The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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0d gear arid Jlew ne Will heme of Most of Portland's pastors
1 ' . " " "
Prayer Meetings, Watch Parties
.and Socials to Mark Passing
V of 1918 and Entrance of 1919.
! V .
Oregon Recital to Be Given at
SMethodist Church; 'Christian
i Church' Has Social Planned.
The old year will be watched out and
the new year greeted next Tuesday
night and Wednesday morning by the
' congregations and young People's socl-
etles in a large number of Portland s
churches. The New Year's. watch serv
Ice has become an established custom
In many local churches and Is generally
held without much preliminary an
nouncement. During the past years
many of the Christian Endeavor soci
eties, Epworth . leagues and Baptist
Young People s unions have held house
socials on this evening and this cus
tom will repeat Itself this year. Some
societies make these affairs Invitational
aftd others public. .
'The Firt Methodist church will ob
serve New Year's eve with a watch night
service to be held at the church, which
will begin with an organ recital at 8 :45
followed by 40 voices In choral singing
and praise service. At 10 :20 there will
be a social hour. At 11 o'clock Harlow
y. Humboldt, state superintendent of the
Sunday School association, will speak
on The Sunday School of Today." The
watch night sermon will be preached, by
i Dr. Stanstleld. beginning at 11:35. Other
special features will be announced later.
- The First Presbyterian church will
h6td a New Year's prayer meeting In
the chapel at o'clock on the morning
of Wednesday. January 1. This is one
of the great features of the church year
' at the First Presbyterian and doubtless
a large crowd will assemble at that
' time. There will be no prayer meeting
Thursday night. .
! On Tuesday evening the Christian En
deavorera of the First Christian church
will hold a New Year's social in the
rhurrh narlors. with a devotional watch
service conducted by the pastor at the
midnight hour. 7
' i The women of the Piedmont Presby
terian church will serve a New Year's
dinner in the gymnasium of the church
nn Wednesday evening from 2 to 7
T At P. m. New Year's day the young
t people of the Norwegian Danish Meth-
1 odlst Episcopal church will give their
i Christmas tree festival.
; The annual business meeting of the
! Rodney avenue Christian church will be
' held New Year's eve, followed by a so-
' ctal hour and a "watch meeting" under
.' the direction of the Christian Endeavor
. Rev. T. A. Glnn, pastor of Lincoln
i Methodist church, announces a watch
! night service for his congregation on
. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. .
Unhappiness Will
i Be Pastor's Topic
"The Secret of Unhappiness" will be
J considered at the morhWg service of the
; New Christian church (Swedenborgian)
j Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev.
.William R. Reece. This will be a varl-.-;
atlon of the usual theme of the secret
i of, happiness upon which books and ser
1 mon have been presented without num
ber. The class In thestudy of the in-
ner meaning of the Bible will meet
Thursday next week at the church
i home. January 5 the pastor will pre
i . sent a special missionary sermon from
1 the New Church standpoint on "Death,
i the Gateway to Larger Life."
Seattle Pastor to Preach
Bev.-E. L. Sllva of .Seattle will oc
cupy the pulpit Sunday evening of the
Central Free Methodist church. The
pastor Will preach in- the morning. Spe
cial music under the direction of Mrs.
Fannie Herald will be given at both
Christmas Cantata
Quartet Choir Will Repeat
"The Star Divine
I Introduction and Hymn of the Pfopnolt
II The Watching of the Magi for the star
. Ill The Journey f the Magi.
IV The Adoration of the Magi.
V Finale.
"The Christmai King"
7:0 r. Dr. autufleld Vtlif Preach On
"The Momentous Year'
OOBtlt " , COMEI
First Presbyterian Church
D. D.
' Will Give Two New Year
10:30 A. M.
: ; 7:30 P. M.
J 1918" v
Menlre Invited tJ,
Quiet Hour Service
At Pro-Cathedral
A general Invitation has been Issued
to the men of the city and alls boys dver
14 years to attend the Quiet Hour serv
ice Sunday afternoon at St. Stephens
Pro-Cathedral (Episcopal), which will
fee conducted by Bishop W. T. Sumner,
"as a spiritual introduction to plans for
welcoming back returning soldiers to
their church affiliation." The service is
to start at 4 o'clock;
Other large meetings are being ar
ranged with the intention of reviving
the spiritual life of the men in the dio
cese. This is done "in the realization
that a new day is here and that the
men and boys who have served under
the flag will come home believing in
real things and wanting reality in re
ligion." It to proposed to organize ev
ery parish and mission so that the men
will be extended a welcome upon their
return showing full appreciation of the
sacrifices made. Bishop Sumner win
conduct the regular Sunday morning and
evening services at the Pro-Cathedral.
Adventists Urged to
Publish Lectures
By request. Evangelist l. K. Dickson
will lecture upon the subject, "The
Beast of Bible Prophecy" in Christian
sen's hall. Eleventh street between Mor
rison and Yamhill, Sunday night at
7:45 o'clock. These services are for the
public and are given under the auspices
of the Western Oregon conference of
Seventh-day Adventists. Large audi
ences are turning out- to hear Mr. Dick
son lecture on the prophecies of the
Bible and many requests are being re
ceived by htm to publish these lectures
in booklet form. He says that if the
requests continue to be sent to him, 399
East Forty-sixth street north, in suffi
cient numbers to warrant him to under
take the task that he will do so in the
near future.
Wilbur Methodist
Gains New Members
Eipht new members were added to Wil
bur Methodist church last Sunday, ac
cording to the pastor, Dr. F. B. Short.
This is the second Sunday in December
in which members have, been added to
the congregation." The church is not
looking only for new members, but is
also striving tobe' of assistance in the
community, especially to those who
have met with misfortune in the world.
Sunday morning Dr. Short will talk on
"A Sheriffs Request." Dr. Stuart Mcr
Guire will sing the offertory.
Business Meeting Thursday
Next Thursday evening the congrega
tion of Kenilworth Presbyterian church I
. hd "f TntyCOmmi!?ityvBUpper
v v ..v.x-.. itiuiiLin . uuo.HCQfl
meeting will follow. After the business I
meeting a general discussion of the Sun
day school will take place. The meet
ing will close with a pre-communlon
service. Rev. Paul E. .Ratsch is pastor
of the church. i
Spray of Sheep Dip
Tried Upon Streets
To Kill 'Flu' Germ
Pendleton, Dec, 28. Following a plan
that is said to have been successful
In other cities in combatting the Influ
enza epidemic. Mayor Vauhan Friday
started the street : department here
spraying the pavements of the city with
sheep dip.
faheep dip Is known as a germ killer
and the quantity being used, judging1
by the odor, is sufficient to put any
germ out of business.
The system is known as the Brawley
system, because Brawley, Cal., an Im
perial vauey town, is said to have been
the first place to use the spray, where
it is said to have entirely stamped out
the epidemic In 'less than a week. 1
Pendleton . now has 92 homes under
the flu quarantine. Sixteen I new cases
werex reported Friday. No deaths were
reported. j
War Veterans
Ask Tax Exemption
Albany, Dec. 28. At a conference of
the Linn county legislative delegation
with their constituents Friday, a com-
miuee irom the Grand Army of the
Republic, accompanied by their wives,
appeared and urged the delegation to
support a bill which is to be Introduce
to exempt from taxation all property
in the state owned by a veteran of the
Civil war or the widow of a veteran.
The legislative solons promised to con
sider the matter, but declined to com
mit tneniseives at present. -
Linn County Pioneer
Woman Passes Out
A 1 V. . no . . ... . .
iw. o. a resident or - Linn
county for 68 years, Mrs. John W. Propst
aiea at jne lamny txome near Albany,
Christmas evening, Mrs. Propst. was
born in Henry county. Iowa, on Mav ?.
1843, and -crossed the ' plains with ; her
parents In 1852. She was married to
wonn w. Propst on November 1. 186ft.
since wmcn. umo sne naa lived in Linn
county. Besides her seed husband, aha
leaves surviving her one don, Quincy K.
i-ropsv ana two grandchildren.
' Huge stone statues and other relics of
an unknown raceon faster Island, 2000
miles off the wesf coast of South Amer
ica; .Will be studied by British scientists.
First M.E. Church
Rev. James T. French
PREACHING 11 A. M. and 7:S0 . M.
tranwrt an Thote Not AfTIIMed With
Other .OhurehM Are Especially nKd.
Central Church
Offering Special
Christmas Music
Assisted by Dr. Stuart McGulre and
the Schubert club, the choir of -Central
Presbyterian church, under direction of
J. William Belcher, will give special
Christmas music on Sunday evening at I
7:30, when the tuneful cantata, "Son of
the Highest" by Blrge, will be rendered.
The choir has been rehearsing for the
past month until each number has been
perfected. Dr. McGulre will alng the
opening baritone boIo. The Schubert
I club will sing one of the chorus num-
fee, - a trio for women,'s voices. There
win also o gjiecuu iuusiv me juuih-
ing service.
W. W. Sansom has been appointed su
perintendent of the Sunday school, tem
porarily; in succession to W. D. Deaver,
who was compelled to resign owing to
frequent absences from the city. Mr.
Deaver was superintendent of the old
Hawthorne Presbyterian church school
prior to the consolidation with Central
church for nearly 20 years. Mr. San
som has been assistant superintendent
forrmany years.
St. Davids Choir
To Sing Selections
From 'The Messiah1
Sunday, night the choir of St. Davids
Episcopal church,. East Twelfth and
Belmont streets, will sing selections
from the "Messiah" by Handel. TheJ
preparation has been made under the
direction of Tom O. Taylor, organist
and choir master. The offering will be
in behalf of the choir fund. Following
is the musical program :
Recitative, "Comfort Ye My People":
aria, "Every Valley Shan Be Exalted."
Percy CJ. Allaopp ; chorus, "And the
Glory of the Lord.'1 the choir: chorus,
"O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings."
the choir: chorus, "For Unto Us a
Child Is Born," the choir; aria. "Re
joice Greatly, O Daughter of Zlon,"
Mrs. William T. Harrison; chorus.
"Hallelujah!" the choir.
In the morning the rector. Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, will preach on the in
spirations of the past. Holy baptism
will be administered at this service. The
rector hopes to be able to make a state
ment of the Christmas offering at this
service. As this is the last Sunday of
the parish's business year all have been
asked to render a full account of their
.stewardship for the past year,
branch thurch Sunday school meets
Sunday afternoons in the hall at East
Fiftieth and Division streets.
Will Address Open Forum
Sunday evening Miss Dorothy Wyser,
executive secretary of the home service
department of the American Red Cross,
-Da.,!.. n.1 hMtijiVi wilt ananlr In t nnan
forum at the Church of Our Father
TTnlAUM T3.Aau7iw anil Tamhill
streets. The service will be held i the
room- adjacent to the Broadway "entrance-
The pastor. Rev. William G.
Eliot, will preach Sunday morning.
Visitor to Preach ,
Rev. J. William Carson of Seattle will
occupy the pulpit of Atkinson Memorial
Congregational church at both services
Sunday. The annual meeting of the
church for the reports of departments
will be held January 2. The young peo
ple of the community are urged to at
tend the Sunday school and Christian
Endeavor service. , .
First Sunday After Christmas
lAiiform Sunday School Lesson
' "Stodie of the PatrUrehe." or general re
Tie w of p"t aurtere lessons. Heb. 11:8-22.
Children's topic: "Patriarch's We HTe Come
to Know." .. . '
Golden Text: "This tt tne notary tum nam
oTercome the world, even our faith." 1 John
Young Peoples' Topics
Baptist TTnion: "Happy New Tear Bales
for It." PhiL 3:12-18.
Christian EndeaTor: "Happy aew xear
Rules for It." Phil. 8:12-18.
Junior Christian Endearor: "atones or ieip.
1 8am. 7:12.
VDworth Learue: "Hare I UTer won a
Soul." ProT. 11:30; Ps. 0:4; Jas. 0:20; it.
frmt Whit Temole. 12th and Taylor Bev.
William A. Waldo. 11. "The Status of tfie
Night of the Cloning Tear"; 7:30, "The King
X' J U . ,Y.a rlnaim Var'
v.t Rida e. 20th and salmon Rev. w.
B. Hinson. 11. "The Birth and the ueatn 01
V.."- 7 -SO. "The Home Coming."
T,ira Vancouver ana unotx ner. vreoiey
J. BeaTen. 11. "Old Tear's Thought"; t:4o.
"The Dirino MotlTe Benina unnstmas.
Arleta B. W. Garnet Handley. 11
"Studies in the First Chapter of Genesis"
7:30, "God Se What la Hidden for Men."
XfnntaTllla 11. 7:30.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant Ker. 3. E.
ThKmu. 11. "ReDrenenting Christ in Port
land"; 7:30. "Making the Most of 1919."
Gleneoe E. 45th and Main Bey. P. C.
T ..lolt 11 7:3A.
Sellwood Bethany Ber. T. 3. Broomfleld.
11 8.
Grace E. 76th.and Alb. 11, 7:45.
v Highland B. Ed O. Cofer. 11. 8.
TTniTersity Pars Ber. 8. Lawrence Black
11. 7 :45.
Cathollo .
Rt PrtCTH- Lents Bey. P. Bentgea. 8,,
in n 7 -an.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Ber. E.
Oflara. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:40. it. (:.
Tt. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Bey. J. C.
1 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
s- Patrick lBth and Savier Buy. Charles
i n uh -30 8-:15. 10:30. 7:30.
" ft Francis E. 12th and Pha Hey. 3. H.
r.u-v s ft. S. 10:80. 7:30.
In maculate Heart of Mary Williams and
iw-8. W. A. Daly. . 8. 9. 11. 7:30.
. Holy Bosary E. 3d and Clackamas Bay. E.
S OUon. 8. 7. 8, 9, 11. T:80.
St. Rose E. B8d and Alameda Ber. 1.
O'FarrelL 8.10:80.4. .
'. St.' Andrew E. 9th and Alberta Ber. J.
,.n. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
The Madeleine -E. 24th and 8iakiyoU Ber.
Thoimnon. 7:80, 9. 11.
Ascension E. 78th and TamhiU Franciscan
i,mr. s. 10:30. T:80.
Bleaaed Sacrament Maryland ana Bunaena
fie.. F. W. Black. 8. ltt:30. 1:30.
llcly Croas 1J oowuoin i. u. jxaymona.
in an
. MAAA . . . tt V . ..
Fathers. 8:80. 8. 10:30. 4.
St Stephen E. 4 2d and Taylor-r-Key. War-
n A. Waitt. 6. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30.
- Poly Redeemer Portland blyd. and Yaneowver
aw Ray. William J. Deriae. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Phillip Ken Faunae uen JU. lSth
and Hickory Bey. W. 3. Caxtwright. 7:80,
tt. 10:80.' 7:30.
8U Clements 8. Smith are. and Newton
Seitit Fathers. 6. 8. 10.30. 7:80.
- Sacred Heart E. 1 1th and Center Bey. G.
Bet, 8. 10:80. 7:80. -
8L. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Bey. J,
Comminaky. 8. 10:30. 7:30. j
St: Stanfolans (Polish) Maryland and FaO-
1m Rev. F. Matthew. 8V 10:30. 7:30.1
' KL Joseph German) 15th and Conch aRev.
B. Dnrrer. 8. 10-30. 7:30.
St. Michael (IUlUni 4th and Mill Bey. M.
Ci?eatra: 8. '0:30. T:80.
- St Clares Capitol Hill BeT. j. Capispmn
8. 10:10.
St Charles E. 83d and. Alberta Bey. J. P
o riyna. u, iv:au.
Hook glhead
STOCK-TAKING to ascertain
what the , dying year has
brought and a prospectus on
what the coming year may and
ought to bring fortlv will be
taken Sunday morning and eve
ning by many Portland pastors. Blot
ting out Of the undesirable past, the
turning over of a new . leaf and the
adoption of a sound policy for the com
ing year, form the general topics an
nounced for Sunday's sermons. '
At the First Presbyterian church the
pastor. Rev. John II. Boyd, .D. D., will
at both services refer to the closing of
the year 1918 and the beginning of the
year 191$. In the morning at 10:30 the
sermon will fee a discussion of the im
portant features of the year about to
close with a' consideration of the abid
ing character of some of them. In the
evening at t :30 Dr. Boyd will preach on
"The Balance Sheet -of 1918." Begin
ning at 7 :15 preceding the evening serv
ice Edgar E. Coursen will give a recital
on the great pipe organ. The special
musical feature of the morning service
will be a baritone solo b,y John Claire
Montieth. This will be, "My Redeemer
and My Lord" by Dudley Buck.
Sunday evening the services at First
Methodist church will begin with a pipe
organ recital by Mrs. Gladys Morgan
Farmer and; after a congregational
sing. Dr. Joshua Stansfield will take up
the happenings of this momentous year
and review them. The subject of his
address is "The Momentous Year." Sun
day morning Dr. Stansfield will preach
on "The Christmas King." In the morn
ing the quartet will repeat by request
the Christmas cantata, "The Star Di
vine." Dr. Harold H. Griffis will deliver a
New Year's message Sunday morning
at' the First Christian church.
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the
White Temple, will use "Night" as an
opportunity to deal with many happen
ings during the last year in his Sunday
morning sermon. In scanning the year
in his evening' sermon he plans to give
the pre-eminence to ''Jesus as' Lord and
King," finding deity enthroned in the
affairs of every-day life and particu-
Xmas Exercises
Are Very Unique
The Christmas tree exercises of First
Methodist Episcopal church Sunday
school were unique this year, in that
Instead of the children receiving, as
has been the custom for years past, they
gave. The occasion of the giving was
for the Armenian and Syrian relief
fund. Their gifts totaled $184.10. The
program was given last Monday night.
Will Preach Twice ''
Sunday morning- and evening Rev.
Alexander Beers will preach the first
two sermons In a series on the funda
mental principles underlying all true
gospel work. In the morning service
he will discuss a scriptural revival
and in the evening will give what he
ccnslder the hindrances to a genuine
All Saints E. 39th and Glisan Ber. Father
VUlism Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and- Columbia Iter. Harold H.
Griffis. 11. "Life's Purpose. Plan and- PrUe";
7:45. Bible school program in form of alle
gory entitled. "The Magic of Today."
uast Bide K. ltn and Taylor Rey. K. H.
Sawyer. 11, "Scriptural Oficera of the Church
and Their Duties"; 7:30, "The New Tear and
Monta villa E. 78th and Hart He V. J. W.
Jenkins. 11, 8.
Bodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Bey. -J.
V. -Ghormley. 11, "Man: From Whence and
Whither?"; 7:80, "The Work of Our Women."
Woodlawn E. 7th and Libert Rer. Josenh
D. Boyd. 11. 7:30.
Christian Science a
lesson subjects: "Christian Science." 1
First 19th and Everett. 11, 8.
Second E. 6th and Holtaday. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver are. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth 62d at. and 42d ave. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, 388 TamhiU. 11, 8.
Seventh Holbrook block, St. Johns. 11.
All churches Wednesday. H p.- m.
First Park and Madison Ms lor T. A. Mills.
10:30, "Start the New Tear Right": 7.45.
"What Most I Do to Be Damned." ' J
Atainson Memorial b. zutn ana. Juveret
Preaching by Rev. J. William Carson of Seattle.
XI. 7:80. -
Snnnyside K. 32d and Taylor-Ber. J, J.
Staub. 11. "Thing of 1918 That Will Remain
Forever'; 7:45. "The Story of the Tears.
Highland E. 8th and Prescott Bev. Edward
Constant. 11, "The Massacre of the Innocents";
7:30. song service. A Memorable Tear.
Waverley Heignta E. 3 3d and Wood wa ro
ll, 7:30.
Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th it. 8. K-
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Ber. Bobert
Murray Pratt.- 11,-' "Sometimes s Light Sur
prises ': 7:30. "RiD Van Winkle"
Finnish Mission 107 Bkidmore Her. Samuel
Nevala.. 8. 7:30.
TTniTersity Park Rev. C H. Johnston. 11.
4 :ou.
Trinity 19th and Everett Bev. A, A. Morri
son. 8. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stenhen the Mrtrr
13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bfehon
and preacher. Sundays: 7:45. 11, 7:45. Week
days: Wednesday. 7:80 a. m .: Friday. 9:30
m., jcioiy oay, ( :au.
SU Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:20. 9:80. 11
"The Capital of A Old Tear." nr "The Tiumi-
rationa and Cautions of the Past"; 7:30, rendi
tion oi nanaai a iieseian, ty tne choir. .
oi. aiancs 21st ana MarabaO Rev. J. G.
Patton. rector. 7 :80. HoIt Kncharistt -45
school: 11. Eucharist and sermon; 7:45. eves
aonc ana eermon.- -
St. Andrew Hereford mt lnian,nntit
arcnaeacon cnsmDers in charge. 9, 7:30 p. m.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Bev.
vswaia . lay lor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Tinannr aiuf !nh
?. jonn uawaon. 11. g.
St. Michaels and All Angels E.- 43d and
nroaaway act. i. . JJowen. vMsar. 8. 10,
11, o.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st at.
83. E. Bev. E. H. Clark, vlcac 7:30 and 11
a. m.
HtenoD Morris Memorial tlnrJt
"pa ,. r reaeno Howard. 7. 7:43.
BL Panla Woodmere Bey. Oswald W. lay-
MOT, 4.
An Batata -25th nd Satiev Ber. rtedexte
Jk. Howard.'':, 11. ' - i
,i1ohn M'?1tor? 15th sad Harney.
Ot. Matthewi : Corbett and Bancroft Bar.
W. A. M. Brack, vicaz. -
. v Evangelical "
Flrst E. 6th and Market Bay. E. D. Hors
KUWUt AX, O. -. ,
Fro Methodist
ventral e. oath and Flanders Bay. W. N.
. . 1 :8tf- Preaching by E. L.. Silva
w. (Mtuie. .
. tn " Mill Bev. A. Beers. 11,
"What Is a Scriptural ReviTalT"; 7:30. "Hio
derancea tA a rnim. u4i
Slrst E. . SBta SBd Main Bay. Rnmar tv
11 T'AK . .,
ill Me Waken
larly: In human hearts. The Temple
quartet will render music appropriate
for the last Sunday of the closing year.
"Start the New Year Right" will be
the subject of Major T. A. Mills at the
First Congregational church on Sunday
mornipg. Hewill also preach in the
evening. 1 The annual meeting of the
church for reports of departments will
be held on January 9.
The Sunday morning service at East
Side Baptist church will be In the na
ture of a review and a forecast "A
Glance Backward Over 1918 and a Look
Forward Into 1919." The evening ser
mon was suggested to Dr. W. B. Hinson
by a picture called "The End of the
Trail," in which a winding road is seen
in the twilight and a pilgrim approach
ing his journey's end.
Sunday morning and evening Drr J. J.
Staub will preach special New 'Year
services at. Sunnyside Congregational
church. Likewise, Rev. R. H. Sawyer
will preach a special New Year sermon
Sunday evening at the East Side Chris
tian church.
Sunday night an end-of-the-year
service will be held at the Highland
Congregational church. The exercises
will open with a praise service, which
will be a genuine people's sing, led by
an effective choir. The address by the
pastor. Rev. Edward Constant, will
show how the world under the provi
dence of God has been led through tu
mult and suffering to a path which
leads on to conditions which will be
better for mankind. The morning ser
mon will be a modern application of
one of the stories surrounding the birth
of Jesus. .
Sunday being the last Sunday of the
year. Rev. Ward MacHenry, pastor of
Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church, will
make his morning service a review of
the passing year and will appeal for
thoughtful decision at the New Year.
The choir of Rose City Park Com
munity church Sunday will repeat the
most popular of the Christmas music
rendered last Sunday. The music in the
evening will consist wholly of Christmas
carols. Dr. Milligan will preach morn
ing and evening
'The Magi of Today'
To Help Armenians
Sunday night at the FirBt Christian
church the Bible school "will offer a
special program for the Armenian and
Syrian relief in the form of an allegory
entitled "The Magi of Today." The
program 'will be under the direction of
Mrs. C. M. Kiggins, assisted by the
quartet choir. By request several of the
Christmas musical selections rendered
last Sunday evening will be repeated at
the morning service Sunday.
Dr. Wilson to Speak
Dr. Clarence True Wilson, general
secretary of prohibition work in the
Methodist church, is to speak Sunday
evening at Centenary Methodist church
on "The .Victory Year" or "Winning
Two Wars." Excellent music will be
rendered by a large chorus choir. The
pastor. Rev. J. O. Rollins., will have
charge of the morning service.
. . Jewish
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Babbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m.. Saturday. 10:30 a. m. Sunday. 10,
in Portland academy bWg., 18th and Mont
gomery. Religious scrlooL Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation A nana Bholom Park and Clay
sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson. Friday, 8 p. m..
Saturday, 9:30 I. m. .
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jeeus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30.
St. James W. Park . and Jefferson Rev.
William E. Brankman. 11, 7:30.
St Panlf E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A.
Erause. 9:30, 10:30. 7:80.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Bev. M.
A. Christeniten. 11. sermon in English.
Trinity Williams and Graham Bev. J. A.
Beinbach. 9:16. 10:15. 7:30.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14ta and Da vis Key.
Wilhelra Pettersen. 11. 8.
Grace English Mason snd Albins. 10:SO.
Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Glisan Bay.
r. J. EpUng. 10:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygaat and Bod-
St. Johns Penlnsnla and KUpatnck Kev.
Ludwig. 10:45. 7:80.
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and GUsan
Bev. C. 3. Ledin. 11. 7:80.
Methodist episcopal
Centensry E. 9th snd Pine Bev. J. C.
Rollins. 11. "The Church of the Good Shep
herd": 7:45, preaching by Dr. Clarence True
Wilson on ."The Victory Tear" or "Winning
Two Wars."
Central Vancouver and Fargo Kev. a. u.
Maclean. 11, 7:80.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and. Powell Key.
John Parsons. 1L.
Epworth 26th and Savier Kev. Bianiora
Moore. 11, 7:80.
First 12th and Taylor Kev. Joanna aians-
fleld. 10:30, Christmas cantata repeated by
request, sermon. "The Christmas King ' ; 7:30.
The Momentous xesr.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Bev.- Elias GJerdlng. 11. 8.
Lenta Lucien B. Jones. 11. , :at.
? Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11, "God Searching for a 5lan.
Monta villa E. 80th and Pins Kev. Hiram
Gould. 11. sacrament of Lords supper; 7:u,
Mt. Tsbor E. 61st and Stark.. Rev. E. Olin
mAriAmm 11 7-3(1.
Rose City Pa Kev. u. uemr neios. 11,
Sellwood Bev. W. 8. Gordon. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside E. 85th and TamhiU Bev. R. E.
Smith. 11. 7:45.
St. Johns W. IraTiu ana Byracuse itev. .
H. Irrine. 11. 7:80. t .
BwedisB eeecn ana oonnwics mt. sua
Ekhind. 11. 8. . . .
Tlnirarslty Parte Klsge ana imoara mv.
J. T. Abbett. 11. 7:80:
Vancouver Ave. norwegian lanno buomh
and Vancouver., Rev. C. J. Hynnlng. 11, 8,
Sunday school program with Cbrlstmaa tree.
WestmoreUnd Rev. F. A- Ginn. 7:80.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francia Bur
gette Short. 10:80, "Je Sheriff Reo.uet."
District superintendent. Bev. William Wallace
Toungson. D. D., 691 E. 62d sL N. Tabor 2790.
ML C. south
First Union and Multnomah Bev. James T.
French. 11. 7:30.
- Hazarwns . ,
First E. 7th and Couch Bev. G. Howard
Davis. ll.'7:80. i .' '
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Bev. B. H.
Morse. 11.' 7:80.
. Brentwood 5th ave. and 87th St. Bev.
O. U. Fowler. 11, 7:80.
Highland Park E. 14th and KflHngtworth
Bev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8.
Scandinavian Rev. J. O. BdnsedahL 11.
Presbytarian ..
First '12th and AM-r Ke. John H. Boyd.
10:30. "The Things That Burvire"; 7:80. "The
Balance Sheet of 1919."'
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev.
Edward H. Pence. 10:80, 7 :S0. -
Central E. 18th and Pine. Ber. Orlando B.
Pershing. 11. "Men of Wisdom": 70, can
tata, 'Soa of the Highest.'
.Calvary lltlj and Claj Bey..B..W.,Bogera,
100, 7:10. s ,
East Side Baptist Church Lays
Great Plans for Work in
Coming Years.
Great plans for future work are being
made by members of the East Side
Baptist church, of which Dr. W. B. Hin
son la pastor. A few weeks ago they
undertook the support of two mission
aries in India and now with the work
going ahead so steadily have added to
their church staff an assistant pastor.
Rev. Herbert T. Cash
Rev. Mr. Cash came to this country
from England in 1891. He attended Pa
cific college at Newberg and after tak
ing a course in London Missionary
Training college was accepted for work
In India. Poor health prevented him
entering this field, so he engaged in
pastoral work for the Friends church
and later held pastorates in California
and Colorado. He entered the Baptist
ministry in 1910 and, after four years'
work in Hermlston and Pendleton, came
to the Grace Baptist church of Port
land, where he served until the early
part of this year. He resigned from
Grace church after accepting a govern
ment appointment at the Benson Poly
technic school.
Both the pastor and his new assistant
have been personal friends for over six
years. Dr. Hinson and the congrega
tion are loud in their praise for their
new pastor.
The East Side Baptist church is now
in its new church edifice at East Twen
tieth and Salmon streets. The Sunday
school meets at 9:15 o'clock, the B. Y.
P. U. society at 6:15 o'clock and the
preaching services are held at 11 a. m.
and ? :30 p. m.
The New Testament
Church, Series Topic
A series of sermons on "The New
Testament Church" is being presented
by Rev. R- H. Sawyer on Sunday morn
ings, at the East Side Christian
church. East Twelfth and Taylor
streets. These discussions are proving
of interest and are attracting audiences
that fill both floors of the auditorium.
New members are being added at almost
every service, and the work of the sev
eral departments of the church is tak
ing on a new life. A special effort Is
being made to reach all disciples In
Portland-who are not actively identified
with some one of the local congrega
Revival to Be Held
By United Brethren
First and Fourth United Brethren
churches are planning for a series of
revival services in the very near future.
First church is entering into a campaign
under the direction of Rev. Byron J.
Clark, whereby all the organizations of
the church will be enlisted in a drive
for the spiritual awakening of the com
munlty. At the Sunday morning serv
ice and at the New Year's eve watch-
night service at Fourth church the pas
tor. Rev. C. P. Blanchard, will discuss
the necessity of a revival.
ML Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rev. Ward
MacHenry. 11. "Christ and His Church of
1918"; 7:30, "Stop. Look. Listen."
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. J. R. Lands
borough. 11. 7:5.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. A.
L. Hutchison. 11. "The Beckoning"; 7":80,
"The King's Fireman."
Fourth First and Glbba. 10:30, 7:30.
Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Iter.
Paul E. Ratsch. 11, New Tear's sermon; 7:80,
"The Afterglow of Chrirtmaa."
Hope E. 78th and Everett Rev. Floyd E.
Dorris. 11. 7:30.
Rose City Dr. Robert If. Milligan. 11, 7:30.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo
dore P. Smith, pastor. 11, "A New Year's Ser
mon": 7:80. "An Incomplete Vision."
Anabel Bev. John E. Nelson. 11. 8.
Millard Avenue Bev. W. Lee Gray. 11.
Seventn Day Adventlst
Note Regular services of this denomination
are neia on oaturaay.
Central E. 11th and Everett lb K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:15.
Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft hall, 10th
and Taylor streets. 11.
Monta villa E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
Gerbart. 11.
Lents 94th st. and B8th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11.
St. Jotftit Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T HHgert. 11.
Albina Skldmore and Mallory Bev. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
. Scandinavian Sixty-second near 40th ave. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11. 8:15. 8.
Oorpe No. 4 128 it First Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11. 8. 8.
. Swedsnborelan
New Church. Society 831 Jefferson Bey.
William B. Beece. 11. "The Secret of Un
happiness:" Unitarian
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam-
hill Rey. W. . Elliott.-Jr. 11. "The Voca
tion of an Immortal Soul'; 7:45. open fornm.
"The Home Service Work of the American Bed
Cross," by MUs lkirothy Wyson.
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Dunald. First E. 15th and Morrison Bev. Byron J.
Clark. 11. "Reflection and Resolve "; 7:30.
"Divine Preparedness." '
Second E. 27th and Sumner, Bev. Ira
Hawley. 11, "Unconditional Surrender"; 7:80,
"Jerusalem Church. Grows."
Third 67th st. and 82d ave. 8. E. Bev.
E. O. Shepherd. 11, "The l'ast In Review";
7:30. "The Remnant."
Fourth Tremont Bev. O. P. BlanehanL
11. "The Three P's in a Successful Bevtrsl
Preparedness, Prayer.' Praise"; 8, "Taking
United Pretbytarian
First E. 87th snd Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. 10, Christmas program by Bible school.
Given. 11. 7:30.
Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Bev. 8. Earl Da Boi. 10:30. "Tbe New Tear
Peace Problems''; 7 JI0. "What Three Things
Will Make 1919 Worth While T"
Kenton 120 West Lombard- Bev. George N,
Taylor. 11. 7:80. .
Christian and Missionary Alliance K 9 th
and Clay Bev.-John E. Fee. 11., 740.
Beausation League 186 5th Bar. H.
Edward Mills. 11, "Reoeiring the Christ'; 8,
"Beginning the New Tear Right."
Christedelpfaiaii 621 K. WaaUngten. 10:80.
Chnrcb of God 863 Failing. 11, 8.
First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery
Bev. A. Scott Bledsoe. 8, 7:46.
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 10:80,
12:15. 7:45.
Men's Resort 4th and Burneide Bev.. Levi
Johnson, superintendent. 8.
New Civilisation 407 Til ford bid. Dr.
Both Nortaington. 7:45, What Shall We Do
to Inherit Eternal Life?"
Divine Science Tilford building Est. T. M.
Minard, pastor. 11. . - -
Universal Messianic 3 1 8 AWngton bonding.
11. 8, "Perfect Uarsaony fat True CreaUon."
Stody class. Wednesday. 8 P. av
i Clad Tidings Hall Bev. Charles WooEex. 1.8.
Missionaries to
-Meet in Session
the Coming Week
Rev. J". S. MacGeary. general mis
sionary secretary for the Free Meth
odist .church, and his wife, will hold a
missionary convention this coming week
at the Central Free Methodist church In
connection with the 'regular' district
quarterly meeting. ' The meetings com
mence . Thursday evening. Dr. Mac
Geary was formerly missionary 'bishop.
He or his wife are to speak at every
service of the convention. Three serv
ices will be held each day. Including
Sunday, when the convention closes. The
church is at East Fifty-fifth and Flan
ders streets. Rev. W. N. Coffee is
Soldiers Are Given
. Gay Party by Girls
At B'nai B'rith Hall
More than 300 soldiers enjoyed
Christmas tree party and dance at the
B'nal B'rith club Christmas night under
the auspices of the War Camp Com
munlty service. "Major" Naomi Swett
had her battalion out on dress parade
to welcome the men in uniforms The
tactics employed were "tag" dances
leading to encircling movements and
later the capture of the hearts of the
With cider and doughnuts as ammuni
tion the "Battalion of Life" made a gal
lant charge, the following captains
leading their women: Misses Gussie
Weiser. Hannah Lebow, Fannie Pearl
man. Tilile Spellman. Dorris Weiser,
Deborah Swett. Rachel Swett. Mollle
Segal. Betty Michael and Pearl Leibo.
After the capture the prisoners were
secured by a large number of presents.
On the Sunday preceding the party,
the club rooms were - decorated at a
decorating party attended y about
75 soldiers ' and as many girls. The
party went out into the woods and
gathered greens and returned in the
afternoon to do the decorating. Food
in large quantities was served.
Albany Man Listed
As Slain in France
Believed Not Dead
Albany. Dec. 28. Although Mrs. Robert
McMurray had received a letter from
her husband, a lieutenant in -France,
stating that he was enjoying the beet
of health on November 18, she ' today
received a telegram from the adjutant
General Informing her that her hua
band had been killed in action on
November 3.
' Mrs. McMurray refuses to consider
the message aa other than a gruesome
mistake, in view of the letters which
she has received. The message also
stated that Lieutenant McMurray was
In the United States infantry, whereas
he is connected with the cavalry snd
has been stationed near Marseilles ever
since arriving in France.
Lieutenant McMurray is a son of Wil
liam McMurray. general passenger agent
of the Oregon St Washington railway,
who has cabled to his son to remove
any doubt as to tbe error made in the
adjutant general's office.
Pershing Is to Be
Offered Southern
Democratic Help
By John F. Basg
Special Cable to The' Journal and Chicago
' Daily News. ' t
(Copyright, 1918. by Chicago Daily Newt Co.)
Paris, Dec 28. From, an ordinarily
reliable source I learn of ths ar
rival hers of two important Democratic
politicians from the Southern states
They represent a spilt in the Demorcstlc
party in the Southern states. -Their mis
sion here Is reliably said to be to confer
with General Pershing and to assure
him of a considerable support in a large
number of Southern states in case he de
cides to be a candidate for the Republi
can nomination to the presidency in the
next election. It is said that this support
wtll be from within the political organi
zation of the Democratic party in the
South. ,
Mrs. Crimmens Dies in Biker
Freewater, Dec. 28. Mrs. Martha
Pollsnd Crimmens died Wednesday in
Baker from influenza. With her hug
band. Dewey Crimmens. she had gone
to Baker to spend the Christmas holi
days with relatives. She was born In
Idaho In 1898. Besides her husband
she leaves her foster parents, Mr. snd
Mrs. I. Hiett Funeral services were
held Thursday, Elder Davis officiating.
Klamath Tax Is Mounflng
Klamath Falls. Dec. 28. Tbe total
amount of taxes to be paid to the
state of Oregon by Klamath county
for the next year will be 951,521, ac
cording to County Cleric C. TL De Lap.
Last year the amount was $46,807.50.
in itself $3000 more than the year before.
Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe
Bearer v :
MBS. EHXA ' X. ro WEBS, Soloist
. 7s P M SEATS j?BEB , .
t ' J
Death of Dr. Wilbur Chapman -Will'
Interfere Greatly With
Church's New Era Movement. -
Dr. Andrew J. Montgomery! at
Present; Acting Secretary, Is
to Give Up Work January 1.
The death of Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman,
evangelist and leader In the Presby
terian church, will Interfere greatly
with the great New Era movement of the
Presbyterian church and will necessitate
a rearrangement in many of the pro
grams extending into the late summer1
months. Dr. Chapman was scheduled
to speak in American ; cities during
January and February from New . York
to San Francisco, north to Portland.
Spokane and back through the north
central states. He was chosen vice
chairman of the New Era movement
and in this capacity wan supposed to
speak here on January 20 and !1 at a
conference of the Oregon presbytery. .
I'r. Chapman entered the Ttebeau
sanitarium In New York city on De
cember 22 to undergo his third opera
tion for gallstones. He did not survive
the effects of the operation and died -
Christmas day. Dr. Chapman was well
known in Portland, having conducted -a
great revival campaign in the city In
Beginning January 1 the Pacific dis
trict of the New Era movement is to
have a new leader, as Dr. Andrew J.
Montgomery, present acting secretary,
leaves the work on that date. Dr. Mont
gomery and his wife left Portland today
for St. Louis, where he is to assume
the position ss assistant to the western
Office of the board of home missions of
the Presbyterian church. The western
office controls all missionary work west
of the Mississippi river. In this capac
ity Dr. Montgomery will frequently visit
Portland and will speak at missionary
Carranza Planning
To Inorease Army
Washington. Dee. 28. ( V. P.) Car
ranxa plans a strong military organisa
tion to assure his position at the head
of the Mexican government, in the
opinion .of Latin American diplomats
here. Advices are that the fa
cilities of the munitions and airplane
plants and other Mexico city factories
devoted In part or entirely to msnufac-.
ture of supplies needed by the army will
be increased.
Hiss Seott Not Married
New York, Dec. 28. (I. N.' S. The
reported marriage of Miss Mtml Scott,
once the fiance of Captain Aobey Ba
ker, who was killed in France in an
airplane accident, to an attache ot '
the American embassy in Paris, was
denied here today. Miss Louise B.
Scott, a relative, and she received
Christmas felicitations from Miss Scott
by cable ajidthat If a marriage hart
occurred she vrTOiave been informed
of it.
Major T. A. Mills
First Congregational
pabk axd'madisox sts.
llilt A. Iff.
"How to Begin the
New Year"
"What MitM'We Do
to Be Damned"
Special Music at Both Services.
Come and Worship With Us
S. 8. 3TOOX
666' "
rive the Bible interpretation of the Beast
of ths Apocalypse. This lecture Is given
by special and repeated request snd will
be a candid presentation of this Import
ant symbol In. Prophecy. . . . .
HALL . '
lit St. Betwees Morriaoa aad, YaBilitn
Sunday Night, Dec. 29, at 7:45
. : PUBLIC I3tITEl '"
S t i I