THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAJND," SUNDAY "MORNING, DECEMBER . 29, 1918 SHOR T SESSION OF CONGRESS FACING EXTENSIVE TASKS : ! ' " Riven and Harbors Bill Probably ' Will Be Forced to Give Way to War Contracts Legislation. REVENUE MEASURE IS FIRST -Naval Policy Must Be Settled and ' Army Reorganization Measure Passed) Wheat Payment Is Up. Washington, Dae. IS- CO. P.) With only two months remaining, tha sixty- fifth conrrea today had to dispose of ths .bulk of the work of Its last session. - which ends March 4. When the two houses ret down to. business strain after New Tear day they, wiu nave Just 61 working days before they must quit. Getting the big revenue bill through conference and finally passed la the first thlnar on the calendar. Only two appropriation bills the Dis ' trlct of Columbia and postofflce meas ures -hare passed the house, and none has passed the senate. The remainder of .tho , appropriation bills alone would make a full program for th short ses sion with tho congress working at or .tflnary speed. Big Meaesres to Ge Orer Tho nayal policy of the future must bo gone, orer and congress must jrlvs it Terdlot on Secretary Daniel's decis ion for a navy "second to none." An army -reorganization bill must be passed. '.'. v- ' Provision must be mad for: paying tho wheat producers the- guaranteed pMoo of 12.26 a bushel for the billion bushel wheat crop. , Questions like the settlement of the railroad policies and the government f ownership of telegraph and telephone lines will have to go over either until tho next regular session or be put up to a special session, providing one Is called. Costraet Bill Is First Democratic leaders believe the neces sary work can be done unless some trea sure Is deliberately blocked to force special session. The house Is expeoted to send the reve nue bill to conference Mo"nday and then adjourn over New Tear's day. Tho riv ers and harbors bill has the call for , Thursday but will probably be displaced by a special rule for consideration of a bill making verbal war contracts legal. 1 Both this measure and the rivers and ; harbors bill will require several days for passage. The war contract bill was given pref erence at the Insistence of the war de partment. Secretary Baker, Assistant Secretary Crowell and General Goethals, director of purchases and supplies, have all told - congress they must have the measure to prevent many firms from going into bankruptcy. U. S: NAVAL. HEROES RETURN IF ; "1 n V M sr 0 1 Lieutenant Junius Fulcher, U. A and Lieutenant F. M. Mailer, U. S. N, who have relumed to , the United States. Both, office were aboard s the U. 8. S. TIconderoga when she. was torpedoed by the Germans. They were taken prisoner and were held on board oneof the enemy craft surrendered to' the allies at which time they regained their freedom. YANKEE WARSHIPS ARE USfct) AS TRANSPORTS will - bring , between 1 0,000 and 40,000 American -soldiers home f from Europe during January. ..Twenty-eight' thou sand already have floe brought back In British vessels. J was added. The. ttaureUnla, Aqultanlai'Xnymplc,' Toloa, Ulua, Ooentoer, Cretlc, Lapland, Haver ford, Adriatic Belgic, Canada. Mlnne kahda, Rlmoueki, Canopic, Celtlo and Orca will be used. ! Washington, Deo. zC (U. P.) Three more transports are on the high seas returning with American soldiers, the war department announced today. The Matsonia sailed from France De cember 23, due at New Tork January 3, with 370 officers and 3070 men. The Northern Pacific sailed December 5 for New Tork and is due January 2. Aboard are 146 officers, 2306 men and two civilians. The Pocahontas sailed for Newport News December 24 and should arrive January 3 with 88 officers, 2792 and one civilian "aboard. W. S. S. DRIVE WILL KEEP UP DURING 1919 (Oontunud Front Fit One) (CoetlnfMd from Pat One) Minnesota, Vermont, Michigan and South Carolina. Tho cruisers are: Seattle, North Carolina, Montana, Huntington,. Pueblo, Frederick, Charles ton, 8C Louis, Rochester and South Dakota. New Tork, Dec. 28. (TJ. P.) British ships, it was stated officially tonight, may not exceed 81000, maturity value. la designated as January 1, 1924, one vear later than the- maturity date of the 1918 issue. But the stamps will always be redeemable at postofflces after 10 days' notice. . . ; Thrift Stamp I.sne Continues The redemption values will Increase at the rate of 1 cent a month after pur chase. Ih other -words., the stamp cost ing 14.12 January, 1919. will bo redeem able for. 14.23 December, 1919; $4.47 in December, l92i ; 34 In December, 1922, and $4.71 In December, 1923 ; other months intervening proportionately. The War Savings Stamps of 1919 will be exempt from all taxation except es tate or inheritance., taxes, surtaxes, ex cess profits and war profits taxes. The individual holdings of the 1919 series Each War Savings Certificate will con tain 10 stamps, aggregating a face value Of 3100. . .. v- .. - . Tho. issue of Thrift Stamps, costing 25 cents but bearing no Interest, will be Continued and Thrift Stamps1 of this year not exchanged for War Savings Stamps of 1918 can be applied1 on War Savings Stamp . Investments for 1919. Thrift Stamps come 16 to a card, and a filled card plus 12 cents will buy a War savings Stamp in January. Oregon win launch the 1919 W. S. S. campaign without having brought the 1918 campaign to an entirely successful conclusion. The state's 1918 quota was more than pledged, but pledge keeping has not been on a par with the pledge making and tho state director says tho shortage will be between 8700.000 and 9800,000. Oregon stood first In the union in pledge making and apparently will stand fourth, fifth or possibly sixth among the states in percentage of pledge keeping. W. 8. S. pledges may be kept until January 1, and It is hoped that thou sands or pledgor! will make good their word before that date for the sake of their own and Oregon's honor. Woman Elected to British Parliament London, Dec. 28.-tJ. P.) The first woman ever , elected -to a seat In tho British parliament will probably refuse JO sit. rVitirttA VeV.4f 0! V.tsia I a miuu ar ViUOl g Jff SM8) tho only one of 14 women candidates for Beats who was successful. She defeated Field, Irish Nationalist, by 785 votes to 3752. inasmuch as the Sinn Feiners ! have announced that they will absent themselves from the house of commons. tne countess is expected to adopt the same policy. SIX GENERALS IN II. S. ARMY NAMED . FOR HIGH HONOR Wmm mmm ' ' Distinguished Service Medal to Eta Given Black, Crowder, Jer vey, Goethals, Gorgas, Hines. that the army of occupation now con sists of 450,000 men. The names of the generals and the service for which the award is pro- Washington, Dee. 28-Qeneral March made publlo today the list of auxiliary units or tne American army of occupa tion and - announced his : recommenda tions for awards of the distinguished service medal to six generals, who now are In Washington. Ho also announced MaJor General William V. Slack. Chief I of engineers, f Or - especially tnetitorioua ana conspicuous Service in planning and i administering the engineer and military railway service daring the war. j Major General - Enrich ' H. Crowder, judge advocate general. , for especially meritorious and conspicuous service as provost marshal general in the prepara tion and operation of the draft laws. Major ' General G. W. Goethals, re tired, for especially meritorious and con spicuous service in reorganising the Quartermaster., department and in or ganising and administering the division of purchase, storage and traffic during tho war. Major General William C Gorgas, re tired, for especially meritorious service as surgeon general of the army in or ganizing and administering the medical department during the war. Brig. General Frank .T. Hines. for especially meritorious- and conspicuous service as chief of embarkation in or ganising and administering the embarka tion service during the war. ; Major General Henry Jervey, - for especially meritorious and conspicuous service as director of Operations of gen eral staff and as assistant to the chief of staff in preparing and executing the plane involving tne moemsatlon of per sonnet during the war. On the subject of discharges. General March added: "The figures X have given for' dis charges are to date. The discharges for this week the week ending Ule. lth have not come In at all. except about 33,000 which, came in this morning, and X have "added them to the number 1 al ready had : B38.00O Is practically no to last Saturday, that when we get the report ox una week, we expect to have about the same proportion of increase that we had last week. X give the fig ures as they stand today. . . Casualties . of . the 1 Thirty-fifth" and Clghty-ninth divisions were announced by General March to be respectively 171 officers and 4086 men ; 196 officers and 5727 men. General March also disposed of the re port that the French army was taking ever a part of the American sector in occupied German territory by saying no such official information had - come to the war department. . Majority Sooialists , Are Not -to Eetire London, Deo. 28. (tJ. P.) The major ity Socialist members of the German cabinet wm not retire, Philip Sohelde man declared late Friday night, accord' lng to -a dispatch 'from Copenhagen to night, quoting a Berlin telegram. Scheldemann declared the majority Socialists would adopt this attitude be cause they constitute the majority gov ernment of Germany. . Senator Chamberlain to Speak Washington, Dec. 23. Chamberlain la expected to speak in the senate Monday on the progress of. army- demobilisation and the way the war department la handling the situation. Bolsheviki Apply 4 To President for Peace With Eussia Copenhagen. Dee, 18. M. Lttvlnoff, the Russian Bolshevik foreign minister, has arrived 1 in Stockholm and announced -that his government has " applied - to President Wilson to secure peace for Russia. London, Deo. t8. U. P.) Bolshevik forces are menacing Vllna. capital of Lithuania, have disarmed the govern ment rauiua in tne Ashov district and have engaged the poles in an important battle In the Dombrova district, accord ing to reports received from various sources today. General Sheptltsky, the Polish com mander, sent an ultimatum to General -Hoffman, commander of the German army on the Polish frontier, demanding Immediate withdrawal of the Germans . to permit passage of troop trains to the relief of Vllna, 0 5 J5 v5 O O A 0 - i : V 0 ' JeTa (3 it dcientmc Lye iiiass r ltting Eyes Carefully Examined and Properly Fitted With Glasses Without the Use of Drugs 0 0 0 :v vOfc.'V-r r4" It-. t ; I iiifM : : - 0 iLA;;fl y m in 1 , 1 1. . - m . i r .. : M Omr OiilitliAlinofeop lid IltiiliCope Is one of W most wlentlflo ttf n Iraattriimekii tei flta haa waviil - Mrfis i.s. 0 (J 0 0: 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0" 0 0 ;fjThe lightness, brightness, efficiency ahd Appear ance of lenses depend on the glass used, how they are designed, the machinery-on which they are ground, the skill of the man operating the machine and the accurate adjustment of the mounting used for, hold ing them. tJ Our lenses are ground from finest optical glass, carefully selected and inspected designed to har monize with your featuresground on the most mod era machinery known finished by expert lens tendersplaced in a mounting careful study shows the best- fatted by skilled specialists; U All under one roof and a system that approaches perfection because it is the development of many years' experience." J Complete lens-grinding factory on premises. ' SAVE YOUR EYES 6 e) 0 0 9) 0 0 THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE Portland' Largeit, Most Modem, Be$t Equipped bxelumv Optical Establishment 209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Since 1903 ft C 0 f3 S3 st 5, 93 , Senator ; Jones to , MakeEeturn Plight Wesley L. Jones of Washington, who made a fllsht from tbe canltal tn TTai. nurst neia, Mineoia. w. x.,. will leave i early Monday; on the return trip, when an effort will be made to rednm tti a time made tnia azternoon. - , Baa Qa at tjeiem Salem, Dee. 28 Influenia Is as-aln spreading in Salem. Mayor Keyes to night issued . a , proclamation placing a ban on all public dances." City health officers . today quarantined B0 houses which: nave flu" cases, and 15 more will be Quarantined Sunday. . ; ' DOC 1-16 Guaranteed IK 8 LESSORS Ladies $2.50 Gentlemen $5 at DHoneys Beautlrol Academy, 23d and ; , Washington NEW CLASSES VOB BEOimTEBS start Monday eve Dee.- St, Thartday eve Jan. t, aad Friday ere Jan. S. Ad rasce,eiasi starts xaetaay eve Jan. i. One-Steo. Pox Trot. Schottlsche. Three-Step and Walts taught in 8 les sons. Ladles 12.50, gentlemen 15 to all joining these classes. Be sure to secure your tickets this week, before nrices ad vance. Tou can take one or four les sons a week. Tickets are good until used. , Join tnese new classes. DIFFEBEXT FROM OTHEB , SCHOOLS ' The Only Sebeel teaching each les son the entire evening. S to 11. where you receive the proper amount of I practice. The Only School with a sep arate step room and extra teachers, where backward pupils receive special attention. The Only School with a sys tem where yott dance with dosens of different partners, teaching the gentle man to lead and lady to xoiiow correctly (the only way to become a practical dancer).: ' Tfee Only School where each tmnll receives a printed descriotlon of all dances free. We do not . teach before I dancinsr parties begin, or rive short one- hour lessons, and 1 conscientiously be lieve one lesson from us is worth six in the average school, The most backward budII will not feel embarrassed and will meet refined people. 43ecure your tickets this wrtiL - use tnem wnen you desire. cup- uus aa out. - PJilTATE LESSORS - an hours. Call afternoon or even tne. Learn from professional dancers who I teacn the people to dance, correctly. Meet refuted people in r the leading school In the best residence location. Mala 7(SI Tell Your Friends ilW'irtfill Real Money Sa You'll Pay NO interest at this store v - ; II . sj. :) 1 1 aa " ;; O 1 ""H o BftTew a , 111 I J I - -V- 19 n WBB Two Blocks North of Washington St Where Your Credit Is Good as' Gok 0 uesi avmg genuine January v ai Make your home sparkle! Monday ushers in the 42d Annual January Clearance Sale of this Big Store. Dozens of pieces and suites of fitting furnishings for your home atf ait selection. See the Fifth-Street win dows today, tour the , store tomorrow! it's to your advantage. yoir-M Pay NO Interest at this store Big! Commodious! Convenient! Master-ModeV Complete! ot3 K-A-D-Y Eitdien Cabinets On SdleThis Week Only at $5 Cash $1 Week No Interest Organize your kitchen work like a modern' business office. This "Master-Model" K-A-D-Y Kitchen Cabinet will briner to vou uncon- fined kitchen joy. Needless moves and wasted moments will be saved. .VTS I T It "TIC---.. 1K.A1 j , . WllIP isf i ;v s ;-lWikf. ill ,; A lift 1 A r mucn ppr will be in your kitchen ' Servant White enamel upper interior. Top flour bin with sifter. Glass sugar, coffee, tea and spice jars with aluminum screw caps. Aluminum top extension work table. Metal-lined cake and bread drawer. Two spacious linen and silver drawers. Cooking utensil compartment with center shelf. Oh, yes ; roll open front and metal door and drawer grips. .Stands 68 inches high and 40 inches wide. Golden polished, front and sides, finish Marquisette, Scrim and Net Curtains at Clearance Prices BUY NOW Charmingly exquisite curtains, where only "one to three" pairs of a pattern are left, go into this sale. These prices will move them quickly, so don't delay making selections. Get your Spring Curtains now it's worth while. $2.50 to $3.00 Grades, pair $1.95 $3.50 to $4.00x Grades, pair $2.90 $5.00 to $6.00 Grades, pair $3.85 Higher Grades at One-Third Off Solid Oak Arm Rockers and Arm Chairs A clean sweep of all "Odds and Discon tinued Patterns" that sold regularly to $15. Some have genuine leather seats, some imitation some have high backs, some low some in light finish, some in dark; in a word, if you want a good Rocker or Chair CHEAP, get it NOW! Leatherette Upholstered 'Nufold' Living-Room Davenport Bed A O.50 T M mm a m In the Job 24 hours per day, fivlnf 100 Service, both day and night. Of course, the bed construction is underneath there's but comfort In the seat. When opened,- however, a fine link springs comes forth, ready to make a bit, comfortable bed. Why not have a bed In the room .where you didn't think there was. Room for a Bed? li "I It 1 B 9x12 Foot Rug $26 : S Cash$1 Week No Interest At first sight you'll like them, the moment you put i your hand on them, you'll recognlte their quality. - Sure thing Oriental, Conventional, Floral and Me dallion patterns, each one a beauty, for, the color combinations are par excellent. ; . . 'You'll find them in ft rrouD on the Second Floor. Here's a Three-Room Outfit that is really a bird. ItV on display in the Fifth-Street Window. All for $207.75 $25 Cash, $3 Week Not One Cent of Interest Charged, Either Living Room Beautiful four piece Oak Suite , in a hand rubbed golden wax finish. This is a corking good value, and the price, if you want this suite only, is Dining Room 54 inch Top, 8 foot ex tension Table, Buffet and 6 solid Oak Chairs, all fin ished ' to match living room, and the price on this one is only , Bedroom White enamel? Yes, the real stuff, too. Full size Bed, Chiffortier, Dressing Table, Chair and Rocker 5 pieces, as displayed, priced now . '911 --SURE THINGI . Select any. single piece from either suite, if you like. Take ivory instead of white for the bedroom. Just so you get just exactly what you want SELECT OWE STOGIE PIECE OB A HOUSEfUI. , rr8.EA8Y.TO-rAT.THE-EPWjLBD8.WAY , nOOrt VS.AlB TTS fS)Avfl $ ir-Trl-QAllia4iiii I I A mm u mtr m I IT V a i i i j i 1111 M uu WtSX TWO BLOCKS SOBTH Of WASHISGTOIT .: ... J a r You Are Going to Buy a New .Coal Hester ; This Winter Do It Now They are very similar to the illustration on your left. Firepots are of heavy cast, bodies of polished blue steel and nickel trimmings are plentiful. Regular prices were $11.75, $14.75 and $19.50. i - .- January Clearance Prices $9.75-$12.50-$15.50 j $2.60-$3.75-$4.95 Polisled SheettSteel Air-Tight Heaters Reg. S32S-S6S0 On Sale Now at