, THE OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, TUESDAY- 'DECEMBER . 31. 1913 10 REAL ESTATE EXHAKflK REAL EKTATE 24 JTEaVB S2600 equity In 18 -' 2 miies from Tulamoox. ail ' under cultivation, bal ance ry easy terms; would like to exchange for hooM and lot la Portland neat mom value. F-984. Journal, : J WANT a home in Portland; you want farm in Michigan? Let'a trade. DeRoee. Hotel Stewart, 145 V Broadway. ; : 124 FEET on Montgomery t: 4 laasM bouses; food inoowie. Make an offer.: Might con sider hntii to $4600 or 93000. T-942. Journal. VANCOUVER. B C. Lot In Vancouver (or tale or trade. Whar have nw? 1681 Delaware are. 8KB Richard A Collier f yon want to buy, 14 aall or exchange nrooerty. usia 7 3uv. fan ma mag. 10 ACRES, 4 room house, in Coble. Or., for ' homo in Portland. Kant 6375. R WMfll with stora" room below. "Worth - . $2600. Tsbor 4010. 4 ROOM hotfae; will trade for acreage, clone in: $4000. TOO Deknm bids. WAitTtn-BKAI, ESTATE : . . DON'T WORRY 1 can eel! or trade anything anywhere. - Layman. 147 I'ark St II WANTEI Moderns room bungalow on ped tract under 820U0. Will pay $100O down. What hare your Main n.ftlt. Apt. 8. WANT $1A6 or $2000 nnmeTall caiih for bargain; ownera only. aO-978, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES Have You Got $300? ' If an, . can ell you a dandy little wt aide rooming and apartment house that will make you good home free and pay you a profit of $10 per month beside. GODDARD, 50 1-2 t'OI'CH BUM I. Transient 30 Room Snap foreign siwaking gentleman mint m11 on ac count of not bring able to handle rams, central weat aide. rinn $S0 ir month. Great bargain. J. BHI t'K GODDARD. SO- Couch bldg . 13 ROOM honae, complete, income $85; rent $20, Clean room. Price $360. for quick aala. 266 Clay at. Main 5315. BCSI5ESH OPPORTUNITIES t arrange a large profit for the right cap italist or lady who will finance me. pending a largo timber transctfon now negotiating Ref ... ere wee. Address M-871. Journal. r LEAVING tty. selling ouf6 room e;t house. ' . fine location. Piano and Edion phonograph Included. Bargain if taken at once. No deal ers. Main 2628. . FOR BALE 24.000 sawnTnriTdTiTsner in good order, been, running np ti present time Lane eounty, 8 milt's from railroad. H. M. Rlrni. Al any. Or.. are Mountain Htate Power Co. tP TO DATE general md-e. btuineu In coun try fown; inrolre about $2500; doing $2000 . P month. HX-752, Journal. " ATE $500 to IVOOO to lnret in garage aa partner and learn buitinese. M 874. Jour wal . WELL' equipped garage and MacVmlth rhop i for aala or. trade; building ftOxloO; low rent. ;. Owner nruit lea re. M-872, Journal. .SBOCERTllflng room: cheap rent ;'cloe "in. InTetlgate. 12 lirand are. MOlfET TO LOAy REAL ESTATE $7 OTJS Installment plan Is the best and Surest method of paying- a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 0 months, or $15 17 fur 90 months, ys $1000 loan and tnUraat. Muer amounts In proportion. ! Wa loan on improved 'city properly. Or for building pnrmwi. No oomml'slnn rhargeif. EQUITABI.K HAVINGS gt LOAN ASStMJIATlON . 242 Stark st., Portland, Or. PAT OFF THE MORTGAGE wl four city home on easy installments with 10 years' time to repay; fully protected by lif insurance under Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Socl' ty. Interest 6 per cent; no gCommlasion. Hre Mr. Strong Equitable officer Oregonian building. $300 TO $5000 OK IMPROVED CITT PROPERTT " AMOUNTS TO SUIT HERMAN MOELLER, 102$ Oascn bldg. Main 1480. i $800. $400, $500, $780. $1000 and up" lowest- Interest rate. Liberal repayment prlvi . iegea. Mo- delay, GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 681 Chamber of Commerce. tlOILDlNG loan on city or, suburban prop arty; money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 218 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. 250. $350. $400. $500, $000 and larg r amount, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. to von want money see us; we nav It ilc Kenale gt Co., atife 1905. 515 Gertinger ldg. 'Phone Min -2N01. VlONET to loan in amount nc" '$100 to $bouu on city property. , A, II. BELL. Room 10-11 Mnlky bldg. . llONET to loan on city proiierty at lowest rate. Fred 8. Williams. 92 1st st. SEE OREGON INV. MOHTGAGK :o., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. $500 to $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. P. O. Box 873. ON ET to loan upon real estate! FVedGron nert. 887 Pittock block. WoR1;AGE loans. 6 and t-T! Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONET TO LOAN on improved city or farm - property, no commission. M-870. Journal. 5o5i io LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES $7 " DO YOU NEED MONEY? Ians made on automobiles, diamond, pi- enoa. household good or anything of vslne. Security usually left In your possession; ALSO , TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes with . aut aaeurity If jour payment to other loan ( eompanlea or on furniture or automobile con .4 tract are larger than you can make, we will pay them up, advance you more money, if neces- aary. and you. can repay us in amall monthly payment to auit your convenience. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTI.T CONFTDENT1AL r FORTI.ND IiAN COMPANY (lici-nsed) . 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. HOLIDAY MONKY I We are making a specialty of quick Moans to salaried or worklngmcn on their own notes, household furniture, ptsnos, etc. . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL , COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. 218 Failing building. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASsST""" Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. ' C. MYERS HERMAN. Mer.. 304 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - LOANS WANTED GOOD FARM MOKTtiAGK FOR 8AI.K $1000 on improved close In 8H A. rsnch. good buildings; plsce'valued st $2300; due In 1 H years. 8 per cent. Fred W. Grrmsn Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. SEE OREGON INV. V MORTGAGE CO.. 222! Chamber of Comuiercj. 4h snd Rtsrk. FINANCIAL 41 T7LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose wliat you have paid nn your aontracta. If you ars not sble to make your payment, see us. Wa pay cash for -partly paid contracts ot . bonda, or loan you 90 ' on your invctmsnt at T and par annum. - Special attention given out-of-town cu tomsrs. Bonds bough tr and sold at market price." Loam ' negotiated on farm and city proiierty. Deal with responsible licened broken. Open to 6 p. m, , , J HOWELL A DAVIS. -401 Board of Trade. CASH-PUBERTY BONDS ' FULLY - OH ONLY PARTLY PAID. . . . MARKET PRICE PAID. , . OPEN TILL 7 P. M. r DONALD MACLEOD 1002 SPALDING Rl.Irti. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. " BONDS BOUGHT. BPtVT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH FOR PATMENTS MADK ! ca.MII ruit TOl.B RECEIPTS Mail bond to ne: we rcm'.t return Com to 726 Gao bMg.. 6th snd AKIer CKI.LABS-MI'HTON CO., OPKN SAT. F.V CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS it l siurton, Slicrlork bklg. 3d. eor. Oak. - - : Open till 7. Sat 8 p. .' - LIBERTY BONDS ' . ' . Partly paid contracts boirght. rprn till 7:30 DORCAS A DORCAS - - 920 N. W. Bank BMg:. 6th and Morrlso ' INVESTMENTS.- luana, notes, saortgace. O. Lawia. SOS Lewi bids. . Mar. 1383. t i If you Bint aell your Liberty bonds, sell to oa. If you can bay mora Liberty bond,, buy from u We buy and we aell Liberty bonds t the market TOU CANNOT DO BETTER TOO MAT DO . WORSE. W. are today paying the following price for United State government Liberty loan bonda; FINANCIAL $100 $1000 Bond. Bond. Sft 88.78 992.86 1"t 4 . 92.24 927.45 2d 4a B2.6S 021.88 I t 4 14 83.81 868.13 2d 4!ti 84.00 945.09 Sit 4 '4 86.21- 867.17 4th 4 14a 94.51 930.17 8AFETT DEPOSIT VAULTS Morris Brothers, Inc., Tba Premier Municipal Bond House Eatablisbed over 25 yean. 309-811 Stark at. , bet 6th and 6th, Ground Floor. .Telephone Broadway 2151. , LIBERTY BONDS WE HfY HONKS ani hkceipts. re mittance MA II ED OUT Or" TOWN SKM EKS 1'AY BONDS ARE RECEIVED. ESTAB LISHED IN 1009. Northwestern Trust Company SECOND FLOOR WILCOX ISLDCi 0TH AND WASH. LIBERTY BONDS Ail Issues Bought and Bold. Before buying or selling get our quotations. E. L. DEVEUEAUX A COM PANT. Government and Municipal Bonda, 87 Sixth Street " Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS - CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. RECEIPTS WILL CASH TOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. IH NOT SACRIFICE YOUK RECEIPTS. WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOL LARS TO YOU. - SEE E. BTJRKITT, 8ECRETART OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., 212 SKI. LING HI.lMl. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS WILL iwy cash for equity In Liberty bonds. bring receipts and get your cash. 209 Ab- ington bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 1 GOOD gooseneck wagon, fine surrey, 2 high grade top buggies, fine steel tired top buggy, all kinds waeonn, saddles, harness, single and double, nearly new bike cart, fine team of Shetlands, several good ponies, good 1100 lb. caddie horse, fine team of matched brown. 2000 lbs. All kinds of horses and teams from $25 up. Will take cattle or milk goats in ex change. 302 Front st ' PAIR ROAN CHUNKS Well mated, fat and sound; not blemished any way; also true to pull any place. Both work single and ride. Make a good orchard or small farm team. Good leather breeching harness and collars, all at the very low price of $135, com plete. Call 462 FLANDERS. 1 SPAN of hores. 8000 libs; 1 span blockv mares, about 2S00 lbs.; 1 span about '2600 lbs.; span of mules, about 2200 'lbs.;, also sin gle and double work harness; a few farm wagons'. 2H to 8 Mi inch ; hoive ail good worker- and gentle. National Laundry barn, E. 9th and Haw thorne. I'lione East 3227. HAn?.n4 ,I"of ho" weighing from 2000 tq J 3000 per team, in good: condition, true to work. I must sell them at i sacrifice. The log ging camp shut down wberei they were working. I have no work for them, t Come and see my horses at 347 E. Alder st i My little girl will sell her pony: gentle, ride or drive. $145 BUTS good ranch outfit, mare and geld ing, weighing 2200 lbs., Gentle and true for snybody to hsndle: extra good, set of har ness and i H inch Mitchell light farm wagon. Thimble skein bolster spring bed and apring seat Mt Scott car. No. 5825 85th at 8. E. $Tl5 BUYS team of gelding, weight 2500 lbs.; grain fed, been working every day, not lame; heavy harpers also;, also have 24 -in. Moline wagon. In good shape. 3624 88th at 8. E. Tabor 6634. ' ' 8 ALE OR EXCHANGE 20 head of good young chunky built horses and mules; everything guaranteed a represented. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. 2 85 Front. i 1 0 HEAD of extra good cow, some fresh snd some soon to freshen, for sale chess, or trade for horses. 29th and Powell Vslley road, Wood srock csr. $123 BIG team, mare and bor e, both iod workers; small team mares, single or double workers, for $73; big male, sound and good worker, only $63. Crown Stables, 285 Front st. FOR SALE cheap, 4 good two wheel dump carts and liarnes. 3 gooseneck furniture wauona, 1 big t ck. 226 Russell Ht. FARM WAGON " 3 U Mitchell, wide tire farm wagen, most new. cheap. 462 FLAM1EKS. ! DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. Call DEAD horc taken uu'ek.: Csh paid for cow and crippled horses. Tnhor 4203. ALL kind of horse and team, from $25 up. 302. Front St. i HOUSE and wagon. SI. 50 day; 2 horse and wagon, $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front. Main 220. BROWN mare 1300 lbs. iwith a good harness, 3 Phone Mar-hall 4033. FARM and opting wagons! cheap. 380 Front. ' 1914 Ford in good condition. East ti294. I 8219. I t some terms. 30 Grand ava. X.. near Burnside. I GARDEN manure for ssle. Tabor 6034. aBRIlSOllSO UP FATHER Copyright 1918. lnternaUonal New. Servicsl ft IVf T THAT, HR. VJNJSiE I jJE'a-''THElh' UTTLE OrSEOO ) 1 " WIETHE 1 1 JO-T EtHT EMVb -.WELL -CAN H t "n I. CRb DAv0HTER Ki CUTE AND tOO KNOW WHO THKX H .UO 1 TO SCHOOL XOO TELL HE ' I .- 1 0i nTTU st WMT-OAN L r LglLJ 1 OP 'a r T 1 A CLA-bi- f T DONE MORE FOR . A riAlJCv' '1 ' 1 - ' - I I a. : .'.-...'....?.. -i 1 I I I I I r- 1 . 1 i 1 1 r. 'V.V.V.V. t -v-.v.-'-.--.- II.' v."..' ..;:, 4. VWM f- p;:;;-g a tv.'.'.v.V.Vv.W.v.'.-.. .'....,. X ' M . J I y m a -a .1 II' I -. r-jj.-i.: M T' " m a- Br - fail - II . ii- t-l tt-i -w 1A- ; : E . L:rs2"J Jv "' 11 t5ff jlf" " HORSES. VEHICLES. ETCV T TEAM MARE AMI HARNESS . Team of maces, heavy boned and block y built, fat . and round, Just off farm and owner baa gone to Idaho, They are left for Je at a sacrifice for a quick sale; price complete, $185, weight 2600 ttw and young, about 7 year old. Tbi team i worth $250. but must bo aold quick for cash. They won't atay long at the price, ro if you want them you will hare to come at once. Call 462 Flanders, t- , MAllE. 1150 lbs., sound, and any woman or child can work or ride, with good herneae and apring wagon, $50; ab?o good pony, saddle and bridle, for $25. 285 Front si.- LIVESTOCK FRESH cow for aale Will exchange for dairy cow; Liberty bond - "- at face value. Fraer McLean. .240 E. 8th at FRESH cow and calf, 2 weeka old, for aala. $63. Will take Liberty bond. 5520 65th at 8. E. i . - . . TOUNG fresh dairy and family cow, extra good apringera to frcabea aoon. Take beef cow In exchange. 751 East Aih. FOIl 8 ALE Heavy milking dairy cows; will take Liberty bonds. 2S57 68th at. Haw thorne car to 29th ate-, 2 blocks weat. FOB" "SALE 45 head of swine and 2 good cows. J. O. Bureau, Clackamea. Or.. B. No. 1. Box 73A. 40-LB. pigs for sale at $7 each; also soma brood sows cheap, Henry Gibbons, Carrol. Wash. BIX first -els ft dairy and family . cows, freob and coming fresh aoon ; - tuberculin teated. IB I Wextarma St., gt Jofana car. A FKE8H 3-year-old Jersey, with 4 days' old heifer calf; also 2 heavy springers. Woodstock car to 26th and Powell, 9 block east to 896. FINE young milk goat, fresh in February. Meade st. South Portland car. 251 8 yoL'.NU milk cow, rich milkers, for sale cheap or trade for horses. .Marshall 4053. NICE young family cow just freshened. 662 E. 28th st. S., Woodstock car. ' 4 GOOD fre-th dairy and family cows, sell cheap. I'. 8. Stables, 248 Front st TOCNG fresh Jersey-Holstein cow. 143 E. Hist in. BROWN SWISS Big, handsome, faultless yonng cow, 5.4 bntterfat. Tabor 1609. 15 HEAD of CotswajfcH ewe. 2 mile south of Oswego, on Stafford road. A. Ihmhat rOT I.TRT. PIOEON8. PET STOtvK S7 WE WISH you all a merry Christina and a Happy New Tear, which you will certainly en joy if you will call and see us for live and dressed poultry, etc. We retail at wholesale price. GASH PRODUCE CO Plione MMn 4882. Cor. Front and Morrison Portable Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES 8.- D. Williams. Tabor 629. 5 1 2 5 E. 8 2d SE. FOR SALE Cockerels from Brewster's Oregon Girl, who laid 30 lbs. of eggs In her pullet year; $10 earn. No out of town orders. I'uone Scllwood 2083. 643 Harold aTe. RABBITS and portable hutches for aale at 1031 E. Bdwy. Bargain if taken before Tuesday. Phone East 2597. IfltONZK turkeys, big. vigorous range stock: hens $7.50. torn SI2.60. U. J. van Avery, lloute 2, Independence. Or. POULTRY and rabbits; send for list of new rab bit books, pedigree cianxs. racmo foul try- roan, 503 Poison bldg., Seattle. BARRED ROtK eggs for hatching; 2 cock erels. Mr. Evans. 3C5 E. Lombard st. Wood- lawn 1656. 50 WHITE LEGHORNS and Oregon. 873. Sellwood PLYMOUTH Rock laying pullets for sale, wood 1001. Sell- LAYING hens for sale. 527 Roselawn are., 3 blocks north of Alberta. FRESH eggs for sale, some club with eggs. Would like to furnish Sellwood 31.1. SAVE feed. I guarantee to pick the non-layers from your flock. Tabor 6422. DOGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. $ THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guar anteed birds. Call or address 957 Missis fipnesve.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Airedale (female). champion pedigree. Bargain: Tabor 299. ST. ANDREASBERG roller singer, 3 years, and females. Woodlawn 3652. FOR SAI K Female roller, $1.30, or will trade. . Tabor 797. - CHOICE canaries at The-Canary Bird shop, 1151 E. 28th N., C-2217. BIRDS for sale, $4 a pair. Call evenings or Sunday. 646 Williams ave. GOOD BREED rabbits for pale. D. toxian. 68th ave., 78th st S. E. T. Car- APTOMOBIIjES ACCESSORIES 41 1913 PACKARD, cord tires all around. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 S. Broadway. Open Evenings. NEW TIKES What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have thero. all makes and size. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do -all man ner of tiro repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 333-335 Bnmside, near Broadway. COLE, 5 PASSENGER Good tires and paint, for sale, or would trade for . property. Auto Trimming Co., over Paul Steiger'a Garage, 9th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 2017, or Tabor B036, Sunday. LAMER' Mia. and Repairs. 3000 guaranteed snrinr in . j stock;, prices reduced. a. 1 qui at. AUTOMOBILES overhauled and repaired t re- duced rates on contract prices; all work guar anteed. Hemphill Trade School, 707 Haw- thorne ave. East 8068. I CAN use your Ford or Chevrolet If you can use my 1919 Maxwell Touring car. Call Ada ma. Tabor 630 DUBRUU.LE TOP CO. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664. 1913 HUPP touring, good condition. Trade for 1918 Maxwell. 5-psss. Will psy dif ference. Write 512 E. Richmond st FOR-SALE, cheap, or trade for truck, 1917 Ford in' first class mechanical condition. Looks like new. Call at 662 28th st B. STUDEBAKER touring, like new; will con sider some trade; a bargain, $850. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Bnrnside. 1917 Ford touring, fine condition, good tires, shock absorbers, speedometer. Bdwy. 1764, Tsbor 161 h. $450. - CHEVROLET 191S, tiH new; will sacrifice, $675, with terms, i 30. Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 5'PASSEXGEll Overland, just overhauled. No. 1 condition; owner in army, needs money; and instruct me to sacrifice. 374 Union ave. N. MAXWELL 1916 touring, good condition; will aell $45w; some terms, ju orana ave. near Burnside. j375DOWN buys , nearly new Chalmers Six. 5 passenger automobile; all new tires ; repainted. Call East 1962. GOOD Ford delivery body, worth $40. take $"20. Phone Wdln. 2869. Will USED CARS The street is fuIL Give them the onee over. 9th an Couch. $30,000 WORTH OF USEDCARS. STAI- J;ER;S GARAGE, 8TH AND COUCH. MUST sell my nearly new 1918 Maxwell touring car. A-l shape. M-867. Journal. i SPOT CASH a OH YOUR FORDS Francis Motor .. 13th and Hawthorne, T. : " : - t A HTOMOBtLES ACCESSORIES 44 WE'RE OPEN EVENINGS FOR OUR CONVENIENCE ' Make ft a point to aea us -tonight about a good used caT. We have them and want to find buyers for them. ' ALL MAKES, SHAPES AND SIZES Priced lower than can be found elsewhere. , PORTLAND V USED CAR STORE 33 North Broadway at Burnsidc WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ANLT A GOOD MANY MORE TO SELECT FROM. TERMS TO DESIRABLE PARTIES, AND LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED. 1913 Cadillac, snap $600 r- ord roadster, extra equipment 300 Overland touring, electric lights and good tires, epecial thia week............. 275 Chevrolet touring, lota of extras ...... f50 Series 18 Studebaker, good condition ... 750 Ytveriand touring, mechanic take notice . . 893 1916 Keo. a real buy 475 cyL Overland touring, re finished .... 600 Oldsmobile Co. 87-89 Broadway. FORDS FORDS FQRDS SPECIAL Seat covers for 1917-18 roadsters $10.60. BODIES New touring bodies. New roadster bodies. New delivery bodies. WE ARE DELIVERING NEW CARS AND TRUCKS. PLACE TOCR ORDER NOW. USED CARS 1916 touring. 1917 roadster. 1916 delivery. 1918 sedan. 1917 touring. 1914 touring. Ford coupelet wire wheels. ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 6th and Madison. 1918 LIBERTY, newly painted, run only 4000 miles; a bargain. ' DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 South Broadway Open evenings WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to learn to ooerate and repair automobile. tractors and trucks. Special day and night ela asea. 8tudenta can enter at any time. Call or write Hemphill's Trad Schools. 707 Hew tborne ave.. at 20th at. 3 Maxwells 3 5 rjass.. tourinc. like new. 5 pass., touring, perfect condition. 5 pass., touring, a dandy. Give them the once over. A.uto Sales Co,,' 9th and Couch GUARANTEED ACTO REPAIRING. PROMPT SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A TRIAL. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO,, CHAPMAN ST., BET. TAMHILL and TAYLOR. . MAIN 1157. 1 REO 2-ton truck, chassis snd csb, tires, good condition; terms if desired. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 S. Broadway. Open Evenings. V MOTORS, Gearings,' Bearing. Wheels. Axles and Trailers -We wreck all makes ot cars ana sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. Broadway and f lanqers st. oroaqway io. FOR SALE My 1917 Ford touring car; shock absorbers, new top and seat covers: car is in very best of condition. This is a bargain. Can be seen at 190 N. 22d st. Msin 2143. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of can. Oregon Auto Ex change. 120 Lownsdale at 15th and Washing ton. Broadway 2668. 1918 CHEVROLET, fine condition, bargain If aold before New Year's; terms. Marshall 3883. , 1918 COUNTRY CLUB Overland for sals cheap for cash. Montgomery gangs. Front and Montgomery. OAKI.AND roadster, good running order; a bargain. $300; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. BUICK roadster, fine mechanical condiiioa; a bargain, $300: some terms. 30 Brand are. N., near Burnside. 50 USED CARS TO STAIGERS GARAGE, PICK FROM AT 9 Til AND COUCH. $173 DOWN buy good 19 IT Ford touring car; shock absorbere and good tires. Gall E. 1692. $300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touring car. Call Tabor 630. - GASOTaNE 20 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186lst $230 DOWN buy "good 1917Maxwell touring car; repainted. Call Tabor 630: GUARANTEED auto repairing tot less. 8219. " f East A ITTOIWOBI LES-A CCESSORIES 41 FORDS FORDS FORDS EAST TEEMS $250 TO $525 1 1814 Touring, all new tires. 1 1914 Touring, a good serviceable car. 3 1916 Touring, fa fina shape. ' t ivi r i ounng, mecnanica y 1 1919 Roadster, a dandy car. 1 1917 Roadster. A-1 shape. 1 1916 Delivery, with panel body. 8 ,1-Ton Chain Drive Trucks 1 brand SPECIAL 1916 Touring. A-l shape., with electrio start tag and lighting aystem $435. Sea these cars before you buy elsewhere," TALBOT & CASEY, INC. GRAND AVE. AT S. AN KENT 8T.' PRICES ARE LOWER NOW THAN THEY WILL BE IN THE SPRING 1917 Studebaker Six, only $700. Just think of it. Dodge touring, cord tire, $700, " READ THESE THEN COMPARE; VALUES . Winton Six', 7 Pass., $600. Maxwell touring, A-l condition, snap. $500. Think of it Country Club, 1918, Urea almost .new, $700, THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 527 Washington St. - Where Washington and Burrnide Meet ROADSTERS BUICK8 AND OAKLANDS We have this year model six Oakland, new rubber and general appearance ot car la line run like new one. Now everybody knows 1kw aepenaable tne Oakland are; the price Is low and the terms are easy and long. Buick Thia little four is in fine shape and it runs lute a new one: haa new tires and is com plete. and the price is only $325. with some uown ana long umo on oaiance. o.o Aiuer su 1918 Maxwell tourinc car: new in everv wav this little light car will serve you, and the price is low; terms are long and easy. Call and see it '17 Ford; haa lot of extras on it and is ready to run to CJhicaga and back, and our price is t.. .. .i i . r ' w v iuu mils wie ie it. ill uu cut. ,oj u;a3 uni juii, uiuv. We have twenty-fivo ether cars, all makes and kinds, that we will aell on liberal terms to any one. Gall and see us 525 Aider st A 1 AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO.. Bonds at bonus. FORDS FORDS FORDS . 1918 touring. 1918 touring. 1917 touring. 1916 touring. 1915 delivery. These cars in fine shape and guaranteed. If you want aomething for your money see tnese cars. CASH TERMS TRADES Auto Sales Co,, 9th and Couch 1917 MARMON. 7 passenger. 1 new. just overnauiea, new corn ures. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 South Broadway Open evenings I will pay cash for any reliable make of tour ing ear. or roadster. Why leave your car with any one to sell when you csn drive it to my place and get cash for it Think it over am call and see'us. A-l Auto Works and Painting (Jo.. 623 Alder st, GARAGES HOUSES , CHICKEN HOUSES K, WOOD SHEDS Portable or ready cut See samp at 544 Hood at Main 1167. . Miiimade Construction Co 1914 CADILLAC, good tires all around (1 ex tra), fine running car; a bargain DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 S. Broadway. Open Evenincs. WE own our own building, can save you money on yuux soui ana poay won. . ew bodies made to order. See Vancouver Ave. a-araa n,l blacksmith shop. 711 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 2869. BEST car in Portland for $400; very easy terms. 5 good tires. 3 of which are brand new. Electric starter and lights and it looks good. too. Kelly. Bdwy. 2492. BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington sts. Main C244. baiu;ai.3 tn asea tires; no Junk; new tires also; vulcanising ana reireaaing. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41. Grand ave. CHEVROLET touring, 1917; fine 'condition : a bargain, aoo; So tne terms. 30 Grand sve. . . . near . oanuius. OAKLAND car $150 New delivery body, for a 490 Chevrolet car. Inquire Central Garage 2d and Main. 1916 Ford, Atwater Kent ignition. S140 ex tras, runs use a new car. 375 cash. Phone Tabor 8054 Sunday. . FORD touring, fine $300; part terms. Burnside. condition, good tires! 80 Grand ave., near FOR SALE CHEAP 1916 Ford touring ear. Z-767. Journal $300 DOWN buys nearly new 1918 Overland toaring car. Call Tabor 630. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X -513. Journal. SPOT ca-h paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House, Grand ava. and E. Stark. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUiCKACTIONT STAIGER'S GARAGE. 9TH AND COUCH. FORD delivery, new tires; a bargain. $325; some terms. 30 Grand ave. X., near Burnside. ArTOinnir-j: wTt-sxoiiiF.s USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 20 CARS TO SELECT FROM WILL ACCEPT TOUR LTBERTT BONDS AT FACE VALUE. AND TOUR OLD CAR AS PART PATMENT. NOW 18 THE TIME TO PURCHASE. I WE HAVE A NUMBER OF HIGH GRADE. LATE MODEL CARS TO SE LECT FROM AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Her are a -few we offer for your approval: 918 Mitchell. 7 pea., 6 cyL $1450 917 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6 cyL .:. 11250 nil Mitchell. 5 pass, 6 cyU S10O0 816. Chevrolet 8 case.. 4 crL $ 600 914 Haynea. 6 pass.. '4 cyL $ 500 1913 Hudson. 6 paaa.. 6 cyL $ 650 915 Mitchell. 5 paaa.. 4 cyl $ 6O0 917 Maxwell. 5 pass.. 4 cyL ..$ 5O0 916 Overland. 6 paaa.. 4 cyL $ 675 915 Hudson. 7 Daaa.. ctL. lieht six. . .8 850 WE CARRY OUR OWN PAVER AND CAN - NAME YOU LIBERAL TERMS. USED CAR DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East First at Morrison. Phones East 7272. B-1216. 1918 OVERLAND 85-6. run $000 miles, new tires, fins condition. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 South Broadway Open evenings CHEVROLETS 5 pass., touring, like new ,....$523 483 5 pass., touring, fine shape Delivery 395 Auto Sales Co,, 9th and Couch AUTOMOBILES WAITTED 1 WANTED A . 1918 Dodge. Call CoL 296. Will pay cash. No dealers. HIGHEST price paid for automobile, condi tion no object. 121 N, 3d st Bdwy. 2628. AUTOS FOB HIRE S AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Robnrtt. City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN ft SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 1 OTH AND YAMHILL A-1236 FORD, competent driver, $1.50 per hour; go anywhere. A. II. Winter. Tabor 1023. MOTORCYCLES, BICTCLES HARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3 speeds A-l condition fully eqnipped. Cash or terms, lt 2 18ft. WANTED Good bicycle, cheap for cash. Ta bor 7828. HARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3 speeds. A-l condition. ruity equifTifrq. i. asii or in hit. i .am . i ., LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 BOATHOU8E for sale at- the far end Owner, Baldwin. of bridge from Kenton. PIANOS, ORG AH S, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $4 0 VHM L WeOCEH Phonographs snd records bought, sold, rxchanged and rented. ' Expert repair ing. 142 2d. near AW?r. upstairs. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS Whether a COLUMBIA. VICTOR, EDISON or BRUNSWICK, your machine will plsy our rec ords. The Record Shop. 189 Broadway N. Ileilig Theatre bldg. CABINET grafonola. in excellent condition and 63 high-class records, bought two weeks ago. for $200. Must be sold at once at bargain. Phone evenings: be homa Wednes day morning until 12 (noon). Marshall 8242 HTE1NWAY SQUARE (ROSEWOOD) $125 $67.60 value phonograph and record $55.00 Uobart M. Cable (like new $298.00 HA ROLD S. GILBE RT, 384 YamhllL WANTED Piano or flayer piano for cash. O- 863, Journal. PIANO for sale. Will take organ in trade. L- 8H8. Journal. TYPE WRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rvbuUt typewriters, "all makes." sokl on monthly payments. Send for price li.t The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dept.. 821 Washington at ALL make of typewriter rented, repaired and aold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 5th st. TYPEWRITERS rented. repaired, exchanged- Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. 88 Bmadw'y. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $i Furniture Brokerage 208 MADISON Gas rsnge. $8.75: -steel range. $12.90; cook store. $8.50; heater, 2..0: iron bed, XI spring, $1.73; mattress. $2.73: dreseer, $6.73 chairs, $1; rockers. $1.50; center tables. $1. library tables, $4.73; dining table. $6.30 kitchen tables, $1.50; steel conches, $6.73 pads. $3.25; go-carts. $2.75 ; phonograph, $3.50 also dressing tables, buffets. Chins cabinets, granitewsre, sll msrked with Big Yellow Tae. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS Iron beds $1.75 snd nn Springs Mattresses Drsssen ................ Chsin Dining tsbles ............ Center tsbles . . . 1.00 and up . . . 1.50 and np . . . 7.50 and up ... .75 and up . . S.00 and up . . . .75 and up . .. 9.00 . . . 1.60 204 1st st. Cook stoves ............. Rockers OWL FURNITURE CO., WARNING Is given against buying or selling any furniture without determining If articles are fully paid for. Furniture bought on con ditional aale and aold before final payment is a criminal offense. N. W. Furniture Dealen" Assn. Main 8603. QUARTER-SAWED oak dining and serving ta ble, large heating stove, steel couch. Bdwy. 2483. 188 2 let st N. FOR sale cheap. Urge oak sideboard good as new; East 3048. No. 9- E. 7th 8. MACHINERY 81 1 ERIE engine. 12x14 right hand. 1 K H. P. upright Standard engine. 2 6 H. P. upright boilers. 1 1 5 H. P. firebox boiler. 1 80 H. P. firebox boiler. 2 86x10 Isp seam ret tub. boilers. 2 54x16 lap seam ret. tub. boilers. 1 60x14 lap ream ret. tub. boiler. 2 66x1 6 hip seem ret tub. boilers. 3 06x16 butt strap waterleg boilers. . 1 72x16 butt strap tubular boiler. 1 250 H. P. marine firebox blr.. loco, tyiie. All in A-l condition for immediate shipment at reasonable prices. Csll or write. G-R. Machin ery Co.. 70 1st st FOR KALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE Kitchen treasure and heating stove. Phone Woodlswn 5057. UNCALLED for tailor made euits. $12.50 up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 hi Burnside st. VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8582. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Dsvts Co., 212 8d st Msin 797. BtarK- BURBANK potatoes. $2 per sk. sks. delivered. Sett. 465. Order of 3 PHOTOGRAPH head grounds snd material cheap. 267 Holiaday ave. plumbing FOR SALE Folding baby iron bed. Good a , new. go-cart and baby Tabor 3996. FERTn.IZER Old and green. Main, 7320 after 6 p. m. FERTILIZER delivered! Sell. 463. 1$ . : 1 . r To Prove to Portland That Our "Ql 1 r Qh rn' ' Process beats them all. OUl OHip we will sharpen six blade free. We sharpen anything yon ahavo with. Money back if not the best yon ever used. "Bur Shrp " Shop, 226 Morrison st FANCY POTATOES iTTi Per Hundred HOOD RIVER APPLES SI. AO to gl.40 ner box. NICHOLS COMMISSION HOUSE Washington st, between 1st snd Front 207 SEWING machine, new and sec ond band, aold for less; no agents employed. Complete Una of parts for all make machines, i paired and rented. Main 9481. SBWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Sd near Taylor at AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. can solve Tour servant problem. Mv name la tne THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Ton can learn all about ma by telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co.. Bdy. 2686. Liberty Born accepted at par value. 571 Washington st. Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn- side corner 10th. Broadway 5674. JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND 3D 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classifi cations. All advertisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER CM A AA TEN drophead sewing machine with vp I JtJJ attachments, all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented st $3 per month. Phono Kast 2359, or B-S307. fi. K. Steen, 152 Grand ave. near Belmont FINE eating potatoes. $1.50 per 100 lbs. Bring sack and take them, or 8 sacks delivered In St. Johns at $1.75. Have some fine oat hay. $28 ton. at place. 619 E. John at, St John. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boat are aeparate classification, ' A large listing can be found under these different claaai- fications. FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and hone mature, big scar- rater wagon loads delivered. East 638. M A C i CMC USED DROPHEAD vliJU IU vj I J SKWINfi MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 3d st near Yamhill. Main 1845, A 1818 PRINTING FOR LESS B0 weddtng invita tion or announcements for $3.60; general commercial printing: beat work; prompt deuv cry: try us. Smith, printers. 204 Btarkst WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Wliv not a permanent and indestructible rsof We oxidize and renew all kinds of leaky roofs. 608 Tourney bldg. Main 6886. EAT HORSE MEAT Sells for less than half the price of other mat. Psskps thorough inspection. 149 1st st ELECTRIC wirinc and repairing. Wa employ only competent electricians. Hmttn-Mcvol Elec. Co., Bdy. 2686. 871 Washington at FOR SALE Fertiliser from Union Block raids., for lawns and garden; prompt aerrica. Phone Tabor 5890 evening. HIGHEST price paid for diamond, watchea and iewelnr. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 hi Washington st HOT water 'tank, all sixes, in good, serviceable Condition. 80 gal. $7. 40 gaL $9. 201 Adam st. Kast end Steel bridges Phone E. 8616. 8TEAMFITTINU and plumbing tools, money. Woodlawn 6639. WE have new and second hand safes, moderate price. 46 Front Broadway 1966. 100 SLIGHTLY used overcoats and suits; must be sold, at bargains, an is. su ED. V. PRICE A CO.. TAIIiORINQ. 409 E. MORRISON ST. SOCKS knit to order. Csll Tsbor 481. FUBNlTfHE WANTED 74 Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new and used merchandise than any store 4a tha city. There Is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel snd camp supplies. - When you have anything to buy or sell, call or ph ne Main 9072 A-7174 LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 221-8-5 Front st cor. Salmon sjcanvrvn u vlven aealnst buvina or Belling . V.,,fJ;&tW-rt 5 7. irrH ,M Cfor. T final oarm.nt is . U.i if N. W. Fomitiir. Dealers' Aasn. ' Main 8603. OWL FURNITURE CO 204 FIRST We want your ued furniture, atovea. carpet and nian : will pay hisue.t cash price. tall Main 4627. Want -Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8332. . WIGHTMAN-JOIINSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand are. Eat 7766 Hiehest Drier uaid for used furniture; car pets, stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. CI'T trrirht ratf on . household goods shipped eat and aouth. Manning warenouse at ran- fer Co., 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 703. A-l 793. - - . .. . . WILL PAT CASH For used office furniture. Main 1971. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. WE PAT Me hieheat cash prices aver paid by anyone in the city for furniture. Call us for one article or a house full. Main 734. - AJVOU Pad for furniture, stoves, ranges, lieat lifton n . eamets. rugs, dressers, etc Phone Mar. 2675. Hartzell Furniture Co.. 341-45 1st vnnvK l-.t ?7io when you want to sell your furniture; we wiH come at once and pay yon CA8H. M. It. SKATKK. ass iiawmornc ave. SWAP COLUMN $$ SELL cheap or trade for stock llJFord in first class mechanical condition. 662 28th t. S. Wood-tock car. . WILL trade my half karat diamond ring for a good phonograph. Phono Main 4602. MOTORCYCLE to trade for chicken or milch e-oat or what have youT Phone Wdln. -2 869. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS DYER THE TOP, $7.50 Up Spot cash for second liand suits, overcoats. old shoes. Main 738, ot buyer will call. BUSY TAILORS Hie'iest nricea Da id for clothing. Talk to us. You will be satisfied:- Broadway 1021 f:or,nTix The Tailor, pays highest prices for ladies' .end gentlemen's suits, dresses, ate. uroeawsy dm. 245 Burnside st WAXfrh Hand-made baby clothes and any thing new in fancy work. Bdwy. 3273 or 319 Tilford bldg. , , f GOING East or South? Household good shipped at reduced ratea; moving and packing, ramie Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoytst Bdw. 708. RPirT cash naid for misfit clotliiug. Atlantic clesners Alteration Dept. Main 6701. WANTED Rifles, shotenn, cam as. Hochfirld, 85 3d rt "Phone 8581. lenses. By George McManut FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS is WANTED MISCEIT .NEOUS WANTED People olJ'ttLinl to know that I MS highest fmah hrlcts for sound baatd hou. hold goods. No ass iwunt too large or too small. Prompt attention. ,,. . . .- N. M. HEATER t --.-, ' Phono East 2208. " 14S Russell t" $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Merer, thai tailor, nan meat for dothlnc and I ahooa. Wa call day or avening : Marshall 1229 - or 229 Madison. -.- - -- - Marshall O .7mCI I 208 " Front at, 18S2 Oi IULL Wa nay tha ht xtriea for second - hand tool, junk, pipe, etc. ; will call promptly. 13 I. OU.-h A Portland Front . It OUdllfS VU. T gogt HIDES METALS - RUBBERS Write for price and hipping tags. Mais 1699. WANTED Invalid chair. Call Wdln. 702. PERSONA. rs TRY THE PETERSON PLAN , , Lata winter and earl aortas: aamplaa era In. Women are saving half at Peteraon'a Manufac turers' Sample Outlet on suits, eoata. drea. wit, pettiooa . - Take elevator. 24 floor, room 208. Ftttoek block. GLASSES AT A SAVING . -I solicit your natron oa tha basis of capable servte. Thou-. .. .!( ... ,'Jd'nn, optotnetrtut 209 Morrison st ; COME IN and get both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, tha CHIROPODIST that' doesn't hurt you ; A years in Portland; exam, free, ; Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdy, 2824, SUPERFLUOUS hair, molea, warts, removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Jnsie Finlsy. , 614 Bush ft Ine bids. Main 636H. DR. O. V. KETCHUM. woman' mrtadi) and acuta diseaaaa of men. Waahinatnu bids.. Al and Washington. Phono Marshall "448.' i DR. II. COLLINS, 91 S Broadway bg., stomach. liver, bowel, rheumatism, female disorders, -desfnesa snd nervous diseases. - ' -L GOITRE enlarged glands, people cure. them. salves permanently. A. K. Btrachan. Hilia. or. K. 6. ' r- MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 28$ BTU -ST. Bpiritualadrlser, Instruetiona in tha theory of ,. heslth, success and harmony. RATTLESNAKE "OIL aura relief for deafness arynew ana ringing m in ueaa. Mliuttt G. Scruggs. Nexperce, Idaho. WOU LD like to hear, from parti baring es- " temal rsnrsr Add sa K a U',Itn Ij'nlnw hotel. Portland. Or. 88 N. 6th at s CLEAN your own home with new electric ' vacuum cleaners; $1 a day deliv'd. M'n 787$. DR. ELNA SOBENSEN. 508 Panama bid DRI7t;LE88 Method: haa wonderful effect . LADY BARBERS Shave 16c; haircut. 25a; face, massage. 85c. 823 G I isan corner 6th. i MME. GKENKI.U scientific face and seslp treatment 30 Fleidner bldg.- Bdwy. 1683. WANTED Healthy, bin eyed baby to adopt at birth. L-889. journal. SCIENTIFIC breathing, heslth institute. Treat all diseaaaa.-excenses. etc. 409 Macleay bldg. NOTICES fl$ I HAVE purchased ail tha stock and fixtures - known aa tba Broadway grocery, located at 410 E. Broadway, ot Mr. E. Holland; all ac counts of indebtednese against the above atov must he presented by Jan. 4, 1919. I. B. Elliott. : . P0r5SiONAL AND 3US1NE5S DIRECTORY vsOOOWDKQiii sLITIWQ. MKWTITCMtWQ WE CUT. HEM AND PTJCAT SKIRTS, ANY STYLE. FOB $1. UEMSTITCULNU 100 rER YARD. . EASTERN NOVELTT CO. "H FIFTH ST. BDWY. 2000. I HEMSTITCHING and licot. AU work nr. anteed. Hinger Sewing M'cn Co.. 402 Waah- I mgron anq intn. ANTIQUES P. JSI ljlt " " J. b"",ht "d M ,5i. ,d . ? ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS of FURNITURE. . Stern Salvage Co., 633 Washington at CAUTV SPECIALIST SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by Mul upia iseeole Method. OWsT Bwetland Mlg . - BLANK BOOK MAR INS t)AVIS A HOLMAN, LNC, 109 2d st,-blank ' oook manufacturers. A-S188. Msin 183. -OAftPtNTEN AND BUILDER - D. GUREIN MANUFACTURING CO. ' 2S2 Sheridan. Main 8045. Carpenter work and remodeling, screen doors, etc Estimates given. CARPET OLEANINO " i . - E,-8580. H hh Kl M?S : B-I286 a aa a , From old carpet. Carpet cleaning and refitting. ; nag ruga woven, all sine. , Mail orders aoliciled. NORTHWEST RUG CO. . Former add ma 168 Union ava. ' EAST 3580 s.o. B-1280 - 84 Uni) a. , East ri516 O tt-473. JOYCE BROS.. ElectrSr CJeVning- WorkiCar: ..!?."! reutUng onr c.w. B-1963. 204 K. 19th at !i. -CHIROPRACTORS DR. LAURA 'E. DOWNLNG. Broadway bH . Dregless Physician 10 yrs. exnerienca Oiiro- praotio. Kleetricity. Vibratory Maaugo and Diet. DR. McMAHOX la making good; 31 adjtnt ' Sia; seven. . Kai t terms. ; OOAL AND WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. Short slsbwood, block - wooq. 8 load lota, 4 -ft c'tq alb. Eat 204 1. C PUPATION A L ' ' bANCINO " " "' "f" ALYS II. BROWN, teacher of classic, too. list. t ana nsumnm nsnein ii Vft. i,,! ; . Morrlsoii. Phone Broadwsy 2656 ana osunom aancing. is loin at. off JHIISB ISr.l,A.lll 10 LESSONS 83 - j 609 Pekurn bklg. Personal attention. Iff to 0. i MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 1 09 2d at"-Ball room and atage dancing. Claa Tuesday and , Friday evening. Main 2 1 00. Private lemon. -- SUIO SCHOOL) AND TEAOMERS WEBBER ACADEMT OF .MUSIC " ' String lnatruments and xdano. Cumh hl.to Main 1868. - .. . PAUL F. KISSNER, violinlrt. Room 1. Si& 'Z Washington. Main 5510. Ten lesson $15. PROF. T. ETLAWSON. 20 yesrF'SperiVr: Pisno lessons at yonr home. 75c. Tabor 7206. : 'L. CARROLL DAT, piano, vocal iewnne, witsj practice Piano. 1 br. day $3 mo. Bdy. 2655. k THIEtJIORN Violin teacher, pupil Ijevcic 207 Filed ner bMg. Broadway 1629. I ALL-STRING pisno. Kol' Kenbeck, profesaionsi expen ence. v ismfiiii. aTuSIO furnished. ' Mar. 1402, Main 7292. " " MAIL ADVERTI6INO CRANE LETTER CO.. 612 Royal bldg. Multl. grapning. mimeograpnlng. Msrahall 6622. , PAINTIN9, TIN TINS, PAPERHANSINQ T J H. CIJFTON, painting, tinting, papering. ItZ r. i nn . rvreaowsy 4Si. woodlawn ZJ2, PATENT ATTORN EV, GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester bklg. Main 2323. PRINTING F- W. BALTE8 A CO1Tt rnln I IllU and Oak ata. M. 165. A-116f. PHV6ICIANS ' . DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadway building. i I uneusaaican. ieiuM bbdiikii. hih I stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, tbtuat, goitre. bigh blood preure. - . RUBBER STAMPS ALSO STENCILS. Trade Cheeka. Metal Signs. PAClr lG COAT BTAS4P WOHSVO, ' 63 Broadway. . Broadway 710, A-2710.' SALTED AND SMOKED PISH , ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CO., di- trirrators ot sal tea .M iButsl lui, , 3;: Yamhill st, Portland, Or. TRANSFER AND STORAOK - . "ORFGON TRANSFE"R"COr Established 1870 - , Transfer and Forwarding AgenU. : Htorago Freo Trackage,. Office and Storage 474 Glnan. . ; 13th and Gltsan. Broadway 1281, A-1IE9. American Transfer St Storage We do banling of afl kinds tn or out of the city. Baggage and furniture moving OUT sneeiahy. 7 days free storage. Oct our prkoe. Sroadway ! 4183. 309 Oak st - - ALWAWnplCK THE BEST nOUSEHOLIJ ! GOOVS SPECIALIST Storage, peeking, ship, i pfng and moving. Horse and auto ran. Upaeuil ; rates to all point. C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. I Second and Pine. Broadway 596, ' A-l 96. STORAGPMD transfer CLAY. S. MORSE, INC., 426 Flanders st - -" - ' G. L DAVENPORT"7" TRANSFER AND STORAGE IXING DISTANCE UALl.ING . - Main 8576. A 3 168, ,144 Front ,C PACKING MOV ifi -STOKAGK SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., iva pari at.- iin 1S, A-19A1. . FIREPROOF STORAGE CM. OLSON TRANSrER CO. 248 !'. . 1 , . ... , . . - j ,