THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORT LAND.- THURSDAY. DECEMBER. 26. 1918 , 11 m , M t . a S M a M w tSS UN MAUt : BY LODGE'S POINTS IN EUROPE SMALL Foreign Commentators Point Out That fjroposals Fail to Con sider Several Vital Issues. MISAPPREHENSION IS SHOWN Difficulty of Trying to Under stand European Problems at Long Range Well Demonstrated 1 By Joks r. Bats and Pasl 8U Mewrer Special Cabl to Th Journal and Chicago Daily Km (Cnpyright. 11,18. by Chicago Dally News) Paris, Iec. 2. Wide publicity hM lieen Riven her tp the 21 point at tributed to Senator Lodge, purporting to b the peace terms of the entire Tvepub lean party. They failed,' how ever, to make any considerable impres iilon, because they overlooked several rtally Vital Issue. They reveal the difficulty, say foreign commentator., of trying to understand European prob lem!! at Ions range. An-analyst of Ft rat or Ixde;c's pomts shows not only . a number of curious misapprehensions. but some Important lapse : 1. The central powers are to return indemnities. This has already been i regulated by the armistice. 2, Iteparatlon for damages. This Is .ejrulated by the allied agreement pre ceding the armistice. 8. Compensation for murdered women and civilians. This has been regulated In the, same manner. Would Violate -Agreement 4. The central powers to pay the cost of, the. war. Thui Is contrary to ths terms accepted by all the partle te the agreement preceding the armistice. 6. Alsace-Lorraine' to be returned to France. This Ignores the real isut which Is whether the Lorraine frontier .hall bo that of 1870 or 1814. . Italia Irridenta to bo returned to Italy. This ignores the real isaue. whU'h In to settle the. dispute between the Italians and Jugo-Slavs regarding tlie'HCtuiil frontiers. 7. Turkey to be subdivided under al lied protectorates. This fails to state whether it means the old system of In dividual protectorates. In which case It would bocome necessary to decide how ' to portion It between the various claim ants, or whether It means a new system ., of placing It under the protectorate of ' the league of nations. . The Dardanelles, to be under the control of the allies. This Is subject to ' the same objection as the foregoing. 9. Serbia. Albania, Uoumanla and Greece to be given territories according to the aspiration of the inhabitants f those countries and their races and languages. This is too vagus to have a practical meaning. Real Issues Are Ignored 10. Poland. Csecho - Slovakia and Jugo-Slavla to be independent and com- . prlae all districts Inhabited by a major ity of Poles, Csecho-Slovaks and Jugo slavs. This ignores the real Issue as to who shall have the disputed regions of Ianuig, Lerrtberg. East Prussia, Flume snd the region between Bohemia and Croatia. 11. Hchleswig-Holsteln to decide Its " own status, and the same as regards Luxemburg. SchJeswig and Luxembur- sre .real issues, but Holstein never has been. 12. Order to be restored in Russia and precautions to be taken against Ger- man encroachments. This amounts to favorjng war with Russia, which Is one of the greatest problems of the moment arid one that requires the deepest con sideration, first regarding advisability and second regarding practicability. 13. The German colonies not to be restored to Germany. This lenoros th rear issue, which is what shall be done wim mem. 11 h, I . . . ... " nn ana Helgoland to be under the control of the allies. The same objection applies here as In No. 8 15. The treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest to be abrogated. This bas . already been done. Foar Proposals Approved The navies of the central powers' 101-be' turned over to the allies. The tame objection applies as In No. 8. It falls, moreover, to state whether Italy -r UI- guswoisTs snail nave the Aus trian, fleet H.: The central powers to be dis armed. This has 'already been prac tically accomplished. aa to Tnrkav i. garla and Austria, but Is contrary to the IIles; present, policy regarding Ger many, which seems to-be to allow Ger many to keep her arms to a certain ex tent to prevent the spread of Bolshe vism and other disorders. Disarma ment haa not been , ordered in Ger many's case. ' Senator Lodsre'a which concern. the occupation of por 1..?' enemy ten-ltory until the peace conditions are fulfilled, the fate of the ex-kalser and other enemy criminals an international arbitration andtomi porary control of raw materials by the ; te reconsidered aooeptable as far Charles H. Leisure .Of Lents, Aged 76, Died Christmas T)ay . of Charles Henry i8ure was held from the Holman parlors this fumopn Rev. Levi Johnson ottlclat! cemetlr IfT1?, W9T Multnomah cemetery. Mr. Leisure u- . v , Indiana, and died Christmas mornine- Lenta foTiS0, 7e' - r2n Lents for 15 years and until recenUy "sacuTi aa a carpenter. Three sons survive him i f; R-r- Y. Mi A. T ars.sI U4 UU diy. Virde Vivian Sibley 1rda Vivian Sibley died Christmas day from pneumonia, . She was In her sixteen, year and resided with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sibley, at , 4 Macadam street. Mlsa Sibley was born In Colorado. Funeral services will be held at the Holman chapel. Third and osimoa streets, at 11 a. m SVldev - uwnnent win p m Multnomah ceme tery. , Alaska Inspector-Appointed Seattle. Dec 16. I. M hi tk, Ji Sommers. of Fairbanks, Alaska, who . Is here today, announced ha ha re- celvsd notice from Governor Thomas Rlgga of appointment as mining - In spector of the northern territory. Som mers Is known to almost everr "sour dough" In Alaska and the Pacific coast. THE ROLL OF HONOR (Continued from Fin Seven) NICHOLAS ' A PEL. Rolling Stone. Mina. OCHTAYE AL'FMKOLK. New York. HEKBEBT W. BABBITT. Assonit. Mass. --ALEXANDER M. BALFOUR. Emmond, I JOHN W. BAHKEK, i mnit-ville, 8. C WILET L. BARMOBE. Marietta. Us. JOHN E. BAT. Finland. Russia. -CLARENCE RERGLLND. Moilne, 111. PRANK BERRY. Uioversvill, N. I, CAMIEL BOV ION. Marshall. Minn. WALTER BOYKIN, Murchison, Texas, i PAIL P. BRADEN. Ingkrwood, Cat. OLKMIC fiVltO. Everett. Wuh. - Harry c ci.abk. Caiton. n.JR IHADORO COLELLA, Altria Prov. Italy. DANIEL LKE OLLIN8. Peacock. B. 1. JOHN CPTHBEHT COLL1S. PoUt. Neb. F.RVIM CRANDALL. Rock Elm. Wh. CHARLIE M. CRAWFOHD, Seageville, Tex. WILLIAM CREWS. Portland. Or. JOMKPH CRIMEN I. Pittsburg. Pa. CIIAKLKS CRUMLEY. Germantown, N. T. WALTER CZESAK. Toledo, Ohio. JOHN r. DEMP8EY, Kansas City. Kin. GIOVANNI DEROSE, Prov. Incoe, Italy. JOHN A. DIAMOND, Brooklyn. -V Y JOSEPH M. DODO. New York. BERMIARD M'BBK, Jordon. Minn. DOM EN ICO FINKIXI. Veneveute, Italy. . CHARLES A. FOL, Temple. Pa. JOHN DAVID FLLTZ, Alb. Mo. BENJAMIN GALLON. Kovel. Russia. HAPY GEORGE. !aro. B-ria. VALENTINE GRAFPL tJlooUn, Philippine Island. HUFC8 MACK CROCCU. Hnddleston. Vs. CARL I. HALLBERG. Lywkil. Sweden. CHARLES J. HALLBERO JR., Ftaahint, . Y. KARL HATS. 'Byron, Nrb. Kill KL UOraPAriR. Indian Ha Too. La. MICHAEL K HOiMES. Kilkenuy. Ireland. JOHN C. IIOHMER, Cininnati. OHM. ELMER J. HYDE, Elkadrr. Ia. TONEY J ANNETTE, Philadelphia, Pa. LEE 1L JELH'K. Mineral Point, Wis. RECBEN C KARPER, Canton, Ohio. VICTOR KAt'MA. Pndaajanl, Finland. FRANK C. KELLT. Belmont. Ky. JOHN KELLY, Wincheater. Mam. JOHN A. KELLEY. Northampton. Pa. JOHN H. KEH8LINO, Caatleton. Ind. CLARENCFi KIMBLKR (no town shown) CARL H. KLAUS. ChlUlroUie. Ohio. JOHN H. KLINE. SoroerrtlK N. J. PETER K08HIEL, St. Cloud, Minn. . ALIK KL'KLOHKY. Ralpbton, Pa. EOWIX C. IJiMPfa. Oreland,, Ohio. HENRY K. LARSON. Roraii. Minn. ALBERT P. LATKNDUKHttK. IXlluth. Minn. I A K it Y 1.AZAHI H., Natrona. Pa. JOHKPIt BAKHK.I. CleTcland. Obio. DARRELL O. BEITER, NawcomeiBtowa, Ohio. TONY REN KM. RomreH. Pa. WALTER . BOOTS, Bloonuwltrh. Ohio. RUDOLPH U. BROO, Chicaso, 111. GUNNER -O. BROOEHEN; Chieaco. EL ERNEST I. BCLLLNGTON. Vandalia, HI. ORE8TA CAIOLA. Cheater. Pa. LAWRENCE CAaflAMASSO. Ontrcnt. Italy, FRANK CA8TAGNA, Cleelnm. Wash. THOMAS V. CONTE. Brooklyn, N. Y. J A MEM M. COBTELLO, Waterbury, Cons. PETER DANTE. New York. JOSEPH DK FAZIO, PHtsbnrs, Pa. AUGUST M. DELEtTLES. Minneapolis. GEORGE C. DOHCH. Mrriden. Conn. CLARENCE II. DRUM. WiUesbarre. Pa. ENGEBERT. Brooten, Minn. AUSTIN A. ERNEST, Gettysburg. Pa. YLL1 8 II. FELKER. SDrinrfield. Mo. JOSEPH P. FITZ PATRICK, Rochester, S. Y. WILLIAM 1. UK.NTHOLi. warren, unto. WILLIS GILL. Blnff Sprincs. Fla. FRANK OITTEMORE. Boston. Masa. FELICE IT. OOHCf. Rome. Iulr. THOMP tiOSTOS, Thevia KokU. Cn BENJAMIN GOTTLIEB. Mobile, Ala. CHARLES J. GULD. Newoort. N. H. FRANK V. GRAEBER. Sionx Rapids. Iowa. FRANCE GULMONU. Minneapolis, Minn. FRED OU13IANO, Kono Pro.. luly. MASTIN f. HALLKRAN, Seattle, Wash. JOHN F. IRVING. Peoria, IlL MAX R. JABLINSKE, Clereland. Ohio. CHARLES M. KEENO, Latrobe. Pa. STEVE KIKOS. Hamtramck, Mica. JOHN E. KRINER, Morris. Pa. WILLIAM A. KRlUT. Eugene, InL BPENCER LINTRIP. Memphis. Tenn. WILLIAM A. LEWIS. Boyne City. Mich. RAYMOND W. LOSER. Lebanon. Pa. HARRY MALLIBON, Raton. N. M. 1XUIS MARCOTTE. C-ot tonne rt. La. LEO McCLELLAN. Atlas, Mich. Gil" UcGHEE, Westpoint, Ga. OLARCNCC T. McLAUQHLIN, Seattle, Wash. THEODORE B, ACCHEY, Schuylkill Haven. Pa. EUGENE BARBAS, Bterl Larton. N. 8.. CHtf. WILLIAM O. BLANDFORD, West Ixmls Tflte. Ky. .. EDWARD BOWEN. Bbeyboyjas, W is. WILLIAM T. BROUGHTON, Monroenlle, f 'VrED M. BROWN. Lot Anseles, Cat . MIKE CEGERSKI. Detroit, Mich. JOHN T. CAPERN. Fort Edward. N. T. ' fTrxrrxt e rniint.rTt. Rnrllncton. Colo. iiwvpu a n CHARLTON. Pittsborf, Pa. CiUESEPPE CHUILLE, Osatnins . N. X. JAMES 8. CHILTON. Losert. Okla. WILLIAM CUTT8. Windsor. Pa. FRANK J. DALEY, Osaining. N. T. MACK DIVK8KUY. IMIOXI. ".. FRANK J. DOMBKOWSKI, Brooklyn N. Y. ZACK A. CiREEN. Frsnklin. Tenn. HAROLD HAGAN. Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAM W. N. IIOWELL. Genera, Ala. uuETiE-iiir-v v prTEllS. Phlladelohia. ST a a OVlJ tv. as. a. - - r - . LEE H. PETTENGILU Thomaston. Maine. HARDIN XL A. FHIPPB, Othello, f. C. HENRY O. POORE. Pnlaaki. Va. EDWARD C. RADLOFF, Nigara Falls. WILLIAM McK. Robbins, Hih Point, i. C. ANTONIO SAVILLA, Waltham. Mass. HOWARD V. SHAKER, Canton. Ohio. GUERINO SINIBARI. Carep, Italy. RUDOLPH TALMAN. New York. N. Y. HERMAN TTMM, Falrbury. 10. PETER O. TONER. Philadelphia, Pa. uiNTM TURRIDT. Plymouth. Pa. HENRY JOSEPH VIDEAU. San Francisco. Cat. WILLIAM A. WHAT. Wtrtx. Va. JIM G. WELCH, Bryan, Texas. HENRY WEISSENBACH. And. Mo. JAMES L. WHITE. Madison, Mo. JOHN 8. ZARKZWSKI. Chicsro. EJ. 1FH ar VcI.F.nn Klnsfisher. Okla. GERHARDT L. MUELt.ER, BurUngton . Iowa. NATHANIEL A. OWENS. Traer, Iowa. ANGELO ARENTE. Stateo bland. N. T. ELY A. POLLAK, Browarville, Minn. EUatNI M. poMlNOY, Takima. Wash. WILLIAM C QUAINE, Detroit, slieb. KiTMflMI OI'INONES. Brooklyn. N. T. HANS ANDREW , RAM3TEAD, Viscount. Easkatcliewan, Csnada. EDWIN R. KEEN, Winn, Mich. PAUL REFRANO. Btooklvn, N. T. CHARLES J. RIEMER. 8U Louis. Ma 1IARRV A. RHTNDERS. Red Hook. N. T. t; RAY DON C. RICHARDS, Ausable Forks, New Tork. DAVID ROACH. Chester. N. T. STEFAN 8AR JLIJI, Lebanon. Pa. JOHN W. SATTIZAHN. Tinton. Iowa. ARTHUR OTTO SATZGEB, Jersey City. SJ. FKE11 bCHADE, Arlington, Minn. EBIO A. 8CHALL. Hardford, Conn. HOMER A SCHILLING, Shiner, Texas. JOHN K. SCIENCE. Vonitia. Pa. RALPH 8COGNA, Abbattiggio. Italy. ROBERT SINGLETON. Burlington. Iowa. ARTHUR SMITH, AmarUlo, Texas. JOHN A. SMITH. Kingston, Ark. , WILLIAM L. SMITH. Matthews. Ind. ANTHONT' 8TACHEWICZ, Buffalo, N. T. WALTER SUMMERS. Indianapolis, Ind. ABRAHAM SYMBOL, Brooklyn, N. T. EDWARD TIERS AN. Chicago. HI. EARL TUCKER. Providence. R. 1. GIACOMO TUMBARELLO. Chicago. ELI.1S TYLER. Bnies. N. O. HARRY G. VAN WAGNER. Norwalk. Conn. ALBERT WALTER. Kert Freedom. Pa. JAKE M. WASaENBURO Vairty Sprint South Dakota. - - CHARLES J. -WETS. Geneva, Wyo, MILLARD F. WETZEL. Hulburry. Tenn. LEWELLT F. WILLIAMS. Walnut Park. Pa. SHELBY WHON. Coimar. Ky. LESLIE W. WORTHY. Jerseyville, IU. ERNEST R. TATE8. Dukedom. Tenn. HCOH T. YORK, Ritehey, Mo. RAYMOND LAWYER. Middleburg, N. WILLUM H. LE1SERMANN. Higblandtdwa. Maryland. ' . CLIFr ORD ADOLPH LESAUE, KCW XOrg, HARRT N. LOSS, Tnla. Okla. JOSEPH W. MeANDREWS. New Tork. WALTER kloCORMlCK. New Tork. DENVER P. MARTIN. Mannmcton. W. Va. MARKO MARCH. Votnit. Austria. AURED R. M ATTTN OLT, Mattlngly ." Ky. WILLLAM H. MACT HE. Kimberly, Wis. GEORGE E. MOLANDER, Brooklyn. K. T. AMOS MORRISON. MoGttf fey. Ohio. ANTONIO MORONO. Italy. ' ALBERT I MOBSMAN. Greenville, Pa. PETER M. MCRPHT. New York. FRANK NEISON, Alliance. Ohio, BEN N IE NORMAN. Montevideo, Mian. RUDOLPH OTTO. Chelsea, Mich. . CEASAR PELIGNANO, Italy. . DANTE PETROCELLL Italy. BIAOGIO PEZZlXI.O, Italy. THOMAS T. PIERCE. RtcbTUle. Mo. MICHAEL POPEK. Brooklyn, N. T. ROMEO PORSIE. Italy. - . PETER RAN DACAVAGE. Sussia. LOUIS P. RKAUX. Lafayette. La. HARRY REESE. WILTON JUNCTION. Iowa. WILLIAM M. RICHER. Rosebud. Moat. ROT V. ROBB, Goldfield. Iowa. CHARLES A. ROBINSON. Manassas, Ta, JOHN E. RORRER. Demeros, W. Va. - TONY ROTELLA, Italy. COLBURN RUDO. Seattle. Wash. ADOLPH H- SCHENKAT. Freedom, Wis. MORRIS I- SCHULMAN. Brooklyn, S. T. NUXH A SETALLILO, luly. . DEW ITT U SHARPR, Griswoldvule, Ca. JACOB SHERBEL. Russia., HF.RBIEL SHERRY, Mayport. Pa. JAMES B. SHORT. Bycamore. Va. RUSSELL ROSCOE 8HOTT, Lebaooa. Pa MARTIN J. H LATTERY, Nw Tork. THOMAS SMITH. New Tork. HENRY O. STARTZ. San Antonio. Texav CHESTER BILL RTIRTON. Effiogliam, Kaa FRANCIS WAYXASD STRING EB, Detroit, Texas. " ' """" ' ... MARIANO . TATARKH, Jjrimley,-Jsjcn. JAMES E. TIPTON, Waco, Texas. NICOLA TEN ABA. Italy. Night List Washington. Dee. 2. In the li't of carnal- ties made, pnblie last night there are the names of 2144 men. Home of which are names of members of the marina corps. - The casualties are divided: Killed in action S3 Died of wounds .................. Died of accident and other causes .... iz I hDl. a I Died in airplane accident .............. 3 Died of disease 202 Wounded severely SSS Wounded (degree nndetermined) ....... 680 Wounded slightly 71 348 Missing in action .................... 141 Total !144 ARMY CASUALTIES KILLED IN ACTION Captains HOWARD E. HAWKINS, fiyracvse,. N. Y. VICTOR H. NY8EW ANDES, JonesriUe. Ind. Lieutenants JOHN B. CREEDON. London. Ohio. BEVERLY D. EVANS JR.. Savannah; Ga. rVIIXIE GRIGSBY. Lost Creek, Ky. ALBERT GURTLOCK. Newark. K. J. WILLIAM JEKSUP, Seranton. Pa. PHIIJJP EVANS. Chambersburg. Pa. CARL J. STOCK. Niagara Fall". N. Y. DEW ITT COLEMAN, Tensity, N. J. ' HAROLD L. FISKK. Rock ril le Center. N. Y. LLOYD T. CRUBBB. Orange. Texas. LEON HERMAN HATTEMAR. Montgomery. Alsbama. PAUL a HERTBELT.. Denver. Colo. FRANK SIDNEY LONG. Fort Hever. Mass. W. B. TURNER, Garden City, Ji. Y. Chaplain WILLIAM DAVITT. Holyoke, Mast. I.EE T. ASHFORD. East Joplin. Mo. PETER ADM A PARDY. Utk-a, N. Y. . ARTHUR WILKE. Mtlwaukee, Wis, PERCY COOK. New York. AARON I. PRICE. ItiiladelnWa. SHERMAN RIPPERDEN. Omaha. Neb. ELMER K. WOOMER. Meyerstown, Pa. JACOB CfMlPER. PrrsibjrB. Mich. LEVII JOHNSON. AyrT N. D. RAYMOND WRIGHT. Fairview. W. Va. PAUL DICKERSON, Monettc, Ark. OTIS I. JONES. Warrenttm, Mo. IX)UI8 EMMONS LEEPER. Molino, Mo. EDWARD W. J. LUKDTKB, Miiwankee. DELMAR PEXELL, McConnelbviile, Ohio. EDWARD M. PORTER, Salisbury. M. ALBERT J. ROBARE, Chaaey. N. Y. CLAY M. ROBINSON. Dayton. Ohio. NKTT. M. MOEN, Stillwater. Minn. CARL W. PERKINS. Rutland, Tt FRED LEWIS PERRY. Denver, Colv WILLIAM K. POOLE. Ashboro. N. a AUGUST PRCHtTLLA. Chicseo Heivhts. TTI FRANK 8CHUMBACHER, Calumetriise. Wis. j TONT STABIJ5. Gralake, Mich. TRACT i W. STAHL. Fargo, N. D. RALPH A. TAYLOR. East Orange. N. C WILLIAM TROUTMAN. Sharon. Pa. JOSEPH WHARTON. Olypbant,. Pa. HOLLAND J. ANDREWS, tyselton. Pa. GEORGE BIRLIRAKLH. Wheeling, W. Va. NATHANIEL BLANCHAP-D. Delmar, V. T. FRED BOHNE. Rnfaln, N. Y. CHAUNCEY C. BODKIN. Farmland. Ind. ERIO BRAOLIY. Portland, Or. JOSEPH BRAZEAU. Providence. B. L BAM BUCHMAN. St. Louis. Mo. PIOTE CALA, Ietroit. Mich. JAMES CARVER. Nofwich. Conn. ANDREW L. CARNEY, Dover. Tens. HARRY CASEY, Baltimore. Md. JAMES W. CHEEK. Georges Creek. Texts. JAMES COATE8. Ringgold, Texas. HAROLD COHEN. Yonkers, N. T. HARRY M, COHEN. New Bedford. Mass. SIDNEY E. CR08BT. VilUge Springs. Ala. FRED C. DANNENBRING. Ireton. Iowa CHAS. if. FORREST. Veedersbnrg. Ind. MERRH.L N. GUI' HALL. Schstfield. lli. RALPH E. HANSEN. Eggleston. Minn. EMORY P. HOAR. Brockton. Mont. ORAMELL K. HUNTfJN. Portland. Maine. STANLEY B. HODGIN8. Toledo, Ohio. HOMER J. KELLY. HaseldeU, IlL MAX COLRBY. New Tork. BILLIK LAMBORT. Corrallis. Or. WM. A. LEACH. Kansas City, Mo. EDWARD A. LYNCH. Girard. Pa. CHARLES W. M'CLOCD, Marion. Ta. JAMES M'GCBN. New Tork. IXIRSET M'NEER. Brockton, in. HERBERT W. MACKMEB, Collins Center. N. T. JOHN JOSEPH MAHONET, Rockland. Msee. BATTI8TA MANCA880LA, Mono I-ake. CaL ClAUDE MATHEUSON, Sibley. Mich. jam iK meheust,-Gary, Ind. MAX KOL8BY. New Tork. " DIED OF WOUNDS Oaptal ns ARTHUR E. ALI.TN JR., Hastings. Neb. ASKEU E. TOUNGDAHL. Redwing, Minn. Ltasjtananta URBANE F. BASS; Fredericksburg. Va. LISTER BROOKS. Chestnut Hill, Pa, CHARLES H. BURNS. Boston. Mass. HERBERT CLARKSON. Rochester. X. T. JAMES E. GELMAN. Rochester, N. T. EDWARD A. HOFFMAN. Detroit. Mich. EDWARD N. LIEBOULT. Pulton. N. T. PAUL T. SETTLE. Unadilla, Ga. JAMES J. SEXTON. Kansas City. Mo. CLINTON K. COBURN. Loa Angeles. Cel. HARRT C. HANLEY. Detroit. Mich. GEORGE HOWARD. Hightails, Si. T. OARL A. JOHNSON. Georgetown, Conn. WARREN E. ROBINSON. Brunswick. Mo. Chaplain CHARLES D. FRIEST, Chicago. HL Sergeants HAROLD M L DRAKE, Trent. N. J. LONNIK GREEN. Sugarland. Texas. MARK J. O'CONNELL, Pittsburg, Pa; 5S57iT,J-JlAIXETLocl'hrt' Texas. EDWARD RINUS. Plymouth. Pa. MILLARD G. WALLACE. MulUa, Texas. Corporals CHARLES BONHAM. Delaware. Ohio. GEORGE W. BROWN. Shullsmills. N. O. BERNARD L. CONLON. San Francisco. CaL HAROLD I DUVALL. HiUburn. N. T. ISAAC L. FLEMING, Grass VaUey. CsX W.ABP,J- fRASEll. 8pringfield. Mass. JOHN GILLIN, Brooklyn. Ji. T. BERNARD J. GlIRL. Ho address. AUGUST B. HOLDAM. Chattanooga. Tenn. CHARLES KREKLEW8KI, Milwaukee, Wis. HARVEY MILLER, Baldwin. N. Y. ANDREW P. PARRISH. McCuUucb, N. C EDWARD SANDERS. Brenham. Texas. EDWARD F. SANDERS, Brenham, Texas. ROWLAND HALL HTF.VKVSrw n.-.-- Ohio. THOMAS O. CATE, O'Conee. Tenn. NELSON CHARLES KELLY. Detroit, Mich. ROBERT J. MAHER, Chicago, 111. WALTER J. PHILLIPS. Buffalo. N. T. JOHN C. REED. Altona. Kas. LESLIE L. ROBINSON. Shafter. CaL THOMAS M. ROSE. Independence, Va EDWARD H. SCHMITT, McKeasport. Pa. ' WILLIAM VOGEL, Chicago. IiL FRANK WELLNITZ, Emporia. Kan. Bu.ler LARUE A. FLEGEU Ocean Grove, N. J. Mecrianlcs H ROBERT B. DODSON. Anona. Trias. ARMAN V. STARR. Raleigh, W. Va. wVeaflOHf ARTHUR N'ELSON. Chicago. 111. Privates t CHARLES H. BOLDT, Golden. N. T. MCHOLO BRIZZI. Milwaukee. Wis. CHESSAR W. BROWN, Paragould. Ark. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Jersey City. N. J. ALBERT W. FRET. Conege Point, N. J. AGRIPPA H. GROVER. Menomosie. Wis. WILLIAM J. HE1DEN REICH. RockfonLIowa. ORAL T, HENDERSON, Cottonwood, Aria. PETER B. KOSTIN E, Syracuse. N. Y. VINCENT. LOMBARD. Brooklyn, Jf. I. MORRIS PENN, Waltbera, Mass. GEORGE ANDREW TYSON. Pariah. N. T. STEPHEN VE8ELKA. Danbury, Texas. ALEX K. ADWAN. Headton. Okla. CHABU:S BALTREMAS. Chicago, IlL . WILLIAM T. BEACOM. Great Palls, Mont . GEORGE H. BENNARD1S. St. Louta. Mo. . HENRY A. BERGHERR. Stateu Island. N. T. ANDREW BEST. Gotdnboro. N. CL WILLIAM M. BINKLEY. NashvUle. Tenn. FRANK A. BLASCHKA, RhineUoder. Wis. ALBERT V. BOLLINGER, Greensburg. Pa. HOMER A. BOONE. Seaboard. N. C. JOHN PRESTON BOOTH. Allen, 8. & lAtKAisis tsusttECK, UtlonUine, Kan. BERNARD A, BOYLE. Cumbote, Pa. FRANCIS J. W. BUXCE. San Anselmo. CaL FRANK CAPONIGRI. Newark, Jf. J. WILLIAM H. CHAMBLESS. Oran, Texaa WACKLAW CIESLICKL Erie. Pa. SAMUEL M. CLARK. Lancaster, Pa. WILLIAM DE CARNIS. New York. HERMAN DIKEL. Bristol. Conn. GEORGE DORREES, Brooklyn. N. T. MICHAEL D. EN RkGHT. Rankin, Pa. VICTOR C. FALL8. Fayette. Ala. MILLARD M. GATES, HUkboro, Or.. RAY R. GREEN, Globe, Aria. MATNARD F. HAGERTY. Corning. N. T. EBERT HALL, Logan. IlL CLARENCE R. HARRISON, Sharpsburg. Pa. EDDIB HASTINGS. CenlerTille. Miss. HAROLD BENJAMIN HELGERSON. Brook lyn. N. Y. JOHN D. ISRAEL. Gray. Ky.' ! DAYTEE JOHNSON, Woods a. Or. STANLEY KARPINSKI, Taeoma, Wash. . - HAROLD U. KEN NET, Faribault, Minn. LOUIS K. LANIKJRAF. Shebojgan. Wis, , LAWRENCE E. LARSON. Spanish Fork.Utah. LEO LEVY. Brooklyn, N. VT HERMAN E. LEHWALD, MUwsukea, Wia. HARRT LEWIS, Cincinnati, Ohio. . DAVID A. LORING. Weiisrilla. N. T. CIARENCK W. LUTZ, Iioca.ter, Ohio, t ROBERT I- MARLOF Sheridan Laae, Colo. GEORGE B, MEADE. WiUesbarre, Pa. amil nave, Motine, IlL .n,-T:.T,.v I ' ftvnt , s. VlXCENTJbV FICARU. uethbo- TTmn W PBITCTT. Cleburne. Texas. " ' WARREN VI. BXAKSECKER. Skidmore, Ma, nrArwCEY F WIUnK. Erie. Pa. GEORGB W. SCHAFFE Prttsf ieid. Mas. I ROBERT C STRONG. Jackson, 31ms. JOHN SWAN SON. Great Falls. Mont. JOSEPH A. V1KEN. Sacred Heart. Minn. ROBERT GWINN. Slirhicsn 'I'ity. Mfes. DIED OF ACCIDENT AMD OTHER CAUSES .. Castaln J HENRY P. SHCPE. Cleveland, Oslo. Ltewtenants HENRY CLAY THOMPSON. Winchester. Ir. CHARLES F, CADWALKDER, Oxford. Neb. CLARENCE D GEHRING. Campbell. Mo. JOHN A. ROSE. Oncrad, Ma CORPORAL FRED X. PUNK, Whitens ren. RAvn I.FAHER RALPH N. DAWES. Haver. Mass. MASTER EUBtKT U. KktBUN. Pavaic. N. J. . - CHAUFFECBfHERBY Lv JOHNSON. Ed more. N. I. , - WAGONER CEORGE O. PARRETT, Seattle, Wash. ..... Prtvats) JAMES M. CARROUa Minneola. Texas. JAIX1B JOHMANN. Newsrk, N;J. JOHN 8. KENNEDY. Elkhart. Texas, ROSCOE MORRIS. Hazard. Jy. DIED M AEROPLANE ACCIDENT Lieutenants MATTHEW U CAHiLL. Montclair. N. J. CHARLES T. EVANS JR.. Germantown, Pa. WARREN B. LEONARD, Cresten, Iowa. DIED OF DISEASE . - Colonel . JOSEPH B. WESTNEDUE, Kalamazoo. Mich. Captains LOTJ1S PRESTON, Chicago. HARVEY L. THORPE. Loa Angeles, CaL L.iautttanta CLARENCE F. CONNOR. Detroit, Mich. MILES M. PARMLEY, Urksna, DL CI.ARF.NCE IL WHITE. Co hem, N. Y. HENRY MORRILL ATKINSON. Atlanta, Ga. HAROLD W. BURNS. Gary. Ind. EDWARD G. HENRY. OU City, Pa. SAMUEL W. IfODGE. Loa Angeles. CHARLES A. ROBERTSON. Portland. Or. ROBERT LEVEBT STEFFENSEN. Smith Til If, Texas. . . rHIUP IL WILLIAMSON, Mount Washing ton. Md. JAMES W. AMSPECHORT, Apache. Ok. WILLIAM B. DE LEACH JR.. Camden. S. fj. ARTHUR F. C TOCSSANT, New York. NtlTSsM ELIZABETH N. WElMANN. JUddon Heights. N. J. ESTER AMUXDSON". South Montevideo, Minn. SERGEANT MAJOR CARL H. SPOLAKDER, Brooklyn. N. Y, Esrgssnts 3. WILLIAM DANIEL, Barnett, Cs. ORBRA FAIR. Potean. Okla. MAURICE IRWIN. Carbon. Ind. SAMUEL C. JONES. Greensburg. Ky. ROSCOE ASHLEY. Louisville. Ky. HENRY A. ABART, Lincoln. Neb. WELBY IL CRANG. Clinton. Okja. I.YMAN GOEN8. Bedford. Ind. i LEO J. HA UGH. Pittsburg. Pa, HOLLIS HOOKE. Haverhill, Mass. SIDNEY KATZ. Albany. N. Y. JOHN E. KRAPP, Lancaster. Pa. HAROLD P. NEEL, Pittsburg. Pa, WILLIAM FRANCIS O BRIEN, Amastmry, Mas. I'ARLETON M. PATRIOUIN. Wsverrr, Mass. w 1 1 .1 .IA . F-HLANCES UL1NN, muaaeipnia. WILL SHAW New York. CHARLES W. SMITH, Ingnront. Colo. JOSIE WESTON. Fort Moultrie. 8. C WILLIAM H. ALLEN. Seattle, Wash. ROBERT J. CI.AMPITT. Salem. N. J. JOHN WALTER COBB JR., Charlotte. N. C JAMES CUNNINGHAM. Highland Park, Mica. CORNELIUS DKISCOLL. Buffalo. XS. I. EIjSA L. GLENN, Houston, Texas. WILLIAM L. GROVE, Eggertsville. N, T. ANDREW E. JONES. New Orleans, La. WHiLlE T. PARKS. Rogers, Ark.. CLINT REDMOND. Mercer. Pa. EMANUEL R. 8CHLIFFKA. Canton, Ohio. iit.M . BH18TEK, Newton. Mass. CHARLES QUIGG. Eauclaire, Wis. Corporalt NH,E9 C. CLARKE. Hartford. Conn. WILLIAM S. HYATT. Barnsville. N. C. SYLVESTER V. McKENNAN. Lincoln. Neb. ARTHUR TEO.EMCYER. Rnnnylde. Wash. BEPRT DELL BAKES. Buffalo. N. T. JOHN UUNLEY. Ho Hen, Ma JAMES G. IRWIN. Coronan. N. T. FRANK PEACHACEK. Brooklyn. N. T. CHARLES F.. ROTH. Worthington. Ind CLIFTON WIER. Story City. Iowa. LESLIE E. 'DRINKWATF.R, Sabattin. Msina I DANIEL I DUN WOODY, Msron. Ga. HORACE EALEY, Samaria, Wis. WILLIAM M. FLANDERS, WaptUB, Wis. ' JOHN W. GAT. Pasadena. CaL ANDREW V. GERKE. Brockton. Mass, THEODORE P. HAUSSLER, Shelton, Conn. WORf.EY LEE, KnoxTiUe, Tenn. LEWIS G. C. Lydike. Brooklyn. N. T. BUDD MORRIS, klsuston. Wis. CHESTER SCAHILL, Ipswich. Mass. EDWARD B, WALU Chelsea. Mass. CRAWFORD W. CURRY. Johnstown. Pa, " Secretary Y. M. C. A. C. C. EDWARDS." New York. Civilian EDWARD HANSEN. Paducah, Ky. Buqlers ' LEO K. WADDLE. Vinton. Iowa. FREEMAN C MILLS. Macon, Ca. Master Engineers FRANK L. BURROUGHS. Brooklyn. X. T. CLINTON E. TI8H. Democracy. Ohio. JOHN WESLEY DEARMON, Dcucette. Texas, rai'L J.AJcJaK. Ben wood. w. va, JESSE M. CHUSAN. Blsinrrille, Pa. CHARLES A. LUCAS. Keokuk. Iowa. Wagoners EDWARD P. BOWIAN Lock port, m. I.OTT A. LAWRENCE, Vernon, Ala, PETER E. RADKE, Lakefield. Minn. ARTHUR BIT8SONI, Closter. N. J. ETHELBEKT T. LOVING. Dillwyo. Va LEE R. STILSON. Sar'naw. Mich. Band Leader HERMAN B. SHEAFFER. Port Screven, Ga. Cooks ROBERT BAMFORD, Iirlngt . IT. 2. VINCENT H. KOHL. Resding. Pa THOMAS A. WHALEN. Brockton. Mass, JOHN WAGNER. Philadelphia, Pa. PAUL E. SCHMIDT. Grand Rapids. Mich. Privates GEORGE WASHINGTON ALLEN, Zanesvilia. Ohio. JOE BROWN. Whitevflle. X.' C. JOSEPH J. FBLDMEIER, St. Louis. Mo. GEORGE JAMES. Rend. HL JOHN C. JOHNSON, Negaunee, Mich. JAMES M. PAYNE, Knoxville. Tenn. VERNON C PURVIS. CumberUnd. Iowa. JOHN RITCHIE. Sparta. 111. JOHN J. SULLIVAN. New Bedford. Mass. STAN LET V. TILLIS. Tampa, Fla. HENRY -GEORGE TURNER, Dayton. Ohio. ROY WATERS. Lawton. Mich. HORACE J. WENNER. Delaware Park. X.J. DAVID W. WILSON Lorain. Ohio. MILTON J. A SHORN, Cincinnati. OMe. .Ml lUtr BAKER. New Midway. Md. - - - " - EDWARD L .BROWX. Green Springs, -.Vs. JAMES D. W, CERCT I. P-Bsarola. Fla. 1111 r-'Vs 11 V f'kUIPPI IPsnaarnls aTlw. flENUx drake, Aquilla, Texas. O. GAGLIAKDI. Boston. Mass. JOHN U GEANELLI. Bridgeport. Conn. FREDDIE GORDIX. Wewoka, Okla, MORGAN HAMRICH. Webster Springs. W.Ts. JOE HANSLK'K. Belleville. Kan. WILLIAM J. HORGAN. Reno. Nev. WILL JOHNSON. Agencv. Iowa. JOSEPH A. KILGORE. Spring Place. Ga. HOLT LIMERICK, Lindale. Texas,' ARTHUR JOHN LINDSTROM. Rockford. IU NORMAN A. LOVELESS, Washington, D. C ATI,.. , , I ' T V T .111 . f . , - ai. t a 9 . i.i;uiiiT, rciourr, saico.. Tllfima VltJE T... . Uvalde, Texas. PLYSSIS G. VANDERVALL. Riovista, Vs. Prmce ana were sneuea ot xne repuoii JOSEPH L VANGH.DER. Fairmont, w. Va. can guards, using 77'a. The palace was ? A.TJ?AV.?.sv.ii Tortt.J eventually captured, but not until it tfJTr. wiVVVl- VSrZ. 1"B- LEONARD F. WORLEY, Cross Plains, Texas, ZOM ABBOTT, Marqnes. Texsa. PASQCALE AFILIANO, Philadelphia, Pa. IAWRENCE R. BATEMAN. OnUrio. Cat HARRY M. BUTTEHSHALL, Chatham, N. Y. BARTELO BERLTJCCHI. Detroit. MicL CLINTON L. BONSER. Reno, Ner. BRl'CE BL'RKHART. Knoxville, Tenn. RICHARD BCSH, Chicago. ARDEN F. CALVERT, Charleroi. Pa. ALBERT M. CARDONA. Richmond. Va. FRANCESCO CASTACRO. Pittsburg. Pa. Herbert U DANlELsoN. suna Lake, ikiiz; A. lABLBiKi;, Medford. Okla, Iowa. PRICE E. DONNALLT. Crown City. Ohio. ROBERT D. ENtfLISH, Wtnday. Va.T HORACE E. WHITE. Oakland. CaL HAROLD V. EPPLEY. PlainfiekL Pa. HOWARD M. FRANK. Cool Till-. Ohio. JOHN CARDELIA, Brooklyn. N. T. HERMAN W. GENTZ. JanesviUe. wig. CLAUDE tflJTT A, Paterson, N. J. HEARSET E. GRANT. Shreveport, La, LEONARD M. GRI8HAM.' Emrod. Texas, HENCE E. HITTSON. Manchester. Tenn. CHARLIE F. HOLLAND. Ochoa. W. M. THEODORE HOLLEN BECK. Ruttodgc. Minn. ERNEST M. HOLMQl 1ST, Rnmford, Maine. CHRISTIAN U JENSEN, Gardner, m. FIX) YD P. MCLCHLER. Kalkaska. Mica. WILLIAM N. PCMtOO, Boise. Idsbe. ARTHUR M. PERRT. Loa Angeles, CaL ELLIS OONN. Pennsboro. W. Va. BENJ. REGINSaY. New York. lOSK TV ROMERO Paiaaie. Colo Daniel D. Sanderson, Smithvin. Mlsa EDWARD SCHL'LZ. Putney, S. D. HARRY SCHWA KTZMAN, Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLIE SHANKS, Banks. Ala. FRANK J. S1MCIK. Moulton, Texas. - -GEORGE M. SIMONDS. Two Birers, Wis, BEN A. TYREE.. Bland. Mo. JOHN IL 8TRATTON. PhiUipaburg, Mo. . HARRT M'CCLLOCGH. Seward. Pa. ' JOHN M'DOTJG ALL. Mount Morris, Miss, FRED C, M'GINNIS, Auburndate. Mass., CALVIN M'RAE. Cberaw. 8 C EDWARD MEBRIMAN. Attica. Tnd. -JAS. I. MILLEH. Eastland, TfTj,. WILBET A. MITCHELL, TioasrJU, Pa. : THOS. MORAN. New Tork.- WM. R. O DONNELL, Clarksrille, Md. - . I hh, o. cumDono, -u axjiua. aaoL was. . jEHiHiiuas, tn. ixiata. at. ANTHONT ROCCO PICCONE. Goshen. Conn. I . ACSTIN PICKEL. Lebanon. N. i. t - THOS. n. kammi, somervaiie, Mass. - - I : miiDTfa n , c- T'l, l - T I WM. RIDING. New Bedford. Mass. HARRY ti. RYAN. Maneh Chunk. Pa. ADOLPH R. SCHAFFNER. Brooklyn, X. T. GEO. C, TAYLOR. Phfladelpfaia, Pa. FRANK. Y. 8CHAEFFER, Henderson. Ky. CLAUD L UNDERWOOD. Fatrplac. Mo. 8 AM 1KB E. VANDERHOFF, New York. C ANDREW WALTERS. Columbus. Ohio. , CORNELIUS J. WISE. Walnut. OL ' WALTER H. WTATT, Airy. Va. LEONARD J. ZOGG. Gene, Wis. , : faiSSINO. IN ACTION - - LsMitefiants BENJAMIN tV. ATWATER, Bed Bank. N. 3. PR ED I, HANGER. Waopan. Wis. CLAYTON INK HT. Rochester. X. Y. DWIX 1 SCHM ITT. Milwaukee. Wis. Bsraeants v. HENRY li. BEEGLE. Asbnry Park. N. J. PETER J. DEMARTINI. Brooklyn. K. Y.,: LOUIS DOAN. Brooklyn, X. Y. v PAUL K. DEM ROSE. Chicago. IU. CARL A. JACKSON. SaUsbSry. S. C, . VICTOR C LEE. Fremont. Neb. Cersorats - J .MARTIN L COSTELLO. LennL Fa. ' RU8SEIX LEFFERTS. Atob, N. J. JOHN E. I.EGGETT. Brooklyn. N. Y. PHILIPS UlSTKliTT. Jamestown. N..Y. ' CHESTER A. NUCKOLS. Hennessey, Okla. CADY U PAYNE. Truman, Minn. HARRISON C PBEATEB. -Windsor Locks, Conn. JOSEPH T. 6F.FFU Chicago. TO. ' ANTON GEORGE STBKLDON. FUUey, Wis. GEORGE . TAYLOR. Mecca, tad. v Bueler CLAREXC H. BELLv Pleasant BiU, Mo. . Nhit lelan 1 iiiimiiix m MAWTHUKri. uretmown. uw. 1 .TTm .7:Tr , r. I aa I V vKlfJ V I TlfTAL L. CHRISTINE. Imwrence. Kaa. V WAYNE N. CLEARWATER. Dana. Ind. CHARLES ELMER COLF. Canandaigua, N.Y. JOirKPH COOK. Grand RapUa. Mx-h. RA YARD DAWSON. Pemberton. N. J. HERMAN W. DOKMER, Reading, Fa. ARTHUR DICKERSON. Chicago, HL MICHAEL F. DONOHCE. Brooklyn. N. Y. CLYDK FAULKNER. Douglas, Wis. EUGENE FINNEGAN. Plymouth. Pa. ARTHUR V. FOGARTY. Wansau. Wis. RALPH Dt FULLER, Yelva. N. D. NORMAN GREEN, Jamestown. X. Y. BEN GUEBS. Tfline. Ky. GEORGB I.. HATCH. Bhefty. Ohia ROBERT HATFIELD, Armers. Ky. DEN IE HEALY. San Fraeis. CaL FRED J. HILLIB. Paterson. N. J. BRUCTB HINKLNS. 8tandardville, Utah. EVER EE HYIDHAMMER. Chicago, IlL 1KHHK JACOX. Friend. Neb. ALBION JARKA. Cbitagn. IRVING C. JENKINS. Tulsa. Okla. NEL.S E. JOHNSON. WashU. Iowa. JOSEPH HERBERT JONES. Richmond, Ta. at K. BRONISLAW KLIMEKKB, Cleveland, Ohio. HOWARD i: LAMBERT. Philadelphia, N. Y. LUTHER M'KAY, West bulatfa. Minn. BERNARD MILLER. NwilsvUle. Wk RANCY Mir J.KR Rnshmorn. Minn. FERRIS MITCHELL. Hendricks Store, Ga. WE8LIG NAKON8CHNIG. Watarbury. Cons. JOHN L PASTOR. Brooklyn. N. T. HARRT PELE8. Glen Campbell. Pa. PERRT S. PFAFP, Bigourney. Iowa. ERVIN I-OWKI-U While Oak. N. a FRANK RICH. Bristol. VS. NOAH THURSTON, Stoutsvflle. Mo. JOHN C. ROCKEFELLER. Chester. N. J. CLEMENT JOSEPH SIMON. Columbus, Ohio. JAMES M. SMITH. Lkksmont. Ga. MORRIS SO BAT New York. N. T. LOWELL W. STEELE. Cooks. Ohio. CHARLES STEIN. Camden. N..J. JOHN STEPHENSON. Elco. Pa. JE88E 8TOTLER. Berkeley Springs, W. Va ANGELO TUXANO. Blackfieki. Pa. DON L. ARCHIBALD. Kane. Pa. GEORGE H. BARLOW. Ocean Grove. X. J. GEORGE BAUER, New Tork. N, X. LEROY BIAKE. New Tork. ROBERT E. BLOW, Lyden, Wash. ROBERT B. BKRKIN. Mist, Ark. IUIS D. BU8SELL8. Saliabury. Md. MELVIN C. CATLIN. Carson. Wash. . HENRY BOREGEDING. New Bremen. Ohio. ALBERT BRAUN, Dorchester. Wis. ANTHONT F. BURKE. West Avoca. Pa. OTIS?FERGITSON CLARK. Wonewoc, Wia. JAMES "FALCONE, Belleville. N. J. GALARCO GIOVANNO. Jersey City. X. J. LEONARD C. GREGORY, Minneapolis. Minn. . i.- .... , - iii.i, mm 1 1 1 iivmymitm mn ...... THOMAS R. HODGE. Washta. Iowa. LOITI8 KRINSKT, Brooklyn. N. T. ALVA J. LACKET, Dale. Texas. JOSEPH A. LAROCCO, New Tork. CHESTER R. LEEPER, Petersburg. Pa. FRANK E. LIDRAL. Igoma. Wia. JOHN W. LIVINGSTON. Wynnew ood. Okla. DAVID LOW. Long Island City. N. T. BENNIS J. LYONS. Worcester. Mass. CEDRIO R. MERRIFIELD. Seattle. Wash, ANGELO MONGIOI. Montclair. N. 3. GEORGE E. NEW, Mound City. Kan. EDWARD M. OR ARK, Clarkvtoa. Mich. RALPH A. PARRES. Ferryviile. Me, MUTE SEVERSOH. Seattle. Wash. JOSEPH SLOCK. Kewaunee, PL LUTHER PIN KNET -SMITH. Roaceverte. W. Vs. - - JAMK& TOLA. Xew Tark. . HOMER C VENRICK. Danver. Colo. CHARLIE E. YOUNGER, AUoow, Tens. JULIAN G1ELAR8KL Jersey City. X. 1. jun.mic rn..MAM, normport, ai, ROOCO CALABRETTA, CUrkntmrr. W. Vs. I ARTHUR CLEVELAND. Augusta. Ark. CHARLES O. COLLINS. Houston. Texaa ALBERT CCTTERIDOE. SL Louis, Ma THEODORE DRETZKA. Milwaukee. Wis. MIKE HAWRYLKO. Perthamboy. X. J. JOSEPH HATES. Richmond Hill. X. T. HENRT HOGELIE. Bowman. N. D. HUBERT P. HOLLER, Woodstock. Va. ALEX A. KAMINSKI. Chicago, m. BENJAMIN H. JUENSTER. Denver. Colo, JOSEPH LEBANO, PbiladelphU. Pa. HENRY LEDOU2C Spencer. Mass. BERNARD LEE, Glenwood, Wis. OSCAR LUND, Broadhead. Wia. JOSEPH I. McCONEY, New Tork. ROBERT, n. M CHART, Holt. Mich. MORRIS MASKOWITZ. Brooklyn.' X ALBERT MIRE. Birmingham. Ala. Mam. A BAM X. MORGAN. Cara Mav Cnnrthonia JOHN C. MORRTH. South GroT eland. Ml RICHARD SHE EHAN. Maheney. Pa. JOHN P. SLOAN. Cltnchport, Va. JOJIX HENRT SORTORE, Wibleton. X. D. JOE K. WARD. Gravel Switch. Ky. BEN P. WHEATON,. Newport. R. L FRANK WHEELER, Girard. Ala. RICHARD WtEBER. Hankineon, X. D. OTI8 WIL8ON, Bargerville. Ind. LIN DS ELY WIREMAN, Oil Springs. Okla. ZYGMUND ZAKRZEW8KL Pittaburg. Pa, FIGHTING RENEWED IN GERMAN CAPITAL (Continued Prom Page One) Ebert and Dr. Hugo Haase from ' the aa '"tiam sa 4 Ina 1 si -. I B w A avs s a. ism a iiu a smva iv a a wv it V iap -i--. Khert and Haase with Leclehoue 1 - J and Liebknecht. two of the radical leaders. Ledebour and Liebknecht conferred ce Fresh details have been received of the battle which was fought In the heart of Berlin on Monday when many I persons were killed. ' The seamen barricaded themselves t . , 1 u A .v.. enw. Aa ...hh. I I w '--.-w . n.o wiuiti viut.ii had been nearly demolished. l Machine runs placed at the windows ana mannea oy reoet sailors swept the streets with a bail of bullets. St,l-i. WkS.ll S.l1lwiF-i lM .1 VlUOl ,UWV VU,,UI1,W TfClfl ,11 Ifl- hands of the ot me voumcr-revoiuuonaxies . . . , . , , , at last reports. The seamen were or dered to return to WUhelmshaven. but I refused to obey. The counter revolution of the sailors Is growing,. The whole Berlin g-arrt3on I Uireatenlnr to eo over to the counter revolutionaries leavlnr the Ebert eot- ernment without any troops to sup port It. The Alexander and Franzer regiments have openly joined the sail ors. The most dangerous situation con fronts the KOvernmenL Berlin lias Ersatz Christmas By Prank J. Taylor erlin. Dec 25. (U. P.) This was "ersats Christmas'' In Germany. Every thing: in Germany is ersats now. Er satz, tbe German word for substitute. bas come to be tne most used word in the Teuton language and It was applied to unrisvs Dtrtnaay oy a wan, mm girl l the correspondent, saw I TJndeia, in enter den She was standing in front of a shop with. her . small . brother. Their Hoses were pressed flat against the window, bebind which gleamed a gaudy Christ mas tree hung with frosted cakes and colored candles. "Sister, do -you think we will get can dles and cakes this Christmas? tbe boy asked. "Of course not," was the reply. "This is ersatz Christmas." Berlin waa .hungry today. There were no candies and no presents. : with the f . , . . .r,.. mm. eacepuon OS trmarus. lasrs whs " big Tdinnera. but yet tbere Was no Starr I fn?. The Deonle are tnanklui Peace baa I LUIallJ WHIG, . Merchants everywhere have ersai. Tossed Pennies -for Newsies, Including $1100 RoU of Bills After the newsboys ' Christmas scramble for pennies O. I. Turner of the Blackstone hotel reported to the police 4bat he had lost .a. "roll" of currency amounting to . $1100. Turner, according to the police, waa throwing out sfnall coins to the newsboys, and In reach! ng into hut pocket he accidentally pulled out the wallet containing his- large money. Several of the newsies said t hey saw the purse drop; but one of their number 4s- said to have picked it up and "beat it." The police are look ing for the newBte who sot the lion's share. artfblea on sale. Caterers and candy msikvrw rlisnlavsxt rilrh Trtf-e1. irallv Col- , - CTi-v. . , I at all and which had a most tinsaUs- l . s. . I fylne effect on tlio purcnasers. ine streets nave oeen. a jnasa 01 1 aass A. ava WVTUO SM v avacasja, aassa " - I J -afivwa, a-c-fcaaj., . vt si sws laaaawaww wa w. . W r 1 .U1I4.A. rViAlsITavMia glU lan I stat V K04h d faces neaked. their eyes -hollow and I , with no sparkle, walked through the streets. Soldiers presented - a sharp con trast, to the civilians. They have been living well and are fat and bright. Crowds In theatres, opera, nouses ana cafes endeavored to put some spirit tn I to Christmas, but the joy was not spon I taneous. I noticed hundreds of well aresscu pursuus "' I played In the windows. Bernstein to Be Delegate Amsterdam. Bee. (I. N. S.) Ed ward Bernstein, a Socialist. Is to be one of Germany's envoys to the peace con ference, according to advices from Ber lin today. Prince Max of Warburg will attend as the economic delegate. Solf Retains One Office Washington, Dec 2. (L. N.' S. Dr. Solf has resigned only as secretary of foreurn affairs and still retains his of- f ice as secretary for the colonies, ac- i cording to a semi-official dispatch. QUOt- lng the Berliner Tageblatt, received here this afternoon. German Generals Ousted The Hasrue. Dec. 26. (I. N. S.) Gen- .rnla Vnn nn 'NT a r ken Von Bottner and I Kraft von Delmlnsin&en have been dls- missed from the Germany army for plotting to restore the monarchy. It was reported from Berlin today. iBoy Scouts Leave For Winter Camps On Short Vacation Twenty-one Boy Scouts left this morn- inK jn tn crisp air on their winter's jaunt to their summer camp at "Wahtum lake. The boys were accompanied by II D. Angell and Omar Spencer, attorneys. both members of the executive commit-1 tee of Boy Scouts. One day will be spent hiking to the lake, one day In camp and the boys will return Saturday, - Uanw nf th MVV,V11,K IW ..-M.V. "rf ... boys were disappointed because of miss-1 i . , i . A-nA tuklnc- Anlv at tti Inn tm Or two late. Many Ol tne SCOUta not EOins to v a.a- turn lake, will SDend IT week end at I their camp on the Sandy river. Some of them left today, others win so Frt , .,, . l . -,.M esl aay aau ihscii wu. iiuv iwt urday. This camp will be In charge Of C E. Grelle and Paul E. Ratclv Small buildings are belns; erected In Sweden with bricks made from peat. . , JT. EW TOPAT - Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bars sad Woolen Clotkrs We Make BeversIMe. Hand -Wevsn Fluff Rugs . xsey vr ear xiae a w Bar Bars Woven AD 8Ues Mail Orders 1 Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Ruts, Steam Cleaned, $1-50 WESTZB3T T1.VTT BUO CO. M Union Ave. H. East Ml Passes B-1W FOR SALE House at 510 East 7 th SL North, 1 . . - modern. Well Ituilt, 7-fOOm bUDrilOW, 1 Corner. 50x100 IL lot, r art re. fioase comparatively new. Will sell to re- ,p0nsJble buyer on terms much like fo nthly rentaL S R. .Ha.-oJ n, BU m 7173, I A-6051.. Alt'TlO.I BALES TOIOUOW I AT Wilson's Auction House. 16-17 24 Sato a 10 a at MEETXQ KOTICES WASHINGTON LODGE No. 48 A. P. A A. M. Stated commu nication tomorrow (Fndavl en . ning at 7 :30. East Sth and Bum- aid sts. tnstaUatioa of officers, followed by special memorial serv ices ta memory of our brothers departed during I 1 A1B Mliiitjn, K-m- .1. . II . 1. k.Ml.f;.J I " . Y I iimu..., . .. v,. hi. iwuciim in. -vmt j. mil .tt mn t. n..i r.iw 'w,.a i , '. r . r. . . "' - 1 secretary. o"r' w " -- " - " - AL KADER Temple, A- A. M W .. ,9tmmA - aeaapie. viesc Jarg and TamhUl sta. Election of of fi - cers ana isrprcaenutlTe to tbt aSTZ: ,n.n t. r - " i : . r of the Dotntat of t-r-t.;:' HTGH J. BOTD. Recorder. B. P. O. ELKS No. 142 Regu lar ssawung this ITbnndevI evening. Elks Temple. 7:S0laa .A SO Kilanaswortb are. near WEBasss o clock. Initiation. Visiting broth ers welcome. M. R. SPAL'LING. Secretary. MULTNOMAH CAMP .. O. VT.. meets ' " -w, jm. mi9 mmt au. SfcMSST, very Friday vaing at S 'clock. VlslUng sttigbbors always welcome. J. a WILSON-. Clerk. MOCNT HOOD LODGE K. teg will' be held tcWroTTtFridsTT R- T. BYRNES, aw raaidanoa ublbhnwrBt. !L, a fTTS: T-4ii2Vel Set Wtlhas-s-av-.. Woodlaww 22. C-194S. installing officers for tb ensuing year. Members sad faasQies are ! invited ta attend. By order w. m. A. P. A A. F. Spatial cose- ntanication Friday, Dec 27, at 7 40 clock. E A. degree, Vks Hors welcome. , By order of W. M E. It. IV IE. Secretary. i .. . .. . . 7 ... . 1 A DANCE K. ot p. Bail, u Aioer . n- - I land Hoeml Dancing ete JP'r' ! If yea want to dance to goad mtaue 1 a "P"- thss ta tbe place. Enjoy an evening with your friends. A good time assured, Etcellent floor. I Smrser-s erehewtra. 41 WXBFOOT CAMP WO. SO, '.W. a nwi Prldaj 138 Hth ct Members rw eaestad to be pwsaat VsBton weteosnsv U . - DeYomng Coeml- Owaitdar M. a Barbor.' Oserk. F.MBI.KM jewelry a specialty, tratraaa. jaeger Bros,, isi-iss em as.. litel statistics maMges.Btrtts.leotb MARRIAGE LICENSES Delorsna Elvert White, 31. 147QaB. GUaaa sL. and Alva Rout. SI. SS3 HallockU Roy O. Holla ha ugh. Irul 402 E. 434 SC. H.. and Gladys V. Wanker, legal. K..Z8U1 and waaa- iagtoa sta. Harry A. Bowman, legal. fWttle. Wash., and Mrs, Sadie Howe. IrcaL ISO lTta at. , Arthur PunxeL 2, IMS Cumtbers st. anu NeUie L. Butler. 27. 434 Va E- Davis St. John Charles Allen, legal.' 515 Yamhill St.. and Margaret Monro McAakiU. legal. Hi Yam hill at. Lawrence Sloper, legal. Astoria, Or., and Paiwv Mae. leeal. 80S E. 27th at. Ho' ierguson. JrpL ISM Dwbt aL. Dai iMinu AiiMrin. teni. u x. iivu hBum u BnTdev; Oakland. Cal. and Minnie Elisabeth Lyons, legal. 138 Park st. Jame U o Iary. . 1048 E. 8m at. N., and Myrtle Marry. 19. SOS Inland st. Allen O. Mearham. 24. Belton. Moat., and Grace A. Rose. 24. S10 E. Taylor st. ' Emit Edward OUo. 413 Russell St.. and Mirraie Cbriatensrn. 23. 6S1S 86th st. 8.. E. Parry R. Croker, S7, 427 Salmon at., and Alirw Gardner, 80, Multnomah hotel. . Harry La Salle Messier, legal. Unntoa. Or, Sad Suaan Reed Duggaa, legaL Linnlou. Or. .11 . mm , . , .AAn Tj ..rM. . and Bosia Farln, legal. Be V Dlvisiou st U. C. BoTTTOiiLU. logaL Medford. Or., and ERsabeth-Bouck Murphy, legal. 1331 E. 18th sU T. B. Trake. 25. 1013H 4 8th are. 8. r... and Editta Fribble. 20. 10143 4iu are. B. K. lister U. Usitt. 21. 6J5 E. loth at . ana Rachel 8. Kbanbcrk. 10. 3021 K. SIM at. DEATHS A!tP FTTKEKAL8 SYLVESTER Dec. 34. 118. at family rad- deace. 1830 fc 2?ui St. K.. Mrs. ll'lru Kyl vester. aged SO vears. 8 months. 12 days, be loved wife of Rev. Frank W. J. Sylvester, moth er of Walter. Kuart. Ruth and Ewakt Hylveater. Funeral serrioea wul be conducted haturday, - Dee. 28, at 2 p. m., from the Trinity Lutheran church, center of Williams avenue and Graham street. menda invited. itemama at 1 ear- son s andertakina; parlors, niimsll street ana Union avenue. WILLNER Dec. 24. 1018. at the Good Ba maritan hosnttaL Santa J. Willner. age 29 years, beloved buebaad of Elsie Willner, brother of Ounaard Willner and Mrs. ilerds Erickaon and Mrs. Sophia Quick, all of thia city, huaeral aervteea will be conducted Saturday. Dec. 2H. at 3 p. m. . from Pearson's undertaking parlor. Russeil street and Union avenue. rrtenoa in. vid. Interment Ham City cemetery. - ceased waa a member of Swedish Society Unnea. JENSEN Dec. 23. 1918. at Fort Lawton, Waaa., Sergeant Jolin t.. Jensen, age z years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen of 1016 East Thirty-second street north. Funeral servioea wul be conducted Friday, Dec, 27, at rt in . fmn i Pearson's undertaking parlors. Rnssell street and Union avenue. Friends in vited. Interment family plot. Rose City Park cemetery. McNEILL Dee. 24. at the family residence, TAG 1 ti-t-i eve.. Araoe C. McNeill, aged 62 years, beloved husband of Bertba McNeill and father of La Verne and Mabel McNeill. Fu-nar-l rvi i win ba conducted Friday. Dee. 27. at 1 p. in., from Pearson'a undertaking parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. Friends In vited, interment now c.. SIBLEY At the residence. 1604 Macadam sL, rear us S months 25 day, beloved daughter of Frank C. and Nancy E. Sibley. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, wnicu wui w , , , . . TT 1 . r.,Ml wtmrinr at 11 a. TH tTvrrowt Friday) . Ier- 27. 1918. Inter- ment Multnomah cemetery. Ts.SeM.K2 l-.e jr.jl month, s. dayiovjd joa min wm be forwarded by the Edward Holman ITntrtakinC CDmUtlU to Spokane. Wash., for I . - - . 'ntermenr. I EN ,Lrl ei A t ine reMdence. w-i-tiTw.fnn-th -tTaT iMrtsibsr 24. Donya I Enalestsd. aged 48 years. Funeral eervleea will ixi st Uia mnerai pariors 01 sre I Belmont and Tbirty-tUUi. way. jjecemoer -1 I 2..p mr. RIDDELL Ia this city, at the family rest- uea , y --".7 " . . 1 5 Johnnie emiui asurray nwoeu. j years. The remalnai are at Haley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral later. rLOHISTS CLARKE BROS., florlata, Morrisoa St. bet. 4th and Sth. I'heoa Maia aw A-1S0S-. Fine Oow- m and floral eesigna. no wra new . MARTIN Inetjm. vi in tXI.. Flortsta. sa vtasn- Main 269. A-126B. Viewers for .n .iiia artt-Hrallv arranged. IBVINGION PARK FLORAL CO.. 4 th Yamhill, mnerai uesig ; f"" rVril'I.K FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs and dec rations. Phone Marshall 2. SWISS FLORAL CO. FLOWERS AND PLANTS LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 6th and Ta hill sta. Cut lUnrm. plants and otetgna. ttil U. BMITU. florist. 141H wui st. PPXEBAT- PIBF.CTOBS WILSON & M EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND'S MOST PBOORESSITB rVNEBAL ' PRICES REASONABLE PERSONAL 6ERVICE BKACTTFLL CHAPEL LADY ASSISTANT CENTRALLY LOCATED EAST 84 C-81SS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1ST7 Third and Salmon streets Mara 507. A-1311 . . Lady assistant 1 J. P.' FIKLEV. & Sffil i Progressive Funeral Directors Mala Salont goes err at nin ai-seew. TtTaTENWORTHY CO. - i-it RtA4 ttA ST.. fainra 6 Sta st. ana roier roaa. anna a I c .w. i f , . . - . I t-. v.. ii innmu. inc. kavS wsaa-evjF - ' ' ' O. .TJ " J-VIT,. R.a,,5 1 ! -JUS AM-T --. I LrUIIIIIH& . uw . eawnw mm, 1 at.ll Broadway sad Pin st. Pbooe R-.ilni 430, A-4B6S. Lady assistant. I - - k..a 7S1 P t - I CDOU lr -reh wm- T. U LUlVll -tMt CNDERTAKERS E. 11th and Hawthora MILLER A TRACEY. indepencWut S'aneTai"DC rectors. Prices as sow aa n, w. Washington at Ella. Mem 2691. A-788S. CUAMBF.RS-k.KN WORTHY CO. v. - Weweaswa tiie.tiia. Breeze & Snook B-2G46. Tabor 12S8 SkeWeS A-232. CevM and Clay. KfLlti,,! a I a f 11A7 Kerbs atreeC at WilSOnCi W HSOn Wdla 4940. C-11SS HAMILTON ISIS East tiltasa st. Fu neral serwlrjes. "Tabor 4S1S. A. R. Zeller Co. fet East Willisn 1068. C-1098. Cadertaklas Parlors. 44k Mor- lS7.i tniUblrT risos). st. Broadway 254 MOKCMEXTfi '-3RQ ST. AT MAPI SOS I BflDTtlvn UltBIC WflBKM. S64-26S 4th at. KTDoaita ettv balL. Maia 854. , PblUp Kee A Snare for wietnoriakt ' LOST AM POTTD LOST Gotd diamond ring, setting ail ret Call SelL 9; bberal rewara. LOST A Boston briadl bulldog. Pboa MEETIXG NOTICES ILaia S339 and neeive rewara. tl THE followtng srtkdea were fonmt en ears of the. J "on land Katlway, Light Power Co" Dee. 24. 19181 traveltsg bag. 3 snitcases. tone bases. S bundles overalls. S rkx.. 1 . rett snaskt. 1 knife. -1 enff bntton. S single) gmvea, 1 tatting siiaUle. 1 umbrella. 1 ever- eoat, l fur cap, 1 purse, 1 shopping baa. 1 basket... . v.' " ' ' Iec 23. " ItIS 2 nil i in fill S aasii iss 1 mitten. 2 pair g lores, baby's ring, bnexhea beys. 1 key. 1 book. 4 pkgs,. 2 lunch buses,' 2 traveling bags. 1 hand grip, 1 umbrella. -' Owners may obtain property at 1st and Aide t. station. . .... . LOST Sunday night, between East 25th St. and Smau linn sad Portland Heiabts. a 'black leather handbag containing small coin. a era. , nana and asvings booka, valuable paper ana sundry kdentif irarion artkslea. - Bewanl. Mrs. W. II. Pear. Main 6011. - - LOMT Brawn leather suitcase between 140 alaeadaa St. and Vancouver barracks. Waan.. containing lady's blue sad yellow hand mad sweater and numeroue tntlet article, ispsrai reward offered. Phone Msr. 1S01. LOSTr Either in Jones' market or cm Aider t.. bet. 4th and L a red bank book bolder. containing 40 ia eurency and a mortgage wots, payable to Hannah Andersoa. Liberal reward, Wdtn, 47. 21 Webster. LOST Bet. 1450 Macadam si and Yaaeanvet Barracks. Wash., brown leather axnteasa. con taining blue and yellow hand-road sweater and numerous toilet articfoa. Liberal reward ouerad, Phone Marshall 1 52. PARTY finding pocket book of Mrs. Searl on om floor Meier Frank s pkeasa rerura wrist watch; no Questions asked. X SWl. Jour nal. LOST Usllet rootaiiiing largo amount ot cur rency. Return to Blackstone hotel and re- ceire reward. 35 Mcxk-an bill amongst them. See the manager. W psay who found diamond ring In front of llerwiek Miles garage at 1S8S Divisioa at, wilt return same t owner, be will rs- ceira.. liberal reward. Tabor 770. LOST About on month ago, briadl Prenrh) bulldog; license No. S25. Fheae S, tit. Reward. - LOST Ring, set with 2 dismouds. Finder Please call Bdwy. 1698 or Mar. 1381. Re- - ward. LOST WedneMisy atternuon a bunch of keys, between Irrington and 70S Davis. - Finder pWse call Main 694. GARNET pin. butterfly pattern, somewhere on Eat Sttb and Munnvida Coogregaaonal church. Rewsnl. Tshor 6882. FT RAYED from E. 27th snd Pine. Urge, blsck eat; whit markings; black tip of nose; name Rill. Reward. Eaat 4242. LOST Lady gold turn to Daa T. wrist watch. Please re Watts, ear Weodaxd e Clarke. Reward. i'OUN D Kpiu dog. Owner can have same by proving property ana oef sa ana care. Vemon st. "TZontarTUa? FOUND 8 man amount sooner. ltit E, Morrlaoa. LOST Cameo Us pin."" Reward. B. FecmeU. Phone Broadrray 683. ' E68T Tbursda y afternooa. amethyst broach. Uberal reward. Call East 2267. LOST ISO government check, Tuesdav. Eli-. abeth Ktcksma. Heward. stain 7 VST. HELP rTAHTED-MALE I WANTED Second fireman power plant,' 1 4. " 2 men planing mill. fa. 70. 4 men lumber yard, .14, 1 dogger, S4.25. X Uneup man. $4.25. - - COPALLH LUMBER CO., CarHsle. Wash. ' '" : : YOUNG MEN. 16 and over, are eligible for government railway man cienu: as - SMmin. Examtaationa aoon. For free- particulars, write A. Terry (former clrtl service asamuiari. RESIDENT salsacnan wanted. For ouick sell ing aide line, mans tine welt shoes, is samples $4 to ti. 6 commission, la this rttr and adjacent towns, Fng details writ R. U Co., lo Ionia ave., .rand Kapuis, asicn. WANTED IS men to contract piling, about 200.000 I ret of green wnita ems luasnar per - day. Only experienced nea need apply. Band reference wim a ncauon. JX-1u, journal. WANTED Msn to help wash cars Saturday aft ernoon and bunds, nearer oarage i., su Cnion ave, N. 2 GOOD sausage makers, at packing plant ia Portland: must be experienced. fl-CO. Journal. - " SALESMEN WANTED Now ia the tne aalea- maa's t mruinity. Write aa for ewtnu SALEM KL'RSERY COMPANY. SALEM, OR. ANTED At once, 2BMa to learn autoasar bUa repalrtog and dritW Call at HawUtorse Garage, 441 Hawthorn ave. LOOM 'fixers wanted. . Oregon' Worsted Out, . 2 1 ui ana i. mamim ave. tuone pen. -.. WANTED New agents on railroad trains. Col News Agency. 14 N. lOUi St. - - - , BAKER'S bepler wanted. S27 Madison. HELP WAHTED-MISC. 4s "SPECIAL XMAS . OFFER - Our 1 oo-paga catalog explaining Ur method of teaching autoa, tractors, gaa engines, auto electrical systems, batteries, etc, la now ready for distribution. uau er write tor Tree copy and particulars about SPECIAL XMAS OFFER, i AlCOX AUTO at fAS ENOINK SCHOOI, L'nion ave. and Was St., Portland. Or. BRIGHT OUTL(KS FOR OPERATORS W. K. m mmr hmA mm TMt a AmmmmtA foe ear students aa NOW. We ar Indorsed by the railroads and can assure young ansa and woeaea anrcrsa by enrolling In day or evening slsssn l alerting. Wrile or call for builr'Ja. hall way Telegraph InstituU. 218 By. Each. bldg.. PortJsnd. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOle 462 Hawthorn st. AtTTO. TRACTORS, TBL'CK. JAS ENrJTJrE, LIOHTINU. STARTERS. IGNITION, WIRINO. ; COME TO THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOII TO BOSS THE JOB. ALTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL -Technical and practical training, auto, trse tors, gsa engines, auto electrical work. Wrtt at one for big 100 pec catalog. AScos Aut As Tractor School. Dept. 1. L'nion are. and Waaee t. Portland. Or. - ' TAYLOR-FAITH BrSISESS COTXSGE -20k Stevens bids.. W. Park and Wash. Completa commercial eoursee Adding sad cakruiaung snacainar EDt CATED paraotia wanUog profiubl ess pioyment may find ft at the finish lng school. 66 6th t.. Pott land (between Pali and Pine). MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BCS1NE8S COTXEOE AUSKT KM St. D AND MORRTSOf BEHN EE- WALKER, biggast pusineas eolieae. beeaus Imw ; en roll any time Free catalogue. HELP WASTED FEMALE TOTTNO LA DTE) WANTTD IMPROVED WAGE aCHEDlTLE CALL TO TELEPHONE CU, ROOM 601. 6TH FLOOR. PAJLK AND OAK, ST. I.O8T AKD EOTJKl WANTED Espsrienced girl to wort la butter -atntm. Anolv Tbttmday at Central Batter store to Central Market. soLB st eoraa 4 lb : and Yamhill streets. - -. WANTED, scuts ' young woaaan to Ise , stailm-nt -eoUecUec: ne eTpanene nipssssry wa teacbl sou. ' Apply Koom SOS Stock Ea-: ebanga bid 7, only between S snd 4 p. sa. WANT experienced second aaaid; refemsc re- - quired; goad wage, sjau petweea a- aaa 7-8 P. m. t-2 Pars are. WANTED Good girt for plain work; S hours, 6S Hood at. ClRL wanted to help la grocery store. Apply 289 Yamhin st. ELDERLY tody aouaekeeper. Caii tabor 11 ll after e p. m. . Gil 0A wanted. Oregon Paper Bos raciery,243 Start st. LADY BAKBER wasted twr Saturday r steady work. a Gliaan . f WASTE- A woman for kousawvrk. 12 s, X. , 4th et. - HELP rAJTTED MALE AJT FEMALE MOl-ER BARBER tJOLLEGE - Paye yon while learnme: give yow set of tenlsi gna rant as pontic-. Writ for catalogs. 2S4 ftntxaod at-, cr pnon uroaaway mi. . PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGB Teaeke men and women tb barber tnd free. Pay while learning. 734 Couca nroaaway -te-. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trad llwi ssiw while Wrniag: pnafti guaranteed. Orssesi Barber College. 23 Msdliion. ' ili-SIC furnished. Marsha.ll 1402. Maia 7292. rTAJfTElV AOBHTS AGENTS to sen soap from auto, fceos to be work; now but atngl saea .seed ap ply: organising t so te Calif ornU. for tu -ir- eTTned scents make 10 per day: pay avery nigbL Cad 7:S a. as. only. 1189 Park St. - - mTPATIOSW MAtH PORTLAND sad Vancouver baaline. Intarstat Asto Tramfer. dealers la Bock Springs ewe I. wood ia small lots, ftrnttnra aovlng; 2 sssall tracks. John E. Kr.l.ala. Rea. 1614 Muitaomsh sr. PboM Tabor 85S. SI VTi nlut or room ia ta. aa ebang for ssw sew tarn r saaioc ssiw . wt furnace. J-81S. JowrnaL ELDERLY sua d-setfa poaiuus as jaatux ot boucaaaB. . it-67. Journal. ft