918 Maxwell. 6 -pass. Will pay dif ference. Write 612 E. Richmond st 1918 CHEVROLET, fine condition, bargain if sold before New Y ear's ; terms. Marshall 1918 COUNTRY CLUB Overland for sale cheap for cash. Montgomery garage. Front., and Montgomery. - BARGAINS in used tires; no funk; new tires also: vulcanising and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41. Grand ave. . 91 K5 LIGHT fire passenger car 111 good con dition. Crown Sables, 38ft Front at- BUICK roadster, fins condition, low pnee, long terms. 525 Alder. OAKLAND '17 roadster, perfect running or der. Low price. long terms. 52 & Alder st SPOT cash, paid for Used cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing Honse. Orann ave. and js. stark. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTIONT STAIGER'S GARAGE 9TH AND COUCH HWtn delivery, new tires: a bargain, $3251 some terms. 80 Grand ave. N near Burnside, WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. Journal. X-&13; USED CARS The street is fufl. Give them the once over. 9th and couch. . 880000 WORTH""" OF USED OARS STAI- GE1VS GARAGE. 0TH AND COUCH. MUS E sell my nearly new 1918' Maxwell touring car. A-l shape.- M-867. Journal. SPOT CASH IOR YOUK FORDS Francis Motor Co.. lth and Hawthorne. FOR SALE CHEAP 1818 Fori touring cat. Z-767. JonrnaL 60 USED CARS TO PICK FROM AT STJOGEB'S OARAGE. PTH AND COPCIL 8300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touring '-ear.-. Call Tabor 080. : GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st GUARANTEED auto repairinVfor lea. East 8219. 1918. International News Berries) "A 1 1 TO W O B I l,F, A Cr F S4f ft I F 4 NOW .that yea have succeeded In ushering the new year In with an Its bright prospects, let oa make it still brighter foe ' yoa by making jron tha ownsr o( ypnr pick of aa automobile from stock of the best . used can In the city, and the lowest priced ones also, if that Is any inducement Here tare samples picked at random from onr stock. Any one of them; would make a dandy ear for, that soldier boy: Hudson 9 .... I.. ........ j. ....... $1400 Buick 6, f peat 980 1400 1200 1000 Cole 8 . . . . Olds S . . . . Franklin . , Now here are three snaps; take your pick and trade as what yoa like in car: Buick roadsW, just the thine to go home in . ,......$475 Maxwell 18. good aa new 050 Maxwell IT, a splendid buy at ........ 625 We also have a Ford with $150 extras. demountable rims, new tires, at. . .... 600 Now yon delivery; men, here is a snap for a to 4 ton hauling, aa excellent chassis with S3 H. P Continental motor. Thia coat new $1800. We will give you whatever body yoa want at cost and. will take In a touring ear on trade or selleths chassis as li stands at 8475. Remember we buy and trade, and don't fori get the number. 53J ALDER STREET THE ACME AUTO CO. GARAGES WOOD SHEDS 1 VPortable or reidy cnt See samples mm. at 044 Hood at Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co, WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to - leans to operate ana repair atomoonee. tractors and trucks. Special day" and night glasses. Dtnnents can enter at any time, r write Hemphill's Trade Schools. 707 thorns are., at 20th st H LAHER Mfg. and Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st : FINE, BARGAINS , . , . j a , . , . ... . uu oitf vroouremr urea: suirnriv damaged by shipping: 26 per cent discount; and sll sires in used tires at- low prices; retreading ana vulcanizing 01 au Kinds. 323 Burnside st BY PRIVATE party, 1914 Chalmers roadster, new tires, electric lights, Bosch ignition ; en gine in perfect shape; compressed air starter. Must sell at once; 8460 cash. Call Marshall 2913 after 630 p. ns. MOTORS', Gearings. Bearings, Wheels, Axles, and -rrauers we wreca au maasa or cars andi sell their, good parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 190. CASH paid, fow old cars, condition ho object! parts for all makes of can. Oregon Auto .Ex change. 180 Lownsdale at 16th and: Washing ton. Broadway 2668. 'AUTOMOBILES WANTED 79 I will pay cash for any-reliable make of tour ing oar or roadster. Why leave your car with any one -to Sell when yoa can drive it to my place end get cash for it Think it over and call and see us. A-l Auto Works and Painting Co.. 025 Alder st ' HIGHEST prices paid fur automobiles, condi tion no object 121 N. 3d st. Bdwy. 2829 AUTOS FOB HIRE 99 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Robnett. City Garage. 89 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Itroadway 840. AUTOS WITHOITT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN, MARSH. 282 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1286 FORDt competent driver. 91. 60 per hour; go anywhere. A. H. Winter, Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES 99 IIA RLEf -DAVIDSON 9 eoeeds. A-l condition. fully equipped. Cah or terms.' East 8135. WANTED Good bicycle, cheap for cash. Ta- bof 7828, LAUNCHE S AND BOATS 84 i36xO FOOT 4 cylinder gae cruiser for sale or trade.. Phone East 4051 or Broadway 4911. PIANOS, ORGANS. MTJSICAJL INSTRUMENTS 84 SECURITY 8T0BAGB CO. CLOSING OUT 8350 Storey A Camp nsed upright. ... 1 1 1 0 cash $450 Henry F. Miller Used upright .. $1 85 csjdi $350, Kimball, large maiiog'y upright. $190 cash $450 new stored upright pianos. $290 cash $950- player pianos, 1917 model $395 cash Used upright pianos. . . , $05 and $75 cash Used parlor organs $25 and 938 each Part cash, bond and pther securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold; for cash only. Storage 50c per month. Phone Main 5323. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st 0 Phonographs and reeords bought, scld. exchanged and rented. Expert repalr inc 142 M Jd. near Aider, npstatra. HAVE YOU BONDS, securities or a city lot to turn in as first payment on a piano or player piano, and still buying at 2T per rent below local market price at SCHWAN PIANO CO., , - Li. ew 1 . PIANO WANTED Want to store a piano -for its nse. Respon sible, refined, home. Will buy later if , satis factory and price and terms right Phone Ta bor 9308. 915 AND 925 cash sends home new 9425 pianos for 8290; balance, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill 4th st at Waah. st Aim MMTEb 17 GUARANTEED faetory rebuilt typewriters, "all makn.' sold on monthly payment. Send tor priee. Hvt ' The Wholesale Typewriter Co., -retail dept., 821 Washington St. - ALL. makes of typewriters rented, repaired Oregon Type- sold on monthly payment .plan. writer Co.. 94 sth at, -' - . I'VPEW KITfcHS rented, repaired, exohangoT Typewriter auppBe. ' REMINGTON TYPBWRtTE CO.. 98 BroadWy. HOUSEHOLD COOPS FOR SALE 99 Furniture Brokerage 20T MADISON Oaa range, 98.73; 1 steel range, $12.90; cook stove, $8.60; beaters. $2.50: iron bed. 8145; spring. $1.75: mattress, $2.75; dresser.. $6,75; chairs, $1; rockers. $1.50; center tables, 81.60; library tables, $4.75; dining tables, 96.60; kitchen -.tables, 91.60: steel eouohee, 96.76 j pads, $3.23; go-earta. 83.75 ; phonograph. 98.60, also dressing tables, buffets, China cabinets, graniteware. all marked with Big Yellow Tag. OWL FURNITURE CO. SlCLXS' FOR LKSS Iron beds II 76 and np Springs 1.00 gad up Mattresses 150 and np Dressen TJO and ep' Chairs ..................... .76 and np. Dining Ubles .............. 9.00 and np Center - Isblee Cook stores' j..... .......,.. .70 aaa np 9.00 Rockers ........... t. ., , .B OWL rUBNTTUBE CO.. 304 1st st j LEATHER bed dsvenport. leather chair, bar-! gain. Msnhall 1258. FOR KALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FANCY POTATOES 11 78 Pet Hundred HOOD RIVERAPPLES 81.00 "to $1.40 per box. NICHOLS COMMISSION HOUSE- . 207 Waaidngton st. between 1st and Frent; 8EWINO machines, new and see-; ond hand, spld for less; no agents 'employed. Complete line of parts for all make machines, re- paired and rented.. Main 9491, HEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM , 100 8d near Taylor t j I AM the best "and cheapest clothes washer. 1 can solve your servant problem. My name Is the THOR ELECTRIC WASHINO MACHINE; You can learn all about me -by telephoning SmitluMoCny Electric Co.. Bdy, 2686.': Liberty bonds accepted at par value. 671 Washington st; Electric Motors ;! Bonaht sold, rented and repaired. Waiker Electric Works. 4 1 8 Barn side corner 10th. Broadway 6674. JOHN HON' '8 "" .PURE APPLE CIDER ' MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMTlm. BET. 3D AND D " "lr;HICAf. INHTlll'VlKNTS ' "Tvnewritar, and "Household Goods" are separate elassifi4 cation. AH advsrUsemente of these goods are published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVEB C 1 C nn TE- dropbead sewing machines with vfl UiUU attachments, all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at 98 per month. Phone East 2859, or 11-3307. E. tt. Rteen, 152 tirand ave. near Belmont 1 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different elaasi- firatinns" 'FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and horse mature, big aeat enger. wagonioada delivered. Last 0a. MO 4 (Pi K USED DKOPHEAD j Cp I ZiOU.IO vj I U SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair j 17? 3d st near, Yamhill. Main 1845. A-1818J PRINTING FOH LESS 00 wedding Invlta, tions or annonncementa for 88.80; general eommerciat printing: beat work; prompt dslitM ery; try u. Smith, printers. 204 Htarg st WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof! Why not a permanent and indestructible root I We oxidize and renew all kind of leaky foofaj 608 Tourney bldg. Main 6886. j EAT HORSE MEAT Sella for ten than "half the price of othet meat. Pjees thormigh inspection. 149 isv. sti EI.ECT1UO wiring and repairing. We employ r Elec. Co. competent eleetticisnd. nmun-ssciVf , Bdy. 2686. 61 1 Washington at j irnrt rai IC Fertiliser from Union Stock yard. for lawns and gardens; prompt service. Phone Tabor 6690 evenings, HIGHEST prices paid fo dismonds, watches and jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 H Washington at. HOT water tanks, all sines, in good,-serviceable ,.,,liflon Mil ci 1 g7. 40 eal. SU. UOl - Adam st. East end Steel bridge. Phono K. H6I Oj FOR SALE Beautiful Haviland china, cut glass and valuable books. Mrs. O. B. Palmef, Parkhurst apts. WE have new and second hand safes, moderate price. 48 Front Broadway 1966. 100 SLIGHTLY used overcoats and suits; mux' be sold, at bargain 46 N. 6th St. ED V. PRRJE A CO., TAILORING. " 409 B. MORRISON ST. FOR SALE Eltchen treasure and heating stovsi Phone Woodlawn Dllai, I UNCALLED for tailor made suite, $12.60 tap . , .i w r i oca l n...n.l. ; 1 ijinr .tin , . - ........ . VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, exf . . n . 1 s.. . 1 O S i cnangea, oougiis. iifnupy v. , . i nn- ti.IMli1NG Mitinlle. wholesale prices. Slarkr Iris Co.. 212 8d st Main 797. i FOR SALE -Folding baby .go-carl and ' bah 1 I I f mm mmV T.hn, RflftS. rem lyvi. v ' " " h " ...... GARIiEN manure forsale. Tabof f 84. FURNITURE tTANTED 7 . Read lmportant--Read ..We r.rrv a areater assortment of new an m.m.)i.nHtM ,lian ,nf store in the eity1, There is hardly sn item we do not bat- end sell w. .,..i;, in alielf and heavy hardware1. sporting goods, household goods, office furniture:, hotel and camp supplies. i When you have anything to buy or selL-eaD or ph ie . Main 9072 A-7174 LEVIN HARDWARE A9FUBN ITTJRB CO. in.j.5 Frnnt st rnr. Salmon 0 WLFOWITU RTcOf5St u. nnt ion, nsed furniture.' stoves, carpeoi and rmos: will Pay highest cash prices. Call Main 4627. "' WIG'riTMAN-JOUNBON : FURNITURE CO. K8-H0 Graml ave.' East 7766 Highest prices paid , for used furniture, ca- nete. utoves. ranges, etc. We rail promptly. Want HouseholcFFurniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8832. CLTV freight rates on household goods, si lipped eait and smith. Manning Warebmie A Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 709. A-l 798. "WILL- PAT CASH For used office furniture. Main 1971, Facifie UtioTiery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st WEPAY the higliest -cash prices ever paid by anyone in tue city for lumttnre. , can as xqr one article or a house full. Main 734. CASH paid for furniture, stoves, ranges, heat- 'era. carpets, ruga, dressers, ete. Phone Mar. 2075. Hartzeil Kumltsre lo.. 841-46 4st PIIONK East 7 710rwlien yem want to sell 'your furniture; we will roms at one ami pay yota CASH. M. R. SEATF.lt. 348 Hawthorne av. CANTED SIISCELLANEOUS t TT GOLDSTEIN The Tailor, pay highest prices for. Isdies' end gentlemen s nuns, areases, etc ciroaaway svtx 245 Burnside et. - . j WANTEI -Hsnd-mAde baby jlothe and any thing new in fancy work. Bdwy. 8273 or 819 Tilford bldg. - , WANTED Rifles, shotgun, cameras, lenses. Hochfield. 83 3d st I'horte 3&&1. George McManua TTPEWBITERS WANTED MISCELLANEOrs WAN TED People of Portland to know that I pay highest caali price for second hand boiwe- bom goods. . No amount too large or too amalL Prompt attention. , , . - TT N. M, SEATEB Phone Fast 2S08. 148 Rnsse'l st $7.50 for SecondrHand Suits Merrer. the tailor. Pars most for clothing and shoes. We eeU day or evening Marshall ISi at 829 Hsaison. Marx hall 3. ZIDELL- . Front st. We Pay the highest Price for seeona oanu i huthaat Price for seem tools. Junk, pipe,' ete.l will eall promptly. IW . I - CUeinL- On Porllaoi Front 2 l. Oliallrv VU. Oregon HIDKS METALS CBBIiKs Write for nrieee and shipping tags. Main Hllf. r i r h "t i i rTxTi-a. WnTT, uvr.n inn luri-D.yuupr i Spot eaah for aeeond hand suits, overcuatv I shoes. Main 788. or buyer will pan. i ; rinov taii hrq i-uui-miLunu Highest prices paid for clothing. TaTTr. tnt as. Ton will be satiated. Jfroariwsy 1111. j "GOING East or SonUif lionoehold goods shlpiwlf ' at reduced ratrsi moving and packing. I'etfio Coast Forwarding Co.. 4 03 Hoyt st. Hdwy. 7oa SPOT cash paid for misfit clothlhg. AUsntld Cleaners Alteration Kept Main QTUi. PERSONAL 89 thV T'naEfElTsuN PLAN Tata winter and earlv utirina, ssmnle sre In. Women are serine half at Peterson s Msnnfse- turers' Sample Outlet on Suits, coats, drrasm. waists. pettlcoatJi. Take elevator. 2d floor, room Bon. I'lttoca Diorx. - i i-V : GIA8SKS AT A SAVING . av7 - I solicit your patronage on ine K' asU of .capable service. Thou- We Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morri'on at COME IN and eet huth vnur feet fixed nu good v for 91 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that ooesn t hurt yon; & yeai-wln Portland; exam. ire. Gliihe Thestre bldaU 1 1th end Wssli. Bdy, 2824. WILL Mrs. E en neth IlendHrsoa or Uenry Sr-r n field write IUtU at once. Box 742. Letti b ridge. Alberta. ' . - SUPERFLUOUS Ulr, wolee, warU, removed by .. jv neetue menoo ; IT la. iree, . jnmim iiej. . DH. G. V. .KKTCHUM, woman's maladies and oisjkui.Ii Un bliti. Main f!3St, and Washington. Ph on Marnlia)! 448, DR. H. COLLINS. 91 3 Broadwayiddg., tomai:h, liver, bowels, rheumatism, female- diaordura. neatness and nerwius nine mm. MRS. M L. 'LAMAR.' 285 fii'H ST. Spiritual adviaer. Int ructions "in the theory of health, success and harmony, WllAT'S Uil rastTer'wl'lh"'y,ir fetf Aroii siip ; port gpectalist: Foot Comfort store, 244 Weill. at, bet. 2d and 8d. ! RATf "LESNAKE Oil. sure relief "for deefne. dryneaa and ringing in tha head. Minnie O. Scruggs, Nesperce, Idaho. , MRS. OZIN, spiritualist and palmistry toacher. ion il tn st. CLEAN your own home with new elertne vecunm cleaners 1 91 a day flellv'd. M n 757Q. DR. ELNA SOUENHEN. 608 Panama bids. HHUGI.ESH Method; haa wonderful effect acientlfle fsce and ealp treatment. 230 .Fleldnef bldg. ftdwy. 10B. ifclENTlFld breathing, health inatitnfe7f resti au diseases, excesses, etc. 4 09 Maeleay bldg. NOTICES 88 K purchased all the stock and flxturss known as the Broadway grocery, located at 410 E. Broadway, of Mr. E. Holland: all ac counts of indebtedness against the above store munt bepeehtad by Jan. 4. 1919.- D. i. Elliott . , , i i ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY SCCOWPKOW PtSITIWO. MKIW9TIT0MIW0 ' WE CUT. II EM AND PLEAT BKTiV'H. A.t STTLEJ FOR 91. UKMSTlTCUlNO 10 PEB YARD " FA8TERN N0VELTT CO 85 H . FIFTH HT, B1WT. gOOO. HKWJaTITCHlNG ami I'icot ilk work guar aateed. Singer Sawing M'ch Co., 402 Wash Ington and 10th. arinur, OXET BRASH, copper, euriee, tapestry and art jewelry bi.nalit and sold. 9S2 81 st. ANl'lgUE and ALL KINDS of Fljlt.MTUUU. ktitii aniTity, xo-i oii.v wssmngTon at. SIAUTY 9P90I8 LI 9T SUPERFLtOL's bair destr..edTorvr by Mul tiple Needle Method. 604 Swetland hldg BtWK BtOOK nlAKglta DAVIH A 1IOLMAN, IN C 1 IJi2d-at, blsnk book msnnfacn'rers. A-8183, Main 188, E. 9680. F FF R RS -Ui From old carpets. v Carpet cleaning and refttuTiiT' Rag rag woven, sll sir.es. Hnil orders solicited, 4 NORTHWEST RUG CO.- rnem. .,1.... 1 ft I ! . ' EAST -3580 -., B-1280 54 Union a v. N. JOYCE. BR0S..-V Eisotrio Cleaning WkTeCai: - peU rleaneil and laid, refitting our specialty. East 440, B-3069. 204 E. lth st N. ' , CHIWOPWA0TOW0 DR.-. UUKA E. ijOWNIN'G.- M osdway i hi,Z Dragleos Physician 10 yrs. experience Chlro. prantio, Electricity.- Vibratory Massage and Diet," DltTMeMAlKiN is making good; 81 aUju7tmei7i; ' 916 1 seven, 98. Eeiat terms. COL AWO WOOD NATIONAL FFeTCT; ' hliort alahS wood. 2 load lots, 4 -ft. e ntry alb. Fast 204 I. (EDUCATIONAL OANCINO MJSS I it ELAND 10 LESSONS 65 BOO Dekum bldg. Personal attention. 10 to 0. MRS. FLECK'S-ACADEMY, 109 2Tet Riu room and stage dancing. Class Tueadsy snd Friday evening. Main 2100. . Private leosons. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TKACMER9 Kr WEBBER ACADEMYOF MUKITt ' String instruments and piano. Columbia blda Main 1868. PAUL' F, KI8SNER, rlollnl.t, .Room" l24Kr Washington. Main 651 0. Ten lessons 8 in. PBOFi T. E.Tl A W BON Tm 0 years1" esperienr.: " Pifao lessons st your home, 75s. Tsbor 7200 ETCA R ROllTDAf , piano, voos 1 lessons, will.' Praotice piano. 1 hr, day 85 mo, Bdy, 2555, ETHIICLlfoHN Violin tT.el7errj;u"Tie7cI0: 1 207 Filed ner bldg. Broadway 1820, ALLTItfNtJ't'TanoTor" 'Kenbeck, profeaai.Tf.al i experience. 409 Tsmhill CRANE LETTER WCTlTTioyai bUtT VluiT. graphing, mlmeogrsphlng. Msmhsll 8 822, TRTrjATTOX. painting, tinting, papaVlng-!? N. 17th St. Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2120. ' ' FSTtHT STTOWWKV' fOLDBEhO. 620Woreeter bldgT MaSoSST PRI NTl Klft ALTK8"rt:o.rT7t rnlll I lllU snd Osk sta. M. 16.1, A-l 165. - ' ' FHY9I0IAW9 bn. R. A. P7nT.LIPSf03 Broadway l,.ij,lr,g. . Rbeumatlian, female 'disorders, akin troubles, stomach, liver, i kidneys, bowels, thrust, goitre. high blood prevsnre. . 8U6$t8 ITaMPI ; . ' ALSO STKVC1LH, Trade Checks, Metal Signs. PACIFI0 COAST STAMP WORKS, 98 Broadway. Broadway 710. A-2710. 9ACT9Q AWP MOKIO fTsM aTaskaIie r bin o$Impo Bfi tit if? iSITiTi" . tritiutora of salted end smeked fiah. Itii Tsmhill st, Portland. Or. ' - - TWAWOFSr. A ISO 9TOWAO OREGON" rRANSFERrCtr Established 1870 '""' Transfer, and Forwarding Agents, Storage Free Trsekst". f . Office end Storage 474 GJItatt -18th and Giin. Broadway 12nl, A-H6I. American Transfer & Storage ' We do hauling of all kind In or out -of the city. Bagsjage and furnttore moving our ttwclalty. 7 days free storage. - Get oar prioea. Broadwsy 4193. 800 Oak st - ItWAYM PICK THE BEST llOUKFUoTU GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, peckiiii-. !; ping and moving. Horse and auto Tana, , ttpecial rates to all points, t- C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.' Second and Pin. Broadway 696. A-lUlifl..' vSTOTTAGE ANDTRANSfER CLAY Sr MORSEINC, j. ; " ' -' ' 429 Flanders t. G. L. D'AVENPOrTT" r TRANSFER AND STORAGE LONG DISTANCE UAULi.NO Main 9578. A-8168. 144 Front st PACK IN 0 M 0 VINO fif O R s G E ' SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 105 Park st Main 196. A-l 95 1. "WTREPROOF STORAGE C. U. OLJ40N THAN fiF til CO, 248 1'i.SE.