THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY. DECEMBER SO, 1918 13 HEAT. ESTATE It . t?d"rinn iivru rVin f Ann Legated ta Clark -Bounty, Washington. 10 tnllee from Vsneoaver, 1 miles . f roa Brush Prairie on tlwa roadt ISO eeres, SO acres la ' ewlUvation,' balance really cleared; -first claaa oil, sm gravel, large 9 loom house, barn, gran ary, brick mok bmiM and all Memirf out bvlldling, 2 well. It to 20 acres of avail land. Tbia place actually Bold for 928,000 year go, ?6O06 eaah will band la. Fred W. Grma Co., tr'i Chamber of Commerce. lo XC.fH.i ot apple orchard, bearing. Sell or trad. Portland property prof i rod. Br ev, R. C. Uayea,. S0 Wart 18 in St., Vancouver, i Wtilh loO ACfiEi, about 80 acre" In bearing apples, flna condition, full equipped; good house, bant anil packing bona, in Hood River dis trict, i Will laaaa for term at year t ex perienced wan. 17-899. Journal. &AKCK (or rent, cash or shsres, om stock. J-769, journal. TAEMR WAKTEPBEyT OB BTJT 99 LttU'ONfclBLE party wants to rant about 40 - acres, mostly pasture, hoc fenced, good lra- provements, on bard road, within 20 mUaa of FarUMMt. P lions Msla.0788. TIMBER ft WANTED Long second! growth and larg fir within city ilmita of Portland to eat aa cord wood. Phono or writ to Western Ship Sup ply On. Main 2564. tPlNTED Surveying " and ' lumber cruising. Propertle exemlned. estimate furnished. 982 Chamber of Commerce, Main 2073 or Eaat To. ftar 0. - MRSaXE20.000" fV of 2x6 i4l -ii"Wo." eommea rough ; prica 19 par M. Address John Schrefber, Mullno, Or., R. 1. 'EXWATTOE BEAt ESTATE 14 X HAVE a 12600 oonlty In 18 aeraa 2 milea from Tillamook, all- under cultivation, bal ne very easy Itmi; wonld Ilka to exchange for now and - lot W Portland naar aa ma. value aesTiue. "CiTldTm a. Hotel F-6B4. Journal. I WANT bom in Portland: you want la Michigan J Let's trade. DRoe, Stewart, 145 H Broadway. 1 SEE Richard Collier it you want to buy aall or exchange property. Main 7100. 014 Panama bldg. 10 ACtlES. 4 room house, In Coble, Of., for house in Portia no. Eaat o7a. 6 TtAoVf fla t with store room below. Worth 12560. J Tabor 4090. 1 ROOM house;, will trade for acreage, close ( 14000. 700 Dekum bldg. WAWTED REAL ESTATB II "l6T?TrWBRT" I ega aall or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park St WANT 91600 or 92 000 home; aU eaah for bargain; owner only. 0-878, JournaL BOOMIKG HOUSES ' W6SvWkiAftftR in rooming houses, APARTMENT HOUSES AH) HOTELS T6 room hotel, clear 1400, 16700 1 terms; 71 room hotel, clear 1850; 90160; term 40 room hotel, modern, dears $300, 15000 . term. a o room hotel, clean 1250. 18300 i term a 66 room pert.mnt T-lsar 9380, 94100; terms. 87 toon - apartment, clean - 9400. 93000 term. Term en the; many other. A equer deal togll. GILSON KEALTT CO.. 491 Cham, of Com. Main 9127 WIDOW unable to handle 29 room transient house mutt aall by Monday; turning away 30 people a night and rant of atom pay the rent, Fair furniture and beat location in city. I' non gqwy. 131W, IS RCOM houae, eomplete. income 995; rent 926. Clean rooma. Price 9590, for Quick aalo. 296 Clay t Main 931 5. rSlHESS OPFOBTTJlf ITIES APlkTMENT HOTTSE F5R SATE BIG BARGAIN MUST BE HOLD 39 8 .8 room apartments, all new. well located Value 912.000: will sacrifice: must have S8000 I eaah antg. 99000; bslsnce to suit, or trade; make offer. Addrem 169 E. 76th st. fENDLET'dNO A RA 0 E, welFeitsblUhed. in "a good location l dose a fine tire and nana bnat- esss an mates car repaired in well equipped r , . v ,.l . j, ' I tea. Or. WILT arrange a largo profit for the right cap italist or lady who will finance me, pending a lr timber transaction now negotiating. Ref ereneea. Address M-871, Journal. FA TITS Eft wanted fit oordwood deal best sell Call roDoaltioa in Portland today. aflcht all Tumpaae at t par cord, 9900 . cash. Mar. azs?, atter e p. LEAVING city, gelling'' our 9 room apt house, fine location. Piano and Edison phonograph Included. .Bargain if taken at once. No deal era. Mala 2623. FOR SALE 24.000 sawmill and nl nee in erwwl order, been running up to present time Lan rwunvy, o roues irom railroad. H. M. Hlenls, Al- nany, ur., sr Mountain Slat ex power -o. VP TO DATE'general olw. business In eoun- iry tewni invoin about 300; doing 92000 per month. BX-752. Journal. i t m gouu to iuimi to invest tn garage a partner and learn business, M-874, Jour- WELL" equii'ped garag and blacksmith shop or osio or iraae; ouiuiiug nuxioti; low rent. uwwf ssues leeve. M S'-, jonrnsu OBOCERY. livin, Iavestigate. 1? rooms: chesp rent; close in. J tirand eve. MONEY TO LO AIT REAL ESTATE C7 OTR installment plan is the bast and surest rnsTiinq 01 paying a loan. , 983.26 per month for 86 months, or 821.84 tor 60 months, er $15.1.7 for 90 month, pay 91000 loan and inters. 4 Hher amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved eity property. . Or for building purposes. N commission clisrired. . EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION aea otsrg sr.. fortisnn, or. ' PAY JfiKF tiiE VlORf iiA'lJB on your city home on easy installments with 10 years" time to repey; fully protected by life insurance umter noma purchase Flan of the Equitable Lire Assurance Society, Interest 6 per eent; no commission. See Mr. Strong, y;quitanie ettice, uregonlan building. " ; 1 s 96o Tdln5oo ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY - '-'1- : . . AMOUNTS TO SUIT " HERMAN MOELLER. 1015 Gasco bldg. Main 1490. 1 iTOO. 8400, 8500. 8760. 91000 snd up. lowest interest rate. Ldperai repayment pmi- ssgoa, lis neiay. ,. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 681 Chamber of Commerce. SIHJimMIl ! " ' I. . m wan on city or suburban prop erty 1 money anvaneen as won progress, w. O. Beck. 318 and 216 Failing hid. Main 8407. 8250. 9S50, 5400. 9500. 96U0 and lare?r amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. Oermaa Co.. 792 C hem her of Commerce. IFYOn went money see Ui; we have It Mo- Kaasle Co.. si no 1905. 615 Gar linger niag. l-non siain xsui. MtlNET te loan in amount cf 9100 to 95000 en eny property. t ' A. H. BELL. Room 10-11 Mulkey bMg. MONET to loan an city property at lowest rates. rred a. wunanis, wg Vs 1st st. bkK (jKKi.o.N A HoktGAGE vA.;iii tjiumeer or commerce, em ana gtars. ' 9800 to 990OO to loan, city or farm mort- gags; no commission. . V. it. Box 679. UUNsl t" loan upon real estate. Fred Uron- aert. 657 pittock block. S . JK' . AW.' 1 .1 J ai li ' "1 ' ' 1. 1 MUH1UAU K loans, u snd lc. Louis Salomon CO., 408 Helling bMg. MONEY TO LOAN on improved eity or farm property, no commission. M-B7Q. journal. UORKX TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 97! DO YOU NEED MONEY? made on automobiles, diamonds, pi anos, household goods or anvthin nf valne. I Security usually left in your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their pot with. out security. If your payment to other loan eompanlog or on furniture er automobile eon tract era larger thaa yoa ran make, we win pay them up, advance you more money, if neces sary, and yoa can repay us In small monthly payments to suit yoHt convenience LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (ttoeased) 909-307 Deknm Bldg. - - MarshaU 8289. HOLIDAY MONEY We are making a ipeclalty of quick 'loan t salaried er worklngmen na - their own notes. noueenoM nirniture, pianos, etc. . BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTTAL. ? -. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT llOMPANT. 218 Failing building. PORTLAND REMEDIAL I.ilAS AftrtM. Itabllahed by Port la d bus: note mea to protect . " oorrowev. . C. MYERS HERMAN. Mer . 364 STARK ST. LOAMS Of I!A.MNI8. JEWELRY. PIANOS. LOAH5 1TABTE9 GXD FA EM MORTGAGE X)B SALE 91000 on improved close In IV A. ranch. I good buildings ; place ealood at 92S0O; doe ta I in yoan. per cent "ra vr.. uermsa vo., T92 Chamber of Commerce. oEE ORKOOM l.NV. At MORTGAGE COu. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. VIBABCIAI, 91 Liberty Bonds If you must aall your Liberty banda, ssQ . to ns. Jf you can boy mete Liberty bonds, bay from as. We boy and w sell liberty bonds t the market. TOU CAM NOT DO BETTER TOTJ MAT DO WORSE. We are today paying the following price for United State government liberty loa bonds: lioo -gioou BONO. BOND. 3tt , 09.79 992.86 1st it ................. 02.24 2d as 02.63 lt iUl , 05.91 2d 4 94.00 3d 4K 9821 4th AH 04.51 027.49 021.38 069.19 045.00 067.17 050.17 BAPUTX UEPOHIT VAULTS Morris Brothers, Inc., The Premier Municipal Bond House Established over 25 year. 309-311 Stork t. bet. Stfc and Otk. Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 2191. LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY BONDS AND RECEIPTS. RE MITTANCE MAHJ2D OUT OK TOWN SELL ERS DAY BONDS ABE RECEIVED. ESTAB LISHED IN 1900. Northwestern Trust Company SECOND FLOOR WttCOX BLDG. 6TH AND WASH. LIBERTY BONDS AU Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling get. our quotation. E. Lu DETER EATJX A COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bond. 87 Sixth Street Between Stark and Qak. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSTE OF, BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. RECEIPTS WILL CASH YOUB RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT 8ACRIF1CB YOUR RECEIPTS. WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOL LARS TO YOU. SEE K. BURKITT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (SkX'OND FLOOR). (HiHVKR SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS I LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose what you have paid om your contract, it you are not able to make your W pay cash for partly paid contract or bonds, or loan you 90 on your Investment at 1 and per annum. Special attention siren out-of-town customers. Bonds bought snd sold at market price. Loans Decollated on farm and city property. Deal with responaibl licensed brokers, upen to I p. Ok HOWELL st DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade, CASH LIBERTY BONDS FULLY OR ONLY PARTLY PAID. MARKET PRICK PAID. OPEN TILL 7 P. M. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 SPALDING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON.' BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH FOR PAYMENTS MADE CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Mail bonds to us: we remit return maiL Cnrue to 725 Gasco bid.. Oth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. OPEN SAT. EVE rt , . , , r- 1 inr rv rtnrr I ASH r I IK I nr n T rSl IN I i.N H. L. Mutton, 449 Sherlock Jihia. A eor. Oak. Ouen till 7. Sat. 8 p. m. LIBERTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought. Open till 7:80. DORCAS & DOKCAS 2ff N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6l and Morrison. WILL pay cash for equity in Liberty bonds. bring receipt ana gel your casu. zvv ao- ington bldg. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgages. ' . F, H. Iewis, SOS Lewis bldg. Msr. isss. HORSES, VEBICLES, ETC. 1$ f260-LB. bsy mare, good worker, single or double, no reasons Die oner reiusea. iisv Macadam St., South Portland car end of line 9 blocks south to Richardson ave., 1 block eaat, In pasture. 8115 BUYS team of geldings, weight 2500 lbs.; rain fed. been working every dsy. not lame-. hesvy harness also; also hsve 2 -in. Moline was on. in good soap. on. aotn at. H. E. Tabor 6634 ; - SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 head of good young chunky built horses and mules; everyttiinz sus ran teed a i represented. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables. Ba rront. 1.0 HEAD of extra good cowa, some fresh and some soon to freshen, tor sale cuesp, or trade for horses. Vth and t'oweu valley road. Wood- stock csr. A SPAN of roan horses, L 29U0. 10 years old, sound snd ruaranteel, witn set ot Heavy nar- neis. Price S4 ts. tn sr. FOR SALE cheap, 4 good two whel dump carta and harness, a gooseneck lurnituro wsKons. 1 big truck.. 226 Russell st. . . ........ uc.,1. v.. ...u,,.. . auuw. . . r ... i.i i good oondttlon. and set namess. very reason- able. The Wardrobe. 727 Raleigh st. FARM WAGON 8 M Mitrhell. wide tire farm wsgen, most new. cheap. 462 FLANDERS. DEAD horses taken quick. Cah paid for cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. ALL kinds of home and teams from 925 up. 902 Front St. HOUSE and wagon. 91.50 day; 2 horses and wagon, 93. J. Uonen. pg rronr. Mam 966 TAKES 1250 lb. bone, harness and wagon. Run Front st. BROWN mare 1300 lbs. with g good harness. 965. Phone Marshall tuao. .BRINGING UP FATHER j 0OXOO I 5 : . I vi? , fH0U5HTM I If fVlrvA HIO ITA I I rf I jip jlki )s mil WW ve ot ul cx)R, ' gew tyiw em i a clothe-4"?ojost- "la jAtA : : : TT. : r- ; ! ; HOBSES, VEHICLES, ETC IB HAVE replaeed my farm boraea with a tractor; ii iB EOod aharj and ready for hard work: team brown geldings, 2900 Ib 9120; 1 team sorrel mares, weigoi i i uu loa., ibu; loam roan ana ftorre ceiaino, wmsnx z ww mts.. 100: sorrel mare weislit 1000 lbv. gentle for woman or child to drive or ride. 935: black gelding, weight 11 TO lb., 900; 9 eeta double won narnea. a isrm vuoh. aiae a ja. w n in. and 1 light I horae wagon at your own price. Inquire at feed store Tigard, Or. Take O. K. trains to Tigard. TEAM MAKES ABD HARNESS Team of mares, aeeer boned and blocky built, fat and sound. Just off farm and owner baa gone to Idaho. They are left for sale at a sacrifice for a quick tale; price eomplete, 9185, weight 290O lbs., and young, about T years old. This team m worut zoo, put nun o aoia quick for eaah. They won't etay long at the price, so if you want them you wilt hare to oome at once. Call 462 Flanders. I GOOD gooseneck wagon, fin surrey, 2 high and too buxxm. fin steel tired ton buggy. all kinds wsgons, saddles, harneaa. single and double, nearly new bike cart, fine team of Shetland!, severe good pontes, good llPO ID. ssddle hone, fine team of matched browns. 2000 lb. All kinds of horses and team from 625 od. will take cattle or Bulk goats u ax- I change. 302 Front st. PAIR ROAN CHUNKS Well mated, fat and sound; not blemished any war: also true to null any Dlace. Both work single and ride. Make a good orchard or (mall farm team. Good leather breeching barn and I collar, ail at Us very low price of 9183. com plete. Call 4BZ FtJtJtUErW. horse, both good workers, single or double : I Brown bone; o 'years old. weigh looo lbs., for 675; small team xnarea. work single or double. till TTdo1 urzZi 1 l ,U. I 1 ... .lib J.4 1 wuiiff, Wfl if m v , Wli ouuv iwnfi w.u, nwuf and bridle, for 923. Crown stable. Zea rront. 1 SPAN of horses. 9000 1b; 1 spn blocky mare, geout 8800 lbs.: l scan about aoou lbs.; span of mules, about 2200 lbs.; also sm ile and double work harneaa: a few farm wagona. ZVi to inchi horses all good worker and gentle. National laundry Mm, ki. Ota and lu thorne. Phone East 8227. HATE 4 span of horsee weighing from 2000 to 8000 per team, in good condition, true to wore. I must sell tnem at sseniioe. to tog ging camp shut down where they were working. I have no work for them. Come and see my horses at 347 E. Alder at. Mv little girl will sell ner pony; gentle, rtae or drive, 8145 BUYS good ranch outfit, anara and geld- in, weighing Z200 lb. Gentle and true for anybody to handle; extra good let of har ness and a V inch Mitchell llirlit Isrm wagon. Thixable skein bolster spring bed and spring seat. ML Scott car. No. 6825 85th St. S. E, FARM snd spring wagona eheap. 890 Front., LIVESTOCK S3 ' NOTICE TO" DAIRYMEN " 18 head of Holstein and Durham cows, all fresh, giving from 4 to gala, par day, U, S. Stables. 249 Front St. SOME extra good fresh cows, sell or trad for I ear- end of line. S blocks south to Richardson are., l ploca east. In pasture. rRKSH eowi tot 9UWm Metngw tor dsviry I cowsi Liberty bond accented at face vain. rrasler 9 McLean. 240 K. 8th st. FRESH cow and calf. 2 weeks old. for aalo. 965. Will take Liberty bond. 5520 65th st. S. E. YOUNG fresh dairy and family cows, extra good springers to freshen soon. Tske beef cows in exchange. 751 East Ash. FOR " SALE Heavy milking Osirjr-' flows ; wW I take Liberty bonds. 2857 58th at,. Haw. thorn car to 29th are,, 3 block wet. FOR SALE 15 head of swine and 2 good cows. J. O. Burton. Clackamas. Or.. K. No. , 1, BOX 7SA. 40 LB pigs for sale at 87 each; also some brood sow ohesp. Hsnry Gibbon. Csrrols. wasn. i SIX first-class dairy and family cows, fresh and coming fresh soon: tuberculin tested. lOHl Westanua at, St Johns car. A FRESH 3-year-old Jersey, with 4 day' old heller calf: also 2 beavy sonncera. Woodstock ! car to 26tb and roweu. 9 bloc kn east to H90. INK young milk goat, fresu in February. 851 Meade at. South Portland car. 9 IOUNG milk cowa, rich milkers for sale cheap or trade for horse. Marshall 4055. NICE young family cow just freshened- 66fT .'sui st. p.. v ooqgtocK car. MII-K goat for sale; gives 1 qt. daily. Full Toggenberg, 70. 4701 70th st S, E. YOUNG fresh Jersey-HoUtein eow. 143 E. 61st N. BROWN SWISS Big. handsome, faultless young cow, 6.4 butterfst. Tsbor 1609. IS HEAD of Cotswold ewes,' 2 mile south of uwego, on htafford road. A. inmost MILK goat that will soon be fresh, 302 Front NO. ONE 6 gallon cow. fresh. 240 E. 8th at. Irom.TBT, pioeos. vet stock WE Wisn yen aR a Hem Christmas and ley' if ",ou wiU can and foV live aid Happy New Tear, wblch you will certainly oxv dressed poultry, etc. We retail at WMiosai price. CASH PRODUCE CO. Phone Main 4882. Cor Front and Morrison. Portable Rabbit Hutches AND CHICKEN HOUSES S. D. Williams. Tabor 629. 9139 tt 824 rt. 8E. FOR SALE -Cock ere la from Brewster's Oregon Girl, who laid 30 lbs. of eggs In her pullet I yua r ; e 1 u eacii. out 01 ws uracta. 1 uuuo I Scllwood 2003, 643 HaraM ave. I iubsi 1 o ana iwnsois uuu-'iws ior seie si iii I K- liJ. JtgaiB u taaa oeiore mesaay. Phone East 2597. BRONZE turkey, big. vtgorona range stock; beets-7 60; torn $12.50. O. t. va Avery. Rent 2. Ipdependenee. Or. POULTRY snd rabbits; send for list of nsw rsb- bit books, pedigree blanks. Pcitio Poultry- man. '503 Poison bldg.. Seattle. FOR SALE, eheap. 2 incubators, 240 egg each. 1 McLanahan hot water, 1 i'etalum hot air. Call Sell. 1001. BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching; 2 cock erels. Mrs. Evans, sua Lombsrd at, Wood- llann ltsao. 50 WHITE LEGHORNS nd Oregon. Sellwood 873. PLYMOUTH Rock laying pullet for aalo. Sell- wood 1001. LAYING hen for sale. 627 Roselafn ave., 3 blocks north of Alberta, THOROUGHBRED Rhode-Island Red roosters. Woodlawn a 177. ; . SAVE feed. I Guarantee to pick the non-layers from your flock. Tabor 6422. FOR RALE Whit Leghorn chickens. 4 8R8. Base Line road. Box 620. Tabor DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC 46 BIRDS for sale, fine singers, hens 50c or will trade for chickens. I also have a few fine Barred . Rock and White Leghorn roosters to sell for mating or will trade for pullets. Call 85 E 53d st N. Montavill car to 33d. 4 blocks south. THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guar anteed birds. Call or address 987 Missit- rippe ave., Portland, Or. i r uit L.r scotcn come pup, a raonuis cm. Price 95. at 052 Clatsop se.. Sellwood, FOR . SALE Airedale (female), champion pedigree. Bargain. Tabor 209. FOR SALE Female roller. 81.30, or will trade. Tabor 797. CHOICE canaries at The Canary Bird shop, 1151 E. 28th N.. C-2217. BIRDS for sale. 94 a. nair. 646 Williama ave. Cell evenings or Sunday. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 $185 LIGHT & pais. car., in good condition. Crown Stables 285 Front st. 1914 Ford in good conditio. East 0294. AUTOMOBILES- ACCESSOBIE8 44 USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS lilVEN . 20 CARS TO SELECT EftOM ' WILL ACCEPT YOUB LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE, AND YOUB OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE. WE HAVE A NUMBEB-OF HIGH GRADE. LATE MODEL CARS TO SE LECT FROM AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Her are a few we offer for your approval: 1918 Mitchell, 7 pass., cyl ........91450 1917 Mitchell. T pas., 0 cyL ........91260 1917 Mitchell, 3 pass. 0 eyL. ...... ..91000 1019 Chevrolet. 3 pass.. 4 cL 9 000 1914 Haynea, 3 pas., 4 eyL ........ ,9 500 1913 Hudson. 5 pass., cyL 9 650 1019 Mitchell, 3 pas.. 4 eyl. ....9 000 1917 Maxwell. 3 pass.. 4 eyl. 9 600 1919 Overland, 9 pas., 4 eyl, ,...,...3 673 1913 Hudson, T pa.. cyL, light six . . 3 950 WB CARRY OUR OWN PAPER AND CAN NAME YOU LIBERAL. "TKKJ4S. USED CAR DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, East First at Morrison. Phones Ert 7272. B-1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1919 touring. 1919 touring. 1017 touring. 1916 touring. 1013 delivery. These cars is fine ahape and guaranteed. U yon want something for your money tee these car. ""CASS TERMS TRADES Auto Sales Co., 9th and Couch , 1918 OVERLAND 85-6. run 3000 mile, new tire, fin oonoiuon. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 South Broadway Open evenings WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to learn to operate and repair automobiles, tractors and t recks. Special day and Bight t'tiitt Students can enter at any time. Call r writ Hemphill Trad Schools. 107 Hew- them eve., at SOtk st. GUARANTEED ATTTO REPAIRrWO. PROMPT SKRVICB. EXPERIENCE7 MERCHARICS. GITB CS A TRIAL CHAPMAN REPAIR CO. gjAN ST BUT. TaVMHXXaL TATL0& MAIM 1197. 1917 MARMON. T passenger. like Just overhauled, new cord tires. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 South Broadway ODen evenings NEW TIRES What brand of new ttret da era nrafsrf We have them, all makes and sixes. Also w make the famous O-V-O Doable Treed I sewed) ares gnu so u man- m M Mr. Mnatrtn. Oregon Vulcanising Uet. 333-838 Bumside. near Broadway. BRISCOE- If you want a good little roadster, here you are: lla xtnaooe in -1 comuuon; ytivo u I right, food term given, ass awet sc. COLE, 5 PASSENGER Good tires and paint, for sale, or would trade for property. Auto Trimming Co.. over Paul Steiger tiarag. " ana traou mi. u"J. 2017. or Tabor 6996. Sunday. LAHE Mfe. and Bsoalr. 8000 gusrsntced springs ta 84 N. 18th st stock ; prieea reduced. WE own our own building, can save you money on year auto ana pouy wore, new coaie made to order. See Vancouver Ave. garage and blacksmith shop. 711 Vancouver Woodlewn 2869 BEST car in Portland for 9450; very easy terms. 6 good tires, o or wnicn are brand rew. xvtectne starter ana ngnvs ana 11 tooas good, too. Kelly. Bdwy. 2492. big I iorr n oacc prices USED CARS STOCK RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Mala 6344. 1 191T STUDEBAKEB T pasaenber in fine con dition, at a reasonsDis price. wj, st. 5 PASS. 1918 pacKara in very pest condition. 6 almost new tires, at pno uiat a resuy a gift. Tabor 6610. ' TIT: MODEL FORD TOURING This esr is la good conditio. ; 9525 easy terms. 622 Alder St. FOR the- man who is looking for a good delivery ! the van thine nearly new Briscoe, in aood condition. Come and see it ozs Alder. u'tiF!N I adverts! aa auto it is a bargain. Make a payment ana son me car away, eto red Up. KUy. Brodwy rwYWN buy nearly new Chalmers Six passenger isuusMpusi e vmw wc iqiwuku. Call East tee. 19i MAXWELL touring oar, absolutely first .das condition, at real oargaw price, Oio. Tabor 6l I a-bTpASS." Overland. 3250. $100 down. 320 ner month; with good tires. Kelly, Broad- wsy 2492. tp .mi arA looking for c good used ear at reasonable price, and easy terms, oome end see us. We have them. 522 Alder St. at 16th. i at a (THEVROLET. rme condition, bareain If sold before New Year's; terms. Marshall ism COUNTRY CLUB Overland for sale cheap for cash. Montgomery garage. Front and Montgomery, i tt i. sell mv 1916 Ford touring car for 9325, flood tires, perfect mechanical condition. Ejtr ras. liar. om.'. RT-TCK 6. Could not' be in better condition; 91050. wy ay terms. Kelly, Broadway 2492. FOR SAL CHEAP 1913 Ford touring cs Z-767. Journal ' $"300 DOWN buy nearly new 19 IS Overland touring car. Call Tabor 630. LATE model Ford touring This car is In good condition. 9528. easy terms. 522 Alder at WILL sell tmy 1917 MeTw.ll efceap. X-818. owroal. SPOT eaah paid for used ear. Dealers' Used Car Cleariag Hons. Grand ave. and E. Stars. let us" sell" Your car. qcick action. STAIGER'S GARAGE. OTH AND COUOH. GOOD Ford delivery bod, vrorth 340 Will . tat gJTW. mono- vainuoD sn urkd cars TO UTAl- GER GARAGE, 9TB AND COUCH. 8175 DOWN buys good 1017 Ford touring car: hock abeorper and good tirea. Call E. 1692. a. i i'-?yright. 1918. International News Kerriea) Crt OLLt I'LL ttiO FOR A MEEMtER W STEAL ; l ATJTOMOBlLEft ACCEHROBIES 41 ORDS FORDS FORDS . EASY TERMS 9250 TO 3525 X 1914 Touring, 3 new tires. 1 1914 Touring, a good serriceabl cat. 2 il916 Touring, fa fine shape. 117 Tearing, mechanically A-x. 1916 Roadster, a dandy car. 1917 Roadster, A-l abape. 1916 Delivery, with panel body. 1-Ton Chain Drive Truck -1 brand new. SPECIAL 1916 Tourinc A-l shan. ' with alectrin start. lag and lighting system 4435. See these car before you buy elsewhere. TALBOT & CASEY, INC, ' GRAND AVE. AT E. ANKENY 8T. FORDS - FORDS iRPEClAL FORDS east eoreia for 1817-18 roadsters 810 80. BODIES New touring bodies. New roadster bodies. New delivery bodies. WE ARB DELIVERING NEW CARS AND TRUCES. PLACE YOUB ORDER NOW. ( USED CABS 1616 touring. ' 1917 roadster. 1016 delivery. 1918 sedan. 1917 touring. 1914 touring. Ford coupelet, wire wheels. ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 8th and Madison. 1918 LIBlfliTY, newly painted, run only 4000 miles ; a bargain. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 South Broadway Open evenings 3 Maxwells 3 8 pas., touring. Ilka new. 8 pass., touring, perfect condition. 9 pas., touring, a dandy. Give them the once over. ' Auto Sales Co., 9th and Couch GARAGES HOl'SKS 'MIOKKS HOUSES WOOD SHEDS t ") Pertahl or ready eat. Bee samples at 344 Hood t Mala 1137. Millmade Construction Co. 1 REO 2-ton truck, chassis and cab. Urea, good condition; terms if desired. DANIELS 8 ALES AGENCY, 94 S. Broadway. Open Evenings. CHEVROLETS 5 pass., touring, like new . . 5 pass., touring, fins shape .9525 . 495 . 995 Delivery Auto Sales Co,, 9th and Couch 1913 PACKARD, cord tires all arrmsd. DAMELS BALLS AbCWI, 84 S. Broadway. Open Evenings. MOTORS. Gearings, Beanos. Wheels. Axles end Trailers W wreck li make of ears and sell their good parts st half price. David Hode Oo Broadway and s lanaers at. strosdway 1 VS. FOR SALE My. 1917 Ford touring car;, ahoek absorbers, new tap and seat covers: car is in very best of condition. This is a bargain. Can be seen at 190 r. zla st- Main 2143. CASH ' paid for old ears, condition no obieeti part tor all make ot ears. Orogoa Auto Ea ch ng. 120 Lownsdsle at 15 to sod Weaning. ton- xt Broadway 2668. GOOD 7 pass. Studebakcr, with dandy tire ana in iirst etas running condition: g3SO 2100 down, 923 per month. Kelly, Broad way -.. AUTOMOBILES overhauled', and repaired at re duced rates on contract prices; all work euar- antoro. neanpuui i reus ocnooi, ut Haw thorne ave. East 8068. 1919 UKX. -as new.- shock sbsorbers. lots of extras: portable game.' 8650. Rnnri, eepted. Sunday 10 to 3 o'clock. 833 Marion are, Sellwood. t CAN ase your Ford or Chevrolet if you csn iar 1910 Maxwell Toarixut ssr. SM Call Adams, Tabor eou As oiierine mi waxweu wiui 4 good tires in good condition, at the low price of 9365 and wil) give liberal terms. See It at 523 Alder' DUBHUILLE a OP TO. nth at Oak. Broadway inn BARGAINS in used Urea; alee: vulcanising and Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave. no junk: new tire retreading. Vuicaa OAKLAND r 9160 Nsw delivery body, for a 400 Chevrolet car. Inquire Central Garage. 2d and Main. 1910 Ford, Atwater Kent igmtiou. 9140 ex tras, run like a new car. 137 S cash. Phone Tabor 3054 Sunday. FOR 8ALE. cheap, or trade for truck. 191? Ford in first class mechanical condition. Looks like new. Call at 662 28th st S. 1917 Ford touring, fine condition, good tires. shock absorbers, speedometer. Bdwy. 1764 T.bor 161l. 9430. 3800 DOWN buy my 1919 Maxwell touring car. -Call Tabor 630, GASfil.INE 20 CENTS A O ALL ON. OILS AND oncAsr.s. r-iiJ.-sav n.r rsi.vT vn.. 1 1st 9250 DOWN buy good ioli Siaxwall touring ear; repainted. Call Tabor 630 GUARANTEED oto rplring for 9219. , . USED CARS Tb rtreet w foil. the ones over. Oth and Couch. TSO.000 , WORTH OF USED CAMS i. them taF trn. GER'8 GARAGE. 6TH AND COd MUST Mil my 1918 Maxnall tonrine ..IT 1-814.' Journal SPOT CASH COR lOt'R FflRDS Francis Motor Co.. 13th nd Hawthorne FIRST-CLASS Ford bug with new engine. 300. Sellwood 2672. THERf'b THE GELLrtOw AT LAVT A Roluk -Pin COrAE3 IN HANOT a. - H5 CLOTHEVj ATJTOMOBILBS ACCESSORIES 41 1 WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING AND A GOOD MANY MORE TO SELECT FROM. TFRMQ TO riFyllRARI F s-isifiw j uuuiiimwuu PARTIES, AND LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED. 1913 Cadillac, nap ..9600 row roadster, extra equipment ;00 Overland touring, electric light gnd good tire, special this week.. 273 Chevrolet touring, lota of extra . . . . A50 Series IS Btudebaker. good condition . 760 475 600 Overland touring, mechanic take notice 191B Keo. v real bay 8 eyL Overland touring, refiniehed Oldsmobile Co 97-39 Broadway. 1914 CADILLAC, good tire aTl ground (1 - tra;, nn ranmng car; a Bergam. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 8. Broadway. Open Evening. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 9 WANTED A 1918 Dodge. pay cast o dealers. Call CoL 296. illGBESf" price paid" for automobiles, eundi- unn no opject. it .1. Bd St. Bdwy. xo.'tf. ATJTOS FOR HIRE 89 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new car. Reasonable rates. Fearing Robnett, City Garage. 96 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 940. A VTOSWlfll0tf TRTfTn5BriHi"HlfcE OOUCHMAN A 8ULLIVAN. MARSH. 292 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 FORD, competent driver, 91.80 .per hour; anywhere. .A. H. Winter. Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES (S HfSTBtTMENTS 8 26 CASH buy good ased 9196 Parlor Orcaa, 9 85 Cash burs eood used 8250 Aneeroa Plane. 9 65 Cash buys msll ased 9276 Upright Piano. 9 19 Cash boy email used 9800 Uprisbt Piano. 8190 Cash bays Used Kimball 9400 Upright (is, usb ways new stored 4oo cprignt Piano. 9379 Cash buy used Crown 9600 Upright 9290 Cash buy new stared 9479 Upright Plana. 9898 Cash buy nearly new 8750 Player Plane, 9468 Cash buys nearly new 3850 Player Piano, Part Cash, Bonds snd other Securities accepted. naacs stougnt ana stosa 10 ussn only. Storsge 60o month. Phone Mala 8133. BKUUKITI oTUXtAGH CO.. 10P 4t OX 0 TOM L. WEMCER Phonograpli and records bought, told, exchanged and rented. Expert repair. lng. 142H 2d. near Aldi-r. tipstalr. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS Whether a COLUMBIA. VICTOR. EDISON er BBLNoWlCK, your machi ords. The Record Shop, our machine will play our reo- "",j Heilig Tbeatre bldg. STEIN WAY SQUARE (ROSEWOOD) 3125 967.60 value phonos raph and records 955.00 Hobart M. Cable (like new 9298.00 HAK'JU) S. GILBERT, 394 YamhUl. $12.50 CASH sends new piano home; 912.50 next payday, . then 98 or 910 monthly after January 1, constitute our reduced phristma lerros. senwan fiano uo.. in tn et. 8190 CASH buys 9410 dull mahogsoy Kurta- man upright uiano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4 th St. at Washington St. 9100 cash or more paid for good used upright piano by the Security Storage Co. Call Main 6323. 109 4th st WANTED Piano or player piano for cash. O- Hns. Journal. PIANO for sale. Will take organ in trsd. L- 888, Journal. TYTE WRITERS J7 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. J'aTl makes,' sold on monthly payment. Send for I price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dept.. 321 Washington St. ALL makes' of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on jnontbiy payment plan. Oregon Typo- writer Co.. 04 5th st. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, eichauged. Typewrlter suppnes. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Brnadw'y. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 41 Furniture Brokerage 208 MADISON Cs range, 38. T5; steel range. 912.00: conk stove, 98.50; heaters, 92.50: iron bed. 91.75; spring, ai.7o; muress, dresser, 68.76: chain, 91; rockers, 91.50: center tables, 91.60; library tames. 4.v.-; aimng tables, go.oO; kitchen tables, 51.50: steel couches. 86.76: pads, 3.."; go-carts, 92.76 ; phonograph, 93.50. also dreasing tables, s buffet. China cabinets. grsniteware, an maraea wirn Mig iellnw Tag FOR sale cheap, large oak sideboard7 good' new. East .8048. No. 0 E. 7th 8. FOR SALE MISCELXANEOUS WHY an everlasting aggravatloa by a leaky roof, Wby not a permanent and Indestruotlble roof f We esidixe and renew aU kinda of leaky roof. us -rourney emg. una agaa. EAT HORSE MEAT Bell for lea than half the price of other meat Passes tnorourn insneennn. J4 1st Br HOOD Rn'ER onions 32725 per sack delivered; roauctinn on quantity oi s or more sacks. 80! Union are. ELECTRIO wiring and rcpairiug. We employ only competent eleetriciftnv Smith-MoOoj FOR SALE Beautiful Haviland china, cut glass and value Bis books, airs. U. xt. Palmer. 1 -a r Knurs i apis. FOR SALE Fertiliser from Unloa Stock vanl. for lawns and gardens; prompt sue lice- Phone Tsbor 6U evenings. HIGHEST prices paid for diamond, wateha ad Jewelry. Repairing specialty. Rsiaer jewelry ue., eevs vaningtoa st. HOT water tanks. aD si art. in good, serviceable eooaitioa. gu gei. T. 40 gal. gw. . 301 Aoams sr. sbaei ena oioei oruiste. r none K gala. FOtl SALE Potatoes s: iinland Burbanks. 11 fin per sack. Call Phone Tabor 3073. per eaos. mi ins y oouwaru are., or I STEAHFITTING and plumbing toe, , need money. w oooiawn o o o a. FI'RMTLRE and canned fruit for sale. East no.u. FOR BALE-7-In qnart jars, all kinda of .pre- ecrvea iniiia ocii. atfn. WE have new and second-hand safe, moderate price. 4 a rront: Broadway I960. 325 doll for 810; a Reed baby buggy for 85; a nign cnair tor 3. Tabor 6708. 100 SLIGHTLY used overcoats and suits; must! be sold, st bsrgsins. 4 6 N. 6th st. ED. V. PRICE A CO.. frTllTlUINGT lllll K. MOKRISUN ST. UNCALLED for "tailor made suits. 912.50 up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 Burn side et, VACUUM rleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. B-ntley Main 8582. PLC MBING supplies, whclowle price. Stark? Davis Co.. 21-' 3d st Main 797. BURBANK pottoe. 92 rwr sk. Order of 8 sks. delivered. Sell 465. PIlOTOttftAPH h-ad imninds and plumbing material-cheap. 267 Holladsy eve. FERTILIZER Old aud green. Main - 7920 after 6 p. m. FERTILIZER delivered. Sell. 465. " GARDEN manure for sale. Tabor S834. SOCKS knit to order. Call Tabor 451. IH 0-0! I 8 b 19 WE ma EE And selL' 0 " ar!, Cash Registers anu .wuii-nies TVMSlt TlHssaJL etfTtslTt wtnwrk. ? Interest ensrge. um rr sisters re paired, rebuilt, gold gad exchanged. J. R. Mumma, Agent THE NATIONAL CAM! tlrrLiB-rvxt rn 890-92 Stark Street. Broadway lsi". To Prove to Portland That Our niir tkireNlf prooeaa beat them aR. OUI Oil I U we wUl ahamea all MaAaa free. We sharpen anything yon she re wit. Money back if aot the bees- yoa ever need. "Nor Sbrp" Shop. 326 Morrisoa at. i FANCY POTATOES Pet Muadred HOOD RIVER APPLES tl.OO to 11.40 ner bnx. NICHOIJI COMMISSION HOUSE 207 Washington St. between 1st and Front. I .ii-sav-..- SEWING maehtaee, new and sos I oad hand, sold foe loss 1 m rff agent Uomplete of srm fe .h .V. ..kl. M paired end rented. Mala 0491. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor st Tennessee and IVue OrfMrf trxmmed: latM din.. r.. K. Ghsan. bet T6t and T4th. Tabor 600. I AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. I Smith-McCoy Electrio Co.. Bdy. 8986. Liberty bonds accepted at par value. 671 Washington st. Electric Motors Bought, sold, tented and wpatioa. Walker Eleetria Works. 413 Bern aid, earner 10th. Broadway 6674. JOHN SON S " PURE APPLE CIDER 3CADB ON THB PREMISES DAILY. 847 YAMHILL BET. 3D AND 3D. "M7J8IOAL rNSTRTJMTOfTS.- Typewriter" stioa. All advertlasmsata of tkaao ooeds ui sss aaowiennui uooo are eonarata imbllahed aader their rmmeetive elaaalfioaUoas. ler their rmpeetive elassifioaUoaa. LOOK tutu nvm ' Rl 0 Of lTN -ropoeed aewtug laaoEinsa wtta PIUiUU attaehmenui all are la very good eendltion. Sewing machine rented at 98 pet month. Fboa East 2359. or B-3807. ttteen. log lira no ave,. Bear Belmoat, FINE eating potatoes. 91.60 per 100 lb. Bring i sacx ana taae tnem. or a aac aiurm in hi nr. jonns at 1.70. Have torn -fine oat 328 ton, at place. 619 E. John St. Bt. Joh srrrrkunttTT.rn uoronnvn, mm , .!. or ooata are separate eiamineauoaa, A large listing csa be found aader thee different alaaaV imnon. FERTILIZER" Beet rotted eow and horse nisnn. trie sssav. enter wsgon lo". delivered Esrt 698. Q1 9 fl in C 1 h f ed drophead ' $ I aCivJU IU 4 I 1 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We teat and repair. 173 9d St.. near Yamhill. Mala 1949. A-l 919. POTATOES 2e lb. Smooth Burbanks, " ksep rs; grown on sandy highland. Quality con sidered, they're a baryaln. Choice onion price. . Phone East 9848. PRINTING FOR LESS 60 wedding tnriU.J tione or announcement for 38.30: aeneral eaunerciai pnntTeg; pest wortr; prompt aeue cry; try. us. Smith, rrinters. X04 Stark at fUK" ITtTRIS WAICTED 14 Read lmportant-L-Read We carry a greater asaoi'aaaiil ef new and ! aed merebsndlse tna aay store ta the etty, Tber is hardly aa item we do aot buy aad aelL PI s apeeallixe in shelf aad heavy hard were, sporting good, household goods, elfioe fartaltare. aotei ana oamn nippuos. Whn you have anything to bay es eB, 9 Msla 9ti79 A-T1T4. LEVLf HARDWARE V ECRNTTTJRR CO 32 1-8-6 Front et.. ctfr. Blxoa. WANTED AT ONCE WILL PAY HIGHEST Price for tned furniture. Phone Kast 7818. F. It, WOODKY; 390 lUwthorae Are, " OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 Wi want votrr used fwrwttwre. at carpet . Call and pianos; will pay hi best eaah price, Main ez7, Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Mia 3333. WIGHTM AN-JOHNHON FtlBNITTTRB CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for ased furnitar. ear- pet .,tres . rm n re, etc w earl prowtrl y. CT: T f r 1 h r t es o n rTmis -vkl f ood- s h lotvd east and south. Msnalng Wsrebonse 4k Trans, rev Co.. Oth and Hoyt Broadway 709. A-l T 99. WILL PAT CASH For weed office furitnr. Main 19ft. Padfle Stationery Pte. Co.. 107 24 et. WE pay the highest- cash prioee ever paid by anyone la the city for fnrnitnr. Call us for one article or a house fuIL Maia T94. PA Oil paid for furaitare. stoves, rangathos4. jr O n era, carpets, rugs, dresser, etc. Pnoa Mar. 2679. Harttell Fwrnitare Co.. 941-49 1st. PHONE East 3710 whea you waut to sell your fnrniture; w will come, at once and pay yea CA8H. M. R. SEATER. 648 HavrQwne ave. SWAP CyLPMIt 99 SELL cheap or trade r sUf-.a. 1917 Fora In first class mechanical condition, 962 23th it. 8. Woodstock car. MOTORCYCLE to trade for chicken or ilch got. or what hav yon? Phone Wdln. 2869. WANTED MI8CELLAWEOCS Spot cash for second-hand tatta. overooata. eld shoes. Maia 716. or buyer wiu can. BUSY TAILORS Highest prices paid for clothing. Talk t a. Yoa will be satisfied. Broadway 1031. ; , &SLD8TEIN The Tailor, pay highest price for lad las' and gentlemen's suits, drones, etc BroadwaySOSa. 245 BurnsM sr. GOING .East or Soatht Hoao-hpid pipped at reduced, rates; moving ana paeaing. rsm Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 .Host t. rviwy. ISI WANTED Lathe, band saw. circular saw or small wood working outfit, F. T. Cone, 80 Killings worth gv. WANTED Oaaoliiie engine and aaw. Albert . ... SPOT cash paid for msvfit clothing. Atlaatia i Cleaaera Alteration Dept. Mala 6701. WANTED Rifle, shot runs, cameras,. X Hoehfletd. 63 9d St. Fhess 91. WANTED invalid chair. Call Wdln. 7027 By George McManiu FOB SALE MISCELLAJIFOTJS V 5 w mm GUESTS WAXTED MISCELLANEOUS j WANTED People of PorUand to know that I ray highest eaah price for second Land hewsa. hold goods. No amount to large or too small. Prompt attention. j N. ' M. SEATER - i --' -Phono East 2208. 143 RnsswTl st $7,50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pay most for clothing and shoos. We call day or rvenlng. : Marshall 1339 or 229 Madison. ' - WANTED To buy a tract of aUnding timber to be eat for cord wood, near good shipping point Tweferred. Willing to pay cash, lnemir at 346 Salmon st. or to Fred Tinner.' 989 Rally t. Portlend. Or. . - ... MhaU C 71 h e I I " log 1813 Ol (.IUUUU Froetst. est aad-haad W pay the luanaat tsrieo fa OaoK tank. pmo. et&i wffl eaO promptly. Front . L, Shank Co, J Oregxue HIDES METALS RUBBERS Tf rite for prtcee and abipping tags. Mala 1999. rxBsonAi. TRY THE PETLMISON PLAN Lata winter and early sorine sample are la. Women are aaving half at Petersen's Msaufae- tarers Sample Outlet on auita, coats, dr ; 1 watsta. petticoats. Tale alevatog. 3d floor, room 205. Pittock block. GLASSES AT A SAYING aollcrt your patronage of .capable eervtoe. the Thoo-. - e( saxistied pa1 Chaa. Goodman, optootetrist. 209 st. ,vsit. l- and get bold your feet fixed up good for 91 by Dr. Katon. the CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt you; 9 years ta Portland; exam. free. feet filed vp goo2 oiooe 1 Desire bldg., 1 1 tn and Wash. Bdy, 2824. SUPERFLUOUS hair. aaaUa'! V .10 needle method; trial free. Jesia Finley, 814 Bnah Lane bldg. Main 9969. UH. U. V. K.STCHUM. VOSUS'I (BasSdM gad L ,e? ?ee of men. Washinata bldg., 41 lwo rasninron. roaa Msrsnsu a. DR H. COLUNS. 013 Broadway bldg., sto'achl liver, bowela. rheumatism, female disorder, deafness and nervous diseases. GOITRE, eulargsd glands, people cure ' thsaU selves permanently. A. R. Straeaa. UIUh -bom. Or., R 5. rs. li. L LAMifa. Hi ItlTTE ; 1 Spiritual adviaor, tastruetioa la the theory of health, suocse and harmeay. WOULD like to hear from partios having ex tarsal eenear. Address R. S. Walters, V'tUos) hotel, Portland, Or. 88 N. 6th st. CLEAN your own bum with new eleetria vacuum cleaners: 31 a day dell vd. Ma7676. DR. ELNA SOBENSEN. 308 Panama 'hLs DRUGLKSS Method; has wonderful offoot, LADY BARBERS Shave, lSe; haireat, SITi face massage. 95a. 996 Olieai ooewer 4th. MME. GRENEIX, selentifie fsee sad eeelp treatment. 280 Field ner Mg- Bdwy. 1995. WANTKIV Healthy, blue eyed Uby to adopi at birth. L-889. JournaL SCIENTIFIC breathing.: health Institute, Treat an nisoaaws, exeeosos, eto. eon atseteey pioa. KOTICEB 99 I T IliVI ssi,kul all ska mtk anJ'flitaMa I known aa the Bmadwa rroeerr. loeatod at 410 E, Broadway, ef Mr. E, Holland aU ao- Indebtojaeaa siainst the aboy etore nna Presented by a, 4, 1919. ft. R. Elliott. - ftt)rJEs5IONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY! AOOOSDSON 9LSiTlf4Q. HCMSTITONINS Inr. t'UT, HEM AND PLEAT BailKTa. A-H STYLE. FOB IMal S D t x g as. BVw HtilaTlTCHiNU .10 91. PER YARD. EASTERN KOVELTY CO. 88 H FIFTH ST. BDWY. 000. Hf MST ifCftUTO and ric.t. AU work roar, anteed. ginger Sewing M alt Co.. 49A Waah- fngton nd 10th. - AWTI0US3 OLD BRASS, copper, eurio. Up, try asvt art jewelry bought and aold. gi'J Od st, - ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS of FURMTTJRi 6 tern Balvag Cw.. 833 Wuhingtoa et. AUTV 9PK0IALIST ai'pi.BKfTnt i. k.lA, t nr.. fc.'VnC tiple Needle Method. 604 "wetland bldg. SLSWK BOOK MAKSIM DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC., 10ft' 2d at,, bias bonk manufacturer. A-9199, Mala 199. OARPKNTSR AND UILDKII U. GtREIN MANUFACTUKIN'G CO, 293 Sheridan. Mala 9048. Carpenter work and remodeling, screen doors, etc. Estimate given. OAt9T OLSANIBJ6) k. 8380. FLUTF RUGS From old carpet. Carpet cleaning and refitting Rag rugs woven, all else. Mail order solicited. NORTHWEST tttO CO. Former address 183 Union ave. EAST 3580 B-1280 IFfRUCCOsSas Unioe a. N. 819. , JOYCE BROS.. Electrio Cleaning Worka-Cftf pot cleaned and laid, raflttina ear snoeialt. East 440, R19og. 204 K. 19th et. H. OHinowstAOTORS beJl. sand W. yIpil. LAURA H. DuW.Ls6,'bredway"hldg! I aingissw j-nysician iv yrt- experveBC fjnirw. PTmrxw. r.ieoTneuy. vinratory Massage ana met. DR. McMAHON la making good; II adjustment 916? seven. 98. Eaaieet term. . ' COAL AND WOOD NATIONAL FUEL Jto. SlKrt' aUewoooTlloea- ; wood. 2 load hits, g.ft, e'ntry alb. East 2041. KDUCATTONAL BArtCINd ALYS M. BROWN, teacher of classia ' toe, tut and ballroom dancing. 14 9 18UI i, off Morrison. Phone Broadway 2668. MISS IKK LAND 10 LESSONS 83 ' 909 IV k nra bldg. Personal attention. 19 to t. MRS. ' FLECK'S ACADEMlTTOO SeTiZ Batf room and stag dancing. . Class Tuesday aad rrraay evening. saaia siov. private - MU6IO 9CHOOL3 AND TCSOMSRS wEBBfea'ACADEvif of kuiiq ' I Stringy hutrumeat god piano. Columbia kids. ' VjvC"wKliSsiHl eiolinkiL Room 1. J4lu Washington. Mala 8810. Tea lessens 9 1 9. PROF. T. E. LAW SON. 20 yean' esperiersC . Piano lessons st your home, 79c Tabor 7266. i L. CARROLI,' DAT, piano, vocal leawTtS rraciice piano, i nr. nay an ns. rM. ins. E. TTnEDlORN-Vfoir teacher, nil nil Sesiel 207 Fliedner bldg. Brosdway 1629. I ALL-STRING piano. Kol Ken'beck. profaesioaal es-pertenre. 409 Yemhill. sTTsiO'furnl.W.- M.r. 1402. Vain JUT CRANE LETTER "CO.. 6li Royal bid, tfultt: graphing. miqseoeraphingT Marshall 5823.' I. IL CI.IFT0V. painting, tinting. MueriisTlTI N.17Uit. Hrodway 4414. Wood I we 3126. PATENT ATTOaingv GOLDBERG7a2dWoTeeter bldg. "Hta '2B28T yljJ.. i KKirn I I ll I . in 1 . t . V Bsq SSSS S SB. SO, A-l IB. PHTSIOIAMS DR. H. A.' PHlfXIPS, 908 Broedoay baildlntv Kneuautbea. femala disorders, skin troablos. ttoniarh. User, kidaryg, bowels, thruat, goitre. . nl,n VK)0 nrsssuiu. . . ; WUSSSW STAWPS ALSO 'STENCILS, Trade Check. Metal Sigaa. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 68 Broadway. y Broadway 716, A-2710. SALTSO AMO pBJOKSD PI9M ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTLn'6 CO di. trirmtors et Baited ana aoga Oaa, Xil TsmlriU St. Portland. Or. - ' Tf4AN8Ptl SNO STOMAS! ORE(30fTTRANSTERC07 Eatabllshed 1879 - Transfer aad Forwardtag A swats,. Storage- Free Trackage. Office aad Storage 474 Gllaaau . - 18th and Gllsan. Broadway 1261. A-l 169. American Transfer & Storage W do hauling of aTJ kinds la w oat of the I eity. Baggage and furnitar snoring oar specialty. . ' 7 day free storage, tiet eur price. Broadway 4183. 300 Oak at. i I IXWAYS PIK THE BEST UOL'SEHOLrj GOODS SPECIALIST-Storage. neck las. ah lo ping aad moving. Hot gad auto vsaa, gtpeciai rate to an points. C. o. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO., Second aad Pine. Broadway 996, A-l 99. ! STORAGEftND-TRANSFER CLAYS. MORSE, INC, - 42 Fteader st. ' (n7DAVENP0RT TRANSFER AND STORAGE . IlNG DISTANCE iHAtl.lNG " Merit 8576. A-3168. . 144 Front et PA KJNG -MOVING STORAJE SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., . 106 Prk St. Msia 6165. A-1051. '1REPR00F STORAGE itOlSCHOLU rUK.MTURE. I - C. M. OLJSON TRANSFER CU.. 214 ri.K